#idk i just am more of a slasher fan
ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
uhhh ok, spoiler for M3gan warning I suppose
I still cannot get over the moment where she started singing Titanium, like, at least half of the people in the room laughed
like yeah please sing me to sleep with a random part of a Sia song that also refers to the fact that you literally partly are made from titanium
or the fact that Katie's parent went on vacation to go skiing but didn't have snow/tire chains like??? you were aware there was gonna be snow, right??? and only stopping once they really couldn't see anymore, in the middle of the road
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nyancrimew · 1 year
Do you watch horror movies? If so what kind are you a slasher fan? A monster movie fan? A suspense/thriller? Something with more realism like stalker/obsession films? Idk if so do you have any recs. Also silliest horror movie you've seen? Hope you are having a good night
i am a real scaredy cat, i dont rly watch horror movies except sometimes whenn im like irl with a gf im rly close to and i can just cuddle up and instead of watching the scary bits ill just look at them and give a lil kiss :3
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goremet-chef · 9 months
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dont even make me start talking cuz i wont SHUT UPP i really love this character so much. i am UNACQUAINTED with the books but i watched dawkos video explaining more about the mimic and. GRGRGGR
i love it, when it comes to the more modern fnaf lore like. thats the thing im a die hard fan even if i dont understand whats happening im just happy to see new fnaf content SKDFJS so it doesnt matter to me but i will admit i was really confused with the direction the story was headed
learning about the mimic and what it really is SIMPLIFIED A LOT OF IT and honestly im happy about it. i didnt really like the implication that the ending speech henry did in pizza sim was for nothing at all so now that its like..
from my perspective, its like the end of an era, and a really interesting introduction to a new one. the mimic is such a sick ass villain, i feel myself attached to the newer characters (vanessa, cassie, greg, etc) and i wanna see where this goes
it feels SO GOOD to be like theorizing again about what things could mean like. IM HOOKED just like how i used to be with the main story. its different, theres no denying that. but thats not a bad thing. i honestly like.. im GLAD william is dead dead cuz having them revive him over and over honestly just gets kinda old, its like when theres a banger slasher movie and then they make 20 shitty sequels SKFJS
like LET IT REST just let it die. ive seen some people say that it feels like it was a last minute change to steel wools story, since people were unsure about the ending but. IDK MAN thats a team of people, just because scott didnt plan that much doesnt mean every fnaf iteration is gonna be unplanned and shaky. i think steel wool has a good thing goin here and im happy to see more, VERY excited for help wanted 2 😁😁 i need this franchise like i need air SDFKS
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
I saw that you are now all caught up with Dead Friend Forever, as an horror fan do you have any hints or ideas for how the show is going to end? I am just loving all the theories in this fandom, and wanted to know if you have some.
LOL I'm actually writing up a big post about the film influences of DFF, like what horror genres and works I think the show is pulling from.
I'll be honest, I'm not much of a theorist when it comes to guessing the trajectory of a story. Or maybe I'm just not good at solving mysteries lol I'd def be the Shaggy of a group rather than the Velma.
Right now some of my current theories, if I were to call them such, are:
The show ending will be similar to Girl From Nowhere's s1 finale where everything was actually a drug induced violent mass hallucination and the story will end more open ended and unsettling than definitive. Which I would be totally down for, but I get the feeling most in fandom wouldn't be.
I think, just based on what I've observed, folks in fandom want a more clear-cut slasher based ending with a "final girl" and such which, DFF isn't much of a slasher to me (I'll argue my point regarding this in my film post about the series I promise) it has the bare bones of a slasher but not the soul of one.
So my other theory is that's the ending DFF will have, a more by-the-numbers slasher based ending with maybe one final plot twist - like idk White being involved or something - and one char surviving - personally if this is the ending the show has I think it'll be Jin who is the "final girl" as it would match the short film footage we saw of their movie.
Which I would be fine with, but less impressed by overall. Not because I don't like Jin, I actually do as a char - ppl are really harsh on the char tho damn also the TaCopper vs TaBarcode ship wars are PEAK weirdo tinhat behavior to me anyways - but it is the most predictable ending. Even if it's not Jin and it's some other char a "final girl" style ending feels, hm, fine. Not bad but just fine.
I think another possible ending is that no one survives, as per Non's rewritten script. Which would be a bummer but could be interesting depending on how it's done.
My totally 100% out of the hot pocket theory is this has all been an elaborate movie set up ala Urban Legends 2 which I think would make everyone mad but the chaos of it all would crack me the fuck up and I'd love it for that alone.
So yeah, nothing to in detail just some general possible thoughts on the ending. Like could Non be alive? Yeah I could buy that, I could buy he's dead-dead too. I think whether he is or isn't will be a final act plot twist though, and not "the ending". So even if he is alive, whether he survives after would still be up in the air.
Most slashers end with the slasher dying at the hands of the final girl as a cathartic way to "murder the monster for survival". Again I don't think DFF is much of a slasher, but if fandom thinks it is then we gotta acknowledge that as a major part of the sub genre as well.
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infriga · 8 months
Luffy was so perfect, they all were, but as my favourite character he had a lot to live up to and he was AMAZING
My favourite aspects/moments:
- Luffy was so tactile and physically affectionate. I'm glad they weren't afraid of having him be touchy feely with his crew and friends. Plopping his head down on top of Nami's head when she's cracking the safe, literally draping himself overtop of Zoro and hugging him when he wakes up after the Mihawk fight, clinging to Usopp when their ship gets attacked by Garp as they leave Syrup village, hugging Coby when they say goodbye the second time, even just the small moments like when he puts his hands on Kaya's shoulders while giving her his speech about his dream and the Merry during the dinner, he is so affectionate with everyone and loves his friends so much I'm gonna cry.
- him walking on the table in Kaya's house during the dinner while giving his speech then handing his glass to Kuro gkdgkdhj that scene was so funny and was such a Luffy thing to do, and everyone's reactions plus Kuro's apoplectic rage in response had me dying
- Luffy's anxiety when he's worried about Zoro after the fight with Mihawk, like all his fidgeting and not wanting to eat and talking erratically, it really reminded me of his anxiety when Nami gets sick after Little Garden, as well as when he refuses to eat for a while after Marineford. It's just a nice touch because the one thing that can get him to lose his appetite is the thought of losing someone close to him, and one of the few things that can make him openly anxious is when he's not sure if one of his friends will be okay and there's nothing he can do to help. His anxiety in that scene is portrayed so well.
- Sanji trying to get him to eat and suggesting a bunch of different foods he can make because he's trying to help Luffy feel better was also so cute and such a Sanji thing to do 🥺🥺🥺
- Sanji and Zeff's dynamic was done soooooo well, the actors had so much chemistry and the dialogue was so good between them. Also I love how much of a spitfire baby Sanji was, and his and Zeff's first meeting was actually amazing with Sanji being like "I'D RATHER DIE THAN LET YOU SEASON MY FOOD" fhkxgjzgkxgj
- so much swearing, I loved it lol. In Japanese they swear a lot but a lot of subtitles don't really translate the extent of it, and the official manga translation definitely tones it down, as does the dub, at least compared to the original Japanese. Sanji even said "shitty restaurant"! He said the line!!
- idk if this an unpopular opinion or not, but I actually like the changes they made to the Syrup Village arc. That arc in the manga/anime is probably the narmiest, and as fond as I am of earlier arcs, that one would probably not translate well to the style and pacing the live action had going for it. They adjusted quite a few of the fights to fit a live action series as opposed to a serialized shounen. But One Piece has never really been about the fights, so as long as the essence is there I'm fine with it. And tbh, turning Kuro into a slasher villain stalking Kaya through the house actually worked surprisingly well. It made for a fun deviation from what fans would be used to, and played around with the genre without sacrificing the essential plot elements or character dynamics. Also using Kaya's house instead of a random beach actually made for a nice setting and environment that I think felt more fitting to the One Piece vibe, ngl.
- I like what they did with Koby's story. Having his character development lead up to him standing up to Garp rather than Alvida actually worked pretty well, and felt really natural as his story progressed in Parallel with Luffy's. And having his story involve him confronting his ideal of what a marine should be vs the reality of what marines are fit the story really well. I love the scene where he and Luffy tell each other to become a good marine and a good pirate.
- I was shocked that they revealed Garp's relationship with Luffy so soon, but honestly, it works better than I expected. I think they actually did a really good job integrating him into the earlier arcs, and it provided a good glimpse into some of the world building that will come into play later, like the relationship between the warlords and the marines/government, while also providing a more significant marine threat early on. I am a bit sad we don't get Luffy's canon reaction where as soon as he even hears his grandpa being mentioned he gets like ptsd flashbacks lmao. But I'll admit, the "talk" Nami gets Zoro to have with him after everyone finds out is hilarious. Zoro not giving a shit about who Luffy's grandpa is and being like "ughhhhhhh fine I'll talk to him" when Nami pressures him into it, then giving the barest minimum effort and Luffy is just like being Luffy and fiddling with his hat and answering the questions so non-chalantly, then Zoro is like "good talk" and bails, they were really on that shared idiot wavelength lmfaoooooo.
- Zoro's bickering with Sanji was great. I particularly like how prickly he gets about Sanji acting so familiar towards Nami and Luffy despite only just joining, because Zoro would totally be peeved by that, like excuse u simp waiter those were my friends first and I called dibs lmao
- Zoro's goofy moments like trying to sit down with the swords and when Luffy was manhandling him after his injury lmfao, I'm glad they didn't have him be serious all the time and let him be an idiot occasionally. He was so hardheaded and proud and cocky and sassy in all the right ways. Also loved when Nami was trying on clothes and Zoro is like "I'm gonna wear black so you can't wear black" like a diva LMAO
- uh, they did NOT have to go so fucking hard with Buggy, but they did and I am grateful for it. His actor is so fucking funny, and his lines are so good, they fit Buggy so well. And Luffy constantly getting his name wrong made me laugh every single time lmfao. Also when he gets mad at Luffy thinking he said "nose" and squishes his face, and Luffy's like "well now that you mention it wtf IS up with your nose?" LMAO did I mention yet how much I loved Luffy?
- having Buggy trap Luffy in a glass box filling with water worked so well for the circus aesthetic because it's really similar to those acts where people escape from a box filling with water. It also made sense for Buggy to use that against Luffy with the sea water. Also the effects for his fruit powers looked so good and creepy.
- they didn't shy away from gore! The manga is actually super violent, even relatively early on, but I got so used to the reduced version in the anime I actually was surprised at how graphic some parts were. They straight up had Zoro slice a guy in half and did not shy away from showing his sliced meaty bits. Also Zoro casually bringing Mr. 7's torso to the marines with the hair sticking out was badass ngl.
- the main cast were all sooooo good, I can't even pick one out as being better than any of the others, they were just all perfect. They really felt like the characters. Obviously Luffy stands out to me as my favourite character, but I loved them all so much. Sanji, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, they all were portrayed so well too. Absolutely perfect casting. Whoever was in charge of casting is the absolute GOAT
- Zoro and Nami bickering like siblings the whole time was great, especially how they were only unified in their exasperation over Luffy's antics lmfao.
- "Think he has brain damage?" "I think that every day" EGHSKSCHLACHSK
- the villains were all the perfect amount of hammy, hats off to their actors they all looked like they were having so much fun and they did so well as each character. And Arlong's actor managed to include Arlong's SHA HA HA HA laugh and actually make it sound pretty natural so fucking kudos dude that's awesome.
- when Sanji fishes Luffy out of the water at Baratie and they tell him Nami is gone, he looks so sad and pathetic just laying there wet on the dock I wanted to hug him so bad 🥺 he was already anxious about Zoro and then they lost Nami too and he was so worried about his friends.
- Sanji's simping was so funny. The scene were he's like "NAMI!" with his arms open as she comes out of the collapsing building in Arlong's Park and she runs right past him to hug Zoro and Usopp instead WGHOVSHOD it was so in character. dude is mega down bad fr and they portrayed it in such a funny way.
- I was kinda shocked at how well the outfits and costumes translated to live action. Like the show was extremely faithful when it came to character designs and outfits but it managed to make them feel very natural to the setting. It was honestly so cool. Like when Gin stumbled into the kitchen and you can instantly recognize him from his outfit, but it looks so natural like they made the outfits feel like something real people would wear. And the Strawhats had some absolute fucking DRIP yo, implementing a bunch of their colour spread outfits in the different episodes was fucking inspired, and they looked so goddamn good. Oda is a fucking fashion savant I swear like the clothes he designed look so damn good in real life.
- Luffy still had his asexual vibes in full force which I'm so happy about. Like when Nami is getting dressed for their dinner with Kaya, and asks how it looks while posing, and Luffy is like "... you look like Nami", that was SUCH a Luffy line lmao.
- when Usopp and Zoro were teasing Nami about Sanji's flirting (Zoro's rapid fire "madam"s lmfao) and everybody was joking around together while Luffy watches them with the most fond look on his face it was so cute ugh my heart
- Having Zeff help to treat Zoro using fish skin grafting was a really cool addition and a great way to show his expertise as a former pirate.
- omg when Luffy gets all defensive of Sanji after only knowing him for like a day (because he's Luffy), and he tells Zeff about Sanji feeding Gin thinking he'll be all mad but instead Zeff looks proud and says "what a good kid" OMG MY HEART that was so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Zeff's dad vibes we're off the fucking charts. And they kept the "li'l eggplant" nickname, Zeff was so good goddamn like he was honestly one of my favourite parts. How the fuck they managed to make his mustache work so well and look so natural I will never know but god damn I was so impressed.
- holy fucking shit, the Baratie looked so fucking good. It was like seeing the manga/anime come to life. I wanted to fucking go there so bad. The little mouth balcony thing, the floors, the roof mural which didn't get any attention but was just casually made to be incredibly detailed and beautiful?!?! The colours and the bg characters, holy shit the set was just fucking amazing.
- The ships looked so good. Luffy choosing Merry 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I also liked how Usopp was introduced, it fit his character and the adjusted pacing pretty well imo
-I didn't know how to feel about Shanks in the preview images, but in motion he actually works really well. And Yasopp and Lucky Roo were so good. I love how they had Shanks mime cocking a gun and shooting it to signal to his crew to start going ham on the bandits so it looks for a moment like he shoots someone with his finger gun. Also Yasopp's trick shots were awesome, as well as Lucky Roo literally beating people with a chunk of meat lmfao.
- Mihawk was serving absolutely cunt. He was there to slay and slay he did. No notes, A+ performance.
- Zoro and Nami's actors really nailed their big emotional scenes. They captured the expressions and delivery perfectly, especially Nami screaming Arlong's name and stabbing her tattoo, she managed to match the intensity that the original voice actor had in the anime surprisingly well.
- Helmeppo's actor was so funny. His dickish goofy way of laughing worked so well for his character lmao, and having Zoro give him his signature haircut was 🤌🤌🤌 idk WHY they had him naked when he was playing with Wado Ichimonji but it was so funny.
- the scene where he convinces Koby to slack off and have a drink with him, Koby takes several shots, then blurts out that Garp is Luffy's grandfather was great lmfao.
-Zeff's interactions with Garp were great too. I love their talk about there being a new generation coming into its own now and it's getting to be the time where they should step back and let the new kids have their turn. It was a scene I could absolutely see happening in the manga.
- I like how at first Garp seems more reserved and serious than he is in canon, but as more time passes the more it's revealed how unhinged he is and how he absolutely is related to Luffy. Like when he screams after Luffy takes out their main sail, only to start laughing and act proud. Or when he gets pissed off at Mihawk refusing to capture Luffy and just has a tantrum in his office throwing shit around. Or when Zeff convinces him to stay for a meal by mentioning meat and he's like 👀👀👀. Koby saying he should have realised Garp and Luffy were related because of how much they both like meat had me laughing out loud.
- I like how Bogard got a slightly bigger role. He always had a really cool aesthetic, like an old time gangster with a samurai sword is actually really cool, so it was nice to see him a bit more than we get to in the manga/anime.
- They did a great job showing off how terrifyingly strong Garp is. When he's going after Luffy and just demolishing him as well as the environment. His hits felt like they hit hard. Also when he grabbed a canon ball and threw it at the Merry I was like YES!!! I was really hoping they'd show that if they were going to involve him in the live action series earlier than in canon.
- the show really managed to capture that fun swashbuckling vibe that comes with pirates. Also the ships and sets looked so good. And I like how they made reasonable changes to ship designs without going too far or making them too "realistic", they kept the fun aspects of the ship designs. Like Garp's ship looked damn good! Alvida's ship was still pink and covered in hearts!
I could gush for hours about everything I liked. There were like a few tiny nitpicks, some of the child actors weren't the greatest (Usopp and Kuina's being the worst ones), Usopp didn't get as many important scenes in Syrup village (though he did get a nice scene where he refuses to leave Kaya even after she slaps him and accuses him of lying about Klahador/Kuro, and they also kind of made up for not having more big scenes for him by giving Nami some extra development with Kaya in a way that fit with both their characters and storys. It was cute!), they left Hachi out of Arlong's Park which could impact his story later on (if they ever get that far 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞), which kinda sucks because I've always loved his redemption story. But aside from that honestly, I have very few criticisms. This felt like it was made by people who love One Piece and wanted to share it with both fans who have always wanted to see the world and characters they love in real life, as well a new audience that might otherwise have never gotten to see it. What few changes they made were ones that made sense for condensing the story, adjusting for the change in genre and medium, and they all still fit the world and didn't actually sacrifice the important aspects of canon. And they captured the heart and essence of the story, world, and characters so well it almost feels like a dream.
Like, we all got so used to live action adaptations falling short of that, of missing what makes the originals work. But the One Piece live action feels like it gets it, like above everything else the strawhats are a family, and Luffy is the embodyment of joy, and freedom, and the pursuit of dreams, and letting yourself just believe for once in something bigger than yourself even when you're a very small fish in a very big pond. The attention to detail, all the little references and foreshadowing and stuff in the backgrounds. The casting was mind bogglingly good, even minor characters like Sham and Buchi were so good and had so much character and life to them. Even with the characters they mostly had to leave out due to pacing and time constraints, just their designs alone were given so much attention. Like the Mayor of Orange town, or Patty, or Gin, who were only briefly shown in reduced roles, but were still so instantly recognisable. And the wacky designs of the manga were adapted to live action so well I was flabbergasted at how well they worked and how good they looked even though they barely toned down any of their weirdness or goofiness.
I was initially worried about the main characters saying or doing things that felt out of character, especially my boy Luffy, but there was never a moment where I felt like they weren't their characters. Sure, they weren't exact 1 to 1 copies since a lot of the Japanese dialogue would sound stilted in English without an adjustment, even the typical translated versions are more attuned to the sensibilities of people who are used to reading or hearing translated dialogue, so there were obvious adjustments that had to be made to the way some characters talked and the lines they said, but they made it work and feel right for this version of the story, and the characters still felt like themselves in all the ways that mattered.
Iñaki as Luffy was amazing, I am so happy with his performance. He really embodied the charm and cheer and charisma of Luffy perfectly. I got to fall in love with Luffy's character all over again with him and that is such a gift to get to experience that more than once 😭😭😭😭
God. I'm so emotional. I wanted this to be good so badly. I wanted this, of all series to escape the live action anime curse, because I knew if any could, it would be One Piece. And it was even better than I'd hoped. Was it perfect? Probably not, but I don't care. There wasn't a single moment where I wasn't enjoying myself and having fun, and that was all I wanted was to have fun while watching. It captured that feeling of the east blue arc, the nostalgia, so well.
If I gush any more this post will be way too fucking long. There are obviously more things I could talk about and comment on but I have to stop at some point or else I'll be writing this post forever lmao.
I will be reblogging stuff about the live action obviously, so reminder that my spoiler tag is gonna be "OPLA spoilers"
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izzyspussy · 9 months
so i watched the french slasher girls with balls and. hm. i didn't hate it but i didn't like it either. but anyway, premise is that a college? pro? women's volleyball team gets their bus sabotaged by a local cult they pissed off and are held hostage-ish in the wilderness of the cult's property and hunted for sport. and there's one teammate who is like a huge cunt and very arrogant and not a team player etc etc and i'm sure at this point you must all know where i'm going to take this.
toward the climax, the cult has several of the players bound in a circle and they're deciding which one of their heads to drill first or whatever, and the bitchy teammate volunteers someone else and then becomes evil or whatever. boring.
so instead. how about richmond afc, or perhaps select members of them, circa season one, get kidnapped somehow and idk maybe they're being held for ransom or something (which is infinitely less stupid than the villains in the movie were tbh). anyway, the captors are not getting what they want in a timely fashion so they're gonna have to escalate things, but they're also football fans and like Respect The Sport or whatever, so they want to have a sort of hierarchy of players to harm in an order so the best players are left able to play once they get their money.
so they ask the team, "who's the worst player?" and everyone is quiet, they're not gonna betray each other, but then jamie clears his throat or something and everyone is like ah shit. this fucking huge cunt is gonna pick someone. knew he was a fucking prick, but jesus.
but! instead, my beloved son season one jamie says, "i am."
but like, the guys are football fans, so they obviously fucking know who jamie tartt is. so they laugh, they express their doubt, be so serious for real. and jamie just goes off and rapid fire lists every single note he's ever gotten on his play in his fucking life, including this most recent shit about how he's not a team player and he prevents cohesion in play and brings down morale and- and the bad guy in charge backhands him or whatever to shut him up.
and then mr. head honcho gets real close and repeats he knows who jamie is and he knows he's actually the best player, and if jamie lies to him again he'll cut out his tongue. he asks again, "who's the worst player?" and jamie leans forward as far as he can with his hands bound to his chair bound to the chairs on either side so he can get in this guy's face, and repeats, "i am." and then, for good measure, he sticks his tongue out. if this guy wants to cut it off, there it is baby!
so head honcho is like alright fine, we tried to be nice and all but if this is how you want it this is how you'll get it. so they grab jamie up and relocate him to the torture zone across the room or whatever, and he is such an absolute expert at being so annoying and pissed them off so much that they forget to re-secure the guy he was tied to (obviously this is a completely fucking stupid way to tie people up, but just go with it okay). and he's so good allll the bad guys want a damn piece of him, they're not looking at the rest. head honcho makes more threats...
and jamie says, "aw, should i pretend to be scared? maybe i could win an oscar. or an espy."
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tinysweetnight · 1 month
Thinking about it. Might as well do a world-building updates once in a while, just talking.
So what’s TinySweetNight up too? Let me tell you about it in small bullet lists containing updates about each world I have (if can be applied).
Newest world-building project to date. I seriously haven’t actually created a world I plan to stick with since STC and Pantheon like.. 4 years ago? I think Pantheon might be older but that is debatable if you go by which has the oldest character.
This world is like a perfect balance of interests for me personally, it’s an alchemist steampunk world that has almost like a Jim Henson crossed with treasure planet vibe. Homunculi, stained glass windows, bright open skies, and a bit of evil science.
First time I am experimenting with standard fantasy races like Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, etc.
I’ll have to dedicate a post solely for this because it’ll take me a while to explain the magic system here.
Everyone gets animal hands!!! And also an animal form unless your Calypso. I think this ties things better than having very strange specific rules about everything, this is supposed to be fairytale-like. Plus I should make the gods stronger.
Maybe removing Kostas and Aegeus. I love those suckers but, again, they make things too overly complicated and their influence has only been in backstory stuff, never in the main story- besides from a small one-off story with Mars, heir to Alynth. But I think I can remove them if I just say magic is just a bitch like that, monsters are might be Locke’s fault since he’s the god of magic. (But oh, Aegeus banter headcanons are so so funny) I would also have to figure out a different skill set for Charis if I do remove them.
Hydra finally got a title, aka what they were supposed to be the god of. Judgement!
Maverick is still not a catboy and never will be a catboy.
Honestly, still pretty burnt out from this. Everything doesn’t seem.. good. Too edgy. Maybe I’m growing out of aahhhh blood, gore, fun spooks, etc. That usually doesn’t bother me as I’m a fan of campy slashers, but all the time it feels like the characters aren’t acting right. I can’t get them right when I think about them or plan anything with them, especially pertaining to Zstlo. There’s too much I want him to be but it’s all conflicting.
Maybe there is too much stuff going on in the STC, but that’s the point since it’s my sandbox do what I want, I’m not limiting myself to rules world. I have been thinking of boxing storylines into named stories so I can better manage everything.
But there is also the side that everyone else.. seems to like it way more than me. Maybe because I interact with people way more about it, and I found that people seem to like it way more than Pantheon because you get these crazy cool ideas, the setting itself is awesome, and the characters I come up with are cool in concept. But idk. I wish Pantheon or I hope Vivarium gets the same attention. Maybe it’s because Pantheon is more of a story than a setting other people can mess around in. Idk how Vivarium will turn out.
Outlander that is physically apart of the STC and rips open reality.
WhatsMyFace? Added.
Shepard got edgier but same problem as Zstlo.
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cryptidafter · 1 month
do u remember some time ago when we where talking about woh and its potential for a horroredit??? im gathering inspiration and ill probably ask u at some point to lend me ur expertise in that area but for now i just want to ask what u like abt horror, as a viewer! what do u enjoy? what would u like to see explored more, what have movies (or books!?) done before that excites u and that u could talk abt for hours? if u want pls do go deep into the technical aspects if u have any thoughts from a storyteller's perspective! youve shared your thoughts with me a bit before so view this as the extended cut!
Oooh yes, of course I remember (and am still incredibly excited about the idea)!
You asked for the extended cut so this is probably going to be another long one (get comfortable lol).
If we're specifically talking about film, what I like about horror as a genre is its ability to personify and often contextualize the complicated and uncomfortable emotions most of us have a difficult time unpacking. Grief, trauma, rage, anger, fear - they're all given a name and/or a face and by taking those abstract concepts and re-imagining them as something tangible and real, it provides me with a sense of catharsis that few other genres can.
More below the cut <3
I enjoy having that control. I'm choosing to sit down and watch a piece of media that will force me to confront those abstract unknowns in a way that's not as overwhelming as IRL. I've been drawn to darker themes from a young age (I think because death was something I had to grapple with when I was too young to really understand it) and I've always been fascinated by the parts of life people shy away from or outright refuse to acknowledge. I grew up on Goosebumps, Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, and whatever vampire books I could get my hands on. Horror just hooked me.
Something I'd like to see explored more in horror is race but not in the way it's usually done. I don't want the story to be tailored for a non-black/non-poc audience. I want horror that focuses on all those nasty bits of racism that fester beneath the surface. The microaggressions and the respectability politics and the ever-looming discomfort that comes from trying to fit yourself into spaces that were never made for you in the first place. Get Out touches on some of this (hence why it's such a cultural touchstone) but even it doesn't get down into the weeds like I want. Give me the specter of racism! Make it a silent, sneaking embodiment of minstrelsy that waits in the shadows to mock you. Give me two versions of the same person: code-switching taken to its extreme. Idk, I just think there are so many terrifying but subtle ways that racism presents itself that could be personified in a way that might be hugely impactful for non-white audiences. Most people understand that slavery is bad and that you shouldn't call people slurs. Now, lets go deeper.
I've made posts about some of my favorite horror media but, like you said, I can talk about this stuff for hours and I don't think I've discussed unique types of filmmaking/writing execution before.
I'm a huge fan of psychological horror. Yes, I can get down with a good gory slasher, I LOVE zombie everything, but psychological horror is my true love. I'm a sucker for horror where something isn't quite right even if you can't put your finger on it. Something that seems ordinary and should be a safe space (like your home) suddenly becoming unfamiliar. That lingering sense of dread that comes from feeling like your surroundings are off but not knowing why or how. Seeing something that should not be possible and trying to apply logic and reason to what can never be explained. That will always fuck me up in the best ways lol. Taking the mundane and twisting it beyond recognition *chef's kiss*, I love it.
Junji Ito is one of my favorite manga writers for this reason. Not only is his art style PHENOMENAL but a lot of his stories revolve around the ordinary turned monstrous (Uzumaki, Tomie). A town that's doomed to always be consumed by spirals for reasons unknown. A girl who dies only to suddenly turn back up but something about her isn't the same. So great!
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Another fantastic example of this is House of Leaves, which genuinely unnerved me so much so that I still haven't finished reading it.
The way House of Leaves has the text itself morph and change, becoming entirely nonsensical at times, really heightens the anxiety and discomfort I feel. I never know what's going to happen next, both in the actual narrative and on the page. Books have always frightened me more than visual media because my mind will always conjure up the most terrifying images imaginable lol. It's difficult to make something look as scary on screen as it does in my head (not impossible, of course, just tough).
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Skinamarink is another fantastic exploration of this theme. Your home - the place where you rest, make memories, get to fully be yourself - has become a hostile environment. I won't get into how the movie is (imo) an incredibly well-done metaphor for childhood trauma (your house becomes a prison that you can't escape and your parents are demonic entities that frighten and harm you; though I can also get behind the other theory I've seen where normal things can seem more confusing and scary as a child because you have no frame of reference for what's happening). But wow this movie stuck with me. I know you're not into horror but I have to share the short film that was the inspiration behind the full-length movie to really get the message across (headphones are best because there's a lot of audio distortion).
Visually, my favorite types of horror do a lot with a little. You don't need jumpscares and buckets of fake blood to get the job done (though those are fun lol). Playing around with lighting, depth of field, focus, etc. can do a lot to make you disoriented or nervous. Take liminal spaces for instance (which I love).
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There's nothing inherently strange about these images but they're unnerving. You get the sense that something could be lurking, that you might turn a corner and encounter danger. Something about being utterly alone does weird things to your brain sometimes which is really the core of what I'm getting at: good horror asks the viewer to sit with discomfort, get familiar with it.
Okay, I have rambled long enough lol. You know my DMs are always open for more discussion of this topic (especially as it pertains to WOH) <3
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 3 months
Ok so don't get me wrong i am a big whumper/whumpe fan, but, am i the only one who doesnt enjoy dark media where women are abused in very graphic and often horrifying ways by men? Basically Just torture porn and all the uncomfortable implications It carries with It? Should be the other way for once imo.
You can draw the line in the sand wherever you personally feel comfortable (: , although I do agree I'd love to see some more fucked up ladies being the one holding a blowtorch to someone's eyeball lmao.
I think it also depends what kind of "dark media" you consume, like if it's a typical slasher flick then naturally it's going to be a kill fest of both genders and likely gratuitous at that. If I'm watching the Wrong Turn or Saw series or something, I already know what I'm getting myself into. Compared to if you're watching an action/thriller and all of a sudden a drugging and graphic SA scene of the female love interest is thrown in for the plot progression of her male lead...yeah, it can feel a little uncalled for, mostly because you're not expecting it and it's only done to demonstrate Man A is soooo evil but Man B will be her dashing hero.
Now if you don't like lady whump full stop, even in a horror movie setting...idk, that's you're own preference [shrug]. I like damsels in distress and boobies and practical gore effects, I'm going to be very biased towards the girlies in horror films.
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
hello i was wondering if i could participate in the match up event?
I am afab and nb, I use any pronouns :) I'm cool with being any gender or being with any gender neither matters much to me
I lov the ghouls and their silly little shenanigans :)
I'm pretty feminine looking, I'm 5'1 and I'm built like a comic book male superhero like broad chest and shoulders but a straight line from the ribs down like a upside down dorito w legs
I'm asian so my eyes and hair are dark, my hair's like a shoulder-length wolf cut ish thing... idk I just hack at it. sometimes I wear glasses, but sometimes I just feel like being blind. When I get dressed I pretend like im dressing up in a fun little costume so my day is more whimsical and silly my go-to is like sailor uranus prince-type girl crush but a wizard or a wizard who is going on an epic expedition to recover lost artifacts but no matter the outfit the key is that I look like I'm secretly a merlin-style cartoonishly evil wizard. So i guess maybe like goth grunge academia something something pinterest buzzword Oh and I have major rbf, and it makes ppl scared of me
I'm an introverted person and I tend to be very logical but. I think different from a lot of ppl apparently. I've been described, to paraphrase, as "sort of ominous and mysterious but actually funny", "uncanny and unsettling in a good way", and "awkward and weird but its endearing" which just sound like insults. I like to live in my head and make silly stories and things to play with. Like every tumblr user I've got fucked up mental health and bad parents so I am kind of like one of those freaky ass chihuahuas that is always scared and shakes and bites people and has digestive issues. I tend to be hard to read or sort of deadpan so I like fucking w people since they can't tell if I'm joking bc i love mischeif and japes. I want to be a silly not-quite-supervillain like Dr doofinshmirtz or like a trickster archetype sort yk
I was a pretty intense synchronized swimmer for like 9 years I competed at like opens and nationals and all that when I was in school but my university doesn't have :( I'm on the rowing team now but I would rather do synchro esp since being my main thing was being flexible and it has no advantages in rowing lmaooo I've been a huge vocaloid fan since elementary school so I've been around in that community for a while (I am so well-adjusted). I like to make vocal synth covers and draw, especially when I'm able to work with producers to provide art for their vids it's so cool hehehehhe I mostly listen to vocaloid music but I like a lot of metal stuff as well that's how I found out abt gonst. I also like 2 play video gamez, I'm so fucking bad at them but I think it's rly funny so I just spend hours giggling and watching myself get mauled over and over.
I love horror a lot but I'm less a slasher girlie and more of a supernatural psychological tormet girlie esp if its got mythology or religions shit involved. Im majoring in history bc all good history ppl like silly metal and I wrote this instead of my abstract that's due in like an hour bc I have no idea what to do for the topic 🥲🥲
- the fuckin wizard
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Zephyr
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They like listening to you talk about your major and interests. He's a very good listener.
While they might not be the best swimmer, they enjoy the activity and if you want to show off, they'll absolutely let you and be super proud.
He doesn't mind how unique your style is. He probably wouldn't really try to match clothes with you, but they'd try their best to buy you stuff you'd enjoy.
Since he doesn't really walk much, they picked up drawing and started doing it with you. They're surprisingly good at it for someone who just randomly said "I'm bored, maybe I should start drawing".
Also, horror movie date nights! They're also much more of a psychological horror person, but his favorite is of course the paranormal (he finds it hilarious) so you two take turns picking the movies.
Video game dates included, too. He's got a PS3 and the first three Uncharted games, as well as some others. Their favorite is Uncharted 3.
He'll insist you wear your glasses. He knows the consequences of ignoring his health. It's not fun.
Written by Nosferatu with the help of the wonderful and of @ask-zephyr-ghoul (ilysm pookie).
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cookinguptales · 7 months
So my dad, while an avid movie lover, always thought that he did not particularly like horror. Honestly, he'd mostly just watched a lot of horror that was either bad or not to his taste. (He's not a fan of slasher/gore films and neither am I, tbh.)
I recced him some horror that I thought was good and he's been slowly making his way through that, and we've had some winners! He's told me how much he enjoyed El Orfanato, Lake Mungo, The Woman in Black, etc. It seems that, like me, he enjoys films that have creepy vibes and weird mysteries rather than more explicit monsters/slashers.
For me personally, the sense of unease and slowly mounting dread is what I love about horror. I love ghost stories that are just as much about the human psyche as they are about the actual supernatural creatures. Gore tends to instill a different and entirely unrelated emotion in me (disgust, annoyance) so it doesn't do anything for me, and movies that rely on mostly gore for their scares just kind of bore me.
I think that Dad and I have similar taste in that respect. So I keep turning to dad like "Well, have you heard of 1408? What did you think about The Ring? The Descent is fantastic, but I think it was actually scarier before the monsters showed up..."
I've also gotten him into some tv shows! I am very happy to report that I have found a new person to talk to about The Exorcist (TV). I still stand by my opinion that that show was better than it had any right to be.
But I was thinking, and I'm trying to decide if next I want to introduce him to internet horror...? I mean, I think something like Local 58 or My house walk-through can be just as scary as a lot of mainstream horror films. That said, it's often a very different way of interacting with media...? And I'm not sure if he'd enjoy that or not.
Like, when DHMIS first came out, he enjoyed the first one! I think he was still teaching middle/high school at that point, so of course his students played it for him. (I actually saw that first one at a film festival around this time, so it was fairly mainstream.) I think he thought it was a bit tryhard but he did like it. But when I told him that there was basically an entire cottage industry of people trying to piece together what the series was about he was like "well, it sounds like those people have too much time on their hands."
He's... kind of a "the curtains are just blue" sort of person. lmao
I personally really enjoy the kind of media that you really have to work for (see: my obsession with interactive theater that requires you to investigate details and assemble the "plot", such as it is, that way) but Dad... idk! Not everyone likes it when their peanut butter is put in a kong toy. Sometimes you just want a straightforward jar. Neither option is necessarily better or worse, imo. It's just preference.
Maybe I'll try him on a few videos when I see him in a few days... I'll have to think through my game plan.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 days
also. I am clearly in taylor swift mode right now & this week is going to be very much about finishing atla scream au while never getting a second off work ever in my life BUT I decided rather than write a Letterboxd review for American Mary I am going to write an essay I’ve been wanting to write for a very long time that the movie inspired me to really want to discuss this topic. I liked some parts & have criticisms of other parts & it plays into my feelings on horror & women in general.
I’d really like to in depth discuss feminism & misogyny in horror & slashers particularly through the years & how it’s changed for the better & worse & what I think about the sensationalizing & sexualizing of violence against women in media & how it plays into revenge films like this.
I think I’m truly the right person to do an essay on this topic because my thoughts are far more complicated than “movies with forbidden topics are evil & we should bring back the hayes code” or “if you ever imply media has real life impact or that certain types of media should be critiqued for having a harmful cultural impact I’m gonna call you a stupid sjw” & I’m sorry but most online arguments seem to boil down to these very over-simplified black & white viewpoints.
I really do have a lot of views on this topic as a woman who was a victim of assault as a teenager (I’m fine now I don’t care about sharing this except when people get weird about it so… don’t do that. It’s something I went through, it impacts my views. I’m a happy healthy adult with a great life now) AND a passionate horror fan & a huge advocate for anti-censorship who LOVES the violent & depraved.
So idk this post has no point except to say I think I’m gonna write this essay after atla Scream Au is written & really go in depth with sources & examples & exploration of different viewpoints on glorification & portrayal of dark topics. Just to let anyone who cares about this topic know idk lol
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Hi palettes 👋 I was just poking around your blog and think you have the absolute coolest theme. You have an amazing eye for beauty and the way you've curated your space is gorgeous. Idk if we really share any fandoms (well, technically marvel, but Donald pierce is my guy 😅) but we are both millennials and writers. You seem like a cool person, and I hope you know that. You're unique and special, and your fandoms are lucky to have you. Have a great weekend if it's your weekend, and if not I still hope you have some moments of joy and rest. 🩷 tox
Hey babe!! And thank you 🥹
I see that you're into slashers and Pedro Pascal aside from Marvel, so probably not unfortunately. 😅 But I do follow people who aren't into 100% of the same things as me. Judging by the way fandoms are now, I wouldn't say I'm in any fandoms anymore. I feel like I'm just a floating, casual fan now, writing for whatever character an idea comes to mind for. As for Donald Pierce, I haven't heard that name in a long time... When fandoms used to be more of a community, I was deep into X-Men! Kind of miss those days a bit. Haven't thought about them in a long time. It's been years since I created anything for xmen
I truly appreciate your message. 💗 It's early noon where I am and I'm feeling sluggish. Hope your day/night is going well too! But I do have to ask: what is the story behind your url @toxicanonymity? Of course I saw it before your message and I had to gear myself up to read something actually toxic or something from some blogger trying to fabricate bs just to start shit 😅
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misterredroom · 6 months
Welcome to my blog friends
As you guessed from my bio, I am a Steven Stoughton irl. My source media is the pokepasta Strangled Red (and the other parts Door’s Open and Strangled) and you may have heard of me from the FNF mods Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition.
Other irls include:
Grey (currently exclusive to FNF Hypno’s Lullaby mod) [May be irl? But I’m sure of it] 💿🪦
Alternate!Cesar Torres (Mandela Catalogue) ☎️🥀
Kevin (Spooky Month) 🍬💢
Adam Murray (Mandela Catalogue) 👁️‍🗨️🍎
Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer) 🐗🗡️
John Doe (John Doe) 👁️🦷
I also kin (but not to an irl extent like Steven):
Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3) 🦇
Kotoko Utsugi (Danganronpa) 🎀
Ruby (Pokespe) 🧵
Kuromi (Sanrio) 😈
Medic (Team Fortress 2) 🏥
Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa) ⛓
Seiko Kimura (Danganronpa) 💊
Kirumi Tojo (Danganronpa) 🕸
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck) ♉️
Giyu Tomioka (Demon Slayer) 🌊
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 🎋
Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) 🔱
Randall Purpura (Purple) ☔️
Astolfo (FGO) 💗
Rosaria (Genshin Impact) 🛐
Lisa (Genshin Impact) (we even share the same birthday!!) 📚
Tate Frost (Purple/Frost Bite) (except he’s super fucking cunty /hj) 🪓
Maison Talo (House Hunted) 🏠 (MIGHT be irl but I’m not sure yet)
And many more to come… (these lists are subjected to change)
(More below the cut):
⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️
This blog may possibly contain shocking, terrifying or suggestive content that may not be suitable for certain ages or people. Viewer discretion is advised.
If you choose to ignore this warning and enter this blog intentionally regardless of what I have said, then so be it. I’m not warning you again so don’t blame me for your negligence and inability to obey my rules.
Minors!! This also applies to you too. Don’t be looking at stuff you shouldn’t be looking at and get out of here.
Also, don’t like what you see? Then move along or just block me. I don’t want to deal with you throwing a tantrum over my stuff.
Who is welcome:
Fans of FNF Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition
Irl or fictionkin
Autistic/any form of neurodivergent
Vampire lovers
Weirdcore/dreamcore/nostalgiacore (tw for derealization?)
Creepypasta/pokepasta/general horror fans
Vintage/retro/silent film lovers
Goth, Emo, EGL, anyone alt
Fellow horror villain/slasher kinnies and irls (so I feel less lonely and learn to accept myself more)
General people who aren’t fucking assholes
Racist (n@zi, ss, kkk, etc)
Antis (you hoes are so fucking rude and creepy and for what reason)
Homophobic, basic anti lgbt
Transphobe, truscum, transmed and other bs
Allow cringe culture
Anti otherkin, fictionkin, irl (why are you even here?)
Anti xenos/neopronouns (they’re not that hard to use but no pressure)
Anti tulpa, endo etc
Minors (as I mentioned earlier, this blog contains subjects minors should NOT be looking at)
Trollers/bait accounts
If you judge others quickly/make fun of them based on their irl/kintypes or forbid someone from dating another because of their irls/kintypes (I love my partner dearly and I will make sure you understand that)
If you make fun of someone for their interests
Anti yandere people (idk if they have a name but I’ve seen them before)
General shitty people
Interact with caution:
Steven simps: Some of you guys are.. interesting to say the least. But PLEASE do not be weird to me because I am a person with feelings too.
Astarion simps: While not as bad as the two above me, I humbly request that you don’t obsess over me.
Ruby haters: Yes people are allowed to have opinions but don’t let it be your whole personality. And this is not a place to express how much you hate me/Ruby.
Medic simps: I’ve only seen a few but Medic simps seem to be like Steven simps. Please please PLEASE don’t be weird to me because I won’t accept your feelings.
Alt!Cesar simps: I was once a Cesar simp denying his feelings until I found out I was an irl of him. And oh my god the simps are no different than Steven simps. And for that reason I really don’t want you to be weird to me please.
Adam simps/haters: It just gets better/worse. If you’re here to slobber over me or be pissy to me I’d rather you not because I am not providing you with anything.
Giyu or Inosuke simps: Why do I keep getting the baddies /j but as per usual don’t be a creep.
John Doe simps or antis/haters: I’m sorry I can’t control this shit but I have a y/n of my own and I love them very much!!!! And if you’re here to talk about why I shouldn’t like dark media then the block button is right there.
And that’s all I have to say. Please be civil and kind on this blog and do NOT spread negativity here. Nobody has time for such trivial stuff and I know I don’t so just be fucking nice and if you see something you don’t like then just leave. I have zero time for your tears.
Have a good day and sending kisses to you all, especially a certain person out there 💋💋💋
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buckisbi · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @willowmckinley and @skelingtonsderek thanks justiesssss
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 27!! Which still feels fake after having less than ten until like may of this year. 17 are Justified.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 24,181.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I mostly only ever write for one fandom at a time so rn its just Justified. But in the past I've written for Supernatural, Julie and the Phantoms, 9-1-1, Stranger Things, Ted Lasso and The Walking Dead. And a number of ones that have never gotten past wip lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? family we find, I Can't Steal You (Like You Stole Me), i could be found, I could be what you had saved, A Fan Knows, blueboys and teddy bears. The popularity of family we find is baffling to me. Also willow did top five justified too so: such a sight to see and it's all for me, feels like i am floating, leaves my body glowing, body's aching for every single drop of your love, might drive this car real fast until we die, sent you a bag of candy dicks. Those first two both having titles from katy perry songs is hilarious.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yeah! Idk I guess I just like showing i appreciate people commenting
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Definitely will it tear the skin right off our bones?! I'm generally a happy or at least bittersweet/hopeful ending person but that one is angst all the way down lmao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Fuck uhhhh I'm not really sure most of them have happy endings bc im allergic to sad endings most of the time
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only one time and i still think about it bc it was so insane and chronically online look at this its so funny
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9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Its definitely not my strong suit but im trying to work on it and get more comfortable writing it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No but I really want to write a justified/spn crossover. I was going to write one for ted lasso bc every fandom needs an spn crossover but I never quite figured it out
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but @willowmckinley has jumped in the slasher au sandbox
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I'm supposed to just pick one after 14 years in fandom? No. Top three in no particular order: stucky, destiel and raylanboyd.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? God so many im so bad at finishing fics
16. What are your writing strengths? ....fuck if I know
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Also I think I do generally good with dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything definitely that I cant drag anything out
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've never done it!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Supernatural
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? All of slasher au it is my baby please read it if its in your comfort zone
I think the justie corner is covered tag wise so @vodka-rocks-and-a-piece-of-toast and anyone else that wants to do it!
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kadebronson · 10 months
but yes as more of my twitter friends follow me here, who are mostly ofmd friends i've made in the past year, i can actually offer helpful tips on how to deal with me being a huge horror nerd
like i know ofmd has some pretty intense moments but it is covered with humor and maybe y'all are not fans of seeing blood in other situations and i am unfortunately a gorehound and it's much more obvious here since i actively used tumblr for a whole decade before the purge and curated my experience
anywayyyyyyy long way of saying! tags to block if you need to!
some generic ones for stuff that isn't from something specific are #horror tag and #werewolf tag there's also #halloween tag but that's usually stuff like decorations, costumes, etc.
the two big horror fandoms that i reblog stuff from would be #reanimator and #it chapter 2 which is the tag that covers all IT media for me idk how i ended up on that one but i mean the second movie is the most important since i'm a reddie bitch
then the stuff i always try to warn for is #blood #gore #body horror #needles #knives (which is mostly used for all sharp instruments since you know slashers can get creative) #guns #eye trauma #clowns #drugs
the last two aren't just horror specific but like i obviously love horror clowns so there's a decent amount of them but if you dislike clowns in any way i'm also posting regular clown dolls and such because i also love them
and most of the drug use stuff i reblog is from horror movies so throwing that in there too
as much as horror is my one true love, i fully understand it's not for everyone so do not hesitate to reach out and ask if there's something else you need tagged! stay safe crew!
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