#if anyone has a copy they'd like to share lol
mrblueyoudiditright · 3 months
Reminder that if you really like a piece of media on the internet to consider saving it to the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine.
I just had to learn the hard way when I went to revisit this one story I really liked, only to find the site it was hosted on no longer exists. (Apparently the site experienced a failure last year, and the owners couldn't fix it and decided to just shut it down entirely.)
So that story is just... gone now, because it wasn't posted anywhere else and no one else had logged that story's url to the archive.
Learn from my mistake, save your fav fics/media to the archive- it's literally as simple as plugging in the link and the Wayback Machine saves a snapshot of it. Because one day the site that media is hosted on may disappear and you'll lose it forever.
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antennatoheaven · 1 year
ok so we've established that its likely that kirby is a type of void, just made out of purely positive energy as opposed to rancid vibes. but it's also been hinted throughout the years that meta knight is the same species as kirby, so where does that leave him?
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ *slams a hand on the wall* "I LOVE YOU" ♡
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-> how the genshin men would react when you confess by "kabedon"-ing them
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Plays the uno reverse card
Alhaitham, Childe, Dainsleif, Itto
They'd raise an eyebrow and smirk, because 1) he's glad that his feelings for you are mutual and 2) because of your audacity to put him in such a place.
So, he'll flip you over and kabedon you, caging you under both of his arms. If anyone's gonna be the dominant one in the relationship, it's gonna be him. Needless to say, he loves you back.
He'll laugh
Ayato, Baizhu, Heizou, Kaeya, Cyno, Venti
No, he's not laughing to be mean or because he finds your confession hilarious. He chuckles because he finds your display of love unbearably cute. This bold attempt to catch him off guard was something he found so endearing. So he'll rest his hand on your cheek and stare deep into your eyes, "come on then, kiss me already", he smiles. And if you don't kiss him within that second, he'll be the one to kiss you immediately, whispering, "I love you too, y/n"
"Kya.!!" >///<
Gorou, Thoma
They'll be just like the heroine in your typical shoujo anime when you kabedon them and confess, blushing like crazy with "doki doki" symbols flying in the air. They're ecstatic and so relieved that you share the same feelings they have for you, and at the same time, this assertive gesture has them head over heels and leaves them craving for more.
Tries to cover their blush
Diluc, Scaramouche, Xiao
I see them reacting like a tsundere, in a sort of "W-What are you doing..?!", brows furrowed and trying to cover their flushed cheeks type of way. Kind of like Tamaki here
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Nonetheless, he'd still confess his own love for you as well.
"Well...I love you too..."
Now y'all can "kiss kiss~ fall in love~! 🌸💞" LOL gosh I love ohshc
Smiles :)
Zhongli, Kazuha, Tighnari, Albedo, Kaveh
They'll smile tenderly, appreciating and adoring your passionate gesture of affection and will make sure you know it. He'll cup your face in his hands and say that he loves you back and will leave a deep kiss on your lips. He'll reveal his own passion for you through the multitude of kisses he'll give you if you don't stop there, hehe
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a/n: I feel like a lot of these sounded similar to each other (even in the twst kabedon post too). I was kinda running out of ideas, but hey at least I'm still having fun :')
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shirefantasies · 3 months
I have only asked for one matchup in the past like 8 years of imagine blog requesting but I figured hey, why not? I've been reading your blog nonstop for like 2 weeks, lol! Lets see, I'm about 5ft 4 with a bob of ringlets and a round, even, bespectacled face. I'm pretty curvy and perhaps on the heavier side but I've got a lot more strength to my frame than most give me credit for! In the day to day folks look at me and think I'm a 100% cerebral kind of person and for the most part they'd be right, at least when I was younger. I used to be the ultimate shut-in for the simple fact that I suffer from a family curse on my father's side- when we aren't learning we feel like we're *fucking dieing*(i didn't make tht up it's the family running joke!). These days I'm much more outgoing; I play DnD in 2 groups, have tons of online friends I talk to regularly, I've got a routine of 'sister night's where me and my sister paint together, I sing in a chorus, and I've got study sessions with my mentor going too- so I'm kinda a former-antisocial-dork-turned-deliberate-part-of-their-communities kinda chick. I feel like if i was dropped in middle earth I'd wanna try and build a printing press, my first degree was in graphic design so I know a ton about all the different kinds, I'd love to share! After all, what's the point of learning if you don't use your information to *help* people? Guess I'd be a scribe if I was born there tho. I skew towards liking the hobbit characters more than LOTR, but I'm up for anyone that's in both, too. Congrats on 300, you deserve it!!
Thank you so much for your support and heck yeah, *you* deserve the treat of a matchup too 😘 I’m so glad you said that about the hobbit characters because I definitely had someone in mind for you…
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Dear Ori!
Ori finds out someone is causing quite a stir with a new invention, so of course he has to see what all the fuss is about! Something about a revolution amongst his world of scribes happening right at the foot of his home down in Dale. Making his way down to the study named, he musters up the courage to knock on the door. Coming to call unannounced isn't exactly the most polite behavior, he knows, but then again this inventor must be having a lot of that these days. He isn't expecting to see a cute young woman open the door, though, and his first thought is one hoping you aren't just the inventor's wife opening the door for them.
You are not. The moment Ori shyly greets you, asking if it's true what the scribes are saying about an exciting new device, your eyes light up and you usher him in. Inside your home is a bit messy, but the comforting sort of messy where charming china sits out atop tables, game boards at their sides, papers are strewn about with notes and diagrams and drawings Ori wishes he could see better. A potted plant sits in one corner with an unfinished sketch of its likeness on the adjacent shelf. A fire is fighting its best to stay lit behind an elaborately styled metal gate, no doubt to keep it that much further from all the paper. All in all, Ori thinks to himself that this is somewhere he could live. As you begin taking him across the room to a door, you animatedly discuss your many trials and errors before you reveal your masterpiece. A great structure with some sort of metal rod and a bunch of blocks? Printing press, you call it. You had blocks for each letter, the rod pulled down to press the ink down... "Now we can save some time if we need a lot of copies! What do you think?" You stood there with your head expectantly tilted, hands clasped in front of you. "They say Thorin or Bard might like something like this for decrees, but as a fellow scribe do you see a future with this?"
Gaping at your smarts and flushing at the faint flutter of your eyelashes, Ori nods. "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I fought a dragon." "You...fought a dragon?" It is your turn to gape as you peer at the dwarf with new interest. "Threatened to show him dwarvish iron where the sun don't shine," he replied with a proud smile, arms crossed, "but you know, in the end Mr. Bard got 'im. We all showed him what for, though! This tops that by a long shot, though- how'd you think of this?" Kettle on first, hours of discussion later. Soon it was near nightfall and Ori was apologizing profusely and you were waving it off, asking him for promise of a return with the sketches he mentioned.
A whole new page of sketches gets dedicated to figures with bobs of lovely curls, gorgeous curves that have Ori blushing, smiles upon a round, cheery face and spectacles never fully betraying the eyes' secrets. Whole hours of Ori’s day get dedicated to carving blocks for your press and trying them out with you and feeling his heart flip at the way you take his hands and leap in celebration. He can listen to you talk, whether it’s explaining your invention process or the instructions of the game you’re teaching him or even simply sharing some random animal facts from the latest book you picked up, all day, he thinks. And then one day as he’s leaving you press a kiss to his cheek and that’s it.
Flowers and a new book are thrust into your hand the moment you open the door, Ori standing before you telling you how much he likes you and can’t stop thinking about you and you positively must interrupt him to tell him he’s been like home to you or else he’ll keep going, the poor dear. He wants to take you out that day, walk you around proudly and savor the feeling of your hand in his as he shows you off.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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colors-of-light · 3 months
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A friend implored me to share my KirbyOCs on here. x3 I have 2 but here's my favorite Agape.
I've had this Kirby OC since I was like 7yrs old lol. I very rarely ever drew them and just kinda rotated them in my head for years. I finally started solidifying their appearance and character design in the last couple years cuz I really wanted to join in on the Kirby fandom's love for their characters. >.< but I still haven't lol
Their name is Agape (ah-gah-pay), tho I'm sure I mispronounce it, which is the old Greek word for the love for all things, Aka ur instinctual love for even strangers and the want to see them happy. The reason u smile at a baby when they look at you or feel sympathy and hurt when u see someone crying.
Since Amazing Mirror was my first Kirby game, I'd tried making a Chip into a Star Warrior. I loved the Emerald Spray from the game as well so their base color is that emerald/mint green (but more pastel) and their fur is a creamy yellow. Their cheekies and eyes are a light pastel pink. Once Squeak Squad came out and the Animal copy ability was released, I was more excited for them. Their design has shifted a lot since then (their fur used to be a lil hoodie the way Animal's is) but this is their design as of now! :D I'm going to try and doodle some more so I can show their adopted brother too, which is actually just Kimyrn as an AU cameo into Kirby lmfaoooo
They were a medic in the GSA. Their inate power was that they can shapeshift into anything they've bitten/ate. Some of their favorites are to turn their fur into frosting or custard to give others a sweet treat. Because of their ability, before they joined the GSA, they were a bit of an outcast. People didn't trust them and since there is no way to tell if someone is themselves or Agape playing a game, people would grow resentful of Agape and the mistrust they sowed in the communities they lived in. They learned not to turn into others without their explicit consent, but it didn't stop the inherent distrust of their person. If a monster attacked and no one saw Agape, they'd often blame Agape for the attack. The GSA was on the chase for them, having believed these rumors of a monster that bounced from town to town / planet to planet trying to trick people into letting it live in their homes only to destroy it. When they finally caught up to Agape, scared and alone, it became clear that this creature just had the misfortune of having an ability no one trusted. Agape joined the GSA to finally have a community that would love and trust them... and they paid it forward in a hunderedfold.
Agape became a medic and a fierce warrior. What good was a medic that couldn't fight their way into a monster hoard to save you? They loved all their friends with such a sweet passion that the other Star Warriors began to wonder how anyone had ever hated them. Agape was always willing to comfort and cuddle others, especially the wounded were showered in affection. When the Kirby anime made the remark that Star Warriors give their Warp Stars to those that truly love them for protection, and that they would return to that person on their own, I started tangling Warp Stars in Agape's fur. I feel like their unconditional love for everyone in their community made people trust them with their Stars. Agape cares for each and every one of them in their care.
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rocketturtle4 · 8 months
On Repeat tag game
In the unlikely event anyone saw the original version of this post that was up for 12 minutes before I realised I'd done it wrong and panic-deleted it only to realise 12 seconds later that no one would KNOW I'd done it wrong...
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...no you didn't
It's Friday evening, I'm blaming weekend brain.
Tagged by @visualtaehyun @sorry-bonebag and @thegalwhorants I feel so popular! Thankyou!✨
The game: Put your Spotify On Repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs! (don't forget the shuffle like I definitely didn't)
Let's see what happens, I was very relieved to realise this is like RECENT on repeats lol, if it had been for the whole year...who knows what would have appeared. My music get's updated very rarely but recent joining of a spotify blend has dragged my music tastes kicking and screaming towards a little bit of variance lol.
Also this On Repeat thing is very cool so TY for the new feature!
Unsteady by X Ambassadors
ahhh what an opener. As some of you may know my bestie @plantsarepeopletoo has been breaking down the Only Friends music on the regular (it's so interesting, the music is almost predictive of the character arcs!!) and occasionally sharing the feeeeeels with me and @shouldiusemyname as they work through it. As part of this we have regularly discussed other songs that remind us of different characters and relationships in OF and this song put me deeeep in my Ray feels after Ep...5? or maybe 6 and yep I've been playing it A LOT ever since.
2. Mad love - Sped Up Version by Mabel, Speed Radio
I don't even remember how I found this one but it's a vibe
3. SPARK by A.C.E
Ooooh interesting, I recently finished a rewatch of Light On Me where I was reminded how much I love the ending song hence this!
4. Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
I'm with you @thegalwhorants, I'm a swifty, not a big one, but her voice and music are excellent. Plus Reputation yk?
5. Free Fall by Slot Machine
Lol is commentary even necessary? I'm not even a huge KP fan but this song kills
6. I do not know how to write/copy Thai sorry but its by Selina and Sirin
The Only Friends feels are everywhere it seems. But this is SUCH a beautiful song.
7. betty by Taylor Swift
Same swifty disclaimer as before, this is one of my all time fav T Swift songs and I will take no judgement.
8. Belly Dancer by Imanbek, BYOR
Now here's a throwback I'm surprised to see on my repeat playlist, I guess I listened to it enough that it's lasted lol, for a while I studied to this song on repeat for hoooooours. Don't know why but the repetition is non-distracting, Mad Love above falls into that category too.
9. Pretend by Nanon
Ahhh now this is no surprise, I am currently on ep 13 of the Jungle, hoping to finish it this weekend and this song is gorgeous. Love it, love Nanon, love The Jungle.
10. Bad Habits (feat. Bring Me The Horizon) by Ed Sheeran
oooh finishing off with Ed that rounds it out nicely. Ed Sheeran's concert came to my state in little old down under in March of this year and it was my first ever concert. Love his music and the concert was AMAZING. Though this version of the song can actually be blamed on a recent blend I've joined to drag my music kicking and screaming into any sort of variance as my personal playlists have the original.
I have NO Idea who has already played cause my PhD has suddenly dumped three projects which need immediate attention in my lap all at once so my tumblr time has vanished into the ether.
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Of course I COULD stop watching 15 shows at once but they'd have to STOP AIRING first
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[Image of Ayan from The Eclipse saying "I don't get myself either"]
Soooo @grapejuicegay @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pandasmagorica play if you want and if you already have feel free to tag me retroactively! I basically only see stuff if I'm tagged these days... or if they happen to appear in the 20 random posts I see at some point through my day.
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candy-pants · 5 months
Oh no I’m so sorry!! I hesitated to say anything cuz I wasn’t sure if you were just taking your time lol. Sorry we’re down to the last day but let’s pack in a lot of questions in that case!! First off, Ashley is kinda slaying in that vid ngl. And I love learning more about latam Disney channel, thanks for sharing!! What show were they on?? And you have a point about Sabrina lol. Switching gears, ofc ik you love descendants and mal and Ben in particular, who are your favs outside of the core four and why? What are your fav ships besides bal and why? And what are your biggest hopes for rise of red? I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your gift tomorrow!! Sorry again for the miscommunication!! -gcwca secret Santa
don't worry! i was thinking you were busy or something so i didn't say anything either sdjhdhdsj i know tumblr tends to be the worst functioning website on the planet but we're all still here so i guess that says something about us
okay this is gonna be a long one buckle up
1 - they were in a show called que talento! (yes with an exclamation point) and they were basically playing themselves if they went to high school and were still amateurs lol i really liked the theme song but only the show version bc the studio version sounds awful sorry bruno i know you produced it but it sucks
2 - out of the core four (and ben) i have to say uma is a huge fav for me, probably my 3rd favorite character of the franchise. when i heard china anne mcclain was back on disney channel to play her i was sooooo excited and i can't imagine anyone better for the role. i love that she has such a strong sense of justice and community even if her ways aren't necessarily the best. obviously i love that the franchise makes sure to let us know she and mal are two sides of the same coin and if they weren't both so proud and stubborn they'd be friends, but i like that uma isn't just a carbon copy of mal like they're very much two different characters. uma is driven by collectiveness and she cares so hard about everybody it's almost aggressive and she's such a great example of leadership on the isle (as acknowledged by both ben in d2 and mal in d3 (and as a side note i'm obsessed with mal, ben and uma's dynamic and i could ramble on about it for the next 10 years but that's not the point)) and if i don't stop now this is gonna turn into a mal vs uma analysis
3 - i really really love the idea that mal and uma are exes. like to me that's just canon and no one is gonna tell me otherwise bc it doesn't contradict anything! "and how would you know, mal? you've never had [a boyfriend]" so in my head she could have dated uma idc it was probably quick and messy bc they would have this toxic power struggle which ultimately ends in mal not letting her join the gang. i think they would absolutely kill each other as a couple now bc of how similar they are but as exes? hell yeah that's a vibe
as for present day relationships i'm a fan of harry and uma getting together at some point in the future bc lbr those two are in a weird situationship lmao i also love jay and gil!!! very unexpected but jay realizing how jaded he's become after seeing the beauty of gil experiencing things with such wonder and then deciding to do a gap year so they can travel the world together is something that can actually be so personal
ALSO i'm not usually one for crackships but harry x evie had me like 👀 in d3 bc sorry wtf is this
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for the record i don't think they should realistically get together, i don't think they'd work out, but the chemistry is there and for some reason kenny chose to highlight it so idk
4 - oooo so rise of red. here's the thing. i'm fully expecting this movie to be bad sdjdshjdjhsjdh i'm mostly worried about these seemingly amateur writers they got. like. even if descendants is its own little fanfiction thing let's at least try to make things coherent inside its own universe. the fact that they all went to school together defeats the purpose of beast UNITING THE KINGDOMS but well anyway let's see what they're gonna do
i like jennifer phang as a director though! she did two eps of cloak and dagger (one of which is 2x01, one of my personal favs) and the pilot of secrets of sulphur springs, so i know she's competent. and mark hofeling is coming back which is GREAT bc changing the production designer would be a terrible move for a spin-off partly set in present day. i just wish kara saun would come back to do the costumes but oh well
i'm so excited to see your gift!!!!! i hope you have a great holiday as well!!!!!!
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you-hate-time-travel · 11 months
would you like to maybe share about ace and tesseract (◕_◕) i am highly interested
-crews (sorry if this sounds demanding or otherwise unpleasant i just woke up and can barely comprehend words)
HI OH MY GOD THANK YOU CREWS...ok! you-hate-time-travel space fanfelt hour. get ready. fyi i will shorten space-(name) to s(number) from now on. yes its a bit complicated i know
- theyre like, barely developed. space felts are a concept that i've seen a minimum of three iterations of so, not very original. lol.
- ace isn't actually like...anyone. they're a placeholder name for s01.
- tesseract's, or tessie's, powers aaaare... something to do with pocket dimensions! alternate universes? i dunno, but i think they'd use a pincushion. cute!
- s13 has a washing machine that, being the exact opposite of the "time-oven", has minor space abilities, And more major time abilities! that's funny. its got a pocket dimension inside it (small-ish, it can fit s12, s13 and like one other guy inside it) and the inside has slowed-down time. freaky!
- s03 and s05 have PORTALS! kind of small ones, though. they can spy on people with them!!!! and people can spy on them, too... s03 can only make portals vertically and s05 horizontally. cool stuff!
that's all i have for now whoops. they probably have a whole lot of portal powers lmao. ALSO IM SO SORRY IF I ACCIDENTALLY COPY ANYONES SPACE FELTS GAJEEZUS OK BYE
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frostworkxfiction · 2 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
I was tagged by @e-m-p-error, thanks for the tag Key!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Mynx (he thinks he's a 10 but he's more of a 2. He's a whiny little shit.), Kaoru, Chaz, Hikaru, Fizzarolli, Angel, Molly, Stolas, Blitzø Gabriel, Harley, Adam, Lucifer, Velvette, Valentino, Vox, Ciel, Dante
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
Definitely Mynx, Angel or Valentino. Those three are Material girls lmao
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Angel's nickname is Alex because his middle name is Alessandro, which is the Italian equivalent of Alexander. Therefore, Alex. Also because alternates.
Mynx likes to be called Kitten because he's pretty cat-like.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Oh, quite a few of them are. Velvette, Mynx, Vox, Valentino, Fizzarolli and Angel especially.
Alastor is more old school and actively revels against what's new. Harley too. He doesn't give a shit about what's popular.
The others don't really care that much.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
Angel 100%. He and his sister are thick as thieves. Also, Kaoru and Hikaru are extremely close.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Angel, Molly, Fizzarolli, or Mynx 1000%
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Fizzarolli. He's had enough pageants to last him a lifetime. Mammon traumatized him.
Blitzø wouldn't either. He thinks they're stupid lol
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? 
Mynx would run away screaming.
Fizz would probably cling to Ozzie the whole time.
Blitzø is more of a scaredy cat then you'd think, Stolas too.
Kaoru would probably cling to Hikaru the whole time and they'd both be pretty scared but also laugh.
Chaz and Lucifer might be sort of scared but not really.
Harley, Alastor, Dante, The Vees, Adam, Gabriel, and Ciel would not care.
Angel would be scared but he'd probably just shoot whoever jumped out and scared him. Molly would be sort of scared but would probably react similarly to Angel.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
No one is really all that particular. Mynx, Valentino, Vox and Velvette all prefer to be driven around in limos.
Harley likes to skateboard sometimes
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Mynx speaks French as well as English. He also knows some Italian.
Gabriel can speak any language because he's an archangel.
Angel makes a lot of his costumes and outfits and is actually very skilled at sewing.
And anyone else who I might have missed or anyone else who wants to play!
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Baozhai's Crew
Viewer discretion advised.
(lol what did you except?)
Stede "Longbow" Bonnet
Personality: Kind, gentle, hot-tempered
Gender: Male
Age: 54 years old
Species: ???
Ethnicity: European
Looks: ???
Backstory: Before turning to a life of crime, Bonnet was a wealthy man that unfortunately went bankrupt after a storm ruined all crops and house. Seeing the successfulness of the pirating, he decided to become one too. Commissioning for a ship to be made. He then got himself a crew at a local tavern.
Bonnet was a terrifying looking man. No one knew what alien species he was. Yet, some would describe him looking like a horrific dinosaur with his sharp teeth on the outside. Nearly many pirates didn't want to interfer with him. Yet, he was a gentle giant. He never killed anyone during his piracy and instead chose to set the free after he raided all their Treasure. This earned him the nickname "the gentleman pirate". He swore to never kill anyone. That was until Baozhai joined his crew, where at times he wanted to strangle the woman to death. Bonnet would often butt heads with Baozhai because of her decision in murdering victims instead of letting them go. She didn't care for their lives and it was obvious that she enjoyed the brutality. Baozhai didn't like Bonnet because he was an ex-noble and thought he was only trying to get his precious comfortable life back. Bonnet wanted to get rid of Baozhai at times but couldn't because the crew loved her. She was charismatic, fierce, and determined when it came to pirating. Baozhai was everything that Bonnet wasn't. Unfortunately, his life came to an end when Baozhai killed him in a duel for the role of captain. He fought hard yet only managed to leave her with a mutilated face. Bonnet never wanted her to become Captain because he knew she would do horrible things.. and he was very, very right.
- Another nickname he earned was "long bow" because of how good of an archer he was.
- Bonnet may or may not be the same species of the future Captain Flint
Personality: unafraid, ambitious, revengeful
Gender: Male
Age: 43 years old
Species: Robot
Ethnicity: ???
Backstory: ???
Looks: ???
- Ironbeard was made to be apart of navy. They made him smart, calculated, tough, and have a bold attitude.
- The robot would be often mistreated at the navy as he was never really taken seriously and the others only saw him as a piece of equipment than a person. This made him have grudge against the navy for a very long time..
- Ironbeard joined her crew around the time Baozhai took over the role of captain. He saw an opportunity to leave behind his old life and to stick it to the navy for mistreating him.
- Ironbeard quickly rose up in the ranks from cabin boy to second mate because he proved to be much more qualified for the job than any of the other crewmates on board.
- A sort of friendship sparked between Ironbeard and Baozhai. She trusted him a lot. So much so that she even shared pieces of her life with him. Ironbeard is the only person that knows of Baozhai's past.
Lilliana Solace & Lenny Solace
Personality: weird, quiet, secretly judging
Gender: Female. - Male
Age: 17 years old. - 17 years old
Species: Terran. Terran
Ethnicity: Swedish
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Backstory: At birth they were conjoined twins. A sister attached to her brothers side. It was a phenomena that twins of different genders could be conjoined. Scientists wanted to test and observe the children. So, her and brother were taken away from their parents in order to be experimented on. They were one of many conjoined twins that were experimented on. Yet, the only ones that survived. After years of studying the two, the doctors were finally able to tear them apart without killing one or both. It was a major success that they were able to split. Newspapers were printed out, congratulating the doctors on the success. After they were given back to their parents at the age of eleven years old. Although the twins acted abnormally strange... For days, they wouldn't speak to anyone else. Only to themselves. The twins refused to speak to their own parents. They'd have these cold, dead expressions on their faces as they whispered to each other. Their whispers were so quiet, no matter how close you got, you still wouldn't be able to hear them. Their parents grew worried and told the doctors about their behavior. Once again, they were taken back to be watched over. The twins strange behavior were observed. For a majority of the days, the twins would sit and watch the passing stars through the window they had. Lenny would point out a star as Lilliana whispered something to him. This was on repeat for several days until the doctors had enough and separate the two for a while. Even then when they were separated, the didn't answer any of the questions the doctors would ask.
"are you hungry?"
"are you okay?"
Nothing came out of their dry lips. That was until the final day came when they finally saw each other and the two began to speak in rhymes. It seems that the two being kept apart made a change their behavior. Perhaps keeping the two away from each other was the best thing to do... The doctors thought so. The twins, not so much. Hearing that the were to be kept apart, this time not for a short period, the made a decision then and there. The twins ran away and hopped onto the nearest ship. The ship happened to be Bonnet's ship. When finding the two children, huddled up in the corner of their supplies. After they explained their story through rhymes, Bonnet made them his cabin boys. If they didn't want to work, he'd "unfortunately" have to return them to their home planet. The two agreed to this even if they didn't really like it. For a year, they proved themselves to be capable of being pirates. They fought off enemies, stole tons of treasure, and freaked people out just by doing nothing. The twins weren't really liked or disliked amongst the crew because they were very weird and oddly quiet. Their strategy in working together by copying the act of the other like a reflection of a mirror, made them be respected amongst the crew members. Yet, the thing they were most impressive at were being gunners. After observing other pirates use the machines, they themselves began to practice using them when everyone else was asleep. The twins impressed some of the crewmates by taking out a rival pirate ship all on their own. The twins believed they were capable of handling the gunners. Bonnet didn't think so and still kept them as cabin boys. That was until Baozhai took over the role of captain and promoted the youngesters to gunners.
- Supposedly, the two can predict the future because the night before Bonnet died, the twins told him to swear an iron plate near his chest. Bonnet was obviously confused by this and ignored them... Baozhai ended up stabbing Bonnet in the heart, killing him.
First mate
Islay Lee
Personality: Aggressive, fierce, talks her own mind, and avoidant
Gender: Female
Age: 32 years old
Species: Heloderma
Ethnicity: Australian
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Backstory: Islay always lived aboard ships. From the day she was born to her very last breath. Her father was a boatswain and taught Islay all the things she'd know about the duties on a ship. Her mother was unknown and left Islay when she was a baby. Islay was very smart but never put that intelligence into school or an academy. She often got into a scuffle with other students because of her feisty behavior. Islay ended up dropping out of school at the age of ten years old. Her didn't seem to mind. As long as he had his daughter by his side, he'd be happy. When Islay turned seventeen years old, her father died from tuberculosis. She mourned his death heavily as he was her the only family. Her father's death never really left her mind. The thought of losing someone again, scared her. So, she tried to never open herself up to people. This made her very aggressive towards others, especially with those who tried flirting with her. She'd end up fighting anyone who tried to comfort her or sympathize with her. Islay didn't want to be sympathized with. She only wanted to be left alone.
Her old crew ended up kicking her out for always fighting with others. So, Islay looked around to find a new crew ship to join. This is when she came across Bonnet. He hired her on the spot for as he needed more people to join his crew. Islay never cared for Bonnet, she thought he was always too slow with his plans against merchant ships and when they were underattack, he had no idea what to do. She thought about taking over the role but never went through with it because she didn't think she was strong enough to lead. When a new member joined, Baozhai, Islay didn't like her either. Then after seeing Baozhai in action against merchant ships, Islay's dislike for her changed to tolerance. She saw the potential in her but thought she was too much of a lunatic that shouldn't even be near any in position of power...
Oh, would you look at that, Baozhai killed Bonnet and became captain. Islay continued to tolerate her but would sometimes argue with Baozhai over her decisions on planning.
- It's rumored she was in a relationship with Billy Bones and she ended the relationship after her father passed away.
Leonid Gorbachev
Personality: stoic, mysterious, unfriendly
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Species: Ursid
Ethnicity: Russian
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Backstory: ???
- Has an unknown backstory and wants to keep it that way.
- is a skilled mechanic that previously worked for a secret organization that ended up falling apart.
- Was the first crewmate Bonnet hired.
- Never really liked Bonnet because Leonid thought he was a weak man who didn't know what he was doing most of the time. Leonid wanted to take over the ship himself but feared the captain too much to do so.
- When Baozhai joined, he grew to like her because of her hatred for the Nobility. Leonid would often encourage her to take over the role of captain because she'd make a much better one than Bonnet. Truth be told, he wanted her to become Captain so that he could then kill her and have the role himself. He didn't go through with the plan after realizing how much treasure they were getting from Baozhai's strategic plans against the nobility.
- Fluently speaks Russian.
- Has a thick accent.
Fleance Bal
Personality: sarcastic, witty, ambitious, clever, and weak
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Species: Robot
Ethnicity: ???
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Backstory: Fleance was made for the single purpose to satisfy customers. As in satisfy, I mean sexually pleasure patrons that would come into brothels in exchange for payment. Fleance was one of many pleasure bots that would go on and be sold to the highest bidder. He was sold for about three-hundred gold coins. His purchaser owned a brothel. They wanted a new attraction to bring in more patrons to their brothel so they bought Fleance for that sole purpose. Pleasure bots were fairly new at the time. So, this would be a great way to bring in more money. Fleance never questioned it. As long as he made his owner happy, he never would. He was the main attraction at the brothel. Many patrons, woman or man wanted to go "for a test run" on Fleance. Fleance heavily enjoyed this attention. He liked being able to make others happy. Even if his sole purpose was to satisfy them. And only them. After years of working at the brothel, Fleance became very depressed. He grew tired of being used as a s*x toy. The thrills of pleasure made him bored. Alcohol and drug use only made him dependent on the substances for a very long time. Fleance was treated awfully at the brothel. It took him a while to notice when the other workers began to ridicule and mock him. Even his owner would treat him as such. Fleance only wanted to be treated like everyone else. Yet, he never got it in the end. That was until Bonnet walked into the brothel. The kind captain noticed Fleance crying in his private room. Never had Bonnet seen a man cry before. Yet, he felt incredibly touched by the robot after telling him his woes. Bonnet feeling sympathetic towards Fleance, gave him a way to leave his cruel life behind by joining his crew. Fleance eagerly agreed to the idea. There was one problem though... The owner of the brothel didn't want him to leave. They demanded a heavy payment if Fleance was to leave. Bonnet, threatened the owner of destroying his entire brothel if they didn't let Fleance go. The owner, terrified at this threat, finally let Fleance go.
Happy at his new freedom, Fleance dedicated to making Bonnet happy. Whether if that was through stealing treasure or rounding up more crewmates. Fleance went from crewmate to first mate in only a matter of months. Bonnet enjoyed the company of Fleance. As most of his crew members questioned his leadership, Fleance stood by his side. He always tried convincing the other crewmates that Bonnet was a great captain but they'd always dismiss him. When Baozhai aboarded the ship, Fleance could already tell she was going to be trouble. Yet, he never thought she'd kill Bonnet. Unfortunately, that was the case when she became captain. Fleance, extremely furious that she killed Bonnet, began to plan on killing Baozhai. He tried several methods like poisoning her or flat out killing her in her sleep. Unfortunately, his methods were often foiled by the quartermaster, Ironbeard. Ironbeard was not about to let Fleance murder the captain. Ironbeard would threaten him and beat him up if he even thought about it. Fleance huffed and said, "fine." It was amazing how he managed to stay apart of the crew despite him trying to kill Baozhai. Well, he still does on a few occasions try to kill her but they're always foiled by Ironbeard.
- Baozhai knows that Fleance tries to kill her but never threw him overboard because she thought his attempts were hilarious.
- Leonid gave him some upgrades with the addition of arm canons and being able to fly
Octavia Oshima
Personality: regretful, intelligent, revengeful, compassionate, and hard-working
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Species: Cephalopid
Type: Archithan
Ethnicity: Japanese
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Backstory: Octavia is a sophisticated young woman who entered the field of medicine. She was inspired to become a doctor after her five-year-old brother died from measles. Octavia was determined to find a cure for the disease so that others wouldn't meet the same fate. She went to one of the best academies to study about medicine. Octavia struggled though as many of her peers would put her down for wanting to become a doctor. She was one of the only women in the classroom. The teachers never gave her any respect because of her species and gender. She'd be harassed while trying to get to class. No matter how hard they put her down, she was incredibly determined to become a doctor.
After years of jumping through hoops at the academy, Octavia finally graduated amongst her fellow classmates. She felt like the hard work finally paid off. She could finally work with others like herself in order to help others. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Octavia had a hard time finding a job in her field. She was shoved aside for other doctors who they already had some connections with or those who weren't an Archithan. Having enough with this discrimination all her life, Octavia decided to work by herself if she wasn't going to be allowed to work with others. In her own spare time, Octavia tested, observed, and published her own findings. In one case she was able to find the reason why measles was caused. She worked hard to find a cure for the disease, the very same one that took her brothers life. It involved her getting it herself in order to test various cures, to see which one would work best. After months of dealing with the painful disease, she was finally able to find the cure. Octavia had her work published to the press for her amazing discovery. After the news spread like wildfire, those who had turned her away, began to finally take notice of her work. They allowed her to work alongside them... for a while. What they wanted was her work which they successful stole when she was away from home. They later went to the public, announcing they were the ones that had actually found the cure. They presented their evidence with the research Octavia worked so hard on. Octavia was framed as a fraud and a thief in the eyes of the public. When the news finally reached her, she tried hard to clear her name but the damage was already done. Octavia's reputation was ruined....
In retaliation, Octavia wanted to destroy the lives of those who had lied about her. That's when she came across a pirate named Baozhai in a tavern. Octavia had overheard Baozhai's conversation about wanting to burn down an opera house. An opera house many nobels liked to visit. After observing her for a while, Octavia came up with a plan for her revenge. She'd join Baozhai, convince her the ones that ruined her reputation were nobels, and watch them get what they deserve. And that's exactly what she did. Yet, Octavia hadn't realized the damage she would cause. Not knowing of Baozhai's brutality, she murdered the liars in the worst ways possible. Their mangled corpses were ingrained Octavia's mind as she realized what she had done. Yet, there was no turning back now. Octavia became a wanted pirate amongst the other crewmates and Baozhai. This was her life now, a life she despised.
- Octavia would often drink to forget her mistakes. This later made her become an alcoholic.
Cletus Callaway
Personality: might be a sociopath, humorous, teasing, and hard-working,
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Species: Terran
Ethnicity: European
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Backstory: Cletus grew up on Terra to a loving southern family. He never cared to going to school, so he decided to work on his family's farm to make a living. In his late teens, he met Georgia Maine. A beautiful young woman who easily wooed the young lad. It didn't take long for the two to end up in a relationship. Georgia never truly loved Cletus as she was only after his family's land. She'd have a multitude of affairs behind his back for their entire relationship. In their early twenties, the two finally got married. Cletus decided to sell his family's land at the persistence of his wife. He went off to work at a factory who is something he deeply hated. Yet, did it for his wife. Cletus was unaware of her having affairs behind his back. One day when Cletus came home earlier than usual, he came into his and his wife's room only to see his wife and her affair partner in their beds. After catching them in his bed, he proceeded to murder them both with an axe nearby. He turned himself in after committing the crime. Cletus didn't feel any guilt for what he did. So, his reasoning for turning himself in is still unknown. For a short while he was put inside an asylum before he'd sentenced to execution for his misdeeds. Although a certain asylum uprising happened, causing the patients to revolt against the doctors and the nurses. All of this was led by Baozhai who started the uprising in order to escape. She wasn't the only one to escape as Cletus and a few other patients did as well. He didn't really know what to do after he escaped. Cletus knew he'd be wanted on Terra. He left the planet before the police found out that he escaped as well. Cletus was able to leave be joining up with Bonnet's crew. Bonnet needed a cook so hired Cletus after Cletus proved he was qualified for the position. He proved it by making a rather tasty soup with very few ingredients. After traveling around a bit, Cletus immediately recognized Baozhai when she first aboarded the ship as the same person who started the asylum uprising. He quickly became close to her because he liked her ambition and psychopathic personality. Cletus saw her as a natural born leader and advised her to become the new captain.
- Cletus has a southern accent.
- It's unknown whether or not he has a mental illness.
Noëmie Von Marietta
Personality: Timid, polite, easily scared, talented, and organized
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Canid
Ethnicity: French
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Backstory: Noëmie was one of thirteen children to Jean and Charlotte Von Marietta. The family lived a comfortable life with her father Jean being apart of the Senate on their home planet. Jean was a respectable and likeable man. He'd often put others before himself and would seek to improve the life of the people. At his time in the Senate, he wanted to put an end to the monarchy of the eitherium in order for an established government to be made. A majority of people agreed with him, even young Noëmie and a few of her family members. While her husband was away dealing with political matters, Charlotte ran an Inn with her children helping alongside her. Noëmie and her five older siblings would be waiters/waitresses and cooks. At the same time, Noëmie would go to a girls only private school along with her sisters. At school a passion for music grew in Noëmie. She'd often practice playing several instruments like piano, harp, and flute. Noëmie would even practice singing as well. She became a very skilled singer that she'd be apart of several theater shows just for others to hear her sing. Her siblings never had to pay to go to the shows though. Because they could just press their heads against her bedroom door to hear her sing. She became just as likeable as her father because of her musical talents and kindness. Jean tried convincing Noëmie to get a career in law because he wanted her to join him in the Senate. Noëmie decided against it. as much as she agreed with her father's views, she never actually wanted to be in the senate. Instead, she already made her choice in becoming apart of the musical arts. Her father was saddened but respected her choices. Later on, his two older sons would join him. At the age of eighteen years old, Noëmie became very beautiful. Many men would often ask for her hand in marriage. She'd always say no because she became overwhelmed at the many proposals. Her life truly changed when a young nobleman by the name of Jacque Levi, constantly persued her. No matter how many times Noëmie said no, Jacque continued to ask her. Noëmie didn't like Jacque because he'd often make fun of her father, his beliefs, and he'd never leave Noëmie alone. Jean having enough of Jacque's bullshit, wrote him a letter to knock it off or he'd challenge him to a gun duel. The two men never really liked each other as Jacque supported the continuation of the monarchy while Jean didn't. It didn't help that Jacque would make unflattering remarks of Jean whenever he was around. When Jacque received the letter, he decided he did want to duel Jean..
At the break of dawn near a channel, the two men prepared for the gun duel. Most people believed Jean would win because he was an experienced soldier. When they turned their backs and stepped ten steps forward. They turned and a shoot was fired... Shockingly, Jean was the one bleeding to death. He was quickly taken to the hospital but it had already been too late. He passed away before the doctors could help him. His family mourned his death. Yet, the one who mourned the most was Noëmie. She felt guilty because she felt as though it was her fault for his death. Noëmie would spend days locked away in her room, crying. Her two older brothers, angered that Jacque killed their father, challenged Jacque on separate occasions. Sadly, the first older brother met the same fate as his father. The second brother had to have his eye replaced with that of a cyborg one. Jacque became heavily disliked on their home planet. Yet, the people could do nothing as Jacque had connections with the royals. Seeing this as a win, Jacque tried asking Noëmie again for her hand I. Marriage. When no one was home, Noëmie let him inside in order to "discuss" the proposal. Instead of having a civil discussion, what happened was Noëmie bashing Jacque's head in with a piece of fine china. After the adrenaline of anger washed over her, Noëmie was shocked she killed someone. Her mother and her two older sisters walked into house, seeing Noëmie in a frozen state with a dead body nearby. Not wanting her daughter to go to jail or be sentenced to death, Charlotte and her other older sons threw the dead body over a cliff. They managed to hide the evidence and made it seem like an accident. It seemed like all was well but Noëmie's paranoia caused her to spill the beans. Now everyone knew what truly happened to Jacque. The royals, angered at this, wanted Noëmie to be hung. Once again, not wanting her daughter to be killed, Charlotte paid a man called Cletus Callaway to have Noëmie board the ship he was on and take her far, far away. Cletus, happily bribed, agreed and snuck Noëmie on board. It didn't take long before Baozhai found out that there was an unwanted person on her ship. Just as Baozhai was to brutally murdered Noëmie, Noëmie fell to her knees and recounted her sorrow tale to the brutal captain. Instead of feeling sympathy, Baozhai was impressed at what she had done. Baozhai decided to allow Noëmie to be on board the ship as long as she worked and participated in their pirating.
- Noëmie would write letters to her family about her well-being and the adventures she had.
- Noëmie tries to be a good pirate but would often be frightened at killing someone. Baozhai encouraged her to do so by reminding her of their deal.
Cabin boy
Archie Mulligan
Personality: cocky, mischievous, greedy, trickster, unhonest
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Ailurus
Ethnicity: ???
[POV: He sees your wallet]
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Backstory: Archie was put in an orphanage on Terra when his home planet was invaded and taken over by another alien race. He was only three years old when he lost his family to the invaders. Ships were able to take people off the planet while the invasion was going on. Yet, space was very limited on board. His family couldn't board because there was barely any room left. That they could only got one more person. So, his mother put him on board in order to give him a life that she never could. Archie was one of few people to have been extremely lucky to escape the planet when they could. The rest that were left behind were either slaughtered or kept as slaves. At the orphanage, Archie was adopted by Susan Mulligan, the woman who ran the orphanage. She adored his cuteness and decided to make the boy her son. Susan loved him so much that she spoiled Archie rotten.
She gave him whatever he wanted. New clothing, sweets, and toys. ANYTHING. Because of her spoiling him, Archie became a "bit" of a brat. He'd throw a tantrum if he didn't get what he wanted. Archie would steal other children's things. Especially at the orphanage. He'd often be protected by his mother by pleading innocence. His mother would often believe him and punish the other children who tattled on him. This made the orphans hate Archie and refuse to interact with him. Archie never really had any friends growing up. At the age of thirteen years old, Archie began to steal more than just toys and treats but money as well from unsuspecting adults. The lad had sneaky fingers and would steal jewelry and precious items from anyone and everyone. After becoming skilled at stealing from others, he began to do it so often, he never really had a use for any of the items he stole. He only stole just for the sake of stealing. Unfortunately karma would hit him in the face, when Susan went to clean Archie's room, she noticed all the things he had stolen. From jewelry to bags of gold coins and even her own belongings, Susan became enraged. So enraged, she kicked out the thirteen year old.
Now that he was homeless, Archie relied on his thievery. He wasn't as successful like the last times as people would chase him off for trying to steal from them. Yet, he continued to try because he didn't know how to get a job. Although when he managed to steal something, it was quickly stolen by someone bigger than him. Archie's consequences finally dawned on him when he had to sleep outside in the cold. It led to him crying because of how miserable and tired he was. Although, Archie was able to get scraps of food by people who pitied the boy. After a year of being homeless, Archie tried to steal once again from someone at a tavern. Except, he was stealing from the wrong person. That person being Baozhai. Baozhai noticed her bag of money being pulled out from her pocket by the little red panda. She immediately grabbed Archie by the back of his neck and held him up. Baozhai mocked the boy for trying to steal from her. She took out her dagger and threatened to cut off his hands for being a petty thief. Archie begged her not to do it. Begging he would do anything to stop her from hurting him. Intrigued by this offer, Baozhai agreed to this. She ended up taking aka kidnapped Archie aboard her ship. Baozhai made him a cabin boy and he wasn't allowed to leave unless her say so. Archie hated Baozhai for having him work. He never worked a day in his life! How was he supposed to figure out what he was doing? Baozhai simply told him to figure it out. It took him a while to learn what he had to do but finally got the hang of it. For a while Archie hated being on the ship but realized all the good things about being on a pirate ship. He got to witness action, he actually had a place to sleep, and got a meal once in a while. Archie began to enjoy to live on the pirate ship even if it came with lots of work. He learned to not be a spoiled brat from his experience of being homeless. At fifteen years old, Baozhai began to let him take part of the pirating. Which allowed him to get a share of the riches. Baozhai decided to use Archie for other things as well... Because he was small, fast, and sneaky, she used him to pull pranks against her enemies and steal plans. Archie, went from hating Baozhai to viewing her as a mother figure.
- Octavia would often take Archie somewhere else on the part of the ship when Baozhai was torturing someone to death. Archie knew what was happening by simply hearing the screams. He gladly never actually full on witnessed Baozhai doing these horrible acts.
(Also I would love to thank @aalbliii for letting me use her creation of the Cephalopid and ideas for Octavia!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks bud! I REALLY, REALLY appreciate it🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍 (つ ◜‿◝ )つ❤️)
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Klaineownsmysoul and her response to my message 'Heaven help us all. How do you know that person is in fact a child? Because they say so? You believe everything you read on the Internet, then?' (um, isn't that what the coven do? lol) I never saw the child's initial post; but did see their response to it, and have no reason to believe they aren't a child; a child who's maturity level far exceeds the coven's. Wish they'd practice what they preach and stay in their own lane.
Flowers finally got an anon and it really set her off...she went on full bitch mode and then tagged it #Michy. Sorry Flo, it wasn’t me. I find it HI-LARIOUS that they keep misidentifying anons as me. Their maniacal documenting of IP addresses is even more of a waste of time if you can’t figure out who sent it. 
Here’s the progression of the conversation: 
Darren laughing anon - feel the need to debunk again?
I think @cassie1022 is correct. It’s like a regular bowel movement with you.
I do worry about you anon. That you wait for the slightest thing to jump on.
So I guess that some of SK are on that compilation and he looks happy. Of course he is, as they are people he’s known since university with a shared sense of humour and D riffs off some of them naturally. The girls and wives unfortunately facilitate the beard, as do some of the men occasionally and we all know about the sham, but I guess they get some attention from that. I suppose everyone needs to work. D just did a show with some of them so I guess he has repaid their loyalty for whatever they supported him with.
Doesn’t make M less of a beard. I also wouldn’t say the recent SK weddings showed Mi@rren as a perfect couple (see below), but you can dream away Anon.
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Also from the beginning they all had a pretty insensitive attitude towards M. Regardless of what changed as time dragged on they didn’t show much respect in the early days. Yup I hope you can defend these heinous people making a joke at M’s expense. Please attack their extended families and threaten to dox them professionally in the name of Mi@rren too you absolute ass.
leka-1998 Oh, thanks for reminding me of the first wives club. In the words of L/ena H/all, “First husband? Hahahahaha, kidding!!! First and only husband.”
Caution, dramatic gif incoming.
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flowersintheattic254 @leka-1998 😂. Thank you.
Flowers:  Wow anon - Guess my last post really stung you huh!
I was going to write you a long response as I do have some points to make about SK and their mutually beneficial arrangements, then I realized what you said was a tad petulant and childish. You know just saying they are all in a happy love bubble with no supporting argument doesn’t make it real right?
Then I realised you are just one of those people that have to have the last word. So here have this on me.
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Anonymous asked:
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#michy #hey look i got the last word #so I’ll be the fool this time.
anon: You know why I sounded like a fucking child is because I am a child because no grown woman has time to bitch on a blog and google about having the last word.And I might be a child but judging by your posts I’m a lot more mature.I don’t go around and criticizing a celebs wife and weirdly fetishising about two guys that don’t even seem friends.Hope someday you get a grip on reality and realize that spending your day blogging about people unaware of your existence is a waste of time.kluvyabye*
flowersintheattic254 answered: I wasn’t going to post you, but I wanted to show my followers just how crazy you still are (although between me and you, I think they already know) 😉. Also way to go on the whole maturity thing with how you started and ended your email. Cleary ‘more mature* of you 🤦‍♀️.
You should copy the historic example below and send me some love 😀. Instead of shooting a quick anon of hate.
Let me be very clear about something. I don’t care what you think of me, my blogging habits or any of my other interests and you won’t police what I write. So I will continue to mock you and not take anything you say particularly seriously and do me. I like me, a me who is happy and confident in what she knows and who she is.
I will ask you one thing, as you always say the players don’t know of our existence. Then why are YOU so bothered about it. Why is your belief so fragile it’s threatened by what we write here. Your fragility over proving her authenticity as a wife and D’s str8ness isn’t badass and neither is this anon.
So here’s a message from me to you below. Maybe try it?
Toodles!!!! 👋
Anonymous asked: You and your so called friends wouldn't know a TRUE sign of maturity if it bit you on your nose. Grow the fuck up! Chastising a child because she dared to question you and your hags is low. Darren would be so proud. Shame on you.
Klainownsmysoul: Heaven help us all.  How do you know that person is in fact a child?  Because they say so?  You believe everything you read on the Internet, then?  OK, well I’m a Nigerian prince and I have a fortune to send you if you’ll only share your routing, account, and social security numbers with me.  And if so, why is a child sending hateful messages to strangers - not “questioning” as you put it - but a rude vulgar comment?  And you’re ok then, with them doing so?  They are allowed to say whatever they like and spew vile ridiculous messages to anyone and no one can comment otherwise?  I’m sure D would be proud of that as well.  And you for doing the exact same thing.  Congratulations.  I’d bring up the term “ironic” here but I’m not sure you’d understand.
One more time for the people in the back: WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?  Why are you stalking blogs that post content you don’t agree with?  I just don’t get it.  And we are the crazy obsessed ones? I have never once sent nasty notes to someone on this site and will never do so. Sending hate via the anon feature is the coward way’s out.  I don’t reblog, like, or comment on every post that comes across my dashboard; I am perfectly capable of scrolling by something and letting it go - that is what mature people do.  Perhaps give it a whirl?  Meanwhile, me and my hags will be over here in our little corner.  Try staying in yours.
What a hot mess of total nonsense.  
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