#i didnt give details but she got the idea and i showed her the we made it directors cut
familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
There is this ongoing thing with Adrien drawing back from kissing Marinette all the time, which at this point in "Collution" doesnt make sense anymore as him just 'backing out'. "Emotion" too brought this up already as legitimate issue Adrinette is going through that after the ending of "Adoration" every single time Adrinette tried to kiss, Adrien stopped it and even ran away.
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This is a great opportunity for me to FINALLY talk about this massive subtext plot that started for real with the end of "Adoration" but up til now I didn't know from which angle I should approach an analysis post about it. This kissing detail being back and visually more elaborated on is EXACTLY what I needed!
In "Collusion" we see that Adrien's facial expression looks like as if an older order put in him is lighting up for a second preventing him from kissing her:
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I mean, the shot composition is even purposfully leading your eyes towards Adrien's head with the background wall for example. It's clear who you're supposed to focus on the most.
"Emotion" already implied it through dialog but "Collusion" now pretty much proves that the one time on-screen we saw Adrien draw back from Marinette in "Emotion" wasn't merely caused by the damn phone (although this isnt the first time something weird happens with Adrien's phone this season) or an order somehow given in real time as one would assume, every single time after "Adoration" where Adrinette tried to kiss, Adrien seems to be stopped by an order Gabriel gave him after Gabriel turned Adrien into a puppet in the end scene and Marinette was so worried about if Adrien might be in danger in his home, but tried to remain hopeful:
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This is something I figured for a while now. That we were supposed to feel exactly what Marinette is feeling here. She has no idea if Gabriel is doing something to Adrien and if its bad. She is the the outside person, she doesnt know whats happening in that house and she can't help Adrien once he's in it alone with his father. All she can do is hoping that there is another explaination.
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Though that turns out to be wishful-thinking, because "Emotion" in fact has already told us that Gabriel did something to Adrien on this evening in "Adoration" after Adrien was forced back inside and Gabriel kept on and on twisting and using the ring while creeping backwards where WE know exactly that Adrien has just returned inside. They would have met in the foyer.
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There is nothing far-fetched about a conversation having taken place once Marinette was gone and in my opinion it feels more like wishful denial to say that Gabriel 100% totally did not go to talk to his son. I mean, Adrinette was straight up about to have their first kiss right in Gabriel's view and that right after the events of "Protection", the episode right before "Adoration":
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Re-enforcing to Adrien through harsher means to not be in a relationship with Marinette seems like a fitting punishment order Gabriel would pull after "Adoration's" horror show ending.
Give me a logical reason for why that wouldnt have been a realistic thing to happen? A reason that please isnt rooted in the logic of "we didnt see it when we followed Marinette's pov and therefore nothing happened". Cause I sure followed Marinette's pov and she ended this episode very alarmed and concerned.
Alarmed and concerned for a very good reason. The entirety of "Emotion" then goes on and on and ON about asking WHY Adrien is acting so weird and WHY he hasn't told Marinette about the Diamond Ball:
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This question is a central theme all through the entire episode, and in the end the truth about Adrien's silence gets revealed.
Marinette herself has no idea and everyone else in this episode is also just giving their best guess of what makes the most sense for them. But that doesn't mean anybody actually got this right. And we know that because in the end Adrien outright SAYS that he didnt mention it because his father ORDERED him not to:
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And then Adrien's and Gabriel's father son talk elaborates on that further from Gabriel's perspective:
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I don't know what to tell you, it's right THERE. Adrien did not tell Marinette because Gabriel forbit it. It was an order Adrien couldnt go up against because it explicitly stated that Adrien is not allowed to tell Marinette specifically about the Diamond Ball. And as we saw in "Emotion" this order manifested in Adrien panicking around Marinette and lying in a way that at least somewhat still contained the truth:
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I really find it upsetting when people victim-blame Adrien for not rebelling and "being brave" the way Félix and Kagami do (or even worse, compare him to Marinette who isnt a Sentihuman at all) because unlike them Adrien is not wearing his own amok AND is unfortunate enough to have both his parental figures wear them, so of course there are alot of direct interactions.
But if that one moment in "Collusin", where Adrien talks back at his father, indeed showcased Nathalie giving Adrien the means to really fight back for a moment by having laid her ring hand on Adrien's so one of his amoks would for the first time touch his skin and making it possible to nullify Gabriel's order depending on how passionately Adrien is against it, then this was a first taste of what Adrien would be like if he were given full control over himself:
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Nathalie did that on purpose to protect Adrien from Gabriel and enable him to choose his own happiness as Emilie wished, which is what we saw moments before:
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Adrien in "Emotion" and "Pretention" was not a 'coward', that is such disgusting victim-blaming against a person who is literally mind-controlled by their parent without even knowing it for their entire life. It's like giving Kagami shit for giving her amok back to her mother when Tomoe demands it, as if Kagami KNOWS that her ring holds her entire mental and physical autonomy. These poor children have it horrible enough being literally almost enslaved to their parents demands from the day they were born for some sort of sick purpose. Cool that Marinette doesn't have that problem at all and Félix doesn't have it anymore so THEY are able to do whatever they want, but they have no business being held as the golden standard.
This is about Kagami and Adrien who are still being taken advantage of and lied to ever since birth from the people who are supposed to love and protect them. Yes, they act weird and nerve-wreckingly sometimes and in ways that apparently dissappoints you because - of course - if you were a Sentihuman half enslaved and kept in the dark by your parent you would just choose to not have those problems, no biggie, but unfortunately Adrien and Kagami arent you.
They're weird and frustrated. Weird, frustrated, exhausted and abused little half-slaves, left in the dark and still minors so they cant escape anyway.
These things matter.
DETAILS matter.
Details like between the ending of "Adoration" and "Emotion" the episode has Marinette tell us that there was a time skip we didnt see in which Adrien has been acting very weird:
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New and suspicious extremes MATTER.
Gabriel crossed a massive line by turning Adrien into a literal puppet at the end of "Adoration" seemingly for the first time from a further distance, since this seems to be the first time THIS happened in Adrien's head:
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The fact alone that this was the instance where Gabriel crossed such a fundamental line is already a give-away that whatever is about to follow from Gabriel as Adrien's father from this moment onwards will be on an even more extreme layer of abusive. Which we know to be true from all the episodes afterwards.
But even if you wanna ignore all that, Marinette is then increasingly more worried about Adrien's safety in his home and everything regarding his father and has to truly face for the first time her underlying fear of "what if Gabriel isnt just a bad father?" and "What if Adrien is even being hurt in some way?" although she tried to approach it from deflecting angles until Gabriel talked to her in "Pretention".
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But more and more Marinette is learning in what hellhole Adrien has been living in for all his life.
Because, you know, that is the case with highly abusive parents and its something one very likely has to face when one enteres a relationship. This is perfectly realistic, just the abuse method is fantasy. Something the show is not yet letting any of the children besides Félix know yet.
But we KNOW that Adrien is a Sentihuman at his abusive father's mercy and "Emotion" tells us that Marinette's concern at the end of "Adoration" was correct. Gabriel DID do something to Adrien but we, just like Marinette, couldnt fully see it because the biggest portion of the abuse happened behind closed doors as most abuse does. And Marinette, just like us, was left wondering what just happened to Adrien when she saw something disturbing happen to him which may stand in connection to his father.
And she, just like us, asks herself if he's even safe living with this man (no he isnt) when THIS is what happend to Adrien just being near his home and father:
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And just like Marinette WE were supposed to find Adrien's silence after this concerning. Marinette read this correctly but she doesnt know yet how to properly interpret all of Adrien's types of silence and the family contexts surrounding it.
Adrien didnt tell Marinette about the Diamond Ball because Gabriel silenced his son, something that Adrien himself wouldnt properly recognize as such and only blames himself for as a failure on his part.
Who cares what the other characters' guesses are for why he didnt say anything? The only two people who truly know why Adrien didnt tell her are Adrien and Gabriel themselves because that's the abusive parent and his abused child. And that's the truth Marinette should be after. Not the one she prefers to be true and she is finally making good progress on that front.
And we can take the silencing in "Emotion" even further, because that wasn't the only time skip + silencing situation we had.
Just like in between "Adoration" and "Emotion", there is yet another significant time skip very cleverly handled - and almost hidden - between "Emotion" and "Pretention". We know that there is a time skip because once again Adrinette tells us:
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Honestly, no doubt they will go back to these important time skips in season 6 or 7, there is so much important Marinette development for her love-related anxiety alone deliberately skipped before and after "Emotion" because of what it was entangled with. Not to mention everything else!
Optional rant ahead, I need to get this out of my system for a second: "Emotion" still barely makes sense and dont get me started on Félix! When do you think he fell in love with and stalked Kagami besides in the time skip? He wasnt in love with her before he found out at the diamond ball that she's like him, he probably barely made anything of her when he thought her to be a "normal human". Kagami and Marinette were not part of Felix' plan, Kagami he only just found out is a sentihuman too and therefore deserving of concideration for him, and Marinette wasnt even supposed to be there!
I swear, "Emotion" and the time skips before and afterwards are driving me crazy. I have to make a seperate post for the Felix and Amilie stuff alone and Adrien too was just plain weird in that episode with no proper explaination besides for the little amout that was required to make this work for Marinette's outsider perspective who doesnt know what's going on inside those families anyway. Félix apparently was gone for WEEKS and apparently both Adrien and Kagami knew that because they werent surprised hearing that and neither Gabriel nor Tomoe seemed to care that Amilie went off on Gabriel about it in infront of their children.
Félix was gone for weeks. Adrien knew it. And then we see Adrien immediately recognizing Félix as peacock miraculous holder even despite the magic; not being too surprised seeing Felix there transformed and AT ALL when he should be missing and is willing to go to him in a friendly enough and trusting manner despite that being weird too with no context! Félix is a completely new person who suddenly is aware that Adrien has always been a victim caught in a hellhole with Gabriel and what the fuck was that fake miraculous ring from Adrien Felix had?
Screw you, something happened there in this time skip before "Emotion" and we only got to see the tip of the ice berg! And screw this show for barely giving context for anything in "Emotion" yet because we are stuck with Marinette as main character and Adrien didnt wanted to involve her in his family shit because why would he?
*GROAN* I'm turning grey because of this damn show...
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What "Pretention" does very cleverly is picking up the same character goals established at the end of "Emotion" prior and starting this episode with it. But that doesnt mean at all that this is the next day. NOTHING about what Adrinette tells us about how Gabriel now breathes down their necks makes sense if this is merely the next day:
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It's at the very least a couple of days and that's being VERY generous. I'm personally putting it at one week. That would mean Gabriel is being increasingly more of an ass for one school week where Adrinette has to get more and more creative (and Adrien ending up knowing when his father is busy) and at the beginning of the second Marinette has had it. One week is also a perfectly reasonable timeframe for the kids to put off talking to Gabriel and Tomoe while its also a realistic point in time where you would draw the line and motivate yourself again to finally do it.
Kagami's dialogue is the factor that very cleverly tricks the audience into thinking it can just be the next day since Kagami is "oh so much braver than Adrien who doesnt dare to talk to his father", which the episode then subverts by showing that Kagami rightfully fears her mother too and shouldnt be concidered less for it because Tomoe is an abusive hardass too who Kagami needs to be protected from as (her) child and Sentihuman who doesnt know she is one & the end of "Emotion" literally showed us Adrien talking to his father right after he told Marinette that he would try to convince him to have a heart-to-heart with her to clear up whatever he has against her:
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Adrien did NOT fail to talk to his father after he said he would because we saw him do it right away. What he did "fail" to do though was mentioning towards the girls that he already talked with his father and tell them what Gabriel said - though that's understandable, Gabriel is being an irrational fuck; blaming the fiasco on Marinette when it's realistically on Félix - and to convince his father to talk to Marinette. But even for this Adrien's on-screen talk with Gabriel has the explaination for:
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Did you pick up on the pattern too? That as well was an explicit order from Gabriel with the ring.
Adrien in "Pretention" didnt 'manage' to talk to his father again about him and Marinette so they can have a heart-to-heart because prior to that Gabriel forbit Adrien through an order to ever mention Marinette towards him again (and that means, since Adrinette didnt talk to Gabriel yet, Kagami in turn put off talking to her mother too)
So of course Adrien couldnt do it, which is why he went along with the only option he subconciously felt like he had left. Bringing Marinette to his father so SHE can talk to him by his side, forcing his father into a corner. Adrien unknowingly loopholed himself and out of Gabriel's order that's literally silencing him.
Details, time skips and circumstances matter.
So to bring this back to the failed Adrinette kissing in "Collution":
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I'm pretty sure that from the ending of "Adoration" onwards we are now going to see a further and further escalation of ways for Gabriel to enforce his power over Adrien. Regularly just as his father (which is already bad enough) and also the ways in which Gabriel can hurt Adrien through the amok ring
- but in ways he can for now at least somewhat still hide from Nathalie, though no doubt this is going to end BADLY where even Nathalie cant help Adrien anymore as it was already established that Gabriel can absolutely do that and still cross so many more lines-
and in "Emotion" that already included silencing Adrien from letting Marinette know about the Diamond Ball and then not letting him talk about Marinette to him at all (for which I'm quite sure Nathalie touching Adrien with the amok ring in "Collution" helped Adrien break through that barrier because that WAS the first time he really talked ABOUT Marinette towards Gabriel since "Emotion" that isnt just him mentioning her name in logical situations or vaguely talking around the relationship topic like in "Pretention").
But I'm also betting that Gabriel odered Adrien to not kiss Marinette after he puppeteered Adrien back into the mansion in "Adoration" or some other variation of an official grand gesture that Adrien is in a relationship with her. Something that... yeah, DID indeed stop after "Protection", didn't it? (Ooh. That explains why the date was made such a big deal for Adrien's story through the parallels to Gabriel's and Emilie's date in the past in "Evolution"; that was the last time Adrien was able to do something like that...)
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But poor Adrien of course does not know the true reason for why he's still hesitating to kiss Marinette even now in "Collusion". He must be so relieved that Marinette is reading it as him needing more time with her too to get comfortable enough to kiss. It's so rough watching all these episodes and seeing Adrien beat himself up and think so low of himself when he's literally being abused through mind-control. All I want is for Adrien to finally have his rings on his hand like Félix and Kagami get to. I just want my boy to be free :'(
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
hiii finally you open for request, can you do reader x tsukasa angst fluff please, thank you and have a great day💗💗💗
• Tsukasa x reader with Oya Boys | Part2
a/n: Hii! I didnt have any spesific angst idea -and you didnt give me any details- and i was planning to write a part 2 for this one.I know this is a very poorly written fic and very long... But I wanted to write the second part and I had a lot of ideas...The plot was a bit confusing and I had a hard time finishing it.I don't know if you like it, but if you don't, it's okay, you can send a request again.And it is a little late because I got injured, and I'm sorry about that too... Soo I hope you like it :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: angst to fluff, oya high usual violence
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No matter how hard Y/n tried, only a few days later she found herself in the middle of things.  Although she usually wanted to wear a hoodie and keep herself hidden, it wasn't easy as both YasuKiyo faction and Todoroki faction recognized her.
Even though Todoroki and Tsuji&Shiba chose to remain silent, y/n knew that Yasushi wouldn't sit still.And she was right...
She wanted to have a quiet day, but when 2 people she knew were from YasuKiyo faction blocked her way, she knocked one down with a hard kick without even waiting to listen to what they were gonna say.The other ran to her in anger, she punched him in the stomach and face, pushed him away and shouted.
"Tell your boss I'm not interested.And if they keep messing with me, I won't sit still like this any longer."
When the young girl shook her hands and wanted to put her hood back on, she heard a small applause. When she quickly turned to the direction of the voice, she looked at the person who was applauding her in surprise.
The famous king of Oya was looking at her with a smile on his face, as if he had just found out a new toy.
“Murayama-san…” Y/n whispered in surprise, Murayama smiled and gestured towards the stairs.
"Shall we go to the roof?"
Y/n didn't say anything.She did not know Murayama's intentions.She had some idea of ​​his character, but wasn't sure if he would hurt her.  But she knew very well how strong he was. So she thought it would be foolish to protest, so she put on her hoodie and followed him.
Everyone stared at them in the hallways they passed as Y/n quietly followed Murayama to the roof. Oya was strange enough to have a girl, and that girl was with Murayama ?
Murayama was watching the new freshmen's leadership race with interest.He was excited by the fact that there were many strong freshmen after Todoroki. And as this race started, he was as excited as he was surprised by the fact that there was a girl in Oya right after.
He didn't like it when he learned that she was hiding as much as possible and that some factions were targeting her. He wanted to get to know her better and find out her purpose. He also wanted her to appear with him.No one should dare to touch the person next to him.
Once they got to the roof, y/n slowly unbuttoned her hood and looked seriously at Murayama and around. The view from above was quite pleasant.She smiled:
"Nice view"
Murayama laughed and shook his head.
"I hope you don't think I invited you here to show the view"
Murayama smiled as Y/n nodded seriously.
"Y/n-chan, right?"  Y/n nodded.  "It is quite interesting that there is a female student in Oya. It is very interesting not because it is not possible, but because no one has asked for it until now."
Y/n was seriously trying to figure out why she was summoned here.
"I was worried when I heard that there was a female student coming here. I was curious about her purpose. At first I thought she was an attention-seeking young girl, she wanted to play with boys. But when I saw that she was not interested in anyone and could fight, I gave up on that idea."
Y/n was listening to her Senpai with a very serious expression. She could not predict the outcome of this conversation.
"I thought you'd challenge the boys and enter the leadership race after seeing you can fight, but on the contrary, you don't care about it at all. Tell me, y/n-chan... why are you in Oya?"
Y/n was torn between answering or not.It didn't make much sense for her to say that her real reason was to follow the boy she loved to the most notorious school in the area.
"I don't have a reason, I just wanted to come. Senpai, I'll graduate without getting in trouble and getting involved in that shitty race."
Murayama smiled and took a few steps closer to the young girl. Y/n did not back down or was frightened.  Murayama realized that this young girl was quite daring.
"I don't think you can live here if you don't pick a side right now."
Y/n smiled
"I can protect myself, don't worry"
Murayama shook his head and again looked down from the roof at the view.
“Everyone who comes here has a purpose, y/n-chan. A purpose other than being a student… I also came here to be king. Todoroki and others too. And they fight for it, some succeed. Some fight alongside the strong, some are becoming the man. But you're not interested in power or being the king... Because you're here for someone, right?"
Y/n looked at Murayama, who turned to him with his last words, in horror. She knew he was strong and crazy, but he was also smart.How had he predicted this?
"You don't have to answer... It's also a good reason to care for someone and be with them."  Murayama took a deep breath and smiled.
"This place is not for you y/n-chan. Sometimes reasons are not enough, also ambition is needed. And you are not ambitious.You will melt away in these boys' war..."
Y/n knew Murayama was right.  She was angry with Tsukasa, but this was different.She had to show them that she was determined.
Y/n closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again and smiled.
"What if I prove to you that I can stay here, Murayama-san? Then will you let me stay?"
Murayama approached the young girl.He stopped right in front of her and smiled.He took a few steps towards the door without saying a word and called without turning his back at the door.
"Don't make them feel like you are weak.And… don't forget to come to me if things get too bad for you to handle."
Murayama quietly left the roof and y/n stared after him for a few seconds.She thought about what he had said and sighed deeply.She wasn't gonna give up, she was gonna keep fighting...
After thinking for a while on the roof, Y/n went down the stairs again and proceeded to one of the empty classrooms where she always hangs out, ignoring the people around her. When she turned the corner, she stopped her steps with the person in front of her and lifted her head.
Nakagoshi... she knew him.She knew that he was in this school and that he respected Tsukasa and wanted to follow him. But Tsukasa's refusal to enter this race changed everything. Nakagoshi thought he was afraid and said that he would beat Todoroki himself.
Everyone in Hope Hill knew her as Y/n was close with Fujio and Tsukasa.Yasushi and Kiyoshi in particular enjoyed dealing with her because of their past with Fujio and Tsukasa.
But Nakagoshi didn't see y/n as an enemy.On the contrary, he wanted her to be with him, so he finally wanted to talk to her.
"Y/n-chan, I have no intention of fighting. I just want to talk."
Y/n listened, never taking her serious gaze off the young boy's face.
"Oya is a dangerous place. And you're not on Tsukasa-san's side...If you don't join a faction when the leadership race is this fierce-"
Y/n sighed and approached the young boy with a bored expression.
"Naka-kun...I'm not interested in any faction as long as someone isn't fighting me or hurting me."
With Y/n's stern attitude, Nakagoshi excitedly replied
"Being alone will make you a target.Doesn't YasuKiyo already attack you every day because of Fujio-san?"
When Y/n remained silent, Nakagoshi spoke confidently.
"I can protect you y/n-chan."
Although Y/n was surprised at first, she smiled and adjusted her hoodie.She patted Nakagoshi's shoulder and started walking without saying a word.
As Y/n was leaving, Tsukasa came out from behind the wall where he was listening to them and came face to face with Nakagoshi. He didn't know his purpose but wanted him to stay away from y/n.
"Senpai...You don't stand up to Todoroki, so there's no one to protect y/n-chan. They're going to hurt her because you're a coward."
Tsukasa shook his head at what Nakagoshi said angrily.
"Y/n can protect herself. So you... stay away from her. Her not taking a side is the only thing keeping her safe."
Nakagoshi laughed and shook his head.
“Even I can be stronger than you in my current state. You disappointed me, your friends, and y/n-chan, senpai.”
Tsukasa was offended by the young boy's innuendo, but he didn't want to show it.
"I don't care about this race. I don't think Todoroki sees her as a threat. Instead of worrying about her, worry about yourself... and for the last time. Stay away from Y/n."
  Tsukasa quietly left after his words and didnt wait for him to say anything. And Nakagoshi's men followed him silently as he left too...
Y/n didn't look away when she walked into one of the classes she always hangs out.When she lifted her head, she was taken aback by the sight she saw. Todoroki was sitting on one of the desks. When he saw her enter the classroom, he turned his gaze to the young girl. Thinking that she was in danger, Y/n quickly turned around and wanted to exit the door, but Tsuji and Shibaman closed the door and didn't let her leave.
Y/n tried to push both of them but couldn't.She looked at the two who were blocking her way.  Both were quite tall and she knew they were both strong.Tsuji and Shiba were not like the losers Yasushi sent, she couldn't beat them both.  Moreover, Todoroki was also in this room, even if she defeated the duo, she knew that Todoroki was the strongest of Oya.
"Get out of my way!"
Todoroki spoke when the young girl said it harshly
"We won't hurt you, just want to talk."
Y/n sighed at Todoroki's words and cast her stern gaze away from the two of them.She turned around and smiled
"Why is everyone saying the same thing today?"
When Todoroki pointed to the bench in front of him, y/n pulled up the chair and sat down.She put her arms on the back of the chair and looked at Todoroki.
"What do you want to talk about? And when will your Bodyguards let me out?"
Tsuji and Shiba rolled their eyes at the young girl at the same time, while Todoroki smiled at her confident demeanor. He knew she wasn't afraid, and even if she was, she would never show it. But he wondered about her connection to Murayama.
"They're not my bodyguards. I can protect myself."
Y/n smiled and nodded
"I know, I heard you are pretty strong."
"What did you talk about with Murayama? Now that he's interested-"
"What makes you think I'm going to answer that question?"
She knew that Todoroki didn't care if anyone joined him or not. He was just jealous of Murayama's position.So the only thing he wanted to talk about was Murayama.
Todoroki smiled and looked the young girl in the eyes
"I really wonder why you're here. At first I thought you were an attention-whore teenage girl."
Y/n frowned as Todoroki continued.
"You didn't come here to hunt men. You don't compete for leadership either. You don't join anyone, but you don't fight anyone either. If you're not here for power or fame, what's your point y/n-chan?"
Y/n could tell from his eyes that he was making fun of her and despising her. Todoroki was very confident. This was not an unfounded trust.  He was as smart as he was strong.  But she didn't like him. He was selfish.
"You're here for someone, right?"
Y/n was trying not to change her facial expression with the question she heard.She shouldn't have given herself up.
"Nakagoshi? I haven't heard of him attacking you."
Seeing that there was no change in Y/n's reactions, Todoroki continued.
"I don't think it's Yasushi or Kiyoshi either. I also don't understand the hostility they have towards you yet."
Tsuji, who was listening to the conversation at the time, replied
"They used to fight with us too, but Fujio always protected you. That's why you're an easy target now, right?"
Hearing Fujio's name, she smiled.She missed him.
"Fujio? Tsukasa's friend you were talking about?"
Todoroki asked in surprise when Shiba nodded his head at Todoroki's question.
"Fujio isn't here. Why haven't I seen you together, even though I thought you were here for Tsukasa? Shouldn't you be with him?
Tsuji and Shiba looked at her in surprise when Y/n slammed her hand on the desk in front of her, but Todoroki was not surprised. He already had his answer.
"That's enough. This conversation is over. I don't care about your assumptions and guesses. I'm not a threat to you, you should take care of Yasushi and Kiyoshi instead of me."
Todoroki smiled and stood up from the bench. But just then, Yasushi's voice came from the speaker.  He was calling out to Tsuji and Shibaman. When Y/n turned his head and looked at the two of them, he saw that they were quite angry. Todoroki was also listening to the conversation seriously. Soon after, when one of Nakagoshi's men shrieked in pain, the trio left the room and y/n followed them.
After Tsuji and Shiba knocked out Yasushi's men, the two left the room and the five of them faced each other. But even more surprising, Todoroki calmly stood in front of Yasushi and said he could take the lead if he wanted to. And left without doing anything.
After Todoroki left, y/n came out from behind the door watching them and showed herself.  Yasushi grinned when he saw her and watched the young girl approach him.Yasushi thought she had finally come to fight, but y/n had something else on her mind.
"Congratulations, leader."
After what Y/n said with a suggestive grin, and with a slight bow, Yasushi knew that she was teasing him. Y/n left without saying anything, and Yasushi didn't do anything about it.It wasn't the right time to mess with y/n.
When Y/n heard that Tsukasa had left the school after the events, she was very angry. She knew that the boy she had known and loved for years was not coward and weak. Fujio's departure had literally devastated him, and she understood that he didn't want to get involved in these fights.  But she didn't understand how he was pretending to be defeated without even a fight.
She was quite tired from what was going on at school.She had stopped by the market before going home and was walking down the dark street towards the apartment. She had a favorite music in her earphones and thousand thoughts in her mind.
She was no more than 100 meters from the apartment, she didn't notice the person following her because of the music playing in her headphones, and she couldn't even react when someone suddenly grabbed her and threw her against the wall.
When y/n entered the garden gate, Todoroki realized that something was wrong when he saw the young girl trying to leave without looking around and trying to hide her face.So when he called out to and stopped her, y/n cursed her bad luck and stopped.
As the trio approached the young girl, Todoroki noticed the scar on her forehead and frowned.
"What happened to your face? Who did that?"
Y/n rolled her eyes
"A little fight and it is none of your business."
Y/n was obviously lying.This was very different from a fight scar.  Tsuji approached and looked at the young girl's face
"Do you remember who you were fighting with?"  Y/n was stunned by the question, while Tsuji smiled, "Someone attacked you last night, right?"
Todoroki was waiting for the young girl to answer. Y/n couldn't understand how they knew.
"Kiyoshi... someone stabbed him with a knife yesterday. His wound isn't bad, but this is serious." 
Y/n was also surprised by what Shiba said.Someone approached from behind and slammed her to the wall, and after she hit her head, there was a small fight. She knew the person just wanted to intimidate him, but she couldn't see the face of her attacker.She thought they were from Yasushi's faction, but her mind changed.
"Did you see who they were? I heard they were wearing masks."
Y/n shook her head
"No, they attacked from behind. Their faces were also masked. It was just two people."
Todoroki shook his head
"Let's take a walk, y/n-chan, let's go out to the backyard and we'll talk about this."
Y/n looked around, there was no chance of getting rid of these three. She grinned and replied.
"I don't have an umbrella, as you can see the rain has getting faster Todoroki-san"
Shibaman smiled and said, pointing at the umbrella in his hand.
"I'll share this with you, y/n-chan, don't worry. You're pretty small, it'll be enough for both of us."
Y/n rolled her eyes at what Shiba had said and the trio started walking to the backyard area. After talking about what had happened for a while, they saw the YasuKiyo duo at the end of the stairs.
"I guess you've been pretty busy after being a leader. What happened?" 
When Todoroki asked Kiyoshi, Yasushi snapped and immediately looked behind Todoroki at the girl next to Shiba.
"I guess you chose your side y/n-chan. Also what happened to your face? Didn't your friends protect you?"
Y/n smiled at the boy who was grinning and answered.
"I'm not picking a side, Yasushi-kun. I don't need anyone's protection either. I'll continue to be a lone wolf."
While Yasushi and y/n were bickering with each other, Nakagoshi stared at the scar on the young girl's face for a while.The attackers of Kiyoshi were Todoroki and the others, he couldn't understand why y/n was with them.
While he was thinking about this, y/n was back in school with Todoroki and the duo. Tsuji spoke while looking at the young girl.
“There is no evidence of Kiyoshi's stabbing, but I'm sure Nakagoshi had it done. They must have attacked Y/n-chan too."
Y/n looked at him confused.
"Me? Why would Nakagoshi have his men attack me? I am no threat to him. He also even told me to join him."
Todoroki calmly replied
"Maybe that's why."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"He may have just wanted to intimidate. He's the best choice for you to join. Besides… maybe you did something that pissed him off."
Y/n thought for a while. It didn't make sense.  But could he really have done such a thing just for her to get scared?
When Y/n learned that Tsukasa had not come to school again, she left the school to look for him and found that he was sitting alone by a river near his home.She sat a few steps behind him on the stairs, and as soon as she sat down, Tsukasa noticed someone came and turned around.
Y/n looked at him for a while with a serious expression and smiled.
"I heard you're leaving Oya."
Tsukasa slowly nodded and swallowed.He knew he wouldn't be happy at the end of this conversation.
"It's not the place for me. It's better for everyone that way."
Y/n laughed and nodded
"You're going to give up like this? You're going to let them win?"
"Y/n... I'm not who you thin-"
Tsukasa spoke, trying to remain calm. He didn't want to fight with y/n
"How many years have we known each other Tsukasa ? 4 ? 5 ? Quite a long time... I can't understand that you admitting defeat without even fighting... You're strong, i mean quite strong. But even I can beat you now as the person you are."
Tsukasa chose to remain silent.  Y/n wanted to fight him, yell at each other, but when she didn't get the reaction she wanted, she got angry and stood up.
"They beat up your friends.Those boys were trusting on you.... what a shame... It's so sad to see the boy I love turn into a coward... I thought you were just a coward when it comes to me..."
The young girl slowly walked away and returned to the school. Tsukasa was left alone with his thoughts and conscience.
Y/n was back at school after a while.  She was sitting on the stairs in the backyard and thinking. Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned her head and saw Nakagoshi coming. She stood up slowly and looked at him.
"What happened to your face? I told you I could protect you."
Remembering what Tsuji had said, y/n laughed and shook her head.Nakagoshi stared at her in shock as she suddenly punched the young boy in the face.
"You had stabbed Kiyoshi and your men attacked me. And now you're saying that without shame?"
With Y/n's shouting, Nakagoshi stared at her with wide eyes.
"I didn't do anything like that. I have nothing to do with this. What the hell are you talking about? I would never hurt you."
Y/n was a little surprised at the seriousness in his voice but didn't want to believe it.
"They broke one of your men's fingers. And you wanted revenge. You probably wanted to scare me too-"
"Bullshit. I never fight dirty. Besides, I'd never hurt you y/n."
Y/n frowned and smiled
"Why should I believe you?"
"Because I like you!"
Nakagoshi lowered his voice as the young girl looked up in shock.
"I've liked you for a long time. Why would I hurt someone I love? Do you realize how worried I was when I saw your scar?"
"Seriously, I really like you. That's why I want you by my side. I don't want you to get hurt y/n..."
Y/n was silent for a while.She didn't think he was lying.It was the first time she had seen him like this.
"I... I'm sorry. But I can't..."
Nakagoshi nodded and smiled
"You love him, don't you? You came for him."
Y/n smiled bitterly and didn't say anything. She walked up the stairs to the school again. There was no need to lie...
Tsukasa came back to school that day and spoke to Murayama. Then he ran to the roof with what Nakagoshi said and saw Yasushi had beaten his friends so bad.he was going to fight that day, but Jamuo stopped him...
He wanted to think about what to do for a while.  Murayama's words were swirling around in his head.So he got on the bus and went to Fujio.
They fought for a while, literally rolling in the mud. The fight didnt have a  winner but Tsukasa was able to gather his mind a little.
After a while, they were walking on the road towards home. Fujio was quite surprised when Tsukasa talked a little about what had happened.
"Oya huh? I never expected her to go to a school like Oya. Is she safe?"
Tsukasa hesitated a little and nodded his head.
"I hear she's been getting into fights, but she doesn't seem to be in trouble."
Fujio shook his head and thought for a while. He smiled at Tsukasa.
"How are you? I mean you didnt talk for a long time. But  I know she came to Oya for you."
Tsukasa smiled bitterly
"I'd say she made my mind up, but she's still mad at me-"
"And you? Don't you really have feelings for her?"
Fujio asked, knowing that his friend had been lying for years.
"I love her."
Even though Fujio knew the correct answer, he didn't expect Tsukasa to confess.Tsukasa smiled as Fujio looked at him in surprise.
"I was afraid of losing her. I was afraid that someone would hurt her or that things wouldn't go on as they were in the beginning. For years she neither confessed nor I could say anything. But she is not living a unrequited love.But I guess.... I guess it's too late now "
Fujio laughed and punched his friend hard on the shoulder.
"For you, she still goes Oya for you... I don't think anything is too late. Talk to her properly, you've both been broken enough."
When Tsukasa came to school the next day, he looked quite confident.He searched for y/n at school for a while, and when he couldn't find it, he looked for places she might be. He even asked Tsuji and Shiba. When he realized she wasn't at school, he thought of the steps by the river where she had been sitting a few days ago, and he quickly walked out of school.
When he got to the river side, he saw someone watching the flowing water where he was sitting a few days ago. He slowly descended the steps and stood next to the young girl. Y/n spoke without taking her eyes off the water.
"Have a sit"
Tsukasa sat next to her and silently waited for her to say something.Y/n handed him half of the chocolate in her hand.
"Here you go, you used to love these one"
Tsukasa smiled and took the chocolate.She still cared enough for him to even remember his favorite chocolate. He took a deep breath and looked at the girl who wasn't looking at him.
"Can we talk a bit?"  Y/n slowly turned to him and nodded
"You were right."
The young girl turned her gaze back to the water and Tsukasa continued to speak.
"I was scared. But not of them. I wasn't afraid to fight. Because I had already admitted in my head that I was already defeated. You were right about that. Thank you."
Y/n nodded slightly and turned to him.
"Then what were you afraid of? I mean... what are you trying to say you're afraid of?"
Tsukasa looked into the eyes of the young girl
"You said i knew everything but said nothing to you. I admit it, I'm a coward. I admit that I was wrong. But I was afraid that things would get worse later. I was afraid that nothing would ever be the same again. I was afraid of upsetting each other, afraid of hurting you... "
Y/n averted her gaze, started watching the water again
"I'm wrong, I admit it. I'm sorry y/n, you didn't deserve this... But you're wrong about one thing. Your feelings aren't unrequited... I... I like you too."
Y/n turned to him with wide eyes. She was shocked, sad, angry...Tsukasa couldn't decide which one.
"Will you give me a chance? To fix everything?"
Y/n closed her eyes and couldn't say anything.  As a tear fell from her eye, Tsukasa extended his hand and gently wiped the tear from the young girl's face.
He caressed her cheek lightly and he withdrew his hand, thinking he had done something wrong.
"I'm sorry… I went too far..."
Y/n opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She wiped her eyes and smiled.
"If you want me to forgive you, I have one condition."
Y/n smiled as Tsukasa looked at her in surprise.
"We're going to show all those bastards who we are, okay?"
Tsukasa chuckled and nodded, smiling. Y/n smiled and took the chocolate she had just handed him and popped it into her mouth.
Tsukasa laughed at this and then smiled.He missed being like this with her. So fucking much...
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dissectedgrrl · 6 months
okay so a while ago i mentioned a the good place rtc au
n so i finally made one :D
keep in mind this is j kind of a rough idea thing so not every detail is there but here are my ideas !! this also includes some headcanons for the characters so dont mind certain parts
so it kind of follows the same plot as the show
karnak is like michael and he tells the choir where they are, what happened, etc
he got their names right + the fact that they were the choir n referred to as "the six saints" in the news
but he got their personalities mixed up with other students
he thinks they volunteered, helped out a lot of people, etc.
he doesnt know about mischa stealing wine, ocean bullying literally everyone, etc
but the choir knows its all wrong n have to find out what went wrong, how to get out, etc (just everything eleanor went thru)
cast of characters :
Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
she/her , lesbiaB, learning 2 languages, can speak 5
Ocean is in COMPLETE denial that she doesnt belong in the good place. i mean why wouldn't she ? shes ocean o'connell rosenburg. shes perfect. shes supposed to be here.
she tries to remain as perfect as possible while in the good place
she keeps calling karnak "god" no matter how many times he tells her there is no god in the good place. sometimes she does it on accident
the soulmate she got matched up with is constance
^ when she was told that she blurted out "WHAT ? WE ONLY KISSED ONCE !!!!" and everyone just kind of . . . . stared at her
most likely says the "all neutral people should go to Cincinnati" joke
Constance Blackwood
she/her, bilingual and bisexual
Constance doesn't want to leave the good place but she knows it isnt right for her to stay
she loves ocean, but being her soulmate takes a lot of patience (that constance sometimes doesnt have)
she got SO excited about the free froyo flavors
"mmm . . . . warm laundry flavor 😍"
when ocean said the kissing thing constance was j kinda like "🧍"
("jane doe")
she/they/it, pan demisexual demiromantic (i swear im not projecting 😭 /srs)
i have a lot to say abt her 💀
since she doesnt know who she really is she tries to learn as much as she can in the good place
^ she always has a "why" to ask n gets frustrated if she cant figure something out
^ it LOVES learning
^ whenever something interests them they get really excited
karnak gave them their doll n when they asked why all he said was "shes nice"
^ ever since then shes LOVED dolls n just toys in general
its favorite thing to learn about is toys
it has a lot of toys n keep all of them in a toy chest
when she learned she could eat food she just didnt stop 😭
^ they LOVE food but their cooking skills arent the best . . . .
^ its favorite savory food is pizza. dont ask why they just like it . . . . all kinds of pizza too
she really really likes music as well
^ favorite artists are frank sinatra and edith piaf !!
its soulmate is ricky
^ she LOVES him like theyre so close (i havent decided if theyre gonna be platonic, romantic, or both, but for now lets j say theyre best friends !!)
^ her and rickys relationship kind of confuses her bc all the other souldmates kiss n hold hands n what not but her n ricky just kind of . . . . watch star trek and talk about their interests together
they HATE being photographed and recorded, the smell of smoke, big rollercoasters, and anything people use to smoke (weed especially)
it hates being called creepy and having people afraid of her
shes really nice and smart but no one (expect ricky n the rest of the choir) rlly gives them a chance :/
Mischa Bachinski
he/him, bi, speaks same languages as he does in canon universe
soulmate is noel
he loves music (we all know this) and listens to any recommendation he gets
has to try and keep calm while in the good place so no one gets suspicious
his weakness is animals . . . . show him a rabbit n he will cry istg
^ hes a dog person but tries to hid it bc noel prefers cats
he doesnt rlly like sweets but hes okay w the free froyo (only SPECIFIC flavors tho)
he asked karnak if his mom was also in the good place, but didnt get a straight answer, but karnak hinted at a yes
^ his goal is to find his mom while he has time in the good place
^ hes doing everything he can to find her and is convinced he gets closer every day
Noel Gruber
he/she, gay (and maybe bigender or genderfluid ? idk yet), speaks english n french
he rlly likes black coffee like . . . . a lot
^ mischa says he hates coffee, but hes never tried it so noel is determined to make him drink it
noel sees the good place as a second chance at life
^ she hopes to get to live out her monique dreams here
secretly hates mischa's music taste 💀
noel introduced jane to edith piaf !
Ricky Potts
he/they, pan + trans demiboy, can speak english n pig latin (when jane asked why he just said "itsyay ustjay oremay unfay anthay englishyay !")
he loves living with jane because he gets to ramble n he gets to hear her ramble as well
^ him n jane have cats ! :D
^ every other saturday night ricky n jane watch spiderman movies while eating pizza. they look forward to that saturday every week !
he actually CAN cook
he claims he doesnt have a favorite cat but Captain Butterscotch is always with him . . . . suspicious
one of their favorite pastimes is looking out the telescope thats in their backyard at night
^ he likes to name stars (even if they already have names)
okay thats all i got so far ! if you have any suggestions or anything feel free to tell me ! srry if there are any spelling errors i wrote this down so fast bc i had to get these idea out or else i would implode 💔
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luckyqueenreign · 11 months
LITG: Double Trouble EP 8 Recap
HERE WE GO!!! spoilers underneath!
ok now that I think of it...with 5 guys coming in for casa I guess we do have the same amount of bombshells for guys and girls. WHOOPSIE!!! still shocked a girl is going home!! and still have no idea who theyre gonna choose 😬
"steady grace...its a public vote. it sucks thinking someones going home" Ozzy are u thinking about mc???
awww Amelia tbh I would be SHOCKED if she was dumped tonight. it cant be double trouble without the double! aww the good old days option is cute...little twin sleepovers, missing prom to sit around eating and gossiping. they seemed super tight...I wonder what happened 👀 OZZY my guy...I love you sm BUT WHY INTERRUPT NOW WHEN SHE CLEARLY NEEDS TO CONFESS SOMETHING TO US??? is Amelia not who we think?!?!? 👀😩🫣
at least it was Ozzy tho, if it were literally anyone else I would be so mad at fb rn...as a Noah girly this Ozzy route is already SO MUCH BETTER. we get the angst, we get the little looks but Ozzy is actually pulling us for chats and letting us know where his head is at. It's confused but still we never got that from Noah. I always felt like I was the one chasing him around the villa. OBVIOUSLY im gonna flirt it up with Ozzy!! eeek sorry grace im moving in for a kiss. OK as much as I hate that he pulled away I kind of love that he's trying to be a respectful king 😭 EEEK Grace 😬😬😬 the worst part about this route really is ruining my budding friendship with grace. I wish Ozzy was coupled with Ivy would be so much easier 😭
Couples Quiz!! Roberto better get every question right since he came in knowing every tiny little thing about us 🙄 awww Ozzyyy 😭😭 Jamals fear being pigeons is so funny to me. slow and sensual...noted Bella! Lewie's a giver....also noted! they needed to bring the toe sucking in at some point...we all knew it was bound to happen and the restrain to only have it in the third volume is honestly impressive ill give fb that.
ahhhh ok fb all the answers were from my chats with the girls earlier got itttt. then Roberto is gonna ace too because he knew everything about mc on the date. Roberto's how do u say it...phallic? now im reading this in an accent and hes even cuter lol 😭 wait whattt lol how did Roberto get that wrong??? A scientist?? the man came in knowing every single tiny detail about MC INCLUDING HER JOB!!! HE MENTIONED IT ON THE DATE THAT IT WAS SIMILAR TO HIS SISTER'S!!! and he cant remember it here??? BOOOOO FB!
of course she picks Lewie for her date....can ivy just go now... obvi going to put her in her place.
EEEK Grace wants a chat.....ugh so not looking forward to this. wait Grace lolol you just came and said Ozzy is pulling away, somethings obvi up with him and I tell you he said he'd be sad if I left and theres something more there and you LAUGH??? lol im sorry but now she cant say I didnt tell her later...
still playing the middle ground with Roberto...did ask him if hes ever been in love..he said once a while ago.
the amount of snooping MC is doing this season is sooo good lol. lets not tell anyone about what happened??? What happened Lewie????
I reallyyyy need an option to skip the getting ready chat. I need it to be MC what are u wearing and immediately show me the closet.
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aroace-polyshow · 6 months
unit swa p stuff question mark
OH MY FUCKING GOD I HATE TUMBLR IT DIDNT SAVE MY DRAFT THE FIRST TIME. WRITING THIS ALL AGAIN IS GONNA SUCK. FUCK ME. anyway. nothing in particular was specified so i’m going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about whatever.
uhhh nightcord wxs. i don’t have a name for them yet. i wanna rename showtime at 25:00 too later but i don’t have any good ideas yet. but anyway they’re the flip side of the unit swap i never talked about.
i still haven’t decided on how they’ve met up. i’m tempted to write a fic but i’m not starting anything until i have like. a basic idea of how their main story would go. help me i am indecisive as fuck ‼️
anyway this is subject to change but they mostly post kikuo style music videos online, by kikuo style i mean like. don’t look at me in that way, and so you become the moon, stuff like that. cutesy sounding songs with a not exactly happy story to them. 3/4 of them don’t do shows anymore due to bad experiences w/ them in the past. still debating on whether i want have them work on trying to give it another chance or not since shows are so critical to all their characters and i feel weird Not having them do shows but also. there’s still showtime at 25:00. technically i think nightcord wxs would do shows online instead but still. am i really gonna have two theater kid groups?? we will see. my au my rules i can do whatever i want forever.
for a brief summary of the new clowns:
tsukasa: still got those memory issues which led to him forgetting why he wanted to be a star but after not being able to reach the high standards he’s set for himself he feels like Shit and having forgotten why he wanted to be a star in the first place is struggling to find a reason to go on
emu: nothing super detailed yet. but wonder stage has been shut down (but not replaced yet). gonna be using the grief and toxic positivity stuff more for her.
nene: i made the fuck up she had on stage in middle school in canon Worse so after that her social anxiety has gotten worse to the point of being terrified of leaving the house at all. feels pathetic for not being able to sing and also guilty for having rui involved in all this.
rui: sad wet cat good god he feels so so much guilt. him and nene have so much mutual guilt about getting the other involved….who could have done this to them… :3
anyway middle school still sucked for him but he never rlly recovered. i am once again debating w/ myself on whether or not i’m having him still do street shows at least for a bit for Plot reasons or not. idk.
uhhh. that’s some stuff for now. there’s some details/context i’ve left out so if you’re curious ask but that’s all ill say for now since once again!! i am still figuring stuff out‼️
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nyx-is-missing · 1 year
(And jude and taryn are half latinas)
LET ME COOK, the oficial art we have of jude shows us that she is a dark skinned girl, and the most common fancast for her is a brazillian actress, the scenes are taken from a soup opera that made hude success here.
As a brazillian i am taking this as a opportunity.
It was hcs in general but it grew up to something more, no complains!!
I kinda wanna do a pt2 on the revel..
I imagine the girls childhood, living is a nice neighborhood on the suburbs but going out every weekend to smaller neighborhoods filled with people from their culture.
Eating white people food sometimes to blend out but loving indian and latin food, especially brazillian food: they ate Samosa, curry, the brazillian barbecue, naan, feijoada etc....
The books mentions them eating other asian foods as well, they do that to stay as close to culture as they can.
One of the memories from home they could never forget was when they went all out as a family to enjoy their culture, whether it was a huge birthday party, or a even bigger indian wedding where they would dress in tradicional clothing and wear minor jewelry, or even a simple brazillian barbecue with friends where they would feel the thing all br kids feel while they wait by the pool for their parents to stop dancing and tk put them food, a plate of Rice, and meat with farofa temperada and vinagrete, ofc with a cup of guaraná.
They loved the languages, mostly mixing them up while talking fast so their parents would not understand what they were trying to say to one another, they still do that in faeryland. They loved understanding the music as well.
Abou the music, i picture them having so much fun dancing to the music at parties, learning coreographies or just spinning around to the songs.
I can perfectly see taryn sleeping in a chair late at night at a party (they grew up with noise, developing the ability to sleep anywere was a must) while jude and vivi tired themselfs out with a group of kids or older people learning the dancings and the meaning Behind them.
Carimbó was very common, they loved spinning around with their huge skirts full of colours, moving their bodies with the rithim
The books show us jude snapping and trying to rebel to somethings, i can see her pulling the seamstress aside to request her a bunch of lehengas with the other dresses, a Red one with Gold details, a Black one with Silver details, a water green one, a orange one etc... not even taryn knew about it, it was her secret small rebellion, they didnt take her for one them? Well she didnt either, she was human, a hot blooded human, and she was going to show them that
And after thinking about it for a sec she even asked for some more jewelry to madoc, indian jewelry, he gave her Gold and she went with vivi to the mortal world to buy them, vivi loved it, every second of it.
They came back with tons of jewelry and jude even got her nose pierced, it had the tiniest little Stone that she used to keep the perfuration from closing up, it was easy to cover up until the day of the revel
And she was especially exited when the day finally came
She had the complete package, the red lehenga that complemented her skin, a maangtika she wore with her hair down, for the first time in years, a nath on her nose, jhumkas in her ears, a haath phool in her hands, she even went to the human world to do some henna, she had never been more human in years, and she wasnt hating it.
She went down the stairs of her house feeling great, and the feeling grew at the compliments her family gave her, taryn was a bit on the jealous side but madoc told her not to complain, jude had the idea and made it come true, even after giving up one of the fabrics to make her happy.
Even vivi decided to go this once, she loved little acts of rebellion
Oriana was satisfied to see jude being less... the usual, for once, and even made a small talk about the outfit, jewelry and the meaning.
But a question Vivi ansewered herself:
"Oh, about the nose ring? Some women wore them as a symbol of marital status, but it has various meanings, womanhood, elegance, a sense of rebellion..."
She smiled to jude, eyes glowing as she smiled back
It was going to be fun, and jude couldnt wait for her blood to heat up again.
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nie7027 · 1 year
Before I reblog more post about the TOH i just want to make clear I REALLY LIKED THE ENDING OF THE OWL HOUSE! IT WAS SUPER GOOD!
Like I'm usually super picky with endings but this felt very good and satisfying
To all those people saying it felt rushed and there were many plot threads loos Ei say WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING?
For a rushed/cancelled show i was really surprised it manges to solve most plot threads in just 44 minutes! Besides more lore ragarding the owl beast i don't think there was anything left unsolved! Each character arc was properly finished!
Like besides the owl beast my only gripe was we didn't get more content about Caleb Wittebane and everything that went down but I already expected that!
Like what I wanted was for Caleb to have his own voice and tell his story instead of it being told by others(and therefore warped) because I wanted people to truly knew him, and his legacy to not be tainted by below anymore (so hunter could see Caleb was more than just another witch hunter or for the clawthores to know his origin) but i always knew for that an episode a la A tale of two Stans would have need and that was possible with the cancellation/time constraints.
We already got a general idea of what happened with both the Hollow mind pictures and Masha's retelling of the story. It's not like we werent given info about we were just missing details.
But that's it! Details!
But that's something that wasn't as necessary for the plot.
As as much as it hurts me Caleb and his story also worked perfectly left as an open history (thus giving them more a sense of a folklore story that haunts the narrative)
It worked perfectly with the story and it's themes
Also something that can easily be inferred as something that was slowly recovered with Hunter and Luz and the Clawthornes researching more about the past) which they are shown to be doing! (Since Thanks to them Hunter was shown to be researching about Caleb and we know that Gus got Belos memories >
I didn't need an official confirmation of Evelyn being Clawthornes to know it, Danna left all the pieces there for us the viewers to pick it.
The same with what went down with Caleb in general.
The same to know Odalia and Alador got divorced and she was cut from her kids lives.
Raeda are together even if there wasn't a onscreen wedding.
The bat queen and it's palismen found a home.
Or how the fight between the archivist and the titans went.
Or the lore behind the archivists.
Even hootys Lore wasn't really needed for the show ending.
For such a short time they had Dana and the crew did an amazing work of closing on screen stuff that need to be closed that way and for less important things they left enough hints for us to viewers to pick up
That's an amazing feat!
For a rushed work the end product feels surprisingly complete and satisfying. very carefully crafted with all the love and care in the world
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cut-content-contest · 9 months
playable Zelda
Zelda was intended to be the original playable character instead of Link- or she would have been the playable character of Skyward Sword's 'Second Quest'. The credits scenes, which show parts of her journey, shows some of the setting of what it would have been.
article: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-second-quest-stole-playable-zelda.html/ credits scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQuw_6StT7w
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The jist of his character is that he is the corpse of a prince, and his two rivals are the princes ghost and the princes ex. The 3 fuckers want to rule over the same area so competition. Also moonjumper I think only appears on the horizon, meaning he is the only 2d character in a 3d game which is pretty dope.
They were a cut character that was originally supposed to be pretty important, but all we got was gamefiles of vague information, a flat character model, a bit of dialogue, and some music. That hasn't stopped many different and wildly unique headcanons, designs, and stories from taking shape from the original scraps of this one axed character.
The third area/chapter in the game had a much different story in its concept stage, and even though the level was designed enough to be playable for a demo, the devs decided to simplify the story for that area from three central characters to one and a half. Originally, he was a prince that met with a terrible fate at the hands of his obsessively jealous princess, and he somehow got trapped on the horizon without any memories of his original life, instead going mad. He was going to offer information about the area to help to the protagonist, though he really wants to manipulate and control her and everyone else into being unable to leave the area. Mj's backstory was ultimately given to the new central character, Snatcher (who also existed but got a bit of a personality shift with his new spotlight), his musical theme (and somewhat his design) repurposed for the game's item dealer, and MJ himself was removed from the game. Bits of the original story are still scattered around (a spectral body outline on the wall, a face painted in the attic of an icy manor, the scrapped explorable area that still exists out of bounds in the final version of the game, a broken tower), but the character only exists in mods, fanworks, and the concept artist for the original level fleshing out his ideas in art. He has a lot of speculation about his full backstory, abilities, and role, but there's very little sources to have anything beyond theories.
okay. so. let me give you the basis of a hat in time's third (or second during the time moonjumper still existed) chapter. evil ghost guy steals the protag's soul and makes her do shit for him and along the way you can get Lore on why he's a ghost and turns out Another ghost-like entity that you encounter in the chapter killed him while they were both Alive. its more detailed than that but that is Not the point. ok. ghost guy who steals your soul. his name is snatcher. ghost guy who Killed snatcher. her name is vanessa. Where does moonjumper come in you may be asking. well. ORIGINALLY moonjumper was in snatcher's place. but! snatcher also existed in the game at the same time as moonjumper- just with a different backstory. eventually, moonjumper was scrapped, and snatcher filled that role. there are So many things involving moonjumper that got just outright removed because of this. However. there are also things that Didnt get removed that are still in the game that can be traced back to moonjumper, mostly through his design being different from snatchers- moonjumper's design is much, much more closer to the design of moonjumper/snatcher while he was still alive opposed to snatcher, who is just a purple ghost noodle. but even then, their human design and moonjumper's design still have quite a few differences. many people in the fandom/fan community of a hat in time like to try and incorporate moonjumper back into the story, and everyone's different takes are always fun to see :)
He was originally to be the remains of the prince, and was to haunt (and I believe attempt to take over) Subcon Forest. I’m pretty sure he was scrapped because a) there would have been too much going on in that one region and b) Snatcher was the spirit of the prince and in charge of the forest, so maybe they decided it was a little weird to have two characters come from the same dead guy. Also he would 100% have been a tumblr sexyman
Moonjumper is a cut character from A Hat In Time. Originally, they were going to live in Subcon Forest, and have puppetmaster motifs. He was also going to be the prince killed by Vanessa. The motifs and being killed by Vanessa were instead given to Snatcher, my little scrunkle doo.
Apparently originally there were supposed to be three characters for the Subcon Forest level, Moonjumper was supposed to be the Prince in the original story, but was later replaced with the Snatcher, who wasn't the Prince in original story. He still had NPC files on the full release of the game, but it wasn't a model, rather just 2D image with particle effects
He was a scrapped antagonist for the level of Subcon forest! Moon Jumper was scrapped due to the Snatcher being the main character for subcon forest, and not having room for subplots. Early developer commentary states that the Moon Jumper was stuck in the horizon and that his role throughout the level of Subcon forest was to get Hat Kid to join him in the horizon.
wiki link: https://ahatintime.fandom.com/wiki/Moon_Jumper video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mor-oR5ti9E showing off the NPC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krHXy8afF74
beta pokémon
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It would have given us one tailed baby vulpix and cute baby meowth and they TOOK IT AWAY FROM US. they probably thought they had plenty of baby pokemon as is, and redesigned some to better fit the pokemon evolution line.
Just Pokémon that were cut or reworked to be completely different. It was amazing when the demo leaked.
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subskz · 10 months
“i promise to treat yr boy with plenty of care”
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literally dizzy from crying as i write this HJSHDS but WE MOVE!!! missus rin yr a sick and twisted individual like actually diabolical bcuz why the fawk would you do this 2 me. channie my fucking baby…. i get y/n i understand ha trust nd believe but like 🥹🥹🥹 every fucking line of that breakup scene beat my ass like ya girl was fighting for her life,,, ion think i told you enough how many amazing lines bb has but legit when i read it every 5 seconds i’m like DAM out fucken loud especially what chan was saying like when he tells y/n it doesn’t matter what’s good for him, when he said “i think this hurts more than anything else you could ever do to me”….. dawg.
this sentence is the one that got me and idk why
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iseul got me FAWKED UP btw y/n better than me bcuz her ass woulda been BLOCKEDT after that phonecall 🤣 nd when channie called himself a good boy…….yeah it’s fucking over for me. thx for ruining my life with this masterpiece fr yr really something else like it’s crazy how talented you are. ilysm queenie nd a bitch gone be praying that the next chapter won’t beat my ass like this one 🫶🏽
HELP ME LMFAOO 😭😭😭 i am innocent!! the reader is treating channie w plenty of care after all…too much care even…it just so happens that he doesn’t know how to accept it so it loops right back around into hurting him -_-;
dizzy from crying NOOO oh my god i’m so sorry babe ㅠㅠ i honestly had no idea how bb4 was gonna be received so needless to say i’m a bit floored by your reaction (in the best way!!) i do apologize that it caused some tears though, i hope you’re feeling better now after the mess of emotions in that chapter ^^; i can’t lie i was in the word doc fighting for my life too, channie and the reader’s breakup scene was definitely one of the most time-consuming to write i really decided to write 34k words of nothing but emotions knowing full well it isn’t my strong suit 😭 but it feels so fulfilling to me that you felt everything i hoped to convey and that you took notice of so many lines, thank u so much for being invested enough to do so <3
that sentence!! i’m so glad u liked it (or perhaps didnt like it LMAO) i did make myself a bit sad thinking abt it, how bb channie tries to beat everyone to the punch by mistreating himself in anticipation of them doing the same ㅠ and you have every right to dislike iseul HAHA she is definitely not in the running for friend of the year…but at least now the reader is being more open w her and they can both grow!
channie calling himself a good boy in such a vulnerable headspace was a bit of a cruel addition but i couldn’t help myself 💔 i owe u an apology for that one too hehe. thank you again for always taking the time to give such detailed feedback and showing me such kindness! i appreciate every msg u send and i really hope you’ll enjoy the final part! ily right back angel ^_^
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thekenikaridevblog · 10 months
uhh kenikari dev fun facts because why not
Under spoilers bc this thing is long with tons of images and text, but it doesn’t spoil any future game events dont worry
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this was the first ever sprite I did for the game! I ended up discarding it bc it was more like a joke to see how the style would work and all. I hadn’t settled on a color for the tongue yet and I already had half of what would become the hair shading style
Originally I wanted to made the sprites more simplistic so to speak by adding next to no shading, because I wanted to draw them in far more different poses n stuff. In the end i realised that you would literally be looking at these for 90% of the game so they should probably be nicer and have actual shading
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I made an alteration lol
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Here’s the first ever shaded sprite, with Chuyo. The shaded hair had settled in, though I would end up giving him a different symbol thingie. I still followed the rule of somewhat minimal shading, but as my style developed I put it more details in the sahding and cloth folds. A fun fact about him is that I made him and the sprite and I put a name to the sprite and then i put it in my pc folders
And then I couldn’t find this sprite but it was okay bc his wheelchair design had changed and my style had too so I redid him completely. and gave him a nose lol. and then when it was time to present him in the game i DEADASS FORGOT I GAVE HIM A NAME. SO I MADE ANOTHER ONE.
his og name was Misuke and that’s the name of this file lol
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A forgotten sprite for Lare’s presentation that i didnt end up using bc it kinda looked like an ahegao. if we push that aside you can compare it to the sprites that do appear in the game and see how I altered them later down the line to give her slightly more complex and accurate shading to the game’s current style. I’d say the biggest difference is the whole collar thingie. Originally the dress and shirt were meant to end like. the same way. but then i dont know how i came up with it but i started making the dress more square-y and it differentiated itself more from the shirt, so i changed the sprites to reflect that specifically
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a lil drawing I made in 2019 with a laptop trackpad of Mako. I made another one before that and it was the first ever drawing of her, but I can’t find it so I can’t put it here
Originally Mako was meant to have more bruises and bandages but i ended up simplifying it so it could be easier to animate her and draw her from afar. She was the most complex design I’d made back then and I still kinda think she is, topped with other characters like Mero (he doesnt appear in the game its a sepparate mf)
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the og Lare sprites that i made before i figured out how RPGmaker XP worked. she hasnt changed much, just removed the background and moved them around so that the walking cycle worked properly
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in one of the incredibly early builds of the game that I only showed to my parents to test, I made some quick sprites of myself to announce that the demo had come to an end. These were rushed as hell and have a lot of imperfections and color spills, and I only made like 4. They have been removed from the files bc i wouldn’t use them again
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the ending screen actually started as a quick doodle in my notebook. I liked it so much that I took a picture of it and digitalised it, and then I decided to use it in the actual game. I would show the original drawing, since i do actually have it, but it’s spoilers. idk maybe ill show it when the part it spoils comes out
This actually got me thinking that it wouldnt be fair if only alex were the one to say goodbye, since he’s not even the damn protag, so I’ve started to form ideas of end screens with the rest of the cast. Maybe the full chapter will have a different end screen, maybe it won’t. It depends if I do actually feel like doing it mid development bc i got bored with other stuff
That’s all, goodbye! :3
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kitsoa · 9 months
I once again got the urge to work on my Trigun Stampede Broadway Musical Concept. But I feel it requires me to do more research on musicals. Expand my horizons for the music references.
For the record, I'm thinking about writing an outline with the song concepts and summarizing how they progress or move the plot. Note the changes in characterization and make a little Bible of ideas on how to bring it to life like effects and costumes.
There would also be song references from other musicals, not necessarily the content of the song but the mood and style mixed with notes on instrumentation or allusions to the tristamp ost.
Finally I would make a playbill cover. Cause most musicals do stylized iconic renderings that don't depict detailed actors for the sake of a rotating cast.
I just have to decide how overtly gay we are getting cuz the vashwood dynamic would be the real heart of the narrative. It would be very subversive to not be explicit with a romantic subplot but we could maintain the emotional core of all the relationships regardless.
But omg I'm reviewing some dialogue from trimax and like there would be no way to drop some of these lines in song and not feel a romantic motif. Song does that lol. These guys have to be the emotional backbone.
At the risk of sounding heteronormative, Meryl would need a narrative upgrade as the sole female lead... I know romance is not my only choice here but it is the musical trope satisfying one. I'm gonna try to avoid it. Even though I have a real soft spot for vashmeryl.
She is the audience insert character and I would have to do well to make her not passive but maybe grow towards something in her relationship to parallel the themes of human nature, in a way that tristamp couldn't/ didnt have the air time to do. Maybe mess with her motives a bit, give her some kind of commentary on the setting and have her make an active choice, maybe in the plant reveal turn of the narrative (which is an act 1 finale thing as of now, act 2 is flashback and maybe an original escalating plotline). This isn't corrective by any means, I love Meryl but the engagement in a musical setting is very different.
I know for a fact that I'll have to rearrange some things and combine some ideas from even the tristamp formula. Mainly to fit into the 2 act format or accommodate the flow and set.
I'm rambling but most musicals don't have lore and tristamp has lore and I think it could be really really effective and cool. Ahhh this is just an excuse to listen to a bunch if show tunes.
Anywhere, does this sound interesting or am I just crazy? The right kind of crazy?
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raveneira · 5 months
hi, do you think when sarada awoken the mangeko (as much as i wish that trashy awakening wasn't real it unfortunately is) because of she cared for brto and was a die hard fan or was she just really upset that no one belived her and thought she was spouting nonsense? for me i low-key feel that it is the latter since sarada seems to have more concern for herself and the fact that she thinking that everyone denying her reality affected her so much to the point of awakening ms? it's still bad tho
Unfortunately if we're being realistic, nobody fkin knows what triggered it, there are two primary theories in the fandom and both are factually false
1 She was overwhelmed, everybody suddenly hunting/attacking Boruto, hearing Naruto was killed, her father not believing her, and finally her desperate plea for him to save Boruto is was caused her MS
2 her immense love for Boruto and fear of him being killed is what triggered it
Both of these are factually wrong, others may wanna live by Ikemoto's bs rules but Im not, Kishimoto didnt spend 15 yrs establishing this power up for us to just be like 'well none of that matters now cuz Ikemoto did different' stfu, the original creator >>> an incompetent assistant that constantly says fk what Kishimoto established in his own verse to make whatever bs plot/scenario he needs to work. In this case, he needed 'change Boruto's fate' and justify Sasuke leaving with Boruto for 3 years so he pulled that omnipotence bs and then made Sarada awaken her MS solely to convince Sasuke to believe her, there was literally no other purpose than that.
So for a memory refresher, why is her MS awakening factually wrong? because neither of the explanations people give are how the MS WORKS.
This is literally in part one where we're first introduced and explained to how the MS is obtained.
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Itachi says you have to kill your closest friend to obtain the MS which isnt a lie, but its not the entire truth either, but the general idea is the same as I will show here where we get more detail.
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Tobirama, like Itachi, are correct in their statements, but once again it is not the entire truth either because as we've seen several times the BASE Sharingan can evolve without feelings of hatred, but a strong desire to protect those dear to you, grief, and losing a dear loved one are all triggers for the Sharingans evolution, this is further proven by the fact that Kagami and Shisui never fell into the 'curse of hatred' and still had fully evolved Sharingan, Shisui even had MS despite wanting to follow a completely pacifistic path.
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Now lets go over the actual difficulty in how it is obtained, lets look at the databook first, I took the liberty of highlighting the relevant parts for those who like to stay in denial whenever this topic comes up.
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A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
Here's the part I want you to keep in mind going forward because I WILL be coming back to it later.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan
Remember that for later, now moving on to the next point, ok so thats databook statements but what about in verse? the same thing.
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It was rare to obtain the MS, the clan would literally slaughter eachother trying to gain it to no avail because its NOT a simple and easy thing to obtain, otherwise everyone in the Uchiha clan would've had MS if it was just as simple as killing your own kin or being overwhelmed etc [refer to the bs reasons ppl give for why Sarada gained hers] but it actually took SPECIFIC requirements to gain, and we were shown what those were several times.
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I think you notice the common theme here, Obito got his MS from seeing his best friend kill Rin, his first love, Kakashi got his at the same time from the act of killing Rin by accident, Itachi got his from watching Shisui commit suicide, Sasuke got his after killing his brother and then learning the truth about Itachi and his clan.
The theme is clear, the requirements to awaken it are even more clear, there is literally no amount of gaslighting anyone can do to overrule whats literally been consistently shown in the canon danm manga by the original creator himself.
'Oh yall just wanted Sarada to be edgy like everyone else Im glad her MS was different' is the stupidest response to this, nobody said they wanted her to be edgy, they just want her danm MS to follow the rules that have been established for 15 years. Also Shisui wasnt edgy and he had MS, so I dont even know how anyone thinks thats a gotcha anyway, she could literally still be the loving Sarada she's always been and still get MS because hatred isnt the only way the Sharingan evolves. I dunno why someone actually thought that was a rebuttal, but it just goes to show how ignorant these ppl are about how the MS works and only care about things being 'different' instead of caring about the actual worldbuilding.
Now lets move onto Sarada, her base Sharingan, although lackluster, still evolved in a way that was consistent with what was set up in OG. She awakened her sharingan for the first time due to her years of pain and longing of missing her dad and then being overjoyed when she was finally about to meet him at last. This wasnt unusual because Sasuke awakened his third tomoe because of how overwhelmed he was that Naruto considered him a brother, his first bond, and his dear friend, despite Sasuke literally trying to kill him right now and cut ties with him, Naruto's sincere love for him made his final tomoe appear. This is why the base Sharingan evolving in this way is not unusual, as long as the emotions are strong enough and struck a cord with them, then the Sharingan will evolve.
This is not the same for MS though, it is a completely different eye with a completely different set of rules, this is why Sarada's awakening is complete ass and not only that but literally breaks the rules of the verse.
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Keep this in mind, she hears Naruto, her idol, the man who she aspires to be like, who at one point she wished was her dad, is dead, but not only that, she hears Mitsuki say hes going to kill Boruto. Remember this for what Im about to say next.
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This is several minutes after she was told Naruto was dead and that Mitsuki was going to kill Boruto, her eyes didnt budge when she heard Naruto was dead, nor did her eyes budge hearing literally EVERYONE is actively hunting Boruto now.
At the very least the news of Naruto's death was more in line with how the MS awakens, so if she heard that and got her MS from it then it wouldnt have been all that difficult to accept, but unfortunately thats not what happened, she just sat there and cried, no reaction to Naruto dying, and no reaction to hearing and seeing Mitsuki trying to kill Boruto.
So what did trigger it? her being overwhelmed? false because thats what she was in the panels I've shown, she had been sitting there for several minutes with all this chaos goin on around her and no MS, not even her dad not believing her is what triggered it, literally NOTHING anyone tries to say it was triggered it, your literally looking at the panels, her eyes didnt BUDGE.
So what did trigger it then? if none of that did it then what did?
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I shit you not, I cannot make this shit up, what triggered her MS was literally because 'Why cant Boruto ever catch a break?'
When I tell you my blood boiled reading that line words cannot describe the rage I felt because the total and I mean TOTAL disregard of everything, EVERYTHING that has happened to her dad, her idol Naruto, and Kawaki was infuriating because she NEVER asked why they cant catch a break, but now all of a sudden because poor Boruto is going through it right now all of a sudden its too cruel.
Her father lost his eye and got fatally beaten up by both Borushiki and Isshiki, Naruto was nearly killed by Isshiki and Borushiki, Kawaki was hunted down by Delta, Code, Isshiki, and Momo, Amado put karma back on him without his permission or anyones knowledge, Kawaki was slowly being consumed by Isshiki through his karma the same as Boruto was with Momoshiki and she didnt give af about NONE of that.
She didnt give af about ANY of it, know who she did tho? Boruto, in chapter 69 who is she telling Mitsuki she feels bad for being unable to protect? Boruto, who is she angry at herself for not being reliable for? Boruto, who does she want to get stronger for so she can help them more? Boruto. This is literally right after Naruto nearly died, Kawaki nearly died, and Boruto nearly died, but the only one she gave a danm about was Boruto.
So you want the real answer to what triggered her MS? Ima be real with you, its honestly anybodys guess because Ikemoto is so bad at properly building up and portraying things clearly compared to Kishimoto, you can see clearly what the MS triggers were for everyone I showed and it isnt up for debate, its clear as day, but Sarada? you literally have to friggin guess because it just pops up so randomly your caught off guard wondering where tf that even came from.
Im not even kidding I've reread this scene so many times and I can NOT pinpoint what the trigger actually was, the only thing I can say is that the turning point was Sumire telling Sarada the cause of everything thats going on, Sarada then falls apart more because 'This is too cruel, why cant Boruto ever catch a break' which again is complete bullshit but I digress...so then she pleads for her dad to believe her and help Boruto because he's innocent but Sasuke doesnt, this is supposedly where the shift happens because her eyes are hidden during these panels.
She basically tells her dad that even if none of this makes sense to him, just to please trust her and grant her this one selfish request, aka saving Boruto.
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Im not even kidding but...this is just so danm bad for her...like if I were to be completely generous and unbiased here then I can only make one conclusion from whats been laid out here and that is that her MS awakened simply because she desperately wanted her dad to save Boruto, she wanted her dad to do her this favor no matter what, she wanted him to do it so badly that her MS awakened.
That is the only explanation that can be taken from this, and that is why this is rightfully seen as the WORST MS awakening we've ever seen and why its a complete and utter disappointment because look at this shit, LOOK AT IT, she's just standing there crying and beggin daddy to help when she's had the chance to do something her danm self.
Remember earlier when she heard Mitsuki say he was gonna go kill Boruto? if she was that concerned why she aint go try to stop him? she heard everyone else out to hunt him too and yet she didnt try to go protect him from them either, I mean she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from KK, she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from Kawaki, she can abandon her mission to come save Boruto from Shojoji, but FOR SOME REASON she cant stand up and protect Boruto from all the people hunting him right now? her childhood friend this fandom swears up and down shes madly inlove with? she cant stand up and protect him when he needs her the most!?
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I aint sayin I wanted her to be the one to leave with Boruto hell no, but leaving with him and protecting him are two entirely different things, she could've easily saved him from Inoshikacho, Chocho would've definitely tried hearin Sarada out, Sasuke could've arrived and Sarada tries to appeal to all of them there, most likely Inojin and Shikadai wouldnt believe her, Chocho is her best friend so she'd know atleast something has to be wrong for Sarada to be so insistent, and Sasuke would be the most inclined to believe her because hes already witnessed something similar with the infinite Tsukiyomi, so is it really all that impossible that Ada, who literally has Otsutsuki dna, to mass brainwash ppl? Sasuke could've told Inoshikacho to leave and let him deal with Boruto and then thats when they discuss Sarada staying behind and Sasuke leaving with Boruto for the time being.
There was no NEED for MS to achieve that, all it would've taken is a little time and effort and CARE to make that ending WORK without having to throw in a forced af power up to justify it because you were too lazy to actually write something that made sense.
But if she MUST have gotten her MS before part one was over, I can show the best opportunities they could've made it happen at.
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Kawaki was about to kill Boruto, she tried asking him calmly what is going on but Kawaki just tells her not to interfere if she doesnt wanna die which shocks Sarada because this isnt like Kawaki at all, they were all friends and teammates and not long ago Kawaki was on edge trying his hardest to protect Boruto and now hes suddenly trying to kill him. Boruto told her to run but she refused and chose to protect him anyway despite Kawaki being serious about killing her if she interfered, however when actually faced with that reality she froze which resulted in Boruto saving HER instead and losing his eye.
This was a good place for MS to awaken because someone she thought was a friend is now trying to kill her other friend, her friend shes known since childhood and she cant understand why. She thought she could protect him but failed to be able to follow through and that caused her friend SHE was supposed to be protecting to end up protecting HER and losing his eye because of it. She's feeling immense guilt, betrayal, frustration, helplessness, and now she knows for sure that Kawaki really will kill both of them without hesitation.
However for this to work the scene will have to be changed a bit, Kawaki would knock Sarada out of the way cuz she isnt who he really wants to kill and then proceed to seemingly kill Boruto right infront of her before she can react in time to stop it, I say seemingly because Momo has consistently saved Boruto from otherwise fatal/irreversible injuries. Anyway after Kawaki seemingly deals the fatal blow, Sarada's MS will awaken, right then is when everyone arrives to restrain Kawaki, things play out relatively the same but only even more hostile since he apparently killed Boruto, eventually after their back and forth Boruto wakes up but its Momoshiki in control now same as the manga and he helps Kawaki escape the same way too, only difference is everyones not just shocked Momos helping but that Boruto somehow even survived, this is just another flex of Momos healing capabilities however.
Anyway thats one way she could've gotten MS that is consistent with the established rules of how the MS works.
The other moment that would've worked is the Boro fight, when everyone was getting taken out one by one and seemingly all about to be killed and Sarada was helpless on the ground after being crushed, that was more than enough reason for her MS to awaken as Boruto, Kawaki, and Mitsuki were all out cold and as good as dead.
Unfortunately neither of those happened, and thus were given the weakest, stupidest, most lackluster MS awakening in Uchiha history. Speaking of Uchiha history, remember that like I told you to remember? this is why.
A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
What did Sarada sacrifice for her MS? nothing, she sat there and cried and then begged her dad for help.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
THROUGH THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE UCHIHA CLAN, it was RARE for a member to obtain the MS
Keywords, through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, so tell me Saradas MS is bullshit deniers, why was it SO RARE for Uchihas throughout their ENTIRE history to gain the MS if all it took was being a little overwhelmed and scared? this clan faught WARS, children DIED loved ones DIED Uchihas [and Senjus] lived in constant fear EVERY SINGLE DAY and they NEVER awakened it it from that, not even through killing their own kin willingly to gain the power up worked, so please tell me how Sarada can just change something THATS NEVER BEEN A THING in the ENTIRE history of the Uchiha clans existence, please tell me how you think Sarada can just completely change history just by crying and begging.
You cant, because its bullshit and you know it, the MS was rare for a reason, it took SACRIFICE, it took LOSS, you didnt gain it by just sitting on your ass crying and doing nothing, being scared wasnt enough to trigger it, being overwhelmed wasnt enough to trigger it, fearing for your loved ones life wasnt enough to trigger it, but you want me to believe suddenly NOW it is? do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to the entire Uchiha clan to say that none of them ever had to die, they just simply had to be in a chaotic situation [which they were] and cry about it and boom, every single Uchiha could've had their MS easy peasy.
Gtf outta here man and just be real, her MS is bullshit plan and simple and it breaks the established rules of the verse created by Kishimoto himself. IN NO WAY is simply desperately wanting your dad to save your friend enough to awaken your MS, maybe evolve your base Sharingan, but not MS.
So yea to answer your question, the most accurate conclusion to be had from this scene, although factually incorrect for the rules of the verse, In Ikemotos verse however, Sarada's MS awakened because of her desperation for her dad to save Boruto, she wanted that so bad her MS awakened as proof of just how desperate she was for her dad to grant her request, that is the truth of what triggered it.
Im not saying this happened out of some romantic love she has for Boruto, no, but thats still her dear friend shes known her entire life, I dunno why ppl treating her MS awakening in reference to him means she loves him romantically...like I literally saw a tiktok recently where Sarada says 'I awakened my MS for you' and when asked why/how she saids 'Because I like you' and I was just like 😑 yea no wonder people keep defending this garbage, they really do NOT understand how the MS works at all. Out of all the Uchiha's we've seen awaken MS, Obito was the only one who did out of romantic love, the rest was familiar or platonic love, so why her MS awakening is somehow proof of her romantic love for him that till this day is still unconfirmed is beyond me but whatever, these ppl will stay delusional no matter what the facts same so yea, I hope this was able to answer your question.
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tacittherapist · 1 year
Lalonde Live: Episode 2
Hello Paradox Space! I’m Rose Lalonde, and welcome to the second episode of Lalonde Live. On this show, we interview various Paradox Space denizens and ask them deep, provocative questions about various topics. By which I mean this is a convenient excuse to have people over and make conversation. Tonight’s guest: Jade Curie Harley! (@greensungnostic)
[There’s a raucous noise from a nearby band of salamanders and newts. They have no idea how to play the instruments they’ve been given.]
ROSE: How are you, Jade? How was the flight in? JADE: hi rose, miss radio lady! the flight in from across the ship went well, but boy are my arms tired!! heeheehee... ROSE: Haha, lovely as always, Miss Harley. So Jade, do you mind if I call you Jade? Jade, tell me, how long have you been voyaging on this magnificent ship here? JADE: jade is just fine! gosh, ummm... well, due to the nature of paradox space having some wobbly temporospatial elements, its hard to say exactly, but lets put it at... jeez, a bit over a decade! ROSE: Incredible, that takes some perseverance. Just how big is this ship, anyway? I'd wager smaller than a deluxe cruise liner, right? Perhaps a caravel class? Or a battleship? JADE: well, originally it was a carapacian-made battleship from prospit, though i actually upscaled it a good bit with my powers to make beautifying it easier and have more space to work with! ROSE: It does seem like something from a fantastical storybook -- not fantastic, mind you, fantastical. Now Jade, I've heard rumors that this ship's course has changed recently, is that true? JADE: i tried to give it a nice spacious fantastical feel where anyone can find a spot they find cozy :) JADE: oh! yes uhm, weve been searching for ages for the missing members of our session, so we can reunite with our friends, and it sounds like maybe we have finally found them...?? ROSE: Wow! That sounds like a reunion for the ages. Obviously I know -- you know -- both of us know -- we all know who those friends are, but could you list them for the folks back home? JADE: (rose, who exactly is our audience again here?) gosh uhm, theres a lot! our contact is with one karkat vantas, theres a strider who very well may be named dove, theres terezi pyrope and vriska serket, there... MIGHT? be a gamzee makara, and... uhm, theres kanaya maryam ROSE: An all-star cast! You must be excited to meet up with them, hm? JADE: of course! if i wasnt eager to see my friends again i would not have spent all this time looking for them all! ROSE: You know, after all this time it might be hard to remember some details so... mind regaling us with your fondest memory of each of them? JADE: gosh thats a long list of people, but i will try! where would you like me to start?? ROSE: Top to bottom's just fine. Karkat, D. Strider, Terezi, Vriska, (tentatively) Gamzee, and then Kanaya, please. JADE: hmm, well... karkat and i never got on the best, but it was always funny reading the crabby getting crabby and stumbling around over passwords while trying to avoid causal spoilers or temporal shenanigans! JADE: strider, we always used to goof around talking about the silliest things, and sometimes we would send each other music the other made to listen and remix them! but our whole base friend group did that, heheh JADE: terezi is a pest but i mean that affectionately! she liked to bug me and pick at me and the rest of us, but under all the menace i think she is good :) JADE: vriska is a butt who i am pretty sure caused me to have narcolepsy, but she could also he kind of cool sometimes! she didnt talk to me as much as others though... JADE: gamzee... uhm. can i pass on this one and just say that kanaya always seemed really nice and like i wanted to compare gardens with her and talk about space and art and things like that?? ROSE: Aha, that's quite a collection of memories! I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sure excited to see what happens at this reunion. Maybe we'll get to see a bit of that famous Harley-Vantas bickering in the flesh? Now, are there any special considerations you've taken as you get closer and closer to their coordinates? JADE: well um... it sounds like they have been eating pretty poorly for a while and probably are super fed up with their current accommodations, so i made sure that plenty of food is ready for them, starting with simpler things to help them get used to proper stuff again, then more complex and nutritious things afterwards! also plenty of space to deck out for themselves, and... well, im ready to get either yelled at or hugged or whatever else as the case may be :x ROSE: A bit like waiting for your marks after a test, right? Aha, so. What's next for Jade Harley and her ship of dreams after the reunion? JADE: well, it will be a big step towards being able to work towards finally finishing sburb, though our journey is not over yet! there are still three people to collect at least, from our scratched counterpart timeline! and possibly a fourth! we have one at least, but we need the rest of our dancestors and some of their materials to be able to finish still! ROSE: Fascinating stuff. Who are those people, exactly? (For those of you at home, these are our counterparts made of a different combination of the same ectoslime that made us.) JADE: well we already have jane crocker! we revived her out of a dream bubble after things went south, but she would have to fill you in on the details! we are still missing dirk, who is doves sibling/parent/sibling/offspring, uhhh jake who is my kid grandpa and also my childhood penpal, and roxy who is your mom-daughter, love... im sure this wont get confusing! JADE: and i hear there is a chaaaance we might wind up picking up a cherub girl named callie? ive met versions of her, she is very nice :) ROSE: My my, care not to tease our poor audience back at home, dear! There are only so many names you can drop before this becomes a marketing ploy. ROSE: Now, this one might be a bit difficult, but: what has been your biggest challenge thus far? JADE: jeez thats.... a tough question, rose! uhm.... loneliness? worry that we might never find them, or that they didnt want to be found or wouldnt care anymore when we did or be mad that the original meeting didn't work right or that they were somehow just all gone.... ROSE: Wow... you heard it here first, my friends. Jade Curie Harley: part dog, part god... all human. Don't worry Jade, I know we'll be rooting for you, isn't that right Casey and the Crew?
[There's a mis-timed rimshot from the band.]
ROSE: Now, before we go, I have just one last question. Is there anything... you have to say to the folks at home and our lovely studio audience?
[She gestures to the rest of the living room, their assortment of Squiddles sitting on cushions facing them. There's a burp from the consorts nearby, and a random snare drum beat.]
JADE: uhhmm... lets see. remember to be kind to yourself and others, that there is always something worth fighting for, and most importantly.... awoooooooooooooooooooo!!! ROSE: Awwwoooooooooooooo!! Aha, thank you so much, Jade, for being here with us tonight. A big round of applause for her, everyone!
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The way he asked her to come to Barcelona… SO carlos of him I wanted to cry… AND THE WAY HE METICULOUSLY PLANNED EVERYTHING? I am sorry if you dont like / dont care about zodiacs BUT THE VIRGO ENERGY IN HIM JUMPED OUT, and I respect it soooo much. Everything he planned was so /him/, but also so so perfect for MC — the little gestures? Ordering for her? Translating everything for her? POSTING HER ON HIS STORY? God i literally melted
AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM COOKING FOR HER… because god damn you Know how Weak I am and it was so beautiful, also the British breakfast once again just shows how much he cares for her and understands her🥹 i am just about to combust actually
AND THEN RACE WEEKEND? And everything with the green tractor and also MC and Sebs relationship? Once again nailed it sm god i love these teammates… and how she didnt want to fight Seb / come across like that because he just means so much to her????? Girl you got me on the floor rn…
What I cannot stop thinking about is how shes in for the championship, and as of rn so is Carlos… Will they be fighting each other further down the line or… 👀 Make up sex as an apology for aggressive overtaking again? Or podium celebration sex because BOTH of them ended up on the podium (Silverstone? 👀) So many possibilities omfg dont mind me
AND THEN LAST BUT NOT LEAST (thiugh i still have so much to say but my slow ass brain needs a bit of time i guess) the ending was just perfect… like am I the only one thinking Carlos didnt want to sleep with her pre race weekend bc he wanted to fully focus on her but couldnt with all the GO expectations around him? But now that it was done he could let himself fully focus on her and give her all the attention he thinks she deserves? God I love them sm… And the way you let all those emotions show through during the smut was just CHEFS KISS, the way they understand each other is just so 🥹🥹🥹 i have no words lol other than i’m SO obsessed..,
God i hope this all is legible its 4:14am now and i am prone to word vomit already when my brain is working so this may just sound like incoherent crap but i hope you know this chapter was SO GOOD, also the way you captured Barcelona imo was spot on like I wouldnt have noticed that it was all based on research and not personal experiences (though i guess i must confess i havent been to barcelona since i was 4 either… JSJDKFKF BUT YOU MANAGED TO CAPTURE THE SPANISH VIBES PERFECTLY THAT I CAN TELL YOU BC I JUST VACATIONED IN SPAIN LAST MONTH)
okay oh my god i am back from festival and i am finally going to reply to this without crying halfway through...
firstly OH MY GOD. you... you wrote all this... about my work?? I'm touched, I'm shook, I'm honoured, this is honestly the best feeling and probably as close to a "real" author with people analysing my work as I'll ever get and I am ABSOLUTELY here for it (especially as a literature nerd who loves to pick apart all of my books for fun)
haha I don't *dislike* zodiacs, I don't really follow them to that much detail but I vaguely have an idea of them. To be honest, the way I write Carlos is purely based on the guy we see as a Formula One driver and personality (but now you say that I totally see the virgo energy). ALSO I'M SO GLAD YOU NOTICED THOSE I am entirely convinced Carlos is a very detail-oriented person and especially when he is first seeing someone he would be really careful to go out of the way to do really subtle but meaningful things yanno?
As for the championship fight... well I don't want to give anything away but oh I *definitely* have a plan for MC and Carlos and the WDC ;)
Haha don't worry it all made sense! And thank you so much for the comment about Barcelona... it's a little embarrassing how long I spent on google for things to do in and around the city because I've never been to mainland Spain, so even if it's not 100% accurate I'm just happy the vibes were right!!
honestly just thank you so much for this, it means the absolute world <3 <3 <3
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holts-knees · 2 years
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So, last week @swiss-army-fangirl came to stay with me in LA for a while, and if you know anything about me you know i’m the kind of person that needs to document things that move me. These two paintings are of our first and third nights, two both seemingly impossible events along the California shoreline (the most magical place in this country if you ask me honestly) Sappy lil stories and context below the cut < 3 
Our first night we made a mad dash down to Santa Monica which was SOMEHOW almost completely empty, and we laid out on a blanket and watched as the clouds that had been hanging over the sky all day cleared JUST in time for sunset, I got to watch Tori like, atomize, as i pointed out all the colors and how the marine layer slowly consumes the mountains and the pier comes to life with all it’s lights. After a while of talking it was dark and Tori pointed up and said “is that a star?” and I laughed at her, because of Course its not this is LOS ANGELES, but then...the more we looked, it WAS and there were...MORE, It was like she brought them down with her.... I remember being sat there thinking “this is a sign....this trip is going to be So Much.....” which was interrupted by Tori going “oh my god....the big dipper looks so different from here-” and me just needing to.....Lay Down LOL. We talked for a bit longer, sitting there on the beach WELL past sunset and then we both fell dead silent and looked at each other before going “did you see that-” and we both HAD and it was....a shooting star--- HERE- ON A RANDOM NIGHT IN LA 
and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since---- The second landscape is a direct rendition of a picture I took while we were in La Jolla. La Jolla is one of the few places on this earth that makes me feel completely at peace and happy, I always find myself making my where there when my soul needs it. and funnily enough, I found as i was getting to know Tori that she was familiar with it. In an abstract but still equally meaningful way, because she had heard it described in the Wilbur Soot song of the same name, which means quite a lot to her. From the moment I learned this fact the jokes started about taking her there some day. Jokes that we both knew were just that, because what would be the odds of two online friends from AK and CA, actually meeting up? Last Christmas when I was down there I sat on the rocks and listened to the song as a way to “bring her there” in spirit. And I remember getting weepy at the idea of how wonderful it would be to share this place with her, my heart ached for it, but i accepted it was never gonna happen.  But then....this LA trip fell into our laps and I cannot DESCRIBE the speed at which I started to throw this day trip into motion, I KNEW I had to, I knew it was FATE. I arranged train tickets, I found a place to drink cocktails over the water, I mapped out all the things I wanted to do to make sure we’d have time for them all..... Truly went ALL IN- but it was SO worth it...because with all that planning....the day went PERFECT.... and we ended it right down at the water, sitting side by side on the beach steps, listening to that Damn Song, and coming full circle..... I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the surf right as Wilbur sang Tori’s favorite line and then when we got home I painted it, so that I could give it to her as a Physical Thing (well....digital-) that she can look back on and remember the experience by. I made sure to be meticulous about every single detail so it would be....truly EXACTLY as it happened and as we remembered it. And i’d be lying if I didnt admit i’ve gone back a few times even myself to look at it and just, Think [tm]. Think about how fortunate I have been to be able to open up my heart and show some of my most treasured places to one of my newest most treasured friends. And in turn with that, weave our friendship into little pockets and corners of those places, which only makes me love them more....  ALSO we saw a whale going down the coast and I am, fully convinced, just like the stars that Tori brought it down with her and I cannot be told otherwise. < 3 
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miss-jaffacake · 1 year
So I watched Avatar 2 at the cinema last night and now Im gonna drain you with my boring stories and opinions (I will marry whoever understood that reference) SPOILERS FOR BOTH FLIMS AHEAD READ WITH CAUTION
Avatar was a good movie not because of the story or characters; in fact, the plot was very much an exact copy of the Hero's Journey, and the characters were annoyingly bland, even if they were fun to watch. Jake's character in particular had no personality whatsoever, and he was more of a blank slate for the audience to project on. The real issue with the entire franchise is that they created an amazing, detailed, immersive world and made the movies with the purpose of showing it off, not with the purpose of creating an interesting storyline or characters.
All that aside, Avatar 1 was an incredible experience, and the effects were, without a doubt, absolutely worth the hype. The story was predictable, and there wasnt anything else to particularly distinguish it other than the worldbuilding and stunning effects, but Id still recommend it simply for how wonderful of a viewing experience it was.
Avatar The Way of The Water, though.... *wince*
Jake's lack of personality, values or morals were, in my opinion, what ruined the movie (and the numerous subplots, none of which were tied into the main plot). The whole "running away" thing was completely ridiculous; it went against every one of Neytiri's values, and it broke the idea that Jake is a powerful force, which was a prominent message in Avatar 1. After establishing his strength and making a big deal out of him, so to speak, he ran away???? It was more than infuriating, but since Jake had no values in the first movie either, it was easy to mould him into a completely new character. It felt jarring that his new motivation was to protect his family, even it was at the cost of his own people whom he so sought to protect in the prequel. He literally did a 180 degree flip. (and dont give me any bullshit about how being a parent alters your brain chemistry or whatever)
It was embarrassing to watch Neytiri and Jake ask for sanctuary when they were so powerful and respected in their community, and it was a poor way of introducing the idea of other tribes. There were a million other ways to do it; maybe the Omatikaya kidnapped his children as leverage because they wanted Jake on their side, maybe there was a debt to be repaid, maybe they asked for help in fighting the war, maybe the heartbeat Kiri heard was leading them there, maybe Grace got pregnant from one of the Omatikaya and Kiri wanted to find her real father, maybe Lo'ak ran away there after being berated one too many times,,,, you get my point. We couldve seen our main characters interact with the Omatikaya in a way that didnt completely demolish the ideas established in the first movie: that Jake had earned his place among the forest people and was a force to be reckoned with and that Neytiri had promised to never abandon her people.
So, we reach the Omatikaya, and Jake has to relearn how to be a part of a clan all over again, but this time with the rest of his family. I LOVE the premise of doing it all over again but this time with a family by his side, I really do. I like the nods towards Jake and Neytiri's dynamic reflected in Lo'ak and Tsireya, and it felt fitting that Jake's character arc had to take another turn.
Now onto each of the characters' respective, screwed up subplots and back stories. It very much felt like Jake took a backseat in the movie, and his children were now in the spotlight. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing, it just wasnt very well executed and I was hoping we'd see Jake wrestle with the implications of having lived two lives at once and maybe have an identity crisis idk.
Kiri's backstory is interesting, but i was beyond pissed that we didnt get any sort of explanation for how Grace's avatar got pregnant. Also, how does that tie into the fact she has different abilities than the rest of them??? The whole scene where she made the bond with the spirit tree was confusing and unnecessary; it didnt advance the plot, but merely opened yet another door that we didnt venture through. Im assuming she will be the "seed bearer" in the third movie. Her character had potential, as did all the others, but it was untapped throughout the whole movie, and we didnt get any explanation for why she was so different than the others, and what her biological family had to do with the fact she could "hear Eywa's heartbeat". It was made to seem like a deciding plot device in the trailer when really it took us nowhere.
Neteyam and Tuk had no personality; they existed for the character development of everyone else and to be a hindrance, respectively.
Lo'ak was the most thought-out character by far. One might even go so far as to say that this was his movie. Bonding with an outcast tukun was great, loved seeing his character projected back at him, and the cruel irony of Jake making his son feel how he felt when trying to join the N'avi was also pretty cool (Lo'ak has a severe case of middle child syndrome) Jake was the asshole dad to him for almost the entirety of the movie (hypocrite), cementing the idea that he was now a side character.
And Spider. Man i hate that kid. Not a terrible idea for a character, but i cant believe that "a son for a son" at the end of the movie. "Im so devastated my son is dead to the point im gonna replace him with the little shit that saved the guy who killed him". That was a gross storyline. Also, how come the only human kid speaks more N'avi than the actual N'avi??? Like,,,,, what??? Why do the have an accent??? It kinda ruined the immersion factor. HE WASNT EVEN YOUR FATHER, DUMBASS. HES A LITERAL CLONE GROW TF UP
So yeah, it was immensely rude of them to use Quaritch as the villain again. That was bad enough, but letting him survive??? Recycling a villain twice??? Wheres your dignity??? Have you no class??? And I understand that it was done so there could be a betrayal subplot in the third film, but that does not make it acceptable by any means. Also, none of the characters went through any development whatsoever. They literally killed Neteyam to give Lo'ak some kinda growth but it was for nothing. NOTHING!!! No one changed from the beginning of the movie to the end, and the only one who was true to their character from the first movie to the end of the second was Neytiri.
So, basically:
The subplots werent properly tied in, no character development, they ruined Jake, we have the same villain as last time, and the storyline is veryyyyy similar to the first.
Watch it anyway, the graphics are stunning and honestly almost make it worth the 3.5 hours. Almost.
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