#im mentally stable for sure
voltazar · 7 months
what the fuck am i doing with my life at 6 am?
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ispyspookymansion · 4 months
“yes” for anything that isnt 100% no
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noname-404s-blog · 11 months
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curioscurio · 8 months
I finally decided to finish Steven Universe Future and its a little scary how much I identified with Steven this time around. Who am I kidding it was like looking in a mirror. . I have got to move the FUCK out
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sternenhimmel-mond · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time an adult cartoon showed an elderly white couple that was the parents of one of our main characters being taken care of by a male, black, live-in nurse that was in a polycule with them, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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kane-turu · 25 days
In my humble opinion, Kakania and Isolde should reunited and kiss in 1.9
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girlwithfish · 6 months
bpd vs cptsd is really confusing also bpd vs autism. anyway
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castielafflicted · 6 months
distinct possibility that things are going to start to get very bad for me in a few days because of medication reasons </3
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system things is who's fucking idea was this
system things is guarding my headmates from texting our ex
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rabbithaver · 1 month
tomorrow is my one year anniversary of joining the sonic fandom for real........
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imissthefire · 10 months
ikesoren brainworms, they're wrigglin' away, man. they're just. so good. so much growth. so patient with each other. so supportive. so honest, yet never unkind. just... so good.
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ajdrawshq · 6 months
ended up buying start again to play after i 100% isat to the best of my ability and i Also got the artbook bc the bundle is on sale for less than just the games usual price so why not. and im glad i did bc i got to see concept art of siffrin getting fucking impaled 👍
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designernishiki · 1 year
anyway. nishiki and majima are both borderline and i could do a whole case study on either of them about it. send tweet
#im pretty flexible about most hcs regarding mental disorders and such but this take is one im like pretty fucking steadfast on#and I could write. an absurd amount about it. cause psychoanalyzing the shit out of characters is literally like. what I do for a living#and I have a weird special interest in abnormal psych and the dsm-5 in my closet and a psychologist for a mother and etc#but yeah so#inquire further at your own risk because I will talk. I will talk a lot#the only issue with majima is that I can’t evaluate his childhood and family life and just. his fundamental years of development in general#which is a pretty big deal when it comes to assessing for any personality disorder#nishiki oh yeah I absolutely can. but yeah we know basically nothing about majimas fundamental years. all I can really do is reverse#engineer so to speak based on how he is as an adult and what causes a person to do the things he does / be the way he is / etc#but of course that’d all be very very loose and hypothetical. FASCINATING to think about to me but obviously would have to be taken with a#huge grain of salt and be considered very very speculative#but I can say for sure that he didn’t have a stable and perfect home life/family life growing up I think that’s pretty safe to assume#anything more detailed than that is way more speculative but. yeah. I don’t think he was just. Normal. up until he was 20#his identity issues run way too deep for me to accept that concept#anyway I need to shut up#majima#nishiki#rambling
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sorenlionheart · 6 months
i have to admit its kinda crazy being involved in fandoms again since the last time ive really been involved in a fandom was during my steven universe days
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wings-of-angels · 1 year
Really thought i might have had a crush the other day but then i felt the exact same way when talking to an etsy shop seller and realised its probably that i just like having nice exciting conversations that make me feel good :')
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electricpurrs · 9 months
#i think ive been going way too overboard from what im actually comfortable with i dont actually like that#this is all weird and ive been acting weird and i feel bad maybe my mind has been way too foggy for me to. really think straight#like that sounds really dramatic i just feel weird and uncomfortable and wrong like my posts are weird and my attempts at talking#to people are weird and my conversations with my friends are weird#like im not acting like myself or im too out of it to remember how to act like myself#idk. i just dont wanna keep doing any of this but im not sure what ''any of this'' is#i got myself in some kind of spiral and im not having fun and i feel bad and gross and lame#i think im in an actual like bad mental health state#and i now im worried i have thousands of people following this damn blog and seeing my posts while im in a vulnerable state#and im acting erratic and weird and because i post my every thought in this website everybody is seeing me act erratic and weird#which just makes me much more anxious#i really hate how prone i am to letting my mental health make me act weird and how prone i am to over posting online due to a lack of#impulse control#and how i have an amount of followers that is way too large for it to be safe or healthy for me to be fucking myself over online#i am not minimally healthy or stable enough to keep my posture in front of a large audience and this should never have happened to me#i dont know that being said i should probably take a break for a bit#post less until i can get my head in place
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