gett-merkedd · 8 months
“From the earliest times there were men — comparable to today’s sharks — who, using brutal force and cunning, appropriated the common patrimony.
If they had limited themselves to this, it would have been little bad, since the damaged ones, adopting the systems of their marauders, could perhaps have regained the lost goods, perhaps reviving others.
The real evil arose instead when said marauders, to consolidate and increase the products of theft, constituted the authority and pretended to dictate laws to the world and precisely to those who had been usurped by them.
Thus there were tyrants on one side and slaves on the other.
The first solemnly proclaimed: “Property is the fruit of labor and savings and is sacred and inviolable.” And the defense of the hypocritical principle of sacred and inviolable property was entrusted to three shady figures who still reign: the gendarme — synonymous with brutality and ferocity -, the priest and the moralist, who personify the lie.
Against this principle philosophers rose up, who ruled: “Property is theft”; they were joined by thousands and thousands of slaves hoping for freedom and equality, and who divided themselves into schools and parties headed by shepherds, who are repeating — to the point of putting the public to sleep for the boredom they cause — their speeches about rights and duties of workers, on humanitarianism, altruism, justice, solidarity, brotherhood, equality, freedom, etc., etc., and, as if they were to build a building, trace the design of society future, between the dazed looks of the poor and the ironic smile of the rich.
These sentimental speeches are jeremiads, which seem to want to convince the owners to give up their possessions for the benefit of derelict humanity. But the rich are deaf, they are not moved and, above all, they are strong, because they have gendarmes, priests, moralists and social reformists more or less varnished with revolutionism; on the contrary, the rich, seeing that the people are content with whining and that they allow themselves to be duped by bad shepherds, become more and more bold and aggressive, and, as if the violence of the royal or republican authorities were not enough, they hire armed gangs to the defense of their capital.
I like speeches very little, much less sentimental and rhetorical ones; it doesn’t matter to me whether property is the product of labor or theft; I do not make considerations on law and justice, nor do I care to arouse feelings of humanity. I know that I must live my life as comfortably and as freely as I can, and I try to find the means necessary for this purpose.
“The right to life is not begged, but is taken”, so I say to my comrades: we live as anarchically as we can, without waiting for the laggard of the future, which for us anarchists will always have unhealthy rays.
Society rightly considers us enemies, therefore we do not seek any way of reconciliation, we reject the means of struggle that it offers us — means for political and trade union struggles — and we choose our means ourselves, and whether these are adequate for the difficult task that we face. we propose, superior to those adopted by our enemy. We accept the challenge and fight without respite or quarter, to achieve victory immediately and not in the year two thousand.
Force comes down with force, violence with violence, property with expropriation.
I attach the greatest revolutionary importance, the highest subversive significance to individual expropriation. It means: practical and effective rebellion against the system of exploitation perpetrated by the idle and the pleasure-seekers to the detriment of the workers; conquest of the right to life, joy and freedom, since society only tramples on the poor; revenge against property owners and social institutions. On the contrary, the multiplication of individual expropriations constitutes a true and profound social disintegration; and revolutionism and anarchism — today more than ever, in the face of the arrogance of the socialist party which claims to impose its dictatorship — have no reason to exist and to manifest themselves except as essentially anti-social tendencies.
The revolution, to demolish the present and future organisms of oppression and exploitation, does not take place on fixed dates on the barricades, but takes place every hour, every moment in the multiple assaults against society, by the unscrupulous and rebellious individuals.
It is necessary to overthrow and destroy all the principles that support the so-called civil society; and the expropriation of individuals, while on the one hand it poisons the existence of the rich, who feel they are suffocating under the weight of wealth in danger, on the other it undermines the social and moral edifice from its very foundations.
The systematic individual expropriation of the rebels and the strong, the irreverent violation of the dominant principles — religious, authoritarian and moral -, the iconoclastic profanation of all that is considered sacred and inviolable, constitute the foundation of revolutionary and anarchist criticism, the reason for being anti-socialist anarchism.
So we, being anarchists, rise up against the crusade of cheap humanitarians, of altruistic shopkeepers, who with plasters claim to heal social rot.
Those who approve of revolution and collective expropriation — beyond to come — and repudiate individual expropriation, are sacristans of the monarchy rather than revolutionaries. Let them speak of reformism — perhaps anti-parliamentary — but not of revolution and much less of anarchism.
Giulio [Jules] Bonnot’s example of action — to quote just one name — is worth much more to me than all the revolutionary preaching of the socialist anarchists.
Convinced of this, I address myself, not to the flock that does not want to understand me, but to men endowed with a strong will, and I tell them: awaiting the Apocalypse , let us carry out our expropriating revolution, to achieve our well-being and our freedom.“
— Erinne Vivani
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deadgiants · 1 year
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Do what you gotta do to survive.
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jackawful · 4 months
Can you imagine if knitting was illegal and assholes on tumblr were like "you have to vote for 99% hitler because I know y'all aint knitting baby blankets" and encouraging people to talk about their clandestine knitting circles where the cops can see. I will point you toward patterns and publically state that knitting is good and should be decriminalized and more people should learn to knit. but you, internet user, do not get to know whether I or anyone else owns knitting needles while knitting is still illegal.
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pissmoon · 10 months
Its so hard to not be a bitch and a hater when your post gets viral and thousands of people say the same lame thing in the tags
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yourfaveisleftist · 4 months
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The Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who is an illegalist anarchist!
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dipperdesperado · 8 months
notes toward taxonomies of social change tactics
Changing the world is hard. Creating equitable and egalitarian social relations have proven difficult to create. The path forward isn’t necessarily clear, but I have some general inclinations about how we should frame our approach. We should avoid a traditional approach, where we just try to turn things back to “how they used to be”. We instead should wrestle with present and past ideas to create the best possible course for the future.
This is super important for tactics. Depending on where you lie on ideological lines, you might be super into some tactics over others. I’d say, once we have a basic idea of our visions and values (and some ethics), we can try to pick some tactics from what’s available, and decide how to execute from there. from there. This post will mostly be gesturing towards a way to categorize tactics to decide what you will think will be useful based on the context.
So, I think some useful variables for any given tactic are:
Level of visibility or publicity. How aware will people be of this? How “viral” will it be?
Legality. How much trouble will you get in with the law?
Directness. How far are you from the issue? Is this a direct action, or do you have to go through intermediaries?
“Violence” or confrontation. How confrontational is this with oppressive systems?
Organizational structure. What kinds of organizational structures can facilitate this action?
Intended impact/likely result.
Current feasibility. Given your current power level, are you able to pull this action off?
Risks. What are the dangers with this idea?
Benefits. What can be gained if this tactic yields successful?
You can look at any given tactic, rank them based on these categories, and based on your strategy and analysis, decide if it’s something that you want to do. Depending on the situation, you can use as many or as few variables as you want.
I’ll end with an example of using this to categorize certain tactics, with a specific selection of variables.
Above Ground Tactics a. Legalist Tactics
Peaceful protests
Petitions and letter-writing campaigns
Lobbying and advocacy
Public speeches and rallies
b. Illegalist Tactics
Civil disobedience
Sit-ins and occupations
Blockades and disruptions
Nonviolent direct action
Underground Tactics a. Legalist Tactics
Covert research and information gathering
Strategic media campaigns
b. Illegalist Tactics
Sabotage and property destruction
Hacking and cyber-attacks
Underground publications and propaganda
This is just a start. I think that something like this can be useful so that we can have a way to gauge our tactics in the context that we plan to apply them. Hopefully, this can be part of an interesting tactical/strategic discussion.
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buttonsgoblin · 5 months
What kind of leftist would each Jojo protagonist be?
Jonathan: social democrat
Joseph: market socialist
Jotaro: anarchist
Josuke: democratic socialist/reformist
Giorno: marxist
Jolyne: anarchist who reads theory
Johnny: politically unengaged, but tends to be sympathetic to the left when you sit down and have a conversation with him
Jo2ke: single-issue activist focused on universal healthcare
Jodio: illegalist
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umbra-aeterna · 5 months
One aspect of the 'abolitionist/illegalist' perspective (or for those still at the kiddie table, 're-entry/rehabilitation') that I'd like to share is that meeting someone with a criminal record can endear you to them, can be a reason to see them from the standpoint of solidarity. We were not shielded from the consequences of our actions, one way or another. We didn't have the financial or legal privilege to beat our case, nor were we determined or ruthless enough to get away with it. We were weak, we lost, and it cost us part of our life. Idk about everyone else but no one I met when I was in "deserved" to be there. The guy that taught me how to play poker also played final fantasy, like loved chocobos. Another that taught me how to hide my meds and commissary from the COs was the best and most knowledgeable fitness trainer I've ever met. Guy that was there on a murder 1 charge was drawing a portrait of his kids and wife.
Don't trust anyone, ever. At the same time don't be quick to condemn someone that now has no chance of defending the lives of their loved ones, no chance of getting housing or a decent job etc you know the rest. At least mind your own business.
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autonomoustweekazoid · 6 months
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"When I say I am an anarchist, I simply mean that, to the extent that I have the power, I refuse to let anyone or anything dominate me. In other words, I refuse to accept the power of any authority, any institution, any existing or would-be ruler, any ruler, etc., over me. This is why I also refuse to choose between potential rulers and rules. Doing so would express a willingness to give up my power to create my life, a willingness to surrender this power to others, and I am not willing to do this. I also am not willing to even temporarily hand my power over to any authority or institution to act for me. This is why I won’t turn to cops or courts to deal with any problem or conflict in my life. To the extent of my power, I avoid dealing with these institutions altogether.
When I say I am an outlaw, I don’t mean that I am some great, heroic bandit (such a claim would make my friends laugh their asses off). I mean simply that, to the extent of my power, I live alegally, that is, without regard for the law. I don’t let the law determine my choices and my actions. Rather I use all my powers – my skills, my tools, my wits, my relationships – to create my life on my own terms without getting caught. This alegality reinforces my refusal to ever voluntarily deal with cops or courts.
I speak of alegality and not illegalism, not because I am opposed to illegalism, but because I want to be precise. Originally, the term “illegalism” had a specific meaning. An illegalist was an anarchist who chose to use illegal means as the way to make her living rather than begging or taking a job. So “illegalism” referred specifically to robbery, burglary, theft, counterfeiting, etc., [1] not to propaganda of the deed, attentat, and the like, nor to such things as the refusal of military service, taxes, etc. The original debates over illegalism were therefore not about whether anarchists should take illegal actions – it was assumed that all anarchists did – but about whether individual reappropriation was a legitimate tactic – and for an egoist this is not even a question; the only question is: “What can I get away with?” In any case, anarchists, and for that matter, all free-spirited, unsubmissive individuals, will inevitably break laws. When laws exist, my choice to live on my own terms will make me an outlaw, because I will ignore law except as an obstacle to avoid."
-Wolfi Landstreicher
Anarchist as Outlaw
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ciswomenofficial · 10 months
A revolution isn’t found in your individual actions as a single person, a revolution is a war. That war does not get so much as a minute closer from some idealist of the “illegalist” variety shoplifting or vandalizing or committing any other individual action. The way you dress does not bring on a revolution, unless your dress code has you wearing a strap on your hip, and even that won’t mean much if you aren’t prepared to use force in concert with other people.
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clowngags · 1 year
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The Joker's Methods && Motivations
The Joker is an insurrectionary anarchist, an egoist, and perhaps most importantly, an illegalist. Her views are largely anti-statist and support armed rebellion against the established order; however, she also believes that she does not owe humanity anything and therefore does not hold these views to a larger good. In other words, she supports overthrowing the government because she does not recognize its right or authority to have power over anyone, but she also doesn’t feel that it is her responsibility to free the world from what she views as an oppressive military regime. 
Subsequently, Joker has embraced a lifestyle of illegalism– criminality as an act of revolt and propaganda. Illegalists argue that their actions require no moral basis– illegal acts are taken not in the name of a higher ideal, but in pursuit of one’s own desires. While Joker’s nihilist views are a foundational part of her personal point of view and motivations, her desire is ultimately power. 
Alfred Pennyworth has a great line in TDK where he talks about how none of the usual criminal motivators are applicable to the Joker, and that’s what makes him an enigma to Batman. “Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” He is partially right, in that Joker cannot be bribed with money or sex or lesser physical luxuries-- the only thing that appeals to her is the intangible concept of power, and every manipulation of chaos that she employs is engineered towards that end. 
Joker’s absolute last resort is employing violence. If it comes down to it, she’d never shy away from blowing everything to smithereens (in fact, you should see the glint in her eye as she admires all that raw destructive power in its purest form), but typically whatever violence she employs is always part of a manipulation. Joker doesn’t come at a problem head on; she doesn’t confront any issue directly. That doesn’t work. What works for Joker is a thorough understanding of cause and effect.
For example, if she were to provide GCPD with direct evidence of mob money that had been previously unattainable to them, then Johnny Law will take a bite out of the powers that be and effectively destabilize the criminal map of Gotham City, creating a vacuum of power ripe for seizing. So she robs a bank. Loudly. She ties up all loose ends, and leaves the cash with a bow on it for the cops. She gets away with it because usually when someone robs a bank, they want money, not evidence against a criminal underground.
Unfortunately, she cannot plan for every possible outcome-- life is chaos. The criminal banker runs to Hong Kong and the mob boss puts a hit out on her? That’s fine. Don’t chase the banker, don’t fight the mob boss. Instead, manufacture your own kidnapping to make the mob boss think he has what he wants. Who’s going to hunt someone down if they’re already caught? The only thing she needs for that is henchmen. So she’ll convince mob men to swap sides by promising them what they want, whatever that is.
She also plans twelve steps in advance. For example, when formulating a new criminal empire, it’s important to make sure that the growth will remain unhindered. After eliminating all potential competition, the next adversary will be the very powers she used to take out the mob: Johnny Law. So she takes a three pronged approach: the commissioner, the district attorney, and the judge. The people who apprehend, prosecute, and convict criminals, all equally and very publicly represented. Instead of fighting the cops, a publicly deranged execution of their commissioner will do the job. Why go to trial when you wage psychological warfare against any lawyer who would ever be in the position to take her to court? And judges are the last bastion of our justice system. Destroy one in front of everyone. Remind them that they’re all human, all vulnerable. If she kills these three symbols pre-emptively, the law would think twice about coming for her. Weaponized fear. You get the idea.
She will fully convince you that she’s a dog chasing cars, a deviant who just wants to watch the world burn, a deranged clown-- and these things may all be true as well, but they mask her true motive: power. Joker wants to own herself, she wants to own Gotham City and everyone in it. She will find the very heart of what you want and either offer it to you, or put a knife in it. Why kill you when she could seduce you with money, power, or force you with fear? It’s more fun that way, and Joker is safer every step of the way.
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i mean who said that. my phone has a glitch im not. an illegalist 🤤🤧🥰
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dbs-superleggera · 9 months
Belle Époque - Wikipedia
The Bonnot Gang (La Bande à Bonnot) was a French criminal anarchist group that operated in France and Belgium during the late Belle Époque, from 1911 to 1912. Composed of individuals who identified with the emerging illegalist milieu, the gang used cutting-edge technology (including automobiles and repeating rifles) not yet available to the French police.
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manty-monster · 10 months
"thanks I stole it" is the illegalist version of "thanks it has pockets" when complimented on an article of clothing
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yourfaveisleftist · 3 months
Blue from blues clues is an illegalist
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triplejumpster · 1 year
Illegalists when all crime becomes legal
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