#inkpot speaks
ask-the-tcmcrew · 5 months
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221b-bitch-st · 2 months
i played inkpot gods for my boyfriend... he said "it felt like disney if it was pg-13, like if kristoff fell off after frozen" I AM IN TEARS
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botan-kiri · 8 months
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linuxealcipher · 7 months
I read the entirety of the count of Monte Cristo at the beginning of my 7th grade year. And honestly? Nothing will make me feel like a prestigious annoying bitch more then that. The power rush I felt, thinking I was so much cooler reading such A old classic. Nothing will ever top that.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 10 months
The most important song ever btw ❤️
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mantra4ia · 2 years
My current aesthetic is illustrating a series of tattoos that represent the impact of all of my favorite TAD songs.
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snowbits · 2 years
Farewell Wanderlust is probably my favorite of theirs! I also like Inkpot Gods and Welly Boots, though WB has made me cry before ;-;
honestly not a huge fan, we like stuff that's more along the lines of green day, chase atlantic, phil collins, stuff you can either jam to or dramatically sing along to, for the entire song
thank you though, we like getting song recs anytime! give give
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erualthewild · 11 months
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And to those gods I will speak bluntly We’ve an accord If you ever touch or harm him Please rest assured That you might not fear a man But to a woman by the end you’ll kneel and plea
Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil
Original Photos: The Amazing Devil IG
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orchideous-nox · 8 months
The Amazing Devil are underrated storytellers
Like I'm sure many people did, I discovered alt-folk band The Amazing Devil through Joey Batey as a fan of The Witcher. Someone on TikTok was talking about the song Fair and how the actor who plays Jaskier (or Dandelion, depending on preference of material) from The Witcher sang it.
Instantly, I knew I had to listen to this song and I sat with it on repeat for an hour, picking through references and laughing at how pure and simple the love conveyed in those words was. It's the kind of love you dream of, where your partner completes you and life without them seems impossible. A love that goes beyond you both, as if there was no choice but to fall for one another. It's not pretentious or impossible to understand. It's universal and I fell in love with it.
Months later, I found Battle Cries, a song of overlapping whimsies. It tells the tale of two lovers ending their relationship and trying to find pieces of calmness in the uproar of their breakup, comparing it to a war not just between each other but within themselves. There a metaphors deeply woven within the lyrics and each line is magic as Joey and Madeleine sing over each other, words occasionally syncing up, representing the way they struggle to feel in tune with each other at the end of their relationship.
Battle Cries lead me to Marbles, the story of a couple where one of them is suffering from memory loss, the trials and tribulations of watching the person you love forget who they are and who you are too. It is a beautifully told story that feels so genuine, making me wonder how close to home the inspiration was. This song is an absolute guarantee at tears while also making you laugh.
Ruin came to me next, as wells as Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious and The Horrors and The Wild, three songs with such incredibly different vibes that don't just need to be listened to but thoroughly devoured.
Finally, a song I can never praise enough, Inkpot Gods. This song brings together so many ideas and images I love. Again, it is heavy on its use of metaphors but contains one of my favourite references they have ever used. The song discusses the love you can hold for another person and the lengths you will go to so you can protect them. It talks of breaking generational expectations and being there for someone when they can't defend themselves.
The best part of Inkpot Gods, however, is the Lord of the Rings reference where Madeleine sings "you might not fear a man//but to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plead". This is popularly theorised to be about Eowyn in The Return of the King and the line "I am no man" she speaks as she ends her foe's life, a show of her strength not despite of her gender. Easily the best line of the trilogy to me, and hearing it in song form cements this, following it with "I'm more than what my mum told me", breaking this tradition what what a woman can or should be.
While Joey Batey was the draw to The Amazing Devil's music for me, Madeleine has kept me there, she has such a beautiful voice and her and Joey together have made some stunning music that I will always love. They tell these fantastic stories within a few minutes, creating characters worthy of epic tales and narratives so deep and complex it leaves you thinking for long after.
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soundlessroom · 2 months
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A can of worms of daring to exist
UPDATE, 122 people voted!
I seriously did not consider that option, it was literally thrown at me.
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I made a vow out to the dark: "Please, let her live just one more day cause she is so much more than all her scars and if she doesn't have the will but it seems the whole world does, I'll stay, because I will be the man my father never was"
And what you see is not the dark It's just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you'll become
And to those gods, I will speak bluntly: "We've an accord, if you ever touch or harm him: Please, rest assured that you might not fear a man but to a woman, by the end, you'll kneel and plea 'cause I'm more than what my mum told me to be"
Inkpot Gods - The Amazing devil
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ask-the-tcmcrew · 5 months
Omggg I am in LOVE with Bitwise! But how does she constantly keep up with all the love giving?? Gotta practice selfcare, gurl... ;;
Oh, don't worry about me! Making my friends smile is enough to keep me going! That makes it all worth it! -- BITWISE
Lots of caffeine. -- INKPOT
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The Devil Doesn't Bargain
Word Count: 4.5k
Themes: angst, very brief mention of abuse? Imelda is a piece of work in this but she means well
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters are 18+ in their 7th year of Hogwarts. 
If anyone’s curious this song here is the one I had on repeat while writing this
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Y/N twirled the quill she was holding, her work forgotten in front of her as she looked across the library to where Sebastian was sitting a few tables away. He was frowning as he looked between his textbook and the parchment he was scribbling on, deep in thought as he worked on whichever essay they had been assigned. He looked more tired than usual and Y/N couldn’t help but roam her eyes over him carefully, looking out for any other signs that everything was not okay. 
Their friendship has never quite been the same after the untimely death of Solomon Sallow in their fifth year. Despite not turning Sebastian in (the easiest decision Y/N had ever made in her life) and his reassurance that he was glad they were friends and that she had come to Hogwarts, he had begun to pull away in the beginning of their sixth year. It started slowly; from passing on visits to Hogsmeade and skipping the odd class because he wasn’t feeling well to barely acknowledging her when he walked by her in corridors, not even a nod in greeting. There was only so much she could do - so much she could take - before Y/N began to retreat as well, opting instead to spend more time with Ominis, Imelda and Poppy.
“Don’t do this.” Imelda kicked Y/N under the table gently and she reluctantly tore her gaze away from Sebastian to send a glare at the raven-haired girl. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Y/N rolled her eyes and flicked through her textbook, skimming the page for the information she needed. If she hadn’t been studiously avoiding the eyes of her friends she would have noticed the look the two girls shared followed by Ominis’ quiet sigh. 
“Don’t play stupid, it doesn’t suit you.”
“I see we’re back to the tough love route,” Ominis said, the corners of his mouth twitching up in amusement as his fingers trailed across the braille in his book. “Do you think this discussion will end in throwing objects again? I don’t like my odds of ducking to avoid Y/N’s inkpot.” He turned his head in Poppy’s direction, who laughed quietly even though she was watching Imelda and Y/N nervously.
“I would much rather we didn’t discuss this at all, actually,” Y/N couldn’t help but look over at Sebastian again, if only just to piss Imelda off, but was surprised to see him looking back. She offered him a small smile in greeting, her stomach flipping pleasantly when he smiled back. She quickly turned back to her work, her leg bouncing under the table in elation. Apart from occasionally meeting her eyes as they passed each other in between classes, that was the most interaction she and Sebastian had shared in months.
“I know that look in your eye,” Imelda pointed her quill at Y/N, her eyes narrowing. “Do I need to remind you of what happened the last time you thought he was coming back around?” Y/N stifled an annoyed sigh and bit the inside of her cheek, if only to stop herself from lashing out. She knew Imelda was right, knew she was only being so firm because she cared. “Sebastian Sallow doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.”
“He cares about Anne,” Y/N muttered petulantly. Imelda kicked her ankle again in reprimand and Y/N hissed in pain. “Fuck, stop kicking me!”
“Stop being stupid then!” Imelda leant forward, her voice lowering considerably.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re better than this. He’s ruthless, he’s a liar. He’s abusive.”
“Sebastian would never hurt me.” If looks could kill then Imelda Reyes would be ten feet under. Y/N knew what her friend was saying came from a well-meaning place, but how dare she. How dare she speak about Sebastian that way - speak about her that way. She wasn’t an idiot any more than Sebastian was the devil Imelda made him out to be.
“Again, you mean?” Imelda snapped. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath at her words, at the sudden reminder of the agony the cruciatus curse had caused. Ominis stilled at the witch’s words, his amused expression dropping as he stopped reading his book. Poppy and Imelda shared a look between them. Y/N and Ominis never told them everything that had happened in their fifth year but they had worked out more than enough.
“You don’t know anything.” Y/N leant forward to hiss the words at her friend. 
“I know you don’t want to let go.” Imelda crossed her arms and leant back in her chair, a smug expression on her face. “People talk, Y/N. Sallow’s fascination with the dark arts wasn’t exactly a secret, even before you joined the school.”
“That’s enough Imelda.” Ominis turned his head to glare at the girl, his words icy. “I thought you of all people would be above petty gossip.” His hand drifted under the table to gently squeeze Y/N’s knee, reminding her to breathe. “I may not talk to Sebastian anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to sit here and disparage him like this.”
“Oh? Care to tell us exactly why you both stopped talking to him after his uncle died?”
“Imelda…” Poppy had a pained expression on her face as she looked between her friends, before darting her gaze over to Sebastian, who had his head buried in a book. “You’re going too far.”
“Apparently there’s no such thing when Y/N is concerned. She’ll forgive me and come crawling back, just like she does with Sallow.”
“So what if I do?” Y/N snapped, her voice rising. Madam Scribner shushed them sharply and sent them a glare, not that Y/N could find it in herself to care as she leant across the table to growl at Imelda. “Sebastian is one of my best friends, Reyes. Present tense. I don’t care that he’s not spoken to me in months - I will always be there for those who need me. I’ll always be there if he needs me.” Y/N looked over to Sebastian as she took a steadying breath, her eyes meeting his again. He watched her carefully, his head tilted to the side as he recognised the tell-tale signs of her anger. She couldn’t bring herself to look away from him as she spoke softly, justifying it with how far away he was sitting. “You have no idea what happened to us in our fifth year, absolutely none, so don’t pretend just because you listened to some bullshit gossip that you’re omniscient. The shit we went through - what the three of us went through - was something that’s bound us together for life. You don’t experience what we did and have the ability to stop caring for the other person - not that you could ever understand that.”
Something shifted in Sebastian’s gaze as Y/N spoke about him, and a small part of her wondered if he had somehow gained the ability to read lips and knew exactly what she was saying. She swallowed heavily as the air between them changed, her heart thumping nervously in her chest. Words from their fight echoed in her mind, but they were all drowned out by every good action he had ever taken for her, every good thing he had ever said to her. Y/N wasn’t quite sure if she could ever pull away from his hypnotising stare, but it seemed Imelda had made the choice for her as she leaned across the table and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look back at them.
“You can lie to me all you want, but I was there.” Imelda held Y/N’s chin firmly as she spoke, not tight enough to hurt, but enough that she couldn’t pull away. “Every single time you came back to our dorm room crying because he hurt you, I was there. I saw what he put you through and he doesn’t care. He’s not worth it. I won’t pretend to know what happened with the three of you in fifth year but he will never change. He’s only going to hurt you over and over again and you keep letting him. The devil doesn’t settle, Y/L/N.” 
Y/N finally smacked Imelda’s hand away and broke free from her grasp, her eyes burning with humiliation and anger. Poppy looked taken aback at how forceful their friend was being, while Ominis gripped the edge of the table in frustration. He couldn’t tell exactly what was happening in front of him, but the tone of voice, followed by the sharp slap of skin, was indication enough. There was a tense silence at the table as Y/N and Imelda glared furiously at each other, neither of them willing to break the silence first. Y/N blinked back the tears of frustration that were welling in her eyes and stood up, muttering to the table that she needed another book for her essay, and ignoring Poppy as she quietly called after her. 
She had to pass by Sebastian’s table as she walked away, her shoulders tight with tension as she very obviously avoided his eye so that he couldn’t see her tears. He stretched his arms out casually as she moved past him, his hand brushing hers gently. Y/N didn’t know if it was an accident or not, but she didn’t let it stop her as she made her way towards the shelves she needed and rounded the corner, disappearing from the immediate eyesight of her friends (and yes, as rage inducing as Imelda was, Y/N still considered her one). 
Her shoulders slumped once she was hidden from view and Y/N couldn’t help but to gently press her forehead to one of the shelves to calm the mixed emotions that were running wildly through her. She was angry at Imelda, because how dare she speak to her like that - how dare she grab her like that. She was frustrated at herself, because even though Imelda’s approach was far from ideal, she was right. Y/N always got her hopes up whenever Sebastian would flash her a warm smile in passing, and it normally led to her crying or screaming in their dorm within the week because he had gone back to his usual routine of ignoring her. The final feeling (one she didn’t want to linger on for too long) was how her heart was racing wildly as the casual touch of Sebastian’s hand as she passed by him. She didn’t want to admit what the sensation was, not even to herself, and instead tried to convince herself that the fleeting graze of his skin on hers was nothing more than an accident.
“Imelda is sorry.” Poppy said softly, her quiet footsteps stopping a couple of feet away. Y/N let out a humourless laugh and wiped away a tear before she looked over her shoulder at the Hufflepuff.
“You and I both know that’s a lie. Have Ominis and Imelda sent you to corral me back?”
“No. Imelda wanted to march over and drag you back herself but I told her to leave you alone and give you a little space. Ominis agreed with me and said he knows first hand what your anger is like?” Poppy phrased the end like a question, earning a surprised chuckle from Y/N.
“I think I’ve scarred him for life after he took my coffee from me the other morning.”
“Poor choice.” Poppy laughed softly, knowing first-hand how grumpy Y/N could be in the mornings before her caffeine. The pair fell into a comfortable silence as Y/N turned to face the shelves again and pulled a book out to see if it held any information that could help with her work.
“What is it, Poppy?” 
“I don’t want to upset you any more.”
“It can’t be any worse than what Imelda said to me,” she reminds her with a sigh. After a few more seconds Poppy still hadn’t responded so Y/N closed the book and turned to face her, holding the tome to her chest as she waited. 
“I just…Imelda wasn’t all wrong,” the shorter girl shrugged and offered Y/N a sheepish smile as she looked at her in surprise. “Her delivery could have been a lot better, though.”
“That’s the understatement of the year,” Y/N muttered. 
“Look, you know I’m not the type to lecture and condescend. All I want - all we all want - is what’s best for you. I know you might think Sebastian is it but I don’t think he is.” Poppy lowered her voice considerably and peaked around the corner as she said his name, taking care he wasn’t around to eavesdrop. 
“I thought you Hufflepuff’s always saw the best in people.”
“We’re loyal to fault, and my loyalties lie with you, not him. I’ve seen you cry over him too, Y/N. I never told anyone about the fight you two had.” Y/N stilled at her friend’s words, her mind flashing back to the argument that that had happened a few months ago. After weeks of being ignored again Y/N had finally cornered Sebastian in the Undercroft, and much like a powder keg the whole thing blew up with harsh words flying back and forth between the pair. She had finally hit him with her worst fear; that he had only stuck around with her because she was a means to an end to cure Anne. Sebastian had gone silent before nodding, and turned to leave her alone in the room, his parting words of well if that’s what you think of me echoing around her long after he had gone.
“Why didn’t I tell anyone?” Poppy asked. “Or why do I think he isn’t what’s right for you?”
“For one, Imelda would probably hunt him down and actually kill him if I told her.” Poppy tilted her head to the side, a dry smile on her face. “But mostly it was because of you. If you wanted everyone to know they would - you wouldn’t have come banging on the Hufflepuff common room door past curfew asking for me.” Y/N gave her friend a rueful smile and dropped her head back on the shelf behind her to count the ceiling tiles so that she wouldn’t cry again. “As for still being mad at him…what you said was out of line, but he never fought to correct you or prove otherwise and I watched as that killed you. No one cries like that over a friendship. You both said some vile things to each other but he ripped your heart out of your chest and I don’t think I can ever forgive him for that.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.”
“I was in the wrong for saying that to him.” Either of them could have apologised. It didn’t fall to just Sebastian. Y/N had said things to him that were just as nasty - if not worse - during their fight.
“You were,” Poppy agreed, “but that still doesn’t excuse his behaviour. You always make excuses for him. I’m not going to get mad like Imelda did but I will say I’m not surprised.”
“Because it’s obvious you’re in love with him.” Poppy gave her a sad smile and Y/N felt her cheeks burn as she froze, her eyes wide as she looked at her friend apprehensively.
“I never said - ”
“You didn’t have to.” Poppy reached out and squeezed Y/N’s hand gently before turning to walk away again. “I know you might think he’ll change this time, and maybe he will - I really hope he does, to be fully honest with you. But just remember one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“The devil doesn’t bargain.”
Poppy walked back to their table, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts once again. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest and a small part of her was grateful that nobody really ventured into that corner of the library as she sank to the floor slowly. She pulled her knees up, resting her forehead against them as she tried to calm her breathing and hold back a fresh wave of tears. They were right - they were always right. Sebastian did this to her constantly; he kept pulling her in only to push her away again. The last time it had happened was around their fight, and she had been a wreck for weeks because of it. 
“Y/N.” A pair of feet shuffled to a stop in front of her, and Y/N felt herself go still. She would recognise his voice anywhere. It was ingrained on her very soul. He sighed quietly and she heard the shifting of fabric as she sat down across from her, his legs stretched out in front of him so he could tap her ankle gently with his shoe. “I know you can hear me.”
“What do you want, Sebastian?” she asked, not raising her head to look at him, even though it muffled her voice. If she looked at him all resolve would break and she would either scream at him for leaving her or turn into a blubbering mess and she didn’t particularly care for either of those reactions at that moment.
“Look at me.”
“No.” Sebastian laughed, a genuine laugh which sent shivers down her spine. Y/N slowly lifted her head but still didn’t look at him and instead opted to stare at his polished black shoes. 
“You’ve always been so stubborn.”
“I learnt from the best.”
“That Slytherin pride really did hit us both hard,” Sebastian mused. He was quiet for a few moments before he crossed his legs and scooted closer to her so that he was almost sitting on her feet. “Look at me, darling.” Y/N hated the way her body reacted to the term of endearment. She hated that her stomach flipped pleasantly, that her heart started to beat erratically, that she could feel her face burn. She finally looks up at him, meeting his warm brown eyes with a withering glare. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Are we still pretending you don’t secretly like it when I call you darling?”
“I’ll punch you.”
“Probably,” he chuckles quietly and reaches out to brush a stray tear from the corner of her eye. “Who did this?”
“Why do you care?”
“Contrary to what you shouted at me in the Undercroft, I have and always will care about you.”
“You have a funny way of showing it.”
“So we circle back to the pitfalls of Slytherin pride?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “You could have just as easily spoken to me first.” Y/N looked away from him, turning her head so that she could see Madam Scribner standing at her desk and watching them both like a hawk. He was right. Hadn’t she just thought and said the same thing when she was speaking to Poppy? “Was it Reyes?”
“Will you curse her if it was?” Y/N couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth and she instantly grimaced. “I didn’t mean - ”
“You did and that’s okay.” Sebastian pulled his hand away with a defeated sigh. “I haven’t touched dark magic since that night in the catacombs. I know some people think otherwise, but they’re wrong.” He catches the confusion on her face as she wonders how he knows that and runs a hand through his hair. “You’re all not nearly as silent as you think you are.”
“You heard everything?”
“Including your speech about how you’ll always be there for me.”
“What about…?” she looks away, stomach churning with nerves as she thought about what Poppy had said to her. ‘It’s obvious you’re still in love with him’.
“Your conversation with Sweeting stays between the two of you. That felt private.”
“And what we were saying at the table wasn’t?”
“Not when you were looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m worth saving.” Y/N felt her heart crack in her chest at the look on his face. She slowly shifted so that she was crossing her legs instead and reached out to brush the back of his hand.
“Everyone is worth saving.” He gives her a sad smile at that, noting that she still won’t quite meet his eye as she chews on her lower lip nervously. They sit in silence for a few moments as Sebastian watches the cogs turn in her head before she lets out a quiet sigh and finally looks at him. “I’m sorry for what I said to you.”
“I’m sorry I treated you so poorly that you even thought about it in the first place.”
“I didn’t mean it. I just…I was angry and hurt and I lashed out and wanted you to feel even a fraction of the pain I was feeling. I know you were never just using me in the hopes of finding a cure for Anne. You didn’t even know about my ability to take pain away until we had been searching for a cure for months.”
“It doesn’t matter if you did mean it - I forgive you,” he murmured, taking her hand in his. He mulls over his next words carefully, a small frown on his face. “I was stupid to push you away. I thought you both would be better off without me - especially you. I led you down a dark path and never stopped to consider the consequences of doing so. I ruined your life.”
“No you didn’t,” Y/N tightened her grip on his hand so that he would meet her eye. “I’m my own person, Sebastian. I chose to follow you down that path. You always asked if I wanted to learn and I said yes. You never forced me into anything. You didn’t ruin my life.”
“What do you think will happen if anyone ever finds out what happened to Solomon?” his voice lowered considerably as he spoke. “You’re not just going to get a slap on the wrist, Y/N.”
“No one will find out, Seb. Even if they do, it was my choice. I was the one who told Ominis we shouldn’t turn you in.”
“You…why?” Sebastian’s voice cracked as he asked the question and Y/N saw tears start to well in his eyes. “Why would you risk everything for me like that?”
“Because I - ” Y/N broke off as she felt her face burn. Now wasn’t the time to accidentally tell him that she loved him. “Because I would do anything for you.”
“You said that in the present tense.”
“I did.”
“Even after all the horrible things I said to you?”
“I wasn’t exactly a saint back, Sebastian.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You do.” Y/N leaned forward and kissed his cheek before she could process the decision. “You deserve everything, Seb. You deserve to be happy.” 
“You made me happy - you make me happy. Present tense,” he squeezes her hands gently. “I was an idiot to ever push you away.”
“Well, you won’t hear me disagree with that,” Y/N teased. Sebastian laughed quietly and she felt like a weight she didn’t even notice got lifted from her shoulders. “If you ever do this again…”
“Duly noted, no need to continue with that threat,” he chuckled. Footsteps walked in their direction - too heavy to be Poppy or Imelda and too purposeful to be any other student. The tell tale glow of Ominis’ wand lit up the stacks moment before he rounded the corner and came to a stop a few feet away from the pair. 
“Y/N? Are you still here?”
“I am.” Ominis’ wand wavered to the left slightly, a barely perceptible frown on his face as he wondered who else was present, before he exhaled. 
“Hello, Sebastian.”
“Ominis.” The pair stared at each other tensely (or at least, Sebastian stared at Ominis, whilst the latter looked slightly to his left) before Ominis turned to Y/N with a resigned expression.
“Shall I tell Imelda you’ve left? I can bring your things to the common room later.”
“She’s never going to believe it.”
“No, she won’t.” Ominis rolled his eyes and leaned against the bookshelf slightly. “She put two and two together the minute Sebastian walked in this direction, but Poppy is keeping her at bay.”
“She is?” 
“She told me to tell you if you hurt Y/N again she will set a Hungarian Horntail on you,” Ominis turned back in Sebastian’s direction as he delivered the threat. “I don’t think I need to add what I’ll do if I ever have to listen to her cry again because of you.” Y/N looked away from Sebastian as his head snapped back in her direction, a look of distress on his features at knowing just how much pain he had caused her.
“Understood.” Sebastian stood up and brushed the dust from his trousers before offering Y/N his hand. She hesitated for a few seconds but took it nonetheless and let him pull her to her feet. Sebastian didn’t let go once she was standing and instead he laced their fingers together and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Thank you, Ominis.”
“Don’t thank me yet. If it wasn’t for Poppy I would jinx you where you stand.”
“Well, thank Sweeting for me then.” There was a small grin on Sebastian’s face as he carefully tugged at Y/N’s hand, silently asking if she would go with him. She nodded before releasing his fingers so that she could pull Ominis into a tight hug. He froze, not expecting the contact, before weaving his wand-free hand around her frame and hugging her back.
“You tell me if he tries anything,” he muttered in her ear.
“Right after I hex him first.”
“That’s my girl.” Ominis released her with a chuckle and Y/N wandered back to Sebastian, who placed a hand on her lower back as he led her out of the library. They walked in silence until they reached the north exit for the castle and Sebastian let out a long breath and turned to look at her.
“I need you to know I’ll never treat you like that again. I can’t even begin to make it all up to you, but I’m willing to spend the rest of my days doing so,” he said. Y/N reached out for his hand and laced their fingers together again as she pulled him towards the gate that would lead them towards the path for Hogsmeade.
“On one condition.”
“You forgive me for how I spoke to you and what I accused you of,” she came to a stop and turned to look at him. 
“Done,” he said quietly, a soft smile on his face. “I forgave you for that a long time ago, Y/L/N.” He brushed some hair behind her ear, his touch lingering on her cheek before he cleared his throat and looked away, his cheeks tinted pink. Y/N felt her stomach flip pleasantly and couldn’t help but smile shyly as they turned back towards the path. Now wasn’t the time to consider her feelings for him, or to tease him for his blush. But one day the bridges between them would be mended completely, and so she stored the information away for then.
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ninjigma · 7 months
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For 'Of Honor and Force', a Royalty AU Track: 'Inkpot Gods' - The Amazing Devil (Spotify / YouTube)
"Please, let him live just one more day Cause he is so much more than all his scars And if he doesn't have the will But it seems the whole world does, I'll stay, because I will be the man my Father never was."
"And to those gods, I will speak bluntly We've an accord, if you ever touch or harm him Please, rest assured that you might not fear a man But to these shadows, by the end, you'll kneel and plea 'Cause I am everything my mum told me to be."
"And I can hear him sing And I know he's giving up And I don't know what to do, how to help him How to bring him home"
"And I can hear him break And he doesn't understand And I wish that I could take his hand But where I'm going is for me and me alone"
"And I can hear him sing- If I don't make it back from where I've gone Just know I loved you all along."
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feathered-serpents · 9 months
I'm disappointed in myself that it took this long to realize but I am obsessed with Inkpot Gods as an Ineffable Husbands song. Literally, every word is fitting but the first two verses. My god
They are pretty interchangeable but I see their point of view as
Verse 1 - Aziraphale
And when the rain came down I made a vow out to the dark Please let her live just one more day 'Cause she is so much more than all her scars And if she doesn't have the will But it seems the whole world does I'll stay because I will be the man my father never was
Verse 2 - Crowley
To those gods I will speak bluntly We've an accord If you ever touch or harm him Please rest assured That you might not fear a man But to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plead 'Cause I'm more than what my mum told me to be
And lastly, I just need you to know that this song ends on a fade out of the words "If I don't make it back from where I've gone just know I've loved you all along"
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I've been reading your blog for the past few days and have really enjoyed it, so thank you for all your work! If you have time, I would love to see Hanma added to your Hand Her Over Series.
Hand Her Over III: Hanma Shuji x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: smut, gun play, angst, the WERKS
Hand Her Over Megapost
The laugh is loud, riotous, almost unhinged.
But Manjiro doesn't flinch.
When Hanma finally settles down, Mikey adjusts his shirt, picking at invisible lint before clearing his throat. "So?"
"No," Hanma drawls, kicking his feet onto the desk and leaning as far back as he can in his chair. "I've been with y/n for nearly two decades. I'd never agree to that." Mikey sighs, placing his hands back in his pockets and staring at the jovial man.
"I had a feeling you would say that." Hanma laces his fingers together in his lap, not moving an inch. Mikey, however, looks up at the ceiling just as something scrapes across it, and the sound of stumbling footsteps rattles the flimsy chandelier right behind him. There's a loud thump and then the sounds of arguing.
Hanma's eyes flick from the ceiling back to Manjiro, but he remains stoic. Mikey and he stare at each other for a long while, each daring the other to move or make a noise. Hanma begins to calculate how long it'll take him to knock Mikey out cold and get to you.
Less than a minute.
"You don't have that kind of time," Manjiro whispers, knowing. "In thirty seconds, the sedative will wear off."
"That leaves me with plenty of time to fuck you up."
"Not nearly," Mikey admits, pulling a gun out of the back of his pants. "Not if I shoot you where you sit."
"You've never been one for guns," Hanma jokes, tilting his head to the side. The gun follows his movements. "You don't want to fight it out for old time's sake?"
"Not really." Even Kisaki hadn't been this cold-blooded. Hanma thought if he just dug his hands into the inkpot one last time, he'd be able to walk away with the girl, the money, and the clean record. "And I don't trust you."
"I've never cheated you before, Mikey."
"You just did."
Hanma has to think and fast.
"We'll share." Mikey pauses, finger resting on the trigger. "Take me up there. I'll share her with you. She'll be more at ease with me there, anyways. You get what you want, and so do I."
"You want to watch me." A statement, not a question. Fuck no.
"I'll go in there, get her to be okay with it, and we can trade off." Say no. Mikey lowers the gun, the depraved look on his face not wavering.
"Get her to agree first." Hanma's feet drag like lead weights as he climbs the stairs toward where they're keeping you. Stay calm, stay calm. She'll be scared if you don't stay calm.
The door opens to a plain room, and you're on the floor, gagged and bound, tears leaking out of your eyes. When you see him, you perk up, breathing raggedly and trying to speak. "Get her to agree," Mikey reminds Hanma, standing back far enough that you can't see him.
"Hey, princess..." Hanma stoops low and unties the blood-smeared cloth around your wrists. "It's okay. It's alright." Once your hands are free, you push yourself up, shaking and shivering. Hanma moves to undo the gag next, but Mikey huffs a soft,
"Leave it." Hanma pulls his hands back and you reach for the gag, but he takes your hands in his. He inhales deeply, attempting to exude calm and confidence.
"Did they hurt you?" You shake your head, lips trembling. "Good, good." Tears run down your face in rivulets, and Hanma reaches up to wipe them away. "Listen to me. You have to be a good girl for me."
You nod rapidly, sniffing. "Be a good girl for me." Hanma takes the cloth that was around your wrist and places it over your eyes. You break into a fresh set of tears, staining the flowered - not blood-tainted - cloth. "Be a good girl." He finally reaches for the gag again, and it seems Mikey knows what he's about to do because he doesn't stop him.
Hanma takes the scarf out of your mouth, and you begin babbling incoherently, trying to understand, trying to make sense of it all. Hanma ties the scarf around your wrists as you burst into tears again, sobbing woefully and wrenching his heart in two. Hanma pulls you close and kisses your wet cheeks, trying to savor every single second he has alone with you before the monster walking into the room can steal you away.
"I love you," Hanma whispers softly. "I love you so much. Just be good."
"Han-ma," you choke out, mucus smearing on his shirt. "Shu-ji, what's happening, I--" Mikey cocks the gun again, and Hanma moves you so you're chest to chest while you're on your knees. Mikey's hands move to flip up your skirt, and your voice breaks off as you begin to shout for help, shout for anyone, shout for someone--
But Hanma holds you against him, closing his eyes and listening to you cry out in anguish. His ears can't even make sense of the words anymore, and his tinnitus takes over, muting the rest. Tears drop onto his face, and Hanma wonders if he could just block all of this out and pretend it's not happening as you remind him of a trapped animal attempting to break free.
The exact moment when Mikey penetrates you shocks him back into reality, however, and your body goes rigid. Hanma presses your face into his chest, holding you tight and whispering, "I'm sorry," over Manjiro's grunting and huffing. The gun is still pointed in your general direction, and Hanma watches as Manjiro loses himself in the moment.
"It's almost over," Hanma murmurs, but you've long gone silent. "I promise." When Mikey grunts and finishes, he puts the safety back on his gun, zips himself up, and leaves. Hanma waits until he can't hear footsteps - and then another ten minutes - until he shifts up off the ground and scoops you into his arms.
In a daze, he walks down the stairs and to his car, where it's waiting for him in the garage. No one sees him, no one is there to notice him. But for once... for once, Hanma wishes there was someone there. He slides you into the passenger seat, takes off your blindfold and wrist tie, and shuffles to the other side of the car, barely noticing the semen that's dripped onto his pant leg.
"I'm gonna get you home and get you cleaned up," he hoarsely promises you, ignoring his own tears. "I'll make it right. I promise."
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toastofwaterdeep · 1 month
A Small Token
Durgetash (GN Durge, no name used)
Word count: 591
SFW. Fluff. Regency romance-esque longing and restraint.
“Good morning! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Gortash stood to greet them as the Bhaalist entered his office. They approached with purpose, wordlessly placing a pen on the desk before him. He glanced at it, searching for its hidden meaning. “What is this?” he asked when no answer came to him.
“It is a pen.”
“I can see that. Would you care to elaborate at all?” They locked eyes with Gortash, their face revealing nothing.
“The ink is on the inside.” At this Gortash pursed his lips.
“My friend, you rely too much on my powers of deduction. Allow me to be ignorant no more; lay it out plainly for me,” he chortled, masking his annoyance. They dropped his gaze, shifting their weight to one leg and folding their arms. To Gortash’s mind his ally looked effortlessly contrapposto. Maddening.
“The other day, you were tinkering away and taking notes all at once. You would make an adjustment, note something down. Reduce this, rotate that. But then you reached over, knocked the inkpot across the parchment. You cursed and crumpled up your notes. The project, whatever it was, relegated to waste.” Gortash said nothing, his mouth opened to speak and closed again. “I was in the market, and I saw the pen. I bought it. It is yours now.”
“You just got this for me? You just saw and got it for me?” He reached for it. It was silver with a gold nib but lacked any ornate detail. It was plain but well-crafted, designed entirely for utility.
“I suppose that must seem strange,” they conceded, uncrossing their arms to reach for the pen. “I meant no harm.”
“I love it,” he said. “Thank you.” The Bhaalist retracted their outstretched hand. A beat passed and they nodded in acknowledgement.
“It is nothing,” they replied. They turned on their heel and left without another word. Gortash watched them leave then sat back in his chair. He returned his attention to the plain little pen. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, grazing his racing pulse. He exhaled, his lips parting into a puzzled smile. He had received a great many gifts by this point, offerings of gold, jewellery, silks. Hells, he would probably stand to inherit property at this rate. He sat with the curious feeling brought on by this small token. The hollow, heavy ache in his stomach, the tingling of his fingers.
All at once it became too much. He opened a desk drawer and dropped the pen inside, shutting it with a heavy thud. He pushed the chair out and stood swiftly, walking to the window. He tried to turn his focus to the warmth of sunlight on his face, the cool stone of the windowsill, the people as they bustled in the street below. His focus was forcefully pulled back to the strange gift-giver as he saw them in the street, staring up at his window. They cocked their head to the side. Of course, they could not possibly see him from their vantage point with the sun reflecting off the glass, yet their gaze bore into him. They turned, only looking away when the neck would twist no more, and walked away into the busy thoroughfare. The crowd appeared to part for them, as if all sensed their otherworldliness but dared not acknowledge it.
When they disappeared from view, he returned to his desk, reaching for a quill. He paused, turning it over in his hand. He placed the quill back down, reaching for the drawer to retrieve his prize. He inspected its reservoir. Already full of ink.
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