#impulse pole dance
jessajaguar · 1 year
Pole dancing in the Florida winter be like 😂
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leonslutkennedeeznuts · 8 months
The Wedding Date | Leon x Fem!Reader
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"From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you." | One-shot inspired by The Wedding Date (2005): Leon's an escort. You hire him and fall in love. (AO3)
It was an expensive, totally stupid impulsive thing to do- book a male escort as your wedding date to stick it to your ex (and nagging mother) that you weren’t a lonely, miserable spinster. You weren’t ugly or anything, just lazy with a specific plan- to rub it in your ex fiance’s face that you were 100% over him and moving on by “dating” someone way more attractive and totally smitten with you.
His name was Scott, or so he said as per his website details. He was 6 '0, clearly worked out, had dirty blonde hair in a boyband haircut and per his many reviews was a skilled lover- but that part was totally irrelevant to you. It had taken a few days to finally bite the bullet. Your career was stable, you had the money- it just made sense to go this route versus swiping on Tinder. You’d never done this before but were admittedly desperate. You needed a professional, someone that nobody in your friend group knew who could lie his way in and out of any conversations and questions they’d be sure to ask him.
He just had to look good, pretend to be in love with you, get paid and then fuck off never to be seen again when the wedding was over.
You’d met up with him at a bougie brunch spot on a Sunday afternoon, having chugged one mimosa with a shot of vodka before he even showed up to ease your nerves.
“This is the weirdest outcall I’ve ever been to,” he’d joked after introducing himself to you, his hands so soft and his cologne making you wet. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Scott was funny, naturally charismatic and beautiful to look at. He clearly took care of himself and didn’t seem phased by your plan at all once revealed to him.
“Alright, we need to go over the questions they’ll ask you, about us, your life, yadda yadda,” you’d instructed him. You tried your best to be assertive and not give into the butterflies flying wildly inside your stomach. “This has to be very convincing.”
You had tried to rehearse his answers with him but Scott refused while gazing at you intently. You’d definitely need new panties after this but he didn’t need to know that.
Scott had said he’d prefer to see how everything worked out before accepting payment. This plot of yours amused him greatly, he had said as much several times. Nobody had ever hired him to be arm candy until you. He planned to enjoy every second of this.
“They’ll know I’m lying, sweetheart. It’s better to just wing it. Trust me, Y/N, I won’t let you down.”
And Scott didn’t let you down. He’d passed the “test” with flying colors. From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you.
It was late one night after having to help with decorating the church and you just wanted to relax. One bottle of wine later and you were getting a little bold and very nosy about Scott’s personal life as he gave you an exquisite foot rub.
“I didn’t make it into the police academy. I was 21 years old in a new city with nowhere to go so I started stripping. Then stripping became this.”
You gave him a reassuring smile, your hand patting his shoulder while the other held a glass of sweet burgundy wine. Scott had chosen whiskey for himself. Wine gave him bad hangovers, he’d admitted. 
“I thought about being a stripper once,” you revealed. “I almost auditioned actually but my dancing is terrible without heels so with them on I’m sure I’d break my ankles.”
Scott laughed, as if he’d imagined you in a pair of clear heels attempting to dance around a pole and failing miserably. Making him laugh made you feel warm all over.
Conversations with him came naturally, he felt like an old friend. It was none of your business, truly but he’d answered you unashamedly. A part of you wished you’d met him under different circumstances for a chance at something real.
“Why aren’t you married yet, Y/N?” 
You definitely weren’t expecting him to ask that. Your previous relationship was still a sore subject- he’d been your highschool sweetheart and first love. With a job promotion and more money, your ex had wanted to date around and see what else was out there a few months after proposing.
“One day he just decided that he didn’t want me anymore,” came your solemn answer.
You took a big gulp of wine to keep from crying. This was the guy that you thought you’d be planning your wedding with at this age. Instead you hired a male escort that you developed feelings for. C’est la vie!
“What a fucking idiot, seriously. You’re beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. A total catch,” Scott asserted. “Dude is a loser for letting you go.”
That remark made you smile, bringing a feeling of peace that washed over you from within at his words. You really enjoyed being around Scott. He was damn good at what he did: making women feel desired. Even though this was his job, it just felt natural to lean in and kiss him so you did. To your surprise Scott kissed you back quite fiercely, the taste of whiskey on his tongue almost like a poison bringing you deeper under his spell.
“Let me take care of you tonight,” he’d offered.
Scott was indeed a skilled lover. 
He lifted you up effortlessly, laying you on the bed before teasing with kisses up and down your body. You were so wet it hurt and ached. Your clothes quickly became a crumpled up heap on the floor while he stayed fully clothed sans a shirt.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby.”
He never stopped touching or tasting you that night, making sure that you came hard on his face and with his fingers, refusing to let you return the favor. You rode his tongue to completion, let him flip you onto your back and bucked into his mouth almost crying at how good he made you feel.
“You taste so good, Y/N.”
Your ex had been selfish in bed, all about receiving and barely giving. You thought you’d had an orgasm before but now you knew better. Scott made you cum almost violently, begging, writhing and almost screaming every time he sucked your clit or filled you up with two or three fingers.
“Can eat you out all fucking night.”
You had to push his head away before he finally stopped, looking so pleased with his work as you watched him through heavily lidded eyes. He kissed you one last time, the taste of yourself on his tongue giving a sense of pride. This gorgeous man had dined on you like he’d never get enough, licking and eating your cum like it was a delicacy. You wanted to taste him too, to look into his eyes as he slid into you and fucked you so deep and hard that your headboard banged against the wall.
But instead, he cuddled you until sleep finally took over. 
Scott wasn’t there when you awoke the next morning.
You awoke in a panic, your head pounding as the events of last night started to replay in your head. Wine. Scott. Orgasms. Your thighs were sore.
“Shit,” you exclaimed. The wedding. Your wedding date. Scott. Was he going to show up now? Would it be too awkward? Was it all just a wine induced episode of lucid dreaming?
You hurriedly got out of bed and took a shower. The envelope with his payment was still in your dresser. Did he even know it was there? You tried to focus on everything but Scott on your drive to the venue, going through the motions of getting dressed and sitting still for makeup.
When it was time to walk down the aisle with your ex-fiance as part of the wedding processional, your eyes glanced around nervously looking for any signs of a GQ model with dirty blond hair sitting in the pews as you tried not to fumble with your bouquet too much.
This was the church you had always wanted to be married in. You had thought that your ex fiance was the one but now you knew otherwise. Walking down the aisle with him, even in this context, made you feel uneasy like you were cheating. You almost didn't see Scott giving you a thumbs up and blowing you a kiss when you finally stood with the other bridesmaids. It was embarrassing how your mood instantly lifted.
Everything was going to be okay. You'd convinced everyone that this was so real, you'd even convinced yourself. Once the wedding was over Scott would go back to his life and so would you. It was a painful thought.
It wasn’t until the wedding reception that you spotted him again. He was standing off to himself while most of the single ladies and a few men crowded the dance floor for the bouquet toss. His tuxedo fit perfectly and now that you knew how he looked shirtless, a part of you wanted to rip it right off.
You caught the bouquet purely by accident, not even paying attention until a blur of pink roses came into your peripheral. Scott’s eyes never left yours as he walked towards you, cool as a cucumber like on the day you met.
He leaned in to kiss you so intensely that your knees buckled. You heard your mom cheering the loudest. Your ex stormed off in a huff, clearly regretting his choice to let you go- convinced that this man kissing you was your new forever and not a paid actor. Scott had done his job perfectly, too perfectly. You tried not to look so crestfallen when the kiss ended.
The walk back to your car seemed to take forever, so much you wanted to say, so much was going unsaid but didn’t want to come across as that one creepy client who took things too far.
“Definitely a 5 star experience,” you stated honestly yet awkwardly avoiding his gaze, wanting to make light of it all. “I really can’t thank you enough Sco-”
“Leon,” he cut you off. “My real name is Leon.”
The tension in the air was thick. Was his name really Leon or was this another part of the act? Your mother was now convinced that Scott, well, Leon would propose someday. How were you going to explain that everything was all a lie?
Should you address the kiss, the amazing oral sex and show vulnerability? Or hand over the cash and move on? You just wanted a nice clean break, no more emotions to overly complicate things. He did his job, nothing more nothing less. It would hurt more to be rejected than to wonder what if.
“I can’t thank you enough, Leon.” You looked a little too long at his lips, wanting and wishing you had the courage to just lean in and close the gap between you two again and again.
Instead, you handed him the bouquet of flowers so you could reach into your clutch for his payment.
“You can count it now if you’d like. It’s all there, I promise.”
Leon tensed. His face which usually sported a knowing smirk or stoic expression now looked confused, almost disgusted. He didn’t reach out to take the envelope.
“Leon, you did exactly what I asked you for. Of course I’m paying you plus tip,” you said trying to sound calm yet internally freaking out. “Thank you for this.”
Thank you for eating me out so well that no other man will ever compare, you thought.
You were ready to drive home and cry into your pillows about what a mess you’d made- falling in love with your hired boyfriend who probably always had clients obsessed with him and unable to distinguish reality from fantasy.
“I don’t want your money, Y/N. I want you.” Leon took your envelope with his free hand and placed it back into your clutch. “God, that was cornier than it sounded in my head.”
Your mouth opened but nothing came out.
Confusion painted your face. Realization hit you afterwards but before you could think of what to say in response, his lips were on yours. The bouquet was forgotten on the ground as you let Leon take you into his arms, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
“Y/N, this has been real for me no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I love you.”
You felt like you were floating, the world beyond Leon in this moment failing to exist. 
"I love you, too. So much," you proclaimed proudly.
Leon slowly pulled away from you, his eyes taking you in. “I don’t do this, I don’t date or get too close but you, you’ve awakened something inside of me that I can’t live without.”
His hands gripped your ass and you felt the promise of more, thick hard and straining against his slacks. “And you have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” he quipped.
With a laugh you gave his bulge a light squeeze, ready to finally consummate your relationship with the gorgeous man standing before you.
With each deep, slow, tortutous thrust you were crying out his name, his real name, over and over. Pathetically begging and pleading for Leon to fuck you harder. You'd never felt like this before, your body on fire with lust and greedy for more, more, more.
"Look at you, taking me so well like this," he whispered into your ear as you tightened and throbbed around his length. "Love you so much, so fucking much."
You were sucking him in to the hilt, nails digging into his back and biceps as you took every inch coating it in your slick.
"Fuck, Leon, love you too," you grunted out almost painfully. "Gonna cum, oh!"
Leon loosened the grip on your throat, kissing you lazily as you cried out his name cumming hard around him while he never stopped pounding into your tight, hungry cunt.
"There you go, baby, cum all over me." He ground his pelvis into you wanting to feel all your cum gushing out against him. "Wanna cum inside you, fuck!"
It was almost a whisper but you'd heard it and God, you wanted him to. Wanted him to fill you up so deeply that you'd feel it slipping out throughout the day.
"Yes, please cum inside, need it, Leon."
He looked into your glazed over eyes smirking at your blissful face knowing only he could make you feel this good, only he had taken the time to learn your body and make you cum with your whole body shaking and jerking against his.
With a few more hard, short thrusts Leon's hot cum started to fill you up. You instinctly wrapped your legs around his waist pushing him in even deeper, his balls throbbing against you as he emptied himself into your eager pussy.
"Mmm, are you ready for round three," he inquired against your sweated out hair.
He took you from behind, from the side, with you on top and even picked you up and fucked you hard and fast in his arms as you cried out your release.
The man's stamina was unmatched. You were a sweaty tangled mess of limbs not knowing where his body began and your body ended when he was finally done with you.
You quickly settled into domestic life quite easily. Leon moved in with you while mulling over his career options now that being a boyfriend for hire was over.
Leon had made you dinner to celebrate your recent promotion, your favorite meal of filet mignon and lobster tail. He'd mentioned in passing that he was letting the website domain expire soon to pursue his other dream: being a scuba diving instructor.
"Scott's Scuba School sounds good, right?"
You nodded, considering how often he went down on you without needing to come up for air. Yeah, he'd be an amazing scuba diver. Although using his previous alias gave you some pause. What if one of his past lovers recognized him and wanted more? Silly little insecure thoughts like that were becoming less usual as time went on.
If you'd thought Leon was an amazing hired boyfriend, he was even better without the promise of money. He refused to let you pay for anything or want for nothing. From having roses delivered to your office to cooking you dinner, planning out romantic date nights to making love to you until you begged him to stop. He was perfect and he was all yours.
"Best wedding date ever," Leon read aloud to himself, seeing the new notification popping up on his previous work phone. "So good you'll think he's really in love with you."
He shot you a knowing glance before giving you a slow lingering kiss. With the simple tap, his website and review page were deleted and his new, real life with you could truly begin.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 7 months
All about Venus/Mars <3
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Venus mars individuals have a natural aroma that attracts people to them like moths to a flame, and like bees to honey.
The more confident they are, the more of their sensual prowess takes the forefront.
Be easy on them, please. As much as they like a challenge it seems the world challenged them enough through the price of love.
If a woman, women and men are intimated by them. If a man, women are enchanted by them but will typically wait for the man to make the first move. I see a lot of male crushes with men having this placement.
You tend to trigger peoples raw fascination towards your.
Most but not all, will have people “hate” them but really adore them and want to be with the romantically and sensually.
These beings know how to get to the heart with their boldness, can be very straightforward or very secretive depending on where the mars and Venus is placed.
Lovers of ambition, their love life NEEDS passion. Or they have nothing. Their impulses comes out for the people they love. These outbursts of emotions that they have for their lovers can be a lot to bare, so the right person has to understand their intensity to the T otherwise the Venus-mars person will feel depleted.
When it comes to passions out side of love, these people really need to be in it. Their love for sensuality, the finer things in life and being in a full expression of beauty is what motivates them to keep living, to keep going. They need to feel appreciated and beautiful at all times or they will feel a lack of self worth thus pushing them into lazy depressive states.
Working out and doing something athletic tends to help these wild cards a lot. They can challenge themselves in sports like gymnastics, pole dancing or anything that challenges their strength is something good for these individuals.
They have a knack for picking the right person at times, they’re literally lil cupids in the flesh lol. It’s hard to not like them when you’re near them, their confidence is so enticing.
I hope this helps !!!
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ironunderoos · 3 months
Dance for me kid
@awesomestarker wrote this nice prompt about Peter wanting to table-dance in a club but being told he's to ugly, until Tony learns of it (can be found here). I wanted to write the scene so bad, so here it is. Thanks to awesomestarker for the lovely idea! I would love to write more if I find the time >.<
To be honest, Tony wasn't expecting much.
He leaned back on the low couch, his arms resting on the back, his eyes on the young man - Peter, wasn't it? - who had followed him into the small private dance booth.
Working as a waiter at Tony's Club, Peter was cute, and his smooth uniform seemed to hide a well-formed body. But his job was to carry drinks, not to entertain at the tables.
Tony didn't know why he had asked him to dance in the first place. And why Peter had accepted so quickly.
Now they were here, following one of those impulsive decisions of Tony's. He tried not to show it, but he was expecting a shy and awkward striptease, maybe a little stumbling around, hopefully not until the boy embarrassed himself. He crossed his legs, bracing himself for a bad performance.
He hadn't expected to see Peter visibly change the moment the music started. In a second, he was standing by the pole, a little shy and insecure.
And then.
His body tensed. Electrified. Feet apart, back straight, he radiated a confidence that hadn't been there before. His face turned down, looking up at Toy from under his bangs, and the Blessed Mother and the whole family, that was a look. Pinning him down.
Without breaking eye contact, Peter tilted his head back. He undid the first button of his crisp shirt. Biting his lip as if he wanted it to be Tony's, he deftly moved his fingers down, undoing each button along the way without exposing the slightest bit of skin. As he did so, he slid down the pole, his knees spread wide, one hand behind his back,
The air was charged as the other reached his belt buckle. He caressed the buckle with his fingertips.
Tony’s mouth went dry.
But before unbuckling, Peter stood up straight again. In time with the music, he turned his back. Slender hips moved to the increasing rhythm of the music, that fantastic ass twitching from left to right. One hand gripped the pole. Sliding down agonizingly slowly, the body bending backward with the downward motion. Peter rolled his head from side to side as if in another world.
When Peter straightened up again, the shirt slid over his shoulders, revealing a perfectly toned back, a delicate waist, the upper part of his hips. In one swift motion, he pulled the shirt from his pants and twirled it around his fist in two, three movements. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes were back on Tony as he tossed the fabric aside. Biting his lip.
But Peter just grabbed the pole with both hands. His arms worked, exposing muscles like steel wires as he pulled himself up, his legs spreading as if he were weightless. His body rounded the pole, his face to the side, a dreamy smile on his face, as if he had no worries in the world. Only the firm grip of his hands revealed the tension and strength needed to perform simple pirouettes. He paused, kicked off his shoes, and propped himself on the pole with his bare feet as he took another turn, this time with only one hand. The other deftly unbuckled his belt. As he landed on the floor with both feet, he pulled the belt free and tossed it aside.
Tony watched in fascination as Peter touched himself. A light sheen of sweat on his body made his skin glow in the deep red light as he ran a hand from his neck down to his pants, the rhythm flowing through him. One hip jerked forward. The other followed, his body moving like a snake from side to side as he undid the button of his pants. Twitching his slender hips, showing off his abs, he turned again. His ass stuck out as the pants slid over that perfect bubble butt and down his legs.
Strangely, Tony found the tight boxers he was wearing even more attractive than a thong. It gave the strip a casual touch that he appreciated. Maybe it was that boy-next-door appeal that made Peter so hot.
A boy-next-door who suddenly spun around a pole, his legs spread on either side of the shiny metal. Turning upside down as if it were nothing, auburn curls swinging. And flexible he was. Sliding all the way down the pole until he was sitting on the floor, only to roll over until he was on his front, his ass moving up and down with his legs almost in a full split, basically fucking on the floor.
God damn, the last time Tony had come so hard so fast had been years ago. Peter wasn't even completely naked! And this kid was working as a waiter?!
"What the fuck?!"
Peter stopped in his tracks.
"Um... what?" He sat up, blinking as if waking from a dream. The shyness returned immediately, and it was strangely endearing.
Tony was already on his way to the door.
"Who decided you should waste your time carrying drinks?"
Peter flushed and licked his lips. He looked to the side.
"I was told..." he mumbled and the rest of the sentence was unintelligible.
Tony stopped in his tracks. "What? Speak up."
"That I'm not pretty enough to work the tables. Sir."
Tony stared at him, stunned.
Then he turned on his heels to find the dumb asshole of a manager.
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Man-Sized 5/9 Rebound Effect
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!OC
Tags: Explicit content, +18 audiences only. Smut, romantic angst, fluff. An unapologetic LOVE STORY. Sexual tension, mutual pining, banter, flirting, developing relationship, strangers to lovers. Simon Riley has a dark past (partly inspired by Modern Warfare 2: Ghost comics).
CW/TW: References to PTSD, depression, past torture and abuse in later chapters.
Summary: A uni student who pole dances at a strip club to pay her rent encounters a mysterious giant of a soldier seemingly incapable of falling in love.
He left after that.
And what was more, he left without saying goodbye, he just sneaked out in the morning and left her with a bunch of money on the table. At some level, it made her feel like a prostitute, even when she knew that was not what Simon had meant.
She didn’t harass him for leaving like a thief in the night because the man had obviously freaked out. It would do no good at this point to try and have a therapy session about it. But what she did comment on was the money roll he had left her with.
She wasn't bitter, only bereft. She had thought Simon would stay at least a few nights if he was on leave. Truth be told, she had thought he'd stay for a week like he used to when he came to watch her at the club. But he was running away from guilt, not her; protecting her by pulling back the potential threat that was him. As soon as she realized he only did what a soldier would do, all confusion left her. It was admirable, but she feared it also meant that the silk gloves were back on.
You forgot something on the table.
A gift. Don't take it the wrong way.
If you say so.
Thank you.
The gratitude came mainly from remembering her manners. But it got under her skin, so much so that she felt like there was more to this than just Simon wanting to help her out or play the provider.
In a furious decision of not submitting to the role of someone who just waited for their man to come home from work or war, she tried to concentrate on her studies. But the next time she visited the library, she walked straight to the psychology shelf and loaned books about PTSD and war-related trauma.
She read about the major symptoms of torture victims, the PTSD treatment for combat veterans, she read how to screen for impulse and control issues. Whatever had happened during Simon's career as a soldier had left more than just scars. Combined with a traumatic childhood, it was a marvel he was doing as well as he was. If she were to continue down this path with him, she would have to take it slow.
Slow and steady would win the race. Creating an atmosphere of safety would win the poker game. Again, she could hear the alarm bells ringing but did nothing about it.
Simon had left but wasn’t wholly unavailable this time. He wasn’t working in the field and had more time for her. He even called, and not just once, but nearly every night. For the first few times, it was only a brief session, just an exchange of how are you’s and how’s it been’s. It was a change and a welcome change at that. The calls soon turned into hour-long marathons.
He shared more details about his life in the base of the unnamed military organization he was working for and revealed that he was the commanding officer of his team. The person she had taken for a shady ladies man and a simple soldier turned out to be a warm-hearted, level-headed leader who was fiercely protective of his subordinates.
The way he and his team found humour, even in the most grim situations, was hilarious, and she spent most of the calls laughing with tears in her eyes. Simon seemed especially vexed with a certain Scottish teammate who was the exact opposite of him: extroverted, silly, and cheerful. So lovably childish that it was clear that Simon was more like a father figure than a superior officer to this man. And it was also clear that he wasn’t actually vexed at all: he loved this particular person, who was codenamed after being good at "cleaning", more than anyone.
"What do they call you? Skeletor?"
"Very funny."
"Why is your alias a secret but Soap’s isn’t?"
He finally told her, and another door into his soul opened. It was labeled with one simple word.
And of course it would be something memorable and ominous.
"What’s the story behind that one?"
There was a short silence on the other end.
"I was buried alive once but came back."
At her end, the silence was much longer, much more palpable. It sounded like a stupid joke, but she knew better. The men she had previously dated were definitely not in the same league as Simon.
This was fucking crazy. She tried to sound casual as she made a quip about another horrible trauma this man had suffered.
"So you’re the Kill Bill Bride instead of 007."
"I used the jawbone of the dead man I was buried with to get out."
Jesus Christ on a motherfucking surfboard.
"Oh, or a MacGyver."
There was a husky laugh at that, but she was fucking horrified.
That stuff followed her even to her dreams. In them, he was the undertaker, and she had to get out of a coffin by using a skull he gave her. Another test… not assigned by Simon, but by Ghost and those eyes that wanted her dead.
In other dreams, she was there with him in the field, invisible to everyone but him, helping him find a way through bombarded buildings like Ariadne escorting Theseus in a labyrinth. She liked those dreams more because in them, Simon needed her and not the other way around.
He seemed hellbent on his protocol of not updating her on where he was, what he was doing, and when they would be able to see each other again. She kept her apartment always tidy in case he would stop by, she put on makeup, even when she went to grab something from the store. Her eyes roamed the campus in search of a tall man dressed in black, and the smell of cigarette smoke made her stomach pinch with excitement. If Simon was even half as into her as she was into him, he would have serious trouble concentrating on his work.
She was tired of being the one always waiting for him. In that department, slow and steady started to feel like an absolute torment. Appearing calm and collected, playing hard to get had worked for a while, but what would happen if she went all in and made him want and wait? What if there was a hidden jackpot in being a tease?
She sent him photos in various states of nudity, cuteness and temptation: when she was chilling on her bed, or about to walk on the stage, once even when she was at school — always with the enticing words Wish you were here or Thinking of you. It was raunchier than the first time, highly uncharacteristic of her, and so much fun that she didn't even have to fake a smile in those photos. It was a pure attempt to seduce him.
And it worked: after only a few days of sending such pictures, Simon came back. As always, there was no warning, unless the radio silence after the fourth photo could be considered a warning that a storm was coming.
She was at the club, and her gaze had turned inwards when Simon had walked into her life. She didn’t choose a guy from the audience anymore. She only danced for herself and him, wherever he was.
She noticed him only in the middle of her show and started smiling, something she never did while on the pole, at least not here. The second she saw him in that familiar setting with a scotch in front of him and those eyes burning, the whole world shifted. Had he taken a day or two off just to come here and make her pay for her little come-hithering? The rest of the dance was energetic and wild, and that beaming smile gave her a roar of applause she had never experienced before. The whistles followed her even to the bar as she went straight to his table and all but radiated delight.
"I've forgotten how bloody good you are on that thing," he said with a thicker voice than usual.
"Nice to see you too, honey."
He looked at her with a full-blown smirk then and was, all in all, completely different from the guarded stranger she had first met at this very same place.
"I've been promoted to honey?"
"Don't take this new position lightly."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
He downed that scotch, and she went to get her things, and when they walked to her apartment, he took her in a gentlemanly arm-in-arm escort. It felt good, the kind of possessive that said he was committed, that they were in a relationship. An established couple.
But as soon as the front door of her home was closed, the gentleman turned into a ravenous mercenary who pinned her against the wall, much in the same way he had done nearly three months ago. The shared kiss was starved and desperate, and she had no trouble whatsoever getting wet for him anymore.
"You're the most infuriating man I have ever met, did you know that?"
They were both panting at that point, and she was feeling high and wild, especially when Simon seemed suddenly more serious than ever.
"I'll take that as another promotion."
"Of course you will," she whispered out of breath as he devoured her neck and pressed her even more fervently against the wall of her hallway. Her heart was racing, and she had never, ever had a feeling that a man could merely lift her skirt and pull her panties aside and slip inside with no effort. Right now, she did, and right now, she would go mad if he wouldn’t do it.
"Ya missed me?"
"Every day."
The whispers were like long-held secrets finally uttered out into the open air. The lights were off, the city was sleeping, her ghost was here, and she wasn’t afraid at all. She was ready for everything, to conquer the whole world with him.
"How about you?"
"I'll show you just how much," he answered and suddenly detached from her, then grabbed her by the shoulder to spin her around and pin her against the wall again. It was a rough treatment that briefly reminded her of The Incident… But she was so drunk on him that even that didn’t spoil this moment that only felt good and right.
"This too much for you?" A slight trepidation in his voice told her that they were both walking on the brink of something new, but his cautiousness only made her feel more sure about letting him do whatever he wanted before they set the world aflame together. The silk gloves and normal dudes could go to hell; she wanted bare, calloused skin and a revenant, she yearned for the shared suffering that was only a kin to passion.
That steel of muscle kept her in place as the other hand went under her skirt. The garment was loose enough again and made the plundering far too easy. And of course he commented on it.
"I like the skirts you wear."
The arm from her back disappeared, only to descend down her back and grab hold of the lifted clothing. There was a soft rustle and a poignant click, and then her underwear was stretched away from her skin.
"They're convenient."
She didn’t feel the blade as it cut the fabric, but she could feel the sudden snap as the soft material yielded under a sharp edge. The rest of the ruined clothing was torn down from between her legs, and he didn’t even put the knife away, didn’t fold it with another precise flick and tuck it back to wherever it had been hidden.
He drove it to the wall. Next to her face, not close, but close enough for her to draw a panicked gasp. It wasn’t a classic stiletto or a pocket knife; it was sturdy and tactical, something she would never even have guessed was foldable. The silk gloves were nowhere to be seen, and she was overjoyed about it.
"You know what's infuriating?" The next thing she heard was a zipper opening as he got himself out of his jeans, then pressed his whole body against her.
"Watchin' all those fucking blokes drool after you in that joint."
It was that kinky talk again, but something told her there was more than a few months worth of frustration here too, gushing out like a flash flood. The thickness was guided to her opening in an almost blunderous manner, but he wasn't a brute. He only seemed to be in a hurry to get inside her and chuckled when he found her completely ready for him.
"Makes me wanna shoot everyone." And then he did push inside, with one measured but steady thrust, letting out a shaky sigh as he did it. She was watching the blade jutting out from the wall and didn’t give a single fuck what her landlord would say about the dent left on his property. Her ghost slid in and out of her, finally content. Tender, but thoroughly passionate, like he had missed her far more than mere words could express. He didn’t need his hands to keep her steady anymore; his chest did all that, but a hand found its way to her hair and pulled gently, lovingly, as he nuzzled close to whisper in her ear.
"Would ya like that?"
She tightened around him — she didn’t know whether it was his voice or his words that made her so unhinged. But another huff of silent laughter hit her at the response she gave him without uttering a single word.
"Yeah… That's wha' I thought."
His other hand reached for her thigh, slid down under the knee, and lifted, granting him better access to hit even deeper, and she finally moaned. She could almost hear the good girl talk, even when it never came. He didn’t have time for that, for there were more important matters at hand.
The longing of entire months came undone, and the knife on the wall was evidence enough that Simon was very much dedicated. Somehow that ferocious gesture was a vow, a whole pledge from the man who didn’t fuck anyone else after all. And if that didn’t make her wet, then nothing would.
"Dripping all over me here…" He stated the obvious as he continued the pillage she surrendered to — gladly and with an orgasm that came almost without a warning as the mercenary drove deep and grunted his desperation on her skin. She had to bolt her lips tight to not whisper something stupid that would only ruin the moment that was her first experience of a quickie, first experience of a fierce, intense rutting perfectly capable of having a godly amount of affection in it.
She broke against that wall and knew that she was lost: lost in Simon, in Ghost, or whoever he was. From this day forward, he would be forever inside her. Even if and when he pulled out, she would never get him out again.
Simon was a full package, and she had to accept all of it rather than try and fix him. If he would leave her only with his ghost, she would be forever bound in that frozen state of the engraving, the woman who dropped everything for the sake of sulking and only remembered beauty and meaning from a distant past. It was better to take the risk and die one way or another with this man.
"Simon," she sighed, whispered, because she was afraid that the three words that must not be said would come out if she wasn't careful. His hand found hers and entwined their fingers together, a surprisingly gentle lapse in the middle of a rough fuck.
"You're the one who's infuriating," he grunted. It was his way of telling her that he was nearing the point of loving too, and her only answer was another broken sigh as she came down from the overwhelming realization and the stunning, sinful orgasm that felt more like a love confession.
She was being pressed into pieces between that hard wall and an even harder chest, spread open for his taking, but it only felt safe to be trapped there like this. She was crying inwards by the time he came inside her while having all the earmarks of emotional turmoil as well. The controlled, rigid manners were gone, and he didn’t pull out for a good long time, only panted together with her against that wall that she paid rent for, which had a knife on it, a knife he had probably used to end human lives. How could the same man kill someone one day and bring someone back to life the next?
The desperate clutch that had curled both their hands into a fist loosened its hold, and the chest that had heaved her up pulled away just enough for her to catch some air. He pulled out reluctantly, and the seed gushed forth, making a magnificent mess. A gentle hand ran down her back, another released her leg just to slide up her hip like she was the most precious work of art a bloodied man like him had ever looted. She reached a hand behind his neck to tell him that she was his if he wanted her.
"Love," she whispered the most important one of those three words, and he lowered his head to rest on her shoulder. His was a heavy weight to carry, but she didn’t feel like she was Atlas holding the world. This burden was something she shouldered with joy.
The next morning was laced with drowsy tenderness and lazy lovemaking, and she couldn’t hold the question in any longer.
"Simon… are we in a situationship or a relationship?"
"You tell me."
She turned in the loose hold of his arms and admired how comfortable he looked under the mundane, flower-patterned linens. Simon still couldn’t be described as someone joyous or carefree, but he did appear calmer than ever. She liked to think that at least some of it was her influence.
"I like you. I like this."
"Yeah... You're okay, I guess," he muttered with a sleepy smile. She laughed and got up with the intention of making some coffee. And tea.
He soon followed in her trail, and the mood in her apartment was heavenly. He sat on her couch with nothing but his boxers and t-shirt on, the sunlight got in, and the coffee machine made cozy sounds and filled the air with the smell she loved. Simon didn’t even go outside for a smoke: it looked like he was in no hurry at all to get anywhere from that little piece of furniture.
She knew that love was a drug. Would Simon find it amusing if she told him he was the only drug she was on? If she confessed that she was an addict who never wanted to go to rehab...
"Why do you wanna be with me of all people?"
She had already asked the question once before, but today, she was feeling unusually confident. Some of his cockiness was contagious, and something had shifted last night, some fragile power, and she felt wild and optimistic again.
"You're a hot school girl."
"You remind me of… I dunno. Something from back home."
Again, she didn't quite know what to make of him. Did he mean that he liked the girl from next door look? Was she a nice holiday from his exciting, death-defying work, a small slice of wholesome dullness? It wouldn’t bother her if she was. But something in that remark screeched in her head like nails on a blackboard.
"Something from back home? Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
The sunlight didn’t only fill the room with light; it exposed dust and long-forgotten clutter.
"Tell me about your childhood in Manchester."
"No thanks."
Her confidence this morning was more than enough to move whole mountains and seas. She wanted to know, even if it would hurt to know. If this was supposed to last, she needed to know.
"Was your father a beater?"
"Yeah, and a serial cheater."
He didn’t run away; he didn’t escape this conversation in any way. She had braced herself for resistance, but she was met with none, which caused her to mentally tumble all over the place that was Simon’s past.
And suddenly, she didn't like where this was going. Even if she was the one who had dragged them on this path.
"Only with paid women, though," Simon continued without any filter on.
Hold on…
That didn't sound right.
"Could you please tell me what I remind you of from back home.”
He finally stirred, a torturer who realized he was the one being questioned.
"I remind you of a hooker and you're trying to save me?"
"That's not… No."
She saw in his eyes that it was a blatant yes. At least for some part. The jealousy, the offering of money… All made perfect sense now. She felt like a project, not a love interest. She was a nut to be cracked, even if he did it gently and with a tenderness that left her writhing with pleasure. The need to set some things straight suddenly chose to override everything else.
"I’m a dancer, not a sex worker. And just for the record, I've had like three men before you. Plus the relative who abused me when I was… almost of age."
She never said "as a child" because that sounded too fucked up. She had been 16, so it wasn't the same as 6. It fucking wasn't.
She immediately got an excellent reminder of why she didn't share this stuff with people; because that pity stare was even worse than the fact that shit like that had happened. It reduced her back to a helpless victim.
"I don't want your money," she declared.
"Got it."
She turned, feeling guilty and idiotic for having ruined the most beautiful morning they could ever have had. The coffee was ready, but she felt like throwing up. She put the kettle on — would he want milk and sugar with his tea? Perhaps another slice of trauma dump served with it?
Whatever happened to slow and steady, to creating that calm atmosphere…
She hadn’t meant to share that. It simply flew out of her mouth. Not because she wanted pity, but because she wanted him to know that in some way, there were things that needed to be saved, ruins that needed to be haunted by different ghosts…
And hadn't he been her project as well?
She wanted more than this, more than tests and strategies and projects. Raw, naked flesh was what she wanted, not a treatment plan. He had disarmed her last night, and apparently, it was time for the final surrender. She waited for the bullet of mercy, but it never came.
She heard him rise and walk behind her, then felt Simon place his hands on her shoulders. He was here amidst her ruins, and her eyes stung, even after all these years.
"Are we gonna have a pity party?" She squeezed the ear of her favourite Don’t make me use my art historian voice mug. She wondered why the hell she had voiced anything at all.
"I don't want your money."
"You already said that."
The hands wouldn’t draw away, they stayed and felt soothing. At least as comforting as her snug little home and the familiar smell of coffee in the morning. The nausea had left her shaky, but he held her, just with his hands, making it known that he was here and wouldn’t leave her with her shattered self.
"I only want you," she finally said to the coffee machine and the empty mug and waited for a second or two to see if that warmth would leave her.
It didn't. If anything, the sun seemed to shine on whole new parts of her.
"You have me."
She felt bold enough to finally turn, and he immediately closed her into a hug and pressed her against his chest.
He breathed more life into her, day by day. All the goodness in the world returned, the water reached a boiling point in the kettle, and an exceptionally loud magpie made a racket outside.
"Ok," she whispered and let herself soften against his warmth.
Simon wasn’t a phantom or a cold, emotionless soldier. He was a man and very much alive. There was coffee and tea, and even if they strangled each other occasionally with ghosts that weren’t invited, it wasn’t enough to choke the mass of beautiful things that came from having found something as pure as this.
"You have me too," she announced in his shirt.
"I was hoping you would say that."
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ultrone · 10 months
omg so like hear me out on this… spider!lottie x kleptomaniac!reader
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🕸️🕷️ –— spider!lottie x kleptomaniac!reader﹙1.0k wc﹚
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you hadn't meant for it to turn into a pattern, but somehow, you always found yourself walking out of the convenience store with something you hadn't paid for. it wasn't that you wanted the items; it was just an impulsive habit.
this time, you had your sights set on a plastic dinosaur figurine that was perched near the counter. you quickly slipped it into your bag, thinking you were being discreet. but as you turned to leave, you found yourself nearly colliding with someone.
before you stood a tall girl, dressed in a sleek and unmistakably superhero-esque outfit—spider-girl, to be precise. shit. her eyes locked onto yours with an amused yet exasperated look. "a plastic dinosaur? seriously?" she remarked, her tone tinged with humorous disbelief.
you felt your cheeks heat up as you stammered, "i... uh, it's not what it looks like."
she sighed, clearly holding back a chuckle. "you know, most people go for cash or valuable stuff. but hey, who am i to judge?"
your heart raced, unsure whether this encounter would end with handcuffs or an awkward apology. to your surprise, she reached into her pocket and pulled out some money, handing it over to the cashier. "i'll pay for it. just... be more careful next time."
you blinked, utterly baffled by her response. "uh, thanks."
with a smirk, she turned to leave. "just promise me you'll aim higher next time."
and just like that, she left, the door ringing as it opened and closed, leaving you standing there in disbelief.
as the days turned into weeks, she caught you stealing a few more times, but instead of getting angry or calling the police, she always ended up laughing at the things you tried to take.
one sunny afternoon, a local carnival had set up in the heart of the city, and you saw an opportunity too good to pass up. your eyes locked onto a gigantic teddy bear that practically begged for a new home. you couldn't resist the challenge, and without much thought, you embarked on a mission to "borrow" it.
with determination—and stupidity, you found yourself getting tangled in the plush limbs of the massive toy. but just as you realized you might be stuck, a familiar voice floated to your ears. "i've seen some creative attempts, but this one takes the cake."
startled, you twisted around to find spider-girl leaning casually against a nearby support pole. she looked at you and the stuffed animal with amusement and concern.
you tried to extricate yourself from the predicament with a sheepish grin. "i... may have overestimated my ability to pull this off."
spider-girl chuckled, stepping forward to help you unravel from the plush mess. "i'll give you points for creativity, at least."
as you finally stood free, you let out a sigh of relief, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. "thanks..."
she grinned at you under her mask, amusement dancing in her eyes. "lottie. my name's lottie."
your heart skipped a beat at the revelation, and you watched in awe as lottie reached up to her mask, deftly unfastening it and revealing a face that was even more captivating than you had imagined. you couldn't help but stare—she was so pretty, so much so that you felt a flutter of nervousness deep within you.
lottie caught your gaze, her smile warm and genuine. "i don't just show my face to anyone, you know? but you've earned a special place on my 'no snitching to the police' list; i figured if you're going to keep stealing stuffed animals around me, you deserve to know who's keeping you in check."
you chuckled, relieved by her light-heartedness. "i'm honored. and don't worry, your secret's safe with me," you assured.
"good to know," she replied with a mock-serious nod, though her eyes sparkled with joy. "besides, if anything, i could always snitch to the police for trying to steal things," she added the last part with a playful glint in her eye.
you raised an eyebrow playfully. "oh, is that a threat?"
she leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper. "well, only if you don't promise to behave."
you flushed at her words and her proximity, but before you could respond, she took you by the hand and led you, walking toward a nearby game.
the two of you spent the rest of the carnival wandering around, sharing cotton candy and daring each other to try various games and rides. it was during a break, as you both sat on a bench, people-watching, that you found yourself drawn to the unmasked girl beside you.
"i feel like i owe you a confession," you admitted, your voice tinged with nerves and honesty, your fingers twisting and fidgeting with each other.
lottie turned to you, her curiosity evident in her eyes. "oh? what's that?"
you glanced down at your hands, a bit unsure of how to continue. "i never really wanted any of the stuff i took," you confessed. "it's always been this impulsive habit, a way to... i don't know, feel something, i guess."
lottie's gaze softened, and she reached for your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "it's okay. we all have our ways of coping with things." she comforted you, "but maybe you can channel that energy into something different."
you met her eyes, your curiosity evident with furrowed eyebrows. "like what?"
"mmm..." she said, pretending to ponder. "like spending time with someone who appreciates you for who you are and can make you laugh," she said, her lips curving into a gentle smile.
you flushed slightly at her suggestion, your heart dancing in your chest. "you know? maybe that'd work," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.
as the carnival lights grew brighter against the darkening sky, it was finally time to head home. lottie dropped you off, and before she put her mask back on and swung away with her spiderwebs, she left a quick kiss on your cheek, her lips soft against your skin.
and with that, she spun around, shooting her webbing to a nearby building, and swung away into the night. you watched her disappear into the distance, your heart fluttering in your chest.
as you entered your room, something caught your attention. your eyes widened as you saw the gigantic teddy bear you had attempted to "borrow" from the carnival now hung upside down from the ceiling, suspended by intricate spiderwebs. a note dangled from its paw, handwritten with a purple glittery pen: “see you tomorrow, i'll pick you up at 6:00 pm. xoxo lottie ♡”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
I feel like we need more weird things/skills about characters in RWBY
Like, Nora can navigate purely off Electrical Impulses because of her semblance, and has perfect Spatial Awareness.
Ren does Pole Dancing recreationally.
Oscar can tell you where the world, what time of year, and how mature/ripe the ingredients in a dish are - provided they weren't canned or frozen.
Jaune knows the National PokeDex by heart.
Ilia can play the Accordion.
Ruby sometimes bakes cookies in her sleep.
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solvicsa · 5 months
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------ solvi mellum && your local messy girl and exotic dancer. chasing money in heels, just trying to survive.
+ daring, witty and self-sufficient - impulsive, resentful and tempestuous
full name. solvi mellum
nickname. sol; vivi; vee
gender. cis woman
sexuality. pansexual
age. thirty-two
date of birth. november 10th 1991
birthplace. atarlight oaks
residence. an apartment in starlight cove
education. complete high school, incomplete law graduation
occupation. bartender and exotic dancer
height. 5'6"
build. lean, athletic
eyes. blue eyes
hair. long dark brown
piercings. a couple in each ear, one nose ring
features. five tattoos in total mostly spread through her arms and back, a minor scar on her chin (from falling as a child),
practiced ballet through a part of her childhood, but got into pole dancing in her early twenties, presenting in clubs ever since.
isn't ashamed of her job or has any interested in ditching it for something else.
loves money very much and used to shop lift and sell weed back in her high school days to get some extra buck home.
took two years of law school, and although graduating was a dream, she quit not long after her brother's death.
carries around a bracelet that belonged to her brother, and visits his grave often.
is a known plant mom, her apartment is filled with those alongside flowers.
has a characteristic scent of lavender.
has had many part-time jobs through the years, chances are you met her in one of those.
tw: mentions of overdose
youngest of two children, solvi and her brother theo, were often neglected by their parents -- owners of a couple of hotels across the country, they spent most of the time alongside maids or their aunt.
a talented dancer and overall intelligent kid, most imagined sol would have a bright future -- unlike her brother, a known troublemaker and addict.
supportive, she'd often take care of him through their years in college. they were best friends and confidants, so it was no surprise sol's world fell to pieces when she found him dead in his apartment.
her parents coped as they could -- leaving the city for a bigger one where no one would've heard of theo's tragic fate. yet solvi chose to stay -- all too attached to starlight oaks and those she knew.
ditching college, the mellum would dive into dancing for relieve. ballet seemed no longer to fit her taste, leaving space for pole dancing -- something she fell in love with.
a known exotic dancer in town, she'd also take a work as a bartender to help with bills. it wasn't the easiest life, yet she enjoyed every second of it -- perhaps in honor of theo.
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mojo-chojo · 2 years
I had this in my notes app for god knows how long, I wanted to make this a comic basically. (This is the spicy chicken au btw-)
(Scene: tango's learning to do pole dancing)
Tango groans as he gets back up, his hands are tired and chalky. ". Y'know You don't have to do this right? ." Impulse asks, concerned over the fact his newly vampire friend has been falling and slipping off the pole; hands and knees littered with newly bruising.
". Yes ," he says sternly ". I already volunteered to do this, and besides, it's not THAT bad ." He tried spinning before falling on his butt.
Tango sighs over the muffled chuckles of impulse.
". Try to be more like scar ." His friend from when he was still human, zedaph said stuffing his mouth with a piece of bread. Tango stared at zedaph in annoyance.
". You think i can beat THAT ." Tango shouted, pointing to the sorcerer, half naked with only his underwear and somehow knee high boots, shirt and coat thrown on top of a chair.
Scar danced drunkenly to a music disc, he was graciously spinning and lifting himself up the pole like it was nothing.
He was dancing in front of the equally drunk and cheering grian, besides him was a confused but flustered mumbo jumbo ( to be frank the vampire doesn't know how he got to icandy in the first place)
asdshkadfghj omg
i mean tango does have some muscle so i think that he just needs a bit more practice to get better at pole dancing
also i love to imagine that scar can pull that off only because he is helping himself with magic that man doesn't have much muscle
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Enemies to lovers with JJ Maybank: Insults edition
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Oh to be that blunt
Listen y'all, because I don't think I'm ever gonna release the fic, here are some "clever" insults and nicknames to use for your JJ Maybank fics, use them wisely, and please tag me to read what y'all do with them because I'm sure you guys would come up with really good shit, also if you do use them please just like or reblog this.
Anyway, here they are:
Dollar Tree's sad attempt of Brad Pitt
Oh my god, did you finally learn how to pole dance so I can call you stripper-tripper?
Failed launch of the limited edition stoner Ken that not even Barbie could love
How many JJ's does it take to screw a light bulb? Hmm, I don't know, but it only takes one to screw the whole island
Hophead is the only head you'll ever be good at
I see that your future won't be the only thing wasted
You know you actually have to be a good person to be spiderman? The inability to live without Mary Jane isn't the only thing that's required (he was gonna be dressed up as Spiderman in my fic so)
Leonardo Drinkaprio
Paul Wanker
Why are you working here anyways? Don't you charge for delivering STDs? Oh, wow, just when I thought I couldn't underestimate you more
You know, I always figured I'd see a rat on one of these boats eventually, but I never thought I'd see one who tried so hard to be a poorly made Chris Evans' Walmart version
Bitch please, I've seen the way you look at Pope, you're so gay for him you make Liberace look like he eats coochie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I ship JJPope so)
Besides raging closeted bisexual, impulsive, and horny himbo? What else did you put on your resumeé? Or did you just lie about having brain cells to make the cut?
I’d slap you, but that would be animal abuse
Brains aren’t everything. In your case they’re nothing
You’ll never be the man your mother is, at least she had the balls to leave your dad
The only good thing that could come out of your mouth is your tongue into everyone's ass
I don't have the time or the crayons to explain this to you
If I throw a stick, will you leave?
If I wanted a bitch, I’d have bought a dog
Shit happens, I mean… look at your face
I’d bet it took you a whole week to come up with that one
I thought this was a wit war, but I see you've come unarmed
Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your father’s job
Do you smell that? I- I think is the stink of your mediocrity
If you want to be a smartass, you have to be smart. Otherwise, you’re just an ass
Anyways, hope you guys like them, love y'all
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jessajaguar · 1 year
DAY 1 LEG WAVES: Join the Super Pole challenge with @impulsepoledance (IG) ✨ It's not too late cause I'm playing catch-up myself 😜
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scarefox · 23 days
Big recommendation for my fellow acrobatics, theater, horror and erotic fans
(living in Germany... but maybe they do international tours too idk)
If you get the chance, go to "Zirkus des Horrors" (circus of horrors)!
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One of the best acrobatics shows I have seen. Very glad I listened to the impulsive urge to get tickets when I saw the ad.
Acrobatics with neat music, lights, horror themed and a bit of kink?? Sign me up!
Must have sounded crazy for random people walking past the circus tent and hearing screams and moans mixed with cheering and laughing.
Anyways it is really not a softwashed Disney depiction of hell. (one mom left during the second number with her way too young child... idk if this show has an age recommendation... it should. But if you check the show promo you might see it's maybe not for small kids). I loved that they not just wear costumes but really stick to the theme of hell and horror. Even the entrance is a dark tunnle with staff in there, scaring you. Everything is decorated in a spooky way. Every staff member is dressed up.
The current tour plays in hell so it has different demons, lucifer and 1 angel that gets hunted because she stole an amulet (girl gets her wings removed and has a very no good day). Some tortured humans get on stage too. Some of them from the audience... gladly not me! 💀 Public embarrassment via comedy breaks is one of the horrors I guess... (Reasons why I never get first row or an aisle seat in circus shows, so clowns can't get me on stage ever again... been there... done that). They like to be on the edge with dangerous stunts. Like that big spinny thing in the trailer... bro I had to hold my breath at some points and they then turn the lights on & off in the middle or blindfold the acrobats to make it worse lol. Bit of dark & pervy humor. The demons are rude and rough (they tell you in the beginning to not take anything serious, you are in hell here what do you expect). The acrobatic equipment often gets depicted as torture instruments where humans and lower ranking demons get put in for everyone's entertainment. The one or other murder happens but are you really dead if you get killed in hell? It gets bloody at some point (TW: for piercing with needles and nails, (fake) arm cutting, sword swallowing but instead it's a jackhammer). Some hot women aerial acrobatics, pole dance, chair dance 👌👀 Fire show AND BIKES (Harleys) !! Nice music too: metal, rock, EBM, goth.
unfortunately doesn't show much of the part with the fire and bikes (the ghost riders... they are just here to look hot and that they do 😌 pun intended). videos are 2 years old tho.
A bit of the horny and edgy stuff 😏
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i-didnt-do-1t · 9 months
1, 11, 23, 33, 43 for the weirder asks game?
Hi :D
1) who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Comfort characters are for sure Jack Kelly and Cecil from welcome to nightvale!! Definitely a few others but these are my guys and j love them dearly
11) favorite extracurricular activity?
I don’t have like, school extracurriculars but I loved both gymnastics and pole dancing when I did them!!
23) how do you feel about chilly weather?
I adore it!! fantastic reason to wear Massive jumpers
33) the last adventure you’ve been on?
The impulsive tattoo i got a few days ago from a charity flash sheet at a place I walked past after work :)
43) what’s your take on spicy foods?
I like spicy foods but am not good enough of a cook to really cook them!
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oxeye-daisyy · 2 years
If you're willing to share, I'd love to know how Martyn's relationship with the hermits develops over time. Impulse, Ren, Grian, Xisuma, anyone--just any insight into how he sees them at first compared to after he's been with them a good long while!
of course i'm willing to share!! i love any excuse to talk about my thoughts on this au <3 so i will just talk about the ones you specifically used as examples here because i'm actually a little bit bad at just. coming up with my own examples to talk about unprompted? but if y'all wanna hear about anyone else i'm so happy to talk about others too!
anachronism martyn, uh. does not like grian. i've made a handful of posts that go a little more in depth about this but the general gist is, hey, you know this guy who was yeeted into an ancient city for several years by the watchers? and just generally Really Hates the watchers because of that?? hey, you know how grian's a watcher?? Martyn Kinda Knows That Too!!
that's the most like, silly and surface-level explanation i could give but i don't wanna like, repeat my own posts too much alsdjfkhk i promise i've said more coherent thoughts on this somewhere
xisuma's one of those hermits where martyn's opinion is very much on the "It's Complicated" sort of spectrum? like. okay so x is a nice guy, bit of a goof. DEFINITELY out of his depth with this whole... uh, everything. but x is Also worried enough about his world that he's willing to like, let that offset his general non-interference style of admin stuff, which is like. fair in martyn's opinion. it's just that like, sometimes interactions end up as sort of a chess game between them where xisuma's trying to figure out what parts of martyn's situation he's purposefully not talking about and what parts martyn genuinely doesn't know.
impulse is good! impulse is solid. he gives martyn free totems of undying sometimes. he's constantly in a state of like, kind understanding, while not necessarily pushing to hear stuff martyn isn't willing to say freely. martyn probably knows literally nothing about Why impulse is like this because he's probably the type to just. not say stuff. but that's alright!
also impulse and pearl are like, besties, so that's definitely a plus in martyn's book
alright so. ren! ren. so the thing about ren, right, is that he's immediately endearing. and my specific flavor of this for this au is of course that martyn more or less immediately catches feelings for him. and like okay so martyn's wasted a lot of time in the ancient city so like he would absolutely just like, rush into being in a relationship with ren because like, every second is important you know? but that's if he was 100% certain ren wanted the same. and he can't necessarily parse if ren is just this nice to literally everyone, or if there's Something Happening Here, or even if ren also has feelings for him, what if ren doesn't think it's the right time-- and god if everything didn't come back to time things would be much, much simpler for martyn. so they end up dancing around obviously reciprocated feelings in what is maybe describable as "the wrong side of two-sided, somehow."
as a side note i'm of the opinion that the uh, entire rentheking arc literally just does not work in anachronism (martyn is found before ren would be crowned king, and thus the entire server has bigger problems and bdubs would probably not even touch the thought of instating a monarchy with a 15-ft pole in this au) but in like, an alternate version of anachronism. there would be something there. idk what it is but it would be Something .
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poppy-in-the-woods · 10 days
Impulsive thought of today: what if I join a pole dancing class?
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gildedxxhearts · 2 months
⟢ Sugarcube ⟣
hazbin hotel . oc . active . the pink pony
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name. Jennifer Belle Marigold
age. 43, 23 at time of death
species. Sinner demon
D.O.B. Feb 20, 19xx
D.O.D. Feb 21 20xx
occupation. Pole Dancer
gender/pronouns. Female, she/her
inspirations. Chappell Roan (musician) / Elle Woods (legally blond) / Tsunade (naruto)
bio. Born and raised in Tennessee, Jennifer spent her childhood dreaming of a life far away from her little town. She wanted the glamor of Hollywood, the wealth of fame, and the influence of popularity that came with a city. It really didn’t surprise anyone when she ran off as soon as she could. At just 17, she drove off to California in search of… well she didn’t really know.
As she settled into California, Jennifer found work wherever she could. At 18, she began working at The Pink Pony Club, a strip club that promised all she desired. She took to it like a fish to water!
For the next five years, Jennifer made her life about pleasure, impulse, and maternal goods. She learned to manipulate men for their money and power to take care of her. And when she failed to convince them, she outright stole from them. She really should have known better than to keep thinking she’d just get away with everything.
The day after her 23rd birthday, Jennifer finally got caught stealing from a man she was dancing for. All too suddenly she was standing in a pool of her own blood, frozen in shock. Jennifer ended up dying in The Pink Pony, influencing her appearance in Hell now.
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