#i mean i get WHY
celestibears · 2 years
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they need some healthy distractions
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radioactive-cloud · 6 months
i want to know if jan's the one who chooses which photos to share since he's kinda in charge of their ig and if so why the fuck would he choose that photo of nace
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eldragon-x · 2 months
I dont remember Equestria Girls well so correct me but its such a weird choice to isekai Twilight into a setting where everyone is in human high school. Twilight is like a tax paying adult in her universe.
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midnight-in-town · 8 months
Predicting Cordelia's last resolve
I wish I could write something more sensible and optimistic, but this chapter almost tore my heart out...
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For obvious reasons, Gudrid has a lot of plot armor and so does Karli. It makes no sense, considering last month's chapter, to have Thorfinn losing them right now, so it seems the story is rather heading towards Cordelia finding the strength to protect them, no matter what.
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After all, even if Thorfinn & Gudrid were the only ones who ever told her "it was okay not to fight", they are also the ones who welcomed her without fear and who worked things through with Halfdan so that Cordelia would finally know freedom.
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Cordelia is a kind soul, someone who dislikes fighting and war, but she loves Thorfinn and his family way more. She definitely won't kill, but she will probably die to protect Gudrid, Karli and his newborn brother with that strength of hers.
TBH as much as I really really absolutely love her character, I unfortunately don't think Thorfinn, Hild & co will make it in time. T_T Not with them currently being chased too. Last hope I kinda have is Ivar and Styrk finally becoming useful and saving them (instead of, y'know, triggering more conflict)...
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But unfortunately again, Cordelia dying might also be the only way, narratively speaking, for characters like Einar, Ivar, Hild and Styrk to realize that staying in Vinland will cost them everything they've achieved so far (and that Thorfinn is actually not such a bad leader).
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If anything though, as a dim ray of light deep within the storm that war brings, this chapter proved Thorfinn was right.
Even amongst the Lnu themselves, "desiring swords" simply translates as a way to control others: they pretend to be righteous and to act as leaders, because "violence" is the most effective way for them to keep their power over others.
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Honestly I'm devastated. ;_; It's not Cordelia's first death flag, Sensei left hints here and there that she would probably sacrifice herself to save the place in which "she finally could live as herself" but, after this chapter, I've next to no hope of seeing her survive. T_T
Please prove me wrong, Yukimura-sensei...!
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sunlitmcgee · 2 months
guys be real with me did I come off too mean or accusatory here or was this. fair and honest
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also the bit about it being okay to sexualize him being chubby refers to like. him being fat and Hot. like I'm trying to ask people not to be Weird about him being intersex while gently showing all the other things abt them that are hot and sexy and fun to talk about as such......idk I'm just worried I came off in a weird way here...
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the-fatal-impact · 9 months
I just watched first episode of One Piece Live Action. Everyone lusting or simping over Zoro. Including all camera crew.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
I love how is fanfic writers can just TORTURE the characters we love and no one bats an eye.
But when the character gets a boo-boo everyone is screaming and wailing like mad.
It’s funny
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minty-mumbles · 2 years
I'm reading the Iliad right now. I'm only on book 6 but good god Helen needs therapy.
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emberpears · 1 year
I love how often zombie media portrays an outbreak as like a Y2K all in one night type disaster and not like, an actual virus that would take months to spread around
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girlblogger666 · 2 years
I miss Heather a lot :(
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akhmatowa · 1 year
Girl why are there promoting tucker fucking carlson on russia 1 💀🤡
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Kefta Cosplay Tutorial, Part One
The other parts will exist whenever I finish making the thing because I’m literally adding onto this tutorial as I make it
This originally had a whole lot of commentary at the beginning and it felt like one of those online recipes that’s 90% useless backstory that no one reads, so most of it ended up in the bin. You’re welcome. I also apparently discovered that there’s a 10-image limit or something so this is going to have like twenty parts instead of two, but oh well
Special thanks to @thread-of-mind for helping me with the design and figuring out the embroidery, and also for binging most of the show with me when it first came out, and to @you-are-constance for listening to me complain about how much I hate sleeves. You guys are amazing!
Somewhere in the middle of this process I got a new phone with a way better camera and so the quality of different images here varies massively, sorry about that
Of the Grisha orders, the Heartrenders have always been my favorite because I’m in love with Nina because their powers are so cool and versatile and interesting, so that’s what we’re making here today!
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Here’s the pattern I ended up using. If anyone is interested in it but doesn’t want to actually have to buy it themselves, I can try to lay each pattern piece out on a grid and take a photo so you know the scale and can copy them yourself.
Sorry about the glare, I took the picture when it first arrived in the packaging and currently I have no idea where the actual envelope is.
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I always like to make a mock-up of my costumes before using my nice fabric, and I had a bunch of old felt that had a bunch of holes in it but worked well enough. It helped me figure out the sleeves, since the ones with the pattern were far too loose, as well as tailoring through the bust and waist a bit more. The pattern I used had two pieces in the front of the bust, so you have a visible seam there versus the ones in the show that appear to have one solid front, but I liked the fit of the pattern I got and the seam ended up providing a helpful reference when it came to the embroidery later on.
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For the final version, I ended up making it a size larger than what I did for the mock-up, and I’m very glad I did. Because it was too small, and because felt stretches, it warped weirdly around the waist (creating that bit that bubbles out where the buttons end) but that doesn’t happen on the final version because the fabric is heavier and hangs differently, and because it doesn’t stretch.
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I love the red fabric I found- it’s the perfect color and it has enough texture to it up close without having a super visible weave. However, it was too thin and I could tell it wasn’t going to drape right, so I lined it with interfacing. The entire thing. In retrospect, I should’ve given in and just gotten a heavier fabric, but I found the one that I liked and I was going to use it. So that was fun.
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This is also your friendly reminder to pre-wash your fabrics!! I had so much that I couldn’t really do it in the washing machine
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This was my first time using transfer paper for a pattern, believe it or not, and oh my god that stuff is amazing. I have no idea how I’ve been able to function without it for so long. I don’t like cutting my patterns down to size (like I couldn’t have done the next size up from my mock-up if I’d cut it to that smaller size) so I usually just stick a pencil underneath and trace but this was so much easier
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And now we have all of our pieces cut out and can iron the interfacing on. Looking back, I should’ve ironed the interfacing to the entire bolt of red fabric (or even just pinned them together) and cut everything out at the same time, but I ended up having to place the red pieces on the interfacing, trace them, cut them out, and iron them on. I’m very talented at making stuff overly difficult for myself
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That’s the finished interfacing, successfully ironed onto every single piece. It took forever and I hate myself.
Seeing as there’s an image limit, apparently, I’ll wrap up part 1 here. I’m planning for part 2 to cover the actual construction of it, part 3 to be all of the embroidery, and part 4 to be finishing up the lining and stuff, but I have no clue if I’ll be able to stick to that schedule.
For now, I love you guys, and stay tuned for the rest of the tutorial!
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meetlizard · 2 years
and with that, the hiatus begins anew
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
"Tarasov won over the hearts and minds of players and coaches across America, often shouting in Russian—or at last resort, German—yet somehow conveying his point across the language barrier."
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
The cops were called on me and my mother today….
So here I am, age 25, minding my own business in my mother’s car. I am sitting waiting for my mom to come out of the store: the windows are rolled down, I have the keys, I am chilling writing a new fanfic on my phone. No big deal right?
I hear a woman shout, “There’s a little person in that car!” And I look up and see her pointing at me and see her talking to two cops.
No joke, she did not say child, she said LITTLE PERSON. Okay, off topic, but sorry that is super offensive to me as someone who is close friends with individuals who have Achondroplasia. I will say, kindly, please…DO NOT point, stare, and say things like this. It is offensive and extremely hurtful.
I automatically know what is coming. They are going to come and give me a “talking to” then go find my mother or some shit. Apparently I am perpetually 12 in the eyes of nearly everyone in the world; I have grown used to things like this. So, instead of going and making a scene, I decide to patiently wait, and I pull out my license.
As soon as one of the officers, who is my age, comes up to me, before he can even say a word, I hand him my license and say:
“I’m 25.”
The story ends with the younger officer running my license (seriously, he ran the sucker) while the older office explains the woman was “a concerned citizen.” We all have a good laugh about it….till my mother comes out, and I see her face as one of pure terror. I ask the officers to explain the situation to her to calm her down.
And, the funny thing is…The “concerned citizen” was no where to be found at the end if it all.
Okay then…Story time is over y’all.
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officialspec · 4 months
can i say something. for years i thought the joke of the song short skirt/long jacket by cake was that he wanted a woman who was hung like a horse. like i thought when he says jacket it was a last-second fakeout because he very obviously meant to say cock. and the rest of the things in the song were just her personality and interests. which were secondary to her awesome penis
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