#inmate rights
vraggoee · 17 days
If you commit a crime, the government is allowed to take you away from your loved ones, lock you in a cage for 23 hours a day, humiliate you, have guards beat you, force you to do slave labor to make companies (and by extension, the prison itself) money, and if the crime is "severe" enough, they can legally murder you in one of the most painful ways imaginable. Imprisonment is worse than anything a "criminal" can do to deserve it.
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The US prison system has killed another inmate via “Use of Force”. They’re refusing to release the identity or any details.
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ramsesja · 5 months
A rethink of the carceral system on the next episode of Civic Cipher!
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jessicazoe · 1 year
Inmate Rights: The justice system is now holding Municipalities Accountable when they fail to protect their Inmates.
When municipalities take inmates into custody, they assume a responsibility to protect them from sexual assault. But this responsibility means little if the justice system is unwilling to hold municipalities accountable when they fail to protect their inmates. When municipalities are not held to account, measures like PREA, enacted to eliminate sexual assault in jails and prisons, are reduced to…
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jidem · 5 months
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I strongly dislike fulbright but gotta give it to the man he is UNHINGED this is the most blatant power abuse of the whole serie <3
On turnabout monstrous ATM. I really enjoy blackquill. He's doing a little trolling <3
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sinful-lanterns · 2 months
Omg you guys know that upcoming Pirate Langley skin that’s coming when Lady Pearl’s event drops?
…I’m getting it.
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leechs · 1 year
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my favorite mugshawtys mwah
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cult-of-dollbabies · 6 months
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you think I'm kidding?
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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secret-covet · 3 months
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 6 months
Wow... So they might actually outlaw self-medding for trans women here in Denmark and make estrogen and anti-androgens a controlled substance because of a bogus study that claims that self-medicating HRT *will* cause blood clots... All based on data from less than 50 trans women who've had blood clots early in life. All while literally not taking into account any of their other risk factors (substance abuse, V-Leiden, obesity, smoking, etc) and blaming it solely on their hormone treatment... Here we go backsliding on all the strides in regulation that we've made in the last decade wooooooooooo...
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nooks-cranny-mogai · 7 months
Here's Clover's advice for the day: block for any reason.
Break your DNI? Block
Make you even a little uncomfortable? Block
You disagree on something that, maybe your generally ok with disagreers, but they seem extreme or it comes up often? Block
Seem annoying? Block
Claims to be supportive/unsupportive of something but suspicious/reblogs dog whistles n shit? Block
Constantly dming you and you didn't sign up for that? Block
Doesn't respect your boundaries? Block
Not blank blog but has no views or anyway to tell if they break your DNI? Block
Mutuals with someone who breaks your DNI? Block
Constantly passive aggressive to others they dislike, even if it's not towards you? Block
Overly aggressive/violent towards those who are on both your dnis? Block
Immature to a degree that's just silently pissing you off? Block
Lies to you, even if it's innocuous? Block
Neutral on an issue that either has no moral neutral stance/shows compliance with serious issues/you feel strongly about it? Block
Have an extreme view of something you agree with but they support aspects you don't? Block
Seem chronically online and your not with that hyper vigilant crap? Block
Not getting your social signals that one or two dms/asks is not a contract for 6 to 10 to 50 a day? Block
They seem fine but their vibes are atrocious? Block
Wether you've been friends/mutuals for 6 days, 6 months or 6 years, you don't owe someone your space and content. Your blog is your space, you make it what it is, you decide what's on it. DNI violation and personal harassment is not the only valid reason to block someone. If you find yourself waiting and searching for a reason to block someone, just waiting for them to slip up again, just block them and be done with it. One small reason is reason enough. One suspicion is reason enough.
I've blocked people for supporting the same shit I have but being annoying or performative about it. I've blocked people cause I found one word on their whole blog thats only used by proshippers. I've blocked people for being part of a fandom I know is toxic and them showing signs of being on the toxic side. Any small reason is enough and you don't owe that person "the chance to change/prove themselves". Not on the Internet. This isnt a parent or long time irl friend, this could be a person you dm daily or a person who liked a single one of your posts.
I'm tired of the social expectation that I should have at least 3 reasons to be able to block someone or a clear violation of boundaries. If you have bad vibes, I don't have to let you prove yourself or interact with me or my content. Yeah, it's nice to have the reasons but you don't have to have them. This applies to even irl interactions. So much weird shit I've been argued with about on places like tiktok or twitter have been benefited from me just saying, quoting a popular post from here " your either not having this convo in good faith or your world view is so warped from reality that there are days worth of things you'd have to unlearn for us to understand each other. This is pointless so it is here we must part" and a swift block in the ass.
Yeah, socially it's nice to keep contact with that one ex-coworker who never seemed to understand you two aren't friends, just acquaintances but the reality is there is no actual reason to keep that contact. That doesn't excuse yelling at them or insulting them or anything but they aren't entitled to your time and attention. Your not friends, slowly but gracefully, cut them off. Online people are not any different. I don't owe you conversation or attention or anything other than basic human respect. I also owe myself respect and if your constantly disrespecting me, even if unintentionally, I have the right to enact the consequences and block.
Idk why this is so controversial? Is it the 'tism??
#clover speaks#clover rants#i never understood the issue with just blocking#i dont owe anyone the 10 minutes it takes to search someones blog for shit#like if ur suspect i have every right to block#if i see one post im not scrolling for counter eveidence this aint court#im auto blocking#and guess what? i never lost sleep over people i quote unquote blocked for no reason#btw this isnt a vague#the points are ones ive seen but not with anyone i currently interact with#old quote unquote friends and acquaintances#i try to be understanding if theres potentially mental delay involved its always nice to be nice bu5#at some point you have a right to exist without any person in your personal life#its this cool thing called personal space and everyones entiteld to it#i dont have to correct everyone i come across whose a bigot and i dont have to concede to community standards because social shit#i ran into someone who said inmates dont derserve medical help and guess what?#the 140 characters tiktok lets you have cant unpack all thats wrogn with that statement#so i just said their morality issues are not the problems of others and everyone deserves healthcare and moved on#Sometimes that person just wants to piss you off and no matter your quote unquote progressive activist status#you dont have a moral obligation to fix people#theres no way to fix everyone and many people here are not academically qualified to talk on the issues they do#many of us are not actually activists. most of us just reblog shit and thats supposedly activism#which it isnt and neither really is the weird statement that existing as a trans/gay/etc person is activism#which has some merit but the reality is that it applies a philosophy to all trans people that simply isnt teue#there are plenty of anti-trans trans people and its a weird cop op used by alot of us as to why you dont volunteer or donate any money#all lip service and reblogs with emotionally charged tags over issues you dont face 🤬#imma stop im old man ranting but still oml
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braywashed · 8 months
So I've learned this place has a local cryptic named the Corn King and it's a man who just stands all day at an intersection of corn fields and his face has some open wound that doesn't heal and is just always covered in gauze and oozing?
And apparently he went into the grocery store and bought a "Don't worry, bee happy" cake.
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death-or-exile · 1 year
Batman the Audio Adventures s2 ep5 Crane’s first (second) interview with Harvey
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