#ik this is not that many compared to a lot of ppl
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Fran’s 2022 Reads
Italics indicate it was read for YA bookclub-fightclub... which....fell apart this year bc we all became Proper Adults With Real Fulltime Jobs 
there were some stinkers and disappointments and hatereads this year but ALSO some automatic lifelong faves 
Murderbot #4: Exit Strategy - Martha Wells
ADSOM #3: A Conjuring of Light - VE Schwab [DNF, I'm sorry]
The Folk of the Air #3.5: How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories - Holly Black
Wayfarers #1: The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
Murderbot #5: Network Effect - Martha Wells
Chalice - Robin McKinley
Turtles All The Way Down - John Green
Mort - Terry Pratchett
The Fellowship of the Ring - Jirt [Reread]
Lays of the Hearth-Fire #1: The Hands of the Emperor - Victoria Goddard
Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff
Petty Treasons [Lays of the Hearth Fire Novella] - Victoria Goddard
Little Weirds - Jenny Slate [DNF]
Murderbot #6: Fugitive Telemetry - Martha Wells
The Inimitable Jeeves - PG Wodehouse
Stations - Clare McCallan & Ryan McQuade [Reread]
Crescent City #2: House of Sky and Breath - Sarah J Maas
The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell
King of Scars #2: Rule of Wolves - Leigh Bardugo
Piranesi - Susanna Clarke
Sunshine - Robin McKinley
Tuyo - Rachel Neumeier
The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison [reread]
The Cemeteries of Amalo #1: The Witness for the Dead - Katherine Addison [reread]
The Cemeteries of Amalo #2: The Grief of Stones - Katherine Addison
The Farseer Trilogy #1: Assassin’s Apprentice - Robin Hobb
Half Light: Collected Poems 1965-2016 - Frank Bidart
Devil House - John Darnielle
The Farseer Trilogy #2: Royal Assassin - Robin Hobb
Nimona - ND Stevenson
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K Le Guin
Imperial Radch Trilogy: Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, & Ancillary Mercy - Ann Leckie
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black
Calling a Wolf a Wolf - Kaveh Akbar
Our Numbered Days - Neil Hilborn
Death and the King's Horseman - Wole Soyinka
Essay on Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau
The Raven Cycle #1: The Raven Boys - Maggie Steifvater [reread]
He Held Radical Light: The Art of Faith, the Faith of Art - Christian Wiman
The Princess and the Goblin & The Princess and Curdie - George MacDonald
The Locked Tomb #3: Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
Carmilla - J Sheridan Le Fanu
The Farseer Trilogy #3: Assassin's Quest - Robin Hobb
The Fire’s Stone - Tanya Huff
Scholomance #3: The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Novik
Hamlet - Billy Shakes, Folger Updated Edition [reread]
The Castle of Otranto - Horace Walpole
Dracula - Bram Stoker [via Dracula Daily]
Moira’s Pen - Megan Whalen Turner
Dauntless Path #3: A Darkness at the Door - Intisar Khanani
The Club of Queer Trades - GK Chesterton
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas à Kempis [DNF]
Saint Paul Lives Here (in Minnesota) - Zach Czaia
Portrait of a Wide Seas Islander [Lays of the Hearth Fire Novella] - Victoria Goddard
Those Who Hold the Fire [Lays of the Hearth Fire Novella] - Victoria Goddard
Petty Treasons [Lays of the Hearth Fire Novella] - Victoria Goddard [reread]
Beauty - Robin McKinley
The Red Company Reformed #1: The Return of Fitzroy Angursell - Victoria Goddard
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens [via A Dickens December]
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taegularities · 8 months
…about cmi10 :')
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forbiddennhoney · 11 months
sooo when are we gonna talk abt the way that fatphobia has srsly fucked up yalls perception of fatness to the point that a lot of yall r calling urselves fat when u really are just not skin and bones bc..... yikes.
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linonyang · 1 year
been thinking of making a network for skz fics only but i dont know if i can commit to that LMAOOOO
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songtwo · 2 years
I really like my face and all of my features like when i was younger i wanted to change everything i wanted a smaller slimmer nose thicker lips whiter skin i wanted to be a different person basically but now ive really grown into my own skin and learned to love who i am inside and out and i love that . 12 year old me never thought we'd be here one day and yet <3
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innovation-daughter · 2 years
to add to your argument I've seen too many millennial parents not parent their kids at all, leaving them to be raised by the youtube algorithm (not even on kids permissions), dumping them on relatives or teachers as much as possible which also sucks, even being scared to parent or be strict in any way lest they upset their kid and it throws a tantrum
There's so much nuance to raising children that the nuclear family doesn't take into consideration and its no wonder that parents might feel at a loss as to what to do. Also the societal expectations to have children as a necessity in life doesn't help that what so ever, even more so in the society that we live in where parents are expected to be employed full time bc otherwise they can't achieve or afford shit, but if they rely on their relatives or daycares, they're bad parents then. Children need care and attention and it literally takes a village to raise a child. And sadly too many ppl are incapable of raising children, but ig to a certain extent its not even their fault
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yongseungkim · 2 months
#trying to get slightly mentally healthier has turned my life into disarray#its definitely not easy on my own so maybe i should give therapy a try again#but its been hard to find one that clicks like idk#cuz ive been thinking ltos of thoughts id ont know what to do with#and i feel bad for my closest friends bc i talk about the same things all the time#at least with a therapist i wouldnt feel as bad to talk about this same girl for the nth time lol#things are just so confusing#finally moved in with her and like#the worst part in me is like wow this is so disappointingly platonic LKSJDLFK#god to a friend whos been nothing but nice to me and has graciously offered her place and her bed#but idk what i subconsciously expected#i kinda wanna do things w her when shes home and like#yeah ive talked to her about this bc theres so many feelings involved#bc im used to visitng her place for more social things right and we did talk and talk a lot when i came over#but now that we're living together its not the same like everyone has their own wind down routine and stuff#and like while i might wanna talk w her and do things w her that feels so incredibly selfish of me :((((((((((((((((#its so weird to room with a friend bc of that lol i havent had roommates ive considered friends#so i was more than okay with like locking myself up in my room but like w her i just wanna talk#and i think what was subconsciously eating at me too was just comparing myself w how she acts w other ppl which is the root to all sadness#*ik but like ahhh idk
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atlasisntdead · 1 year
I don't intend to ever talk about where I live specifically (internet safety duh) but I can say I'm not from an english speaking country and my first language isn't english, which might be surprising based on how I come off and talk tbh
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
Dear honey ,I love you blog it’s so cute and helps me with my health.
Three questions please
how to stop felling insecure ?
How to have a healthy lifestyle, physically, ‘mentally emotionally and spiritually?
YouTubes and Podcast you recommend
thank you xoxo🌸
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thank u so much for the amazing questions, also, THE VISION BOARD IS SO GOOD <33333 thank u for loving my blog that means the world to me. now unto ur three AMAZING questions;
INSECURITY - when it comes to insecurity there's a vast amount of places that u can start but the first place to start is your mouth. what comes out of ur mouth is a reflection of who you are. ppl that are smart will build opinions on u based on what comes out of ur mouth. ur words have POWER, dont let ur negative words become ur reality. speak positively on urself, STOP the negative self talk, dont make urself the topic of jokes and dont ever EVER speak negatively about yourself. bcuz even if ur like "its just a joke" you will subconsciously start to believe it.
stop comparing urself to others, the only competition is between the person u are today, and the person that u were yesterday. practicing self care is so good for ur mental and physical well-being. it can give u a sense of confidence, but ultimately the confidence that'll last will come from within u and that will RADIATE. practice saying no and put urself first ALWAYS. (self concept work is also super helpful when ur building ur confidence)
i want u to get to the root cause of ur insecurity, and why u feel that way. for some ppl they are insecure bcuz of the way that they look, or the way that they talk, the way people perceive them, it could be a LOT of different factors that contribute to why u feel insecure but i just want u to identify them. then DISMANTLE them. flip the narrative. for example if ur insecure about ur looks; you'd take a hard look at urself in the mirror and i can GUARANTEE that you are BEYOND BEAUTIFUL. start looking for things that u love and like and MAXIMIZE on those things. tell urself constantly that ur gorgeous and it'll become a belief. if ur surrounded by ppl who constantly belittle u then u need a new circle of ppl to surround urself with.
(ik that this is SUCH a long paragraph but i can elaborate on it further in a separate post if its something that u wanna discuss more)
HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - im separating this into parts
physically - start moving. it could be doing pilates or yoga, or literally just taking a walk but u should just be MOVING. fueling ur body with nutritious foods and staying hydrated. taking care of ur health by eating balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. listening to ur cravings, taking care of ur skin and ur hair and ur nails etc etc. taking care of urself from head to toe and from the inside out. once u prioritize ur physical and like, self care you will look and feel SO GOOD
mentally - listen to podcasts and consume content that makes u feel good about urself and pushes u to become the best version of urself. sleep can greatly improve ur mental state, stimulate ur mind and cultivate ur passions and talents. educate urself (knowledge is powerful) about anything that interests u and the world around u. PAY ATTENTION IN SCHOOL (if ur in school) and constantly stay in a place of learning. surround urself with people who are diverse and whose experiences and worldviews are different from yours so that u can learn from others.
emotionally - start journaling, when u feel emotions, identify them and take care of urself accordingly, meditate and become more mindful of urself and those around u. if u have the means, invest in therapy, however if u dont, start journalling, doing shadow work, and we have SO MANY resources to start our healing journeys. like youtube for example. take advantage of that <3
spiritually - if ur talking about religious spirituality, then read ur religious texts and study that so that u can grow and get deeper in ur faith. start making time to pray as many times a day as u should, and focusing on building a relationship with the god/gods that u believe in. watching content from people who share the same faith and religion as you can help u become more confident in ur religious identity AS YOU SHOULD BE <333 if ur not talking about religious spirituality..
start meditating and take part in other mindful practices, avoid negative people and negative energies, connect with nature and the world around u, cultivate gratitude, if u feel like u should u should def invest in some crystals and things of that nature. i dont know much about spirituality in this specific sense so please feel free to teach or add onto this in the comments so that we can all learn from each other <3
the wizard liz
manifest it finesse it
simone squared
persephones mind
shera seven
simone simmo
THIS WAS SO LONG BUT I HOPE THAT IT WAS HELPFUL TO YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE <3333333333 i will definitely elaborate on these topics in the future 💗
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broodsys · 5 months
never felt the need to make one of these before, but why not? i've given much of this advice piecemeal over the years, so here it is all compiled. note that none of these are rules, they're just suggestions for things that have served me well. my biggest writing rule is to reject all writing rules tho, so :)
brood's writing advice:
"just write" is overly simplistic. sometimes you have to seek out the reason you're struggling to write and you have to be accepting of your own limitations. are you really stressed lately? are you sick? is there a major change in your life? if you're struggling in other ways, creativity is going to be harder. it can be extremely frustrating, but it's worth being gentle with yourself
two cakes. i think the vast majority of creative individuals deal with imposter syndrome, comparing their work to others, etc., but the cliches are true: you're the only one who can write your story. and there will be people who appreciate it. you have a specific voice and you can't eradicate that from your work in order to replicate someone else's voice, but your voice has a range, i promise, and you can find many ways to utilize it. also true of other forms of art, but i'm just talking writing rn
beginnings are hard. endings are hard. and sometimes you have to let things percolate for a while, let your subconscious untangle it for you. in these instances, i find switching to another project or a writing exercise to be helpful - it keeps me engaged with literary processes without undue pressure to begin or finish one individual piece that's troubling me
writing exercises: they're sometimes about writing, of course - stream of consciousness, poetry, planning, whatever. but i've also found it useful to have them be about words. one of my most productive writing exercises is to just start writing words. they aren't meant to go together at all, it's meant to explore my personal vocabulary, to find terms that have drifted away from the front of my mind, but it also loosens you up and gets creative energy going in a very low-impact way
scene transitions can be really difficult, as can moving from the climax into something with lower energy. something i've found generally effective is to showcase your pov character's reactions, either through introspective reverie or action, even and maybe especially mundane action. they just had a massive climatic moment? okay, how are they going to act when they're getting ready for bed that night? will they be distant and distracted, will they be hyper-focused on the small tasks, will they be clumsy, will they throw themselves into bed carelessly, will they be unable to sleep? following them through their reaction lets you guide the reader through the decreasing energy as well
smut writing: ik ppl can struggle with this and there's so much to it, but the one piece of advice i will offer is to lean into sensory experience outside of the smut. what surface are they on? how does it feel? are they cold, do they warm up, are they sweating? ongoing work setting the scene can help break up the monotony of action that can sometimes be troublesome in smut, bc a lot of the actions are repetitive
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fairycosmos · 10 months
i rlly relate to the constantly grateful and suicidal part. like ik for me personally grief is a huge part of it. i had an amazing day wednesday and even now sitting in the afterglow i'm almost mad that i'm experiencing it? because something just feels "off" without someone i love here. and i'm mad that the world has the audacity to be wonderful - still - while missing someone so vital to it. idk you aren't alone. you aren't alone
yeah i totally understand this! i think a lot of the time when i experience anything even vaguely positive or peaceful these days im just wishing she was here to see it and i find it all so incredibly unfair and like. wish she had more of a chance to enjoy beautiful things and sights and feelings and there's all this weird guilt and pain and it's also just like. i know objectively i couldve been born into much worse circumstances - homelessness, deep poverty etc - and everyone says oh dont compare your pain to others but i really am glad to have a roof and food and and whenever im in the deep pits of despair i just feel like how can i feel so fucking painfully bad when i have the basics i have more than most ppl in history ever had in terms of comfort and convenience and still everything feels wrong and off and just heavy. i think a lot of it is grief, youre right. so many different versions of it but esp the grief for my sister just tainting everything. im so so sorry youre feeling it too and thank you for being kind and for making me feel understood. it's a complex and confusing emotion that i cant ever even articulate right so it can feel isolating. sending a big hug. x
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fangymutt · 5 months
sorry im sad posting
man ik i need to accept me and love me etc and like half of being attractive is confidence but I still get so envious of a lot of trans girls bc god. i feel like im still so so so less pretty than so many of them. other gals got hips and perfect asses and their tits are big and evenly shaped and nice and i just. im so fucking ramshackle always. im like always a solid like 5/10 im just like. middle of the road. mundane and average. i didnt get anything exceptional at all. im just. it sucks i want to be hot and cool and have the awesome ass and girl cock and hips and tits and just look good. like i feel so bland in this awesome community of hot ppl like i rlly just do not compare i know id never like. turn heads. and it also means im like. idk ppl dont rlly take me serious im cutesy but im not hot i dont command a room i dont like turn heads or nothing and im just. sad. i wanna be like so hot it actually shows u know. sighs. anyway ill live i guess, i just have to settle for being so/so
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marsbotz · 11 months
hello I keep seeing u talk ab loving skybound but I'm curious as to why u love it, and would LOVE to read a super in-depth explanation bc im kinda a skybound notliker and ik uve changed my mind on certain thigns ab this show b4, and I was hoping u cld do it again !!! :DDD /gen
YEAH. OKAY !!! sorry this is super long and rambly i already had to rewrite it once cus tumblr ate it lol... and also sorry its all basically abt jay (running away embarrassed)
first of all let me say i do think skybound is a BAD season. having the characters suddenly all be sexist out of nowhere to drive plot is stupidddd and so is having a retcon ending that makes it all redundant except for Jaya Canon Now. i think thats mostly what makes the fandom not like it. BUT. i think its sooo interesting for like so many reasons also
i think s8 is considered the darkest season which is fair. but skybound also has a crazyyy amount of dark and DEEPLY interesting things it touches on. the ninja disappearing one by one. jays birth father being his favourite actor. jay torture. jaya actually being interesting!! lets talk abt these.
having the ninja slowly be cut out of the season is GREAT for not only building tension but also being able to more deeply build upon jay and nyas characters (and their relationship). the 22 min format means that some characters (like wu and kai) are gone for AGES. which is sad for kai fans but greatttt for the season. it rlly makes u feel their absence, and some of their disappearances are scary!! zane trying to outsmart nadakhan but realising too late hes been tricked... AHH!!!
if you compare this to how they did it in s12 its a lot more impactful as theres more time for the characters to... be gone. and the videogame nature rlly does take away a lot of the tension IMO. if jays mothers had been in prime empire like planned.... it would have been a GREAT parallel i think but as it is its just kind of odd. thats another convo tho lol (altho there issss the mention of jay being adopted at the end. very interesting [it goes nowhere])
i literally think abt jay adoption arc every god damn day of my life. ill try to explain this without getting too deep into my personal sicko hcs lol. first you get a rlly nice callback to s1 w jay being ashamed of his parents and living in a junkyard only to realise how litte he cares once theyre threatened. thennn you have the whole situation at cliffs house. jay finds out the man who abandoned him at birth (possibly? we dont know details) is the actor for fritz donnegan. the same character who jay imitated and aspired to be like. and then he realises his father felt the same admiration towards jay!! and they both never knew!!!
i think this twist is what makes a lot of jays behaviour in s6.... not excusable... but understandable. jay is shown to be insecure and have weird fucking ways of coping with this (lying. lying lying all the time) and so it kinda feels natural that his way of coping with this information would be to 1. hide the fact he made wishes 2. try to imitate his father through his book and 3. Never Speak Of This Again.
speaking of that lets talk about jay being tortured. can we talk about that?? they FUCKED him up. but the most important part out of allll of it is a character trait i rarely see ppl attribute to jay even though its like... pretty consistent for him. is his willpower!! hes able to endure days of torture to the point where he can barely walk and talk at the end of it just to stop nadakhan from gaining more power
nadakhan also directly points out jays insecurities and how they make him lie to his friends... and jays able to show some of his smarts thru trying to get flintlocke to stage a mutiny! honestly the whole episode is so damn interesting it makes me SEETHE its not more talked abt LOL
i wont get into my insanely complex jaya opinions rn but i will say s6 has one of the most interesting depictions of the ship to me. nya being reluctant to date jay due to being seen simply as his girlfriend is soooo interesting and fits well w her arc of not wanting to give up her own deal w sam x to become a ninja. its just a shame they had to retroactively make everyone misogynistic to do so lolol... and the ending w jays wish Potentially forcing them together is soooo odd and kinda goes what the rest of the season was setting up for them. THIS IS MAINLY why i think ppl hate this season. cus it sets up SOOO much cool stuff and then drops it all last second
i think the things that could have saved skybound from being so hated would be
1. do the same plotpoints w nya but dont drag the ninja AND DARETH into it ..... make them supportive of her!
2. makes jays final wish have some FUCKING consequence! you could do a LOT with how he worded it to twist it badly (im a nadakhan return truther for life)
3. not dropping every single intersting character trait ever. and also not dropping the GOD DAMN ADOPTION ARCCCCCC and also not revealing jay to be so crushingly insecure he physically cannot stop himself from lying to ppl and putting on a happy mask and then turn him into a one note comic relief character. [becoming a soulless husk]
LOL i realise this sounds now like i hate skybound I DONT i just think its very flawed. BUT thats whyyyy i love it... because its so interesting! its flawed in a way like "there is soooo much i cld do w this" and not like "i dont care about any of this its so bad". w ninjago my fav parts have always been the weird icky edgy parts that are almost too much for what it is... which is a childrens lego show. ik they cld never have done most of the interesting stuff i imagine coming out of skybound and thats ok! bc i get to think abt it evilly.
heres some assorted things i love and think are fun in skybound
kai and zane banter at the repo yard
ronin capturing the ninja!! specifically him shutting down zane from the inside is super scary and cool
NINJA IN PRISON!!!!! i almost threw up when they went to jail in crystallised its so fuckign fun. SKYBOUND 2!!!
zane playing chess against nadakahn. another scary zane moment
jay trusting only cole w the truth abt his wishes (HELL YES BROTHER)
clanceeeeee <3 him being like one sided friends w jay and standing up to nadakhan at the end of it all... wahhh
NINJA REPLACEMENTS. so fucking funny i love jay and his assortment of old guys And Skylor
everytime i watch it i cant stop thinking of this ytp and it makes me cry. its not even that funny i just have watched it like 50 times
its dungeon media. this is smth i made up and only i know abt . dont worry abt it but its true
ok my brain is mush HOPE THIS MAKES. some sort of sense . bascially trying to condense 6 years of Thoughts into coherent analysis is impossible for me LOL
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adaricruz · 8 months
Well...since you said you like asks, I'd love to hear any Hunter/Kevin headcanons you wanna share??
(Also I love love LOVE your art of them so much fr, I love how you draw Hunter sm & despite personally not being into DEH, I still think your Conner drawings are fucking awesome too)
^-^ 🤘
HELLOOO i love seeing you in my notis sm !! im so glad you like my metal lords fanart fr i swear there’s only like 3 ppl in the fandom & 2 of those 3 are US 😭😭 & omg i have so many hc’s for em 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️
- ok SO . i genuinely think the one that would develop feelings would def be hunter . & prob has had a big ass crush on kevin for YEARS . & he’s a dumbass so he’ll continue to crush on him for as long as they know each other . once kevin meets emily & get together , hunter has to see kev be happy with someone else & suffer in silence but ofc wont do NOTHING about it . so Yeah , it prob would be unrequited :((( i’ve read some fics where kevin is doing the crushing over on hunter thing , which i also think is super cute & makes sense , but mans is way too busy being a dumbass too , hunter IS definitely the one in love with his best friend .
- hunter definitely uses he / they pronouns . & prob wears skirts bc they are comfy ( i have to draw that sometime 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️ ) im a metalhead so i kinda go ‘ would hunter wear this ‘ while im wearing a band shirt & a black maxi skirt with demonias & if i go ‘ yea ‘ i kinda imagine him wearing it JDJDJ specially bc ik adrian greensmith wears skirts too .
- I DO SEE kevin & emily being together for a good while ( & again , meanwhile hunter is suffering in silence watching his crush be with someone else , hunter loves emily ofc because she��s a badass & is also his friend , & if kevin is happy with her , hunter is ) & hunter prob dates some guys along the way ( ppl he meets at gigs or concerts etc )
- after rehab ( bc hunter Goes back for his anger management issues ok im forcing him back there ) , hunter is less aggressive & violent & doesnt hold a grudge on emily ( the old hunter would tho , & would be so damn jealous she gets to kiss kevin & he doesnt bruh ) & she prob does his makeup or paints his nails 🫶🫶
- kevin does enjoy playing d&d ok he has a face that says ‘ i make sick ass campaigns ‘ i just KNOW IT
- hunter bought them tickets for their first concert in middle school ( probably motörhead or slipknot ) & kevin had to sneak out to be able to go 😭😭 i do think all of hunter’s shirts come from concerts !!! & once kevin gets more into metal he even gives him some to wear ( ik his nasty ass has a whole closet filled with band shirts & they REEK )
- hunter tries to teach kevin to play guitar 🫶 it doesn’t go well kevin fucking sucks
THESE ARE SO SILLY i just love that movie & these charas sm because they are so Normal & fun compared to my other fandoms ( where it’s just Blood & killing & Suffering ) so with kevin & hunter is lighthearted stuff 🖤 tysm for the ask !! & im also so so glad you enjoy my connor stuff <3 ik it’s a lot between the metal lords stuff so tysm for still being here ! 🤘
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b1rdbra1ned · 11 months
Oh no I hate Fan too. Fan was not a good character in season 2 and he didn't actually face any consequences for his actions. Paintbrush was like the closest we got to Fan being criticised and people considered PB to be the one overreacting. Paintbrush is done so dirty because the fandom put their own belief about the bright lights being family even though Paintbrush never actually got along with them. They talked to tt like once, bickered with lb until the last ep they were in and then there's. Fan..
Also I think I hate fantube a little more after the theyrebasicallycanon polls put enstars against ii. Glad rinniki won they deserve the win against fantube imo.
Sorry I was tired of being critical of ii so I don't like it anymore 😔
But hiiii we haven't talked much in a while ik :(( I'm on holiday rn but feel free to talk to me if you want!
Paintbrush was in every way in the right to yell at fan, he constantly bothered and nagged at them and the stuff about marshmallow was definitely the final straw
i only ever liked the whole bright lights family thing because honestly it could’ve worked imo!!! but they just never took that chance they never really developed the brights lights AT ALL most season (beside from marshmallow) the bright light felt more like the comical team (not really but can’t think of a better way to describe them) compared to the grand slams who definitely got way more focus and development
it’s shitty because i think the brights lights could’ve had potential but they were just casted aside until the last few episodes where “oh hey look development!! :] oh wait nvm they’re eliminated now <3” like ????
paintbrush definitely got the short end of the stick here. literally having what was supposed to be their episode mainly centred around tt and lb and having their feelings about marsh being completely casted aside. i wish more was done w/ marshmallow and them vs them and lb
looking back a lot of their scenes w lb just felt kinda off??? i don’t think can articulate this probably rn but paintbrush deserved better
but at the same time i wish the team got more time w/ each other in general, they have so many great opportunities to do it like in the maze episodes but again they’re kinda just cast aside as just comedy
and w/ s3 oh boy i hate what they did with paintbrush and their “arc” in the last few episodes. they quite literally and figuratively took away their edges, i miss sassy, sarcastic confident paintbrush they feel so dulled down in iii and it’s like no one in the writing team understands them at all. it’s like they didn’t even write s2 (but hey back to the point i mentions last post that show writers really ought to stop listening to fans sometimes because this is how fanon seeps in </3)
i hate how the a lot of the fans view paintbrush especially if it’s only ever in the context of lightbrush or shipping (another thing that pisses me off btw is how they’re always treated as irrational and or just plain out abusive FUCK PEOPLE WHO PORTRAY PAINTBRUSH LIKE THIS)
they’re such a great character who gets absolutely fucked over by the writing and fandom (not all of the fandom of course, i love seeing ppls takes and discussions on them but it’s just some fans who just </3)
i don’t like discouraging ships, if ppl are mature and respectful and don’t put other ppl down then that’s all great and stuff but my problem is that i really wish paintbrush was just seen as more than their ships yknow
Fan is.. the more i think about canon him the more im like yeaaa… uh no thanks…. (mainly w/ him and paintbrush and cabby)
idk if im even allowed to say they changed tt this season because.. she didn’t honestly have a lot of screentime last season compared to a whole lot of other characters, but in iii she feels off?? honestly all of them do even the new contestants later on during the season
idk if i have the words to describe why s3’s characterisation is so off and at time frustrating, their arcs too, was going to point out some characters but honestly i could make a case for nearly ALL the contestants the ones who weren’t voted out early at least
that’s the end of my ramble tho, sorry ik i talked a lot about paintbrush, i want to talk about the others too but they’re the one i still even think about. hopefully this isn’t a bit hard to read, ik im not that organised w my rambles sometimes
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
I think a lot of the Austin hate now stems from Jacob fans, bt i find many of Jacobs "fans" to b very fleeting. i think the voice comments will always b there bt a lot of ppl got over the unjustified rumors of him cheating on Vanessa and ppl do think he/Kaia gerbers age gap is weird (ik i do 🥴) bt Austin just got famous from Elvis last yr n I dnt really think Kaia is that relevant in pop culture so some ppl will point it out bt I think their kinda overlooked as a couple. I think over time he will b fine though his fanbase seems to b strong
Yea, the Elvis/Jacob/Austin comparisons were bound to happen, so that was a given. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I still don't really get the voice thing tbh. Yea, his voice might be slightly different, but if you compare it to 7 years ago, his voice/accent basically sounds the same. He just has an older voice now, and maaaybe a less hard enunciation of certain words probably due to the Elvis vocal training all those years. But other than that?? People drove that voice thing into the ground imo.
Look, even Tom has an older voice now. That's what normally happens when you age. Your voice (yes, even women's voices) change a little, and usually get deeper with age.
But yea, I'm sure eventually people will get over it with him just like they got over the Anne Hathaway hate...
I'll address the Kaustin and Vanessa stuff below 👇:
RE: Kaustin....
I've already talked about what I think about them as a couple on my blog several times before... 🤐 Honestly? They as a couple have always seemed a bit OFF to me (and I'm not just talking about the age gap thing ; which is cringe in itself) and idk why. Look, I've tried to like them as a couple, and her, but I just can't get over the nepobaby-ism, and the weirdness of that family. I actually used to think they were real (and maybe they are?🤷🏾‍♀️) but this year, certain things about their relationship have seemed a bit contrived and pap-heavy??
Not only that, but they barely even look like they're close friends w/each other half the time ROTFL. 😅🤣 Their vibe is so off to me lol. I'm sorry. But the gut doesn't lie. They look so bored and dead w/each other sometimes. I keep saying that Vanessa is the one who got away... 👀 Want proof? Just do a simple Google search photo comparison of his "couple" pics with V and his "couple" pics with K. That's all I'll say lol... 🤭
But hey, if they're happy, then I'm happy for them!? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Idc who he dates honestly, just as long as she's a kind person, is genuine, down to earth, and is dating him for the right reasons.
Here's some tea☕for you.... There's been some in the fandom who spilled that supposedly, Kaia went after HIM. 👀 That wouldn't surprise me lol.
RE: Vanessa...
Yea, I never fully believed the cheating rumors tbh, cuz things just didn't make sense. And no woman I know would be hanging out with the girl who her bf of 9 years cheated on her with. Add to the fact that their families (esp her sister?) still follow each other?🤔
Also add to the fact that Ash Tisdale is still SUPER close to Austin, and I know she is/was a close friend of V's as well, so I doubt she'd be hanging tight with him if he cheated on her friend like that. 🥴 So things just never made sense?
More tea ☕ for you....Take this with a HUGE FAT GRAIN of salt (because who knows if any of this stuff is true?), but word on the street is that supposedly, Vanessa was the one who broke up with Austin. 👀
IF that is true, then that would explain a LOT. Supposedly, it had to do with Elvis filming. 🤐 Supposedly, they had already broken up before the film even started filming. It's a long story.
Anyway, they seemed really happy together all those years, so it's kinda sad they weren't able to try to work things out again. But oh well! It's too late now! V is about to be a married woman (if she isn't already!). 😅
Honestly?? I don't blame her if she really wanted marriage and a family, and she didn't want to continue to spend more time waiting for him (and his career, etc) to catch up.
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