#in fact the hero was probably right
mistyawn · 1 year
Idk who needs to hear this today but you can like a villain without hating the hero
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summertimemusician · 7 months
Linktober (Shadow) 2023
Welp turns out my exam season throughly steam rolled through my general Linktober plans, so you get this VERY late thing for now folks who find this, at least until I decide whether to continue this until I finish it even though it's no longer Linktober or if I'll make whatever other stories come later their own thing after exam season is over (mostly because the original for this one is my preferred draft, and that I feel the one for the Link/Dark Link prompt would be kind of wasted if it just sat there collecting dust cause I worked hard on the tension and horror there lord darn it, along with a few others mainly involving Fae Hyrule, Twilight, Time, First, among other Links like Legend, Sky, Warriors, just all of the boys, I wanted to give them all proper spotlight and still want to do that in any way I can). Welp. *Downs coffee like a shot* Also really need to find out how to make a Masterlist on mobile, figure out how AO3 works and answer asks.
Anyway, not really any warnings this time besides Reader Not Being Okay (par the course really) and angst.
As always can be read as either romantic or platonic, Reader is gender neutral on purpose, technically is meant to be read as either Hero's Shade Time x Reader or First x Reader mainly, but you can interpret it as any Link really lol
Good reading!
This corner of Faron Woods was quiet this time of year.
The woods were solemn in this Hyrule, the sliver of moonlight barely enough of a guide through the mist, it was silent but for the soft padding of animals through the underbrush and the howl of a wolf in the distance (not Wolfie's, not musical enough). The stars were your only company as you were separated from the group, the air was cold agaisnt your skin as you attempted to find your way.
Being alone in the forests of Hyrule never spelled anything good for anyone, but as you felt the brush of a hand tenderly twined in yours, the ghost of leather and the faint clinking of steel, and a faint glow of pale gold and ivory cutting through the veil of the night, mindful of roots you may trip onto and never flickering too far out of sight you couldn't feel safer, even  if instead something like melancholy threatened to lock your throat with the chains of silence, you felt as warm as the soft twilight glow and as frigid as ice, frostburned with the bitter cold of your own warring emotions.
You can't help but chuckle a bit whille holding a old scabbard close to your heart, it's a wry sound, "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
There is no answer, of course there isn't, but you don't mind, you know he'll listen, thorns wrap around your heart and crawl up your throat, the smell of lilies and steel coats and sticks in your throat like honey, or maybe blood, "... I didn't think you'd show up, you know? I always considered the possibility but..." You trail off, you feel something brush your side, you can only see him in the corner of your eyes or with a passing glance, there but not, existing but gone, so you keep your eyes on the road and in the flicker of light, so you carefully don't look to your side, you don't think you could contain the shaking in your heart otherwise, to stare at inevitability and prophecy, "... I know, I know you're fine. At least for now, I apologize for all the trouble I gave you."
'It's alright. It could never be a hardship aiding you.', the voice echoes in your ears, and you swallow thickly, breath hitching, the warmth of the sun in the fields of Hyrule, the wind caressing your hair, the song of the animals in Faron Woods, someone holding you carefully, fondly. The warmth of your hand in his. Not really here, but not gone either, more feeling than true echo.
You chuckle, and try to pretend it's not a bit breathless, something like a wounded keen, "... You're too kind. Too, too kind, thank you."
Spirits in Hyrule never spell anything good, in this wild land of light and shadow in a gestalt of divinity. There are some exceptions though, even if it hurts to witness then. So you follow him through the dark, certain that as you've guided his way once, he'll lead you now to where you need to go.
... The clearing he leads you to is open, but by no means truly quiet among the trees, there is no peace to be found for the armored skeleton here. You choke on sorrow, on unfinished business, on the cruelty of being brought to ruin and being denied peace, and you stumble towards the familiar figure, almost in a trance as your vision blurs, roots and thorny vines wrap over rusted armor and a thorn cape, the skeleton's void sockets piercing through your soul, illuminated by the solemn gaze of the wretched moon and it's uncaring maids of honor in the stars.
You fall to your knees near the decaying skeleton, biting back against the wounded sound that attempts to leave your throat with enough strenght to bleed, you lay the scabbard by his side with a bouquet of lilies and shiver at the gentle, phantom touch, so soft, so loving it almost leads you to ruin all over again.
'... It's foolish to grieve for someone who isn't gone yet.' the thought comes to you, yet you can't help it. You still hurt for him, you still hold onto the fury at the heavens themselves for denying them quietus. For denying them rest over and over and over again. To watch this cycle and be helpless to stop it all due to the will of uncaring gods.
Alive. Dead. Alive. Dead. Denied full rest over and over again, to watch the chance at rest to the kindest of souls found in this world you found yourself in.
You barely register the touch to your cheek, ephemeral as it is, as you can't help but shed tears, can't help but grieve. Because if you don't, who will?
You know by now that some wounds can never heal, some rifts can never be mended. Even with the guarantee of cyclic, eternal rebirth, some things never return to how they were. And reminding yourself of this inevitability to them will never not hurt, even if you know it's futile to blame anyone but the one god who started this, and maybe the goddess who stood complacent to it. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that it'll one day come to this, that the frost of death and the sharpness of pain will leave a mark the sands of time can't scar over.
You reach a trembling hand towards the one in your cheek, try to find catharsis in the remains of decayed, dead yet ever eternal, ever growing love. And you breathe.
'We'll meet again. So do not mourn for me, please.'
You don't think you could deny him if you tried. Not when you know he's trying to soothe you, to thaw your sorrow. To allow your heart's healing to fallow.
"We will, I know. I'm sorry for making you worry." You chuckle, leaning into the cold, trying to brand the memory of the shadowed, but not gone love given to you so you can return it in kind. Just until you meet again, just until you can give all you can to his not yet decomposing self, grasping onto what remains of him, "I love you."
'I love you too. Until we meet again.'
The cold is gone, the echo of love leaves. And you breathe, and pretend you don't feel empty.
(When you see Link again, reuniting with the Chain on the next day's twilight. You hug him as tight as you can, and hope you he doesn't notice the tears in your eyes. And that you don't feel the lingering traces of a frigid embrace.
When no one is looking, you wave goodbye to the shade. And pray he dreams of warmer days until he finds quietus.)
#linked universe x reader#hero's shade x reader#linked universe time x reader#first x reader#hylia's chosen hero x reader#first link x reader#also know as What Happens When Summer Watches Corpse Bride after Playing MJM#I'll never not be emotional about the Hero's Shade and how it's an inevitability that Time will always die relatively young#how First died alone in the surface and likely never got a proper burial#And the fact we never learn what happens to the heroes after the task is done and THE ONE INSTANCE#we do is to learn they died young in some manner (ex Time. The Link before Hyrule. First.#Probably Twilight if we go by the theory Wolfie in BOTW is a spirit sent to help Wild#Technically pre calamity Wild because losing your memories is technically death of identity although that's for another story#and related to Lost#Most of the more effective LoZ games present themselves as either dark fairy tales and I'm running with that concept#Plus it's literally LEGEND of Zelda. Hardly do things end well for protagonists in actual legends and mythology involving gods#I think I have a right to worry#Anyway I'll probably elaborate more later because I'm tired lol#gotta perish to tackle studying and THEN be free to start on the pages long LU/LoZ essays /jk#unless?#we'll see#summer writes linktober 2023#summer writes linktober shadow 2023#summer writes#this short fic was also brought to you by the death holiday we have here in my country because it always makes me sad#and thinking of the Hero's Shade and what happens to First basically made it Depression times 100 lol
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stygianoaths · 1 year
i personally believe hermes cheered in the distance when piper used her charmspeak to steal that car!
however, with that being said, i realize now that the looming threat of children of aphrodite and children of hermes working together to shoplift literally whatever hangs over the entirety of new york.
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yuridovewing · 3 months
sorry to post a negative wof thing but sometimes i remember the “morrowseer is moonwatcher’s dad but no one knows or cares, its just this quirky trivia thing” bit and get irrationally frustrated. like if you didnt have any ideas on what to do with that tui then you couldve just. not done it.
#it literally makes no sense why she shouldnt know beyond ‘’some stray thoughts her mom accidentally let out’’ either#like ok iirc secretkeeper was barring her own mind from her. however she did that#but youre telling me that No One Else ever thought about morrowseer and his crimes#none of the nightwings none of the rainwings no one ever thinks about the queens right hand man#who orchestrated crimes against dragonkind and ruined so many lives or was a hero to some of them#no ones ever spared that guy a second thought?#or like- did no one know secretkeeper was morrowseers wife? did no one connect the dots that her secret baby was probably morrowseers secret#secret baby? its not like no one knew she was pregnant with his kid right???#NO ONE that ever looked at moon and directed hostile thoughts abt her that affected her self worth ever went ‘’oh shes morrowseers baby#of course SHE was spared our same trauma’’#NO ONE HAS THOUGHT ABOUT HIS CRIMES???? NOT A SINGLE ONE???#wouldnt this contribute to her mistreatment and anxiety since he used his supposed power to hurt and manipulate people??#but…. no tee hee its this silly little bit of trivia we wont delve into#like. again…. you didnt HAVE to make morrowseer her dad!!#like it comes across like tui came up with the idea of having the new protag be related to the previous antagonist and thought it was cool#but then didnt have any real ideas beyond that so she just made it this weird unspoken ironic fact?#like…. no i dont think its this ironic scene that she finds his literal corpse in the volcano and doesnt know its him#and doesnt seem that horrified by it#she should see that and feel incredibly complicated and disgusted feelings
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Mel for the unhinged character bingo!
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#ask me#so Mel is in the unenviable position of being a very strong character whose rights I support and whose wrongs I also fully support#BUT the way she's treated broadly in the fandom is so pervasive and so consistent and so frustrating to me that#I am in full -must protect my blorbo- mode with her at all times#-Mel's story is over so the only thing left for her to do is die-#-if Mel dies then J can get together with V and they will appreciate her for her sacrifice bc she died a hero who rejected Ambessa-#enough! enough I say!#what about proving to ambessa that she can take the throne for herself? what about the angst of defying her mother and her home country#and opposing those in Piltover who DO want war and want to raze the undercity#what about the magic that she's heavily foreshadowed to have and how it's different from hextech#and how it directly opposes but also parallels what is happening to Viktor#what about her -friends- abroad and the plot Mel was cooking through all of season 1 that has not been revealed yet#there's so much potential for her to have to confront the fact that J was slowly becoming a monster through season 1#and that she can't ignore the undercity forever#also what if whoever Ambessa says killed her brother comes after Mel too!#it is very frustrating to see Mel get dismissed as dead or evil or irredeemable or whatever when she is consistently#the most interesting person in the room in every single scene she's in and the character who shows the most conviction and change#so yeah i will take a bullet for her she is my blorbo I will despise any character who hurts her#and I would cradle her in my arms if she gave me a chance - which she would never! - but a girl can dream#however I also enjoy leaning into the idea that Mel is perceived as being a devil from the outside - Mel leans into it too when it serves#but it's in direct opposition to her ironclad values and the personality that she keeps hidden a layer down#I genuinely think that Mel will have a happy ending - or at least as happy an ending that an Arcane character can get lol#like I fully believe she will take the throne (Piltover) in the end but I can only guess at this point what that will cost her#I love putting Mel in situations but mainly to play with both how creative she can get and also how fucking far she will go to win#which is ANOTHER thing we know is probably true about Mel but has not been put on display yet#also Mel has already done a great job at separating what she wants for herself as a person from just being Ambessa's daughter#but Mel still deserves to get plenty of great therapy for that situation because OH GOD THAT CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK#also Kino is dead? maybe dead?? at least Mel fully believes he's dead so she needs therapy and hugs for that too#I am super normal about her can you tell
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
i agree Echo should get the handprint back on his armor
but what if... what if.........hear me out?...........
he doesn't get Rex's handprint, but Omega's
whaddya think TBB fam? 😏👉👈 (explanation in my tags)
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marypsue · 4 months
One of my favourite things in writing is to take a character who takes themselves very, very seriously, and then just have the narrative and the other characters around them constantly highlight how ridiculous that is.
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i was having a conversation in my head with you know an npc describing what my octopus 13 and missy actually look like bc i only describe them in pieces in my fic so you can make up your own image bc thats more fun but anyway so i was figuring out what i actually picture them like and got to ursula from the little mermaid and then i was like oh shes purple and evil and like camp thats actually pretty missy that works and then i was like well 13 is ariel clearly and that makes yaz the prince. do with this what you will
#yaz as knight or prince has always been like a soft spot for me bc i think thats who she is and who she wants to be and also it vibes well#with her queerness i think and also her policeness if that makes sense#i also think it's how she sees the doctor in the beginning and the doctor is anything but that BUT#the doctor has maybe thought of themselves a little like that especially when they were like 10/11 hero complexy#but it's just interesting how this trio like matches up like this bc thats not what you'd do at first glance probably?#you'd swap 13 and yaz#missy as the evil one who promises yaz the doctors love in exchange for her power right?#thats what you'd EXPECT but in practice thats NOT how it plays out like at all#yaz will not let herself be put in that role#and then it's interesting bc then the seduction from missy to 13 is less straightforward#13 IS metaphorically mute. she cant use her power - her words - with yaz#but it's not missy who took it directly#it's indirect. it's her presence. it's the doctors feelings about the master that like. are the weapon#and it's not a weapon any of them control like. the blade is ALWAYS in their hand. no matter who. theyre always all getting cut by it#and then also the fact that the love 13 is chasing is not ONLY the prince's but also missys#like the uhhh whats the word. the thing that breaks her. like. the fatal flaw. is that she will betray herself for the master#betray her own principles#wHICH is what makes her powerless#WHICH is what takes her voice!!#she doesnt have WORDS against the master#anyway thats what im thinking about#thasmissy
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transgender-catboy · 8 months
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Nothin makes me sadder than this, ya know? He was just a kid when he got bit
He was just a kid when he saw the hero of his city die brutally
He was just a kid when he had to take in that role of hero by himself
He was just kid when he watched his uncle die
And he was a kid when he felt betrayed by his friends, left in another dimension with the ghost of his uncle and a warped version of himself, and ultimately, alone.
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edgepunk · 9 months
villain!Peter works best for me when he's still got a motor mouth and is a cocky bastard who is playing the heroes like a fiddle, pretending to be an absolute clown (he is tho) while also outsmarting them
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aeide-thea · 2 years
so as per prev tags i read A Sensory Experience of Metal and Other Metal and having finished it i basically think what i said before but more so: i thought certain things abt it were vividly diverting and delightful and other things were really very sketchily penciled in!
in some ways i do think the biggest thing that's stood out to me abt the various m/m books by, uh, fandom-nurtured authors that i've read lately-ish (thinking vaguely of FM and, uh, other FM here, in addition to op. previously cit.) is how mediocre their female characters have imo been—in some ways that's to be expected bc supporting characters in romance are very often mere ciphers, and if both members of your central pairing are men, then, well... but i do feel like people could be briefly sketched and still feel realer and more like there's a logic of their own to them, beyond just Necessary NPC? like, i have some issues with both heyer and sayers (antisemitism foremost among these) but both of them managed to make it feel as though their romances were happening within the context of a believable society populated by believable bit characters (sayers' artist lesbians!).
(as per prev post also some thoughts abt what gets fleshed out vs what's just wooden set dressing in general, and some wondering abt the extent to which a fannish apprenticeship tends to encourage those flaws, but those i think i more or less covered in prev tags, if somewhat incoherently/inconclusively.)
#anyway this is not a useful post to anyone but me probably‚ i just like to take notes for my own records#bc it IS sometimes convenient to be able to flip back and say 'oh right THAT's what i thought of that book!'#anyway i love fandom and ppl wrote flawed books before fandom was a twinkle in bored housewives' eyes but#there ARE particular modes it trains you to perhaps overdevelop and others it doesn't train you to develop at all#and i do kind of think i'm seeing the traces of that in more and more books#some people would say that's not necessarily a problem‚ and on the face of it maybe it isn't#but i think i do in fact want authors to be able to tell what they've actually gotten down on the page and what they haven't#and instead are supplying out of their own reservoir of canon‚ which in fandom readers share with authors‚ but which in origfic they can't#like that does in fact feel like a pretty fundamental aspect of storytelling craft to me that i want a professional to be aware of#ok also one last totally unrelated thing is that i really have trouble PERSONALLY#buying the idea of a character with anxiety being a non-coquettish dom#like speaking personally i LOVE to get playfully toppy but like. idk. it's topping as flirting kind of.#also i mean 'dom' is an overstatement wrt the level of power exchange happening in this particular book#(or anyway the level of *sexual* power exchange—the whole 'commoner employee/royal employer' dynamic is a whole other thing)#(oh man i have. so many thoughts. mostly abt how ppl KEEP trying to write royalty bc they think it's sexy but then want to make it moral)#(i kind of think the minute you open the can of morality worms you've kind of ruined the fantasy)#(like i'm not opposed but then you're asking me to think with my *actual* brain and morals and not just. you know.)#okay i super lied abt the topic three topics ago being the last one but maybe this will be—#lots of thoughts abt like. the MULTIPLE friend-cum-valet relationships in these various books that don't imo get adequate arcs#it's like somebody told ppl our prince-heros had to have a humanizing commoner connection#but forgot that if they don't ask the 'friend' how they're coping with whatever mostly-offstage struggles have been tossed their way—#they aren't actually acting like friends!#like obviously it's a balance bc the main characters' problems ARE going to take center stage and should#but increasingly i'm like. does X random character seem like they've got a coherent track they're moving along even if we only see a clip#does X non-central relationship feel like any tensions introduced into it along the way have gotten resolved by the end#things CAN be left to linger but that's different from slapping some sloppy spackling on and calling that a resolution#ok maybe someday i will learn to stop shoving half my thoughts in tags so i can like. sort them into paragraphs or something at least#but today is clearly not the day i'll be starting#bookblogging#okay i lied one ACTUALLY FOR REAL last thing is that the ''''hilariously Difficult'''' magical-truth-assessor character in this is.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I wonder if Taylor knows she’s releasing Speak Now TV tomorrow
#like i’m ngl i was kind of taken in by the theories at first as well but now i’m like.. it’s just not possible#we had surprise albums with folklore and evermore and sort of the 3am edition but i’d be amazed if she did it again#or released a tv as a surprise#considering how hyped red & fearless tvs were & the fact that fearless tv got singles beforehand i just don’t think she’d do that#she knows there’s more money to be made from a planned release which will get people preordering vinyls and listening to the old version#to see what’s to come#plus i’d be absolutely amazed if anything at all was released before tour. like in the past three years she’s released 3 new albums#2 rerecords and announced a tour. that’s so much. and while i 100% believe she’s been working on all the rerecords and probably has at least#one of them ready to go; she’s not releasing them before tour#plus midnights hasn’t even been out for 6 months yet. i don’t think anti hero is even out of the charts. i know evermore came out just about#5 months after folklore but 1) they were sister albums and 2) that was during the worst part of the pandemic so it wasn’t like either album#could have a proper press run. meanwhile speak now and midnights have absolutely nothing to do with each other besides a ‘fuck you’ song#directed at john mayer. so i’d be absolutely bamboozled if she interrupted midnights’ era with a rerecord release#and i’d be amazed if she released a bunch of from the vault songs right before tour and made the setlist even more complicated than it#will be right now. in fact i think it’s far more likely she’ll release a live tour album which will have ‘from the vault’ songs from sn#or 1989 or maybe rep. or do a live rerecord for at least one of those albums#but again that’ll be released after tour#i am starting to think odd number years are going to be rerecords and even number years will be new releases#but i’d still be amazed if we saw anything before august at the earliest#thank you for coming to my ted talk#taylor swift#personal
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rohirric-hunter · 11 months
#drama in the unhinged lotr game guild chat#someone: elladan is really op#me: yeah i agree hes a really strong hero#someone else: yeah im so glad i unlocked him im definitely gonna focus on leveling him and elrohir for arena#a third someone: NO youre all WRONG elladan is STUPID and DUMB and WEAK and i HATE him#im sorry you lost your arena match but have you considered eating some chocolate about it buddy#'his basic attack is really weak' well have you considered the fact that hes a tank#'hes always taunting' well you see theres a fact you seem to have failed to consider and thats that hes a tank#'he only self heals' well heres a fun little tidbit of information for you you see the thing is that hes a tank#^all actual complaints#also hed probably do more damage if youd stop throwing him at TROLLS which take half damage from spear and dagger type weapons#im kind of complaining but its also really funny#elladan is THE premier tank available right now#hes one of only two that self heal and the only one that stacks evade#which means essentially that you can force enemies to attack him and miss#literally best option for the tank on your team like objectively speaking#anyhow theres a certain type of person who plays these games and they just stack dps and never use healers or tanks#and then they complain that they get chewed up and spat out and say the game isnt balanced#granted to be fair the game isnt balanced#elladan is an insanely good tank#i anticipate him being nerfed in the next few months. probably less evade and probably only let him self heal if arwens on the team
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
something something the cop-ification of the winchester bros. that one post about how dressing up as custodians or plumbers is 100% more effective than g men. the way they think should be trusted by all others and those that do not trust them with everything are untrustworthy themselves. the mentality that is pushed in law enforcement shows that cops should be allowed to do whatever break rules violate rights "for the greater good." dean would literally have said acab if given the chance. im not connecting shit but gimme a break it's almost 3am
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catcatb0y · 2 years
Since I somehow haven't seen any leaks this week, despite being flooded with them the past fortnight, I'm gonna say it: I don't want Midoriya to show up to Bakugou's fight.
I say this as a wholehearted BakuDeku, completely invested in their development and relationship (platonic or romantic), I don't want Midoriya to show up. At least not now, not yet.
This is BAKUGOU'S moment to show off HIS Heroism. The Heroism that inspired Midoriya, the Heroism that was inspired by Midoriya.
We all hated the series shoving Uraraka (and many, many other female characters of Shounen's past) into the Generic Love Interest Box, watering down their character and reducing them to just their connection to the main character- why are we so desperate for it now?? Because it's Gay?
'Antis are apparently accusing us of not liking/watering down Bakugou's character to make him saved by Midoriya' I don't wanna be that guy, but... ya kinda are...
Everyone thus far has gotten their moment to shine, has gotten their fears and faiths tested- why is Bakugou any different?
Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised that I haven't seen any anti takes about how Shigaraki was using Bakugou's weakness (being compared to Midoriya) against him ((I.e. that he didn't actually mean what he said- which would be an obvious load of BS, because why else would Shigaraki care about fighting Bakugou of all Heroes))
Anyways, I had like... Way Less Bitchy ways of saying this, but I vented to myself too many times, so I forgot the exact wording I had, but this fight (or this previous fight, I guess? Because I only ever hear anything about leaks when Bakugou is suffering*) this is Bakugou's fight.
He's not JUST Midoriya's weakness, he's not JUST the person closest to Midoriya. The fact that "It's great for Bakugou to be told that he only has worth because of his closeness to Midoriya" is a take that I had to read with my own eyes (and a take that people agreed with enough to have it reach my dash) ☠️
Bakugou has literally been comparing himself to Midoriya since day one- so have his peers to a slightly lesser extent- yes, it's a win to have the protagonist's [closest person] be of the same gender, but Bakugou is his own character.
He and Todoroki are both facing their season one fears- 'being nothing more than (someone else)'s shadow'- and while I love Midoriya, especially feral!Midoriya, he genuinely does not have a place in this fight.
Yes, BakuDekus know Bakugou (and Midoriya) better than anyone else, but also??? Y'all drop that title every time leaks come out I swear. How many times have you guys dropped random death flags on this kid?? The Time Travel Theory?
Shigaraki specifically called out Bakugou's fears and y'all went: let's make those fears come true.
Lmao, y'all...
Even taking into account "All of us really want them to fight side by side Heroes Rising style!" yes, maybe (putting aside the fact that people only see what you actually put out there, and despite all of the leaks shoved in my face, I haven't actually seen anyone make predictions or talk about them fighting side by side- just 'Please (Midoriya) go help Bakugou'):
- It also doesn't fit in line with the theme! The theme is 'control your heart' and 'don't go playing Hero on your own'- neither of which are in line with Midoriya going feral again. It also really doesn't do anything to open up WHY he's so attached to Bakugou, WHY "there is no wall too high to climb," and no one ever gets the chance to point out how there is a distinct difference between Midoriya saving (everyone else) and Midoriya saving (his Kacchan).
- It didn't work last time. Even before the War Arc, the only reason that it worked was because someone else stepped in, but specifically during the War Arc it made things worse. It would make no sense for it to work this time.
- Genuinely cannot comment enough on how "you only have worth because of someone else" sucks to hear ESPECIALLY to someone as insecure as Bakugou, and saying that what the series needs is for Midoriya to step in is like... so you want to prove the villain right? I love Midoriya, but watering Bakugou's character down like that is almost genuinely insulting to him and everything he has been through.
- Victimizing Bakugou (yet again) doesn't add anything. He KNOWS that he's weak, he's BEEN there before. The kid has faced his weakness time and time again, but the difference now is that he has people who will stand up and stand with him. He didn't work with anyone in the crowd. He didn't work with his fellow students. He didn't work with Midoriya or the Pros. Bakugou standing alone is what has gotten him in trouble time and time again- and yeah most of that sn't even his fault, but this is huge for him.
- It's also! Huge for Hero Society. From the kid that suffered at the negligence of Heroes (many, many times, but most notably episode one where the Heroes on scene watched a kid nearly die because they never even considered working together) to a Hero leading a team that will cover his back and each other's gaps.
- If anything, it would make more sense for Bakugou 'winning over saving' to reach out a hand to Midoriya 'saving over winning'. With how thematically tied they are, it's likely that, should they fight together (they will eventually- not now hopefully, but the series isn't over yet), Midoriya should prioritize winning and Bakugou, saving (to fully complete their narrative parallels).
Saving has always come natural to Midoriya, and, while there is obviously something different about how that applies to Bakugou, that is something that Midoriya needs to admit himself. He needs to control his heart and to stop going out on his own. Him playing Hero alone again goes against that. It's unfair to Bakugou, but it's also making light of Midoriya's character and ignoring all of the genuine consequences he has faced because of his recklessness.
They're gonna get a moment, but this is not it.
Also, I get it, guys. Kacchan the Heroine is a huge thing coming from the og voice actors, but... Can we not try to force queer ships into heteronormative stereotypes? Especially not one that has been so blanantly awful to the characters in it before?
Like, it's weird to push them into a stereotypical m/f role (even if it is just excitement), but it also ignores just how double sided and reciprocated BakuDeku is.
If Bakugou is Midoriya's heroine, then Midoriya is Bakugou's.
Bakugou inspired Midoriya who inspired Bakugou.
The thing about their relationship is how equal it is- they have both grown so much because of each other. Midoriya's power and Bakugou's heart.
Neither sun nor moon, they are yin and yang; they're the weakness within strength and the strength within weakness. They're winning by saving and saving by winning.
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years
This may be an unpopular opinion. But I honestly feel like the Salvatore school should have shut down. It may have been a good school when it first open and before the start of Legacies. But when Legacies start it, it was all downhill from there.
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