#herr victor geist
hatbox-apologist · 7 months
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*Walks in through Haunted Mansion doors* Honey, I'm home
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strange-doll-child · 4 months
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I needed to draw something funny or cute before I imploeded, haven't drawn him in a while or in this style hehd
He loves his kids, I promise
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uwu4771 · 4 months
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jestersnonsense · 9 months
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selenadrawsstuff · 3 months
Made a quick edit of Taddy last night! Gosh I love him! Video clips are from “Inside the Magic” on YouTube!
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lyssa-hutcherson · 5 months
Haunted Mansion where everything's the same except Victor Geist is the ghost of The Phantom of the Opera
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gengar-pixel-2 · 7 months
My mutuals, I offer you two of the only few haunted mansion headcanons I have. (so far) Specifically about our beloved Organist, Victor.
Other than him being kind of quiet and more introverted than the other ghosts, I feel like he has a good singing voice. But he really only sings to himself, Not really around others. I imagine he also probably has a pretty low range, And when playing his own rendition of the iconic song itself, He can be heard softly singing along.
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The Organist from The Haunted Mansion (1969)
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Our first theme park character to show up on the blog, and he's only here based on a technicality. Look, Haunted Mansion lore is highly inconsistent, okay? In one canon he's Herr Victor Geist, a close ally. In another he's Wolfgang Elias Furlong, a circus organist whose hands are crushed by the lid of his own instrument. And in a canceled comic book he's murdering his own children's choir because they were annoying. The only things consistent about him are inconsistency, and his sick organ waltz remixes.
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“‘Ello, Thomas! I vould just like to introduce myself! I am Herr Victor Geist, außergewöhnlich organist und ein fellow happy haunt! It is good to meet you!
(Und yes, I type in ein accent. Don’t think to hard about it)”
“Aah! Mr Geist! Victor? Victor. Hah. Glad to meet you! You know, you seem a more pleasant fellow than Thaddeus… not that it’s hard… I should introduce you to Ludwig sometime. Anyway, what brings you here?”
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iamnotascientist · 2 years
Victor brütet über seinem Kaffee in der Hotellobby. Wie sollte er der Nutte erklären, dass er kein Geld mehr hatte? Nicht mal diesen soliden Kaffee konnte er bezahlen. Er hatte ihn und sie trotzdem bestellt. Merkwürdig. Ihn ganz normal an der Theke, sie per App. Noch hatte er nicht getrunken, technisch gesehen noch nicht konsumiert. Das Herz aus Milchschaum verschwimmt. Sie würde gleich kommen, sich dazu setzen, als wäre das nicht peinlich genug. Er schaut sich um. Zwei Tische weiter sitzt ein blutjunges Mädchen mit langen, blonden Zöpfen und enger Leggins. Ihre Haut glänzt, sie ist  für ihr Alter zu stark geschminkt und ihr Smartphone zu teuer. Victor stellt sie sich nackt vor.
„Wünschen sie noch etwas?“
Wo ist dieser verfluchte Geist wieder aufgetaucht?
„Ja. Zyanid. Sparen sie nicht. Man will ja am Ende nicht sagen, es sei an der fehlenden Großzügigkeit gescheitert.“
Der Kellner schüttelt den Kopf und schwebt davon. Die Nutte ist immer noch auf dem Klo. Victor starrt weiter auf das Mädchen. Inzwischen hat sich ein alter Mann zu ihr gesetzt, wahrscheinlich ihr Vater. Er stopft sich vier Apfelstrudel scheinbar gleichzeitig in seinen zu großen Mund. Eine vorteilhafte Fügung der Evolution, denkt Victor und steht auf. Zielgerade hastet er auf den Ausgang zu, der Kellner, im Stechschritt, hinterher.
„Sie müssen bezahlen!“, johlt der Kellner.
„Ich gehe Geld holen“, sagt Victor laut, hält kurz inne und versichert sich des Mädchens.
„Der Bankautomat ist in der Lobby“, der Kellner wird lauter.
„Nicht mein Bankautomat.“
„Wir haben ihre Kontaktdaten, ist ihnen das eigentlich bewusst?“, schreit der Kellner.
„Dann rufen sie mich doch einmal an, ich bin nachts immer so schrecklich einsam.“
Victor reißt die Tür auf. Sofort schlägt ihm eisiger Wind entgegen. Er hat seinen Mantel vergessen. Keine Sekunde zögernd macht er kehrt und stürmt zurück.
„Was vergessen?“, der Kellner hebt grinsend seinen Mantel hoch.
„Geben sie her!“, bellt Victor und rennt auf den schlaksigen Kerl zu.
„Bezahlen sie!“, bellt der Kellner zurück und flüchtet hinter den Tresen. Das Mädchen schaut von ihrem Smartphone auf.
„Das ist Diebstahl!“
Schweißperlen bilden sich auf Victors Stirn. Schaut die her? Alter ist die geil, wie sie mich anschaut.
Ihre Augen sind groß und blau und leuchten aus einem rundlichen Gesicht mit rötlichen Wangen. Durch ihre durchsichtige Bluse blitzt ein silberner Spitzenbh.
„Goldrichtig Herr Ficz. Wir wissen, wie sie heißen, wo sie wohnen. Herr Ficz, Herr Ficz.“ Der Kellner lacht und ruft seinen Nachnamen noch zweimal durch die Lobby.
„Herr Ficz, Herr Ficz.“
„Kommen sie zur Vernunft und geben sie meinen Mantel. Der ist teurer als ihr scheiß Monatsgehalt.“
Victor flüstert, dreht sich zwischen den Worten immer wieder Richtung Mädchen.
„Dann wird es ja kein Problem sein, einen scheiß Kaffee zu bezahlen“, schreit der Kellner. „Wenn der Herr hohe Monatsgehälter verdient.“
Ein letztes Mal noch begutachtet Victor den Spitzenbh und tut das einzig in dieser Situation angemessene, um einer Verletzung seiner Männlichkeit vorzubeugen und schläg mit geballter Faust Richtung Kellner.
Der duckt sich weg und rennt in Richtung Küche. Victor hinterher, doch der Kellner ist schneller und fliegt den letzten Meter in den dampfenden Raum, donnert die Tür zu und verriegelt. Durch das runde Fenster grinst er Victor dreist ins Gesicht. Seine Augen funkeln, die Backen rot.
„Na Herr Fick? Wollen sie vielleicht den Hotel Direktor reden? Oder die Polizei holen? Soll ich ihnen eine Nummer diktieren, oder vielleicht anrufen? Sie sehen scheiße aus, soll ich ihnen vielleicht ein Glas Wasser holen?“
„Victor, Schatz, was ist los?“, krächzt es von hinten an sein Ohr. Rasende Gedanken, hoher Blutdruck, Hunger, Kater, kein Geld, die Nutte ist auch noch hässlich, trauriger kann es nicht werden.
„Victor, was hast du da gerade gesagt?“, die kratzende Stimme klingt wütend.
„Wie meinst du das Kein Geld? Mein Geld hast du doch oder?“
Victor graust sich davor, sich umzudrehen, er kneift die Augen zu und biss die Zähne zusammen. Als er sie öffnet lacht ihm der Kellner ins Gesicht und reibt sein Gesicht am Innenfutter des Mantels. Er muss hier weg. Eins, zwei und er rennt los, zurück durch die Lobby, vorbei an dem Mädchen, das ihr Smartphone hochhält, filmt die?, Richtung Ausgang. Zwei Berge von Männern versperrn den Weg und rollen auf Victor zu. Gerade rechtzeitig kann er scharf links in einen Gang flüchten. Durch das Treppenhaus in den ersten Stock. Links oder rechts? Es ergibt keinen Sinn, hier kam er nicht raus. Er klopft an die erstbeste Tür.
„Mach auf! Bitte, schnell!“
Geräusche auf der anderen Seite.
„Komm schon. Bitte. Ich geb‘ euch Geld.“
Die Tür öffnet sich, ein rothaariger Junge mit Pickeln im Gesicht mustert ihn aus tiefblauen Augenringen.
„Was willst du?“, fragt er, doch Victor drängt bereits in das Zimmer und stößt die Tür zu.
„Entspann dich Kleiner.“
Victor geht durch den Schmalen Flur in das Zimmer. Auf dem großen Doppelbett sitzt ein Mädchen, auf ihrem Schoß ein Smartphone, auf dem Smartphone ein Häufchen weißes Pulver. Sie erschreckt furchtbar, als sie Victor sieht, pustet das Pulver vom Smartphone in die Luft und kneift die Augen zusammen.
Auf einmal fühlt sich Victor schlecht und bekommt Mitleid mit dem scheußlich, und zugleich jugendlich aussehenden Mädchen.
„Sorry, ich bin kein Cop, ich steck nur tief in der Scheiße. Ich geb euch Geld.“
Er sagt das so überzeugend, dass er seine Lüge für eine Sekunde selber glaubt. Das Mädchen scheint damit einverstanden zu sein, denn sie nickt.
„Chill mal alter Sack“, der Junge kommt durch den Flur und setzt sich aufs Bett.  
„Verarsch mich nicht.“
Das Smartphone vom Mädchen beginnt zu klingeln, auf dem Display erscheint der Name „Mara“.
„Fuck“, sagt das Mädchen, „wir haben Mara in der Lobby vergessen. Was machen wir jetzt?“
„Erstmal muss sich der alte Sack verpissen. Ich meins ernst. Verpiss dich oder wir holen die Security“, der Junge spricht leise und rollt das r.
Victor seufzt, da klopft es an der Tür. Der Junge schaut durchs Guckloch und öffnet.
„Warum hast du so lange gebraucht?“, flüstert der Junge.
„Ein alter Mann hat sich fast in der Lobby geprügelt, ich wollte zuschauen. Sah gar nicht so schlecht aus, ganz mein Typ, wenn er nicht so…“
Das blonde Mädchen aus der Lobby hielt mitten im Satz inne und starrt Victor an. Ihr Oberteil glitzert und schnürte ihre schmalen Brüste zu einem Ausschnitt zusammen. Victor stellt sie sich nackt vor. Ihre großen Augen, der schmale Körper, er spürt sein Glied hart werden.
„Das ist er! Was will der hier?“
Das Mädchen kichert, es ist nicht auszuhalten.
„Naja. Anyway, der alte Sack von unten ist abgezogen, zweihundert Euro hat er rausgerückt“, sagt das blonde Mädchen, legt sie auf den Tisch und reicht Victor die Hand.
„Ich bin Mara.“
Kaum hatte er mit seinem Namen geantwortet, schmeißt sie sich neben das andere Mädchen aufs Bett.
„Wo ist das Koks?“
„Ich hab‘ doch Geld“, sagt Victor viel zu laut. Er wird von einer meterhohen Lust nach Alkohol überwältigt, geht umständlich und steif zur Minibar und greift nach Schnaps.
„Moment mal. Das Zimmer ist auf unseren Namen, wenn, dann erst das Geld“, der Junge verschränkt die Arme. Seine Pickel und sein Haar glühen rot.
Dieser Bengel, denkt Victor und öffnete sein Portemonnaie. Zweitausend Euro in neuen Hunderterscheinen. Er zieht einen heraus und warf ihn aufs Bett.
„Ich will jetzt aber auch eine Nase.“
„Du kannst was kaufen, aber nicht schnorren. Der Kurs ist wie üblich 100€“, sagt der Junge.
„Ist es gut?“, fragt Victor.
„Besser, als alles, was du je gezogen hast.“
„Das glaub ich erst wenn ich’s probiert hab“, antwortet Victor und holt den Champagner aus der Minibar.
Der Junge nickt, kramt in seinem Rucksack, legt souverän und schnell eine Line auf seinem Smartphone und reicht sie Victor.
Der nickt, rollt den Hunderteuroschein vom Bett und zieht.
Gutes Koks, denkt er und sagt: „Ich nehm‘ zwei Gramm.“
Mit Champagner in der Hand setzt er sich neben Mara, die lächelt und riecht nach teurem Parfüm.
Victor säuft und säuft. Die Zeit vergeht in Zeitlupe, die Gruppe sitzt auf dem Bett und trinkt, zieht, lacht, Victor erzählt seine besten Geschichten.
Victor fühlt sich wohl, jugendlich, frisch. Er redet viel, die Mädchen lachen oft. Das Mädchen mit den Augenringen wird Charly genannt und auch sie war ist hübsch. Die beiden jungen Körper dehnen und recken sich und entblößen oft nackte Haut und jugendliche Rundungen.
Plötzlich steht Mara auf und klatscht in die Hände.
„So. Wir müssen los, war nett. Viel Spaß noch.“
Auf einmal ist Victor wieder alleine. Szenenhaft fliegen die Bilder des Tages vor seinem inneren Auge vorbei. Das rote Gesicht des Kellners, der schwitzende Körper der Nutte und am deutlichsten Mara. Ihr Körper, ihre schmalen Brüste und ihr glitzerndes Top. Ihre großen Augen und volle Lippen. Ihr Duft hing noch im Raum und Victor stellt sich vor, sie wäre bei ihm geblieben. Sie hätten gekuschelt und miteinander geschlafen. Gedankenversunken bestellt sich Victor eine Prostituierte per App.                                                                                                                                                                  
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asktheghosthost · 4 years
Yo lemmie get uhh... Taddy x Hosty? Please... Feel free to send a drabble request for anything back as payback
The ballroom was in a more mellow mode that night. It'd been a long day of practicing for the tours. Only a couple of couples were still dancing, simply for the love of it, but their pace had greatly slowed. Every once in a while, they'd stop as a sour note rant out from the organ.
"No," the organist grumbled. With a shake of his head, he lifted his stiff fingers and got back to work. Maybe a little bit of Bach, instead. Thaddeus never needed an excuse for a Bach break.
So far, so good for the first few bars, but then he felt it happen again. His long fingers tensed, locking in place as his hands painfully cramped. Letting out a yelp, he shoved down on the keys in frustration. "Blast it, Morgan," he scolded himself under his breath. Up above him, the tiny pipe banshees chittered to one another worriedly in their high, indecipherable voices.
He looked up at them and let out a heavy sigh. "No, I'm fine, really. It just... happens occasionally. Especially around my death day."
Before he could get back to work, he felt the presence of someone standing over him, and he turned to see his fellow organist, Victor Geist. Victor was smiling in his kind, apologetic way. Thaddeus couldn't decide whether he liked Victor for his sweet, charming personality, or if he loathed him for the fact he had to share the instrument with him. Why couldn't the others just have faith that he could do this on his own?
"Yes, Victor?"
"Hallo!" Victor waggled his fingers in greeting. "Guten abend, Herr Morgan. I was wondering..." He glanced back at the dancers, who were watching him expectingly. One gave him the "go on!" motion with his hand. "If you would like to switch off... er, take a break for the night? You've been at this all day, ja? You've earned some rest."
Thaddeus scowled. "But I-- I'm not..." Looking over his shoulder, he could see the dancers watching him imploringly. With a huff of defeat, he got up from his bench. "Yes, yes, I suppose I will retire for the evening. Thank you, Mr. Geist."
Victor tipped his tophat to him. Thaddeus brushed past, too frustrated with himself to acknowledge him.
Gripping his cloak tightly around him, he walked down the main hall, not really heading to any particular place. He just needed to be away from the dancers and Victor. It wasn't fair! His whole life, he had shuffled from gig to gig, paid in table scraps and the occasional cot. His skill was never truly appreciated, serving as a novelty, background noise for a party, a decoration to be pointed at by some over-painted fop in a bad wig. Things were supposed to be different here. (Granted, he had to admit the mainly Victorian souls of the Mansion were a welcome bit of prudishness compared to the Rococo clientele he'd catered to in life. He'd rather be background noise to simple dancing than... certain other activities that intoxicated groups were known to partake in.)
It wasn't until he let his mind clear for a moment that he realized he was following the sound of clanging piano keys. Music always guided him. Even rhythmic pounding rain and booming thunder-- nature's perfect orchestra, if you asked him-- had lured him to the Mansion. That was back when he'd been reduced to nothing more than a faint wisp, a wandering spirit who had forgotten himself. Then he found the organ, and it was like he'd been reborn...
Well, that wasn't quite true. At least, not entirely.
If he was being honest, it wasn't just the organ. There had been a lot of pampering and therapy in-between by the ghost who'd found him. Thaddeus felt his cheeks burning at the memory of that deep, soothing voice. Murmurs of comfort had washed around and through him like a gentle wave, the tone understood before the words were.
Blasted noose-neck, convincing him to stay...
Feet moving of their own accord, he rounded a corner and found himself in a room he'd never seen before.
Across the back was a large window. Thin branches blocked most of the view, but he could tell it faced part of the side yard that wasn't dotted with graves. In front of the left side of the window was a cushioned chair with a violin nestled in it. A stand with sheet music stood in front. On the far right side was a cello. In between the two was the piano he'd been hearing. An oddly familiar shadow was cast on the bench and floor. The arms raised up, then shakily lowered, and fingers pressed into the keys. Thaddeus listened for a moment, until the tune became more defined.
Ah, the "Screaming Song," or "Grim, Grinning Ghosts," the same song he'd been playing all day. He had to admit, he rather liked it. Dirges were fun.
After listening to a few unsteady tries, he found himself taking pity on the pianist. "Hold on... Here, let me help you... Where's your hand?" He reached out. "Place your fingers like this..." He placed the invisible, but no less solid to him, hands on the keys. "Don't be afraid to make noise. Be firm about it. The piano won't bite."
"Are we so sure?" A deep voice joked. "I mean, in this house..."
Thaddeus leapt back. "Beauregard!" he sputtered. "What have you been doing there this whole time?!"
"Practicing." The Ghost Host appeared before him on the bench. He grinned at Thaddeus, his green eye sparkling with mischief. "I do thank you for the helpful pointers. I never learned how to play when I was alive, you know."
Thaddeus stood there, not exactly sure what emotion was going through him. Not really anger, because he really didn't have anything to be angry about. Maybe just surprise at who was there. Annoyed surprise.
Beau ignored any frustration Thaddeus was exuding. "When you wrap yourself in your cloak like that, you look like an upright bat. It's adorable."
Thaddeus only pulled his cloak tighter around himself and scowled. "Were you plotting your little surprise this entire time?"
Beauregard's smile dipped and he shook his head. "No. It was simply frightfully good timing, although I do apologize for the scare. I shouldn't have. I know how hard you've been working, and it must be stressful, trying to perfect your routine." He swiveled back around, not playing, but noiselessly laying his fingertips on the keys. "All I have is a short script to memorize, but you have to be visible all day, playing perfectly hour after hour. I can't even get through a third of this song without a mistake. I admire your skill... Daresay, I'm jealous of it. It's a gift. I really can't stress enough how much I appreciate you sharing it with us."
Thaddeus' grip on his cloak loosened, and his shoulders dropped. Why had he been so tense? Beauregard never meant any harm... ever! "Oh... It's... It's alright, really. You took me by surprise, that's all." He stepped forward to get a look at Beau's hands. "Spread your fingers just a little bit... That's it. You don't want to keep them too close, or you risk pressing between the keys and hitting both."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. And thank you for the compliments." Thaddeus sat down next to Beau. "They're not really all that deserved, though. I kept messing up earlier, and Victor had to take over."
"It's been a long day." Beau went back to actually playing the piano, keeping the advice in mind. "You're allowed some rest, you know. That's why there's two of you. Remaining visible while manipulating physical objects all day is difficult for the sturdiest of spirits. It's one of the reasons I stay invisible."
Thaddeus wondered what the other reasons could be, but before he could ask, a sharp pain took over his hands and he doubled over to clasp them to his stomach. He couldn't stop his yelp, but held back further cries by wincing through his teeth.
"My hands keep cramping. I thought--I thought this sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen after you're dead."
"You'd be surprised." Beau tugged one of Thaddeus' hands free. "Here... Let me have it a moment..." Gently, he began massaging the organist's stiff palm. Once it opened fully, he started working on pressure points, and from there, individual fingers. "I'm so sorry, Taddy. If I had known, I could have gotten you out of the ballroom sooner."
"I didn't want to leave. I shouldn't have to give up my seat! All my life I worked towards having a real audience, an audience who would appreciate my talents! And once again, I'm brushed aside. I'm background noise to a bunch of spoiled brats!"
The hand got away from Beau as Thaddeus gesticulated wildly in his ranting. He reached up, grabbing the organist's wrists and bringing them back down. "Taddy... Taddy... It's almost your death day. Your mind isn't in a good place. Shh... Calm yourself, man. Shh..."
Thaddeus' blue eyes were pale and wild, but he found his grounding as he stared at the Host's scarred, thin face. He let out a strangled sob. "I'm sorry. It hurts so much, Beau!"
"I know... I know. I've got you," Beau soothed. "You've got me. You've always got me." He began working on the other hand now. As he massaged Thaddeus' palm, he started to hum a low, soft tune.
After a minute of this, the organist felt as if he were drifting away, floating into a violet ether with the beautiful tone. Every once in a while, a push at a pressure point would bring him back half way so he wouldn't get lost. Could one have an out of body experience without a body? He giggled at the notion.
Beau paused. "Did I tickle you?"
"No, no, just a silly thought."
Beau finished with the last finger, then curled them back into a fist, and held it between his hands for a moment. Then, slowly, with a flicker of hesitation, he raised it to his lips, and kissed the index knuckle. Still not letting go, he clasped Thaddeus' hand to his chest, over his heart. "Promise you won't leave."
Thaddeus stared at his hand, and then at Beau. "I promise." A beat. "Could you... Could you play for me?"
Beau declined his head. "Your wish is my command, maestro." He finally let go and swiveled around once more. Thaddeus laid his head on Beau's shoulder as he played, never hesitating to point out what he was doing wrong.
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hatbox-apologist · 4 months
Y ' a l l
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strange-doll-child · 4 months
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Okay not exactly what I had in mind for the OrganBox art but at the same time toxic gay people/hj
Alts with text under the cut ⬇️
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uwu4771 · 5 months
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some doodle
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jestersnonsense · 10 months
A Collection of HM Headcanons that have little to no effect on lore, but are entertaining for me to think about
DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal headcanons, so feel free to disagree and disregard. Also this mainly takes place in the AU where they're all actual ghosts living in Disneyland and not, like, New Orleans where they're canonically supposed to be.
Ghost Host likes to sometimes straighten and/or tighten the noose around his neck, the same way you would a necktie (gotta look professional in front of the other haunts and foolish mortals, you know?)
Hatty prefers to sleep with his head in the hatbox because he likes how the fabric lining feels. When Emily comes to visit, she holds onto the hatbox while they sleep.
Hatty's spirit is basically just his head possessing the remains of his body. His head can travel wherever/however far he wants to on its own. With that said, if Hatty's head gets too far away from his body, his body will collapse
I headcanon the Tokyo bride as being Emily (I know that's been disproven with Disney Story Beyond, but I'm ignoring it), which means that she and Hatty are maintaining their relationship whilst being long distance. Hatty sends Emily handwritten letters every day, meanwhile Emily replies with colorfully illustrated postcards.
Any time somebody asks Constance and Hatty if they were married once, they just look at each other like this
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They're just roomies guys (and also Constance killed him but since that actually effects the lore I'm keeping that story for another day)
Hatty likes to rotate the hatboxes he uses for his head trick every once and a while
Victor (aka the Organist) and Sally Slater are those friends who like gossiping together. I imagine they have regular meetups where they spill tea over light snacks and, well, tea
The hitchhiking ghosts like to keep souvenirs from mortals they follow home. They're stashed away in various places around the mansion
The hitchhikers also get really excited whenever they're invited to join the parades during the Halloween season. They always make sure to position themselves so that Gus has the best view from the float.
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crazypercheron · 5 years
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Some Organist expressions. Honestly as much as I like grumpy Orggy from the video game, I actually like the eccentric Victor Herr Geist more. He's so quirky and very giddy all the time, I wonder if both Hosty and Sally rubbed their energies off of him, the quote on the top right ["I'm glad you asked for the good news first!"] is something he said in The Ghost Post app and I just can't help but find his accent and attempt to speak English endearing. Reminds me of my mom (who being born and raised in Mexico) when she gets excited and tries to speak.
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