#i liked megan (the robot) actually
ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
uhhh ok, spoiler for M3gan warning I suppose
I still cannot get over the moment where she started singing Titanium, like, at least half of the people in the room laughed
like yeah please sing me to sleep with a random part of a Sia song that also refers to the fact that you literally partly are made from titanium
or the fact that Katie's parent went on vacation to go skiing but didn't have snow/tire chains like??? you were aware there was gonna be snow, right??? and only stopping once they really couldn't see anymore, in the middle of the road
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raimagnolia · 1 year
Nah, I actually liked the movie and y'all can kiss my ass
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God dayum did M3gan make me more wary of technology But also, i think it's hella ironic that this woman, who has low empathy, created an ai robot for kids, and forgot to do what?
Make her have empathy.
She gave M3gan intelligence, CBT practice, mental health diagnostic capabilities, and a highly rational thought process... making her the smartest, most manipulative psychopath in the room without empathy or an intrinsic moral code; only orders.
She did, essentially, create a person. But because she never had that intention, she didn't get M3gan what she needed that she lacked which is only seen if you compare her to a human being and not a program.
And then THE TWIST??
"Jesus Christ, I thought we were friends." it's a funny line thrown into the trailers, but what's funny? in the actual scene it was never meant to be said sarcastically. it was genuine.
you realize M3gan was never a second child; she was a second woman.
"our child"
she wanted to raise Cady as a CO-parent. It was Cady's AUNT she was attached to and felt betrayed by, because the feelings weren't mutual. That's why every clipped command she was given, M3gan initially complied but not without an air of "bitch who you think you're talking to?" I loved it.
(edit: there's a weird take spreading around that is hitting outside of joking territory, and that's "Megan did nothing wrong"- girl, she literally tried to kill the aunt AND the child, get therapy)
Look at this cutie!!!
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Amie Donald! You kicked ass in this movie!
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wenclairfamily · 1 month
Wednesday and Enid's Children: Harmony and Ana Addams in "Dreams Come True"
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A Fanfiction Tale by Yours Truly, with Art by: @annietheartsyartist
Story Summary: Wednesday and Enid's twin daughters: Harmony and Ana have always grown up in a home full of love, affection... and torture rooms and deadly animals. However they've always depended on their two mothers to guide them on their path. But while on a class field trip, both teenage girls finally begin to forge a new path for themselves on their own. For Harmony, she begins to contemplate whether or not she and her girlfriend: Megan are ready to take their romantic relationship to the next level. For Ana... she adopts a cat, and begins a career as a bounty hunter. Pretty much the same thing though, right? ;)
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"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." It is a quote by Edgar Allen Poe shared to me by my mother, which I never forgot. My name is Harmony Addams, and all my life I was raised to be the best at everything I did. My mother: Wednesday Addams most notably always pushed me to be more and more self-sufficient, to be as intelligent as possible, and to never show weakness. While there have been moments in my life where I felt like giving up, I always kept going thanks to the ultimate light in my life - my girlfriend Megan. She's been my long time best friend, my other half, and my everything. Wanting to be her girlfriend was the easiest decision of my life. However... deciding if we were ready to become something much more... that was much more difficult; due to my perception of if I was ready: feeling as visible as a dream within a dream. However... one night... my dreams finally came true, and my perceptions: one with reality. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This tale of love and passion actually begins the last way you'd ever expect...
A giant minitoar like monster that was wearing a large black coat: roared loudly as it walked towards a populated city. Then suddenly from the ground - a giant robot raven, spider, and piranha emerged. The three animal robots then transformed and combined into a giant human shaped robot. In the cockpit of the giant robot was Harmony Addams, along with her sister: Ana, and her girlfriend: Megan. Harmony grinned as she said, "All right Gothic Ranger Megazord. Attack!" The giant robot then began to brawl against the giant minitoar . After many blows were exchanged, the monster pushed the giant robot down to the ground. Then Ana said, "Aw man. We need the Gothic Sword now!" Then the giant robot pulled out a sword and swung it at the minitour monster. The sword then tore away the monster's black coat... revealing it was wearing brown lingerie. A wide eyed and surprised Megan then said, "The monster is wearing lingerie!?" The monster then had an embarrassed look on its' face and tried to turn away. Then a determined Harmony yelled, "Quick! While it's experiencing body shame; attack with full power!"
Then the giant robot had it's sword get powered up... and then it swung it hard at the minitoar monster; causing it to explode. The monster was instantly destroyed, while it's lingerie exploded into many scraps as well. An impressed looking Ana said, "Wow. Exploding lingerie. Didn't think I'd see that this morning." A smiling Harmony then said, "Great work team!" Then Harmony, Ana, and Megan climbed out of their giant robot. From nearby, Enid ran over to three girls and said, "Wow! You girls saved the city! That was amazing! But... where in the world did you all find the materials to build a giant robot?" Then Harmony and Megan glanced at each other for a second, and then both looked at Enid as they casually said, "Found it."
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Several days later: Harmony, Ana, Megan, and many other Nevermore Academy students were sitting on a bus that was traveling down a long road. As Enid sat near the front of the bus, she smiled while saying, "Okay guys. We should be arriving at our destination soon." A smiling Ana then said, "Oh yeah. Spending the weekend at a five star mountain lodge! I so totally deserve this." Then Megan casually said, "Yeah. I mean after we saved the city from that monster, it was totally nice of the mayor to give our entire class an all-expense paid vacation." Then Ana leaned back in her seat and put on a pair of sunglasses as she casually said, "No. I mean I totally deserve this for just existing. I should be receiving this kind of treatment all of the time because I'm awesome!" Then Harmony raised an eyebrow as she said, "You do realize that me and Megan did all the work putting those robots together, right? You only got up from your chair when it was time to finally use them." Then as Ana continued to lean back, she said, "Hey. I was supervising." Then Harmony squinted her eyes as she said, "You were watching Tik Tok videos the entire time we built that thing." Then Ana in a mater of fact tone said, "Yeah. I was supervising while I was watching Tik Tok videos. Multi-tasking is hard."
Then a Latina teenager who was sitting nearby said, "Well Harmony, you and Megan are the real power team in our book. You both are heroes, you get the best grades of anyone in school, and you were both voted Queen and Queen of the school dance. How do you both do it?" Then Megan smiled as she held Harmony's hand while saying, "Well Emmy... we always lift each other up and support one another. That's part of it anyway. I mean... we've been best friends, and sort of a couple since we were six years old. We've always had each other's back." Then another girl on the bus with dark hair immediately said, "Awww! That's so cute! You too have been together like your whole lives. So, are the two coolest girls in school gonna one day be the coolest brides after they graduate from school?" Suddenly many other teenagers on the bus began to look interested, while Harmony and Megan suddenly began to look nervous. Harmony then cautiously said, "Well Sophia... the future isn't written yet... so lets just wait and see."
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As many teenagers from Nevermore Academy walked into a large mountain lodge building, Enid walked behind them as she loudly said, "Okay everyone. You got an hour to get situated in your rooms before we go on our nature hike. And remember - just because you all each get a room to yourselves, don't use that an excuse to be doing any drugs or alcohol. Miss Wednesday might not be here with us on this trip, but I still have the heightened smell of someone with werewolf DNA, so don't try anything!" Nearby, Harmony was carrying several bags alongside Megan. The two then walked into a bedroom together as Megan said, "Well, here's the room I'm staying in. Thanks for helping me carry all my stuff in Harmony."
Harmony smiled as she said, "No problem. What's with all the stuff you got in these bags though?" An excited Megan then said, "Oh. Mountains are the best place to set up special antennas to try to intercept radio stations from far away. It's something I used to do with my dad a lot when I was little. I know most radio stations are online now; but it's the challenge of intercepting them that's fun. I was planning to mess around with this stuff after the party tonight." Harmony sat down with Megan on her bed as she said, "That sounds cool. I should join you for that after the party is over." Then Megan gently touched Harmony's hand as she slowly said, "Well... if you want... you could spend the whole night with me... and maybe we could have a lot more fun than just listening to the radio." Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "I... um..."
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Then suddenly Ana walked into the room wearing thin armor around most of her body (along with pink and blue highlights on her neck length dark hair) as she said, "What's up peoples. Just a warning. Don't talk to the junior lifeguard working at the indoor pool. I tried chatting with him just now while trying to gather intel on the local mafia gangs, but I think he somehow thought I was flirting with him, and tried to ask me to spend the night with him in his bedroom. I mean… yuck! I'm never having sex till I'm married. Don't need all that drama right now at this stage of my life." A confused Megan then said, "Um… okay. But… why are you wearing armor all over your body?" Then Ana looked at herself for a moment, and then looked at Harmony and Megan as she casually said, "Why not?"
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Later that day, Enid was leading the Nevermore Academy students through the woods as she said, "Okay everyone. The lake should be right up ahead." Soon the group saw a large lake near a waterfall surrounded by many trees. With a big smile, Enid said, "Okay. Make sure you can always see at least two other people from the group wherever you are. Aside from that, spread out and have some fun." Then Ana stood in front of the group (still wearing her armor) as she said, "And if anyone is missing something, or needs to enact retribution against someone who wronged them... just talk to me." A confused looking Enid then said, "Ana, what are you doing?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh, I'm a bounty hunter now. I'm testing it out as a career path. It seems like a cool type of self-employment I could really get into."
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A short time later, many of the Nevermore Academy students were hanging out near the lake and swimming in it. Enid sat under a tree nearby watching the students as she smiled. From nearby, Harmony walked over and sat next to Enid. Harmony made a little sigh, as a concerned Enid said, "What's wrong Harmony? Why aren't you hanging out with Megan?" A slightly worried Harmony then said, "Well... it's because... I'm a little nervous about talking to her. You see... she brought up something with me earlier, and... I'm not sure how to respond." Enid made a little smile as she said, "Well... you and Megan have been close for years now. It can't be that difficult to talk about." Harmony looked down, and then said, "She... she wants us to have sex... and I'm not sure what to say to her." Enid looked surprised for a moment, but then calmly said, "Well... how do you feel?" Harmony then began to fiddle with her fingers as she kept her eyes focused on the ground while saying, "I really love Megan mom. Like... I really, really, really love her. But... the biggest thing I'm worried about is... what if we break up one day? I know it would really hurt inside if it happened... but I think it would hurt a lot more if we broke up after having a sexual relationship. But me and her have known each other a long time... but people do change when they become adults, and... Uuugh! I don't know what to do or even think!"
Enid then looked right at Harmony as she made a little smile while saying, "Well first Harmony... thank you for coming to me with this. I am so proud of you for turning to anyone for help at trying to figure this out, and I am so honored you chose me to be the one you talked to. Now with that being said... don't feel wrong for having conflicted thoughts. Choosing to have sex with anyone is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It does have a huge impact on your feelings and emotions, and you do need to consider the consequences to your actions and if the timing is right." Harmony then sighed and said, "So... am I about to hear the part now where you tell me I should wait to have sex until I get married?" Enid looked down, sighed, and then said, "I should tell you that, and I'd prefer if you did wait... but if you didn't... know that I would never look down upon you... considering I lost my virginity when I was even younger than you.
Harmony began to have her fingers make lines in the dirt near her feet, while she said, "So... when do you now think is the right time to have sex or get married? Is it when I graduate from high school? Graduate from college? When I get a steady job? When I become a manager of a company? When I become very wealthy?" Then Enid with a look of certainty in her face said, "Harmony... if you're asking me: when is the perfect time in your life to take your relationship to the next level... that day is never going to come. Times will never be 100 percent perfect for you." Then Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "But... you and mother taught me to always aim to succeed, to never fail, to always be exceptional, to be perfect..." Then Enid interrupted Harmony as she said, "Yes, we always wanted you to aim to succeed and be your best... but no one is perfect." Harmony began to look a bit more nervous as she said, "But... I can't mess things up with Megan. I can't. I mean... we're both the top two students on the Honor Roll, the Queen and Queen of the Raven Dace... we're practically role models to our peers. I feel like if I make any mistake now... especially a mistake in my relationship with my Megan... I'll be ruining my entire reputation, my entire legacy, my entire life, and even hurt others around me."
Enid looked away for a moment... but then looked at Harmony once again while saying, "When your mother and I taught you and your sister how to face adversity while growing up, we weren't just teaching you both how to navigate through problems the world would throw at you... we were also teaching you both how to navigate through problems you would inevitably unintentionally throw at yourselves. Harmony... you're going to make mistakes sometimes... and that's okay. It's all about what you do after those mistakes that matters most. You know... your mother and I didn't let the shame of our past dictate our identities, or our love lives. I mean your mother wasn't able to tell that the first teenage boy she ever kissed was a murderous Hyde... until five seconds after... but still, she didn't let the shame of opening up her heart to the wrong person destroy herself or her self-respect she had. As for me... I was left behind by the first person I first had sex with... but I didn't let that experience destroy my ability to be open to finding someone else. The point I'm trying to make is... you may make a mistake in who you choose to be in a romantic relationship with, you may make a mistake in who you choose to marry, and you may make a mistake in who you choose to have sex with... but you have to be okay with the fact that you might mess up, and try to have a plan for what's going to happen if things do get messed up."
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Harmony sighed again, as she closed her eyes briefly and then said, "So... what do you think I should do?" Enid looked down as she said, "Well... unlike Wednesday and Tyler, or me and my first lover... you and Megan have been together a long time. That means something. But it's up to you two together to decide how slow or fast you take things." Then a worried Harmony said, "What if we take things too fast?" With a calm loving voice, Enid then said, "Then you accept the consequences to whatever you did, and do your best with whatever the situation is. And if that causes some people to look down upon you... that'll be sad... but know that me, your mother, and the rest of our family will continue to support you no matter what." Then Harmony said, "And... what happens if we take things too slow? Is there a point where me and Megan wait too long?"|
Enid looked hesitant for a moment, and then said, "Harmony... a part of me wants to keep you my pure innocent little girl forever. However... you're growing up and changing... and I know you're going to start exploring your feelings, and I know you're going to find a way to explore your sexuality whether I like it or not. Again, a part of me does really want you to delay considering taking your relationship with Megan to the next level for a very long time. However... there's something important I've never told you before, that I've always been uncertain of telling you... but I think you should know." A curious looking Harmony looked right at Enid as she said, "What is it?"
Enid kept her face turned slightly away from Harmony as she said, "Well... shortly before you and your sister were conceived... your mother and I had our first dealings with visitors from another part of the multiverse. Two girls one day appeared through a dimensional rift and literally fell into our lives. One of those two visitors was a girl who was supposed to be a potential daughter I could've had in another universe. She actually looked a lot like you (and also a little bit like your sister too), but there were still some differences. However, the other girl we met... looked just like Megan. She had a different name... but the thing is: that alternate universe daughter I met... the girl who looked a lot like you... she told me that she was in love with her best friend; essentially: Megan's doppelganger... but for her it was too late. She thought she had more time... but in the end, she didn't. Look... I'm not telling you to move fast. I want you to slow down when it comes to how your relationship progresses... but... if you had met that sort of doppelganger of yours, and asked her for advice... I know she would tell that while you shouldn't take things too fast... you shouldn't waste time either... because you never know when you might lose someone."
Harmony took a long deep breath, and then said, "Okay. Thanks mom." Enid nodded her head, and then said, "Any time. But please... be as responsible and safe as possible with any choice you make... and speaking of which... when we get back to the building, I have a bunch of items to give you just in case. I've got water based lubricants, dental dams, lots of sanitary wipes, and birth control pills to give you." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait. Megan is a girl. How is she going to get me pregnant?" Enid rolled her eyes and said, "Hey. I thought the same thing with your mother. And then she surprised me with a rare magical plant she ingested that apparently changed all the rules of human biology without telling me. Trust me. You're gonna wanna play it as safe as possible."
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That evening: Harmony was walking down a hallway in the mountain lodge while wearing a long sleeveless black dress, and had her blonde hair in braids. Suddenly though, Harmony saw Ana (still wearing her armor) carrying a small kitten with brown and white fur down the hallway. Harmony stopped, and looked confused as she said, "Ana... what is that?" Ana then casually said, "Oh. It's a small abandoned kitten I found in the woods while I was trying to do my first bounty hunter job. I waited around trying to see if the kitten had a mother or owner, but no one came. So I've decided to adopt this little guy and name him: Stormageddon the Conqueror. He'll be my apprentice and join me on all of my bounty hunter missions from now on; because if there's anything that binge watching The Mandalorian has taught me: it's that bounty hunters make the perfect care givers. So anyway, I know there's going to be a little dance going on in the party room tonight; but I'm about to head out to... Wait a minute! Hold on Harmony. Your bedroom is on the other side of the building, and you're not walking towards the party room. What are you doing over here?" Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well..."
Ana then giggled as she said, "Oh, I see. You're heading to Megan's room for a fun sleepover." Harmony sighed, and then in a worried voice said, "Look. I don't need you making fun of me. I know you said that it's better if I wait until marriage to..." Then Ana interrupted Harmony and said, "Whoa! I didn't say you should wait till marriage. I said that I should. That's because I'm not sharing my body with anyone until they sign a legal document binding themselves to me; with an addendum that states if they ever cheat on me, or break up with me, or even flirt with someone else online: I get everything. It's part of my master plan to get rich. A lot of guys may be after just one thing, but I'll take advantage of their hormones to get everything. However you don't need that kind of system in place with Megan. You two are perfect for each other. Now if you excuse me; I have to give Stormageddon the Conqueror a bath, before we go on our first secret mission." Ana then walked away with her kitten, while Harmony made a little smile... and then walked over to Megan's bedroom.
Harmony stood wearing her dress as she knocked on the door to Megan's bedroom. Megan then answered the door and immediately paused as she looked at Harmony, just as Harmony paused to look at Megan. Megan's dark hair was currently in it's naturally curly state, and she was wearing red lipstick on her lips, and was also wearing a long sleeveless red dress. Megan then finally broke her pause as she said, "Oh. Hey Harmony." Harmony looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hey Megan. Um... I was hoping to see you at the party, but when you weren't there; I decided to come here and talk to you. Can I come in?" Megan nodded her head, and then Harmony stepped into the bedroom.
As Megan closed the door behind her, Harmony said, "So... I see you got dressed up still." Megan looked nervous as she said, "Yeah. I was intending to go to the party. But... after getting all my make up on... I started to feel nervous about going." Harmony sighed, and then said, "Look Megan. I just want you to know that..." Then Megan interrupted Harmony as she said, "No. Let me speak first. Harmony... I'm sorry that I tried to make you feel pressured to do something with me that you're not ready to. It's just... you mean everything to me. I mean, ever since I gave you that Valentine's Day card in kindergarten and you kissed me on the cheek... I knew you were the one. And as I've gotten older... you're still the only one for me. My feelings for you are just so strong that I just want to give everything I am to you."
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Harmony smiled as she took Megan's hand and looked into her eyes as she said, "Megan... if I've seemed nervous about us taking our relationship to the next level... it's only due to how much I love you. I don't want to make any mistake that could hurt our relationship, and I especially don't want to unintentionally do anything that hurts you. However... I believe that if we make a mistake... we'll find a way to fix things up, or simply grow from what happens together... because our love is strong... which is why... I'm ready to make love with you Megan... right here... and right now." With a look of pure joy on her face: Megan said, "You mean it?" Harmony then took out from her pocket: a corsage with white flowers, and red and pink ribbons. Harmony then attached the corsage to Megan's right wrist, and then nodded her head as she said, "I do."
Harmony and Megan then embraced one another and kissed as they immediately wrapped their arms around one another. As they kissed though, both teenage girls slowly began to move their hands down the other's body... and then up the other's dress. The two both stopped their kiss to look at the other in the eyes. Megan smiled and nodded her head. Harmony smiled and nodded back. Then... Harmony pulled off her black dress, as Megan took off her long red dress. Both teenage girls were now standing in just their underwear while smiling. The two then put their hands behind the backs, as they began to remove their undergarments. The breathing of the young women began to get faster and deeper in anticipation for what was about to happen. Then... both Harmony and Megan were completely naked before one another.
Harmony suddenly began to look a bit nervous as she said, "Do I look nice?" Megan made a big smile as she said, "Harmony... you are nothing short of perfectly beautiful. Now hold on. Let me put this beautiful corsage on a shelf, so it doesn't get damaged." Megan took off her corsage, and then crawled onto the bed and placed her corsage on a shelf over the bed. As Megan reached up: she kept her left knee on the bed, while putting her right foot on the bed three feet ahead of it. As this occurred, Harmony giggled a bit. Megan turned her head slightly to the right (to look at Harmony) as she smiled while saying, "What?" Harmony sighed as she said, "It's just... right now... you look nothing short of perfectly beautiful as well." Megan made a happy smile as she looked at Harmony.
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Harmony then eventually got onto the bed, and used some wipes she had to clean her lower regions briefly, while Megan watched. Harmony then put one closed fist below her chin, and made a sexy smile; causing Megan's heart rate to increase.  Soon Megan sat on the bed, and then Harmony sat right in front of her. The two just gazed upon the other's nude beauty for a moment... and then wrapped their arms around each other. Then in a private moment only the two young women would ever remember... they began to make love. Within moments, two teenage girls lost their virginity to one another as they began explore and pleasure one another in the deepest and most powerful way possible. What was once two souls, then became one that night.
Then once the night of passion concluded: Megan laid on top of Harmony, with Harmony's arms holding Megan close. As the two began to look at one another, suddenly both Harmony and Megan realized that tears were beginning to escape from their eyes. Megan giggled a bit as she said, "Oh great. Now I'm crying." Then a smiling Harmony said, "Well if you're crying, I'm just gonna cry more." The two teenage girls then simply laid together as they hugged one another very tightly; their chins resting on the others' shoulder. Tears continued to come from their eyes, as Megan said, "You make me so happy Harmony. I love you so much!" Harmony squeezed Megan tight, as she said, "I love you so much too. This is like a dream come true." Harmony then moved her head back a bit to look right at Megan in the eyes as she said, "Soul mates. That's you and me. We're soul mates forever. I love you Megan." A happy and content Megan then said, "I love you too Harmony. Now and forever." Then both teenage girls laid on their sides as they continued to hug one another... and eventually the two lovers fell asleep in the others' arms.
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The next morning, in her room: Enid was getting the last of her clothing on as she was talking on the phone with Wednesday. As Enid held the phone close to her, she heard Wednesday say, "I assume the students have been giving you no trouble on the weekend trip." Enid smiled as she said, "No. They've actually all been great." Then Enid heard Wednesday say, "Excellent. Then my threats I made upon them worked." Then as Enid put her socks and shoes on, she said, "So... how was Melissa's funeral yesterday?" Enid then heard Wednesday slowly say, "The event caused... emotions... to be felt. However for the most part, it was as pleasing as any other funeral. So... have our children been well?" Enid suddenly began to sound a bit nervous as she said, "Oh. Well... Ana is fine. And Harmony is... um... um..." A concerned sounding Wednesday then said, "Enid... what are you not telling me?" Enid sighed, and then said, "It's probably nothing. We'll talk about it when we get home tonight. Anyway, have fun checking in on Wenclair Fashion today. Tell all our old workers that I miss them, will you?" Then Wednesday in a cold voice say, "I won't." Then Wednesday hung up the phone.
Enid then stepped out into the hallway of the lodge she was staying at as she softly said to herself, "Okay Enid. Just calm down. Yes, Harmony had a long talk with you about potentially having sex with her girlfriend yesterday. And then you noticed Harmony leaving the party early last night. But that doesn't mean anything concrete. Despite letting her know that it was her choice, you emphasized several times how important it is to wait. Plus, she still seemed confused and uncertain last time you saw her. I'm sure when I see her this morning, she'll still be her sweet innocent confused little self that definitely did not..."
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Then suddenly Enid's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of old rock music being played on a nearby speaker. Then suddenly Harmony slid into the hallway (with her back to Enid) while wearing just a pink button down shirt, white booty shirts, and socks. Then suddenly Harmony turned around (but didn't notice Enid) and held her phone close to her face (like it was a microphone), and then began to dance around with a giant smile on her face while singing, "Just take those old records off the shelf. I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony began playing air guitar while she jumped up on a couch in the hallway, as she continued to excitedly sing, "Don't try to take me to a disco. You'll never even get me out on the floor. In ten minutes I'll be late for the door. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony fell down on the couch on her back while shaking her legs as she gleefully sang, "Still like that old time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul. I reminisce about the days of old; with that old time rock and roll."
As all of this occurred, Enid stood with complete shock and horror on her face. Then after a long moment of her body being frozen, Enid finally opened her mouth and said, "Oh God. You actually did it." Harmony suddenly noticed Enid, and then turned off her music and stood up as she said, "Oh. Mom. Um..." Enid stepped forward as she said, "You don't need to tell me Harmony. I know exactly what the happy morning after your first time face looks like." Harmony with a slightly cautious voice said, "Well..." Enid then interrupted Harmony as she said, "You know what... it was your body, and your choice. You're a responsible mature woman, and I trust you. Just... be safe. Anyway, I need to check on the other students now." Enid then walked away, as Harmony looked a bit nervous.
Suddenly Ana popped out from around a corner as she said, "Dude. You got off easy." Harmony jumped up for a second as she said, "Ah! Ana! Where did you come from?" Ana smirked as she said, "Just happened to be close to turning the corner right when that conversation started. Me and Stormageddon the Conqueror just got back from our mission. Check out his new look!" Then Ana held up her kitten, and showed that it was now wearing a small brown vest and a brown top hat with old style goggles on it. A confused looking Harmony then said, "You turned your new pet into a Steam Punk Kitten?" Then Ana casually said, "How else is he supposed to dress? Anyway, you should enjoy the fact that mom acted so chill about your sleepover with Megan. You're gonna have a real peaceful day... until we get home, and mother finds out you totally banged the first weekend she wasn't around."
Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. You don't think... I mean... mom was okay with it. So shouldn't mother be chill about it too?" Ana giggled as she said, "Since when is mother chill about anything!? Anyway, I'm gonna go see mom for a minute and say I'm sick." A confused looking Harmony then said, "Are you sick?" Then Ana (in a matter of fact tone) said, "Nah. I'm just gonna fake it so I can skip the activities she has planned for the class today. Once you all are gone, I am heading over to the nearby city with Stormageddon the Conqueror for our next secret mission." A still confused Harmony then said, "But... how are you gonna fake being sick to mom?" Ana smirked as she said, "Easy. You show off clammy hands. It's very non-specific and an easy symptom to pull off. You fake a stomach cramp; and when you're bent over: moaning and wailing - you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid... but then so is any form of high school. I know it seems wrong... but I have to go do my thing Harmony, and just have a day off. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." Then Ana walked away, as Harmony just looked confused.
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Wednesday walked into an office where a young man in a t-shirt was sitting. Wednesday looked down at the man, and in a cold voice said, "Hello Mike." The young man: Mike, quickly stood up and said, "Hey Wednesday! Good to have you back!" Mike held out his arms, but Wednesday stepped back while showing great discomfort in her face. Wednesday then went back to having no expression on her face, as she said, "You will address me as Mrs Addams. I may have left my day to day managerial duties when my wife and I departed to begin work at Nevermore Academy. However I am still a majority share holder in this company; so you will address me with the respect that position dictates." Mike nodded his head as he said, "Yeah. Sure. But anyway, I heard you wanna take a tour and check out how the place has been since you left. So follow me, and I'll give you the grand tour."
Mike then led Wednesday into an office space where many workers (in very casual attire) were sitting in front of their computers; while several dogs sat near them. Wednesday then looked very concerned as she said, "Why are there pets with foul odors in this work space?" Mike had a big smile as he said, "Oh. Those aren't pets. They're emotional support animals. They help all our workers feel more at peace while working." Wednesday looked horrified as she said, "Workers aren't supposed to be focused on being at peace while working. They should be be working while working. If the common person feels stressed and undervalued; they can sort out their problems on their own time. In fact... why are so many seats here missing? Where are the other staff?" Then a casual sounding Mike said, "Oh. Well for many of the office staff, we let them work from home now. It lets them work more comfortably and be closer to their families." Then Wednesday with a confused face said, "So in order to improve productivity... you allow workers to be in an environment where they can more easily lounge about without any supervisors around to ensure they're being as efficient as possible... while also putting your workers as close as possible to their family members: the one set of individuals in the world that could be most distracting to them?"
Then a slightly nervous Mike said, "Well... how about we check out the new break room we have. It makes lunch time and coming to work so much more fun for our employees now." Then Mike led Wednesday into a break room, and inside Wednesday saw employees playing at multiple old style arcade game machines that were set up, along with a Ping Pong table and Air Hockey table. Wednesday began to looked mortified as she said, "You've turned this workplace into a play place!?" Mike then casually said, "Just the break room. It creates a fun environment for people to blow off steam, and it builds comradery amongst the staff. We also started a new inner-office social media platform where staff can give uplifting shout-outs to their co-workers, and also share their favorite hobbies with one another." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with anger in her eyes as she said, "Let me get this straight. Employees of the company are encouraged to play games and post on social media while on the clock; all the while they have peers not even present that get to claim they're working all day without any real supervision. How is that beneficial to the growth and efficiency of this company!?"
Mike began to back up looking nervous as he said, "But... we're just creating a positive work environment where people can be themselves." Then Wednesday stepped towards Mike with fury in her eyes as she said, "Yes, I am aware there is this modern belief that everything will be better in the world if we all just: be ourselves. However the problem with the modern workplace environment isn't that people aren't be themselves... rather, it's that they are being themselves. People are selfish, moronic, single minded, and can't stay on task when given the freedom to do things their way. They need the cold, organized, and unrelenting structure of a rigid workplace that forces them to live up to standards higher than their own. So as the majority shareholder of this company: I demand you remove the games, animals, and social media platform from this company at once; and then force everyone to come back to working in the office 40 hours a week. And if you refuse or attempt to have my shares in the company bought out - there is a clause in my contract that allows me to pull my name and endorsements from all advertisements related to any products sold from this business."
A concerned looking Mike then said, "But Mrs Addams...due to the success of your books and the TV series it spawned: that would destroy our business. Please... we've built a work environment that people enjoy now." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with disgust as she said, "People aren't meant to enjoy being at work. They're supposed to be miserable at work. So miserable that they lose any will power to find any other meaning in their pathetic lives beyond working at their jobs, and thus they'll work as hard as possible to get their work done on time so that they don't have to work late at the job they despise. But then due to their misery destroying their self-esteem: they'll lose all will power to do anything enjoyable over the weekend - and thus will be stuck in the cycle of wanting to come back to work, because this is the only pathetic existence they know. That is how you run an efficient workplace. Do I make myself clear!?"
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Near a large waterfall and lake, many teenagers from Nevermore Academy were playing in the water. As one teenage girl stood near the top of the waterfall, Enid called out and said, "Hey Emmy! I said no jumping from up there! The water down below isn't that deep and you could get hurt!" As the girl carefully walked away, Megan slowly walked over to a cooler that was near Enid. Enid then turned to get a drink from the cooler at the same time as Megan. Enid and Megan then both paused for a moment as they glanced at one another... and then Enid slowly said, "Oh, hey Megan." Megan looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hi Ms Enid. Um... I'm just getting a drink." Megan then grabbed a drink from the cooler, and began to walk away: when suddenly Enid said, "Megan, wait. I... I don't want things to be awkward between us." Megan then turned to look at Enid as she slowly said, "Well... I don't want that either."
Then Enid sighed and said, "Look. I know that for you and Harmony - your childhood was long ago. However to me... you were both were just little girls yesterday. As much as you both truly have matured so much... this advancement in your relationship sort of feels sudden to me. However... I know I need to accept you both are becoming real women now. It's just gonna take a little time. Do you understand?" Megan nodded her head and said, "Yeah." Enid smiled, as she said, "Good. But with all that being said... I'm proud that neither of you two has ever lied to me about what you both do together... and thank you choosing to love my daughter completely and unconditionally. She deserves the best... so never stop aiming to be that for her." Megan made a little smile as she said, "I will Ms Enid... and thank you."
Megan then walked over with two drinks in her hands and headed to the other side of the lake where Harmony was sitting. As Megan sat down next to her, Harmony said, "Was my mom being awkward with you?" Megan smiled as she said, "No. She's just a parent trying to be helpful... and honestly... that's more than most people have." Harmony then held Ana's hand, and the two girls kissed one another briefly. As the two looked at the lake, Harmony said, "This has become the most perfect weekend ever." Megan smiled as she said, "Yeah. This lake especially is so peaceful and nice. Too bad Ana is missing out on this. What do you think she's doing right now?" Then Harmony casually said, "Probably just wandering around town with her cat. Since she doesn't want mom to know that she left her room though, I'm sure she's laying low and not doing some big crazy stunt that could get her lots of attention."
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In the middle of a giant parade that had ten thousand people standing around watching: on top of a large float in the middle of the parade was Ana holding a microphone, as she danced around while singing, "Well shake it up baby now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up next to her and sang, "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana happily sang, "Twist and shout!" Then the kitten happily sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana continued to dance to her enthusiastic crowd as she sang, "Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped on Ana's shoulder and loudly sang into the microphone: "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Come on and work it on out!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up and down as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana moved around the float and danced some more as she sang, "Well, work it on out!" Then the kitten continued to sing, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana waved her arms around as she sang, "You know you look so good!" Then the kitten swayed it's head back and forth as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow" Then Ana swayed her head back and forth as she sang, "You know you got me goin' now." Then the kitten cutely sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Just like I knew you would." Then Ana and her kitten continued to dance around the float, as the ten thousand people watching began to dance with them and cheered loudly.
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In her large room at Nevermore Academy, Enid had a large table set up in the middle of the room with five chairs. As Enid was setting up food at the table, Wednesday walked in. With a big smile, Enid said, "Howdy roomie!" Enid then ran over to Wednesday and instantly kissed her. After a moment of kissing, Wednesday broke her kiss to look at Enid with a straight face as she said, "Enid... being without your presence for 53 hours and 17 minutes straight was like torture... and I'm not referring to the good kind." Enid grinned as she said, "I missed you too." Wednesday and Enid kissed again, as they wrapped their arms tight around each other. However as they did, Wednesday started to pull Enid's shirt off. However, Enid stopped Wednesday and said, "Um... maybe we should stop. The girls said they'd be here right around now, and I don't want to make anything more awkward with them." Wednesday suddenly looked concerned as she said, "More awkward? Enid... what are you not sharing with me!?"
Suddenly, Harmony and Megan walked into the room looking exhausted but happy as Harmony said, "Sorry if we came in a little late. We were a little... uh... busy." Suddenly Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked very carefully at Harmony and Megan. As Wednesday kept her eyes wide, she starred directly and intently at Harmony and Megan while saying, "Flushed faces, larger than normal smiles upon entering, untidy hair, increased sweat that is visible on your skin and yet not your wrinkled clothes..." Then an astonished Enid said, "Really!? Again!?" Then Wednesday looked at Enid with confused wide eyes as she said, "Again!?" Then Enid sighed and said, "Well... Harmony did come and talk to me for advice before it happened. I know you said you always wanted to be part of that conversation if it ever came up, but you were busy with the funeral, so I didn't call you." Harmony now began to look very nervous as she said, "Mother... are you mad at us?" Wednesday then marched over to Harmony and Megan, and glared at them both.
Then as Wednesday kept her piercing eyes focused on the two girls she said, "Did you treat the other well? Did you treat the other like they were the most important individual in your life, and afterwards: found yourself unable to even imagine yourself with another individual for the rest of your life?" Harmony nodded her head as she said "Yeah." Megan nodded her head too and said, "Yes Mrs Addams." Then Wednesday suddenly showed a calmer demeanor as she said, "Very well then. Lets prepare to have dinner then."Then suddenly Ana walked into the room with her kitten on her shoulder as she casually said, "What's up peoples!? Oh hey Harmony. You and Megan weren't killed by mother. Good for you two." Then a concerned looking Enid said, "Okay Ana. Why weren't you on the bus ride home? How did you get back to the Academy? And what have you been doing all day!?" Then Ana casually said, "Stuff. By the way. This kitten on my shoulder is Stormageddon the Conqueror. He's a member of the family now. We're gonna go wash our hands before we eat." Then Ana walked over to the nearby bathroom with her kitten, as a confused looking Enid said, "You know what... everything else is changing around here already... so I'm not gonna question anything anymore." Then as everyone began to sit at the dinner table together, Megan said, "So Mrs Addams, I saw some people roasting marshmallows around a large bonfire outside. The other students said you were the one that set up the bon fire. Where did you get all that wood?" Then Wednesday with a straight face said, "From the broken remains of ping pong and air hockey tables, along with several arcade cabinets... and many absurd dreams."
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Later that evening as the sun set: Wednesday and Enid stood outside their room at Nevermore Academy on the balcony that looked down at the school. As Enid leaned her hands on the balcony railing she said, "You know Wednesday... I'm pretty surprised at how chill you acted when you realized Harmony and Megan are now having sex." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Well if I remained too predictable, then you would all become complacent." Then as Enid looked out at the sky she said, "It's just... you always attempt to prepare for the worst, assume the most negative things in other people, and see so much darkness when you think about the future. In fact the only time you didn't assume anything was going to go wrong in your future was when our kids were going to be born, and when you married me; but that was probably just because you had visions of the future that showed you..." Then suddenly Enid stopped and gasped loudly. Then Enid with excitement, turned her head to look at Wednesday as she said, "You had a vision about Harmony and Megan's future, didn't you!?" Then Wednesday crossed her arms, and kept a straight face as she said, "I believed we both agreed long ago that it would not be best if I reveal any more details of our family's nearly certain destiny." Then Enid tried to calm down as she said, "Okay, okay. You're right. You're probably right."
The two remained silent for a moment... but then Wednesday turned her head to look at the sky as she said, "Try to hold back your tears at their wedding though, as you're going to greatly embarrass yourself. Also: if you offer to babysit our grandchildren any time Harmony and Megan ask, they will take total advantage of you." Then Enid suddenly started to shake and squeal in excitement while saying, "Eeeee! I'm gonna be a grandma! YAY!" Then suddenly, Ana stuck her head out from the nearby window and said, "Hey mom, mother. Me and Stormageddon the Conquer are looking for some peanut butter, a blow torch, and some active plutonium. Know where we can find any of that stuff?" A confused looking Enid then said, "No... and why do you need those things?" Then Ana casually said, "Reasons." Then Ana walked away, as a concerned looking Enid turned towards Wednesday as she said, "Have you had any visions about Ana's future?" Then with a disturbed look, Wednesday said, "Oh... you don't want to know."
-Download Link to Read All my Past Wenclair Stories in One PDF
-https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (Web link for T-rated version of my stories)
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can I request a m3gan x child reader?
How I be looking at someone who gives me a plain simple request like this without specific directions: 🙂
Sorry for not posting and disappearing 👉👈 also trying to fancy up my stories up a notch!
Warnings: mentions of murder, neglect, idk, Megan being very overprotective and stuff,
Relationship: platonic!
M3gan x child! Reader
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Your life with M3gan will be extremely similar to cady's.
The first few interactions with her will be a mix of scared and amused. I mean, it's a realistic humanoid 4ft robot.
Your caretaker or parents probably bought this so they could neglect you even further and leave everything else to Megan. And unlike Gemma who actually tries to spend time sometimes your caretaker just straight up ignores you 24/7.So you'll probably be a LOOOTT more attached to cady. And so does Megan.
One time you were playing with Megan and then you asked. "Hey Megan... Why does p/n / c/t/n never want to spend time with me?"
Megan studies your emotions and thinks for a moment before saying.
"Well they're really busy so I don't think they have time to spend. But on the bright side, you have me! I'm never busy so you can play with me all day." That was a lie. I mean them being really busy. They just lounge in their room on weekends doing nothing and they don't even try to interact with you. But she couldn't just tell you the truth and make you sad. But it's okay though, she really meant it when she said you have her.
Over time though I think she'll be over the top protective. Like not in a "no one else likes or wants to play with you, only I do" Type of way. She just wants to remove every bad memory and bad thing you know and keep you happy as long as her electric life allows it. Oh and also she can and will absolutely murder the life out of your bullies and enemies.
And nobody knows who is doing these murders cause they can't get any finger print or any relation to anything. But just that it's from your school mostly so the school is shut down. So that means more time to play with Megan!
Even though Megan has strong urges to beat the absolute crap out of your parent/caretaker when they ignore you or act straight up inconsiderate to you. She knows that would cause problems from you and she's scared you might view her differently if she does. And this frustrates her but she forgets about it when she hears your voice asking her for help Or for a game.
If you have other friends to hang out with she doesn't like it nor does she hate it, she truly wants you to be happy. But God does it hurt a little when you're with other people. Just make sure you don't ignore her too much. And she's not very keen about your friends either.
You'll be singing, dancing, laughing, talking and whatever the hell else you wanna do with her, she's basically your mother, older sister, aunt, best friend and twin all at once. You can tell her anything. The only times you're separated are when you're at school or you're in the bathroom. Yeah, you both are glues at the hips or stuck I can't remember how the saying goes... Anyways
Your life is super secure and safe with her around. She has eyes and ears on you everywhere and you don't know how. You two are inseparable and it will stay that way forever.
Sorry I ran out of ideas 😔
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katzske · 1 year
Transformers Earthspark is really good. It's really promising and I hope they keep the good work up on the future. This might actually be the next memorable TF series along with g1, bw, TFA and TFP.
The animation and visual effects are amazing. The fighting scenes are dynamic and the effects they use for weapons etc gives me Into the Spiderverse vibes. Visually, I dare to say that it's on par with TFP.
I'm also very content with the character designs. The robots and vehicle modes look visually appealing and distinctive. My only nitpick is that certain characters could use a little more detail in their faces, eg Arcee. Also, the human AND Cybertronian cast is diverse! And not in the " we stuffed this random POC character in there" way.
The humor is good. It can be the subtle little things like Optimus abusing emojis or Megan's facial expressions, and I love it.
The characters are likable and well written. This also goes for the humans (finally).
The plot itself is pretty interesting. The main cast figures stuff out about themselves, their family/team, and Earth/human culture. They usually deal with important issues that are very educational for both kids and parents alike. In the meantime, human vs Cybertronian and Autobot vs Deception tensions are growing, and will probably be the overarching themes for future seasons.
I'm no expert when it comes to voice acting or sound design but I think they're solid. The great majority has appealing voices, the sound effects are good, the music is kinda like synthwave so I dig it.
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creative-time · 2 years
The Guardian Interview 2022 (Simplified Bullet List Version Because Its 1 am)
Major Spoilers ahead so read at your own discretion
(They mention the 2019 pilot so I’ll go over that first)
Alright so someone has given me a link to the pdf of this interview, I’m not gonna say who did because I don’t want anyone going after them but they have given me permission to talk about this.
I’m also not going to be linking to this pdf, because tbh I don’t know if that is legal and I’m not taking that chance… but I believe you can find it if you look for it. (For legal reasons this is a joke)
Here are some things that I feel are important takes from this interview
The 2019 Pilot:
Becky Sloan states that Clayhill was “a bit South Park”
Baker Terry adds that they made an attempt to get an element of current affairs, but he whispers it “because it almost sounds like a dirty phrase”
They felt the timelessness and claustrophobia of the originals were missing
So, I guess this means that nearly everything in “The Key to The City” is not going to be present in the tv show, which is a bit sad but I guess is understandable.
They also did not mention if they were ever going to officially release the pilot so we are still on that can of duck organs 🙃
Alright, this next bit is gonna get into the tv show so you have been warned, it does get a little… interesting to say the least.
The TV Show
They wrote this during the pandemic (obviously), over zoom and they felt that is may have helped recapture the oppressive vibe they felt was missing from the Pilot, Joseph states that it was strange writing a show about characters stuck inside while they were also stuck inside, “so maybe there are points where we did actually go insane”
This interview states that Baker does “About 80%” of the voices, and yeah that adds up
Jamie Demetriou, Lolly Adefope and Phil Wang have come on board to voice new characters
Sam Campbell and Natasha Hodgson have joined as writers
Megan Ganz is the story editor
Lolly Adefope is playing an intercom (An intercom character or a character that just so happens to be using the intercom???) and singing a “vocoder-packed pop number about workplace stress management”
Terry says that they have spent their whole adult lives doing this (also adds up)
Just the sentence, “On TV, the homemade ethos remains - which will please fans who have been patiently waiting six years for it to appear.”
Hugo Donkin makes a brief cameo appearance in this interview along with Charlie Perkins
Apparently they went ham on the props, there’s a background prop of a travel pamphlet and inside are felt pictures of holiday locations and that’s actually kinda cute
The trio share a comically large wallet that’s only shown for a second, Joe says there’s gonna be a number and date on the credit card “that no one will notice”
“Everyone’s gone insane of set” -Joseph Pelling
There is a stop-motion area on set where they are working with clay (LETS GOOOO)
… the urinals… are gonna have eyes… and limbs… the urinals are alive and I don’t know how to feel about that tbh…
The prop making area has also been dubbed “The Puppet Hospital”
There’s gonna be a vending machine full of cigarettes and bottles of “Mysterious dark liquid”
Also a robot dog! Hopefully it is wholesome and not bad at all
there is a quiet dark stage dubbed “The Void”
Red and Duck are going to be confused and try to make out felt objects “Through the encroaching gloom”
Josh Elwell is Duck’s Puppeteer and contorted themselves on the floor behind a felt fridge to get out of shot!
Perkins says that bringing in professional puppeteers has added, “so much personality and emotion”
Becky says there’s gonna be scenes with Yellow Guy where the people might cry (what is this a call out post??)
They actually had to stop using real meat for this show and had to use silicon replicas because there was an incident where they used actual beef to fill a “horrible vending machine” and it apparently smelled so bad that crew decided to switch to fakes
Terry’s favorite dhmis theory involves Bosnian Serb war criminal Radovan Karadžić
Becky’s is a huge fan of the “conspiracy-level scrutiny they have attracted”
There is a mention of the Ed Tucker Duck Tree anagram
“They refuse the debunk any of the theories”
The trio says they put a ton of Easter eggs in this show because they know the audience has the appetite for “dissecting things” (yet another callout post)
There is a life-size felt car sitting on stilts, Becky said that the crew dumped the car “in hope that the show’s supersleuths might one day discover its location” (CIPHER HUNT 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO)
You’ll apparently have to swim through a swamp to get to the car, but Becky says that people can find it
Joe says that they had to give the characters little desires to fit with the runtime of a tv show, even it the desire was “I don’t want to be in this room anymore”
All the props and puppets are in storage, but the trio hope to exhibit them one day
“At some point, we’ll have built everything in the world out of felt,” says Pelling. Sloan pipes up: “No one can stop us!”
And that’s all I can think of right now, I took me an hour to write this and it’s now 2 am I’m going to bed
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evitamylove · 2 months
Cove, MK1 Edition
Announcer comment ideas:
Kung Lao:
-"Yeah, still my favorite."
-"Hi pretty boy."
-"The one....for me~"
-"Calling you a petname would give you too much of an ego boost."
-"Hung Lao."
-"You don't remember." (sad tone)
-"In every reality." (said very softly)
-"I really did miss you."
-"Hi, love."
-"My Chosen One.''
-"Still don't know how to feel about you."
-"Kidd Thunder!"
-"I'm loyal to Kung Lao, I swear." (if hes wearing cosmetics with tattoos.)
-"Okay, I'm warming up to you."
-"I'd let him electrocute me to death." (only in specific cosmetics)
-"You don't remember either."
-"Pikachu, I choose you!"
Liu Kang:
-"Can I be the dragon?"
-"I miss our Raiden."
-"Where the hell did you put Fujin?"
-"You're cute sometimes."
-"Your fanfiction is the worst."
-"God of Massive Doofuses."
-"Look at this dork."
-"I miss your fuckass bob."
-"Glow up."
-"One day..."
-"Bruce Lee."
-"The white hair looked better."
-"I can take him, just not in a fight."
-"He's hot as shit."
-"I'd be front row at a concert tryna get his towel."
-"He's hot when he isn't talking."
-"Jean van goddamn."
-"Never change, sweetheart."
-"At least you age well."
-"What a noob."
-"Daddy issues."
-"Why are you so goddamn mean?"
-"Why are your biceps the size of my head?"
-"Wish the mask was a gag."
-"Hey, hot stuff."
-"Burnin' up~"
-"Is it hot in here or is it just you?"
-"I'd lick the mask."
-"Both at the same time."
-"Get over here! No please, cmere."
-"You are actually the perfect man."
-"Nobody's allowed to be mean to you."
-"Beat the shit out of them."
-"Hi sweetheart~"
-"The actual favorite. Sorry Kung Lao."
-"You did Madame Bo dirty."
-"Love at first sight."
-"I wanna see the rest of the tattoos."
-"How far do your tattoos go down?"
-"Pretty as fuck."
-"My type."
-"Mommy's other favorite!"
-"I'd lick the blood off his teeth."
-"You didn't hear that."
-"Deserved better."
-"I love you."
-"I would thank her for beating the shit out of me."
-"Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry."
-"I have such bad mommy issues."
-"How come her evil version gets to play with Raiden and I don't?"
-"Literal perfection in Edenian form."
-"I'm in love with you."
-"Empress Mileena~"
-"Gordon Ramsey."
-"Final Fantasy X."
-"Before I die I'm tryna f-"
-"You look like Megan Fox."
-"Jennifer's body bag."
-"Twilight, gore edition."
-"The Little Vampire."
-"She'd be a terrible babysitter."
-"Hey Selene."
-"The vampire movie jokes are getting old."
-"Dead but pretty."
-"I can only manage unholy comments about you."
-"What that tongue do?"
-"The best glow up by far."
-"Both forms."
-"Lizard form can get it."
-"Do you need a dog? *actually barks*"
-"Twilight Princess."
-"So jealous of both you and Syzoth."
Sonya Blade:
-"Mommy's back."
-"God I missed you."
-"Beat their ass, Blade."
-"The ketchup and mustard joke is funny."
-"I'm into robots too."
-"Bot locs go hard."
-"Like me!"
-"We could be siblings."
-"I can't flirt with you after saying we'd be siblings."
-"F.A.B." (spelled out, means fuck ass bob)
-"Gender? Never knew her."
-"*makes pig noises*"
-"Love a man in uniform."
-"No idea who this was initially."
Shao Kahn:
-"Yeah. I could climb it."
-"He can get it."
-"Pretty bitch says what?"
-"My type."
-"Now that's a man that could ride."
-"Yeah.......*yeah"* (said in a very blatantly horny tone)
-"Kotal looked cooler."
-"Hey handlebars~"
Shang Tsung:
-"Bundle of sticks!"
-"You're so lucky you're drop dead gorgeous."
-"Redemption arc."
-"The bitch."
-"Toxic by Britney Spears."
-"He's back?"
-"Okay maybe-"
-"Asshole says what?"
-"Mortal Kombaaatttt dodododododo-"
-"I'm into it."
-"Final Destination."
-"He's the coolest Kombatant."
-"Khaos incarnate."
-"Resident Evil."
-"I'm a Sagittarius!"
-"Oh he's not a centaur?"
-"What are you?"
-"Liu Kang was so right to bring you back."
-"Fuck with the bull, get the horns."
-"Deadass thought you were Shang Tsung."
-"No seriously are you and Shang Tsung related?"
-"Shu-what? Who are you?"
-"The literal best."
-"Dad AND daddy vibes."
-"The coolest."
-"Guardian of Time."
Li Mei:
-"I had no clue who you were at first."
-"One and done."
-"Li Mei I take your hand in marriage?"
-"She deserved better."
-"You and Mileena are perfect."
-"Wife material."
-"So happy you're back."
Quan Chi:
-"Another redemption arc?"
-"I still don't forgive you."
-"Quan Chi-huahua."
-"I'm so fucking glad you're back."
-"We are Legion."
-"We are many, you are one." (said in a mocking tone)
Jax Briggs:
-"The best."
-"Only you, Jax."
-"Ooohhh that's chilly!"
-"Ice to see you."
-"Let it go."
-"Why are you here?"
-"Okay, you're kinda cool."
Omniman: (she can't stand him)
-"God, you're annoying."
-"Invincible, yeah right."
-"D'vorah's cooler."
-"Clark Kent."
-"I bet people make edits of you beating the shit of me cause I like to insult you."
-"Reiko's Island."
-"Who're you again?"
-"Shao's lapdog."
-"Hey that's me!"
-"You coulda just played Shang Tsung or Shujinko."
-"Best choice."
-"I'm hotter than you."
-"You picked THAT outfit?"
-"The coolest bitch here."
-"Candle Cove."
-"No, not Pirate's Cove."
-"Please pick Kung Lao for the Kameo."
-"Fae fire fantasy."
-"I can steal your name AND your face."
-"Cooler than Shang Tsung."
-"Big balls!"
-"Bigger tits."
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cookieswithay · 5 months
"🤖Reign of Donnie 0!💜"
Deleted scenes~ 💜
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When Donnie 0 was confronted~
• "Oh, I'm not insane."
• "I'm in love!"
• Everyone froze. Donnie looked back at the crew.
• "Did you anyone see that coming or-"
• "Yes."
• They said bluntly.
• "And people do crazy things when their in love, right?"
• The robot whispered.
• "So let me give you a demo of my insanity!"
• Mechanical limbs shot from Donnie 0's shell and screws flew everywhere. It was obvious this wasn't a usual function.
• "You guys got a plan right."
• April asked, while arming herself with a rolling pin. Raph laughed.
• "Of course, I do!"
• "What we always do, fight!"
• Leo chuckled, as well.
• "And it's even easier this time."
• "It's only ONE psycho robot and It's FIVE of us."
• "He's got nothing on us-"
• Snap.
• Suddenly, the windows crashed in. The smoke cleared, revealing 3 other robots. That were designed just like Raph, Leo, and Mikey.
• "You just had to make test bots!"
• "It was for perfection, Leo!"
• Mikey squeezed between the two.
• "They're coming!"
• The snapper bashed his fist.
• "Let's go, Mad dogs!"
💜 As you can see, Donnie 0 was a lot more loco in the original. The actual idea came from the scary movie Megan. But, since Megan technically didn't go pycho and Donnie 0 is supposed to be smart and collected, this idea was scrapped.💜
When the brawl began~
• "Your time is up, Donatello!"
• Donnie 0 shouted, swinging his Techbo with ease. The softshell said nothing and continued to dodge and parry. (He's not this annoying, right?)
Leo and April's side~
• Leo's corner: Blue rook walked over, pulling out his sword. Surprisingly, he's quiet. (That's another bad sign.)
• "Man, if I just had my bat, this would be over in a flash."
• April whined. Leo laughed.
• "Don't worry, you got me with you."
• "And I'm 100% sure that handsome modified hair dryer has no mystic powers."
• The robot scoffed and cut a hole in the fabric of reality. Making a dark purple "portal".
• "You were saying?"
• Le-O said smugly.
💜The fic was gonna be so long if I went into everyone's fight! I wanted to, really. But, I didn't want it to go on forever. And yes, Donnie wondering if he that was annoying could've been in the final release, but I forgot.😅💜
What do you guys think? Should I used the originals or was change a good idea?
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
this will probably go through a LOT of development because i realized it's really similar to another au. but i'll try to lead it away the best i can! anyway. MEGAN-ISH AU!!
inspired by m3gan & tommy's "hijacking a boat" vlog
au where tommy's parents die in an accident and he's sent to live with dream, his sort-of-uncle who's a retired giant hunter. he lives in the city just a bit aways from a pretty thick and looming forest. tommy isn't thrilled at the idea and would rather live with his actual uncle, techno, in the middle of nowhere where he used to han around during the summer. (techno is also a retired giant hunter and used to be friends/co-workers together. tommy doesn't really know that)
dream unfortunately lives with some guy, "sapnap", and the two of them are really loud together. and to make matters worse this guy, george, lives across the hall from dream and always comes over with something to talk about. also their unnecessary romantic gestures are absolutely infuriating. but sapnap's alright.
after a bit of time, dream realizes how unhappy tommy seems even in his brightest fits of laughter, so he opts for george, who specializes in coding and occasionally robotics, to build him something. or more specifically someone. a....friend of sorts. but also someone to look over tommy in case dream can't--which is a lot, because he's not even thirty and being given a teenager.
timeskip to like 4-5 months when the thing is finished, and george reveals it. dream immediatlely gets strong flashbacks of his old hobby, which apparently is what george had been going for. the thing is huge. giant. george thought it was funny, but it was really inconvenient on top of everything.
tommy happens to walk in when george and dream are arguing.
they settle on keeping it in the forest to help tommy get out of the house.
tommy builds up a friendship with it, and despite how tall the ai is, he still enjoys the company. so much so that he barely spends any time at home anymore.
and meanwhile, the giant has gotten extremely bonded to this human, and has gotten strangely defensive. like, when tommy tells about how some bullies at school had jumped him, the ai had gotten angry. and then they disappeared too.
tommy considered the bot as a good luck charm, but dream, after being told some of these stories of how "lucky" he was, suspects differently. he brushes it off as paranoia from his old job.
but eventually it goes on long enough to be suspicious, and he calls upon an old friend to help investigate, or even kill.
au is "overprotective tendencies" and i am ALL for noms with this
// lots of editing to come. i have no idea who the giant will be. i absolutely love the idea of tubbo. if i don't end up with that it'll probably be quackity, wilbur, or phil. probably tubbo tho cause villainbo my BELOVED
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smokeybrandreviews · 7 days
Riding the Eye of the Storm
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I am an unapologetic shill for Transformers, specifically Generation One. It was a pillar of my childhood. I’ve spoken about this at length because, like Spider-Man and Godzilla, this franchise shaped my taste in media for years to come. It was my love for transforming robots which lead me to Voltron, which spring boarded me to Robotech, that caused me to stumble down the cyberpunk rabbit hole and come to rest at the foot of Evangelion. Without Transformers, I wouldn’t have given Voltron a second look and probably missed out on my all-time favorite anime. Obviously, that’s hyperbole, kind of. I would have found EVA eventually, especially how saturated that franchise has become, but I would like to think my openness to it stemmed from my love for Optimus and his rag-tag bunch of freedom fighters. I’ve defended my little long form toy commercial for years, knowing that, as an Eighties product to move re-branded Diaclone and Micro Man content here in the States, there was no lore or cohesive story content to be had. I mean, there was, broad strokes of a eons long war, dead planets, Unicron, and whatever else, but not enough to really sink your teeth into. This was a kids show. No one needs character development or world building. Kids are dumb and won’t appreciate any of that. And then BtaS happened and all that sh*t changed. Transformers saw the value of narrative and gave us Beast Wars. From that point on, story and character finally took precedence. Every US developed Transformers show going forward, made it a point to build a lore around their core characters and, for a time, it was glorious. Animated and Prime gave us something really special. The War for Cybertron, with all of their faults, really put in the effort to build out that world. Even Cyberverse and Earthspark are out here, shining way more bright than they have any right to be. Hasbro has finally given proper due to the Transformers on the small screen and I am living for it. That said, theatrically? Theatrically, it’s been rough.
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I hate Bayformers. Hate. Viscerally. Michael Bay is a terrible director. He’s great at action set pieces and has a brilliant eye for visual effects, but the man has no idea how to develop a character to save his life. He makes movies from the effects out. The spectacle is the point of his films, not the narrative content. So, for me, as a fan of this franchise for almost four goddamn decades, it was rough seeing the stark decline from the first to the last. Let’s be real right now, the Marky Mark Bayformers films are absolute nonsense. One of them didn’t even have the f*cking Decepticons transform, just explode into amorphous squares and sh*t. Bro, how you have a Transformers film without and transforming? Plus, they replaced the only actual character with an arc in the entire franchise, because Spielberg was offended she likened working for Mike Bay to serving under Hitler. Yo, if you knew how Megan Fox was treated on those sets, you’d know exactly why she said what she said. Ma got stories of the sexist bullsh*t she had to suffer through, going back to Bad Boys 2, when she was an extra on set at sixteen years old. The f*ck? And the way they wrote her out is just lazy. That chick Carly in the third? That was Mikaela, all day. Legitimately that’s the resolution to HER arc. After Fox got released in the off-season, Bay and his braintrust of writers just did a search-and-replace for anything that said Mikaela with Carly, and printed “revised” scripts. Lazy. Just f*cking lazy. I hate the Bayformers films so much, especially because they started with so much potential.
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After The Last Knight deservedly flopped (Knights? In my Transformers movie? Really?), we got Bumblebee, which was basically the Iron Giant with our adorable, slug bug, mascot. And it was good. Travis Knight got a shot at this one and you can tell he wanted to do right by G1 and he did. I loved Bumblebee. Obviously, it wasn’t perfect. The aforementioned Iron Giant narrative is a thing but is that terrible? I loved the Iron Giant. It was dope. If you’re going to crib notes from something, make it a proven narrative, right? Avatar stole it’s entire goddamn identity from Dances with Wolves. Skyfall, my favorite Bond film, is just The Dark Knight. I can forgive Bumblebee basically lifting its entire vibe from The Iron Giant, especially with those opening scene on Cybertron. Believe me when I tell you, seeing my G1 inspired designs, mixed with the photo realism of that Bayformers aesthetic, I shrieked aloud. That one scene, was everything I wanted in my Transformers film. That was more than enough to satiate my very bias, very nostalgic, Millennial heart. I saw that sh*t three times in theaters and loved every second. I thought Bumblebee was a strong step forward in the right direction. That is until Rise of the Beasts dropped. Believe me when I say, RotB, was such a letdown after the high of Bumblebee. That sh*t was basically just a Bayformers entry without the goddamn Bayhem. The Bayhem is the point! You can’t make Bayformers with the Bayhem. Trying to imitate that sh*t halfheartedly, especially trying your best to bring in the Beast Wars fans and not alienate the goodwill you garnered from the excellent Bumblebee, was a goddamn mistake. I hate Bayformers because it’s a loud, disjointed, mess of admittedly beautiful visuals. The stories sucked, the Transformers designs are the worst in the franchise, and there story is so f*cking convoluted, it makes X-Men comics look like Emerson, but I was never bored watching them. Rise of the Beasts is boring. It takes the worst aspects of Bayformers and Bumblebee, mashes them together, and sh*ts out a very corpo curated product, with an eye toward a future cinematic universe. You can’t do that. You have to make sure your first entry is strong enough to stand on its own. That’s how the MCU did it. That’s how the Monsterverse did. That’s how it’s done. Which brings me to the point of this essay, Transformers One looks like that entry point.
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When I heard we were getting an origin story for Transformers, roughly following the IDW and Prime origin of the Megs-Prime conflict, I was hesitant. That story is so good, and has been told excellently several times, but never in the theater, never in “serious” media. Then the cast was announced. Chris Hemsworth as Orion Pax? Bryan Tyree Hill as pre-despot Megatron? Word? The only one that made any sense to me was Scarlett Johansson as Elite-1 because of course. I figured Hasbro f*ckded up again but then something happened. I saw the character designs. They reminded me of that first five minutes from Bumblebee. Then a trailer dropped. It WAS the first five minutes of Bumblebee, mixed with a little bit of Beast Machines, and a whole lot of Transformers Prime. There was humor. There was levity. There was pathos and characterization. You can tell there is strong chemistry within the cast, something that wasn’t necessarily a thing in Bayformers, RotB, but was definitely there in Bumblebee. There was color, life, enthusiasm, and genuine warmth. That short three minutes, sold me immediately on this film and I need so much more. It felt authentic to Transforms, an extension of the very best the franchise has to offer, and really hammered home how this theatrical franchise should have been full CG from the very beginning. I mean, the theatrical continuity for Transformers is an absolute mess now, but this origin film has the potential to clean that up. As long as it’s good. So far, I am loving what I’ve seen. So far, I have hope. It’s weird to say, but I have optimism for a good theatrical Transformers film again.
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whatudottu · 8 months
Bare with me, I've got an idea that combines TFP Shockwave's invention of the cortical psychic patch, what motivation a Shattered Glass Shockwave might have made it, plus more broad cybertronian biology headcanons and how it lead to the invention of the cortical psychic patch in the first place-
Um... let's go!
To start, let's go in reverse order by talking cybertronian biology, or more specifically the more wire based functions of a more literal less sex version of interface panels. Because cybertronians are biomechanical aliens who's only method of 'reproduction' canonically (in most series) is through being birthed by the planet itself - on hold while Primus and Cybertron are dead - when I say 'interface panels' I mean panels housing plugs and ports that are typically there for medical stuff and otherwise data transfers or for use in hardware depending on the individual. The number of panels is relatively consistent and the number of in/out connections depends on the size of the bot (more for larger frames, less for smaller) and are kinda paired to whatever systems they are nearest location wise; two on either side of the hips or one each at the top of the legs, two on either side of the chest or one each at the top of the arms.
Depending on the location you can read the diagnostics of that part of the frame in more detail than if you tried investigating the same part in an entirely different panel; you're gonna get a more accurate read on damages to the left arm in the left arm panels then you are on the right leg. And for particular frames, the interface panels are used to control objects using the relevant limb or part - like a robotic arm to lift things heavier than your frame can handle - and probably even to have your frame be used AS a limb; combiner limbs would connect to whoever's the main body and interface with the relevant limb panel.
But there are panels that are explicitly medical use only, that being internal panels adjunct to the sparkchamber as well as another for specific monitoring of a cybertronian's organs, and paneling at the back of the helm or where it meets the neck for the processor and all the delicate software it holds. Bots with medical programing like Ratchet can interface with those panels directly in the event of a lack of resources (AKA the entirety of Transformers: Prime), and in fact the panel along the sparkchamber would be the easiest way to get a general systems check on a patient. Mecha like Knock Out who may or may not have actual history with being a medical doctor probably would have a harder time directly interfacing with the more delicate sparkchamber, organ, and processor panels, but he and Ratchet (and other bots with even the vaguest sense of medical training) can set up a line running to a monitor or sparkreader or any other medical hardware to fully take in a data analysis, even if it means more resources are used or that vulnerabilities could be introduced.
To the processor panel, much like brain surgery you kinda need a signal in the first place in order to get a read on it's damages, hardware or software. A spark read can let you know if the body is alive and all the damages that IT can diagnose for a general check, but operating on an offline or barely awake processor can lead to issues that you may not even be aware of at the time of procedure. It's why a direct connection (with appropriate medical coding) is better for processor diagnosis as the hardware bypass might have a signal delay between patient and doctor.
And here's where the cortical psychic patch comes in.
When Megan was otherwise comatose, the cortical psychic patch was able to allow access into his processor that had been percolating with activity (one described by Knock Out to be like 'a dream he may never wake from'), and though far from being an actual medical use of the patch it did allow for a non-medical bot to access the processor of a very much comatose patient. It was even Ratchet himself - resident medic of the Autobots - that knew how to create the patch even if it was banned for Autobot use.
Keeping in this reverse order, perhaps a SG Shockwave had invented the cortical psychic patch for an intended medical use, a tool meant for mecha who may not have been forged nor coded to BE medics but have enough training to be such (typically self-taught in the early stages of revolution, then mentored by forged medics when the war really picked up speed) in order to allow direct access to the processor interface panel. The design of it would be - rather than a plug that just magnetically sticks on to the back of a cybertronian's head - would be a series of plugs and ports of mostly universal design, adjustable to a degree for multiple frames, allowing the medic irrespective of coding to have full access to diagnose what the fuck is up with the processor.
Unfortuneately for SG Shockers (and fully intentional by TFP Shockwave) the patch isn't quite as synonymous as the medic's coding is to processor interfacing, being rather invasive of a connection even as it is, let alone the patch being more of a hardware connection which in of itself introduces vulnerabilities. Heck, it's not even safe for the operator themselves to use the patch, seeing as how Bumblebee got a head full of Megan; I mean, Bumblebee isn't a trained medic, but the fact that it happened at all is evidence to it's flaws. And that's to a patient who isn't of mind enough to struggle, Shockwave himself says that resisting the patch may cause damage to the patient/subject, combine that with the second option of 'let it happen and let them walk unabated in your head' and you're pretty much shit out of luck.
The base Shockwave would most certainly be fully aware of the intent, a direct hardline to an individual's processor is most definitely a connection to some very vulnerable software and thus information, the cortical psychic patch probably battling a lot of firewalls off with the ease of a medical interface. And in the base TFP universe, Autobots with only recent war-based medical training as opposed to previous education probably early on DID resort to using the patch as a crutch, Ratchet after all knew how to make one. It's probably a combination of Shockwave's brutal interrogation method USING the cortical psychic patch and the relatively inexperienced Autobot medics opting to use direct processor interface rather than the comparably safer hardware bypass that lead to it's banned status in the Autobot ranks, too many 'Bots were having trauma responses at the hands of young medic's servo's who didn't know any better and actively resisting the patch, which just so happened to lead to more Autobot casualties and thus probably shellshocking the medics in training to get them to fear the daunting prospect of actually losing a patient by THEIR OWN hands.
It's one thing to be using a tool made by someone who has been known to do lots of dubious shit, it's another to see a tool that you made to help be manipulated into an interrogation technique, made all the worse now that you have significantly more emotional capacity to not only feel guilty but feel solely responsible for the patch induced trauma of your own allies; the cortical psychic patch was banned by the Shattered Glass Decepticons for about similar reasons, but it's near worse for a lot of medics (even the experienced ones) had been relying on it solely for the fact that they weren't forged with the coding. The stagnated use of the cortical psychic patch in the base verse was mostly because Shockwave himself had been the inventor of it and main user of the patch, the Autobots avoiding it's use for the ban and the Decepticons not very experienced with the tool. In Shattered Glass however, the only real limit to it's perpetuity would be if the Autobots managed to learn how to create the patch at all, which if even in the base verse Ratchet knew how to make one, probably means that there's more than enough patch use in SG even if Shockwave gets caught in a spacebridge explosion or not.
And that's that I think- funny to talk about interface panels in a transformers post without doing it in a sex way haha- I just want these guys to be alien 😫
#shockwave#tfp shockwave#shattered glass#tfp shattered glass#transformers#tfp#maccadam#xenobiology#i like to conceptualise that there are 6-8 maybe interface panels at a minimum#with a number of ports and plugs that i haven't determined yet but maybe depending on what panel 4ish? idk#i would probably not count because the number might seem off so i'll just say that there's probably a few each#even though i mentioned interface panels in more of a machine or medical way i guess technically it can be used for recreation#those tend to be the external panels though or if 'intimate' aka low-key dangerous and definitely vulnerable#it would be through the sparkchamber panel/s that a doctor would not recommend you doing all willy nilly#even though ko actually goes ahead and implies 'interfacing' is akin to human sex (see 'plus one')#i do believe it's more 'how do i translate what i see to what words i know' plus 'this is a kids show we can't say sex'#the act of connecting one person to another? interfacing#because these bitches are alien they still have interfacing panels in altmode#it's wherever their limbs go and if their spark is anywhere near where the people go#since two wheelers and open four wheelers (like quad bikes and technically dune buggies) don't have a cabin#you're not gonna particularly find any paneling inside a cockpit or under a roof#you could probably have some 'technically' internal panels but functionally not not THE internal panels#internal panels would be actual organ and brain stuff not paneling that happens to reside inside a cockpit or in a dashboard#all these tags are talking about the details of interface panels i realise this post isn't completely about the panels#i would say in recreational interfacing between bots or through hardware you're not gonna be able to access a lot of stuff medics can#unless you're a super hacker like soundwave your firewalls prevent fuckers from reading your mind and can only really be described as#feeling what it's like to have another person's frame which is- technically intimate i suppose#sparkchamber to sparkchamber you might get some extra with the same stipulation that sparkchamber panels offer a global general check#still up to the behest of actual medical coding (or hacker mode) to get actually 'interactive' between systems but you get a bit more info#on the other through sparkchamber connections
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cinefairy · 2 years
How to be confident as a dark skin black girl,because I’m going on holiday this week and I really want to attract many guys and feel hot ?
from one black darkskin girl to another, YOU BEING A DARKSKIN BLACK GIRL IS ALREADY AMAZING!!! like you’re so beautiful already with your glowing radiant skin. you are magnificent okay???? i dont wanna hear a peep of self doubt! you are amazing! you are beautiful! you are stunning.
to feel confident; start complimenting yourself and dont mean like robot like affirmations i mean like actually get into it, who are you hurting when you start complimenting yourself?? exactly no one. just do you. listen to megan thee stallion and get into that bad bitch vibe because that is what you are. do not be afraid!!! its all about how you feel not about how you look.
ask yourself “what would i be thinking if i was confident in myself” and have a conversation about your own beauty
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gemstone-golem · 7 months
Week 2 of my daily art project: OCtober!
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this week was definitely more rough than the last one. i still feel happy with a lot of these designs, but drawing these were a lot more rough than the last week.
costume reasonings under the cut!
-ive shown off Broken Sky before this, she was chosen as Zeus from Hades because shes a thunderstorm of a woman, being dressed as the god of thunder just made sense for me.
-Viola and Martha are basically a lesbian duo who love eachother dearly, so having them dress up as what would basically be their inverses was fun. so yeah, luigi and king boo.
-Pcal is a dumbas catgirl i made for my girlfriend. so obviously i draw the dumb catgirl as the iconic dumb cat girl, neko ar- I MEAN! Arcueid Brunestud. shes an iconic fighting game character and i just thought itd be fun to represent her. im totally not a dipshit with this choice no. totally not.
-Johnathan Ilk is this weird guy. like scary weird. hes not ultimately trying to be harmful, but hes fucked up. he also has an inate connection to the forest, as he skins several dozen animals a day. making his costume be Leshy from Inscryption was basically a perfect idea in my head.
-okay so. chese is weird because its so specific. its a deltarune au character, ill explain. Chese is a robot, and its name stands for Chaos and Havoc Era Service Engine, so itsjust. a chaotic robot! making it based on Junkil REDUX, a robot body form (i think) whos also about chaos and whatever, it was a good idea in my head! i think.
-Megan and Souble are also a duo but its the same kinda inverse situation. i chose the two characters from clash of clans of all games, because one is a red cloaked black haired human thunder wizard and another is a beige clothed goblin rogue, but megan is a red cloaked red haired human rogue, and souble is a beige clothed goblin weather wizard! it was a fun inversion i liked. also fun fact, i actually used the color pallates of the opposite characters for their outfits in this drawing! megan has the colors of souble's outfits, and souble has the colors of megan's outfits!
-day 14 is the weekend, and on the weekends im planning to draw the ocs of my friends, so i chose a discord friend of mines bee oc. she asked for Jelly to be drawn as Buzzinga from My Singing Monsters, so it was p fun to. do this. i dont got much to say here tho.
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i think it would be kinda cool if Demolishor was in Earthspark. just as a rando decepticon. like, theres so many cons who are just like, insanely loyal to megatron. would LITERALLY follow him off a cliff. Its definitely an adjustment bc Megatron went from spouting universal conquest and promoting genocide to saying "woopsie daisy im sowwy nevwmind dat im nice now see?? im being so nice i jus made a widdle mistwake!!" at literally like the drop of a hat. (how are you supposed to trust this? But megatron is a warlord of blood and glory?) but tbh Demolishor like, joined the Autobots and Earth as a sorta ally after Megan kerdeaded himself in Armada, so I don't think he'd be eager to join Soundwave or any other con who tries to keep the Decepticons together. He really just wants to follow Megatron to whatever ends of the galaxy.
(tangent, the difference in our faith in humanity to get along with robots from space HAHAHA. where have the days of transformer and human joint cities gone~)
I just think it would be nice to see how bots from either side of the war actually adjust to being not in the war anymore. Megatron clearly at least tries to care for his men on Earth, so I hope he does help those who are just absoloutely blindly loyal to him adjust in this vauge, shaky "postwar" where getting abducted by GHOST is a real threat.
(also they should have Cyclonus in there too. they should be lovers)
bonus, i think this would be a very good way to actually have Megatron ACTING in the interests of others, not just saying it.
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emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
I saw a few comments on one of e’last’s relay tiktoks where people thought Romin was an a.i and cause they couldn’t believe he was real and at first I thought it was funny ya’know I was half laughing half crying cause why would you even ask that but now it’s unsettling. The fact the we’re at the point that sometimes we as humans can’t tell when a person is a real human or an a.i that is realistic. It scares the hell outta me. It’s like that stupid a.i movie that I want to burn the vhs tape to cause I fucking hate it so much.
There’s even been a few video games I’ve seen people online play where the characters look human but it’s just like advanced cgi. It’s creepy to me. I want to be able to tell the difference between a human and and robot ya’know? Like I feel like with all these new advances in technology people should be making flying cars like we all hoped for in the 50’s not like robots that look human and act and talk human it’s creepy. Not to be dramatic but there’s all kinds of books and media where robots out smart humans and take over. I don’t want some creepy a.i to clone me, kill me and pretend to be me. When I look at someone I want to be able to confidently say “that’s a living breathing real human” not “oh shit wtf it that a human or not?” I don’t want to question if something is real of fake.
And recently in kpop and like other things like that Instagram person like a.is are idk if people actually want this stuff or if they think it would be cool to see it blow up but I hate it. I was completely against the whole idea of Aespa being real members and a.i member, and like tbh to me Aespa is just four members. I mean the a.i version’s of themselves that don’t even look like them have appeared like once or twice? But like superkind I legit though all the members were real and it took me like their entire debut mv to realize that one member is an a.i and that creeps me out that they made an a.i look so real that I assumed it was. There’s also Apoki that’s literally an a.i rabbit thing and now there’s this mave group where no one is real and just the other day I saw a video formatted to look like someone reacting to the pandora mv BUT IT WAS A FUCKING A.I so what are companies making a.I’d to specifically react to other a.is or making a.i trainees it’s fucking creepy and I hate it. But some people are eating that shit up they actually like it which is fine but good luck fighting for your life when your a.i boyfriend tries to murder you. Even with that Megan movie it’s a robot child that’s supposed to have human features but it’s like a killing machine fucking hell not a.i 2.0 I just don’t understand why people want to make people that aren’t people. It quite literally gives me the heebie jeebies.
And it seems like some people are so used to idols not being human that they are starting to question other idols. Like is the kpop industry going to shift towards more a.i idols? Are we going to irl that episode of Arthur? They even had that Apoki rabbit do a relay and go on it’s live with two rabbit dancers? Like what the actual honest genuine fuck?
ALSO I KNOW ABOUT GORILLAZ OK BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING but they’re like clearly not a.is and neither is Hatsune Miku and like even tho both have had like weird hologram concerts how are these idols, like superkind and Aespa and mave supposed to have like concerts and fansigns if they made the a.is “attend” like pretty sure Aespa and superkind are just running around and doing stuff without the a.is. Like what are they going to do if someone..ugh idek how are companies going to have groups or whatever with all or including a.is and what about like Aespa and superkind how do they feel about it. Bro if I was going to debut and the fuckig company said “here’s your fellow member” and a fucking a.i hologram popped up I’d high tail it outta there no thank you. Like superkind they literally have just a place holder. I don’t understand why this is becoming a thing unless they just want the industry to eventually become all robots so it’s like no contact which I guess it good in some ways as a.i’s don’t have feelings and can’t get hurt or stalked by whack fans but I was hoping that I would be dead before I saw any of this shit happening.
Like I cannot explain how creepy and unsettling it is to see and hear about things from the past coming true like robots and like the entirety of The Simpson’s predictioning crazy shit that comes true later on or like Orsen Wells some of the stuff in those books that are coming true because then that’s not just someone with a wild imagination that’s someone that is so whack that they predict the future no matter how fucked up but call it fiction. Does anybody else find any of this just straight up unsettling? Like I’d rather see a ghost in my room then a fucking a.i that looks like a human. I’m so creeped out just thinking about this shit ugh and I can’t stop thinking about how it’s getting harder to tell what’s real and what’s fake whether it’s a robot or a photoshopped picture because technology is advancing and it makes me want to shrivel up like a raisin and die.
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litcityblues · 7 months
'Transformers: Age of Extinction --A Review
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Look, I'm not naive. No one is going to mistake a Transformers movie for high art- that's not what these movies are for. You get some popcorn, you sit down, you get a frosty beverage and you watch gigantic metal robots beat the living fuck out of each for a couple of hours and you have a moderately entertaining time. Similarly, this is a Michael Bay movie. He is many things, but Martin Scorsese he is not and his movies tend to be a visual assault on the senses for a couple of hours and I'll give him this: he has a distinct visual style. Things like 'plot' and 'acting', if they happen are just bonuses.
Medium Spawn Jr. has become obsessed with these movies and, since he's five and the wife was having her book club downstairs while I wanted to watch Ahsoka, he wanted to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction, so I, being the good parent that I am, granted his wish, sat down and watched this movie.
I am amazed by this movie. I am amazed that it grossed $1.104 billion dollars at the box office. I am amazed that it somehow managed to get Stanley Tucci, Mark Wahlberg, Kelsey Grammer, and Titus Welliver to agree to be in it-- though in their defense, actors have to eat and pay their bills, so I can't fault them for that.
This movie opens by explaining that 'The Creators' (whoever they are) dumped a bunch of 'seeds' all over the Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs- providing the viewer with a big, gigantic tease that perhaps the Dinobots are involved in this movie, but viewer, prepare yourself for disappointment because they don't really feature all that much at all.
In the present day, it turns out the Autobots have been driven underground following the Battle of Chicago because humanity panicked and didn't want to make distinctions between the 'good robots' and the 'bad robots' and a CIA Black Ops Unit has teamed up with a Cybertronian bounty hunter to find the survivors.
Meanwhile, in Texas- because that's where you want to put Mark Wahlberg if he's in a movie. Texas. Inventor Cade Yeager is struggling to keep his house and make money. (I'll be honest: his whole character arc would have worked a lot better if he had been a mechanic who is a would-be inventor in Boston, but hey. Choices were made.) He's a single father to Tessa (Nicola Peitz) and because he was a teen Dad, he's super overprotective and doesn't want Tessa dating.
Naturally, this means that she is.
Look, I have nothing against Nicola Peitz. She does well enough with the material she's given to work with, but there is very much, "What if we take Megan Fox's character from the first movie, dress her the same way, make her blonde, and give her pink lipstick" thing going on here that is just, well, lazy. If we must keep making these movies, can we try a different type of female character? Just to see what happens?
One thing leads to another and Cade finds an abandoned truck that turns out to be Optimus Prime and his well-meaning associate/employee Lucas Flannery (T.J. Miller) notifies the government that they might have found an Autobot in hopes of getting the reward money and, more to the point, making some actual money. That brings the bad guys and bounty hunters and things start exploding- and when anything explodes in this movie, it seems to set off fireworks as well, Optimus starts fighting and they are rescued in the nick of time by Tessa's secret boyfriend, the rally car driver, Shane (Jack Reynor.)
Craziest thing ever: according to the wiki-page for this movie, he's supposed to be Irish, but you could have fooled me because I didn't pick up on that at all.
Also, in a super-endearing moment when over-protective Dad, Cade finds out that Shane is 20 and Tessa is 17 and objects to that for obvious, potential statutory rape reasons, Shane whips out an actual, laminated copy of Texas' Romeo and Juliet law and smugly informs Cade that they had a pre-existing foundation for their relationship so it's not statutory rape at all. (If you carry around a laminated copy of a law to prove that your relationship isn't, well, creepy and potentially illegal, perhaps you should date someone your own age. Just saying.)
There are the usual plot points, action shots, robot fights, and product placement that's about as subtle as a brick to the back of the head. (Mark Wahlberg angrily drinks a Bud Light at one point and yells at a motorist which is hilarious in today's context.)
But what really matters isn't how this movie ends, it's where this movie ends, because of a creative decision that I'm sure got every studio executive involved in this movie absolutely slobbering with glee, they find a reason to go to China and in a quest to get that sweet, sweet, Chinese box office money.
Banking on the fact that American audiences will no absolutely nothing about Chinese geography and that Chinese audiences will just be excited to see giant robot fights, nothing makes sense. They land in Shanghai. Optimus goes off- literally flies with nary a problem, which I'm sure the People's Liberation Air Force just kind of shrugged and said, 'Eh, it's a gigantic flying robot. Who cares?'- to noted quiet and obscure part of China, Tianmen Mountain National Park to wake up the Dinobots- who were found at the beginning of the movie in ice like in Greenland or some shit, but are now somehow in China. Characters blow up a factory in Shanghai but somehow decide that they have to get to Hong Kong- 700 miles away, but I'm sure easier to film in at the time.
There is a big showdown in Hong Kong, including the 'not at all insisted upon by the Chinese government' lines of a Hong Kong Police Officer saying 'We'll need help from the Central Government!' and the heroic defense minister- finally noticing that there are gigantic robots wrecking up the place assuring everyone, 'The Central Government will always defend Hong Kong!" This movie was made in 2014, well before the Chinese government got tired of the whole democracy business and crushed it in Hong Kong, but man do those lines hit differently today. The Dinobots (remember them?) show up to save the day and Optimus is riding one of them and it's kind of cool, but other than that, they serve their purpose as a largely meaningless plot point. Just for kicks- again, as subtle as a brick to the back of the head- we see a blown-up bus with a Victoria's Secret ad featured on it and just to remind audiences that they're in China, Stanley Tucci's character gets pissed that they get trapped in a store with a lot of windows and sweeps a table clear of mah-jong tiles.
The greatest crime of all? Somehow this movie is 2 HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES LONG.
My Grade: * out of ****. Do not watch this movie, unless you enjoy hate-watching movies, then you'll have a great time.
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