#if you play a lot and make it further up the ladder then you become what we refer to in the business as Completely Dead Inside.
thecubes · 5 months
i was going to bully myself into writing more but i just remembered i can play ptcg on my phone instead so im doing that
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jazziejax · 11 months
Beloved Arachnid
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Being raised by your grandparents was basically like growing up alone. Especially in such a capitalistic city where they were only focused on making the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer. Where the people that were supposed to love you only focused on how much further they could climb the social ladder and gain more. And Honey was tired of conforming to a life she did not enjoy.
And since she had no one there for her when she needed it, she made it her mission to be there for all. Animals, children, old people, she took on a lot of responsibility in hopes of making the people around her, better.
All of the inner city people knew who Honey was. Brooklyn, Harlem, Bronx, and Queens. She helped kids study, played games with them, helped elders run errands and helped out at local shelters and food drives. She even opened her own organization to look after children when their parents were at work. She was loved immensely by lots of people and her beauty was just a bonus.
And the love she received from those communities almost made up for the love that was absent in her home. Almost.
Because when she went home, she had to deal with the constant nitpicking from her grandmother about her academic achievements, her talents, her looks. And her grandfather was never there since he was always working for the next evolutionary breakthrough in science. So when she couldn’t do what she loved, taking care of those in need, she placed her focus elsewhere.
At the top of her grandparents penthouse, was an old greenhouse full of dead plants. That’s where she spent lots of her time trying to revive the tattered, see-though dome into a colorful place full of plant life. And with a little elbow grease, a random cat and her family’s money, she turned the place into a home away from home. A home away from home, where she got bitten by a radioactive spider and developed powers overnight.
And with this new power, she took her caring nature to a whole new level and became the city’s one and only Spider person. Thats not true. New York already had a spider vigilante by the named Scarlet-Web. So Honey just stuck to her regular duties with helping those communities in need on a deeper level.
She grew older, helping fight crime every now and then. Everything was as normal as it could be in her life. As normal as it could be considering she was the heir to millions of dollars and forced to go to school to become a scientist. So, yeah, pretty normal.
Normal until a group people walked through a portal and told her she was a royal alien.
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Note- I’m gonna be writing this over here and over on Wattpad! Tgis is the prologue of my series Beloved Arachnid!!! I’ve been seeing so many spider verse fics and some are good but I need more ‘x black reader’ fics because Black Girls need love too! This is a rough draft because I don’t really know what kind of a direction I want to go in yet but…yeah.
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maximwtf · 6 months
 “A momentary escape”
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Stede Bonnet x Reader
words: 1590
google docs pages: 3,5
warnings: Description of noise related overstimulation. 
opening: The noise from a celebration happening on the ship gets a little too much for you, and you decide to retreat to somewhere a little quieter. Though, someone soon notices your absence. 
AN// Reader can be any gender! For absolutely no reason I’ve been really overstimulated for days now and this is the result of that. Also a chance to learn how to write for Stede. (Apologies if this appears lazy, I’m tired as all hell but felt like writing this out) I'll be back on the requests soon <3
 “A momentary escape”
The Revenge’s crew were having a ‘small’ celebration as they had put it. Though, by your definition what they were having was a whole ball. It might have started as something small, but once the rum and music had truly come to play, it might have gotten a little out of hand. And now by the sound of it they might as well have been dancing the hornpipe for all you knew. You’d retreated a little further away from all the noise, not being able to see what truly was going on. At the very least, the sea shanties were sung rather loud, you being able to hear the singing through the wooden walls. It was all getting a little too much. Too much noise from too many directions, an overwhelming amount. It had started to feel like there were multiple tv channels on at the same time, some of them being just static noise. 
So you’d seen it best to leave silently and make your way from the galley to the main deck through the lower deck. You didn’t want to go off on anyone for simply having fun, knowing how snappy you might become if you’d stayed for longer. 
Even the main deck had gotten a little messy before the crew had ultimately decided to leave as the evening started getting colder. A soft, yet amused huff left your nose, knowing Izzy wouldn’t be thrilled tomorrow morning. Some poor hangover crew member would be mopping the deck clean as soon as the first mate’s gaze would land on the mess. 
You shook your head, the thoughts mixing with the overstimulation in your mind. You needed some peace and quiet, a place where you could be alone and as far away from noise as possible. Sure, there was room on the deck, but it felt like anyone could have appeared to come and bother you. Your eyes landed on a ladder that led to the crowsnest. There. No one would be looking for anyone from up there. 
You took a lantern with you, having to hang it from your mouth while climbing the ladder. The flame in it, being so close, warmed your collar. It would have been nice in the cool weather, but you were more scared it would light you on fire if you didn’t make it to the top quicker. After making it through the lubber’s hole, you placed the lantern on the right side, seating yourself on the left. 
The waves hitting the bow of the ship and swaying the vessel felt a little more intense from the height you were in. But you didn’t fear getting seasick from it, your mind was too busy being too loud. Without even noticing you’d started chewing on your inner lip while leaning on the mast behind you. A muffled sound of the celebration happening below deck was still coming through, all the way up to the crowsnest, but it was a lot better this way. 
The air was slightly colder than you would have liked, the feeling of your fingertips getting colder bringing up the realisation. Sometimes a gush of wind would hit the fabric of the sails and cause a silent noise. A couple of waves would hit the bow of the ship, the splash of them audible if you focused on the sound. With a deep breath your gaze landed on the surface of the sea, trying to calm down by following the movements of the water. 
Time passed, but you didn’t feel much better. The muffled racket still haunting you enough to make it almost impossible to calm down. The sound of the ladder hitting the mast irritated you, but only after the initial anger did you realise that the sound was caused by someone being on the ladder. “Who-” You started, but didn’t have to ask the rest. Stede’s head appeared through the lubber’s hole, before he was able to climb higher and stand up on the platform. “Oh, there you are. Quite a party down there, aye?” He’d said before that. 
You stared at the man quietly, irritated by the sound of him talking but not wanting to upset him by telling him to leave when he’d just gotten up there. “Now, why are you here alone? It’s rather awfully cold up here.” He spoke, kneeling down a little to get to your level. Closing your eyes and placing your palms over them, you took a moment. “I needed some air.” You said, voice slightly muffled from speaking in a lower tone. By the sound of it, Stede had sat down as well. He wasn’t going to leave. 
“Ah, I see. Well, at the very least take my coat, it is cold up here after all.” He said, the sound of him sliding his arm out of one of the coat’s sleeves following after. You lowered your hands, the other forming into a fist beside you. “Stede, shut up…be quiet.” You said in a rather desperate voice, taking another breath. You had no idea how this man was able to keep up such a one sided conversation either. You’d barely replied to anything he’d said, yet he kept talking to you. A sweet thing, in any other situation. 
Stede had fallen quiet for a moment after that, his mouth slightly agape as he thought of what to say, not sure if he should have even said ‘of course’. The captain’s mouth closed. He took a more comfortable position on the platform, moving his gaze to where yours was. On the water. You hadn’t told him to leave, only to be quiet. And he wanted to respect that, wait for you to maybe say something. 
A more comfortable silence filled the air. Almost like the appearance of Stede had silenced some of the noise coming from below deck. Almost like all the noise in your mind had gotten silenced along with it. This also allowed you to think of what you’d said previously. The man had just tried to be kind, offering his coat and asking why you’d left. “I’m sorry about that.” You said along a sigh. This gained the attention of the blonde captain quickly, as his eyes turned on your huddled up form. “Oh, It’s alright. Are you okay?” He asked, his hands playing with the buttons of the coat as he worried for your well being. He’d noticed your absence rather quickly, but taken more time than expected to finally find you. “Yeah, the…noise got a little overwhelming, is all.” You said, voice attempting to betray you as it shook. Not out of any emotion, but it was starting to get cold. Your hands had lost all warmth some time ago, but you could also feel the cold creep up to your face, feeling your jaw start losing its warmth. It made talking a little harder, having to speak more slowly. 
You couldn’t see Stede all too well, but his expression had softened. A more concerned yet gentle look on his face now. “Ah, I see. They did get a little rowdy, I admit. Would you rather me leave? I wasn’t sure earlier.” He said, tone almost apologetic after realising that you’d most likely left to be alone for a moment. You shook your head, and replied. “Stay, please?” To which he gave you a nod, lifting the coat. “Would you like to find a quieter place? My cabin is mostly sound proof.” He suggested, clearly seeing you were starting to freeze. You turned to look at him, tilting your head slightly. “Won’t you be needed? The crew will come asking for you soon, I presume?” You asked, not even quite sure how no one had yet come on the main deck to look for the man. Stede chuckled silently, shaking his head. “I doubt they even noticed I left. So?” He raised his eyebrows slightly, waiting for your answer. 
It would only get colder from here, forcing you to give him a slow nod. Though, the warmth of a cabin didn’t sound bad. “Sure.” You said, standing up. Stede smiled gently as he stood up with you, offering the coat again. He didn’t say much more, only happy that he was able to offer a place of respite when you needed it. “Thank you.” You said, pulling the coat over your shoulders. It felt heavy, not used to wearing such fancy clothing. You didn’t even know which part of it weighed so much, like a small back bag. “Of course.” Stede smiled, allowing you to go down the ladder first, following only after you’d gotten back down on the main deck. 
You watched Stede descend, waited until he was next to you once more. Even in the dark, you could have sworn you saw his hand rise and suddenly stop. “Is it okay if I-” The captain asked in a rushed tone, seemingly still careful around you, not wanting to be the cause of your distress. You smiled faintly, taking his hand in yours. The touch felt comforting, mostly because the man’s hand was still somehow warmer than yours. Stede gave you a gentle smile, leading you towards his quarters in a comfortable silence. Suddenly the disturbing noise was all gone, not even the speaking sounded louder than it truly was. But the silence was still a comfort. 
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demonslayedher · 7 months
Sugoroku: The High-Key Divorce AU
While @reicchel / @sweetreichel was visiting, I wanted to play KnY Sugoroku (which is essentially Shoots and Ladders with events, and it also happens to be Zenitsu's favorite game). You might recall I have two game board versions from pizza boxes and one from the Osaka Metro collab, but I got a wonderfully terrible idea.
Instead of playing one board, we played all three.
With ten characters.
We stayed up until 3am whispering and choked for air as we nearly died laughing, being the silly fangirls we are.
(Read more below for the digest, with a few illustrations)
Also, you might recall that she has inspired a lot of my Low-Key Married GiyuShino AU ideas. That spelled trouble. She wanted to play Giyuu since he is her favorite, and I always play Shinobu. Right away, we kept spelling more trouble as we started assembling the rest of the teams.
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So that was our set-up. Giyuu and Shinobu were getting a divorce.
Giyuu assembled some Pillars on his team (it was him, Inosuke, Rengoku, Uzui, and Murata), while Shinobu took most of the kids (it was her, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao, and Zenitsu.
On the first turn, everyone but Murata wound up on the same square, mostly for having fought some demons in a castle and advancing there. Murata got a stomachache after eating too many Osaka specialty foods.
We very soon determined that the reason for this divorce was a very terrible argument over baseball.
You see, Giyuu landed on the square that says "yay, you watched a baseball game and your team won, move forward two spaces" while Shinobu landed on the square that says "you watched a baseball game and your team lost, go back one space." She landed here twice. The only other time I played this Sugoroku board, she also landed here, and spent the rest of the game being very sour about it. At least in the realm of my Sugoroku canon, Shinobu is VERY invested in her baseball team.
So this was a disaster waiting to happen. The only other character to land on these spaces was Tanjiro, whose team lost, so we understood why he initially took Shinobu's side in the divorce. Giyuu didn't have to gloat!! However much the loss stings, though, Tanjiro is a forgiving person, and he spends most of the game trying to get them to reconcile.
Rengoku also becomes invested in trying to get them to reconcile. He lands on the "lose one turn shopping in Osaka" square right after Giyuu does, and Rengoku loses that turn because he's talking Giyuu out of making things worse by purchasing huge amounts of baseball merch to gloat and rub things in.
Uzui, however, at times later in the game became very invested in keeping them divorced when Giyuu was desiring reconciliation. He's competitive and on Giyuu's team and doesn't want to lose, after all. Granted, this is only after Uzui has had some major setbacks after having spent the first half of the game constantly rolling sixes and staying ahead of everybody (except Nezuko, how in the world did she gain on him so fast??? Didn't she fall asleep on the wrong train somewhere?? (She did.)).
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Ah, yes. At the end of the Osaka board there's a "a strong demon appears, retreat for now! Go back one space" square. When Rengoku landed here, we could only assume it was Akaza, though it wouldn't be characteristic for Rengoku to retreat. However, he joined Giyuu on that square he retreated to, and in the following turns they both rolled 3's and advanced to the following board. We interpreted this as the two of them having teamed up and defeated Akaza together.
By the time Shinobu got stuck at this space a couple times, though, nobody was there to help her. She fell further and further behind, preparing herself for what was likely to be her final battle, against Douma. She's had a really long day--her baseball team losing, getting divorced--but somehow she barely survives this battle that should had killed her! Now what? What does she have left to live for?
Right after this, Inosuke landed on a "Shinobu helps you (with medical treatment), lose 1 turn" space, but we flipped the tables and decided Inosuke went back to help Shinobu instead, since she's in bad shape. This helps her at the start of the first of the two Pizza-La boards, and Inosuke thereafter has totally forgotten there were different teams in the first place. Shinobu soon goes on to get stuck in a long, repetitive argument with Haganezuka. She's having a very, very, very long day. (Later I accidentally moved her to the wrong space because we were having a very long night. I then moved her to the correct one, where she lost a turn because all the other Pillars were very disappointed in her for cheating.)
Very early on in the Osaka Metro board, Kanao beat Rengoku in a speed bentou eating contest. He was very impressed and immediately asked her to be his Tsuguko, which she declined. On the second Pizza-la board, she and Rengoku are also the only ones to land on the "the bentou is umai! move forward 3 spaces!" square. Every time Rengoku sees her, he greets her as his Tsuguko, but she simply says "I'm not your Tsuguko." (This is all fun and games until you realize Kanao probably gained her skills for eating that fast because when she was little if she didn't eat fast, she probably didn't eat at all.)
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One of those other chance rolls is "Fix a train with Giyuu! If you roll a 2, you succeed, move forward two spaces! If you roll a 6, you failed, move back three spaces." Murata landed here. Giyuu was already on the following game board by then, so he tossed him a wrench. Murata rolled a 6, so the wrench hit him in the head.
Nezuko continued moving very smoothly through this game, though she did get a little stuck when she kept startling a Kakushi and had to go back to the square before. She won pretty early (giving Shinobu some satisfaction that her team won), and Kanao joined the Winner's Circle not long after (giving Shinobu even more satisfaction).
Zenitsu was just kind of Zenitsu and didn't do anything especially interesting in the game. He joined Nezuko-chan in the Winner's Circle without much difficulty. Inosuke also didn't have much trouble.
Funny, the kids were generally doing much better than the Pillars were. I think Murata even joined them around the middle of the game, but I forgot when because no one pays that much attention to Murata.
Not Tanjiro though. Tanjiro sucks at this game.
Roughly one after another, Uzui, Giyuu, and Tanjiro all hit the same "return to start" Muzan square at the end of the second board.
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So, since it's canonical, we had them all lose arms (but gain experience, as Rengoku went on to continuously remind Tanjiro). We did spare them having to go back to the previous board, though, and instead had them go back to the start of that second board. They struggled their way through with some low roles, but in a tender turn of events, Giyuu and Tanjiro both landed on the "you pass Urokodaki's training, go forward two spaces" square. How touching that Urokodaki was able to see that they had survived the encounter with Muzan! He helped them work on one-handed techniques. Uzui, however, avoided that square because one-handed or not, he's awesome and doesn't need training.
Shortly after this, although Shinobu's day doesn't improved much, Tanjiro lands on the "receive medical treatment from Shinobu, lose one turn" square. She is stunned to see Tanjiro in this state, and then in comes Giyuu, too. Giyuu, by this time, is desperate to try to patch things up with Shinobu, but Shinobu knocks him out with medicine while giving him medical treatment. She's very worked up about his condition, out of concern for him as a Pillar. After all, they are Pillars first, and whatever-they-were second. Uzui skips the medical treatment square; he's awesome and doesn't need it.
So eventually--a long eventually--later, everyone left winds up kind of around the same spot on the third game board. Rengoku and Tanjiro wind up on the same square and Rengoku is using that chance to teach Tanjiro some Breath technique to help them against Muzan, who must be showing up soon. Shinobu lands shortly ahead of them, and then Giyuu winds up there too.
Alone together at last!! At long last!!!
They has things out, they patch things up, and they agree never to speak about baseball ever again. Rengoku and Tanjiro have been eavesdropping from their square and they cheer. Uzui just wants to hurry up and get this game over with.
They all wind up moving like a pack toward those last squares. They are ready to face Muzan together!
And they are all fine, except for Uzui, who blazed ahead of everyone only to wind up losing an eye to Muzan this time and having to start over on this third game board. Everyone watches from the Winner's Circle and goads him as he grumbles his way around the board, including landing on the "the Pillars put pressure on you, lose a turn" square. So it was like everyone who wasn't already in the winner's circle assembled just to shake at their head at him and be disappointed in his for letting his ego get out of control.
But you can't keep a good Uzui down. He then lands on the "Go forth flamboyantly with Uzui! Go forward 4 spaces!" square, which helps him find his stride, and this time he plows through Kibutsuji Muzan. The end.
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mittenwonders · 3 months
A Good Self Concept is a Good Life
I had a lot going on last year and honestly this year has been off to a rocky start too. It’s easy to get back into a funk sometimes, but that’s life right? You can’t appreciate the highs without the lows. But after a while when it seems like anything that could go wrong is happening around me, I know I’ve gotten off track in my mindset. So time to refocus and work on some improvement. We all can use some improvement right, so I thought I would share what works for me with others who might be interested.
I truly do believe in the law of assumption. Notice I said assumption, not attraction! Anyone who tries to sell you law or attraction garbage is after a quick cash grab. You do not need to be in some high vibration or happy all the time in order to get anything you want. Who the hell can be happy 24/7? We’re not robots! However it’s your mindset and how you view your world. If you haven’t, read up on Neville Goddard. He’s kinda the godfather of law of assumption though I’m sure it dates back further; he just happened to be the one who coined the term and really dug into it. Just like Newtons laws of motion: a body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion, the law of assumption is anything you assume to be true is true.
So if you think you’re beautiful, then you are! And people will compliment you nonstop. If you truly believe you’re a great painter, you will be and people will scramble to buy your work. This concept can be applied to anything. Ever notice other coworkers will talk about that jerk Sarah, but you’ll say “oh I don’t know, Sarah has always been nice to me.” That’s the law. You assume Sarah is nice and she is….to you. Neville talks about a ladder technique. If you imagine climbing up and down a ladder, eventually at some point over the next hours to few days, you will start to see a ladder almost anywhere you look. If you think about a friend you haven’t spoken to a while and think of how great it’d be to hear from them, chances are they will call or text. It’s not coincidence but your subconscious manifesting these desires.
Honestly it’s the easiest thing. Manifesting has turned into a lifestyle for me as it has for thousands of others. However it does take discipline and focus. It’s easy to manifest free food or a close parking spot but a lot of people struggle with other areas. I always say the fastest way to get anything you want is to focus on yourself first.
In order to become a master at the law, you need a great self concept. Self love is the key to unlocking almost anything in your life. I won’t sugar coat it but it is not easy at first. I fell off the bandwagon countless times yelling why isn’t this working?! I think we all have things we don’t like about ourselves or we wish were different. But you have to shift from the negative thinking to positive when it comes to you. If you pass by a mirror, give yourself some compliments. Tell yourself what you love about yourself: “Damn my hair is perfect today! My skin is flawless!” My personal favorite: “damn look at dat ass!” And I don’t mean just self appearance either. Compliment yourself throughout the day on other things. You’re such a nice person! Everyone loves you! You’re so talented at playing guitar. You’re a good cook!
Affirmations for me have been the key. I robotically affirm nonstop throughout the day when I’m doing tasks that don’t require much thought like taking a shower or washing dishes. Pick 1-3 affirmations of things you want to focus on and just loop it in your head. Your affirmations should also be in present tense like you already have it. So say you have acne prone skin you want to change. Your affirmation should be: I have perfect clear skin. Make sense? You say as if you have it already.
You’ll sound like a broken record to yourself but the key is doing enough repetitions that your brain creates new neural pathways. Your conscious mind that is saying these affirmations will ingrain into your subconscious where you will no longer have to focus or think if this is true or not. Your subconscious will automatically just know “wow you have a great skin!” And what happens with the law? Your skin starts to improve to what you affirmed for. You can do this with self love with just repeating “I love myself” over and over. I promise it works! It’s a bit like cognitive behavioral therapy in a way without all the medical terms. You just get to have fun creating the life you want like you’re in a Lego store.
I also promise whatever you affirm for will come to you without fail. If 1 million people need to move for you to get what you want, 1 million people will move. The universe is always following the law and working in your favor. The universe is perfect in that regard. It might not happen overnight but do not give up!! I have had things happen within 3 days before of affirming nonstop. You can decide how quickly things work for you! 😉
See when you love yourself and have a healthy concept of who you are, you believe in yourself more and know that you deserve everything you want. So when you say man I want free coffee, it’s easier to manifest it into your world. If you write down attributes that you want in a partner, that person will eventually show up unexpectedly. If you truly believe you’re the best at this, then you will be. And whatever you decide you want becomes yours.
I can’t begin to explain the importance of self love. It’s the root of who you are and will carry into every aspect of your life from career, relationships, finances and more. When you take the time to work on yourself and build that confidence, your surroundings change like magic.
And all of this is backed by scientific study as well for the ones who want some type of evidence or proof. You can find countless studies online but this one is my favorite.
Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments on water molecules actually proved that our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and intentions could physically change the molecular structure of water. For example, the crystals formed with water introduced to words of “love and gratitude” were clear, big, and beautiful versus the crystals formed with words of “hate, sadness, violence” that were chaotic and sharp.
We are all energy made of atoms and these change depending on your very own thought pattern. I am part of a group on FB and I have even see people use the law for body appearance changes such as getting a slimmer nose without plastic surgery. You can literally alter your own DNA. Whatever you think, has to happen. But the key is repetition, self love and just knowing it is yours. That’s the truth!
Happy manifesting y’all!! 🥳 Go love yourselves and live your best life!!
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schrijverr · 2 years
Shifiting Perspectives
5 times Hawkins witnesses Steve be a giant mom to a gaggle of kids, who should be so much further down on the social ladder from King Steve. (Takes place between season 2 & 3).
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Steve has become a mom. He knows that he has become a mom, even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. However, there are moments where he can’t deny he would look at home between the PTA mom’s he sees in the grocery store.
Still, to most of Hawkins, he is still King Steve. A giant douche, who plays with girls’ hearts and throws loud parties, despite the fact he hasn’t been that guy in a long time.
However, the more he goes out, helping the kids, the more Hawkins sees this other side of Steve, the mom side.
Betty has been neighbors with the Harringtons for nearly twenty years now. She remembers when Steve, their little boy, was crawling around the lawn, just learning to walk, she saw him fall of his bike and watched as the cars in the driveway become less and less common as noise complaints grew.
She knows that Steve is a sweet boy, well, used to be. He used to come over for cookies and tea, but that stopped when he got to high school.
The point is, Betty has been aware of the coming and goings in the Harrington house for longer than she cares to think about. And she noticed when something changed. The parties lessen, calm returns in the neighborhood.
Most of the neighbors are glad for the respite of noise, agreeing that Steve is finally growing up into a man. Though there are rumors that he knocked up a girl and she’s hiding in the house. Or that he has finally been kicked out by his parents for all the bad behavior.
Betty doesn’t believe any of it. Steve’s car still parks there for most of the nights and he still greets her softly when he comes across her outside. Steve is a good kid at heart and he has seen his sweetheart with another boy in town. She reasons it’s just heartbreak. It’ll blow over.
So, she isn’t surprised when she hears noise on the Harrington driveway. Betty will claim that she isn’t a gossip, but she is curious, so she gets up, tea cup in hand and looks out of the window that’s still open to let in the evening breeze.
“What did I tell you little shitheads?” Steve’s voice rings clearly and the noise stops. Betty clutches her pearls at the language, before she realizes what she’s looking at.
Steve is standing in front of a gaggle of children, who can’t be older than thirteen, fourteen maybe, his hands are on his hips and he glares them all down. Once it’s clear he has their attention, he starts talking again, waving a finger in a scolding manner.
“You can play your little nerdy game at my house, I don’t care, but you will behave outside,” he tells them. “People are trying to sleep here. Inside you can make noise, but try to take others in account.”
The kids mutter something and Betty is surprised at the responsible tone in Steve’s voice. Maybe the kid truly has grown.
“Am I clear?” Steve repeats, edge in his voice. Immediately all the kids nod and Steve’s posture relaxes as he smiles. “Good. Now get to the door and I’ll order pizza.”
Again the kids make noise as they cheer, but it’s a lot quieter as they hurry to the door. Betty watches them go inside, wondering what she just witnessed. She will bring a strange story to the next tea party, that’s for sure. Steve Harrington, babysitting, what a shock.
Kenneth works in the grocery store. Well, not THE grocery store, Hawkins is too small for a proper grocery store, but he works in one of the bigger mom-n-pop shops and most people come through the doors for their necessities.
One of those people is Steve Harrington. Kenneth is used to dealing with him. He’s been trying to buy booze since he was fifteen and has had a rivalry with Kenneth from that age as well when the man refused to buy his fake ID.
Though, he hasn’t seen Harrington in a while. His lackeys came in a few times, but there was no Harrington waiting outside by their car. And Kenneth is kind of hoping Harrington is done with trying to piss off his parents.
It seems not, however.
Because Harrington comes in with a group of boys and a girl with red hair, who can’t be older than fourteen. Jesus, instead of growing up, he’s corrupting the middle schoolers. Fucking hell.
Kenneth gears himself up to fight Harrington again. He can sometimes look the other way as the boy tries to drink himself in the ground (the kid’s almost eighteen now), but this is way too far for Kenneth’s liking.
So, he is very surprised when they get to the counter and there is no alcohol in sight, just a bunch of snacks.
He is ever more surprised when Harrington picks up a bag of M&Ms and demands: “Alright, who put this here? I told you, before we went in that you all get to pick one snack. And this one suddenly appears.”
None of the kids he has with them fess up, all suddenly way more interested in looking anywhere but Harrington.
When it becomes clear none of the kids are going to speak, Kenneth watches in fascination as Harrington puts his other hand on his hip. He looks a bit like the mothers that come through the store, scolding their kids.
“I see no one has an explanation, so who volunteers to put this back on the shelve?” he asks. Still nothing. “Whoever does gets to ride shotgun,” he incentives.
The girl snatches the bag immediately as the boys all protest. However, she doesn’t move to put it back on the shelve. Harrington raises a brow at her. “So?” he prompts.
She stares back defiantly and says: “I put it in the cart. And I’m not putting it back on the shelve.”
“And do tell why not.”
“I grabbed it for El,” the girl says. “She never got to pick a snack, so I asked her and she mentioned that she liked M&Ms.” Then she raises a brow back that screams ‘your move now,’ the other kids quickly joining in and giving puppy eyes.
All the boys and Kenneth are watching the stare down, like it’s a duel. Then Harrington’s shoulders sag and he gives in: “Okay, fine. We can get the M&Ms, but if you all get sick on sugar you’re cleaning up if you throw up.”
With Harrington giving in the kids cheer and he turns to Kenneth and sighs: “This is everything, I think.”
A boy with a bowl cut, who Kenneth faintly remembers from the papers pipes up: “I forgot the orange juice, but it’s okay not to get it.”
Harrington looks down, his face softening as he gives the boy a gentle push. “No, it’s fine. Go, run and get some.”
The boy smiles and races off, Harrington smiles apologetically at Kenneth and says: “I’m sorry about that. Movie night. It gets kind of hectic.”
“It’s okay,” Kenneth manages to say, because this is honestly one of the strangest situations he has ever been in. Harrington is becoming responsible. People trust Harrington to watch over their kids. Perhaps there is still hope for the world.
King Steve. Jenny hates him. She hates him so incredibly much.
She is a bit of a nerd and in high school that means you’re relentlessly bullied for it. And while King Steve didn’t join in, he used to always be there, just watching and that felt worse somehow, like she wasn’t worth the effort to bully.
Now he doesn’t even show up for the bullying. Jenny heard things about King Steve falling from his throne with the arrival of Billy Hargrove, who is terrible, but she thinks they’ll sooner work together. Both knuckleheads, popular, jock assholes.
So, you can imagine the shock that goes through her system when she finds him in the nerdiest section of the craft store.
A part of her screams that King Steve finally deemed her worthy of bullying and is waiting for her in the aisle of the craft store. But she quickly disregards that thought as it is both ridiculous and unlikely, since he’s there with a nerdy looking kid.
For a second she thinks he’s bullying the kid, whom she recognizes as Dustin Henderson, one of the middle schoolers that she helped on an inter-school science mentor program. She’s about to step in when she hears what King Steve is saying.
“I can’t believe you forgot about this science project, Henderson,” he says, rolling his eyes as he shuffles through the shelves. “You love science.” He pulls something off the shelve. “Aha, I got it, last red one.”
The kid huffs and crosses his arms: “It’s a stupid project. I can make a volcano in my sleep, so I didn’t put it on my list.”
“Hey, smartypants, don’t say that,” King Steve scolds (and isn’t that just a trip and a half). “I know no one will ever care what your middle school science grade was, but growing up means doing stupid shit you don’t want to do. You have to learn to do that. Trust me, it will help you.”
“You never seem to do shit you don’t want to,” Dustin pouts.
Steve (because calling him King Steve while he’s lecturing a kid he, by all rights, shouldn’t know, feels weird) rolls his eyes: “Yeah, and that’s why I’m barely scraping by in school, dipshit. Don’t take me as example. And watch your damn language.”
“You said it first,” the kid protests.
“And I just told you not to take me as an example,” Steve shoots back.
“But you’re cool,” Dustin says.
Steve sighs sadly, then says: “Being cool isn’t worth it. Trust me, kid. The things you have to do to be considered cool suck and I was a dick, okay. Don’t try to be cool, just be yourself and do your science so you can get into a good college and wow the people with your smarts. You get that, Henderson?”
Jenny never expected Steve to be so self aware and to sound so sad about the kind of person people know him to be. She remembers that he hasn’t been around his usual gang in a long while. That he regrets who he used to be.
That he’s apparently buying fucking supplies for a kid he babysits (?) so that he can do his science project and learn responsibilities.
Truly the world still has miracles that science can’t explain.
She’s snapped back to the scene by Steve saying: “Oi, I didn’t hear a yes. You get that?”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, Steve,” he rolls his eyes without fear like sassing King Steve is something a nerd can get away with.
But apparently it is, because Steve smiles a fond smile and ruffles his hair. “Just keep being yourself, kid. And don’t sass me, or I’m not driving you to school tomorrow and you can try to get your volcano there by bike.”
Then they walk off, leaving Jenny there. Jenny, who hates King Steve and now isn’t even sure if he still exists.
Danny loves hiking in the forest surrounding Hawkins, watching the lakes that dot the landscape and the people that congregate around them on hot days. What can he say, he’s a bit of a people watcher, sue him.
He has seen all sorts of things. Drunken kids, first kisses, first something way more that he absolutely didn’t want to see, kids learning how to swim, boys trying to one up each other, girls sunbathing. People who are relaxed are more true, in Danny’s opinion.
Today is a hot day, so Danny is out walking. He started walking to Lake Tippecanoe, then Lover’s Lake and is now nearing Lake Jordan.
As he nears he sees the usual teens hanging around on the little beach, since Lake Jordan was more popular under the youth. It’s much the same as the other lakes, just less little kids. Watching them is peaceful and calm.
That is broken not moments later by an unusual yell at Lake Jordan. “COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW FOR SUNSCREEN. I’M LOOKING AT YOU, RED!”
There is Steve Harrington standing in trunks under a parasol, ice box at his feet and in his one hand there is indeed sunscreen, the other on his hip. A group of younger teens look back at him sheepishly, a girl with red hair sulkily walking back, the others in the group following her.
Then Danny watches as Steve Harrington makes sure all the kids have sunscreen evenly applied, doing their backs and faces for them. Then he makes them all drink water he gets from the cooler, before he allows them to the water.
As they walk, he warns: “Don’t go too far and make sure to reapply sunscreen when you get out the water.”
He gets groans back, though they’re all agreeing.
Steve stays there, watching the kids as they swim though he sits down on the chair under the parasol at some point. Danny just watches Steve.
It’s a bit odd to watch a teenager, Danny knows it, he just can’t help it. He has seen Steve around summer after summer. Everyone knows the Harrington boy and it was always easy to pick him out in the crowd, doing the most ridiculous stunts and having all the ladies around him.
Danny remembers he was more subdued less summer a petite girl under his arms. She is now gone and Steve is there with a group of children.
The whole image is nothing like what Steve is supposed to be, according to previous observations he has made. He’s supposed to be a popular guy, too cool for babysitting. For worrying about a group of teens, like he’s their brother. Or mother, if Danny is honest with himself.
However, he can’t deny how Steve looks more relaxed. His shoulders aren’t tight and his grin is too broad to be handsome, but all the more real and when he is finally convinced by the kids’ nagging to get in the water, he is playing like a kid and laughing like one too.
All in all, it’s a curious picture, but Danny likes interesting people and watching how Steve Harrington of all people is transforming now that he’s getting older is truly fascinating.
Jeffry doesn’t know what happened between Tommy H. and Steve, but one day they were friends and the next Steve was bruised to hell and neither of them spoke to one another.
For a while after Steve was still popular, hanging around the basketball team during the breaks and walking with a swagger that said he owned the school, Nancy under his arm.
However, Nancy disappeared from under his arm and he started walking like had more important things to do than be in high school. And slowly his popularity wavered, especially when Billy showed up and practically usurped him, though Steve seemed to mind less than everyone had expected.
Even before that Jeffry heard the rumors of how Steve became a total loser, getting stuck with a babysitting job that he took way too seriously. But that sounded absurd to Jeffry. He’d known Steve and Steve would never, never, be caught dead doing something so uncool as babysit.
Yet, here he is witnessing those rumors to be true.
He is a bit earlier to school than normal today, since he has to talk with the counselor before class, something he desperately doesn’t want to do. So, he’s still hanging around in the parking lot when he sees a familiar car pull in.
Steve Harrington has arrived. He gets out of his car, sunglasses on his face, nonchalant pose as he looks around.
Then four boys get out of the car as well and Jeffry feels his eyebrows creep up his face as he watches Steve turn to the boys. He takes his sunglasses of and says: “You shrimps good to make your own way to school?”
“Yeah, Steve,” one rolls his eyes, brown hair and sharp features.
“Hey, be grateful I even drove you guys here,” Steve scolds (yeah, the great King Steve is scolding a kid in a tone that’s too fond to be meant). “I could have left your little asses right there with your bikes so you could make your own way to the arcade after school. But I’m nice, so I didn’t.”
“Thank you, Steve,” another kid with lighter brown bowl cut hair. The others quick echo him.
Now Steve rolls his eyes, but he is smiling anyway. “No problem. Now, shoo. See you twerps after school’s out.”
The four boys nod and bid their goodbyes. They’ve just started to walk away when Steve calls out: “Oi, Sinclair.”
The boys all stop, the black one turning around. That is likely Sinclair, Jeffry thinks. He wonders what the hell Steve is calling them back for alongside the rest of the boys. Then watches in shock as Steve gently does something to Sinclair’s collar, before saying: “Your tag was out.”
Okay, yeah, Jeffry doesn’t know what happened, but no one is going to believe this shit later. I mean, who would. King Steve fussing over a group of middle school children like an overly concerned mom.
Fucking hell.
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echo-s-land · 3 months
Des histoires à raconter/Stories to tell
[Gringe] Is there a drug to soothe me ?
A strong enough drug or a word to comfort me
When I’m in my delirious phases ?
Could a friend’s reassurance or the one of an attractive woman
Distance me or even cure me from a past that’s haunting me ?
And I truly tried everything, far from a hectic life, eaten away
All-nights wondering to myself in a hesitant voice :
‘Did I make the right choices ?’
Cold and scary realization
Sometimes I’d like to fall asleep and wake up the next year but
Lock away problems under a lead weight
When they resurface, often fear paralyze you
So dread hit like a groundswell
Makes it so that today I Jack Daniel’s myself again and the psychiatrist analyzes me
So many times did I cherish my demons for them to come back
Wearing myself out, without questioning myself on the life I’m living
If I take with me all these hysterical laughters, these memories of the stage
I neglected my family and even lost the girl I love [Orelsan]
What if, later
People would like to know my stories
How many of them would really be worth to be told ?
Even if, tonight
I’m moved because it’s late
Tomorrow I’d have surely forgotten everything [Orelsan]
And I run between two trains, run out of breathe between two chorus
We’re the future, we’re tomorrow has-beens
The more you hit hard, the more you’ve chances of breaking your hand
Most things I built myself on serve no purpose
When kids have kids
Nobody control, it’s the law of evolution
You die if you don’t play the right role
And I freak out, unable to tremble anymore
I came, unable to have a boner anymore
The question is to know who’s going to stab me1
Incidentally I’ll probably do it myself
Catch me, I dived without noticing the fence2 in front of the Seine3
We climbed the ladder, built projects
Took trophies, upset, shocked
I lack conviction to be a rebellious artist
I look further, machine and progress
My time is running out, so I take stock
I’d do everything to not become a lost person in my 50s [Orelsan] What if, later
People would like to know my stories
How many of them would really be worth to be told ?
Even if, tonight
I’m moved because it’s late
Tomorrow I’d have surely forgotten everything [Gringe]
You see yourself at the top of the poster, that’s it, you’re leading the artist life
You who had always wanted to be part of the finalists
That’s it everybody is looking at you, exhibit your scars
But it’s too late, without knowing you’re leaving the stage
The same people who loved you now judge and stigmatize you
You don’t give a fuck since nobody rivals
But when the curtains close and your conscience is tyrannizing you
You know the one who’s living like an egoist will end up sad [Orelsan] Mistakes make remorse and men learn as they grow up
Bad feelings come luring you towards annihilation
Like many people my age I’m eaten up by guilt
I always did everything to dodge responsibilities
I often chose to shut up, at least I was sure to not be wrong
But years pass by fast and even the Greats end up falling
In all our adventures, many moments will end up meaning a lot
If I have to go, I’d dream to have more stories to tell [Orelsan] What if, later
People would like to know my stories
How many of them would really be worth to be told ?
Even if, tonight
I’m touched because it’s late
Tomorrow I’d have surely forgotten everything [Orelsan] Stay, there are still kilometers to do
If you look back
Don’t only see emptiness
Don’t take off too fast
Wait, because there are still4
Stay, there are still kilometers to do
If you look back
Don’t only see emptiness
Don’t take off too fast
Wait, because there are still
1 : both figuratively and not. Who is going to stab him in the back and who’s going to kill him ? Probably himself
2 : didn’t find the proper translation so i chose ‘fence’ but the original word means these ‘fence’ is made of a way that hurt (it’s not barbed wire (duh) but it’s kinda like spears ? As i said, i didn’t find the correct translation)
3 : play of word between Seine and ‘scène’ (stage) ; he went to do what he found exciting and fun without watching out for the dangers and fallouts
4 : the sentence doesn’t have a proper end, it also made in a way that keeps the section in a loop, the first and last word being the same (in french)
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saishreehospital · 6 months
ACL surgery - Saishree Hospital
ACL Injury Overview
A rupture or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the robust bands of tissue that joins your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia), results in an injury. Sports like soccer, basketball, football, and downhill skiing that require rapid stops or direction changes, jumping, and landings are the most common causes of ACL injury.
Many people experience a pop or a "popping" sensation in their knees when they have an ACL tear. It could becoming painful to put weight on your knee and enlarge. It might also become unstable.
ACL tears caused by sports
In sports, an ACL tear or sprain frequently occurs when you: - • Plant your foot firmly on the ground, and your leg is straight or slightly bent when a powerful force strikes your knee.
• While sprinting, swiftly change your direction.
• Make an unpleasant landing following a leap.
This kind of injury is frequent in sports like soccer, skiing, football, basketball, and others that involve a lot of stop-and-go movement, jumping, or weaving.
Other causes of ACL tears
ACL sprains and tears can also be caused by falling off a ladder or missing a step on a stairway.
The ACL, like any other body part, deteriorates with age. Tears are more common in adults over the age of 40.
Common Symptoms OF ACL Injury -
The following signs and symptoms are typical of an ACL tear:
Knee pain with a loud "popping" sensation,
extreme agony that prevents you from exercising,
excessive and rapid swelling, and a loss of range of motion.
A feeling of "giving way" or instability when you bear weight.
Treatments for ACL Injuries
Immediate first- aid treatment helps minimize discomfort and swelling after a knee injury.
• Rest- Rest is essential for mending and restricts weight bearing on your knee.
• Elevation- taradiddle down on your reverse with your knee raised on pillows.
• Compression- Wrap your knee with an elastic girth or contraction serape .
• Ice Pack- When you are awake, attempt to ice your knee for at least 20 twinkles every two hours.
• Compression- Wrap your knee with an elastic girth or contraction serape .
• Elevation- taradiddle down on your reverse with your knee raised up on pillows.
• Rehabilitation- The end of the remedy is to lessen pain and lump, recapture the complete range of stir in your knee, and strengthen muscles. Individuals who are generally inactive, engage in modest exercise and recreational conditioning or play sports that put a lower strain on the knees may profit from this course of physical remedy.
• Surgery- Your croaker may advise you to get surgery if
• If you are an athlete who wants to keep playing your sport, especially if it requires jumping, slicing, or rotating.
• further than one ligament or stringy cartilage in your knee is also damaged.
• Your knee is buckling as a result of the damage during everyday conditioning.
Prevention –
ACL injuries can be prevented with the right exercise and training. Training in risk assessment might be given by a sports medicine physician, physiotherapist, athletic trainer, or other specialist in sports medicine.
• Leg strengthening exercises, especially with the hamstrings.
• To improve technique, practise pivoting and cutting movements.
• Core-strengthening workouts for the lower abdomen, hips, and pelvis.
• Practise and instruction on proper leaping form and knee alignment upon landing leaps
Takeaway -
Whether or not you require knee surgery will depend on the severity of your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and how it impacts your quality of life.
If you don't lead an active lifestyle and your knee doesn't seem unstable, you might decide against having an ACL surgery. However, you should still perform one more physiotherapy exercise.
On the other hand, you should be aware that waiting for surgery could lead to more knee issues.
Note -One study of persons with ACL tears discovered that the chance of injuring the damaged knee increased by 1% every month between the injury and surgery.
Web-  ACL surgery – Saishree Hospital
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
Rounders (1998)
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Even if you’ve never played a hand of Poker, Rounders will infect you with a love for the game. By the end, you might not know the rules but you will know the psychology that differentiates the winners from the rest. It’s a sports movie that might actually inspire you to have a go at it.
In New York City, law student Mike McDermott (Matt Damon) loses his entire savings to Russian mobster Teddy KGB (John Malkovich). Following the disastrous game, he promises his girlfriend Jo (Fretchen Mol) he’ll quit. Months later, Mike’s childhood friend Lester “Worm” Murphy (Edward Norton) is released from prison. The unapologetic cheat immeditely sets out to make up for lost time - and win the money he owes - by becoming a full-blown rounder once again. One taste and Mike falls off the wagon.
To understand what professionals like about Poker, you need to understand certain things about the game. Your first lesson comes from Worm. He could win fair and square but he’s too impatient. He wants things done fast and you get the sense that deep down, he sees Poker as a different game than everyone else. For him, the objective is to win money as quickly as possible. He likes to punish those who have the audacity to sit down at his table. He knows the game too well for the luck of the draw to make Poker a gamble but he wants the thrill of uncertainty, which is why he cheats. He might even enjoy getting caught. After all, if he pays back his debt to Grama (Michael Rispoli), he won’t need to come up with $15,000 in record time. He’s poison that’s threatening to take down Mike.
From this irresponsible antagonist, we learn that Poker isn’t a gamble, a game you win quickly, or a way to make money. Yes, you can make a living off of the tables - that’s exactly what Mike’s mentor, Joey Knish (John Turturro) does - but even he isn’t quite a “true” player. Joey always plays it safe and always quits while he’s ahead. He would never even dream of playing at the World Series of Poker because it would be a distraction, a title to flaunt instead of a way to ensure he provides for his family. The true player is somewhere in between. Honest and dependent on skill rather than luck but willing to risk it all when the time comes. Rounders is about a lot of other things but at its core, it’s about this journey Mike takes towards realizing what kind of player he will be.
With a big debt that could mean the death of both Mike and Worm, you’ve got high stakes. The strain Mike’s old habits put on his relationship with Jo supplies the drama. KGB provides the ultimate antagonist to defeat in the final round. You’ve got all the ingredients of a great sports film and then, the film takes it one step further. The most accessible of all movie sports - baseball, soccer, and basketball - require only basic equipment. A half court, shoes, and a ball. Shoes, a goal, and a ball. Four bases, a bat, a ball, and gloves. The same applies to Poker. You literally only need a standard deck of cards. You also need a certain amount of skills - it’s the reason they could never make a Snakes and Ladders movie. Becoming a great Poker player is achievable by just about anyone. As Mike describes the way people hold themselves when playing cards, you feel your ability to tell the bluffs from the baits grow. Now you’re seeing the game in a whole new way. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know whether a straight flush beats a full house; what matters is that now you can tell by the players’ faces who’s going to win.
Rounders is a memorable movie that tells you a lot about Poker without ever explaining all the rules and strategies. You’ll be so invested in what’s going on you won’t even notice its familiar structure until the film’s over. Thanks to its great cast, this is one you’ll come back to. (Full-screen version on VHS, May 25, 2021)
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medinatruelsen56 · 9 months
What Is An Inside Wireman? Distinction From An Electrician
In fact, apprentices wage is $18,508 lower than the salary of senior electricians per year. The common resume of low voltage technicians confirmed that they earn related levels of education compared to marine electricians. So a lot so that theyacirc;euro;trade;re 1.9% much less more likely to earn a Master's Degree and more likely to earn a Doctoral Degree by zero.0%. High voltage electricians can play a crucial function in defending companies from cyber assaults by ensuring that every one electrical techniques are safe. This is the only method you’ll get assured quality electrical systems and safety. Note that a industrial electrician might sometimes not know tips on how to go about with your manufacturing unit's electrical problems. Look for an electrical company that offers you the particular electrician to cater to all your electrical wants. On the flip aspect, an industrial electrician offers with extra intricate buildings like factories. As a end result, they want extra coaching and extra knowledge of electrical and wiring methods. So, usually, when coaching, these electricians go to 2 totally different websites. As a Marine Electrician you'll be working underneath the supervision of the Chief Engineer, who is finally liable for the Engine Department. And like several hierarchy you'll need to work your means up the career ladder. You will start as an Electrical Cadet or a Junior Electrician and, with further experience, sea time, and coaching become a Ship’s Electrician or Electro-Technical Officer. The first step is being positive that you've got got the right mindset to work in jobs at sea - as we mentioned earlier. This will present potential employers that you've the talents and information essential to do the job safely and successfully. Industrial electricians will need to keep up-to-date on these developments to maintain their skills relevant and keep a aggressive advantage within the office. Therefore, it’s important that electrical contractors symbolize their employers well, which largely boils down to offering good customer support. They should be presentable, professional, and maintain their workspace looking the same. Subcontractors of every kind must be effective communicators – and electrical contractors are no exception. From sharing expectations with stakeholders to giving colleagues clear directions, this skill might be tested within the subject every single day. Many states will require grasp electricians to have 7 years or more expertise as an electrician or a bachelor’s degree in both electrical engineering or a associated field. Electricians will usually just concentrate on both upkeep or building electrical contracting work. Electricians that specialize in building will normally set up the wiring methods into houses, factories, and businesses. The primary duty of an electrician is to make sure the safe and environment friendly functioning of electrical methods. They use their expertise to interpret blueprints, diagrams, and technical specs to plan and execute electrical installations. Electricians are educated about native constructing codes and safety regulations, they usually adhere to those requirements to prevent hazards and accidents. Thus, you save on tuition, lodging, and studying supplies prices. Training may contain sensible learning of elements you realized in your electrical course. It will additional make every thing simple when you begin working as an electrician. By doing thus, individuals contribute to the creation of pleasant and helpful public spaces. Compare licensed electrician salaries for particular person cities or states with the nationwide average. A career as an electrician could be a nice alternative for all sorts of people, and though it takes some time to become licensed, it'll definitely pay off ultimately. One of those choices is changing into an electrician, which presents a aggressive salary and lots of job opportunities once you get licensed. As part of your accredited school program, an electrical trainee develops a textbook understanding of the occupation. Checking whether or not the circuit breaker is functioning, and if the circuit itself is susceptible to overload, is integral to sustaining electrical safety. In most states, a journeyman electrician should have no much less than four years of expertise as an apprentice electrician and must move an exam to turn into licensed. An electrician’s primary accountability is to put in and keep electrical techniques in residential, commercial, or industrial settings. top melbourne electrician with present electrical gear and make certain that all work complies with security regulations. While similarities exist, there are additionally some variations between electrical supervisors and lead mechanic. Surge protectors are highly really helpful by both the NFPA and the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety. Surge protectors could additionally be plugged into any commonplace wall socket and provide further safety in your electrical gadgets. When the voltage provided by the facility grid is insufficient, your system experiences a brownout. When the ability goes out and the bulbs fade to a brownish tint, this is named a brownout. Brownouts aren’t uncommon, but it’s not uncommon for there to be an influence spike as quickly as the vitality is restored. In the occasion of a brownout, a surge protector won't be able to safeguard your electrical units (or low voltage situation). There are two kinds of formal instructional packages for electricians, plus a required apprenticeship. An Industrial Electrician installs, maintains, and repairs electrical methods in industrial facilities. They are normally a part of a development team to put in and examine new equipment and techniques. In common, maintenance electricians hold similar degree levels compared to electrical installers. Within the classroom, apprentices will study blueprint studying, electrical code requirements, first help practices, security practices, electrical theory, and arithmetic. They may also get specialised training in communications, cranes, elevators, soldering, and fireplace alarm systems. Electrical installers and industrial and industrial electricians both have job responsibilities that require comparable skill sets. These similarities embrace skills such as "hand tools," "electrical installation," and "electrical gear," but they differ when it comes to different required expertise. Even though licensed electricians and apprentices are distinct careers, a couple of of the talents required for both jobs are comparable.
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longmonthartist · 1 year
A Rookie’s Journey through DBFZ PC Steam Online Ranks (November 2022 – May 2023)
-        Updated as of May 20th 2023
Hello fellow Dragon Ball fans, I thought I’d record this event while it’s still fresh in my memory. As the title described, this details my brief 7 months journey through the DBFZ PC Steam verion’s online ranks plus collecting all 35 achievements.
I know, it’s a bit different than what I used to write but as an avid DB fan, collecting all 35 achievements, getting Steam’s badge of approval, and making it to SSJ3 rank (11th rank amongst the 24 available ranks), this is quite an achievement personally so that’s why I thought I’d share this with all interested. I’m also writing this down for personal closure, since playing ranked non-stop is affecting myself quite a lot so I’d like to give myself a pat on the back and say it’s time to move on.
Aside from some obviously self-indulgent moments, I’ll also include a bit of my take on the game and online system progression so if you are interested in buying the game or climbing the online ladder, feel free to give this I read.
How it all began:
As a fighting game player and DB/K18 fan, I became aware of DBFZ back in 2018 before it was launched. Back then, I’d watch clips from major fighting game tournament players such as SonicFox, Go1, and promoters/tournament organizers like Maximillian Dood. For a while and due to financial reasons, feasting my eyes on the eye candy that is DBFZ and how top players can perform otherworldly combos was enough to satisfy my cravings...until I can’t stand being a mere viewer that is.
Therefore, On November 2022 (7 months ago), I decided to purchase the title on Steam, the only gaming platform I own and thus began my journey in DBFZ.
Getting Interested in Online Ranks:
Like many DB fans, I wasn’t that into the online matches nor climbing the ladder, which based on my previous experience in playing fighting games online such as Tekken, Street Fighter, and Dead or Alive, knew would become a grind and in time feel like a second job (inevitably it did). So for the first several weeks, I immersed myself in the game’s content-rich offline modes such as story, arcade, tournament, and etc.
It wasn’t until I saw my online rank as Saibaman that urged me to start playing because, well, no one wants to be a Saibaman. So starting from late November 2022, I mustered up my courage to dabble in the competitive online mode and hoped for the best.
In my very first online match (Ranked nonetheless since I didn’t know there’s casual matches), I did’t even knew how to select my team and just went along with the preset Goku SSJ, Vegeta SSJ, and Trunks. Having very little experience with them, since my main were Krillin, Sixteen, and Eighteen, I got my ass whopped. In fact, my opponent, also a Saibaman I think, was so confident he finished me off with a Beerus vs Goku SSJ Dramatic Finish in space. Yup, I get to watch my character getting wrecked in cinematic finish.
The next match was no better either, as my opponent finished me off with a Sixteen self-detonation kill. For those familiar with the game, Sixteen has an instant kill self-detonation super that’s slow as snail. It’s a move people only use to troll others.
On hindsight, those earliest matches were embarrassingly bad, but I was determined to not be a Yamcha killer, a Saibaman and just soldiered on.
 Deciding the Online Rank to Settle With:
Due to my hatred for Saibaman, I was elated when I was finally promoted to Earthling. It’s a very low rank that all who’s played online can achieve, since when you first start, even losses earn you battle points (BP for short), the points required to advance. This said, this rank reminded me of Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and many others, and I couldn’t be happier to sit here forever as an Earthling.
This temporarily bliss didn’t last long of course, because with enough online mode plays, further advancement to Namekian, Saiyan, then Frieza clan..etc was inevitable.
At that point that I started to ask myself, if I can’t stay as an Earthling, what’s the rank I want to settle with? Then before long, a Steam Achievement caught my eye, the one titled “My Power Level is 530,000” and sporting a Frieza first form’s sinister smirk.
For those unfamiliar with the online ranks and how many BP’s required to get to 530,000, it’s the Demon rank (Rank 10). Back then as Frieza Clan and already running into some pretty decent players, getting this rank seemed near impossible but, as usual, I felt obligated to get it since without collecting all achievements, I felt like a lesser DB fan (I know, that’s just how my brain works as times).
Alas began my torment, my second job that costs me countless weekend hours just to grind.
Changing the Team:
As described previously, I started off maining Krillin, Eighteen (of course I need her to complete the K18 duo), and Sixteen (just to complete the android/cyborg trio). I also had some pretty good successes too, as I’d rock this team all the way to roughly Android rank (Rank 7), the first non-Casual rank and requiring 270,000 BP (about half way to Demon).
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However, due to how, ahem, underpowered Eighteen can be and how clumsy Sixteen is (please don’t hate me readers), I found myself winning less and less, with Eighteen especially gradually turning into my weak spot. It was during this time I decided to start experimenting with other characters, including Frieza, Goku Black, Goku Blue, and SSJ Goku to name a few. I was also starting to see how DLC characters, which I haven’t bothered to purchase, would often dominate my team.
Yes you’ve guessed it, I walked down the path of Top Tier cheapness and bought myself all those ridiculous DLC characters and eventually settled down with a team of Krillin (just had to keep him), Ultra Instinct Goku (a top tier without a doubt), and Lab coat 21 (described by many as having no weakness).
My win percentage started improving from 40 percent to around 50 percent and eventually, the 60s, a percentage I’m stuck with till this date. I never forgot about my old team though, and always kept them as backup but when I’m facing stronger opponents, it’s always Kril dog plus the two top tiers.
Flaws in the Matchup System: 
For those familiar with DBFZ online, you’d know that you can't pick nor know the strength/rank prior to every battle. Only way of knowing was during the loading screen composed of both players’ team, their ranks, and threat level. At first, I didn’t know this would be very crucial to my eventual advancement until I start seeing people exploiting it online.
I ran into one such incident when I made it to Super Saiyan 2 (SSJ2) around March 2023, a step above Android and requiring 330,000. By then, I’ve improved to the point of obtaining an Orange square, the second highest threat level indicator.
I still remember that Saturday very well. That day as I was determined to grind to Supreme Kai, I ran into a Super Saiyan ranked player, someone two ranks below me. I was prepared to claim myself some delicious BPs when, after the loading screen, the match was disconnected. I was pretty puzzled as you might imagine, until when I was matched against an Android player and they too disconnected before the match start. The next one was against a fellow SSJ2 with a lower threat level and they too disconnected.
Something was up, it’s all too coincidental how players would disconnect before facing me and trust me, I wasn’t amused. My irritation increased further when a Supreme Kai (rank 9), someone a rank above me, quitted before facing me next. By then I’ve had enough, so when I was matched against a Demon rank (Rank 10) and the highest ranking opponent I can possibly face as SSJ2 (Rank 8), I pulled the same stunt and disconnected before the match starts, thinking how ridiculous it was that I had to just let some easier opponents go and start the day off against a very strong opponent.
Getting the Final Achievement
I knew 530,000 BP is pretty hard and as expected, it was the last achievement left in my collection. Eventually though, I too would get Demon rank at the end of April 2023. This said, having a Demon rank does not mean you get the final achievement automatically, since Demon rank is at 500,000 BP while the achievement requires 530,000.
“Okay mister, so why not just play a bit more and get it” you might ask, well my friend, the problem is by the time you reached Demon rank, the opponents are so strong and experienced that every match is nerve wrecking. Also by then, it’s possible to get matched against opponents from SSJ3 (Rank11) and Majin (Rank12), and let me tell you, the players in those ranks are no joke, as most can take out 40 percent of your life bar with a touch.
This was the time when I too decided I only want to match up against Demon players and nothing above that.
Earlier when I was Supreme Kai (Rank 9), I ran into a Green Squared SSJ3 (the highest rank I can fight as Rank 9), and got destroyed. Even when using two top tiers like UI Goku and Lab Coat 21, I was no match against a team of Bardock (a melee monster with no ranged options), and K18 of all characters. After taking out Bardock with a few cheeky vanishes and long ranged beams, my opponent’s 18 made short work of my top tiers and then stomped my Krillin bad. It was then that I realized just how strong SSJ3 ranks are and to not challenge them (not to mention that I regret not maining 18 anymore).
I’m not proud of it, but I too started using the same opponent screening tactic, disconnecting against SSJ3 or above before the match starts while fighting Demon, Supreme Kai, and SSJ2 only. This worked for quite a while, and I was able to amass a 16 win streak, including beating 10 Demon players.
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I was able to achieve the final achievement earlier this May too, and by then I was all too tired of cherry picking my opponents and just wanted to quit the whole online ranking journey.
Only there’s one last task to accomplish.
Getting SSJ3 (Rank 11) in both personal account and leadership board
Getting all achievements should be the end of it all. After all, I started off merely not wanting to be a Saibaman, so what else is there to get?
Well, as a K18 fan, I can’t stand Demon, knowing what Dabura the demon king did to Krillin. So I made up my mind to get to SSJ3 both in my personal account and official leader board.
What’s the difference between personal account/record and leaderboard? Aren’t they suppose to be the same? Well fans, not really, since personal account calculations are much more lenient compare to official leaderboard, so it’s possible to achieve SSJ3 but still remain a Demon in the latter.
This meanns after getting to SSJ3 and getting 600,000 BP roughly a week ago on May 13th, I had to grind till roughly 630,000 BP to get my leaderboard rank to SSJ3 too.
By then and having accumulated 16 wins by fighting Demon ranks only, I grew a bit too confident of myself and decided to take on SSJ3 rank once more. The result was disastrous, as I got destroyed by the first SSJ3 I came across, resulting in the loss of BPs but thankfully no rank down. The next opponent was a Demon about to advance to SSJ3. I thought it wouldn’t be too hard, but ended up losing to him too.
The accumulation of 2 consecutive losses after a 16 win streak made me so mad I challenged a yellow squared SSJ3 next, my mind blank and wanting nothing more than to win. Perhaps I’ve improved by quite a lot since my Supreme Kai days, as I ended up beating this player 2 out of 3. Personally, this was quite a victory and made me realize that perhaps, I do deserve to remain in SSJ3, having beaten an average yellow square opponent of that rank.
My next opponent was a Supreme Kai on the verge of becoming Demon, and to my surprise, I lost to him 0 – 2. It was a hard loss, but later I found out that this person not only advanced to Demon, but from Demon straight to SSJ3 in the same day, destroying several SSJ3 opponents. This at the very least made the loss bearable.
The final matches I played on May 20th 2023 were against a pink squared (highest threat level) Demon and a Supreme Kai about to turn Demon. The 6 straight wins were enough to push my leaderboard rank to SSJ3 and therefore end my 7 long months of grinding.
At last, I am no longer a Saibaman, have achieved all achievements and proven to myself I am a dedicated DB fan, and is not a Demon who turned Krillin to stone. I am a SSJ3.
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Thoughts about the Experience:
I’m definitely glad I get to SSJ3 rank and, while cherry picking opponents since reaching Demon, never disconnected against anyone once the match starts. The only disconnection happened once, when my laptop ran out of battery. Unfortunately, my opponent didn’t take it well and refused to play me afterwards.
Was it worth it? Yes I think, and SSJ3, although only at Rank 11 (slightly above average, as Supreme Kai/Demon are reportedly the average rank), it is the highest rank I can achieve without resorting to straight up rage quitting. The next rank above SSJ3 is Majin (requiring 700,000 BP), and I can’t stand that rank due to Buu eating the entire K18 family, so advancing to that rank is out of the question unless I also make it to Super Saiyan God (800,000 BP), which is so high up I dare not dream of it.
Please excuse me for bragging, but some of the deeds I’m pretty proud of include:
- Getting Pink Square in Supreme Kai and keeping it till this day, maintaining the highest threat level possible.
- Prevent the promotion of a Demon to SSJ3 as a lowly Super Saiyan 2 (Does this count as beating SSJ3?).
- Beating yellow squared SSJ3 on May 20th, the day I decided to stop playing ranked and giving me an assurance I kinda/sorta deserves SSJ3.
For Casual Players
First of all, thanks for reading my rather self-indulging post. Now please allow me to offer people who is considering trying out the ranked matches or getting all achievements.
I think it’s quite possible to attain some level of success and personally, believe that anyone can grind their way to Android/Super Saiyan 2 ranks (Rank 7 and 8 respectively) without in-depth knowledge of the game or combo system. So hurray for all 18 fans, we can all be 18s.
In terms of achieving all Steam achievements and getting that elusive 530,000 BP though, it’s very, and I mean very hard and tedious, especially if you have never played any fighting games. Even as someone who’s been playing other fighters for roughly two decades, it’s hard for me in later stages and to be frank, anyone Supreme Kai or above can be a killer. So don’t just rush in and throw away your time since, well, it can feel like, literally, a second job, one that doesn’t earn you any money.
Did I mention if you lose a match, you lose BP points? That’s a big reason why getting all achievements isn’t for everyone. I’ve once met a player who was SSJ2 Rank 8 (I was only SSJ Rank 6 back then). I ended up beating him 6 – 1 and ranked him down to Android. Later I met him again, this time both as Supreme Kais and beat him 3 – 0 again. The last time I checked, he got demoted to SSJ2 even having played over a thousand ranked matches (it took me about 80 wins out of 120 rounds to get to Supreme Kai) so no, ranked isn’t for everyone.
In the end, some just learn faster than others, and I've seem people getting SSJ3 with only 90 (total, not wins) ranked matches. Speaking of which, I once lost against a Namekian as a Demon while playing casual matches where losses do not result in loss in BP so talent and learning speed difference is definitely a thing.
Thanks for reading this rather personal piece. I’ll still continue to play DBFZ but just not in ranked anytime soon, or at least not till I’ve improved enough to the point I don’t need to cherry pick my opponents, as I realize how annoying that can be for others (sorry to all the SSJ3, Majin, and Super Saiyan God players I’ve disconnected before a match starts).
Lastly, I’d also like to hear your stories in regards to DBFZ. Please feel free to comment and share your glorious moments.
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dynamicroofing · 1 year
Don't Neglect Your Roof Gutters: Why They Need Cleaning
Roof gutters are one of the most essential components of a home's exterior. They play a crucial role in protecting the roof, walls, and foundation of a house from water damage. However, they are often neglected and overlooked by homeowners. Dirty and clogged gutters can cause significant problems, such as leaks, mold growth, and foundation damage, making it crucial to understand why they need cleaning.
In this article, we'll discuss the importance of roof gutter cleaning and the risks associated with neglecting them. We'll also share some tips on how to keep your gutters clean and well-maintained.
Why Do Gutters Need Cleaning?
Gutters are designed to collect and redirect rainwater away from your home's foundation, preventing water damage. However, over time, gutters can become clogged with debris such as leaves, twigs, dirt, and other materials. This can lead to a range of problems, including:
Water Damage
Clogged gutters prevent water from flowing freely away from your home's foundation. Instead, the water can overflow and seep into the walls and foundation of your house. This can lead to water damage, including rotting wood, mold growth, and weakened foundation.
Pest Infestations
Clogged gutters provide a perfect breeding ground for pests such as mosquitoes, rodents, and other insects. These pests can cause health problems for you and your family, as well as damage your property.
Ice Dams
In colder climates, clogged gutters can lead to the formation of ice dams. Ice dams occur when snow and ice accumulate on the roof, preventing water from flowing into the gutters. The water can then seep into your home, causing significant water damage.
Roof Damage
Clogged gutters can also lead to roof damage. When water cannot flow freely through the gutters, it can accumulate on the roof, leading to leaks and other damage.
Landscaping Damage
Clogged gutters can also cause damage to your landscaping. When water overflows from clogged gutters, it can wash away soil and damage plants, trees, and other landscaping elements.
How Often Should You Clean Your Gutters?
The frequency with which you need to clean your gutters depends on several factors, including the climate, the number of trees around your property, and the type of gutters you have. However, as a general rule, it's recommended to clean your gutters at least twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall.
If you live in an area with a lot of trees, you may need to clean your gutters more frequently. Additionally, if you've recently experienced a severe storm or heavy rainfall, it's a good idea to check your gutters for any signs of damage or clogs.
How to Clean Your Gutters
Cleaning your gutters can be a messy and time-consuming task, but it's essential for maintaining the health of your home. Here are some steps you can take to clean your gutters:
Gather Supplies
Before you start cleaning your gutters, gather all the necessary supplies. You'll need gloves, a ladder, a bucket, a garden hose, and a gutter scoop or trowel.
Position the Ladder
Carefully position the ladder against your home, making sure it's stable and secure. Climb up the ladder and position it so that you can easily reach the gutters.
Remove Debris
Using your gutter scoop or trowel, remove any debris from the gutters, such as leaves, twigs, and dirt. Place the debris in your bucket.
Rinse the Gutters
After you've removed all the debris, use your garden hose to rinse the gutters. This will help to remove any remaining dirt or debris and ensure that the gutters are clean and free of blockages.
Check for Damage
While you're cleaning your gutters, it's a good idea to check for any signs of damage, such as cracks, rust, or loose screws. If you notice any damage, it's essential to address it promptly to prevent further problems.
Check the Downspouts
Once you've cleaned the gutters, it's essential to check the downspouts to ensure that they're not clogged. Run water through the downspouts to make sure that water is flowing freely away from your home's foundation.
Trim Overhanging Branches
If you have trees near your home, it's a good idea to trim any overhanging branches that may be contributing to clogged gutters. This will help to reduce the amount of debris that accumulates in your gutters and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.
Hiring a Professional Gutter Cleaning Service
If you don't have the time or the inclination to clean your gutters yourself, it's a good idea to hire a professional gutter cleaning service. Professional gutter cleaners have the necessary equipment and expertise to quickly and efficiently clean your gutters, ensuring that they're free of blockages and in good working order.
Additionally, professional gutter cleaners can identify any potential problems with your gutters and recommend the necessary repairs or maintenance to keep them functioning correctly. This can save you time and money in the long run by preventing more significant problems from developing.
Roof gutters are a crucial component of any home's exterior, and neglecting them can lead to a range of problems, including water damage, pest infestations, and roof damage. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your gutters can help to prevent these problems and ensure that your home is protected from the elements.
Whether you choose to clean your gutters yourself or hire a professional, it's essential to make sure that your gutters are free of debris and functioning correctly. By taking the time to clean and maintain your gutters, you can ensure that your home remains safe and dry, even during the heaviest rainfall or snowfall.
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deepinmummymatters · 1 year
Easy and Fun Playroom Organisation Ideas
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Are you looking for creative ideas to help organise your playroom? It can be challenging to keep a playroom tidy, but it doesn't have to be daunting. With time and effort, you can turn your cluttered playroom into an organised and fun space! In this article, we will provide easy and fun playroom organisation ideas to help make storing toys and supplies less chore. Playroom Organisation Playrooms can be an excellent place for young kids of all ages to play, learn and grow. However, they can also quickly become cluttered and disorganised. If you're tired of stepping on toys or tripping over stuffed animals, it might be time to consider some playroom organisation ideas. Creating designated zones for lots of toys in the right place is a straightforward great way to organise your child's playroom and encourage independent play. For example, your kid's playroom could have a reading nook with open shelving or a bookshelf and comfortable seating area, an arts and crafts area with storage bins for supplies, and a play area with toys and essential items labelled baskets or boxes. This helps keep things tidy and encourages children to engage in different activities. Another idea is to utilise dedicated vertical space by installing wall shelves or cabinets. This frees up floor space while providing ample storage for items that might otherwise clutter the room. Kid's Toys: Storage Solutions Consider investing in furniture that doubles as storage options, such as ottomans, benches or bookshelves with baskets for small parts or cubbies. These pieces provide ample space for storing toys and add an aesthetic appeal to any room they are placed in. Additionally, using labelled containers like bins, boxes, or drawers is a simple way to make it easier for kids to identify where their toys should go after playtime. Lego Bricks: Storage Ideas  Lego bricks are a timeless toy that has been enjoyed by generations of young children and adults alike. However, with the variety and abundance of Lego sets available, storage can become a challenge, and if not careful, Lego can take over a whole room. Keeping your Lego bricks organised not only makes it easier to find the right pieces when you need them but also helps prevent damage to your precious collection. Here are some creative Lego brick storage ideas to help keep your collection tidy. One clever way to store Lego bricks is by using a pegboard system. Mounting a pegboard on the wall space provides an easy way to organize and display your collection while keeping it off the floor and out of harm's way. Another option is using a stackable Cube organizer or Storage Baskets, drawers or plastic bins, which allow you to compartmentalize by colour or size, making it quick and easy to find what you need. Labelling each drawer will further streamline your organization process. Books and Games: Creative Shelving When it comes to designing shelving units for your child's playroom, plenty of ideas exist. For instance, you could opt for floating shelves with colourful book covers or a ladder-style bookshelf with multiple tiers. Cube storage units are another great option, providing ample space for books and games while keeping everything neatly tucked away. When installing shelving in your child's playroom, remember that accessibility is key. ​Board Game Storage Board games are a fun and entertaining way to bring family and friends together, but they can take up a lot of space. Finding proper storage for board games can often be challenging, especially if you have limited storage space. However, having a designated area for your board game collection has many benefits. Firstly, having a dedicated toy box, built-in storage space or storage ottomans for your board games can help keep them organized and prevent pieces from getting lost. You can use open shelves, bookcases or cube organizers to store your games upright or lying flat in their boxes. This will make accessing the game you want easier without digging through a pile of other games. Secondly, storing your board games properly can help protect them from damage caused by humidity or sunlight exposure. You should avoid storing them in damp places like basements or attics as this could cause the boxes to warp on the components. Art Supplies: Containers and Bins Container bins or a designated art cart come in different sizes and shapes, making them perfect for storing art and craft supplies such as crayons, markers, paintbrushes and more. These containers are not only practical but also decorative. You can choose containers in bright colours that match the colour scheme of your playroom or ones with fun designs that appeal to children. When choosing container bins for your kid's art supplies, consider clear containers with labels or pictures of what goes inside each bin. This makes it easier for children to find what they need and gives easy access without digging through everything. Electronic Devices: Charging Stations One of the most effective ways to keep kids' electronic devices organised in the perfect space in the playroom is by using charging stations. In the right space, these stations help ensure that all devices are charged and ready for use when needed while preventing clutter caused by cables and cords scattered around the room. Charging stations come in various sizes, styles and colours, making it easy to find one that suits your needs in different ways. Another idea is to use labelled storage bins or shelves in plain sight for each child's electronic devices. This helps keep their gadgets separate from each other while also ensuring they're easily accessible when needed. Accessories and Decor: Wall Hooks & Baskets Wall hooks are perfect for hanging up aprons, storage sacks and dressing up clothes depending on the size of your space. They keep these items off the ground and add a decorative touch to the room and encourage children's creative play with items on view. Choose from various fun shapes and colours to match your child's personality. Baskets are another great option for storing and rotating toys and other miscellaneous items. They come in all shapes and sizes, so finding one that fits your dedicated playroom needs is easy. Regarding playroom organization ideas, wall hooks and plain or wire baskets are at the top of our list. Conclusion: Get Organized In conclusion, these playroom organisation ideas can positively impact your child's development. When considering organising this space, it is essential to consider what works best for you and your family. Utilising storage solutions, decluttering and setting up zones are all valuable tactics to keep the room organised and easily accessible when the kids want to play. Additionally, introducing a colour scheme will help make the space aesthetically pleasing in this playroom design. Read the full article
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silverflamcs · 2 years
🍐 🍒 🍇
how intelligent is my muse overall? are they smarter than the average person, or less than? are they primarily self-taught, or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school? are they more street smart or book smart?
     nesta is a little above average. growing up she had a governess and never experienced a normal school setting. she always excelled in reading and writing, her favorite subjects. math is her least favorite. she is good with numbers, but doesn’t enjoy it. she finds solving equations taxing. the thing with nesta is she can learn very easily and when it’s something she is interested in she will put forth her best effort and then some. if she’s determined to learn something she will. more than anything though, nesta is more street smart than book smart. she knows how to read a room and the people in it. she knows how to find their weakness and how to manipulate a situation to her advantage. with mere words she can charm a person or wound them deeply. it takes a special kind of person to be able to play the game of society/court and nesta plays it extremely well. her mother may have taught her the rules, but nesta took off with them. being naturally perfect with it.
how much does my muse value companionship? do they constantly keep people around them, or do they prefer to be alone often? do they have or desire to have many friends? do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
     nesta isn’t a people person and prefers her alone time. she finds socializing draining, especially around people who are putting on a show for others. that’s what it was like in the mortal realm, mostly in higher society. people were always trying to climb the social ladder, always trying to get one up on the families that were above them. they lie, cheat, backstab the ones they claim as friends. nesta is sure no one there even liked each other. after their return to high society, nesta realized she did not want to be a part of it. she sat out of the social season. while elain invited guests over and threw balls nesta sat quietly by herself. friends was never a need for her, she just didn’t care to make them. it wasn’t until she met emerie and gwyn that she realized what true friendship can be like, what it’s like to have people who care about you and see you for who you are and still love you. even the ugly bits. i think her first friend ever was cassian, he taught her a lot about being a friend. him along with emerie and gwyn made her value companionship more than she ever has.
how would my muse describe their childhood? how much has it impacted the person they are now, or will become as an adult? around what age did they or will they start to mature, and why? do they wish to go back to their days as a child, or have they embraced adulthood?
     nesta would say she didn’t have a childhood because she never got a chance to be a child. she was never allowed to run outside and play because her mother never wanted her to get dirty or have any scrapes or bruises. starting at a young age she was constantly lectured by her mother about being ladylike and what it entailed. her worth always came down to finding a suitor one day. nesta is sure the only reason her mother had children was so they could further the family status, maybe become royals if her mother had it her way. power, money, and appearances were the only things her mother cared about. growing up she had to watch feyre be able to go outside and play while she sat inside for her lessons. she witnessed feyre come into the house dirty and sweaty when nesta wasn’t allowed to get a single speck of dirt on herself. when nesta began to question why she wasn’t allowed to go outside and play as well, her mother would simply say it was because she was a lady and feyre wasn’t. more often than not her mother would make negative comments about feyre. there came a point where her comments altered nesta’s view on her youngest sister and started seeing her the same way her mother had.
     the way she grew up affected her greatly, especially when they lost their fortune and began living in the small cottage. nesta had become what her mother hated and in turn she started hating herself. she was being told to cook, clean, and to work outside. she was dressed in rags, her hair was unkempt, and she wasn’t able to bathe frequently. she had become the opposite of what her mother wanted her to be. being a proper lady was the only thing she ever knew, it was the only usefulness nesta felt she had because she wasn’t taught any other way. for her entire upbringing she was molded to be a perfect lady. her main goal had been to find a husband with a title. she had always been told it was her duty to further the family on the social scale. that the state of them rested on her shoulders. the world had been pulled out from under her when they lost everything. her relationship with feyre only grew worse and turned into resentment because she was now the one who was useful to the family. when she began dating tomas, nesta thought maybe she could be useful again. she planned on marrying him that way she would be out of feyre’s way and out of the family. there would be one less mouth to feed. even if tomas was a piece of shit, she would do it just so she could help.
     nesta began maturing and realizing how awful her and her sisters were treated after being made. it was during her time in the house of wind with cassian that she truly got to sit and reflect on her past, about her mother and how horrible she was. she never wishes to go back to her days as a child. nesta has learned to love being fae and has embraced her future. it’s because of how she grew up that she made a vow to give her future children the best childhood possible, filled with so much love and happiness. she refuses to be the type of mother her’s was.
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beskarberry · 3 years
Blue Orchid
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Flowers for Ishtar, Chapter 1
(Nonhuman!Mando x f!Reader) [+18!]
You’d had to bite down on the corner of your blanket when you thought of him pinning you to the wall or bending you over the dashboard, stuffing you full of his length while he groaned his praises in your ears until you were soaked.
This was not at all what you had imagined.
Summary: You discover your hunting partner isn't human, which in a galaxy far, far away isn't that strange until his alien needs become too much for him to hide.
Rating: Explicit as FUCK
Word count: 9.2k
Content warnings: Major kinks: breeding and pregnancy, eggs and oviposition, mpreg/fpreg, alien genitalia. Minor kinks: praise, eating and weight gain. Kink sprinkles: threw some things in like just a tad of sex pollen, hair pulling, spanking, a very brief daddy kink, the idea of a/b/o. There's a few more but if you're familiar with my writing you know what's up. Negatives: body horror, dysphoria.
A/N: Yeah... um... hm... So this is some weird shit but if you enjoyed Garden of Ishtar this will be right up your alley. If that was weird and creepy for you then this is not for you! You have been warned!!!
There’s something strange going on with your partner.
Mando, as he insisted on being called, even though that was clearly not his real name, had been acting differently recently. Though he was an odd one from the get-go, the burly, short-tempered, efficient hunter took some getting used to, but now something about him was off.
It was a strange partnership you’d gotten yourself into, ever since that day you had been sitting in the same cantina booth as him on Nevarro, arguing with Karga over the last available bounty puck.
“Karga, I’m not splitting a puck with this guy.” You’d barked, crossing your arms and leaning back with a huff. Next to you, the armored stranger grunted in agitated agreement, his plated shoulders catching the light as they stiffened. You didn’t know each other, and as far as you could tell the only thing you both had in common was that you both worked for the Guild.
“Well that’s too bad!” The old agent stated, shaking his head. “This is the last one I’ve got until next month, so unless one of you wants to wait until then, this is all I have left. You're going to have to work together as a team.”
“Unless I kill her first.” The iron giant said coldly, not even looking your way.
“I’d like to see you try.” A knife flew from your belt to the table as you buried the tip of it in the faux wood counter, glaring daggers with your eyes at his shiny metal head.
“Easy now, we’re all friends here! Can’t have my two best hunters fighting, or killing each other…”
“Bullshit, I’m the best hunter here, Kargsy, and you know it.” Fury seethed from your words, but it was seemingly lost on the other man. “Tinman here can go fuck himself.”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“No, but I fuck yours with it!”
Greef slammed a fist down on the table, making the trio of spotchka glasses bounce and spill. “That’s enough, either you two figure out how to play nice or neither of you will be getting this puck, or any other pucks for that matter! And that’s final!”
That was six months ago.
Despite your differences, the pair of you made for a terrifying duo, between his heavily armored body and your quick, nimble blades, it was like hell itself had released its most deadly demons. The bounty was found, hunted, and captured so quickly and easily that the minute the Razor Crest touched back down on Nevarro you were both excitedly harassing Karga for more.
Your newfound companion didn’t talk much, but what he didn’t say with his words he made up for with his actions. He gave you a little backstory, filling you in on his Mandalorian heritage and what that meant regarding his helmet and armor, and you were fine with the condition that he would never show his face around you. What he did show you was how lethal he could be, a whirlwind of blasters and beskar, an immovable object that coupled neatly with your unstoppable force.
It was poetry in motion.
Bounties fell at your feet like wheat before the scythe, wracking up credits like Kessel-running smugglers which you both blew on firearms and vibroblades as if the galaxy was ending tomorrow. What didn’t go towards guns and ammo went towards food and fuel, the Crest blasting off of Nevarro again and again and again.
As time went on, you slowly started to warm up to each other. You couldn’t really say you were friends, just work partners that happened to be flawlessly efficient at what they did. It was a fine arrangement, but over time small, but significant changes between you started to catch your attention.
You’d pinned a bounty, a large, malodorous Twi’lek that nearly squirmed out from your grasp, only to earn themselves a vicious cold-clocking to the back of their tentacled skull. Breath heavy and eyes burning with aggression, you’d slogged the captive into the carbonite freezer like you were taking out the trash, your wanton strength not going unnoticed by your companion.
“Good job.” Mando had said with a tilt of his helmet, watching your chest heave with adrenaline. “Such a strong verd’ika, can’t wait to see what you do to the next guy.” He’d never complimented you up to that point, if he spoke to you at all. It’d caught you off guard, but in a good way, and you knew right then you wanted to hear him say it again.
So you kept doing a good job.
And you did it on purpose.
The next bounty you held in place while Mando punched their lights out, holding steadfast against the living sledgehammer that was your partner, wincing every time you felt his fists explode against the Aqualish’s exoskeleton. When they’d keeled over, you let them fall to the floor, jumping slightly when Mando patted your shoulder, impressed with your ability to hold your own.
He seemed kind, when he wasn’t retaliating against your snide remarks or beating the living shit out of a bounty. Often when it was just the two of you he was almost soft spoken, asking you if you got enough to eat or if your wounds needed tending to, but not once did he ever make a pass at you.
That was somewhat of a surprise, but you didn’t even know what species he was, so there was a good chance you weren’t even on his sexual radar. He looked human, he obviously wasn’t a Togruta or a Twi’ with that helmet, and he was too tall to be a Rodian or Ugnaught. Too broad to be Gungan.
He was humanly proportioned to a sinful degree, his wide armored shoulders and cinched waist giving you wicked thoughts in the late hours. Even his fucking voice did something to you, the deep, gravelly husk of it almost reverberated in your chest when he spoke, and more than once you wished it would vibrate for you somewhere else.
But you were just two hunters making a living, nothing more.
Recently, however, something had started to change; and it wasn’t something that you liked. You weren’t buddy-buddy, but in the recent weeks his demeanor had started to wane. Mando was always private, taking his meals alone and keeping the fresher door locked when in use, but even when he wasn’t dealing with the necessary inconveniences of being alive he was starting to avoid you more and more.
At first you let him have his space, it was none of your business what was bothering him if he wasn’t going to speak up about it. But as the weeks seemed to drag on his temper began to flare more often, his sentences getting even shorter than they already were, his words sharp and vindictive.
You let it slide until he was rude to a merchant in a Bespin market, demanding more food rations than what he was being offered. Mando had left the market with so much dried meat and canned vegetables that it was falling out of his satchel, leaving a breadcrumb trail of bantha-in-a-can as he stormed back to the ship.
He was eating more often, too, squirreling himself away from your campfires or tucking himself up in either his sleeping cubby or the cockpit; whichever was further away from you at the time. You had your own space in the upstairs part of the Crest where he’d strung a ramshackle hammock for you, but it was so close to her reactors that you frequently woke up sweaty whenever you were in hyperspace.
On one such occasion you decided to sneak over to the ladder hatch when he thought you were sleeping, carefully peeking into the hold below. You could see him in his alcove, but just barely, only his back visible to you from your vantage point. He was eating, a lot. You watched his back and shoulders heave with each desperate bite of food, gorging himself as if he’d been lost in the desert for weeks.
The next cycle he kept his back to you almost constantly, like he was trying to hide something from view, but there were very little private spaces in the ship, especially while the stars streaked by overhead. Try as he might, he couldn’t hide his secret from your prying eyes, though you weren’t surprised with what you saw after watching him eat like there was no tomorrow.
He was gaining weight.
It was just a little at first, maybe just an illusion brought on by some extra layers of clothing; hyperspace was chilly, after all. However it soon became obvious as his extra warmth began to pudge over his belt and upset his armor that it wasn’t all fluff. You checked the larder after he went up to the cockpit to work on the navigation, and you were alarmed to find that almost half of your rations were already used up after having left Bespin only three cycles ago.
Something was definitely up with your partner.
You were watching him now from where you sat on one of the supply crates, toying with a vibroblade while he rigorously cleaned a plate of his armor, his back turned to you. His beskar was spotless, nary a drop of blood or spec of dust remained. He was just trying to distract himself from his newfound curves, but you were starting to get frustrated.
It was time to get to the bottom of this.
“Hey, are you feeling alright? You’ve been acting-”
“I’m fine.” he barked, the aggression behind his words making you jump. You weren’t afraid of him, or he of you. Your partnership was mutually beneficial and respected, and it wasn’t like him to be so short with you in close quarters. You weren’t having any of it.
“That’s crap and you know it, something's up with you, I can tell. You wanna talk about it?” Though he wasn’t looking your way, you cast your eyes at his pudge muffin, hoping he would catch your implications without you having to put it into words.
He said nothing, instead he rose from his seat and hurried up the ladder to the flight deck, sealing the airlock behind him.
You didn’t see him again until the ship dropped from hyperspace.
It was a quiet couple of days, and fucking boring too. Mando didn’t even come down to use the fresher or grab food, which made you nervous after seeing him stress eating like he had been. The Crest touched down on Jedha not far from an enormous crater that the Empire had put there in its heyday, but even when the engines went quiet, the blast door remained sealed.
“Mando? You still alive in there?” You asked tentatively with your ear pressed to the door, rapping your knuckles against the durasteel.
“Are you coming out?”
There was a long pause, then: “...No.”
You grumbled and donked your head against the door. “Are you gonna make me go get this bounty myself?” He didn’t answer, which unfortunately meant the answer to your question was ‘yes’. You sighed heavily like you’d heard him do innumerable times. “You suck. Do you need anything before I head out?”
“No, thank you verd’ika.”
He was still alive, and talking, so those were both good signs, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with him during your entire hunt. The bail jumper you were after came quietly, which on a regular day would make you angry that you had even wasted fuel for such a lame chase, but you were anxious to get back to your partner.
You marched the delinquent up the ramp and goaded them into the freezer, filling the little cabin with carbonite fog. Though you were making a hell of a racket, you still hollered up the ladder before climbing it, only to find the cockpit empty. Nervously you searched the upper floor, checking everywhere from your hammock to the fuselage, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Jumping down the ladder, you quickly scanned the hold, only to realize that you’d run right past him. The door to his cubby was closed, like it always was even when he wasn’t in it, but outside on the floor near the entrance were piles of empty food tins. Horrified, you checked the larder, your eyes going all the way to the bottom of the crate. He ate everything!
“Mando! I’m back! Open up!” You yelled, pounding your fist on the door, not giving a flying fuck if he was asleep. Something was very, very wrong.
“You’re back already?” He called, his voice weak and hoarse behind the door, making your blood run cold. Oh Maker no, don’t tell me he’s sick.
“Yeah, and I’m worried about you! Open this damn door before I rip it off its rails.”
“You need to leave. You can’t be here.”
“‘Scuse me? Fucker I live here! I’m not-”
“Please, you’re not safe.” He pleaded, his voice sounded broken and desperate, like he was trying to choke something back.
“Not safe? Mando you’re not making any sense, I already took care of the bounty, they-”
“You’re not safe from me!”
A weird mix of emotions flooded through you, first the worry for the health of your partner, the confusion at his panic, and suddenly the rage that burned behind your eyes at the mere notion of him thinking you couldn’t peel him apart like a can of sardines.
You’d had enough.
“Fuck you, chum bucket, this ends right now! Hope you’ve got pants on because I’m coming in!”
“No! Don’t, please!”
“HERE I COME!” You bellowed as you slammed your fist into the glowing button panel on the wall, deaf to his fretful protests. The metal grate rattled as it rolled upwards, and briefly your eyes caught the back of his head right before his helmet sank down over the dark curls that he kept secret. The fact that he even had hair was the least startling thing of all.
What hit you first was the smell.
Inside the sleeping cubby where the Mandalorian was hurriedly scuttling into the deepest reaches, the pungent scent of...something hurtled through your synapses. It didn’t stink, quite the opposite, it smelled delicious. Warm and rich, like honey on fruit sitting out on a beautiful summer day, the alien aroma making your mouth water.
“What the fuck is that smell?” you roared at the man huddled as far away from you as he could get, his body lost to the shadows behind the scattering of armor he had discarded. You didn’t like that one bit, feeling something akin to pity at his doubled-over, armorless frame. You sniffed the air again, taking deep, greedy inhalations and trying to decipher what the fuck was going on. “Are you eating starfruit?! You fuckhole! You’re snacking without me!”
“Please leave me alone.” He grumbled, wedging himself even harder against the back wall. “I’m fine, really, I just want to be alone.”
“Well that’s just too fuckin’ bad, you’re sick, and the least you could do is tell me what’s wrong. I have a right to know if my partner is gonna up and die on me.” He pleaded again, his voice sounding whiny even through his vocorder, but you were having none of it. “I’m coming in.”
“Dammit all, why won't you leave me alone?!” He was yelling now, but in his anger he turned enough towards you that you could see his front, making you gasp.
“Holy fucking shit, Mando, are you… are you pregnant?!” Hidden by his broad backside no longer, his protruding belly caught the light, jiggling a bit when he wrapped his arms around it.
“No! I mean… sorta…”
“The fuck do you mean sorta?!” you were screaming now, blown away by his swollen guts and the fact that he was very much not pregnant only a few days ago. “What the hell is that then?!”
He was caught now, you’d seen his shame and there was no going back. “They’re… they’re my eggs.”
You stood a moment, staring at him while your mouth flopped uselessly like a dying fish. Welp, there’s your answer, he is not human. There were lots of sentient species in this great big galaxy you called home, many of which produced offspring via eggs, so you weren’t as surprised by that as you were by the suddenness of it. Of... him.
Mando rubbed at his belly, curling in on himself as if doing so would shrink him down into nothingness where he could disappear into oblivion. “Please, it’ll pass, I’ve just… I’ve never had anyone around me while I...grmph... deal with it.”
His groan of pain broke your stare, pumping determination into your legs along with the burn of adrenaline. “Do… do you need help? Is there anything I can do for you?” You leaned forward into the alcove, reaching for him. “Are you in pain?”
“...I-I’m f-fine.” He shirked away from you, avoiding your touch. “Happens every couple of years, just...hmmph… it’s not usually… so much.”
Now you were just plain fascinated, climbing up slowly on your hands and knees, trying to be delicate. “Mando, I’m your partner, I’m not just gonna stand around while you suffer. Tell me what I can do to help.” The warrior flinched hard when your fingers found his shoulder, reflexively protecting his belly. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Cyar’ika, please, I don’t want to...hmmph… do anything that I-I’ll regret.”
“You already ate all our fucking food, what more could you do to piss me off?” You said with a laugh, trying to break the tension. Carefully you brushed your hand along his clothed shoulder, a thin smile dancing over your lips when you felt him shudder.
“You shouldn’t touch me, I’m dangerous.”
“You ain’t shit, and I’ve seen how you’ve stiched my wounds closed, you won’t hurt me. I know you.”
“No you don’t!” He screamed, flipping around all the way to try and shoo you out of the cubby, but his hefty gut kept him rooted in place. You couldn’t help but stare at his rounded middle, his flack coat straining to keep zipped shut as the weight of him wobbled delightfully. It made you laugh.
“Mando! You’re gonna be a m... da... parent! You’re gonna be a parent! Why didn’t you tell me?! I would have baked you a cake.”
“It’s.. it’s never been this bad.” he stuttered, consigning himself to the fact that he was stuck with you. “I grow a clutch every year or so, but it’s usually just a handful of... them.” he hissed with an air of disgust, shame creeping into his voice. “They pass without much issue, but it’s never been this much.”
“What do the other Mandalorians do when this happens?”
He shook his head, guarding his middle. “Mandalorian isn’t a race, it’s a creed. The Mandalorians rescued me after an army of droids killed my parents and everyone else in my village. I… I don’t know what species I am, and neither does my clan. There’s no record of my village, or where they found me, and I can’t find anything on the holonet about… this.” His visor tilted down to his tummy. “I might be the last of my kind.”
“Mando, that's terrible, but I’m sure there’s more of you somewhere. There’s gotta be! Maybe if you took off your helmet I could see-”
“No, helmet stays on. I don’t need to add the indignity of a broken creed to this mess. Now please, mesh’la I’m begging you, lock me in here and let me ride this out alone. I don’t know if I could live with myself if I hurt you.”
You scuttled closer on your knees until you were right up against him, cautiously reaching out towards his swell. His visor snapped at you, his body flinching harder into the corner, but he was trapped. “Why do you think you’ll hurt me?” You whispered as your palm met the straining fabric cradling his shameful secret.
He grabbed your wrist so hard you felt your bones grind from the strength of his grip. “Because…” he growled, the timbre of it so low you felt a shiver run down your spine. “Because I don’t know what I am, but I know I need to put these eggs somewhere, and I want...I need to put them… inside…” He trailed off when a painful contraction shook his body, making him let go of you to hold himself together. “Get out now! It’s starting… please I can handle this alone but if you’re near me… I don’t know what I’ll do!”
“Shut’cher gob and tell me what to do, and don’t tell me to leave because I won’t!” You didn’t know jack shit about human births, let alone alien gestation, but you’d been through some fucked up situations, what’s one more for good measure? “I’m guessing you need to get your pants off.” His breathing was heavy, his helmet tilting with each laboured heave, but he nodded and started to fumble with the zipper of his trousers.
Your heart leapt to your throat. In the darkness of your hammock you’d imagined what it would be like to undress him, taking each of his beskar plates off and trailing your fingers down his tight clothes, revealing the man underneath like unwrapping a gift. With your fingers lost between your legs you’d pictured his muscular shoulders and broad chest, maybe even a trail of dark hair that led you all the way down his beefy abdomen to his thick, heavy cock. You’d had to bite down on the corner of your blanket when you thought of him pinning you to the wall or bending you over the dashboard, stuffing you full of his length while he groaned his praises in your ears until you were soaked.
This was not at all what you had imagined.
His gloves and his girth were giving him a hard time, so diligently you stepped in to help him undress. Your nimble fingers found the button and zipper with ease, the heat of his groin making your cheeks flush rosy pink, and then red when you pulled the zipper across the bulge in his pants and flooded the tiny nook with the perfume of his sex.
The hair surprised you, you didn’t think that an egg-bearing creature would even have curls, but there they were. Dark brown and soft against your fingertips, growing from lovely, sun-bronze skin, but that was the last of his human traits from there on. Ultimately, you were expecting a cock, horrified by the implications of what that meant in this situation, but as the zipper’s teeth continued to split, your eyes were greeted with something that made your guts flip.
It was fucking blue.
The thing sitting heavily between his legs was the prettiest ocean blue you had ever seen, with coils of deep indigo veins running up it’s length between bands of bioluminesce. Long, thick, and glowing, Mando’s half-hard trouser meat sprang out of his open pants, a relieved sigh wheezing through his modulator. It was shaped like a wang dangler all the way up to the head, but there it was something else.
At his tip a circle of petal-shaped protrusions cinched together like the blossom of a flower right before it bloomed. The knobbed end of his thingy wept with clear juices, beading deliciously from between each little bud. Your eyes were locked to a particularly fat drop of precum as it slicked down his length to his base where you found another feast for your eyes.
A hole.
He didn’t have balls, you guessed they were somewhere inside him, instead he had a fat, juicy cunt, his quivering cock growing from where a clit would be on a human. It was just as alien as his length, a dark cobalt that lightened to vibrant teal around sharp teeth that lined his widely spread folds. Those rightfully made you nervous, and fucking confused. What the hell are those supposed to latch on to? Me?!
“I’m disgusting, I know.” He whispered, turning away from you to study the wall while you studied his excitables.
“What? No you’re not, you’re… you’re beautiful.” He snapped back towards you, his visor searching your star-struck eyes for the hint of a lie, but there wasn’t one. He was looking at you, but you weren't looking at him, you were looking at him, straight through his groin into his vulnerable soul. There was just so much, and you wanted to touch all of it. Reflexively you licked your lips, wondering if he tasted as good as he smelled. Your fingers crept forward, hovering inches from his cerulean length. “Can I?”
A sharp inhale echoed in the cubby, followed by a stark nod. “Be gentle… it’s... argh… sensitive!”
“Shhh, Mando, I’ve got you. I’m gonna take good care of you.” Your fingertips met his heated flesh, making him shudder and groan. His strange length twitched from your touch, making another pearl of precum shimmer from the tip. You wrapped your hand around him, stroking the velvety length that weighed heavily against your palm. His helmet hit the wall with a deep, guttural moan, sending molten waves of heat to your own growing need.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck mesh’la...your hands are amazing.” The man purred, letting his arms fall from his belly to his sides where his fists tangled in the threadbare sheet. His hips thrust upwards into your slow tugs, rutting into your palm. In the tight quarters the mouthwatering scent of honeyed fruit grew stronger until you were sucking down your own spit to keep it from flooding your mouth.
“Hehe, yeah? You like this?” You flicked your wrist in languid spirals, running your thumb over the weeping blossom to drag warm slick down his length and towards your second goal. His toothy slit parted for you as you got closer, the pearly white fangs curling away from you safely. With one hand still on his beef, you rubbed your fingertips around his flushed hole, sinking a digit down to the knuckle.
“Yes.” he moaned breathlessly, his womb jiggling when he convulsed from your touch. You sank another finger inside, scissoring him open while you fisted his cock. “K-keep doing that and... and…” His heels scooted on the mattress when he clenched around you, his swelling length pulsating in your hand. A needy whine busted out of his modulator, and between your sunken digits you felt something grow.
“Go ahead, Mando, come on my hand, or in my hand, I don’t care. That’s a good boy.” He bucked into your steady thrusts, lost in the combination of filling and being filled. His walls fluttered around your fingers, and you felt something press against you when he bore down, but instead of something popping out of his cunt, something went up his length.
From the tip of his spear, a bright orange ball sprang from him, surprising you so much you let go of his throbbing shaft and pulled your fingers from his slit. Excitedly you plucked the egg from where the halo of petals parted, presenting the orb to you like a priceless gem. “You did it! Look, Mando, it’s a… ball! Congratulations.” You were beaming, so proud of yourself for midwifing him through the process, but he was shaking his head.
“There’s more… and… and I’m starting to get desperate. You got me started, I can take it from here. Thank you for your help.”
“I’m not leaving til you’re done, but let me go find a bucket or something to… oh no!” In your hand the soft shelled egg started to dissolve and wither in the dry air, turning into goo that dribbled down your arm. “Oh shit! Oh shit Mando I’m so sorry! I-I don’t know w-what happened!”
“No no… It's alright.” He shook his head, bringing a hand up to caress his swell. “They never make it. It’s ok though, it's not like they’re fertilized. Please leave me now, your hands aren’t going to tide me over for long, and I don’t want to do something I’ll regret.”
“You keep saying that! I don’t understand, why do you think that you’ll-”
“Because I want to breed you.” The singular black eye of his visor snapped viciously towards you, making you pale. “I’m sorry, but it’s all I can think about. It’s been getting worse the closer I’ve gotten to my heat, but I don’t want to do that to you, I respect you too much. Please… forgive me.” He looked away from you shamefully, but his luminous length was still pulsing with the rapid beating of his heart. “I think being around you is why I’m so full, you’re just so damn beautiful… a-and I want you.”
Maybe it was the sickenly-sweet spice that he was putting off, or the cum soaking your hands, or even the vulgar fantasies that you imagined to yourself in the night, but you were intrigued. “You wanna do what now?”
“Breed you.” He growled, his voice so dark and sinful everything inside you clenched around nothing. “Fucking stars ever since you stabbed the cantina table I’ve wanted to be inside you. Feel your pretty little pussy squeezing me, hear those sweet moans you make when you’re alone at night… yes I can hear you. You’re louder than you think you are. But I want to be the one making you scream.” His growls turned to forced laughter. “I wish I’d gotten to before...this.”
“I don’t mind this…” You hummed, dragging your fingers along his velvety length, but he caught your wrist again, shaking his head.
“Stop, before I can’t hold back anymore.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to hold back.” You batted your lashes at him and bit your lip, leaning seductively towards his hunkered body. “Maybe I wouldn’t mind.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, and I don’t know what I’d do to you, what my… ugh… eggs… would do to your body.”
“Maybe we should… find out?”
“You don’t know what you're asking.”
“Neither do you.” With that you rolled forward to kiss at his big blue eel, making him curse out your name and grab a fistful of your hair.
You hummed and lapped at his crown, his nectar tasting even better than it smelled. Sweet and succulent, driving you crazy with need. Your venomous tongue could be so kind when it wanted to be, swirling around his knobbled head and flicking at his frenulum. Beneath you he was a mess, writhing and bucking with desperation. Lips slick with spit, you sank your mouth as far down as you could take him without gagging, fisting the rest with one hand and teasing his cunt with the other.
Fingers digging into your scalp, Mando fought the urge to fuck your throat raw, your obscene sucking threatening to toss him right over the edge. You hollowed your cheeks and spun your tongue, lapping around each sensitive bean and plunging into his slit to drink him down.
His muscles swelled and clenched with another pass, and you barely were able to pull your mouth away when a new sphere spat out his tip, rolling away from you to melt elsewhere. “Mando, they’re going to waste, what are we going to do about that?”
“Take your fucking clothes off so I can fuck them into you, pretty girl.” He was gone, the husk of his voice making the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. “Let me breed you properly, make you mine. Show you what it means to be mated by a Mandalorian.”
You obeyed, rocking back on your haunches to peel your shirt away, releasing your breasts into the hot, steamy space. The black swath of void where his eyes should be drank in the sight of you as if you were the last glass of water on Tatooine, his hand coming up to pinch at your pert nipple. “These are beautiful. I’ve dreamed about these for so long, but they’re so much better in person.”
“They taste better, too.” You crawled over top of him, your knees in between his, waving the heavy dewdrops in front of his armored face. “You wanna?”
“My creed…”
“Party pooper. Fine, then you better help me open up, you’re packin’ more than I think I can fit.” You’d taken lovers before, once you’d even taken a Wookie on a drunken dare, and if it wasn’t for the persistent wet dog smell it might have been the best sex you’d ever had. But Mando was thick, and even thicker when his cock swelled to push out an egg.
“Are you really ok with this? You’re not just saying…”
“Mando~” You purred, pressing your softness against his pulsating length, shivering when you felt his fangs scrape your thighs. “Breed me. They’ll just melt back out anyway, what’s a little...fun?”
He reached a hand up tentatively to your face, his helmet shaking slightly from side to side while he hunted in your eyes for any resistance, any clue that you were just saying that to make him feel better, but he found none.
“How did I get so lucky…”
“You’re about to get even more lucky.” You teased, taking his hand from your cheek to pry the black and yellow glove off, chucking it somewhere behind you. The flesh of his hand matched the flesh of his groin, a soft golden tone that looked like it was kissed by the sun, but not once had you ever seen him bare an inch. It was also very human, looking much like your own, save for the length and thickness of his fingers and the dark hair that grew from his knuckles. They were very much the hands of a man.
Your pants fell away next, disappearing out of the cubby and onto the floor with the collection of empty ration tins and discarded armor. Naked as the day you were born, you clambered over him and flopped against his side, letting your legs fall open. “Touch me, Mando, get me nice and ready to be bred.” He growled against you, rolling on his side and cradling you to his chest so he could easily sink his fingers into your fluttering heat.
“Fucking stars, you’re soaked. This all for me?” You nodded and whined, your eyes rolling back when he dove one finger inside, then a second, curling them upwards to find that hidden patch of nerves you could never really reach on your own. “Gonna get you nice and open, make you cum so you can take my clutch. Would you like that, mesh’la, want me to fill you up? Swell your belly full?”
You mewled at the debauchery of it all, blissed out of your mind as he finger fucked you relentlessly. His fingers sank into you all the way to the knuckle, his thumb drawing tight, diligent circles on your clit. Mando snaked his free arm under your neck, pulling you in close to his muscular body and leaning his helmet against your brow. The cold metal burned against your sweating forehead, the steam of his breath coiling out from under the sharp iron edge with every ragged breath.
“That’s it, come for me, beautiful. Almost there.” Your nails dug into his clothed shoulders and made you realize he was way more dressed than you were. Need to fix that. With shaking knees you squirmed and writhed on his slick hand until he brought you over the edge, your walls trying to break his fingers as you came, drenching the thin sheets. “Good girl, such a perfect little cunt. Give me one more, cyar’ika.” All his gentleness evaporated as he thrust into you, his thumb pressed to your sensitive button and making you fall apart all over again.
“Fuck me, Mando, please! I want you in me, you’re not the only one with wet dreams, y’know.” He rumbled a laugh and pulled his arm out from under your neck and his fingers from your sopping mess, dragging the wet of it across your bare thigh. Hauling himself up, he moved until he was between your legs, pulling his remaining glove off and working to undo his flack.
With bated breath you watched him hurriedly undress, wondering what other fun alien treats he was keeping from you. As the dark fabric fell away, your eyes were gifted with the sight of his body, though besides the wandering blue tiger stripes and his obvious non-human bits, he was remarkably close to a man.
Except for the parts of him that were glowing.
Strings of faint teal lights followed the flow of his body, mixed intermittently with yellow stars. It wasn’t enough to illuminate the little alcove, but it was a beautiful sight nonetheless, a constellation of stars you could call your very own.
His chest was wide and muscular, a trail of dark brown hair dusting down his sternum and over the swell of his middle. His arms and shoulders looked like tree trunks, ribbons of countless scars marring his flesh with shimmering whites and pinks. Pushing his pants all the way off gave you an even better view, though he had considerably more glow streaks further down his legs, spanning from the sapphire spire around his hips.
He was fucking gorgeous.
What does his face look like, then?
“You’ll tell me if I hurt you, right?” He asked sweetly, grabbing his beast and dragging the leaking head against your thirsty little cunt. You bucked your hips up to him, trying to notch him in your entrance, but he pressed his tip into your clit to make you writhe. “Tell me, I need to hear it.”
“Yes, Mando, now please please fuck...me!!” He snapped forward and thrust his appendage into you, bottoming right out even though his full tummy was in the way. He held himself still, his body shivering with delight as your excited walls rippled around him. Deep inside you felt the little buds at his tip teasing at the tight ring of muscle that protected your innermost sanctum, politely asking for entry.
“Fuck-ing Maker, I knew you would feel good, but...ah… so much better than I ever imagined.” You giggled at him, reaching out and rubbing the taut flesh of his abdomen where it sat heavily against your own, rocking your hips side to side. His fingers dug into the skin of your knees with a broken curse, trying to hold you still. “Keep doing that and I’m gonna…”
“What? This?” You arched your hips into his, trying to coax him into gear. “I didn’t know you were such a tease, tinman.” His helmet vibrated with a growl before he was sliding himself out, making sure you felt every inch of his length drag along your walls. The head of it almost managed to drop out, sitting tantalizingly at your gates before thrusting into you with reckless abandon.
You shrieked, impaled on his otherworldly spire again and again, the noise of it wetly echoing in the cubby. Above you he grunted with the strain, hooking his elbows under your knees and going to town. You were helpless, head rolling back, eyes fluttered shut as he filled you over and over again, moaning out his name.
Though he was lost in the heat of the moment, he wished the name on your lips was his real name, the one he had sequestered away when he took his oaths. Din. He fantasized about it in the night, the short syllable tumbling from your full lips, wet from sucking him dry. Din! He wanted to snuff out the sound of it with his own mouth, capturing your tongue and tasting you fully, plundering the hot wet hole that would so beautifully sing his song.
But Mando would have to do.
For now.
Both of you could feel he was getting close to something, his thrusts quickening with his breath. You felt your heartbeat gallop in your chest, thundering against the walls of its cage with excitement. He was gasping, struggling to pull oxygen in through the iron that protected his face. Hips snapped against yours, the slap of skin sounding obscene in the little space. You arched your back and bore down on him, your coiled muscles milking out his release.
And then you fucking felt it.
The clever little buds on his tip stuffed themselves into the cradle of your body, teasing your cervix open and leaving something behind. Inside you felt the soft little ball swell your womb sweetly, giving you a feeling of fullness you’d never experienced before. You keened from the sensation, bringing your hands up to your belly, searching for your treasure.
“Are you alright? Am I hurting you?” Mando asked urgently between broken breaths, a weathered palm coming up to caress your face. You tittered and nodded, his relieved sigh felt through your legs and stomach.
“Got any more for me, big boy?” You purred, dragging your nails through the soft hair on his bulging abdomen where he obviously did.
“You’re going to ruin me, cyar’ika.” The pulsating length stuffed inside you slid out slowly, stringing a line of precum from your slick heat to his flushed blue tip. “Get on your knees and I’ll show you how much more there is.”
Scrambling out from under him, you flipped yourself over like a slutty little pancake, presenting your ass in front of him to feast on with his eyes. The rough pads of his fingers dug viciously into your fleshy globes, making both of you groan. “Gonna give you all of me, beautiful. Tell me you want that?” He was trying to be dirty, but the sincerity in his voice made your heart flood with honeyglow.
“I want it, tinman, I wanna be full!”
A dark, lecherous laugh rumbled behind you while he lined himself up, rubbing himself over your slit before plunging in. Stars flashed behind your eyes when he hit your deepest reaches again, making you drop to your elbows. He circled the bones of your hips with his hands, squeezing and rubbing at your waist while you adjusted to the new angle. Impatiently you clenched around him, earning yourself a stinging swat on your backside that made you squeal.
“Bad girl, you have to wait.” He growled behind you, making you whine and earning yourself another spanking that was followed by a soothing palm. “You gonna be a good girl while I breed you?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“‘Scuse me?”
“-snrt!-” You were having too much fun now, begging underneath him for friction with a roll of your hips, giggling through the cock-dumb grin on your face. “I’ll be good~”
“I know you will.” He slid forward, the angle hitting something destructive inside you, and you could tell he felt it. Memorizing your insides, he rocked forward again and again, building you up higher and higher to make you squirm. Fisting the sheets you cried when the lightning cracked up your spine, your cunt squeezing the life out of him and soaking him through. Your orgasm sucked another egg from his cock, the gentle weight sitting pretty next to the first.
“More…” you mumbled into the mattress, curving your ass up and brushing the underside of his swell. “Please…”
“You’re fucking perfect, mesh’la, so perfect for me.” His voice behind you sounded wildly different, lacking the gravelly modulation you’d grown used to, replaced with a rich baritone that tied your guts up in knots. Curiosity almost got the better of you, but before you could turn around to look at his bare face he covered your eyes, his broad palm spanning the entire width of your face. “No peeking. Be a good girl or you won’t get any more.”
He set his empty helmet down by your head, giving you something to look at if you could keep your eyes open, but his filthy cadence made your eyeballs roll back til they were gawking at your brain. Mando plowed you like his life depended on it, his fuckstick swelling inside your walls with each pass of his spend.
Reaching back, you rubbed your steadily-filling middle, the weight of his brood already making you show. Your devious digits kept going, fingertips teasing around where he melded into you, your lips stretched tightly around him. He jumped when you stuffed your hand back even further, careful not to catch on his goddamn crotchteeth to finger his cunt.
“Mesh’la!” He cried, bucking into you and pushing at least three more eggs into your womb with a single thrust. Above you he curled against your spine, his belly flattening while yours continued to swell. His arms left your hips to snake up your body, crossing between your breasts like a seatbelt and hauling you up off your elbows to his chest. Buckle up, buttercup! His sweaty pecs stuck to your spine while he kissed at the side of your neck.
You wanted so badly to look.
Instead you closed your eyes and let yourself get lost in the passionate kisses he pressed to your skin, his teeth grazing the tender flesh under your jaw. The fact that he even had lips crossed a few dozen species off of your list of possibilities, and even more when you felt the tickle of facial hair. Mando’s heated kisses tracked up your throat to nibble at your ear, his thrusting getting messy behind you.
“Can you cum for me again, beautiful? I wanna feel it.” The hand between your breasts slid up to your throat, pressing ever so gently while the second found your clit and spun devious little circles. His scruffy beard scraped your shoulder as you writhed on him, tears springing to your eyes with your crashing orgasm. “Mmph, that’s my good girl. So fucking perfect!”
His hips stuttered, slapping against your ass with a final burst, the fill of him swelling your middle to capacity, bouncing with fullness. Heavy, desperate breaths puffed against your skin as he came down from his high, caressing you with his hands and the sharp point of his chin; mumbling praises in your ear. “I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful, look at you…”
At his purring you flickered an eye open, looking down past your breasts at where you were swollen with his clutch as if you were swollen with child. His broad palms danced along the taut flesh, sliding from your precious tummy to the drops of your breasts, his hums of contentment rumbling between you. His chest and abdomen were flush with your spine, his body returned to its natural shape while yours had changed so drastically.
Between your legs his spent cock throbbed, making your combined arousal drip down onto the destroyed mattress when it softened and released. You whined from the loss, whining louder when he sneaked his fingers inside, feeling your stretched walls and musing about how wonderful you felt.
You reached forward for his helmet, handing it back to him and trying not to look at the warped reflection of his face in its sloping surfaces. He took it from you gently, letting it sink over his face so you could get off of your knees. You flopped heavily over on your butt, sitting upright and petting your full womb with a blissed out look on your face.
He laid next to you, holding you close to his body as if you were his cute little wife expecting your first baby together, and not a pair of interspecies hunters giving in to your primordial needs. You leaned against him, sighing contently and watching his serpent retreat into his body, the rows of teeth biting together and showing you why he didn’t wear codpiece with his armor.
“That’s fuckin’ weird, dude.” You laughed, brushing a fingertip along the glistening enamel.
He winced behind you. “I know, I’m sorr-”
“No, I like it.” you crooned, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “That was fun. How often did you say this happens?”
“About once a year, but… uh… I can still get hard, without a clutch, if that’s what you’re asking?” You nodded with a laugh, curling up against his side so your full womb rested on his hip. He sighed contentedly, drawing circles on your belly with his fingers. “How does this feel? Does it hurt?”
“No, not at all, actually feels good. Feels full. I like it, I’m almost sad that it’s not gonna last.”
“Me too, you look so good like this. I could get used to it.” You hummed in agreement, shifting your legs apart so that when the eggs withered and turned to goo they could easily make their way out.
Should be any second now.
The two of you waited, laying together in post-coital bliss, just enjoying the feel of each other’s bodies, tracing scars and stars, exploring the wonders you’d kept secret from each other.
You waited.
And waited.
The minutes ticked by, at first it was a blessing, giving you time to bask in the afterglow together, but as the minutes turned to quarter hours, then halfs, you started to get worried. “Mando? I can still feel them, they’re not breaking down.”
“I’m sure they will, they always do.”
They didn’t.
Hours went by, and even after waddling to the fresher shower and trying to squat them out, the eggs remained. You got washed up, half morbidly, half exuberantly watching the way the fresher water dripped from your belly while you cleaned up.
Outside the shower you toweled yourself off, taking extra steps to dry under the swell of your womb, but you struggled to reach all the way around. Mando knocked on the door politely before letting himself in, dressed only in his helmet and pants. Dutifully he took the towel from you and got to the places you couldn't reach while you were carrying his potential young.
It was surprisingly intimate, maybe even more so than being stuffed full of his length. He started on your legs, between your thighs and up to their apex, then softly wiped at your tummy and hips. His deft hands dragged the towel under each breast, then your shoulders and arms, then lastly your neck; draping the wet fabric around you like a cloak when he saw your bunching brows. You looked nervous.
“We’ll figure it out, mesh’la, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” He stated with determination, brushing his thumb down the curve of your cheek and turning your eyes to meet his visor. Your hair was still wet, and now so were your eyes, the first twinges of fear creeping into their corners. He didn’t like what he saw. “Close your eyes, lovely girl.”
You did, squeezing back the mist that was starting to form. He let go of you, and you heard the sound of something heavy and metallic being set down on the sink. The towel around your shoulders was lifted over your head, draping it over your face. You were about to give him hell, mad that he would want to hide your face when you were clearly getting emotional, but instead you felt the wet fabric being lifted as he joined you underneath.
Then he kissed you.
Warm, petal-soft lips pressed against your cold wet ones, suddenly surprising you before you melted into him. His kiss was as gentle as his hands that were making their way up to your jaw, holding you steady while he slotted his mouth to yours. He felt human, the edges of his teeth dull like yours, thankfully not sharp like the ones between his legs. Tasted human, too.
You kissed him back, darting your tongue out with an experimental flick, licking his plush lower lip. He inhaled sharply, caught off guard by your forwardness. His fingers coiled around the back of your head, tangling in your wet hair as his kisses grew in intensity. The smooth muscle of his mouth danced with your own, letting you both taste each other for the first time.
“Ner cyar’ika, I’ve waited so long for this.” he purred against your lips, his words heavy with adoration. He kissed you again, pulling you into himself hungrily and tickling your nose with his mustache. Your own hands came up, slowly dragging over the expanse of his chest to the sinewy length of his neck, and finally to the edge of his jaw.
“Can I touch your face, Mando? I won’t look with my eyes.” He nodded against your lips, his nose bumping the side of yours. Cautiously you wandered your fingertips along the edge of his jaw, the stiff bristles catching under your nails. He shivered with need when you scratched him, carding through his scruff like you were taming a massif.
His sharp jawline led you up his cheeks, their softness dusted with erratic bristles. You ran your thumbs under his eyes, exploring his cheekbones and the creases that bordered his large eyes. Pressing your forehead to his and pulling your lips away, you circled your thumbs down the sides of his well-defined nose to the line of hair above his lips. The creases that your hands found told you he wasn’t a young man, but he probably wasn’t too far beyond your age either.
And you imagined him to be very handsome.
It wasn’t until your hands found his ears that you remembered he wasn’t the same species as you. They were pointed, and sensitive if his little moans of pleasure were anything to go by.
“I don’t ever want you to see those, they’re ug- oh!” You cut off his self depreciation to tilt his head between your hands, pressing a kiss to each of his ears with a seductive puff of steam. “St-stop, you’re giving me goosebumps.”
“Stop being so mean to yourself, buckethead, only I can be the judge of that, and I bet they're cute!” He laughed, the sound warm and brassy, but not enough to distract you from your current predicament. “What… what are we going to do about… this.” You took each of his hands in yours and set them on your full belly, letting him caress his handiwork.
He sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead in the dark of the towel, his lashes brushing your skin when he dropped his brow to yours. You heard his lips part with a smile, imagining the way the wrinkles around his eyes would bunch, wistfully hoping that one day you could see them for yourself.
“Mesh’la I-… I have no idea."
If you liked this fic, check out Garden of Ishtar! It's chapter 9 in a series but can be read stand-alone. Enjoy~
@mrsparknuts @cookiejuicedesu @kaermorons @ironbabey @theflightytemptressadventure @emesispo @what-iwish-youknew @misscamptl @t3a-bag @poppunkdee @misscamptl @pandastasia @simpingmess @lilychristine01 @inaturenymph @buttercup--bee @blackd0gdesignuk @tanzthompson @transientblueseraph @jasmincita @sunnnygiiirl123 @beskarboobs @doin-stuff @marvelranger
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griffintail · 3 years
Hi I'm so so sorry for bothering you! I absolutely love your child reader x parent dreamsmp series, it's amazing!! I had an idea for the lost ones though, or a seperate scenario if that's okay!!! What if the baby was a witch? Witches exist in minecraft, so what if as the child gets older, their powers grow. Windows breaking when they cry, things floating mid air, sparks and fires from their hands, things like that?? I think it'd be really interesting if you want to write it!! If not all the lost ones, then just tge sbi seperate please! Thank you so so very much, i love this series and i cant wait till the next part!!!!!
Magical Born
Pairings: Tommy, Technoblade, Wilbur, Philza, and Ghostbur x F! Child! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of raids, mentions of death, light blood, light violence
A/N: It’s based on Lost Ones Canon, all over the timeline, but it is NOT canon. I didn’t write all of Lost Ones because it’s already a lot to write Lost Ones as its own entity :P I added Ghostbur though for fun because I just really like Ghostbur. Technically he’s part of the SBI!
I went further than planned though so enjoy. ♥
        Tommy screamed as he ran from Fundy, who had caught him stealing from his house, (Y/N) sitting on his shoulders as she laughed. He was making for the sewers as (Y/N) waved at Fundy.
        “Bye, bye furry.” She smiled.
        “YOU’RE SO DEAD TOMMY!” Fundy shouted.
        But now Tommy was laughing hysterically as he quickly turned a corner and made for Tubbo’s entrance into the sewer. Tubbo startled when his door opened.
        “What the—” Tubbo questioned.
        “No time, good luck big man.” Tommy saluted, (Y/N) waving her hand before Tommy held (Y/N) and jumped into the entrance.
        “WHERE IS HE!” Fundy came in a moment later.
        “Damn it, Tommy,” Tubbo muttered under his breath.
        Tommy laughed as he pushed his wet hair back, (Y/N) clapping her hands.
        “Big score for us little (F/L). And extra disc time for calling him furry.” Tommy grinned. “Let’s get home with it all.” Tommy walked along the pathway, letting (Y/N) walk behind him.
        (Y/N) clapped excitedly hearing extra disc time. She bounced slightly behind him as Tommy was bragging about this adventure.
        “The furry may be an easy target to take, but we managed to escape successfully, becoming richer!” Tommy said to the little girl, who continued to bounce, announcing as she did.
        “Boing!” She giggled.
        Tommy chuckled, not looking back at her. She had a lot of energy like him and always had to find easy solutions to let it out.
        “Boing!” She squealed with delight and Tommy froze where he was walking as she…float over and past him??
        “…What the fuck?!” He shouted, dropping the bag of stolen loot.
        “Boing!” She jumped over to the other walkway of the sewer water.
        Tommy put his hands through his hair as he watched his child fucking float.
        “What the fuck is going on?” He muttered, looking around.
        She jumped over to him, and he yelped as he caught her, staring at her.
        “Hi, big man.” She giggled.
        “We’re going back to Tubbo.” Tommy nodded, picking the bag and walking back down the tunnel. “No jumping.”
        (Y/N) gave a pout but didn’t jump as she followed after Tommy. He had her go up the ladder first before following after. Luckily, Tubbo had gotten rid of Fundy, looking rather miffed as he went back to sorting his chests.
        “I already got rid of Fundy, what are you doing?” Tubbo groaned, seeing the pair.
        “Dude, you got to see this, I don’t get it,” Tommy told him. “Ok, (Y/N) jump.”
        She smiled again before bouncing around. Tubbo raised an eyebrow as she bounced around like normal and Tommy was concerned for his mental health for a moment when she started to take large leaps again.
        “What the hell!” Tubbo freaked out.
        “Exactly!” Tommy motioned to the girl, who was making her own sound effects as she jumped.
        “Could…has she always done this?”
        “NO! You think I wouldn’t say if she always did this?!”
        “What the hell?” Tubbo put a hand on his head.
        “I know!”
        Then (Y/N) jumped too high and hit her head on the ceiling, crashing on the ground.
        “Shit!” Tommy flailed his arms for a moment before rushing over to the little girl.
        He made sure she had no serious injuries as she started to tear up then cry.
        “Hey, it’s ok.” Tommy tried to assure her, gently rubbing where she hit her head.
        But she only cried harder and Tommy and Tubbo both screamed as the windows in the room exploded. Tommy was hugging (Y/N) to him, looking at Tubbo with wide eyes as Tubbo was looking around wildly at the shattered glass.
        “What’s going on?” Tubbo gestured wildly to the windows.
        “I don’t know!” Tommy said exasperated, still gently rubbing his hand on her head, the effect doing good now.
        The little girl died down to sniffles as Tommy connected the dots.
        “Wait, she cried and the windows broke. I think that was her.”
        “I-I don’t get how it works but she’s doing these crazy things.”
        “Do-Do you think she’s magic or some crap?” Tubbo threw out whatever he could.
        Tommy’s eyes went wide as he nodded. “That has to be it! I mean…I don’t know where she came from after all.” He muttered now, looking at the little girl.
        “So, what, she’s a witch?” Tubbo huffed.
        “I guess…” Then Tommy’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Tubbo, can you imagine all the things we could get away with?”
        Tubbo frowned as Tommy now, as Tommy put (Y/N) down as she had calmed down.
        “This could be great! We’ll need to figure out how to teach her of course…”
        “We don’t even know what we’re doing with her as a normal kid!” Tubbo flailed his arms.
        “But she’s still alive.” Tommy pointed at his friend and Tubbo put his head in his hands. “We’ll be the greatest, richest crime trio!”
        “She’s a child!” Tubbo protested but Tommy picked (Y/N) up.
        “You can help me out now little (F/L).”
        The chaos they could cause once they figured out exactly (Y/N)’s powers were. Tommy couldn’t wait.
        “Alright little star, we have to go talk with a few people today but after, we’ll play together, just you and me,” Wilbur promised the little girl as he held her hand.
        They were wearing their matching L’Manberg uniforms and (Y/N) was humming as she walked beside him, their first stop at Niki’s bakery.
        “Ok.” She nodded with a smile.
        “Thank you, little star. Why don’t we get some cookies from Niki to make sure we’re not hungry while we walk?” Wilbur offered with a smile.
        “Yes pwease!” (Y/N) grinned.
        “Please.” Wilbur corrected gently.
        “Hello!” Niki greeted the pair as they came in. “How are you two?”
        “We’re well Niki, I hope you are as well.” Niki nodded and Wilbur went on. “I’ve come to talk to a few the citizens around L’Manberg,” Wilbur told her. “And we were also hoping to have some of your best cookies while we’re working.”
        “Your very best.” (Y/N) agreed.
        “Of course, I just finished a new batch. Would you like to see?”
        (Y/N) looked up at Wilbur with puppy dog eyes and he chuckled. “Alright, but you have to stay away from the furnaces, they’re going to be hot.”
        “Ok!” She nodded before the two went around back into Niki’s area.
        As (Y/N) watched the woman in infatuation put a new batch into the oven as she was taking the other out, putting them up to cool for the few minutes Wilbur was talking with her about how her life in L’Manberg was. The adults continued to talk as (Y/N) was now looking at the furnaces curiously, wondering how the fire worked to make the cookies.  While she was, Niki suddenly screamed, making the little girl jump as Wilbur looked around in a panic to see why she screamed.
        Wilbur saw after a moment, (Y/N)’s hands had little fires on them! (Y/N) spotted them as well and gave a shriek as his reactions kicked in as he spotted a bucket of water. He snatched it up before quickly throwing it on his little girl. The fire was gone as the girl stood soaking wet, Wilbur bolting over to check her hands.
        “I told you not to go near the furnaces!” Wilbur scolded as he carefully took her hands.
        “I-I didn’t daddy.”
        Wilbur looked at her hands confused though. She didn’t have a single burn.
        “How…” He muttered.
        “I stayed away. Just like you said.” (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably in her wet clothes.
        Wilbur looked at Niki, who had run and came back with a health potion.
        “She’s not hurt,” Wilbur told her.
        “What?” Niki looked at him with wide eyes.
        “I-I don’t know how,” Wilbur said, looking back at the little girl, freezing up as he did.
        All of the sudden…her clothes and hair were completely dry! He hesitated before touching her jacket, indeed finding it free of water.
        “Niki…I have no clue what’s going on.” Wilbur gently pulled (Y/N) to him. “Sweetie, how did you do that?”
        “Do what?” She asked confused.
        “You don’t have any water on you anymore.” Wilbur pointed out to her and she looked at her clothes, before shrugging.
        “I don’t know.”
        “Have…you ever done that before?” He questioned and she shrugged again.
        “How…how do you think it happened,” Niki asked him.
        “I’m not sure,” Wilbur muttered. “I need to send a letter to Phil or Techno; they’ve seen a lot more things in their time. I appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone Niki.”
        “Of course.” The soft-spoken woman nodded.
        “Thank you, we’re going to go home early little star.” Wilbur stood up.
        Niki still gave them a few cookies and Wilbur brought (Y/N) home, making a bird call outside first.
        “Whoa, that was cool!” (Y/N) grinned as a crow landed on Wilbur’s shoulder.
        “It’s one of my father’s crows, they’re usually all around,” Wilbur told her as they went inside.
        “Your dad?”
        “I guess I’ve never told you about him.” Wilbur chuckled quietly as he sat, writing a letter to both Techno and Phil. “My father, Philza Mine Craft, is pretty old but he’s a great dad. He taught me a lot and he’s been through a lot. I’ve told him about you a few times, I suppose I forgot to tell you about him in return.” Wilbur ruffled her hair lightly, making her giggle. “I don’t talk to my brother Techno as much though…we had some arguments in the past. I’m hoping maybe we’ll put that aside to see what be happening with you.”
        He signed off the letters and let the crow have them before they flew off.
        “We’ll know in a few days though I suppose. Now, let’s play some music while we eat these cookies.” Wilbur offered out.
        Waiting for a return letter became a little more desperate the next few days. Not only had Wilbur found his daughter’s hands liked to spontaneously combust with flames sometimes, through some careful observing, but he also found if she was particularly happy she’d find herself being able to jump to his height; and thanks to Tommy, when the boy had come to visit to get instructions from Wilbur, he decided to scare the little girl, causing her to scream and Tommy, in turn, screamed when all the windows shattered.
        “Not a word!” Wilbur immediately demanded as he made sure (Y/N) wouldn’t step on any glass. “To anyone.”
        “What the fuck?!” Tommy screeched.
        Wilbur was tempted to force the boy to stay at the house to ensure word didn’t get out but after a bit of time, he got Tommy to promise him. Finally, two separate letters came in to tell him the same thing.
        (Y/N) might be a witch.
        Techno was a bit blunter about it, proceeding to tell Wilbur off a bit for just taking some orphan, but Wilbur knew it was just his brother’s ways and didn’t hold it against him. Phil’s letter had a bit more useful information and he had once researched witches. Wilbur kept that letter safe as he came out to find (Y/N) jumping around with her powers. She was smart and figured out how to activate it, she often liked to play with her floating power.
        Wilbur wondered what else she might be able to do…It was a rather terrifying thought but he’d learn regardless. She was still his little star, witch or not.
        “You’re getting good at that little star.” Wilbur praised as he came over.
        He also let the thought cross his mind if that’s why she was abandoned but pushed it away. That didn’t matter, she was his little girl now and they’d figure it out together.
        Techno watched from the porch with crossed arms as (Y/N) laughed while running from Tommy, who was armed with two snowballs. Tommy did know how to bring the energy out of his kid. (Y/N) stumbled and fell, Tommy, grinning with victory as he stood over her but the little girl reacted fast and threw snow at him before running again with a giggle at Tommy’s temporary blindness.
        Tommy shouted profanities as Techno smirked, the voices praising his child. That’s his little girl.
        “How much longer are you two going to be out here?” Techno called now.
        “Not much longer!” Tommy shouted before swearing again as (Y/N) managed to hit with a snowball while he was distracted. “THAT’S CHEATING!”
        “All is fair in war!” She demanded.
        “Don’t track snow in the house,” Techno told them before going back into the house.
        Phil was tending to one of his crows as Techno came back in.
        “They alright?” Phil asked.
        “They’re fine.” Techno nodded, going over to his enchanting equipment.
        “I’m proud of you, mate. For taking in that little girl and making sure she’s happy.”
        Techno simply shrugged as he was glad, he had taken in the little girl as well. Life would be nearly the same. He often thought about how things might have been different if she wasn’t around, he probably would have already taken out L’Manberg but he held back for her. He didn’t need people hunting him down again right now and find out about her…
        He was taking off his pick to put a new enchantment on it when his world slowed hearing a scream and Tommy shouting loudly. Running out with his pick in hand, Phil grabbing his sword off a chest as he ran after, he found (Y/N) shaking on the ground as a wolf stalked towards her as Tommy had a bloody arm. Techno dropped his pick as he ran over, taking off his crossbow, a bolt already loaded.
        He took a shot at the wolf but his panic made him sloppy and he missed! It went over the wolf, it not noticing until…
        The bolt turned around all of the sudden and hit the wolf right in the front leg. It gave a yelp, snarling as it backed away from the little girl now, who was scrambling back.
        “B-Bad wolf!” She shouted as she shook.
        The wolf noticed the approaching pissed off man and cut its losses, running off with a limp. Techno was most certainly confused about the bolt but he had other worries. Phil was already going over, tending to Tommy as Techno came next to (Y/N), putting a hand on her shoulder.
        “You, ok? It didn’t hurt you, did it?” He asked as he quickly checked the little girl.
        “No.” She shook her head before hugging him. “It hurt Tommy.”
        “I know, Phil’s got him though.” Techno hugged her before picking her up. “Let’s get inside.”
        Phil was helping Tommy inside as Techno followed, picking up his pick.
        “If it hurt Tommy, is it ok it got hurt?” (Y/N) asked Techno.
        “Yes, because it was about to hurt you too. So, it’s ok. That’s defense.” Techno told her but he wasn’t sure what happened.
        The bolt had certainly missed and then flew back, striking it in the leg.
        “I didn’t want to hurt it.” She mumbled. “But it’s right.”
        Techno was confused by her words, but maybe she had gotten confused with her own words. He put it to the side for now as he spent a bit of time with her for the rest of the day to make sure she was alright. After he put her down to sleep, he came down into the main room where Phil was sitting by the fire. Techno sat across from him and brought up the thought he had put aside.
        “(Y/N) said something weird today.”
        “What was that?” Phil looked at him.
        “She said she didn’t want to hurt that wolf. Like she was the one who fired the crossbow.”
        Phil hummed, looking out the window. “Something was weird, I saw that bolt move on it’s on.”
        “Good, I’m not losing my mind.”
        Phil gave a quiet laugh. “Not yet my son. But something odd did happen. Have you ever seen anything like that?”
        “No…Not around here at least. I’ve seen witches do stuff like that though. That’s why they’re difficult to kill sometimes.” Techno took off his mask for the day, putting it down safely on the fireplace mantle. “If there had been a good witch around, I’d say it was them.”
        “I haven’t seen a witch in some time. Pretty rare these days, some people don’t like their power with magic and hunt them down. They’ve pretty much gone into hiding.” Phil nodded.
        “Sounds about right,” Techno grumbled, leaning against the stone of the fireplace, closing his eyes.
        “Mate, you don’t think…(Y/N) might be a witch?”
        “Doubt it. Would have meant she was magic born; they wouldn’t have just left her on someone’s doorstep for them to die.”
        “It’s rare but she could have been naturally born, with normal parents, and we’re now just finding out.”
        “Even then, when she was born, she shows signs. A magical birth has effects while they’re born. The parents would have known.”
        That made Techno frown now at the thought as he looked over at quiet Phil, who had the same frown. They were both thinking the same thing; what if they left her because of the magical birth?
        “It would explain why she said she hurt the wolf.” Phil leaned back as well on the other side of the fireplace.
        “Yeah…I’ll find out more in the mor—”
        Both Phil and Techno jumped up with muscle memory at the sound of (Y/N) screaming. Phil’s crows cried out in panic as Techno was first up the ladder to find (Y/N) whimpering as she hugged herself as a few objects floated around the room. Techno went to her side as Phil came up, Tommy shouting up as he had been startled awake by the noise.
        “Hey, it’s ok little goddess,” Techno muttered to her, putting a hand on her side.
        “T-The wo-wolf.” She whimpered.
        “It can’t hurt you. I won’t let it.” Techno told her, sitting next to her and pulling her into him. “And neither will Phil or Tommy.”
        She gave a few more soft whimpers before everything in the room slowly floated down, Tommy standing on the ladder, watching amazement.
        “You’re alright,” Techno promised, looking at Phil, the two sharing a meaningful look. “We won’t let anything or one hurt you.”
        There was just more of a reason to keep (Y/N) their secret. He’d have to brush up on his knowledge about witches as well.
        “Alright, it’s been a while since I’ve done this,” Phil told the little girl. “So, I got to do a bit of practice.”
        “Ok.” The little girl tried to have patience as she was taught but couldn’t help but bounce in excitement.
        Phil chuckled, ruffling her hair, before spreading his wings. “Ok, let’s see if I still remember this…”
        He took a deep breath before taking flight; he grinned as he felt the wind flying by, enjoying the wonderful memories that came to him. Flying had been something he had really missed. From the ground, (Y/N) cheered in the snow as she jumped, clapping. Phil chuckled at his little girl’s reaction as he took a few warm-up laps to make sure his wings were truly back in shape.
        Techno looked up from his work at the commotion, coming out as he took off his glasses. Going out, he looked to see Phil snapping by in flight and he smiled watching his father flying again. He had seen how it affected him to be trapped on the ground. Across the field, he spotted his little sister running after their father rather uselessly but she jumped as she followed after the older man, cheering as she did.
        The older brother shook his head as he watched his father again as he leaned his back on the railing, a few of Phil’s crows flying beside him as they were going over the roof. Techno was watching when another figure went over his head, giving a shriek.
        “Techno!” (Y/N) said and Techno fell backward off the railing of the steps, his cape over his face, but he shouted out.
        Phil looked over to find his daughter now falling to the ground?! With practiced ease, he turned and caught the girl before she hit the ground. He took a bit of a crash into the snow as his crows gave out a few cries in panic but he was alright. It wasn’t the first time he had crashed after a flight.
        (Y/N) looked around a bit of daze before grinning and throwing up her arms. “Again!”
        “Did you throw her?!” Phil exclaimed as Techno threw his cape off his face.
        “What!? No!” Techno huffed as he stood up, brushing snow off himself. “I was watching you and all of the sudden she was over my head!”
        “That makes no sense, mate.”
        “I didn’t throw her; I actually like her more than my brothers.”
        Phil looked at the little girl, who was still grinning even though she could have gotten hurt. “What happened?”
        “I jumped and I flew like you! It was a bit scary and I almost fell.” She told him animatedly. “But then you caught me and it was like Whoosh!”
        Phil looked at Techno as Techno was raising an eyebrow at the explanation.
        “Y-You jumped and flew?” Phil turned his attention back to her.
        She nodded. “I was jumping after you because I was excited.”
        “Why…don’t we go inside and then I’ll take you on a flight, alright?” Phil asked her.
        She gave a little pout but nodded. He nodded as well before standing up, letting her walk on her own. Techno followed the pair in and they let (Y/N) be before Phil spoke to Techno alone.
        “I…have a feeling (Y/N) might have magic.”
        “You think?” Techno snorted. “Where’d you find her again?”
        “A village during a raid,” Phil muttered, glancing over at (Y/N) as she was playing with a few of her toys as one of his crows kept an eye on her as a few of them were just as protective of her as he was.
        “They could have been there to get her family. Pillagers tend to like magic and hearing about magic users, they probably were there for them.”
        Phil nodded. It made sense; the village he had found was a pretty small farming village it had seemed. It had been odd to him how they were raided but now it made a bit of sense…
        “Guess I’ll have to brush up a bit on my witch knowledge. It’s been a few years since I’ve run across one, good or bad.”
        “Yeah, it’s been some time. Heard around the arctic that a few of them were going into hiding. Probably because of the pillagers.” Techno nodded, as he went over to his potions to do a bit of work.
        “Dadza! Your crows talk?!” (Y/N) exclaimed in excitement.
        Phil paled as Techno snorted into his potion ingredients chest.
        “You need to learn what the hell they can do too,” Techno said.
        That was going to take a bit of time to learn.
        “No one else was in the room where it happened. The room where it happened. The room where it happened.”
        Ghostbur clapped as he sat on nothing as he floated above the ground as he watched his daughter sing and do her own little dance. Tommy had taught her all about his favorite musical and taught her a few of the songs. She now wanted to show off what she learned to her father and Ghostbur was more than happy to sit and watch his little blue. He even made sure Friend was there to give her a proper little audience.
        She stumbled over a few words occasionally but he loved watching and listening to her regardless. Once she finished the song, she gave a little curtsy with her hoodie and Ghostbur clapped, giving a joking call of an encore as Friend gave a baa. She giggled, coming over and hugging him. He gladly returned the hug, nuzzling the top of her hoodie.
        “That was wonderful little blue! I can teach you a few more songs and you can sing more for Friend and me!” He smiled.
        “Please.” She nodded eagerly.
        “I’ll have to get a few of my books from L’Manberg, so we can do it tomorrow,” Ghostbur promised her. “We can all go visit Phil as well and you can show him how wonderful you are. Wasn’t it wonderful Friend?”
        The sheep gave another noise and (Y/N) giggled, letting go of Ghostbur and hugged Friend now.
        “Thank you, Friend. You’re a very good friend.”
        “We should get inside, it’s almost time for dinner.” Ghostbur stood now.
        “Ok, can I ride on you, Friend?” She asked the sheep and the sheep didn’t make a noise of acceptance or protest. “He said yes.”
        “Thank you, Friend,” Ghostbur told their sheep friend before putting (Y/N) on top of the sheep.
        After, he took the lead and took the pair to their home in Logstedshire. (Y/N) gently petted Friend’s wool as Ghostbur brought the pair inside, not seeing Tommy, which meant he was downstairs in his chest room.
        “What do you want to eat today little blue?” Ghostbur asked the girl as he helped her off Friend.
        “Carrots and potatoes.”
        “Ok.” Ghostbur nodded, petting Friend before going to cook.
        He made food for (Y/N) and set her up at the table before brewing a few potions he was low on. He hummed as he brewed, (Y/N) happily enjoying her meal as she talked to Friend. Ghostbur occasionally glanced over with a smile at his little blue and the last time he glanced over, he saw Tommy had come up and snuck up behind the little girl. Ghostbur was about to speak as he held a potion bottle but Tommy moved first.
        “BOO!” Tommy gave (Y/N) a scare as he took her shoulders.
        The little girl shrieked…before disappearing.
        Ghostbur and Tommy both stood there for a moment before (Y/N) spoke, gasping.
        “Daddy! I’m like you!”
        Tommy screamed at that, jumping back as Ghostbur dropped his potion bottle, shattering it on the floor. He floated as he went towards the table.
        “(Y/N)? Are you…invisible?” Ghostbur asked, unsure how to process this
        “I can’t see me.” She spoke.
        “HOW?!” Tommy flailed at the empty spot.
        It was another moment before the little girl appeared in the chair again, grinning. Tommy put his hands through his hair as Ghostbur feet touched the ground again as he stood in front of the little girl. There were a few beats of silence before he grinned.
        “You are like me!” He picked her up, hugging her. “This is a very fantastic day!”
        “You found her Ghostbur! She’s not supposed to be like you!” Tommy protested.
        Ghostbur pouted at that as he nuzzled the top of her head. “She can still be like me if I found her.”
        “I…I’m getting Phil. This is not normal and he’ll know.” Tommy pointed at the pair before leaving the house, too freaked out to stay inside.
        “He doesn’t understand yet,” Ghostbur whispered to the little girl before grinning. “Maybe I can teach you to do it on your own like me!”
        Ghostbur had cleaned up the glass quickly as he made (Y/N) stay on Friend just to be safe before he sat with her on the floor, trying to teach her to go invisible excitedly. The moon was a good bit into the sky when Tommy came back, a worried-looking Phil coming in.
        “Phil! We were going to see you tomorrow!” Ghostbur grinned. “(Y/N) wanted to show you a few things.”
        “Like…what?” Phil questioned carefully.
        “She learned a lot of songs and we were going to learn more. Then at dinner, she turned invisible like me! Isn’t that wonderful?”
        “See? I wasn’t lying!” Tommy motioned.
        “Calm down Tommy,” Phil told the younger boy before sitting on the floor with Ghostbur and (Y/N). “Is that true (Y/N)? You did that?”
        She nodded, smiling widely. “I learned a lot of songs and I disappeared like daddy.”
        “Have…you ever done that before? Disappear like that?”
        She hummed before shaking her head. “No.”
        “It’s new?”
        She and Ghostbur nodded.
        “Well…She could be magical born.” Phil threw out, looking at Ghostbur and Tommy.
        “What the hell does that mean?” Tommy asked as he stood next to Phil.
        “She’s a witch. Her parents would have probably been too. It’s extremely rare to have a magical born in a non-magical family. And as the house that Ghostbur found (Y/N) was the way…it was.” Phil avoided the details but Ghostbur floated off the ground as he remembered. “It would make sense; some people aren’t keen on witches.”
        Tommy frowned at the thought with Phil as Ghostbur tried to just ignore the bad images. As Ghostbur looked away from Phil, he looked at (Y/N) to see her sticking her tongue out slightly as she had her eyes closed as well, looking to be concentrating. What she was concentrating on doing made Ghostbur grin widely.
        “(Y/N) can float too!” Ghostbur cheered, making the little girl open her eyes and grin herself.
        “I’m like daddy!”
        Ghostbur laughed as he scooped her into his arms, cuddling with her. Tommy and Phil shared a look though. They had to make sure Ghostbur wasn’t vocal about this…They couldn’t let little blue lose another life just for being a witch after all…
        But Ghostbur didn’t think about that as he was simply ecstatic about his special little blue.
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