#i am crying into my soup
theostrophywife · 2 years
hi! how are you? i was wondering if you could write an azriel x fem reader where their both a part of the inner circle and married and while playing with baby Nyx, the inner circle gang are teasing azriel and reader when their gonna have kids?
baby fever.
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author's note: pain. all i know is pain because imagine az with a baby. please enjoy this drabble because i'd die for soft!daddy az.
Your baby fever has reached its absolute peak. 
You couldn’t help it. Seeing your mate carrying Nyx in his arms triggered some primal, innate need in you. Azriel was so soft and gentle, carefully cradling the tiny Illyrian with a fond smile on his face. He saw you watching him and broke out into a grin. 
“Do you want to hold him, my love?”
“No, I’d much rather watch you do this all night.” You peered into the bundle of blankets, pinching Nyx’s adorable cherub like cheeks. He cooed softly, wrapping his entire fist around your pointer finger. “Plus, I think he prefers his uncle Az more than any of us anyways. Isn’t that right, Nyxie?” 
The adorable baby boy babbled in confirmation, reaching out to Azriel’s shadows. They hovered protectively over Nyx like a veil of armor. You hung back, watching with nothing but pure adoration as your mate hummed a soft lullaby. The image tugged at all of your heartstrings and you couldn’t help but wonder what Azriel would be like with your own children. 
There was not a single doubt in your mind that Azriel would be a great father. When he loved, he put his entire heart into it. Azriel was kind, gentle, thoughtful, and extremely patient. You experienced firsthand what it was like to be loved by him and every day he made sure you knew how much he adored and appreciated you. The care and nurture Azriel displayed would surely be heightened once he became a dad.
“Look at you two. You’re adorable,” Cassian states as he watched from the velvet sofa. 
Mor nods in agreement, swirling a wine glass in her hand. “I can’t wait until you two have kids. I’m going to spoil my future godchildren so damn much.” 
You chuckled. “Godchildren, as in plural? Do Az and I get a say in this or did you already have a plan mapped out for us?”
Rhysand groaned, pulling Feyre into his lap. “These two have already predicted that you'd have a boy and a girl. A year apart, so that your son can look after your daughter.”
Azriel shook his head, smiling. “I’m surprised you lot haven’t taken it upon yourselves to name them.” 
The High Lord grinned. “Oh rest assured, brother. I know you two will make the right choice and grant my nephew the best name in the realm. Little Rhysand will thank me later.” 
You shook your head in disbelief. “Not a chance in hell, Rhys.” 
Cassian nodded in agreement. “They’re obviously holding out for a little Cassian.” 
Nesta rolled her eyes, setting her book down. “You two are delusional. They’re not naming their kids after you.”
Feyre stands, taking her dozing son from Azriel’s arms. “When you do decide to start a family, I’m sure you two will make great parents. You and Az already look after Nyx so much and he adores the both of you.” She pauses, winking. “Just don’t wait too long because my son would love to have a playmate soon.” 
Azriel tucks you into his side, kissing the top of your head. “I’m ready whenever she is.”
You beam, flushing at the declaration. Words couldn’t express how ready you were to start a family with your mate.
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The moonlight streams through your bedroom window, bathing Azriel in an ethereal light as he turns over to face you. This was always your favorite part of the night, discussing the day’s events with your mate and winding down with his arms wrapped around you. 
“Az?” you ask shyly, propping your head up on the pillow. 
Azriel mirrors the movement. “Yes, my love?” 
“Did you mean what you said earlier? About being ready to start a family?” 
The way Azriel’s expression brightened made your heart leap in your chest. Even after being mated all these years, you could never get used to how beautiful he was. Azriel has always been breathtaking, but the excitement in his eyes as he looked at you now was absolutely exquisite. 
After you’d gotten home from the River House, you couldn’t stop thinking about children, more specifically, Azriel’s children. The thought of bringing a new life into this world with your mate filled you with so much joy. You couldn’t help but imagine two tiny little Illyrians running around with your hair and Azriel’s eyes. A son and a daughter, just like your friends said. The more you thought about it, the more your heart ached to make it into reality. With peace finally settling over Velaris, you couldn’t think of a single reason to wait any longer. 
“I did,” Azriel whispers, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s your choice, my love but I would love nothing more than to start a family with you.”
“I think I’m ready, Az.” 
Your mate went so still that you weren’t even sure if he was still breathing. His fingers caressed your cheek, his features heavy with emotion. “Do you really mean it?” 
You beamed. “I do, Az. I want to have your children. I want to watch you chase our son around and take him flying. I want to teach our daughter how to handle a needle and a sword. I want to fill our home with screaming, rambunctious little versions of you that I’d love with all my heart. Most of all, I really, really want to make you a father.” 
Azriel takes your face in his hands, kissing you with fervent passion. You grin against his mouth as he places soft and tender kisses on your lips, nose, cheeks and every surface of your skin that he could reach. 
“I want to make you into a mother,” Azriel says as he kisses your forehead. You giggle as he flips you on your back, pinning you underneath him. “Can we start tonight?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. “I thought you’d never ask, my love.”
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Not me getting so bored I make hobbit photo cards 😭😭😭
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I’ve put way too much effort into the back designs
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In the mini album ^^^
I’ve given in and now I’m making more :’)
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to everyone doing their finals right now, remember: GRADES ARE TEMPORARY, SOUP IS ETERNAL
do whatever you can and treat yourself to some soup after :)
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cactusnymph · 2 years
after oscar’s statement about how rue’s transformation was an allegory for coming out and then binx going up to rue, very stressed and scared, telling them how amazing their transformation was and how she doesn’t think that rue is like the others and. rue can tell how nervous she is and immediately reaches out to reassure them. just, the power of witnessing someone else do it first and feeling the need to reveal yourself to someone. “It is difficult to show your true self” and “you have my full support” and “it is honor to see you” and I. Am. Fine.
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fortjester · 1 year
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Harrow the Ninth (ch 50 & 51) // Nona the Ninth (John 20:8)
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boywifesammy · 8 months
sam's initial reaction to the bunker is actually heart-wrenching. do you guys ever think about how fucking terrifying it is that sam eventually just accepts that he's going to suffer forever? that he'll never have a home? that pain is what he DESERVES, his destiny, what he's fated for. the loneliness of sam's character genuinely HURTS me, especially when they show us over and over again that he craves humanity so badly. him running away to stanford and his short stint with amelia are just two examples but i could go on for hours about how much sam perpetually craves connection. every single time the opportunity is presented he jumps at the chance because even if it has ended in disaster every other time he so desperately wants something permanent, something that's his, to feel like he belongs anywhere.
the sole reason that sam was able to gain control over lucifer in swan song and jump into the cage was because of that little soldier man figurine in the impala. that entire episode revolved around the impala and how it was sam and dean's home their entire life. those little snippets of them carving their initials into her skeleton and how dean made sure to keep all those little personal effects every time he rebuilt her... it just tears me apart knowing what sam goes through later on. he places such deep, deep importance on the small stretches of life that he gets to experience in between the pain and loss that is the rest of it.
this is why when sam told dean that he couldn't call the bunker home because every home he's had has literally GONE UP IN FLAMES, it absolutely destroyed me, because there was so much FEAR and desperation in that scene. that 'normalcy' that sam wanted when he was younger wasn't actually about the specifics of civilian life. it was about having a home, and the peace of mind that he could unconditionally trust that the people he loved wouldn't leave or die.
but the bunker is literally warded against fucking everything. in s9 the bunker is presented as this impenetrable fortress, full of decades of lore and weaponry and information, a perfect dream hideout for a hunter. it's the first real chance at safety that sam has ever had but he absolutely cannot trust it. he tried with jess and with amelia but he's just so tired, so scared to care because its inevitable that this will also go up in flames. after everything he's lost? he can't even consider it. he's had this desperate need his entire life but he's so wary and fearful that he can't let himself hope even when the stars align perfectly.
it's terribly tragic. the silent, burning loneliness in sam's character is so well done and it talks to how much sam's been through that he's genuinely accepted that he will never get the luxury of safety or trusting anybody but himself. it really highlights how twisted up he is despite people insisting that he is the 'normal' brother.
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girlscience · 4 days
Okay. I know I have a lot of cooking mutuals, what do I need to do to make cooking enjoyable??? I am so fucking tired of eating canned soup and kraft mac n cheese and "concoction" (ground beef with whatever else I have that needs eaten and every spice I own). I know people say "if you don't like veggies try different ways of cooking them!" here the thing though, I hate veggie prep. So even changing how I cook them, everything else about veggies is an awful experience for me so I never want to do it. I know people talk about "15 minute meals!" and "one pan recipes!", but so far those have all been lies. People talk about experimenting and trying new things, but I straight up don't know how to do that. People say to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while prepping, but either I focus on the prep and hear none of the story or I focus on the story and struggle with the prep. I am not fast with prep, so meals that require prepping multiple things at once or prepping something while something else is cooking never fails to stress me out to a wild degree. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep everything from burning and keep things stirred and chop up everything and get the next ingredients out and clean as I work all at the same time. I do not enjoy picking out recipes or buying groceries (genuinely hate more than any other chore besides laundry), so meal prep is next to impossible for me. I forget to thaw meat nearly every time I want to cook something and so end up putting it off for days. I can never seem to get my roasted veggies to actually roast, somehow they just steam themselves in the oven. I do not want or like cooking gadgets, so I am doing everything with the very basic supplies. I am cooking for one person so leftovers are a constant issue (I have eaten so much left over food that I find genuinely sickening because I didn't want to waste it). And then I have to do this every day forever till I die. How do I make myself like this??? I am so fucking tired of eating gross food.
#the last time I cooked something myself I genuinely enjoyed was a pork tenderloin and the time before that was a soup#both were delicious and amazing#and both took well over several hours to complete.#I did nothing but cook those nights and didn't get to eat until like 8 or 9#in theory!!!! neither should have taken that long but I am not speedy!!!!#but anyway because they were so time consuming and messy and stressful I have never made them again#and it's been 2 years since the soup and probably almost 1 since the tenderloin#I tried other ways of cooking pork tenderloin and they were meh to actually gross and I was fighting my gag reflex#to force myself to eat the whole thing (homemade mustard for a crust without the correct ingredients is nasty fyi)#I have a handful of cookbooks some of which have recipes I would genuinely like to eat#but it's just so much#I don't know what to do#I ate some chicken strips and lettuce (both dipped in ranch) and cottage cheese last night#and I was actually forcing myself to eat every single bite because it was so gross feeling in my mouth and the taste was not good either#today I made some pilsbury cinnamon rolls and eating them was also just disappointing#I thought about making chicken and rice for dinner#I got a seasoning packet to try that my family said is super super good#but the chicken is frozen... I guess if I got it out now it would thaw#and the rice I have is eugh. it never cooks fully (tbh I'm not a huge rice person anyway)#and I don't have anything to eat with it? some frozen veggies but they don't feel like ones that would go#and I can never get frozen veggies to actually cook properly so I hate the way they feel when I eat them#I could make a muffin mix but I'm so tired of just eating carbs#I want to cry. I hate this
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Having near anxiety attack levels of dread and anxiety in your childhood home because of shitty things that happened last summer is crazy (I am not thriving)
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panb1mbo · 8 months
coming out of my cage and i've been doing not fine
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
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o-wild-west-wind · 8 months
ofmd s2 really just said love is stored in the soup
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actual-changeling · 6 months
me @ myself: let's get you some soup bitch. probably some tea too. maybe some juice so you don't get scurvy.
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lovelaceisntdead · 2 months
feel like hell cat in bed with me life is good
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mommalosthermind · 5 months
A darling friend gifted me one of those The Comfy (tm) blanket hoodie things. She said, ‘When I put this on, it’s like my brain stops entirely. I think it might do you some good.’
Y’all. She’s the absolute sweetest and also correct.
I want to cry?
It’s like. A hug from a cloud. I am so warm? Everything is so unbelievably soft? For some reason my limbs feel weird and tingly and honest to god that might just be the sudden lack of tension because I am. Boneless. I have been de-boned. I’m soup now. I tucked my legs in and I don’t think I even have legs anymore. There is a HOOD. I am a tiny ball of fluff! I HAVE BEEN SWADDLED.
The idea of getting up is disgusting. I am going to end up fist fighting my fourteen year old over this stupid oversized hoodie because I am. I am not sharing.
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Cause I'm an idiot. I accidentally injected 10 units of insulin when changing my pumps reservoir and canula 🙃. Now each unit bring me down by roughly 4mmol/L glucose levels, I am currently at 3.6mmon/L 🙃.
So to counter this, I need to consume 100g of carbs, as 1 unit of insulin equals to 10grams of carbohydrates for me. But to counter my hypoglycaemia I need an additional 30grams of carbs.
As I am currently in hypoglycaemia I do not want to eat at all and would rather fight someone, or do maths (love maths) or make a really long post about what I should be doing instead of doing it.
So the only thing I have on hand to treat my hypo is percy pigs, which I am quickly starting to hate the existence of.
I do not want to eat anymore than I have to, so to avoid going downstairs and weighing them I am trying to look up the weight of a single one online.
I did not get a straightforward answer, which led to the maths. I am not putting the maths on here, just know I made it a lot harder than it had to be.
Love having hypos in the middle of the night.
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just-aro · 2 years
me: a loveless aro
me: introduced to the End Poem of minecraft for the first time literally this week
me: and the universe said i love you because you are love *starts sobbing*
#no but seriously what the fuck#minecraft has no rights to make me cry what the fuck#(also guess who is perpetually the latest person ever to join a trend and is planning to play mc for the first time in xyr life soon)#also hermitcraft is my latest interest-based obsession#so far i've watched ~10 episodes each of s9 for doc/impulse/scar/joehills and <5 for xisuma/tango/zedaph#i plan to watch a little of everyone and kinda see all the Vibes#but ngl so far impulse joe and scar are my blorbos#doc is great but my attention span is not the length of his videos#grian is a lovely chaos gremlin to view from other perspectives but a Bit Much for me to watch directly#joehills is a fucking sweetheart and i adore him#scar is a chaotic neutral disabled icon with the voice of a god#impulse is like. dad friend to the max and i adore that#the soup group is really freaking cute#xisuma seems nice but he cuts so many interactions with other hermits :( i would like to see interactions pls sir#i do think i have to watch the queer ones - iirc geminitay and iskall + one more and i am forgetting who#and regretfully... i know myself and i will probably be Unable to watch far in any one person's stuff without catching up on everyone else#OH! i forgot mumbo!!! mumbo is also good and i hope his mental health break is going well#i do also plan to watch double life. probs not third life or last life though#anyways yeah i. uh. have an interest-driven brain can u all tell#that i got into this. last week.#back to the original reason i wrote the post though lol#the end poem fucking wrecked me#like bro. bro. you can't just.
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