#i thought it was common knowledge but that doesnt mean it is for everyone
redysetdare · 1 month
You guys realize that the / in "aro/ace" means "and or" right??? It's like... A common shorthand that I thought everyone might've learned in English but I'm thinking maybe not (no worries, you don't know what you don't know!)
The / has always just been short for "and or" so "aro/ace" is read as "aro AND OR ace" not "aroace"
I just see ppl apparently getting confused and claiming ppl of ignoring just aros or just aces but really they are being included they just misunderstanding what the / is for.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Could I request TADC with a character who has abandonment issues and is afraid they’ll be left alone again? 🥺 thank you in advance!
TADC cast x reader who has abandonment issues!
rubs my silly little hands (the admin also has abandonment issues/is working through them) gonna answer a few requests then i think i might make meringue cookies (they have a weird packing peanut texture that i love. or at least how i think they would feel, admin has never actually touched or chewed a packing peanut but he likes to think this is what they feel like)
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honestly if anything you might have to ask him to give YOU some space; caine in his spare time always wants to spend it around with you. doesnt even matter if you guys are doing something, he will literally just hover and run his mouth because he just cant get tired of you. so i think out of all of the cast hes going to be the one where to feel the most secure around since he pours his heart out about how much he loves you (whether platonically or romantically!). even when youre away off doing something else, hes likely gushing about you to anyone who will, and sometimes even wont, listen. embodiment of the "shes my girlfriend ehehe" mickey mouse meme that i saw going around a few weeks ago; point is theres nothing you need to worry about! however he listens when you share your worries, and squashes them down with reassurances and affirmations
oooo okay so this one is interesting because pomni is actively looking for an exit out of the digital world. and i think that this is common knowledge to just about everyone around her, you included. so i think that this might very likely feed into your fear of her leaving you behind... because what are the chances you guys would reunite if she actually found an exit? i mean can you imagine? and thats even assuming you guys would remember your time in the digital world when you return; im kind of on the fence on whether or not the digital memories would still be there after an escape, since you forget everything when you enter the digital world... (also as a side note for fluff with that idea imagine meeting with whoever after escaping and not knowing youve met before but you guys still fall for one another. this isnt just for pomni but for any of the characters. love that idea, so much)
anyways, as ive said a few times before pomni is... not good at comforting... but she sure as hell were try.. though, even she doesnt seem so sure of herself when she says shes going to be looking for you when you both escape, like shes scared you guys will be separated forever
as sweet and caring as ever, if you confide in her about your fears shes going to make sure youre not left in your thoughts. the best at reassuring you, and perhaps even pulls up an activity for the two of you to do together so you have something to get your mind off of it. if you dont approach her, shes going to notice that something is wrong with you and ask you yourself if youre okay and if theres something on your mind... does her best to stamp out your thoughts of fear and doubt, shes not going anywhere and she doesnt intend on abstracting anytime soon (though, can she really help it, if she ever does?)
point is i think out of all of the characters shes going to be the best in terms of comfort and making you feel safe and secure; and if it makes you feel any better you guys come up with a system of sorts to pin down the other if you guys ever escape the digital world; so you can find one another.. very sweet stuff, i think
while ragatha is the best in terms of giving comfort and security, jax is probably the worst. the guy does not particularly scream the most emotionally mature and available; if anything i think he might brush off your worries with soft jabs like "dont be dumb, im not gonna go anywhere" or something in that vein. as per usual i think it would take you showing real big signs of distress for him to drop the whole asshole thing and try to make you feel better and assure you that hes not going to go anywhere. and even then its still a little.... eh... i mean jax isnt the best at comforting people; its not really his... thing, you know? sure he wont turn his back on you or make you feel bad (on purpose) but his main way of assuring you is just pushing the statement that hes not going to leave you be ("besides, im not done messing with you yet,") and even offers to hang out with you for the day/until you feel better
similar deal with caine in the case of "youre probably going to be the one asking for space" simply because kinger is too paranoid that something is going to happen to you that hes always trailing you and keeping you in his line of sight... honestly, i think his fears might even mirror your own; youre scared that hes going to leave you behind, and hes scared that something is going to happen to you and you wont be around anymore. neither of you can bury the thought... and in a weird, and perhaps even an unhealthy way depending on how intense it is and how you personally view it, you guys find comfort in your shared fears. like a confirmation that the two of you are too afraid to let go... you poor things... in short, you dont need to worry about anything, kinger is not going to be going anywhere..! in terms of comfort, he lets you hug and hold him and mess with his robes fur while reassuring you. back pats n rubs are in order, me thinks
while zooble might come off as mean and cold, i dont think theyre exactly an asshole. sure they can come off as such thanks to their tone and attitude, but they care about you and while they struggle with expressing that... theyre trying their best... so at least theres an effort to let you know that they at least enjoy your presence..! their... flat voice doesnt really do them any favors but thats just how they talk. very firm in telling you that theyre not going anywhere, and to the point about it. while the others may go on tangents about why they wont leave, zooble will be blunt in simply saying that they care about you and that youre cool and that theyre not planning on just up and ditching you. now THATS not cool, unless you did something to them that warranted such a reaction... but what are the odds of that + then they would be in their right to bounce yk?
that aside, theyre firm and blunt in terms of comforting you, and often times offer to let you take the reigns for the day to choose what you guys do, in an attempt to make you feel better with something you enjoy!
oh ho ho i think she would also have abandonment issues.... i mean it comes with the shy artist thing, you know? outcast weird kid who actually is a neurodivergant individual energy, you know? ponders. so i think, similar to kingers piece you guys find mutual comfort in the fact youre both so scared of the other leaving (again, the energy around that is up to you) and in an odd way it brings you two even closer. though, i dont think that would be enough for either of you to actually overcome your fear of abandonment, because ultimately its both something you guys need to work on... but why do it alone? you guys probably share tips and build each other up, going through something with a friend/partner isnt as scary or intimidating as doing it alone... so thats nice, i think..! not many ideas for gangle, unfortunately but i think i will leave this open with the concept of both of you healing and all that :3
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the-crow-binary · 7 months
Im quite curious about your opinion on the portrayal of the french revolution; I know it was a super complicated political moment with multiple fronts from the commoners wanting better life conditions, the bourgeoisie wanting to get the nobility out of the way (which it's part as to why it cant be directly translated into 21'st century american capitalism analogy 🙄), how multiple nobles supported the revolution for moral values despite going against their families interests (bc social class influences but doesnt instantly determines your morals) and that many revolutionary groups supported the independence of Haití (heck, many members of my countries independence participated and almost got beheaded in the resulting mess. And ad hundred and something years later France would try to invade us lol). What im trying to say behind my ramble here (sorry for that lol) its that im sure nfcv made it a slavery bad black ppl vs white ppl american dilemma without getting into the complexity of it and i say this as a foreigner with basic history knowledge, so i do wanna see your take on it
Which portrayal of the French Revolution? 🙃
I swear this very important Historical event that affected not just France but all of continental Europe and is considered as one of the world's biggest events was just used as background for the characters to fight and be racist. The characters keep throwing around the word "revolution" from all sides, but we don't see shit. Maria gives context in the first episode (there's a revolution, they overthrown the monarchy and declared a republic, they arrested the king...), talking to a group of revolutionaries, and from then on the story could've literally taken place in an imaginary country with imaginary politics it would've been the same.
Oh, what am I saying, there IS one thing. Our motto. 🙃"Liberty, equality, fraternity" 🙃 Yeah it has been thrown here and there... Except that it wasn't our official motto yet. We had the notion of liberty and equality, sometimes fraternity, and it was in the middle of other words such as "friendship", "sincerity", "charity" and "union". There is some people and even some books who used this motto but it was abandoned then taken back later... Just this is a mess lmao but the point is. I cringed everytime the characters screamed "Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!". And while we're on the subject, Richter, at some point, meets three girls during a festival (I suspect one of the girls to be Marianne, who wasn't a real person but the symbol of Liberty) talking about dressing up as Liberty and Equality and Fraternity. And Richter, thinking he is so smart, say that you need to be a man to dress up as Fraternity, because it means "brotherhood" (and the girls go "sisternity then" and don't correct him). Oh, and the writers clearly thought it was very clever too, since later on Annette's teacher (and even the Messiah I think??) will ALSO talk about the motto, saying "liberty, equality, brotherhood". IT DOESN'T MEAN "BROTHERHOOD". I MEAN IT CAN. BUT IN THIS CASE IT MEANS "FRATERNITY". IT'S A TERM TO TALK ABOUT A BOND EXISTING BETWEEN PEOPLE CONSIDERED AS MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. AKA IT CONCERNS EVERYONE. YOU ARE NOT CLEVER, AMERICAN WRITERS.
Also I thought a fucking festival at a time like that where people dress up at the concepts of our not-exactly-official-motto-yet was stupid, and it is. There was no such festival, however, we did have the "cult of the reason". To put it simply: it was a serie of events and civic holidays wich were organized by a group of atheists. In it there WAS an event called "Fete of the Reason"... Where one ACTOR dressed up as Liberty. It was NOT multiple people representing liberty, equality or fraternity.
The fun fact is, the French Revolution was a pretty good occasion for NFCV to promote it's CHURCH BAD mentality. We were taking away the church's power, more people became atheists, anti-christian vandalism and blasphemy was actually encouraged, it was a mess. Paris even ordered to shut down churches at some point, wich did not happen in the end. So yeah, this precise moment, right before the Vendée War, was perfect for the church-haters those writers are. And it ended up just being as bad as the original show, without any nuance... Ok there might be a little bit of nuance because of Mizrak, a guy who served the church and in the end actually team up with Richter and the gang, and it looks like he's there to stay. Emmanuel (the abbott) tries to be complex, but in the end, he is still a God-obsessed man that makes terrible decisions and is not a good representation for the church. So okay, it might be a BIT better than the original show thanks to Mizrak, but it's not saying much.
Another thing. Only the main characters are shown to have a dislike for the church. We don't see ANY of the french people doing anything against the church (but we do hear the church complaining about the revolutionaries, tell don't show y'know), not even talk about it. It's mostly jokes about how haha priests are sexual predators/they can't keep it in their pants (with the occasional "it exploits the people and take their money" line, and by occasionnal I mean once). There IS a few shades thrown at God here and there, honestly I didn't bother remembering the exact lines because they are so cliché and really not that deep. I think Maria is the one complaining the most.
What angers me the most is the lack of ANY ACTION FROM THE FRENCH PEOPLE. It's like nothing is actually happening except vampire killing people and vampire hunting (wich begs the question: WHY bother making it happen during the FRENCH REVOLUTION?). Nocturne literally made the french people the side (oh what am I saying, the BACKGROUND) characters in their OWN REVOLUTION. AND ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS. WHAT THE FUCK. Maria is supposed to be a revolutionary leader but she doesn't lead anyone. We never see anyone do anything outside of the main characters. The french are literal planks, except from those three girls from the festival and villains, they don't even have a voice. At some point the vampire Messiah arrives in town, in plain view, and people are like "OUR SAVIOR IS HERE! OUR DELIVERER!" and I thought the people shouting were vampires, but no, there is humans TOO. ALL TOGETHER. And you have no idea how much I hate that they basically portray the french people as not doing shit and needing someone else to save them 🙃 To do things for them 🙃 And also. That that someone else is not even french themself. 🙃 Even without the Messiah... the revolutionaries we saw were led by Richter (romanian/american/british idk at this point), Annette (Haitian, even if Saint-Domingue was owned by France at the time), Tera (Russian) and, of course, Maria, who's both Russian and French, at least. Those four were doing most of the work while the french people were in their houses cooking baguettes, I guess. And by "work" I mean fighting vampires and night creatures, there was nothing done about the Revolution. Almost like there is NO REASON TO MAKE A CV SHOW ABOUT THE FRENCH REVOLUTION
Oh and I just HAVE to talk to you about Saint-Domingue, and the BLACK PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED theme going on with Annette. And that's when I'll have to take out this magnificent dialogue again:
"Even these french with their high ideas, what do they know about we've suffered? And what do they care? They're building new world, but it won't be freedom, or equality or brotherhood for US"
This is said by Annette's teacher. Worth to note that before that, in episode 3, she also shat on the French revolution and our motto. Basically, the show portray the French Revolution as being one thing and the slaves in Saint-Domingue having their own other revolution. And not just that, it implies that the French did not care about slaves, and that they do not know what suffering is (yeah, people just start revolutions because they feel like it y'know 🙃). And the anti-white dialogues are portrayed as normal and are even applauded, btw. And it is BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLSHIT. MY FUCKING GOD. OH THIS SHOW MAKE ME SO ANGRY.
First off: Only the colonies were pro-slavery. The french pretty much weren't. A "Society of friends of black people" was even created in France in 1788 to fight for the abolition of slavery. People fought for black people's rights during the French Revolution. Books written by black people to join the fight came out. The French Revolution scared the colonies who were very against losing their slaves and it led to Haiti's own revolution (slaves rebelling, killing their owners, burning the plantations... Nocturne at least got that part right). So both revolutions are very closely linked and the slaves might not have rebelled at this point if it wasn't for the French Revolution threatening Saint-Domingue's economics and creating social upheavals.
Oh, and I mentioned the Vendée War earlier... So, fun fact, during the revolution, we have what we call "la Terreur". It's a pretty gruesome period of time during the Revolution that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people. La Terreur happened from 1793 to 1794. So one year after this first season of Nocturne. 🙃 I'm just saying. It wouldn't surprise me if they used this for season 2. 🙃(I literally do not trust them)
And the vampires... Look the vampires have their own can of worms that I'm not motivated enough to open. I'll just say that, of course, in classic NFCV fashion, the message the show is trying to pass is not subtle at all. They're just evil. All of them. All of the french nobles. Evil evil EVIL EVIL!! NUANCE AND COMPLEXITY ARE FOR PUSSIES.
Also the count of Vaublanc? Annette's ex-owner? This guy existed. And he never owned slaves. He was pretty pro-royalty, at some point he voted against slavery, then later voted in favor of it... but he did not own slaves. But honestly I don't care about that guy much, I just wanted to show that NFCV really doesn't care about nuance. Everything has to be black or white (lol) and that's why we have no human nobility in Nocturne.
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icharchivist · 1 year
was having banri thoughts lately just bc like. why not right. and then i suddenly remember u mentioning that some ppl... did not like banri at the start? which is wild to me bc in my mind ive always been ride or die for him. like i love juza so much but i feel like. that doesnt rly oppose liking banris character as well? banri is such fun character drama at the beginning of autumn and then his and itarus dynamic is fun from the start... gosh and the acting in the final bits of the autumn troupe between him and juza! suchhh fun tension. like. idk. it just started making me think like wow. digging thru a3 on my own with mostly the influence of like, just you has probably skewed my opinion of what the common perception of a3 is like. for example in my head winter is the most popular troupe which... it maybe isnt? i feel like recently i saw u mention summer might be the most popular(? this couldve been a dream) and i didnt realize itaru was super popular until like. last month. i mean if i had to pick a character i thought was the most popular i'd pick. misumi.
LKFJDLKFJD god what an ask
yeah i doubt i'm exactly the "common a3 experience" but to be perfectly honest i haven’t really kept tabs on the fandom per se since hh mid-2020 when i started to dig into some tags and saw so much negativity i was just :/ and stopped doing so (the curse to liking rascals </3).
Nowadays my knowledge of the a3 fandom is mostly the people interreacting with me, which already generally means that they vibe with what i post, so it gives me a skewed vision of the fandom like, are we all like that? or are the loud voices that made me go avoid the tag still here yaknow?
More stuff under cut
For Banri, i'll admit i wasn't too hot about him when i started the game, which now i regret so bad because he's my precious little meow meow hands down. He has such a good arc!!!! I know in my case i just had a hard time because i cared for Juza right away and i was still so high on Summer's development i kept comparing Banri to Tenma and going "here's why Tenma is amazing and Banri is cringefail". But it lasted me until a bit before Banri sees the portraits, when he starts to be conflicted, after that i was all, oh wait i like that guy. And then the more content i saw of him the more i loved him and he became my fav Autumn Chara. (so if you want to ramble about him more you’re free to do so because i’m team i adore this guy. please do. you’re so right in what you say of him.)
But so i did expect people to have my experience - hard time in the beginning, then mellowing on him before the end of the Autumn Chapter. And it wasn't the case 😭😭😭😭 At least at the time, the Banri's takes were rancid. Like it was genuinely annoying at a point, you couldn't go anywhere without some Banri bashing fuckery, even after his initial arc, people just. really hated him. My most hated takes were that i saw so many people say Banri would bully Yuki or stuff implying they would have an antagonistic relationship and it's probably why i cling to Into the Night so much, like HELL you're going to twist one of my fav crosstroupe dynamic!!! I legit saw so many things reducing Banri to a menace and a bully, and if not that, talking about how much everyone in the dorm hated him, and it was really driving me insane then.
I remember once making a post about how i was so close to blacklist "Banri" because people didn't filter this bashing with tags so i was just ready to just, not see Banri anymore, but it was breaking my heart. But somehow after this post i got a few people coming back at me about how it annoyed them too and i saw some of those people make their own posts in a more. direct way. and after that i never saw Banri bashing again. My power (< absolutely not, coincidence at best i'm sure).
A lot of Banri bashing i saw back then were from "newcomers" in the sense that it was after the anime aired, and a lot of people were just coming in without knowing about the events. imo i think the events do help giving a better feel to Banri in general so the fact people were fresh from the anime might have skewed things. I remember a friend who was in that case, newcomer and all, only read the main story, didn't like Banri after reading the main story. Then, Main story act 2 came out and while they didn't read the events, they read the main story and they started liking Banri there (because he did develop so much since then)
And as a whole i'd say, by act 2 it must have died out a bit.
There's another chara who gets bashed a lot but. Act 2 stuff 😔. Unfortunately a chara i like a lot so this was my breaking point of "i'm not checking the tags anymore none of you know how to behave". I think it mellowed since then? and i know the chara is popular in the JPN fandom meanwhile.
else i've seen like, Tasuku having very little content from fans and a few people being mean to him when they talked about him, but it was a long time ago and i sure hope it died out. I don't think i'd say he's bashed, more that most folks don't have strong feelings about him and stopped just with a bitter taste over his anger toward Tsumugi in the first winter chap.
Now. About popularity, Winter is DEF NOT the most popular troupe. Pretty sure it plays between Autumn and Summer in term of popularity. That said it's not like any of the troupes are unpopular so any ramblings about each Troupe would be meet with pleased reactions from the fandom, so it is harder to gauge that but yeah.
Troupewise something i noticed is that i think Summer is the most popular in term of GROUP, while Autumn is the most popular in term of Individuals. So a lot of people liked Summer specifically for their dynamic and how each of those charas played out each other more than individually liking each of them, while for Autumn it was, they liked all of them strongly! not specifically for their dynamic, though of course it plays a part, but as individuals. I mention it because i think it was the key difference in rank up in why i think Summer plays were okay to rank up to while Autumn were a nightmare. (that said that can also be "blamed" on "fans gravitate around characters that have elements they have as well" or something which means Autumn fans were more likely to be competitive and stubborn in a way Summer were more mellow.)
Itaru is definitely the most popular character of the whole game, period. It's not even a competition at this point it's so funny. when the EN server was live, anytime Itaru had a rank up card was a bloodbath (< survivor of Kniroun ranking up at 0.2%. Didn't sleep normally for the whole duration of the event it was so much.).
By the end of the server things were dying out a bit but still in general you could get a vague idea of popularity by how wild the rankings could be. For instance the fact Tasuku's ranking was a breeze without even trying was indicative of how he's not that popular.
In general i've noticed, at the time at least, that Winter ranks up were rather easy. I've ranked up for a few of Summer and i didn't see much of a problem otherwise*. Spring was really chill unless Itaru was in rank up. Autumn was THE Bloodbath. There were Autumn Stans organziation all over, the appp SYSTEMATICALLY broke EVERYTIME Autumn was around, it was always much more challenging, so yeah man.
Misumi* is probably the one i'd consider the second most popular character of the game, pretty much.
(*The funny thing is that Misumi got his lead play very early in the server's history, and i know i ranked up for him then and i didn't think it was too hard. In retrospect i'm sure it has more to do with the fact the game didn't have as many people playing it, than it had to do with popularity, so my word on Summer not being a problem is based on weird stats)
A while ago, for the Taiwanese server, there was a special set of cards in term of popularity on this server. Itaru got a SSR, Masumi got a SR, and Misumi got a R.
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Masumi is in a weird position because i'd say he's fairly unpopular in the EN server, while he's popular in the JPN and Taiwanese server. Honestly i'm assuming he's especially popular with the teen audience.
The first Cross-troupe's play was involving the most popular character of each troupe, by a poll being made by the JPN server. The leads were Itaru and Banri, then Misumi as a secondary character and Tsumugi as a more support character.
Meaning at the time, this was the order of the 4 most popular characters of the game.
When the mixed troupe event came to the English server, i remember a poll circulating on tumblr and likely twitter as well, trying to see if the EN Server had different favorites. Itaru still came on top, Misumi followed closely afterward. For Autumn, it was Juza and Taichi that were on the top of the Autumn poll, not Banri, and for Winter, i think it was still Tsumugi but Homare was very close behind.
So that was the popularity at least back then, god knows opinions now.
I've seen Homare be extremely popular on tumblr for sure. I have no doubt in Juza's popularity as well.
I saw a lot of Taichi fan going "Taichi is underappreciated" but i saw so many of them i was kinda just thinking "bro i'm pretty sure Taichi is in the popular character squad by now" But i'm also on the other hand as i've once seen a post saying Hisoka was popular and it stunned me a moment going ????? because as a huge Hisoka stan i don't see it???? There's a few devoted fans, and he has a better fanbase in JPN server, but in EN server??? (I'm comparing the last rank up for Hisoka VS the last rank up for Taichi in my mind and i genuinely don't see it for instance) so i also think it's likely i have a "fav blindspot" where i just don't think people are vibing with the charas the way i'm vibing, just. exactly like what i'm talking about with the Taichi stans so.... (that said i also once was tagged in a post that was going "i don't think i've ever seen a Hisoka or Tasuku stan" and a friend just went @ icha come here. Schrodinger Hisoka who's both popular and unpopular depending on who you're asking. And Tasuku IS MY UNDERRATED MEOW MEOW)
I think i recall Tenma being popular for a time, and Yuki is well appreciated by everyone around here. Kazunari has a loud fanbase but i'm pretty sure the seiyuu thing was a huge blow to them and a lot of them got more quiet at the time.
And for what it's worth i do think there's a sizeable portion of the fandom that really like Tsuzuru, but i think it's just, something you get to see a lot when a huge part of the fandom is creatives. And to be completely fair, Clockwork Heart is the one event i had a massive burn out at and didn't pay attention to the rankings at all, so i can't tell if people went really wild about it. And the next Tsuzuru rank up event was literally the last event of the EN server and i'm sure it's not indicative of anything since a lot of folks just didn't want to bother. So unlike the others were i'm using rank up as a gauge of popularity i can't tell how Tsuzuru's might influence his.
SO YEAH that's for what i could pick up BACK THEN, as i remind, i didn't really look deeply into the fandom itself. I'm really good in my corner so it might not actually be indicative of the fandom trends and i'm maybe completely off base.
Then about how, i, personally, don't represent the fandom, unless the fandom changed since then: When i first liveblogged a3, it was when the server was new and no one was on tumblr about it, so i was a little unfiltered from people's opinions. when i came back about a year later to comment on act 2, getting all worked up, and running then into the growing fanbase on this website, is when i started to run into fan takes and everything.
And, let's be clear, i came back because i was crying very hard over Hisoka and Azuma and the full Winter Troupe, and Chikage, so i really came here with my Big Winter Boots only talking about Winter and then Spring.
I ended up getting a feel of what people were talking about a lot at that time, and kinda ended up talking more about what i considered my Underrated Gems.
For instance, i absolutely adore Itaru. I ranked up for him, i've bleed for him, i love the dude. But he's so popular i figured i legit had nothing to say about him that a hundred people wouldn't have been able to say before. So i've mostly didn't really talk about him much despite loving him a LOT because i just didn't think i had anything to say. (now in my current reread i'm doing it so disconnected from what i know of the fandom that i indulged in talking more about how much i like him LMAO)
Meanwhile, there's characters i love that i know the fandom don't talk about much so i end up talking about them more, and it's the case of Tasuku. I wouldn't be surprised Tasuku is really low on most people's popular list. I'm just Not Most People and you're going to hear me ramble about that hunk of a man every few days or so.
I've made my niche in the Winter Troupe appreciation gang and i'm pretty sure by now a lot of other Winter people follow me as a result because i couldn't shut the fuck up, so then my perception of the fanbase gets skewed because i just think of Them ahah.
And there is the fact i adore the rookies, mainly Chikage and Guy, but don't talk about them so much mostly because they came out later in the main story and i've been rereading act 1 so many times instead,,, and didn't talk much about act 2 in case some people managed to save themselves from being spoiled (like you!!)
So my personal perception of a3 is probably not reflecting the whole a3 fanbase really much. God the amount of times i talked my friends's ears off about Winter, that they kinda just humored me without thinking much about it, until they found out one of the More Popular Chara (Itaru, Tenma and the whole Autumn Troupe mostly) and suddenly they're like *twirls hair* heeyy Icha tell us more about a3. It's genuinely so funny to me.
and again i don't know perhaps i'm full of shit, and it's not like i've kept tabs on the fandom recently either!
But that is at least a bit of what i remember in term of popularity and what i can say is that i shouldn't be taken as an example of the fanbase's views in general.
I'm vibing in my corner, and by experience, it usually meant i ended up talking about more niche things, but since i'm disconnected from the fandom i'm pretty sure i still have opinions that are popular opinions. So who knows! not me!
So yeah that's all i can say about the popularity of the a3 fandom. Def not an indication of it by me.
and it must be funny for you since you only really have me as your fandom gateaway because well. *waves at post* yeah.
The more you know!
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
who tried to kill tommy 2/2
im also playing with the idea that niki knew too
her acting doesnt directly imply that she knew, but when going through her reactions with this in mind its actually possible and I wouldnt be surprised if she knew too
she says she isnt surprised by tommy going to l'mannes, but she didnt think wilbur would accept to be tommys guide, this choice not aligning with her knowledge of wilbur
her tone is off when saying this
she attacks his relationship with phil a bit, almost like she wants wilbur to rebel and dont go
but she doesnt explicitly say anything, which would imply that rainduo is doing much worse than we thought
and also that the source of this information is someone niki and q have in common, which would rule both of them separately out and id say even schlatt, bc I dont think hed share this info with niki, if it were his choice
and like yes, niki is ruthless enough to be able to to this, but we dont know about any reason for niki to hate tommy this much up until the strategy exercise and by then the bandits mustve been already planned and I believe niki is also not that stupid to do this herself, but that would surely get traced back to her
I also dont think its sam bc why would he kill his own choice and would say its also not techno and sneeg bc of their alliance to phil (tho im sure sneeg would betray him for money but i just dont see any way he would benefit from tommys death)
and nobody from tommys group (I HOPE)
so basically I have theories about who didnt do it, but no idea who did
I mean its like phil said, basically everyone in court has a lot riding on whether its gonna be niki or q on the throne and now with tommy with no influences, this is in danger
still nodding along although I am making faces but you cannot see what faces I am making. I love when you guys try to theorize and just end up naming everyone you're all so good at narrowing it down /lh
but yeah basically a lot of people in court have the motivation. it's more a question of the means and the will to do so
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atherix · 1 year
Dear Midnight readers,
We are gathered hear today to mourn the loss of Atherix after she was brutally murdered by both gnawing and shaking at the hands of Stitch.
Atherix was a lovely writer in their time, produce for us two quality chapters in a matter of hours and she will be missed.
The burial service will be on thee plot B at Fuck You Cemetery at Midnight Tonight.
GOD the glyph disappearing. The faCT THAT I KNOW WHY YOU FUCKING BROUGHT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM TORMENTED WITH KNOWLEDGE.
The comb, the memory sharing, the vulnerability as Scar puts it I am in LOVE
ALSO THEY SAID THE TITLE. I don't care that midnight is super common in the story it makes me happy anyway.
And Grian not getting the whole shadows are light but not thing is so funny. oh my god.
'the magic the gods hold' SHAKES YOU. SHAKING YOU. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE.
OH AND THEN THE DREAM AT THE END THERE??? EXCUSE ME!!! I mean. I knew it would come back up. But the fact that its there is making me INSANE
and then the fucking. the ALLEY. 'Its been a few years' HOW MANY IS A FEW, GRIAN. I NEED TO KNOW, GRIAN. ARE YOU FUCKING SURE SIR???????? Listen. Listen. I didn't even think that maybe grian was in stasis or some shit til everyone else was like 'is grian actually like centuries old and doesnt know' BECAUSE NOW. I AM THINKING ABOUT IT. I AM CONNECTING DOTS. I AM FUCKING GNAWING ON SHIT. THE FACT THAT HE SPEAKS ANCIENT. THE FACT THAT SCAR'S TOME HAS ADDED LINES THAT WERENT IN HIS BOOK. THE STATE OF THE ALLEY. The crack was narrows but now theres a giant hole in the ceiling. Other creatures have taken up residency in the alley. Grian's constant 'hes a little confused but hes got the spirit' vibes about everything. MY GEARS ARE FUCKING SPINNING.
God the fact that Grian just goes in. That grian keeps gettingb pulled out of his own head by his mates. The fact that Mumbo pulls Scar and tubbo down because its definitely not safe for them to just stay outside the mountain oh my god but then. Then.
Why DO the Watchers want the Tome hidden in a city full of Observants is my fucking question that I still haven't cracked. This is like one of those geodes full of water - thunderegg? I think they're called??? But I have theories okay. If the watchers are supposedly all seeing but the Palace had them wandering around AND they were walking around in a physical enough form for Grian to kill THREE of them right. Right. And theres the whole - the watchers Grian remembers werent following the stuff inside the tome right. WHAT IF. WHAT THE FUCK IF. [I feel like im talking to like. a twitch chat bc I know you arent gonna say shit about it] BUT OKAY THESE WATCHERS ARE LIKE. DEVIANT. THEYVE STRAYED. AND THEYVE MADE A BREAK OFF WITH THE ALLEY. AND THEY MAKE PEOPLE HIDE THEIR TOMES TO HIDE THEM FROM THE EYES OF THE OTHER WATCHERS, WHO SEE THAT THE ONES WHOVE TAKEN FORM ARENT FOLLOWING THE RULES. IDK. LISTEN. I READ THIS HALF DELIRIOUSLY.
Why do I recognize the Magical Menagerie. And WHY does Grian take his Tome if he already has Scars unless theirs some like godling part of his brain thats just like, dragon hoarding all the tomes. What is going on. What the fuck.
I dont fucking know if I believe that grian's only been gone for five years at this point. Relatively recent abandonment my ass, Scar. Tubbo and Mumbo have already called it, I'm believing your anons, Grian is OLD. WHERE ARE THE REMAINS. 5 YEARS IS NOT LONG ENOUGH FOR BODIES TO DECAY COMPLETELY AWATY. ABSOLUTELY NOT. THIS PLACE IS OLD AS BALLS.
the watchers eat pets im calling it now. This is a completely baseless accusation. they eat the pets.
'They prey on your emotions and then consume everything you are' HEY UH. HEY THERE TUBBO. TUB TUB. HEY BESTIE. ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY YOUR PARENTS ARE ACTIVELY BEING CONSUMED??????
Oh man, looks like I need to get fitted for the casket real fast hjkfgdhskg-
HEHEHEHE :) KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN NEVER SHARE WITH ANOTHER READER HEHEHEHE. Idk if it'll be catharsis when it comes up again but HFKSHFKJSK :)
He's trying to be better for them <3 Trying to be more open and honest and let them in more <3 And the memory sharing- it means so much more this time because last time he shared his memories with them they were asking questions, but this time he volunteered the info himself- invited them to see it, and I am so khfdshgkjdfshgkjfd I am so NORMAL about them <3
I LOVE A GOOD TITLE DROP <3 And hey. Midnight is very significant in the Midnight series :) Cough cough a midnight sun.... the Midnight Alley........ a midnight Eclipse.................. :)
Grian over here like "LIGHT IS LIGHT AND SHADOW IS SHADOW" lmaaoooo I love him, magic is a conundrum to him.
🙂 Hehe~
Hey. Hey Stitch. Looks like there are some surprises I haven't mentioned to you yet LMAO <3 I will neither confirm nor deny anything, and I shall explain nothing <3 I will say this, though.... for someone running away, Grian sure hasn't met anyone looking for him, has he. :)
Grian is just. So. Stubborn. If he didn't have Mumbo and Scar to reel him in this would have gone So Bad hjfdkjk but also the fact that he LETS them help him I am just so hjkfdskkfds
You are speaking to a chat, yes, because I can answer literally NONE of those :'D And these are questions I will not answer in private either <3 I need to leave SOME mysteries for you <3
You know, if the last page of the Tome is different, I wonder what else might be. Just. Just saying. :) As for why you recognize Magical Menagerie, it was mentioned in Midnight Melody, so <3
*cough*alsostalactiteswhereglassusedtobe*cough* Sorry sorry got something stuck in my throat, but :) It's an interesting idea isn't it, my dear Stitch and readers~
Haha the Palace IS lived in :) :) TRUST ME. IT'S OKAY TO TRUST ME HAHA <3 Okay but also Scar having that split moment of like "oh shit what do I do I know it's not his dead wife but it LOOKS like her" and just hjfdhsjkghdskj BUT I FUCKING DARE <3
HFSJUKHFKJS LMAO baseless accusation but you know what, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
:) Hehehe
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muuurder · 2 years
i agree with the anger issues, lack of boundaries, not knowing his own strength, and the entitlement!! i think that he doesnt know how to go about like.. loving someone? there were books and stuff so i think we can assume that some of what he knows is based off of the books hes read/listened to. another common thing ive seen is people assuming hes uneducated but in my head, hes not. his view of reality just might be slightly warped due to the media that he consumed. which could maybe play into his lack of boundaries.
but i think he genuinely is not a bad person. his trauma just plays into everything. then of course you have his parents practically giving greta to him
but im interested in what you have to say about him being autistic. ive never really looked at him from another perspective mentally.
I am now off of work *rubs hands together* so let’s get into this. I’ll leave an undercut so I’m not killing everyone on dashboards with a long post lol. I’m so sorry. Cause this is going to be a hellishly long post. just a quick mention there will be brief mentions of Su*cide as well as specific disorders and the like. Obviously nothing graphic but wanted to give a warning in case.
I agree in the idea that a lot of his knowledge as far as how things work revolves around classic books (pride and prejudice, the great gatsby, etc etc. i personally Headcanon his favorite story is beauty and the beast because he’s a hopeless romantic.) This can cause a bit of an issue as usually the “male” role in old novels tend to be rather problematic as far as how women are viewed and treated. Not to mention his parents for sure are conservative uppity aristocrats but with money so far up their ass they can’t think straight.
I have also seen people acting as if he’s uneducated and incapable of doing basic things. Which is incredibly far off in my opinion. We know for a fact he was home-schooled, I mean we got a glimpse of his routine. I think his knowledge of the outside world is incredibly limited. I do agree with that. He doesn’t know about social media, or computers if we’re honest, or most functions you need to know as an adult to live and survive in the real world. So I imagine if you introduced him to it, it would be an incredible culture shock for him. He’s been locked away for years. He loved his parents but the moment he is given the chance to grow and change he will be absolutely angry. Honestly, that’s a tantrum he needs to have. He needs to break shit in their room in my opinion and he has a right to be angry with them for a plethora of reasons. I’m derailing a bit here- but he’s incredibly smart. There’s a screenshot of Brahms’s room. It’s somewhere I’d have to go scrounging which I don’t want to do right now, but it shows every tiny detail In that room. He has a washbin, a microwave, a fridge, as well as books and tons of sheet music plastered on the wall. I could talk for hours about the common thought he’s nasty and hates baths (which is I think far from the truth.) but that aside; I think he’s a prodigy. He builds mechanisms in his free time (he made the rat traps for the house,) and he’s well versed in the arts (particularly where I think he excels the most.) we can see that much with drawing he seems to have and the sheet music heavily hinting he plays violin. I also have a personal Headcanon he can absolutely read beowulf and both comprehends and can pRONUNCIATE EVERY DAY WORD CORRECTLY. I could never my god. But he’s well read, and incredibly smart. Not to mention, the only thing he has as far as childlike behavior outside of regression is I truly believe he enjoys learning and like a kid he absorbs information and learns quickly.
As far as my take that he’s autistic, it’s got a lot of layers. Particularly I think he has bpd and/or has autism. I personally have BPD so you can take that as it is, it could be me rubbing my grubby little hands all over brahms, but I’ll give the gists of what it is and why i think BPD should also be tagged onto him along with autism and if you’d like me to go further in depth about them let me know.
So BPD is a personality disorder that is characterized by unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships. I always joke and say it’s basically speed running the DSM-5. I know it has a bad rep (you’re either demonized or infantilized by it because it’s a hellish and intense disorder.) Some of the symptoms are irritability, explosive anger, rapid mood swings (we’re talking you feel the world  crumbling, wanting to kermit sewerslide and then it shuts off like a switch. You feel nothing and it’s over. and that’s in like a span of 10 minutes? and you’re left numb and disassociating. real riveting shit), risk taking behaviors, impulsivity, a general lack of restraint: I mean I could go on. To get to the point, there is a phenomenon with those who have the disorder where they will form an FP. They don’t pick em, it just kinda happens. But FP stands for favorite person and to put it short, they are the most important person in that person life. You can’t imagine living without em and it’s usually a supportive person (family, friends, therapist, romantic partner, etc etc. so you can see how a nanny would suit this role.) I know for me personally, I get rather territorial with my own FP (we have boundaries trust me, I know it’s incredibly important so you don’t hurt the other person cause it can be hellish.) and it can cause intense outbursts especially when other people begin to socialize or get involved.
Now that I’ve laid the ground level knowledge to understand where I’m coming from, I think that Greta was an FP which explains the obsessive behavior, as well as the way brahms acts regarding malcolm. He’s clearly irritated by him especially since malcolm is out here making moves on her lol. (def doesn’t help that his parents really did pull the “shes yours” card as if that wasn’t a whole ass human being) I also think this is why he steals her shit too (I know theres the whole fucking doll thing which is weird but also this is a grown man whos been isolated for years. Though with as tidy as his room is i don’t think the tissues you see on the bed are from uh.... the purposes everyone thinks. The letter from his parents was there and a photo. Idk bout you all but i sure as hell wouldnt be getting horn knee in front of that shit ESPECIALLY after their deep dive but thats me.) He has impulsive issues and general fucking lack of restraint which is also apart of bpd. Coupled with the bordering obsessive behavior that comes with having an FP it’s hoog. It’s also why I think he reacted the way he did with cole (is that his name? idk the abuser.) Not only was he trying to deal with it in a relatively harmless demeanor by being spooky, but the moment it was clear as hell that 1) his doll that has been a fill in for him was destroyed and 2) greta was in danger; he was PISSED. I’m talking throw caution to the wind. The walls rattled, he busted the mirror (which is fucking painful and dangerous mind you. He’s fucking barefoot. He did not think about that shit. It’s why he killed him too I think. Tunnel rage is pretty common. You don’t think, some people black out. And if you rewatch the scene, the moment he looks at greta (who he was mindful to keep her out of harms way, pushed her but made sure she wasn’t hurt) He realizes she’s scared and you can hear him go ....i know, i know. and when he grabs her, it wasn’t to kidnap her. I think he was hugging her and trying to move her out of the room to cool off at best. In his eyes he’s known her, he’s been there, she cares deeply for him. He thinks that kind of contact and boundary breaching is alright. This is his FP after all and he loves her. Finally theres the whole scene of him bartering with her trying to make her stay after he knocks out malcolm (poor malcolm jesus.) So when I first was going into the movie, I legit thought he had killed every nanny who had come around and I think people also believe that because of how he barters but I don’t think he’s actually killed anyone besides cole (emily cripps I’m convinced was an accident. I know the movie explains he was possessed and started the fire to avoid punishment and smashed her head in but fuck the second movie I don’t believe that shit for a second. I have a whole theory on that but I’m not discussing that right now.) He clearly manipulates or tries to when greta is leaving. He starts with the child voice, clearly ready to regress back into what he deems as the most acceptable version of himself. The child. I mean for christ sake his parents couldn’t view him anymore than an 8 year old and actively ignored it like yikes. So of course he’s going to use that, when it’s clear it’s not working he demands with aggression, and then goes straight into bartering. Using threats particularly. “I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him just like the others!!” I know for me personally, I’ve behaved this way. When you fear abandonment, you’ll do anything to keep people around. People who have untreated bpd can sometimes behave in extremely inappropriate ways and in ways that are harmful. It’s pretty ugly I’m not gonna lie. I know when I was younger and before I knew I have threatened to kermit dye to keep someone around (I’ve grown and I know better now. I was also a fucking child so please don’t come for me.) So I can see brahms desperate attempt to keep her is in line. I also think when he mentions the others he’s referring to a) emily who again I’ll be happy to explain if you or anyone else would like b) his parents because p sure he’s convinced he drove them to kermit dye c) cole or whatever his name is.
As far as him having autism, Honestly It’s literally because when I watched it he had the vibe tm. I can’t explain it but my friends who have autism called it too. I think it attributes to the photos of him as a child, he isn’t smiling and that’s a pretty common thing among kids with autism. Not to mention, he may have had no interest in socializing or doing much of anything that is often required of aristocratic families. I mean his father said he was odd. Always had been. Which I don’t know why that personally for me leaned towards he was autistic but the idea that his parents were ableist and didn’t want to get his ass help and rather be rid of him. It’s not a stretch. Rich families are fucking terrifying and if you don’t fit the look well. Yikes. He just strikes me as someone who likely was autistic and now has it layered with extensive trauma which makes a funky mess. I’m pretty neurodivergent (honestly beginning to think I could be but shhhhhhhhhhhh we don’t talk about it lol) and he reminds me of friends a lot. It’s a little hard to explain. But I can see him just having little to no interest in socializing and is far more interest in music (a potential special interest) or reading and often was paired or forced to be with emily due to family ties (money, arranged marriage, its hard telling.) Not to mention I don’t think he knows his own strength? which isn’t a trait of autism (it’s not a gene that does that and even sometimes it can cause issues with motor functions.) but it reminds me of someone I know who has autism. Again not knowing your strength and being strong doesn’t tie to autism I can’t stress that enough, but like it’s just an odd tie to people I know who also happen to be autistic.
My brain does this fucking meme:
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luvring · 1 year
QKHDEKRBWBDJDH Im too shy to go off anon but just know that im ur secret admirer ahshdjshdjejd also sending u anon love is fun hehe 💓💓😚😚
im glad to hear that ur eyes r getting better! Hope ull be able to get the rest u need and deserve after ur sem is over <333 im doing great myself !!seeing ur reply to my ask just made my week 💗💗💗💗💗 i hope u too r eating well and staying hydrated and most importantly get enough sleep 😭😭😭😭 i hope ur day continues to be filled with happy things love u !!!💕💕💕💕💕
U dont know what kind of beast uve unleashed when u said u wanted to know more abt my ocs ong...Osjxiejdieje pls dont mind my rambling im so shameless byeee 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ also these infos might be weird its just based off my own understanding of stuff and not accurate to common knowledge so ⚰⚰
The alchemist- she's a bit on the gloomy side and honestly just tired of life 😭😭 i went with this origin first so her personality is like pretty much based off the game mc we play as, just a tad bit more passive 🚶‍♀️will melt down and turn into mush at the slightest bit of affection so i paired her with leander, and since shes gone through a lot i thought, she deserves some treat <3 and throw in mhin into the equation too hehe another random fact abt her is that she loves plain water... a LOT. Since shes a mage apprentice, i imagine that she probably learn a lot of magic stuff after meeting leander, mostly to get stronger and for self defense
The hound- she got massive trust issues (being betrayed by her friend in the thief syndicate and all) so shes extremely wary of the LIs, like if u think the in game mc is wary of the ppl in eridia, she's like 10x worse. Honestly lowkey like mhin 2.0 except a lil bit snappier 😭 i pair her with kuras and their relationship is kinda like him trying to get a stray cat with human issues to warm up to him 😭😭 doesnt get along with any of the LIs at all and always keep an arm's length around them, but she only lets kuras into her life (and fun fact he loves feeding her) surprisingly tolerates mhin too, and learns a lot abt how to use weapons from them, and since she was in a thief syndicate i imagine her agility lvl is v high (and dont tell this to my unnamed mc but my alchemist and hound mc is my favourite children...)
The unnamed- shes raised like a royalty all her life, since being an oracle means that everyone borderline worship her, but being raised at a temple also means theres many restrictions and shes honestly lowkey sick of being treated like it, though she keeps the perfect facade up, all smiles and all. Shes kind of a lil shit since after running away from the temple, she finds it hard to keep her nice facade up but still tries too hard to keep em (this results in her going 😄😄 but when she suddenly snaps she was like- omg i accidentally let my true colours out- and went back to being nice and all smiles as if her previous outburst didnt just happen- yes shes two faced) i pair her with ais and vere (aka the lil shits 😭) honestly their relationships r just ais and vere trying to make her snap and drop her nice facade its kind of hilarious
Andd yeahhs thats abt it abt them !! Sorry this got much longer than it shouldve been 😔😔 but thank u for being curious abt my silly goofies 🥺🥺 my personal fave is mhin!! And after finish talking to ais and kuras i...im lowkey interested in them disjdjejdjejdj theyre so fun??¿¿ 😭😭 leander is high up in my list too but i mostly see him as a big bro figure bc of his friendliness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
its fine i know who u are. im lying. im not. i have a hypothesis i wont say bc well thatd be awkward if i was wrong wouldnt it. STAY PERF! SENDING U ..NOT ANON LOVE...wtf is the opposite of anonymous. KNOWN! IDENTIFIED! jesus. i need to go back to sleep i think i slept for like 3 hours my body hates me or sometign....THANK YOU!!!! i will continue 2 look 4 happy things 2day. reacted under cut 2 save space :heart:
HELLO ALCHEMIST MC!!! the plain water imcirny?@%? that's real actually stay hydrated OMGG learning magic after meeting is saur smart... is she ending up w leander... WHAT IS MHIN DOING. stay so strong
HOUND MC AND KURAS that's so real. handling 2 mhins...u can do it bro... LOVES FEEDING HER 🙁 i cannot wait 2 hear abt how she lets her walls down i think the hound option is just soo good for that and kuras is an interesting choice 4 it.. + w mhin's own...defensiveness and such....yeah . stuff is going to happen here
WOWW. UNNAMED FACADE OF HAPPINESS...love the trope I LOOVEEE WHEN CHARAS DO THAT i giggle a little like omg AIS AND VERE. jesus. wow. oh wow. there is so much u can do there. oh that sounds like itll be so fun to develop
DO NAWTT APOLOGIZE i like 2 hear abt everyones ocs bc i dont make them LOL i am sure mhin would love u. i think they need the same amnt of support + self care reminders u give me like TAKE CARE OF URSELF...LET PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF U... i hope something so awesome happens for u today :heart:
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johnthel · 3 months
The Flood Thing AU
Im writing this at 2am. SPOILERS, OBV. OKAY SO roles: Im very indecisive so i would love feedback on casting.
Mccready is Chief, but Cortana is also there but may not take the role of an existing character, since she's probably still just an AI.
Childs is Arbiter. Gary is Johnson? Or possibly Captain Keyes? I like the idea of him as Johnson better, BUT... with the end of the movie, and the big disgusting one at the end with him and nauls, i think it could work as keyes. I cant decide
I want to include Rtas for sure, and also Miranda Keyes. but after that I don't really know who else to include since I've stuck to the first 3 games and dont know any more side characters. So feel free to suggest and help me out please!
I'm thinking Rtas as Nauls just cus i like him so much, but Im really not sure it fits. I need the rest of the cast: Blair, Bennings, Norris, Palmer, Copper, Fuchs, Clark, and Windows.
My thoughts during this watch:
Chief trying to play chess with Cortana at the beginning lol
(X and Arbiter) "Chief wants the flame thrower!" "He wants the what?" "Thats what he said!" Very quietly under his breath: "Dammit"
X=unspecified character (doesnt have a role yet)
Mccready wears green i notice... very interesting...
So i mean, aliens obviously exist and have contact with earth in this au already and thats common knowledge. So i think their disbelief comes from the flood thing's powers, and maybe Where in space it originated from, and how it is obviously very sinister.
I havent thought of human and the covenant/cov rebels history yet or why this group is stationed somewhere so cold and im honestly too tired to. So whatever
Do they still dig it up out of the ice, and the humans are in disbelief that aliens made contact with them That long ago? Or did the flood thing land recently? Does some of the distrust of the humans come from thinking the aliens on their team could have something to do with this?
I think a good bit of mccready's dialogue would go to cortana instead of chief
Wait does that say Sexdozer 301
Fuuuck... ive always thought Childs is so fine...
(Chief) "Trust is a hard thing to come by these days."
I love this cus it focuses on Chief and Arbiter's tension for real... they dont trust each other and its so tense. Its great
(X and Arbiter) "What if we're wrong about him?" "Well then we're wrong."
(Chief) "Anyone messes with me and the whole place goes... Go on, burn me... Put the torch on the floor and back off. Way off."
(Arbiter and Chief) "You shall not bind me." "Then I'll have to kill you." "Then kill me."
...... i mean it, i guess you do (i'd exclude these lines tbh, i like it ending with THEN KILL ME... its just more hardcore for them to say nothing and then chief turns around and shoots a dude trying to stab him)
I think arbiter totally would cuss but he does it very under his breath and never wants anyone to hear. Lol. He learned his swear words from the humans but hes hesitant to say them in front of them
(Johnson as Gary) "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH."
When they go under the tool shed where Blair was, its covered in that disgusting flood stuff, instead of the spaceship. Yick
Also i just think its interesting Blair, as human, was the one most determined to destroy transport and keep everyone there, but then as the thing he's the one building a ship to escape.
Not sure who Nauls would be.. cus whos left at this point would be Thel, Johnson, Chief, and Cortana technically, and nauls. Maybe.. nauls could be cortana? But i was thinking she would still be an AI, cus that just feels better cus its less of a change. So nauls could be someone else. My heart says Rtas just cus i love him so much. But i dont think so. Imagining Rtas on little roller skates jamming out is sending me though
God.. imagining when the flood thing takes over both human and sangheili and cant finish morphing, would be so cool
(Johnson as Gary and Chief, but it also sounds like a convo with Cortana tbh) "Generator's gone." "Any way we can fix it?" "It's gone, Chief."
THE ENDING IS SOOOOO GOOOOD. Childs missing for the whole final act until this point. And meets up with mccready. And the tension. Their impending fate. The mistrust... ive read that childs is definitely infected by the end, but its truly never confirmed WHICH I FUCKING LOVE. Because we, as the audience, are in mccreadys place by that point. We just dont know. We cant trust him.
The drink is really interesting. Two theories ive read, childs is so willing to share the whiskey which is suspicious (but i wonder if it could be interpreted as him accepting his fate?). The other is from a filmmakers art perspective, and that those who are infected throughout the movie have a certain gleam in their eyes, however ive never personally noticed this yet. Next watch i'll look for it.
(Arbiter and Chief) "The fire has the temperature up all over. It won't last long though." "Neither will we." .... "How will we make it?" "... Maybe we shouldn't."
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unknownorigins-uo · 7 months
just had a fake brain conversation with my mom where it started "well jermas crazy and everybody loves him" to which she asked who that was and i said "a guy thats crazy" qnd she got mad saying that doesnt ecplain it and i explained i said that because its the preferable answer to the long and exhausive diatribe it would be to explain jerma when all you REALLY need to know for the reference is hes a guy thst everyone loves whos crazy
she then asked why i would reference something she obviously doesnt know and i said because in the moment its hard to remember what i know and what is common knowledge. i then thought id say "like that xkcd comic" as an example and said out loud "see, good example, i just thought 'like that one xkcd comic' before realizing even if you know what xkcd is youd have no idea what one i mean"
and then i realized this wasnt a real thing
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cuz-reasons · 3 years
It's been hours but I'm still thinking about how the TA for my seminar today explained what the yellow pages were
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standingappablog · 3 years
My interpretation of Toni and Shelbys relationship.
I am re-watching the wilds and I wanna talk about a few things I missed in my first viewing. 
Starting off in episode one, which I think a lot of us picked up on the gay vibe from both of them, was Tonis front with shelby at the beginning of the show. All talk, and takes no shit. But you can spot her flustered moment easily when Shelby puts her hands on her shoulders and when she begins to sing (while she pees yes lol) But you can just SEE IT on her face. This quickly subsides though as not long after Toni lets a tree branch fly back in her face.
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The writers also try confuse you and make you think the reason why Toni  dislikes Shelby so much (at least untill episode 6 before the homophobia) is becuase of her possibly stealing her best friend away. Which of course played a part in it too.
The scenes of her looking at Martha and shelby was a common 0occurrence. You notice though, in most scenes how Martha is sort of out focus and in the backround while shelby takes up most of the shot. Indicating that shelby is the person Tonis gaze is fixed on.
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I think the reason why Toni so strongly disliked Shelby in the beginning  is becuase she found herself attracted to her, which she obviously didnt like. With shelby having this happy go lucky optimistic front, and all the jesus talk really clashed with her pretty pesimistic personality. Not to mention how Toni thinks Shelby is extreamly privileged,which in a lot of aspects of her life she is. Considerably more after you find out Tonis backstory. So with that knowledge of her backround you could see why she would assume her life is better than hers. I mean she is a rich white girl from texas, so her assumption wasnt unreasonable. To Toni the idea of liking someone like Shelby is unexpected for her, so she does as much as possible to push her away. Explaining why she was pretty rude to her for the first half of the series. 
Along with Shelbys little “westburo baptist” moment Toni got pretty angry (rightly so) and this probably solidified the irationality of thease feelings she had for Shelby. Giving her even more of a reason to dislike her.
 Despite this Toni finds it in herself to try cheer her up when the two run into each other in the woods after Shelbys biggest insecurity is revealed by leahs theories. Tonis feelings for Shelby are on view a little bit here. Beforehand she barely could interact with her without expressing her dislike for Shelby.
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 Though the mood shifts again after Shelby brings up the subject of her views on being gay.
Right up until shelby kisses her, Toni outwardly berates Shelby on how medieval her veiws are, and what a priveleged life she leads. She tells her on this island they are free, and Shelby takes this opportunity to show who she really is.
The kiss the two share as we all saw was in no way one sided, Toni does kiss her back. Obvioiusly this shocks Toni, as well as shelby herself. WIth shelby running off as she tries to escape what she just did with a girl who she thought hated her.
You immideatly see Toni run after her. Her feelings for this girl who Toni thought hated who she was where reciprocated. In this moment her whole attitude towards Shelby changes as she begins to understand why she is the way she is.
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Shelbys sexuality was pretty obvious to many of the LGBT viewers, we have all been there, obviously not the religious cult part, but putting up a front, hiding who we are. So it was easy to tell that she was gay from the beggining. Its also pretty common in the media to portray a closeted LGBT person like this. The question was how the writers where going to go about revealing the fact that she is gay.
You notice Shelbys attempts to be friendly towards Toni pretty early on with inviting her out to the first exhibition. Of course we all know it ends with her getting a branch to the face. But when questioned about the cut on her temple, she doesnt reveal that Toni was the one who caused it. 
Though as we all know as Shelby begins to become friends with Martha, Toni becomes increasingly more hostile towards her. Probably shattering the hopes of being friends. So we see less of Shelbys perspective of the relestionship between the two from her, and more from Toni. The two become pretty bitter with each other after the shelter building contest, the tension rising pretty quickly, although it seems that Toni is always the one who initiates the fights they have. Even after Toni destroys the hut and storms off, Shelby goes to find her and still tries to have a friendly conversation, possibly she went to comfort her, but of course we know from watching Toni interact with those around her she only initates in deep conversation with those she trusts, and the weird feelings she has for Shelby probably didnt help. 
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Fast forward to episode six and Shelby has her little moment when the others are joking around with the shellfish. Of course this one isnt as subtle as previous scenes but it shows Shelbys internalized homophobia.The gestures Toni demonstrated made her uncomfortable becuase she knew thats who she was, the idea of being gay freaked her out, so she did the only thing to stop it. To lash out and reveal how she truely felt about herself. She proably never intended on revealing this, becuase really she doesnt hate the fact that Toni is gay. She hated the fact that she is gay herself. This probably shattered any hope of frienship with Toni after this incedent. (She also mentioned to martha afterwards that she knew it would happen, this revealation pushed everyone away from her considerably for the rest of the season)
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When everyone begins to get sick, we see Shelby desperatly trying to prove to everyone and Toni that, she doesnt hate her. Ofcourse we knew by now that the two felt something for each other. In a way this was Shelbys feelings acting out. Her romantic feelings yes, but mostly guilt.Ignoring the others offers to let them give her the pill, instead she desperatly overcomes Tonis pride. Making her take the pill  forcably, so that she would stay alive.
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Just before the two share their first kiss, shelby finally opens up about how miserable she finds her life. Toni as we know with a troubled backround claims that she cant “out sad” her. The only thing that Toni has that Shelby doesnt is freedom. Toni seeing the solution around them points out she is more free than ever and that moment you see the contemplation in her face, you can almost see whats going on in her mind just before she leans in and impulsively kisses Toni.
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She then runs, obviously horrified with herself. The immeanse internalised homohpbia making her feel ashamed for following her heart.
I honestly loved watching this couple come together, their chemistry and writing was great and super intriuging to watch. I am glad a rewatched it again, there was a few things I missed out on in the first veiwing becuase i was too busy chanting “kiss! kiss! kiss!” everytime they appeared on screen together. This is completley my interpretation of their releationship and how the scenes are done, I honestly could be completley wrong and they are as they are shown to be on the surface. I just really enjoy delving deep into the motives and feelings of characters I enjoy watching. :)
*Edit* My apologies if this is written bad! At the time when I wrote this I was extremely tired. I hadn't slept the night before and I was just back from a full day of school.
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yomiurinikei · 2 years
The DRA Talents
A list of what your average person (here represented by Yuki Maeda) would canonically know the different students in Class 79 for. Kisaragi isn’t included because the response to him was... more or less ‘who the fuck is this crackhead?”
Listed off in alphabetical order by first name, everyone but Kisa is here, I gave some commentary/mentioned what Yuki already knew, and what they told him in their intros.
Akane: She’s popular among wealthy business owners, and will provide “all services except a few indecent ones.” Linuj what does that mean.
Ayame: “Holds the World Record for running 100m in 9 seconds.” The current world record of 9.58 seconds was set in 2009, and DRA CH1 was released in 2013, so this checks out. According to Yuki, she has the worlds attention due to her promising future in track and field.
Haruhiko: Flew a light aircraft at the age of 5, is now an expert in operating aircrafts, including airliners, helicopters, and space probes. Hasn’t had any specialized education, but he has to tell Yuki this, it isn’t common knowledge.
Kakeru: “Became proficient in the study of legal knowledge at a young name” and is in the workforce.
Kanata: Has performed multiple surgeries, and mastered all knowledge related to the surgical field.
Kiyoka: Hits bulls-eyes in shooting, sharpshooting, airgun shooting, darts, and with a slingshot.
Kinji: He’s “a faithful conversationalist who can move many people’s hearts.”
Kizuna: Known as “Lucky Girl,” the team she cheers for has a 100% chance of winning. I’ve posted about how fucking violent the thought of this makes me.
Mikako: There wasn’t a lot about her; Yuki couldn’t even say if she exorcised demons or ghosts. Though I’d imagine you could find more if you looked in the right places?
Mitsuhiro: “Ace Player” of the National Youth Athletics Team. Can’t find a team called... that, but I’m assuming Yuki’s referring to Japans U-20 team. He’s also been called “a Super Rookie” which doesn’t really sound like a good thing to me, but whatever.
Rei: Has taught in well-known universities worldwide.
Satsuki: The circus she performs in is world famous- it seems she only started performing in high school? And I wonder if that matches up with the timeline between her and Keisuke.
Teruya: Can sell and buy anything, and has been gifted in management and business from a young age. According to Teruya, he’s able to make things trend, being able to influence the popularity of clothing.
Tsurugi: has “outstanding intelligence and excellent abilities.” Interestingly enough, he doesnt seem to work with any specific police department, and rather being a freelance/cop for hire; “It is even said that the Police Department calls him directly and grants him authority to solve complicated cases.” Apparently, people also talk often about the interviews he does.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Welcome Back❤️
🍎Okay like I somehow see our dear Frederick smitten and intrigued by Slytherin, maybe it’s just me but something is telling me he would definitely date one and a Slytherin would be his type.
So can you do a hc for Fred and a Slytherin💚Thank you
ok babes as a slytherin who’s in love w Freddie I have SO MANY thoughts
ok first of all we all know that they weasleys have their biases
especially Ron
I feel like the twins would still have a bias against Slytherins but they never had like personal fights w any of them like Ron and Harry did w Malfoy
so they’re a little more open
that being said
Slytherins do happen to make great pranking targets
especially in snape’s class
ok so imagine it’s potions w Gryffindor and Slytherin
and you’re sitting across the room with your friends
cuz no fraternizing w the enemy obviously 🙄
and suddenly all the Gryffindors duck for cover and you and your friends are so confused
and then the dung bombs go off
and snape is LIVID
and your friends are LIVID
and you make eye contact w Fred, who you’ve only ever talked to during projects
and you start to plan revenge
ok whoever came up w the idea that Slytherins are all stuck up snobs is completely wrong
they’re just as big troublemakers as Gryffindors but more sneaky about it
can’t be getting caught and jeopardizing their future
so they’re more subtle
no one saw it coming, especially Fred
ok so you’re at dinner
in the great hall
and I’m pretty sure that Gryffindor and slytherin tables are on opposite ends of the room
so it’s even MORE impressive that you did this
but some time when Fred was distracted w George you swap his wand w a replica
a hexed replica
you don’t know why you only chose to prank Fred and not George too
he’s the more annoying one, that’s it
not because you love the cocky look in his eyes
or his loud laugh
or because you maybe want to impress him w your pranking abilities
nope nope
none of that
so you plan this perfectly
the next time he’d probably use his wand is potions in the morning
you’re all filed in and in your normal seats
the Slytherins are pissed about the prank
but what else is new
and snape decides to single out the twins
cuz he’s also still pretty pissed
and Fred has to demonstrate something
and Fred’s smart right?
like he and George might not try, but they invented so many products using potions knowledge
but when he tries to cast the spell and rubber ducks fly out
curtesy of mr. weasleys love for said objects
he’s going crazy
he tries again and suddenly his robes are replaced w the girls uniform
ok but Fred in a short skirt? say less
at this point everyone is cackling
especially George
especially you
even snape has to turn away to avoid showing a small grin
and Fred is so frustrated cuz hE KNOWS THIS SPELL
one last time
and his skin was now dyed green
signature slytherin green
you can’t hold back anymore and you practically fall off your chair laughing
meanwhile fred can’t figure out who in the world pranked him
and this well
how did he not see it coming ??
the two of you make quick eye contact
something that had always been common between you before one would glance away
but this time you stare
and wink
oh boy
Fred doesnt know what to do
you’re a slytherin
you’re supposed to be all mean and a blood purist and blah blah blah
but now that he thinks about it
you’ve never been that way
in fact you’re one of the only Slytherins Fred’s never targeted directly w a prank
oh but that’s about to change
hence the beginning of the Gryffindor/Slytherin prank war
no one else knows it was you
and no one believes Fred when he tells them
which just makes it easier for you to get away w everything
flash forward a few weeks
you and Fred are both out past curfew
tryna set up more great pranks for the other
and then, of course, enter filch
after some very close calls you both wind up in a broom closet
and you’re arguing as always
whisper shouting as to not get caught
“you ruined my prank, it was gonna be amazing too!”
“oh please, you did the same one last month, everyone would’ve seen it coming.”
“and I suppose you have better ideas?”
“well now that you mention it...”
“show me”
and suddenly you two are partners and bouncing ideas off of each other
George would be jealous if he found out
but you and Fred do make a good team
I also feel like since there’s the tension between the two houses you keep your newfound friendship a secret
like you still hate each other
but only in public
in private, you’re best friends
until one night when you pull of the best prank known to man
and you’re both filled w adrenaline and running through the forbidden forest screaming w joy
and Fred just wraps you in his arms
and pulls you tight
and kisses you w no hesitation
and of course you kiss back
it’s been like a minute and you’ve barely taken a breath
so you both pull back and are like
😳...what was that?
but then you shrug and kiss him again
cuz you’ve been waiting years to do that
not that you’d ever let him know
but it’s fine because it’s the same deal for him
and now the secret friendship is a secret relationship
it’s tough at first
your friends would judge you a lot for dating a weasley
and Ron would probably flip if he knew Fred was dating you
but eventually you had to come clean
and by “had to” I mean Draco caught you making out in the Slytherin common room late at night and told the whole school
and you guys were right to some extent
Ron had a rough time w it at first and so did your friends
but what you didn’t expect was how much ppl already knew
“yeah I know you’ve been sneaking off to snog her every night, who do you think has been covering for you?”
“George... WHAT?”
“you have like 3 of his jumpers under your bed, we’ve known for weeks.”
“well that’s fantastic.”
but anyways
it’s all out in the open now
and for the most part everyone’s happy for you
even the teachers
except snape
but who cares about snape anyway
now you’re the school power couple
and everyone loves you
and is low key afraid of you
cuz they know about your pranking habits
and competitive edges
one fight between you two and all hell breaks loose
but overall
you both have never been happier
and it doesn’t matter what people in your houses think
because it’s just a stupid house color
and it doesn’t mean anything to you guys
except quidditch games, cuz then any love you have for each other disappears and you’re willing to rip the other to shreds
true love <3
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fallencrowkarma · 2 years
Came up with a dumb but cute and funny idea for a modern genshin AU-
If you know what Nico Nico Douga is- which most vocaloid fans at least have an idea about it- then this'll make more sense-
For those who don't know what it is; just basically like Japan's youtube. Like bilibili is Chinese youtube-
Nico Nico has this feature where comments show up on the screen of the video. So sometimes you see, like for MASA's videos, "ああああああああ" or "あそれ!" being spammed, it's irritating at first but you come to enjoy it. Kinda like youtubes old annotations where anyone could add them at one point if set by the creator.
The good part about this type of comment section is that people sometimes subtitle the video using the comments in cool ways. For MASA's "the foxes wedding", some people subtitled the song, some did the English lyrics and others did romaji and/or hiragana lyrics.
Now getting onto the main idea that I'm getting at.
Inazuma is based on Japan, this is common knowledge. Scaramouche is inazuman, therefore in our world he's Japanese. In the modern AU he used Nico Nico Douga sometimes. More specifically, he uses the comments to subtitle videos into Japanese AND English.
For Japanese lyrics he puts romanized characters under the kana characters, he typically has the Japanese text on the bottom of the video and the English at the top.
He has his own little style too, but no one on Nico Nico- aside from reader who were putting as the creator of the videos, be it covers or whatever- knows it's him. He's anonymous on there, well he has an account but it isn't obvious it's him. Everyone on there has nicknamed him "Subtitle-San" and everytime he's gone for a while but comes back on a new video to subtitle he's like "guess who's returned! It's me, your favorite subtitler"
Some people have said he puts so much personality into his subtitles, and some people have guessed his personality through it.
Some have jokingly said- and it started out as one person but then EVERYONE joined in- "subtitle-san, hand in marriage. Now 💍" and he just responded with "k"
Everyone on the channel knows who he is- kinda. Some people will comment about "make room for subtitle-San! He needs to put the lyrics for us!" And suddenly the comments will go silent for a while and the only thing that will show up is his translations and stuff
And then on an instrumental break everyone goes crazy again-
Sometimes he does this thing where the characters for.. like.."watashi" first go as "わ" "た" and "し" but once he gets the whole word in one at a time, it "autocorrects" to "私" before the next line of comments come up.
Reader making a discord server and the moment Scaramouche comes in and changes his name to "Subtitle-San" everyone's just 😩😩😳😳😳😳😏😏🥵
You know that one bot? Idk which one it is but you can marry people with it.
Everyone using commands to marry him- it's the servers own inside joke. "Subtitle-san marry me- this is a demand" suddenly an embedded thing comes up from a bot about "Subtitle-San requests to marry (discord user) [confirm] [deny]"
He's got his own "Subtitle-San's Harem" role and everything for shits and giggles.
He didn't know about the discord server at first and is like "damn, had you of told me earlier I could've been talking to my fans sooner."
He will openly diss the fatui- because no one in the fatui is there at that moment-
Just a cute little idea I thought up of. I think it's kinda funny-
I am absolutely in love with this idea lmfao😭😭😭
Subtitle-san Scara is so funny. Of course he is a secret translator for songs. Can't have his friends (aka. The Harbingers) know what a weeb he is. But he also has to educate all these peasants on the lyrics and meaning of the songs. How dare they not know every language known to man🙄
This bitch has gotten so fast at it too it's impressive. He's really good at quickly explaining wordplay and stuff like that.
But also Scara being more open and playful cuz he's anonymous>>>>> literally doesnt hide that side of him while subbing. No one will find out anyway, he says. He enjoys the 'fame' and attention people give him too. It really feeds his ego.🙄✋🏻
I honestly think he would go the extra mile and make a whole new discord account just to be sure his identity is hidden🗿🗿
People always trying to talk to their beloved subtitle-san. While he loves the attention of people talking about him, he prefers not to be actively involved in the conversation (Unless he's having a good day. In that case he's actually so fun to talk to). He's very much a lurker, teasing people with reactions on their messages, which is incredibly fun!
Yes lmao everyone wanting to marry him but he always declines!!! (He's waiting for Reader to 'propose') Whenever they ask why he keeps saying no he'll just go 'wwwwww' and keep it at that.
He has his own roles for sure. He's very proud to have them smh.
Oh gosh He would absolutely roast the Fatui. Everyone enjoys the rants he goes on about how his friends have annoyed him once again. Then his fans start bashing them with him and he gets all smug🙄 He probably gave his fanbase a cringy ass nickname too hdhdhdhd
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adhdsix · 3 years
HI I FORGTO TO POST THIS UM ANWA S i am thinking about the besties (six mono rk and rcg obviously) and i wanted to write down a little. a little thing abt their relationships idk what to call this i am just thinking (this is all my personal thoughts btw u dont have to agree with anything i say but feel free 2 give some of ur own input :] )
OK SO this is sort of long(?) so haha 
starting with six; six’s closest buddy is (obviously) mono; they’re basically inseperable and may as well be attached at the side at this point. if you see one and not the other then Run because the other is behind you probably /j because six has never felt as though she has a safe space, she often considers mono her home, whether she realises it or not, and mono feels a similar way they go to each other for help and can communicate sometimes without words, theyre both happy to tolerate each other and theres clearly a bond between them you could see from a mile away. they rarely get seriously upset with each other and when they do they find a comfortable way to work it out. six would probably kill for mono, and he’d gladly die for her in return, even when none of them outright admit it. mono is one of the only people six actually talks to, and the only person allowed to touch her. on top of just being great friends that do truly care for each other in their own ways, they’re also an amazing duo that are great alone but are close to unstoppable together; they both have their own strengths that almost perfectly balance each other out, even when their differences sometimes get in the way, and theres really no situation they cant get out of as a team
next in line is rcg (i will refer 2 her as sandy to make this easier and because i think that is a cute name for her); sandy is like six’s older sister (tbh she is everyones older sister) and theyre both on pretty good terms with each other, shes pretty comfortable with sandy and trusts her a decent amount, if mono isnt around six wont hesitate to come to sandy for help and sandy will happily oblige :] six doesnt say it much but she appreciates that sandy is there to help and puts up with sixs sometimes unruly behavior and overall shenanigans, while sandys glad she can be a sort of guardian figure for six (and most of the other kids) and she finds the trust that the two of them are carefully forming is a great reward (six let her braid parts of her hair once and sandy was so honored, it has never happened again but sandy is determined that it will) last but not least is six’s relationship with rk; they don’t get along the best, and it probably would take a while to get them to really interact, and they definitely like to bicker or poke fun at each other from across the room but eventually, overall they tend to really just stay out of each others business. this proves 2 be hard sometimes though as they are kind of now in the same friend group (playable characters gang!!!!! *partying face emoji*) 
despite this theres still quite a few things they can bond over, and theyre both pretty comfortable in the sort of “frenemy” spot. most of the time they really dont mind situations where they have to team up together and just get along for a while, even if they still bully each other throughout  nowwww time for mono!!!!!!!!!!!  right away six is his best friend, like i said before theyre basically the same person except for the fact that theyre sort of total opposites he just adores her, thinks she is the absolute coolest and is always willing to give her his undivided attention. will obviously tell her off when needed but he’s always gentle and patient with her, and is always on her side, and six lets him know in her own way that she appreciates him greatly he loves to drag her into his activities and make sure shes included like i said before hes always patient with her, and makes sure she’s comfortable, for example when he goes to hug her (or just touch her at all) he’ll wait for a sign from her saying its okay; and if she’d rather be left alone he just sits with her and waits, ready for whenever she needs him for basically anything, and six always does the same for him
next is rcg/sandy!!!! like basically everyone else, he sees her sort of as an older sister, and appreciates her helping out with six’s shenanigans and being there for six when he isnt able to, even for a little bit. they actually make a pretty good team as well, and have tons in common. both of them love trying out new things and usually make plans together, and sandys happy to let him talk whenever he wants; whether he’s ranting, infodumping, or just bored and looking to strike up conversation, shes there to chat with!! also he loves her hugs because she always picks him up and spins him around  and again rk!!!! the two of them arent very close but still pretty friendly with each other and always manage to find things to talk about whenever theyre together, mono is always ecstatic to learn more about the nomes and rk happily shares his knowledge mono is also always trying to find ways to bring rk and six closer together, but always respects their boundaries, and rk appreciates it all tons now for sandy/rcg *evilly rubs my paws together*  starting with rk! dead buddies ahaha anyways like ive pointed out multiple times rcg sees the others as siblings, and rk is no exception! the two of them spend tons of time together, playing games usually with their nome friends!! sandy often drags him into doing things with her especially when shes trying out something new shes always happy to be there for him whenever he gets nervous about something (which. kinda happens a lot) and rk is there to comfort her in return when needed they share things with each other a lot, whether its information or physical objects or literally anything, they always feel the need to share it with the other  now six!! sandy is absolutely stoked to have a younger sister and six enjoys having an older sister as well sandy is always there for six whenever she needs something, and is working hard to gain her trust; she always gets excited whenever six wants to do something together, which in turn often makes six feel appreciated   i@dont even know what else to put here she just?? takes care of her very well ! she loves to tease six but always makes sure not to go over the line (kinda applies 2 everyone else aswell) mono!!! sandy adores his attitude and loves chatting with him, theres always something new to talk abt with him! they also have an unspoken “must protect six” code n chat about her a lot (all good things obviously)  even if they dont hang out too much she always has fun hangin out w him or getting together to plan stuff !!  i probably shouldve formatted this better bc ivre kind of already written rks relationship with everyone else but here we go anyways
rk and sandy!! rk is probably closest to her (and the nomes ofc) and just overall spends a lot of time around her, no matter what he’s doing he loves crafts, and sandy is always glad to join in making things, sometimes they make stuff for eachother  they also help out the nomes a lot together!! they make lil shelters/forts for them, sometimes for fun out of pillows and blankets and other times theyre more stable things, or, more often, they help clean out holes in the walls to make them liveable now mono!! rk loves to share his knowledge of the nomes with him, and they bond over other things too; for example both of them are interested in bugs :] actually they both adore most animals and rk is sure to let mono know whenever he finds a cool creature! rk also appreciates that mono tries to help six and rk become a little closer, as usually his schemes are harmless, whether they work or not  aaaand six! like i said before theyre not the best of friends and poke fun at eachother a lot, but when they need to team up they’ll somewhat tolerate each other. as much as he wants to, rk finds it hard to forgive six for yknow. eating him. six refuses to be very open about her side of the story, or atleast parts, which makes it a little harder, but theyre working on it and eventually they can atleast tolerate each other on top of that though, theyre also sort of opposites; rk thinks six is just mean and unruly, meanwhile six thinks rk is too soft and somewhat of a doormat  but again. overall they learn to put up with each other (barely)
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