#i have THOUGHTS
mcytships · 2 days
Of course etho is trending on lesbian visibility day
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fantasynovel · 1 day
can we talk about breastmilk in asoiaf? are you guys ready for that conversation
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buttercups-song · 3 months
I know we’re all joking about Jon and Martin being trapped in the puter but fuck that’s a horrific fate for them, like genuinely dying in the panopticon would have been preferable. If they’re conscious and I’m assuming they’re because this is the tragedy horror podcast we’re talking about then I cannot imagine how awful that must be. To be reduced to nothing but a voice spreading the Fears, feeding them and letting them into another universe. Like that is the worst imaginable fate for Jon (and Martin but he wasn’t the Archivist). Jon’s choice was to let the world die or let the fears infest possibly countless other worlds, despite what he actually wanted (as much as that desperate choice can be called a want) he chose the second option and in his mind they were either going to die or be somewhere else. But to become the voice of the Fears once again? This time with even less of a choice? A disembodied voice reciting statements? That is beyond horrific. And you can hear as the statement goes on their voices becoming less computerised more human. „And the voice I have loved for twenty years answered: Some of him”
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sneebl · 3 months
i've seen posts like this around but if this post gets 3k notes by march 18 i'll come out to my parents as genderqueer + tell them my preferred name
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yugsly · 6 months
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Redraw of this amazing image of Juanín and Tulio
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jim-bones-spock · 3 months
I want to write a big essay on community season 6 and how deeply meta it is and how Jeff and Abed, as usual, perfectly mirror each other.
Jeff is slowly realizing he’s truly in a tv show and freaking out about it because it’s season 6 and most of his original friends are gone and he’s stuck in the show (“Even Pierce got to die!” and “I’m gonna be the last one here!” “But Abed… Six seasons and a movie?”)
Abed is slowly detaching himself from the show, having accepted that change is sometimes a good thing and stepping into “real life” (leaving for university - “Jeff, I know it comforts you to see the world through that meta lense, but this is reality”)
How Frankie represents the studios wanting a less goofy show, transforming Greendale into a more respectable school (tv show) and slowly chipping away what made Community truly weird and only when they “save” Greendale is when they end the series because it’s not our Community anymore.
It’s Community, sure, but through season 6 they keep asking to tone down the bits and the bizarre stuff (shutting down paintball, because they’re just not that kind of school anymore). The Dean being treated like a baby (which he is. Babygirl Dean) and being removed from his position of authority meaning we are not in charge anymore. Frankie, beautiful, headstrong Frankie is, a new era has come.
And that’s okay. Almost everyone left. Britta, the Dean… Everyone is happy. People grow and change and that’s okay. After school ends, you don’t keep in touch with everyone. You lose track of people who saw you grow, saw you become a better person. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still that good person.
You still drive your friends to the airport and hug your first friend you made almost seven years ago twice before you watch him leave for a better future.
Everybody moves on.
Even Pierce got to die.
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fearlessreid · 21 days
little concept i thought of
18+ | mentions of smut | requests open!!
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there’s been a girl hanging around eddie lately, she’s gorgeous and could be on the cover of a magazine. everyone’s noticed it, even eddie.
your boyfriend has been worried because you don’t seem to care, most girls would have been extremely jealous over this, but not you.
when eddie brings it up to you he’s shocked to hear you scoff.
“there’s not a woman on earth better for you than me” you say and eddie can feel his cock harden in his jeans.
“i thought you were supposed to be jealous over these types of things” eddie says and you quirk a brow “should i be?” you question and eddie shakes his head quickly. “exactly, let’s face it you’re whipped over me” you smile
next thing you know you are riding him with your head tilted back in pleasure “there’s not a pussy alive that’s made for you better than mine” you moan and eddie smirks “damn right…OH FUCK BABY”
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greenconverses · 3 months
so the latest two episodes have perfectly showcased my main problem with the series and what i think is its greatest weakness. i truly could not care about absolute faithfulness to the source material as long as something fun and innovative is happening on screen and… it’s not! and part of that is because the show refuses to let there be any goddamn mystery about the greek myths and monsters of the week
all the episodes so far have had a formula: monsters must be immediately identified and exposition must be delivered. there is zero tension. we get boinked over the head with a lesson about something related to family. the monster is easily defeated/escaped with a poorly shot action scene. rinse and repeat as necessary.
medusa’s appearance is really the only one this formula worked for because they set up it right away in the beginning and she’s a greek myth most people could name, so making her a mystery is kind of a moot point.
but there’s no excuse to at least try to make everything else actually scary and strange and mysterious! actually let your show have some tension! let the audience work their brains for a bit! it’s fine!
(annabeth “knowing everything” isn’t a good enough reason either because she’s TWELVE and hasn’t been in the real world for years and these monsters have been clever enough to disguise themselves and kill demigods for years and years and MAYBE IT’S CHARACTER GROWTH TO LET HER BE WRONG)
anyway can we get some TV directors with action experience and a better script next season plz
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softiedingo · 7 months
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I have so many dirty thoughts about this man wearing a leather jacket
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astarions-wife · 5 months
Finding it very interesting how no matter what, unless Astarion actually completed Ascension, Cazador dies by his own blade.
-Astarion will stab him with it in the non-ascension route, in the cutscene I’m sure we’ve all seen by now.
-The tav will stab him with it as he lays in his coffin, assuming Astarion isn’t there to do it.
-If you choose to stop Astarion in the middle of the ritual, the tav will run up, grab the blade from the floor, and throw it at Cazador—killing him instantly, thereby preventing the ritual from completing.
-Likewise, in the route of Astarion ascending, this is the blade he uses to carve the contract onto Cazador’s back. Thus even if the tav doesn’t stab him here, the blade has still largely contributed to his death.
His own blade is always used to end his life, effectively. Considering this is Cazador’s blade, it’s very likely that this is the one he used when carving those marks onto Astarion’s back all those years ago. I just find it fascinating that it’s his blade that ends his life in every scenario, and there’s pretty much no option to kill him otherwise. It’s very symbolic, and I imagine very cathartic for Astarion, and all his siblings subsequently.
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fullunadulteratedart · 7 months
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soooo are we talking about the way Luffy actually grabbed onto Zoro's ear before whispering into it to wake him up during the ep2 crate scene or...?
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(excuse the crappy quality screenshot and brightening)
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katsukiizmoon · 6 months
Katsuki telling you to fuck your self on his cock. Bet he hisses while Watching the way you slowly grind down on it.
It’s that good “let’s just spend some time making eachother feel good” sex. Not rushed, not insanely romantic either— just because you can.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
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“No, I was just the guy standing there when it happened who couldn't do anything to protect him.”
(insp.) (Eddie's Version)
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sneebl · 26 days
i just witnessed the boop button be taken away and i am feeling immense amounts of grief
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Two Ways to Adjust the Egg Life System
So, since the Eggs ran away in September and lived for weeks free of tasks and lives, and after they survived Purgatory while doing zero tasks, and after the three newer eggs survived for seemingly their entire lives without tasks or lives, a lot of people- both fans and creators and egg admins- have been complaining about the Egg Life System and how bullshit it is in terms of both player experience and the island’s established lore. It’s an outdated system that isn’t fun for anybody involved, and it should be properly updated for the new year.
Eggs have been the QSMP’s lifeblood since when they were first introduced in April. They were initially an event then, but they soon developed into actual people with actual personalities that both the audience and the players all became ridiculously attached to.
Eggs are given to new players to give them someone to hang out with when they’re alone on the server, and they exist for that purpose for everybody else, too.
So, if that’s the case… why the fuck can they still permadie? When lore itself showed that they don’t need to do tasks, and when players like the Korean members or like Roier or Bad would be completely alone on the server without the eggs keeping them company, it really begs the question of whether or not it’s possible to still have the eggs at risk while not explicitly killing them.
And so I present a couple of ways to adapt the Egg System to the QSMP 2024 while still allowing the eggs to be put at risk and while still having consequences for risky behavior and while still keeping the cookie system in place because, really, that’s a decent way of doing the tasks.
1. Hospitalization
Post-Purgatory, it was revealed that there’s an Egg Hospital. And it really would make sense for the server’s hyper capitalist second season to keep the hospital, and to use it the American Way.
When an egg goes down and “dies”, the egg respawns like a player would. But the egg respawns in the Egg Hospital at Spawn, and the parents have to pay a hefty fee for their eggs’ health.
The server already makes everybody collect coins and go into debt, so why not apply that to the eggs?
The fee the parents would have to pay would be ridiculous, like maybe 10k coins. Any coins they get from bounties would go to that and not to their own pockets, but the egg would still be alive. Every time the egg dies, the fee would increase regardless of whether or not the parents paid it off the last time.
So an egg has infinite lives, but the eggs and their parents are still punished for deaths. It keeps the parents from being able to buy necessities like warps or things from the Spawn Shops.
Egg Tasks are completed in exchange for Cookie Coupons, which allow the purchase of one cookie per coupon free of any monetary charge. In an emergency, parents can add to their debt by buying cookies outright. This way, eggs still get to do tasks while the parents are paying their debt.
Is this system harsh? Yeah, but so are permadeaths. This system just switches the deaths out for American-style medical debt that will ruin the parents financially should they ‘allow’ their eggs to die.
2. Repossession
Since the start of QSMP2024, the bunny employees have been trying to buy the eggs from their parents. Why not adapt that?
If an egg dies under this system, the parents receive a Strike from the Federation. After two Strikes, the egg is taken from their parents by a bunny social worker to live with the Federation until the parents can prove they’re a “good parent.”
The parents do this by taking paid parenthood classes taught by the Federation that would cost maybe 500 coins per class (coming to a total cost of 3,500 coins.) After a week of classes, the parents get their kids back.
The classes would basically be a bunny worker showing up at the parent’s home and making them do egg tasks for the bunny instead, maybe for ten minutes per day, showing that the parents can still take care of their eggs and that they aren’t neglectful or anything.
Furthermore, before the parents get their eggs back, they have to build a room specifically for their eggs if they don’t have one built already, and that room must be inspected by the bunny social worker. Parents have to show that they have food prepared for the egg. They have to have a set of armor prepared for the egg, and a sword and pickax. They have to have at least one toy or egg cosmetic purchased and waiting for the egg in the egg’s new room.
Once all this is done, after a week, the eggs get to come back, and their Strikes are reset.
This isn’t too bad, but 3,500 coins is a lot of money for a lot of players, and having to do all these chores and not having their eggs around punishes both the players and the eggs the same way a permadeath would. It’s just that this doesn’t include the egg dying, it includes a new form of Egg Trauma.
If you have any other ideas of new systems, I’d be curious to hear them. And feel free to screenshot and share this post to Twitter if you want, that’s cool.
I just think there are ways to mess with the players and the audience without killing the eggs off, that’s all.
These systems I have proposed accommodate for server lag and general unpreparedness, such as not having good enough armor or going into a dungeon without backup.
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sadgirlbadpoems · 3 months
No because Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty, he could never have entertained Medusa's offer. He was always going to place himself between his friends and Chimera, and he was always going to sit in Hera's throne. He'll hold the sky for her, and trust that she'll find a way to save him.
And Annabeth's fatal flaw is Hubris, it's why she was so sure her loyalty to here mother would be enough. It's why she tried to foil Hephaestus' creation when her own mother failed to do so. It's why she needs to hear the sirens and why she can't apologize to Tyson.
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