#i know he has to do this but i wish angrboda went with him i would feel better if she was there
something-in-the-seas · 8 months
atreus is 14 in gowr, since he was 11 in the previous game. i think it's disheartening to hear from adults who wanted to be understood, seen, or be able to walk their own paths as kids don't seem to hold the same compassion for children in general. 'WHY are they so impatient ugh i hate kids 🙄' like... these are children still figuring it out bro calm down maybe. you're a grown adult. also i don't think the game was implying that atreus has become an 'adult' by the end, but it signifies that he's about to become his own person during his countless journies to come. this is something that has been ordained to him, and he has to do it without his father. but to do that, kratos had to let go (a reocurring theme - letting go; think brok and sindri. gryla when confronted by angrboda. freya and her vengeance.) this is no small feat for kratos of course, like that's his only son his only blood. he had something to life for after so many years of wanting to die - and now that very thing is leaving him.
i think that in the universe of gow, the children don't have any other choice than growing up faster, getting big responsibilities on their shoulders. i'm thinking of atreus wanting finding out about the jötnar in other worlds and possibly more about faye's coup, angrboda growing up without her parents, not knowing where she's going to end up because of fate/prophecies, literally the souls of her people trusted to her. thrud who grew up with father being an alcoholic and her messed up family, now has incredibly big shoes to fill with her wielding mjolnir. skjöldr might seem like a regular guy but he and his family moved from midgard to asgard, leaving his childhood home behind. and by the end he's already delegating and started to take on the role of a leader (on par of him becoming the king of denmark in the future). you see this happen and realize they are just... children. but their world is so unforgiving, not giving them the time or space to be carefree. so i am excited to see what else santa monica is gonna cook up for the sequels. that or Bring Me My Son Back I Miss Him I Cannot Handle This Empty Nest DLC.
People's reactions to Atreus in Ragnarök were extremely telling. Of course he was going to act rash and be a bit secretive, especially since Kratos was not handling this well at all. I don't think any of the adults were except for Brok, especially when Freya and Mimir and Odin/Tyr ganged up on Atreus over Garm. He already felt bad about it and wanted to make things right. They were doing exactly what Odin wanted and that was drive Atreus to him. I was frustrated for Atreus on his behalf because I also know Kratos was being a hypocrite. You can't go on about trust and keeping secrets while not telling Atreus the actual truth about what happened in Greece.
If Kratos doesn't tell Atreus about Calliope, someone else will, and that's gonna be a disaster.
Atreus is going to make mistakes on his own, as teenagers do as they try to figure out the world. Even though Odin has a brutal lesson, he is still vulnerable to trusting people who don't have the best intentions because he's still young and on his own for the first time in his life. I think Kratos and Freya and Mimir know that and they're prepared for it because it's a natural part of growing up and they love him unconditionally. No matter what, Atreus always has a home and family. I would be disappointed if Atreus didn't make an Oppsie-Poopsie at some point and they act like his development is over. His story is really just beginning.
Now, how gamers will react to Atreus inevitably fumbling is something I worry about because they hate teenagers. Atreus is a good kid, though. He has his moments like all kids do, but he's a really good kid and a testament to how much Kratos has changed and also Faye's parenting. He's compassionate and won't stand to watch suffering, he's very intuitive and loves to learn, and confident (sometimes to a fault). He's going to encounter all sorts of people, and inevitably encounter gods, on his journey, and some will try to take advantage of him.
I'm also really worried that it will be Kratos indirectly that causes him major problems because uh... Kratos is not exactly the most liked guy. He has a bit of a deserved reputation. Now, Atreus might not think that, and the new Norse pantheon like him, but he could get in a lot of trouble for saying who his father is. Maybe I'm being overprotective, but he's literally wearing a piece of the Ghost of Sparta's loincloth as, like, sash.
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all0nsyidjits · 3 years
Guess I'm going to out myself here just a bit. I'm a Lokean. In fact I'm a Godspouse have been since July of 2011. I came to realize who the imaginary friend I had as a kid who never really went away was via pop culture. Before you roll your eyes and dismiss me as a Marvel Loki fangirl let me explain. I didn't fall in love with Tom Hiddleston or his version of Loki. In fact a whole other fandom brought me to Loki. See I'm a fan of the show Supernatural and a favorite character was Gabriel who starts off as the Trickster then it is revealed that he is really the archangel Gabriel who skipped out of heaven and hid his true identity by pretending to be a trickster god, Loki to be exact. I wanted to write a fanfiction about Gabriel's time posing as Loki but I knew shit all about Norse mythology aside from the names of some of the Gods and Godessess. So I started researching and reading the lore and by accident stumbled across a few Lokean blogs. Shortly after Loki showed up and I proceeded to start to question my sanity. I'd gotten into Wicca in my early teens so I had some concept of Pagan deities and all things woo. Still having a god show up and just want to hang out and talk freaked me right the heck out. When he started flirting I was sure I'd completely lost my shit. Slowly he calmed me down and earned my trust. I found others who had been His for a long time and they helped me navigate this new relationship.
Then the Thor movies came out and suddenly everytime I went online there was a new Lokean Godspouse. Loki is not one to waste free PR I guess. I stayed active in the community for awhile but then the cattiness of some in the community made me decide to go solitary. Years passed I rarely missed the community. Loki and I just did our own thing. Sometimes Loki would be gone for some pretty long stretches. Still he was here and things were good.
Then 2020 happened. Look in all honesty I can be a bit of an introvert. I tend to withdraw from people if I sense to much conflict or tension. It's not so much my true nature but more a trauma response to withdraw. My childhood was well complicated. But I'm getting off track here what I mean to say is 2020 was a really shitty year for me and my family. In June I cought Covid 19 I never got all that sick, but the body aches and fatigue never quite went away. Then at the end of July my husband who is diabetic and has neuropathy stepped on a tac and ended up with MRSA. He nearly lost his foot and could have died. He was hospitalized for a month and out of work for three. I worked myself to a frazzle. At one point I had three jobs and was on the clock for 23 hours and 45 minutes one day. I was headed for a breakdown. My husband physically seemed to be on the mend, but his personality was no longer the kind, easygoing affectionate, man I had known for nearly twenty years. Then came the suicide attempt. Like I said it's been a rough since about this time last year.
When my husband made the suicide attempt Loki showed back up worried about both of us. Loki and my mortal husband know about each other. They like each other so please nobody suggest that Loki is trying to get rid of my mortal husband. When we married the priestess who married us was well aware that Loki was part of the ceremony and that I was marrying the both of them. We've been happily married and Loki always felt like I would be okay during his absences because I had someone else that he trusted there with me.
At first Loki tried to be my distraction from all the stress, he's really good at that. Then Loki started to worry I worried about mortal hubby and Loki worried about me. Many pleas to slow down before I had a breakdown too and Loki finally put his foot down I had to learn to say no and I had to take care of me if I was going to take care of anybody else. Finally the tears and the exhaustion came after my husband told a lie that made me look like a very bad person. My mother-in-law went off on me I had been up for three days with only about four hours sleep and those weren't even consecutive hours and I was reduced to a sobbing mess. Like so many times before Loki was there to catch me He let me cry, He let me rage, when the worst had passed I looked at Him.
"So I guess being the God of change you're going to tell me to throw away twenty years of my life and file for divorce." I asked.
"Oh you think you know me so well Little One." Even at a such a solemn moment Loki can't resist using an old nickname from back in my childhood when he was the imaginary friend who took me on wild adventures far away from whatever was going on at home at the time. It had went from term of affection for a child he had chosen to protect to a teasing dig at my 5'3 height compared to well all of Them.
"Well aren't you?" I asked.
"Little one besides being the God of Change what else am I?" I start to rattle off titles and associations.
No let me rephrase that Little One who am I married to who are my Wives his voice somehow conveying the capital W that lets me know it is Sigyn and Angrboda he speaks of.
"Sigyn and Angrboda" I say.
And what Little one is my precious Sigyn the Goddess of?
Fidelity I answer and then it hits me She had stuck by Him through far worse.
So I'm here I'm staying but there are days when I just wish I had someone to talk to. Someone human.
This year has been hard the isolation brought on by Covid 19 precautions is wearing on everyone in one way or another I think. Add to that the fact that I live in a very rural, very Conservative Christian area where I have to hide my witchy ways. Knowing full well just how many people in my life would utterly abandon me if they knew about Loki and my true beliefs. I can't talk about Him to well anyone besides my oldest and there are things about being a godspouse you wouldn't want to discuss with your kid. I used to have my husband but now talking to him about the most mundane things is a cross between walking on eggshells and navigating a mine field. I got lonely, really lonely.
Against my better judgement I decided to dip my toe back into the Lokean Community after walking away from all the groups, blogs, message boards ect in about 2013. So about 7 years as a solitary Lokean witch and I was ready to test the waters again.
I found a Lokean on social media (I don't want to draw any negative attention to this person because they are doing a fantastic job with what they are doing) so much of what they were saying resonated with me and I wanted to talk. Hey maybe I could make a friend. I commented maybe a bit too much. I meant no harm I was just excited to talk to someone after so long keeping it all to myself. Well that went spectacularly wrong and I ended up with someone who I'm pretty sure thinks of me as a rival or an enemy now. Loki being Loki was quick to remind me that my ramblings don't offend everyone. I had commented on a completely unrelated post about Him a few days earlier and within hours of the well I fucked up incident I'm reading a post by someone thanking me for talking about how I experience Loki because it resonated with them an affirmed a few things.
Then Loki was like I want you to start talking about me. I want you to rejoin the community. I was like oh hell to the no. Well you can see who won that argument. So here I am hoping I don't come to regret this.
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Bifrost Blues Chapter 6: Sturdy
Fandom: Thor (movies), MCU Rating: M Warnings: Slurs, Sexual Content, Violence Pairing: Loki/OC Summary: According to the rules, no Jotun shall ever set foot in Asgard. According to the rules, no Prince of Asgard shall befriend a Jotun. According to the rules Rules were made to be broken. Written for @flufftober2021​
<< Day Five+
Day Seven+ >>
Prompt #6: Fireman’s Carry
Read on Ao3+
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image by the author with ourdiningroom @ tumblr
1665 A.D.
This was not how Angrboda had planned things to be.
Here she was, trapped in a cave on Alfheim, surrounded by rough Elven marauders. When Loki’s brother Thor (Thor the dimwitted, Thor the idiot) had knocked into her, he’d caused her to grab the wrong doorway, leading them straight into the marauders’ path. Thor had been subdued, though he still struggled against his bonds. But being as the chains had been wrought by Dwarves, there would be no escaping them.
Angrboda sat quietly apart form him, her mind racing. If she moved in the prince’s direction, the Elves might chain her as well.
“I wish you had not followed me, Your Highness,” she sighed.
Thor glared at her. “You trespassed on Asgardian soil. You deserve worse than being followed.”
“I wasn’t trespassing. I only wanted a book.”
“Do Jotuns even know how to read?”
“We know how to read better than Asgardians know how to be polite.”
The book that had caused all the trouble now fed the fire in the Elvin cave. Apparently none of the marauders cared about horses.
Angrboda sat up straight as a pair of Elves approached.
“My lady Angrboda,” said the smaller of the two, “we have decided you may return to your own Realm. Your father the skald is known to us. We remember his songs and tales with pleasure. We would not deprive him of his daughter.”
Angrboda bowed her head. “Thank you, my lord. I will tell my father of your benevolence. It will not be forgotten.”
The Elf nodded, and turned to Thor. “But you, princeling. You we will keep.”
“My father will come for me,” Thor growled.
“Perhaps. But until he does, I think we will put your strength to work. There are many stones to be broken and caves to be dug. It will keep you busy for quite some time.”
Angrboda bit her lip, thinking quickly. “Good sir! I do not mean to impose further on your generosity, but my book, may I have it?’
The Elf laughed. “I believe your book has already gone to feed the fire, Lady Angrboda.”
Her heart was beating fast. She must be bold if she would accomplish her mad scheme. She stood straight and tall, adopting the imperious air her mother used when she wished to remind everyone she was a Thane’s daughter rather than a skald’s wife.
“I came through much danger for that book. You have deprived me of it. I demand recompense.”
The Elf considered. “Very well. For your father’s sake. You may have whatever you can carry.”
It could not be more perfect. “Whatever I can carry?”
“Yes. Take it and go. Before I change my mind.”
She let her eyes drift over the jewels, weaponry, and other treasures strewn along the walls of the cave as she slowly pulled on her gloves. The Elves watched her with sharp amusement, waiting to see what valuable she would choose. She went to the corner where Thor sat chained, making a show of studying the golden girdle hanging above him. While she examined it, she nudged him with the toe of her boot. He glared up at her, annoyed and confused. Then she crouched beside him, hauling him over her shoulders to carry like a sack of potatoes.
He was full heavy, this brother of Prince Loki. Her muscles met the task though, straining as she turned to the Elf.
“I thank you for your kindness,” she said. “Blessings on you forever.”
There was a terrible silence. Then Elves began to laugh. First, one, then two, until every last one of them roared with mirth. Even Thor laughed, until his body shook and she struggled to hold him.
“Your Highness,” Angrboda said, her face flushing purple. “I would have you be still if you do not wish for me to drop you. I suspect if we let one toe of your foot touch the ground, the Elves will return to reclaim you.”
Thor managed to be still, though his voice still shook with laughter. “My lady of Jotunheim, I would know the name of my benefactor.”
“Angrboda, my prince.”
“And I am Thor.”
As she struggled over the rough landscape towards the glittering tree that would take them home, she allowed herself a smile. “Will you be taking me to the Einherjar when we return to Asgard?”
“No, my lady,” he said. “I’ve good need of friends as sturdy as you."
Day Seven+ >>
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 43 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Arden and Loki had far longer legs than Ella yet she walked through the palace at a pace that both Frost Giants were almost jogging to keep up with her, a fire in her eyes as she made her way to the throne room.
Those within the public gallery of the Jotunn court were gossiping and commenting amongst themselves at the comments that had been stated not half an hour before. They all jumped when the doors to the room burst open, not by a physical force but with a blast of green seidr, followed very closely by Ella, who strode into the room with an air that made the weary and angered Laufey think he was sitting in her throne and not his own. He had said nothing of the rumours circulating in his court such a short time previous as he did not wish to fuel them in any manner, but he was irate that any would be so callous as to imply that his son’s mate would take another without so much as considering her mate fighting on the battlefield. He could not stop Loki and Ella choosing to have more mates if they felt like it but he knew, considering the agreement with the Aesir on the marriage, that it would have to be mutually decided and of the two, he knew there was little to no chance of Ella being the one to ask for such. He, like most others, jumped when the doors of his throne room blasted from the hinges, but the fiery look in the eyes of the perpetrator of said destruction stopped him from making any comment. There were identical looks of fearful intrigue on Loki and Arden’s faces as they entered the room behind her, their gaze going to the broken doors for a moment before back to her as they followed her through the hall, the crowds of Jotnar parting as she made her way in front of Laufey.
“My King,” She bowed as she spoke, “I apologise for the manner in which I am interrupting your court but I feel I have to seek answers of a most peculiar kind from one who seems adamant to sow discord in your house.”
“Court seems to be wanting to discuss little else, we may as well seek truth now.” Laufey nodded.
“Thank you, My King.” She bowed again before looking around, looking the Jotnar in the eye as she looked for the one to start the rumours to step forward, her gaze going to angrboda who was giving her a malicious smirk. Ella returned the look with one of utter dismissal. When she got to one being, she paused. “So, I am curious, why would you state such things...who are you?”
The female Jotunn looked at her shocked. “What…? I never…”
“Don’t lie to me, I can smell one a mile off and considering the situation you are lying with regards, I can assure you, I am not in a gaming mood.” Ella snarled with a ferocity that scared the Jotunn. “Why?”
“I…” She stuttered but for a moment, her glance went to Loki, who was studying them both intently.
“Ah, I see,” Ella smirked. “So, where is this definition of masculinity that I would break my loyalty to my mate for? I am simply dying to meet him. I am expecting quite the specimen of a Jotnar.” She looked around. “Well?”
“It is a being by the name of Kristoff,” Arden informed her.
“I see.” Ella gave a small nod of thanks. “And where can I find this Kristoff?”
“Lurking over in the back, behind the sculpture of my grandfather.” Laufey eyed the Frost Giant in question. “Well, Kristoff, step forward and address the situation.” The King ordered.
Kristoff looked adequately uncomfortable as he was commanded and stepped forward. When he looked at Ella, he could see the analytical look in the Aesir’s face. He stood looking back at her in an almost challenging manner.
Ella studied him for a moment. “I know you to see but I think I only shared a conversation with you just once, I cannot be sure, yet I am supposedly risking everything for you. If this were true, surely you would not look at me with such disdain?”  
Kristoff’s eyes widened. “Disdain?”
“Thinly veiled but there nonetheless. So, why say such things? What would cause me to choose a mate in someone so...well, I can clearly see I am unappealing to you so I do not feel it too controversial to say that you are somewhat unappealing to me, not in looks but in mind. You hid here when other men rushed to Jotunheim’s call to arms. You are one of the only ones to claim excuses as to you not going that seemed very weak. So many males were required here, safety in case the lines fell, medics, farmers, yet you...if I am not mistaken it was a bad back? My, but I must have incredible curative powers I never knew I had obtained if you were supposedly not fit for fighting yet were with me so often...I would rival the best on most realms.”
There was a slight laugh at that.
Kristoff cleared his throat. “Well, you said…”
“Oh, I am going to stop you there. If you dare suggest anything, then before you do, I will get you to answer one thing for me. Where is my scar?”
Kristoff stared at her. “Scar?”
“Yes, I have a large scar on my body, I got it from an ambush attack on my family when I was younger, where is it?”
“No, please, if this supposedly has been something that has been occurring, tell me where I am scarred.” His head shook slightly. “Better still, if this has been occurring in the absence of my mate, then you can tell the realm something about me that only I am privy to at this moment, yet I am sure I would have disclosed to you as a mate before now should such liaisons have occurred.”
Silence met her words.
“You said to say nothing if caught.”
Ella’s brow rose. “And when was this?”
“When you did that Aesir mouth act first.” Kristoff barked.
For a moment, Ella had no idea what he was referencing before realising. “Oh, right.” She turned to Loki, who seemed to be more than sceptical at everything going on in front of him. “Loki, have I ever, in the time we have been mates, tried to kiss you?”
Loki shook his head. “Not once.”
“Not once.” She repeated before looking at Kristoff again. “So...it’s highly unlikely that I would do such a thing with you.”
The Jotunn’s eyes darted back and forth. Little seemed to be actual words from his mouth as he stuttered bar the word ‘lonely’.
“Lonely? You think I would threaten the foundations of my very word because I was lonely. If I missed my mate so much…” She waved her hand and a second Loki appeared from thin air, though slightly see-through.
“She does not require the company of others.”
All gathered, Loki included, were startled by the ability of the imposter version of the prince to speak exactly as he did.
“I can also do versions of others and I have been able to use my seidr to speak with my mother personally, so try another excuse, I dare you,” Ella snarled.
Kristoff, stunned into silence, said nothing more.
Ella walked forward towards him. Though she was considerably shorter than the Jotunn, she stood tall while he shrunk back slightly. “Why say these lies?”
“I did not li…”
She caused a fiery blade to shoot from her arm as she had before. “Why say these lies?” She repeated, louder than previous.
“Jotunheim deserves…”
“You attempt to upset my house and dare state Jotunheim deserves different?” Laufey growled rising, though feebly from his throne. “I decide what is best for this realm, not you. I have done everything possible to keep the peace since the war and to allow us to prosper once more, as has my son’s mate. She is nothing short of dedicated to us and our realm and shows it time and again. We have just warred and she has personally guaranteed a food supply for us should we have required it.”
“We don’t need those filthy Aesir or their food.” Kristoff spat before glaring hatefully at Ella. “Nor do we need that brutes spawn here, threatening to ruin an already diluted bloodline.”
Loki took a step forward at that, his anger rising at the manner in which Kristoff insulted him, his mate, his father and mother in one comment. “You…” He paused as Ella lifted her hand to stop him, causing him to silence, curious as to the peculiar expression his mate had.
Ella looked to Loki and gave an apologetic smile. “I tried to tell you last night, but you were too tired, you did not hear me or you did not comprehend my words at least.” She turned to Kristoff again. “You mock Loki’s breeding when his character far surpasses your own. You mock my birth family and the family I am gifted as his mate. And you mock any children I would give him. You think you need to be of full Jotnar blood to be worthy of recognition? You are not half the Jotunn my mate is with double the Jotnar lineage. If you loath my mate for his blood, what do you say now?” She used her seidr to alter her dress, choosing a design that showed her abdomen, specifically the rounding it now had due to the child developing in it. “In eight months, I will birth Loki’s heir and you will simply have to deal with that.” She smirked at the disgusted face of the Jotunn who eyed the still ablaze weapon in her hand, seeing him consider his options. She then walked over to the female Jotunn who had started the rumour. “I would suggest the next pairing you try to damage, you consider your actions more carefully. You do not have the wit to do so to those with more intellect than that of a gnat. Loki leaving his interest of angrboda temporarily to toy with you does not equate caring for you. He did not then and he does not now, or can you not take a hint, even a century and a half later?” The female’s gaze fell. “Now that I have had to deal with trying to quell a filthy lie rather than reattempt to find a pleasant way of telling my mate of his impending fatherhood, I am going to leave the court to deal with real matters again. Any who wish to discuss this further should do so in their own time.” She walked out of the room with a similar air as to how she entered using her seidr to repair the doors with fresh ice as she did so.
Loki stood in startled shock trying to process what she had just revealed, from her ability to copy him to her admission that she had been carrying a child.
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weaver-of-legends · 3 years
Loki’s boot-steps rang softly on the smooth, shining red-yellow marble tiles as he and his guards passed into the dimly lit, cool hall before the council chamber, leaving the humid warmth and coming rain behind. It smarted, walking down these halls as a prisoner with no say in if he wanted to turn to the right or verge to the left—it stung, his absolute inability to decide how fast or slow he wished to proceed.
It happened all at once, too quickly, too soon—he had been deep in his thoughts and then suddenly they were upon the doors before the Council Room. He felt fidgety, a war horse sensing the coming battle but unable to flee without knowing if turning away would be safer than risking what lay ahead. He wanted to turn and run, to beg for more time, but there was no more time, there could be no more delay. Ragnarök would come, and they must have him dealt with beforehand. He knew it like he knew each breath he took.
The large, brass-colored double doors boomed as they opened inward to admit him. The torchlight and sunlight bounced off of the engravings inlaid into the metal—one of Bor’s great battles with the monsters of Niffelheim.
Loki swallowed, his mouth felt dry.
“Proceed,” the Einherjar holding his chains prompted in a low voice.
Loki’s eyes widened, the unshed tears burning at the edges of his eyes again. His lips parted, letting out a whisper of a breath. He tilted his head forward, chin down, eyes straight ahead, and strode into the room as grandly as any parade horse, sending the chains swaying and slapping dully against the leather panels on his war jacket once again.
He came up in front of the dais where Odin sat in all his glory, one hand closed lightly around Gungnir and the other lying in his lap, the useless arm hidden neatly in his crimson mantle, his gnarled, broken hand concealed in a doeskin glove.
Ægir and Tyr flowed from behind him silently, only their steps sounding and their mantles rustling gently, to take their seats on the Council. Eight lords and one king—the Council of Nine.
The Einherjar holding his chains jerked him to a halt just before he came to a full stop, making him stumble back, and Loki grit his teeth, seething at the disrespect. He looked up at Odin, searching for some sign in the old god’s face as to what his punishment might be—for some sign that Odin would hear him, and listen, and believe him; and not deny his words as the desperate ravings of a murderous liar. But Odin’s scarred and weathered face revealed nothing, and his single good eye held only the cunning wisdom of an ancient monarch long-seated and much-revered.
Despite it, Loki hoped vainly that he would be allowed to say his piece. Hiding his mounting terror, he smiled, friendly and nonchalant—as if he had been brought in for committing a trick on a servant and not guided in with chains strung off of him like so many May-day streamers.
“You decide to see me at last—” he spread his hands as if encompassing the whole room, still smiling, “I was beginning to suppose you would leave me in the dungeons and forget me.” Loki canted his head to the left. “But here, thank the Norns, I am.” He dropped his hands back at his side.
Odin shifted his hand on Gungnir as he rose slow from his seat, moving the spear so its end struck the floor. It rang—ominous, and quietly into every corner of the large chamber.
Loki watched him steadily. He ignored the shifting of the lords; Ægir's bad habit of fiddling with the rings on his right hand when he felt ashamed.
“Do you feel so little for the anguish you have caused?” Odin’s voice moved through the air softly, yet it could be heard as clear as a pan-pipe’s high call. The gravity of it made Loki stiffen, and his heart began to beat erratically in his chest.
Loki feigned curious ignorance, peering exaggeratedly about the room. He lifted his hands again. “I see no pain inflicted by my hands—but then, I have been gone for a very long time, so perhaps I have forgotten of some old trick or spell I set in place; I will right it, if I can, only tell me so I might mend the damage.”
“You cannot redeem what the dead have taken, Loki! Or do you truly feel so little for the death of Baldr? Is your heart that cold toward the pain of your people, the tears of your mother, the grief of your siblings, that you dare make such a show of ignorance? After you fled from Asgard the night the despicable deed was done, and hid from all responsibility!” Odin’s voice rose in sharp command, in cutting judgment. Loki’s breath shortened, he heard a far-off ringing in his ears.
“I never would have, I only mean to say that I—”
“I wanted to hear of you, to listen to your words, and yet your absence reveals your character! You laugh and delight in suffering, you sit eagerly and watch wrongdoing commence—” Odin’s voice strained as he nearly shouted, sounding weary despite his outrage. “—and what is more egregious to my sight is that you revel in the unfortunate circumstance of others; would willingly cause them discomfort for your own pleasure!”
“No, that is not what I have done! I would tell you if you would only hear me, Father—” Loki leaned toward him, curbing his anger and looking at Odin imploringly.  
“Too often have I heard you, too often have I let you speak lies into my face; let you pacify me with shallow promises and gilded words concealing poisonous barbs beneath, thinking you mended of your ways. No more shall I allow this deceit in my presence, I cannot be wounded again with the blinded faith of a hopeful father, only to be laid low with your tricks!” Odin pressed Gungnir against the smooth stone again, and it rang like a peal of thunder.
Loki stepped back, eyes bright and watering. Odin set Gungnir into his damaged hand and then descended the steps from the dais, approaching Loki, deep red mantle swaying in his wake.
“It has been considered and thought out among the council, and it has been decided—I, Odin, king of this realm and protector of the Nine, now take from you your titles!” Odin reached out with his hand and caught Loki’s hand in his, wrenching the rings from his fingers to fling them to the ground; distantly they bounced and rolled across the marble. “I strip you of your place among my ancestors, and among my sons,” Odin took hold of the braid nearest Loki’s ear and pulled the golden clasp from it, and then from the next braid, and the next. Finally he combed the braids out with a rough downward motion of his fingers. Loki jerked his head. “For the crime of killing another Æsir who was your friend and companion, who trusted you—the son of your mother’s sister—I proclaim that you are no longer welcome within the gates of Asgard, and shall evermore be spurned by her citizens.”
Loki parted his lips, but no words came. He stared at Odin in soundless horror, waiting for the final blow sure to fall.
Odin had turned from him and taken two of the ascending steps to his throne, his shoulders hunched, and his stance tired, leaning heavily on Gungnir. But now he paused, looking back, forcing Loki to look up. “A life must be paid for the theft of a life. Loki Liesmith, for the crime you have committed—the cruel act of murdering Baldr in cold blood—you are sentenced to death. You will be taken hence to the Falls of Brunnr and deep into the caverns beside them, and there you shall be bound to the stone beneath the head of Franang. To suffer the poisonous venom that drips steadily from his fangs, until you are dead; however long the Fates decree that end shall take.”
Loki panted as the verdict reached its end and Gungnir rang out—loud and final through the chamber, symbolizing that the sentence should stand for all time. He yearned to breathe but felt as if someone had checked his flow of air. Staggering backward, he went easily into the hold of the Einherjar. His wild eyes found Ægir, looking ill and pale and pained. He had known this, and he hadn’t told him. He had known Odin would not hear him.
Loki’s heartbeat pounded, he felt faint. The Einherjar dragged him toward the doors, away from the Council. Suddenly he rallied, fought against their relentless pulling, strove against the chains.
“No, no, you must hear me!” He twisted in the Einherjar’s grasp, broke loose, scrabbled across the marble as the guards raced after him. One stepped on the hem of his cape, and he fell headlong at the foot of the dais stairs. Loki reached out, fingers catching the edge of Odin’s red mantle. He stared up in mad desperation, feeling every single boyhood anxiety brought to bear. He pulled hard on the fabric like an adamant child, even as the Einherjar grabbed him and heaved him backward, tearing his hands out of Odin’s cape.
Loki twisted and arched his back, writhing fiercely. His tears fell hot and fast down his face. “You must, I beg you, hear me! All-father—my father, Father, do not let them do this to me—Do not let them put me in the dark, alone, to die! Hear me, hear my words! I am innocent of the crime you accuse me; I have done nothing wrong! Father!”
His voice resounded as the Einherjar took him from the council chamber.
But Loki only stared at Odin as the king stood there on the steps; silent, unmoved. Unfeeling. He felt his soul shatter into nine thousand pieces. Odin would not hear him. Angrboda had spokenthe truth; he had been only a pawn in the chess-match of politics, and he had been found wanting, so he was outcast; eliminated like so much refuse. It stung to understand in full how much a father could abandon a son. For the first time since his childhood, Loki wept bitterly.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 43
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - Ella reacts to the accusations made against her. 
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NOTES - So, we’re stuck doing this crap where all the fun stuff is gone and shops are charging 5 times the rate for anything good, and even with that, it’s taken me this long to write a chapter. Sorry, everyone.
Arden and Loki had far longer legs than Ella yet she walked through the palace at a pace that both Frost Giants were almost jogging to keep up with her, a fire in her eyes as she made her way to the throne room.
Those within the public gallery of the Jotunn court were gossiping and commenting amongst themselves at the comments that had been stated not half an hour before. They all jumped when the doors to the room burst open, not by a physical force but with a blast of green seidr, followed very closely by Ella, who strode into the room with an air that made the weary and angered Laufey think he was sitting in her throne and not his own. He had said nothing of the rumours circulating in his court such a short time previous as he did not wish to fuel them in any manner, but he was irate that any would be so callous as to imply that his son’s mate would take another without so much as considering her mate fighting on the battlefield. He could not stop Loki and Ella choosing to have more mates if they felt like it but he knew, considering the agreement with the Aesir on the marriage, that it would have to be mutually decided and of the two, he knew there was little to no chance of Ella being the one to ask for such. He, like most others, jumped when the doors of his throne room blasted from the hinges, but the fiery look in the eyes of the perpetrator of said destruction stopped him from making any comment. There were identical looks of fearful intrigue on Loki and Arden’s faces as they entered the room behind her, their gaze going to the broken doors for a moment before back to her as they followed her through the hall, the crowds of Jotnar parting as she made her way in front of Laufey.
“My King,” She bowed as she spoke, “I apologise for the manner in which I am interrupting your court but I feel I have to seek answers of a most peculiar kind from one who seems adamant to sow discord in your house.”
“Court seems to be wanting to discuss little else, we may as well seek truth now.” Laufey nodded.
“Thank you, My King.” She bowed again before looking around, looking the Jotnar in the eye as she looked for the one to start the rumours to step forward, her gaze going to angrboda who was giving her a malicious smirk. Ella returned the look with one of utter dismissal. When she got to one being, she paused. “So, I am curious, why would you state such things...who are you?”
The female Jotunn looked at her shocked. “What…? I never…”
“Don’t lie to me, I can smell one a mile off and considering the situation you are lying with regards, I can assure you, I am not in a gaming mood.” Ella snarled with a ferocity that scared the Jotunn. “Why?”
“I…” She stuttered but for a moment, her glance went to Loki, who was studying them both intently.
“Ah, I see,” Ella smirked. “So, where is this definition of masculinity that I would break my loyalty to my mate for? I am simply dying to meet him. I am expecting quite the specimen of a Jotnar.” She looked around. “Well?”
“It is a being by the name of Kristoff,” Arden informed her.
“I see.” Ella gave a small nod of thanks. “And where can I find this Kristoff?”
“Lurking over in the back, behind the sculpture of my grandfather.” Laufey eyed the Frost Giant in question. “Well, Kristoff, step forward and address the situation.” The King ordered.
Kristoff looked adequately uncomfortable as he was commanded and stepped forward. When he looked at Ella, he could see the analytical look in the Aesir’s face. He stood looking back at her in an almost challenging manner.
Ella studied him for a moment. “I know you to see but I think I only shared a conversation with you just once, I cannot be sure, yet I am supposedly risking everything for you. If this were true, surely you would not look at me with such disdain?”  
Kristoff’s eyes widened. “Disdain?”
“Thinly veiled but there nonetheless. So, why say such things? What would cause me to choose a mate in someone so...well, I can clearly see I am unappealing to you so I do not feel it too controversial to say that you are somewhat unappealing to me, not in looks but in mind. You hid here when other men rushed to Jotunheim’s call to arms. You are one of the only ones to claim excuses as to you not going that seemed very weak. So many males were required here, safety in case the lines fell, medics, farmers, yet you...if I am not mistaken it was a bad back? My, but I must have incredible curative powers I never knew I had obtained if you were supposedly not fit for fighting yet were with me so often...I would rival the best on most realms.”
There was a slight laugh at that.
Kristoff cleared his throat. “Well, you said…”
“Oh, I am going to stop you there. If you dare suggest anything, then before you do, I will get you to answer one thing for me. Where is my scar?”
Kristoff stared at her. “Scar?”
“Yes, I have a large scar on my body, I got it from an ambush attack on my family when I was younger, where is it?”
“No, please, if this supposedly has been something that has been occurring, tell me where I am scarred.” His head shook slightly. “Better still, if this has been occurring in the absence of my mate, then you can tell the realm something about me that only I am privy to at this moment, yet I am sure I would have disclosed to you as a mate before now should such liaisons have occurred.”
Silence met her words.
“You said to say nothing if caught.”
Ella’s brow rose. “And when was this?”
“When you did that Aesir mouth act first.” Kristoff barked.
For a moment, Ella had no idea what he was referencing before realising. “Oh, right.” She turned to Loki, who seemed to be more than sceptical at everything going on in front of him. “Loki, have I ever, in the time we have been mates, tried to kiss you?”
Loki shook his head. “Not once.”
“Not once.” She repeated before looking at Kristoff again. “So...it’s highly unlikely that I would do such a thing with you.”
The Jotunn’s eyes darted back and forth. Little seemed to be actual words from his mouth as he stuttered bar the word ‘lonely’.
“Lonely? You think I would threaten the foundations of my very word because I was lonely. If I missed my mate so much…” She waved her hand and a second Loki appeared from thin air, though slightly see-through.
“She does not require the company of others.”
All gathered, Loki included, were startled by the ability of the imposter version of the prince to speak exactly as he did.
“I can also do versions of others and I have been able to use my seidr to speak with my mother personally, so try another excuse, I dare you,” Ella snarled.
Kristoff, stunned into silence, said nothing more.
Ella walked forward towards him. Though she was considerably shorter than the Jotunn, she stood tall while he shrunk back slightly. “Why say these lies?”
“I did not li…”
She caused a fiery blade to shoot from her arm as she had before. “Why say these lies?” She repeated, louder than previous.
“Jotunheim deserves…”
“You attempt to upset my house and dare state Jotunheim deserves different?” Laufey growled rising, though feebly from his throne. “I decide what is best for this realm, not you. I have done everything possible to keep the peace since the war and to allow us to prosper once more, as has my son’s mate. She is nothing short of dedicated to us and our realm and shows it time and again. We have just warred and she has personally guaranteed a food supply for us should we have required it.”
“We don’t need those filthy Aesir or their food.” Kristoff spat before glaring hatefully at Ella. “Nor do we need that brutes spawn here, threatening to ruin an already diluted bloodline.”
Loki took a step forward at that, his anger rising at the manner in which Kristoff insulted him, his mate, his father and mother in one comment. “You…” He paused as Ella lifted her hand to stop him, causing him to silence, curious as to the peculiar expression his mate had.
Ella looked to Loki and gave an apologetic smile. “I tried to tell you last night, but you were too tired, you did not hear me or you did not comprehend my words at least.” She turned to Kristoff again. “You mock Loki’s breeding when his character far surpasses your own. You mock my birth family and the family I am gifted as his mate. And you mock any children I would give him. You think you need to be of full Jotnar blood to be worthy of recognition? You are not half the Jotunn my mate is with double the Jotnar lineage. If you loath my mate for his blood, what do you say now?” She used her seidr to alter her dress, choosing a design that showed her abdomen, specifically the rounding it now had due to the child developing in it. “In eight months, I will birth Loki’s heir and you will simply have to deal with that.” She smirked at the disgusted face of the Jotunn who eyed the still ablaze weapon in her hand, seeing him consider his options. She then walked over to the female Jotunn who had started the rumour. “I would suggest the next pairing you try to damage, you consider your actions more carefully. You do not have the wit to do so to those with more intellect than that of a gnat. Loki leaving his interest of angrboda temporarily to toy with you does not equate caring for you. He did not then and he does not now, or can you not take a hint, even a century and a half later?” The female’s gaze fell. “Now that I have had to deal with trying to quell a filthy lie rather than reattempt to find a pleasant way of telling my mate of his impending fatherhood, I am going to leave the court to deal with real matters again. Any who wish to discuss this further should do so in their own time.” She walked out of the room with a similar air as to how she entered using her seidr to repair the doors with fresh ice as she did so.
Loki stood in startled shock trying to process what she had just revealed, from her ability to copy him to her admission that she had been carrying a child.
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hajimesh · 5 years
lokasenna pt. 16
word count: 2.9k
pairing: jötunn!loki x healer!reader
summary: #drama #drama #drama
a/n: this is what y’all have been waiting for lmao masterlist can be found in my bio!
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- Sextán - 
It was midnight.
Loki had tried to fall asleep with no success. All he could think of was you and the skin of your cheek under his lips which eventually led him to think about how your lips would feel against his. He knew how good your body fitted in his arms from all those times you had fallen asleep together but he wanted needed more.
And that led him to your chambers in the middle of the night.
You heard the knocks on your door as you lied on your bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling. You weren’t sleepy either, the touch of Loki’s lips against your cheek sending your mind into a frenzy every time you recalled the feeling.
Standing up from your bed, your bare feet padded against the cold floor until you reached the door and opened it, revealing the person you wanted to see the most.
He looked a bit disheveled but before you could think of something else his hands flew straight to your cheeks, cupping your face between them as he walked inside, closing the door with his foot and pinning you against the wall.
“Tell me you don’t want this and I will stop.” His green eyes shone thanks to the moonlight, easily captivating you.
“W-what?” You barely managed to say, your mind hazy as the sudden closeness between your lips clouded it.
“I want to kiss you so badly.” His voice was hoarse, his throat dry from the sudden change in the atmosphere around you. “I’ve been wanting to for the longest time.” His eyes never left yours, wanting to show you what was he feeling through them. “May I?”
Your mind worked a thousand miles per second trying to grasp what the Hel was happening but with one look at his lips you immediately stopped it and whispered a very faint “Yes.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
Loki’s lips captured your upper lip, sending jolts all over your body as your heart threatened to burst out of your chest. He lightly sucked on it before parting his lips so he could close them again but this time on your lower lip.
His mouth felt wonderfully against yours, his rapid breaths fanning over your mouth intoxicating you with his scent. You felt the tip of his tongue curiously wander between your parted lips and you opened them a bit more, granting him more access.
Your hands traveled from the side of his neck to the back of it, lightly scratching his scalp earning you a low moan from him which only managed to encourage you to deepen the kiss, your teeth grazing his lower lip.
Eventually, you had to part from each other but your faces remained close. He pecked your lips twice before fully separating himself from you.
“Darling,” his voice had gone down a few octaves, sounding deeper and raspier than before. “I like you.” The sight of his swollen lips made your chest fill with pride but when you heard what he said you couldn’t believe it. “A lot.”
You gulped, your mind was still foggy from the kiss and his presence. “A-are you serious?”
At this he frowned, creases appearing on his forehead and between his brows. “Why would I lie?”
You shook your head and then lowered it, crossing your arms in front of you and adopting a defensive posture.
“Hey,” grasping your chin he lifted it until he could look at your eyes, reading the truth in them. “You don’t believe me.”
He sounded defeated, the statement taking the excitement from the kiss away from his body and leaving an emptiness he didn’t like.
Raking your fingers through your hair you walked past him wanting to put a bit of distance between you. “I don’t even know what I am feeling, Loki.”
He would be lying if he said that your statement didn’t hurt him. “I cannot tell you what or what not to feel,” he said slowly, making sure you heard the truth in his words. “But if that kiss meant anything for you, then I will gladly wait until you’re ready.”
You dared to look at him and the intensity of his eyes caught you off guard, almost sending your heart into cardiac arrest as you tried to come up with something.
“I will let you rest,” he smiled, taking a hesitant step towards you. “Goodnight, dear.” Placing a kiss on your forehead, he said goodbye and turned on his heel, leaving the room.
And leaving a hole in your heart.
*     *     *     *
The next morning you woke up tired.
It had taken you a while to fall asleep, your mind replaying the kiss over and over again. You had no idea why you said those things when you knew you craved him. It was foolish from your part to try to deny the feelings you had been harboring for the past weeks and it didn’t help you had had a small crush on Loki during your younger years. Even then, you knew it was impossible so you had resigned yourself to admire from afar as he became a Prince.  
Trying to erase Loki form your mind, you thought it was best to get out of the bed and take a bath and that was when you noticed it.
Your sight was still a bit blurry from sleep but once you rubbed it away there was no way of not noticing the multiple bouquets and arrangements of flowers covering every surface in your room.
Your heart rate increased, slightly frightened as to why they were there and who had sent them. Once you were on your feet you walked slowly until you reached the closest bouquet which sat on the floor by the end of your bed. The flowers were incredibly beautiful, you had to admit it. Deep green leafs contrasted beautifully against the pale blue, almost lilac, flowers; and then you noticed the white envelope encrusted between them.
Wasting no time, you snatched it open and stared at the handwriting, your heart about to burst out of your chest.
One word was written on the envelope with cursive handwriting and it was enough to take your breath away.
Your shaky fingers struggled to open the envelope and unfold the sheet of paper. Your eyes ran fast across the letter, swallowing every word before you even had time to process them and make out their meaning.
I don’t mean to impress you with these words but to show you my truth and honesty through them. I am very thankful for having you with me in this realm. I must admit, I wasn’t very fond of you at the beginning. My ego forbade me of it but as the days went by and I realized how foolish I had been, a sudden need to get to know you grew in my heart. Now I can say I long to be with you, you seem to run through my mind every hour of the day and our talks showed me how similar our brains work, you understand me as no one has done before. I owe you many apologies for my behavior; I was being ignorant and all I can do now is ask for your forgiveness and hopefully, you’ll allow me to make it up to you. You are a wonderful woman; you have saved me in ways I never thought possible and for that, I am forever grateful. Know that my heart belongs to you.
With love, Loki.
Your body gave up, falling on the mattress as the letter in your hand seemed to burn against your fingers. Reading it again, again and again; you waited for the words to dissolve, a mere trick of your imagination. Perhaps you were still dreaming?
But you knew it was very real and your mind was still trying to figure out how in Valhalla those words came out of Loki’s mind and decided to plaster them on paper for you to read.
If his words were true, if he was being honest as he had stated in the letter, then this might be your chance. This might be the proof you needed to take a step forward and admit your feelings without fearing rejection. But what would you do then? His place was on that throne and he was destined to marry Angrboda and even if it wasn’t her, some other giantess would take her place.
Either way, there was no place for you to be with him. Not in Utgard. If only you were in Asgard maybe things would be different.
You combed your fingers through your hair, trying to decide what to do next. Should you confront him? Or act as if nothing happened?
But you already knew what you wanted to do.
*     *     *     *
“May I speak with His Majesty?” you asked the guard that stood at the gates of the throne room.
You quickly bathed and dressed after deciding it was best to talk things out with Loki. The yellow Asgardian dress you wore under the big coat of furs swished on the floor as you rocked on your heels, waiting for permission to go in.
“You may enter.”
Nodding your head at the guard, you thanked him before walking past the gates and entering the room. Your eyes immediately saw Loki’s figure sitting on his throne, his posture relaxed as he played with the fabrics of his
Once he noticed you, his eyes lit up and his posture straightened, the ghost of a smile appearing on his lips.
“Your Majesty.” You bowed before him under the gazes of a few Lords that lingered around the room, there was no sight of Angrboda, thankfully.
Loki signaled you to raise and with a flick of his hand dismissed everyone but you. “Leave us.”
The Lords curtsied and left and once the room had cleared, Loki descended the steps until he stood a few steps away from you.
“Hello, darling.” His smooth voice graced your ears as a bashful smile appeared on his mouth.
You mirrored his smile, your posture a bit stiff as you felt awkward around him after knowing the extent of his feelings for you. “H-hi.”
“You wished to speak with me?”
His tone almost sounded clueless, almost, which made the shyness you were feeling fade away to make room for annoyance.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know.”
Tilting his head to the side, he faked confusion. “Don’t know what?” But the glare you sent him made him break his façade and his once confused face turned into a grin. “All right, all right!” Your glare softened but you remained silent, waiting for him to say something. “Did you like the flowers?”
“They are very pretty, thank you,” you sighed, mentally preparing yourself for what was coming. “The letter,” you paused, fleetingly looking at Loki before switching your eyes to the wall behind him. “Do you really mean all of that?”
His mouth opened but he said nothing. His brows furrowed, examining you before letting out a breath and smiling softly.
“I do.”
Before any of you knew what was happening, you threw your arms around his neck, enveloping him in a hug. Your eyes closed once you felt him encircle his own arms around your waist and draw a deep breath.
Once you realized the boldness of your actions, you released your hold on him as quick as you could and you felt the familiar warmth burning on your face.
Shaking your head you started to apologize, the embarrassment turning into despair. “Apologies, I-”
But his lips collided against yours, successfully shutting you up. Your hand immediately grabbed him from the back of his head, your fingers curling around the hairs on his nape while his arms encased you and pulled your body against his.
You felt drunk, the kiss gentle yet passionate at the same time. His scent drowned your lungs and you could hear the inhales coming from his nose as he kept kissing you with such feverish you though you might pass out.
Pulling away softly, your eyes traveled to his eyes and saw nothing but affection, making your heart rate fly to the skies. His hands left your waist and enclosed around your hands, placing them on his chest.
Loki was smiling so big, crinkling eyes and his heart pounding wildly on his chest you could feel it. The thought of you reciprocating his feelings only added to his excitement and suddenly he found himself wanting to spend every minute of the day with you.
“Eat with me,” he said out of nowhere, clutching your hands closer to his chest. ”I will ask the cooks for an Asgardian breakfast and then we can spend the rest of the day in the library, there’s a book I’ve been meaning to show you and I know you will–“
“What is the meaning of this!?”
In the midst of his rambling, you missed the sound of the gates opening and heeled steps making their way towards you until it was too late. Angrboda looked furious, utterly livid as her eyes switched from you to Loki.
“Your Majesty!” The guard who had been standing outside scrambled to get up from the ground. By the looks of it, she had kicked him in a very unpleasant place.
But what surprised you was that as soon as she noticed the guard, she raised her hand and a second later the gates closed with a loud thud, leaving the guard outside pounding on the door and trying to open it.
Both you and Loki were caught off guard. The Jötnar are not very fond nor wield magic, a trait mostly reserved for the Aesir. You felt Loki’s posture stiffen as he took a step forward and placed you behind him.
Angrboda’s smile looked wicked. Her stormy eyes burning with something unrecognizable. “You are not the only one with access to magic, Loki Laufeyson.”
Her hand opened and a dagger materialized on it before lifting it and aiming it at you. She took a few steps closer and Loki took a step back, keeping you behind his form and preventing you from ending hurt.
The movement was not missed by the princess who growled in response. “It’s her,” she took more steps closer to you and Loki seemed ready to attack in case she tried something. “You want to marry her.”
“Put that down, immediately!” Not paying attention to her words, Loki yelled at her, wanting to avoid any fatal outcomes.
“No!” Her eyes glowed and her hair flew back, the veins on her neck protruding and the hand that held the dagger, which was still aimed at you, now trembled. “Not until you promise to marry me! It is my birthright to be Queen.”
The words were too familiar for Loki.
“Put the dagger down.”
Her breaths were ragged, the previously very good looking Princess now looked more like she had lost her mind. Her hair fell on her face, her eyes sunken and her skin had turned into a grey tone. She growled but you could see her hand slowly dropping and you felt yourself relax slightly.
Until she started running at you.
Loki easily intercepted her but she had collided with so much force against him he was left breathless. Angrboda wriggled around his arms, the dagger still in her hand and now aimed at his neck.
“I am the Queen!” She snarled and drew the dagger closer to Loki’s neck.
You felt helpless. You had nothing around you that could be of help, your magic was not powerful enough to use it as a weapon and as much as you knew the basics of combat your mind betrayed you. You thought you could help by walking around them, placing yourself behind her and hitting her from the back.
Unluckily she noticed and flew the dagger behind her, almost hurting you.
“Step away!” Loki yelled at you as he kept struggling to keep Angrboda still.
She lifted her hand again and Loki managed to stop her, his hand grabbing her by her forearm as the dagger now hovered over his head. He kneeled her on the stomach which was enough to distract her and take the dagger from her hands.
“Don’t you dare come closer.” He threatened, aiming the weapon towards her but she smiled in response.
She took a few steps closer and then tried to snatch the dagger from Loki’s hands but her hand ended up encircling itself around the blade, cutting her fingers and drawing blood all over the blade. She seemed unbothered, the mad look on her face startling enough to let you know she was taking this until someone ended up dead.
She charged at him again, materializing another dagger on her free hand but Loki vanished from her sight, teleporting himself right behind her and stabbing the dagger on her back.
Angrboda started to turn around when Loki stabbed her again, this time on her side and twisted the knife. Her mouth was agape and suddenly the veins around her body bulged and turned black, looking similar to the way Loki’s veins around his wound looked.
Her body grew limp and heavy under his arms as she took her last breaths before her eyes glazed over. Loki immediately took a step back, her body falling to the ground as blood flowed out of her wounds.
Angrboda was dead.
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wristic · 7 years
Serpents Armor
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Pairing: Floki X Helga, (Step sister) Reader to Tanaruz
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: None, just some wholesome family time with your kidnappers
-Part 1- -Part 2-
While Helga has the reluctant Tanaruz, Floki is left with you. A strange and quiet tag along that wouldn’t leave the young girls side, though you two don’t seem to know each other very well. While you may not be Helga’s Godsend, maybe you still are all the same.
In the heart of a raid, fire and blood all around, Tanaruz may have been in Helga’s grasp but you followed up like it was a sacred duty. You just stood there, face panicked and tear stained, but unwilling to run like you should. Between an intruder, a kidnapper, and a sobbing child, you were like a ghost that wasn't sure itself how it even got there. Helga could have pushed you away, Floki could have killed you, but their hearts didn't find the need. They looked at you and felt this sense they should allow you to come, if that was what you so wished.
You and Tanaruz never said a peep but you were considerably more relaxed after the first night in the boat, eating their food and watching the warriors talk. There was a fantastic curiosity in your eyes, attention focused yet easily shattered by the nearest new thing. While Helga gave Tanaruz all her attention and love, Floki offered you things in calculative experiment.
You settled fast. Donning their clothes, cooking their food, sleeping as soundly as if you were born there.
“You think she is the little ones slave?”
Helga sat up looking between Tanaruz, who was staring longingly into the moonlight, and you, curled up on the floor on and under a few blankets and furs. “They were dressed the same. I don't think their people keep slaves.”
“That's what I thought to but… the two don't interact much. Do you think they even know each other?”
“They would have to know each other. Why else would she follow?”
Floki took a long steady breath. “I don't know.”
You smiled easy, worked easy, learned easy. You practiced their words under your breath, too timid to simply ask to be taught. But you were too old for Helga's interest. Not the age Angrboda would have been and who knew about your parents. While she remained kind and appreciated your company, especially when you tried to shake Tanaruz of her despair, you were not a gift from the gods.
Not for Helga at least.
Amidst all his worries, for Helga so desperate for love, for Tanaruz so desperate to go home, you were patient and soft-stepping, often stopping mid errand to see his creations, his boats. It would only last a few moments, taking in the new details before you continued on. But one morning you got a little closer, looking up in content curiosity.
Floki slowed his work to give you a long examine, hesitant before saying, “Bátur.” You glanced at him and he patted the wood. “Bátur.”
You said it slow, really testing the word to make sure the syllables could come out correctly. He nodded, a smile spreading in approval.
His hands began leading him on their own, stepped up and handing you a carving knife, handle out. You looked a bit shocked, eyebrows raised in questioning as you cautiously took it. He pointed to the serpent leading the boat and you seemed to get the idea, smiling brightly and giving a slight bow, the only way you could really thank him.
It didn't even occur to him how dangerous a thing he did until he was comfortable in his bed.
But you didn't use it to slit his throat while he slept, in fact the next morning he found you continuing your work, breakfast unprepared.
The artistry was beyond intricate. The breast of the serpent rippling with curves of leaves and vines, the flowers blooming in a perfect pattern and if you looked at it head on, the carving mirrored itself. It made him think of the elves, imagining gold and jewels decorating the ship. He was long since done making the boat, one in a hundred these days, but what you were making was beyond masterful. Neither him nor Helga interrupted you.
When it was done the design reached up and around the beast, covering it like a true breastplate with a matching helm carved from forehead to nose. When people came to see his progress, they all halted on your boat, the more curious types jumping in to feel it's leaves and blossoms along their fingertips.
Floki didn't feel the need to bless this particular boat. You had imbued it with your own magic already. If every mortal man gaped in captivation, surely his gods did too.
A week went by, a break to ease your fingers and coax a small laugh from Tanaruz. When you were ready Floki turned to find you presenting the carving knife. You pointed to the vaguely shaped idol atop his barely crafted boat. He nodded.
For the first time you spoke in words he could understand, “Thank you.” and climbed up to the awaited carving as if it had been nothing.
Floki stepped close, watching you start with a straight line that would be intersected with a dozen others, a forever repeating geometric pattern in the form of a snake you remembered. A square face and spiked scales, two horns pointed up behind its eyes. Lazily your captor crossed his arms and rested along the rim of the boat. “Where did you learn to do that?”
You hadn’t learned many words, only enough. You pointed at your eyes and then to the carving, “Father.”
“Only by watching?”
You nodded.
“Why did he not teach you?”
A chuckle escaped you, “Mother… uh,” You didn’t know his word for traditional. “Old ways.”
Scratching his beard he glanced back at the house. “And all those other things you know how to do? Why are you so comfortable here when Tanaruz isn’t?”
“Travel far. Sea, sand, forest.” You tapped the carving with the knife. “Sell.”
“And what about Tanaruz? What are you two?”
Taking a great breath you started, thinking deeply how to explain, “Mother… gone. Work in town. Father meet Tanaruz Mother.”
“And where is your father now? Why come with me and Helga?”
You very slowly looked at him, the pain in your eyes making it clear. He died that day just as Tanaruz’s mother had. When the realization hit Floki he gave an awkward hum, not able to keep looking at the broken look of your eyes.
“Tanaruz, only one.” You shrugged. “No agreeing before. Now, keep safe.” You went back to work, Floki watching very closely to the progress and the sullen look slowly drift from your eyes. 
You could say you hated them, but from what you’d gathered, raiding was just their way. It wasn't personal, more like a force of nature, like a damn hurricane. They never hurt either of you despite taking up space in their small hut. And poor Tanaruz, being haunted with her mother's blood on her hands, too bombarded by a strange woman trying to replace it with gifts and soft words to focus on recovering. That was not to say you weren't haunted too, just that you’d seen blood and death before, learned to ease it with the sickness that killed your mother and so many around her.
But you could practice your father's craft now, and in a way that eased his passing with the illusion he never left. It didn't hurt to hear all the praising even though you felt it didn't live up to your father's carvings.
And sometimes you’d watch Floki carve, fascination with the entirely new style of sculpture.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 40 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Ella sauntered through the palace, bored and not in any form of mood for discussion. She hoped that she would not have to deal with anyone for the day as Laufey had felt tired and not wished to deal with the exhausting matters of court in such a state so the palace was not as busy as it tended to be on the occasions he did have court in session. 
The fighting was still going. In one respect, it was soothing to know the lines of defence were strong and readied by the border with Alfheim should they be required. She, herself had added to it by going there and using spells she knew protected the Aesir palace as well as others to assist if they needed to destroy the crops that were growing in the area. It broke her heart to look at the now full and worked fields and know that there was a chance that they would have to be destroyed but she knew that they could farm more if required. If an enemy came, tired and hungry and ate, therefore replenishing their strength, it could be what would end their lives.  
The requests were made to Asgard and Vanaheim for food supplies. Vanaheim sent what they could but they were shipping anything they had directly to Alfheim for troops there, something the Jotnar respected. Asgard, on the other hand, had been storing food for if it was required to assist Alfheim should the war take all of their food but Ella had written to her father herself, she knew how to word it and how to ask and sure enough, Odin prepared immediate supplies with a solemn promise of more should one single foe arrive on Jotunheim.  She had a reply sent stating that nothing would be used unless required and if the war ended before it was needed, the Jotnar would ensure every morsel would find its way to Alfheim to those who required it there. 
It felt like it had been going on for a year if not more. She felt as though everything was changing in Jotunheim, better as a result of having the power of the Casket once more, the longer it had to assist the realm, the better the realm bloomed but it seemed so odd, most of the men were gone. It was lonely. She enjoyed Greta’s company as often as she could but she found herself wanting to just stay in Loki’s rooms more and more, though she found it did not feel quite as it did before. The smell he seemed to have was long gone from the room yet she felt wrong not staying there. She tried one night but found herself quickly using her seidr to magic herself there again. 
Men came back every so often, wounded or worn in some manner by the war. Most injured, it seemed, were being treated in a special facility on Alfheim being headed by Eir, the chief Elven Healer and  Magnar, the most senior healer of Jotunheim, all three working to assist any being from any of the realms that required them there. Only those with issues that could be dealt with easier on Jotunheim were sent back. She had listened to what they or their families told the court of what was occurring on Alfheim. More than once, Loki, and indeed Byleistr and Helbindi were mentioned by those who returned before even Laufey could ask after them. Ella felt pride in hearing that Loki was both a competent and strong leader, ensuring he would ask no other to do something he would not willingly do himself but she found herself fearful that that risked him being hurt. She could only hope he kept his wits about him so that he would return. She had been relieved to have been wrong on Byleistr and his allegiances. But it was one matter she rather that she would be wrong about. Everything was odd with the situation regarding angrboda but it was salvageable. She knew that going to war and seeing that a matter such that, though hurtful and somewhat backhanded was nothing when you see the brutality of war. When the brothers returned, and she truly hoped that when and not ‘if’, even if Byleistr was not someone she was overly fond of because of his behaviour and actions to Loki, they would put everything behind them and continue forward for the betterment of the realm and their bond as brothers. 
Tired, she avoided others and went back to the rooms, sitting amongst the items that littered the different surfaces of Loki’s personal space. She never touched a single item since he left, nor did she snoop any of the written items. The only items she ever touched were the books that were on the reading shelves he had more than once offered her the choice to pick from. Everything else was exactly as he had left it and she would maintain that if he was gone for a week, a month or a year more. Feeling somewhat down in herself, she walked into the bedroom and went to curl up in the bed yet she found herself not feeling comforted by the idea of getting into it. She walked over to the area where Loki kept the very few items of clothing he owned. Ceremonial robing and armour being the only items he had there as well as the armour he was supposed to bring with him but she had magicked better, stronger armour instead. Amongst all of it was a long robe, dark and fur-trimmed. She had noted it before but never thought much of it. Walking over, she touched the soft material for a moment before bringing it closer to her, noting that it smelt of Loki. She subconsciously brought it with her to the bed and wrapped herself in it, taking in Loki’s smell, using it to relax her into a sleep better than she had for a significant time. 
Loki’s limbs ached. He felt as though they would never feel rested again. He could see the palace in front of him. He could see his home but it felt as though he could never be able to speed himself up to get there. 
The war ended. After eight hard and brutal months of constant fighting, battles daily, their foes realised the Light Elves, Vanir, Aesir and Jotnar refused to bow or break and would meet them on the battlefield each and every day and with Thor coming to a breaking point and his Berserker side being unleashed, decimating a whole battlefield of foe in the process, the enemy conceded defeat. Luckily, Loki had noticed Thor as he lifted the body of an Elven child the enemy had brought to the battlefield to taunt them with. He noted the anger in Thor’s eyes but most importantly, he saw when the anger and other emotions began to leave them and when they became blank and his nostrils flared. With a bellow to get out of the way, the Jotnar and their allies did exactly that leaving Thor to destroy everything around him. When he came to again, it was Loki standing closest to him. 
“My sister told you my warnings?” “She did.” Thor nodded solemnly. “Good. Well, not good. I have not done that in a long time. I thought I was beyond it.” 
Loki could see his shame. He realised then that Thor did see the ramifications of his actions, even if it was only afterwards. “What we saw would provoke any bring into anger.” He consoled. “I will admit I killed with more willing than I have before today after seeing that child.” 
“That gives some solace to me.” Thor inhaled deeply. “It does not stop me wondering if I will ever control myself. But thank you.” He looked at Loki. “For protecting our allies and for braving coming closer to me than even my friends to see if I had returned to myself.” “Just do not tell Ella. She warned me specifically not to.” “I will say nothing,” Thor promised. 
Thinking back at Thor’s actions, however grateful he was that he did go Berserk, it scared him how strong and uncontrollable it was. But they were home now, so he needed to get on with life even with everything that happened. Assist his father with running the realm, and deal with everything that occurred as a result of the war. Vanaheim had planned to do deals with them, now Alfheim was adamant that they too wished to trade post haste with Jotunheim. They needed assistance getting back to normal after the war that terrorised their lands, they had so much that they needed to fix, Jotunheim was somewhere that could assist them so they wished to start talks immediately. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the realms. To go to his rooms and not see anyone for days, he wondered how long he would get. He did not think his father would ask too much of them for the next few days, or so he hoped. He knew they would have to explain everything but he still needed rest. He wanted solitude and silence. 
“I can smell my bed.” 
Loki looked over at Helbindi. 
“I can smell it and I will not leave it for a week bar to find Greta and bring her to it.” 
“What if she has found another in your absence?” Loki asked. 
“I have little to fear, Byleistr was with us.” 
The oldest Laufeyson growled at his youngest brother’s comment. 
“Live with it,” Helbindi scoffed. “You will be the butt of such jokes for the rest of our lives, even if Loki is too decent to say it.”
“And you’re not?” Byleistr growled. 
“No,” Helbindi looked him in the eyes as he spoke. “He may let it go but not me.”
“Enough, both of you. Don’t you think we have seen our fill of fighting? I never wish to see any fight again, especially over something so menial.”
“Exactly,” Byleistr agreed. 
“If ‘Leist want my leftovers, then he can have them.” Byleistr stared at him in shock. “I am not bothered anymore. I have my mate, her race allows for more frequent offspring and I don’t care outside of that anymore. I will focus on what I am required to do for the realm and I don’t care who mates who outside of that. Take two mates, take twenty, I don’t care. I don’t care about pathetic menial matters any longer. One thing all of this has taught me is that there is too much petty arguing over non-issues. Between us, in court, between realms. We need to focus on more actual issues. Solidifying the ties we have now formed so that we are never forced to face something like this by ourselves, that is all I care about now.” 
Helibindi sniggered to himself at Loki’s final comment on the matter, knowing that Byleistr would not say any more on the matter for fear of having Loki snap at him. He knew Byleistr and indeed his mates wanted to return to the palace with the rest of court, so too did he know that Loki knew this. One suggestion from Loki to send him back to the outskirts of the realm and there was a high probability of Laufey doing so. 
The palace was nothing but dark shadows in the pale moonlight. The realm was asleep and personally, Loki was glad it was. He did not want a large number of Jotnar there for their return, he just wanted to go home, he wanted his rooms, nothing more. He was so relieved to be back to the cold and normal temperatures of Jotunheim and back to everything that was ordinary. 
The palace was in silence and darkness. 
“Where is Father?” Byleistr growled. 
“In bed, like I suspect your mates are,” Loki replied. “As I suspect everyone is.” 
“We should have been announced.” “There is nothing to announce. We are back.”
“We won.” “And to do that, we had to kill the most beings on the opposite side, that really winning ‘Leist?”
“The Brute did the most killing.”
“Prince Thor may have done the most killing but so too did he show the most remorse.” Helbindi pointed out. “I spoke with the portly one, Volstagg when we were both at Gravel Ridge. He told me that for all his bravado, Prince Thor does nothing but sit in solitude and contemplate his actions after a fight. He tries to condone the actions he has to do and if we are to be honest, we would still be there if he had not done the ‘most killing’ as you put it. He scared them into stopping and I am grateful for that. I am grateful to be home. I am going to take Greta as my mate, I am going to try and have a family and I am going to try and only have daughters so they never have to go through that, that is my plan for the next three thousand years. Maybe another mate or two as well, if I find any that suit Greta and myself.” “And if Greta has found another?” Loki asked. 
“No, she won’t, I know it.” Helbindi shook his head. “She said she would wait. I know she will.” 
Loki could only smile at his brother’s certainty. 
“What about your mate?”
Loki frowned at his younger brother. “What of her?” “You have not mentioned her.” “Should I have?” “She is a duty, Loki is all about duty. Always has been. What is there to even talk about?” Byleistr commented. “I am grateful every day that it was you that the Allfather found and not me.”
Loki said nothing. He thought often of Ella but he knew she would not stray in his absence. Her sense of duty rivalled if not out-competed his own. “I do not need to worry about her seeking company elsewhere, she is honourable.” He commented. “With regards to mentioning her, I will repeat, should I have? Nor do you particularly care.”
“I like her.” Helbindi declared unapologetically. “She is jovial and there’s a streak of something you can see in her eyes, like she would be smiling at you while also learning the best way to strike you down without even noticing it until you see her next to you with a blood-covered blade and you realise she has slit the throat of a being who tried to wrong you.” 
Byleistr stared at him in horror while Loki eyed him suspiciously. “How did you come to that conclusion?”
Byleistr looked appalled at Loki. “How are you not disputing such a statement?” “Because it is entirely true. Have you not realised my mate is incredibly adept at such things? You told me yourself that she entered the palace without alerting you until she was in it by calling your name and that she swore to force you to come back if you did not do so willingly. I have seen her do things that would very much confirm that to be an accurate analysis, what worries me is how ‘Bind knows.” “As I said, I spoke with the Aesir when we were waiting.” Helbindi shrugged. 
With references to Ella, Loki felt even more in want of going into the palace. His pace hastened slightly and he made his way to it, relieved when it was no longer soft snow but hard ice of the steps to it under his feet. 
They made their way through the halls swiftly enough before coming to the royal wing. 
“Will we tell Father?” Helbindi asked. 
“No, let him rest. We shall see him in the morning.” Loki stated, knowing from the reports through their time away that their father was weary. “Go, get some rest.” He urged before heading to his own rooms. He inhaled deeply and opened the door. 
On walking in, it felt peculiar. Similar but different all at once. Everything was exactly as he left it the day he left, except there were a few pieces added too. Walking through everything, he noted that there was something else different in his personal space, something felt slightly off. He opened his bedroom door and noted that there seemed to be a momentary green spark as he did so. He was unsurprised when Ella sat up in the bed looking concerned. For a moment, she looked at him tiredly before her eyes widened. 
“Loki?” “Hello.” 
If he was honest, Loki was slightly taken back by the genuine smile on her face. “It’s over.” With a small laugh of relief, she beamed back at him. Loki shed off the armour on his body and got into the bed on his side. “Why are you in my cape?” “I am cold.” “You never get cold.” He eyed her worriedly. 
“I am not as good at regulating my body temperature recently so I get cold from time to time,” She explained. “And it reminds me of you.” “Have you even seen me in it?” 
Too tired to care too greatly, Loki sighed and lay back before groaning. “I missed this bed.” 
“Get some rest,” Ella urged settling to get comfortable again. 
Loki noted the peculiar night garment she was donning, it looked ridiculous and shapeless, but since she stated she was cold, he thought little of it. He had honestly thought he would be bothered or at best, simply non-plussed with having to share his rooms with her again after such a situation. He had been thinking that he would ask her to give him some space for a day or two. But now he felt entirely different, as though it felt unnatural to not have her there, as though he needed to protect her. He could not help but feel like the only place she should be was beside him, under his watchful eye and it felt peculiar to him to think such. 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 33 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Loki did not know what to say to Ella. He and Býleistr had heard the final few sentences of her and Angrboda’s exchange and since then, he felt as though there was some distance between them.
As it stood, Angrboða and Alma were sent with Býleistr to the area of the unrest. It was to give the impression not that the House of Laufey was doing a show of force, but rather that he was spending time with his mates in the area in hopes that would be enough to quell any unrest that may be occurring.
Since then, the palace seemed almost calmer with the tense air, as a result of Býleistr’s actions, no longer being a sore subject. Loki put on a nonplussed demeanour in front of court with his brother and his mates, ensuring that all saw his decision to secure the line through only having the one Aesir mate who would also remain loyal to him as a decision he stood over.
Loki and Ella ate together for the evening as they had done every other evening but he felt almost ill-at-ease at suggesting she remain with him for the night. Every night since the confrontation with Angrboða almost two weeks previous, they seemed to dance around it before she left. They spoke as they had before but there was a slight awkwardness to it too. When she rose from the table to leave for the night, it became too much for him.
“Ella?” She looked at him curiously. Loki rarely spoke her name. “Have I done something?”
“Not that I am aware of. What sort of a something would you be referencing?”
“With regards to us and…”
“And what?” She asked.
“Well, since we…”
“Are you referencing when you and Býleistr hid in his rooms like two scolded children whilst I put his mate in her place for scoffing at my not being...shall we call it, liberal with sexual partners?” She asked with a raised brow. “And how to this very day, you have not made reference to it once and have been standoffish regarding it, so I did not know what to say about it so I waited for you to mention something?”
“I thought you…”
“You are the one that could not look me in the eye, so I assumed you to be the one with the issue. The shame on your face did not help matters either. So, the question becomes, what is the shame with regards?” She sat down across from him again, her arms folded, curious as to his answer.
When she sat like that, Loki was reminded of the Allfather. It unsettled him slightly. He swallowed as he thought of her words. “Are you angry with me?”
“For what would I be angry?”
“What she said…”
“Is it true?” Loki looked at the ground. “I would prefer if you would say the words, answering by awkward silence is not the nicest manner.”
“Yes.” Loki still did not look at her.
“So you have had... amorous interactions with a number of Jotnar?”
“That is one manner to say it.”
“Did you even like most of them?”
“Not particularly.”
“So, it was mostly just some fun?”
“Yes.” Loki stayed staring to the side. “Yes, just that.”
“Thank you for your honesty.”
“Are you repulsed?”
“Well, thinking of you with multiple women is not really the most appealing thought I will have today, but repulsed? I think that to be something of an over-exaggeration of events.”
“What do you wish to achieve with this conversation, dare I ask?” Loki finally glanced at her. “Why are you so adamant that I would be adverse to you doing anything. You already made it clear that you were intimate with Angrboda, why would others be something that would make a difference?”
“It is so different to you.”
“You were reared to think maidenhood was sacred.”
“No, I was not. We all pretend that it is but as my brother seems willing to mount a statue with a conveniently placed hole in it, I can assure you, under it all, we are not all so different," she assured him.
“But you…”
“I chose not to because I did not want to. That was my personal choice to not do anything with anyone else but I was not blissfully ignorant to everything. I read everything I could on it, I learnt myself and what I like but I did not take part in the act. My parents did not put some form of a chastity belt on me.”
“Wait, I heard of those things, are they actually real?” Loki shuddered as he recalled the metal device he and his brothers had seen pictures of in a book.
“Apparently so, on Midgard, I think it is. I have heard that King Geoff went there to get some made and puts them on his daughters. Is it true, I do not know, but they do seem to clink as they sit and never seem too comfortable.”
“I heard such too.” Loki had heard that the Light Elf King was overbearing on his daughters. “So you are not too angry?”
“The only thing I am irritated by is your recurring theme of not speaking with me when you assume something. It is tiresome. I feel like I am the only one that is honest here.”
Loki felt guilty at that. "I'm sorry."
"So the question becomes, what is it about me that makes you disinclined to speak to me as you do others? How can I get you to be more honest with me? What about me prevents that trust?"
Loki looked at her in shock. "It's not that, it's…” He sighed. “I do not know.” He did not know what stopped him from fully opening to her.
“Well, hopefully, it will become clearer to you.” She rose to her feet again. “I will take my leave for the evening. Goodnight, Loki.” She bowed slightly.
“You never changed the beds back?”
“If I am honest, I prefer your old bed of late, it seems to suit my back more. I sound like my father when I speak like that, but there is truth to it.” She smiled politely. Loki nodded pensively. She looked at him with a raised brow and walked towards the door.
Loki could see the challenge in her features, he could see her pushing him to say something. “Stay, please.”
“Why? Why do you wish for me to remain? Is it simply for pleasure or more? If it is simply for pleasure, my staying the night is not really required is it?”
Her voice was not angry or hurt, she merely seemed to be pushing him into speaking more on the matter.
“I like having you here. I like that too but you are good company first and foremost.”
“‘That’? Is that what we are calling it? Do you hold intimacy in any regard, may I ask?”
“It feels good, obviously. And of course, for a time, being the smaller Prince made Jotnar women curious so I did not mind,” He shrugged.
“Curious as to what?” In truth, now Ella’s curiosity was peaked.
“Well, a Frost Giant that is not giant, they wanted to see what was the proportioning.” Ella looked at him with confusion for a moment. “With my…”
“No, I grasped the meaning, I can assure you. I get it. I just don’t get how that entered their train of thought.” Ella stated, not wanting to get too into the subject. “It clearly did not deter anyone if the numbers are to be believed.”
“I may not have many advantages my brothers have, but I am still very much able to have the ability to satisfy a mate.” He looked at her with a disbelieving smile on his face. “You do not seem to mind if what you said to Angrboða is true.”
“She seemed somewhat taken back with my little harsh truth.” She smirked. “It is known that though Býleistr bests you with size, his inability to utilise it is well noted also.” Loki looked at her in shock. “Out of curiosity, did you think me surprised by your previous lover’s attempt to shock me? Why do you think I stand so far down the throne room, that is where the best of the Court talk is. Being so much shorter than many others has led to another advantage also, hearing conversations not meant for my ears. I am fully aware of your escapades and have been for some time but I am also aware of Býleistr’s and of how, since returning from Vanaheim, Helbindi is not as interested in females here as he used to be. The kissing thing is clearly scaring some Jotnar away.” She smiled. “Though you should tell him that Greta is actually going out of her way to learn such acts for him as she is keenly interested too.” She pointed out. “And that book he wished to know about...it is hard to get and it is not like I can simply write to my mother and ask her for it, so I will get it for him when I finally get to get back to Asgard for a few days. I forgot so many things that I cannot ask my parents for, I can add it to the list.”
“How do you know these things?” Loki was certain he and Helbindi were alone when they talked about that topic.
“Because Helibindi spoke about it with Arden and he mentioned how he badgered you about finding out the title,” Ella explained. “Asking such information in the main hallway will lead to others hearing.”
“I would think so, yes.” Loki conceded. “I maintain you are not as honest as you appear.”
Ella snorted slightly. “In what manner?”
“I would not be the least bit surprised if I learnt that you had some tricks you knew that allowed you to do something untoward.”
“I am a master of disguise and tricks behind my perfect exterior. I know potions and spells that are forbidden, that would be somewhat frowned upon even in the worst of war.” She smiled sweetly.
Loki eyed her carefully. “Do you?”
“You will have to wonder, perhaps forever, or perhaps the day will come where you may realise it is all a falsity or entirely true.”
Loki felt in his heart that as she never lied to him before, she was as honest as ever at that moment and with her ability to kill with two daggers so proficiently, there was not much to suggest she would not be as deadly in other manners too. He found himself not fearful, but incredibly appealing. “Will you stay?”
“Are you getting blue balls?”
Loki could not help the baffled look on his face. “As opposed to…?” His confusion only grew as she erupted in laughter. “Am I missing something?”
“In non-Jotnar beings, ‘blue balls’ is a way of saying that you have gone too long since mating and it has discoloured your testicles from holding too much seed.”
“Sounds horrid,” Loki flinched.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t have testicles.”  
“Good, that would have led to issues, I am somewhat open to many things in bed, I don’t think that is one of them though.” Ella and Loki looked at one another for a moment before they laughed. “It does not sound like a pleasant infliction, this ‘blue balls’. Here, it is any other colour that would be the issue.”
“Indeed,” Ella smirked at him, noticing the manner in which he was looking at her. “So, you wish for me to stay?”
“I do.”
“Even after?” She asked.
“Yes.” Loki’s response was immediate.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 40
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - War takes time and tolls on any being. With eight months of fighting, it all comes to an end and a relieved Loki returns to Jotunheim.
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Ella sauntered through the palace, bored and not in any form of mood for discussion. She hoped that she would not have to deal with anyone for the day as Laufey had felt tired and not wished to deal with the exhausting matters of court in such a state so the palace was not as busy as it tended to be on the occasions he did have court in session. 
The fighting was still going. In one respect, it was soothing to know the lines of defence were strong and readied by the border with Alfheim should they be required. She, herself had added to it by going there and using spells she knew protected the Aesir palace as well as others to assist if they needed to destroy the crops that were growing in the area. It broke her heart to look at the now full and worked fields and know that there was a chance that they would have to be destroyed but she knew that they could farm more if required. If an enemy came, tired and hungry and ate, therefore replenishing their strength, it could be what would end their lives.  
The requests were made to Asgard and Vanaheim for food supplies. Vanaheim sent what they could but they were shipping anything they had directly to Alfheim for troops there, something the Jotnar respected. Asgard, on the other hand, had been storing food for if it was required to assist Alfheim should the war take all of their food but Ella had written to her father herself, she knew how to word it and how to ask and sure enough, Odin prepared immediate supplies with a solemn promise of more should one single foe arrive on Jotunheim.  She had a reply sent stating that nothing would be used unless required and if the war ended before it was needed, the Jotnar would ensure every morsel would find its way to Alfheim to those who required it there. 
It felt like it had been going on for a year if not more. She felt as though everything was changing in Jotunheim, better as a result of having the power of the Casket once more, the longer it had to assist the realm, the better the realm bloomed but it seemed so odd, most of the men were gone. It was lonely. She enjoyed Greta’s company as often as she could but she found herself wanting to just stay in Loki’s rooms more and more, though she found it did not feel quite as it did before. The smell he seemed to have was long gone from the room yet she felt wrong not staying there. She tried one night but found herself quickly using her seidr to magic herself there again. 
Men came back every so often, wounded or worn in some manner by the war. Most injured, it seemed, were being treated in a special facility on Alfheim being headed by Eir, the chief Elven Healer and  Magnar, the most senior healer of Jotunheim, all three working to assist any being from any of the realms that required them there. Only those with issues that could be dealt with easier on Jotunheim were sent back. She had listened to what they or their families told the court of what was occurring on Alfheim. More than once, Loki, and indeed Byleistr and Helbindi were mentioned by those who returned before even Laufey could ask after them. Ella felt pride in hearing that Loki was both a competent and strong leader, ensuring he would ask no other to do something he would not willingly do himself but she found herself fearful that that risked him being hurt. She could only hope he kept his wits about him so that he would return. She had been relieved to have been wrong on Byleistr and his allegiances. But it was one matter she rather that she would be wrong about. Everything was odd with the situation regarding angrboda but it was salvageable. She knew that going to war and seeing that a matter such that, though hurtful and somewhat backhanded was nothing when you see the brutality of war. When the brothers returned, and she truly hoped that when and not ‘if’, even if Byleistr was not someone she was overly fond of because of his behaviour and actions to Loki, they would put everything behind them and continue forward for the betterment of the realm and their bond as brothers. 
Tired, she avoided others and went back to the rooms, sitting amongst the items that littered the different surfaces of Loki’s personal space. She never touched a single item since he left, nor did she snoop any of the written items. The only items she ever touched were the books that were on the reading shelves he had more than once offered her the choice to pick from. Everything else was exactly as he had left it and she would maintain that if he was gone for a week, a month or a year more. Feeling somewhat down in herself, she walked into the bedroom and went to curl up in the bed yet she found herself not feeling comforted by the idea of getting into it. She walked over to the area where Loki kept the very few items of clothing he owned. Ceremonial robing and armour being the only items he had there as well as the armour he was supposed to bring with him but she had magicked better, stronger armour instead. Amongst all of it was a long robe, dark and fur-trimmed. She had noted it before but never thought much of it. Walking over, she touched the soft material for a moment before bringing it closer to her, noting that it smelt of Loki. She subconsciously brought it with her to the bed and wrapped herself in it, taking in Loki’s smell, using it to relax her into a sleep better than she had for a significant time. 
Loki’s limbs ached. He felt as though they would never feel rested again. He could see the palace in front of him. He could see his home but it felt as though he could never be able to speed himself up to get there. 
The war ended. After eight hard and brutal months of constant fighting, battles daily, their foes realised the Light Elves, Vanir, Aesir and Jotnar refused to bow or break and would meet them on the battlefield each and every day and with Thor coming to a breaking point and his Berserker side being unleashed, decimating a whole battlefield of foe in the process, the enemy conceded defeat. Luckily, Loki had noticed Thor as he lifted the body of an Elven child the enemy had brought to the battlefield to taunt them with. He noted the anger in Thor’s eyes but most importantly, he saw when the anger and other emotions began to leave them and when they became blank and his nostrils flared. With a bellow to get out of the way, the Jotnar and their allies did exactly that leaving Thor to destroy everything around him. When he came to again, it was Loki standing closest to him. 
“My sister told you my warnings?” “She did.” Thor nodded solemnly. “Good. Well, not good. I have not done that in a long time. I thought I was beyond it.” 
Loki could see his shame. He realised then that Thor did see the ramifications of his actions, even if it was only afterwards. “What we saw would provoke any bring into anger.” He consoled. “I will admit I killed with more willing than I have before today after seeing that child.” 
“That gives some solace to me.” Thor inhaled deeply. “It does not stop me wondering if I will ever control myself. But thank you.” He looked at Loki. “For protecting our allies and for braving coming closer to me than even my friends to see if I had returned to myself.” “Just do not tell Ella. She warned me specifically not to.” “I will say nothing,” Thor promised. 
Thinking back at Thor’s actions, however grateful he was that he did go Berserk, it scared him how strong and uncontrollable it was. But they were home now, so he needed to get on with life even with everything that happened. Assist his father with running the realm, and deal with everything that occurred as a result of the war. Vanaheim had planned to do deals with them, now Alfheim was adamant that they too wished to trade post haste with Jotunheim. They needed assistance getting back to normal after the war that terrorised their lands, they had so much that they needed to fix, Jotunheim was somewhere that could assist them so they wished to start talks immediately. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the realms. To go to his rooms and not see anyone for days, he wondered how long he would get. He did not think his father would ask too much of them for the next few days, or so he hoped. He knew they would have to explain everything but he still needed rest. He wanted solitude and silence. 
“I can smell my bed.” 
Loki looked over at Helbindi. 
“I can smell it and I will not leave it for a week bar to find Greta and bring her to it.” 
“What if she has found another in your absence?” Loki asked. 
“I have little to fear, Byleistr was with us.” 
The oldest Laufeyson growled at his youngest brother’s comment. 
“Live with it,” Helbindi scoffed. “You will be the butt of such jokes for the rest of our lives, even if Loki is too decent to say it.”
“And you’re not?” Byleistr growled. 
“No,” Helbindi looked him in the eyes as he spoke. “He may let it go but not me.”
“Enough, both of you. Don’t you think we have seen our fill of fighting? I never wish to see any fight again, especially over something so menial.”
“Exactly,” Byleistr agreed. 
“If ‘Leist want my leftovers, then he can have them.” Byleistr stared at him in shock. “I am not bothered anymore. I have my mate, her race allows for more frequent offspring and I don’t care outside of that anymore. I will focus on what I am required to do for the realm and I don’t care who mates who outside of that. Take two mates, take twenty, I don’t care. I don’t care about pathetic menial matters any longer. One thing all of this has taught me is that there is too much petty arguing over non-issues. Between us, in court, between realms. We need to focus on more actual issues. Solidifying the ties we have now formed so that we are never forced to face something like this by ourselves, that is all I care about now.” 
Helibindi sniggered to himself at Loki’s final comment on the matter, knowing that Byleistr would not say any more on the matter for fear of having Loki snap at him. He knew Byleistr and indeed his mates wanted to return to the palace with the rest of court, so too did he know that Loki knew this. One suggestion from Loki to send him back to the outskirts of the realm and there was a high probability of Laufey doing so. 
The palace was nothing but dark shadows in the pale moonlight. The realm was asleep and personally, Loki was glad it was. He did not want a large number of Jotnar there for their return, he just wanted to go home, he wanted his rooms, nothing more. He was so relieved to be back to the cold and normal temperatures of Jotunheim and back to everything that was ordinary. 
The palace was in silence and darkness. 
“Where is Father?” Byleistr growled. 
“In bed, like I suspect your mates are,” Loki replied. “As I suspect everyone is.” 
“We should have been announced.” “There is nothing to announce. We are back.”
“We won.” “And to do that, we had to kill the most beings on the opposite side, that really winning ‘Leist?”
“The Brute did the most killing.”
“Prince Thor may have done the most killing but so too did he show the most remorse.” Helbindi pointed out. “I spoke with the portly one, Volstagg when we were both at Gravel Ridge. He told me that for all his bravado, Prince Thor does nothing but sit in solitude and contemplate his actions after a fight. He tries to condone the actions he has to do and if we are to be honest, we would still be there if he had not done the ‘most killing’ as you put it. He scared them into stopping and I am grateful for that. I am grateful to be home. I am going to take Greta as my mate, I am going to try and have a family and I am going to try and only have daughters so they never have to go through that, that is my plan for the next three thousand years. Maybe another mate or two as well, if I find any that suit Greta and myself.” “And if Greta has found another?” Loki asked. 
“No, she won’t, I know it.” Helbindi shook his head. “She said she would wait. I know she will.” 
Loki could only smile at his brother’s certainty. 
“What about your mate?”
Loki frowned at his younger brother. “What of her?” “You have not mentioned her.” “Should I have?” “She is a duty, Loki is all about duty. Always has been. What is there to even talk about?” Byleistr commented. “I am grateful every day that it was you that the Allfather found and not me.”
Loki said nothing. He thought often of Ella but he knew she would not stray in his absence. Her sense of duty rivalled if not out-competed his own. “I do not need to worry about her seeking company elsewhere, she is honourable.” He commented. “With regards to mentioning her, I will repeat, should I have? Nor do you particularly care.”
“I like her.” Helbindi declared unapologetically. “She is jovial and there’s a streak of something you can see in her eyes, like she would be smiling at you while also learning the best way to strike you down without even noticing it until you see her next to you with a blood-covered blade and you realise she has slit the throat of a being who tried to wrong you.” 
Byleistr stared at him in horror while Loki eyed him suspiciously. “How did you come to that conclusion?”
Byleistr looked appalled at Loki. “How are you not disputing such a statement?” “Because it is entirely true. Have you not realised my mate is incredibly adept at such things? You told me yourself that she entered the palace without alerting you until she was in it by calling your name and that she swore to force you to come back if you did not do so willingly. I have seen her do things that would very much confirm that to be an accurate analysis, what worries me is how ‘Bind knows.” “As I said, I spoke with the Aesir when we were waiting.” Helbindi shrugged. 
With references to Ella, Loki felt even more in want of going into the palace. His pace hastened slightly and he made his way to it, relieved when it was no longer soft snow but hard ice of the steps to it under his feet. 
They made their way through the halls swiftly enough before coming to the royal wing. 
“Will we tell Father?” Helbindi asked. 
“No, let him rest. We shall see him in the morning.” Loki stated, knowing from the reports through their time away that their father was weary. “Go, get some rest.” He urged before heading to his own rooms. He inhaled deeply and opened the door. 
On walking in, it felt peculiar. Similar but different all at once. Everything was exactly as he left it the day he left, except there were a few pieces added too. Walking through everything, he noted that there was something else different in his personal space, something felt slightly off. He opened his bedroom door and noted that there seemed to be a momentary green spark as he did so. He was unsurprised when Ella sat up in the bed looking concerned. For a moment, she looked at him tiredly before her eyes widened. 
“Loki?” “Hello.” 
If he was honest, Loki was slightly taken back by the genuine smile on her face. “It’s over.” With a small laugh of relief, she beamed back at him. Loki shed off the armour on his body and got into the bed on his side. “Why are you in my cape?” “I am cold.” “You never get cold.” He eyed her worriedly. 
“I am not as good at regulating my body temperature recently so I get cold from time to time,” She explained. “And it reminds me of you.” “Have you even seen me in it?” 
Too tired to care too greatly, Loki sighed and lay back before groaning. “I missed this bed.” 
“Get some rest,” Ella urged settling to get comfortable again. 
Loki noted the peculiar night garment she was donning, it looked ridiculous and shapeless, but since she stated she was cold, he thought little of it. He had honestly thought he would be bothered or at best, simply non-plussed with having to share his rooms with her again after such a situation. He had been thinking that he would ask her to give him some space for a day or two. But now he felt entirely different, as though it felt unnatural to not have her there, as though he needed to protect her. He could not help but feel like the only place she should be was beside him, under his watchful eye and it felt peculiar to him to think such. 
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 32
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - Time goes by after the discussion between Angrboða and Ella and Loki does not know how to admit he heard the exchange until Ella informs him just what she has known all along. 
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Loki did not know what to say to Ella. He and Býleistr had heard the final few sentences of her and Angrboda’s exchange and since then, he felt as though there was some distance between them.
As it stood, Angrboða and Alma were sent with Býleistr to the area of the unrest. It was to give the impression not that the House of Laufey was doing a show of force, but rather that he was spending time with his mates in the area in hopes that would be enough to quell any unrest that may be occurring.
Since then, the palace seemed almost calmer with the tense air, as a result of Býleistr’s actions, no longer being a sore subject. Loki put on a nonplussed demeanour in front of court with his brother and his mates, ensuring that all saw his decision to secure the line through only having the one Aesir mate who would also remain loyal to him as a decision he stood over.
Loki and Ella ate together for the evening as they had done every other evening but he felt almost ill-at-ease at suggesting she remain with him for the night. Every night since the confrontation with Angrboða almost two weeks previous, they seemed to dance around it before she left. They spoke as they had before but there was a slight awkwardness to it too. When she rose from the table to leave for the night, it became too much for him.
“Ella?” She looked at him curiously. Loki rarely spoke her name. “Have I done something?”
“Not that I am aware of. What sort of a something would you be referencing?”
“With regards to us and…”
“And what?” She asked.
“Well, since we…”
“Are you referencing when you and Býleistr hid in his rooms like two scolded children whilst I put his mate in her place for scoffing at my not being...shall we call it, liberal with sexual partners?” She asked with a raised brow. “And how to this very day, you have not made reference to it once and have been standoffish regarding it, so I did not know what to say about it so I waited for you to mention something?”
“I thought you…”
“You are the one that could not look me in the eye, so I assumed you to be the one with the issue. The shame on your face did not help matters either. So, the question becomes, what is the shame with regards?” She sat down across from him again, her arms folded, curious as to his answer.
When she sat like that, Loki was reminded of the Allfather. It unsettled him slightly. He swallowed as he thought of her words. “Are you angry with me?”
“For what would I be angry?”
“What she said…”
“Is it true?” Loki looked at the ground. “I would prefer if you would say the words, answering by awkward silence is not the nicest manner.”
“Yes.” Loki still did not look at her.
“So you have had... amorous interactions with a number of Jotnar?”
“That is one manner to say it.”
“Did you even like most of them?”
“Not particularly.”
“So, it was mostly just some fun?”
“Yes.” Loki stayed staring to the side. “Yes, just that.”
“Thank you for your honesty.”
“Are you repulsed?”
“Well, thinking of you with multiple women is not really the most appealing thought I will have today, but repulsed? I think that to be something of an over-exaggeration of events.”
“What do you wish to achieve with this conversation, dare I ask?” Loki finally glanced at her. “Why are you so adamant that I would be adverse to you doing anything. You already made it clear that you were intimate with Angrboda, why would others be something that would make a difference?”
“It is so different to you.”
“You were reared to think maidenhood was sacred.”
“No, I was not. We all pretend that it is but as my brother seems willing to mount a statue with a conveniently placed hole in it, I can assure you, under it all, we are not all so different," she assured him.
“But you…”
“I chose not to because I did not want to. That was my personal choice to not do anything with anyone else but I was not blissfully ignorant to everything. I read everything I could on it, I learnt myself and what I like but I did not take part in the act. My parents did not put some form of a chastity belt on me.”
“Wait, I heard of those things, are they actually real?” Loki shuddered as he recalled the metal device he and his brothers had seen pictures of in a book.
“Apparently so, on Midgard, I think it is. I have heard that King Geoff went there to get some made and puts them on his daughters. Is it true, I do not know, but they do seem to clink as they sit and never seem too comfortable.”
“I heard such too.” Loki had heard that the Light Elf King was overbearing on his daughters. “So you are not too angry?”
“The only thing I am irritated by is your recurring theme of not speaking with me when you assume something. It is tiresome. I feel like I am the only one that is honest here.”
Loki felt guilty at that. "I'm sorry."
"So the question becomes, what is it about me that makes you disinclined to speak to me as you do others? How can I get you to be more honest with me? What about me prevents that trust?"
Loki looked at her in shock. "It's not that, it's…” He sighed. “I do not know.” He did not know what stopped him from fully opening to her.
“Well, hopefully, it will become clearer to you.” She rose to her feet again. “I will take my leave for the evening. Goodnight, Loki.” She bowed slightly.
“You never changed the beds back?”
“If I am honest, I prefer your old bed of late, it seems to suit my back more. I sound like my father when I speak like that, but there is truth to it.” She smiled politely. Loki nodded pensively. She looked at him with a raised brow and walked towards the door.
Loki could see the challenge in her features, he could see her pushing him to say something. “Stay, please.”
“Why? Why do you wish for me to remain? Is it simply for pleasure or more? If it is simply for pleasure, my staying the night is not really required is it?”
Her voice was not angry or hurt, she merely seemed to be pushing him into speaking more on the matter.
“I like having you here. I like that too but you are good company first and foremost.”
“‘That’? Is that what we are calling it? Do you hold intimacy in any regard, may I ask?”
“It feels good, obviously. And of course, for a time, being the smaller Prince made Jotnar women curious so I did not mind,” He shrugged.
“Curious as to what?” In truth, now Ella’s curiosity was peaked.
“Well, a Frost Giant that is not giant, they wanted to see what was the proportioning.” Ella looked at him with confusion for a moment. “With my…”
“No, I grasped the meaning, I can assure you. I get it. I just don’t get how that entered their train of thought.” Ella stated, not wanting to get too into the subject. “It clearly did not deter anyone if the numbers are to be believed.”
“I may not have many advantages my brothers have, but I am still very much able to have the ability to satisfy a mate.” He looked at her with a disbelieving smile on his face. “You do not seem to mind if what you said to Angrboða is true.”
“She seemed somewhat taken back with my little harsh truth.” She smirked. “It is known that though Býleistr bests you with size, his inability to utilise it is well noted also.” Loki looked at her in shock. “Out of curiosity, did you think me surprised by your previous lover’s attempt to shock me? Why do you think I stand so far down the throne room, that is where the best of the Court talk is. Being so much shorter than many others has led to another advantage also, hearing conversations not meant for my ears. I am fully aware of your escapades and have been for some time but I am also aware of Býleistr’s and of how, since returning from Vanaheim, Helbindi is not as interested in females here as he used to be. The kissing thing is clearly scaring some Jotnar away.” She smiled. “Though you should tell him that Greta is actually going out of her way to learn such acts for him as she is keenly interested too.” She pointed out. “And that book he wished to know about...it is hard to get and it is not like I can simply write to my mother and ask her for it, so I will get it for him when I finally get to get back to Asgard for a few days. I forgot so many things that I cannot ask my parents for, I can add it to the list.”
“How do you know these things?” Loki was certain he and Helbindi were alone when they talked about that topic.
“Because Helibindi spoke about it with Arden and he mentioned how he badgered you about finding out the title,” Ella explained. “Asking such information in the main hallway will lead to others hearing.”
“I would think so, yes.” Loki conceded. “I maintain you are not as honest as you appear.”
Ella snorted slightly. “In what manner?”
“I would not be the least bit surprised if I learnt that you had some tricks you knew that allowed you to do something untoward.”
“I am a master of disguise and tricks behind my perfect exterior. I know potions and spells that are forbidden, that would be somewhat frowned upon even in the worst of war.” She smiled sweetly.
Loki eyed her carefully. “Do you?”
“You will have to wonder, perhaps forever, or perhaps the day will come where you may realise it is all a falsity or entirely true.”
Loki felt in his heart that as she never lied to him before, she was as honest as ever at that moment and with her ability to kill with two daggers so proficiently, there was not much to suggest she would not be as deadly in other manners too. He found himself not fearful, but incredibly appealing. “Will you stay?”
“Are you getting blue balls?”
Loki could not help the baffled look on his face. “As opposed to…?” His confusion only grew as she erupted in laughter. “Am I missing something?”
“In non-Jotnar beings, ‘blue balls’ is a way of saying that you have gone too long since mating and it has discoloured your testicles from holding too much seed.”
“Sounds horrid,” Loki flinched.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t have testicles.”  
“Good, that would have led to issues, I am somewhat open to many things in bed, I don’t think that is one of them though.” Ella and Loki looked at one another for a moment before they laughed. “It does not sound like a pleasant infliction, this ‘blue balls’. Here, it is any other colour that would be the issue.”
“Indeed,” Ella smirked at him, noticing the manner in which he was looking at her. “So, you wish for me to stay?”
“I do.”
“Even after?” She asked.
“Yes.” Loki’s response was immediate.
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hajimesh · 5 years
lokasenna pt. 13
word count: 2.7k
pairing: jötunn!loki x healer!reader
summary: the bubble pops as soon as Angrboda shows herself at Loki’s chambers, ruining the mood. but then a rumour runs around the castle until it reaches your ears.
a/n: i just realized that there are less than ten chapter left from this fic which sounds super crazy to me. feedback is welcome. masterlist can be found in my bio :)
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- þrettán -
“I would like to speak with you.”
You heard someone speak and you slowly realized you were waking up from your sleep. The voice sounded feminine and uptight, the drowsiness preventing you from recognizing whose voice it was but after a pause they spoke again and you closed your eyes wishing for her to go away.
Angrboda’s voice was demanding and you could feel Loki’s body next to yours go rigid.
“Meet me in my office in half an hour.” He replied with the same if not a harsher tone and then you heard the door close.
“What was that?” You say after growing the courage for the past minute, half of your face under the covers.
“Darling I can’t hear you.” Loki gently pulled the covers down until they rested below your chin and you smiled bashfully at him.
“What did she want?” You try again, this time your tone a bit more shy under the piercing gaze of his emerald eyes.
“She wants to talk.” He made a face and you refrained from laughing, half concerned about what she wished to speak with him.
But before you could voice out your concerns he started petting your hair away from your face with the softest look you had ever seen on his face.
“Did you sleep well?”
You nodded absentmindedly thinking back at how his voice had lulled you to sleep while his arm wrapped around you. You had never felt that comfortable in your life and it scared you.
“Yes, I needed a nap.” You reassured him with a smile.
The both of you stayed in silence for a minute until you heard him sigh and then stood up from the bed, sending a smile to you before he made his way to the door, his warmth immediately vanishing away.
“I’ll come back later.” He paused, his hand rested on the door handle as he turned to look at you one more time. “Get some rest, you need it.”
You rolled your eyes but the smile on your lips betrayed you.
*     *     *     *
Loki left his room in a very pleasant mood.
He had come to enjoy your company, to the extent of even seeking it whenever he could. He wasn’t lying when he said he was thankful for having you taking care of him, he figured the least he could do was do the same for you since you were still hurt from the night of the attack.
There were so many loopholes and questions he had from that night but at the same time he had an idea of why it happened and who was behind it. Eventually he’d have to face the council and his court which didn’t sit all too well with him.
He reached the throne room but walked right past his seat, making his way to the door in the wall behind it. He had to admit that that little room gave him all the privacy he needed, everyone knew that when he was there it meant he didn’t want to be bothered, making it easier to escape the many Lords who sought favors and a better place in court.
A very skinny and small giant –for his race– stood at the corner of his office. Always present to bring him whatever His Majesty desired. Loki had to admit the young boy reminded him of him when he was younger. He imagined that’s what he would’ve looked like as a jötunn in his adolescent years.
Knocks on the door interrupted the quiet atmosphere in the room and the kid rushed to answer it. Angrboda came in, her skirts trailing behind her as her icy eyes focused on Loki.
The servant went back to his corner, camouflaging between the shadows as Loki started picking random papers from the desk, pretending to look at them as he finally addressed Angrboda.
“You wanted to talk?” His tone is flat, uninterested, which only managed to infuriate her even more.
“When are you going to make our courtship official.” With a tilt of her chin she asked him. Trying to come off as confident and demanding but Loki was no fool.
He stoped what he was doing and with a wave of his hand dismissed the servant. Once the boy was gone he kept rummaging through the papers paying no attention to the fuming giantess in from of him.
“You cannot barge in my castle and demand things.” Loki shook his head but kept it lowered, not meeting Angrboda’s eyes.
“If you want to rule Utgard you will need a Queen. The council has stated it.” She spoke in a condescending way. She was still on her feet seeing as Loki had not offered her a seat but when she took one step closer he immediately looked up which was enough to stop her.
“I am aware.” His crimson eyes didn’t leave hers and after five excruciatingly long seconds he went back to the sheets of paper in his hands.
“Tell me, Angrboda, Princess of the Storm Giants clan.” He spoke in a scarily calm tone, the tip of his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth. “How many other clans are out there?”
Angrboda looked at him as if he had spoken to her in a foreign language. She blinked, waiting for him to say something else but when he raised his brows while his fingers tapped on the wooden desk she knew she had to answer his odd question.
“T-the frost giants, the storm giants, the ice giants, the mountain giants–”
“Ruled by their Queen, Knoda.” Loki interrupted her and she meekly nodded her head not knowing what else to say. “Don’t make me bother her and request her presence here in my court.” He spoke while folding his arms in front of him, resting them on the desk as a smirk took place on his lips. “At least not yet.”
She stood there speechless, knowing that she had put her future in jeopardy by being careless but the deed was done and there was no way of taking back her words. She was tired of playing this game after all, pretending when it was clear to everyone why she had came here. That throne was hers, she had wanted it ever since she was a child but they quickly shattered her dreams when they told her it was a male jötunn who deserved such power and not her. She had to wait for him so she could fulfill her destiny and she was done waiting.
“Remember your place.” Loki spoke, smirk gone and his eyes focused on hers. “Otherwise you will leave me with no choice than to take you as a lesser wife, right behind Knoda.”
Her eyes widened in horror. “I-I–”
But he was back to dismissing her presence, rummaging through the desk’s drawers looking for something that might take his attention away from her. “Next time you demand something from me, King Loki of Utgard, I will send you back to your clan and you can forget any place in my court for your people.”
He stopped his movements to smile coldly at her as his hand gestured towards the door.
“You may take your leave.”
*     *     *     *
“You are very annoying, now I see why the King doesn’t tolerate you.” Viðblindi said to Ægir and pushed him away for the hundredth time.
Ægir pouted, crawling back on Viðblindi’s lap and smushing his face between his hands. “Aw, don't be like that.”
Viðblindi groaned in annoyance but then the chair where they sat suddenly gave up under their weight and they both fell butt first on the floor. You gasped and seconds later laughed at their faces. They look so confused and flabbergasted since they were not expecting that to happen.
With a neutral face, Viðblindi turned to Ægir. “I hate you.”
Once again, you lost it and laughed at how defeated Viðblindi looked as Ægir had the decency to look ashamed.
Both jötnar came to check on you as soon as they knew of Loki’s departure. They had been quite entertaining especially since the once timid, closed-up Viðblindi warmed up to the two of you and made good acquaintances with Ægir. The latter became so annoying, constantly nagging the poor jötunn healer with hugs and punches to the point it made you question if he hated him instead of liking him.
Servants rushed in through the door looking around the place frantically.
“We heard a noise!” one of them spoke and you composed yourself enough to answer.
“Not to worry!” you calmed them down since they were all looking ready to fight any threat. “Just these two acting like children.”
At your words, they servants took a longer look at your jötnar friends and noticed the broken chair.
“Oh.” the other servant said this time and took a step in their direction. “Let us fix that for you, sire.”
Ægir shrugged and stood up, helping Viðblindi up as well before they made their way to your side, leaving enough room for the servants to work.
“This is all your fault” Viðblindi complained as he nudged Ægir with his shoulder.
They started bickering once again and you only rolled your eyes. Their words immediately drowned as you watched the servants start fixing the chair but what caught your attention the most was the sudden mention of Loki and Angrboda.
Both servants kept working, chatting in hushed tones and you tried to hear what they were talking about.
“It’s true!” The second servant said, watching the other one work.
With a look filled with disbelief, the first servant questioned his sources. “How do you even know? And pass me the screwdriver.”
The second servant sighed and passed him the tool. “Þrúðgelmir told Mögþrasir who told Hræsvelgr who told me.” he explained with the most serious face.
The first servant looked at him as if he had spoken in a foreign language and then shook his head. “Instead of listening to gossip of the courtship you should be focusing on your duties.” he said as he placed the tool back on the other servant’s hand and checked the chair. “Otherwise we will be forever stuck in these jobs.” he gave a side-look on your way and you immediately turned your eyes somewhere else.
You heart pounded in your chest. They mentioned a courtship and you swore you heard them say Loki’s and Angrboda’s names. Sadly, before you could even think of asking them what they meant they’re at the door stating the chair has been repaired and left the room.
It wasn’t until around an hour later that Loki showed up again.
He looked a bit worn out, hair a bit disheveled and with a distant look. “I am glad to see you are still here.”
You tried to smile but you’re sure it looked more like a grimace.
“I come bearing food.” He said in a sing-song tone and you couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Thank you.”
“Eh, it’s nothing.” he dismissed it with a hand gesture. “Just something I put together very quick. It was getting late and I didn’t want the cooks to kill me for making them stay longer.” he shook his head and laughed as he seemed to recall the scenario. “Apparently they don’t trust my cooking skills.”
To say you were caught off guard is an understatement.
With your mouth agape you barely managed to speak. “You… cooked it?”
He sensed the emotion in your words making him look at you and raising his brows.
“You look surprised.”
Sheepishly, you smiled at him but chose to say nothing, the heavy weight of all the questions you had rushing through your mind.
He placed the tray on the desk and then made his way to you. “Is everything alright?” he asked with a worried look. He sat on the bed, right in the spot next to you, as he searched for answers in your eyes. “You are acting different.”
Fooling him was useless so you went straight to the point. Kind of. “I heard something.”
“What did you hear?” His eyebrows were scrunched up, his eyes never leaving yours and placing all his attention on you.
Taking a deep breath you finally asked what had been on your mind for the past hour. “Your courtship with Angrboda.”
He was silent for a while. He hummed and nodded once and then switched his gaze to the headboard, breaking eye contact with you. His right hand started to pick at the left one and you watched, your own hands itching to cover his but you chose to not do so and wait.
“There is– there is no courtship with Angrboda,” he finally said after a long minute of silence but his eyes remained focused away from yours. “Not yet.”
The last part managed to make your breath hitch in your throat and a cold feeling ran through your body.
“But there will be.”
You spoke softly and it successfully caught his attention. His eyes looked lost, raw and hopeless as they stared into yours.
“I’m not sure of what I’m doing.” Loki confessed and your heart clenched in pain.
“There are no feelings. If that is your concern.” he spoke again but this time with a voice a bit stronger than before. “It is not a custom here to marry because of love but for convenience.”
No one said a thing, he seemed lost again in his thoughts and you didn’t dare disturb him.
Suddenly, he perked up after minutes of being still and clapped a hand on his thigh, catching your attention as a smile made its way on his lips.
“Let us forget about it and have dinner because dear, I am starving.”
You knew it was best for everyone to let it go, just this time, and pretend it was all going to be alright so you smiled back at him and nodded in agreement.
Loki brought the trays to the bed and you made room big enough for him to sit comfortably next to you. He opened the lids and you were met with a sandwich which looked very tasty. Once you were all settled he placed his back on the headboard and wrapped an arm around you shoulders,  
“Now, what did you do today?” he asked as he munched his sandwich. “Hopefully you didn’t bore yourself to death, did you?”
“No, actually I was quite entertained.”
You proceeded to tell him about the broken chair and Viðblindi’s and Ægir’s bickering. He looked displeased when he heard Ægir had been in his room and wasted no time in making it known to you.
“I can believe you seriously disobeyed an order from me, the King himself, and manage to keep doing it.” he said, his eyes narrowing in fake anger at you.
You chewed the last bite of your sandwich before answering him with another question. “Are you ever going to tell me what is up with you and your hatred to Ægir? Because he doesn’t seem to return the sentiment.
Loki rolled his eyes and handed you a drink as he sipped on his. “I might have overreacted a bit.” he said after gulping down the juice. “I don’t hate him but I do despise him.” He clarified and it was your turn to roll your eyes earning a laugh from him. “One day, my little healer. One day.”
You finished your drink ignoring the flutter in your chest at the nickname and handed him back your glass. He took it along with the tray and placed it next to his door and then made his way back to his bed, getting under the covers.
“Did you like it?” he murmured softly as he placed his arm under your head, bringing it to his chest so you could rest comfortably.
You hummed and closed your eyes, suddenly sleepy. “It was delicious, Loki. Thank you.”
His hand petted your hair away from your face while the other graced the arm you had draped over his waist.
“You are most welcome, darling.”
Soon enough you both fell asleep into each other’s arms as if it was the most normal thing. And maybe it was, but only to the both of you.
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 
help me with feedback/reblog if u enjoyed it :)
lokasenna taglist: @perceptorxbrainstorm / @immakween / @ellaxiv / @pinkmoontribe-blog / @help-i-need-a-social-life / @jessiejunebug / @fire-treasure-iii / @themusingsofmany / @thescarletphoenixx
loki taglist: @slytherinsassembletofightsith / @memmucci​ / @servamp-addict​ / @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77​ / @theworld-is-ahead-deactivated20​ / @crescent-night​ / @godhateskyleigh​ / @deathofmissjackson
marvel taglist: @for-the-love-of-the-fandom
87 notes · View notes
hajimesh · 5 years
lokasenna pt. 9
word count: 2.1k
pairing: jötunn!loki x healer!reader
summary: an unpleasant visit ends up hurting you but your new friend, Loki, will come to your rescue... right?
a/n: it’s 4am here and i’m not sleepy so here you have an update from my insomniac ass. btw ST season 3 is ooouuutttt!♡
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- Níu -
The next day you spent the majority of it at the infirmary. You had a few patients, but overall everything was calm and silent. You sat on the small waiting room, that had a sofa and chairs tucked in a corner, with a book on your hands to study in the meantime. But it didn't matter how hard you tried to focus, your mind kept wandering off to last night.
Loki and you kept talking until the early morning. The rising sun made you realize that you missed your sleeping hours but you really didn't mind. Loki was great company and quite funny if he wanted to. Seeing him so carefree and relaxed in your presence made you so happy, you had always wanted to spend time with him and you blamed Frigga for that. She was always talking about him with you, saying how smart and witty he was. But she didn't make him justice, at all. She didn't mention how his eyes glimmered when he talked about all the mischief he did when he was a kid, or how wide his smile got when talking about his favourite books and poetry. It warmed your heart to see him so happy, he deserved it and you wished nothing but the best for him.
Steering away from your thoughts, you stretched and yawned, feeling tired and sleepy. Until someone barged in the room.
The doors opened and a group of guards marched in until they stood at the centre of the room. Once they halted their movements they switched their positions, making room in the middle. Walking from the core of the group, Princess Angrboda made her way until she stood at the front. Her eyes skimmed around the room and you took your chance to quickly examine her.
Her platinum hair was pulled up in a set of intricate braids that fell on her back and she was wearing a very well-fitting white dress that contrasted beautifully with her pale blue skin. Her stormy eyes finally landed on your form and she raised her brow.
You were confused but the harsh glare of one of the guards quickly made you realize your mistake.
“Oh-OH! Apologies, your Highness.” You made a curtsy and waited for her to speak so you could stand straight again.
Her skirts flowed behind her as she encircled you. A soft hum came from her throat and you were starting to get cramped in the uncomfortable position.
“You must be Loki’s pet.” Her voice was strong, holding an air of authority.
“I beg your pardon?”
Her statement threw you off and your mind went blank. A pet?
But she paid no mind to your words as she continued speaking. “I must admit I never thought he’d choose an Asgardian. I had in mind a more exciting creature.”
Your jaw dropped at her words. How rude!
“I’m sorry but someone must’ve informed you wrongly, your Highness. Yes, I am an Asgardian but I’m not King Loki’s pet, I work here as a healer.”
Angrboda smiled mockingly as she walked closer to you. “Of course, my bad.” She winked, her smile turning into a smirk and before you could reply she interrupted you again. “Now, if you’d be so kind go to my quarters and run me a bath. Afterwards I want a massage.” Rolling her eyes she kept complaining. “Traveling all the way from the south has taken a toll on me.”
You were fed up with her and her rude words. Yes, she may be the Princess but you were not going to stand there and take shit from anyone. Not even from her.
Whipping her head around she stared at you, eyes narrowing in a threatening way. “Excuse me?”
Trying to look firm and unwavering, you tilted your chin upwards and steadied your voice before answering her. “I said no. I’m no servant nor anyone’s pet. I’m a healer, so unless you’re feeling sick I’m afraid I cannot help you.”
Angrboda’s body stiffened and you could see her jaw muscles tightening as she turned to face you, a crazed look on her eyes.
“How dare you speak to your future queen in such a way!?”
Without a second thought she threw her hand at you, slapping you on the cheek. The room grew silent and her ragged breaths could be the only thing you could hear. The sting on your cheek quickly grew warm and tears welled up in your eyes.
You rose up from the previously slouching position you were in and as you were to retaliate, your eyes caught sight of Loki, standing on the entrance with a neutral face.
Angrboda’s eyes followed yours as she saw a lack of reaction from your part and found Loki on the doorway. His eyes briefly caught hers but a second later he switched them back to you.
“Angrboda. Come with me, please.” His voice sounded distant and flat.
She straightened up before answering him. “Of course, my King.”
After nodding his head once, he turned around and walked away from the scene; Angrboda trailing right behind him.
The guards left as soon as the royals left the room and some of them had the decency of looking sorry for you, yet no one said a thing.
You were left alone but now with a red mark on your face and hot tears running down your cheeks.
*     *     *     *
“There. That should help with the redness.”
Ægir’s hands left your cheek as he inspected his work.
After everyone left, you sobbed yourself to sleep and when you finally woke up you found it was already dark. As you were about to leave, Ægir appeared on the doorway, claiming that he heard from one of the guards what had happened earlier and that he went to check up on you at your room. When he didn’t found you there he grew worried and somehow, the last place he thought he’d find you was the infirmary.
He immediately offered to help you, rubbing ointment on your cheek. You hadn’t noticed it but when Angrboda hit you she was wearing a ring which cut your skin, leaving a red line with dried blood.
“You know, I’m the healer here. I should be the one doing this.” You joked, wanting to lighten up the mood a bit.
You heard him scoff, his back turned to you as he got rid of the dirty cloths he used to clean the cut. “Nonsense. I’m more than glad to help. Although, it’d have been better if it were in a different situation.”
You sighed. Suddenly the bracelets on your wrist more interesting than your conversation with Ægir.
“I can’t believe he didn’t say anything.” He stopped for a moment, disbelief clear on his voice. “One would think he’d care more about his friend than a stranger.”
You saw him shake his head and you sighed again.
“King Loki and I are not friends.”
At this, he turned around so he could face you properly, a confused look on his face. “But– you have known him since you were children. Have you not?”
“Yes, but he has always been up there.” You answered him as you motioned with your eyes at the ceiling. “And I’m down here.”
Ægir gave you a look of pity which you hated. He crouched down to your eye level, holding your hands in his and gave them a light squeeze.
“I’m sorry. If you ever find yourself in need of a friend know that I’m here for you.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words, you could really use a friend like him in a place so hostile as Utgard. “Thank you, Ægir.”
He gave your hands one more squeeze before he let them go and stoop up. Holding a hand in front of you he gestured for you to take it.
“Would you like me to escort you back to your chambers?”
You took his hand and he helped you up. “I’d like that very much, yes.”
The both of you started walking, side by side, across the castle. A nice silence sat between the both of you and you took the chance to imagine what would you do once you got to your room.
A nice, warm bath was first, of course. And then you were wondering if you should read a book from the library or work on your magic, seeing as after that nap you were not tired at all. Sadly, your happy bubble busted when you saw Loki making his way straight to you.
He was a good distance away from you but eventually you’d meet, seeing as he was walking in the opposite direction.
The inevitable happened and when he stood just a few meters away from you, you heard him call your name softly.
With a curt nod you greeted him. “Your Majesty.”
Loki grimaced, a pained look on his face. “Can we talk?” But when he saw you stepping away from him he couldn’t help but plead for you to stay. “Please?”
You looked at Ægir and he gave you a nod, stating that he’d be there if you needed him. Ægir walked a few steps away from you to give you a bit of privacy and only when he was away Loki dared to speak.
“How is your cheek?” The pained look was still present on his face and you were starting to grow irritated by it.
“She has a cut. There was blood.”
Ægir’s voice called from the distance and Loki gave him a short but menacing look before switching his gaze back to you. “I can see that.”
You rolled your eyes at their interaction. It was as if two boys were here instead of a King and a well-respected sea jötunn.
“I’m fine.”
Your tone was neutral which made Loki uneasy. He took a step forward but you immediately took one back, keeping your distance from him.
“Y/N I’m truly sorry. What happened was totally–”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Your question caught him off guard. Not only because you interrupted him but because you were now looking incredibly hostile. Something he had never seen in your eyes before.
“You saw it. You saw what she did yet you chose to remain silent.”
Remembering the scene only made your heart hurt again. Loki, your only friend here who could understand how lost you felt in this realm, turning his back on you. You were well aware that your heart broke not only for the friendship but for the could’ve been. What could’ve been if you were more than a healer. He was a good ruler, you were certain of it, but he couldn’t care less for you.
“I couldn’t possibly interfere–”
Once again you cut him off, the rage bursting out of you. “That’s bullshit!”
Both Loki’s and Ægir’s eyes grew wide at your outburst and Loki was quick to try and calm you down.
“Shhh! Not here!”
You ran a hand down your face, wincing when you rubbed at your sore cheek. “Just– answer me one thing. Are you going to marry her?”
A silence sat between the both of you. Loki’s eyes seemed to burst out of their socket as he paled considerably.
At his lack of answer you repeated yourself. “Are you? Because if you are then there’s no point in me staying here any longer. I will not tolerate such behavior from someone who is not my princess and who will never be my queen.”
With his mouth agape, Loki stared at you, completely speechless. Was he going to marry her? Hel– he didn’t even know himself.
The sudden noise of steps approaching got Ægir’s attention but Loki and you were very busy staring at each other, your heart hanging on a thin rope waiting for his answer to either cut it or save it from an ugly fall.
“Are you?”
You saw a guard ran with all his might towards you. “Your Majesty!”
But Loki paid no mind, still debating on what to say.
The longer he took to answer, the more you felt your gut wrenching in pain.
“Your Majesty!”
With his nerves on end, Loki finally turned around to face the guard who now stood a meter away from him.
The guard had panic written all over his face and you suddenly felt even worse. Something was wrong.
With one sentence the guard managed to suck the air out of the three of you, fear and confusion placing themselves on the pit of your stomachs.
“We are under attack.”
help me with feedback and/or a reblog if u enjoyed it :)
lokasenna taglist: @perceptorxbrainstorm / @immakween / @ellaxiv / @pinkmoontribe-blog / @help-i-need-a-social-life
loki taglist: @slytherinsassembletofightsith / @memmucci​ / @servamp-addict​ / @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77​ / @theworld-is-ahead​ / @crescent-night​ / @godhateskyleigh​ / @deathofmissjackson
marvel taglist: @for-the-love-of-the-fandom
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