#if ur gonna do that to make ur job easier
literaphobe · 2 years
anyway i didn’t know illumina got 2 back to back aces in battle box that was super cool
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
If accommodations no longer help you, I'm curious at what point they stopped being helpful.
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songtwo · 2 years
what do u study to get your internship? i’m interested in getting into the music world but idk how lol. hope this is not too personal, if so, feel free to ignore this ask
I'm studying international relations but i didn't really get it bc of it it was mostly luck and coincidence tbh bc there's this girl from school I'm friendly with and she posted on her ig story about that internship and so i contacted her and she gave me her boss's number and so i contacted her and that was it. she didn't even interview me she was just like so tell me a little about yourself so besides the basics i told her what i was studying and my school and she never asked about that and well really my career has Nothing to do w music it's literally economics w a nicer name <\3 lol so yeah what people say it's true the most important thing is for you to know people anyone really like i never would've imagined this girl would give me It but yeah i also suggest searching record labels or the places where you'd like to work and straight up ask them if you can do your internships there etc and i don't think it's that hard bc they also didn't ask anything of me they didn't ask for a CV or asked about previous experience and in my friend's story she literally said no experience needed so yeah!!!! take a chance w the companies themselves or just ask around with ur friends or people that also seem interested in that stuff:)
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wetpapert0wel · 1 year
hey......what if. instead of tumblr making their own gaiaonline avi things......what if we just went to gaia online.......
#/mostly j but like#the site is Fucking Dead. the reason people left is because the creators. i think were forced to sell out? but they have the rights back.#they sold out either way. forced or not. and the new-old owners made changes that everyone hated & added stuff that completely obliterated#the economy. granted the economy is still fucked. and the best way to make money requires dedicating like 10 minutes out of your day#to find & collect all the daily rewards (there are a handful of forum posts that have all the dailies listed). most are items. few are good#some are money! or u can play one of their games thru like. an ancient version of WaterFox (firefox sister) & an old version of adobe flash#or thru adobe Air and thru gaia's very own app. which is ''being updated'' as of 2021......#i found it hard 2 play thru waterfox- the lag was fucking astronomical. it was gut-wrenchingly horrible. tho that might just b my experienc#the app is a lot easier to work with but the amt of gold/plat is usually wrong whenever i boot it up lol. either tells me an amt from like#a month ago. or it just tells me a completely bogus amt lmao. making money thru their game is its own struggle tho.#but besides selling stuff in the marketplace. there isn't really any other way to get money.#tl;dr the economy on gaia is still fucked. and to get anything good you have to commit to logging in daily. and even then it's gonna#take a while. But The Avis Are Cute. and imo they could use the traffic lmao#tho if yall DO decide to throw some traffic their way if ur old enough & qualified apply for mod/admin jobs bc their staff is TINY rn.....#it's pretty much ur average anime-centric forum. no frills. no glitter. just a good old-fashioned forum site lol#so hey..........maybe give gaia a try? ...... /not j?#like unless there are problems that i am completely oblivious to. tbf i dont spend a ton of time on there lmao. i'm in & out for the dailie#orignaletti
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etherealkissed88 · 5 months
loass things i think you should know that makes things easier
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“DARE TO ASSUME” + JUST HAVE FAITH: just accept/assume what you want as easily as you effortlessly assume negative things. just do it. most of the time people are thinking about the 'perfect way' to imagine or manifest. they look for the 'perfect technique' when theres no such thing. just dare to assume it is yours now! when it is assumed, have faith in that assumption. just decide its done no matter what you see. whatever you assume and persist in will harden into a fact right? once youve assumed it true, go about your 3d life having faith in imagination. know that your desires exist already since creation is finished so theres no way that it's "impossible to manifest". just surrender yourself to faith. just trust the law. you have been applying the law since you were born without knowing. now that you understand the law, just allow yourself to have faith in it. it cannot fail. you assume something to be true and continue being that version of you in imagination aka persisting = manifestation. thats the law. if fears, anxiety, or negative thoughts come, "dare to assume" they have no affect on you, because by default they dont either way. "dare to assume its yours because you are always the operant power who choses how life goes. it gets to a point when youre tired of going back and forth with “i have it” to “no i dont”. it all comes down to faith. you should have faith in yourself and the law especially since the five senses you use to interact with the 3d are all limited and you cant see everything that goes on in the 3d. thats why it makes sense to assume something and stick with it regardless of the 3d. when will you realize that a version of you who has your desires already exists, so just surrender to the version of you who has it already in imagination. stop limiting yourself because of “fears” and just say yes to imagination.
so, i dont give a fuck about what negative thoughts or anxiety you have, just assume its done. its too easy but you overcomplicate it. once assumed, have faith and persist because this is called the law of assumption after all.
THE 3D FOLLOWS, IT DOES NOT PRECEDE: the 3d does not have a mind of its own. its only job is to reflect imagination so who ever you are being imagination, it copies. im sure youve heard the phrase “signs follow, they do not precede” which means signs do not come before your manifestation. they are there (if your limited senses can see it) because that is who you are assuming to be in imagination so it follows that (signs arent important either way so dont spend time searching for them and focusing on them when you should be focused on already being at your end goal which is already having ur desire). similarly with the 3d, the 3d literally only follows you so for it to change or show you something you want, you have to change self/imagination. the 3d literally obeys imagination so expecting it to change without changing self doesnt make sense. if you find yourself getting angry w the 3d, remind yourself “the 3d follows, it does not precede”. it cannot move on its own without your permission because you are the operant power. knowing this should send you straight into being the change you want to see and depend on limitless imagination only.
this also helps with accepting you are the only source of power and helps stop yourself from validating and depending on the 3d. when you know the 3d depends on you to change, you no depend on the 3d to show you your desire. you no longer crave seeing change from it, rather you be the change.
YOU WANT THE FEELING: im not even gonna say you dont want it in the 3d because of course your human self wants the physical experience. but you have to know that the feeling (the knowing, not emotions), dictate how you feel about it in the 3d. for example, read this and realize that even if you physically manifest your desire, if you dont feel / know that it is truly yours (aka if you arent fulfilled), it can lead you to get insecure and assume negative. an example is when someone manifests their sp but they still assume that their sp will get tired of them and wouldnt love them for long. this person was not feeling fulfilled (knowing) that they were in a committed and loving relationship which is why even with physical proof of the relationship, they still felt that it wouldnt last. you want the feeling of being loved, of having financial freedom, of feeling confident in your body, and then the physical manifestation of it is a cherry on top. you see how that if you lack the knowing (feeling) of your desire, you can allow bad assumptions to overconsume you and even ruin the fun experience of physically experiencing it in the 3d because you arent even sure of really having it (another example of how who you are in imagination = everything else).
focus on that inner fulfillment next time you imagine something. are you satisfying yourself and returning to the state to the point where you can accept it and know its truly done?
ENJOY YOURSELF: actually imagine to enjoy yourself. what do you want to experience? forget about trying to manifest that sp or money, what do you actually want to experience with that desire? whatever you truly want, imagine it for your own enjoyment and once imagined, it is experienced. manifesting is literally supposed to be fun so imagine for fun, do your techniques for fun and by law, it will reflect either way. realize that imagination can take you anywhere at anytime. you can imagine anything you want so imagine to the point where you dont desire that thing anymore because you know it is yours in limitless imagination. this is fulfillment: you realize you are experiencing it now as limitless self and you are doing it for your own enjoyment. thats leaving the 3d alone and not depending on it for validation and thats the best part of satisfying yourself in imagination.
i say this because ive realized that when i used to imagine something and do techniques, it would feel like im forcing myself to do it and then i dont even actually enjoy myself and enjoy whatever i imagine. figure out specifically what it is you want and imagine it any way you want. chase that satisfaction.
YOU EXPERIENCE IT INSTANTLY: when you imagine something, you experience it right away. it is experienced in the present always! if i imagine myself holding $1000, i really am holding $1000 in that moment. this is because you are consciousness simply being aware of whatever. once you are aware of something in imagination, it really has been experienced already. once imagined, it really happened! if you think this is not true its because you limit yourself to the dead, neutral 3d and think that the 3d is the only 'real' thing. this is not true especially since the 3d is a reflection of who you are being or who you assume to be in imagination, meaning that imagination is everywhere and is the 3d. as the operant power, you have full control over everything (over what manifests or not, etc). so even though you really experienced something in imagination instantly, you can assume it is true or not. you are the only source of power that can choose to identify with what you wants and has full control over whether or not something will be true in your reality. stop waiting for the 3d to change in order to “accept” it. stop being a slave to the 3d when you are the one who controls it in the first place. you can experience it instantly right now so why wait for the 3d to do that?
literally imagination is the source, yes? its the source because it always is molding the 3d (since they are connected) so hearing that once you imagine something, you experienced it instantly, should give you the confidence to know you really do have your desire already since it has already been experienced in imagination. nothing in the 3d can change until you change self (imagination) so imagination/self is powerful which is why you are powerful because you = imagination/self. thats literally why you have the ability to manifest in the first place. all there is to do is persist by living 3d life knowing/assuming/identifying as that version of you who has it already.
kisses, jani ☆
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elsweetheart · 1 year
now that u did casual dominance with ellie… i need it with ur hcs for abby!! i feel like she would not like u saying swear words tbh
oooooooo, okay yeah. i like this 🤭
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abby anderson x casual dominance
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• like you mentioned i definitely think she would always tell you not to say curse words. it would be as simple as muttering out a “shit!” when you stub your toe and she’d frown slightly in your direction, sometimes brushing a hand on the back of your arm. “watch the language.” she’d tell you before moving on. upon asking her why once in bed at night she’d stare at the ceiling as if pondering the answer herself. “i dunno. doesn’t sound right. pretty mouths shouldn’t say such bad words.” she’d glance at you with a sly smirk as if to say ‘that was a good answer, huh?’ and you’d giggle. however, if she’s fucking you she’ll let you get away with it most of the time. she only has a problem with it in normal scenarios.
• i’ve said it once, and i’ll say it again. you’ll never not have a seat as long as abby’s around — as anytime she sits down she’s patting her thigh for you to sit on. and don’t even try and tell her that you’re ‘too heavy’ because she will simply scoff at you. “i can lift double my body weight, i think i’ll be alright kid.”
• she loves how badly you wanna be helpful for her, so she’ll give you meaningless little tasks and favours to keep you busy and happy. she’ll walk into the room, finding you and gesturing you over. “yeah, you. come here.” she’ll smile lightly as you bounce over to her. “got a job for you.” she’ll smirk and watch the way your eyes light up. “yay, what can i do?” you grin before she’s sending you off with instructions. when you return having done what she asked you too she’ll reward you with a kiss. “what would i do without my helpful girl?”
• she’s so strong and sometimes i think she doesn’t even realise it. abby will really gently tug you around where she needs you like a little rag doll and you love it. you’re standing in the wrong spot? she’ll pull you to where you need to be. sitting / laying on top of something she needs? best believe she’s effortlessly lifting your hips and pulling it from beneath you. her strength makes life a lot easier for you, knowing she can easily pull you up on top of a wall or carry you if you injure yourself. even in a zombie apocalypse, she manages to give you the princess treatment.
• to kind of add on to the whole no swearing thing, i think she’s super sharp on manners. you’ll ask for something and she’ll hold it out of your reach, raising an eyebrow. “please.” she’ll remind you until you shyly repeat it. or if she’s talking and you try to interrupt, she’ll lightly grab your cheeks halting all speech. “hey, baby come on. not your turn to talk yet.”
• the queen of “do that jacket up. if you wake up with a cold you’re gonna be the one complaining.” even though she knows damn well that if you did wake up sick she’d be at your side spoon feeding you and stroking your head.
• will stare down anyone creepy that’s looking at you. more times than not, when they see abby at your side, and more importantly — abby’s arms — they avert their gaze knowing it’s not worth the hassle. “yeah that’s right.” she’ll say under her breath when they look away, knowing she’s asserted her dominance (which turns you on to no end.)
• the casual praise is just… mhm. she knows she can get busy sometimes or caught up in her own goals but she always wants you to know you’re appreciated. you could be completing the most simple task and she’ll still nod at you with an impressed “that’s my girl.” and if you figure something out for the group she’ll be quick to reward you with plenty of “god, my girl is so smart how do i compete?” / “how’s it feel being the worlds most clever girl hm?” whilst pressing kisses to your neck as you giggle.
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moonrisecoeur · 5 months
sub!leon x fem-ish!reader, no pronouns mentioned, pegging, lots of dumbification, light objectification, doggy with the girl on top!!
re4r!leon is not really a sexual guy. he masturbates every once and a while, cuz like, he’s still a young guy. doesn’t get off to anything specific, maybe thinking about his partner and sweet and pretty you are. overall, low sex drive mostly because he’s too busy, too stressed, too tired, etc. seriously at this time in his life the only way you’re having sex with ur man is if you initiate.
leon’s a sucker. especially for you. of course he’s gonna say yes, but it doesn’t even cross his mind until you’re feeling up on him, telling him that he seems tense, offering to rub his shoulders for him.
“you don’t gotta go out of your way to do that, it’s o- oh, oh that’s good.” he moans, closing his eyes tightly at your touch. it’s maybe a little too forceful but the tension melts from his body just too easily because of you.
“thank you,” he whispers lowly, obviously having needed that. you smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you ponder what you want to do to him now. you tell him that he doesn’t need to thank you, but he grows a little bit curious after a moment of silence. he asks, “what’s on your mind?”
“… i think i want to fuck you stupid,” you breathe, giggling, laughing at your own bluntness. his jaw drops slightly, shocked as well. he clears his throat nervously, and you reach your hand to his neck, placing your fingers on the side and stroking his cheek with your thumb, “only if you’d let me, but… how am i supposed to make that tension really go away if you can still think..?”
“i-i… really? you’re… you’re gonna do that?”
“i don’t want you to feel stressed. i’ll make it so you can’t be,” you say, smirking as you get to watch him giving in in real time, “how does that sound?”
he pauses, then nods, unable to come up with much else, “please…”
minutes later, he’s on his hands and knees, getting fucked doggy style, your cock up pounding into his ass like tomorrow won’t ever come. he’s lost all composure, like he always does during doggy.
he’s not even sure why, but there’s something about this position that just makes him feel even more submissive to you. maybe it’s that it’s a little humiliating? even still, your cock is making him feel so much pleasure that he doesn’t have enough of his mind left to care about something so silly.
“keep letting go of all those thoughts, no more thinking about the horrible, ugly past. nothing you can do, sweetheart,” you whisper in his ear, making him shiver as you hold his waist, fucking him helplessly. he’s pathetic for giving out so easily, but you’re telling him not to think, so he’s not gonna. he’ll be good and obedient and stupid if that’s what you want from him.
he catches drool dripping down his chin, wipes it before you have a chance to notice it drip onto the pillow. you notice, but you don’t mention it as a curtesy. you didn’t want to hurt his ego too bad.
his eyes roll back, his breathing is shaky, and if you tried to ask him something, anything, god he could try as hard as he wanted but he wouldn’t be able to respond. he just moans softly and tears prick at his eyes. he feels stupid.
he just gets so dumb, so easy, so pliant when you’re on top of him, pushing him down, holding him down and kissing his shoulder. you urge him to forget the hellscape that is his life, why wouldn’t he oblige?
he accepts that he’s not supposed to remember anything about the past six years of his life, that all he’s supposed to know how to do is moan and cry and whimper for you. that’s all you ask of him, and it’s so much easier than having to be the government’s puppet. he’s so tired of having to think, of having a job that requires him to be sharp and clever and composed.
he’s done it for so long, and he’s so tired, his body is exhausted, his mind is worn out, and he just needs to be treated like an absolute fucktoy to cope. he doesn’t have to make a single decision when you’re in charge, you just do whatever you please to him until you’re satisfied, and it’s perfect. he doesn’t have any responsibility, not expected to do a single thing. all he’s gotta do is let his mind melt away until he is truly just a sex toy.
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desceros · 1 month
For infinite singularity, I was wondering, after Donnie takes reader out of the office through the portal…
What happens to the..crime scene and our psycho coworker? Especially what did the rest of the brothers do?
(Btw love ur work, ur a total inspiration! ✨💞drink water, steal sum sustenance, take care of yourself 💗)
As soon as you and Donnie are through the portal, Leo gets to work. 
Mikey’s in charge of keeping your coworker from doing anything stupid. A task he enjoys greatly, as it means he gets to sit and giggle on the guy’s chest and pretend he can’t hear him wheezing for breath where Donnie nearly choked him. Meanwhile, Raph is sent off to take care of getting the power back on. He’s no Donnie with tech and never will be, but he’s getting decent at stuff like this. They don’t need it, but it’ll make it easier when the cops finally show up to wipe up the mess.
“So, what exactly was the plan here, huh?” Leo asks your coworker. “You get kicks out of roughing up pretty girls?”
“She’s not some random girl. She’s my soulmate,” your coworker spits, vile descriptions of the things he planned on doing to you cut off when Leo gets a foot on the clown’s broken forearm. 
“Wow, that’s so weird. Here I thought she was my brother’s soulmate,” Leo says, waving his hand in the air and watching the rage purple your coworker’s face. “What with the whole can’t stand to be apart and gazing sappily into each other’s eyes thing they have going on.”
“My pure little dove wouldn’t fuck a monster. He’s forcing her.”
“Buddy, I can promise you, first hand account, she did. Also, kind of ironic considering I’m pretty sure you got caught with your hand in one hell of a cookie jar, don’t you think?”
Raph comes back. “Power’s on,” he says, his word the only indication that’s the case since he left the lights off. Better for them, just in case. 
“Good job. One last thing,” Leo says, putting more of his weight on your coworker’s arm and feeling the bones splinter beneath his heel. “What’s TCRI doing sending out hit squads? Last I checked, business wasn’t supposed to be this cut-throat.”
Between heaving breaths of agony, your coworker groans in wretched agony before he just starts to laugh and laugh and laugh. “You’re a funny guy.”
“Right? Everyone keeps saying it’s my brother, but man, I’m telling you, my lines are killer,” Leo says, a grin that’s all teeth slashing onto his face as he grinds his heel into shattered bone. 
“He ain’t gonna talk,” Raph says after a minute more of your coworker just laughing each time he stops gritting his teeth in pain. 
“I can make him do it,” Mikey says cheerfully, a smile that doesn’t match his eyes pulling into place. 
“…Raph’s right. We’re not going to get anything out of him,” Leo says, pulling his foot off your coworker’s arm. “Knock him out and call it in.”
“I’ll find her again,” your coworker grits through his teeth. “She’ll never be able to hide from me. I’ll haunt her forever. Even if it’s like this, it’ll only ever be me she thinks about. Forever and ever and—”
“Ohh, my god, shut up,” Mikey groans, and with a thwack, your coworker goes silent. He then looks up at Leo, tilting his head. “…I didn’t know you believed in soulmates, too, Leo!”
“…Of course I don’t,” Leo brushes off, turning to inspect the security camera, putting his shell to his brother’s gaze.
“Cops’re on the way,” Raph says, and the two watch as Mikey gets your coworker trussed like a turkey. 
“We’ll have Donnie send them the security footage. Doesn’t look like he tampered with the cameras,” Leo says. Cutting a portal, he jerks his head. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
Reappearing in the lair, Leo pulls up his phone.
neon leon (6:11 p.m.) hey hermano. everything okay over there? how she doing
neon leon (6:12 p.m.) bud? you good?
neon leon (6:15 p.m.) nerd says whaaaat
Narrowing his eyes, Leo starts to tap out the next message—dude if you don’t answer in two minutes i’m coming over and—before he freezes in place, thinks for a moment, then groans in disgust. 
“Did you get a hold of Donnie?” Raph asks, tilting his head in confusion when Leo brushes past with a wrinkled beak.
“Let’s give ‘em an hour then try again. Fuckin’ rabbits.”
Mikey pets Raph’s shell consolingly. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“Wh—B—I’m the oldest?!”
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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love-toxin · 1 year
I’d have so goddamn many of Luis’ babies istg. Resident evil is just zombies with a generous ✨sprinkling✨ of bisexual propaganda
ok ur so right!!!!! but you just put baby fever luis in my brain and now ur gonna have to deal with the consequences also </3
(cws: fem!reader, baby fever luis, pregnancy, mentions of childbirth, breeding kink)
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Clearly Luis likes to paint himself as a ladies' man, but unlike the typical charismatic bachelor, he's definitely got one thing holding him back from that luxuriously free lifestyle: when he's with the right person he's got baby fever like you wouldn't believe, and it never really goes away.
It always starts slow with that initial conversation of "so how do you feel about kids?" and a positive answer may as well be a proposal to Luis when it comes to you. He starts making offhand comments about seeing the cutest baby in the park the other day or mentioning that the schools are enrolling for kindergarten this month, and "wouldn't it be nice if we had our own..." like the hints he was dropping before just weren't enough. Because then he's fantasizing about what your kids would look like and even busts out all that research on genetics he's done just for fun, illustrating what kind of genes your children might get from each of you and how adorable they would look with your features put together.
And obviously you get to hold it over him if he's being a menace on occasion. Luis might be bothering you about something or disappearing at random to go play hero again, and all it takes to rein him in is you wondering aloud about whether or not you could really trust him to be a good father. And he'll come racing in with reassurances that he is! He will be! Just give him a chance, mi amor, and he'll show you he can be the best father you've ever seen--if he could figure out how, he would even carry the baby for you just to save you the physical toll of childbirth and postpartum. He wants one so badly but at the same time, he understands the trials and tribulations of carrying a child to term better than most men, so it's definitely not a small ask from him and he certainly acknowledges that.
If and when it finally comes time for you to let him have a crack at knocking you up, Luis is downright methodical about it right up until you actually conceive. He keeps a calendar of your cycle and maps out your ovulation days to figure out the best time to try, starts giving you vitamins and other supplements to take to help boost your immune system ("healthy body, healthy baby, mi vida!"), and Luis even looks into different positions he can try in the bedroom to help the fertilization process. He's almost too scientific about it but it's so cute to watch him pore over those documents and baby books in his reading glasses, making notes and comparing information so he can make it as easy for you as possible throughout the process. He'll do all the work for you that he can--all your job includes is sitting around, being comfortable, and growing your baby until you're ready to pop. You don't have to work, or travel, or stress at all, all Luis wants you to do as your lover and in-home doctor (kinda) is to relax, indulge in your hobbies, and let your body direct you towards whatever it needs. You can do that for him, right, love?
That's not to say he's completely, ahem, sterile about the whole process. Luis doesn't mind being a little messy--and god knows he has no qualms about getting all sloppy and rough when it's time to actually make the baby. He's got a theory that his seed will take easier if you're completely relaxed, so he always starts out with the gentlest, most loving head he can manage between those sweet, pretty thighs. But it never ends that way because before long, Luis' mind clouds with lust as he gets that feverish taste of you on his tongue, and by then he's leaving finger-shaped bruises in your hips and moaning with his lips totally sealed around your clit, totally mindless as he makes your world spin. The scrape of his stubble against your skin and the pressure of his nose grinding into you when he has you ride his face is hypnotic, it's tantalizing, and Luis knows that well enough that he never skips out on going down on you even if he's got limited time. Fingers, tongue, or face, he's going to have you falling apart in his lap no matter what time of the month or how sensitive you might be about exposing yourself--Luis would never judge nor condemn you for anything because no matter what it is, it almost always turns him on more than you could ever realize. He likes his women real, we'll say that much.
And when he's got baby fever, he's just on you like a wildcat on a wounded gazelle, fierce and frisky and so loud and handsy you might just have to tie him up to keep him quiet. It's his time to show you how passionate he can really be and lord does he really show it; he doesn't stop even when both of you have already reached your end, he just hikes your legs up higher on his waist, adjusts the pillow propping up your hips, and groans out a string of babbled praises as he humps your poor, overstimulated body to coax out those last spurts of cum he's got left. He's gotta give it his all, no? No sense leaving such a pretty lady empty when he can fill you all up, and give you everything you need to make a baby for him. He can't really get over the fact that it's just that easy for him to be a part of something so beautiful, nor that someone as gorgeous as you would ever let some worthless fiend like him father your children--the feeling is just indescribable, but he knows that it's pure love. And he knows that he wouldn't ever want it with anyone else besides you.
Who knows, maybe once you have the baby you'll be the one begging him for another--but even with one, Luis will be cherishing that sweet little bundle of life and he'll be hardcore protective over them with every ounce of energy he's got. Well, maybe not every ounce....he's got to save enough to keep an eye out for his precious wife too, doesn't he?
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sun-stricken · 30 days
Hello. I absolutely love your Fairy Tail head-canons, especially about demon slayer Gray. Feel free to take or leave these little ideas. Always love when you post <3
Imagine Team Natsu has to rent a vehicle or something and they require actual legal paperwork like a birth certificate and address or something like that (more than just “guild business! Gonna need this!”). Lucy doesn’t want to rent it because there is no way she’s going to be responsible for the inevitable damage. Erza, being the leader and a good friend volunteers. A few minutes later she comes back out, puzzled.
Erza: “why would they need a birth certificate? Shouldn’t me being present be proof enough of my existence?”
Gray starts snickering in the background. Natsu goes in next but comes out even earlier than Erza, cause at least Erza had a probably legal address at Fairy Hills, Natsu on the other hand lives in a house in the woods.
By the time Wendy goes in the receptionist is exasperated. “Yes I understand you are with Fairy Tail but that isn’t until page three of the paper work. None of you have made it past the first page.”
Gray finds this all very amusing.
Lucy: “Since you find it so amusing why don’t you go register, Gray!?”
Gray: mutters something
Natsu: “What do you mean you’re legally dead?!”
Cause you know, Ur just found a kid (the only survivor) and just decided to keep him. Oh, no official rescue crews didn’t show up until two days later? My kid now :)
The search and rescue teams never found any survivors in Gray’s old town so everyone was pronounced dead. The magic council or whoever is in charge of that stuff is also disorganized enough that no one realized that Gray Fullbuster is both a famous wizard and supposedly dead. So, just, Gray technically being considered legally dead the entire time he was at Fairy Tail.
Also, the slayers all going out on a job together(the dragon slayers had to drag Gray). The job turns out to be a trap (surprise!) and the floor just opens up revealing a giant vehicle.
Dark mage: “Ha-ha! I have bested the dragon slayer! The most powerful mages-“spots Gray just chilling, perfectly fine and not motion sick. “what are you doing?” Cause the guy was planning to capture dragon slayer, not whatever a demon slayer was (the dark mage didn’t even know demon slayers were a thing). Gray defeats the dark mage but holds it over Natsu’s head for a week.
After that anytime a large group of dragon slayers takes a job together they take Gray along for “extra security during transportation” or just extra security in general.
I also head-canon that each type of slayer magic has its own unique weakness. Dragon slayers get severely motion sick. God slayers are claustrophobic. Demon slayers cannot handle sweets. If Gray gets even a whiff of cake or any other dessert his gag reflex acts up and he gets really nauseous and other stuff like that. He of course hid it at first (he was afraid Erza would disown him) but eventually everyone learned about the weakness of demon slayers. Natsu teases him about it but never pushes it too far to the point of accidentally making Gray really sick.
Anyways, sorry for the long ask. Feel free to expand on anything. Always love some good slayer bonding head-canons and just Fairy Tail head-canons in general. <3
This was so much fun to make tbh so domt apologize, i love long asks <3 and thank for for what you said ant my posts! theyre fun to make so im glad ppl enjoy them
Oh, you have no idea how often ive though about Gray being legally dead, my personal favorite scenario is him trying to fix it and prove himself alive but cant
“How the fuck would i know my social security number??? i was eight years old! i had no reason to know!!!”
There was no dna or finger-print records of him or his family so he couldn’t prove it that way either. Apparently, declaring someone born or dead is easier than someone ‘resurrected’. To the law Gray of Isvan is dead and although Gray of Fiore bares similarities, they are two different people.
But ALSO to the law Gray of Fiore doesnt exist bc he has no birth certificate. And while hes adamant, he has no real proof beyond his word he is Gray Fullbuster of Isvan.
So basically, According to the law, Both Gray Fullbuster of Isvan and Fiore are dead and never existed, respectively.
tbh this sounds like an identity crisis waiting to happen, but what else is new with him
Erza probably tried to fix it after she was told bc she legally didnt exist for a minute either (never was filed as a real person, she was able to file for a late birth certificate on account that she wasnt claiming to be a ‘separate’ person and also Makarov did it for her) (dont ask why he didnt for Gray, i like plot holes). But quickly realized their situations were very different, him waiting over a decade to check in as a survivor with the proper authorities definitely weakened his case considering he was running around free before he decided he needed a birth certificate.
But hey, as long as he doesn’t need to rent something, or get a license or id, or work somewhere beyond Fairy Tail, or get married, or, god forbid, die again, he should be fine!
i wonder if he would be considered a ‘john doe’ if he actually died again since they have ‘no’ birth records
This also makes games like ‘two truths and a lie’ amazing
“alright so, im legally dead, i legally dont exist, and ive never physically died before” “Gray what the hell do you mean” “Guess the right one and ill tell you” “WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN THOUGH??”
i love everything to do with the ‘dragon slayers + gray’ dynamic
‘Extra security’ just turns into Gray babysitting a bunch of rambunctious dragons for hours. seriously, get this guy a reward for how he hasnt killed or maimed any of them yet.
Imagine them trying to convince Gray to walk to their destination instead of taking the train
“Its not that far!!” “its fucking 5 hours by train, How long do you think itll take to walk? Why would even you pick this job if you knew how long the ride would be??” … “nobody looked..” “are you actually serious.” … “oh my fucking god”
and thats the story of how one Demon slayer ended up having to babysit 4 very pitiful looking Fairy Tail Dragon slayers on a train. Dude had to drag them off it once it stopped too.
His side career of ‘Dragon Slayer Babysitter’ only gets harder when they realize holy shit! cold compresses can help nausea! and what do they have? a walking cold compress.
Taking a train trip with them just means second hand nausea AND embarrassment, and absolutely no personal space. A dream come true.
At least he gets to hold it over their heads
Tbh i like the irony of Dragon Slayers being motion sick because, yk, dragons can fly, so my hc for side effects for God Slayers and Demon Slayers were along the same lines
God Slayers being wide open space or flying since Gods are like the epitome of freedom? all knowing and have complete reign over everything, But claustrophobia works so much better for that same reason. It would cause extreme panic and rash decisions
And Demon Slayers was the dark because demons are supposed to be these evil creatures who thrive in the dark n stuff? basically it would send a Demon Slayer into a paranoid spiral.
But sweets being a weakness instead is such a silly thing that im gonna take it and run
Gray never cared for sweets in the first place, gave him a stomachache, but now he has to walk away from Erza mid conversation if she decides to indulge, which is almost everyday. She was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when the weakness was revealed, it was such a dramatic reaction one wouod think she was the one with the new weakness
When Gray pokes fun at Natsus motion sickness he’ll go on about how Gray is gonna have the lamest parties since he cant handle even the smell of sweets, especially cake.
A terrible realization for everyone involved with him, on par with when Gray realized he wouldnt be able to have ice cream comfortably again, thats like a staple for ice mages
heart wrenching, truly
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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the--rebel--fae · 2 months
Hey Fae! Do you know about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? If not, basically they are biblical concept for rooted evil in humanity and first four of seven seals for the “end of the evil world” or whatever (conquest, war, famine, and death).
Anyways, to my request! I wanted to ask to see if you’d write a paring of a FourHorseman!reader with Vox from Hazbin Hotel (and any other characters from that show if you’d like to lol)
Thank you and Gl with ur other requests!
A/N This is probably gonna happen each time I post a request since I feel horrible for making all of y'all wait. So! Big sorrys for taking so long with this but tysm for your patience! Now! On to the main a/n: Oh my friend, you have triggered an idea that is genius! Ooh this reminds me of that one episode from Charmed.--if you know which one, you totally rock. I had so much fun with this! I hope you like it too! 😊
Pairing: Vox x Strife! Four Horsemen! Reader
TW: Just swears, but that's about it.
Word Count: 814
His Little Chaos Bringer
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The brick wall felt like a cool and relaxing solace as you leaned against it. Your pencil scratching furiously away in your notebook. Today had a been quite the productive day.
Though, you could have done without Blitzø's hissy fit for nearly missing the portal entry back to hell. He was complaining how you nearly cost him big time as he took you back into your main domain of the pride ring.
“You're lucky you're so damn powerful and make our jobs easier, you twerp.” He grumbled at you as he practically shoved you out of the I.M.P. van.
An amused chuckle made it passed your lips as you closed your notebook with a satisfying snap. You couldn't help that you were on a roll today with causing so many humans strife. You were the epitome of it after all being one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Your other three siblings were Lucifer knows where and you didn't really give a damn as long as they were keeping their stats up and making sure the plan stayed on track.
Your notebook was already bursting with your successes, an impressive list of names and ways you affect them filled its yellow time worn pages. And that was only today.
Looking around at stretch of land that was the V's part of Pentagram City you let out a tired sigh. You loved what you did, you really do. But after a long day of causing misery, all you wanted to do was collapse in a comfy chair and just relax as you listened to your boyfriend boast about his day.
The brief silence that filled the air in the little alleyway you were taking a break in was quickly broken by the sound of your ringtone: The Flight of the Valkyries–little on the nose but you were always a fan of the classics.
You glanced at the caller ID and grinned. “Well, ask and ye shall receive I guess.” Clicking answer, you couldn't keep the smile out of your voice. “It's like you just knew I needed to talk to you. Should I add telepathy to the list of your talents?”
A deep chuckle. “Well hello to you too Doll. Rough day I take it?”
You leaned your head back against the wall and felt the satisfying thump of cool brick against the back of your head. “Not hard, just very long. Apparently causing misery for a living can drain someone a lot.”
“Why don't you come back home to the tower and I'll see what I can do to help get some pep back in your step hmm?”
A smirk played at your lips. You definitely didn't miss the innuendo in that sentence. “Sounds perfect actually. I'll be there in five.”
A pleased hum could be heard on the other line. “Looking forward to it Doll. See you soon.”
“See you soon, Vox.” The call ended seconds after.
Pushing forward you felt your muscles stretch out in relief. A spark of excitement and contentment ran through you. Sometimes it paid to be the romantic partner of one of the strongest overlords and a tech genius like Vox. No matter how busy the two of you were, you were always able to make time for each other at the end of the day.
As the elevator door to Vox's penthouse suit swished open, a tired smile was brought to your lips at the sight before you. In front of the blue satin couch, on the table laid a beautiful–and frankly absolutely mouth watering dinner with two champagne flutes filled with wine.
“I take it you like the surprise?”
You let out a pleased hum and walk forward. "What do you think?" Wrapping your arms around Vox's neck, you lightly bumped your forehead against the top of his screen. An amused giggle passed your lips as you watch Vox's screen take on a light rosy hue around where his cheeks are supposed to be.
"Well, I'm glad you like it, my little chaos bringer." Vox gave you a soft peck on the lips. His kisses always left you with a tingling feeling--probably thanks to the fact that he is a literal tv, but you couldn't help but want more. Maybe at a later time, the night was still young after all.
"You know exactly how to make a gal feel special don't ya?"
Vox pulled away from your grasp and gave a wink. "Doll, you're special no matter what."
You couldn't help the snort that passed your lips. "Wow, cheesy much?"
Vox just waved you off. "What? I was just trying to be romantic!"
A fond smile pulls at your lips. You were probably one of the most powerful beings in Hell seeing who you were, but if this was the life you got to come back to everyday? It's all worth it.
A/N that was so much fun to write. I truly enjoyed this request! Feel free to request again! I hope you enjoyed it!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Hazbin Hotel!
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fallahifag · 5 months
you're literally an arab colonizer
wow you’re so woke and my timbers are shivered.
instances of expansion in the Arab conquest in the 7th century was to spread Islam (and im literally christian). i’m not the person you should be taking this up with. anyway, i’m not sure you really can call me a colonizer. european colonial powers were much different than “arab colonization”.
i say this because european colonialism encompassed exploitation of resources and the creation of settler colonies, while the arab expansion was just focused on the spread of islam.
regardless of what you believe about arab “colonization” (i’m not gonna sit here and turn into a historian- you can do your own reading. this isn’t my job), i don’t think innocent palestinians deserve to die brutally at the hands of a violent facist state that formed out of their displacement and dispossession. and any decent person would agree. y’all are fuckin blaming the palestinians for the holocaust and now, we’re talking about the arab conquest??? let them fucking live. at least blame some other arab country if ur so mad lol
you can label me an “arab colonizer” because of history if you want to so bad. literally go ahead i won’t fight you - but i don’t see how that justifies the ethnic cleansing that’s happening in the present
also for your future convenience: historical events should always be understood in their contexts. no event is happening in a vacuum, so stop trying to analyze it like it is! it’ll make your life a lot easier when you start noting the connections. (:
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kpoping · 2 months
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Summary: ur boyfriend was looking so good for u to not have sinful thoughts about him. Or where Fuma notices the way u r fucking him with ur eyes so he decided to make it easier for u and fuck u good.
Pairing: bf!fuma x gf!reader
Warnings: pwp, p in v, unprotected sex (cause it's a fiction), use of pet names (mostly baby and literally two times of calling the reader a slut), cream pie.... i think that's all
You were just chilling on your bed, scrolling on your phone, shifting from side to side while eyeing ur boyfriend every now and then, scoffing as he was still working in his laptop for 4hours straight. You are not a clingy girlfriend at least that's what you want to believe, but you can't help it but want attention when ur man is looking like this (like come on it's fuma we r talking about i'll melt right away if he looked at me for a mere second), brows so furrowed concentrated on his boring job while wearing the most tempting outfit ever, his arms flexing everytime he moves his grey tank top not doing any job at hiding his muscles it always makes u drool. U couldn't help the sinful thoughts that were consuming you at this moment, just wanting for his arms to be wrapped around, for his hands to grope u around...
He could sense ur eyes on him, smirking inside knowing exactly what's going on that small head of urs but waiting to see what'll do. He fixed his hair, dropping his head to show his neck, wetting his lips with his tongue as he heard u shift in ur bed, ohhh he is gonna have a lot of fun. You leaned on the headboard of ur bed, trying to distract urself from ur thoughts, cheeks heating up from embarrassment what's wrong with you! But as much as u try u can't take ur eyes away from him, not when he moved his chair to make room for his legs, leaning on the chair while manspreading, making you clear ur throat that's craving what's under those useless sweats, u could feel urself getting hot fanning ur face and shoving the hair falling on ur shoulders away. U widen ur eyes when they met with his, u could see the amusement on them and it just made you feel hotter, he smiled at you the warmness of it skipping ur heart and going straight to ur core, it never fails to amaze u the way this man can affect u this much while doing the least. "are u bored baby?" he asked voice deeper than ever, and u almost moaned at that alone, u gulped nodding ur head slowly, ur phone dropping by ur side as u played with the hem of his big hoodie that was mid thight long, his smell stuck on it making u hornier, his eyes scanned u loving seeing u wearing his clothes, ur panties flashing him as u hugged ur legs nervously, u want him and now, u bit ur lips eyes on his lap and he almost groaned at how eagerly u were looking, his cock twitching at ur neediness, he spread more his hand resting on his muscular thighs making u shift ur focus on them now, ohhh god why is it that every detail about this man is perfect, he tapped his thigh for u to come and the speed u went there at should of embarrassed u if u weren't this horny, sitting on his lap, feeling his hardness right at ur core,his strong arms wrapped at ur waist massaging ur hips gently as he stared right into ur soul, looking as cocky as ever "what do u want baby?" he asked as if it wasn't obvious how much u want him "you, i want you" u mutter as he leaned closer nosing ur neck, placing gentle kisses there, his hands slowly traveling down from ur waist to ur ass, squeezing them making u moan "what about me?" he continued, biting your neck marking you as his, u could only moan loudly gripping his shoulders, "ugh fu-fuck me" he chuckled "yeah?" he teased "please, please i want you, i want you so bad" u begged and that's all he needed to hear, his lips were on yours hungrily sucking them, u moaned in the kiss, opening ur mouth to let his tongue roam over as he grinded against u, his hands were on ur ass pushing u down to his cock, moans leaving both of you at the friction.
You were gasping for air, his lips moving to your neck, sucking on ur sweet spot while you were grinding on his lap, "you're so desperate baby, can't help it when i look like this huh?, want my cock that much" u nodded, "yes" u moaned "want it, want you, want your cock, want your cock so bad" his hand traveled under his hoodie, fingers tracing circles on ur skin, stopping at ur chest to squeeze ur boobs, thumb and forefinger rubbing ur nipples, your eyes rolling to the back of ur head. He stopped his hands to move his hips, pushing his erection into your core, you were already wet enough to not need any lube. "Fuck" he groaned, his head dropped at ur neck, hands gripping your waist, his hips were moving up and down, humping you, both of you were moaning, panting, breathing heavily, your arms were wrapped around his shoulder, one hand gripping his hair, he pushed his top up showing his stomach and u were quick to place your hands on it, feeling his abs, his muscles contracting under ur touch, "i love it when you're like this" he said kissing ur collarbone, "i love it when your needy and wanting, when i can make you beg" his hand traveled to the front of your panties, cupping you, rubbing his fingers at ur clothed clit groaning as he was met with ur slick coating the material, "please" u whispered, "please" u whimpered, "please what baby?" he was teasing u now, his hand rubbing u but not enough, he wanted to see u squirm, "fuck me, fuck me, please, please" you begged, he moved your panties to the side and shoved his two fingers inside your wet hole, cursing under his breath at how wet and tight u were, "fuck, your pussy is so tight, can't wait for my cock to stretch it open" you moaned loudly at his words, his thumb on your clit, his fingers were moving in and out of you, u were a moaning mess, panting, gripping his shoulders, head leaned back, mouth slightly opened, sweat running down ur temples, his forehead on ur chest as he was watching his fingers fucking you, the sloppy sound of your pussy echoing the room, he was cursing, he wanted nothing but to have his cock buried deep inside you.
He removed his fingers and pushed you on his lap, "take it off" he said as he licked his fingers clean, u moaned at the sight, pulling his sweats and underwear down, his cock finally free, he took it in his hands, pumping himself a few times before rubbing his tip against your folds, teasing you, he looked into your eyes, the lust in them making your pussy throb, u whined and he gripped your waist, pushing you down, both of you moaning, "fuck, it's so good, so good" u cried, he was so big, it always feels like the first time, he gripped ur waist and moved you up and down his cock making you lose it, "fuck" he groaned, his pace increasing, you could feel yourself about to come, he sensed it and slowed his pace down, u whined in protest, he slapped your ass making you moan loudly, "not yet" he said and u nodded, the sound of skin slapping, of ur moans and his grunts filling the room, he leaned back, admiring the view, his cock disappearing in your pussy, the way your boobs were jumping so erotic he couldn't resist but to cup them, squeezing and pinching ur nipples, "ahh fuck" u moaned, "you're such a slut baby, can't even keep it quiet, i bet our neighbors can hear you, can't wait till they know what a little slut u are, how much of a slut u are for my cock, hmm?" u nodded, "yes, yes" u moaned, "so pretty" he said, "look at you" he said, his eyes staring at where his cock was entering u, his thrusts were deep, and fast, and so so good, ur thighs were shaking, sweating all over, his name coming out of your lips like a chant, a prayer, he was close, u could feel it, his thrusts were getting sloppier, "come on" he groaned, one hand on ur waist while the other went down to rub ur clit making u flinch from how sensitive u r, "come on baby, cum on my cock" he said and u were shaking, coming with a loud cry, gripping his shoulders, he came after a few thrusts, cumming inside you, making a mess inside u, his cum dripping out of your pussy.
BYE M DYING, PULLING MY HAIR, I WANT HIM NOWW!!! The way i wrote this in 10 minutes after seeing that picture bye why am i like this, but yeah hope u enjoy it.
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pleucas · 11 months
Would you ever consider doing a colouring tutorial?
I've done a coloring post before (a few months prior), but somehow, my coloring/painting process has changed a lot since then lol. I'll give a breakdown of my process (and go into specifics on coloring) here, but please do take it with a grain (or a spoonful) of salt... I'm still very much learning, and though you can use my process as a guide, experiment on your own to find what works for you! This post got a little long I'm ngl so. open at ur own risk. it's really just me rambling and being a bit too pretentious for my own good
using my recent post as an example, my process is basically just:
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first i get a clean sketch (after many hours of pain finding detailed references lol), not gonna go into that since you asked abt coloring
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then i immediately go to block out shapes over the sketch. For big paintings, I don't do lineart (because i find that it eliminates a lot of depth that can be achieved with shapes and shading) — for smaller sketches and pieces, i'll do lineart tho.
I started darker to lighter in this painting because I knew I wanted harsh light. For me, it's a lot easier to project "additions" onto a surface — ie, if there's a harsh light, that's the addition vs. a shadow in neutral lighting as the addition. dunno if that makes sense, but breaking tones down like that helps me understand how i want to chronologically color smth and choose my bases:
for example, since I knew I was gonna have harsh light here, I felt comfortable with just getting the tones for my shadows down immediately. There won't be many midtones due to how extreme I saw it to be, so there was no point in finding a neutral base tone.
how i choose colors varies from painting to painting, but for this one, I decided to lean purple-blue because skk are just one of many red and blue gays (same reason why most of my other skk works lean red-blue-purple), and also because I knew I wanted my light to be on the warmer side — thus, the shadows and unlit areas will be cooler.
i also wanted it to recede (to emphasize the perspective and for depth), so for the base colors, i made them cooler + darker as they went back. This wasn't as clear in the finished product, but i think it did a good job at reminding me the vibe i wanted as i rendered
By how much I've written for this step, I guess you can assume that it's the step I put the most consideration into — and you'd be right. I think base colors really determine the vibe, and it sets you up for the rest of the painting. Sometimes I have to color adjust my bases over and over (with hue adjustments, color balance, curves) until I'm satisfied. I think that satisfaction is obtained w/ more ease as I've painted more and more. Alongside the sketch, this step takes me quite a while. Sometimes it's fun to mess with really wild color combos, but that's another topic.
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Then I block out the lighting, which is probably the most drastic step but also somehow the quickest for me. Once you understand how light affects color (warmth, tone, etc) and you gain confidence with it, blocking out values in relation to base tones isn't too hard. That ofc takes practice and a lot of fundamental understanding of Shapes & Colors but there's a lot of stuff online abt the theory specifically from professionals, so I'm not gonna lecture y'all as a fanartist for glorified literary author rpf
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then i just start rendering, layer by layer. above is a screenshot i took mid-rendering; at this point, dazai's clothes were basically done but I later worked on the face + hair more and textured the tie.
I try to do the stuff I want people to focus on first, because at least for me, that's when I have the most energy to make smth detailed — the more detailed an area is, the more naturally drawn you eye is to it (this is because the brain likes areas of high contrast, and details are entirely founded on the placement of contrast).
My art has never been too extremely detailed — I enjoy flatter + bigger shapes, styled texturing and silly patterns, but I find that "detail" still translates into "effort". When I look at paintings, it's very clear where someone put most of their effort — and when I can't tell, then I know I have a very confident + experienced artist who can effectively distribute their workflow (goalz). So yeah, I render in my very silly poly style but still keep that in mind.
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eventually, I finish rendering. This part is kinda a blur tbh, and it always varies from artist to artist. I'd say the things I keep in mind are:
shape + form (making sure my rendering doesn't mess up gesture or vibes, and that it keeps things loose)
composition (making sure i don't overdo areas where i don't want people to focus on)
and tone (ensuring that the depth and believability of the scene stays intact so that my non-realistic style can work)
I added the bullet because i wanted a reason for the goofy expressions, just a bit more pizazz so that skk's drama was also believable lol. also visual storytelling or whtv (but that's not something i usually prioritize, it mostly comes with the concept and sketch).
I also added the bullet for some compositional spice. the dark shadow on dazai's arms was there to also emphasize the warped perspective, but it also left a weirdly empty vibe that I didn't enjoy lol. So yeah, bullet! and ofc my favorite, weird flowy line pattern thing that doesn't adhere to the laws of physics
I think a lot of my traditional painting experience leaks into my digital painting practice. I don't like lineart too much, and since I mainly work with acrylic, I rely on opaque color blocks, layering, and "carving out" shapes. probably explains my affinity for solid flat brushes in Procreate,,,,, but yeah. It's a little all over the place, but at its core, it's a lot of technical stuff mixed with habits after finding what works for me.
Dunno if this helps at all, or if it was interesting lolol. Thank you for reading until the end if you're still here! I appreciate it. I'm still learning but I've definitely learned a lot since I started this blog so it's exciting to track my progress. I'm sure I'll see this in a few years and laugh lolol.
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