#in their respective ‘it matters most’ moments???
sunkissed-zegras · 7 hours
★ ALWAYS AN ANGEL, NEVER A GOD ─── CC²² (part 1/2)
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❪ requested -> "Can you write something about cc and reader being enemies and hating eachother. but they are on two different teams so they play against eachother and something happens during one of their games and they take their hate out on eachother with smut?" ❫
─ warnings | lots of sexual tension (no smut, yet) slightly angst, reader is on LSU, singular kiss, trash talking, drinking, nothing else
─ ev's notes | okay so i'm not a super LSU fan, i just rly love hailey and angel so those are the only girls included in the fic LMAOOO, anyway. enjoy this heavy ass fic!
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You couldn't stand Caitlin Clark.
Now, you couldn't really remember when this dislike had began. Ever since you laid on eyes on taller brunette, you hated how cocky she was. It wasn't just her cockiness that rubbed you the wrong way; it was the way she seemed to effortlessly outshine everyone around her, both on and off the court.
You watched as she dominated every game, her skills unparalleled, her talent undeniable. It felt like she was born to be a star, while you struggled to keep up. And while her talent was undeniable, it was her attitude that really got under your skin. She seemed to revel in her superiority, never missing an opportunity to remind everyone just how good she was.
But perhaps what bothered you most was the fact that despite your best efforts, you couldn't seem to escape her shadow. No matter how hard you worked, no matter how much you improved, you were always just one step behind her. It was frustrating, infuriating even, to constantly be compared to someone who seemed so effortlessly perfect.
Well ─ at least, in your eyes. You were still one of the best players in the entire nation, however you were always second best to Princess Caitlin Clark. You'd been the second best prospect in your year, trailing behind her like a persistent shadow. And it wasn't just the comparisons that irked you; it was the constant reminder of your perceived inadequacy, the feeling of always being in her shadow.
You couldn't shake the resentment that bubbled within you every time Caitlin strutted onto the court, her aura of invincibility following her like a shadow. She thrived on the attention, basking in the adoration of fans and teammates alike. Meanwhile, you fought tooth and nail for every scrap of recognition, every ounce of respect that always seemed just out of reach.
That was, until the 2023 NCAA championship.
LSU versus Iowa ─ the most anticipated game of the season, who will take the W? It was the showdown everyone had been waiting for, the clash of titans to determine who would claim the coveted crown of college basketball supremacy.
And at the center of it all were you and Caitlin, two fierce competitors locked in a battle for glory.
You had chugged your redbull and strutted out on the court like you owned it, your eyes landing on the taller brunette who's eyes were already on you. In that moment, you knew that this game would be about more than just basketball; it would be a battle of wills, a clash of titans vying for supremacy. The tension in the air was palpable, so thick you could almost reach out and touch it.
The media frenzy surrounding the game only added to the pressure, with reporters clamoring for every tidbit of insight from both you and Caitlin. It was the clash of the season, the matchup everyone had been waiting for, and neither of you were about to disappoint.
Everyone felt the tension, the energy crackling in the air like electricity. The media never missed a chance to ask you or Caitlin about it, hyping up the matchup as the game. And as you stood there, facing off against Caitlin across the court, you knew that this was your chance to finally prove yourself, to silence the doubters and cement your legacy once and for all.
"Don't worry, Y/N," Hailey's voice echoed from behind you, you felt her hand your shoulder. "You'll end up winning this. You've trained too hard for anything else."
You nodded, taking in a deep breath to steady your nerves. Even your teammates knew the deep-rooted history with the brunette. It wasn't just about LSU versus Iowa; it was about L/N versus Clark, a battle for supremacy that had captured the attention of fans and media alike.
As the referee signaled the start of the game, you focused all your attention on the task at hand. Caitlin stood across from you, a worthy adversary with a reputation to match. But you were ready, mentally and physically prepared to give it everything you had.
You were tasked to guard her and you weren't planning on letting her get an inch of space. Every move she made, every dribble, every feint, you were right there, anticipating her next move with razor-sharp focus. You could feel the intensity of her gaze, the determination in her eyes as she tried to outmaneuver you.
With each passing minute, you could see the frustration building in Caitlin's dark eyes, the realization dawning that you had expanded your skill set since the last time you'd met. And as the game wore on, you refused to let up, hounding her relentlessly from one end of the court to the other.
Then suddenly with 4 seconds on the clock before halftime, you saw your chance to prove your superiority. With speed, you intercepted one of Caitlin's passes, turning defense into offense in the blink of an eye. With a burst of speed, you drove towards the basket, leaving Caitlin in your wake as you soared through the air for an emphatic dunk.
In that moment, you knew that you had won more than just a single play ─ you had won a psychological battle, proving to Caitlin and everyone watching that you were more than just her equal.
Your teammates surrounded you but the cheers into background as Caitlin gazed at you, her usual determination into pure rage. But instead of feeling intimidated, a sense of satisfaction washed over you, a knowing smile playing at your lips.
You had waited for this moment, trained for it, dreamed about it. And now, as you looked into Caitlin's eyes, you could see the realization dawning on her ─ that you were not just her rival, but her equal, maybe even her superior. She wasn't unguardable, you'd just proven everyone wrong and Caitlin herself was forced to acknowledge it.
"The fuck are you smiling for?" Her words came out harsh as she walked toward you, letting her frustration get the best of her. You met her gaze head-on, unflinching despite the intensity of her glare ─ you felt your smile grow as laughter built up in your stomach, looking up at the brunette.
You couldn't resist a smirk at Caitlin's question, relishing the opportunity to get under her skin just a little more. "Because I just showed the world what real talent looks like," you shot back, your tone dripping with amusement. "Looks like being second best suits you, Caitlin."
Her jaw clenched, and for a moment, it seemed like she might lash out until her teammate put her hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, well, don't get too cocky," she muttered, her voice tinged with anger. "This isn't over, Y/N. I'll be back, and next time, I won't go easy on you."
You shrugged, undeterred by her threat. "Bring it on, Princess," you challenged, your smirk widening into a full-blown grin. "I'll be waiting ─ and smiling ─ for round two."
"Princess? You've gotta be kidding, who do the fuck do you think─" Caitlin cut herself off with a bitter laugh, shaking her head. She ignored your quip as she walked away, making sure to hit your shoulder as she walked away.
Before you could relish in the moment any longer, you felt Angel's hands on your shoulders as you met her gaze. You squealed in excitement as you both walked off the court toward your team.
The game continued after halftime, each possession a testament to your skill and determination. But no matter how hard Caitlin fought, she couldn't shake the knowledge that you had bested her, not just physically, but mentally as well.
And when the final buzzer sounded, signaling your LSU's victory, you knew that you had achieved more than just a win. You had proven yourself on the biggest stage, against the toughest competition, and emerged victorious.
As you celebrated with your teammates, the realization sunk in that this victory wasn't just about winning a game; it was about overcoming years of doubt and frustration, about proving to yourself and the world that you were capable of achieving greatness.
"Caitlin, tough loss out there tonight. How are you feeling after such a close game?" A reporter asked, their voice sympathetic.
Caitlin took a moment to collect her thoughts, her mind still buzzing with the intensity of the game. "Yeah, it's definitely disappointing to come up short like that," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "We gave it our all out there, but sometimes things just don't go your way."
But it was the next question that made Caitlin's stomach twist with unease. "Your matchup with Y/N was one of the most anticipated of the season. What was it like going head-to-head with her?"
She hesitated, knowing that whatever she said next would be scrutinized. "Y/N is a talented player, no doubt about it. I've known her for a while, we've played on the same team at some point," Caitlin answered carefully, her words measured. "She brought her A-game tonight, and it made for a tough battle on the court."
The tension in the room seemed to ratchet up a notch as another reporter pressed on. "There seemed to be some tension between you two out there. Can you speak to that?"
Caitlin's jaw tensed momentarily before she forced herself to relax. "Y/N and I have a history, for sure," she replied, her tone diplomatic. "But at the end of the day, it's just competition. We both want to win, and sometimes that can lead to some heated moments on the court. I don't hate her," she paused as she sighed. "She's a good player, props to her. She proved I'm not unguardable,"
Caitlin forced a smile as the reporters laughed, nodding. But it was the final question that caught Caitlin off guard, prompting a genuine, knowing smile to tug at the corners of her lips. "Do you think this game marks the end of your rivalry with Y/N?"
She paused, considering her response carefully. "No, ma'am. It's far from over, I haven't been beat yet,"
The reporters laughed again but she was dead serious. She couldn't wait until next year, she knew LSU would make it to the finals ─ and she'd finally prove to you once and for all, she is number one.
"It felt more like sexual tension to me, that's just me though," Hailey spoke up as she swirled her straw in her drink.
Hailey's remark caught you off guard, and you shot her a sharp glare, a mixture of surprise and annoyance flickering in your eyes. But before you could respond, she quickly held her hands up in defense, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.
"Hey, don't shoot the messenger," she quipped, her tone light despite the tension in the air. "I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking. You should look at twitter. Actually, not right now ─ you're not gonna like it,"
"What do you mean?" You sent the blonde another look as she gave you a thin-lipped smile, shrugging.
Hailey gave you a thin-lipped smile, shrugging nonchalantly. "Just saying, you might want to avoid social media for a little while,"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why? What's going on?" you pressed, your patience wearing thin.
But before Hailey could respond, Angel interrupted, clapping you on the back and dragging you into a group huddle to celebrate the victory. As the cheers and laughter filled the air, you couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance that had settled in the pit of your stomach.
"Wait, wait, I have my film camera upstairs!" You shouted as the team let out a chorus of groans.
"Go get it!"
You grabbed your purse and ran up to the elevator. As you rode the elevator up to your room, your mind raced with thoughts of the game, the victory, and the impending celebration. You were texting your parents, not looking where you were going until you someone stopped you in your tracks, putting their hands on your shoulders.
You looked up to meet Caitlin's dark eyes, your excitement turning into annoyance. Her gaze was intense, and you could feel the weight of her stare boring into you. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the tension thick between you like a tangible force.
"Watch where you're going, you almost bumped into me," her voice was hoarse as your lips turned to a frown.
"Well I didn't," your eyes flickered to her hands, who were still lingering on your shoulders. You caught her gaze as she cleared her throat before slowly withdrawing them.
Neither of you moved, daring the other to break the tense silence that hung heavy in the air. The weight of Caitlin's stare bore into you, her dark eyes searching for something you couldn't quite name. Your own gaze remained locked with hers, a silent challenge passing between you.
"I don't get why you're being a bitch," her words came out soft but there was an edge to them. She didn't look like her usual self, she didn't give off the same energy she did on the court.
"What do you mean?" You scoffed, shaking your head. "It isn't about you, Caitlin. It's about winning and being a bitch is kinda part of the package,"
"No, I don't mean tonight. You always act like I'm the worst person alive, even when we played together. On the court, we were fine and then you didn't wanna talk to me after," Caitlin said, her voice tinged with frustration.
"Yeah, cause not everyone wants to be friends with you, Caitlin," you shot back as her hurt turned into annoyance.
"Yeah but we played well together, and if you'd committed to Iowa, like you said you would we would have been unstoppable," Caitlin's voice grew louder as she furrowed her eyebrows.
You scoffed. "Then I would've committed to a four years of being second to you, like I did All Iowa Attack. Plus I would have if you'd gone to UConn, like you said you would,"
"God, what is your obsession and being second to me!" Her frustration finally boiled over, her voice rising in anger as she locked eyes with you. "You're not even second to me. We're just good at different things and I get a little more recognition than you. Jesus Christ, you're so self-obsessed, not everything is about you."
"No, Caitlin, it's not about being self-obsessed," you shot back, your voice rising to match her intensity. "It's about feeling like I'm always playing second to you, no matter how hard I try."
Caitlin's eyes flashed with frustration, her jaw set in a stubborn line. "And what, you think I enjoy always being the one in the spotlight?" she retorted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "It's not as fun as you think, Y/N. All that recognition comes with its own set of pressures and expectations."
You scoffed, the anger bubbling up inside you. "Oh, cry me a river, Caitlin," you spat, the resentment clear in your tone. "At least you get the recognition. At least people know who you are."
"People know who you are too!" Caitlin's nostrils flared as she took a step closer, her gaze piercing into yours. You didn't even know how close she was until you could feel her body warmth radiating off of her as she looked down at you.
"Yeah, as the sidekick," you shot back, refusing to back down despite the proximity. "Always in your shadow, always second best."
Caitlin's jaw clenched, her frustration palpable as she fought to maintain her composure. "You think I don't know what it's like to feel overshadowed?" she snapped, her voice strained with emotion. "You think I don't feel the pressure to live up to everyone's expectations?"
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Please, Caitlin," you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "You love the attention. You thrive on it."
Caitlin's gaze bore into yours, her eyes dark with intensity as she took a step closer, the space between you narrowing until there was barely a breath of air separating you. You could feel the heat radiating off her body, her proximity sending a shiver down your spine.
"Is that what you think?" she murmured, her voice low and husky, a hint of something unfamiliar dancing in her eyes. "That I love the attention?"
You swallowed hard, the heat of her gaze searing into your skin, igniting something unfamiliar within you. "Isn't it?" you shot back, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I don't like this new attitude, Y/N. I liked it better when used to you shut up and and take the heat," Caitlin interjected, her voice laced with a mix of frustration and something else you couldn't quite place.
Your breath caught in your throat, the intensity of Caitlin's words sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins. There was something different about her now, something raw that left you both exhilarated and irritated.
"I'm not the one who can't handle a little competition," you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm as you met Caitlin's gaze head-on.
Caitlin's jaw clenched, her eyes flashing with anger as she took another step closer, the heat of her body enveloping you in a cloud of desire. "And I'm not the one who needs to prove myself at every turn," she shot back, her voice low and dangerous.
"You're a bitch," you felt breathless as her gaze bore into yours.
"Yeah? Am I?" Her lips quirked into a smirk as she took in your appearance. You were always pretty, everyone knew it ─ people underestimated you, she sure had until tonight.
She wasn't dumb ─ she saw the way you looked at her and underneath all that hatred, she knew that you just wanted a little attention from her. Even after she'd committed to Iowa and you'd committed to LSU, Caitlin could see the way your gaze lingered on her more than it should have.
You felt a rush of heat rise to your cheeks at the intensity of her gaze, the air between you thick with unspoken tension. Despite the anger and frustration bubbling beneath the surface, there was something undeniably exhilarating about the way Caitlin looked at you, as if she could see right through to your soul.
"Damn right you are," you shot back, your voice tinged with defiance as you met her gaze head-on.
Caitlin's smirk widened, a glint of something dangerous flickering in her eyes as she closed the distance between you, her body inches away from yours.
"And you love it," she murmured, her voice low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine.
Before you could respond, Caitlin's lips crashed against yours in a searing kiss that left you breathless, the heat of her touch igniting a fire deep within you.
She pressed her lips against yours harshly and the two of you momentarily decided to forget how you two were in the hotel hallway, where anyone could step out and see this scene unfolding.
"Oh fuck," you moaned into the kiss as she pressed closer, your words muffled against her lips.
But Caitlin didn't seem to care about the risk of being caught, her hands roaming freely over your body as she deepened the kiss, her touch igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you both.
You melted into her embrace, your mind clouded with desire as you lost yourself in the heat of the moment. For a fleeting instant, nothing else mattered ─ not the rivalry, not the consequences, nothing but the intoxicating passion that pulsed between you and Caitlin.
Caitlin pulled away harshly, a desperate whimper coming out of your lips as she glared down at you. She licked her lips as she let go of you, your face contorting into annoyance. Was she teasing you?
"What the hell, Cait?" you demanded, your voice laced with a mixture of irritation and longing. "Why'd you stop?"
Caitlin's gaze bore into yours, intense and unreadable, as she licked her lips with a slow, deliberate motion that sent a shiver down your spine. There was a hunger in her eyes, a primal desire that mirrored your own, yet something held her back, a barrier between you that neither of you seemed willing to breach.
"I'm not fucking you until we win," she replied, her voice low and husky, the words a mere whisper against the charged silence that enveloped you both. "Until I get the trophy, until your team loses."
"So you're gonna wait a whole year?" You scoffed, incredulity lacing your tone as you struggled to comprehend Caitlin's reasoning. The idea of waiting seemed absurd, especially in the midst of the intense desire that pulsed between you. "Well good luck, cause we're not going to."
"Yeah, and until you cut the fucking attitude. It doesn't suit you, Y/N." Caitlin's words were sharp, a harsh reminder of the tension that simmered beneath the surface of your interactions.
"Fuck you," you scoffed as she smirked. She just shook her head as she walked away, leaving you alone and so desperately needy.
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↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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bitethedevil · 3 days
Why does Raphael hate Mephistopheles and why does he live in Avernus?: Raphael as an outcast
(It has been a little while since my last analysis post. I would like to remind everyone that what I’m talking about is purely my own theories and I always love to hear other people’s thoughts on them no matter if you agree or not <3.)
As we know, Raphael lives in Avernus and not in Cania where Mephistopheles rules. All devils essentially somehow serve an archdevil. The Nine Hells is a super hierarchical place and everyone below the archdevils are basically little worker bees who live to serve their respective archdevils in one way or another.
Raphael collects souls, so one can expect that his job is to some extent to harvest souls for whoever is above him. One would expect that the archdevil he serves is Mephistopheles, but he indirectly helps us rob his father of quite a lot of souls by telling us about Cazador's ritual. That seems like an incredibly stupid and risky move if he worked for Mephistopheles, so I am not quite sold on the fact that he serves his dear old papa.
We know from the Archivist that Zariel’s people keep a bit of an eye on him and comes and goes in his house. Given he also lives in Avernus, it would make more sense that he is forced to serve Zariel at least to some extent. My money is on the idea that his official superior (or his boss, if you will) is Zariel and not Mephistopheles, though I think he might have once served Meph.
Here is a super interesting piece of information that I found about Avernus (this is from the Fiendish Codex II):
“Avernus is home to the outcasts of Baator, also known as ‘the rabble of devilkin.’ Few lesser devils survive more than a few moments as outcasts, so this group is composed almost exclusively of unique devils who are equals of any duke.”
My theory is that Raphael is an outcast and that’s why he’s in Avernus. Perhaps his father got tired of him and got rid of him, fully thinking that he would not survive. I am almost certain that cambions would fall under the ‘lesser devils’ category, or at the very least they are not on the level of dukes. I feel like it’s also often said that Raphael is pretty OP compared to a simple cambion, which is most likely the only reason he has survived (I’ve also heard people talk about him as a duke, which fits into this little theory as well).
There’s more though, and this is where it gets really kind of speculative:
“Some outcast devils, such as Azazel and Dagon, have been stripped of their original names to reduce the chances that they will be summoned to the Material Plane.”
Now, Raphael is a cambion, so he can move between planes regardless, but it would still be a very shitty and dehumanizing thing to strip someone of their name. Mephistopheles being Mephistopheles probably would do something like that if he was pissed at someone.
I have always thought a lot about his name. “Raphael” is a name that we would mostly associate with angels, and not devils. It furthermore does not really sound like any other devil names I’ve come across. It literally means “God’s healer” or something along those lines.
Wouldn’t it be so in character for his dramatic ass, who loves to play human and to play benevolent savior, to choose an angel name for himself? At the Last Light Inn, he literally says that Mol would not believe that he’s a devil because of his “angelic complexion”.
Finally, there’s this:
“Treacherous and scheming, the outcast dukes constantly seek ways to either reclaim their former positions or ranks in the Nine Hells or to destroy or displace the current order. […] Either way, they serve as important pawns between feuding archdukes and dukes.”
Now that definitely sounds like someone we know. I would very much say that wanting the Crown of Karsus to take over the Hells falls under “destroying or displacing the current order”. However, Raphael still has mentions of his father around his house and he has a portal to Cania.
It would not surprise me that Mephistopheles started to show interest in him again after he survived and thrived in Avernus. It would also not surprise me if Raphael, despite all the hate for what his father has done to him, licks Mephistopheles boots to gain favor with him behind closed doors (or at the very least to gain information to give to Zariel behind his father’s back).
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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minniesmutt · 1 day
Jeongin/Seungmin - Friends by Chase Atlantic
Chan/Minho - Slow down
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: I.N X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: COLLEGE!AU, NON IDOL!AU, FWB TO LOVERS, ALCOHOL, ORAL (F. REC), ORGASM DENIAL, UNPROTECTED SEX, PULL OUT METHOD, MENTION OF A CREEPY GUY ☾ ━━━ WC: 1K ☾ ━━━ NOTE: the other three will be published later ☺️ ☾ ━━━ send me Chase Atlantic songs and a member to write a blurb about ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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“Hiding from me?” Jeongin asked from behind Y/n.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about?” Y/n turned around to greet her friend. Smiling at him
“Really? You were pretty cozy with what’s his face not too long ago.”
Y/n’s face dropped. Her friends attempt to get her off Jeongin simply because they think he’s too good for her. Though she felt like there were other reasons. But right now, no one was there to pull her away and dump her on another guy.
“Sorry,” Y/n sighed
“Why are you sorry?” Jeongin was a bit upset, yes. The two of them weren’t officially together but it felt like it was going that way. Now he was confused.
“Never mind, it’s nothing.” Y/n shook her head.
“Come on.” Jeongin offered her his hand.
Y/n took his hand and followed him away from the crowd of the frat party. Finding a free unlocked room. Just to talk about it.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting on the bed with her in front of him
“Nothing,” Y/n said
“Y/n. Talk to me. Since when do I judge?”
“It’s nothing. We’re not officially together anyways, does it matter who I hang around.”
“So us fucking and going on dates means nothing to you? You’re saying we’re just friends?” Jeongin asked
“I’m not saying it doesn't, just why should it?”
“Y/n, the guy was eye fucking you, and you were visibly uncomfortable. What’s going on?”
“My friends think you’re too good for me…” Y/n finally relented
“Y/n, in the most respectful way, your friends suck.”
“I know. But I don’t know how to get them to back off. It’s easier to just go along with it…”
“Y/n, please stop listening to them on things that they aren’t involved in.”
Jeongin took her drink and set it down on the nightstand next to his and pulled her down on his lap. Y/n straddled him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he held her hips. “Sorry…”
“Don’t apologize. It’s their fault for putting you up to this.”
“I haven't seen you as just a friend in a while by the way.”
Jeongin smiled and leaned forward, “Good. Because us as friends has never made sense.”
Jeongin leaned in more and connected their lips. Y/n’s eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into his touch. Lips molding together as she cupped his face. A moan escaped her as he grabbed her ass.
“This means you’re finally all mine?” Jeongin asked between kisses
“Haven’t I always been?��� Y/n asked
“Didn’t feel like it for a moment.” Jeongin moved his lips down to her neck, sucking on the skin.
“I’m yours In. Not just your friend,” Y/n moaned before he pinned her to the mattress
“‘M gonna make sure everyone knows,” Jeongin said.
He pushed her shirt up and grabbed the hem of her panties. Pulling the fabric off her legs as he made his way between them. Kneeling on the ground as he threw her legs over his shoulders. His pretty lips wrapped around her clit. Y/n bit her bottom lip to cover up her moan, even though she doubted anyone was going to hear her over the music.
Jeongin’s tongue worked its magic on her. Playing with her clit and insides just right. His fingers joined the mix not long after. Spreading her open for him as he sucked on her just the way only he could. Y/n took hold of his locks, trying to ground herself. “Innie,” Y/n moaned
Jeongin hummed in response as she started twitching against him. He knew she was close and pulled away from her, standing back up. “Wha…”
Jeongin just smiled at her as he leaned down and kissed her. “That’s for earlier.”
“Sorry,” Y/n mumbled
“No more listening to your friends about us, okay?” Jeongin said
“Okay,” Y/n agreed, “Can you fuck me now?”
“I don’t have condoms.”
“Don’t care. I’m on birth control.”
Jeongin kissed her cheek before standing up again unbuckling his pants as quickly as he could. Y/n pulled him back to her lips as he pushed the denim material down. Y/n palmed him over his boxers as he moaned into her mouth. Y/n smiled as she pulled him out of his boxers, pumping him a few times before Jeongin took over and lined himself up at her entrance. Slowly pushing in, both of them moaned into the kiss before pulling their lips apart
“How did we not do this before?” Jeongin asked
“We weren’t dating before,” Y/n said
“We’re dating,” Jeongin smirked
“If you're in me without a condom in calling you my boyfriend.”
“I can get behind that, girlfriend.”
Y/n moaned as he bottomed out in her. Jeongin kissed her neck as he sat in her for a moment. Trying to regain his composure before he came too quickly. After a moment and her begging him to move, he pulled back. His thrusting pace started slowly and gradually building. The music from the party below sounded so far away.
Y/n grabbed the back of his shirt as he bit on her neck. Licking the area and mumbling a quick “mine” against her neck. Y/n whimpered into his ear with each snap of his hips into hers. His thrusts getting to just the right speed did her.
“Close. Innie, please let me cum,” Y/n begged
“Fuck. Cum all over me. Please, baby.” Jeongin moaned
Y/n moaned in his ear before he pushed his lips onto hers. Swallowing her noises as his hips keep their pace. She gripped him tighter as her orgasm washed over her. Gripping the back of his neck and shirt as she rode out the high.
Jeongin managed to keep his pace through her orgasm before they started to stutter. He pulled out as soon as he felt her relax. Pumping his cock with his hand before his cum hit the bed between her legs.
The silence took over for a moment between them as they caught their breaths. “Can we leave? Go home?” Y/n asked
“Yeah.” Jeongin agreed and helped her fix herself and pulled his pants back up.
He found some tissues and cleaned the cum off the bed before they left the room. Weaving their way through the crowd to go to one of their places.
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One thing I most mourn about not getting a third season, and one of the things I love imagining and writing about, is figuring out how Ed and Stede will adjust to making a long-term relationship work. They've got such a strong foundation! But they have lingering issues to unpack.
I know they're going to be very successful, because mutual love and respect go such a long way! But every couple will need to communicate and compromise, and I think there are a few things they do that genuinely will annoy and hurt each other until they figure them out. Some unsorted thoughts:
Stede is so, so patient and good with Ed when Ed's panicking, but he can push what he's feeling aside to focus on Ed entirely. Take their little argument in s2e7 - Stede was very clearly hurt when Ed said "last night was a mistake," and though we know Ed was panicking and what he was trying to say was more like "I need something tangible to blame my feelings on right now because I'm scared you'll choose piracy over me," Stede doesn't know that. There's potential for Stede to let things said in the heat of the moment fester instead of just telling Ed that something hurt him.
Ed is often very direct and clear with communicating what he wants and needs to Stede, and Stede's very bad for giving mixed signals when he's feeling conflicted. Talking about running away to China is a prime example - Stede's body language was screaming "I don't think that's a good idea," but he said "yes" with his mouth. There's room for miscommunication.
On a similar note, Stede isn't always good at articulating his wants and needs, and I think Ed could very easily get frustrated by that when they have situations like Stede telling him that no, no, it's fine, they don't have to paint the living room blue, and then they get home and Stede starts moping about getting a different color of paint.
Ed is a very, very competent person. He's very used to things coming easily to him, and because of this, he's a one-plan kinda guy. He gives up very easily when things don't go to plan. He is going to have a full-on panic attack, crying breakdown when he tries to fix a section of roof and it caves in.
Ed strikes me as a stress-cleaner. Stede is absolutely the type of person who NEEDS to have quiet wind-down time after 9 p.m. Their worst arguments will be because Ed absolutely has to "deep-clean the entire fucking house at eleven at night with the world's loudest trash bin, Edward!"
Stede's self-esteem is so shitty that, while he loves compliments and affection, it's probably going to hurt Ed's feelings when he keeps saying mean things about his appearance, skills, and personality no matter how much Ed reassures him. Like, does he not believe Ed?
Ed's going to have this bit where every time Stede leaves him alone in the house for more than five minutes at a time he's going to pout and be all "I thought you left me again" in a bid to get extra cuddles and attention. Stede hates this bit
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calqlate · 3 days
PAIRING(S): al-haitham + diluc + kamisato ayato + thoma x gn! reader
CW(S)/TW(S): coarse/foul/strong language used
TAGLIST (italicsed blogs are unable to be tagged): @deeomi + @loving-august + @mshope16 + @saintbernardthethird + @thelonelyarchon
A/N: not me writing about these irl guys when the last 2 guys turned out to be red flags (clown emoji). n e ways, pls enjoy!
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— DILUC RAGNVINDR | the boy who i first liked
as a mega stickler for tradition, he will write letters to you. he was the first one who started this little tradition between both of you, handing you a sealed envelope shyly and telling you to open it when you get home. and so both of you wrote letters to one another, handing them to each other jn person and reading the other's letter in the confines of your own respective homes before penning a response.
he is a bit possessive and protective, never letting anyone open doors for you or escorting you but himself. if you do let anyone do any of the said chivalrous acts, just know you will have to face a mopey and pouty diluc when you next meet him.
he is not one to show pda, but he will always hold your hand in public, with your fingers interlocked with his.
he always has to be by your side, making it his job to be your personal bodyguard. he will always be next to you at parties and will always look out for you.
— THOMA | the boy who was by my side (granted, for 2 years)
he watches over you very carefully and makes sure that you never get hurt. however, if you do get hurt, he will be the first to calm you down and distract you from the pain.
he always knows how to cheer you up when you are down and honestly is such good company to be around. he has big brother energy (omg iykyk but he has similar vibes to hidden love's duan jiaxu) <3
he is also very good with his words and knows how to compliment you when you feel like shit about yourself. got a bad haircut that makes you look like a mushroom? he does not think so; if anything, he thinks you are gorgeous no matter what!
— AL-HAITHAM | the boy who never speaks much
he naturally does not talk a lot and mostly keeps to himself. if you have a big group of friends and he is part of that said social circle, he will mostly sit and listen to the others talk.
he is terrible at comforting people, but he will try his best <//3 he will give you awkward pats on the shoulder and tell you that everything will work out. (not the most 100% foolproof approach, but hey, he has got the spirit!)
he is the kind of person that does not like to go out and have lunch with friends. rather, he would have his food packaged as a takeaway and eat while he is working. so, you definirely know that you have a special place in his heart when he agrees to go and eat with you (and your friends).
he will give you the lowdown on why you should not date a particular person and has receipts on the ready (do not ask how he got that much dirt on them...)
— KAMISATO AYATO | the boy who has natural rizz
one thing i have to say is that he gives compliments at sporadic moments and will completely take you by surprise. for instance, you could be minding your own business and he will say something to make your heart skip a beat.
he is also a bit cheeky and will shout "boo" to friends who turn the corner and bump into him (he will apologise afterwards with a grin though).
he is also really formal when speaking with people (in general) (and it is probably because of his upbringing as well) and he is a genuinely nice person to meet
he is the kind of guy who jumps onto the bandwagon when someone else is trying to hype you up
he will also tell you to take care of your health and tell you to watch yourself when you fall sick
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mschievousx · 3 days
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she love her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
series masterlist
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ii. two: you felt so happy
the first ball, certainly one of the highlights of the season. it is indeed as grand as people have talked about. the lights, the decorations, the flowers, the performances—they were perfect. on top of that, loraine is a night person, which is why the ton should prepare for a doubled exuberance.
arriving a bit late than most other families who were so eager to catch a match for their offsprings, the silvas entered the hall together as raine compliments with awe.
"lady danbury's balls are always extraordinary, truly worthy of hosting the first of every season."
armand turned to her with an incredulous look, "agatha does not have balls."
she deadpanned at her father and discreetly whisper-yelled, "oh, heavens! stop trying to get us beheaded all the time!"
"it do makes me wonder why i haven't told the queen to behead you yet, armand." the host's voice engulfed them from behind. they both turned to her with a sheepish grin.
"lady danbury, it's a wonderful... ball." raine applaused after letting go of her father, "i must go and greet the queen."
she walked straight away, looking at armand one last time as she put both her fists up in shoulder level as if to cheer him on. the man could do nothing but offer a death smile to his daughter.
as rebellious as she is, raine is still of noble and respectful upbringing. we will not reveal that she did think twice if she should greet the queen or she can just go straight to the drinks. she did end up choosing to greet her. that is what matters, right?
and so she bowed gracefully to her. duty done. as she stood back up, with an utter pretentious smile, she was more than excited to make her way to the beverages.
"loraine," the queen called with familiarity and her steps halted, turning to her majesty once again. ah, so she's speaking as a family friend and not the queen.
"whatever is that sparkling on your leg?"
raine was confused for a moment, before she remembered what she could have possibly put their that was shiny. she turned back to her with a mischievous smirk.
"just an accessory, aunt lottie. it's a must-have."
she replied with full confidence, despite the fact that it is quite clearly shaped like a dagger. of course, it is an accessory. it can be considered as one, moreso that it is quite strapped on her.
she smiled dearly once again before curtsying to leave. as she was out on earshot, the queen turned to brimsley.
"i wish i had done that when i was young."
now that all is done, she cannot wait to taste what kind of drinks they serve during balls as she eagerly continues on her path to the beverages. she swiftly took a glass and sipped it with delight.
"you took the wrong glass. lemonade is here."
her eyes narrowed at that, hinting the arrival of a not-so-welcomed presence. the viscount bridgerton, with his wife and younger brother, joined her after spotting the young lady across the room.
"i can outdrink you."
"i'd like to see you try." kate slapped her husband's arm at the unnecessary challenge. kate is reasonably competitive. anthony? he's the most competitive at wrong times.
raine smirked at kate as the latter winked at her. she turns to the viscount, "i did not take you as someone who loves balls."
before he could answer, benedict interjected after taking a glass of his own, "he has two of them."
the eldest closed his eyes and sighed at the immature comment, "say that in front of her father if you think it's funny."
"oh, please don't. they'll both laugh for hours." she shuddered at the thought, just as the current dance ended.
anthony finished his glass as he looked at his wife for a while before turning to the two, "well, excuse us. i must take my wife to the dance floor."
he lead her to the dance floor without even waiting for their reply. raine scrunched her nose as benedict continues to sip on his own, leaning on the standing round table.
"anthony dances in these events?"
"only since last year, when he decided to actively participate in balls."
she immediately turned to him, mirroring the incredulous look her father had earlier, "why are you saying it like that?"
"why am i saying what like?" benedict turned to her as well, tilting his head and propping it on his palm.
raine gave out a grumble, turning her attention back to her drink as the bridgerton laughed at her reaction. they both observed the ball with a comforting silence before benedict saw an interesting sight.
"your father is laughing. i must say, lord silva is really paradoxical."
her brow raised at the mention, "he always does. he just hates you, and don't say that word to him. he'll think it's a compliment."
"it is a compliment."
"it's not."
"wait, lord silva hates me?" upon realising the previous statement, he straightened his back.
the girl simply nodded as a grin made its way on her lips, "he thinks you put a love curse on me."
he dramatically placed a hand on his chest, "you are more likely to do that to me than i to you."
"you know me so well." she laughed as she raised her glass to him which he followed. upon the cue of the music ending once again, he gulped his drink, moving to her other side.
"i do hope you have not given away your very first dance to some other man."
she screamed, internally screamed, and she could almost not hold the grin that was aching to escape her lips, "hm? what ever do you mean to say?"
benedict chuckled, completely seeing through her. he moved to block her view of the dance floor, his left hand manly placed on the lumbar of his back as he offered the other in between them.
"loraine silva, may i be your first dance?"
she beamed at him, drinking the rest of her glass at once as she placed her own hand at the care of his.
"i thought you'd never ask."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
raine, as talkative as she is, could not find the confidence to do so at the moment. all she could think of was his hands, smell, and body. yes, she grew up with them, but she had never danced with this man in front of her before.
anthony, yes, when he did a poor attempt to cheer her up—which ended up successful because he looked ridiculous. colin, yes, when he offered to be her dance partner as she was practicing after classes. but benedict? she has never even saw the man dance.
so, currently in their second dance, she finally found her voice, "can i just say, i feel so happy i could die."
he laughed as he twirled her, "you have said that a thousand times before."
"genuinely this time." raine intimately uttered as she looked at him in the eye.
"also," she added, continuing with a charming smirk after another twirl, "ever thought of marrying me?"
he narrowed his eyes with a smirk of his own at her, "oh, you opportunistic minx."
"that one i'll gladly take as a compliment." raine proudly grinned, pushing further, "so?"
"let me think," he acted as if he was thinking deeply on the answer before turning back to her, "no."
raine gave a mocked sigh, chuckling right after, "a girl can only try."
the pair continued to dance, sneaking chats and gossips with laughter as they do so. with the music ending, he leads her off of the dance floor.
"well, what must i do now?" she said, now back with the beverages.
"dance, drink, have fun! just as there's no shortage of ladies, men too."
raine groaned at the mention of other bachelors, "ugh, i don't want to dance with other men."
benedict smiled at her adamant refusal of them, "darling, a ball is thrown to socialise."
"i'll socialise with you then."
"we have, for fourteen years already."
she smiled mischievously again, "are you counting?"
he pinched her right cheek as he proceeded to make faces, as if talking to a child, "it's simple mathematics." he laughed as she swatted his hand, standing straight up again.
"for one, you could save your father from lady townbridge. i doubt you'd like her for a mother."
raine groaned once again as the bridgerton boy bid his farewell, "ugh, i don't even like her as a person."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the young silva wandered around the ball, trying to find another source of fun. for some time, she stood near lady blackstow and lady vaughan, eavesdropping for a juicy gossip, but all she learned was their husbands' unhygienic activities. she tried to engage with others, hopping from person to person, but could not find them entertaining.
so, when she heard quite the laughter and cheers from the opposite side of a door, she did not even think twice to open it.
"well, what do we have here?" raine, with the largest grin ever, whispered to herself in joy.
the room was a heaven for her. it was full of things she finally deem as fun. there were people playing billiards on her left, cards on the other, drinking at the front, and—that's a familiar face.
"raphael! i didn't know you came back from duty." she greeted as she walked towards the man playing cards, tipping her head to the others surrounding the table as greetings.
the said man turned to the her with a surprised look, "lor—what are you doing here?"
"i'm a debutante?"
"no—" he paused at the misunderstanding, "like here."
"oh, i'm..." she began with a smile before turning to look around the place with more attention, "oh."
there were no women present. not a single strand of lengthy hair. nevertheless, she believe it was not a problem at all, turning back to the table with an excited smile.
"and she pulled up a seat." raphael muttered as the girl inserts a chair in between.
"how come no one told me there's a place like this in a ball?!"
the man placed his palms on his face, whisper-yelling right after, "general's going to kill me!"
"enjoy your remaining time then." raine laughed at his exaggeration as the other men began a new round, "now, watch me beat you all."
and she did! they've been at it now for four rounds. the men, varying in ages, wondered if they should be amazed or insulted by her.
"suck it up, boys." she whispered mockingly to raphael with a teasing smile.
however, her smile and his annoyance were quickly changed with a panic look as he noticed the clock hitting ten. he immediately rushed for raine to took cover on the opposite end of the table, a blind spot from the door.
"general." he greeted with a salute as the said man did arrive on the dot.
"raphael, it's a ball." he reminded, easing the younger one from the salute, "have you seen loraine?"
"loraine?" he awkwardly laughs, which is not helping the situation at all, "no, sir."
"notify leo and—" her father's voice was fading away as he and raphael walked outdoor.
as she stayed still and kept her gaze in front of her, she noticed a familiar head across the room, staring at her with a dumbfounded look. anthony mouthed at her, "what in the hell are you doing?"
on the other hand, as raphael has led the higher-ranking officer in a private corner, he spoke in a hushed voice, "loraine is inside, sir."
the general closed his eyes to compose himself, the activities of his daughter can be quite infuriating at times, "i suppose that's better, isn't it?" he asked as he puff on his cigar before continuing, "keep an eye on her. ford and smith will keep me updated."
raphael nodded, taking in the order as armand exhaled the smoke before walking away,
"and stop playing cards. she'll beat you all."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
"is father away?" raine asked, raphael affirming. she moved her seat to make room for the latter.
"come, the viscount is betting."
the table has gotten bigger in his return, with the bridgerton son joining them. he offered a hand to shake which the viscount took firmly. he greeted, "raphael montague, pleased to be of acquaintance."
anthony's brows raised at that inquiringly, "you don't happen to be the raphael, do you?"
"how do you mean?"
"oh, lan—" he held his tongue, just realising what he was about to say. he regained his composure with a light cough, "you were mentioned a couple of times in passing."
raine rolled her eyes, "you can say his name, you know. it's not a curse."
raphael replied to the other man with a chuckle, "i hope only the good things."
anthony laughed, remembering a story, "the grenade?"
"oh, please no." he held his head down with a short laugh.
the young silva clapped as another round was about to start, "less talking, more playing, gentlemen."
the round started fiercely, but luck seemed to be on raine's side for the night as she has been getting a good hand. as the rest revealed their set of cards, a cheering and smug raine and an annoyed raphael and anthony are what's left of the round. a tap on the viscount's shoulder distracted him.
"anthony, here you are. mother is—what are you doing here?"
"why is everyone asking that?" raine crossed her brows in annoyance, "you said i should have fun."
benedict turned to her completely from his brother, "this is not what i meant."
"i am having fun."
he laughed mockingly, "do you even play well?"
at the question, groans can be heard as the men were reminded of themselves losing. raine, however, was as pleased as she can be.
"anyone you see here has lost to me."
he rolled his eyes as he shrugged it off, "that's because they've had a drink."
"try it yourself, bridgerton." a man chuckled and voiced it out as a challenge.
the younger bridgerton turned to him smoothly, "you're not going to manipulate me into—"
raine taunted, she knew benedict so well.
he stated as the older bridgerton stood up and patted his brother's shoulders before leaving for their mother's call.
"what should we wager?" she asked, leaning back on the seat.
"if i win, you won't go into gentlemen's clubs anymore."
her lips formed a thin line at that, yet she slowly nodded, "agreeable."
"inside or outside of the balls."
raine jerked from her seat at once, "that's too much."
now, it's benedicts turn to lean back with a smirk, "i'm going to tell your father."
she likes him dearly, really. but, an irritated look manifested on her features, "alright, you're going to play like this, benedict?"
always with a flair for theatrics, she acted as if rolling her invisible sleeves before placing her wager on the table.
"if i win, you're going to marry me."
his eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing again, seemingly finding the words to say, "that is what's too much."
"these gentlemen are witnesses, ben." she gestured with ease to the men now surrounding their table.
"you are insane."
"only for the things i love, darling."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
"lady silva lost."
a man declared as the rest are still in silence. the game was close, so utterly close that they were about to get their wives or inform their mothers of a wedding happening soon. however, as they were nearing the end, the silva girl made a huge error, costing her the chance to marry the object of her affections and the object of her fun.
"okay, but including within balls like this is too much, ben. this is the only entertaining thing in these events!" the gradual change of her tone from acceptance to whining in just two sentences was astounding.
"these gentlemen are witnesses, raine."
she blew out an exasperated breath at the smugness of the man sitting opposite her. she was about to retort when a voice from a man near the door announced.
"lord silva is coming!"
she hurriedly stood up, aiming for the door that would lead directly outside the mansion, to the gardens. raine turned back to them with a grin, saluting to them all with a hint.
"boys, i'll put in a good word to the ladies."
she departed the room just before her father's imposing figure arrived from the other door with a curious brow raised.
"why are you all so tense?"
outside, raine put a hand on a pillar to support herself as she catch her breath. her father's giving her so much exercise these days that she cannot wait for him to return to duty.
"we always seem to be escaping from your father." the young lady jumped in surprise with a hand on her chest at the voice, calming as she saw who it was.
"ben? what are you doing here?"
"well, what was i supposed to do? let you run off on your own? this late at night?" he lightly rubbed her back and asked in a mocking tone, as if pointing out the obvious.
"you know what, you are paradoxical." she stood straight again, lifting her hand from the pillar as she's getting her breath back, "you do things like this but you will not marry me."
benedict raised both his arms as if in surrender, "i am simply caring for you, like anthony and colin do. they would have done the same had they been in my position now. that does not equate to marriage."
"we're unchaperoned." she easily pointed out again, looking at him directly now.
"well—" the bridgerton began, racking his brain on what to say in his defense. he turned to raine yieldingly.
"it really is not a compliment."
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis
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To the Dearest Summoners...
It has been a wild ride in the ArTw server. Each and every Summoner were unique and fun to be with in very different ways. It was full of chaos and quirks, yet we embraced it all together, thus creating a big, happy family. I am happy to be one of the group, and I will forever cherish those moments.
I'd like to apologize for the unfortunate event that happened earlier. As much as I loved to stay longer, my interest in Arcana Twilight was long gone. I tried to hold on to everything, just to be with you. However, it slowly felt like I was forced to do it this way. I have always been honest of having the thoughts of leaving, and I am sad that it has turned into a reality.
Even if you don't believe me, I really tried to keep it together for the server. The ArTw server had its ups and downs, and we lost a couple of members in our journey as a family. I knew everybody was going through their own struggles, so I wanted to stay to help and support those who need it.
However—no matter how much I try—sometimes, a family is meant to fall apart.
The time of departure has arrived, and my senses were telling me that I needed to leave. Amber and I had talked about it, as well as Mint. I firstly decided of staying in the server, even if I was no longer into Arcana Twilight. Yet it just didn't feel right, and the choice of leaving became the only decision I had left.
It was a lot better than to ghost my dearest friends.
And now I have said my goodbyes, I am officially out of the ArTw server. And with this letter, I am officially out of the Arcana Twilight fandom. My Arcana Twilight era has come to an end.
Even so, that doesn't mean I cannot communicate with you anymore. I will still be actively posting in Tumblr, and I accept DMs in Discord. I will talk with you, but Arcana Twilight is no longer in the list of my interests.
I am glad to know all of you were understanding of my leave. None of you were toxic nor forceful towards my decision, and it hurts me further that I must go. Nevertheless, we are all aware that everything happens for a reason. You are deserving of my deepest respects.
And that means I will be thanking the Summoners I have known throughout my journey in the Arcana Twilight fandom.
@amber-of-tharaval, thank you for being the mother figure of the server. You were also an amazing friend to us all.
@marisssa1248, thank you for being a younger sister figure. You are a sweet and beautiful girl, always remember that.
@mumuscae, thank you for the most hilarious shitposts and memes you shared. I will always smile whenever I see them.
@mochalumii, thank you for being such a wholesome friend to us all. May God bless you all the time.
@gloriaglorheart, thank you for being an enthusiastic friend in the server. Your smiles and arts are very adorable, and I will look forward for more.
@pomegranateboba, thank you for being my first ArTw moot. Although we aren't very close, you were the first person I met that introduced me to ArTw content in Tumblr.
@sleepytwilight, thank you for being one of the people who introduced me to ArTw content in Tumblr. Your headcanons and arts will always remain to be amazing in my eyes.
@l-mint-l, thank you for helping me with my choice whether I should stay or leave. Although I couldn't stay for long, at least I was able to have some time with you all.
@cuddlybelphie, thank you for your posts and reblogs I often see in Tumblr. Your content made me closer with Arcana Twilight.
@mmpookie, thank for your adorable arts of the ArTw cast. You may or may not know me, but let me thank you for inspiring me in drawing.
@tophatmaker, thank you for your wonderful arts of the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Like the others, you have inspired me to improve my artworks better.
@f14loveisyou, thank you for being the first Filipino ArTw moot I met here in Tumblr. Although you are still fighting against your struggles, I wish you the best and I will always wait for your posts.
@leriblue, thank you for letting me draw your Summoner with Dahlia! You are a real sweetheart and I hope you continue to do more content.
@afluffypanda, thank you for your beautiful arts of your Summoner, Luna! She is one of my greatest inspirations why I continue to draw.
@honing-skills-for-the-end, thank you for the wonderful arts of various characters, both the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Your works will always put a smile on my lips.
@sspicat, thank you for your adorable artworks of the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Your arts remind me that it doesn't have to be the best by being entirely realistic. You taught me simple is enough.
@canon-vi, thank you for posting beautiful ArTw artworks in Tumblr. You are one of my inspirations how I kept going with Arcana Twilight in my heart.
@sillyest-cas69, thank you for being a good friend along with your cousin. We may not be very close, but you are very good company in the server.
@writerray, thank you for helping me out during my darkest days of struggles. You were a great mediator, and I hope I can still approach you when I need it.
@vivian-drawsart, thank you for posting adorable artworks of Vin and Arcturus together. Your cute works are one of my inspirations.
@guysimbluenow, thank you for scaring us all in a playful way. When we first met you in Tumblr, everybody in the server were panicking and screaming. Even so, I think you're a great person.
@redrubyz, thank you for making me smile when I discovered you were a new Summoner in the fandom. It is a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you will be one of the people that will keep the fandom alive.
@kaitlyn-pink, thank you for letting me join the ArTw server. Because of the server you once created, I met and made more friends. And that includes you.
To everybody I mentioned in this letter, thank you so much for being my friends. You were all amazing people, and I am thankful to meet each and every single one of you. If it wasn't for you, I have no idea where I would be.
The letter is now ending, and my last moments of enjoying Arcana Twilight has come to an end. Before I finally end, please remember our motto. Whether we are happy or sad, fine or struggling, let us all say it as one.
"We are in this together."
Thank you for everything, Summoners. I will never forget you. The server and the fandom will always have a place in my heart. For one last time, I shall say my outro.
Thank you for reading. This is Dahlia Rosenheim, signing off.
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amesstms · 3 days
-ˋˏ ➛ 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝟐, 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑: 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇 . sentence starters . ᴏᴘᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛs . ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀsᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴋᴀʀᴇɴ . ᴏᴜᴛsɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴛᴇʟ .
❝ hey, sorry it took so long. fucking store was packed... ❞
❝ how you feeling? nothing broken? ❞
❝ double cheese, no onion, right? ❞
❝ hey, don't wolf that down... or at least take a breath... ❞
❝ like you care... ❞
❝ [ name ]... i do... ❞
❝ come on, [ name ]. don't act all hurt. it's too late. ❞
❝ where were you?! where... were you...? ❞
❝ fair enough. so let's talk. ❞
❝ i'm listening. ❞
❝ you know i don't have to answer your questions, right? ❞
❝ you're right. so tell me what you want from me, [ name ]... ❞
❝ nothing, [ name ]. i mean, what do you want from me? a fucking hug? ❞
❝ hey, i just want you to know what i did and why. if you care. so, ask me anything. ❞
❝ why did you bail on us? ❞
❝ i wasn't meant to be a wife/husband... or a mother/father. i thought i was supposed to... i tried to pretend for many years... but i was unhappy and the urge to leave just became unbearable... i had no other choice. ❞
❝ are you serious?! you chose this life! you fell in love, you made your own choices. right? ❞
❝ making your own choices doesn't mean you can never fool yourself, [ name ]... ❞
❝ there was so much going on around me yet somehow i just... felt that my own life was just slipping away. felt like an empty shell. ❞
❝ [ name ], it was the hardest decision i ever made. ❞
❝ i knew i might never see you all again, but i took that responsibility. ❞
❝ i didn't have a choice, [ name ]. ❞
❝ we only have one life, and i didn't want mine to be spent in regrets. ❞
❝ for years i've fooled myself, thinking i'd find satisfaction into what society expected me to be, and that was my mistake. ❞
❝ i hope someday you can understand that... ❞
❝ but i never stopped caring about you... ❞
❝ for what it's worth, i am sorry for hurting you and [ name ]... ❞
❝ i know you are, [ name ]. that still doesn't change the way i feel... ❞
❝ i know i can't change the past, [ name ]. ❞
❝ we were a real family without you. ❞
❝ well, [ name ] was meant to be a father/mother... i knew he/she would take care of you the way you deserved. ❞
❝ oh, please! it's too fucking late for that shit! ❞
❝ no matter what, you left your own kids and my dad/mom. so don't even. ❞
❝ i know it's too late. i just... i want you to know how i feel-- ❞
❝ i still don't care. jeez. ❞
❝ [ name ], whatever you want to say to me... this is the time. ❞
❝ let's just get it all out in the open, see what happens. ❞
❝ so, did you ever actually miss us? ❞
❝ i missed watching you grow up... see how you saw the world... ❞
❝ i missed sharing these moments with you, [ name ]. ❞
❝ we used to do so much stuff. ❞
❝ like when you taught me to ride because dad/mom sucked... ❞
❝ or when we went camping near [ location ]... just me and you... ❞
❝ you always loved night skies... ❞
❝ i did stargaze a lot when i was in [ location ]... ❞
❝ trust me, the further south you go, the better it gets... ❞
❝ well... that's your loss. ❞
❝ i don't expect you to believe me. but i mean it. ❞
❝ so... what did you do when you left? where did you go? ❞
❝ i pursued some dreams... and failed. ❞
❝ i guess all this time i tried to find out what really matters to me. ❞
❝ which doesn't involve a husband/wife and [ number ] kids. ❞
❝ it does to a lot of people, and i totally respect that. just not to me. ❞
❝ i wasn't good at making plans, which is what most of modern life is about, right? ❞
❝ i wanted to find my own way with no security blanket. ❞
❝ it's just all about security, after all. ❞
❝ but it just looked like a sweet golden jail to me. i tried to escape that. ❞
❝ hope it was worth it... ❞
❝ for now, i've found my place in the world with like-minded people. ❞
❝ i'm at peace with my fuck-ups and my decisions. ❞
❝ you just sound... immature. like a kid running away from home. ❞
❝ i think people should know who they are... and not fake it for anybody. ❞
❝ i mean, i get you wanted to leave and stuff... okay. but why ghost us like that? ❞
❝ not even a fucking birthday card. ❞
❝ i just... i thought if i vanished, you would all move on. ❞
❝ i wanted to contact you guys so many times. i almost did. ❞
❝ but you wanted a clean break from us... ❞
❝ i didn't want to be a part-time pissed off mother/father. not fair to any of you. ❞
❝ why do you wanna talk about all this shit now? i don't care. ❞
❝ hey, um... mind if i bum a smoke? ❞
❝ oh, man, [ name ] hated when i smoked... ❞
❝ fuck... life can be so cynical, sometimes... ❞
❝ i remember he/she/they would smoke sometimes... long ago... ❞
❝ we didn't fight much, but when we did... i would go out on the porch and light up so i could calm down... ❞
❝ [ name ] would come over and ask for a drag. then we'd just look up at the sky and watch the stars... or the planes... i do miss that. ❞
❝ i used to do the same with my best friend, [ name ]... sitting on the porch, just letting time go... ❞
❝ that's when you know someone is good to you. when you can just sit together, shut the hell up, and watch the universe do its own thing... ❞
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ritens · 3 days
Pawn Behaviours - Beyond The Rift - LANE
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Couldn't find any screenshots on phone so I drew Shrimp Lane on pavement. (sob) Prompt game by @arisenreborn [template]
Behavior & Habits
-> Common
Asocial. Struggles with expressing himself so remains quiet for the most part. Can come off a bit rude and crude when he does speak up.
Will pick up random plants along the way, and later sketch them by the campfire.
Goal oriented and hard working. (he wants to leave as soon as possible)
-> Uncommon
Steals bread in settlements when he knows he can get away with it. Shares it with other pawns in the team if he’s grown to like them.
Might smile at something amusing. Maybe even laugh.
Might sit closer to the rest of the pawns at camp for body warmth.
-> Rare
Might go for the throat of the Arisen (or push them off a cliff) if he feels like he’s been significantly wronged or that the Arisen is doing more bad than good. If incapable of causing harm, he’d simply leave said Arisen’s world without a word.
-> Dragonsplague
Visibly irritable and impatient. Takes matters in his own hands at random instead of quietly following like he normally would. Simply DoneTM.
Thoughts & Opinions
-> The Arisen
Low opinion of most Arisen. His respect for the role has dwindled a long time ago and he is not hiding it. He’s been beaten and bruised by them in the past and thus his trust is difficult to earn. Lane believes that not every Arisen deserves to succeed.
On the other hand he doesn’t know where to put himself when an Arisen goes out of their way to be especially kind to him. Tries to distance himself from that, involuntarily appears smaller than he already is. Has the same problem with his own current Arisen.
-> Other pawns
Rolls eyes at fresh faced pawns shouting “For the Arisen!”
Generally avoids banter with other pawns unless they have some insight to share.
-> World
While travelling Lane might point out wild animals and maybe even explain what their meat tastes like.
“I’d like to draw this someday” said when seeing something that catches his eye, be it a plant or a sight somewhere near water.
-> Battle
Sighs audibly before engaging with any kind of saurian.
Keen on aiming for the weak points on enemies. He doesn’t like drawing out fights.
-> NPCs
Especially alert around bakers because he doesn’t want anyone to recognize him for his bread stealing stunts. He might even urge the Arisen to take a different route to avoid pastry sellers they’ve visited in the past already.
-> Quests
He would suggest breaking into Myrddin’s house through the balcony to steal “Let There Be Light” for Trysha, efficiently confusing a new Arisen who has no idea who and where this Myrddin even is.
If Isaac is given the real grimoire, Lane would kneel by piles of sand that once were the man’s daughter and wife.
After escorting Gautstafr to Hot Springs, he would politely ask the Arisen if they could go for a dip as well.
-> Bonus
He’d sprint somewhere the moment the Arisen steps through Vernworth Palace gates. To wash his face and hands by one of the basins in Noble quarter.
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snaplight-anxiety · 27 days
cannot fucking believe. edwin brought charles a lantern when he was dying…….charles brings edwin a lantern when he rescues him from hell…………
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tswwwit · 1 year
Did Bill not come to terms with his feelings for Dipper until he was forced to in Confessing It, or was it earlier in the series (even if he would never admit it)? Sorry if this is sorta implied, I’m not amazing with subtext. Rereading atm and I was curious lol
Actually, Bill (sort of) came to terms with having fallen for Dipper well before Dipper got his feelings sorted.
It's in Faking It chapter 15:
[Bill] glances up at Dipper. “You…. are the single worst thing that has ever happened to me. And I don’t say that lightly, you got no idea how old I am."
#answers#Bill still had a lot of struggling to do after that#But if you're looking for him accepting his feelings *this* was the moment#When Bill realized he'd fallen pretty far even though he couldn't make himself say or think the proper word yet#His thoughts on the matter are addressed in more detail in Chapter 9 of Hating It#Dipper liked Bill. Even when he was trapped and nearly powerless and in a shitty situation - Dip *still* respected and lusted after him#Not after position or power or wanting him to be different. Even knowing he wasn't remotely human!! He just wanted *Bill*.#And it goes BOTH ways#Dipper was most of the way there too but also trying REALLY HARD not to care about a demon at that point#Then a minute or so later Bill's cheering up attempt did the rest of the work#Dipper had stayed so strong. Fighting against this horrible yet compelling demonic force. No feelings here no sir it's a bad idea#And in the one moment he got weak. When he teared up. Bill got awkward and tried to perk *him* up#Both hilarious and relatable AND a moment where Dipper realized Bill actually in his own way cared about him#These idiots were never going to be able to resist someone who could see them at a truly low point and like them anyway#Confessing It is basically: Them Trying To Actually Talk: The Fic#They both already knew how the other felt#But actually Communicating about it like a functional couple was hard#All the very kinky smuts are canon btw#I like my absurd smut to have character development#And believe it or not#Amazingly they communicate well when both of them have the same fun goal in mind
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lunanoc · 11 months
might as well throw in some pingxie thoughts while i’m at it
i have. many things to say about pingxie. but on the subject of reducing relationships to one dimensional tropes specifically, it does them just as much of a disservice.
my favorite variation of pingxie is in the books (very shocking i know, although that’s technically the original them and not a variation), and by comparison to what’s shown in the dramas (which are fun and self-indulgent don’t get me wrong), the books are the slowest of slow burns. never forget we see everything in them from wu xie’s pov exclusively (at least the main entries), so we can only infer xiaoge’s own growth and development from what wu xie sees of it, but it very much exists.
wu xie has a complicated opinion of xiaoge in the earlier books, mostly because he doesn’t quite know what to make of this man who looks younger than he is and completely blows him off on their first meeting (blows everyone off in fact) much to his displeasure, which leads to the initially derogatory nickname ‘menyouping’, and yet is also vastly competent and knowledgeable. he’s cold and indifferent, yet wu xie feels safe around him and trusts him more than he likely should from the get go, mostly because wu xie’s good at reading people’s intentions and character on an instinctive level he doesn’t always manage to rationalize early on. he’s fascinated and would like to know him better, but also finds him deeply unfathomable, even incomprehensible.
and then you have xiaoge, who it merits saying, is repeatedly described as largely indifferent to most things (and he genuinely is), doing what he deems necessary but otherwise not bothering to involve himself with other people or social niceties. this is a man who spends his time off to the side sleeping or contemplating the sky, and yet in the space of four books he goes from not giving two shts about wu xie (or more than he would the average person) to voluntarily interacting with him, siding with him in quiet ways, helping him through unspoken little acts all the way up until a turning point wherein he first tries to keep his distance from wu xie en route to tamutuo in an effort to keep him from getting further involved than he already is in dangerous things he has no concept of, except by then he’s shown enough uncharacteristic interest in wu xie that wu xie notices he's being cold and distant. this all culminates in the infamous moment where xiaoge eventually lets himself act on thoughts he’s likely never fully analyzed himself, let alone shared with another person, leading to the “if i disappeared no one would notice” moment. 
and from there all the way until post ten years later and into things like yucun biji, the reality is that pingxie were never the serious immortal and the dorky clumsy mortal boy he adopts, nor are they the vulnerable strong one and the eventual protector, or any other trope variation really. pingxie are two people who at the start stand on opposite sides of a line neither of them were ever meant to cross, and to all intents and purposes should never have met for how very different the worlds they come from are. they’re people that circumstance threw together who chose to stay together, and keep choosing each other. they don’t need each other to exist, and could have gone their separate ways had they wanted to, but the importance of their relationship lies in that they stay together by active choice, and that in doing so, they meet in the middle.
wu xie matures and comes to understand a number of things through hardship while xiaoge is behind the gate that untether him just enough from the world that xiaoge isn’t quite so unfathomable anymore, while xiaoge comes down from his imposed pedestal just enough that he tethers himself to wu xie (and pangzi) and learns to live rather than exist
neither of them became a different person for the other, and the core of their relationship (and the beauty of it) is in the harmony and understanding they eventually achieve. reducing all of that to archetypes is honestly a little tragic
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candescentkpop · 5 months
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Oneus: Valkyrie
Oneus Part 89 / ∞
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dnangelic · 5 months
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anytime i think about panelset i cry btw
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#UUUU TOWA UUUU ARGENTINE#THEY'RE SO RESPECTFUL THEY'RE SO GRATEFUL TO HIM.#TO DARK. TO THE FIGUREHEAD. TO THEIR LUCIFER. THE EXALTED. NOBLE HALF OF THE KOKUYOKU#GUY WHO'S BEEN ALONE AND IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN FOR 2000 YEARS STILL DESPERATELY TRYING TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR THE OTHER ARTWORKS#NO MATTER WHAT IT TOOK!!! TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR HIS OWN CREATION AND EXISTENCE!!#clinging to love and meaning no matter his own inherent lack of feeling!!!! doing what he wants n what feels RIGHT#even as krad tells him over and over he could just ignore it all and get away without blame or responsibility!!!#'just let [everyone] die' how could he possibly do that???? how could he possibly?? when manisumea helped him then was destroyed for it??#the instant he fell into betrayal against the hikari- fury and sorrow and his own tearful sense of betrayal too!!!#it's just the way i knoOOOW dark wished he could refuse it. esp since they've broken at this point#or the way he's just absolutely not used to it. the slightest kindness. anyone's /gratefulness/#rather than ignorant admiration or criminal cursing like the rest of azumano's populace#all these arts never even once being told they were important by anybody. except the niwa family#dark who always has so many troubles -saying- it and practically never does. but works the hardest#flings himself immediately and consistently into the most danger for anyone and anything he wants to protect#KINDNESS SOWN AMONG THE MEEK IS HARVESTED IN CRISIS!!!#power of love and friendship wins and explodes the enemy. GOD BLESS#the completed kokuyoku too always makes me think of the phrase 'love laying sorrow/hatred to rest'#it's heartbreaking for daisuke but for dark it's his penultimate moment. it really is#there's SO MUCH GOING ONNNNN UAAAAAA -goes to bed-#if i think about how in the published volumes dark actually starts cracking and breaking I'LL CRY.......... NOT MY HOT TOPIC EMO#HES MY BEST FRIEND </3#reference.
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vynegar · 1 year
help i have such Opinions on translation now
#ok gonna preface this with saying that someone is translating for free and i KNOW that takes so much time and effort and love. and also ther#there are a lot of cultural and contextual footnotes that i really love and wouldn't have been able to figure out myself!#also it seems like the translator's native language is neither chinese NOR english so like. honestly that's really amazing.#so i still really respect what they're doing and am not gonna say anything identifying about this work (it's completely unrelated to tot)#but i've been reading a webnovel fan translation alongside its original chinese version and i guess i'm farther in the 'localization' camp#than i thought. bc this translation leans way too hard into the 'direct translation' of words and phrases and slang#and then with an added footnote explaining what it means. sometimes it's honestly kinda useful from the perspective of wanting to learn the#the language but i don't think it's the right translation choice because there can be several of these per chapter#and the vast majority are not at crucial significant moments when the loss in meaning outweighs the cost of breaking the story flow#and in one instance i saw (the final straw for me) it doesn't even make sense to translate the meaning of the chinese word directly#bc it's not the meaning that matters. the phrase originally came about as a loanword from japanese and a character with a similar pronunciat#pronunciation was used to represent the japanese syllable.#sure this is just one example of an internet slang word that many people might not even know the etymology of and maybe they DO think of the#the meaning of the word now! but still.#i have so many Thoughts now. on how translation is a constant game of balance and sacrifice where the set of 'rules' and expectations change#depending on genre and audience and intention and just individual person!#and -- most relevant to me i guess -- whether it is expected and/or preferrable for fan translations to veer on the side of direct
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saetoru · 8 months
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kinktober day two — overstimulation ; find masterlist here
synopsis. befriending nanako and mimiko has its perks—like fucking their father, for example. suguru might have aged over the years, but that doesn't mean he's lost his touch. don't believe him? that's okay—he can always just show you instead
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length. 5.3k words (bro this fic was agonizing)
contents. minors do not interact, fem! reader, dilf! suguru, college au (reader is a student), age gaps (20+ difference), jealous suguru, teasing, cunnilingus, fingering, edging, nipple play, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, angel)
notes. this took me so long bc i hate it so im posting it and running away to play genshin to slave away for primos
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most people can tell their best friends everything. not you, though—you have a secret. a dirty, shameful, horrible little secret, in fact.
no one knows that every chance you get, every small little moment you can possibly squeeze in, you fuck your two best friends’ father—and it’s going to stay that way, unknown and forever hidden. suguru is young as far as parents go, just barely in his twenties when he’s found himself a single father of two, but that doesn’t mean he’s not too old for you. and it especially doesn’t mean that it’s not inappropriate to fuck the man that raised your two closest friends.
you meet nanako and mimiko during your freshman year of college—the rest is history. the first time you spend the night at their place, suguru (he insists you call him that on your first meeting) is overjoyed that his girls have someone as lovely as you.
who wouldn’t be? you’re smart, well-mannered, respectable, and incredibly studious. what a perfect role model for his girls—after all, every father’s worst nightmare is his sweet, precious daughters venturing off to the real world. men are dogs—suguru should know. they’re sleazy and prey on young women who are naive and unsuspecting, taking advantage of their hopefulness before completely destroying their innocence. suguru can’t bear the idea of his perfect little girls becoming victims of such sinister behavior—but that’s all quelled when he meets you.
but he never thought, not even for one second, that he’d become one of those men.
those older men who fuck girls half their age—the girls that are barely in their twenties and still don’t even really understand how taxes work. the girls that have just started to learn how to hold their alcohol and can only recently buy it legally. the girls who don’t realize how complicated adulthood can be, just barely spreading their wings and learning what it’s like to be free.
suguru has always found those men deplorable. they’re the awful, disgusting, untamed vermin of society—women must be protected from them at all costs.
but now? well….now he’s one of them—and he finds, even as disgusted with himself as he is from time to time, he has little regrets.
not when you’re sprawled under him, hands tracing over his bare chest, feeling the soft skin under your palms in wonder. suguru, though he’s not let himself go by any means, is past his prime—he still frequents the gym, and he has more time to go now that the girls are gone most of the day, but he’s not immune to the effects of aging.
his hair has more than a few strands of white sprinkled in now; nanako makes sure to remind him not to pull them out unless he wants more. he’s still managed to keep the abs he was once so proud of in his youth, but they’re still not as hard—layered over a slight belly that he can’t seem to get rid of no matter what he tries. his skin is a bit looser, and his eyes have slight wrinkles in the corners of them, but despite it all, suguru still looks as handsome as ever.
he’s aged well, still looks remarkably young for men his age, and still looks like that dashing young man he once was who stole hearts. in fact, he still hears about his looks, especially from nanako and mimiko’s friends—he’s always chuckled to himself and shook his head in amusement.
that’s your dad? god, he’s so hot.
what? he’s single? oh my gosh, do you need a mom?
i can’t believe he’s never been married—women in his generation don’t deserve him. i’ll take him off their hands.
wait, do you have pictures of him when he was younger?
oh my god, he’s so fine. are you sure he’s in his forties?
nanako and mimiko, bless their hearts, have always crinkled their noses at the…less than proper comments they’ve had to witness about their father. in fact, they’ve watched teachers practically throw themselves onto suguru at parent-teacher conferences. it’s bothersome—a little disturbing to hear their friends talk about all the things they’d let their dad, of all people, do to them.
but you? you don’t make unhinged comments. they appreciate that.
but if only they knew…
if only they knew that sometimes, like right now, when you’re spending the night, you don’t actually sleep—instead, you sneak off to their father’s room, lay on his mattress under his body, and feel his touch. you can feel him, hard and throbbing in his sweats as his clothed cock presses against your thigh—but he takes his time with you, and doesn’t do anything about the clear arousal pooling between your legs just yet. 
instead, he focuses on remembering your body—it’s been a while, after all. he hasn’t felt your hips, hasn’t tasted your skin, hasn’t heard your voice. 
“missed you,” suguru breathes, hovering over you as you hum, nipping at your skin as his nose brushes along your neck. your hand is playing with his hair, twisting long, black and white strands along your fingers. “haven’t seen you in a bit, angel.”
“i’ve had midterms,” you murmur.
suguru knows—nanako and mimiko have been studying for them themselves. he’s more than a little disappointed that you haven’t come over to study with them yet. but then, just the other night, mimiko mentions you’ve been spending your time with a boy at the library, sharing a table as you lean over his shoulder to look at his laptop. nanako giggles that you might have finally gotten yourself a boyfriend. mimiko hums and nods as she murmurs it’s about time.
suguru swallows down every bite of dinner with an aftertaste of bile that night.
a boy—a boy? you’ve been skipping coming over to study with the girls (and, by default, seeing him) just to study with some boy? what’s got your attention on the guy so badly? why would you break the routine you’ve had for the last few semesters for someone you just recently met? have you finally started to realize that this is a mistake? is suguru a mistake?
he thinks maybe not, now that you’re back in his bed—but he still has too many unanswered questions. 
“so i’ve heard,” he says lowly, “i’ve also heard there’s a certain boy on your radar.” he smiles bitterly, pulling away from your neck to stare at you with those dark, sharp eyes of his. “a much younger, and fitting match for you, i suppose.”
you roll your eyes, snorting.
“is that what nanako and mimiko have told you? honestly, those two,” you huff fondly, “i told them already. he’s just my partner for a presentation. we’re practicing.”
“oh?” suguru raises a brow—and then he shivers lightly when you lean up and kiss his jaw, eyes fluttering shut at your touch.
“yes,” you giggle, “no need to be jealous of someone half your age, you know.”
“that’s exactly why i’m jealous,” he breathes, leaning in to kiss you softly.
your lips taste like honey—probably sweeter, in fact. they drip with that decadent, saccharine taste of youth. he feels twenty again every time he kisses you, feels not a day older than his glory days.
“oh, you poor thing,” you grin, cupping his face as you scatter kisses along his cheeks and nose, thumb tracing the skin. fuck, is this what it feels like to be in love? it makes him feel so young, so free, and hopeful for the future. when was the last time he felt this way? “have you been losing sleep over my nonexistent college boyfriend?”
“well, kids your age fool around quite a bit,” he says in that father tone that he uses on nanako and mimiko, “what was i supposed to think?”
you’ve heard that tone so many times before; the one where he talks like he knows better, like he’s wiser, like he’s aware of something you’re not. 
girls, make sure you share your location with me—i need to find you in case anything happens. it’s for your own safety, end of discussion.
make sure you watch over your drinks, okay? men these days take every chance they get to spike them when you’re not looking. mimiko, i was your age once, too. i’ve seen this happen plenty.
don’t walk alone in the streets at night. call me. i��ll pick you up—no, nanako, it’s not lame. the streets are dangerous at night. there are creeps, you know.
don’t get into any boy’s cars, girls. you never know what’ll happen; one mistake is all it takes to ruin your life—hey, don’t roll your eyes at me. one day, you’ll understand i’m right.
“i’m not a kid,” you pout, and then, smugly this time, you wiggle your brows. “did’ya lose sleep over my imaginary boyfriend? you need plenty of sleep at your age, y’know.”
“no, you’re not a kid,” suguru agrees, “you’re a brat.” and then he’s back to pressing those hot, open-mouthed, hungry kisses along your jaw, humming in delight when you angle your head to give him better access. 
sometimes, it’s fun to get under suguru’s skin—it’s fun to break that carefully built, mature patience of his, pulling a twitch of his eye and a furrow of his brow from him. so, you grin widely as you murmur, “who knows? maybe he’d fuck better—more stamina, y’know?”
it’s supposed to just tease him, to make him glare at you unimpressed so you can giggle and kiss between his brows—but suguru stills at that, painfully stiff for a moment before he bites at your skin. hard. 
“oh yeah?” he hisses, his voice low and dangerous as he pulls away to glare down at you, “you think so? what, you think an old man like me can’t fuck you long enough?”
you don’t get a chance to reply—not before he pulls your pants down your waist to reveal your soaked panties, pulling a hum from him as he grins at the damp patch of fabric. his fingers circle over your clit for a moment, right over the cloth, making your breath hitch as you buck into his touch. 
“look at that,” he chuckles, “wearing my favorite one, huh? can’t fuck you that bad if you try your best to impress me. isn’t that what you wanted? is that what you were thinking when you put these on before coming over? how precious,” he murmurs—he speaks so condescending, so knowingly, as if he’s read your mind just by looking at the red lace covering your dripping cunt. you cover your face in humiliation, but he grabs your wrists and pins them over your head, clicking his teeth in disapproval. 
part of you knows you should quit while you can—the other part? well…it wants to test the limits a bit longer. suguru has never been so easy to rile up, you want to indulge in it for just a bit longer if you can help it. 
“well,” you huff, “what’re you waiting for, then? don’t tell me the age has slowed you down—”
“you really don’t know when to quit, do you?” he says in a low snarl, “fine, you want me to hurry up? you got it, princess.”
it all happens before you can even register—one moment, you’re grinning at him with mischief in your eyes; the next second, he has you in nothing but your bra, bare in his bed as he pulls your legs apart and leans close to your pussy.
“you know the thing about guys your age,” he hums, toying with your clit lazily as you gasp with a twitch, “is that they really don’t know how to take care of anyone but themselves. guess they just don’t have enough experience to really figure it out.”
his lips latch onto your clit, sucking before he rolls his tongue over the sensitive bud as his fingers sink into your core, pushing past your folds and stretching you open. it’s slow—deliberately so, in fact. it makes your head spin, and your fingers curl into the bed sheets as you pant. 
“suguru, m-more—”
“don’t worry,” he coos, pulling away from you to grin up at your glossy eyes, “you’ll get plenty, baby. we’ll see if you’ve got the stamina. y’know, since you’re so young.”
his lips are back to wrap around your clit, fingers sinking and curling exactly where you’re most sensitive—suguru finds your sweet spots instantly the first time he has you sprawled under him. didn’t even take a moment of trial, just knew where to touch and kiss to have you unravel in his hold. that much still hasn’t changed—his fingertips press against the sensitive spot in the back of your walls, pulling pretty little whines from you as his tongue flicks over your clit. 
it’s always been a blessing that nanako and mimiko’s room is across the house—had they been closer, they might hear the mewl you let out as his fingers bully into you faster, unforgiving as they brush against your walls and build the ache up between your legs until it’s about to burst. 
“s-suguru, ‘m close, so, so close—”
“already?” he gasps, chuckling as he presses a kiss to your clit with a sly grin, “thought you had more in you than that, baby. so youthful—figured you’d last a bit longer.”
he’s mean about it—rubs it in your face some more that you’re so close so fast before he pulls his fingers away and doesn’t even give you the satisfaction of falling apart on his digits. it makes you sob, hips bucking up to chase the friction of his fingers, but he’s already gone, leaving your walls empty and fluttering around nothing.
“no,” your voice breaks, “n-no, so close, please. i want—”
“that’s what he would’ve done,” suguru hums, “pulled out before you even finished. that’s what guys your age always do—they don’t know how to make girls finish. you ever had that problem with me?”
“no,” you say quickly, shaking your head. you’re a pretty little thing, he thinks—pouty, wobbly lips and those glossy eyes as you sniffle. “no, you always make me cum—please, i wanna cum, sugu.”
“yeah?” he pouts with faux sympathy, “didn’t feel good, huh? feels better when i take care of you, doesn’t it?”
“uh huh,” you nod—you’re still panting through the aftershocks of having your orgasm ripped from you, chest rising and falling harsh enough that it fills him with pride he can pull such drastic reactions from you. no one knows your body like suguru—he’s too good at giving it what it wants for anyone else to compare. 
“think that boy—” he spits the last word like it’s poison on his tongue, “—can take care of you?”
“no,” you whimper, “no, he can’t. not like you, never like you.”
“that’s a good girl,” he nods approvingly, rubbing his slick-coated finger over your clit, toying with it teasingly as you writhe, whining for more. “you know something else about men your age? they don’t care to please a woman—don’t bother to appreciate them enough to make them feel good. you think that boy would be here—” he pauses to motion between your legs, where he’s currently situated, “—willingly? taste you willingly? let you cum on his tongue willingly?”
“i-i don’t…i never asked someone to—”
“did you ever ask me?” he interrupts, raising a brow at you, “you ever have to ask me? i just do it. wanna know why? because i know what i’m doing—know how to treat you right, how to give you what you need. isn’t that right?” 
“yes, yes—you always give me what i want—”
“what you need,” he corrects, “and you know what i think you need right now? this.”
his tongue licks a stripe along your entrances before you can say anything else, pulling a gasp out of you as your hands find his hair and tug—suguru groans at that, feels his pants get impossibly tighter as the aching erection he sports throbs between his legs at the way you pull at the strands so desperately, so needy. for him. only ever him. 
his tongue fucks into you, messy with the way he devours you, the slick arousal pooling from your cunt coating his lips, his cheeks, his chin. you moan—and really, it’s almost a squeal—when his fingers are sinking back into you, tongue flicking away at your clit mercilessly as he thrusts his digits in and out of your pussy. you’re close, painfully so, the pressure steadily building and building until you just can’t hold it back anymore. 
“sugu—’m c-cumming. god ‘s so good—feels good,” you babble, thighs closing around his head as his fingers curl into your sweet spot over and over again, not stopping for even a second as he helps you ride out your high. your walls spasm around his fingers, tight as they flutter around him and make him groan at the thought of being inside you. 
he watches, hungry and in awe, as your back arches off the mattress and your mouth parts, broken little wails of his name rolling off your tongue in a sweet melody. 
“i bet he’s never seen someone look like this,” suguru murmurs, watching the way the ecstasy takes over your features as your face falls slack from pleasure, “so pretty when falling apart. bet he’d never even get close to making you look so fucked from just his tongue.”
your orgasm ripples through you—it’s not new, the way he makes you feel so good, but it’s definitely nothing to get used to either. your body slumps back onto the mattress as you finish, panting harshly while he climbs up to hover over you once again. 
“that felt good?” he asks, nosing at your cheek as you nod breathlessly.
“yeah,” you breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“hope you’re not tired out just yet,” he says smugly, eyeing the way sweat clings to your forehead and huffs of air exhale from your lungs with each labored breath, “because we’re nowhere near done, baby. not even close.”
just like that, your bra is unclasped and pulled off, freeing your tits for his mouth to latch onto a nipple, sucking and lightly grazing his teeth along the bud while his fingers tease at the other, pinching and rubbing over it with his thumb. you whine, eyes squeezing shut as your hand cups the back of his head and keeps him in place. 
“bet i could make you cum just from this,” he says with a laugh, “i don’t even need to fuck you.”
“please,” you dig your nails into his shoulder, moaning as he switches to wrap his lips around the other nipple, “please, sugu—n-need more.”
“be more specific,” he says lowly, looking up at you in amusement, “gonna need more than that, princess. you gotta help me out here—i’m afraid i don’t know what i’m doing.”
suguru is doing everything he can to drag this out—if you’d known one small comment would have him riled up like this…well, truthfully, you can’t say you wouldn’t have made it anyway. it’s exciting in its own right when he’s so determined to show you why you need him, why no one else but him is meant to see you like this, make you fall apart like this, have you sprawled under them like this. 
no one can know about you and suguru—not nanako and mimiko, not your other friends, not your family. you know what they’d say, how they’d feel. 
disgust—shame, even. he’s far too old for you, you know they’d say; he’s a red flag for getting with someone so young. no one can know that you come here, dead in the middle of the night when your friends are asleep, and fuck their father. not only that—lay with their father, talk about your hopes and dreams for the future with their father, giggle as you gossip with their father, fall in love with their father. 
something tells you the feeling is not unreciprocated—that suguru feels the same, that he loves holding you in his arms just as much as you love laying in them. maybe it wasn’t a joke, what you’d said. not to him, at least—maybe deep down, it stung; maybe he had something to prove. that boy might be closer to you in age, but he’ll never, ever treat you the way suguru does—no one will, for that matter. perhaps he has to show it so you really know. 
so you look him in the eye, pull him closer until his forehead is pressed against yours and you can press a delicate kiss to his lips before you murmur against them, “fuck me, suguru. please—need you.”
he groans at that, closes his eyes before his hips move to press the thick tip of his cock against your folds, dragging it along your entrance as he coats his head with your slick. it’s flushed a deep pink—it’s been neglected for so long that he shudders at the way it aches, at the way even the slightest friction along the sensitive tip pulls a soft gasp from him. 
for a moment, he wonders if he really will last long enough to fuck you properly—he might not, with the way your walls always squeeze around him, always have him ready to fuck his load into you just as soon as he’s inside you. the thought alone almost makes his cock twitch—but suguru is a man of patience, so he slowly pushes into you, inch by inch, looking down and watching as his girth disappears inside you. 
“look at that,” he coos, grinning wide as he looks back up at you, “took me so easily. ‘s cause when you do it right, it doesn’t take much, does it?”
“f-fuck—” your head presses back against the pillow, mouth hung open as you breathe heavily, trying to squirm and get even the slightest bit of friction from him as he stays painfully still. “move, suguru—please, c-can’t wait anymore. jus’ wanna feel you.”
“i know,” he chuckles, “patience is a virtue, sweetheart.”
despite it all, suguru is not feeling very patient anymore—it’s been long enough. his hips roll slowly at first, a shallow thrust of his hips that makes you both moan lowly before he all but pulls out and slams back in, hard. you can feel the burning stretch of his girth practically splitting you open, every thick vein dragging along your cunt and every brush of his tip against the back of your walls. it’s loud—the sound of skin slapping against skin, the sound of his deep groans and your breathless whines, the sound of the headboard hitting the wall as he fucks you into his mattress. 
“god—fuck, suguru—th-there,” you mewl as he slams into you right where you need him. 
you’ve lost count of how many times suguru has fucked you like you’re his. in his bed at night, in his shower in the mornings, on the couch when you drop by when the girls aren’t home, in his car that one time he drove you home when it rained, in your apartment that one time he dropped off your laptop because you forgot it. there’s one common denominator—the way he makes you feel, not just from the way his cock ruts into you, but from the way his fingers tangle with yours, from the way his mouth finds your jaw to kiss, from the way his forehead presses into your shoulder with warmth. 
it’s exciting, maybe. at first, it’s scandalous and a little thrilling in its own right. by now, it’s something much more than that—you don’t think anyone could make you feel the way he does, fuck you like he does, even if they tried. even if they knew where to touch and where to kiss. even if they knew what you liked and what you didn’t. 
they couldn’t be suguru—would never be suguru. 
“there, huh?” he pants, moaning softly as he feels your walls flutter around him tightly, “i know. i know how to fuck this pussy—my pussy. you think some boy you hardly know would know? think he’d care to learn? think he’d even try?”
“no,” you gasp, shaking your head as your hips buck up to meet his sharp thrusts, “no. no one would make me feel this good. make me feel so good, sugu.”
“ngh—sh-shit,” he hisses at your words, cock almost swelling harder at the way you praise him, at the way your words are almost slurred with no real thought behind him. it’s a little pride-inducing, the way you’re still able to sing his praises without having to really think about it first. he can hear it, the way you’re lost in the drag of his cock, drunk in the haze of pleasure, unfocused on everything else besides the way he bullies his thick girth into your abused cunt.
it’s a mess, it’s filthy the way there’s a mix of pre cum and your slick at the base of his cock, along your inner thighs, coating your skin as the squelching sound of him nudging past your folds fills the room.
it’s good, the way he makes you feel—he can hear it in your voice as you wail his name.
“what, you gettin’ all fucked out on me? ‘m not even close yet, princess,” he hums, leaning down to kiss your neck as he sucks softly into your sweet spot. you throw your head back, rasping out a cry of his name again as his balls slap against your ass with a harsh roll of his hips. 
and then his hand makes its way between your bodies, thumb attaching itself to your clit before rubbing punishing circles into the bundle of nerves—you sob at that, back arching up as your chest presses against his, nipples hard as they brush along his skin.
“s-sugu—close, ‘m gonna cum a-again—so close,” you pant brokenly, every sentence cut off with a sharp gasp as he thrusts into you. 
you’re close—you can’t fight back the way the coil in your belly snaps as he teases your clit. it’s still sensitive from the last orgasm, every nerve still burning up from before as he gives you more, gives you too much, almost. you cum harder this time—your second high creeping up on you when you least expect it. 
it makes your eyes roll back, makes your thighs quiver, and tears stream down your cheeks as you chant his name over and over. suguru, ‘s so good. suguru, ‘m cumming. suguru, ‘s all for you.
every sentence makes his cock drill into you faster, sloppier in rhythm, maybe, but faster. needier. bordering on desperate. 
“f-fuck, baby,” he grunts, “squeezin’ me so tight—such a tight fuckin’ cunt. you think just anyone deserves this? think you can just walk around and let anyone fuck this? ‘s bullshit—ngh.”
you don’t answer—can’t answer, in fact. it’s all teary eyes and soft sniffles as you mewl with every thrust, voice breaking between every pretty little sound you make. he’s still fucking into you, still dragging his cock against those sensitive walls, still bumping against your clit with his navel, still nudging against your sweet spot with his thick, swollen tip. it’s almost too much—it is too much, making you writhe under his body as you try to form the words. 
“‘s t-too much, sugu—c-can’t anymore,” you try, “can’t.”
“what?” he gasps, furrowing his brows in mock confusion, “you’re tappin’ out on me already? but ‘m not even done yet, sweetheart. haven’t even finished yet—don’t tell me you’re already spent. how will you keep up with your little boyfriend’s stamina if you can’t even take an old man like me?”
“c-can’t take anyone but you,” you sob, “jus’ you—only you. promise.”
“yeah? you swear?”
“uh huh. jus’ you, sugu—don’ want anyone else. won’t fuck me the same.”
“atta girl,” he coos, chuckling as he leans down to kiss your jaw, trailing soft pecks until he meets your lips, “that’s what i thought. make sure you don’t forget, okay?”
“fuck, suguru—’m…g-gonna…”
“gonna what? cum? you’re cumming again?” you nod at that—he grins wide, pride settling into the crinkles of his eyes before his thumb rubs harsh circles into your swollen clit once more. he looks pretty like that—hair framing his face, the mix of black and white strands sticking to the damp skin of his forehead. his skin is flushed, abs flexing as he pants over you. sometimes you feel guilty that half of why you come over to visit nanako and mimiko is to fuck suguru—the guilt is quickly extinguished when you see him like this, bottom lip caught between his teeth as his arms barely hold him over you, eyes shut tight as he groans. 
“i-i’m—fuck, fuck, fuck,” you can’t form sentences anymore as you cum—again. not that you really could before that, but now all you can offer is croaked half-syllables and shaky sobs. your walls squeeze around him, tight as they hug around his throbbing cock. 
it takes one, two, three more sloppy rolls of his hips before he lets out at a low, “baby, fuck—’m gonna fill you up. want that? want me to cum in you? make you mine? always been mine, haven’t you?”
“yes, yes—yours, sugu. yours, yours, yours,” you babble, words slurred between breathy moans and broken sobs. “wanna be yours.”
you can feel him—feel the way his cock twitches in you, the way he grinds into you to ride out his high, the way sticky, hot ropes of cum fill your walls, the way he fucks his load deeper into you with every sloppy thrust of his hips. his arms quiver as he holds himself over you—just barely, though. you can hear the way his voice cracks as he gasps your name over and over, as he mutters lowly about how you’re his, how you’ll always only be his. 
“mine,” he grits, “you’re fuckin’ mine—see how you’re suckin’ me in? see how i fit in this pussy like it was made for me? ‘s cause you’re mine.”
his body slumps onto yours as he finishes, head pressed into the crook of your neck as he kisses the skin while you both catch your breaths. you whimper, still sensitive, as he pulls out of you, a soft chuckle falling past his lips as he pulls his head up to look at you and press a kiss to your cheek. 
“so,” he starts, eyes laced with amusement as he takes in the fucked out look on your face, the tears still drying your cheeks, the swollen flush of your bottom lip, “still think you need someone with more stamina? someone who’ll fuck you better—”
“god,” you groan, slapping his shoulder, “will you drop it already? you got what you wanted, didn’t you?”
“no,” he murmurs, pecking your lips, “still wanna hear it some more.”
“your ego needs a reality check,” you huff as you brush a strand of hair from his forehead, “think i’ve fed it plenty all night.”
“actually, i think you crushed it,” he pouts theatrically, “talking about some asshole who doesn’t care about you right in front of me. after i take such good care of you, too. the girls already think you should date him,” he adds the last part with a slightly bitter roll of his eyes, pulling a giggle out of you.
“they think i don’t know how to talk to men,” you snort, “imagine they knew i was talking to men old enough to be my father.”
“hey,” he clicks his teeth, falling onto the mattress beside you—he pulls you into his chest, letting your cheek rest on his bare skin. it’s so wrong—lying in bed with the father of your best friends. but somehow, suguru feels like the only thing you’ve ever done right. “age is nothing but a number, sweetheart.”
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if i have to see the word cock one more time im going to eradicate all humans that have them
do not comment about a part 2 !!!!!!!!!!
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