lyralit · 1 year
my favourite nicknames, romantically, platonically, or in a rivalry
qin ai de (Mandarin Chinese; darling)
(and with that I have to add:) dorogaya (Russian; dearest)
mon petit chou (French; my little cabbage)
Chang noi (Thai; little elephant)
media naranja (Spanish; half an orange [my other half])
lapachka (Russian; sweetie pie / paw)
Liebling (German; darling)
(mi) corazón (Spanish; (my) heart)
mi vida (Spanish; my life)
ma puce (French; my flea)
mon saucisson (French; my sausage)
gioia mia (Italian; my joy)
koibito (Japanese; beloved person)
Kretenu (serbian; you idiot)
aeini (arabic; my eyes)
aein (Korean; sweetheart)
slanchitse (little sun; my sun)
ya amar (Arabic; my moon)
muruseni (finnish; my crumb)
albi (Arabic; my heart)
elskede (Danish; beloved)
mia kara (Esperanto; my dear)
mea aloha (Hawaiian; loved one)
neshama sheli (Hebrew; my soul)
hyati (Arabic; my life)
jann (Hindi; my life)
shagua (Chinese; fool)
irog (filipino; beloved)
kokhana [кохана] (Ukrainian; beloved)
habibi (Arabic; my love)
sayang (Indonesian; dear)
Schat/schatje (dutch; treasure/little treasure)
zirochka (Ukrainian; little star)
please correct me if I've gotten any wrong! or feel free to add your own in the replies and I'll add them to the list.
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agentnatesewell · 7 months
I’ve been having thoughts of Nate and Suri walking through and exploring a souk, just them both, an immersive and even-intimate way to re-connect with the language of her grandfather, this tweet came up at just the right time
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Habibi/Habibti (my love) // Rouhi (my soul)
Hyati (my life) // Eayani (my eyes)
Qalbi/Albi (my heart) //Ma Atyaback (how cute are you)
Bahlam Feek/Bahlam Feeki (i dream of you)
Omri (my life)
Wahashtini (i miss you)
Ana bahebak/ana bahabik (i love you)
… and though the canon pet name for N to the detective is ‘rouhi’, I’ve long headcanoned Nate calling Suri ‘hyati’ and Suri calling Nate ‘rouhi’
And even their couple name, Nuri, a common name, meaning ‘my light’
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netflixandnudez · 2 years
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Model in Photo ( @hyatis )
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izvmimi · 3 months
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3mrr · 2 years
Welcome back
Welcome back eh 😂 dana 3aysh hena aktr mn hyati elha2e2ya
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mixed-alien · 1 month
Tol 3omry mfkara eny open minded w msh homophobic, la w ehtmal ab2a bi kman lhad enhrda
Feh bnt gat tklemny b3d el tamren w hatet edeha 3la dahry w 2rabet awy w sa2ltny “hwa enty btetmrany eh?”, f 2oltlha btmran f el bet w pole most of the time, rahet nazelt edeha shwia w 2altly “bs you have a great physique”, mtkhyaltesh eny f hyaty hb2a aggressive m3 bnt kda, ba3dt edeha w 2oltlha eb3edy shwia w etklemy bsot 3ali (even tho she’s hot)
Mtle3tsh bi!!
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mivarealestate · 9 months
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بِسْـــــم اللّٰــــــهِ الرَّحْمٰــــــــنِ الرَحِيْـــــــــــــمِ
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Faedah Hadits Hari ini:
عن عبد الله بن عمر -رضي الله عنهما-، قال: "سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: "من حالت شفاعته دون حد من حدود الله فقد ضاد الله، ومن خاصم في باطل وهو يعلمه لم يزل في سخط الله حتى ينزع عنه، وَمَنْ قَالَ فِي مُؤْمِنٍ مَا لَيْسَ فِيهِ أَسْكَنَهُ اللَّهُ رَدْغَةَ الْخَبَالِ حَتَّى يَخْرُجَ مِمَّا قَالَ".' رواه أبو داود
Dari Abdullooh bin Amru -rodhiyalloohu 'anhuma-, Ia Berkata: "Aku Mendengar Rosuululloohu ﷺ Bersabda: "Barangsiapa Yang Syafa'atnya Menghalanginya Dari Mendapatkan Hukuman Diantara hukuman-hukuman Allooh, Maka Sungguh Ia Telah Menyelisihi Allooh. Barangsiapa Berseteru Dalam Kebathilan Sementara Ia Mengetahuinya Maka Ia Senantiasa Berada Dalam Kemurkaan Allooh Hingga Ia Meninggalkannya. Dan Barangsiapa Mengatakan Pada Diri Seorang Mu'min Sesuatu Yang Tidak Ada Padanya, Maka Allooh Akan Menempatkannya Dalam Perasan Penduduk Neraka Hingga Ia Keluar (Meninggalkan) Dari Apa Yang iya Katakan'." (HR. Abu Dawud 3123)
(Poin Ketiga dari Hadits)
Segala Puji Hanya Untuk Alloohu ﷻ. Sholawat serta Salam Semoga Tercurahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad ﷺ beserta Keluarga dan Seluruh Sahabatnya.
Kami Berwasiat Kepada Diri Saya seyndiri, dan Juga kepada Kaum Muslimin, Bertakwalah kepada Alloohu ﷻ. Barangsiapa Yang Bertakwa kepada Alloohu تعالى, maka Alloohu تعالى Akan Mencukupinya. Dan Barangsiapa yang Takut kepada Manusia, maka Sesungguhnya, Manusia Tidak Bisa Memberikan myanfaat Sedikitpun Dihadapan Alloohu تعالى. Kita juga harus menyadari, bahwa Tidak Ada Yang Bisa Mendapatkan Rohmat Alloohu تعالى Kecuali Orang-Orang Yang Bertakwa. Tidaklah Mendapatkan Pahala, Kecuali Orang-Orang Yang Berada Diatas Ketakwa'an. Nasihat Untuk Bertakwa Ini Sangatlah Banyak. Akan tetapi, Betapa Disesalkan, karena Yang Melaksanakannya Ternyata Sangat seydikit. Semoga Alloohu تعالى Menjadikan Kita Termasuk Orang-Orang Yang Bertakwa.
Sebagai Agama Yang Sempurna, Islam Mengajak Bicara Akal, Hati, Perasaan dan Jiwa, Akhlak dan Pendidikan. Agama yang Mulia Ini Menggariskan adanya Peraturan-peraturan Agar Seorang Muslim dapat Memiliki Hati yang Selamat, Perasaan yang Bersih, Menjaga Kehormatan Lisan, dan Menjaga Rahasia Pribadinya, serta Dapat Berakhlak Mulia Terhadap Robb-nya, Dirinya dan Seluruh Manusia. Alloohu تعالى Berfirman,
﴿يَٰٓأَيُّهَاٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱجۡتَنِبُواْ كَثِيرٗا مِّنَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعۡضَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِثۡمٞۖ وَلَاتَجَسَّسُواْ ١٢ ﴾ [الحجرات:12]
"Hai Orang-Orang Yang Ber-Iman, Jauhilah Kebanyakan Dari Prasangka, Sesungguhnya Sebagian Prasangka Itu Adalah Dosa, Dan Janganlah Kamu Mencari-cari Kesalahan Orang Lain. [al-Hujurot/49 : 12].
Pesan al-Qur`an Ini, Merupakan Jawaban Atas Fenomena Yang Kita Lihat Sa'at Ini. Yakni, Agar Kita Terhindar dari Perbuatan Ghibah (Menggunjing), Mencari-cari Kesalahan Orang Lain. Karena Menggunjing Ini dapat Menyebabkan Terlanggarnya Kehormatan, Keselamatan hyati dan Ketenangan di Masyarakat. Perbuatan Menggunjing, merupakan salah satu Dosa Besar yang Membinasakan, Merusak Agama para Pelakunya, baik sebagai Pelaku ataupun Orang yang Rela ketika Mendengarkannya.
Alloohu تعالى Berfirman Didalam al-Qur`an,
﴿ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُواْ وَلَا يَغۡتَب بَّعۡضُكُم بَعۡضًاۚ أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمۡ أَن يَأۡكُلَ لَحۡمَ أَخِيهِ مَيۡتٗا فَكَرِهۡ تُمُوهُۚ واتقوا ٱللَّهَ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ تَوَّابٞ رَّحِيمٞ ١٢﴾ [الحجرات:12]
"Dan Janganlah Sebahagian Kamu Menggunjing Sebahagian Yang Lain. Sukakah Salah Seorang Diantara Kamu Memakan Daging Saudaranya Yang Sudah Mati? Maka Tentulah Kamu Merasa Jijik Kepadanya. Dan Bertakwalah Kepada Alloohu تعالى. Sesungguhnya Alloohu تعالى Maha Penerima Taubat Lagi Maha Penyayang. [al-Hujurot/49 : 12].
Menggunjing Orang Lain, Tidak Lepas Dari Salah Satu Dari Tiga Istilah, yang Semuanya Disebutkan al-Qur`an. Yaitu : Ghibah, Ifku dan Buhtan.
Apabila Yang Anda Sebutkan Tentang Saudara Anda Itu Ada Padanya, maka Inilah Ghibah. Apabila Anda Menyampaikan Semua Yang Anda dengarkan, maka Ini adalah Ifku. Dan Apabila Yang Anda Sebutkan Tidak Ada Pada Diri Saudara Anda, maka Ini adalah Buhtan. Ghibah (Menggunjing) adalah, Setiap Yang Dapat Dipahami Dengan Maksud Penghinaan, baik berupa perkataan, isyarat atau tulisan. Ghibah ini, juga bisa Berupa Penghinaan Terhadap Seseorang Tentang Agama, Kondisi Fisik, Akhlak, Harta dan Keturunannya. Barangsiapa Yang Mencela Ciptaan Alloohu تعالى, berarti Ia Telah Mencela Pencipta-Nya.
Nabi Muhammad ﷺ Telah Menyeru Pelaku Perbuatan Ini Dengan Sabdanya,
قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: « يَا مَعْشَرَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِلِسَانِهِ وَلَمْ يَدْخُلِ الْإِيمَانُ قَلْبَهُ لَا تَغْتَابُوا الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا عَوْرَاتِهِمْ فَإِنَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ عَوْرَاتِهِمْ يَتَّبِعُ اللَّهُ عَوْرَتَهُ وَمَنْ يَتَّبِعِ اللَّهُ عَوْرَتَهُ يَفْضَحْهُ فِي بَيْتِهِ » []
"Wahai Orang-orang Yang Ber-Iman Dengan Lisannya, Namun Ke-Imanan Itu Belum Masuk Kedalam Hatinya! Janganlah Kalian Mengghibahi (Menggunjing) Kaum Muslimin. Jangan Pula Mencari-cari Aib Mereka. Barangsiapa Yang Mencari-cari Aib Mereka, (maka) Alloohu تعالى Akan Mencari-cari Aibnya. Dan Barangsiapa Yang Alloohu تعالى Mencari-cari Aibnya, Niscaya Alloohu تعالى Akan Membeberkan Aibnya, Meskipun Dia Didalam Rumahnya.
Tentang Bahaya Menggunjing Ini, al-Hasan al-Bashri -rohimahulllooh- Berkata : “Ghibah, Demi Alloohu تعالى, Lebih Cepat Merusakkan Agama Seseorang Daripada Ulat Yang Memakan Tubuh Mayit”. Maka Sungguh Aneh, Jika Ada Orang Yang Mengaku sebagai Ahlul Haq dan Ahlul Iman, Ternyata Ia Melakukan Perbuatan Ghibah (Menggunjing), Sedangkan Dia Mengetahui Akibat Buruk Perbuatan Tersebut. Firman Alloohu تعالى Mengingatkan,
﴿أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمۡ أَن يَأۡكُلَ لَحۡمَ أَخِيهِ مَيۡتٗا فَكَرِهۡتُمُوهُۚ﴾ [الحجرات:12]
"Sukakah Salah Seorang Diantara Kamu Memakan Daging Saudaranya Yang Sudah Mati? [al-Hujurot/49 : 12].
Seburuk-buruk Ghibah, yaitu Menggunjing Para Pemimpin, Para Ulama, Orang-Orang Berkedudukan, Orang-Orang Sholih, dan Orang Yang Mengajak Berbuat adik. Pelaku Ghibah Ini telah Mencabik-cabik Kehormatan Orang-Orang Terpandang yang Memiliki Kedudukan. Pelaku Ghibah Ini juga Merendahkan Kedudukan Mereka, Menghilangkan Kewibawaan Mereka, Menghilangkan Kepercayaan Terhadap Mereka, mencela perbuatan dan usaha mereka, dan Meragukan Kemampuan Mereka. Bayangkan, Tidaklah Disebutkan Seorang yang Mulia Dihadapannya, Kecuali Direndahkannya. Tidaklah Muncul Seorang yang Mulia, Kecuali Dicelanya. Tidaklah Pula Orang sholih, Kecuali Dia Akan Menuduhnya. Pelaku Ghibah Ini, Senang Menuduh Orang-Orang Terpercaya, Menggunjing Orang-Orang Sholih. Pelaku Ghibah Ini Menanamkan Permusuhan dan Membingungkan Orang-Orang Kebanyakan, Memutuskan Silaturahmi dan Memecah Persatuan Kaum Muslimin.
Alloohu Akbar! Apakah seorang Muslim Layak Bersikap Demikian Kepada Saudaranya?
Wahai Pelaku Ghibah! Setiap Orang Pasti Dicintai dan Dibenci, Diridhoi dan Dimarahi, Disukai dan Dimusuhi.
Orang Yang Ber-Akal, Dalam Mencintai Kekasihnya, Ia Tidak Akan Berbuat Secara Berlebihan; sebab, Mungkin Suatu Hari Orang Yang Dikasihinya Tersebut Akan Dibencinya. Sebaliknya, Manakala Seorang Muslim Harus Membenci, Maka Diapun Bersikap Sewajarnya; sebab, Mungkin Suatu Hari Orang Yang Dibencinya Akan Menjadi Kekasihnya. Oleh Karena Itu, Jadilah Orang Yang Selalu Menegakkan Kebenaran dan Bersikap Adil. Jangan Sampai Ketidak-sukaan Membuatmu Bersikap Zholim. Alloohu تعالى Berfirman,
﴿ يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّٰمِينَ لِلَّهِ شُهَدَآءَ بِٱلۡقِسۡطِۖ وَلَا يَجۡرِمَنَّكُمۡ شَنَ‍َٔانُ قَوۡمٍ عَلَىٰٓ الا تَعۡدِلُواْۚ ٱعۡدِلُواْ هُوَأَقۡرَبُ لِلتَّقۡوَىٰۖ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ خَبِيرُۢ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ﴾ [المائدة:8]
"Hai Orang-Orang Yang Ber-Iman, Hendaklah Kamu Menjadi Orang-Orang Yang Selalu Menegakkan Kebenaran Karena Alloohu تعالى, Menjadi Saksi Dengan Adil. Dan Janganlah Sekali-kali Kebencianmu Terhadap Sesuatu Kaum, Mendorong Kamu Untuk Berlaku Tidak Adil. Berlaku Adillah, Karena Adil Itu Lebih Dekat Kepada Takwa. [Al-Maaidah/5 : 8].
Jika Dikatakan kepada Anda : “Fulan Telah Menggunjingmu, Sampai Kami Merasa Kasihan Kepadamu”. Maka Jawablah Dengan Perkataan : “Seharusnya, Dialah Yang Seharusnya Engkau Kasihani”. Bertakwalah Kita kepada Alloohu تعالى. Sungguh Beruntung Orang Yang Bisa Menahan Diri, Tidak Berlebihan Dalam Berbicara. Sungguh Beruntung Orang Yang Bisa Menguasai Lisannya. Sungguh Beruntung Orang Yang Terhindar Dari Menggunjing Orang Lain. Sungguh Beruntung Orang Yang Berpegang Dengan Petunjuk al-Qur`an, Kemudian Menghadap Alloohu تعالى Dengan Hati Yang Khusyu’, Lisan Yang Jujur, dan Ikhlas Mencintai Saudaranya.
قال الله تعالى: ﴿وَٱلَّذِينَ جَآءُو مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡلَنَا وَلِإِخۡوَٰنِنَا ٱلَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِٱلۡإِيمَٰنِ, وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلّٗا لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ رَبَّنَآ إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٞ رَّحِيمٌ١٠﴾ [الحشر:10]
Alloohu تعالى Berfirman: "Orang-irang Yang Datang Setelah Mereka, Mereka Berkata: 'Yaa Robb Kami, Beri Ampunlah Kami Dan Saudara-saudara Kami Yang Telah Ber-Iman Lebih Dahulu Dari Kami, Dan Janganlah Engkau Membiarkan Kedengkian Dalam Hati Kami Terhadap Orang-Orang Yang Ber-Iman. Yaa Robb Kami, Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penyantun Lagi Maha Penyanyang'." [al-Hasyr/59 : 10].
Kami Mengingatkan Kembali, Hendaklah Kita Jauhi Perbuatan Ghibah atau Menggunjing Orang Lain. Ketahuilah, Orang Yang Mendengarkan Ghibah, Ia Mendapatkan Dosa Yang Sama Seperti Pelakunya. Sehingga Orang Yang Mendengarkan Ghibah Tidak Selamat Dari Dosa, Kecuali Jika Ia Mengingkari Dengan Lisannya, atau Dengan Hatinya. Apabila Bisa, Hendaklah Ia Tinggalkan Majelis atau Tempat Tersebut, atau Memutusnya Dengan Mengalihkan Kepada Pembicaraan Yang Lain. Karena, Orang Yang Diam Ketika Mendengar Ghibah, maka Ia Termasuk Bergabung Dengan Pelakunya. Sehingga Ibnu Mubarok -rohimahullooh- Mengingatkan: “Pergilah Dari Orang Yang Menggunjing, Sebagaimana Engkau Lari Dari Kejaran Singa”.
Setiap Orang Memiliki Cacat dan Aib, Kesalahan dan Kekeliruan. Oleh Karena Itu, Kita Jangan Merasa Mengetahui Apa Yang Tidak Diketahui Orang Lain. Daripada Mengurusi Aib Orang Lain, Mengapa Kita Tidak Menyibukkan Diri Dengan Aib Sendiri? Jagalah Hak dan Kehormatan Saudaramu! Dalam Sebuah Hadits Dinyatakan,
قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «مَنْ ذَبَّ عَنْ لَحْمِ أَخِيهِ بِالْغِيبَةِ كَانَ حَقًّا عَلَى اللَّهِ أَنْ يُعْتِقَهُ مِنَ النَّارِ » []
Rosuululloohu ﷺ Bersabda: "Barangsiapa Yang Membela Daging (Kehormatan) Saudaranya Dari Ghibah, Maka Menjadi Hak Alloohu تعالى Untuk Membebaskannya Dari Api Neraka".
قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «وَمَنْ قَالَ فِي مُؤْمِنٍ مَا لَيْسَ فِيهِ أَسْكَنَهُ اللَّهُ رَدْغَةَ الْخَبَالِ حَتَّى يَخْرُجَ مِمَّا قَالَ » []
Rosuululloohu ﷺ Bersabda: "Barangsiapa Yang Berkata Tentang Seorang Mu`min Yang Tidak Ada Padanya, (Maka) Alloohu تعالى Akan Menempatkannya Pada Lumpur Ahli Neraka, Sampai Dia Keluar Dari Apa Yang Dia Ucapkan".
قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «مَنْ كَانَتْ عِنْدَهُ مَظْلِمَةٌ لِأَخِيهِ فَلْيَتَحَلَّلْهُ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّهُ لَيْسَ ثَمَّ دِينَارٌ وَلَا دِرْهَمٌ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ يُؤْخَذَ لِأَخِيهِ مِنْ حَسَنَاتِهِ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ حَسَنَاتٌ أُخِذَ مِنْ سَيِّئَاتِ أَخِيهِ فَطُرِحَتْ عَلَيْهِ » []
Rosuululloohu ﷺ Bersabda: "Barangsiapa Berbuat Kezholiman Terhadap Saudaranya (Orang Lain), Hendaklah Dia Meminta Ma'af Atas Kezholimannya. Karena (Pada Hari Kiamat), Disana Tidak Ada Dinar (Dan) tidyak Pula Dirham Sebagai Penebusnya, Kemudian Diambil Kebaikan Dari Dirinya Untuk Saudaranya Tersebut. Apabila Dia Tidak Memiliki Kebaikan, Maka Diambillah Kejelekan Saudaranya Tersebut Dan Dilimpahkan Kepadanya".
والله تعالى اعلم بالصواب
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين، وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين.
Semoga Bermanfa'at.
Mohon Ta'awunnya untuk Menyebarkan Risalah Dakwah Tauhid dan Sunnah ini, Agar Orang-orang Yang Tidak Mengetahuinya Dapat Mengetahuinya dan Menjadi Timbangan Amalan Sholih Bagi Yang Menyebarkannya di Akhirat Kelak, Insyaa Alloohu تعالى.
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luxurypropertysblog · 2 years
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bassanthossam15 · 2 years
Mehtaga arda, tol 3omry radya bkol haga bt7sly f hyaty,,
Leh dlw2ty msh radya w babos l ghery?
Leeh b7dd nga7ay w fashly 3la eh l wslo ghery?
Ana leh msh basa l nafsy bgd!! Ma tseby l nege7 yng7 w rkzy fl bt3mleh w 7beh 3shan tng7y feh
Akiid fee nas ktera shayfa el wsltlo da naga7 kbeer leh ana msh moqtn3a?? 3shan l flos?
Y3ny ana laww b2bd kwis kont fkrt aseb l shoghl?
Ana ll asf 7elmy kolo any awsl l level tany l hwa msh bta3y asln w sat7y gdn.
Ana w7sha awy!
Mehtaga bgd a2rb mn rabna
Yarab ehdenyy, ana da3efa awy mtb3dnesh 3anak enta ader 3la kol she2.
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agentnatesewell · 1 year
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And Suri’s nickname for Nate is ‘hyati’ 🥰
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hyatiblog · 4 years
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awladiblog · 4 years
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That's Wasteland, Baby
Martin came back into view holding the baby, call it the fever making him emotional but he felt like he could cry, seeing his husband hold their daughter.
for the emma au in which jm adopt a daughter!! @celosiaa
no tw i can think of!
Martin was no stranger to being woken up suddenly.
In his years with his mum, then the institute, both his and Jon’s nightmares, it was rare he didn’t get woken up once a night somehow.
Especially with Emma.
He felt the bed shift next to him, quick jerky movements from his husband, he opened his eyes, god was he tired, and looked over to see Jon hunched over himself, shaking on the bed.
“Jon? Love?”
His husband’s eyes darted open and stared him down, and he tried his best to ignore the flash of green that slid over his dark brown eyes like the eyelid of a snake.
“What’s wrong, habibi?”
Martin moved slowly, ignoring the ache of exhaustion deep in his bones, and opened his arms, telegraphing his movements, and as soon as he did Jon let himself fall into his chest, clinging to him like a lifeline.
It was only when this happened did Martin realize why Jon seemed so...scared.
“You’re burning up, dear, can you let me go so I can get the first aid kit and your medicine?”
Jon shook his head, mumbling something about Elias, no- something about Jonah, things about people that made Martin’s heart race in rage because they hurt his husband, hurt him.
He brushed off the anger, that’s not what he needed right now.
Just then, Emma began to cry.
He cursed silently.
“Jon, love, I need to go get Emma, you need to let me go, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Luckily, that broke through Jon’s fevered and terrified haze, and he let go of Martin reluctantly, falling back down on the bed.
Martin moved as gently and as quickly as he could out of bed, before running into Emma’s nursery, she was fine, probably just hungry, but he wouldn’t be surprised if she caught whatever Jon was sick with, assuming it wasn’t stress-induced or an allergic reaction.
Or something else.
Panic wouldn’t help, he knew it wouldn’t, so he held Emma to his chest and walked into the kitchen, getting the formula ready as fast as he could.
Emma began to cry harder, and Martin was ashamed to admit that he felt some distress at this at all, but he just shushed her gently and bounced her back and forth.
The formula was done, after testing it on his wrist he sat on the couch and began to feed his baby, and for a second he let himself feel some sort of odd comfort.
Jon was ill, yes, but he knew deep down it wasn’t like before, and that the fact that Jon was willing to be held at all, and that he was willing to let go so he could take care of Emma, was an improvement.
The first time after the institute and Jonah that Jon got sick, Martin remembers how scared he was, because what if it wasn’t just the flu, what if it was withdrawal again?
It made it worse that he didn’t have anyone at that time, and now only really had a few co-workers.
And Sasha and Tim.
The first time they spoke, after they… well after they died was an interesting one, a lot of emotions for sure, as well as pain and, well, joy, after some time.
But they weren’t as close as they once were, there was still an uncomfortable feeling around when they spoke, like the feeling of waiting for a bomb to go off.
Felt a little bit like old times then…
He brushed the feeling away, Emma was almost done with her bottle, meaning he’d be able to get to go back to Jon, who had been quiet this whole time.
He stood up when he finished feeding Emma, she liked to be rocked until she fell asleep, so he carried her on one arm while making tea and getting medicine with the other.
When she fell asleep, he placed her back in the crib, kissing her head gently, and heading back into the kitchen and grabbing the items he prepared for Jon, and going back to his husband.
The man pried his eyes open, blearily looking at Martin with fever hazed eyes.
“Hi, love, can I take your temperature?”
Jon nodded, letting Marin run his hand through sweaty hair as he checked his temperature.
“39.0, you’re really not doing well, love, I have some medicine and tea, can you take them for me?”
Jon let himself be lifted up, Martin was proud of him, letting care come this easily, and the small man easily took the medicine, taking a few sips of tea, before slumping forward onto Martin.
“Alright, love, you can rest now.”
Martin shifted against the headboard of the bed, he probably wouldn’t be getting much more sleep, Jon would be up having nightmares and coughing fits for the rest of the night, and likely the day, and Emma would be up again multiple more times.
The house was so quiet and eerie, it always was at night, but he usually had the comfort of Jon being there, and he still was, physically, but Martin knew that his mind was giving him a fevered tour of his past.
He took a breath, deep just like his therapist taught him, to bring himself back to the present, to ward off the fog and chill knocking at his window.
Weird how he could be cold even with the love of his life burning at his side.
He played on his phone while petting Jon’s hair gently, he stirred a few times, nightmares creeping on him, when he shook himself awake Martin would always hush him gently back to sleep, reassuring he was safe, that they were safe.
The sun began to creep up onto the window, he’d need to call in for both Jon and himself, or post onto the google classrooms Jon kept open on his laptop that he wouldn’t be calling today.
After that was done, as if on cue, Emma began to cry again.
Martin sighed before going to her nursery, changing her and placing her on his hip while he prepared the formula for her breakfast and the tea for himself, Jon would be asleep awhile longer, meaning he’d be able to set up Emma with some toys on their floor for the time being.
After feeding Emma, and bringing her playpen into their bedroom, and giving her some quiet toys, Martin sat on the bed and drank his tea, making sure to keep his eyes on both Emma, who was now trying to eat some toys that should choke on, and Jon, who was sleeping soundly curled around him.
Jon had to run.
He had to go he had to leave he- he didn’t know where he was.
Where was Martin?
The feeling of a vice around his neck tightened and he struggled.
He needed to run.
Hands, large hands on his arms, someone calling his name and-
He opened his eyes, Martin stood over him, eyes worried, but something in them told Jon they were safe.
They were safe.
A sharp shrill cry broke him out of the trance, and Martin looked off his face and quickly stood up.
Martin came back into view holding the baby, call it the fever making him emotional but he felt like he could cry, seeing his husband hold their daughter.
Martin’s hair was curly and messy, it didn’t look like he’d had time to get ready for the day, and Emma in a yellow one-piece, Jon recognized it as one that one of his students gifted him when they found out they were adopting Emma
Emma was resting on Martin’s shoulder, she looked pretty tired out, he assumed it had been a long night judging by the exhaustion on Martin’s face.
His name was a prayer and an expression of thanks all in one, and Jon could spend an eternity just looking at him.
Martin smiled softly a him, his eyes warm and safe.
They were safe.
“I’ll be right back, love, I’m going to put Emma in her crib.”
He left, but was back soon after, he sat next to Jon on the bed, gently cupping his cheek.
“How’re you feeling, love?”
Jon leaned forward, resting his face against Martin’s soft jumper.
“Better with you, hyati”
Martin chuckled, and wrapped his arms around Jon.
Jon thought for a moment about how far they’d both come, how ten years ago this wouldn’t have happened, how when they first met he was so scared of loving Martin.
He thought of the worms and the coma, and how they were both sure they wouldn’t make it, and how even after it smoothed out they didn’t know.
He felt Martin smiling in his hair.
“How’s the weather up there?”
He pulled back and looked at Martin’s eyes, a soft hazel color that screamed safety.
“Sunny and warm, habibi”
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greywolfheirs · 4 years
Prompt for Joe and Nicky please! Someone adopts a stray cat without explanation. Bonus if he gives the cat a silly name
Here you go anon! I enjoyed writing something cute :3
It just so happened that after a mission one day, Nile found a cat hanging out just outside their safehouse. Her belly was plump with kittens and Nile stuck out a hand for a pet, but the cat ran off. Still, it got Nile thinking.
“Have you guys ever had any pets?” she asked that night at dinner. “Or is that a thing we don’t do since we live so long.”
Joe smiled over at Nicky. Not a rare occurrence, though the blush and duck of the head Nicky gave back was.
“We have before, yes,” Nicky said in answer.
Nile sat back, knowing she was in for a good story.
New York, 1930
Joe looked up at the sound of the door to their safehouse opening and closing. It was Nicky, back from scouting out the area Andy had suggested the night before, where they could possibly provide aid for the victims of the Great Depression.
Joe, deep in his research, barely had time to look up and give Nicky a smile in greeting. Still, in that glance, something had seemed...off about his husband. Joe blinked and looked back up at the coat rack, which remained empty. Nicky had kept his coat on. A coat that was surely soaked from the rain they’d had only half an hour earlier.
Joe squinted. Something was going on. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard Nicky in the kitchen making shushing noises. All pretense of continuing to study went out the window, and Joe went into the kitchen to find Nicky rummaging through the fridge.
“Do we have any milk?” Nicky asked when he heard Joe step on the creaky floorboard that led into the kitchen.
“You used the last of it last night,” Joe answered. “How did scouting go, Nicky?”
“It went well,” Nicky answered distractedly, already closing the fridge and moving to the cabinets. “How about canned meats?”
“We’re down to one can of Spam.”
“That just won’t do, will it?” NIcky muttered to himself, though he almost looked into his coat as he said it.
“Nicky,” Joe began slowly, “what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing, Joe,” Nicky said, still rummaging through the cabinets. “I’ll let you know the details when Andy and Booker get back.”
See the thing was, Nicky didn’t necessarily lie to Joe anymore. No, they’d gotten to know each other’s tells far too well for that to work anymore. But what he did was avoid the question he knew Joe was asking. And he was doing it now.
“Nicky,” Joe said again, drawing out the last syllable.
Nicky took a deep breath. “You must promise me you won’t react badly.”
“I can’t make a promise to that,” Joe said, beginning to get worried.
“I mean I want you to think about it, before I tell you--”
“Nicky, I will tell you my reaction when you tell me what I should be reacting to,” Joe laughed.
Nicky sighed. Then, very slowly he began to turn around, revealing what he held in his coat.
“Nicky,” Joe sighed sadly when he saw it. It was a small black and white kitten, eyes bright blue, just small enough to fit in the inside of Nicky’s coat pocket.
“Let me explain--”
“What’s there to explain, Nicky?” Joe asked. “We’re in the middle of a depression. We can’t afford to--”
“I know, Joe, I know, but what was I supposed to do?”
“You could--”
“It was raining, and he was all alone--no mother in sight, I checked--and clearly too young to survive in this city alone,” Nicky pleaded.
Joe wanted to argue--he did, he wasn’t always a pushover when it came to Nicky. But the kitten was cute, and Nicky was cute, and damn it why did his husband have to have such a big heart? Besides, what was Joe supposed to do? Release a kitten back into the hungry streets of New York? So instead he sighed again.
“There’s a can of tuna in the back of the cabinet none of us wanted to eat,” he said.
Nicky’s eyes lit up and he stepped forward to press a kiss squarely on Joe’s lips. “Hyati--”
“Don’t hyati me,” Joe laughed but he kissed Nicky back. The kitten meowed just then, and Nicky handed him over before turning back around and grabbing the can of tuna. To the cat, Joe asked, “Now, what are we going to name you?”
“I hadn’t thought that far,” Nicky said. “I found him by the docks. Perhaps a sailor’s name?”
“Mr. Captain,” Joe said with some finality.
Nicky laughed. “Two titles, love? A bit much to put on such a small creature.”
“No, that’s his name,” Joe said, and Nicky didn’t argue.
Later, when Andy and Booker returned, Joe and Nicky were found playing with Mr. Captain, tossing a crumpled paper across the floor to each other and watching the cat pounce after it.
“Goddamn it, guys,” Andy cursed. “Did you forget we’re in a depression?”
“It will be fine, boss,” Nicky said, picking up the cat and standing up. “Joe and I have already discussed it. We’ll share our portions with him.”
“What’s its name?” Booker asked, though he was already heading to his room, snickering to himself.
“Mr. Captain,” Joe answered proudly, even as Nicky winced. Andy took the kitten from Nicky and began examining it.
“Well, I hate to tell you, but Mr. Captain is a girl,” Andy said.
Joe shrugged. “Too late. It’s her name.”
Nicky rolled his eyes fondly and took the kitten back from Andy.
“She’ll be our responsibility, boss,” Nicky promised. “You won’t even notice she’s around.”
“I better not,” Andy said, and headed to her room.
“So what happened?” Nile asked when they finished the story.
“Mr. Captain lived for two decades before passing away in her sleep,” Nicky explained.
“Twenty years?” Nile asked. She looked over to Andy. “And you let them keep it that long?”
Andy shrugged at the same time Joe and Nicky began laughing.
“Please,” Joe said, “she loved that cat more than anything. Wouldn’t let anything happen to it.”
Nile smiled and noticed how bright Andy’s eyes were, probably reminiscing about Mr. Captain. It was yet another day that reminded her that she had truly found a home with their ragtag band.
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mamadrbeckar-blog · 5 years
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