bpod-bpod · 5 months
Gather Round
The immune system's B cells recognise their foe (antigens) with receptors (also known as immunoglobulin or antibody) on their cell surface. Here, super resolution microscopy combined with 4D image analysis reveals how these receptors on the cell surface localise into clusters as ridges and finger-like projections called microvilli to aid recognition of their targets
Read the published research paper here
Video adapted from work by Deniz Saltukoglu and colleagues
Department of Molecular Immunology, Biology III, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in The EMBO Journal, January 2023
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science-sculpt · 2 months
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The Antibody Odyssey
Have you ever wondered about the tiny superheroes zipping around your body, keeping you safe from invaders? No capes, no tights, but these incredible warriors are essential for our health: antibodies! These Y-shaped proteins play a crucial role in identifying and neutralizing these invaders, safeguarding our health. Produced by specialized white blood cells called B lymphocytes (B cells), antibodies are highly specific molecules, each designed to recognize a unique signature on a foreign substance, known as an antigen. This specificity, akin to a lock-and-key mechanism, ensures that antibodies only target the invading pathogens and not our own healthy tissues.
The earliest glimpse of antibodies came in 1890 when Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato made a groundbreaking discovery. They observed that serum from animals immunized against diphtheria could protect other animals from the disease. This landmark finding laid the foundation for the concept of "antibodies" and paved the way for further exploration. In the early 20th century, Paul Ehrlich, renowned as the "father of immunology," proposed the "side-chain theory." This theory postulated the existence of specific receptors on cells that could bind to specific antigens (foreign molecules). This concept laid the groundwork for understanding the remarkable specificity of antibody-antigen interactions.
The 1960s witnessed a significant breakthrough with the work of Rodney Porter and Gerald Edelman. They elucidated the primary and secondary structure of antibodies, revealing their Y-shaped structure and intricate details of their amino acid sequences. This paved the way for a deeper understanding of their function and diversity. The process of antibody creation begins when a B cell encounters an antigen. This triggers the B cell to activate and divide rapidly, forming a clone of identical cells. These clones, called plasma cells, become antibody factories, churning out millions of antibodies specific to the encountered antigen. These antibodies then circulate throughout the bloodstream and lymphatic system, patrolling for their matching antigens.
Recognizing and Eliminating Threats: The Multifaceted Arsenal of Antibodies
Once an antibody encounters its specific antigen, it binds to it with remarkable precision. This binding initiates a multi-pronged attack on the pathogen:Neutralization: By binding to critical structures on the antigen, such as the viral envelope or bacterial toxins, antibodies can render them ineffective, preventing them from infecting cells or causing harm. Opsonization: Antibodies act as flags, coating the antigen with a special tag that attracts other immune cells, such as phagocytes (white blood cells that engulf and destroy foreign particles). This process, called opsonization, marks the antigen for destruction. Activation of the complement system: Antibodies can trigger a cascade of protein reactions called the complement system, which further aids in the destruction of the pathogen.
But, did you know that there's not just one type of antibody? These versatile molecules come in various forms, each with its unique structure and function. The type of antibody produced also plays a crucial role in the immune response. There are five main classes of antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE), each with distinct properties and functions:
Immunoglobulin G (IgG): The Mighty Defender - This is the most abundant antibody type, constituting around 70-80% of all antibodies in the bloodstream. IgG has four subclasses (IgG1-4) with subtle differences in function and lifespan. IgG is like a versatile soldier, capable of: Neutralizing toxins and viruses: By binding to pathogens, IgG prevents them from infecting cells. Triggering phagocytosis: It flags pathogens for specialized immune cells called phagocytes, which engulf and destroy them. Passing immunity to newborns: IgG antibodies can cross the placenta, offering newborns temporary protection against infections until their own immune system develops.
Immunoglobulin M (IgM): The First Responder - IgM is the first antibody produced by B cells in response to an infection. While less effective at neutralizing pathogens individually, it compensates through its: Pentameric structure: Five Y-shaped units join together, increasing the "avidity" or overall binding strength to pathogens. Complement activation: IgM can activate the complement system, a cascade of proteins that attracts immune cells and promotes pathogen destruction.
Immunoglobulin A (IgA): The Sentinel at the Gates - This antibody is primarily found in mucosal secretions like tears, saliva, and breast milk. IgA acts as the first line of defense against infections at these entry points by: Preventing pathogen attachment: It binds to pathogens, hindering their ability to adhere to and colonize mucosal surfaces. Neutralization and exclusion: IgA neutralizes pathogens and facilitates their removal through mucus flow.
Immunoglobulin D (IgD): The Enigmatic Player - IgD remains the least understood antibody type, making up only a tiny fraction (around 0.02%) of the total. While its exact function is still being unraveled, it's believed to be involved in: B cell activation: IgD might play a role in stimulating B cells to mature and produce other antibodies. Regulation of immune response: It's thought to be involved in fine-tuning the immune response by preventing B cells from overreacting.
Immunoglobulin E (IgE): The Double-Edged Sword - IgE is responsible for triggering allergic reactions. It binds to allergens (substances perceived as threats) on mast cells, which then release histamine and other chemicals. This leads to the characteristic symptoms of allergies like runny nose, itchy eyes, and wheezing. However, IgE also plays a role in expelling parasites, It can trigger the release of substances that help expel parasitic worms from the body.
The Building Blocks: Chains and Domains
An antibody is comprised of four polypeptide chains: two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains. Each chain folds into distinct regions called domains, which are responsible for specific functions.
Variable (V) domains: Located at the N-terminus (amino-terminal end) of both heavy and light chains, these domains boast highly diverse sequences. This variability allows the antibody to recognize a vast array of unique structures on antigens, the foreign molecules it targets.
Constant (C) domains: The C-terminus (carboxy-terminal end) of the heavy chains contains these domains. They determine the antibody's class (isotype), which influences its ability to interact with other components of the immune system and trigger specific effector functions.
The Architecture: Y-Shaped Majesty : The four chains assemble in a specific manner, forming the characteristic Y-shaped structure. The arms of the "Y" are formed by the Fab (fragment antigen-binding) fragments, each consisting of one light chain and one heavy chain linked together. These Fab fragments house the antigen-binding site, the crucial pocket where the antibody specifically recognizes and binds to its target antigen. The base of the "Y" is the Fc (fragment crystallizable) fragment, solely composed of the C domains of the heavy chains. This region interacts with immune cells and molecules, dictating the antibody's fate and activating various immune responses.
A Hinge for Flexibility and Diversity : Connecting the Fab and Fc fragments is a flexible hinge region. This hinge allows the Fab arms to have some degree of movement, enabling them to bind to antigens with different shapes and sizes. This flexibility also contributes to the remarkable diversity of antibody specificities, allowing the immune system to recognize and combat a wide range of pathogens.
When we encounter an antigen for the first time, our B-cells take a snapshot of its "fingerprint" and create a specific antibody to fight it. These "memory B-cells" then stick around, so if the same antigen tries to attack again, our bodies can respond quickly with a trained army of antibodies, preventing us from getting sick again. This is the genius behind vaccinations! Vaccines introduce weakened or inactive antigens, training our B-cells to create memory for specific villains, so we're prepared if they ever try to invade for real.
The knowledge gained from antibody research has revolutionized healthcare. Here are some notable examples:
Vaccines: By exposing the immune system to weakened or inactive forms of pathogens, vaccines stimulate the production of specific antibodies, providing long-term protection against diseases.
Diagnostic Tools: Antibody-based tests, like ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), are widely used to detect and diagnose various diseases, including viral infections and autoimmune disorders.
Therapeutic Antibodies: Monoclonal antibodies, produced in the lab to target specific antigens, have emerged as a powerful tool for treating various diseases, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases.
Antibodies are a testament to the body's remarkable ability to defend itself. These meticulously designed proteins, constantly patrolling our systems, stand as a testament to the intricate and sophisticated nature of the immune system. By delving deeper into their diverse functions and potential applications, we gain a profound appreciation for the intricate dance of life and the ongoing battle against invading threats. As research continues to unveil the secrets of antibodies, we can anticipate even greater advancements in healthcare and disease prevention, all thanks to these extraordinary defenders within us.
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joga-blog · 2 months
Interpreting Viral Marker Test Results: What You Need to Know
In the realm of medical diagnostics, the Viral Marker Test stands out as a crucial tool for identifying and monitoring viral infections. This test plays a pivotal role in the early detection of viral pathogens, enabling timely intervention and management. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of the Viral Marker Test, its significance, and its application in the field of medicine.
What is a Viral Marker Test?
A Viral Marker Test, also known as a viral marker assay or viral serology test, is a diagnostic test designed to detect specific markers or components associated with viral infections in a patient's blood serum. These markers may include antibodies, antigens, or nucleic acids that are indicative of viral presence or past exposure.
Types of Viral Markers:
1. Antibodies:
Immunoglobulins IgM,IgA and IgG, are antibodies produced by the immune system in response to a viral infection. IgM is often the first to appear, indicating an active or recent infection, while IgG suggests past infection or immunity.
2. Antigens:
Viral antigens are substances that trigger an immune response. Detection of viral antigens in a patient's blood may indicate an ongoing infection. Antigen tests are commonly used for rapid diagnosis.
3. Nucleic Acids:
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests detect the genetic material (RNA or DNA) of the virus. PCR is highly sensitive and can identify the virus in the early stages of infection.
Significance of Viral Marker Testing:
1. Early Detection:
Viral Marker Tests are instrumental in the early identification of viral infections. Early detection allows for prompt medical intervention, reducing the severity and duration of the illness.
2. Monitoring Disease Progression:
Serial testing with Viral Markers helps healthcare professionals monitor the progression of viral infections. Changes in marker levels over time provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of treatments.
3. Public Health Surveillance:
Viral Marker Tests play a crucial role in monitoring and controlling the spread of infectious diseases within communities. They aid in identifying and isolating infected individuals, helping to prevent outbreaks.
Applications of Viral Marker Testing:
1. HIV Testing:
Viral Marker Tests, particularly those detecting HIV- Antibody, are widely used for screening and diagnosing HIV infections.
2. Hepatitis Screening:
Tests for hepatitis viral markers, such as Hepatitis B surface Antigen(HBsAg) and anti-HCV antibodies, are vital for diagnosing and monitoring hepatitis infections.
3. COVID-19 Diagnosis:
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of Viral Marker Testing. PCR tests and antigen tests are commonly used to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2.
Viral Marker Testing has revolutionised the field of diagnostics, providing healthcare professionals doctors with valuable tools for the early detection and monitoring of viral infections. As technology continues to advance, these tests are likely to become even more accurate, enabling more effective strategies for managing infectious diseases. The importance of Viral Marker Tests in safeguarding public health cannot be overstated, making them an indispensable component of modern medical practice.
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drpedi07 · 3 months
Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy
Immunoglobulins are also called as antibodies. They are special proteins formed by the B-lymphocytes that attach to a microorganism and help to kill the germ by easy ingestion by phagocytes.
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colosiggold · 3 months
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lupusnews · 3 months
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
25 Jahre später verzeichnet die Varizellen-Impfung in den USA beeindruckende Erfolge Windpocken, von Wissenschaftlern Varizellen genannt, sind eine früher allgegenwärtige Kinderkrankheit, die einen charakteristischen bläschenförmigen Ausschlag unterschiedlichen Ausmaßes und Schweregrades hervorruft. Windpocken betrafen früher fast jedes Kind. Die Inzidenz dieser Erkrankung ist jedoch nach der Einführung von Varicella-Zoster-Impfstoffen stark zurückgegangen. Lernen: 25 Jahre Varizellen-Impfung in den Vereinigten Staaten. Bildnachweis: Alisusha/Shutte... #Antikörper #Ausschlag #Chemotherapie #Diphtherie #Drogen #Geburt #Geburtsfehler #Gesundheitspflege #Gesundheitswesen #Gürtelrose #Herpes #Herpes_zoster #Immunisierung #Immunität #Immunoglobulin #Impfung #Kinder #Labor #Leukämie #Masern #MMR #Mumps #Nephrotisches_Syndrom #Pädiatrie #Polio #Röteln #Schwangerschaft #Serologie #Strahlentherapie #Syndrom #Virus #Windpocken #Wirksamkeit
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longhaulerbear · 1 year
Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is FDA approved for the immune-mediated peripheral nerve disorders Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and multifocal motor neuropathy. Immunoglobulin therapy has been used increasingly with significant efficacy in the treatment of patients with disabling autoimmune forms of dysautonomia, which are most often small fiber (autonomic and/or sensory) polyneuropathies.
It is recognized by most who treat these disorders, however, that patients with autonomic dysfunction treated with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy develop aseptic meningitis or severe lingering headache more frequently than other patient populations when this therapy is dosed in the traditional fashion.
The autonomic nervous system begins in the brain, descends into the spinal cord, and then out to the small fiber autonomic nerves that innervate every organ, gland, and blood vessel in the body. There are many different mechanisms by which dysautonomia may arise, but there has been increasing evidence and awareness that it may be immune-mediated in some patients.
SFPN may manifest clinically as postural tachycardia syndrome, orthostatic intolerance, orthostatic hypotension, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, gastrointestinal dysmotility, complex regional pain syndrome, and/or neurogenic bladder.
In some patients, dysautonomia may occur in association with primary antineuronal autoimmunity, including antibodies to the adrenergic and muscarinic receptors, ion channels, the ganglionic acetylcholine receptor, the NMDA receptor, antibodies against the N-type or P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channels (Lambert-Eaton Syndrome), and others [3]. In other patients, it may occur in the context of systemic autoimmune disease [3, 4], and autonomic neuropathy may be the initial manifestation of Sjogren syndrome [5] or the antiphospholipid syndrome [6], which may coexist. Dysautonomia may also occur in association with most other autoimmune diseases, including some cases of Hashimoto thyroiditis [4], rheumatoid arthritis, [7] spondyloarthropathy [8], lupus [9], systemic sclerosis [10], celiac disease [11], inflammatory bowel disease [12], myasthenia gravis [13], and multiple sclerosis [1]. Indeed, it has been hypothesized that autonomic dysregulation may be involved in the etiopathogenesis of systemic autoimmunity as a result of the complex interactions between the immune system and the autonomic nervous system.
We recommend the use of the present protocol when administering IVIg to patients with any of these autoimmune forms of dysautonomia to reduce the likelihood of significant side effects. The only potential downside of our more gradual protocol is that the response may be delayed compared to traditional dosing, but these are chronic conditions.
It is also anecdotally recognized by most who treat these patients that this subpopulation of patients develops aseptic meningitis or severe lingering headaches significantly more often than other patient populations when IVIg is dosed in the traditional fashion, that is, 1–2 g/kg given over 2–5 days. Indeed, some of these patients have experienced such severe headaches or aseptic meningitis that they have refused another trial of the therapy.
Giving intravenous hydration before and/or after the IVIg infusion and dividing the total monthly dose into weekly infusions, which allows for a much slower infusion rate, are usually well tolerated in these patients, and we have observed significantly fewer issues when a graded protocol is followed. A gradual uptitration of the rate with subsequent infusions allows the dosing frequency to be decreased eventually to monthly in the majority of patients. A suggested protocol for initiating IVIg in patients with autoimmune dysautonomia is provided in Table 1. We estimate that at least 75% of our patients with autoimmune dysautonomias experience at least mild headache with the use of IVIg, even with the dosing modifications suggested in the present manuscript. We believe that most of these patients would experience either aseptic meningitis or severe prolonged headache with IVIg dosed in the traditional fashion.
Aseptic meningitis is an uncommon complication of IVIg given for other immune-mediated conditions.
The reason for the common occurrence of aseptic meningitis in patients with autonomic dysfunction and/or migraine is not known. One possible explanation is that it may occur due to IVIg-induced mast cell activation. This suspicion comes from the fact that mast cell activation syndrome is a frequent comorbidity in patients with dysautonomia, and these patients not infrequently have acute mast cell type reactions during IVIg infusions, including flushing, hives and other rashes, pruritus, and chest pain that are rapidly responsive to diphenhydramine. Furthermore, the aseptic meningitis is responsive in most patients to antihistamines, steroids, and nonsteroidal agents, each of which has mast cell inhibitory properties. Aseptic meningitis manifests clinically as severe headache, neck pain/stiffness, nausea/vomiting, and sometimes fever. The onset is typically toward the end of the day of infusion and up to 5 days following the IVIg infusion.
Dexamethasone up to 10 mg (or equivalent) intravenously that may be followed by a few day oral taper and/or intravenous fluids often help symptomatically when the symptoms of aseptic meningitis are severe. It should also be noted that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications can rarely cause aseptic meningitis, and this is more likely in patients with autoimmune disease. This should be considered in a patient receiving a stable, previously well-tolerated dosing regimen of IVIg without aseptic meningitis who later develops this complication. IVIg-induced aseptic meningitis/prolonged headache does not usually occur idiosyncratically, but rather it may occur when the infusion is given too quickly and without adequate hydration. The optimal rate of infusion may be different from patient to patient and can usually be determined by trial and error. Less severe headache and nausea (typically distinct from the patient’s usual symptom complex) occur frequently with a time course similar to aseptic meningitis in dysautonomia patients treated with IVIg. Slowing the rate of infusion, decreasing the dose given with each infusion, increasing intravenous hydration, and/or the use of scheduled nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, histamine 1 receptor blockers, and/or acetaminophen beginning several hours before the infusion and continuing for a few days afterwards is usually effective in this context. Premedication with steroids is also effective; however, steroids are usually used as a last resort due to their greater risk profile compared with the other options which are effective for most patients. It is also helpful for the patient to increase their oral hydration the day of and for a few days after the infusion. Triptans and dihydroergotamine may also be efficacious for these symptoms. Regarding brand of immunoglobulins, it has been our anecdotal experience that Privigen and Flebogamma are associated with more side effects in this patient population than other brands.
IVIg Dosing, Response Rate, and Duration of Therapy
As noted in Table 1, our starting dose of IVIg in patients with autoimmune autonomic neuropathy is 1 g/kg/monthly (administered in weekly divided doses). If there is not progressive improvement to a goal of at least 80% of pre-illness functional level by approximately 6–9 months of therapy, then a trial of increasing the dose incrementally up to a maximum of 2 g/kg monthly to determine if there is an incremental benefit is worthwhile as some patients do better with a higher dose. Most of our patients respond optimally to a dose of 1–1.5 g/kg/monthly (average approximately 1.3 g/kg/monthly). Using this protocol, patients may begin to see clinical improvement after an average of 6 weeks of therapy (range 2–12 weeks) [2]. The improvement is usually gradual. For example, the patient may notice that their “bad days” are less bad and/or their “good days” are more good. They may then note that they have fewer bad days and more good days and that in general they are able to tolerate more intensive endeavors than they were before. Improvement often continues very slowly over 6–12 months and may continue for up to 2 years. This may be due to the expected slow regeneration of the small fiber neurons. If there is no improvement after 4–6 months of continuous therapy, the treatment should be stopped.
While patients with an acute infection-induced immune-mediated autonomic neuropathy may be effectively treated with 1–2 courses of IVIg [27], patients with a more gradual and progressive disease onset in association with systemic autoimmunity almost always require a longer duration of therapy that may be indefinite. This is analogous to many other systemic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis, and multiple sclerosis, which often require lifelong therapy. While this has not yet been studied in autoimmune autonomic neuropathy, all but one of our patients who has experienced an interruption of therapy (for insurance or other reasons) experienced a return to their prior baseline or in some cases worse than their prior baseline (in patients who were treated earlier in their course). For all of these patients, however, the duration of treatment was less than 1 year. Dr. Liu, however, has reported 16% of their patients were eventually able to stop IVIg [22]. Dependence on IVIg can be assessed by gradually reducing the dosing interval, for example, from every 4 weeks to every 5 weeks to every 6 weeks and so on. If there is clinical worsening, the plan should be to resume the therapy at the previously effective dose for at least another year before considering another trial of reducing the dosing interval. Approximately 50% of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy are eventually able to stop IVIg therapy, but some patients require several years of therapy.
Our experience with the use of IVIg in patients with autoimmune autonomic neuropathy matches that which has been reported by Oaklander and Flanagan with a response rate of approximately 75–80%. Many patients improve by 80–90% of their pre-illness level of functioning. It is very important for patients with orthostatic intolerance to optimize and maintain lifestyle measures, including regular strengthening and aerobic exercise, optimal salt and fluid intake, compression stockings, and elevation of the head of the bed. Some responsive patients are able to eventually decrease the doses or even discontinue their dysautonomia-specific therapies, for example, fludrocortisone or beta blockers, following a successful response to immune modulatory therapy. Others do better if they maintain some or all of their autonomic medications.
Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Therapy
For patients with significant symptoms from IVIg despite the above measures or for patients with venous access issues, transition to subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) therapy should be considered, as it is better tolerated by many patients. SCIg therapy has been used successfully for many years in patients with immune deficiency syndromes, and increasing data have shown that it may also be effective for autoimmune disease [28]. The administration of the higher doses required to treat autoimmune disease is technically more difficult, however, requiring more subcutaneous infusion sites and more frequent infusions than is required for patients with humoral immunodeficiency syndromes.
Importantly, failure to respond to IVIg does not preclude a response to other immune-modulatory therapies. Alternative therapies for patients with autoimmune autonomic neuropathy include pulse high-dose steroids or chronic steroid therapy with a prolonged taper, rituximab, therapeutic plasma exchange, and oral immune modulatory agents (e.g., mycophenolic acid or azathioprine), and some patients require combination therapy. As with IVIg, therapeutic plasma exchange used in this context must also be given on a chronic basis, with the exchange interval determined by the duration of response to the initial 5 treatments.
Since autoimmune SFPN is not currently an FDA-approved indication for IVIg, insurance approval usually requires a prior authorization. We have found it helpful to write a detailed letter summarizing the rationale and a summary of peer-reviewed articles available to date demonstrating efficacy. Oftentimes, a peer-to-peer discussion with an insurance company physician is also required. Comparing autoimmune SFPN to the other peripheral immune-mediated neuropathies that are FDA-approved indications for IVIg has been an effective strategy. We have also found it useful to explain that the ability to diagnose SFPN has lagged behind the ability to diagnose the large fiber neuropathies, which has led to fewer completed studies to date. We have also found it helpful to note that there are randomized controlled trials underway investigating the efficacy of IVIg in patients with immune-mediated SFPN, to explain that patients with autoimmune dysautonomia represent only a subset of all patients with dysautonomia and to request IVIg as a 4–6 month trial to be continued only if there is significant symptomatic improvement.
Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy has emerged as an effective therapy in patients with autoimmune forms of dysautonomia, but when dosed in the traditional fashion, it is not as well tolerated in this patient population as it is in most other patients. Modifying the infusion protocol, however, allows most patients to tolerate this therapy with only mild to moderate side effects. SCIg therapy is an excellent alternative option for patients who have significant side effects from IVIg despite dosing modifications or for patients with venous access issues. Other treatments that are worth considering include plasma exchange, rituximab, steroids, and other oral immune modulatory agents.
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aartichede08 · 1 year
Grifols Enters Agreement With Selagine To Develop Immunoglobulin Eye Drops To Treat Dry Eye Disease
Axiom Market Research & Consulting™ added a report on immunoglobulin market which includes study on product, mode of delivery, application, and geography. Immunoglobulin market was projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.27% for the forecast period 2021 to 2027. The global market is estimated and forecasted in terms of revenue (USD Million) generated by the immunoglobulin market.
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The factors such as increasing prevalence of the immunodeficiency diseases, along with increase in the adoption of the immunoglobulin propelling the demand for the market and the growing research and development activities for the advanced product innovation has been responsible for boosting the growth of the immunoglobulin market during the forecast period.
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Evolve Biologics Inc
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Octapharma AG
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Dscam is similar in structure to an immunoglobulin, a highly variable protein used in the immune system to identify many different pathogens.
"Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human" - Matt Ridley
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insightslicelive · 1 year
Immunoglobulin Market Growth Opportunities Investment Analysis Report 2022-2032 | CSL Limited, Grifols S.A., Kedrion S.p.A
Immunoglobulin Market Growth Opportunities Investment Analysis Report 2022-2032 | CSL Limited, Grifols S.A., Kedrion S.p.A
The Immunoglobulin Market research report provides detailed observation of several aspects, including the shift in rate of growth, regional scope and recent developments by the primary market players. The report offers Porter’s Five Forces, PESTLE analysis to provide a complete research study on the global Immunoglobulin market. The research study discusses about important market strategies,…
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awesomegeeta · 2 years
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What You Should About Basic Structure And Function Of Immunoglobulin
Two light chains and two heavy chains make up the light-heavy-heavy-light structure of antibodies or Immunoglobulin Market. Different classes have different heavy chains. They have a Fab region that houses the antigen-binding sites and a single Fc region that mediates biological functions (such as the ability to interact to cellular receptors). Domains are formed when the chains are folded. Depending on their class, the heavy chain has 4 or 5 domains, while the light chain has only 2 domains.
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The antigen-binding sites are located in the hypervariable regions (HRR). Each light and heavy chain's V domain has three HRR. At the tip of each monomer, they fold into regions that create two antigen-binding sites. Activation of the complement system, opsonization of bacteria to be easily phagocytosed, inhibition of the attachment of the microbes to mucosal surfaces, and neutralisation of poisons and viruses are just a few of the roles that all antibodies display (bifunctionally).
Read more @ https://digitalgrowinfo.blogspot.com/2022/07/things-you-need-to-know-about.html
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romik-blog · 2 years
The global immunoglobulin market was valued at $9,972.9 million in 2017 and is expected to reach $16,694.7 million by 2025, CAGR of 6.6% from 2018 to 2025.
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drpedi07 · 8 months
Immunoglobulin Reference Values Calculator
Immunoglobulins are glycoprotein molecules that are produced by plasma cells in response to an immunogen
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Global Immunoglobulin Market Expected to Advance at 6.77% CAGR by 2028
Triton Market Research presents the Global Immunoglobulin Market report sectioned by Type (IgM, IgD, IgG, IgE, IgA), Delivery Mode (Intravenous, Intramuscular, Subcutaneous), Application (Hypogamma Globulienemia, Inflammatory Myopathies, Specific Antibody Deficiency, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Myasthenia Gravis, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Other Applications), End-user (Homecare, Hospital and Clinics), Sales Channel (Specialty Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Other Sales Channels), and Geography ( Europe, North America, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific).
The report further discusses the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Impact of COVID-19, Key Insights, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Market Attractiveness Index, Vendor Scorecard, Key Market Strategies, Drivers, Challenges, Opportunities, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology and Scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2022-2028).
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 The market report by Triton shows that the global immunoglobulin market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.77% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
Immunoglobulins refer to antibodies naturally produced by the body to fight infections and diseases. Generated by plasma cells, they are glycoprotein molecules acting as the critical component of the immune system. They recognize and bind to antigens like viruses and bacteria while aiding in their destruction.
The immunoglobulin market saw growth during as well as the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The market is further expected to grow during the forecasted year due to the driving factors like the increase in the geriatric population, the prevalence of immunodeficiency diseases, autoimmune disorders and increasing research and development activities. However, one of the major factors that restrict the market growth is the high cost of immunoglobulin therapy, which is directly associated with the type of delivery method used and the site of care. Another factor is the high risk of side effects due to immunoglobulin use.
Globally, the Asia-Pacific is expected to become the fastest-growing region in the immunoglobulin market. The rapid rise in the prevalence of different diseases, the rise in the aging population, and the research and development across the region are key factors expected to boost the market’s growth during the forecast period. Further, several market players are launching or are expected to launch innovative products, thereby supporting the immunoglobulin market’s growth.
The leading companies excelling in the immunoglobulin market are Biotest AG, Grifols SA, CSL Behring, Octapharma AG, Bio Products Laboratory, Shanghai Raas Blood Products Co Ltd, Sanquin Plasma Products BV, Adma Biologics, Kamada Ltd, Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Sanquin Plasma Products BV, Shanghai Raas Blood Products Co Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Kedrion Biopharma, LFB Group, and China Biologic Products Inc.
The products in the biotechnology industry are subject to multiple standards, regulations, and approvals from the regulatory authorities that can challenge the new market player. Thus, these factors lower the threat of new entrants to the existing players. Moreover, there is a high threat to the intensity of competitive rivalry due to industry fragmentation.   Additionally, prominent players have strengthened and expanded their customer base and geographical footings through strategic initiatives such as product launches, collaborations, joint ventures, and investments.
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