#like pink parrots grid runners
literaphobe · 2 years
anyway i didn’t know illumina got 2 back to back aces in battle box that was super cool
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some cursed chaos from the MCC Pride 22 Pink Parrots!
Ranbo starting his stream off by reacting to and fanboying over the Game Theory video on his ARG
"I saw this, and I started to shake, basically." -Ranboo
They really went all out with the outfits. Jack and Ethan becoming strawberry maids 🍰, and Ranboo dressing up as a half gay real estate agent and half gay sports trainer 🏳️‍🌈.
"Dude, Tubbo and Aimsey are beating the shit out of me. I don't know how to feel about that. I'm leaving." -Jack
Ranboo putting up a hospital background on his greenscreen because he's sick
Jack listing off all of the games in the event, and Ethan just going..."I don't even know what half of those are. So now I'm a little nervous!"
Jack calling the resident minecrafters "Booboo" and "Pappy"
Jack seeing the NoxCrew button and wanting to press it, but refraining out of fear that he'd accidentally start the event
"It's like Ace Race kicks in, and I'm like 'Fuck guys, sorry, I'm new here!" -Jack
"I'm ready to fight for the gays!" -Jack
"Are you well rested Booboo? Are you ready to kill?" -Jack to Ranboo
Ethan and Ranboo unintentionally getting matching parrots!
Ranboo making strange noises while choosing his flag, and Jack just asking "uhhh...come again?"
"Sapnap, he's got like trickle down skill. He'll feed us his skill." -Ranboo
Ethan mentioning that he's very scared of Red this event, especially from practicing so often with Foolish
"I found out yesterday he's hot too, which is a real bummer to learn." -Ethan
"He's hot, he's tall, he's strong...he's good Minecraft." -Jack
"Foolish peaked in high school, and then he kept going." -Ethan
Jack finding out that Ranboo is 6'6, and just going "Mother of God!", like he's discovered a demon in his midst
"If I mention Tokyo Ghoul, do you think he'll join the call?" -Jack about Sapnap
"I don't know what to do. I just have this sudden urge to play Juice WRLD, because I'm nervous." -Sapnap
The countdown starting, and Jack asking "why is the start of MCR playing over and over again??"
Jack seeing the lightshow lasers begin, and yelling "Anime is real, man!"
Sapnap confessing to using performance enhancing drugs in order to improve his Minecraft performance
Jack and Ethan getting immediately overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds of the decision dome
"I'm just going to be your bitch for this entire game." -Jack to Sapnap during GR
"Guys, I have to shit so bad right now." -Ethan, 30 seconds before the first game starts
Jack's absolutely horrifying GUI scale blocking his entire view
"These jams are insane!" -Ethan
Jack and Ethan just being absolutely lost during the crafting room while Ranboo and Sapnap make everything
"We did it guys! All four of us!" -Jack
Jack cheering them on by saying they're so "sexy" and "cool"! They're "hotter than Foolish!"
Sapnap asking what other beasts they have to kill, and Jack frantically screaming "DO WE HAVE TO KILL EACH OTHER??"
"You guys are brothers to me now!" -Jack, after undergoing the Terrible Trials of Grid Runners
Ethan, panicked, asking that he's floating now, is that normal??
"I wanted to help so bad, and I just felt like a kid poking his parents, whining 'can I have a toy?" -Jack
Ranboo seeing that Green is still playing, and screaming "we're beating Youtube!"
Jack saying Build Mart (derogatory), and Sapnap immediately screaming "YEAHHH!!! BUILD MART SUCKS! BUILD MART SUCKS!"
"I just crave death for the enemy teams." -Sapnap
Sapnap being bestowed infinite eggs and immediately using the power to throw eggs into Red's area as much as possible
"They have a chicken army now." -Sapnap
Jack opting out of hunting people in PKT because he has asthma...you know how it is, this maid outfit's a bit tight...
Ranboo and Aimsey being frens :] besties :] every time they interact
Jack getting caught and screaming "AH! MY SPHINCTER!"
"That was the worst thing I've done in my life!" -Ethan
"Don't worry, you've got plenty of time to do more bad things!" -Jack
Sapnap going against the Simmers, apparently containing his nemesis??, and saying "Romeo and Juliet have gotta go!"
"I'll get them out literally...pretty quick." -Sapnap
Ranboo participating in gay on gay crime against Scott and briefly turning into the Joker
Jack and Ethan responding to Sapnap saying "I have to pee so bad it's ludicrous" in drastically different tones
"Do it where you sit." -Jack
"You have two minutes to do it! ^^" -Ethan
Jack seeing Tina letting a fox loose in the decision dome and screaming "TINA, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
"Oh my god, they had the chickens give birth on the field!" -Ranboo, traumatized
Sapnap rushing mid in SG and getting a ludicrous amount of gear and handing it out to the group, it's like that meme where a character has infinite weapon storage on their person
Jack yelling "Get out of our house!" at Green as they're murdering them
Ethan distressedly asking how do you eat in Minecraft??
Ranboo having to kill cute little animals and feeling VERY distressed about it
"Dude, you're like a bloodhound!" -Jack to Sapnap
Sapnap starting to feel bad about what they did to Green (as he should) and Jack reassuring him "it wasn't your fault they were caught with their pants down! You just clapped some cheeks."
Sapnap transforming into the Tasmanian Devil when he finds it they're playing BB
Sapnap doing something cool and immediately saying "that needs to go on Reddit!"
Ranboo saying he has an idea, and when Jack asks him what it is, replying "...I don't know."
"I kept dinking them, but they wouldn't fucking DIE!" -Jack
"That's my bloodhound!" -Jack about Sapnap
"For the gamers! Emphasis on the Gay." -Ethan
Sapnap asking if he can 1v4 Green as a bit, and then getting absolutely ROLLED by them
Jack managing to kill 3 of Lime and get a win at the very last second, and subsequently freaking out
"Oh, I'm so erect." -Jack
"Ranboo, you're a natural born leader!" -Jack
"Thank you, I'm really good at making people do what I want without them knowing." -Ranboo
"Bro, I'm getting all my shit stolen." -Sapnap during BM
"It's okay, I'm stealing everyone else's, so it evens out." -Ranboo
Jack asking for directions on what he should get, and Sapnap telling him to "get building things...very descriptive, I know."
The team wishing each other luck as they mute and deafen up for AR, and Jack quietly saying "I love you."
Ranboo recounting how he found out about MCC from watching Techno's record AR run
"This is the worst commentary for this game that I think I've ever done." -Ranboo
Jack and Ethan going through actual hell during this gamemode
"Jesus Christ, that was the worst thing that's ever happened. Fuckin' ay." -Ethan
Ranboo spectating Jack and yelling at him to "fly through the air, you majestic creature! Fly! Fly!"
Ranboo watching Ethan overshoot the jump pad and shoot into the void twice in the row, and Ethan rejoining the call with "THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY GODDAMN LIFE."
"There's one way to describe this, and it's just Ugh." -Sapnap
"Junji Ito style, everyone has their hole!" -Ethan about HITW
Sapnap just incoherently wailing his head off during the first round, while Jack shouts "big balls, big balls!"
This is straight up one of the most chaotic HITW povs that I've ever watched
"Oh good, I thought I just embarrassed myself in front of the whole JumboTron." -Jack after finding out there's 3 rounds
"Now you can potentially do it 3 times!" -Ranboo
Jack throwing down a pig and yelling "bacon will give you strength!"
Ethan seeing the CUTE wall and mistaking it for CUNT
Sapnap predicting the NoxCrew bringing out a second, secret BM round for the 8th game
"If you're gonna get coffee tomorrow, just don't get coffee tomorrow. Buy donations. Buy Pride." -Jack
"I just hope my gamer instincts kick in. I know this starts like The Purge." -Jack about Terra Swoop Force
Ranboo seeing the stack of NPCs in TGTTOS and calling them a totem
Sapnap fucking camping out at the end of the Cliffs maps and doing everything he can to kill Martyn
Ranboo freaking out and trying to figure out why he can't build, and Jack realizing it's because he's riding him
Ranboo becomes the Joker while fruit punching Scott pt.2
"StOp, 5up! Just tell me WHY?!?" -Sapnap
Ranboo finding out Green came last, and saying "well, that's what you get when you go to Youtube."
"You want to see me get shot, I see what you post on Twitter dot com! You want me shot, dragged through the mud, put in a meat grinder, and this is your chance! Donate now!" -Ranboo, encouraging the 20v20 donation goal
Ranboo saying they make the donation link confusing on purpose, then backpedaling rapidly, Jack trying to save it by saying it can't be STRAIGHTforward ;), and Ranboo immediately killing it again by responding "It's not straightforward because it's a money laundering scheme."
"I'm sad I can't see George kill Dream." -Jack about DB
"Why is it playing 80's cop movie music?" -Ethan
Jack cheering on Karl's downfall, and explaining that "Karl's the nicest guy, but it's fun to see him go down with an arrow."
Jack staring at Dream's block character moments before his death and commenting that he looks scared
"You saw his ghost!" -Ethan
"I could smell the pee in his pants!" -Jack
Sapnap saying his unicorn disappeared, in the saddest most confused voice, and Jack telling him "You should've held onto it."
"There was just a big clap of thunder, so if you don't hear from me, it's because I died." -Jack
"Nothing wrong with getting struck by lightning, it builds character!" -Ranboo
Ranboo saying he wants to get struck by lightning now, and Jack suggesting he could change his brand to Ran-bolt!
Everyone absolutely losing their minds as Jack wins the 20v20
"HE'S A GOD!!" -Ranboo
"Baby we may have come 7th, but here we came first!" -Ethan
The outrage when they see Red wearing all the crowns and standing with the coin, with Ranboo just getting on his unicorn and riding away
"I did not go through fire and flame for this! How dare you stand where he stood??" -Jack
"I've been on world tour, and this was way scarier than that." -Jack
Jack calling Sapnap "an absolute monster at this game", and Ranboo a great leader who's "very talented at these games as well".
Pink Parrots finished MCC Pride 22 in 7th place!
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nerdyenby · 9 months
Pink time :D I’m watching Olive
I love Olive so much you guys, I was genuinely not gonna watch if they weren’t in
The fit!!!!!! They’re so pretty what
“I studied!!! I studied like it was the SAT”
I’m sure they’ve already said but… concussion??? You ok, queen?
Me 🤝 Olive: shaky, anxious, nonbinary kings
I was ready to smile and nod at the purple outfit but it’s *pink* floyd lmao
Olive was a viewer 😭😭😭 not new information but the mental image of them watching MCC on their college roommate’s tv is so <3333
Ayo half•alive is my favorite band
“I’ve had kenough of you” omg I love this team
Apo’s a poet fr, was this pre-written
“For my mother, and Ken!!!!!”
“Can we have a team pronoun check?” “Frick yeah we can!!” “Call me whatever the fuck you want” APO 😭
I have never watched Apo before but if they don’t stop being the most captivating person in existence I’m gonna have myself a new hyperfix
“Are your sheets crunchy??!?!!” Olive my beloved, why would you say it like that
The nepotism team my beloved <333
Olive spreading the good word of goodtimewithscar’s toe wiggling tip
Apo threatening to kill a man for pressing the noxcrew button is so based tbh
Why the buildmart hate?????
Sands of Time
Sot first 😭😭😭
The rising guys saying hi to H and Jojo <333
Graecie first trying the word puzzle like the girlboss they are!!
It feels like there’s hardly any sand!!!
Olive’s doing a really good job, especially as a concussed first time sandkeeper
Olive thinking the tomatoes were strawberries 😂
“The nerves are quenched” Apo???? They’re not wrong tbh
I mean, I was thinking it but I wasn’t gonna say it lol
Grid Runners
Preassigned pairings??? They’re so fancy!!!!
The team synergy is unmatched <3
“We are kenough” so true!!!
They’re so good at thinking critically but not getting down on themselves
Middle of the pack!!
We love some pkt positivity
“I blame game mechanics. Like every good pvp sweat, it’s not me, it’s the game” Apo my favorite pvp sweat
Ace Race
“Um, godspeed, don’t fall” my streamer!!!!
We are still swimming, so true!!!!!
Olive my shaky king <3333
Everyone did so well!!!!
Zero stress on this team, I love them so much
Flirting????? In my MCC??????? That’s how you know it’s mc championships tbh
Nonsense sounds my beloved
“Pyro messaged me saying ‘has erotic roleplay ever been done in the decision dome?’ and I just replied ‘Scott runs the event’” THATS WHAT IM SAYING
Olive stop stealing my joke /j
We getting achillean and sapphic flirting this mccr
“I’m trying to roleplay right now!!” the audible >:( is killing me
No one ships streamers more than the streamers themselves lmao
Survival Games
I can’t believe they were too busy being gay to go to the bathroom smh
Literally no one wanted to play sg 😂😂😂
“Let’s hold hands and run” “Can we skip a little bit, too?” Graecie is so based
“I have an iron helmet, would you like it Apo?” “That’s yours though” they’re so polite, all of them, how much these guys genuinely care about each other hits me at the most random moments
They’re killing it!!!! Literally!!!
“Apparently someone really cool is on the top” Acho!!!!!!!
Rocket Spleef
Rsr late game!!!!! I don’t know how that is for this team but I’m glad it’s in the latter half just for my own enjoyment
Apo!!!! They popped off!!!!!!
Oh no Acho!!! Stars having a rough time D:
Like Icarus!!!!!
“Caw caw bitch!!!” Those are my parrots!!!!!!
“You did so good compared to some other people in this vc” Olive, no self-deprecation in my mcc
Apo beat the point record??????? King shit!!!!!
Manager Graecie :))
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 11 months
It's all futile, It's all Pointless!
by Leaffons
“Wilbur, can you look at me?”. Wilbur averted his gaze numbly from the paper he never stopped fiddling with and looked up to see his teacher still standing in front of him. “Hey, are you alright?”Phil asked again. Wilbur wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be laughing or crying, since it seemed like his teacher still hadn't gotten the memo that the answer was a crystal clear no. No, he was not alright and he hasn’t been for a long time.
But no one ever wanted the real answer when asking how he was doing. So instead of voicing his thoughts Wilbur answered “Yes. Are you going to kick me out of university now?” Silence was what followed. Then Phil cleared out his throat. There was a confused tone swinging within his voice, as he muttered “Kicking you out? No Wilbur, why would… Why would I ever do that?”. Wilbur was stunned. “What?” he asked “But I thought?”
Or: Wilbur is struggling in university without a support system to have his back. A certain teacher notices. “You thought what?”Phil's forehead laid in wrinkles. “You thought wrong. Wilbur, I feel like you are struggling. I wanted to offer you my support, not hinder you further. Not kicking you out, never kicking you out.”
Words: 3516, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sickfic, Sick Character, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, Wilbur Soot Needs a Break, Touch-Starved Wilbur Soot, College | University Student Wilbur Soot, Student Wilbur Soot, Teacher Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Good Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Worried Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Lonely Wilbur Soot, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, The Writer's Block MCC Pink Parrots, TWB MCC Event Grid Runners, TWB MCC Event
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
Tumblr media
Dream’s skin had a purple ribbon on it (everyone else was wearing it), I saw it on 5upp’s stream, at first I was just switching, because there was a lot of time left, I was on Bad’s munchy mc stream first, then I was on Fundy, Punz, Jack, etc, and also, George looked so freaking cool what? Then I stayed there and watched George training ponk, it was so fun to watch lmao, he literally had a stopwatch and whistle with him, then Quackity joined the server, and he was using that demonic autotune and then Quackity and Ponk and a speed bridge race, which was just chaos, and then Quackity asked for Ponk’s meat, and then they had fun in the fun zone, then Quackity turned off his autotune, and then George said that if then had fun in the fun zone he’ll give them a prize, and as you expected they had fun in the fun zone, it was really fun to watch lmao.
“Forfeit Deez Nutz bitch” - Quackity to Ponk, 2021
And then I went to Wilbur's stream for a second, where he was talking about fart spaces, then I went to Ranboo’s stream, where he was talking about that he will turn off his face cam while the actual game.
Then I went to poop.
Then I went back to George's stream, where they were just fooling around, I mean, practicing, and then Quackity said George's headband and wrist bands look like Italy but George said it was Germany.
Then George did a very very terrifying demonic laugh, I actually got scared, and then Callahan also joined the server.
“Wel,” - Quackity, 2021
“Come.” - Ponk, 2021
And then Callahan killed quackity and left the game.
And then they started fooling around, Callahan joined the game again.
“Ponk, I'm sorry I slept with your mother” - Quackity, 2021
And then Quackity and Ponk started a duel, Ponk won the first round.
“He slept with my momma!” - Ponk, 2021
Ponk also won the second round, but Quackity won the last round and then George played sad music.
And then I joined Bad’s stream, who was playing hole in the wall with Tommy and fell every. Single. Time.
And then he said that we literally don't know how much he practiced, and he said he muffined up his first mcc. And then he was just hyping himself up, he said he kind of had food poisoning.
“It’s victory or death, or maybe- maybe not death, or maybe, if I don't win, no muffins for one week.”- Badboyhalo, 2021
And then everybody left to go to the main server, and he was all alone, he didn't know there was a main server, and then he joined the main server.
“Victory tastes so much like Gatorade.” - Badboyhalo, 2021
And then he went to the burger shop, it was adorable lol.
“Everybody needs a little bit of violence in their life.” - Badboyhalo, 2021
“Violence with the spatula!” - Badboyhalo, 2021
I got scared, so I went to Dream’s stream.
Everyone was being so supportive in the chat I got emotional.
“Mcc is like Christmas morning.” - Dream, 2021
And then Seapeekay joined the call, then Bad also joined, Finn was just vibing.
And then Seapeekay gave an interview and then George and Sapnap were twerking on each other, Dream paused as he stared at them, Bad came in between them, and then George and Sapnap pretended like nothing happened.
Finn joined the call.
“I'm mugging you for your crown!” - Badboyhalo to Dream, 2021
Badboyhalo woke up and chose violence.
Also, Ranboo had 200k + viewers!
And then Dream distributed burgers and they all went to the decision dome.
Seapeekay boo-ed at build mart.
They decided to vote for grid runners, almost everyone wanted grid runners.
1st Game: Grid Runners
Dream said that he was the narrator and read the whole guide.
They decided if they had to split, Bad and Dream, and Seapeekay and Finn will stay together.
1st Challenge: Jungle Temple
They had to kill all the mobs
2nd Challenge: Bakery
They had to eat all the cakes present in the bakery
3rd Challenge: Sawmill
They had to push the gold; there were a couple of red stone powered buttons, and they had to push them at the same time to complete the challenge
4th Challenge: Wild west
They had to shoot the targets(mobs)
5th Challenge: Kitchen
They had to gather the items, like bread, steak, fish, etc
6th Challenge: Golf
There were four towers, and they had to punch each other on each tower, for example, Callum punched Bad in a tower, Callum also punched Finn and he also punched Dream to Finn, then Finn punched Dream to the final tower.
7th Challenge: Tower
They had to unlock the exit; they had to pull levers for the blocks to push ahead, as Dream complete a parkour course to reach a top to get a key and finish the challenge
8th Challenge: Prison
They had to copy a sculpture; Dream and Finn directed them, Bad and Callum placed the blocks, kind of like build mart, but the sculpture is in another room.
9th Challenge:
Just a simple race to reach the end
They ended up in 3rd place in this game!
Overall, they end up in 3rd place again.
Dream predicted that red will end up in dodgebolt.
Then he did an ad for mcc, promoting grid runners.
And then Callum and Dream went to watch the greens.
And then went to watch blue bats, who were stuck on the tower challenge. Then they hyped them up, but sadly blue couldn't complete the course, but they still did well!!
And then Rat made a barking appearance.
Niki was in the first place!!!<333 Good job Niki!!! (i smiled so hard)
And then Finn expressed excitement about mcc merch.
And then they went to decision dome,
2nd Game: Sky Battle
1st Round
They told they had a special strategy, their communication skills were looking good
Dream got 4 kills.
Bad got 1 kill.
Finn got 0 kills.
Callum got 2 kills.
They got 3rd place!
2nd Round
Ponk killed Bad
And Dream got George.
"I was a little too aggressive there." Dream, 2021
Dream got 5 kills.
Bad got 1 kill.
Finn got 1 kill.
Callum got 2 kills.
Then they re-strategized.
2nd round was really fun to watch
They ended up in 4th place!
3rd Round
The chemistry of Callum and Dream was amazing this round.
Dream got 6 kills.
Bad got 2 kills.
Finn got 2 kills.
Callum got 5 kills.
They got 6th place!
Dream was in 5th place in this game!
They were in 4th place overalls!!
Dream had a special strategy including the lava bucket, but the lava bucket was removed so it threw them off.
3rd Game: Parkour Tag
Ponk had to pee so they had to wait a little.
“You could pee on a desk!” Seapeekay and Dream, 2021
1st round
Dream was the hunter, he got them alL
Unfortunately, all the runners got hunted.
But since Dream hunted the opposite team quicker, they won this round.
2nd round
Dream was the hunter again, he also got them all quickly
This time all the runners were alive!!
They were also in the first place in the game.
3rd round
Seapeekay was hunting this time, he got them all!
The runners except Dream got hunted.
They were still in first place.
4th round
Seapeekay was he hunter again, they did the bait and switch (dream pretended he was the hunter), but he couldn't get George,
"Gogy didn't miss any jump." - Seapeekay, 20221
Finn was suddenly CRACKED in this round.
They tied but overall ended up in first place.
5th round
Seapeekay was the hunter again, he got them all
All the runners got tagged.
It was tied again, but they still won because they tagged them quicker.
They were in first place again overall!
6th round
Dream was the hunter he got them all really quickly,
All the runners got tagged by Sapnap (good job Sapnap<33)
But the pinks still won because they got them quicker.
they were in the first place again!
7th round
Finn is hunting this round, he only got 2 of the runners
All the runners got tagged by Quig!
They end up in 3rd place overall.
8th round
[Finn was doing a dream cosplay]
Seapeekay was the hunter this time, he got them all
All the runners got tagged too
But the pinks still won because they got them quicker.
They end up in second place overall.
9th round
Dream was the hunter, he got them all. (all of the reds)
All the runners were tagged too by Tommy. (good job Tommy!!)
Wilbur and dream had a… weird interaction lol
They won this time too for quickly tagging them.
They did really good this game!!
Dream was in the first place in this game!!
They ended up in 3rd place overall!!
Seapeekay complimented George's jumping skills.
They also complimented Captain Sparklz.
Seapeekay was determined to beat Philza Minecraft
Round 1
Callum - 1st (suck it Philza Minecraft)
Dream - 21st
Bad - 29th
Finn didnt get to finish, (it's alright!!<33)
Round 2
Dream - 1st
Callum - 10th
Finn - 20th
Bad - 33rd
“Knowing Tommy, he probably got in a punching match, he punched the wrong person and they were like, 'oh Tommy you are going down.' " - Dream, 2021
Round 3
Bad - 4th
Finn - 6th
Callum - 9th
Dream - 15th
They were the first team to finish and were in first place overall!!
“Where is my 1.7 trillion luck?!” - Dream, 2021
Round 4
Dream - 3rd
Callum - 11th
Finn - 15th
Bad - 18th
they were the first team to finish this time too and were also in first place overall again!!
also, Scott punched Niki off, but then he also apologized
Round 5
Finn - 10th
Callum - 12th
Dream - 20th
Bad - 39th (he could've finished early but a 'blue muffinhead' punched him off so he just bridged from the start lmao)
They were in first place overall!!
Round 6
Dream - 7th
Finn - 11th
Callum - 10th
Bad - 22nd
Their team was the second one to finish after aquas!!
They were in first place overall in the game!
Seapeakay was in 1st place, Dream was in 3rd in the game!
They were in 2nd place overall!!
Seapeekay was in all pink (he looked banger honestly)
Dream was in 2nd place overall!
Seapeekay got 3rd place overall!
5th Game: Survival Games
The twitter voting one, they told everyone to vote build mart, but then changed to sands of times (very rigged lmao, I got confused at the end)
everybody went to pee/water/etc, Dream was alone so he just stayed silent for the first minute then complemented Sapnap, and when everyone was back,
“Spinach slaps.” - Finnester, 2021
“Spinach is in the way of my screen.” - Finnester, 2021
When the game started, they did the buddy system, Seapeekay and Finn, Dream and Bad, and they technically decided to stick together.
Their communication and coordination were phenomenal.
Dream’s leadership skills, oh my god, just, perfection.
Even tho they lost, their communication was very very good.
“This whole game sticks on me” - Tommyinnit, 2021
Red rabbits were “arguing” in the chat lmao, what was really happening??
They ended up in 7th place in the game and 3rd place overall!
They all got crossbows as they all shot build mart chickens.
6th Game: Ace Race
Bad made sudden chicken noises out of nowhere making everyone laugh.
“What noise does a chicken make?” - Seapeekay, 2021
“Gobble gobble.” - Badboyhalo, 2021
“What noise does a chicken make? 'Hi I'm George.'” - Dream, 2021
“What is the national anthem for the UK?” - Badboyhalo, 2021
“Take it away Finn.”- Seapeekay, 2021
*Finn bursts out laughing*
Also, Dream did a skip at the starting of the course which got him from 18th to 3rd!
Dream - 3rd
Callum - 4th
Bad - 9th
Finn - 24th
They did really good!!
Dream had the fasted lap!
They ended up in first place this game!
They ended up in 2nd place overall!
Seapeekay in 5th, Dream in 4th overall!!
7th Game: Build Mart (tubbo cringe /j)
Tubbo fell in the decision dome and punched the chickens in build mart even tho most of the teams didnt want build mart.
"sapnap: tubbo SUCKS
tubbo: hi sapnap"
I was so confused the whole time, I kind of spaced out lmao, like build mart makes my head hurt not even joking.
They got 7th place in build mart!
They got 2nd place overall!!
aquas dunked pinks lol
8th Game: Sands Of Times
I don't really know how to explain sands of times, but it was super fun to watch, so I suggest you go watch it!! Their coordination and communication was super cool
"badboyhalo looks at a ravager: it's the rhino thingy! Is it a triceratop?"
And that sudden music in it, my soul left my body not even joking
Their team coins were 5439!
Dream three 3 tomatoes at Tommy,
Dream asked Niki if she wanted to throw tomatoes at anyone she wants, but she was beating herself up, Niki you did good<33
They got second place overall!! (8th place reddit? really?)
then something happened with dream's nails
The Final Showdown: Dodgebolt
Purple Pandas vs Pink Parrots
Punz, Puffy, and Ponk cheered Bad up through the chat.
Fruit got Seapeekay
Dream got Fruit (get the birthday boy lmao)
Scott got Bad
Dream got Scott
Punz cheered Dream up through the chat
Then Dream also got Grian, and Joel (smallishbeans)
Puffy cheered up the pinks through the chat
Pinks won the first round!
“I'm putting my blood sweat and tears into this!” - Dream, 2021
Dream was literally bleeding and laughing at the same time lmao
Fruit got Dream
Grian got Bad
Fruit got Seapeekay
Ant and Spifey cheered Finn up through the chat.
Finn got Fruit
Finn got Scott
Joel got Finn
Jack cheered up Finn thought the chat
Purple won the second round!
Dream got Scott
Fruit got Bad
Callum got Joel
Dream got Fruit
Grian got Dream
Grian got Seapeekay
Dream told Finn to take his time, and immediately after he said that Finn got Grian
Pink won the third round!
When Dream was taking his time to shoot Fruit, Tommy said, "time wastr"
Joel got Bad
Callum got Scott
Dream got Grain
Callum got Joel
And then Dream fucking fell in the lava
Great birthday present Dream
Everyone was very surprised as Dream just said that game was too hard and he wanted to make it easier for Fruit
Fruit got Callum
And then Finn got Fruit immediately!!
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(its 3 20 am here but i still silently screamed lmao)
[Dream will donate 21000 dollars to cancer research! Sam, Skeppy, Tapl, Finn, are also gonna match/donate!]
“I’m shaking very very hard.” - Finnester, 2021
Sapnap joined their call, Scott also joined their call, and then just discussed the game.
And sadly Scott won't paint Seapeekays’s coin pink.
Puffy and Punz raided Bad.
And they again talked about the event and stuff.
Then I may or may not have switched to George's kinoko kingdom 'lore' with Karl 👀
Then I went back to Bad, who was thanking everybody, and Bad, you were not the dead weight, you popped off, no one was the dead weight, everybody did very poggers!
Then he called skeppy, and then they talked, their 'muffiny talks'
It was honestly so cute
And then he joined the call of others, who were just discussing the game, then they talked about Sylvie popping off, I kind of stopped paying attention, I was very very sleepy.
Then they talked about how the four muffinteers should team up for the next mcc.
I'm sorry, I would’ve elaborated more, but my health wasn't the best sorry :(
They just discussed the game and all.
was happening on George’s stream?
Well, it was just plain chaos, but I was still watching it.
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It was 4 am by then
and I was very much sleep-deprived.
when dream fell in the lava in dodgebolt, most of the other teams thought he did that on purpose
they really popped off in parkour tag (Dream and Seapeekay were CRACKED) and the way Finn suddenly cracked in the fourth round was phenomenal,
they ALSO popped off in tgttosawaf (Bad did so good except in the 6th round lmao)
their communication was good in survival games, but they were more on the defensive side, and they just jumped in when there was a crowd, like seapeekay said, they should’ve just waited for clean up.
but they crushed sands of times!! (Bad especially)
their communication in grid runners was really good, they figured everything out really quickly
their chemistry in sky battle was also good, maybe if lava bucket wasn't removed, they would've popped off more
and I wasn't really sure about ace race, but they all popped off, like seriously
and build mart just made my head physically hurt
I wasn't really feeling well, but I had really fun watching it!!
And once again,
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fandom-sheep · 2 years
MCC 30 APR 22
Pink Parrots Part 1/1
I’m finally not working during MCC!
I’m watching Wilbur not because I think they’ll win but because this sounds like it’ll be funny
Oh princess peach team let’s goooooo
My stream will be cutting out because I walking across my campus and trying to eat in the dining hall but it’s fine.
Oh yeah I forgot we were trained to do that. You can tell I’m constantly conditioned to different things.
We are a very good little pavloved chat.
Oh good my headphones are fully charged. Usually they die about now.
THE DOGS!!!!! There are more dogs too.
I love dogs they are my favorite things.
I just remembered no ace race lore.
Oh the cut off names. We love them.
George are you going to join everyone? Oh wait there he is.
Someone I know saw me walking by. Please don’t talk to me I just want to enjoy the petting of the dogs.
I’m worried what rat role play they are talking about but I don’t know if I want to know.
Oh survival games.
Oh George didn’t do team skin. Even “never changes his skin” soot changed his skin.
Oh no. People. Gasp people.
Ok full attention on just food and MCC
Whelp. That was. Alright.
We pulling out the ghost equipment? Nobody can say Wilbur doesn’t entertain.
Wilbur… where are you getting a child’s brain??
I don’t know how entertained the other teams chats are, but we’re making deals with demons.
Flower gathering? Well we’re going to pet puppies.
The fact that these guys have so many viewers.
Oh hi Tommy.
Beat the pet record!
Poor George. Didn’t get to pet dogs.
Weird dunk. Nice.
Sky battle hooray!
Walls? With holes? Brilliant.
Cool, MCC,
I forget how insufferable my streamer is.
You got this Ranboo!
Nobody was making it weird sneeg? You sure?
“Oh I’m bye guys” -Wilbur
No Wilbur the dogs!
It doesn’t matter your ranking. Only dog.
I swear I’m laughing in a public place and no good way to explain myself.
Alright decision time!
How did Wilbur know they’d be dunked?
Oh We’ve been abandoned by our streamer. And Ranboo is doing an evil laugh.
Grid runners nice.
He made it!! Thank heavens.
Wilbur always has a good plan.
Chat is so funky.
Ranboo sneaking into green geckos.
Spirit time!!
And I’m about to go down a slide but I’m listening to the funky person with the spirit box.
Sneeg? Sneeg? Oh no. Oh it’s fine.
Run run run
I have to close and open the screen and I saw Ghostbur in chat? What? What did y’all do?
Why is chat shouting rigged? Oh the target is messed up! Crew!!!
Hip hop across the parts
I’m the main character on my campus because I carry a tiny bottle of bubbles with me everywhere.
I can’t wait to be back on wifi so I can hear and consistently see what’s happening.
Pet the dogs. I don’t know how they did but pet the dogs.
Ok it’s up in my tv.
No battle box it is then.
Poor little bunny rabbit.
Wilbur flying around waiting to die and taking as many people out with him.
These maps are getting teeny.
What a silly goose Wilbur is. Using his updraft.
Oh he just fell straight through.
This poor streamer. All his friends singing him a sad song. And he’s shedding.
Go team!
This truly is the funniest pov
Come on Wilbur. Oh no!!
Wilbur please don’t start monologuing to a new game. Oh and he is. This is what no ace race causes.
My comfort streamers might be about to stab someone.
Audience vote. Off to twitter for 2 seconds.
Oh least votes will be played next. Well I voted Parkour tag on accident.
Wilbur is your bladder ok?
We are missing out on pets.
Hold up I saw Wilbur updates on Twitter. Is his skin his music video outfit? Sir.
We love dog pets. And he’s using the switch method.
I really want to see the new dogs, but I’m dedicated to watching Wilbur who only pets Scott’s dogs.
He’s lonely.
What are the gremlins arguing about??
Sky battle time!
Chill? I don’t think we’re physically capable of that.
Get em!
Sneeg the mole.
Burrow, build, do something! Or nah.
I’m sorry how is this team in 1st right now? Everyone else sucks too much? Oh we’re dropping.
Only George gets to sniff Coke.
Wilbur charges ahead and then doesn’t want it be left alone. I related to that 2 seconds more than I should have.
Wilbur every time you try to role play breaking bad things go wrong. QUIT IT.
Well that wasn’t horrible.
They’re building a house? House bridge?
TNT is raining from the sky.
Everyone calling each other’s behavior out from Sneeg’s wedding.
We’re not winning. But we’re having fun.
MCC golf.
Dogs? Dogs!!
I’m tired from work.
Oh it hasn’t been picked. Please buildmart.
Oh maybe battle box. We got yeeted.
Battle box. Neato.
I hear a sneeg wife.
Yeet the Trident at the opponent.
So much wool
RIP George
This feels like capture the flag. But like hillbilly capture the flag where it’s on a hill so one side has a distinct advantage.
This is a fun battle box. It has extra strategy.
The strategy is just get Sapnap.
“Kill Sapnap. Kill him” Sapnap kills all of them.
Good try guys.
Bark bark bark
We won by placing the wool! Nice!
“Ah Grian.” -not sure who but it was funny
Imma say it. NOT LAST
Other dog! Sneeg dog!
Sands last.
Wilbur do you have a bladder infection? You keep escaping. Does he need cranberry juice? Lol
Oh no build battle
And our streamer is still emptying his bladder.
Sand Daddy. I forgot about that.
Yeah keep quiet Wilbur. Also go Wilbur being a good leader.
Feels like a tiktok video with quiet voices in the background and gameplay.
I got distracted but we have 80er seconds?
Fillin’ the sand
90 sec 5 extra sand.
7 sand actually
George made me anxious there not going to lie.
Pet the doggies
Demons on the side.
“Snort the rabbit.” -Wilbur
Rabbit in the room.
Oh it tied.
Rats parkour tag.
I like build mart. But I guess I want my team to come not last.
Be sneaky my favorite parrots. And go Wilbur get em.
Come on guys you can do it!
Woohoo! Woohoo again!
Oh he got tagged quick there
Y’all are doing well
Chains. The enemy of the ranboo
Oh that was a good tag. Sad my streamer got tagged but it was Sapnap.
🎶just stay alive that’ll be enough🎶
Sometimes you just gotta pet the dogs as the Minecraft sun sets.
Good luck dodgebolt crew!
“Blue or other shade of blue” -Sneeg
Phil and Wilbur standing together
Tubbo! :D
Everyone hears mysterious ticking sounds and assumes Wilbur armed a bomb or something.
Glitched arrow? Mods?
Go Cyan! Good game.
Pets! Pets! Pets!
Wilbur with a pet counter in the hall of fame
Petting is all that matters.
After Wilbur is Shelby is second with like just 900? Wilbur has several thousand.
All 3 top petters by their statues
Gah I have homework I don’t need to want to run stats on who is first to leave MCC. But it sounds fun.
Grian punching Wilbur off.
On yeah sneeg and ranboo have an announcement for white noise.
Spirit box!
What are we talking about? I got distracted.
Bye George.
Did the elector get broken this MCC. I mean I guess so, my streamer was distracted by dogs.
Wilbur doesn’t want to stop steaming yet? Since when?
Oh they’re off to do their announcement.
Sub goal to make streamer cry.
Tired streamer.
We end stream when he wins. I guess I’ll stay here this is part of mcc in my head.
Meh I’m done. Have a good rest of the steam y’all! Good MCC
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Ok on the “MCC in canon being a multi-day Olympic-esque affair”
The NoxCrew (and Scott SMajor) are either beings who obtained extreme power or outright gods, who use their powers for entertainment only. The MCC server itself is a pocket dimension outside of life and death, allowing those alive, dead, undead, or even otherwise erased from existence, and no change in that state can take place in the server.
From the perspective of players, the time MCC starts is completely unpredictable, taking place anywhere from around a month to several years apart. Time doesn’t pass in the MCC server, and typically games last eleven approximate days, one day before the event for people to settle in, one day for each event and dodgebolt, and one day afterwards before they’re sent home, but games can sometimes last longer.
The server contains every luxury one could want and more in the lobby, and has separate dorms for each team with a private lounge along with the public lobby. Each one is decorated differently, though they’re able to be reconfigured to the team's will at any time. There’s a portal in the dorms that can take them to the lobby at any time.
Red Rabbit's dorm is in an underground cave system, with many tunnels leading to the various facilities, leading to it being one of the easier dorms to get alone in. Orange Ocelot's dorm is a series of interconnected tree houses on towering, vine covered trees, and has a beautiful view of the jungle underneath. Yellow Yak's dorms are warm and brightly decorated, and have a homely feel. Lime Llama's dorm is a villa atop a tall mountain, and has the most beautiful view of the sunset. Green Guardian's dorm is carved within an ancient vault, and it’s covered in beautiful treasure. Cyan Creeper's dorm is within a flowering forest, separated into several thatched buildings, and has a comfortable feeling. Aqua Axolotl's dorm is in a glass dome at the bottom of the ocean, and has a gorgeous view of the coral reefs. Blue Bat's dorm is a dark but opulent mansion full of gorgeous paintings and velvet. Purple Panda's dorm is sleek and modern, with a gorgeous garden out the back. Pink Parrot's dorm is set upon an End island, and has a awe inspiring view of the void below.
Basically all the games are just longer and larger versions of the ones in rl MCC. Specifically, Battle Box is less cramped and tends to last longer, Sky Battle has many more islands and it can take up to an hour until the meeting in the centre, Survival Games usually only has the borders shrink when down to the last few teams and instead uses traps and tricks to force interaction (more like the hunger games it’s based on), Ace Race has much more of the asteroid belt in the race (and is therefore even more confusing than before), Parkour Tag is again much less cramped and thus has a much longer time limit, and Sands of Time takes much longer, going in portions of minutes instead of seconds, and takes place in a much vaster temple system. Hole In The Wall, TGTTOSTWAF, Parkour Warrior, and Grid Runners are basically the same though.
As such, there’s plenty of time set aside for what was ideally meant to be rest, relaxation, and bonding. This, suffice to say, never goes as planned, and parties making abuse of the inability to canon kill someone in the server to repeatedly kill a particularly annoying teammate is certainly not unheard of.
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corlds-world · 2 years
MCC 19 Predictions? MCC 19 Predictions!
saturday is the day! let's see who we think might come out on top! Keep in mind that I'm probably wrong so I made a pyramid so I might be more right.
Edit: removed ace race L
Top 2: Red, Teal
Middle 3: Cerulean, Emerald, Ginger
Bottom 5: Purple, Mint, Pink, Yellow, Sapphire
Four Biggest Competitors For the Crown
Red Reindeers: Punz, George, Krinios, Eret
Best Games: Battle Box, Parkour Tag (Krinios/Eret stats skewed), Survival Games
Worst Games: Grid Runners, Sands of Time, Hole in the Wall
Position: 1st (i believe in this team they're pretty well-rounded)
Teal Turkeys: Sapnap, Tommy, Philza, Sneeg
Best Games: Sky Battle, Hole in the Wall, Battle Box
Worst Games: Build Mart, Grid Runners, Sands of Time
Position: 2nd (super-buffed team. kinda like mcc18 mustard.)
Emerald Elves: Dream, Ranboo, Tubbo, Slimecicle
Best Games: Battle Box, Sky Battle, TGTTOS
Worst Games: Build Mart, Sands of Time, Survival Games
Position: 3rd (Ranboo/Tubbo 3rd place curse?)
Ginger Breadmen: Pete, Gem, Grian, Solidarity
Best Games: Build Mart, Grid Runners, Sands of Time
Worst Games: Parkour Tag, TGTTOS, Battle Box
Position: 4th (if build mart and sands of time are the last two games definitely switch with teal)
Other Teams that I Genuinely Stand a Chance With the Right Game Order
Cerulean Candy Canes: fruitberries, awesamdude, Gumi, Ryguyrocky
Best Games: Survival Games, Hole in the Wall, TGTTOS
Worst Games: Battle Box, Parkour Tag, Sands of Time (this wouldn't have happened if H were here)
Position: 5th (never underestimate fruity b. also i think sam might do a lot better than he did last time around)
Purple Penguins: TapL, Seapeekay, Wisp, Nihachu
Best Games: Battle Box, Parkour Tag, Survival Games
Worst Games: Build Mart, Hole in the Wall, Grid Runners
Position: 6th (i'm totally biased. i want them to win. this was so hard to put them so low)
Yellow Yaks: Quig, Captain, Kara, Michael
Best Games: Battle Box, Build Mart, TGTTOS
Worst Games: Survival Games, Grid Runners, Sands of Time
Position: 7th (i dont think Quig is the person to get the Captain to win but they could very easily be in top 5. i'm very much underestimating this team)
Pink Parrots: Jack Manifold, Wilbur, Scott, Shubble
Best Games: Build Mart, Grid Runners, TGTTOS
Worst Games: Sky Battle, Battle Box, Hole in the Wall
Position: 8th (i love this team for the vibes but they're probably not going to take the crown)
Mint Mistletoes: Martyn, Joel, Ren, False
Best Games: Build mart, Sands of Time, Grid Runners
Worst Games: Sky Battle, Parkour Tag, Hole in the Wall
Position: 9th (i love this team cuz martyn and joel are two of the funniest people but they're not gonna win but that is okay with me cuz its time for martyn inthelittlewood and joel smallishbeans to carry the renfalse duo)
Other Teams that Won't Win But Are Super Loveable
Sapphire Santas <3
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y4rdbird · 3 years
mcc vod time: pink parrots 17
I am back with hopefully better typing skills. it is time for pink parrots <3 once again I am not an expert and these are my opinions lol. Im not going over every game and not getting super into analysis, this is more just for my (and hopefully your) enjoyment.
Going in I wanted to say this team needed to be viewed a bit differently then other teams, as sasha and zues are different kinds of players then most others, in the fact that they. don’t play minecraft lol. I went in not expecting that much from these two, and was blown away by them. By the end of the event they both went up around 15 individual scores then their typical placements, and carried their weight. proud of my simmers <3 alright appreciation time over. time for actual game commentary!
Hole In The Wall
starting off strong, hole in the wall! first round sasha and zues got 39th and 40th and fruit and illumina got 1st and 2nd. comedy. hitw is a more individual based game so not much to say other then I enjoyed illuminas very panicked wall calls. really throughout the entire event this team made me laugh so much and made this one of my favorite teams of all time.
Sky Battle
up next sky battle <3 this game made me realize zues is a GREAT support. throughout the entire event he was great and keeping calm and giving comms but this showed a lot during sky battle. after dying trying to get into miss they decided to go bonkers and immediately secure mid. king fruitberries being a mad lad and going to mid 10 seconds into the game. pink was definitely at a disadvantage by the time other teams arrived at mid and got overtaken quickly, so their is room for improvement. overall still enjoyable though so 10/10 in my heart.
Grid Runners
I love krypticzues.
Sands Of Time
sands of time time!! so many thoughts here. to start off, sandkeeper sasha!! she did amazing communicating time and zues as support sandkeeper worked super well. going back for keys as soon as they knew what vault path they were on was smart and got them two vaults early on.
unfortunately it seems both illumina and tommy (cyan) both fell victim to the same ravager trap after opening a vault. those ravagers have a taste for blood and coins. illumina did open the gold vault and they all got out, so overall good sands of time!
So. I don’t think anyone expected pink to get to dodgebolt, but they suprised everyone and did SO well. pink 17 my beloved. sasha and zues carried.
That being said I loved this dodgebolt so much. like genuinely probably one of my all time favorites to watch from both povs. im ecstatic that the simmers got to dodgebolt even if they didn’t win, because they did AMAZING and worked hard to get there. the arrow splitting from both teams made it that much sweeter and overall I just. loved this mcc. it was so fun and pinks pov was so entertaining to watch
that is all I have to say, Ive been putting off finishing writing this for a week. hopefully this was a good read and if you haven’t watched pinks vod yet PLEASE do. it was so good. that is all <3
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
More MCC AU: Gloves!
-Almost always top 10 or 5 individually since a lot of the stages require speed or movement! Team is like, always midscore. Top 10 at least
-Preferred teammates are always Emperor, Half-Rims, and Prince! People still cheer for that team to happen
-ABSOLUTELY CRACKED at Hole in the Wall, Ace Race, TGTTOSAWAF, Grid Runners, and Parkour Tag. ESPECIALLY parkour tag.
-Sucks at Build Mart but will get all the materials for the gang
-Very fast, very good at communicating, terrible at leading.
-Part of the reason they're good is because they treat it less like a competition and more like just. a fun event. They don't get blinded by competitiveness and instead just. Has fun.
Legendary teams
-Green Guardians (Half Rims, Clip-ons, and Straps) The gang won that MCC, actually!
-Pink Parrots (Emperor, Rider, Goggles) practically a double date for them! didn't win, but they made it to dodgebolt
-Aqua Axolotls (Prince, Goggles, Hachi) Due to the chaos, Prince practically was the babysitter of this team despite being the youngest.
-Red Rabbits (Army, Rider, Double Egg) THE BISEXUALS STRIKE AGAIN
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premayogan · 5 years
Minecraft Marketplace December 2018’s Top 10 Creations: Exponential Growth
December used to be the Minecraft Market’s greatest month but. Downloads skyrocketed to 10,872,443 on Home windows 10, iOS and Android, Xbox One, and Nintendo Transfer. December doubled the four.57 million downloads from November, which in flip doubled October’s 2.26 million. The exponential expansion for the Minecraft Market is because of numerous components. The Minecraft Staff is liberating extra loose promotional content material. This contains pieces such because the Catastrophic Pandamonium international, which Market author GameMode One in-built partnership with Microsoft. Catastrophic Pandamonium is a loose obtain that highlights the Minecraft’s up to date cat and panda creatures. Of December’s 10.87 million downloads, Catastrophic Pandamonium represented greater than four million of the ones. Along with the loose content material, the Minecraft Market is making the most of timing and advanced options. December is among the greatest occasions of the yr for live-service video games. Individuals who get new smartphones, consoles, or PCs for the gift-giving vacations go back to one thing like Minecraft or to take a look at it for the primary time. And with higher seek and promotional options, The Minecraft Staff has become its Market into a big enchantment. Let’s get to the charts.
Best 10 maximum downloaded
Catastrophic Pandamonium via Gamemode One: “Welcome to the Minecraft Maintain, a sanctuary for the mobs of Minecraft. Your dream process is set to develop into a nightmare while you notice the pandas are lacking!” Iciness Items Package via Minecraft: “Whether or not you had been naughty or great this yr (with a bit of luck great!), this package is our vacation present to you! Remaining iciness, we gave away superb skins, worlds, and adventures from a few of your favorite Market group creators. And now you’ll be able to obtain all of them once more on this package of Iciness Wonders!” Minecraft Texture Replace Beta via Minecraft: “The peculiar Minecraft Texture Replace has been at the Java Version in beta for reasonably some time, and now it’s after all on Bedrock! We’re renovating the outdated textures of Minecraft and sharpening them up for a brand new starting. Don’t panic! This received utterly overhaul the glance of Minecraft — those new textures simply give it a much-needed replace! Inspiration Island via Minecraft: “Consult with Inspiration Island, a floating theme park international stuffed with inventive demanding situations. Whether or not you might be new to Inventive Mode or simply want somewhat further inspiration, a discuss with right here units you at the trail to craft your personal groundbreaking worlds.” Red Parrot Birthday party Position via Minecraft: “A party of all issues pink parrot celebration and palace! Grasp the mechanics of fireworks, armor stands, jukeboxes, and banners. Traverse a jungle island to discover a huge parrot temple.” Legacy Pores and skin Pack via Minecraft: “Get cracking with those starter skins and outdated favorites introduced over from Minecraft editions of yore.” Grid Runners via Noxcrew: “Tackle Noxcrew’s Grid Runners: a mini-game map made up of vintage Minecraft demanding situations the place you’ll be able to craft, mine and soar your solution to victory. Compete towards the clock for the quickest occasions and staff up with all your pals to determine who’s without equal Minecraft champion! This can be a loose map, created solely for Minecon Earth 2018.” ABSTRACTION: Minecon Earth via Jigarbov Productions: “That includes the emblems that had been simply begging to be performed on, MINECON EARTH has floating landmasses with a stunning quantity of hidden secrets and techniques and demanding situations.” Luxurious Existence via PixelHeads: “Luxurious Existence is a global the place you role-play existence as a billionaire. Cruise the streets in a sports activities automotive or any of the 10 different automobiles, discover sumptuous mansions and adorn with furnishings!” Aquatic Existence via Cyclone Designs: “Get in a position for a sensible aquarium enjoy with Aquatic Existence! Dive into massive tanks and swim with whale sharks! Uncover unhealthy shark species and hop on a ship and feed the Piranhas!”
Best 10 best grossing
Luxurious Existence via PixelHeads: “Luxurious Existence is a global the place you role-play existence as a billionaire. Cruise the streets in a sports activities automotive or any of the 10 different automobiles, discover sumptuous mansions and adorn with furnishings!” The Nightmare Earlier than Christmas via Minecraft: “A nightmare? Earlier than Christmas? Experience this themed pack via Minecraft.” Town Mash-Up via Everbloom Studios: “With over 1,000 hand-detailed rooms, there are tales, secrets and techniques, and mini-games round each nook. Construct with town’s complete texture pack on your personal worlds or tackle any function you’ll be able to believe!” Aquatic Existence via Cyclone Designs: “Get in a position for a sensible aquarium enjoy with Aquatic Existence! Dive into massive tanks and swim with whale sharks! Uncover unhealthy shark species and hop on a ship and feed the Piranhas!” CampCraft via Blockworks: “A limitless wasteland awaits you and your pals in CampCraft. Uncover wooded area animals, trip camper vehicles, toast marshmallows, sit down across the campfire and arrange your personal camp!” Town Existence via PixelHeads: “Cruise throughout the giant town in Town Existence! Chase down a bandit on your police automotive, save the day as a firefighter or take your canine for a stroll.” Spooky Pizza Position via InPvP: “Do you dare to go into? Attempt to continue to exist all the waves with 5 customized monsters. Contains pizzeria and surrounding structures.” Immersion: Chicago via Shapescape: “Immerse your self in Chicago, the windy town. Consult with the river with your pals, race throughout the streets and roleplay your day by day existence.” Tremendous Adorable Texture Pack via Minecraft: “The Tremendous Adorable Texture Pack permits you to create a happy international stuffed with the cutest and cuddliest mobs! Bouncing bunnies, ultra-adorable unicorns, sensible bumblebees and, er, burgers? Sure, burgers! This texture pack comes with 15 skins.” Millionaire Mansions via Noxcrew: “Discover the town stuffed with stunning mansions, sports activities automobiles, and a brand new toolset that can assist you to design your dream space. Noxcrew’s Inventive Toolbox is highest for roleplay or construction with your pals.” Read the full article
0 notes
nerdyenby · 1 year
Pink time :D I’m watching Scar
I’ve literally watched three scar videos today but I’ve missed him so much <333
I forgot Tubbo and Scar were called slushie duo :(( /pos
Scar praying to Scott for a desertduo buildmart 😭
Boatem team isn’t a want it’s a need
Scar’s “Is that a bad boy??” when he sees Joel across the lobby
“It says ‘gullible’ on the ceiling” “Does it? No, it says ‘3’” “… don’t worry about it” Beky and Tubbo my beloveds
Parkour Tag
Did Ant just say he was… tossing??
It’s literally the bare minimum but people using they/them for Aimsey means everything to me
This team’s comms are insane :D
Beky supremacy!!!!
“Vex on vex violence!!” “WHAT DOES THAT MEAN” slushie duo is everything actually
They’re so good at encouraging and hyping each other up :))
Tubbo first swear in the first game lmao
Pink parrots 2nd in parkour tag????? They’re so cool <333
Rocket Spleef
Immediate Ant swear lol
Was collecting data for this entire game so I have nothing else to say except sorry for being so neurodivergent today /j
Why do they want sot early??
Sands of Time
I talk fast too so keep in mind that I’m a hypocrite but Ant stresses me out so bad in sot, he’s not even doing anything wrong he just always sounds so frantic that it freaks me out a lil
Tubbo seems a lil high strung rn ngl
Okay yeah, this team is lacking in confidence, I fully believe they could do well but they were all so frazzled and this was a hard sands
Sky Battle
Why is Tubbo so mean to blue??? I know it’s not mean spirited but like, cmon man
Tubbo and Ant are so stressful to listen to 😭
Scar and his barn strat my beloved <333
“I got a kill!!…… myself..” Scar 😂
“They’re not coming from our right, I got that on lock” Scar mvp
Yo they won!!!
Tubbo losing his absolute mind and Scar just “uh hey guys? We won”
Scar’s face when we have the 6th swear by the start of halftime 🙃 lmao
Slushie time :D
Ace Race
“I’m gonna fail at that- I didn’t!!! Did you see that confidence?” So true Scar
“Unfortunate times with Scar today”
Ant saying Scar’s toe tip helped and getting first :))
Battle Box
Ant is such a tryhard /pos
I could not care less if it’s actually concrete, it’s always gonna be wool in our hearts <33
Wool time :D
Beating the top three teams and almost no one else is so iconic of them
The way Ant tries to give Tubbo a compliment and he says “No, definitely not” 😂
Grid Runners
It feels like they’re just breezing through these rooms lol
That golf was so clean
Why are Tubbo and Beky saying everything twice lol
Their push-up comms are so painful, it wasn’t bad just chaotic
“Dyslexic duo had some trouble with the hints”
Team bonus!!!!
Scar top 15 both rounds so far!!!
“There are like no coins between fourth and fifth” “There’s literally no coins in this game”
Tubbo’s commentary 😂
Toby doing the absolute most to avoid acknowledging Ranboo’s existence sure is something lol
Talking about how both of these teams deserve this win is so real
Everyone cheering on False :D
This team wanting a replay :))
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literaphobe · 2 years
how do you think george’s team will fare with these games? I know pink parrots aren’t people’s favorites but I just wanna hear your opinion regarding george at least. I want him to do well and have fun
oh im always down to discuss george’s team :) u can ask me how i think any team will do. it’s always relevant bc either i like some of the players in the team or i care bc they’re competing against dream. anyway! tgttosawaf and ace race getting taken out isn’t too great for pink, because they have some of the most well rounded players, as in they’re all of mid-high/high skill levels, unlike some teams where its like some Very High skill level players + mid skill level etc etc so for a team like pink games that test individual skill are a good thing.
however! hole in the wall will be very good for them bc ranboo does very very well at the game and george is also one of the top hitw players, i see them doing well in team games and certain movement games, i def think they’ll do better than average on these games: sands of time, hole in the wall, grid runners, possibly build mart and Maybe parkour tag. also if they manage to stick together as a team they could potentially pop off Hard in the pvp games too
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