#i hc she had to cut a lot of her hair off after the tower
ribbittrobbit · 6 months
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aelwyn abernant in the flesh, before and after
EDIT: full disclosure i have edited this bec i kept painting and i like this /more rendered/ version better. (also i removed the stupid blue-ish filter i added on to hide its flaws lmao)
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
🐬Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip!!!
Thank you for the ask!
🐬 I have a wip called "brothers" which is about Cal, Lia and Rolan bg3 and Cal and Lia each having romantic interests which causes Rolan stress.
🖍 Take the whole of the blocked dialogue between Cal and Rolan for the first third of this fic. Have I posted this before? Oh well.
Cal: [interrupts Rolan reading with a broom, a mug of water, a comb and some scissors] Guess what time of year it is! [bi-annual hair cut] Rolan: Cal. Cal: Come on, Rolan. All these important people you’ve been meeting? You could at least look presentable. It won’t take but a minute. Rolan: All right. That’s hardly necessary. Cal: What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t check your sideburns when cutting your hair? Rolan: A normal one. Cal: How do you still have no gray? Rolan: A miracle, I know. Is Lia’s much worse? Cal: Just enough to shine at the moment. She’ll look a decade older than you in another five years or so, though. I have a few now. S’not so bad. Rolan: No, you’ll both look very distinguished, I’m sure. Cal: Rolan? Rolan: Mm? Cal: Would it bother you if I stayed out some nights? Rolan: What do you mean? Cal: There isn’t really any privacy here. There’s a girl. Rolan: You? A girl? Cal: I like all kinds. Rolan: That’s not what I— Cal. Have I met her? Cal: You can’t vet her, yet. You don’t know her. Frankly, I’m surprised you know anyone, cooped up in the tower as often as you are. Rolan: Hence your need for privacy. What did Lia say? Cal: I haven’t told her. She’s even more protective than you are, you know that. Rolan: Would she like her? Your girl? Cal: I hope so. She’s bubbly and sweet. Rolan: No, you’re describing champagne. Tell me about her like a person, Cal. Cal: Her sister, married, works a forge. She runs their shop. They sell scissors, and cutlery and the like. Pens. Fillings for High Town dentistry. She’s a little waifish. Bad lungs. Leg brace. She won’t be able to work the forge if her sister passes. They’re thinking of taking on an apprentice or child minder. At the moment her brother-in-law minds the kids.
Rolan: How many? Cal: Two. [slow, obviously still surprised himself; bc i hc him and lia as twins] Twins. [pause] The kids look human. Their father is. The sisters are tieflings. Rolan: [a pause] They’re lucky. [i also like the hc that rolan was born among humans and had a few years to find a lack of sympathy for tieflings like himself] Cal: They’re children. They’d be lucky in their circumstances either way. They seem like a very loving family. Rolan: What’s her name? Cal: Her virtue name is Joy. Rolan: Appropriate. You know a lot about her. Cal: We’ve been meeting up every day this past week for lunch. And every few days for the past month before that. Rolan: A month? Have we been here so long already? Cal: Bit more. Rolan: What does she know of me? Cal: Only good things. [pause] Mostly good things. Rolan: [both snickering] One good thing. [pause] You’d spend a night with her and all that family? Cal: No. I was … I was thinking I’d get us a room in Rivington. Rolan: Rivington?! Cal: Cheaper than the Elfsong, and I want to take her somewhere nice for dinner, do her hair first, stay up late after. Rolan: That sounds like a lot of walking for your waifish darling. Cal: And what do you suggest? Rolan: Well, first, I think we should close off some levels of the tower. You’re right about it lacking privacy. And second, it’s impossible Lia’s going to object to you wooing this girl. I’ll figure it out, but I’m serious when I say Elfsong or better. Especially for something like this. Your whole heart’s in this, Cal. Cal: Rolan— [hair cut paused] Rolan: Cal. Cal: Rolan, I want you to save that money. And … I don’t know whether closing some of the tower would be worth it. Rolan: What’s that supposed to mean?
Cal: Business is high. The cataloguing’s almost done. Soon you’ll be hired for wards and enchantments and be making big sales with Brooms of Flying and all sorts of wonders. You’ll be consulted on research. Rolan: I know you think you’re being complimentary but you’re digging a very big hole at the moment. What’s your point? Cal: You’ll be able to hire menial hands to do the work I’ve been doing for you. I don’t have a lot to contribute here. [hair cut resumes] Rolan: Cal— Cal: I was going to start looking at apprenticeships. Preferably in coiffure, but maybe the forge … if there’s nothing else, I mean. Kanon and I had been talking about tailoring, but … you know how things go. I want my own space. I want to forget about blades and spells. [possibly hair cut finished] I’m not like you and Lia. Rolan: You’re right. You’re not. [an embrace] But you will always be my brother. And you’re here now. So. Woo your maiden, and I’ll start budgeting. Cal: Forgive me? Rolan: There’s nothing to forgive. Cal: [pulling away] You’re the best.
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
Yume x G’raha Ship Timeline
Part 2: ShB - We Meet Again
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Part 1 <- If you missed the first part, click here!
Writing all these out because I like keeping a list of HCs, or a timeline of sorts, for easy access, and I’m sure some of you are curious as well.
Once again, a huge thank you goes to @mimble-sparklepudding for asking such great OC and ship questions, which sparked my desire for writing all of these out in this manner.
This will be continued in Part 3, which will cover Endwalker through the 6.X patches and into the future! Under the cut below:
Yume was already engaged to Cid when she, the Scions, and the other WoLs began hearing the mysterious voice in their heads and the Scions’ souls were being taken out of their bodies one by one.
She always thought that it was G’raha, as she recognized his voice. When she saw the vision of the Exarch telling her to find a beacon near the Crystal Tower, even though she couldn’t see his whole face, to her, it was confirmation that it was him. So in order to figure out what was going on and what G’raha had to do with all of this, Yume followed his instructions and then went to the First.
When she finally met the Crystal Exarch in person, Yume wasn’t sure why G’raha was hiding himself from her, but she soon learned that he was a founder and leader of an entire city-state, the Crystarium, and she couldn’t be more impressed and proud of him.
In some ways, he was very different from how she remembered him; he wasn’t the cocky, mischievous young man that she knew, as he seemed older and way more melancholic than before. But as she talked with him more, got to know him once again, Yume realized that he was still G’raha Tia, the man that she fell in love with. He was still endlessly kind, highly intelligent, confident, and filled with love for others.
The fact that Yume knew the Exarch was G’raha all along made it very difficult for her before he revealed himself, as she wanted nothing more than to toss the hood off of him and throw herself into his arms, but she played the waiting game, trying to figure out what he was scheming.
As Yume was absorbing more and more of the Light from the Lightwardens, Yume started feeling ill, and she saw that her hair started to turn white. Her veins also seemed to be turning white under her skin instead of the normal blue as well.
When the Exarch came to her room in the Pendants one night to check on her, Yume asked him how she looked, to which he told her that she was beautiful. There was lots of romantic tension between them; after that, Yume realized that even if she never could be with G’raha, she had to tell Cid the truth of her feelings.
For G’raha, Yume seemed on the surface to be the same woman that he loved, but the more he talked to her, it seemed like something had changed. She seemed to not have that same spark, that firey spirit that he had admired so much.
When sitting by a cliff in Kholusia, G’raha finds out that Yume wants to break off her engagement to Cid, and she has been mourning someone she had lost long ago. Yume tells him that she is in love with another man. The Exarch too confesses that there is a person that he wants nothing more than to be with her and tell her that he loves her.
They both are trying to tell each other that they are in love with the other, but they are both too afraid to say it directly. They also have the desire for the other to be referring to them in their love confessions, but they also both still have their doubts; too worried that if they assume too much, they will have their hearts broken.
It doesn’t take long for the truth to come out, however. At the peak of Mt. Gulg, after Yume can’t contain the Light and the Exarch’s identity is revealed, G’raha finally is able to say to Yume what he always wanted to tell her, but never had the chance: “Farewell Yume, I love you, my inspiration.”
This was also what G’raha was trying to say to Yume as the doors of the Crystal Tower closed behind him when he sealed himself inside, and Yume never heard his words; it was always his biggest regret that he never told her that he loved her.
Once Yume had awoken and the echo vision shows her everything that G’raha told Urianger, Yume is resolved to rescue G’raha and defeat Emet-Selch, even at the cost of her life, or if she fully turns into a Lightwarden. She won’t let the man she loves die.
After the battle with Emet-Selch, Yume decides that she must go back to the Source and tell Cid that she loves G’raha and that she can’t be with him anymore, regardless if she can be with G’raha or not.
Before she leaves, there is a party thrown in the Crystarium to celebrate the return of night to the First for good, and G’raha goes to see Yume alone. It is there that they finally are able to tell each other everything, how they’ve been in love with each other since they were investigating the Crystal Tower all those years ago.
They almost kiss then, as the romantic and sexual tension is running very high, but Yume stops it before they actually do it though, because she feels that she needs to tell Cid first. G’raha agrees, telling her he’s already waited for her for a century, so a few more days won’t kill him.
When Yume gets back to the Source, she first visits the Rising Stones to update Tataru and Krile on what’s happened with the Scions’ souls and the events in the First, but then she goes to her shared apartment with Cid.
Yume immediately tells him that she can’t marry him and hands Cid the ring, but Cid already knows what Yume is going to say. Cid has suspected that Yume and G’raha had feelings for each other ever since the Crystal Tower investigation, and Cid accuses Yume of cheating on him.
She tries to explain to Cid that she and G’raha never physically did anything, but Yume can’t deny that she has loved G’raha this whole time, and she was trying to move on with her life by being with Cid. Yume says that they did confess their love for each other before she came back, so if that means that she has cheated, then so be it.
Cid doesn’t believe her, and says that he thinks that they had an affair years ago, and that they have picked up where they left off, to which Yume is highly insulted, as she has come clean and has now told him the whole truth. She slaps him because he is questioning her honor when she specifically sought him out to tell him everything.
Cid is too upset to be reasoned with, and Yume is fuming mad, so Yume tells him that she will get help from the other Scions to move her things into the Rising Stones, and that she is truly sorry to hurt him like this, but she must follow her heart.
Yume and the Scions move her things into a room in the Rising Stones, and Yume very soon after holds onto the beacon and tells G’raha that she’s ready to return to him, which he then summons her directly into the Ocular this time.
As soon as she appears before him in the Ocular, Yume runs to G’raha and they share their first kiss. This soon turns into a full make out session, and then G’raha says he has a few tasks to do, but then he wants to meet with her somewhere more private, so she tells him to meet her in her room at the Pendants.
A few hours later, G’raha goes to Yume’s room in the Pendants and they end up making love for the first time together, and their lovemaking goes late into the night, then they fall asleep together.
They are together every day after that, making up for so much lost time, with Yume telling G’raha all about her battles and the places she has seen since G’raha sealed himself in the Tower, and G’raha tells her what happened to him in the future, plus how he spent the last 100 years in the First as the Crystal Exarch.
They promise each other that now that they have found each other again, that they never want to be parted from the other ever again. Where one goes, the other will follow, as they both were so deeply affected by losing each other before, and they don’t want to go through that again.
While G’raha, with the help of Beq Lugg, is trying to perfect the spirit vessels to get the Scions’ souls back to the Source, he says that he has to tell Yume something. Just as he promised, he would never keep a secret from her ever again, and he tells her that his body was soon going to completely crystallize and he will die.
He tells her that he has a plan, and a wish that he would do anything to make come true; he wants to return to the Source with her so that they could someday be married, have a family, and live the rest of their lives together. In order to that, he plans on sending his soul back with the Scions in the spirit vessels, so that his soul can merge with his younger self back in the source.
Yes, the plan is risky, but to G’raha, the risk is worth the reward, so Yume believes in him and says that she will do everything in her power to bring his soul back to the Source so that his souls will merge in his younger body still asleep in the Tower.
After the fight with Elidibus, Yume experiences one of the biggest moments of grief in her life. Though she has seen much pain, suffering, and death in her life as a samurai, then as a ronin, and now as a Warrior of Light and Darkness, yet even knowing what was going to happen beforehand, nothing could’ve prepared her for seeing G’raha’s body turn to crystal.
Though she still held his soul in the spirit vessel, seeing his body die was the worst pain she ever felt. She broke down, gripping the spirit vessel tightly in her hands and sobbing in front of his crystallized form, now a statue, a memorial for the people of the First to remember the man who gave them hope.
When she was visiting all of the Scions as they said their goodbyes, Yume would hold G’raha’s spirit vessel and talk to him, describing to him what she was seeing and making sure that he could experience it with her. Yume was not rushing to get back to the Source, as she wanted G’raha to be able to say his goodbyes to the world that he lived in for a hundred years, and to the people he saved.
Back in the source, as soon as the Scions awoke, Yume ran all the way to the Tower, and she knew where she would find him: in the Umbilicus, where the controls of the Tower were. There, Yume found G’raha’s younger body curled up on the floor, locked in slumber.
The whole process took less than a minute, but for Yume, it was a silence that lasted for way too long, as the two souls merged, the spirit vessel and G’raha’s body glowing brightly. As G’raha stirred awake and opened his eyes, Yume threw herself into his arms and began to cry with overwhelming joy at seeing him alive and well. G’raha smiled and told to her that it worked, that he was here, all of him.
That’s all for now! I’ll continue these headcanons and finish it all up in part 3 which will detail my ship timeline through EW and in the future! If you got this far, thank you so much for reading!! 🥰💖
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milqueandsugar · 2 years
I've been on a little bit of a deep sea hyperfixation for a few days now, so how about this?
A reader who can change their appearance- think like the shapeshifting hc's a lot of people have about some characters- except that their less human form is an utterly monsterous deep-sea creature. Eyes and teeth and toxin and bioluminesence! Maybe the reader is a little self concious about it because so many people get freaked out by it? You can choose the character/characters if you like, but if you'd rather not, then maybe Ranboo! I feel like the water/ANYTHING but water dynamic would be fun jendkendnd
Thank you, have a good day!
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: mentions of violence/injury
Genre: Fluff
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| Ranboo |
Ranboo isn't the most conventionally attractive person either
I mean he's like a 8ft tall enderman hybrid with green and red eyes he isn't really winning any beauty contests
Surprisingly your slightly off looks is what drew him to you, I mean multiple eyes, bioluminsecnt fins? Oh boy is he intrigued
Immediately thought you were so cool, he felt lame standing next to you, I mean you glowed!
You on the other hand was memorized by him, being a deep sea creature most things on the surface just seemed, boring
But there before you towered a black and white man in a suit and you were enthralled, do far the most interesting land creature you had ever seen
He felt like home in such an odd place
Strangely your looks brought you two together like magnets, and then you were stuck together
He often visited you at the waters edge, happy to see you in your natural habitat and appearance
You met often at night, with only the moon and a lantern he often brought to light your conversations
He kept you up on the latest news on the server, and you brought him shiny human things thst had sunk too the bottom of the ocean
He makes the same stupid joke every time you give him an offering, about him treasuring everything you give him
But you laugh every time
| Foolish |
When he found out there was another sea dweller on the server?
that man RAN
You two immediately hit it off, turns out when the God you had been raised to worship shows up to your house with a gift basket you tend to be a little extra nice
He helps you adapt to the surface life, which is something you didn't know you needed so bad until he offered
Helps you gather supplies for your home and then just ends up building something a million times better for you
He just can't help himself
Speaking in your mother tongue with him
Mostly shit talking tbh
Going on swim dates together, you bringing him to all your favorite grottos and under water caves
Foolish, as much as he wants to join you in your life in the ocean has surface world responsibilities and as much as you miss him sometimes you respect it
Your solution? Bring the ocean to him
' flower ' crowns of sea weed, sea grass and other under water plants, sea glass necklaces and rings whatever you can scrounge up you believe is good enough to gift
But let's be honest here, you could give this man a rock and he'd fall in love with it
So when you give him hand crafted jewelry? Oh this man is swooooning
Although a God he hasn't been shown incredibly kindness, so when you come into his life, helping him build, just wanting to spend time with him? He's weak in the knees
| Nihachu |
The ability to shape-shift to suit land is actually a hunting adaptation, with your looks you lure humans or animals to the waters edge where you Drown and eat them
You think after the first few times they learn but, alas it is a very effective tactic
You initially mistake niki for one of your own at first, you had never seen a human with pink hair before, truly she had to be one of your own
So you approach her with a gutted squid, a delicacy in the deep end, and a friendly gesture for when meeting other sea creatures
To your surprise your met with a shriek, and nearly getting your head cut off
Ah, so she was human, she must've been poisonous then, if there was one thing you learned about colorful land creatures is that they were usually not very good meals,
You leave your squid and return to the waters, a little hurt and not so interested in the pink haired girl anymore
Niki on the other hand was not only terrified, but very, very confused
Through asking around she had discovered what you were, and that you were sentient, she felt a tad bad about the whole thing, so sure enough, she came back to the waters edge with some sweet cakes for you
Turns out, sugar is incredibly addictive to sea creatures, and so your very odd friendships begin with her guilt for nearly beheading you, and your incredible sweet tooth.
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cheryldenson · 3 years
Cheryl headcanons?
Oh my gosh I have so many, I don't even know where to start. A lot of these are taken from my fanfic Love By Daylight because a good chunk of that story is just my personal interpretation of the DBD universe!
But without further ado, here we go:
-When Cheryl was taken by The Entity inside of that call center, she probably looked less like her SH3/DBD default appearance and more like her Starting Over/Moving On skins.
-Cheryl is one of the only survivors that The Entity is truly wary and intimidated by, and I even hc that she'd be the best shot the survivors ever had of escaping. But The Entity knows this, and took Pyramid Head as well because it specifically wanted a Silent Hill monster who could feed off of Cheryl's survivor's guilt and utilize that guilt to keep her/Alessa's powers in check.
-Besides Pyramid Head (for reasons mentioned above), Cheryl is terrified of The Nurse. Not only does she bear similarities to the Silent Hill nurses, but she also emits fire from her hand? Yeah, the thought of possibly getting burned by being picked up just sends her into an inexplicable panic.
-Cheryl is completely unbothered by The Doctor's illusions and hallucinations. The shocks still bother her though.
-Despite rarely conversing with the other survivors and preferring to be quiet and off on her own, she is extremely protective and altruistic of the others during trials to a reckless degree. This is especially the case with the more "pure hearted" survivors such as Claudette and Kate (especially Kate but that's just my shipping bias).
-She has zero issues with plunging that Entity claw into her own chest if it means another survivor can have hatch, and the other survivors find it a little concerning.
-No matter where she is in the trial at the time, if somebody does the clock tower easter egg on Midwich she will start freaking out. Nobody, (not even Kate), has been able to calm her down so everybody knows to just try and avoid it if she's in the trial.
-Cheryl, Quentin, and Laurie are all best friends that very much have a sibling dynamic and aren't afraid to call each other out on their shit.
-Cheryl will just occasionally cough up blood from time to time? Specifically when she pushes herself too hard physically during a trial or if something reminds her a little too much of all her Silent Hill traumas (she hacked up an entire fetus that'll probably cause more than a little internal damage). She's not really all that bothered by it however, she dies enough in this realm as is.
-For some reason, Cheryl feels especially comfortable around Ace of all people. There's something about him that just reminds her of Harry, and he's one of the few survivors she'll make her old dry and sarcastic remarks around.
-Cheryl eventually became the designated hair stylist of the survivors, because she got pretty good at it after cutting and dying her own hair all her life without using a mirror. Y'all can thank Miss Mason for all of good (and bad, she's not perfect), hair cosmetics in the game.
Honestly I probably have so many more but these were just all the hcs I could brainstorm off the top of my head. Feel free to let me know if you want me to elaborate on any of these of if you want more Cheryl/any Dead By Daylight survivor headcanons!
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hag-rambling-on · 3 years
Boys hc’s feats Diaspro
Riven Cassios was born to two Omega prisoners. What surprised everyone, because staying healthy enough to carry out a pregnancy on a planet that sucks your magic is... Obviously the Rocalucce Council keeps an eye on the planet, they took him out of there because no child would pay because his parents, and he has been in foster homes, although it doesn't last long since the requirements for his adoption were more strict than most -which in the long run the Council would realize was COUNTERPRODUCTIVE for his character-. That is what Darcy detects and why the high spheres are somewhat "permissive" with him.
His mother died giving birth, it was already miraculous that she lived so long and ‘bout his father I think I'm going to kill him too, maybe. The father I assure you would be love him (he called Riven to himself Daru, his gift) thought was not his initial idea, the mother always saw him as an experiment (she was a witch who followed the Ancenstresses). Ohm, also in his blood there are dark elves and giants.
Riven surname is actually the name of the galaxy where he was born or a derivation of it, as is common for orphans. So the boy knows NOTHING about the above.
Timmy and Riven are the only specialists who have passed the full course at Fonterossa, without skips. In the end they bond about it. Timmy gives him a recommendation to work as a part-time mechanic at Magix (good boy face, he knows how to use it)
Timeus “tshhhh, it’s Timmy.... i’m not my grandfather” fulfills the physique requisits as much as any other specialist, but it is true that his physique and abilities, adapted to the distance, give him a more "feline" air.
He is also the one who wakes up at night and moves silently, scaringthe rest of the squad if they wake up unexpectedly.
His glasses are for both sight and Aura Vision. His parents are rich enough to pay for an operation, but since he would have to wear glasses for his ability anyway, why? Practical guy.
And the glasses make people look down on him, something that when his self-esteem is high and he’s being rational and cunning he knows it’s wonderful, although many others times may hurt. He is mostly leprechaum with something human.
Nex is still a Paladin born in Lymphea and with blood of literally ALL races. He adapts well to any planet, although not its people at first. His race mix makes his face “charismatic”, like always draw attention even if people don’t know very well why they are draw.
His ability is Delay Sleep. It allows him to hold over his need to sleep for days without going crazy or losing physical capacity or needing many days to recover (he can stay awake for 5 or more days, sleep 8-10 hours and go back to being his usual self). Sometimes he does not control this well and has plenty of energy in need of drop but he is the one who has the most control of his ability.
One of his parents spent time in Rocalucce Fortress as a "guest" so at times he feels like he has something to prove.
Coming from Andros, most of the population are merpeople with a few elves and humans. which avoids the 100% aquatic population. Roy, unlike Aisha is mostly human-elf with a bit of merpeople in a grandgrandgrand level. One of his parents comes from one of the colonies on the moons of Andros and he was born there although they moved almost immediately.
Roy’s paladin ability being the canon “Triton Aura” used to breathe underwater. That and learning to swim and drive all kinds of water vehicles was what made him feel "adapted" to Andros. But he always try to be useful.
He only became a Paladin at the beginning of season 6, and it was visiting him that the season began. He’s bi but he thinks of himself as straight.
I plead guilty to liking Nabu even though I shipped Aisha with Flora and Nex. So I have a hard time thinking about him. Except, EVERY time I try to think of something. EVERY TIME. Rapunzel. So, he will never cut his hair.
But with an island instead of a tower and a babysitter (male and wizard) more dumbledoor (not, actually more like Newt Scamander mentor like).
Sometimes he misses out on some "social customs/things/normalcies" whatever is called due to his little dealing with people. He may seem naive or that don't understand sarcasm. He understands and learns quickly, but people were very respectful to him and there are things he is not used to. 1/2 merpeople 1/4 half elf 1/4 human as both of his parents are half merpeople.
He likes to swim as much as any merpeople, but they didn't let him do it much because they were afraid he would go away or lost, so he usually went off "to the heights", going up to the rooftops and things like that.
Helia is trans but keeps his first name as chosen name which I don’t understand. Also he has formally tried study practically everything he wanted. Specialist, Paladin, Wizard (of Threads). Painter.
He can't make up his mind, his family hurries him just to STOP making them dizzy and spend a few years with everything -and actually end a single “major” choice- he wants to experience, that he has a very long life and can dedicate a few decades to Everything and they can support them. Well, more or less, but he was vip pass to all these options because family connections.
Long story about Sky, Brandon and Dia.
Sky, Brandon and Diaspro's first meeting was a show. Has it all. Costumes, lies. Confusion. Kidnapping. And that is why Diaspro insists on the wedding (I would like to mention that although I don’t know her romantic orientation yet surely bi or lesbian, here, Dia is asexual. And Sky is non-binary but his parents do not approve so go for he/him to avoid problem with them. And here our story begins)
A bit of background. Brandon actually hails from Isis, the son of the military and was chosen by the whimsical chibi!Diaspro as a playmate and future personal guard (because then she believed that touching children gave "lice" and her character and age did not have the 18like wall of royal education, then in a random encounter he called her among many things what Dia's mind translated in a strange way "uncracked geode", which is a double-edged compliment in Isis that many would not accept from strangers but she liked it). Rarely they would end up becoming friends in the end. When the series begins, Brandon and Diaspro keep up with calls, which will prevent Dia's reaction with Bloom on the one hand.
On a visit (officially only from the kings of Erakyon to to the kings of Isis) for the children to get to know each other, somehow, they all ended up happily dressing up, with Sky and Dia looking like two pretty princesses and Brandon assessing whether his dress would be green or yellow because Diaspro insisted that she and Sky had already taken the blue and red and so it would be more "thematic".
Here began the first of many attacks on Sky's head, because before it had begun to be rumored (true) that Erendor had fertility problems (btw his race dwarf-high elf and Samara is leprechaum-high elf, Sky gots mostly high elf part). When they came in and saw two girls and a boy, Brandon, not the highest IQ, but one of the wisest of his team and definitely the best fighter, played along so he ended up pretending to be Sky (also helps that his hair colors looks like Erendor) Everything worked out well in the end, although Brandon ended up as Sky's squire (better for him, worse for Diaspro), and Diaspro made Sky promise that he owed her a big favor. Anyway they grew up over the years in friendship and they both knew they were not of each other's true love interest, but, they could put up with each other (because that's what royalty does).
Sky and Diaspro have a sonorous (affectionate) war over Sky's hair to annoy/exasperate Brandon. Diaspro always complains that he doesn't grow it and it would look great then. Sky says that he is fine as with his hair at it is (it's actually Erendor's thing). The soft part of Diaspro that she doesn't usually show off has taught Sky many ways to style his hair and subtly put on makeup to look more feminine if he wants to.
How I am amused by that image from wikipedia and that Diaspro entered Sky's guard so quickly. Another headcanon is that Diaspro would sometimes change her appearance a bit and go into Sky's guard to be with Brandon to annoy him and Sky, when Brandon has to talk about her without giving details, she is simply "his sister Charbonne" (she hates that alias). They were discovered when she was 15 years old but she had already trained and the royal families considered it a sign to formalize the engagement since “they search each other” (people only sees what they wants).
The Diaspro family is not good, first Brandon was a shield (emotional) because as a child they were not “that” bad and then Sky joined him (physically and politically), handling things with Bloom so like that was not a good idea when the floor was full of cracked bottles.
... omg i’m sorry you three i’m sorry what I did to you
Also, Brandon's ability as a green user is very interesting and helps with this a lot. I temporally call it “Keypoint Warning” and I like it a lot, it's like a "tic" that tells him "be careful, what you say, what you do now, even the smallest thing could change everything for youself (for better or for worse)”. He actually has a scar on his forehead (not a lightning bolt) that his hairstyle hides after “that” day but a little less fine on the words and the kidnappers might have broken his mouth so... His parents have been cured (spoiler: no) of heart attack since then.
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
hc of neil meeting extended family?? i always feel like he's GOTTA have more than JUST nathan, mary, and stuart right ??
So if Nathan had siblings, then Neil has uncles/aunts.  If Neil has uncles/aunts, he has cousins.
In my little world (and to make it more fun), Nathan has 5 siblings.  Darren, Gareth, Oliver, Zoe, Harry.  They have KIDS.  Neil’s COUSINS.
Like I said in my other headcanon about Nathan’s family past, Harry the professor moves from DC to University of South Carolina to escape the talk of his brother, The Butcher of Baltimore.  The rest of the fam cut themselves off from their crazy brother.
Harry is also how the rest of the Wesninski brothers find Neil.  Of course, he’s not sure on it, but he’s an avid Exy fan, so seeing a kid with such resemblance to the Wesninski features- or what he remembers of his nephew when he was a child, to let it go unsaid.
He spams a groupchat with his siblings and demands Darren look into it.  He’s the one with the connections.
Darren almost thinks it too good to be true, but he has too big of a spark of hope to trash the idea.  He keeps tabs on Neil through the media in the meantime.  It isn’t until Nathan’s death that they get the proof they need.  Darren gets the information he needs about the boy that Nathan had in the basement that day, enough about the wounds the boy was given to match it to Neil Josten’s face the next time he was captured on the media.
Zoe sets it up.  There are quite a number of cousins on the Wesninski side, and Gareth and Darren look too much like Nathan to be able to confront Neil without him running away. 
The cousins and their ages:
Darren: Adam 35, Evan 30.
Gareth: Cordelia 30, Brian 27.
Oliver: Patrik 25, Natalia 22, Rhys 18.
Nathan: Nathaniel 18.
Zoe: Cedric 20, Morgan 19.
Harry: Vince 17, Emma & Lena 16.
Rhys and Cedric are the first to volunteer talking to their newfound cousin.  Rhys remembers the one and only time he visited his uncle Nathan.  Their parents dismissed them to go play, so he spent the afternoon climbing trees and running around with Nathaniel.  Cedric didn’t remember Nathaniel, but his so-called cousin was friends and teammates with Kevin Day?  No way in hell was he missing out.
It takes weeks for them to plan it out, to get the cousins down to Palmetto.  Their parents all sit them down before they go and tell them wtf is up bc they know damn well that they only have one chance to do it right or else they’ll lose Nathaniel forever.
All of the cousins go to Palmetto, but the only ones that are there to greet him outside of Fox Tower are Rhys, Natalia, and Adam.
They wait for an hour before Neil finally shows up with Andrew, Nicky, and Matt in tow.  He freezes the second he sees them standing at the curb.  Andrew stops behind him, but Matt’s the one to ask if he’s okay.  Neil doesn’t know how to explain that he knows those three faces, though he can’t remember where from and why.
Rhys grins and stands straight.  “Nathaniel!”  he waves, to which Neil rightfully flinches at and starts taking steps back until he stumbles into Andrew.  Natalia elbows Rhys with a stern glare and gives Neil a sorry smile.  “We come in peace- sorry, that sounds stupid- we’re your couisns, Neil.  I’m Natalia, that’s Rhys, Adam.”
And woah is Neil confused.  He doesn’t realize he’s breathing faster until Andrew fastens a hand on the back of his neck.  “I-I don’t.”
“Neil,” Adam says.  “We don’t mean to cause you trouble.  I noticed you looked familiar when I saw Kathy’s show back in the fall, my uncle-” he stopped when Neil’s face bottomed “Harry!  My uncle Harry- not Nathan.  None of us have been in contact with him since you were a kid, I swear, I-” and he looks troubled.  “Fuck.  Um, look, can we just… can we talk?  We can talk about anything, anywhere.  We haven’t seen you since you were like five, man, and I’m fucking thirty-five.  Hell, I changed your diaper before our families cut ties with Nathan.”
Matt looks between them, but Nicky’s the one to speak.  “Neil, I know family is a load of shit?  But I mean… shouldn’t you at least hear them out?  You have cousins you didn’t even know about!”
“They’re Wesninski’s.” Neil is not a happy camper, but Rhys is unphased.  “Technically only half.”
And Neil almost gets right back in the car if not for Andrew staring him down and raising a single brow.  He painfully agrees to let them talk, but if he doesn’t like it then they agree to never bother him again.  Natalia does all of the talking and gives him the rundown on their family’s past, the good bad and ugly, just like her father recited to her.  Matt found himself thinking that she talked a lot like Neil.  She kind of looked like him too.  Her hair had more of a red tone than his had, almost looked fake.
When she's done, though, and all of Neil’s questions are answered, Rhys nearly hugs him.  If not for Andrew’s piercing stare, he probably would have.  “Man, the others are gonna be so excited to meet you, Neil.”
Adam cuts in when Rhys starts stammering.  Was he not supposed to tell him?  “There are thirteen of us, fourteen counting you.  They’re all back at a hotel ten minutes from here.  No parents.  Nathan took his looks after my dad and uncle Gareth, we all figured it’d be better to leave them out of the powwow for now.”  Neil wanted to vomit, but he didn’t say anything, so Adam just went on.  “There’s me, Evan, Cordelia, Brian, Patrik, Natalia, Rhys, Cedric, Morgan, Vince, and the twins.”
“Twins?!”  Nicky let out a squeal.  Rhys shrugs. “It runs in the family.”
Neil didn’t notice how hard he was breathing, but all of a sudden it caught up with him.  Natalia somehow isn’t surprised when he books it to the closest bush.  Andrew levels them all with a cool look and follows his idiot across the parking lot.
Neil wipes his face with his shirt and drops his head into his knees.  Andrew digs a hand into his hair.  “Say the words and they’re gone.”
But Neil’s shaking his head with his eyes squeezed shut because it’s not that.  It’s just overwhelming.  He doubts he’ll talk to them after this meeting, but he had this little thing in the back of his head tugging him to find out everything about them.  He can’t deal with another Wesninski like his father.  He’ll go with all of the Foxes in tow for safety, he doesn’t care, but he will not go the rest of his life in the unknown about these people who claim to be his family.
So Neil goes back to the three cousins with a blank face as he subtly avoids their eyes.  “I’ll meet them all, but I’m bringing my people, and only if it’s at the Exy stadium.”
part two three
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headoverjojo · 4 years
Ask box open? Ohmygosh, my patience has paid off!! 💕💕 Okay! Umm...Could I request hcs of La Squadra with an older Sister who is taller and physically stronger than them? She knows how dangerous and deadly they could be with their stands, but when it comes ti hand to hand combat she can whoop them no problem. And she embarrasses them sometimes when they give her some kind of attitude for treating them like kids, and she bonks them on the head very hard and fireman carries them into time out.
Hellooooo, darling!! Aaaaaa I’m happy to see you’re happy too ❤️❤️ Ooooh I loved this one!! I’m always soft for the squad and their family members :,) And so! Here we go! I hope you’ll like it :3
La Squadra di Esecuzione with an older sister who’s taller and physically stronger than them
(Under the cut for length!)
Risotto Nero
Risotto always deeply admired his big sister. She was strong, determined, and stubborn! She was also extremely fair, not holding back when she had to scold little Risotto when he was wrong; but, when he was right and she saw someone being rude to him, well… hell was unleashed. No one could dare to touch or be rude to her little brother! Risotto always watched to her and her example. He trained to be like her, he worked on himself to be as fair and charismatic as her… and it worked! Years later, his sister was proud of him. Yes, his profession wasn’t… common, but he never was an infamous man, even if he was the leader of a criminal team. He always had a certain honor, and she was still in his life… she couldn’t complain!
Even if she hadn’t red eyes or white hair, she was still as intimidating as her brother. She was really, really tall, even taller than him! And -and this was what impressed for real the other Squadra members- she wasn’t scared of Risotto, not even the slightest. She was maybe the only person in the world allowed to pinch his cheeks and to ruffle his hair. And, even if she was impressed and proud of his brother’s powerful stand, she wasn’t scared of it. Her brother wouldn’t have ever hurt her! As she wouldn’t have ever hurt him too.
While Risotto had the advantage of his stand, her sister had her strength on her side. It was almost impossible to believe -and Formaggio had to see it with his own eyes-, but Risotto’s sister was stronger than him when it came to hand-to-hand fights! Even after all those years, Risotto had still something to learn, and she was the only person he trusted to teach him some moves. Still, the sight of Risotto, that tower of muscles, whooped with easiness by a woman was incredible! Formaggio never told it to anyone -he was too scared to be whooped too-, but, oh, he surely never forgot it!
Even if he was the leader of the feared Squadra Esecuzioni, he was still her little brother, in her eyes. And she didn’t take well a certain attitude, even from him! Yes, a couple of times she accidentally was over affectionate while the others were present too, but this wasn’t enough to justify his grumbles and low complains! And, when she has had enough of his attitude, she gives him a little -for her standards- slap on the back of his head. Or, well, she did so until she accidentally hit him with too strength and launched his face right on the hard wood of his desk, making his nose bleed. From then on, no more slaps! Still, even those little accidents never made Risotto’s affection for her waver. He just loves his big sister!
Prosciutto is the youngest kid from his family. He has four older sisters, but the one he loves the most is the youngest sister, who’s almost seven years older than him. While their parents were busy, she took care of him, passing him her same cockiness, stubbornness and creativity. Prosciutto respected and loved all his sisters, of course, but with the youngest one he always had a special relationship, even if they often fought, as they had a similar character. Maybe this was the reason they so fiercely protected each other, no matter what or where they were. All his sisters were family… but she was even more “family”. She was strong and confident, but also kind and gentle; she was the most incredible person he had ever met.
Prosciutto’s family had been blessed with a good height and this shows in his sisters too. They all are tall, but his favourite sister is the tallest. Even taller than him! And she likes to tease him about it, making him grumble and pout, like he did when he was a child. Everyone else would face his wrath, but he lets his sister do basically everything to him. He knows she doesn’t tease him in a bad way. And, when she sees him still pouty and offended, she always brings him a piece of his favourite cake, kissing his hair and apologizing for hurting him, while he hides a little, evil smile. Pouting always brings benefits, when her sister is around!
Being the kids of a leader of a small criminal gang affiliated to Passione, Prosciutto and his sister grew up knowing how to fight even before learning how to walk. But his closer sister was the most badass of them all! And the strongest, when it came to hand-to-hand fighting. Her punches were devastating, her kicks powerful; more than once she made men way bigger than her run away crying. Prosciutto always cheered for her and admired her strength; he wanted to be like her! And, also, he knew it was better not to make her angry; she would have swoop him in a matter of seconds, even in front of his friends, The Grateful Dead or not!
Speaking of stands, his sister always found extremely funny his stand. She always said it looked weird, but also cute, in a certain way, and that she found hilarious that it actually aged him to his real soul age. Prosciutto always huffed and pouted, but never used it on her; well, the only time he did, reversing her to an old lady, he was swooped anyway. Even then she still was stronger than him!
Pesci’s big sister had always been at his side, helping him in every possible way. She was here when little Pesci was bullied and mocked for his appearance, and she was the one who furiously fought against her parents when they “sold” Pesci to the mob in order to repay their debts. The thing Pesci remembers more clearly from his childhood is his sister and how ridiculously strong and hot-headed she was. Even if sometimes he too had tested her strength -if he had a certain attitude he always received a slap on the back of his head-, he always admired the way she claimed respect from others and how vigorously protective she was towards people she loved. She was strong enough to protect her family… Pesci wanted to be like her too. He too wanted to protect his family and the people he loved!
Prosciutto was the one in the team who knew better Pesci’s sister, as he had taken the role of his big brother. She wanted to know him, to know him well; she couldn’t leave her little brother to some random weirdo! The first thing Prosciutto noticed about her -and how could he have missed it?- was how tall she was. Almost as tall as Risotto! And definitely taller than her brother and himself. Prosciutto learned soon that Pesci’s sister wasn’t a person to mess up with; he thought he was dying, after her powerful kick. He accepted that she was and always would have been part of Pesci’s life, whatever Prosciutto had to say about it!
Even when he was a mobster and, then, a member of the Squadra, Pesci’s sister always supported him. She was really proud of his stand, and always encouraged him to try to explore every use of his Beach Boy, both for daily tasks and missions. Yes, it wasn’t the life she had dreamed for her little brother, but now it was too late to go back. She could just prepare him and pray to see him coming home every day, safe and sound. And so, she always tried to teach him how to fight and defend himself when he couldn’t use his stand; Pesci learned a lot from her. Even so, he still couldn’t ever beat her, even if he was quite strong himself!
Being so protective, sometimes she slipped into a too motherly behaviour. On a normal occasion, Pesci wouldn’t have minded it, even enjoying his sister’s attentions; but he couldn’t do it when he was with his comrades! He hated to keep her far, but he wanted to be respected by his teammates, and he couldn’t achieve it when his sister was coddling him! The first time she was so hurt that he slapped him on the back of his head, making him stumble; but then, she understood she was wrong and, so, when he’s with his teammates, she stays quiet and calm. Until one of them starts to bully her little brother!
Honestly, having a big sister was Formaggio’s luck. If, in spite of everything, he still is a quite decent human being it’s thanks to her. When their father was too drunk to care for them, she did it in his place, making sure to send her little brother to school and trying to make their life as bearable as possible. There is no human being Formaggio respects as much as he does with his sister. She is the most important authority in his life, his rock, the person who taught him everything! Formaggio was a bratty and restless kid, and she had to work hard to keep in line. If someone was rude or, even, beat her little brother, she had no hesitation in going to beat them too -especially if they were older than Formaggio, and it was usually like this.- She was strong and her punches made more than a boy fall back; and not twinks, but big men, mountain of muscles! Formaggio always wanted to be like her. And, more or less, he managed to do it. She’s still taller than him, and stronger too, but he obtained a stand!
Formaggio never loses a chance to show her big sister his stand. He’s really proud of his Little Feet! And her sister is proud too. At least until he uses it to prank her in various ways, which always earns him a bonk on the back of his head. Formaggio learned it wasn’t a good idea to prank her sister when she bonked him when he wasn’t still at his usual form, making him fly to the other side of the room. She was so sorry about it! But she also couldn’t stop laughing, while Formaggio was grumbling and complaining, only to end up laughing too with her. He wanted to prank and, in the end, he was the one pranked!
Formaggio is really protective over his sister, as much as she’s with him. Other than his big sister, she was also, basically, his father and mother, as they were absent from their life. And, so, sometimes she slips into motherly behaviour, especially when it’s about food. She always grumbles that he has to eat healthy food, and that he has also to clean a little more his house! Sometimes, he talks back, mocking her scoldings, and this is something that makes her so damn angry. He’s still a brat, even after all those years! Not even Little Feet can save him from the punitive bonk on the back of his head. And, after that, even while grumbling and complaining, Formaggio always starts to clean or to eat healthy, at least for a while. He knows too well that his sister is able to whoop his ass in a second, gangster or not! He may have a stand, and a quite powerful stand, thank you very much, but she’s still the real powerhouse when it comes to hand-to-hand fight! Formaggio would never want to have to fight her. He knows he’d be KO in a matter of minutes!
Melone has always been smaller for his age, and too skinny. Due to his lack of good physical strength and “oddity” -he was the science kid, the nerdy kid- the other kids often used him as punching ball. Melone had a certain pride, however; he wanted to fix his situation all alone, and so he never said it to his parents, finding more and more excuses to justify his bruises. He confided the real reason of his bruises just to his big sister, the person he trusted the most in the world. She wasn’t much older than him, but she was already taller than average for her age, and she was way stronger too! She tried to respect her little brother’s will, but, when he came home bleeding from his nose and with a black eye, it was too much. She went straight to “talk” to the bullies, and, from that day, they didn’t come near Melone again. They were scared by his big sister! And his admiration for her just grew and grew. She was so strong and cool! He wanted so much to be like her…
Their paths, for a while, diverged. She went on with her life, and he entered the mob. But, finally, they reunited, and it was like nothing was changed in those years. She was still taller than him, stronger and protective! She wasn’t happy to know he was a mobster -he wasn’t expecting so-, but, despite everything, she decided to be part of his life when many other people would have chosen to just go without turning back. Melone was happy to have her back in his life, even if, sometimes, she was a little overwhelming! Especially when it came to his feeding. He was underweight and she had always tried to help him to reach a weight that at least didn’t show his bones. So, she always closely checked his meals, to be sure they were healthy and caloric. When he was a teenager, sometimes he snapped at her, earning a little bonk on the back of his head. He was her beloved little brother, but this didn’t mean he could be mean at her! And this didn’t change even when he was a grown man. He was still her little brother and she wanted to protect and take care of him!
She was surprised to come to know about stands. She was quite impressed with her brother’s stand! It was so peculiar and, in some ways, even nerdy, like he was! Still, she knew he would have never used it against her. And, when her brother had a stand, she still had her punches! Even her brother’s teammates had had a taste of them, when she caught them being rude to Melone. No one had to even think to hurt him, mobsters or not! Soon enough, everyone in the team came to respect and even fear a little Melone’s fierce sister. She wasn’t someone to mess up with!
Illuso’s sister was the only person able to make him open up. He was a really reserved kid, who preferred to observe in silence and who rarely actively took part in whatever was going on. Just his older sister was able to make him live, to make him enjoy a little his life in Venice, a place he wanted to escape from with all his heart. And, as soon as he could, he did so, joining the mob. Still, he always remembered fondly his sister. She was tall, way taller than him, and ridiculously strong. When someone screamed at Illuso, calling him bad names, she was already chasing after them, making sure to send them home with a couple of bruises. She wasn’t scared of anything, and she was stubborn and, sometimes, even overbearing. At the same time, however, she was fair, kind and sweet, always knowing when her little brother needed a gentle word, more than an energetic prompt. Illuso loved his sister with all his heart and she was the only one of the family he still wanted to see, after joining Passione.
His sister was really curious about his stand. She didn’t even imagine that one’s fighting spirit could be embodied in something more or less physical! And Man in the Mirror’s power was amazing! She was impressed by the various and ingenious ways her brother thought for using it at his full potential. He had always been curious and inventive, and now these qualities were shining! Still, she was a bit bitter when she noticed that his teammates, sometimes, made fun of his stand, not particularly set for murders -not that Illuso ever told her what he really did for living; she just knew he was a mobster in a special team-. Once, she challenged them all to beat her at arm wrestling. Illuso felt cold sweat running down his spine; he knew too well what kind of powerhouse his sister was! And it seemed that his teammates understood it too, when they saw how intimidating and tall she was. She beat them all, and no one dared to go against her or Illuso again. Illuso never forgot that moment!
As much as he was quiet when he was observing something, Illuso was also a cocky little shit, when he wanted to. And, when he was so with his sister too, she didn’t even lose time to feel hurt or such; she slapped him on the back of his head, telling him to watch his language, no matter if they were alone or in front of his teammates. Once, she slapped him a little too hard, sending him right into the mirror world through the little hand mirror he was studying, making Prosciutto snort in his drink. From then on, Illuso always checked twice what he was going to say to his sister!
His relationship with his sister has always been… troubled. They share the same explosive character and, so, they often clashed in a spectacular way. Nonetheless, they would have killed to protect the other. They both were fiercely protective towards the other, even if people usually thought they hated each other, due to their continuous fights. Ghiaccio envied his sister because she was tall and strong; he tried everything to grow up to reach her height, but nothing worked, and, even in their adult life, she still outmatched him. She usually didn’t bring it, as he was still bitter over it, but sometimes she couldn’t resist to lightly tease him! And, to make amend for her little fun, she always offered to teach him a new fighting move. It always made him relax and even smile!
Ghiaccio was proud of his stand. In his humble opinion, White Album was the most powerful and awesome stand in the world, and no one could beat it! He always wanted to show it to his sister, every time they met. And his sister was really impressed! It was powerful and dangerous, but she wasn’t scared of it. At most, she found absolutely adorable the little cat ears on his helmet, making him grumble and complain! Even so, he never attacked her. Anyone would have been freezed to death, but not her. She was the only one who could talk to him as she wanted and who could even mess a little with his hair -another absolutely forbidden thing-; she had always been the only one who actually gave a damn about it, she had earned her privileges!
Being the older sister, she always felt the need to protect Ghiaccio from the world around them. Even now, and even knowing that he’s strong and absolutely able to protect himself, she still, sometimes, slips, ending up coddling him and being a little too protective towards him. If the team isn’t around, Ghiaccio doesn’t complain. He quite… likes, when someone actually cares about him. It’s a nice feeling. However, if his teammates are around, he doesn’t accept her attentions, ending up always chasing her away or telling her something rude, and this, usually, ignites another fight. And, White Album or not, if they come to hand-to.hand fighting, she always wipes the floor with his ass, no matter what. She’s actually the only one who can manage to do it, and Ghiaccio feels a cautious respect for her incredibly strength. He doesn’t say it loud, but he thinks that not even Risotto could outmatch her! And, even if she, sometimes, really gets on his nerves, he couldn’t be prouder of her. That’s his big sister, and no one can mess with her!
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daxieoclock · 3 years
ok shay you dont understand i was literally scrambling through our messages on discord to find a dissidia link and now i cant pick between the kairi reunion with sora and the namixi bed sharing scene so you gotta pick for me
jdhfbghjgb Enu you absolute sweetheart thank you for the ask
they’re both kinda short scenes though sooooo por que no los dos djhfgbjh
Kairi reunion scene is in chapter 10 and the Namixi scene is in chapter 14
She'd only been there twice before, both times after Xehanort's defeat, but Kairi instantly recognized Terra, Aqua and Ventus's home: the quintuple towers and golden chains of the Land of Departure.
I don’t remember if I ever articulated what both of those times were in my head, but it’s a HC that just felt right hehe.
And there, sitting on the bottom steps leading up to the front door, was Sora.
He hopped up as soon as he saw her, that stupid grin all over his face, and then Kairi's eyes blurred over and her feet pounding against the stone courtyard.
"It's so good–" he said, and she cut him off by punching him as hard as she possibly could in the shoulder. "OW!"
Kairi’s anger, frustration and just general emotion is something I had a lot of fun exploring in DKH, and something I definitely want to do more of if I ever return to KH writing (still undecided on that). As much as I love the comedy beat of the pissed-off reunion, it’s an honest feeling I think, to be both overjoyed and infuriated by someone at the same time. And it definitely fits my interpretation of where Kairi – who has been incessantly damseled, left behind and sacrificed-for – is at this moment in her arc. Furious and bitter and just wanting to drag her dumbass bffs/bfs to safety whether they like it or not.
"It's so good–" he said, and she cut him off by punching him as hard as she possibly could in the shoulder. "OW!"
"You absolute, goddamn, stupid idiot!" Kairi shrieked. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? How worried Riku was?"
For whatever reason this makes me think of the very beginning of the story, with Riku lying awake thinking of Sora. Like...yeah. Yeah he was. And on that note, as much as I missed Sora’s presence in the story, I absolutely loved the chance to expand on Riku and Kairi’s friendship/relationship (it’s complicated; when is it ever not?) without him there. I wanted to emphasize both how much they care about each other, and how much Sora’s absence is felt nearly constantly.
"Probably," Sora said, sheepish, massaging his shoulder.
"We had to try and explain to your parents how you....you vanished into thin air, but how it's actually completely okay because you did it to save my life!"
I don’t know that I’ll ever focus too much on any of the KH characters’ biological families, but I think the Destiny trio are the closest to actually Having Any Sort Of Bond with their parents. We’ve got a vague idea of Kairi’s home life – adopted daughter of the mayor, and I’ve extrapolated her dad is kind of absent – but none of Riku’s and only the fact that Sora has a mom. But the idea of Kairi and Riku returning to the island alone, having to break the news to Sora’s parents, just stuck in my head when I was writing this.
She didn't know who embraced who first. But she was in his arms then, and he was in hers, and she squeezed him so close, so goddamn tightly.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Just hold me," she said. "Just shut up and hold me."
I think this is just a sweet moment tbh djhfgbj.
"Your hair looks longer," Kairi said, finally. They were sitting on the steps together. Her eyes had cleared, but she wasn't ready to leave this moment. "And you're missing a button on your jacket."
"Oh." Sora ran a hand through his hair in that absentminded way that he did. He laughed. "I hadn't noticed."
Liar. She knew him well enough to know when he was putting on a front, and he definitely was now. But she wasn't much better, she had refused to point out the bags under his eyes, the greyish pallor of his tan skin, the way his blue eyes seemed darker than she remembered. She couldn't speak those details, as if silence would make them go away, as if she could will away the scuff from his shoes and the dullness from the little metal crown that hung around his neck. He reminded her of how Aqua had looked after they'd rescued her, so relieved but yet so exhausted. It was the impact of that much time spent alone, that much time spent wandering, spent lost and far away from the ones you love. Kairi's grip on Sora's hand tightened.
I will never forgive Nomura’s cowardice to not show the physical, kinda traumatizing toll that years of isolation in the RoD took on Aqua. 0.8 delved into it slightly, but only in the most surface-level way. And judging by what we’ve seen from Re:Mind and MoM, the same sort of surface-level emotion is going to be applied to Sora’s ‘death’ as well. He’s almost definitely going to come out of a YEAR of complete isolation being just as chipper and bright-eyed as he’s always been, and that is something I wanted to rectify here.
I love the KH cast and I love seeing them challenged, and love watching them grow. There’s not quite enough Sora in DKH to grasp the full extent of how he’s changed after his ‘death,’ but I’d like to think we do see that he HAS changed. It’s something I touched on more directly during Riku’s reunion with Sora, but it’s present here as well.
"So, who's your friend?" He motioned with his head towards the Spirit-Namine, who sat patiently on her haunches.
"Sora, it's me," she said with a little laugh. "It's Namine."
"Oh." Sora stared at the Spirit-Namine for a moment, the gears straining in his head, and then he looked over his shoulder up the stairs, then back at her with a confused expression on his face. "Wait, weren't you sleeping inside? Why are you here and a cat? How are you here and a cat?"
But of course, even after that sort of trauma, Sora is still Sora. He’s still a goober and a softie, and I didn’t want to abandon those traits for the sake of angst.
Sora had never been very comfortable with silence, she noticed him starting to shift and adjust next to her.
ADHD Sora rights.
Kairi kept catching herself holding her breath, waiting for him to vanish or the floor to give way or her alarm to wake her up. Waiting for something to drag him away again.
He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, you know," he said.
Kairi spluttered. "What...who...shut up!" She stared at the ground, cheeks flushed, unable to acknowledge out loud that he'd read her so well.
I haven’t decided if Sora’s surprising emotional perceptiveness is a new aspect of his character or something he’s always had that hasn’t been highlighted well, but it’s definitely an interpretation of him I enjoy. Like, yeah, he’s impulsive and inattentive and kind of rude on occasion, but he’s also showed some moments of being able to read people with shocking accuracy. I think that’s a skill some Keyblade wielders have, a sort of magical hyper-empathy, and Sora definitely has it in spades without even trying.
And briefly before we go into Namixi (and speaking OF Namixi)
Xion glanced at Sora and Kairi from the middle chair and threw up a peace sign. "Hey, what's up?" Her outfit had also changed a lot since Kairi saw her last, she had on a pair of loose black cargo shorts and a pullover hoodie, her black hair swept to one side and tucked behind her right ear. Honestly, she looked a lot happier, a lot freer.
Butch Xion is absolutely the hill I will die on this gal is 100% loves girls and presenting in nonconforming ways.
Namine, laying against Xion, her eyes closed and her expression peaceful.
Xion looked down at Namine as she noticed Kairi's stare. "Oh, yeah, I'm uh...keeping her safe? Cause she can't move when doing her spell, and uh, probably more comfortable than laying on this ground or something right?" She forced a laugh. "Yeah."
Namine, who absolutely has ulterior motives: “I’m going to be unconscious while using this spell and I’d rather not wake up sore, so maybe you could hold me while I’m using it? I’d make me feel safer too.”
Xion, who is gay as shit and forgot about the fact this castle has beds in it: “Yes absolutely I will totally hold you for as long as you need Namine wow yes that sounds great I’m on board heck yeah.”
And with that introduction let’s hop right into the dedicated Namixi scene shall we.
Namine heard her door open, then close. She didn't move, just kept staring straight ahead, lying on her side in the bed, her heart beating staccato on the inside of her chest. A quiet bump of collision in the dark.
"Ow!" Xion muttered. "Stupid bed."
No good confession scene is complete with at least a couple comedy beats.
Her eyes probably had to adjust to the dark still, which Namine was thankful for, considering the fact she was probably blushing up a storm at the moment. "Are you okay?" She sounded so concerned, oh light.
Gentlebutch Xion strikes again. I refuse to see her as anything but very polite towards pretty gals (and Namine is very pretty gal in her humble opinion).
"I'm fine," Namine said, quickly. "I just...." She reached out to take Xion's hand, but hesitated, and just let her own fall back onto the mattress. "Wanted to see you, I guess."
"Oh," Xion said. Relief. Namine started when she felt Xion's fingers brushing against her hand. "Shit, sorry, sorry."
"No, no." Namine laughed, and took Xion's hand. "Thank you. This is really nice."
The eternal sapphic dance of being terrified of overstepping and desperate to express your affection at the same time. Also I have said it before and I will say it again: The Gay Gals Love Hands. Idk what it is but sapphic attraction is like 75% hand-holding it’s ridiculous.
Xion opened her eyes again, those gorgeous purple eyes.
Changing characters’ eye color is sort of a running theme in my fics I suppose, though it doesn’t ALWAYS come up. Xion’s purple eyes is something I saw once and got stuck in my brain forever. I have no idea who came up with it or why it’s something that apparently a decent chunk of Xion fans hc for her, but it sure is what we’ve decided on haha.
Three words. That's it. So easy, just three words. Just say it. Say it. "When you found out Sora was here, and decided to go after him." Coward.
Namine, like most of the female cast of KH, has basically no outwards emotion and very little development. For whatever reason, I’ve fixated on an interpretation of her as someone who expresses her emotions in unconventional ways, spends a lot of time overthinking things, protects herself by exaggerating her personality around others while also being terrified of hurting people the way she was forced to hurt Sora. It’s sort of funny to see a very similar personality come up around my interpretations of Haru Okumura in Deja Vu, but Namine definitely expresses her post-trauma identity a lot softer, less formal but still so very careful.
Anyway that’s a lot of words to say that she self-loathes and picks her words incredibly carefully and that contrasts really interestingly with the more impulsive, emotion-driven Xion. They’re a good fit for each other C:
"You can get under the covers too, if you like."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Please stop being a gentlewoman and take the hint. "I want you to," Namine said. Was that too firm? Too bossy?
"Oh!" Xion smiled, and threw the comforter over herself in an instant. Guess it was fine.
More of that aforementioned dynamic.
"This is very good. I'm happy."
"I'm glad," Xion said. "I...like making you happy."
Namine had to inhale deeply at that. It wasn't easy to confess when the girl kept taking her breath away.
I really like the idea in general that it takes so long for Namine to tell Xion how she feels because Xion just keeps doing really sweet things or being kind of romantic but not really making the space for that confession, and Namine just gets flustered and puts it off.
Three words. Just three. Just say them. Namine took a deep breath. "I, uh. I..." She felt a sob welling up in her throat. Light, why was this so difficult, why couldn't she just tell Xion–
Her lips were on hers. Namine couldn't breathe, could barely think for the screaming of her heart in her ears. Xion broke the kiss, looking so very embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean–"
Namine reached up and pressed a finger to Xion's lips, cutting her off before she could apologize any more. "Um," she said, "kiss me again?"
And Xion nodded, and Namine let her finger fall, let Xion lean in and kiss her again. And she squeezed her hand so tightly and kissed her back.
So not really a confession but Xion DID get the hint. Once more: Xion’s impulsiveness makes things both very difficult and much easier for Namine. And I think I like the fact that she ends up deciding to just go along with that impulsiveness, just let go of her plan and kiss the gal she’s been pining for, and stop beating herself up about the words she can’t say yet. It’s sweet hehe.
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denbroughbill · 5 years
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chapter 1 of “sky so blue”
word count 2.3k
author’s note based on the hc i wrote that recieved positive feedback! the medieval times written are not completely accurate just to be a little humorous and have fun with this story :) the lowercase letters are intended. also please let me know if the paragraph spacing is awkward! i’m working from tumblr mobile
there was a crooked, tiny, wooden cottage on the outskirts of the town of derry. the ivies outside had overgrown, wrapped around themselves and found comfort in the cracks of the house’s walls, making it an unruly sight to by-passers, but the owners enjoyed it that way. inside, there were shelves upon shelves lining the walls. they had books that were not in order and glass bottles of different shapes and sizes, filled with adder’s tongue, baby’s breath, and dragon’s blood.
this is where beverly lived.
beverly was a young woman, fair skin and face splattered with freckles, who was shunned when she cut her own hair with the blade of a sharp sword, offering her auburn locks wrapped in a tight braid to the norse goddess, frigg, ruler of marriage and love.
and it worked.
beverly’s partner ben was a blacksmith, who worked closely with the kingdom — their go-to man when armor and weapons required repair, which spared beverly from being burned at the stake for her witchcraft. he worked outside in their shed behind the cottage which held his swage block and hammers and bellows and drifts.
in the afternoons, there was a man in a hooded cloak. he would bring gifts of fresh bread and candles for ben and beverly, and ben would allow him inside.
his name was prince edward.
prince edward walked from his castle to visit beverly and ben, walked for hours starting at night until he could begin to see the sun rise on the horizon. at one point before, his feet would ache with every step he took, but he was used to this now. he had no fear in his mind or heart when he would look towards the village and see the dim lights from the houses, and he would set off on his trek to the village.
sometimes he would look back, though. he would look back at this fantastic castle, towering over the meek rest of the village. his grey eyes narrowed in anger, he looked back in disgust.
he did not have to duck under the ivy leaves that reached out to touch him or the herb plants in hanging pots. he was a smaller man, and looking up at the dangling plants was similar to looking at the chandeliers that adorned the castle.
candles were lit for edward’s arrival, and beverly smiled her all-knowing smile, beckoning him closer.
“so we meet again, edward.”
edward rolled his eyes in good humor, sitting on the wooden stool across from beverly, her work space separating the two.
“bev, please, i told you to call me eddie.”
eddie liked beverly because they shared the same belief system that the natural riches of the earth and their loved ones were worth more than anything. prince eddie was never one to decorate himself in silver or jewels; to him, every rock was precious, every ray of light golden.
she removed the clear crystal from the top of her deck of cards and began to shuffle. she had eddie shuffle the cards, too, filling them with his energy, thinking about the longing question he wanted beverly to reveal the answer to.
being a prince kept him hopelessly cut off from the rest of the beautiful world, and romance was something he constantly found himself craving. he never let those thoughts disturb him, for he knew that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. sometimes eddie wished that his prince charming would come rescue him from his dismal world of passivity. he would take him traveling all around the world, and he would assist him as he made his kingdom a better place. after one month, he would take his hand in his, kneel on one leg, pull out a wonderful diamond ring, and ask for his hand in marriage.
“this is the queen of swords — reversed,” beverly laid down a card on the table in front of eddie. pictured was the queen of swords, sitting on a stone throne, holding a sword in her right hand. this card was upside down.
“there is a treacherous enemy. a resentful, cold-hearted person blocking your relationships and clouding your vision.”
eddie shook his head, laughing, “that’s just my mom, bev.” she has also been shown as the queen of pentacles and the devil.
beverly pulled other cards. the queen of swords ruled over eddie’s chance of ever reaching the sun, the seven of swords, and the lovers.
he sighed.
“maybe you could try a different question? want a hex spell?” beverly asked with a friendly smile.
eddie thought to himself. there could be glass shards, dead scorpions, vinegar, or garlic in the jar. if he said yes, beverly would probably instruct him to cook his mom’s hair while she slept. or worse, an eyeball.
he politely declined. “hm, maybe some other time, beverly.”
“hey, stick around for a while,” ben placed his heavy hand on eddie’s shoulder. his warm smile brightened his coal-blackened face.
eddie thanked them both but decided it was time to leave.
treading through the grass once more, eddie thought the fortress of kaspbrak itself was a fine castle, built with a panorama of the surrounding land. from the towers once stood medieval watchers, quiver and arrow ready to fly, and moss clung to the ancient walls in the shade, which reminded him of beverly’s cottage.
he made it back before suppertime. the halls were bustling with activity, but the click of the heels of his leather boots on the tile floor stopped them in their tracks. there was complete silence except for the sound of eddie walking through the halls and his personal butler walking towards him.
“good evening, william.”
“you muh-must change for supper.”
the suits of armor and framed oil portraits of elders towered over the both of them.
he liked william a lot. his mother had lined the potential workers in front of him one day and allowed him to chose his person butler himself. the rest were picked off to work the courtyard grounds and cook meals.
eddie picked william because he was close to his age. he liked his red hair and blue eyes, and sometimes william visited eddie in his daydreams of marriage. eddie also thought he would look better in the gold lacework and rich embroidery clothes eddie had to wear. william liked how eddie allowed him to spend time in the courtyard when he was not tending to the prince; he thought he was kinder than the queen, and they became good friends.
but neither would allow eddie’s mother to hear the boys call each other out of their formal names or whisper and laugh together, nor would they let her majesty see william pick loose leaves and twigs out of eddie’s blonde hair.
there was no need to question the prince; he was obviously visiting beverly again. there was a long, painstakingly unnecessary spiral staircase that led to where eddie slept.
william ushered him ahead, opening the heavy wooden door to his chambers. he would be back to fetch eddie when he was dressed properly.
prince eddie stood in front of the open window, head perched in his hands as he watched the bright, clear lake shimmer in what was left of the sun. he wondered frequently why he had to dress for the occasion of sitting across the incredibly long table, where food was in such abundance that it looked more like decoration, for just him and his mother to eat. it made him angry, the thought of food going to waste as the queen at the opposite head of the table rubbed her full, plump stomach.
a voice called out from below him and pulled eddie out of his thoughts. “could you help me out?”
“oh, yes. my apologies,” eddie said. reaching outside the window, he grasped the clothed covered hand of a man.
he screamed and jumped backwards, reality setting in now. there was a stranger climbing the cobblestone walls of the castles, how had he not noticed? was this thief foolish enough to climb through the prince’s chambers to steal from the bottlery? was this planned — had he chosen this window, knowing it was the prince’s, to hold him hostage? he hoped william had heard him.
eddie stood with his back against his wardrobe, fist tightening around the door knob. he fought between the thoughts of fighting to the death or flinging the door open and hunkering down small, hiding himself between long silk robes and hidden jewels. he understood now why the thief had chose his chambers.
the man acted quickly. with the boost eddie had given him, he was able to grab hold of the edge of the windowsill and climb through the window.
and before prince eddie could grab the glass candelabra from his bedside table and wield it as a defense weapon, there was a man standing in his room.
eddie did not care how well-dressed this man was — there was an intruder in the castle. and he didn’t care how tall, dark, or handsome he was, either.
he could not cut, thrust, or slash with the candelabra, but he was willing to try. his knuckles were turning white from his tight grip. eddie didn’t have to pretend to be brave; he could call for a servant or guard immediately, but then the mysterious man could attack. he noticed the actual sword in the man’s bronze scabbard, and his eyes widened.
the man firmly placed his hand on eddie’s mouth before he could call out and wrapped an arm around his waist. eddie clawed at the gloved hand for his life as fear and dread swirled in his stomach. he’s watched his mother force two townsfolk to fight to the death for entertainment rather than call for the jester. the sight was evil, twisted, and bloody, and eddie did not want stains like those on the finest silk of the land. he tried his best to fight back and squirm, but his grasp was too tight.
“i don’t want to hurt you.” eddie stopped struggling when he loosened his grasp, but still trembled in fear. the man let out a soft laugh, and his voice was smooth and soft spoken, but strong somehow, like he wanted eddie to believe him. he removed the hand from eddie’s mouth, and placed it on firmly on his shoulder, other hand on his waist now.
he was taller than eddie, with dark skin, strong shoulders, and brown cassiterite eyes – heart-stopping eyes that flickered when he said, “i want to marry you.”
“oh,” eddie laughed, slapping the man’s chest in a manner that said, ‘how foolish of me.’ “why didn’t you just say so?”
they leaned closer, a faint smile on the man’s lips and eddie giggled under his breath. when he thought of his moment before, he thought he would be in a horse drawn carriage, or whisked away on the back of a white, noble steed. he didn’t even know this man’s name, but butterflies in his stomach told him there was no time for introductions now.
as their lips drew closer, there was a knock on the door.
“the queen is wuh-waiting for you to accompany her.”
“okay, you hide in here,” eddie whispered, grabbing the man by his lapel. he forced him inside his wardrobe. “what’s your name?”
“michael, prince edward.” michael responded, silk hanging over his face now.
“okay, mike, i’ll be right back.”
eddie plastered his most charming smile onto his face, forcing himself to enjoy eating in the grand dining hall with his mother. at least stanley’s performance was enjoyable.
eddie called him stan for short, and he had sunken eyes and curly hair and what eddie thought to be a rather lovely nose. the entertainment consisted of satire and self-deprecating humor, but he was nice. eddie also thought it was silly when he danced with his scepter and the bells from his hat jingled. stan was loyal and friendly, and even the queen enjoyed his company. she even consulted with him once to make strategies for battle— stan had agreed with everything she said because he believed she just wanted to hear herself talk.
supper ended, and eddie did not protest about all the food that had gone to waste, partly because mike was waiting in his wardrobe, and partly because he knew what his mother would say; “that's how hierarchy works.”
the halls were nearly deserted, and only their shadows followed as eddie strolled with mike, hand-in-hand, showing him every inch of the castle. he learned that michael hanlon was a farmer who worked in the fields under the blistering sun from dawn until dusk. he assured him he wouldn’t have to do that anymore, his smile as warm as the candles and lanterns illuminated around them.
“and this is our oubliette. this is where my mother leaves prisoners to die.”
mike gasped. “that’s kind of cool.”
“what does that mean?”
“i don’t know.” they both laugh.
eddie sighed, heartfelt and knees weak. “oh, mike, i’ve had so much fun getting to know you. i can’t wait until we marry,” he said, bringing mike’s hands to his chest. then he exclaimed with a brilliant idea, like if the light bulb had been invented then and it was dangling over his head.
“let’s marry tomorrow! at sunset!”
the excited gasp brought attention to the pair, alerting the guards that there a intruders afoot. eddie thought fast, and pulled the two into a small, dark corridor. he wasn’t afraid of his guards by any means, it was his mother he feared. and he did not particularly need to sneak mike around, but it was kind of fun.
they were pressed together, breathing heavily from the anticipation of being caught. their faces drew closer, laughing softly, and the image of doves flying crossed eddie’s mind as they kissed.
prince edward had always seen beverly and ben kiss, but he never knew what it felt like. a surge of energy and passion from being engulfed in this kiss made him think he should’ve asked beverly for a love potion years ago. he never wanted this moment to end.
and it wouldn’t, as they would be married at sunset tomorrow. eddie could not think of a single thing that would ruin their nuptials. taglist: @reddiesetrichie, @veganmikehanlon, @bumblerea, @eddiessecondfannypack, @tinyarmedtrex, @jwilliambyers, @edstozler, @eddiecare, @stephenskings, @constantreaderfool, @imeddie, @kaymcgivemeacall, let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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