#i HATE getting into a really good merthur fic only to see
justaz · 1 month
im TIRED of reading fics with period typical homophobia 😭😭 i caint do it 😭😭😭 just let them be gay in peace 😭
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Suzi Q
This article is incomplete; you help by expanding it
All she's literally ever done is have a few cute exchanges with Joseph and be a sweetheart in the short time we get to see her following her minor introduction, clearly cementing some sort of playful attraction between the two and without fail she's consistently bombarded with extreme mischaracterization to make her seem vapid and cruel (and occasionally homophobic but like in a Completely Oblivious Dumb Blonde way), that she's nothing more than a gold digger who wanted to marry rich, that Joseph only married her because "he lost his actual soulmate and had to settle for her", and that it was HER fault that Joseph cheated on her decades into their marriage. Frankly, everyone who makes jokes at Suzi Q's expense regarding the cheating scandal aren't as funny as they think they are!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Literally all she’s ever done is be adorable and marry the hero and people either dismiss her completely or demonize her. She’s often ignored or made to play wing woman for the hero/sidekick ship OR she’s a horrible gold digger who only wants the hero for his money and/or she was only ever just a consolation prize for him when he couldn’t be with his sidekick. She also gets blamed for her husband having an affair. People like to say that she wasn’t good enough for him and could never replace his sidekick and that clearly he never REALLY loved her and it’s her fault for never measuring up. Her husband’s infidelity aside, she stayed married to that man for at least 60 years and canonically says she always believes in him and trusts him to save the day and yet people wanna say she doesn’t care about him. Or call her stupid for never imagining that her husband would cheat on her. The victim blaming gets really gross. 
She stands in the way of Merthur, by far the most popular ship in the fandom. I haven’t seen it as much in recent years, but back in the days of fanfiction.net she got slut shamed so badly for having been romantically interested in three of the male characters over the course of the show, which is just... normal straight woman behavior, meanwhile Merlin crushed on pretty much every woman who even looked at him in the early seasons of the show and got no hate for that whatsoever. I barely even read Merthur fics (not because it’s m/m, just because certain aspects of their relationship don’t appeal to me) but the “Gwen is a slut” attitude was so pervasive across the fandom, even fics that weren’t explicitly anti-Gwen would “jokingly” call her a slut. I even saw a few fics demonizing her for having an affair with Lancelot despite the fact that SHE WAS ENCHANTED when that happened, and surprise surprise, Lancelot (who was also under the influence of magic) got none of that hate, and neither did Arthur, who got enchanted to fall in love with multiple women over the course of the show.
Canonically Arthur Pendragon's love interest and an important and interesting character in the show who's completely shoved aside and ignored in favour of the medieval bbc yaoi ship. At best they put her and Morgana in Lesbian Timeout (ie make them get together and then reduce them to wingwomen at best because god forbid we focus on the medieval bbc yuri). Justice for Gwen right now!
She is prince Arthur's love interest (eventually wife). Arthur is MADLY in love with her. He tells his tyrannical father he would give up his crown to be with her (she's a servant in the series). He forgives her cheating on him with Lancelot (!), which in the show is caused by an evil enchantment, but the characters never find out about it. He chooses her time and time again. His love for Gwen is literally never put into question. Many fans insist to this day that there was no chemistry between Gwen and Arthur compared to Arthur and Merlin. Arthur isn’t even particularly nice to Merlin most of the time! The funny thing is that Merlin himself ships these two so hard and does everything he can to help them get together!! Gwen & Arthur are adorable and too many fans were drunk on the yaoi fumes to see it. ARTHUR WAS A SIMP FOR GWEN.
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marcskywalker · 8 months
merthur au/prompts I can't stop thinking about (@ fic writers)
arthur being magic positive and hiding it from merlin. I spoke more about it here and @neupulman wrote this amazing fic based on it but omg this idea lives in my head RENT FUCKING FREE and I'd love as many fics written on it as possible
merlin being cursed (or wtv) and temporarily loses his magic. He grows insanely controlling of arthur cause he feels like he can no longer protect arthur from danger if he doesn't have magic and is constantly trying is order him around. no, you're not allowed to go there, no you can't say that, no you're not allowed to accept food from him. and arthur is just ?????? tf is wrong with my best friend?? but doesn't read much into it because it's merlin and merlin's always been a little weird and bossy. merlin keeps getting into so much more trouble (cause again, his usual way of staying out of trouble is magic) so arthur's put in position to protect him more often and both of them are ???????? "why THE FUCK ARE you putting yourself in danger for me??" and "WHY ARE YOU getting into so much trouble??" until they figure out that "oh you're in love with me and can't bare to see any harm come to me" and "oh you have magic and someone already hurt you by taking it away"
Arthur meeting Merlin's family for the first time and being accepted. Idk how clear I can make this but I hate Arthur's family and how is he is treated by them (except you ygraine, you're dead and lovely) so ya someone give that boy loving affirmations
One of them is brainwashed/mind controlled/possessed and beats the shit out of the other person who refuses to fight back. I LOVE this trope. It slaps all the time. Look at destiel. Look at stucky. ALL THE TIME
another au that I've spoke about before AND I'LL SPEAK ABOUT IT AGAIN: I took that scene where Arthur says "I'll give up my crown just see her smile again" or something like that about morgana, and ran with it. There is only so many assassination attempts a brother can go through before he wilts and does another to have his sister back. In Arthur's case: he willingly hands over the throne for a chance at having a chance at his pesty, loving, older sister (I AM A YOUNGER BROTHER ARTHUR TRUTHER) look at him with something other than endless hate. what I Love about this prompt is that it could go so so many different ways. @mobycotton was lovely enough to write this amazing fic for me that I LOVED. In my head, Arthur is really shaken up by another one of Morgana's attempts at killing him. He doesn't know what's saved him and at this point he wishes whatever it is would stop. He goes down a spiral thinking of his family; the mother that he killed, the father that he let down, the uncle he betrayed and the sister he never deserved. What good could he be for Camelot when he wasn't even good enough for his flesh and blood. So he announces his truce; gives it over to morgana and leaves Camelot and everyone he knows behind. The knights and merlin have to eventually hunt him down and convince him otherwise (and he meets random people along the way who are stans of King Arthur just like me and he gets some sort of self esteem back)
Protective BAMF merlin. Basically merlin overhears someone talking shit about his prince and starts a fist fight. Arthur finds out
Mid s1 merthur where Arthur knows he's in love with Merlin and he shoves it DEEP inside, sticks to pining after his manservant like the pathetic (lovingly) puppy he is. All Merlin knows is that, for whatever reason, he would rather eat his own feet than let anything happen to Arthur. Which is why when brave, stupid arthur walks towards a stranger light source in the forest; he follows without hesitation, only to see...... arthur and himself snogging against a tree? Basically a pining, repressed prince Arthur and Merlin I don't know what this weird feeling in my tummy when I see him is Emrys accidentally walks through a portal into an alternatively universe where they know how to communicate well and have been disgustingly in love. The four of them have to work together to get Arthur and Merlin back where they belong.
Merlin makes a deal with his king cenred: for protection of his village, he will infiltrate Camelot's castle and bring them down. He just wishes someone had told him that prince charming of Camelot would make him fall in love with his pouty lips and gooey eyes. I don't know if yáll have noticed this but Arthur pouts A LOT. I can't take him seriously smh
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
I have never watched a single James bond movie (I followed for merthur) but I thought since you had such good taste with Merlin fics I should try out a 00q fic just to see what's up and now I've done nothing but delve deeper and deeper in 00q fic for the past few weeks (already read all the ones off your masterlist and am now perusing ao3 on my lonesome) 😭
So thank you! But also goddamn 😂
I will however ask if you know any good amnesia/memory loss fics? For both of them?? ❤️❤️❤️
ahhh thank you im glad you enjoyed my recs
Remember Me by Jen (ConsultingWriters) (@consultingwriters)
Bond has lost his memory. Q has lost his love.
"What have I forgotten?” Bond asked; Q watched him, trying to find the James he knew.
“Nothing that you won’t work out on your own, if it’s really important,” Q said carefully, before returning every fraction of his attention to the computer in front of him.
ahhh the ending!!!
2. Upon Remembering by secondstar
Surrounded by faces he no longer recognizes, Bond finds solace in Q's voice.
q is the voice in his ear q is the voice in his mind ahhhhhh i cant i cant i cant
3. Take It All, But Not My Love by withthekeyisking (@withthekeyisking-writer)
"You know, I thought about doing this to you, and I thought about doing it to Dr. Swann. But then I realized - hurting you would not compare to hurting the one you love. And though you put up a good show, Dr. Swann isn't the one you love. He is."
the genre is HURT
That Burning Torch of Kingship by Imagined (@burglarhobbit)
He always wakes up with his heart pounding out of his chest in the middle of the night, when he has the dreams, and loathes his father more than anything when he does. He only recalls a flash of midnight blue eyes; perfectly arched lips that could tilt into a disrespectful grin; unblemished pale hands that touched, touched, touched.
But at least he remembers on those days, even if the dreams fade. All Arthur is left with is this crushing sense of loss and the cursive glances of the court; they all whisper of the prince who loved a sorcerer so much that the king resorted to magic to make him forget. The heresy. The hypocrisy. The burning shame; Arthur is the one who can still meet his father’s gaze and his father is the one who drops his own.
This is not the king that Arthur will be.
in this house we hate uther
2. ask me why (my heart's inside my throat) by Scarlet_Ribbons (@silk-scarlet-ribbons)
“You’re hurt.”
“What gave you that impression,” Arthur says as he smiles at another couple, this pair far less egregious than the first. “I’m doing perfectly alright.”
Merlin snorts. “The next time you lie, my Lord, perhaps try to be more convincing?”
[Arthur's overcome with a temporary bout of amnesia. He has no idea why Merlin's acting so odd, but knowing him, it can't be good.]
fdhaskhlj they're so cute
3. Rubbing Wine Stains Into Rugs by PinkGold (@sparkly-angell)
For the prompt: Merlin gets a bad head injury and forgets that King Arthur doesn't know about his magic yet.
"My head is just fine, your highness." 
Arthur snorted good naturally, "It's your majesty, you idiot."
Merlin's thoughts all came into a screeching halt. "When did you become king?"
they're in love your honour
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castelled-away · 10 months
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From this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48473677/chapters/122270206#workskin
"Have you heard the name Emrys?” asks Uther
Morgause laughs. "My sister would consider him acceptable payment, if you can find him. But Emrys is never far from you. He is your ally, after all.”
“I do not ally with magic,” says Uther.
“Oh, but he’s in your castle walls,” she teases. "Merlin knows, don't you Merlin?"
Morgana has taken Prince Arthur and demanded Uther's life for his safe return. Merlin knows Uther will not sacrifice himself willingly, and will instead find someone else to pay the price.
There is only one person that Morgana hates as much as Uther.
I promised myself I would post every time I see Arthur’s dogs referenced in fanfic & HERE IT IS !!!
But really. This fic is SO GOOD. I love how Arthur is the damsel in distress & how Uther & Merlin finally get to confront each other!! Also has a side dish of pining Merthur sprinkled in there & Uther seems like he Knows with a capital K. The angst & desperation to save Arthur just OOZES from the page & ITS BRILLIANT, check it out!
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wordsinhaled · 14 days
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @landwriter <3 thank you, gloam!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
14! (yes, only 14)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
so far, it's been the sandman, good omens, and merlin - though i don't have any published (or finished...) merlin fics. i also just finished dead boy detectives, which may result in a bit of fic - we'll see!
Top five fics by kudos:
just pull on your hair, just pull on your pout - shameless excuse to make dream & hob make out in the cold like teenagers, inspired by the cure & a beautiful fanart of professor hob by @pomegranateruin!
eternity is in us now - dreamling proposal fic <3
if the walls were too thin, you would break right in - this was the first dreamling fic i wrote! :D
while the little moments dream - the one where dream offers hob godhood at the end of the world. soft <3
we are the cosmos fleeing the night - i think this was my second dreamling ficlet? dreamling FWB but make it still romantic
Do you respond to comments?
i'll be honest, i'm pretty bad about responding to comments - NOT because i don't appreciate them! i love each comment i receive dearly and they all mean the world to me. but being less generally flustered and knowing what to say in response to comments is something i'm working on. <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
maybe this one? all night or a hundred years is my take on the wine-sharing scene from season of mists. so you know, angst comes with the territory but that one hurts me particularly badly, so it probably fits the bill.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's DEFINITELY this one, which has no name and which i should probably crosspost to Ao3 at some point, but it's basically dreamling being sappy and getting married. that's it, that's the plot
Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully i never have!
Do you write smut?
i write... smut-adjacent? i don't think i've ever written like, a pure PWP before or anything i would say rates as explicit. it's just something i've never tried and feel kind of intimidated by tbh, though i'm sure it would be fine if i ever do get around to it! if anyone wants to cheerlead me through my first smut fic i am game, lmao (is there ghost detective smut on my horizon???? IS THERE??? listen. it's not an impossibility is all i'm saying)
Craziest crossover:
i am not sure i've actually written a crossover, but i just finished dead boy detectives and i have many crossover thoughts! oh, also sandman/the old guard, of course. though that's not so much crazy as reasonable, i think
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't believe so, but i would be honored!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never, but it sounds fun!
All time favourite ship?
well, i'm a multishipper, so this one's hard - i can list my OTPs per fandom... the sandman - dreamling, gaulcienne, hob/destruction (honestly hob/all the endless thanks to @softest-punk but i particularly love how you write hob/desire) doctor who - tenrose / doctor/rose & thoschei my beloveds (particular shoutout to twelve/missy, no one's doing it like them) bbc merlin - merthur, merwaine, mergwenthur dbda - obviously edwin/charles [and edwin&charles of course\ (whatever their ship name is I REFUSE TO CALL IT CHEDWIN... PLEASE... SAVE ME...). but i was absolutely also rooting for crystal/niko in addition to that...
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh my god i have so many. SO MANY. TOO MANY. i really want to finish the dreamling fealty fic one day because i literally have 2k+ words for it already sitting in my drafts, but i have no idea if i will. also it would be nice to finish ANY merlin WIP sometime this century. i am also debating if i want to start any dbda WIPs but they are... percolating still
What are your writing strengths?
i would say conveying atmosphere in a small number of words, if i had to say something!
What are your writing weaknesses?
FINISHING THINGS! god, and i'm terrible at turning fic ideas into actual writing. the ideas form faster than i can even write them down, but writing the ideas instead of having them play out cool music video-style in my head is SO HARD! also longfic is my kryptonite, i have no idea how authors do it!!!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think it can work, but if it's in a language i understand i find myself focused on if the grammar is correct and such. russian usually... has not been (stevebucky fandom i'm looking at u)...
First fandom you wrote in?
harry potter ages and ages ago was my first fandom, but i don't recall if i ever had any actual proper finished fics that i posted anywhere, until sandman fandom. i wouldn't say i considered myself a "proper" fic writer until dreamling actually
Favourite fic you've written?
hard to say - i like them all for different reasons but i'm proud of the opposite of blindness !
tagging whoever wants to do it as i'm sure most of my mutuals have already done this! <3
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winterknights · 5 months
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It's time for our final masterlist and reveals for the 2023 WinterKnights fest!
Thank you to everyone who participated and supported the fest by showing your love through comments and kudos! If you haven't made it through all the fantastic works yet, it's never too late! Feedback is always appreciated.
For those who decided to be anonymous your work in the AO3 Collection has been revealed, and you may now cross-post your entries anywhere you please with your name attached.
Thank you all for another wonderful WinterKnights!
Please see our 2023 masterlist under the cut!
• laevateinn created The Secret Ingredient - Merlin/Arthur o Merlin and Arthur have been together for quite some time now, it is only fair he helps around for Christmas.
• Anonymous created Morgana la Belfana the Christmas Witch - Gen o According to folklore, an old woman named Befana visits all the children of Camelot to fill their stockings with candy and leave them presents if they've been good. Just like Father Christmas, Befana enters through the chimney and is left with treats by the children who live there - typically wine and local delicacies.
• QuinnOliver created Merthur Cats in a Snow Globe / Merlin - Santa Lucia - Merlin/Arthur o Merthur cats in a snow globe. A snowy landscape with books in the background / Merlin leading Camelot to peace and freedom.
• ItsAWonderfulLife created The Queen Journeys On Alone - Gen o Gwen makes the annual journey to the lakeside of Avalon to honour her late husband and bring him a wreath for Christmas.
• chaosgenes created Kisses and Sneezes with Joy to All - Merlin/Arthur o ‘Tis the season of Yule and the halls have been decked… with the wrong mistletoe! Now a cold has been passed around and Merlin is stuck taking care of the knights instead of enjoying the festivities with them. But perhaps a little magic can lift their spirits…
• sage_owl created Mixed Company - Merlin/Arthur, Freya/Gwen/Morgana o A mixup in the mail leads to masquerades, glitter, scancal, glue guns, pining, and a very grumpy gingerbread man.
• Laurieonalark created Snow Ho Ho(w about we kiss?)- Merlin/Arthur o Merlin's being quite crabby about the winter season, so Arthur tries to fix it and maybe find some love along the way.
• ajsrandom created Falling for You - Merlin/Morgana o When Morgana wishes for love on a falling star, the universe throws Merlin into her path. Is he the one she was looking for?
• ItsAWonderfulLife created I wish I had a river I could skate away on... - Merlin/Arthur o Loosely based on Prompt 38 of the Winterknights prompt sheet: “Merlin/Arthur. Arthur, a bit of a Scrooge who hates Xmas and refuses to celebrate, slips on ice and knocks himself unconscious.
He wakes up to find himself wearing a pair of gaudy Xmas pyjamas and moments later his PA Merlin walks into his bedroom wearing a matching set and tells him to ‘hurry up because Mum will be here soon!” – the day gets stranger and stranger as he discovers he and Merlin are apparently a couple, even though Arthur has never actually admitted to liking blokes, and further more the gift he got Merlin looks very like and engagement ring, and they have all these friends who Arthur recognises from work but doesn’t really know, and Arthur’s sister even comes over! Confusingly he actually appears to be happy, when he would never have said he was unhappy before.
Up to author if this is reality or if he wakes up and tries to make it so.”
• ace_teagirl created Yule in Ealdor - Gen o On their way back from a patrol, Arthur and Merlin take shelter from a storm in Ealdor. Welcomed by Hunith and the villagers, Arthur spends the best Yule of his life.
• thetreeofwillow created I'll be Your Harvester of Light - Merlin/Arthur
o Winter solstices in Camelot are very different to the solstice in Ealdor, Merlin can't help but think as he watches the kitchen staff ready for the big feast.
In Camelot, the solstice is celebrated with a hunt the day before, and then a big feast the following day. t's so different to the solstice in Ealdor. In Ealdor, food stores are running low, most of the game has disappeared for the winter, and the nights are bitterly cold, and dangerous.. • camelittle created Magical Mishaps in Corporate Camelot - Merlin/Arthur o When Merlin Wyllt arrived at the colossal, ostentatious glass-and-concrete structure that would be his professional home for the foreseeable future, he beamed from ear to ear. This was everything he had been hoping for for months. Years, even! Finally, an opportunity to apply his skills in an environment that really mattered. His mother had been stalling him for too long. He had been ready for ages. Of course, he would have to be careful about not using his magic while he lived in the mundane world. His mother had made that abundantly clear. There were rules, and consequences when the rules were not followed. But keeping his magic under control shouldn’t be too hard. Should it?
• nuttersinc created The Planets bend between us - Merlin/Arthur o When Arthur drops out of university, his mother sends him to work at Aunt Alice's bakery in Northern Ireland in the busy weeks leading up to Christmas. Helping out in the bakery is hard work, but Arthur doesn't mind so much, not when the deal is sweetened by one of Alice's bakers. Merlin is beautiful and kind, and he has sacrificed his long-term relationship in order to follow dreams that lead him out of the village he's spent all his life in.
Arthur has always thought himsef to not get attached easily to other people romantically, but when Merlin, against all odds, shows interest in him, things get even more complicated.... • Excited_Insomniac created Texts for Ealdor - Merlin/Arthur o Arthur is going home to meet Merlin's family this Christmas. Here are some of the messages he sends Morgana about his adventures.
• teachingpoetry created A Dragon in the Hand - Merlin/Arthur o Arthur’s well-laid plans to get well laid go awry when the Christmas gift he brings Merlin turns out to be not just for Christmas.
• salamandair created Ghosts of Christmas Past - Gwaine/Percival o Everyone loved Christmas time. Except Percival. Or so it appeared to Gwaine, anyway.
• geeklover created Open Your Heart to Me - Merlin/Arthur o A ride through the beautiful snow to a picturesque frozen lake sounds like the stuff of romance, but for Merlin, it feels like it could be the beginning of a nightmare. Maybe he's just being paranoid. Only time - and Arthur - will tell. • Gil-galadhwen created Be Merry Sweet Lord, On This Yules Day - Gen o Merlin is confused by the kiss he’s starting to think he imagined sharing with Arthur when he was poisoned. But he’s even more confused by the gift Arthur gives him on Yules Day. Could it mean Arthur has feelings for him after all?
• tari_sue created That Guy I’ve Been Chasing All Year - Merlin/Arthur o "Bah, humbug" no, that's too strong, this is actually Merlin’s favourite holiday. But after a busy year where he constantly fails to go on a date with a certain blond prat, he’s just about ready to accept that it’s clearly not meant to be.
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, but he might just miss this one this year.
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Ships I ship even though they conflict with each other and the fandoms hate each other
Drarry/Dramione/any other Draco ship with some exceptions
Loved them both even though I’m not a fan of the original source. Never read the books. I’ve only seen the first two movies and bits and pieces of the others, but I like the ships. But I don’t really like Harry x Hermione, but if it’s in a fic I won’t complain about it. And I can ship Draco with literally any other student and the fics that are out there are amazing.
Love both. Not at the same time though. Love different things about both. But I still love both either way. Don’t get the hate both ships have for each other, cause they’re both kinda similar.
Don’t care that the fandoms hate each other cause I can read fics about both ships and love both of them equally. Didn’t even watch every season of stranger things, stopped at season two, but gifs and small clips have made me love both ships. Haven’t read a poly fic, yet, but open to it.
Rachel x Joey/Rachel x Chandler
Fell for these at different times. During the show I loved Joey and Rachel, but for fics I love Rachel and Chandler. Like they give different vibes and depending on which I want I just choose which kid of fic I want to read.
Not 100% sure if those last two are the ship names but all three are interesting. But I do not like all three in a single ship. Last two are crack ships that have some good fics that I low key became an actual shipper.
Fexi/Lexi x Nate
The second started off as a crack ship, but there were some REALLY good fics on it that I just love it now. Wouldn’t work for the show at all and would not like it if the show let it happen cause it wouldn’t make sense, but that’s what’s the first ship is for.
Either ship just works for me. There’s small things about each that just click and I can see it being a good idea. Any fic on whichever ship would just make sense.
Absolutely love bamon with my whole heart but I can read an occasional fic about Damon and Rose. Fuck Julia for what she did to Kat cause Bonnie carried.
I could read fanfics on either ship and I’m okay with the other half being in a different ship in the meantime. Like if I’m reading about A x C I’m okay with B being in a ship I don’t like. Cause right now it’s not about A x B it’s about A x C and B is free to do whatever. (If this makes sense, it’s 3 am)
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handsome-wise-strong · 7 months
Thanks so much for tagging me @unohanabbygirl 💛
1. How many works do you have on ao3
I have 4! Clearing the Storm Clouds, Love You to Death, Dandelion Heart, and Bittersweet Acts of Unconditional Love.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
HOTD, specifically Lucemond and Jacelaena.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.Clearing the Storm Clouds
2.Love You to Death
3.Bittersweet Acts of Unconditional Love
4.Dandelion Heart
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single comment, but after my hiatus I don’t really have the energy. I still really appreciate them though, and I hope I can start replying to them again soon.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I actually don’t think I’m capable of writing an angsty ending to a fic… but maybe Love You to Death? With the current vision I have of the conclusion.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dandelion Heart will end with only pure domestic bliss 💛
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in the HOTD fandom. I think I got like one snippy comment on the very first Lucemond fic I posted but that’s about it. In this fandom, everyone has very strong opinions so I’m used to the odd comment every now and then but I definitely wouldn’t call them hate comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, even though I don’t feel I’m very good at it lol. It’s usually always purely devoted and lovelorn smut ?? I guess that’s how to describe it ??
10. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one?
I don’t! That’s something I don’t think I could pull off very well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah, I don’t think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven’t. I’m a bit shy when it comes to my writing and my process so I don’t think I’d be comfortable sharing that with anyone else.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In HOTD - Lucemond, in GOT - Sansan or Theonsa, and just overall - Merthur from Merlin .
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My first HOTD fic, Bittersweet Acts of Unconditional Love. It’s a simple fic I started just to dip my toe into the world of HOTD writing, and it’s purpose was just to see how many parallels I could make between Lucemond and every other pairing in the show. I don’t particularly like my writing in it, and I’ll probably always have it on the back burner.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea honestly. I like to think I’m fairly good at capturing the loneliness and growing pains that come with being a young adult. I also like to think I portray sibling relationships accurately, since I have a big family.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Again, I have no idea. I usually don’t like the dialogue I write. I’m also really shitty at writing Westeros politics lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Does High Valyrian count? I use it sometimes, but honestly all translation apps are shitty. As for real world languages, I only know a little bit of Korean and German, so I wouldn’t be confident in using those either.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Definitely Harry Potter. I was in love with Draco Malfoy 😅
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Dandelion Heart!!! Even though it’s my least popular one. I put the most heart into that one, and I love exploring the characters in the modern world. Every chapter is so fluffy and it fills my heart with warmth whenever I go back and re-read it. I love Helaena so much too, and honestly I feel like I’m falling in love with her along with Jace in every new chapter I write.
Again, thanks so much for tagging me! I really love doing ask games. I’m tagging @unusual-raccoon 💛
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atlantablack · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag @queerofthedagger <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
494,845 - which is honestly insane
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I wrote solely for Harry Potter for a longggg time, but nowadays I just write for Merlin, Stranger Things, and the MCU
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
All I Need (is you and you) - (Golden Trio Poly) (Harry Potter)
Impressions - (Harrymort) (Harry Potter)
On Bending, Breaking & Believing (Merlin) (Merthur)
you were born to be a martyr (you refused) (Harry Potter) (harrymort)
my heart's a hieroglyph, it talks in tongues (Stranger Things) (steddie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes! I have a bad habit of opening a comment and going "ohhh i should answer that" and then i promptly forget about it five seconds later so....
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Either my angsty harringrove fic I wrote for Mona - we've made a graveyard out of the bone white afternoon - or my Merlin fic where I made The Darkest Hour worse :) - the weight of one man's grief
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's gotta be this steddie fic, I think this is one of the fluffiest things I've ever written - and in the darkness you will see the sun
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Thankfully I'm not popular enough to get hate on fics, the most annoying thing I get is people being a bit too demanding
9. Do you write smut?
Occasionally, but usually only for sambucky
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't! But i have at least one marinating that I do really really wanna write
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of......
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that i'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Impressions - (Harrymort) (Harry Potter)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ohmygod why would you even ask me this question.... god I guess it has to be either Merthur or Steve Rogers x Tony Stark.... those are the OG ships (excluding any Harry Potter ones), I cannot pick between them and I won't thanks
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oh god, I have this huge Stranger Things steddie fic that was originally meant to be for the big bang before i dropped out - i only have like 20k? 25k? written and my estimate was like 80k or something....god i'd love to finish it, the plot is Fantastic, but I really just don't know if I'll ever get back to it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably prose and uhh someone told me once I was really good at like, narrowing in on the small details, also writing grief
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
writing fluff! the struggle is real and that's mine
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I've done it a couple times but just for like pet names
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I think I'm going to say drawing lines - it's the best character study of Gwen I've ever written and I think she deserves more character studies honestly.
No Pressure-tagging: @alchemistc @m-b-w @yammz @rocketnebulas and anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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reiverreturns · 7 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Tagged by my darling @milfeivor. I may not have written consistently in months but BOY do I like talking about it.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well I'm not writing much at all at the moment (bad menty health innit) but over the last year it's been pretty much entirely Top Gun Maverick, with some Assassin's Creed in the background just for funsies
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Quiet Promises (TGM) - 418
For Those We Left Behind  (ACV) - 383
Calefaction (TGM) - 292
Attrition (ACV) - 225
When We Collide (We Come Together) (TGM) - 184
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment I get because I think it's common courtesy when someone's taken the time and effort to leave one. I'm a little bit out of practice though (kiss kiss kiss grovel grovel grovel @ those left on read in my inbox)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Blessed Are The Meek (FC5) maybe? A canon-compliant character study of Jacob Seed and his fucked up cult family has no iteration where things turn out well in the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know actually - maybe Quiet Promises because I just really enjoy that ending and it's one of the only bits of published fic I've written I can reread and not want to edit more. If I ever finished writing the last chapter of Swim Until You Can't See Land it would probably be that but I'm just so very very lazy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I had a tumblr anon one give me shit for not putting icemav in a fic but it was so fuckin weird to get I just deleted the ask. My brother/sister/comrade in christ I am the most niche rarepair stay-in-my-lane kind of fic writer. I am not a popular author in any fandom I write in. Why on earth would you think I care.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try to write smut once a year when Eurovision sends me into my annual bisexual frenzy. It's not very good (my smut, not Eurovision)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Short answer is no. Long answer is no with the exception of a Pacific Rim/Assassin's Creed crossover which I keep as a never-to-publish deliriously self-indulgent writing exercise to dip into when I don't feel like being perceived through words. I've got a whole Hytham/Jacob thing going that I'm fucking feral for which is soooooooo big brained of me imo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I've read fics before where I can pick up a clear influence from my work on theirs but nothing like a straight up copy + paste.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I've considered translating my own fics into Scots but it feels like a lot of effort for the sprinkle of folks who might read it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I wouldn't be against it. I did a lot of rp writing back in the day with OCs and I really liked the collaborative aspect of it.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't pick favourites I love all my insane children equally. I will say most ships I gravitate towards have a doomed by the narrative / love doesn't conquer all but it's enough in the moment kind of dynamic and I can trace that back to some of my early favourites (Ten/Rose, Merthur) to now (Kassidas, Eivor/Vili, RebelCaptain, so on)
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
For Those We Left Behind. I have a lot of love for that fic but it is very reflective of the time in my life when I started writing it (bouncing off the walls bored out my tits under lockdown.) Lots of enthusiasm and energy to pour into it but little patience or planning. I look back on it as an unwieldy, rambly thing. I still do pick at it (and want to keep updating) but if we're honest I don't think I'll ever quite reach the finish line beyond the pieces that are already firmed up in my head.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can turn a tasty metaphor on occasion. I tend to think I have a strong handle on the characters I write the perspective of and put a lot of effort into making them feel true and honest to the source material.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot - there's a reason why I tend to write canon compliant/canon adjacent and it's because it gives me the bones of the canon to work from. Pacing is a perpetual struggle. My attempts at smut are laughable.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's done to serve a narrative purpose and/or show something about a character, sure why not. Absolutely abhor written out accents though (unless, again, for a very specific narrative/character purpose.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and Stargate. There's probably still some 12/13 year-old Reiver fic floating around in the internet ether that I hope no one is ever subjected to again.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I honestly don't have one - everything I've published I've loved at one point or another for a variety of reasons. Gun to my head I'll say Quiet Promises because I think it's one of the highest quality fics in my catalogue from an editing, pacing, and character perspective. Writing isn't about the technical skill to me though, it's about how it makes me feel and the audience feel, so no favourites here.
Tagging is still dogshit on desktop so consider this an open tag to anyone who wants to do it (but @ me I'm so nosy and want to read the responses)
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
💖 👀 🥇 👨‍👩‍👦 🌝 🧠 💻 and 🍰 please! (Or any combination thereof. Don't feel like you have to do all of them!)
💖: What do you like most about your own writing?
I like how much effort I put into each project, no matter how long or short it takes me to write and the length of my writing. I do like how I (try) to make each one as personal as possible so it's easier and fun for readers.
👀: Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
oh absolutely!! lol. I have a few crossover fics that I wrote purely for my own enjoyment but I would literally never post them. it's hard to describe them but it's just basically if multiple of my fandoms all joined together to stop the multiverse from collapsing and they're not reader insert it's literally me, im the main character ok. I just needed to write them.
🥇: What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I felt really proud of me planning out my next few fics and I also felt proud of me being able to get rid of a few requests and WIPs, which sounds mean but sometimes I can't write everything and it makes me sad but im proud I was able to do that without immense guilt
👨‍👩‍👦 :Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
...yes. but only if I really trust them. like my best friend. but also sometimes I tell people if I know something about them that I can reveal if they tell anyone about my fanfics in an embarrassing light. yes I blackmail, it's not a big deal. (for legal purposes this is a joke)
🌝 : Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a good question! there's a few from Stargate like Vala Mal Doran and then there's characters from The Vampire Diaries and the Originals like Rebekah and Caroline. but from Marvel I would say like romantically I would like to write for sam Wilson.
🧠 : What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
hmmmmm lets see. do any of my requests count I have a lot of moon knight related ideas as well as a few Kate bishop fics that have been born as bullet points but not yet grown into a WIP
💻: Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
oh hell yeah I research! I hate when I get things wrong, which happens a lot, so I tend to dive deep into a lot of different topics. For CIAFOM, I started just looking up minor gods and ended up down a spiral of articles and YouTube videos connecting the Egyptian Ennead, the Greek Pantheon, and one other major religion in the world today which just blew my mind because im actually quite interested in how religions have molded over time! there was one fic I was going to write that I had a deep dive on but it didn't work out lol, but now I know a little too much about ravens
🍰: Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
so a lot of my comfort fics are angsty bc... I don't know why
I cannot for the life of me find it but it's a merthur fic with insecure!merlin and...smut where he and Arthur film a video and merlin hates the way he sounds and it becomes a thing where Arthur thinks merlin is breaking up with him and merlin thinks Arthur is disgusted by him
I really like fics where my favorite character experiences whump...ik its bad but I need it.
I also like a lot of fluffy fics too don't get me wrong but I don't actually have a fic that I come back to a lot...I wish I did but...
I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner! I thought I had but as it turns out, you kinda need to press post for anything to...post
thank you so much for the ask! I love answering these questions even if they sometimes make me stare at the screen trying to convince myself that I like something about my writing
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My Merthur and Merlin sexuality headcanons
Merlin: bisexual and genderfluid. You can’t give me him dressing up as a woman and be caught holding so many dresses in canon and not have him be genderfluid. Also I hate how his canon relationship with Freya and his crushes on Sefa, Morgana, the disguised Nimueh, the troll pretending to be Catrina, and Gwen are erased and he’s just seen as gay. Especially with his raised eyebrows reaction whenever Mithian arrives at Camelot or when he sees Isolde with a sword. He even thought Vivian was beautiful till he learned how rude she was. Just because he didn’t fall under the Lamia’s spell (it’s literally because of his magic not because he’s not attracted to women, he didn’t fall asleep during the sleeping spell in the pilot either, that’s how his magic works!) and just because he got so obsessed with one man (Arthur) doesn’t mean he’s only interested in men. He’s immortal so why would he limit himself to only having relations with one gender for eternity? Or care about his own gender? 
Arthur: gay or bisexual. This one is harder for me because he’s so repressed that I can see him just being gay and also every relationship he’s had with a woman in canon has either been the result of an enchantment (ex: Sophia and Vivian) or there was just no chemistry and it seemed like it would be a friendly platonic marriage for the good of Camelot (ex: Gwen, Elena, and Mithian). But him being bisexual makes sense to me too. Maybe he’s demisexual and just can’t feel that way about anyone till he’s emotionally connected with them and that’s why it seems like he only has romantic and sexual chemistry with Merlin. 
Morgana: I headcanon her as aromantic and asexual most of the time. I can accept and read fics where Morgana is Arthur’s straight sister though because I know she had crushes on men in canon and because Katie McGrath had chemistry with Colin and Bradley and Eoin. However I can only read fics where Morgana is Arthur’s straight sister when she is shipped with certain men who I think she would actually respect and find attractive (Merlin, Gwaine, and Will if he survived). Most of the time I just can’t see her being interested in a relationship with anyone and only finds people attractive aesthetically. I feel like she probably went through a phase thinking she was a lesbian because she wasn’t interested in marrying a man but then she was like wait I’m not interested in being with a woman either... what am I?
Lancelot and Gwen: the straight couple in the group. I just didn’t get the vibe that Lancelot had a thing for Merlin, I feel like he just saw him as a little brother and I didn’t really get Morgana x Gwen either. 
Percival: straight. I didn’t really see the chemistry between Percival and Gwaine.
Gwaine: bisexual.
Leon: the longsuffering asexual friend waiting for Merthur to happen. 
Elyan: ace.
Mordred: gay. I ship him with Daegal.
Princess Elena and Lady Vivian: lesbians. 
Morgause: aroace. 
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phantomchick · 3 years
Merlin fic rec list
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To Be A King by clotpolesonly Teen And Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Gen, Merlin and Arthur, Merlin and Mordred, Gwen/Arthur, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Merlin's Magic Revealed, Canonical Character Death, BAMF Merlin, Dragonlord Merlin, Original setting, Magical kingdom, King Merlin, Royal!Merlin Summary: When Merlin discovers that his father was an estranged prince and he himself is now the only heir to the throne of a magical kingdom, he is forced to leave Camelot for the perils of a royal court. Will Merlin be able to win Arthur's favor again before Morgana launches an attack on a defenseless Camelot? Will he be able to defend his own kingdom at the same time or will all be lost? -
A Matter of Sovereignty by Kizmet Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, Friendship Summary A visiting prince takes it into his head to brutalize Merlin, but sometimes the solution to a problem is in how you phrase it.
Bumps and Bruises by platonic_boner merthur, implied/suspected abuse, Protective Arthur, Magic Revealed, pre-relationship, teen an up, canon typical violence,
Summary: Arthur notices Merlin’s constant injuries, and decides he needs to step in and protect Merlin.
Finding Home by riventhorn Arthur/Merlin, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Written for a kinkme_merlin prompt. When Gaius retires a new physician takes over and quickly kicks Merlin out of his room and takes it for himself. Arthur finds Merlin sleeping in the stables...and it's winter.
How To Love A Living Thing by Polomonkey Mature, merthur, Merlin/Arthur, Pendragon (Merlin), Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Violence, Sexual Harassment, Drowning, Guilt, Romance, Protective Arthur, Mild Sexual Content, Redemption, Healing, Canon Era
Summary Guilt ridden and lonely after his confrontation with Nimueh, Merlin slowly begins to isolate himself from Arthur. When two knights take it upon themselves to teach him his place, Merlin finds himself with nowhere to turn. Will he be able to reach out to his prince before it's too late?
Obeisance by casspeach Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged
All's Well That Ends Well by StormDancer explicit, Merlin/Arthur, Arthur Finds Out, magic reveal Summary: Merlin spent the week and a half that Arthur was gone splitting his time between crafting careful explanations that never ended up explaining the important things, the things that would make Arthur listen, and making half-baked plans to escape to Ealdor. He found a number of fire-proofing spells that would have no effect if they decided to cut his head off, and figured out how to adapt an invulnerability spell he had been trying to find a way to cast on Arthur without him noticing so that it would protect him from being decapitated, but it would have no effect on anything but metal. Despite all his frantic searching, he did not find a teleportation spell, because that would have been too simple and if there was one thing Merlin had learned in his years at Camelot, it was that nothing was ever simple.
Deeds by the5leggedCricket Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Episode Related, Oblivious Arthur Pendragon, Teen and Up,
Summary: Arthur is coming of age, and that means he’s about to get Deeds—marks on his body telling him of his soulmate’s greatest accomplishments. But as he tries to find his soulmate, he also makes some worrying discoveries about the kind of person his soulmate is.
Honorable Intentions by smilebackwards Gwaine/Merlin, Guinevere/Arthur Pendragon, Courtship, Protectiveness, Protective!Arthur, Teen and Up, Summary: There are several considerations Arthur would like to go over, starting with the state of Merlin's virtue.
Laundry's Hard Work by supercalvin Gen, Teen and Up, Canon Era, can be read as pre-slash, BAMF Merlin
Summary: Wasn't Merlin supposed to be...tiny? When the hell had he learned to use a sword and not fall on his backside? Where the hell did those scars from? What the hell?
or Arthur still thinks Merlin is the young boy he met ten years ago and he starts to notice things in his manservant that he wasn't aware had changed at all.
Fathom Me Out by supercalvin Merlin/Arthur, Canon Era, Magic Revealed, Teen and up,
Summary: After ten years, Arthur thinks he has Merlin all figured out. But as he watches Merlin, he finds out that he has more questions than answers. The longer he thinks about it, the more uneasy he feels. So he pushes it aside. Except, he can no longer ignore the questions he has about Merlin. Not your everyday reveal!fic
Loyalty Before Royalty by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle Gen, Gwen & Merlin, Arthur and Merlin being the most iconic duo? I think tf not, Gwen and Merlin wreaking havoc? Teaming up against Arthur? That's the most iconic duo there, as usual, Explicit Language, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Arthur is so exasperated, someone help him, good thing he loves them both
Summary: "Where did you get that?" Arthur asked, but he already knew the answer. "Gwen." "...and the horse?" "Gwen." "What about the-" "Gwen." Merlin interrupted. Arthur nodded. At this point, he wasn't sure why he even bothered to ask. He was pretty certain his wife was going to knight Merlin any day now.He looked Merlin up and down for a few moments before accepting it all with a sigh. "As long as you get my armor to me tomorrow...I don't care." He finally said, turning away. Merlin cleared his throat. "Gwen gave me tomorrow off." "For the love of God." Or I hate that Gwen and Merlin's friendship kind of withered away in the later seasons so here's a oneshot about her and Merlin abusing her new royal powers because that's what happens when your best friend becomes queen.
Know It All Knight by Shi_Toyu Leon & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table, Magic Revealed, protective leon, Arthur Finds Out, Oblivious Arthur
Summary: Leon couldn’t say for sure when the exact moment was that he figured out Merlin had magic. He’d suspected it for a little while, to be honest. He definitely had it figured out by the time Arthur managed to ‘kill’ the Great Dragon. What Leon could say for sure was the exact moment he figured out that no one else had figured out Merlin had magic.
The Nature of Trust by Lynds Merlin's Magic Revealed, Leon is the Mam Friend, Leon is so done, Protective Gwaine, Lancelot Lives, Canon Era, Arthur Finds Out, Hurt Merlin, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, reference to hunting and cooking animals Summary: Leon starts to notice that the knights, one by one, are starting to trust Merlin's judgement. That he keeps warning Arthur about danger, and being right. Is there more to Merlin than meets the eye?
Repercussions by PeaceHeather Fix-It of Sorts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lecture, Rants, Episode: s02e06 Beauty and the Beast, Episode: s02e05 Beauty and the Beast, Canon Era, One Shot, Gen Summary: Uther married a troll. In canon, that all worked out fine eventually. In this slight canon divergence, there is at least one noble who's not willing to let it slide so easily.
No Harm Will Come to You Here by fancyh Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season/Series 05, Merlin's Magic Revealed, Fluff and Angst, temporary amnesia, teen and up,
Summary: "That was magic," Arthur accuses.
"Oh." Merlin just nods, looking unperturbed.
Arthur fights to keep his expression calm, mind racing and heart pounding. "Sorcery is outlawed in Camelot. On pain of death."
Merlin splutters, finally fixing Arthur with an affronted glare. "It's not like I meant to do it!"
Merlin gets hit with a spell meant for Arthur and loses his memory. Revelations ensue. Set sometime after 5x02.
Metamorphose by clotpolesonly Merlin/Arthur, Teen and Up, Between Seasons/Series, Episode: s03e01 The Tears of Uther Pendragon (Part I), Episode: s03e02 The Tears of Uther Pendragon (Part II), Mpreg, Magic Reveal, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, morgana redemption, some transphobic language from Merlin when he finds out he’s pregnant because of magic but it’s mostly just the shock that does it Summary: When Merlin falls into bed with Arthur, he doesn't expect for to wake up alone. He doesn't expect Arthur to give him the cold shoulder either, but there is something else he expects even less which forces him out of the kingdom for over a year. He returns to find a traitor in the court, an army on the way, and a love he'd thought all but lost waiting for him with open arms.
Four Days To Fall In Love. by CupCakezys Teen and Up, No archive warnings apply, Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Gwen, Soulmate AU, Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic, Protective Arthur, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Secret Relationship
Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate (or two or three), Arthur Pendragon knows he is destined to be alone. For Arthur can see his heartstring, could follow it to where his soulmate lived, and that could only mean one thing.
His soulmate had magic, and should they ever meet, Arthur would have to kill them.
Sacrificial Lamb by RurouniHime Angst and Humor, Pining, First Time, First Kiss, Post Season 1, Initial Misunderstanding, But it’s resolved, Happy Ending, Fluff with a touch of angst at first
Summary: Arthur's been overworking his knights, so they come to Merlin as a last resort.
Cheers and Spirits by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle Gen, The knights are kinda fools, but the best king, Humour, Fluff, Fluff and Humour, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin
Summary: Despite all the supposed trips to the tavern none of the knights have seen Merlin drunk. They decide to rectify that. A poor decision, really.
Circle 'round the Truth by enviropony Merlin + Knights friendship, Gen, Magic Reveal, Oneshot, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin Summary: They know about the magic. Or, more accurately, Merlin's magic is the truth the knights circle around, and Merlin's loyalty is the one 'round which they rally. (A character study with some yelling, an action sequence, and a bit of walking.) Post-S4.
Strict Justice by schweet_heart mutual pining, BAMF Arthur, magic reveal, canon au, oneshot, teen and up
Summary: After a particularly grueling battle, Merlin and Arthur share a quiet moment in their tent.
before it breaks by schweet_heart Teen and Up, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, merlin whump, magic reveal, merlin & arthur, merthur
Summary: “It’s not what it looks like,” he says, hand still outstretched, barely a waver in his voice as he lies, outright, to Arthur’s face. “Sire, I can explain.”
“Can you,” Arthur says. He’s aware that he’s trembling, a seismic reaction to the outrage and denial still fighting it out inside his head, but he knows what he’s seen. What it must be. “Well, then, you’d better be quick about it, because it looks a lot like magic.”
Until the Day I Die by Cookie Teen and Up, Oneshot, Angst, Temporary Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Arthur believed Dragoon had killed his father, and so he plunged his sword deep into the sorcerer. Now Merlin was dying in his arms and Arthur was facing the future alone.
These Castle Walls Bleed Lies by marguerite_26 Mature, hurt/comfort, Magic Reveal, Angst, Merthur, mentions of arthur/gwen, Gwen/Lancelot
Summary: With his father unfit to rule and Camelot decimated, Arthur must assume the role of King. But the truths he discovers shake the foundation of all he holds dear.
before his eyes (he now sees clear) by hwc Teen And Up Audiences, Uther Pendragon is terrible and complicated, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: It takes Uther half a second to see Balinor in Merlin, and he's almost sure of what he should do.
Keep Your Secrets by new_kate, orphan_account Mature, rape/non-con, torture, captivity, romance, alternate universe - canon, canon typical violence, hurt/comfort
Summary: Arthur Pendragon is captured by the bandits. While he waits to be ransomed, he slowly gets to know Merlin, the prisoner being held in the next cell.
Crossing the Line by Ultrageekatlarge BAMF Merlin, Gen, Crack, Oneshot, Magic Reveal, Hurt! Merlin, Humour
Summary: In which Merlin gets bludgeoned, strangled, attacked, smothered, shot with glass, and tossed out a window, burned, whipped, stabbed, thrown down stairs, nearly drowned on dry land, and harpooned, and still manages to save Camelot from seven evil sorcerers, before lunch.
Your Touch Is My Salvation by elirwen Magic Reveal, Canon Era, Oblivious idiots in love, Curses, Teen and Up, Oneshot, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Merlin suffers from an effect of a curse. Arthur can help more than he initially thought.
A Heavy Heart to Carry by Thursday_Next Rescue, Hurt/Comfort, Magic Reveal, Oneshot, Mature, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Summary: When Merlin is captured and injured, Arthur must face up to his own feelings for his manservant as well as the many secrets he discovers are being kept from him.
Can you do that? by no_nutcracker Merlin/Mithian, no archive warnings apply, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s04e11 The Hunter's Heart, Arthur & Merlin friendship
Summary: Merlin should be overjoyed. He just found his soulmate. If only she was not betrothed to Arhur.
His Remedy for Care by ArgentSleeper Teen and Up, canon au, Episode: s02e13 The Last Dragonlord, Angst, Canon Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Fix It
Summary: Injured in the dragon attack in lieu of Arthur and afraid of being stopped from going on the mission, Merlin kept away from Gaius and never learned that Balinor was his father. Instead it's Arthur that puts two and two together as he seeks the dragonlord out, first to save his servant (not friend- they can't be friends), then to save his kingdom.
A Considerable Head Start by ughbutidontwantto BAMF Merlin, Gen, when villains have more regard for you than friends, Camelot has a serious class problem, Merlin deserves better
Summary: Merlin is frighteningly competent and his friends are correctly concerned. Obviously they're going to follow him out to the woods. And obviously they're not going to like what they hea
The Conscience of the King by ughbutidontwantto Gen, Post-Magic Reveal, Legal Drama, Oneshot, Friendship feels
Summary: Merlin's magic was revealed and now everyone has to deal with it in an official capacity since tragically most of these characters work in government. Arthur, predictably, is struggling to cope.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind by BabyStepsAreStillSteps Merlin Deserved Better, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Merlin Needs a Hug (Merlin), Episode: s05e09 With All My Heart, Fix It
Summary: When Arthur turned his back on the Dolma that he didn’t know was his manservant, Merlin reminded him that he was missing a very important member of their rescue party.
What if he hadn’t?
What They Owe Us by ironspidereilish Merlin/Arthur, Alternate Universe, Aredian’s a tax collector instead of a witch hunter but he’s still a bastard, Hurt/Comfort, Poverty, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Arthur Pendragon, BAMF Arthur, Canon Era, Romance, sexual coercion mentioned, BAMF Merlin
Summary: When Arthur finds out that the castle staff are having their wages held for weeks at a time and can no longer afford food or their homes, he will not rest until they are protected and Aredian is stopped.
The fact that Merlin’s stomach is rumbling while he delivers the prince his breakfast, and Arthur hates the thought of him suffering, only serves as extra motivation to fix this.
royal blood by Rona23 crack!fic, humour, comedy, Balinor Lives, Dragonlord things, Golden Age, Bamf Arthur, Bamf Balinor, Bamf Merlin, Fix It, Magic reveal, Oblivious Arthur, Merthur
Summary: ..... as if Balinor could be killed by Bandits O.o
Alternatively: An alternative take on Balinor surviving and saving Camelot. ... And then proceeding to hold the entire kingdom hostage, because he has a frigging Dragon at his disposal :)
- The way by Naelyn Episode: s04e11 The Hunter's Heart, POV Arthur Pendragon, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Oblivious Arthur, Until He’s Not, Hurt/Comfort, Merlin Deserved Better, Communication or lack thereof, Canon Divergence
Summary: "One more word out of you, and I swear to God I will send you into exile."
He knows it’s not the pyre, knows there’s much worse, but banishment would mean staying away from Arthur forever – and, as pathetic as that might sound, he thinks he would rather die than let that happen. It is clear that the feeling is not reciprocated, clear that in Arthur’s eyes, he will never come first. There’ll always be people coming before him, and he’s made peace with that long ago – but if even Agravaine can come before him, then anyone could, no? Anyone could replace him. Call Merlin a traitor and have Arthur get rid of him. Anyone could.
Merlin no longer feels safe in Camelot.
or: Arthur threatens Merlin of banishment. To Arthur's eyes, it's all forgotten. To Merlin's, however... Well, let's just say that his faith in their mutual destiny, once unwavering, finds itself faltering at a dangerously quick rate.
Better in the Mourning by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle Gen, Lancelot & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Grief, Fluff and Angst, Gwen/Lance mentioned, let the characters grieve, 5 Knights of Grief
Summary: Merlin mourns Lancelot's death. The rest of the knights help out. (AKA Merlin gets to take advantage of not having to keep a dead loved one a secret and gets some goddamn support in this castle)
I suppose that I look different (without the robes and crown) by WingedWolf121 Canon Era, Episode: s05e03 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon, Uther Pendragon’s A + Parenting, Ygraine/Uther, Arthur/Merlin, Balinor/Hunith, Dragonlord Merlin, BAMF Merlin, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: When Arthur blows the horn of Cathbdhah for the second time, the horn doesn’t just send Uther to the other world. It sends Arthur away as well – to a world where Ygraine never died, the Great Purge never happened, and magic lives freely at court. As do those who practice it.
For Your Information by reni_days Merlin & Uther, Merlin/Arthur, Modern Era au, Oneshot, Teen and Up
Summary: Merlin sighs. "After your...announcement," he explains, "your father decided he needed a bit more information. Which is apparently where I come in. I'm sort of like his gay tutor, it's hard to explain."
Good Fortune by platonic_boner Canon Era, Fluff, Merlin/Arthur, Oneshot
Summary: Arthur makes Merlin a lord, and Merlin does an astonishingly good job of running a village.
Within Reach by foxy_mulder Explicit, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sex, Merlin/Arthur, Angst with a Happy Ending, Oneshot, Slowburn
Summary: Nobody touches Arthur.
Merlin realizes it slowly, and when he does, he wants to kick himself for not seeing sooner. ___________ (Or, Arthur and Merlin's relationship with touch over time.)
Moment of Weakness by TheAsexualofSpades Gen, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic, Protective Knights, Protective Arthur Pendragon, Protective Merlin, Whump, Oneshot, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: After all Merlin's gone through, you'd think it would take some world-ending magic spell or an almost successful attempt on Arthur's life to shake him properly.
It isn't one of those, and Merlin has no idea why.
He just knows he can't be weak.
The Only Reward Bestowed Upon Me by greatdumbking Gen, Oneshot, Merlin/Arthur, angst, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, Episode: s04e05 His Father's Son, Fix-It, Agravaine, Canon Era, Love Confessions
Summary: “You’re wrong Merlin. I don’t need anyone. I can’t afford that luxury. The kingdom's my responsibility now, and mine to bear alone. And you must learn to accept that.”
How could this hurt so much, a third time? Merlin could feel the façade of his casual indifference faltering. His face fell, tears were clawing at his throat, creeping into his eyes. It took all his effort to nod, steel his eyes, and swallow down the rising sob.
(How did Merlin get chosen the be the bait? Why did Arthur start pushing Merlin away? Why couldn't he see how much it was hurting him?)
Maybe Not the Most Awkward Dinner to Happen in Camelot's Citadel, but it's Definitely Up There by HopePrevails Gen, Gwen/Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Oneshot, Humour, past Gwen/Merlin
Summary: When an argument about whether Merlin is remotely attractive or not breaks out over dinner, Queen Guinevere accidentally drops into the conversation that she had a crush on him when he first arrived in Camelot. Arthur takes it... like Arthur.
“Don’t look so surprised, Merlin.” Gwen said kindly. Perhaps she was the psychic. “You’re sweet and gentle, charismatic-” Arthur snorted. “- and I’m not going to let you walk out of those doors thinking you don’t look the part, either. Remember, even when you first came to Camelot, I-” She stopped herself, snapping her lips tightly shut.
259 notes · View notes
End of His Rope
Prompts: Don't know if you're in the mood to write some Merthur but if you are, being the hurt/comfort royalty that you are, may I humbly request a little "shatter my soul" misunderstanding? If not that's fine too. - alittletoo-obsessed
So, I've been rereading some of your Merlin fics, and I was wondering if you could maybe write something where Merlin's experienced some sort of trauma before he came to Camelot, and so he's always avoiding things or reacting strangely, but Arthur assumes that's just his personality, but then something seemingly innocuous happens and he just breaks down completely in front of Arthur, & Arthur can't understand why. Cue Arthur trying to help him and Merlin eventually having to explain everything. - anon
Our BOYS i did miss them
Read on Ao3
Warnings: childhood trauma, flashbacks, drowning
Pairings: merthur, platonic or romantic don't care
Word Count: 3682
It’s always the water in his dreams.
Dark. Lapping at the stone walls. Bottomless.
The chain clanks heavily against the sides.
It’s so deep.
The rope is never long enough.
Arthur has no idea why he had to get assigned the weirdest servant in Camelot.
Sure, it’s not like he asked for Merlin to be his servant—and he’ll kill you if you tell him this, but he’s not changing Merlin for the world—but come on, he could’ve at least gotten someone normal.
But no, he has to get this clumsy fool of a bumpkin that insists on tripping over his own feet, stumbling into walls, spending days at a time who knows where—he’s good friends with the tavern owner so he knows Merlin’s not there—and occasionally spouting great wisdom seemingly off the top of his head. And to top it all off, he’s endearing enough that Arthur panics whenever Merlin’s not right next to him.
It’s terribly annoying.
But that—well, most of that—he can forgive. Merlin’s a clumsy fool but he’s a good distraction. He’s a forgetful sod but he’s witty enough to make up for whatever time he’s lost with some sort of solution. He’s a disrespectful clot pole but it’s a welcome relief from all this ‘yes, sire,’ ‘no, sire,’ ‘would you prefer pork or poultry, sire?’ It gets a bit grating every now and then.
And alright, maybe Merlin’s not entirely to blame for how endearing Arthur finds him. Maybe.
But the whole thing about water Arthur will never understand.
The first time he asked Merlin to draw him a bath he thought the man was about to fall over. Merlin had gone pale and stammered out that yes, he would do that, how does he do that? He’d assumed it was because Merlin was shirking from his duties or whatnot but he hadn’t asked any of the other servants to help him, instead drawing the water for Arthur all by himself. Bemused, Arthur had told him he’s allowed to get help, only for Merlin to go on one of those impressive rants about how servants were people too, and interrupting their jobs seemed rude. Which, alright fair enough but it didn’t erase the pale and shaken expression from his face.
The first time he walked in on Merlin trying to clean the floor, he stopped and stared at the bucket sitting in the farthest corner of the room.
“You know it’s more efficient to keep the bucket with you, right?”
Merlin shrugs. “You have an issue with how I clean the floor, you are more than welcome to do it yourself.”
Arthur had scoffed and turned to leave but the tension in Merlin’s shoulders had stayed.
The first time he met Merlin in the courtyard and tries to walk past the well was the first time Merlin had strayed from his side.
“And of course, you’ll need to make sure all of my armor is…” Arthur trails off, looking around for Merlin, only to notice him a few paces away. “What the hell are you doing over there?”
“Get back here,” Arthur barks, “I’m not done.”
“I can hear you perfectly fine over here.”
“Sorry, sire!” A carriage blows right by them, Merlin reaching out to yank Arthur closer by his sleeve as it goes by. “Didn’t see you there!”
Arthur mutters a curse and brushes himself off.
“That’s why,” Merlin says, helping him dust himself off, “don’t want you to get run over by a wagon, now.”
Arthur cuffs him half-heartedly over the head and keeps walking.
He tries again a few times but Merlin studiously avoids the well with a grace that he scarcely applies to anything else.
It hits him when they’re out hunting once that Merlin might just hate getting wet.
So he pushes him into a pond.
Merlin splutters and curses at him and purposefully dumps all the arrows into the pond with him so they’re useless for hunting but he knows how to swim and if the way he slings his sodden neckerchief at Arthur is any indication, he’s not entirely opposed to the water.
And yes, the day was hot and maybe a water fight was the best way to cool off.
It only ever happens when they’re in Camelot. Sometimes Merlin will accidentally kick one of the buckets and it looks like he’s about to jump out of his skin. Arthur chuckles at him and calls him a delicate pansy but it’s only ever that loud noise. Not when the bells are going off—they really need to get better security for the dungeons—not when Merlin drops another tray, only the bucket.
And he still won’t go near the well.
Merlin must just not like it. That’s fine.
Doesn’t mean he’s going to get out of his chores, though.
He watches Merlin go about his day, watches him change the sheets, do up the rest of the room, get the laundry, but he never goes into the courtyard. He frowns when Merlin does ask someone else—Lilian, he thinks her name is—to go get a bucket of water for him, but there’s nothing quite like the way that Merlin lingers at the very edge of the courtyard, his gaze on a constant swivel, trying to see something that isn’t there.
It’s unnerving.
But it’s Merlin, and Merlin is strange, so Arthur just shrugs and moves on.
Merlin wakes up in a cold sweat.
He wraps his arms around himself and scrambles to the floor. Dust cakes itself over his shins and forearms and he heaves a sob.
The hand on his shoulder that branded him so many years ago hums with the feeling of Arthur’s glove.
“Leave it,” Arthur says, patting Merlin’s shoulder as he walks by, “we’ll get the next one.”
He steers Merlin away from the well toward the castle door, the dropped bucket rolling across the stones. Behind them, Lilian lowers another bucket into the well, the soft splash-thunk of the water and the creak of the handle. Arthur shakes his head.
“Why does it have to be so bloody hot?”
“It’s summer,” Merlin mumbles, clearly feeling the heat too by the sweat beaded on his brow, “it’s supposed to be hot.”
“Not this hot.” Arthur shakes his head, dismayed when his hair sticks to his forehead. “We should be inside.”
“You’re the one that dragged us out here, sire.”
“Enough. Come on. I’m sure there’s somewhere cooler we could be sitting.”
They make their way back into the castle, Merlin immediately going to draw the curtains to block out the hideous light of the sun as Arthur flops down onto his bed and scrubs his hands over his face.
“You’ll get your sheets all sweaty.”
“Everything in this castle is already sweaty,” Arthur mumbles, “what’s a few sheets?”
“Well, when you have to sleep on them tonight, that will be your problem.”
“Please. I’ve slept in worse.”
“Mm.” Merlin swats him with a pillow. “You’ve also complained about your room being too hot more times than I can count. Move.”
“You move,” he manages as he peels himself off the bed and onto the floor. “Why is it so hot, Merlin?”
“I told you, it’s summer.”
Arthur squints. “You’re wearing so many clothes.”
“It is polite to wear clothes, Arthur.”
“But you’re wearing a jacket and long sleeves and a scarf and long trousers! How are you not hot?”
Merlin shrugs. “I run cold.”
“C’mere then.” Arthur holds out his hand. “I’m too hot. Cool me off.”
Merlin rolls his eyes. “You’d have better luck sticking your head in a casket of mead.”
“You would,” Merlin sings, “but then you’d be even stickier than you are now.”
“Fine.” His head falls back against the bed with a thud. “Maybe I’ll just jump in water next time.”
He’s too hot to notice the way that Merlin stiffens.
Merlin pants and heaves and scrabbles at the floor. It’s real, he’s really dry, it’s safe, there’s nowhere to go down.
He shivers on the cold floor and reaches for a blanket, wrapping himself in it tightly and clutching the fabric to his face. It scratches horribly and he rubs his cheek into it.
Rough is safe. Dust is safe. Warm is safe.
There’s nowhere to go.
High above Camelot, dark clouds begin to swirl in the sky, carrying with them the promise of rain.
Arthur sighs as he slumps under the edge of the stable. Really, a rainstorm? Right now? The air had a weight to it, hanging over the courtyard like a dirty rag, right up until the heavens burst open and decided to pour over the city. They’d barely made it to the safety of the stable in time before it looked like the storm was doing its best to wash the courtyard clean.
“Well, there goes the plan for the rest of the day.”
Merlin huddles against the stable, shying away from the gutter. “Are we going to try and make it back inside?”
“Unless you fancy a mad dash through the storm, I’d say we’re better off waiting it out.”
Merlin glares at the water like it’s personally insulted Gaius in front of him. Arthur follows his gaze to watch one of the horses finally drag its cart under an overhanging section of roof.
“Seems everyone wants to get out of this rain.”
“Wouldn’t you?”
Arthur sighs before something hits him in the forehead. He glances up.
A raindrop hits him square in the eye.
Biting back a curse, he glances around and spies a bucket.
“What’re you—Arthur?”
“This should show you,” he mutters, shoving the bucket under the leak, “there. Now try it.”
He looks up to reassure Merlin that he’s fine, he just got hit in the eye with a raindrop, only to see Merlin’s face.
Merlin’s face is ash. His mouth hangs open, his lips dry despite the rain and his lower lip starts to wobble.
And Merlin is gone, tearing through the rain like a bat out of hell. Arthur mutters another curse and races after him, barely flinching at the deluge as he tries to keep his eyes on Merlin, Merlin, Merlin, as they dart into the castle and up the stairs.
“Merlin, where are you—slow down, you’re going to—Merlin!”
Merlin trips. He falls.
Arthur reaches out and wraps an arm around Merlin’s waist, just saving him from careening down a staircase.
“Merlin, shh,” he tries, only to have to grunt and struggle to keep a hold of the man as he claws at the air in front of him, “come on—Merlin!”
His room. They need to get to his room.
“Sorry, Merlin,” he mumbles, before swinging the man up—why is he so light?—and making a break for his chambers.
The door slams shut behind him and he lets Merlin go, his chest aching as he watches him fall to the floor, scrabbling madly at the stone until his fingers start to bleed.
“Merlin,” he cries again, dropping to his knees and taking Merlin’s hands in his, “Merlin, look at me!”
His…his eyes…
Arthur has never seen Merlin look like this. He’s never seen him in so much pain.
“Merlin,” he tries, softer this time, “Merlin, it’s alright. You’re safe, I’m right here.”
Finally, finally, Merlin stills. Though still is almost worse, he looks frozen. He swallows.
“Yes, Merlin, it’s me, I’m right here, it’s alright.” He gives Merlin’s hands a gentle squeeze. “What’s—oh!”
Merlin throws himself at him, all but knocking him over as he wraps his arms tightly around his waist. Arthur catches him with a huff, letting him bury his soaking wet face in his jerkin.
“Easy, Merlin, it’s alright,” he laughs nervously, “you’re—well, alright, you idiot, if you…if you need to…”
He says as if he’s not cuddling Merlin already.
Arthur sighs, the dampness of their clothes making it more than a little uncomfortable but not caring in the slightest when Merlin starts to sob into his shoulder.
“Hey, hey, Merlin, it’s alright, I’m right here. You’ve got me, I’ve got you, we’re not going anywhere.” He rubs Merlin’s back firmly and presses his cheek to his wet hair. “I’ve got you.”
Poor Merlin is still shaking like a leaf. Arthur frowns, glaring at the storm with the intent to stare it down until it tells him why the hell it thinks it can hurt his Merlin like this.
“The rain can’t hurt you anymore,” he growls, “we’re inside. You’re safe. Everything’s alright.”
Merlin hiccups. “We’re—it’s—over?”
“The storm isn’t quite through yet, but we’re out of the rain, yes, Merlin, you’re safe.”
“You can’t fall here, I’ve got you, we’re on the floor.”
“Rope—too short—won’t reach all the way—hurts—“
The roaring protectiveness in his gut starts to give way to confusion, what rope? Where is Merlin trying to go?
“Calm down, Merlin,” he says instead, rubbing his back, “it’s alright, there’s no rope—“
Merlin lets out a howl.
“No, no, no! That’s not—there is a rope,” Arthur tries desperately, “and it’s long enough, we can reach, it’s alright, everyone’s safe, you’re safe, shh, shh…”
The howl buries itself in some soft part of Arthur’s chest. His hands are itching for his sword, something, anything to fight what’s causing Merlin this much pain but he can’t, there’s nothing, so he wraps his arms tighter around Merlin and glares at the storm.
After a long, long time, when their tunics have done their best to meld with their skin, Merlin stills. There’s one more soft hiccup before a cold nose presses itself to Arthur’s neck.
“‘Rthur? Arthur?”
“It’s me, Merlin, I’m right here.”
“Arthur…” Merlin tenses and before Arthur can protest, pulls away. “Sorry.”
“Don’t,” Arthur says sharply, only for Merlin to flinch. He softens his voice and reaches for him. “Don’t pull away, don’t apologize. Are you hurt?”
Merlin lets him wrap an arm around him, thank god. “No. Not hurt.”
Arthur opens his mouth to protest but thinks better of it. “Come on, let’s get you out of these wet clothes. Get dry. Yeah?”
The word ‘dry’ seems to unlock something, Merlin’s limbs flowing looser around his body. “Yeah…”
“Dry it is then,” Arthur says quietly, “come on, there are towels for us to dry off, we can get dry, we’ve got dry clothes here.”
Concern chases its tail around Arthur’s chest as he carefully tousles Merlin’s hair dry as Merlin peels himself out of his soaked clothes. They end up in a sodden heap in the corner, ready to be taken to the laundress’s as Arthur offers Merlin one of his nightshirts.
Merlin looks like a drowned puppy, blinking warily at the proffered shirt.
“Just put it on, Merlin,” Arthur says softly, “it’s dry and warm.”
There’s the magic word again. Merlin tugs on the shirt and wraps his arms around himself. Arthur glances behind him at the bed and prods Merlin’s shoulder.
“Under the covers now,” he murmurs, smiling a little at Merlin’s confusion, “come on, I want to be warm too. And if you still run cold you’re going to need more than that to warm you up.”
Merlin lets him tug them both up to the other end of the bed, under the covers, pulling the sheets up to their chins. Arthur reaches out to take Merlin’s hands and examine them.
“You’re hurt,” he murmurs, “but it shouldn’t last very long. We can go to Gaius if you really need it.”
He glances up to see Merlin’s exhausted little face.
“Hey,” he murmurs, tugging Merlin a little closer, “are you alright?”
“Tired, now,” Merlin mumbles, “and embarrassed.”
“It’s okay.” Arthur pulls him closer. “C’mere.”
“What’re you doing?”
“Warming you up.” And hugging you because you’re still looking like a drowned puppy.
“Oh.” Merlin is all elbows and knees and wet hair, scrunched up under Arthur’s chin, but he relaxes a little. “Thanks.”
“Mm.” Arthur runs a hand over his back. “Want to talk about it?”
Merlin hums. “Not really.”
Arthur bites back a curse and takes his lip between his teeth. “Can I ask what it was that set it off? So it…doesn’t happen again?”
Something warm flares against his neck. “It’s stupid.”
“You just had a breakdown in my arms, Merlin, it’s not stupid.”
“They can both be stupid.”
“Well, they aren’t.”
“You don’t even know what it is yet.”
“It makes you upset,” Arthur says firmly, “it’s not stupid.”
Merlin is quiet for a few moments. Then: “you can ask.”
Good. “Was it the storm?”
“Not really.”
“Was it the rain?”
“Not really.”
Arthur frowns. Then what could it have been? Merlin had been glaring at the storm like he wanted it to go away.
But he was the one to suggest they make a run for it.
As a matter of fact, he’d been fine up until…
Up until Arthur had moved the bucket.
“Was it the bucket?”
Merlin stiffens. Then he lets out a long sigh and tucks his face deeper into Arthur’s chest. “Yes.”
“…can I ask why?”
“Do you have to?”
Yes. “No, I don’t, I just…” Arthur takes a deep breath. “I don’t like seeing you like this, Merlin, it…you’re upset and I can’t help and I can’t do anything. It hurts.”
He holds Merlin a little tighter.
“I don’t like seeing you hurt,” he confesses in a whisper, “I want to help.”
Merlin shudders in his arms. “Well that’s not fair,” he says hoarsely, “but…thanks.”
And the story comes spilling out of him.
There is a well on the outskirts of Ealdor. It is old, built before Merlin’s mother can remember, and it has one metal bucket on the end of a long, fraying rope. When there is a drought, the bucket has to be lowered further in order to reach the water.
One year, there was a very bad drought. The well was running dry. So the people of the village decided to build a new well closer to the river with a much longer rope. The old well was not used.
Merlin’s job used to be to fetch the water for the animals at the end of the day. So he would walk to the well. One night, he forgot that the old well wasn’t being used.
He found a pack of the village boys around the old well.
They were laughing and pointing at something inside.
Merlin wandered closer to figure out what was going on.
The bucket sat useless outside the well.
There was a boy inside the well.
Merlin couldn’t see him, it was too dark.
The splashing sounds were getting weaker.
The cries were getting quieter.
The other boys laughed at him when he threw his own bucket down and raced for the other one.
One of them grabbed his arm.
“Don’t, or we’ll throw you in too.”
Merlin had to watch.
The boys left when they couldn’t hear the cries anymore.
Merlin threw down the bucket.
The rope wasn’t long enough.
His mother found him the next morning, the metal bucket by his side long forgotten, his hands all but frozen to the old crank, still peering down into the water.
Arthur’s mouth runs dry as Merlin keeps talking. Unbidden, his arms tighten around the man mumbling into his chest.
He couldn’t have known.
He couldn’t have known.
How cruel those boys must have been, how awful it must be for Merlin to keep seeing that, over and over and over…
“I’m sorry,” he says in a strangled whisper when Merlin’s finished. “I’m so sorry.”
Merlin is quiet.
“It wasn’t your fault,” he continues, “it wasn’t, Merlin, it’s—it’s not your fault.”
“The rope wasn’t long enough,” comes the mumble, “I couldn’t save him.”
“Shh, shh, it wasn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself for the cruelty of others.” Arthur holds him tighter. “I’m sorry, Merlin, you don’t have to go near the well ever again, I promise, we can get someone else to do it.”
Merlin just curls further into his chest.
“You’re safe, you’re dry, everything’s alright, you’ll be fine—“ Arthur can’t stop blabbering on, trying to reassure the poor man in his arms— “I’ve got you, you’re safe.”
Merlin wraps his arms around Arthur too and holds tight. “Don’t have to go near the well?”
“No, no, Merlin, never.”
“Don’t have to use the buckets?”
“No. Only wooden buckets and only when you need to.”
“Don’t have to be wet?”
“You’re dry, I’ll keep you dry.”
“Is there still rope?”
“The ropes are long enough, they’re always long enough.”
“Good,” Merlin mumbles, the exhaustion finally bleeding into his voice, “good…good…”
When they wake up, they’ll have to talk about what else Merlin needs, how to deal with this. Arthur will have to grit his teeth and resist the urge to storm back to Ealdor and teach those boys a lesson. Merlin will curl his fingers into Arthur’s jacket every time they walk past the well.
But for now, Merlin will drift off to sleep in Arthur’s arms, Arthur will hold him, and they’ll stay safe and dry out of the rain where they don’t need a bucket to stop any leaks.
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shana-rosee · 3 years
fic tag game- @nextstopparis thank yooooou 🥺💕💕
how many works do you have on ao3?
23. But I do have one in the drafts 👀✨
what's your total ao3 word count?
68,963. Huh, neat.
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
3. Merlin (my current fandom), Marvel’s Runaways (I swear I will finish that fic one day) & Downton Abbey (i’ve been considering for a while now bringing over my old fics from FF.net)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Most Important - By a wide margin my famous Actor Arthur AU 😆
2. To Idiots & Bets - My Glompfest fic. That was a lot of fun 😆
3. An Endless Sky - Aww I love this fic. It was actually a birthday present for @shut-up-merlin 😘
4. The Song - In which my love for pining merthur really comes through (but especially pining Arthur 😉)
5. Under the Morning Glow - And which my love for oblivious merthur not realizing they are already in love comes out 😆 (Oh. And they were roommates)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes! I love responding to comments, it makes me so happy! I usually reply back within a day 😊
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
😆 I don’t do angsty ending. I have one angsty-ish fic, You’d come over right? (Right?), but the ending hints at a rather happy future. 
do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I haven’t written any. 
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I remember... 🤔
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I have! Losing My Mind (over you) - that’s the only one I can think of that gets explicit. I have a few other fics that imply or stop right before tho. 
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so???
have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be open to it.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I think it could be fun. 
what's your all time favourite ship?
I’ve had many a ship. They are all precious to me but at this moment Merthur holds my heart.
whats a WIP that you want to finish but dont think you ever will?
I’ve had a love potion merthur fic sitting in my drafts for months that I just can’t seem to get right 😥
what are your writing strengths?
I think I’m pretty good at dialogue and staying (mostly) true to the characters in my Aus. 
what are your writing weaknesses?
I’m horrible at self-edits and I’m always tense jumping 😅
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I can’t think of any fics that I’ve read that done that but I don’t see a problem with it.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Downton Abbey.
whats your favourite fic you've written?
Would it be cheesy to say all of them? Because I kinda love all of them 😆 I will say that there are 3 I’m really proud of: 
The Most Important, An Endless Sky, & You’d come over right? (Right?) - These are probably the ones I worked the hardest on, the ones I wanted to convey a particular emotion or theme the most in. While they aren’t perfect I feel like the things I wanted to say most came through 😊
Tagging: @shut-up-merlin, @bellamyblakru, @sourdough-morbread & @tcs-main (if you guys wanna)
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