#i was like. if my sister acted like that and I had the same baggage as yqy. would i act any different? 🤔
mccromy ¡ 1 month
In regards to why Yue Qingyuan is like that when it comes to Shen Jiu, I have some thoughts.
To begin with, I always interpreted their relationship as purely platonic/familial (though perhaps with potential to turn into something else had things been different. I think their personalities are compatible in that way.)
Because of that, I empathize with Yue Qingyuan from my place as the oldest sibling, and because of it I think I can understand him when it comes to his behavior regarding Shen Qingqiu. (Because of that, I admit I'm not objective, so don't take this as a serious analysis and just my thoughts)
And for this I feel that Yue Qingyuan, more than allowing Shen Qingqiu to do what he pleases because he feels guilty, feels responsible for Shen Qingqiu's actions. He doesn't let Shen Qingqiu abuse his disciples, be hostile towards their fellow peak lords, and "engage in debauchery" just because he doesn't want to further strain their relationship, but because all of this is his fault.
When Shen Yuan first transmigrated and Yue Qingyuan asked him to stop punishing Luo Binghe, it didn't feel like he was making an attempt to stop Shen Qingqiu from further abusing the boy, but like the admonishment of an older sibling telling their little brother to stop acting a certain way. A "why are you doing this? You are not getting anything out of it, there's no reason for this other than you being cruel, stop it." Had Yue Qingyuan been making an attempt to stop him from harming his disciple, he would've actually put an end to it. He's the sect leader, he could just take Luo Binghe to another peak if not outright order Shen Qingqiu to stop.
There was a time my younger sister started bullying a classmate, she didn't see it as such, and I know she's not purposely cruel but she was young and thoughtless. In that situation I didn't take the other kid's side and reprimanded her harshly, yelled at her for being mean, ordered her to stop. I asked her why she did that (boy was annoying/everybody else was doing it too (and so it couldn't be wrong)) and told her that what she was doing was cruel, that everybody was being cruel to that boy, explained to her how bullying works, asked her how would she feel if she was annoying and everybody made fun of her, and asked her if she wanted to be a bully.
Yue Qingyuan said something along the lines of ''that boy hasn't done anything wrong, he tries so hard, aren't you tired? Hasn't it been enough?" He didn't take Luo Binghe's side like he should have, but he appealed to Shen Qingqiu's logic. He knew Shen Qingqiu and had an idea of why he was doing it, and addressed it calmly, tried to convince him to stop because there was no point, he was only making himself angry. He wasn't assertive either, only coaxing, because he also felt all of this was his fault. And not only that;
I believe Yue Qingyuan genuinely loved Shen Qingqiu, but he didn't like him anymore, and he felt terrible for it. He cared so much for him, yes, Shen Qingqiu was the only person he actually cared about and he couldn't be objective when it came to Shen Qingqiu. But he was constantly exasperated by him, he was so disappointed, and he knew he could like him again if Shen Qingqiu just stopped acting so caustically. But what right did he have to dislike Shen Qingqiu after how he failed him? If Shen Qingqiu acted like this it was because he was hurt, and whose fault was that?
Love and like do not always go hand in hand.
Think about a parent, a friend, a sibling, an aunt or an uncle. Someone you loved so much as a child and who was good to you. Someone who gave you gifts and played with you and heard you ramble and rant for hours, who defended you from others, who always had a smile for you. Now think about the time you realized they were a bigot, or that they yell to waiters, are cruel to animals. That they hit their partners or their children. You felt disappointed (and even betrayed) but you still loved them, you just didn't like them anymore, and you could no longer trust them, but if something happened to them, you'd be inconsolable. And you just know that if they just stopped you would like them again, you'd be so proud, you'd be so happy. In many cases like this what actually happens is that people feel guilty for loving someone so awful. In Yue Qingyuan's case, he felt guilty for not liking him.
Shen Jiu was not a good man, but he was hurt and the world had never been kind to him, so Yue Qingyuan took it upon himself to be unconditionally kind to him (even if he didn't realize that the way he chose to be kind also hurt Shen Qingqiu) and Yue Qingyuan was also the reason why Shen Qingqiu was so hurt, if Shen Qingqiu was cruel or violent, the blame fell on Yue Qingyuan's shoulders. How could he even dare to side eye Shen Qingqiu for how he behaved, when he wouldn't be like this if it weren't for Yue Qingyuan?
Yue Qingyuan's guilt doesn't come solely from not getting Shen Qingqiu out of Qiu manor, but from every single consequence that followed his failure. He's at fault for any and all of Shen Qingqiu's sins. He is also the only person who will ever be good to Shen Qingqiu, who knows he isn't the monster he made himself to be. He has no right to be disappointed in Shen Qingqiu's actions because they are his fault, he would never dare impose his own will above Shen Jiu's because hasn't Shen Jiu been subjected enough to the whims of others? he will never use his authority to stop him, he's the only ally Shen Jiu has, and he's also the only person in the whole sect with power over Shen Qingqiu, not only because of his position as sect leader, but because of how well he knows Shen Qingqiu, his secrets, his past and weaknesses. This puts him in a position to hurt Shen Qingqiu in ways no other could, to damage beyond what any other would be able to.
Yue Qingyuan's regrets are way more complex than what people make them out to be. Yue Qingyuan is aware that his silence about the fact that he did come back but was too late wounds Shen Qingqiu deeply, and the longer he doesn't explain himself the more Shen Qingqiu hurts. But this is also the only way he has of punishing himself, and he also feels guilty about it.
Imagine how he must see his own situation, Yue Qingyuan is respected and well liked, rich and powerful, he will never have to submit to other's wishes, he is free, untouchable, his brother is alive and healthy and close by. He has it all and more than he ever dreamed of, and deserves none of it, how could he ever allow himself to be forgiven? When in the end he's the person who has hurt Shen Jiu the most.
There are more reasons why he keeps quiet about the Linxi caves, most stem from trauma, and I believe his own need for punishment is one of them.
So when I see his behavior being reduced to ''he doesn't want for sqq to hate him more'' or ''he's just ashamed and guilty'' I feel sad because, Shen Jiu might be the most misunderstood character by other characters in the story. But Yue Qingyuan is the most misunderstood character by the fandom.
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theemissuniverse ¡ 10 days
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SUMMARY : You are the leader of The New Frontier and you’ve won the heart of both brothers but you’re only interested in the baseball player.
ADDITIONAL : So that there is no confusion, this takes place after the events of killing Joan only that then you became leader. Also Clem never got kicked out and lives with you and AJ. Mariana never died. And there’s just things that are tweaked in the story but will make sense as you read.
WARNINGS : Cursing, suggestive content, talks about religion, and maybe more
There was something about you that made you so intriguing yet utterly horrifying to Javi. Maybe it was because you acted somewhat like his brother and were in a solider mindset. Or maybe it was the way you spoke about death like you weren’t afraid of it. Maybe it was because you were so beautiful yet so deadly. Or maybe it was just you period.
Javi had met you when he came into the New Frontier seeing as you were the leader and David was your second in command. His first impression? You were hard to impress. You didn’t care about anything really other than the mission at hand but Javi saw more through you.
You caught on to the fact that Kate had feelings for him and would relentlessly joke about it to Javi which irritated him to no end. He didn’t have feelings for her. He never did. Not for his brother’s wife.
He saw how history may soon repeat because even though you were not with David romantically, it was clear he wanted to be with you romantically. Though, he would never admit it. David took pride in his reputation and him falling for you didn’t look good considering he technically already had a wife.
Javi was after all, a man at the end of the day and could tell by just looking at the two of you. The longing looks David had for you. How he would at least try to control his temper around you. How you were the only one to keep him in check.
And Javi hated it.
He just couldn’t tell if you felt the same way back and until he did so, he would keep hitting on you. Even in front of his brother.
Javi played with the ring on his finger that belonged to his father while watching you. You were looking over some papers to see about your supply chain in the doctors office alone. Javi took it as his chance to stroll over to you.
He watched you look up from your papers and down. “What do you want twenty five?”
Twenty five was the nickname that was quickly given to him while you discovered of his baseball history. He didn’t mind it though. He thought it was cute. And he thought more that you liked him. At least a little.
“I can’t come in a check on you?” Javi asked fake offended.
“I don’t need you to do that. I already have David breathing down my neck.” Javi watched as you winced and held your stomach.
You gotten a pretty bad gash on your stomach from Badger and it wasn’t looking so good. Usually David was tough around everyone but the wound was so bad that he was starting to worry.
And if David of all people was worrying than it had to be that bad.
Javi took the papers out your hand and made you sit on top of the desk. “Hey, sit down.”
You sighed in annoyance. “Not you too.”
“Hey, if the big bad wolf is worried…then it’s gotta be bad.” Javi noticed your eye roll and chuckled.
You leaned back a little. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He’s been acting weird. I can’t put my finger on it.”
Of course, Javi knew exactly what was wrong. The problem was David wanted you but he didn’t want you. He wanted you in the best possible ways but he didn’t want the baggage that would come with that.
Lucky for Javi, he didn’t mind baggage. “David isn’t used to caring about something.” Javi put it into simple terms. “Just give him a second.”
“You’re too nice to him. Because the way he treats you…if I had a sister and she did me the way he did you…she wouldn’t be breathing.”
Javi laughed. “Well…Clementine’s kinda like your sister isn’t she?”
“Well yeah. But she doesn’t tell me how much of a failure I am every second.”
That was true. For Javi, it was hard dealing with David but he had gotten so used to it that it didn’t even affect him anymore. “It’s like wired in my brain. I know he loves me he just…has a funny way of showing it.”
“Yeah. You’re telling me.”
Javi noticed that you clutched your stomach in pain again. “Let me see.”
You gave him a look. “Is this your excuse of trying to see me shirtless.”
“I would’ve came up with something better if that’s the case.”
The statement made you laugh a little and you lifted your shirt for Javi to see the scar.
It was bad. A stab to the right and it would’ve been over for you. The stitches were nicely done. “Who did these?”
“Clementine…still don’t know how she knows how to do that.”
Javi nodded in agreement. “That’s one tough kid.” His hand gently went to caress the scar. He was so glad that badger was dead.
You watched as Javi’s expression went from worry to anger. A similar expression you had seen on David. You took Javi’s hand and held it. “I’m fine. Relax. It could’ve been worse.”
“Yeah. That’s the problem. It could’ve went worse.”
“Luckily you shot him in the head huh?”
“I wish I could do it twice.”
It was moments like these you saw the similarities to Javi and David and you couldn’t help but laugh because it was something you expected from David but not Javi.
You got off from the desk and Javi helped you off. You were about to fall but Javi quickly caught you and held you close. “Careful.” He told you. “That supply chain isn’t going anywhere.”
“You know if I don’t do it, David is definitely not doing it.”
Javi chuckled and helped you stand to your feet. “That’s one thing about him. All about the action. Hates the paperwork.”
“You know what else David is gonna hate?”
Javi looked at you curiously. “What?”
You covered your mouth as sort of a playful whisper. “You banging his wife.”
Again with the joke, Javi watched you laugh as he groaned out of annoyance. You walked out the room and Javi followed in pursuit. “How many times do I have to tell you, nothing is going on between me and her.”
“Well obviously she wants you.”
“I don’t want her.”
You playfully gasped in shock to him and stopped walking making him stop. “You don’t want thee Kate Garcia?” Javi rolled his eyes. “What will the world do if they didn’t have twenty five in their life?”
You went back to walking and Javi followed in pursuit. “Hey, I had a lot of women wanting twenty five in their life thank you very much.”
“Oh yeah? Were they all offered to hitch a ride to the psych ward afterwards?”
“Oh very funny.”
“I know. I’m a true comedian really.”
Javi had never seen you this way around anyone really. You were always so cold. So negative but with him you weren’t like that.
That made him believe you two had something.
Javi walked right in front of you to stop you in your tracks. “Busy tonight?”
“Actually, I was totally looking forward to my nail and hair appointment.” You said sarcastically. “Ooh! Or maybe go sight seeing with walkers!”
“Taking that as a no…” He trailed off before speaking again. “I need help with the count on food for next week.”
“Oh and you’re just so helpless that you need me?”
You rolled your eyes playfully before nodding. “Sure. I guess.”
You went to take another step but the sudden pain pinched at your gut and you clutched your stomach. Javi immediately held you by the waist and brought you closer. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
Javi knew you weren’t fond of touch but you never seemed to mind when he held you.
The two of you heard footsteps coming from down the hall. Javi was about to remove his hands from your waist but you placed your hands on top of his, keeping them firm in place.
The person stopped in their tracks and you two recognized it was David.
He gave the two of you a look of disgust before looking at his brother in anger. “What the hell is going on?”
“Nothing.” You stated calmly. “Just slight pain.”
David immediately walked over to you and grabbed the papers in your hand. He looked at them before getting annoyed. “I told you I would do this.”
“You’re not going to do it the correct way.” You told him.
“Yes I will.” He looked over at Javi. “What are you doing here?”
Javi, knowing the reason why David was being like this, rolled his eyes at him. “Just helping, (Y/N). Relax.”
“Don’t tell me to relax.” When David said that, you gave him a good hard smack on his chest.
“Shut up, you idiot. You’re so annoying sometimes.”
Javi watched as David took a deep breath in and out. He noticed his brother was trying to control his temper and it was working. Once again, he controlled his anger for you.
“Look, come on. I’ll help you.” He practically pushed Javi off of you and held onto your waist as you started walking away.
“You’re being ridiculous.” You grumbled.
“I’m not being ridiculous. You are.”
Javi sighed slightly watching him walk away with you but he wasn’t worried. Not even in the slightest.
When Javi turned around, he jumped back a little. He wasn’t expecting for Clementine to be there. “Ay’ dios mio, do you always sneak up behind people?”
“I wasn’t sneaking.” Clementine defended. “I was going to talk to (Y/N) but I see your brother already hauled her off somewhere.”
“Yeah.” Javi crossed his arms. “He hasn’t let her breathe ever since…”
Clementine nodded. “I think it’s because he’s mad.”
“Mad?” Javi questioned. “Why would he be mad?���
“Mad at you.”
“Me? What did I do?…This time?”
Clementine smiled slightly before shaking her head. “You saved her. I think David wanted to be the one that was there.”
It made sense in some way but Javi still couldn’t understand. You were safe now. Why did it matter? “But she’s alive? Shouldn’t that be all that matters?”
“Not if it’s you involved.” Clementine walked over to the window and Javi followed her. There, they watched as David sat you down in a chair. “I’m not blind. I know he likes her. And I know you like her too.”
Javi wasn’t going to deny it. Especially because Clementine was already a smart kid. “You think it’s not worth it?”
“I think if you love someone, anything is worth it.” She said. “But is it worth losing your brother?”
David already lost Kate because of Javi. Was it fair he’d lose you to? Because of him?
This wasn’t fair. He didn’t ask to have feelings for you. They were just there. And he definitely didn’t ask for Kate to have feelings for him which David didn’t even know that he was the real reason they weren’t together anymore.
But you were worth everything.
When the stars shined in the sky, Javi put on his jersey and opened the door to walk out of his room. What he didn’t expect was to see Kate standing right there. “Oh…hey, Kate.”
Ever since Kate confessed her feelings for Javi and he rejected her, Javi felt it was best to keep his distance. If she was any other woman than it wouldn’t have been a problem. But she wasn’t just any woman. She was his brother’s wife.
“I was going to knock…where are you going?”
He really didn’t feel like getting into an argument with her as you and Kate did not get along but he also wasn’t one to lie. “Going to count the food supply with (Y/N).”
Kate scoffed. “She can’t do it herself?”
Javi suppressed an eye roll. He stepped out the room making her take a step back and closed the door before walking. “You know it’s my job right?”
“That doesn’t mean she needs to be with you. God it’s like ever since she got hurt you and David…”
“Hey I’ve been letting her do her own thing. David is the one that’s not letting her breathe.”
“It’s like he likes her or something…”
Javi caught the attitude in her voice. He wasn’t fond of David liking you either. Well that was because of his own feelings but why did Kate have a problem with it. “Does it matter? You broke up with him.”
He watched as Kate’s head went down in shame and she sighed. “Yeah. Look how that turned out.”
That made Javi stop in his tracks. He turned around and faced Kate, also making her stop. “Listen, I’m sorry how things turned out and I don’t mean to sound harsh but you got to let it go.”
“Let it go? You’re telling me to let my feelings go?”
“Yes. It’s wrong and I don’t want to be any part of it when David finds out the real reason you broke it off with him.”
Kate grabbed Javi’s hands and brought them to her. “So you’re saying if David wasn’t your brother you would be with me?”
Javi shook his head and took his hands back from her. “No Kate. Brother or not, I don’t feel anything for you. I care about you but I don’t love you. I’m sorry.”
Before Kate could get out a response, Javi’s radio started to sound like static. And then he heard your voice over it. “Twenty five. You ready?”
Javi grabbed his radio and pressed the button to speak. “Yeah. Where you want me to meet you at?”
“Just meet me at the warehouse. Also I like roses.”
Javi smiled knowing you were half joking. “Copy that.” He placed the radio on his belt and when he looked up, he saw Kate had an angry expression. “What?”
“You’re in love with her? Are you serious?”
“Kate…” Javi sighed out. “I’m not having this discussion with you.”
When Kate looked into his eyes all she saw was someone that didn’t care about her. “Unbelievable…” She mumbled before turning around and walking away.
“It’s like I’m in high school all over again.” Javi said to himself.
It didn’t matter if you were half joking, Javi still picked you out the prettiest rose from the garden you all were growing.
You were in the warehouse already counting the food while sitting on the ground. You had the burden of being leader ever since they took down Joan and the others which meant the responsibility of everyone fell on you.
Javi could tell you were stressed but you were good at not showing it. That’s what he loved about you. About how big your heart was despite you trying to act otherwise.
He walked over towards you and held out the rose. “This wasn’t my ideal date.”
You looked up and were surprised that he had gotten you a rose. You took it before looking up at him. “What was then?”
“You know…” Javi sat in front of you and grabbed one of the clipboards. “Dinner and a night out. Not being inside counting our dinner.”
You chuckled a little before resuming your count. “You know I don’t really miss how the world used to be.”
Javi raised a brow at this. “Why? What could be worse than people trying to eat you?”
“At least they can’t control them being monsters. But us…we can control that.”
Javi got what you were hinting towards. “Yeah, that’s true.”
You hit your pen on your clipboard, deep in thought. “Do you believe in God, Javi?”
“Yes…but I can see why someone wouldn’t.”
You nodded at his opinion. “I never did. Everyone always told me that God was always watching me…then why did he watch me as my father beat me? Or when my mother lit her cigarette on me? Or when my Uncle John forced me to drink liquor? Or when my cousin Rob killed my cat? Why did he always just watch and never do anything?”
“It doesn’t matter if I’m in my old life or this life…either way…it sucks both ways. Mind as well take the one that sucks less.”
Javi wasn’t surprised to hear what happened in your life only because it explained why you were the tough woman you are now.
He knew what you felt about sympathy and he knew you despised grievance so he took another approach. “Maybe God wanted you to suffer.”
At that, you looked at him, extremely confused but laughing. “What?”
Javi laughed with you. “Yeah, maybe he picked you because he specifically hated you and wanted you to suffer the most.”
You laughed hysterically and hit him with your clipboard. “Shut up.”
“I’m serious. He’s probably looking down right now and thinking, ‘damn I probably didn’t do enough.”
“You’re so stupid.” You said with a laugh.
Getting you to smile was one of the best things Javi could accomplish. You smiled like you were the happiest person in the world.
“I wish David could be like this. He’s too serious.”
When you said that, Javi decided to rip the bandaid off. “That’s because he’s in love with you.”
When he had said that, you looked up to him completely shocked. “What? No he isn’t…”
Javi nodded to confirm. “Yeah, he is. Come on, (Y/N). You’re the only person besides his kids that he checks up on constantly. Always worrying. The overbearing protectiveness. I mean he obviously has some feelings for you.”
You never really thought about it but now that you were, it was strange the way David would act around you. So strange it could come off as he had feelings for you.
You groaned and rubbed your temples in annoyance. “Oh no…”
Javi laughed as he had not expected that reaction. “What? You don’t like my brother?”
“Please. David is not anywhere near my type.”
“So what is your type?”
You saw how eager Javi was to know which made you thump his head with your thumb. “Not you.”
Though you were lying. Although Javi maybe wasn’t your ideal type, you sure wouldn’t complain if you had rode into the sunset with him. He was smart, handsome, emotionally intelligent while also having a sense of humor.
Javi looked back to his clipboard. “How do you want me to do the rations this week.”
“I say we stop doing those. They already get 3 meals a day without labor. A lot of them aren’t seeing the use of even working. If they want any extra food, they have to work harder. We’re giving out food and wasting it when we really don’t have to.”
Javi nodded. “That makes sense…how do you think David will feel about it though?”
“Not great when he finds out the rules also apply to his kids.” You say. “Look I love Mariana and Gabe but they’re old enough not to get any special treatment. The only one that is getting any special treatment is AJ and that’s only because he’s still a toddler.”
“Hey, I got your back if he says anything.”
“He shouldn’t. It was his stupid idea for me to be leader anyway.”
Javi hated when you spoke badly about yourself. After all the hard things you had to do, you didn’t deserve that. He gently grabbed your hand which made you look at him. “It wasn’t stupid. You’re a great leader. You’re the only one willing to make the hard calls.”
You sighed a little. “That’s what I hate about this. Help me up.”
Javi stood up on his feet first. Then he helped you slowly get up. You were groaning in pain. “I can get a wheelchair from the hospital you know?”
You hit his shoulder lightly. “Stop talking stupid.”
You tried to walk but the minute you did, your legs gave out from the pain. Luckily Javi was fast and caught you before you fell. “You are so stubborn.” He said to you.
He handed you his clipboard. You looked at him confused but took it. He then picked you up bridal style.
“Javi!” You gasped out in shock.
“Which way?” Javi asked, ignoring your shout.
You shook your head before pointing. “To the left…by the way you’re aren’t cool for doing this.”
“I think I’m very cool.”
The next day, Javi made sure to prepare himself. He was going to confess his feelings for you. He honestly didn’t think it would go bad. Whether you accepted him or rejected him, he wasn’t like Kate or David. If all he could do was be your friend then he would be just that.
It was early in the morning. Breakfast time which meant the community was in the dining hall eating.
He knew that usually at this time you were in your office by yourself so he made his way towards the room.
The door was wide open and there he saw David. It appeared to be that the two of you were arguing.
“My kids need food, (Y/N) and are used to eating the rations. Making the rule apply to them won’t help anything.”
“I hate to break it to you David, but they are not kids anymore. Far from it. If the people figure out you and your family get special treatment then I’m the one that gets all the angry people in this group at me. Not you, me.”
“This is stupid!”
Javi decided to make himself known. He walked into the office while looking at his brother. “David, Mariana and Gabe are both capable of going without the rations. They gotta work for it like everyone else.“
David turned to his brother in pure anger. He shoved Javi in the chest. “Stay out of it.”
You pushed yourself in between the two and faced David. “You just don’t want him in it because he’s the only one on my side.”
“I don’t want him involved because last time I checked, I was your second in command - not him. What the hell do you care for anyway? He’s pretty much useless.”
Javi wasn’t fazed at all by David’s comment as he was used to his behavior. You didn’t like it. Not at all. Javi saw your expression turn sad. You took a couple steps back from David. “Then maybe you shouldn’t be second in command anymore should you?”
David’s eyes widened at this. “Wait no. Come on, (Y/N). You don’t mean that.”
“Everywhere I go, you’re breathing over my shoulder and you’re suffocating me. And then the way you treat your brother just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“I don’t treat him like anything! I-“
David went to grab your hands but you quickly pushed them away and continued your rant. “And then you’re always mad all the time. Mad at me.”
“I’m mad at you because I love you.”
Silence. Neither Javi nor you were expecting that. You didn’t even think David himself was expecting himself to say that. Javi was just thinking if he should just walk out the the room slowly and leave the two of your alone at this point.
“I don’t love you.”
Javi saw the expression on David’s face. It was hurt. A hurt he had never seen on his face. The type of hurt that was heart breaking. If David was capable of tears, Javi bet that David would be crying by now.
David held his head down as he walked out the office. You waited until he was completely gone before shutting the office door.
“That was…rough…” Javi said breaking the silence.
You sighed, rubbing your head. You felt a headache come in quick. “I can’t keep doing this with him. Walking on eggshells at every turn. I mean I know I’m not the best with emotions but at least I don’t spaze out on people every five minutes. It’s just…too much.”
It was pretty hard having a brother like David but Javi always made sure to not give into the hate and always have hope for him. “His brain isn’t wired how ours is. It’s like…you’re driving at 30 miles per hour. All the time. You’re safe and cautious of your surroundings. With him? He’s driving at 90. Full foot on the gas and not even bothering to hit the break…until he’s about to crash…and then it’s too late.”
You looked at Javi curiously. “Why do you do that? Your brother treats you like shit every single day and you defend him without blinking an eye.”
Javi walked over towards you before leaning on your desk right next to you. “Because…it’s just not worth it. Him being mad at me…me being mad at him…it’s a never ending cycle and I don’t want to partake in any of that.”
You nodded at him before sitting on top of your desk. “I don’t ever miss the old world exactly. I just missed what we could do in it….like eat a pizza, or go laser tagging, or watch tv…or get married…”
When you mentioned the last part, Javi turned to look at you interested. “Married? You wanted that?”
“I know it sounds corny but…I wanted a marriage and a kid…I wanted to have a family because well…I didn’t quite get that during my childhood.”
It made Javi a little upset that all the things you wished for, you couldn’t have because of the apocalypse. But then again, he was sort of glad this all happened because he probably wouldn’t have met you.
Javi looked at the ring on his finger before taking it off. He stood directly in front of you, grabbing your left hand. “I always thought that the marriage thing was for my brother.” You watched as he carefully slid the ring on your ring finger. “But I guess when you really love someone, the idea to you isn’t so crazy.”
You caught on to his confession and you were surprised. Javi chuckled at your surprise but didn’t take it as rejection. “Oh come on, mi amor. You had to of known I at least liked you a little.”
He didn’t wait for your response. He leaned down and kissed you. When Javi kissed you, you felt safe. Like it was home.
You brought your hand to cup the back of his neck. He kissed you lovingly. Like he had loved you for a century.
His lips were like cotton candy. Soft and delicious. His hands were rough but felt so good going along your thigh.
Javi moaned in your mouth when you gripped his hair. He felt your other hand reach the belt of his pants and when he felt that you were about to undo it, he stopped.
He placed his hand over yours while resting his forehead on yours. “You still haven’t healed yet.” He said, reminding you of your wound on your stomach.
You giggled. “What? Are you trying to say that thing can hurt me?”
“Maybe…” Javi gave you a sweet kiss on the lips before sighing. “David is going to be so pissed at me.”
You made Javi look you in the eye. “Stop worrying about what he wants. Worry about what you want.”
Javi always put everything he’d ever wanted to the side because of his brother’s jealousy and insecurities. He was done doing that. He didn’t want to keep living the life of pleasing him.
He just wanted you.
“How do we tell him?”
You shrugged. “It’s not ours to tell. You don’t owe him anything, Javi.”
Javi felt you press your lips onto his and suddenly he was back to his safe home.
The only thing was that the blinds to the window was opened and someone saw the two of you.
It took a lot for David to be heartbroken. He was a strong man. Not just physically but emotionally. He barely felt sadness. Just anger but he was tired of feeling it.
He should’ve known you didn’t feel the same way. Why would you? He was the guy always mad at the world. Who would want to be with someone like that? It was the reason Kate left.
First his first wife, then Kate, and now you.
He couldn’t catch a break.
David couldn’t sleep as the guilt was surfacing. Everyone he did or has ever done just wasn’t washing away. Not this time.
He was sitting at the kitchen table, just staring off with his thoughts.
That was until there was a knock on the door.
David peaked up from his seat. It had to of been ten at night. Who would come to him at the ungodly hour? Maybe you?
He stood before walking over to the door. He opened it and there he saw Kate. Someone he hadn’t expected.
“Kate…are you okay? Why are you here so late?”
Kate looked the same. Heartbroken as well but he couldn’t really put a finger on why she was. She didn’t give him another word before pushing herself inside his house.
“Okay…” David closed the door to his house and looked back at Kate who had her back turned to him. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”
He heard her breathe in and out like she was trying not to cry. “I need to tell you the truth. The reason why I actually broke things off.”
“The truth?” David was confused. Was what she told him before not the truth? “Why are you just now telling me?”
“Because you need to know. You deserve it.”
There was something about her voice that made it seem like she was more so doing it for her and not him but regardless it was late at night and he couldn’t care less. “Kate it’s done and over with. Whatever it was…I don’t even care anymore.”
“It’s Javi.”
It was like she knew that would spark his attention. His eyes widened and he took steps towards her. “What do you mean by that?”
Kate sighed and turned to face him. “When me and him were on the road with the kids for so long…I really saw a different side to him. Not the same one obsessed with gambling and laying on your couch hoping for the next bag of money to roll in. I saw someone who was brave, and protective, and over all one of the best people I’ve ever met. I fell in love with him.”
David bit his lip. The same way he tried to control his temper with you, he was trying to control it now. “What? My brother? Are you serious Kate?!”
“I know…I know…it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s just…I thought you should know.”
David cared but only a little. He wasn’t in love with Kate anymore. There wasn’t really anything for him to be mad at. “I can’t believe this..”
Kate looked into his eyes before stepping forward. “There’s something else…I know you care about, (Y/N).” Before David could get in a word, Kate held her hand up. “Let me finish. I know you do…but there’s something you should know so you don’t get caught off guard…I saw her and Javi kissing. I think they’re together now.”
David stood there, completely in shock. He would have never imagined it’d be you. That you’d fall for a guy like Javi. A guy that was his brother.
He couldn’t imagine Javi even having any feelings for you. He was just in shock.
Kate knew him too well and knew what was coming next. “I just thought you should know…” She opened the door to the house before leaving, closing it behind her.
It was at that point David grabbed a vase and smashed it into the wall.
There was no controlling his temper anymore. Not even you.
A/N : part 2???
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Spencer POV Fic Recs [SFW]
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Hey friends! Someone requested recommendations for SFW fics from Spencer Reid’s POV. I’ve collected all the fics me and the lovely people of my Discord could find. I hope this helps!
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GN!Reader Fluff
Spoonful of Sugar by @reidgraygubler: Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu.
Kiss Them, Or Keep Them by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer loses his best friend, but has a secret gift to bring them back.
GN!Reader Angst
Better Off Without Me by @sassymoon: This is the end of a relationship that was the best thing he ever had, and it’s time to say goodbye.
Week From Hell by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer has one hell of a week after he has nightmares and a close call on a case.
Fem!Reader Fluff
Java Jive by me: Spencer and Emily take a break at the local coffee shop and she makes an understandable mistake about barista Reader and Spencer’s relationship.
Pumpkin by me: Spencer can’t handle how cute Reader’s southern accent is.
Serendipitous by me: Spencer’s pretty sure Penelope mixed up his blind date.
Prickly Pear by me: Reader tries to hide her body hair from Spencer. It doesn’t end well.
Not Your Backup by me: Spencer!POV. Following JJ’s confession, Spencer admits she’s more like a sister to him. Spencer and JJ argue about JJ’s unwarranted jealousy of his girlfriend.
Impromptu 3AM Meeting by @andiebeaword: Spencer learns the woman he’s falling for has a teenage daughter.
Side by Side by @foxy-eva: Spencer is mesmerized by Reader on their first date and is surprised that she apparently feels the same way about him.
Different Dialects by me: Autistic!Reader. Spencer is trying to tell Reader he likes her, but it feels like they speak entirely different languages.
Funny Thing Fate by me: Autistic!Reader is tipsy and lost in D.C. when she spots a man she thinks might be able to help.
Porcelain by me: Autistic!Reader has a meltdown in the cafe. Luckily, there is a Dr. Reid nearby.
Baggage Claim by me: Autistic!Reader is having a hard time at the airport.
Act Your Age by me: Platonic. Reader was recently released from being held hostage for several years, and for whatever reason, she’s taken a liking to Spencer.
You are My Destiny by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer meets a girl at a club. She convinces Spencer to dance with her.
Look at My Son by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer has a heart to heart with his newborn son while his wife sleeps.
Buttercup Bakery by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer meets the woman of his dreams at JJ and Will’s wedding, but misses the chance to get her number.
Lonely Moonlight by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer left his partner and ends up regretting it.
Fem!Reader Angst
Rib Cage by me: Spencer realizes Reader is the one, but it might be too late. He has to find her.
Forbidden Fruit by me: When Professor Reid falls in love with a student, he learns why Adam choked on the Forbidden Fruit.
Passing in the Night by me: Spencer learns about Reader’s feelings too late and loses his own battle as a result.
I Won By Loving You by @sassymoon: Reader is terminally ill and is saying goodbye to her loved one.
If I Could See Me Now by @andiebeaword: Spencer hits his head. Next thing he knows, he’s talking to himself … from 15 years ago.
Handle with Care by @foxy-eva: Spencer tries to be there for his wife after a traumatic experience.
Partial POV
Defining Family by me: [Fem, fluff] Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Dead Air by me: [Fem, fluff] Professor Reid is hesitant to be a guest on his old student’s true crime video series, but is surprised to find it’s not so bad.
Moonlight by me: [Fem, Angst] Spencer tells Reader’s boyfriend how she really feels.
Sleepless in Quantico by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, fluff] Spencer is a widower. His son wants him to be happy. Spencer’s son and his therapist conspire to get him on a radio show to talk through his grief. Reader is one of the listeners. 
A Lettered Confession by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer is in love with Reader. He confesses his feelings through a letter.
Everything I Want and More by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer believes that Reader is head over heels for another guy. He has no idea the guy she’s in love with is actually him.
No Expectations by @/andiebeaword: Reader is in love with Reid. He’s fallen for a woman named Maeve. While trying to save her, Reader makes a choice.
Wanna See Something Beautiful? by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer has been in prison for months now. After he chose to take her name off the visitor’s log, Reader decides to start writing Spencer letters. Eventually, he writes her back.
Wish I Could Take it All Back by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer gets his usual coffee, only to follow the girl to an NA meeting
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breakavleheaven ¡ 9 months
Authors note:
Surprise!! part 3 is here🤍 as always feedback is welcome and I hope you enjoy 😊
Angst, slow burn, Bad/inappropriate language, Asshole!Carlos. Mentions of cheating. Sexual themes.
Part 1, Part 2
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Part 3: The Archer
Three Months Later
Taking a deep breath, Celine logged into her social media accounts for the first time in over 3 months. Opening Instagram and avoiding looking at any posts or notifications, she went straight into making a post - she was on a mission. It was time to announce her revival.
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Liked by landonorris and others
Celinejlex: Don’t worry, guys. I’m alive. See you in Bahrain 💌🏎️
Freyalex: Baby sis is a bad bitch ❤️‍🔥
User1: Didn’t Carlos and she break up? Why is she going to Bahrain? 💀👀
User2: Girl bffr, she works in F1 events & marketing.
User3: Carlos fumbled so hard. Imagine cheating on Celine.
Lilymhe: I think we’re almost due for another girls’ night.
Lissiemackintosh: I second that 💜
Alexandrasaintmleux: See u soon! ❤️
User4: Lando 👀
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The past few months have been such a whirlwind for Celine. She spent so much time and effort trying to be her old self again after getting her whole heart shattered. Moving into her sister’s flat in London was the best possible thing she could have done.
Freya, her best friend, probably knew her better than she knew herself, and being able to rely on her made things so much easier. Not only that, but moving to London also brought new friendships. Celine found solace and friendship in Lilly, the girlfriend of the British Thai driver Alex Albon. She also became connected with Lissie Mackintosh, a brilliant F1 reporter and overall social media icon. Despite seeing both girls around the paddock often, she had only ever had very few interactions with them. She was truly thankful to the three girls for bringing her back to life - and of course, Alex, despite her being based in Monaco, she was just a call away.
Not only did Celine have all the emotional turmoil she had to work through, but she had also been overly stressed about her job. Once she left Vegas, she knew she wouldn’t be able to go to Abu Dhabi for the final race. She couldn’t face Carlos, and she knew she’d be too distracted to be helpful. She talked it out with her team who agreed she shouldn’t be there, and they assured her they had it covered. While her team was fine with it, she felt guilty. She knew it wasn’t professional and wondered how many others felt the same. However, after many more meetings with HR and other higher-ups, they came to a conclusion that she would keep her job.
Feb 27, 2024
Celine had just landed in Bahrain. She quickly pulled out her phone to text Freya that she made it safely. She made her way to the baggage claim and found her luggage. Checking her phone for the email to find out where the car service would be picking her up to bring her to her hotel, she went to search for her car. She found a driver standing outside an SUV with a sign that had her name on it.
She greeted the driver, and he grabbed her luggage to put it in the trunk of the SUV. While he was doing that, she pulled open the back door about to climb in when she noticed someone was in the back seat. She let out a startled yelp, only to realize it was Lando.
He instantly started laughing. Celine swatted him on the arm.
“You dickhead, you gave me a heart attack!�� She laughed.
“What? Didn’t even recognize your pal Lando, huh?” He smirked.
“Yeah, actually, now that you mention it, you do look uglier than the last time I saw you,” she joked.
Lando jokingly acted hurt and placed a hand over his heart.
As Celine got into the back seat of the SUV with Lando, she felt a small rush.
She playfully raised an eyebrow at him and said, “Well, well, well, look who decided to crash my party in the back seat.”
Lando chuckled and leaned back, crossing his arms with a mischievous grin. “I couldn’t resist the chance to surprise you. Besides, it’s your grand return to this circus.”
Celine rolled her eyes playfully, her heart fluttering at his teasing. “Oh, so you’re just here for a wellness check, huh? That’s sweet of you, Lando.”
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with humor. “Of course, I take my role as a friend very seriously. I had to make sure you didn’t overthink yourself to death.”
Celine decided to play along with his teasing and leaned in closer to him, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. “Well, you know, I really appreciate having such a good friend.” Her eyes quickly flickered to his lips. Shit, she hoped he didn’t notice.
Lando raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. “A friend, huh? Are you sure you don’t need a bodyguard/guy-who-runs interference if anything comes up?”
Celine laughed softly, her heart warming at the easy banter between them. “Bodyguard? Psh, you can’t hurt a fly, Lan. Interference, though, I might take you up on. Who knows when ‘anything’ will be a problem?”
Both of them knew ‘anything’ was referring to Carlos.
Over the past few months, Celine and he had grown closer with her living in London. Lots of nights out with their friends and occasional flirty banter.
Lando wanted to be respectful of Celine and Carlos; he still had to see the man regularly, but goddamn was it ever getting increasingly difficult. She was one of the most exciting and interesting people he knew, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. He’d just have to settle for the flirting for now.
The next morning Celine was battling jet lag and anxiety on her first day back at work in the paddock. She prepared for her day normally and got ready to head to the track. Overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation, she knew she was ready to kill it.
She strolled up to the paddock and was greeted by many familiar faces she often saw around. As she entered the hospitality building for her meeting, everything seemed fine. But walking out of the meeting room, it seemed like everyone in the room turned to look at her. That’s odd, she thought. Everything was fine this morning. Maybe she was just imagining it? Must be the jet lag.
Then suddenly, Lando appeared seemingly out of nowhere and out of breath.
Eyes wide, he looked at Celine.
“Hey, have you checked your phone at all? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, probably others too.”
“No, it’s been in my bag, and I just got out of a meeting.”
She pulled it out to see over 50 missed calls and quadruple the amount of texts. She felt the blood drain from her face, and her heart dropped.
“What’s going on? Why do you look like that?”
“Let’s sit down. So, uh, I don’t even know how to say this; guess it’s off like a bandaid. Carlos… he uh has proposed to his girlfriend,” he said while rubbing his forehead.
Her mind went blank. She felt like ice water had just been dumped over her. What? How long had she and Carlos been broken up for? How long had he been with this girl? Was it the same one he had cheated on her with?
“Ce, are you still there?”
Blinking and pulling herself together, she replied, “I think my brain malfunctioned, uhh, yeah, okay. So he’s engaged. Is it the same girl from Vegas?”
“Hey Ce, it’s going to be okay.”
Silent tears were streaming down her face, and Lando got the urge to get up and give the girl a hug, so for once, he acted on that impulse and let her cry into his chest.
As Lando wrapped his arms around Celine in a comforting embrace, he felt the weight of her pain and heartache. He wished he could take away her hurt, but all he could do was be there for her in this moment.
Celine let herself cry, allowing the emotions she had been holding back to flow freely. She was devastated, not just by the news of Carlos’ engagement but also by the realization that she had been replaced so quickly.
“I don’t understand how he could move on so fast,” Celine choked out between sobs. “Was I that easy to replace?”
Lando held her tighter, trying to find the right words to comfort her. “Celine, this isn’t about you. It’s about him and his decisions. It has nothing to do with your worth or how easily replaceable you are. You’re an incredible person, and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.”
She sniffled, wiping away her tears. “But why does it hurt so much?”
Lando gently brushed a tear from her cheek. “Because it’s natural to feel hurt when someone you loved moves on. But you’re strong, and you’ll get through this. You have a whole group of people who care about you, including me. We’ve got your back, Ce.”
Celine nodded, grateful for his support. She knew she had friends who cared for her, but in this moment, Lando’s presence was exactly what she needed. She looked up at him with a small smile. “Thank you, Lando. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He smiled back, his eyes warm and full of compassion. “Anytime, Ce. You know I’m always here for you.”
As the day went on, Celine leaned on her friends for support. Lissie and Lilly were there to lend an ear and offer their encouragement. Freya, too, had been there for her throughout the day, providing a comforting presence over the phone.
Later on in the evening, Celine was settled into her hotel room with no intention to leave for the entire night. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to be surprised by a group of familiar faces; Lando, Lissie, Lily & Alex, and even Daniel. They had a stack of pizza boxes too.
She let them in with a happy smile, grateful to have such supportive people around her.
“Thank you guys for this. You really didn’t need to do this.”
“Well, of course, we did, love,” Lissie spoke with her comforting voice.
The pizzas were placed on the table, and the group sat down to eat. Celine found herself sitting next to Lando. Their legs brushed against each other under the table, and she felt a warm and tingly feeling. She turned to Lando with a shy smile. Everyone else was so preoccupied they didn’t notice the shared moment between the two. Lando placed a hand on her thigh, and butterflies erupted in her stomach. She placed her hand on top of his and basked in the comfort it provided.
The group chatted and laughed, and while Celine was still hurting, being surrounded by her friends made the pain a little more bearable. Lando was attentive, knowing when to crack a joke to lighten the mood and when to give her a reassuring smile.
As the night drew to a close, they all said their goodbyes and started to head back to their respective accommodations.
Lando lingered back with the intent to talk to Celine alone. Daniel gave Lando a wink and a pat on the back when he walked to the door. Lando rolled his eyes at the typical Daniel action. Once everyone had left the room, and it was just Celine and Lando left, Celine smiled at Lando.
“Thank you again, Lan,” Celine said softly. “You’ve been so kind to me, and I appreciate it more than I can express.”
He smiled warmly at her. “You don’t have to thank me, Ce. Friends look out for each other, and I care about you.”
Celine nodded, her heart fluttering at his sincerity. “Well, I’m lucky to have a friend like you.”
Lando stopped, turning to face her. “You know, Celine, you’re an amazing person, and anyone would be lucky to have you. Don’t forget that, okay?”
She met his gaze, something buzzed inside her. “Thank you, Lando,” she whispered. “I won’t forget.”
She pulled Lando in for a hug and said goodbye. Once he left, she sighed; she was finally alone. It had been an exhausting day. She was battling so many emotions at once. She was incredibly grateful to have amazing friends. She was still incredibly hurt by Carlos’ news and especially him choosing today to announce it felt like a slap in the face. And there was something else; what was happening with Lando? Her emotions were so scattered, and the feelings Lando was bringing up didn’t seem right. She wanted to get over Carlos, but she didn’t have enough time to heal, and she knew whatever this situation with Lando was was probably because of her feelings about the whole Carlos situation. For now, she would just have to ignore it and focus on her own well-being.
Authors note:
Welllll who saw that coming? How are feeling about that one?
@aundercover @formula1mount
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thequiver ¡ 2 months
I'm a bug fan of your Revenant series! It's such a cool team 😁
One thing that struck me was that on learning the shadow king was back Lorna specifically asked for her brother and shot down seeing her father. She was even reluctant to tell Wanda what was happening until Pietro convinced her.
What was going on in her head at that moment and how do you feel about her respective relationships with her father and siblings (In the story and in cannon)
YESSSSSSSS I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this 🥰🥰🥰also thank you so much for enjoying Revenant, I have literally so much more of it to write (you have no idea this has gotten way out of control, this entire AU was created for a silly oneshot TerryLorna idea I had and I am STILL NOT EVEN AT A PLACE WHERE I CAN WRITE THE TERRYLORNA)....anyway this is about to be word vomit bc I have a LOT of thoughts
Okay so one of the big things here is that Lorna and Pietro have both had pivotal moments in their stories where they were mind controlled and made to do things that hurt people they cared about and neither of them really ever got a whole lot of support in recovering from that. And Pietro is, for all his faults, incredibly protective and incredibly loving of his sisters and while Lorna has spent a LOT of time pushing back against that protectiveness because she really and truly can handle herself and she and Pietro don't have that kind of history where he's seen her almost burned at the stake etc etc.... this is a moment where she wants someone to be ride or die in her corner and to be ride or die in her corner after it's all said and done even if she is controlled again...... and Pietro's fatal flaw is loyalty. She wanted someone who would come in and try to make it better even though there was nothing they could do, and she knew that if she called Pietro would come running. It's more an act of desperation than of familial love? But it's something that's really going to set the stage as the story progresses for how their relationship is going to evolve. We also know that Lorna is very afraid of seeming weak in front of her father- he has these grand expectations of her and when she doesn't meet his impossible standards she cracks under that weight and for as much as I love Erik and as much as I appreciate the steps he's taken to repair his relationship with her, being his daughter is not easy. And with Wanda, they arguably have the easier relationship within this group of siblings, where it really has become more genuinely sisterly and almost...dare I say? normal? But Wanda isn't really involved in X-Men stuff and hasn't really been to any grand extent barring her intro and M-Day (and much more recently Trial of Magneto)- her very presence on Krakoa is enough to inspire hatred and anger, with the Shadow King there Wanda as a first choice is probably not smart, and Wanda herself has so much baggage with mutantkind thanks to M-Day that it puts her in a weird position too.
I'm playing a lot with Wanda, Lorna, and Pietro's relationships with each other and with their father. I feel like Pietro is very underutilized and that he's not taken seriously by writers or by fans and so I really wanted to build on this Lorna-Pietro relationship that was starting to get established in All New X-Factor and to really kind of I guess force my readers to remember that Pietro isn't a bad guy? Which sounds stupid bc he's a hero but like people don't read for Pietro and take wildly ooc shit as fact. Like it's important to me that my readers know that it was Pietro who pushed for he and Wanda to leave the Brotherhood, and that Pietro tries so so so hard for his family and just wants to keep his sisters and daughter safe and that like he is a victim of much of the same trauma as Wanda and he's allowed to have responses to it without being whiny or having to get over it (no matter what Wanda said in Quicksilver: No Surrender).
But yeah, I have lots of Revenant thoughts, and feel free to dm me or send me asks about it anytime I love talking about it!
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rhineposting ¡ 10 months
What do you think of Lilith? Do you think she got redeemed too fast, or do you think her development was fine?
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I was really looking forward to seeing someone ask about her again, so I'm more than happy to answer!
Per usual, more below the cut.
From the beginning I rather enjoyed Lilith as a character, both design, personality and writing wise as she proved to be a fun mix of both a very powerful and intelligent sorceress and a nerdy older sister.
As opposed to some people, I consider her arc to be rather well written, when you look at in retrospect. Her story is of that coming to terms with her individuality, self worth and even at some point, her faith.
(NOTE : Since I already discussed most of her trauma related to her being a former cult member in my first post about her, as well as parts of her family related trauma in another post, I will focus on other aspects of her character in this one.)
From when we first see her in Covention, we see that she's ridden with guilt upon seeing her sister in a fragile state - believing it was her fault. Which technically was, it was just that at this very moment Eda was playing dumb. In that guilt, to every opportunity of getting Eda to join her cause and in turn cured, she immediately broke her Covenhead persona - the one she built up for years and practically wears as her face. If that makes sense.
Right then and there, I had a feeling that she would join the main cast later on. So I wouldn't say it was done too quickly? It was hinted for a good while, in my opinion.
As for the other things...
The crew did incredible when portraying her. Their use of combined tropes in her character were executed delightfully! Instead of appearing obnoxious, like with Odalia and Boscha, they blended together into a very cohesive charaterization of a nerdy, older sibling character - without making her look like a complete joke. Even though throughout the show her excitement in history and alike is often a base for jokes, it's never actually made fun of.
She is almost never shamed for her interests nor how she approaches them. However, when it does happen it's either her sister, or another character who is clearly depicted as being in the wrong. It's a small thing, but to people who grew up being ridiculed for their hobbies, it probably means the world.
Most importantly, her being the scholarly type is never her whole character - it's just a puzzle piece that makes the picture of who she is. She's also very perceptive, determined person who learns very quickly and is ready to put herself before her family.
Personally, I also liked how the show portrayed her struggles at the very beginning of season 2.
On top of still feeling guilty over essentially rendering her sister disabled for the rest of her life, she had to also deal with the baggage that came with being a cult survivor that for years was deprived of her true identity, stripped of her self worth as an individual and led to believe her self worth was determined by whether or not she was devoting herself to serving a higher power or goal.
All of that combined eventually lead to her initially seeking full independence and refusing any help, which is actually quite realistic, as finding balance is probably the hardest part in recovering and healing. Been there myself.
Though, even almost at the very end of seaon 2, we still see her struggle. This time, with faith. After being used to having a figure of absolute authority all her life, she immediately latches onto the idea of King being a god, once again indirectly trying to reduce herself to a faithful servant.
It's actually one of my favourite aspects of her arc. Progress and healing is not linear, and so there will be moments of returning to old ways of thinking and acting - which is what happened to Lilith, and there is nothing wrong about it. No one tried to shame her for it, or viewed her as crazy.
In fact, precisely the opposite happens! In that same episode, we see a character portrayed as being at peace with himself admit that he had gone through something similar and offered advice based on his own experience! And King simply told her that he's seeing a "pattern" in her behaviour, reminding her that what she was doing was unhealthy to her, first and foremost - not that she was weird or wrong for it. Just misguided.
In the end, all of that built up for a very satisfying conclusion - she made a best friend, came to terms with her disability and made peace with it, reconnected with her family after being separated from them for years, started working in her actual desired field of interests and actually grew into the person she wanted to be, surrounded by people who respect and love her for who she is.
Just how am I not supposed to love her as well? It's literally impossible. Per my best friend and soulmate's words, who said it best :
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Hilarious. Magnificent. Incredible. She's the dream.
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cto10121 ¡ 2 months
Twilight Clown Takes—Part 5
In which yet another YT video comes out about how Twilight hate isn’t misogynist, actually, and so I must eat. Om nom nom
“Twilight Is Illogical!!1!1”
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We literally have an in-canon explanation for how Bella’s shield works in Eclipse AND Breaking Dawn. Her shield only works against illusions and anything mental. Anything physical she is vulnerable. Jasper affects you physiologically, not mentally. Alice sees actions; she doesn’t actually get into your mind. Jane and Edward’s powers are mental, so they do not work on her. It’s literally the same logic as Harry resisting the Imperious Curse in Goblet of Fire.
(Also, Bella does have a Quileute relative, Molly Swan. Just strengthens my Jacob-as-socially-determined-mate headcanon).
“Twilight Is Pro-Life!!1!1!”
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This is where Twilight clownery really delves into full-on deranged.
Every vampire in the Twilight Saga is harmful or potentially harmful to humanity, EVERYONE. The majority of the cast is (potentially) dangerous to humanity in some way, shape, or form. Calling Bella selfish for wanting her (wanted) child to be born is the height of misogyny. No mother who actually wants her child would choose differently. Bella had a plan to survive the birth—a very risky one, but she was willing to do it. And nobody and I mean nobody knew how Renesmee would turn out. This shit was unprecedented and über rare.
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Bella was not willing to die for a baby. She was willing to risk her life for Edward’s child.
This was made explicit when Jacob in desperation (following a crazed Edward’s idea) offered to father her children in exchange for Bella aborting hers—only to have Bella LAUGH at him in his face. Bella dngaf about having children per se. It was because the kid she was having was Edward’s.
(Also. Rosalie wants more than a baby. Rosalie wants to be human, which to her basic-ass traditional 20th century mind includes getting married with children. A baby is part-and-parcel to that mortality. What is interesting to me is that, despite the fact that Rosalie is very trad wife and even pro-baby, the narrative still frames her as selfish and self-centered in her vicariousness. Jacob is absolutely disgusted with her for caring more about the baby than Bella, and Edward feels exactly the same way. That is one reason why Breaking Dawn is not pro life propaganda—it is above all a romance, in which Renesmee acts both as an obstacle and consummation).
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Everyone was sympathetic to Leah until she became a werewolf and not only brought her baggage but would deliberately bring it up to hurt Sam. Yeah, no shit the Quileute boys would hate her, ditto Jacob. Only when she joined Jacob’s pack did she lighten up (because she was free from Sam!) and Jacob realized she wasn’t bad, just dealing with a broken heart. And honestly a very capable werewolf.
As for Rosalie, nobody hated her for her backstory either. Bella disliked her because Rosalie hated her and wouldn’t even stand to be in the same room with her! Edward hated her as a brother “hates” his sister with two very different personalities. Rosalie’s backstory was very much meant to humanize her.
Twilight Is Racist Round ♾️
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Literally every major character is magical. This is a fucking fantasy romance novel! Had the Quileutes been the only magical entities, Clown OP may have had a point. But not in this literal supernatural romance where even regular humans can have magical powers! What is this deranged clownery?
Twilight Is Sexist Round ♾️
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“I’ve only ever watched the movies, but—” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Bella didn’t feel like she fit in with her peers because she was essentially raised as a parent to take care of her mother. As in, paying bills. She didn’t have a normal childhood; that was denied her. Getting out of her parentification is part of her arc and drives a key part of her desire to be with Edward. Edward she never has to parent or take care of in the same way as her parents or even Jacob.
Also, her friends were canonically fake (Angela excepted). Jessica only was friends with her because of Mike’s interest and of the boys only Mike, Ben, and Tyler were interested. Lauren straight up didn’t like her.
“Twilight Is Mormon!1!!111”
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Clown OP was this close to getting it. This close.
“Twilight Is ~~~So Ridiculous!!1!!”
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Or it could be just basic-ass standard tropes for supernatural/paranormal romance. Y’know, since Twilight is a supernatural/paranormal romance.
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…Yeah, this clown definitely hasn’t read enough romance novels, lol. Because let me tell you, Twilight is super sane compared to the shit I have read, i.e. bodice rippers.
And all those bodice rippers were nothing compared to the telenovelas I grew up with. Nothing.
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newtonsheffield ¡ 2 years
ATIA -I don’t even think Kate lashed out. Anthony leaving the way he did was absolutely mortifying, add in Baz’s impact on her psyche, I’m totally cool with Kate having an emotional reaction. I really didn’t get comments of people acting like she’s cold and dismissive then getting mad that she had an emotional reaction. It’s like Kate can’t win. I’m for holding women accountable, not suffocating them with impossible expectations.
I have to say, it may just be me projecting onto Kate but like if I thought I had 1) Asked a guy out which let’s not forget is what Kate was trying to do when Anthony said he couldn’t hang out and went to have drinks with Edwina instead and 2) made plans with the guy I’d been hooking up with (for three months!!!) to stay over and he ran out of my house in the middle of the night without his shoes on to get away from me, in front of my sister who is also a close friend of his: I wouldn’t have even shown up to work on Monday I’d have been that mortified. I think most of us would have been! Even without the emotional baggage of a toxic ex.
And Anthony has also been initiating their hook ups. He’s the one that suggested they have sex instead of going to lunch. He’s the one that just started avoiding her out of nowhere afterwards. He hit on her at the Christmas party. Whether he realises it or not, he’s as much to blame for her thinking they’re just hooking up as she is to blame for him believing the same.
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starlsssankt ¡ 2 months
and while I got the whole "let's think about the Darkling" thoughts tonight--
In short, "it's complicated," but I will totally be diving into more depth on how I see their relationship (canon, head-canon, it's all the same here!)
As I mentioned (quite a bit) in this head-canon post, life was incredibly hard, incredibly tragic, for Aleksander. And his mother.
Because I am a firm believer (and I know others will disagree with me) but if Demon in the Wood showed anything, it showed the point that Baghra loved her son. Would and did do anything and everything to keep him safe, to keep him alive. To give him a sense of worth that she probably didn't have...
Granted, it's been a bit since I physically read the books, but if I remember correctly, her upbringing wasn't good. Her mother hated she was Grisha and then with the whole shadows and killing her sister and all that, it became even more so? I know it's something to that effect, anyway.
So Baghra, I feel, saw the shadows she could wield as something... maybe not unnatural but different. Wrong, perhaps. So when Aleksander had the same gift, she didn't want to instill that doubt, that almost, IDK, self-loathing or whatever, into him. So she told him he was strong, that he was powerful (I know there was something to that effect when she was talking to Alina at one point...)
DitW also showed just how far Baghra was willing to go to keep them both safe. To keep them both alive. And I do firmly believe that Aleksander knew that. Knew some of the lengths (probably not all of them, but definitely some, and he probably put more pieces together as he got older) that Baghra went to in order to keep them alive.
And then, as time went on and on, as they lived through lifetimes, it became clear that there was no one else like them. In a way, that made their relationship strained even more, and while the love might have existed still, even until the end, that whole "fine line between love and hate" and I mean, if I think of the Mikaelsons in TVD, like... being with only a few others (in TVD's case) or just ONE other person (in GV) for so long-- It's going to strain the relationship.
Aleksander went deeper and deeper in his pursuit of "making life better" and Baghra feared for him. Maybe, I think, a part of her feared him and how far he'd go, how much of himself he'd lose, but I think ultimately, it all stemmed from that core I love my son and I want what is best for him.
Was she a perfect mother? Hell no, but then, almost no character (or mother) ever is. (And let's be honest, perfection is boring when it comes to literature and whatnot because EVERYONE is flawed in some ways.)
But I do not think she was a bad mother, either. She was as human as Aleksander was, both of them with their own (very, very heavy baggage) of numerous lifetimes spent on the fringes of society, etc.
So by the time we meet both of them in the Grishaverse series itself, they've been alive for hundreds of years. Baghra even longer, of course, just by generational differences, so of course they're strained. Downright at each other's throats in some ways, and they act against each other.
By the time we meet them, you have to remember all of that. I think readers do a disservice to both characters if you don't.
Baghra, ultimately, loved her son and would do anything to save him. And Aleksander, ultimately, loved his mother and grieved the loss of her. (Let's be honest, they could have murdered each other at any point if they truly, truly hated each other, but they didn't because-- family, only ones like them, the death of one brings about utter loneliness for the other, etc. etc.)
So yeah, the short answer when it comes to this particular dynamic: It is VERY complicated. And the longer (summarized) answer: Immortality will wear down anyone and anything, no matter how much love and loyalty exists.
Yeah, okay... I'll stop on this one now, too.
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weltonlasso ¡ 11 months
Someone needs to shake Ted and remind him that when oxygen masks come down on planes you put your own mask on before you put it on your kid.
I just can't imagine this ending well for him...
ABSOFUCKINLUTELY they do. Had about 5 old women comment on a Tweet I made about this to tell me that I was not supposed to understand the overall story of Ted Lasso. that it was “obvious I don’t have children” and couldn’t possibly get what is so beautiful about Ted choosing Henry.
(k. Thanks Pam, I’m so glad all the Facebook moms with the awesome insights got the Ted Lasso ending they wanted!!!!!!)
I have been telling myself—like legit people are saying 10/10 perfect finale, no notes, which is truly insane to me but also here’s the goddamn thing.
I am a child of divorce. My my dad cheated on my mom constantly when I was young. When I was 16 I got a birthday card from an address I didn’t recognize. I opened it, thinking probably an old aunt or something. It was signed “with love, your sister xxx and not mom xxx”
and that’s how I found out from one of his mistresses ON MY BIRTHDAY that I had another sibling. I just sat there in the driveway of my house while I tried to reorient myself to this new world I found myself in. AT SIXTEEN.
My youngest sister (by my mom) was 6 at this time. And my mom made her choice to stay with my dad out of obligation to their children. She didn’t want my younger sisters to grow up in a different home than the one we lived in. She wanted to raise all of her kids there no matter what.
He left us a year later.
Cut to the next 10 years of my life 17-27 trying to be my moms partner, confidant, punching bag—she took all of her anger for him and directed it at me because I was still there.
My life will never be the same because of actions and choice that my dad made that specifically caused me and my family pain. I have spent years in therapy and will probably never ever have a relationship with him again. Obviously.
But it also really sucked having a single parent who relied on me for EVERYTHING. It is only now many year later, in therapy, that I can recognize the psychological effects and the physical toll it took on me to play that role. And I had no other choice because I was a child and this was what my mom needed from me. I did not have the skills to recognize that pulling me into the role of adult and spouse and caretaker to my parent would fundamentally change they way I saw myself and how I interpreted things around me. I wish to god my mom had not put that on me. It’s hard enough finding yourself as a child, it doesn’t help to have the extra burden of being “caretaker” to a parent when you’re still learning who you are. When your feelings are never validated because you’re always making sure your parent is happy and supported. YOU FEEL VERY ISOLATED. It’s a fucking burden to have to do this for a parent!!!!!!!!!!!!! And be strong for them when there isn’t anyone to be strong for you!!!!!!!!
Phewww felt compelled and somehow that all came out and now y’all finally know my big connection to the show!!! Father trauma at age 16!!! It’s fun here!!!!! Let’s NOT do that to Henry, how about?
Cause Ted definitely would have had enough therapy by now to be aware enough of the pressure he’d be putting on his young son by acting this way. and it frustrates the shit out of me that the show can use this misguided interpretation of “therapy” to say LOOK AT OUR SHOW ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH and then literally drop the ball on the storyline, like legit. Just. stopped. caring.
Instead the show really said: like ya actually instead of all that baggage, let’s cut that for time. From now on Ted is just a mystical woman who floats in and out of the lives of the people who need her.
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deargodhelpmeaaa ¡ 9 months
a horrid list I can best describe as being akin to a kin list
to the unaware, kinning a character refers to feeling a really deep connection to a fictional character to the point of feeling almost like you are that character and that they are you, especially while going through the work that they come from. I may have defined that wrong but whatever... I would rather say I relate to certain characters in some way or another than that I kin them.
This list will have 3 categories, the first is characters that I felt a connection to in some way and realized it was a bad thing, the second is characters I felt a connection to in some way and found it wasn't really a bad thing entirely and the third is characters who I have been compared to by other people. These categories will be listed as category 1, category 2, and category 3.
to reitorate: Category1= oh shit I'm just like him I think I need therapy
Category 2= I'm just like this person but that's not so bad tbh
Category 3= People say I'm like them and they're not wrong.
With that being said, let's get to the list.
Category 1
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Bojack Horseman
Well isn't this a wonderful way to start the list
Bojack honestly scared me with how much I related to him. He has severe mommy issues, just like me, he had this obsession with people liking him, he would constantly make dumb, self destructive decisions, constantly sabotaged his own relationships with how he acted, he was needy, and he had a lot of baggage. I should note here that no I've not gotten into any Penny or Sarah Lyn situations (if you watched the show you know what I mean) that shit is fucked up and there's no defending it. However, there are aspects of it I do relate to (like how Bojack isn't very attentive to Sarah Lyn's needs, as I think I sometimes did this and I feel bad about it) it's just not... that one specific thing those two situations have in common.
Anyway, that aside, as I was watching the show I actually felt a connection to him that I just... never really feel towards most characters. Me and him were really similar, I think, and there was a point where I just could feel what was gonna happen next. I could sense it, and when I saw it happen it almost felt like I also made that decision at the same time? It's hard to explain. This viewing experience was insane, though, because me and the main character were so similar.
I don't know if anyone I know will see the show and say that this character reminds them of me. I think most people might consider me to be a less graceful Diane, but I don't know. One of my followers is a Bojack fan, she can say who she thinks I'm most like. But when I watched this show I really just felt so connected to this character and I knew that wasn't a good thing, because his portrayal is anything but pretty. I don't know if I changed much after watching it but I definitely got a new perspective on myself and my life, and have made some progress as a person since. I think I'm a lot nicer now and hold back a lot more when it comes to talking to people.
Category 2
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so this is a fire emblem character. look. I got into fire emblem at a young age bc my sister picked legend of zelda and I needed my own series so I wouldnt be the same as her so I looked through the super smash bros roster and what series the characters are from and opted for the anime one that makes up 90% of the roster. And I kinda like the gameplay so I sometimes get games from the series.
Anyway. This character is Marriane Von Edmund from Fire Emblem Three Houses, to those unfamiliar with her. I expected very little from her but was shocked to find that I actually really like her character after deciding to sit through some cutscenes with her in them. She's a shy, self loathing and pessimistic young woman who considers herself a burden on others. But she also has a really good heart and in many of her support conversations (where she talks to the other characters, all of them tend to have a little over arching plot and are split up into 3-4 parts) she is shown to be helped in finding a way past her self loathing and towards something new and beautiful... it's been a while since I last read these. Long story short, she's a sweet character, but her self loathing and pessimism make her really relatable to me. Also, just like me, she loves horses!
(wait why do both of the characters I have listed here first have to do with horses-)
What stands out to me about her is that during some of her support conversations, when the other person spoke to her it felt as if they weren't just speaking to her, but directly towards me. I had some really weird emotional reactions to this, and distinctly remember even crying over one (or even multiple) of them (or at least being brought nearly to tears). This is because I'm a total fucking pussy; I don't think the writing is that phenomenal. Anyway I love this character. I'm glad she exists. I come back to her support conversations every now and then.
Category 3
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a lot of my friends compare me to this character, Tomoko. (well mostly my boyfriend but everyone else who knows abt her and knows abt me agrees with the comparison) I've never watched the show she's in (or read the manga) but here's what I know about her. She's a socially inept dipshit, excessively horny, and just wants more friends. I'm also a socially inept dipshit, I may or may not be that second thing, and I also want more friends. I also am the same archetype as this girl, like... appearance-wise, so that is another reason for the comparison.
another friend compared me to this character I fucking know nothing abt the game she's from besides that it's bad
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this is Toko Fukawa. I looked into it and she literally just seems to be me if I was created by an edgy 14 y/o. Big into mlm shit, has two sides to her personality (well it's a split personality bc the writer is an edgy 14 y/o mentally) one being chaotic and unpredictable and the other being more introverted and extremely cynical, and she has an obsessive crush on some guy. She's also a writer much like me? I was terrified when I read this because my friend was completely right to make that comparison.
Anyway I'm throwing in another horse related character here. Everyone who made this comparison was like 12-14 years old and they're not me they're other people so fuck you.
A lot of people compared me to fucking Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. It's solely due to me being really high energy sometimes. Not much more to it, but it's worth mentioning bc so many ppl said it.
And I guess I could mention Violet from the Incredibles here, too, as a surprising amount of people compared me to her because I kind of look like her.
Here's a weird one
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one of my friends said that I remind him a lot of this character, Annie from the show Community? He said I was like her but not a drug addict. Idk anything abt this show. Buuut if you do and you saw this post maybe you can use what I've said abt myself her to put it together?
Since we're on the topic of sitcom characters, here's one my sister loves to compare me to:
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Pheobe Buffay from Friends. I think me and her both just have a similar manner to us and it doesn't go much deeper than that. idk tho maybe it does.
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goboymusic ¡ 1 year
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It’s Wednesday. When an artist says something like “I made 10 songs in 1 day,” be skeptical. What they’re probably really saying is “I *recorded* 10 songs in 1 day.” After recording, they or their engineer(s) (usually the latter, because most artists only write and record, not mix) are tasked with mixing and mastering their songs, which can take anywhere from days to months. Mixing can be ungodly difficult.
”My Love, The Robot (Song 36)” remained in my Dropbox for 7 years before being released. It was produced in 2012, but at that point I had lost the confidence to upload new music to the internet. The lack of confidence was a result of the personal disaster that was “Throwback (Song 23),” which you can read about in post 23.
My youngest sister convinced me to upload “My Love, The Robot” in late 2019. The personal baggage around the act of uploading new music to the internet caused my body to tremble uncontrollably. I know that’s TMI. A bodily stress reaction was bizarre.
The reception of this song on Facebook is what convinced me to create new music for the first time in 7 years, which ultimately kicked off the musical journey that I’m on now (GoBoy).
The song title is inspired by a short-lived electronic band of the same name that consisted of high school classmates. They were/are mind blowingly talented.
Musically inspired by MGMT and The Postal Service (the band, not USPS).
0 notes
queenscharacters ¡ 2 years
"I've got a lot of baggage... it's all probably more complicated than it's even worth." Jill to Asher
This had to be the best first date of Asher’s life. Not that it was anything too spectacular - he took Jill to some 24/7 diner - but they were approaching the 3 hour mark together. It was safe to say that he was absolutely smitten. He’d known from their first meeting that Jillian Walsh was something special, and every moment together reaffirmed that, but tonight? He’d like to confidently say was with his future wife.
He really thought the night was going amazing, so he couldn’t begin to understand why she was now bringing this up. It wasn’t like he didn’t know about her ‘baggage’ - it was literally how they met. Sure, he didn’t know the extent of everything, but he doubted it would change things once he did. Asher had a good feeling he knew what he’d been getting involved in when he asked Jill out. His expectations weren’t going to o be changing anytime soon.
“Good thing I have plenty of experience with complicated.” He tried to tease, but his tone and smile fell flat. It wasn’t that he didn’t mean his words. It just pained him so much that no matter how gentle or accommodating he could be - that Jill knew he had this experience from his mom - that she still felt this way about herself. Like she was more of a trouble than a joy. As if she couldn’t, and wouldn’t, be the best thing that ever happened to him. She probably didn’t even realize how much she was treasured by everyone else who knew her.
“My father is an abusive asshole who cheated on my mom multiple times and drove her to become an alcoholic herself. I have an older half sister who acts like I don’t exist, and a younger brother who thinks none of this is relevant and wants a relationship with me.” He said simply, almost robotically. He wouldn’t normally admit this, but he felt safe with Jillian. Plus, it looked like she could hear that she wasn’t the only messed up person at the table.
Asher reached across the table, taking his date’s hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. “What I’m trying to say is that I have baggage too.” He murmured. “And perhaps it’s not the same, but it doesn’t change anything for me. You are so much more to me than what you’re going through, Jill.”
0 notes
honeycuttfulton17 ¡ 2 years
Reese Getty
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"During this tough time it is necessary we be a part of collectively as a neighborhood to help each other," the assertion said. One of the two males within the car pointed a handgun at Vazquez, and he jumped out of his car at North Swan and First streets and ran down First.. About a 12 months after her modeling career took off she was made an offer to go on a special photograph shoot in Brazil. The smaller design is ideal for the girl about town who wants to look the half or the young skilled wishing to make the right impression. Designed for practicality in addition to type, the Chloe Faye range has turn out to be a mainstay in the designer bag market. The wonderful Chloe Faye small luggage you see listed right here are an ideal replica of the original design at a fraction of the value. This vary of Chloe dupes includes small and huge shoulder bags plus the timelessly trendy and stylish backpack design. This is a spread for women of all ages yet will enchantment particularly to the youthful girl who likes to be trendy. As soon as I noticed the Chloe Faye shoulder bag in person, I was in love. This bag continues the brand’s constant huge ring type, the shape is round, and even the portable place can also be a golden ring, giving the entire a retro really feel. In phrases of materials, it primarily makes use of the mixture of cowhide and deer skin, which is more unique. A hoax is commonly supposed as a practical joke or to cause embarrassment, or to impress social or political change by raising individuals's consciousness of one thing. For example, to market a romantic comedy movie, a director staged a phony "incident" during a supposed wedding, which showed a bride and preacher getting knocked into a pool by a clumsy fall from a best man. A resulting video clip of Chloe and Keith's Wedding was uploaded to YouTube and was considered by over 30 million individuals and the couple was interviewed by quite a few talk reveals. Viewers had been deluded into thinking that it was an genuine clip of a real accident at an actual wedding ceremony; however a narrative in USA Today in 2009 revealed it was a hoax. Most feminine canine have to expertise the warmth cycle no much less than two times in a yr or as quickly as in each seven months. The Angelika multiplex is still too new to take this category, and we're not but sure if it's going to next yr, anyway. (Although it is pretty sweet. See "Best Movie Pitch Worth the Wait" in Scenes.) The Inwood is a grand old dame of a movie theater and once more deserves our "Best Of" label, palms down . A yr I thought had some effect I convinced myself that such was the case, Cameron says.
0 notes
alotofpockets ¡ 2 years
My mother adores you | Florence Pugh
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Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Prompt: “My mother adores you.”
Requested by: anon (x2)
Word count: 1060
masterlist | Requests: closed | taglist
Florence went to visit her family after she wrapped filming close by. Yesterday she called to ask if you would like to spend the weekend and meet her parents and sister Raffie. Now you have just landed and got through baggage claim, Florence had offered to pick you up from the airport. So, you were looking around to find her, once you saw her your face lit up.
She was talking to some younger girls, you loved seeing her interact with her fans. You walked towards them, and heard the girls had all kinds of questions about acting that Florence was happy to answer. You kept a bit of distance from the small group, not wanting to interrupt the fans from their experience. "Hey! Isn't that your girlfriend?" One of the girls asks. Florence turns around and nods with a big smile on her face, "Yeah it is." The girls say a quick bye and thank you to Florence, who then turns around and starts walking towards you. "Hi baby, I missed you so much." She says while hugging you tight. "I missed you too, darling."
Hand in hand you walk out of the airport. "Oh, before I forget. Raffie is waiting by the car. She called dibs on meeting you first and I thought it was too adorable to tell her no, I hope that's okay." You squeeze her hand, "Of course, I can't wait to meet her, Flo."
When you got to the car Raffie came running towards you pulling you into a hug, her speed knocking the both of you over. “Seriously Raffie, the first thing you do when you meet my girlfriend is tackle her to the ground?” Florence laughs after hearing you both laugh at the little accident. Raffie helps you up while answering her sister, “You told me to give her a warm welcome.” You laugh, “It’s definitely a meeting I will never forget.”
Florence puts your bags in the car and looks back at you and her sister, smiling when she sees that you are laughing together. It made her heart happy that you and her sister already seemed to get along so well together. You all get in the car and start driving. “We have to make a quick stop at the restaurant, dad asked us to pick up some things for dinner tonight.”
Raffie goes into the restaurant to get the ingredients, leaving you and Florence alone in the car. You cup her cheeks and pull her in for a kiss, “Thank you for taking me to meet your parents.” Florence kisses you back, placing her hand gently on your knee. “Of course, I’m so excited for you to meet them and I promise you’ll get to meet Toby and Arabella too at some point.” When Raffie joins you back in the car Florence continues her way home.
Arriving at the house the girls’ parents are already waiting outside to great you, you shake her dad’s hand and introduce yourself, he does the same and says you can call him Clint. Her mom gives you a hug, “It’s so nice to finally meet you y/n. Oh and you can call me Deb.” She says with a big smile on her face. “Let’s go inside and have some drinks, get to know our special guest a bit more.”
That’s what you did, you had some drinks and sat in the living room talking about you, talking about her parent and random conversations. You felt very at ease around them, after a while it kind of felt like you had known them for ages. You especially loved hearing stories about Florence when she was younger.
Deb noticed your interest in Florence as a little kid, so when Clint and Florence went to the kitchen to start dinner she went to get a couple of photo albums. Leaving you and Raffie joking on the cough together again, the two of you had a very similar humor so you clicked very well. Looking through the photo albums Deb and Raffie start pointing out pictures and telling you about the stories behind them.
After a while Clint asked for Raffie’s help in the kitchen. You and Deb keep looking at pictures of the kids when they were younger and she asked you about your childhood as well, if you had any sibling and if you lived close to your parents. You are mid-conversation with her when you both get distracted by giggling coming from the kitchen, both so intrigued that you head of to see what it is about.
When you walk in you see Raffie sitting on a chair with Florence on her shoulders. When they notice you are in the room they both look up and smile like they have been caught, so you snap a quick picture. Florence takes a sip of her drink and says, “I had to get her back for tackling you at the airport somehow.” You all laugh it off as Clint says, “Dinner is ready!”
After dinner and the dishes Florence takes you upstairs to her childhood bedroom, showing you her room and telling you stories about the pictures, stuffed animals, posters, and little treasures around her room. You both sit down on the bed and Florence says, “I’m so happy you’re getting along with my family so well.” She grabs your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, “Baby, my mom adores you."
You smile, “Your mom is great, she is so sweet. And your dad, he’s awesome and such a great cook! The food was so delicious.” Florence looks at you with so much love in her eyes, “I’m glad you feel the same way about them. And are you sure Raffie and you didn’t already know each other? Babe, you looked so comfortable together, like you had known each other for years. It makes me so happy to see the two of you get along so well.”
“Yeah it actually kind of felt that way for me too. And I’m very happy as well, my love. I did however get very tired, would it be okay if I laid down for a bit?” Florence let you know that that is more than okay and lays down so you can lay in her arms. With her hand going through your hair, you slowly start falling asleep.
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lunarticxenia ¡ 2 years
Astrology Observations #3
Hi guys, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so here we gooooo! Remember these are just my opinions 
TW: Mention of de*th, S*x
🍁 Libra moons, Moon in the 7th and 7th house stelliums tend to become absorbed by their romantic relationships and make it apart of their personality. A lot tend to crave relationships a lot and tend to feel incomplete without one. 
🍁 Gemini and prominent Mercury placements (i.e. Sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury on an angle, etc.) LOVE hands. My mom has this and refused to date people who had “bad hands”. LMAO. So picky. 
🍁 3 or more harsh aspects to one’s moon can make them very emotionally closed off. 
🍁 Mars Square Neptune in synastry can be a stalker aspect. The Mars person can become obsessed with the Neptune person. I’ve had this with two people who later got obsessed with me. Yikes. 
🍁 Pisces Mercury has a very soft and more higher pitched voice whereas Scorpio and Cancer mercuries tend to have deeper voices. 
🍁 Some indicators of health issues in astrology are Mars or Saturn in the 6th and the 6th house ruler negatively aspecting Mars or Saturn. Obviously not always the case but I’ve found it to be true in multiple charts including my own. 
🍁I’ve also found that Mars in the 8th (whole sign or Placidus astrology) and Saturn in the 8th (whole sign or Placidus) placements usually have had a near de*th experience i.e. a car accident. 
🍁 Neptune in the 12th individuals tend to struggle with self confidence ;( 
🍁 Moon in the 6th is a workaholic placement!
🍁 Uranus in the 3rd is such an underrated intelligence placement. Uranus in the 3rd individuals have such a unique way of thinking, and they’re also very funny as well. Their minds work differently than most. 
🍁 Scorpio Risings are super intriguing. People feel super drawn to them, there’s just something about them that makes people obsessed. It’s more intense than Pluto in the 1st. 
🍁 Moon in 4th house overlay in synastry makes the house person have a soft spot for the planet person. 
🍁 Saturn in the 4th house individuals may have strict parents and/or feel that they had to grow up too fast. 
🍁I’ve noticed Sagittarius moons tend to go into the STEM field; if not that they really enjoy science and math in general (unless the placement is afflicted). 
🍁Pluto in the 7th have a hard time getting into relationships, even if they really want a relationship they just have a hard time in that department. 
🍁Underdeveloped Cancer placements can be narcissistic. Same goes for Aquarius and Leo placements. Aquariuses tend to be looked over, their sister sign is Leo, an underdeveloped Aquarius placement can really give someone a God complex. 
🍁 Cancer moons act more like a stereotypical Cancer than Cancer suns. I’m a Cancer sun, and I’ve dated two Cancer moons, and they act more like the typical Cancer than I do. Same with my mother. Cancer moons exacerbate the traits of Cancer since Cancer is ruled by the moon; while they can have the good traits like being intuitive and compassionate, they can also be ten times more crabby and moody.
🍁 Sun in the 2nd are the kinds of people to work more than one job just to make more money. 
🍁 Individuals with Sun Opposition Moon are CHAOTIC. This is coming from a Sun Square Moon. Y’all are chaotic but mad fun. You guys need to calm down though, whatever has you going crazy is not that serious LMAO. 
🍁 Pluto in the 4th individuals have ALOT of emotional baggage, especially from their childhood. 
🍁 Cancer stelliums love to sleep with stuffed animals!!!!! Both me and a couple other people have this, and our beds are filled to the brink with stuffed animals. 
🍁Aries moons can be super messy unless there’s another aspect at play like Virgo in the big three. 
🍁 Leo risings make faces at everything, whether they mean to or not LMAO. This girl I like does it, it’s so cute. 
🍁 Moon in the 12H individuals struggle with relationships- they either crave them 24/7 or just can’t commit at all. 
🍁 Libra placements love being the center of attention and they’ll gladly admit it. 
🍁Scorpio Risings, Pluto in the 1st, Asteroid Nessus #7066 in the 1st, and Lilith in the 1st individuals tend to attract creeps/stalkers. 
🍁For certain ailments I tend to look at the Sun and Moon of individuals in both Tropical and Sidereal astrology, i.e. I’m a Cancer sun and have stomach problems. I know someone who’s an Aries moon in Sidereal astrology and he got a bunch of concussions. 
🍁 Not really an observation, but it’s worth looking into whole sign astrology, I’ve found it’s very accurate too. My friend relates more to things in her whole sign chart more than her reg chart. 
🍁 Cancer Mars do NOT like to talk about their problems and tend to internalize shit. It’s really bad.  
🍁 I feel like Scorpio Mars tends to be obsessed with s*x or doesn’t think about it at all. 
🍁Asteroid Medusa #149 harshly aspecting or conjunct the ascendant and/or in the 1st house gives natives curly hair from what I’ve seen. Or very thick and wavy hair. 
🍁 Mars Square Pluto individuals really have this mysterious and darkly appealing way about them, I always fall for them LMAO. I just find them so hot. (Not an observation but you know). 
🍁 I’ve seen a lot of non-binary people with prominent Asteroid Beck #21050 in their chart. 
Hope you guys enjoyed these, remember some things may not apply to you as these are just observations. :) 
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