#it got me thinking about this whole damn awful process
shiningneedlecastle · 2 months
You uhh... you wanna talk about the med school residency, bud?
oh lol i didn't think i was gonna get an ask about it, thanks for asking. i'm actually not quite in residency yet, just med school. 2nd year
just so happens to be the part of med school where you study for this fuckmassive 8 hour exam named USMLE step 1 that covers every part of the curriculum (and also a bunch of outside shit since too many students passing = less money the host company gets to charge us to retake the exam). for perspective, the summary book for it named first aid is ~750 pages long and everything in there is fair game.
people regularly study for this exam with a schedule of ~10 hours a day for 6 weeks straight no breaks. that's what I'm doing now but i wanted to be careful so i planned mine to be 9 weeks. that's bc my med school itself didn't prepare us well for that despite us paying 60k+ tuition a year. a real shit tier lectures and wasted money type of thing. people also regularly experience both physical and mental health problems from studying for the exam to the point it's just expected
i've heard things from current M3s (3rd year med school students) about 24 hour straight shifts while having to study for board exams at the same time. also stuff about residents often having 80 hour work weeks, sometimes without one/both weekend days off. the work itself is naturally strenuous since it's doctor stuff. the sort of situation that gets overworked residents into car crashes from falling asleep at the wheel due to how exhausted they are. fun little article about that phenomenon here. notice that first line "Resident physicians often work longer than 24 consecutive hours with little or no sleep." btw residents get paid ~$20 an hour on average
currently wondering what to do with the fact the next couple years for me are gonna be the (probably? hopefully it won't get worse later?) shittiest time of my life. i can't really get out of that without wasting the preparation i did specifically for this, aka SHITLOAD of grinding i've been doing since start of university so close to a decade now. i realize at this point that this field might not be for me but the concept of exiting now and losing so many years of my life to stress and endless studying for nothing in return + a fuckload of debt makes me pretty unhappy
this probably sounds whiny or something but i'm in not a great spot mentally tbh.
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God, when you think about it, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is a very loved person. Just by being her brilliant gremlin self.
The Fourth are in awe and bravely willing to risk damning their eternal souls out of fidelity.  The Seventh, though never met, come in clutch because of kindness shown in lieu, and avenging them in their absence. The Fifth, parental guidance and protection given. Marta, again, vengeance delivered Ortus. His whole ass deal.
None of them had to come when they were called, but they did. The Sixth are so kind an patient with her, whilst treating her with nothing but respect and looking after her with such tender loving care.
The Third, the way Corona handles Nona/Harrow's body (though she says, she knows what Nona is, even if the others don't.) Ianthe, for all her bluster, seems genuinely willing to risk everything and perhaps burn the world in the process. Gideon -- the whole point of me is you. My very existence hurts without you. Pyrrha: trying to give Nona/Harrow some sort of childhood knowing full well she never received it on the Ninth.  (On arrival on the Ninth. She wasn't talking about Nona here.)
*Do you think she's ever had any presents? ///// This place was always grim, even back when Ana first started it and its only gotten worse: *paraphrasing*  Even Crux calling her his girlchild. And she referring to him as her nurse maid. How he spoon fed her when she was so mentally unwell she couldn't feed herself. AND THEN THERE’S GIDEON: Pyrrha: though rebuffed, trying to be a parent, proving that its never too late to start. Possibly even heart sore that she never got to raise this kid, guilty that Wake's kid had to grow up thinking there was no-one out there that would love them. Aiglamene willing to throw all propriety and decorum out the window, station be damned, willing to commit insubordination and to tear her lady a new one and black her eyes because she failed to protect Gideon. THE FUCKING FACE TOUCH!!!!!! Corona's tenderness with Gideon's body. The loving touches. Cam and Pal's patience and kindness/understanding, even in the face of Gideon being a massive dick. Paul's continued trust/understanding. (though Kiriona is being an asshole) *"Ninth, where have I seen this before? I can’t piece together my memories."* Ianthe: *Yo bestie! Crafting time!"* Jeannemary. *"Tell Gideon I said hello!"*
Harrow: sacrificing the most important thing to her, her brain, her intellect, in order to give Gideon a life she was owed. To return that which the Ninth tried to take from her time and time again. Because she loves her, cherishes her so fucking dearly. With this series: 
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Addition. Also finding out that Gideon Prime actually really liked Harrow makes John's orders to assassinate her all the more painful. (Pyrrha says it somewhere.)
"I find the responsibility a hard one to bare." hits so fucking differently after the admission by Pyrrha. (If reblogging, please use #nona the ninth and #nona the ninth spoilers. Cheers and thankyou.)
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'Bad Territory'
As a few people have quickly surmised, the Bad Batch episode in which they go to Space Swampy Badtimes and punch gators was going to send Doug over the edge with joy. Y'all right!
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So, turn up the CCR to 'Born on the Bayou', and prepare for some of the more unhinged things Doug's texted me.
CW: Little more mild, just excitement. When Doug starts rambling about Cajun food, just click here. He says it's one of the best places for boudin and bbq and they'll even process a deer you found on the highway.
Episode 8: “::happy Cajun noises::”
Well we back in Space Daytona, outside the HMS Search Warrant because Daddy Rambo can’t afford a trailer now. Does that thing have air conditioning? 
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Man, Toaster Strudel’s always gone, is he a space trucker now or what.
Oh, man, it’s Church Lady! She don’t seem too upset by Ryan-from-Accounting being somewhere else, fighting the Space Balrog. But we know why she’s not sad. 
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(Does this involve Mayday?
Sassy Park Ranger?
"Hell yeah it does! He’s her beau."
What about Ryan-from-Accounting?
Maybe Daddy Warcrimes will hang out with Church Lady and she can double dip with him and Sassy Park Ranger. It’s Thanksgiving, dark meat and white meat are on the plate.
Well you know why Church Lady’s the Church Lady? She’s been talking to other church folks and if there’s one person who knows how to get info on people it’s the church ladies. Seriously, how do you think they organize EVERYTHING and know EVERYONE. You think they go to church for Jesus that’s a bald lie up in here. 
So Julio fires up the stolen work truck and he and Daddy Rambo are off. 
Wait, if that’s their home, where Little Orphan Blondie and Daddy Warcrimes sleeping? The beach? Come on now. 
Aw, shit, man, is that THOTH STATION?! Meat Muffin, these show people reading your white trash love story book and made it into reality! They owe you MONEY GIRL! Think they’ll meet Fred Johnson or Anderson Dawes?!
And look it’s CAMINA DRUMMER! 
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Oh wait no that’s that Chick-that’s-in-Everything! Looks like she’s doing business with the guy Han Solo shot in the club. Think she’s selling him Columbian nose candy? 
Well she’s drinking a whole thing of pinot, don’t blame her, I’d be drinking if Daddy Rambo was up in my club whining for names. Go on the Facebook, Daddy Rambo, it’d be easier.
They’re off somewhere else to help the Chick-that’s-in-Everything. OH MY SWEET TITS OF CHRIST THEY IN LOUISIANA AGAIN! IT’S AN OIL REFINERY! No one can breath! They got a PONTOON! Everything’s orange and sticky!
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Oh look at them out in them stinky bayous of Terrebonne Parish! Man did they film this entire season in my home state like it’s the first season of True Detective now I wonder. Man that was a good show. 
Aw man, mines in the water! It IS TERREBONNE PARISH! “He won’t expect us,” damn right he won’t. The Chick-Thats-In-Everything sure knows her shit. She’s a redneck hunter and the lady’s got grit. I wonder if she’s caught Steven Segal. 
There better be OH MAN IT IS! 
The only bad thing about this is now I need to go back to Thibodaux to Bourgeois and get some crawfish boudin, maybe some cracklings, some hogshead cheese too. 
Daddy Warcrimes is doing that thing where you sit around and breathe. Jenny tells me to do that. I’m like woman I do that every damn day at work what’s the difference now. 
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They’re at the place–it’s a shack in the woods surrounded by home made bombs and the owner’s armed to the teeth?! MEAT MUFFIN THEY GONE DONE AND FILMED IT AT MY COUSIN CLAYTON'S HOUSE IN TERREBONNE PARISH NOW!!!!
Oh man it ain’t my cousin Clayton whose been weird since he got out of Angola,  now they’re hunting Jeff Goldblum from The Fly! Except now he’s a mantis! Hate those things. Jenny set one on fire after she caught it snapping at one of her hummingbirds. That woman, man, you don’t mess with her garden, she’ll take out the hairspray and a lighter and make a torch out of it. Love her. Married two dozen years now.*
Oh! Jeff Goldblum is trying to escape–but the Chick-That’s-In-Everything knows her shit and cuts her own wire to the pontoon! Maybe she IS Camina Drummer after all. 
Oh, man, they done got that mantis son of a bitch. Now, back to Thoth Station, and of course, the Chick-That’s-in-Everything ain’t coughing up a dime. Just flings Daddy Rambo right off her ship. 
Oh, man, who is she calling? 
I hope it’s not Gun-Safety-Muppet, I hate that blue bastard. 
*= Jenny is a delight and really does flip from ‘Sweetie, you need to meditate’ to ‘I will set bugs on fire for threatening my birds’. She’s the one who taught Jimmers to corner and kill everything in their yard.
@skellymom @cdblake1565 @sued134 @amalthiaph @yeehawgeek @merkitty49 @eyecandyeoz @isthereanechoinhere96 who else loves Redneck Doug?
If you want to be added, please let me know!
PS- I have his ramblings from the last two episodes, but they were not nearly as deranged as this.
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onigiriico · 2 years
Milgram 2nd Trial - Voice Lines TL
Milgram’s second trial is starting soon and they updated their official website with new voicelines, so I sat down and tried to translate them! (There might be some spoilers for season 1 / especially the results of the first trial so do proceed with caution)
I linked each character’s profile in their name in case you’d like to check them out yourself!
The themes of the voice lines are:
(01) greeting
(02) their reaction to whether they were voted forgiven / unforgiven
(03) things that changed between the two trials
(04) their feelings about the “extraction of songs”
(05) their feelings about Milgram
⬇️ translations below the cut ⬇️
01 - “Ah, good morning, warden-san! I’m Haruka Sakurai. Hm? What’s wrong…? Is there something strange about me?”
02 - “That means I’m forgiven, right…? It means my feelings were acknowledged, right? I’m really happy…!”
03 - “There’s a different atmosphere to me…? Oh, like the hair pins and the clothes? Mu-san picked them out for me! How is it? Mu-san is really kind. She always looks out for me!”
04 - “Um, it felt like I was being watched by a lot of people… Everyone said that it felt creepy, but it made me happy. Weird, isn’t it?”
05 - “Milgram is really fun. Warden-san watches over me a lot, and Mu-san takes care of me… I’m starting to think that maybe I don’t have to return to the outside world that never actually looks at me.”
01 - “Good morning, warden-san. My name is Yuno Kashiki. Do you actually remember me?”
02 - “Yay! Warden-san, thank you for forgiving me! …Is that what you wanted me to say?”
03 - “Hm? I haven’t really changed. Hmm… I’ve gotten a bit colder is all. It’s a bother.”
04 - “It really gets through to you, doesn’t it? That everyone expects you to have some sort of sad reason to have done something like this. Does there have to be one? There’s no way I’d have one. That’s stupid.”
05 - “Being forgiven or not being forgiven… it’s just playing pretend. None of that will get me anywhere. If it’s all just talk, there’s no way.”
01 - “Kajiyama Fuuta. It’s been a while, hasn’t it, warden. What’ve you been doing the whole time until now?”
02 - “Why… why am I a murderer?! There might not even be a connection between the things I did and their death at all!”
03 - “I got these injuries from her… from Kotoko. Seriously, I don’t get what her deal is! …(gasp) Don’t tell me you had something to do with that?”
04 - “It felt damn awful. The whole time… the whole time I felt like I was being judged… What did I do?! I… I just…”
05 - “I’m not in the wrong… I think. If the things I did are unforgivable, then what about the things you’re doing right now?”
01 - “I’m Kusunoki Muu. Warden-san… it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
02 - “Huh? That's a given, isn’t it? I haven’t done anything wrong, after all. But… I had faith that you’d understand me, warden-san. Thank you.”
03 - “It was really scary at the beginning, but now it’s nice and laid-back. And also… Haruka-kun is really nice! He’ll listen to anything I tell him.”
04 - “It seemed like we were just aimlessly talking(?), but things like that are unnecessary. It’s fine not to think about it. You saw it, right? I didn’t do anything wrong - right?”
05 - “I’ve been starting to think that maybe I’d like to stay here forever… The outside world only ever does bad things to me. Though, I’d be a bit sad that I wouldn’t get to see papa and mama again…”
01 - “I’m Shidou Kirisaki. It’s been a while, Es-kun. A lot has happened while you were gone.”
02 - “You forgave me, huh. Even though I asked you not to forgive me… Why is that? I’d like to hear your thoughts.”
03 - “There have been conflicts between the prisoners, and some have been  severely injured in the process. I don’t want to see lives being lost in vain. As someone who knows how to do surgeries, I have to do anything to help them.”
04 - “...I don’t understand. Why did you forgive me? It’s as I told you. I’ve taken many lives. You had a look at the song and the footage, didn’t you? [So] why?”
05 - “I said I didn’t want you to forgive me. But… it’s a fact that I could only save the other inmates because you forgave me. I think I’ll stop asking not to be forgiven. If I’m not alive, there is nobody to save their lives.”
01 - “Mahiru Shiina. It’s been a while, Es-kun. I missed you…”
02 - “You didn’t forgive me, huh… Does this mean that my love is a sin? Does this mean that my life has no meaning? Well, I already knew that though… ever since that day…”
03 - “[I got] these injuries while you [Es] were sleeping… I think it was Kotoko-chan, probably. If Shidou-san hadn’t helped me, I would’ve probably died. …It doesn’t hurt! Compared to the knowledge that you couldn’t forgive me… not at all…”
04 - “The whole time, I heard voices that were doubting and accusing me. I always believed that love could win over anything, but… it’s tough knowing that you’re not wanted, isn’t it? Haha…”
05 - “Spending my time at Milgram, I’ve really grown to love everyone here. I love you as well, Es-kun! But… me loving people can’t be forgiven, right…?”
01 - “Morning. …Haha, you’re the type to space out after waking up, huh, warden-san? I’m Kazui Mukuhara. Remember me now?”
02 - “I was… forgiven by you, is that right? I feel somewhat conflicted about that… No, I wonder, maybe I’m just saying that out of concern for my own status.”
03 - “I myself haven’t really changed at all. Yuzuriha-chan ended up attacking some of the other inmates. I managed to protect Fuuta, but with Shiina-chan, I didn’t make it [in time]... [She (Kotoko) / I] did a terrible thing.” (T/N: Kazui uses no personal pronouns in the last sentence, so it’s unclear whether he’s condemning Kotoko’s actions or blaming himself for not being able to intervene fast enough)
04 - “I’m sure I’m just a very good liar. Ah, it’s alright, I’m sure you’ll uncover my lies next time. When that time comes, I’ll accept any thoughts and sentiments of yours with open arms.”
05 - “I don’t know what Milgram aims to do, but I will make sure to stop any fights to the best of my physical abilities. Ah, this isn’t me trying to give you a reason to forgive me, though.”
01 - “Amane Momose. Don’t let me down any more [than you already have].”
02 - “You chose not to forgive me, yes? If you don’t reevaluate your judgement, we will not be able to forgive you, either.”
03 - “Kirisaki Shidou… His actions go against our taboos [/rules]. I gave him a warning, but if he continues, I’ll have no choice but to take action myself. If you don’t want that to happen, you’ll have to stop me. You’ll be able to do that - right?”
04 - “Seriously… even though I had such high expectations of you. You’re anything but understanding.”
05 - “All of us… and all of Milgram couldn’t reach a compromise.(?) Milgram is an unjust world. However… we will forgive it for now. We’re kind, after all. Take your time to give it some thought.”
01 - “Ah, warden-kun… It’s been a while. …Ouch, my head hurts…”
02 - “So I wasn’t forgiven, huh? This is mean, seriously. I’ve been telling you [the whole time] that I haven’t done anything. I hate this…”(?)
03 - “Somehow, my whole body hurts… I feel worn out, and my memory is missing [/ foggy?] in places. Well… I’ve experienced that before every now and then, but I feel like it’s been getting more frequent.”
04 - “It’s just so much that I don’t understand. Honestly. Why do I have to face this kind of fate…? I can’t do this.”
05 - "Oi, warden brat. Don't make me (ore) deal with any more stress than this. If it's to protect me (boku), I (ore) will do anything." (T/N: he switches between pronouns here)
01 - “Good morning, Es. I’m Kotoko Yuzuriha, your fang.”
02 - “Heh. As expected, you wanted us to work together, huh? I’ll be answering to your resolve and your expectations. With all the strength I have.”
03 - “I gave the prisoners that you didn’t forgive what they deserved. Going along with Milgram’s system, I didn’t go all-out yet. I figured you’d need some more time to think about it too. …What’s with that face?”
04 - “I did tell you to follow your intuition and that I’d leave things to you, but you’re really going easy on them. I think I would’ve forgiven less people. Hmph, if only I was the warden [in this place]... Well, no ill feelings, I guess.”
05 - “I’ll hold still for now and wait for your next judgment. I’ll make my move after that. Don’t worry. I’m on your side. Together, let’s punish anyone who has committed unforgivable evil!”
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headkiss · 2 years
For fall themed requests, I would love love love something in a corn maze with Eddie?! Like maybe he’s just teasing you and scaring you all the time Bc he knows you hates/loves it. Teasing and giggly Eddie is the way to my heart 🥺🥺🥺
thank you for requesting! | 0.7k words, reader
The fresh smell of fall and the breeze that comes with it fills your nostrils as you approach the corn maze with Eddie. He made it seem like you had to drag him there, even though you know he’s just as much of a sucker for the classic fall activities as you are.
Your joint hands swing between you as you walk up to the entrance, Eddie paying before you can and kissing away the pout on your face when you realize he did.
Not many people expected Eddie Munson to be the type to go on cute, cliche dates like this. Then again, not many people knew him the way you did.
As you entered the maze, he smiled that grin of his and said, “should we make this a race?”
You know he was only joking, but you whined anyways, “no! You can't leave me all alone in here, Eds.”
”Yeah I know,” he let go of your hand only to sling his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into him and pressing a kiss to your head, “my baby’s a scaredy-cat.”
When you go to protest, he fixes you with a look that says, ‘really?’ You huff, briefly hug his waist under his jacket, and let him lead you further into the maze.
Eddie’s both a great and horrible partner for this activity, you find. He’s sweet in the way he holds your hand the whole way, how he lets you squeeze it when you’re convinced the rustling seems to be caused by something other than the wind. He’s awful though, because he scares you every single chance he gets.
He’ll do the classic ‘what’s over there,’ and then yell ‘boo,’ into your ear while you’re distracted. He uses his free arm to pinch your side and then act like he has no idea where it came from. You don’t know what’s worse, the way you fall for it every time or the proud grin that overtakes his pretty face when he’s successful.
Eddie loves scaring you. Maybe it’s because he’s Eddie and that’s just who he is, or, maybe it’s because you cling tighter to him when he does, push yourself closer. He thinks that it’s nice to be trusted to protect you from the non-existent dangers of the corn maze.
His best scare comes when you’ve found the scarecrow set up in the maze, standing tall and beat up from the Hawkins weather. Faded clothes from the constant sunlight and its arms slightly lopsided.
He lets go of your hand to point at something, something that isn’t even there.
“Eddie! I’m not falling for that again,” you turn to look at him but he’s gone.
Your heart beats quicker, your stomach dropping like it does on a rollercoaster. You try to walk in the direction you came from to find him, but you have no luck. Damn this boy and his love of scaring people.
“Eds! You got me! You can come out now!”
He doesn't respond, which spooks you even more.
Eddie, however, is giggling to himself from behind the rows of corn, peeking through the gaps to see you. You’re cute, and he almost feels bad for what he’s about to do. Almost.
Before you can process the loud movement in the field, strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, lifting you off the ground and causing you to scream. You quiet down when you get a glimpse of the hands holding you.
The rings adorning the fingers and the tattoos that peek out of his sleeve.
“Damn it, Eddie,” you huff as he puts you down, spinning you with his hands on your waist so you’re facing him. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Sorry, sweets,” his smile tells you he’s not sorry at all. “Got you good, though.”
You lean forward, letting your forehead fall against his chest to hide your slight embarrassment from him. You know there’s nothing to really be shy about—Eddie’s never done anything to make you feel bad—but you wished you weren’t so gullible.
“You’re a meanie, Eds.”
“Hey,” he drags out the word. “I’m done now, promise.”
He pushes you back by your shoulders so you’re standing straight again, looking at him. He holds out his pinky.
You take it with yours, and you know he takes his pinky promises seriously.
“A kiss to seal the deal?”
“Dunno if you deserve one, Eds.”
“Awe c’mon! I’ll make it up to you,” he holds your chin between his fingers. “We’ll get some apple cider and then go home and snuggle with a scary movie marathon, how about?”
It’s hard not to give in when the idea sounds so good. You let him kiss you, of course.
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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hanasnx · 3 months
long distance bf indy thoughhh🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
you’re visiting him after two months of not seeing eachother. two dreadful months without him. without his cock. sure, you facetimed him and you would touch yourself as he degrades you, but your fingers weren’t nearly as good as the feeling of his long, thick cock thrusting into your wet cunt. When he flew over to your city and met you at your apartment, it wasn’t long until he had you face down, ass up on the bed, as his cock is pounding into you.
“huh, sweet girl, you missed this dick, didn’t you?” he says, his lips pressed up against your sweaty neck.
“mhm! m-missed it so much, daddy!” you pathetically moan. indy chuckles at this, only pounding into you harder. his tip kisses your cervix every thrust, drawing sweet moans out of your mouth.
“Bet you touched yourself thinking about this moment, didn’t you? god, your fingers just weren’t enough, huh?” he taunts. you whine at this, arching your hips up further to meet his deep thrusts. “Never gonna let you go this long without me again, never.” indy promises.
“maybe i’ll knock you up just so i have an excuse to see you more.” you nodded eagerly at indy’s remark, knowing that he will do it. he reaches down and rubs your clit aggressively, “need to feel you squirt on this dick, baby. it’s been too long—“ his words are cut off by your loud moan, as you squirt all over his thick cock.
“thaaats it, princess. such a good girl.” he says. he thrusts into you a few more times before spilling his seed into your now incredibly sore cunt.
you look down as he pulls out, seeing his and your cum spilling out of you. before you can even process this, he shoves his fingers into your cunt, using them as a plug to keep his cum inside or you. “cant let any of it go to waste, can we sweetheart?”
i remember i saw the top bit in the lil window of my notifs and i was immediately excited to read. i was right to be excited. the idea of you waiting for me? two whole awful neglectful months without your daddy around? thats crazy hot, tf. like you poor poor thing. youre gonna be nothing when im done with you
"it wasn’t long until he had you face down, ass up on the bed," “huh, sweet girl, you missed this dick, didn’t you?” god thats gorgeous
the bit about fingers not being long enough, youll never go that long without me again-never, the knock-up bit, the squirting on the dick??? that shit got me kneading the blanket like a damn cat. "thaats it, princess." me (real).
loved this one chilinon you killed it. love the emoji choice
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yankstrash · 3 months
THAT WAS SOOOOO GOOD WE NEED PT. 2 groveling gabe !!!
part 1 here!
to say that meels was upset with gabe would be an understatement
he had never snapped at her before
her sweet, kind, gentle gabriel
amelia knew why gabe was upset and frustrated, but that gave him no right to take it out on her, especially when all she was trying to do was help and make him feel better
she left his apartment that night and spoke not a word to him until the next day
gabe felt awful about snapping at her; he regretted his words the second they left his mouth
but he knows his girl; she's stubborn, she's difficult and she can hold a grudge when she wants to
so he knew he wouldn't be hearing from her for the rest of the night
and he knew he probably wouldn't hear from her until he personally gave her an apology
which is exactly what he is doing now
gabe wasted not a second the next morning getting meels favorite starbucks drink before heading over to her place, prepared to beg on his knees for forgiveness
when she opened her door and saw him standing there, she frowned and rolled her eyes
"it's early."
"i'm sorry."
"i'm tired."
"i'm sorry."
"i heard you the first time."
amelia headed back to her bed and gabe followed her, closing her door behind him
"well, i am.." he says as he holds her starbucks drink out for her
she eyes the cup before giving gabe a look
he knows that look
he nods as he sets her drink down on her nightstand
grafting time.
"i didn't mean to be an ass yesterday." he says
"but you were."
he nods, "i know baby, i'm sorry. i'm really, really sorry."
amelia sighs, "you know i was only trying to help, right? i know you're mopey because you can't play and respectfully so, but it isn't the end of the world and it doesn't give you the right to talk to me the way that you did."
"i know."
"then why did you do it?" she asks as she crosses her arms
"it just.. came out. that's no excuse but it's all i've got."
"well you're going to have to do better than that."
"with you, yeah, i know."
"you think that's helping, gabe?"
keep digging yourself a bigger hole, buddy.
"no.." gabes cheeks burn a bit "i- i just- i'm sorry, meels. i don't know what else to say. i'm sorry i snapped at you, i know you were only trying to help and you've been there for me through this whole shitty process, so i'm sorry i took my frustrations out on you. you didn't deserve it and i wish i could take it back. i wish i could take it back baby but i can't.. but it'll never happen again."
amelia stays silent for a few moments
"damn right it won't happen again. it better not happen again, gabe."
"it won't, i promise. i promise you, baby." he says as he sits next to her
she looks at him with sad eyes
"i was just trying to cheer you up." she says softly
gabes heart aches at her words and facial expression
"i know baby, i'm sorry." he says as he pulls her into him "i'm a jerk."
"yeah.. you are."
gabe laughs lightly at her words
"never again." he says
"never again." she repeats "or i will sell every single one of your essentials hoodies and your eras tour ticket."
"now i can't have that happening now can i, meels?"
"nope." she says as she grabs her starbucks drink
"morning starbs.. typical gabriel." she says as she takes a sip
"your favorite, baby. i'm sorry, i love you."
"mhm," she brings the cup up to her lips "you better."
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ego-osbourne · 5 months
2023 Art Roundup
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(These aren’t entirely indicative of when I posted them, but when I actually finished them.)
These are some of my biggest/favorite projects through each month!
Piece details + Mod-posting below!
JAN - Asteía ; This was one of my first projects of the year that dealt with lighting, and additionally light from multiple sources! I also remember experimenting with backgrounds and how to make a character pop against a semi-detailed background without making them get lost in the piece.
FEB - Mora and Ego ; This was a good project on figuring out how to fill empty space while still keeping the atmosphere of a piece. It was also good perspective practice!
MAR - Sanguine and Ego ; Though I’m no longer too happy with the proportions or lighting of this piece, I still remember having a blast with it. Hearing feedback about them holding hands and Sanguine’s ear getting squished are very fun memories for me.
APR - Miraak and Ego ; This might be my favorite project of the whole year! Though I know I can do backgrounds better now, I remember being pretty confident and happy during the whole process! I think the motion/lighting/effects all came out very well :] ALSO it was the first piece I did with expressive masks for Miraak and Ego! Wahoo!
MAY - Mora and Ego (again) ; Though the last one was my personal favorite, I heard from a couple of friends that THIS was their favorite. Though a pain in the ASS to do, I’m especially happy with all the texture effects. This was also me experimenting with Mora’s design!
JUN - Erandur ; Not a particularly complicated/difficult piece, but one that was simply pure fun. Had a blast with lighting effects and atmosphere. It was also a good break from the family trip I was taking at the same time ,:]
JUL - Dagon ; Specifically his revamp! This was my first successful attempt at a (very) muscular body type that I liked! In fact, over the course of the year I’ve been pretty proud of my progress of expanding on body types. This one especially, though, was just very fun!
AUG - Iren and Rakell ; My first dive into a colored + shaded animatic (animation? It’s awful choppy lol)! FAR from perfect, but I was (and still am) so happy with the outcome. I particularly remember enjoying figuring out lines of movement and sound effects for the video.
SEP - Sanguine ; My first (and still only, though hopefully not for long) attempt at making Sanguine intimidating. I think this one is going in the right direction! As far as effects go, I actually had a very tough time with things because of a few layer-merging mishaps, but the final product was well-received!
OCT - The Warden ; After many-a night on Minecraft with friends, I realized just how much I loved the warden, and HAD to draw them. Redesigning characters is one of my absolute favorite things to do, especially when taking minimal details and expanding on them! They were super fun all around.
NOV - Miraak, Serana, Ego, and Ancano ; I’d been meaning to draw the siblings being siblings for a while now, but putting them all on one canvas was more than a little intimidating. I was so happy to have it done, though, and I kinda love seeing their colors clash together.
DEC - Sanguine (again) ; After not drawing him for so long, it was a blast doing so. The moment I was back home for winter break, I was ECSTATIC to get to work on this piece. #1 blorbo
This year has been an absolute ride.
I became a mod and then co-owner of the TES server that got me into making TDI and have made some really tight friendships over there (genuinely, anyone reading this who is/was in the cult server, I’m so damn happy to know you).
I’ve done some intense progress on TDI, and even though I didn’t QUITE accomplish my New Years Resolution of posting Ch. 1 this year, hopefully you can understand the drawbacks considering I am… //checks notes/// 70+ chapters in and still going.
I’m in college! Have been for a hot second now, but I’ve been working towards a ministry degree, and have future plans of getting a PhD after my bachelor’s so I can teach at a college level! I don’t think I talk a lot about my irl happenings, but hopefully that gives you an idea of why I might be a liiittle busy when it comes to writing. Ministry is an unforgiving degree when it comes to papers and meetings.
As earlier mentioned, I’ve learned how to do different body types, and am trying to find a good balance between shape language and inclusivity when it comes to bodies! I am… still struggling with feminine anatomy! Admittedly! But I’m willing to keep trying ,:]
And, overall, I (certainly hope I have) improved on my art. I have a much better sense of face shapes, line weights, and consistent details than I did at the beginning of the year. Always learning, but always improving, too!
I hope your year has gone well! Thank you so very much for checking out my blog. Tumblr has been a wonderful thing to get into and has led me to a lot of wonderful people. See you in the new year!
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arlathvhenan · 9 months
What Exactly Is Fen’Harel?
Something I think about a lot is a quote from Weekes about their writing process, particularly when it comes to twists and foreshadowing. It basically went like this:
“The best twist is one that was staring you in the face the whole time.”
Pretty much every thing we know about Solas so far—his dialogue, his abilities, his knowledge of The Fade and Spirits, that Fen’Harel’s ‘natural home’ is said to be The Fade, Cole’s comments about him, his relationship with Cole in general, that he values Wisdom above all else—points to the fact that he was most likely a Spirit once.
All of that has been staring us in the face. But that’s not the end of it. Because do you know what else has been staring us in the face.
A big ass mutant wolf monster with six eyes.
I’ve spoken on my old blog about this theory, but I think it’s pretty damn likely that Solas is a Demon. We got a lot of new information in Inquisition about what Demons really are and how they become demons.
There’s Cole, who was a Spirit of Compassion until a deeply traumatic experience warped him into a wrong version of himself.
Then of course there was the Spirit from Faded For Her. That was a Wisdom Spirit which, like Cole, became a demon when something so horrific and awful happened to it and left it broken. That’s when it became a demon.
Again, regardless of your feelings towards the character, you can’t deny that Solas isn’t supremely fucked up on the inside by literal centuries of trauma and pain. There’s no telling what the catalyst was, but at some point very long ago, something broke him so profoundly that it left him fundamentally changed, and that’s when he became what he is now, or at the very least it’s where the change began.
That brings me back to Faded For Her. You may or may not already know, but the full title of Solas’ personal quest is an anagram of ‘Dreadwolf Fen’Harel.’ Considering Weekes loves them some foreshadowing—and is damn good at it—I think it was more than just a cheeky Easter egg. Maybe this is reaching by I think Faded For Her doesn’t just points to his identity as Fen’Harel, I think it may be the story of how he became Fen’Harel.
If that’s the case than his story essentially goes like this:
In ancient times, there was an exceptionally powerful Spirit of Wisdom. One day that Spirit was summoned and bound by someone who commanded it to do things that so traumatized it, it was corrupted into a Demon. When corrupted, Spirits of Wisdom become Pride Demons, and so this event is when the Spirit took the name Solas—literally the Elvhen word for Pride.
All of this took place long before the Veil. We know that The Evanuris were not gods, but mages who rose to the status of godhood after victory in some monumental war. This was likely the war with The Forgotten Ones.
We don’t know much about The Forgotten Ones, but there’s been fragments of information that form the outline of an interesting picture:
1–They we’re opposed and eventually defeated by The Evanuris
2–Fan’Harel is included among the ranks of both The Evanuris and The Forgotten Ones.
3–There are exactly eight Evanuris if you exclude Fen’Harel, and exactly eight Forgotten Ones if you include him.
4–The tale ‘Fen’Harel And The Tree’ features The Forgotten One called Anaris, who wants revenge for some kind of betrayal.
So with all this in mind, let’s look at Fen’Harel’s story again:
He was one of The Forgotten Ones, a pantheon that predated The Evanuris. These Forgotten Ones were ancient and powerful Spirits who ruled over and protected The Fade. When The Evanuris waged war on them, one of them summoned the spirit who would later become Fen’Harel, enslaved him, and forced him to betray his own kind. His people. He was given a rank among their armies and told to destroy everyone and everything he’d once existed to protect. This was the great trauma that twisted him into the demonic figure known as Fen’Harel.
Solas doesn’t consider himself to have much in common with The Elves because he never truly was one. He doesn’t consider them his people because they aren’t. And he isn’t trying to restore their world, because that isn’t the one worth saving.
His people are Spirits, and it’s their world he means to restore. The world of his time wasn’t Arlathan or Elvhenan or anything the Elves built. Their world was Thedas—all of Thedas—before the Veil split it in two.
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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BREAKING POINT: PT 7 - After Party
Pairing: Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Vomit, Talk of Sexual Assault, Drinking, Swearing, Alcohol Aversion
Contains: College AU. Kiri plays hockey. Hurt/Comfort. As said above, sexual assault is talked about, if this makes you uncomfortable, please proceed with caution! Reader does not drink!
Summary: The part following the team's away win should've been fun, but an innocent mistake makes the whole night go awry, and some truths come spilling out.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Tag List: @sleepynaya, @kenmakai, @ace-of-books, @swirrley, @silverhairsimp, @weebaboobs, @meggsngrits @requi-escence, @thepuckishrogue, @moon-soul
A/N: I did it. Hehe. FINALLY. This particular chapter has taken me an unbearable amount of time to get through but we're finally here, folks. This one took a whole lot out of me to write and, I'm afraid the next one isn't gonna be a whole lot easier but I've already started to work on it! But, without further ado, enjoy part seven, everyone ♡
Word Count: 3,935
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Over the course of the season thus far, the team had thrown a couple house parties to celebrate their wins. You expected this one to be similar, but when you arrived, it appeared the guest list had damn near doubled. People were gathered on Mirio and Tamaki’s front porch, and the door was wide open with loud music pouring out. 
Dancing was taking place in the living room, tables and sofas pushed far out of the way, leaving plenty of room for people to move about. You skillfully maneuvered around the edge of the makeshift dance floor, waving at the few familiar faces, and kept looking for one redhead in particular. 
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You really weren’t too surprised to find Eijiro in the kitchen, red cup in hand, and talking to the pretty girl who’d come up to him and Katsuki early that morning at breakfast. You gave them space, just like you did when she’d bring him baked goods before games and asked to be his partner in labs. He never really talked much about her, but no matter what Mina said or how many times she told you how much closer you were to him than this woman was, you couldn’t help but feel there might be something more between them. 
It was a feeling that didn’t settle well in your chest, so you grabbed a cup and filled it from a pitcher labeled ‘Juice’ and headed off to find anyone else you knew. Your eyes landed on Denki first, fiddling with a playlist on his phone to keep the music going. “Hey! Ya made it!” He slung an arm around you. “You’ve got good taste in music. This playlist’s almost up; pick a new one.” 
He had a couple already selected for you to choose from, all of which gave off similar upbeat vibes. You ran through the featured artists on each of them, “This one.” 
“Good choice, good choice.” He lined it all up and then plugged it back in before taking you by your free hand and pulling you right out onto the dance floor. He spun you around and, with his hands on your waist, guided you right to where Hanta and Mina were. 
“You’re here!” Mina squeaked and tossed her arms around you, nearly spilling both your drinks in the process. They wasted no time making space for you in their little group, the four of you jumping to the beat as one song morphed into the next. 
You took a sip of the drink, thinking it’d be something refreshing to cool you down, but the juice you grabbed tasted… horrible. Like, downright awful. And the way your face scrunched up clearly made that known. 
“What is it?” Hanta asked. 
Your stomach twisted. “I think– oh, man– I think that juice is expired or something. It tastes awful.” You passed the cup over to Mina and she tried it next while you started to feel just a smidge ill. She licked her lips a little and thoughtfully tasted it. 
“No, babe, this is just standard jungle juice. You might not like the alcohol that they threw in.” 
With no warning at all, it felt like the floor had given way beneath you. Your stomach churning in an instant. “Alcohol?” You muttered weakly. 
She nodded. “Yup. Rum, schnapps, and a few wines, I think– Hey! Where ya goin’!?” 
“Damn, never knew she couldn’t handle her alcohol…” You barely even heard what Hanta had said. Bile was inching up your throat. You could feel it and knew what was going to happen. You ran through the kitchen, “Y/N!” Eijiro’s voice didn’t even register. The bathroom door was locked, and you couldn’t wait. Tossing open the back door instead, you barely made it into the grass before spilling the contents of your stomach out in the yard. 
Gods, you were so thankful everyone was still gathered inside or out front. There was no one to witness this mess. Except the heavy footfalls racing across the deck and over to where you were doubled over. “The hell happ– O– oh– okay.” You heaved again, and Eijrio gathered your hair up for you. “‘S alright. Let it out.” You were so fucking embarrassed. “That’s it…” He rubbed broad circles against your back until you were just panting, trying to catch your breath. 
This really couldn’t get any worse… or so you thought.
“Kiri!” A shrill voice called, “Come back inside! I wanna dance!” 
And you wanted to vomit all over again. “Can’t right now, Mari. ‘M busy!” 
There was a little huff, “But we were having fun!”
Something you rarely heard crept out in Eijiro’s tone as he reiterated, “I can’t. I’m busy.”
She tried coaxing him again, but he just ignored her now, and about a minute later, you heard the door open and close again, and then another round of vomit came. The grass was torn up from how tight your fingers dug into the wet earth; it sept into your jeans, making both your knees freezing cold. 
“‘M sorry, Ei.” You whimpered when you could. 
“Don’t be. It’s really alright. Take as much time as you need.” 
The door opened again, and you prepared yourself to hear Mari’s demanding tone, but a much more welcomed one touched your ears instead. “Y/N, oh fuck, babe…” You looked up and, through bleary eyes, saw Itsuka’s copper hair coming down the steps towards you. “What happened?” 
“I dunno, really. I wasn’t with her.” Eijiro admitted, “I think she just drank too much.” 
Itsuka shook her head. “That’s not possible. Y/N doesn’t drink.” 
Eijiro opened his mouth like he was going to say something but shut it again as he took a second to think. “Wait… you’re right. I’ve never seen you drink any kind of alcohol.” 
“That’s because she has an aversion to it. Sweetie, did someone give you something?” 
You shook your head and explained how you’d done it to yourself by mistake. “Got it. Think ya can stand? Lemme get you home.” 
With Eijiro’s help, you were able to get back on your feet though your knees did feel significantly more wobbly than before. “You– you just got here though, Suka. I can make it home, promise.” 
“Absolutely not. If anything, I can get you situated back home and come back here if I really want to.” 
“Or I can just getcha home?” The both of you looked up at Eijiro but didn’t say much of anything. “We literally have these parties after every game, missing one isn’t a big deal for me at all. Suka, you and Tet never really get nights out like this. You should enjoy it.” 
She looked hesitant, and you knew it wasn’t because she didn’t trust Eijiro to get you home but because she didn’t want to leave you alone. “Wanna at least walk back with us?” You offered, and she nodded her head. 
Just a couple of seconds later, Eijiro knelt to the ground with his back towards you, “Hop on.” 
Normally, you would’ve protested. Insisted that you could walk just fine on your own. But the world was still spinning far more than it should’ve been, so you wrapped your arms around him, and he stood back up, locking his hands under your legs. “Damn, have you always been this tall?” You muttered, and all he could do was laugh. “Hey, you sure Mari is gonna be alright with you leavin’? Should you tell her or something?” 
“It doesn’t really matter what she thinks, and no, I don’t need to tell her anything. We were just talkin’ was all.” 
He didn’t carry you through the house but rather around it and then down the sidewalk, starting the trip back to your apartment, and it wasn’t long after that he started asking the questions you knew were bound to come. 
“So, you have an aversion to alcohol…? Did you get sick off it?” 
You swallowed thickly because even though you knew he’d ask, talking about it still wasn’t easy. “Ei… don’t.” Itsuka tried to avoid the conversation, but maybe it’d be better if Itsuka wasn’t the only one who knew what happened to you. And you were around Eijiro a lot, it kinda made sense. 
“Suka… can you tell him?” 
Her teal eyes met yours. “You want me to tell him? All of it? The whole thing?” 
Shock and concern were evident in her tone and the widening of her eyes when you nodded your head. 
“Um… alright.” She took a deep breath, “So, there was this party our senior year of high school, like the party of the year. We all decided to go as a group and just take an uber home if things got too wild. Y/N hadn’t really drank before that night, and she only had one when we got there. The night went on, and this guy who graduated a few years before us started really flirting with Y/N. It seemed harmless to us, but he kept pushing things, and we didn’t know about it,” 
It was then that you burrowed into the back of Eijiro’s neck, hating that you didn’t speak up sooner or go find them that night. Things could’ve been so different if you had. 
“He kept giving her drinks, telling her she’d enjoy the night more if only she loosened up. Then he convinced her to go on an ice run. He got her alone in a car, and that was when Y/N realized just how much he had, that he shouldn’t be driving.” Eijiro’s hands flexed anxiously below you. “She said she told him not to go anywhere, that someone more sober should. He agreed but then told her they should do something else while they were alone in the car.” 
Itsuka took a long pause, looking at you like she wasn’t sure if she should keep going. When you didn’t stop her, she pressed on but, for your sake, kept the details of this part as vague as possible. Eijiro didn’t need specifics. “He tried to force himself on her. She was hurt but managed to hit him with a bottle he had in the car and got out before anything real fucking messed up happened. We found her shortly after that.” 
“I haven’t been able to drink alcohol since that night. Even thinking about it can make me puke sometimes.” You explained. 
Eijiro was quiet for about a block, letting the story sink in, and then very casually inquired,  “So, uh, where is this guy now?” 
“Jail, thank fuck.” Itsuka proudly told him. “Right where he belongs!” 
“He was arrested for a DUI a couple months after the assault.”
“That’s good, real good,” He mumbled, and his thumbs rubbed gently against your legs. 
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Did you even realize you were shaking? Eijiro could feel the way you trembled, and he wished like hell he could’ve held you closer. Was it from the cold, being sick, or the story Itsuka told? Some combination of the three? He wasn’t capable of thinking about anything else the rest of the way to your apartment. 
How had he not known you went through that! There was no way he could’ve. Logically, he knew that, but it didn’t stop him from feeling this guilt build in his chest that there was nothing he could do to help. Or the rage burning in his chest, hatred for this faceless, nameless pitiful excuse for a man. 
But then you settled against him again, warm breath fanning over his neck, and he decided he’d just be thankful that you were okay now. That you were here with them now. Because gods wouldn’t be able to help the sorry bastard who attempted to pull that shit on you now that he’s around. 
Ten minutes later, Itsuka had unlocked the apartment, and Eijiro carried you all the way back to the bathroom, where Itsuka already had the water running. 
He knew he could’ve headed back to the party, but he opted to wait in your living room instead, wanting to make sure you were okay. It didn’t matter that it was nearly an hour later until he saw you again or that he was pretty sure he heard you crying with Itsuka once the shower shut off; he waited nonetheless. 
When you did come back to the living room, your cheeks looked slightly puffy, your eyes a little red, your hair was wet, and you were in a hoodie that he definitely knew was his. You walked right up to him when he stood from the sofa and wrapped your arms around his middle. 
“Thanks for everything, Eiji.” 
“You don’t have t’thank me at all.”
You looked up at him with a crooked smile. It didn’t reach your eyes like usual, and that made everything so much worse. “Have fun at the party, okay? You deserve it.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t really think I’m gonna stick around once I walk Itsuka back… could I come over here? We could catch up on our show instead?” 
It’d be fine if you told him no. He would completely understand if you needed time to be alone, but he started to feel a little better when you nodded your head. “If you’re sure that’s whatcha wanna do.” 
“‘M positive.” 
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“You look like you wanna say or ask something, Ei. Spit it out.” Itsuka always knew when he had something on his mind, he could never hide it from her. 
“What did you mean by, ‘real fucking messed up’? How… how far did–” 
“That doesn’t matter, Ei.” He recoiled a bit, feeling guilty for even asking, “He got far enough that she vomits when she tastes alcohol, and gets queasy when she even thinks of drinking. For months she wouldn’t ride alone in a car with a guy. She still rarely does,” He couldn’t help but suddenly recall all the times you’ve been in the jeep with just him, this morning included, “Yeah, you should consider yourself pretty lucky.” She finally took a breath, “If she wants to tell you the particulars, she will, but don’t count on it. She barely talks about that night, ever.” 
He nodded slowly. “Why didn’t she say anything at all though? She could’ve just told us she doesn’t drink…” 
“Probably for the same reason you haven’t told her the fucked up shit Monoma did to you…” 
He stopped and held an arm out, blocking her path. “Whoa! Those situations are entirely different!” 
Itsuka shrugged. “The situations aren’t the same, but the reasons you don’t talk about them are pretty similar:” And then she ticked them off on her fingers. “You feel hate and anger about what he did, and so does she. You’re embarrassed by the situation, and so is she, even though neither of you has a reason to be. You think if you tell people, they’re gonna judge you and treat you differently, and so does she.”
He couldn’t even argue with her because everything she said was true. And it sucked so much more to know you felt all those same terrible feelings that he tries with all his might to keep hidden so deep down within him. 
“She let you know about one of the darkest times in her life…” She patted his chest, “maybe it’s time to think about telling her yours.” 
That was easier said than done though. Of course, the difference was their little group of friends all knew about what happened to him. Monoma tormented all of them, he just happened to take a particular interest in making Eijiro’s life a living hell. 
The whole walk back from the party (again), he thought about what Itsuka had said. Maybe he could tell you. There was really nothing to be afraid of. He knew you wouldn’t judge him for it, and he might even be able to protect you from whatever little game Monoma was playing… if he was playing one. It had been a few years, the man could’ve finally grown up, but that still didn’t change what he’d done. At least, if you had all the information, you could take all the facts and make the decision to befriend him or not. 
Yeah, he’d find a time to tell you. Not tonight though. You had way too much happen for him to dredge up his own drama tonight. 
On his way, he stopped at the convenience store. Stocked up on a hearty supply of your favorite drinks and snacks, as well as some plain crackers and ginger ale, just in case your stomach was still uneasy. 
When he got back though, he didn’t make it up the steps. He saw you sitting in the little courtyard that was actually quiet for once. 
“Y/N…” He called quietly, not wanting to startle you, but you kept your head tipped up, looking at an inky sky with stars sewn into it. You look so damn peaceful, lost in your own little world. “Babe?” He tried this time, and you look back over your shoulder at him. “Whatcha doin’ out here?” As he took a couple steps closer, he could see the tear streaks drying down your cheeks in the bright moonlight, and it made him rush to you. 
“The chilly air feels kinda good.” Your voice still sounded small and tired. 
“Awe, babe…” You stayed sitting in the chair, and he wrapped his arms around you tight. “‘M sorry.” 
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” Your chin rested on his stomach so you were able to look up at him just like earlier, but this time he didn’t think before cupping your face in his hands and brushing away the few tears that spilled over when your eyes closed. 
He knew he had nothing to apologize for, but he still hated seeing you in pain, knowing you were hurting. That’s when he remembered there was something he could do to take your mind off things, at least for a little while. 
“Wanna sit out here for a little longer or head inside?” His hoodie was warm, but under it, you just had a pair of sleep shorts on and these plastic chairs had to be freezing cold. “The cold might feel good, but Itsuka will kill me if I letcha stay out here and you get sick.” 
You let out a wet chuckle and nodded. He had you walk ahead of him, setting a slow pace up the steps back up to your floor. “Why don’t you check out the snack I grabbed. I’m gonna change real fast.” 
He waited though, until your door shut before going to his own apartment. Kicking his jeans off before he got to his room and pulling on black sweats instead. He shed the flannel he’d been wearing too but kept the gray shirt knowing he’d be plenty warm in your apartment with just that. 
You opened the door for him and already had your favorite snack opened up and in hand. “You’re the best.” 
He beamed at the compliment. “Glad you approve.” 
A couple minutes later and you two were curled up on the sofa with a blanket over your laps, snacks and drinks spread out across the coffee table, and your favorite show was playing. 
Eijiro had his arm tucked around you. After last night, holding you like this, it felt like second nature to him. It was nice to just be here with you, in the quiet of the night, like this was how things were supposed to be. 
In fact, he barely even thought about the party the two of you had been at just an hour ago. It was far from his mind. He was barely thinking about anything else at all until there was a knock on your door. 
“Are you expecting anyone?” You shook your head, and he offered to get it. 
He left you bundled up on the sofa and answered the door to find three of your friends gathered around. 
“There you are!” Mina chirped, “They’re here!” She called down the hall, and Eijiro poked his head out to see Katsuki and Izuku coming out of his apartment. 
“What’re you guys doing here?” 
“We came looking for Y/N when she didn’t come back from the bathroom. And then that nitwit you’ve been hanging around said you’d been with her outside–” 
“So, we went outside,” Denki picked up, “And couldn’t find either of you. We thought maybe you came back in but nope.” 
“We tried calling, but your phone is dead,” Hanta shot Eijiro a look, “Shocker. We didn’t wanna bug Y/N since she was sick. So, we decided to come back here and try to find you guys hoping you just went home.” 
Eijiro heard you chuckling from the sofa and looked over to finally see a little bit of that spark back in your eyes. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t feeling great, so we came back here.” 
“Apparently havin’ a party of your own too.” Katsuki sassed, and Izuku elbowed him.
“We’re glad you’re okay, Y/N. We’ll get out of your hair.” 
One look and Eijiro knew exactly what you were about to offer, and he thought it was sweet. “Wanna stay? We’re just watching some tv.” 
“We wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.” Mina couldn’t even get through her sentence without giggling. 
“You’re not interrupting.” Eijiro rolled his eyes.
The group all decided to run off and get in their own comfy clothes before returning. In the meantime, you and Eijiro moved the snack table out of the way because you knew Denki was going to bring the air mattress over. Hanta came armed with a mountain of extra pillows and Mina with blankets. Katsuki raided their fridge because he insisted you get something decent in your belly. 
Everyone settled in and gathered around, laughter filling the room, and Eijiro was thrilled when you started joining in. It felt great having everyone around, and no one made any comments about the way he kept you close all night. The only thing was a sly wink from Mina when you fell asleep with your head in his lap. 
Nearly everyone else passed out too. Denki cuddled into Hanta’s back, and Katuski spread out like starfish on one of your sofas with Izuku curled up in a ball beside him. 
Before he knocked out though, he made himself get up, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to bed because after tonight, you deserved a good night’s rest and not to wake up with a stiff neck. 
He pulled back your blankets and gently set you down on the cool sheets, but before he had the chance to tuck you in, you scooted over and peeked an eye open. “Stay? Y’said you’d do it ‘gain.”
Gods, he really had said that just this morning. It felt like ages ago. Still, he hadn’t changed his mind. Not at all. So, he crawled in beside you, and unlike last night, you curled up with him right away, head resting on his chest and your leg over his. “Thank you, Ei. F’everythin’.” Your sleepy voice was quite possibly the cutest thing he’d ever heard. 
He kissed the top of your head and ran his hand up and down the length of your spine. “Of course. Sleep well, Y/N.” 
“Sweet dreams, baby.”  
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It took Eijiro about an hour to calm his heart down after hearing that, and when he did, he still just heard you calling him ‘baby’ all throughout his dreams.
Gods, was there anything better?
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A/N: Thanks for reading ♡ I'll try and be a lot quicker with updates this time around.
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Safe Adult - Andy Barclay x Reader
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Requested by Anon
" hey I was wondering if you can write one about Andy Barclay wanting to have kids with his SO please and thank you "
Quickly written on a rush of inspiration, but i hope you will enjoy the result :)
Warning: This fic implies Andy has rescued and deprogrammed Caroline.
Summary: Andy revisits his positive experiences dealing with children happening on the hunt for Chucky and realizes he wants to have kids with you.
Note: For some reason, in that pic he looks like he is having an epiphany and this is exactly what's happening on the fic.
Interactions with children were a vital part on the process of finding Chucky and despite Kyle was always the kindest, Andy noticed how many of them were spontaneously inclined towards him. Strange realization he would get in the most stressfull contexts, with a killer doll possibly after them.
Kids liked him for no damn reason, he just wanted to surveil the fighting ground and they would do anything to get his attention. At one given time, a little girl began to show him her toys before his sister could finish to introduce the excuse her parents needed for their presence. Still, it wasn't untill having Caroline arround that he began to take it seriously. That girl had enough time of being poisoned by Chucky to despise him and despite things weren't always easy, he got to win her trust. She was confortable with him and, according to Lexy, that was an accomplishment for anyone even before Chucky complicated things.
Then there was also Devon, whose blind faith in him remained a mistery that Andy couldn't solve. He never imagined he would be in the position of menthoring a teenage boy, incapable of guessing why anyone would want to emulate him. His affection and admiration were increíble, but also unexplainable. Unlike the little kids, Devon had the proper age to understand that he was a mess of a man and his life sucked.
For most part at least, since it got better with you on it. Against any of his initial predictions, you wanted to stay and your relationship had prospered regardless of the hardships. You had endured a dangerous meeting with Chucky and even after that you were patient regarding the work required on fixing the horrors he would leave behind with each appearance. Out of sudden a little girl was living with you after being rescued and you were on board with it from the start. He didn't ask if you wanted to be part of it, but he didn't have to for you to welcome the child. In fact, you were so involved that he started wondering if you weren't a little too happy with the whole thing.
Children were never a discussed milestone for the possible future of your relationship. He had never consider it before and, if you did, you had never brought it up. However, your reactions were an indication that something had changed. His weird little friend had awakened a side of you that he ignored completely and he wasn't severly alarmed by that.
More like curious, intrigued … Fascinated.
" Why are you acting like if we were her parents?" He questioned you once, ríght after observing in awe how you followed every bedtime ritual that the girl demmanded. " We don't know yet if it's going to be permanent, this is rehabilitation. Once Caroline will be clean from Chucky, she will be free to go for a normal home if she wants to. At least untill Lexy will reach the age to take over. "
You raised an eyebrow, then responded to his question with more questioning.
" Like if she could ever feel comfortable arround anyone else. Tell me this, Andy. Were you ever comfortable in any of those normal foster homes before Kyle had the age to take over?"
You had a point and he hated having to admit it, leading to complete honesty of what what happening inside his mind.
" You may be amazing at this, but I can't be a foster parent! I don't have control over my own damn life! Kids just follow me thinking that I know what i'm doing. "
" Most adults don't know what we are doing, we just pretend we do." You sweetly comforted him out of the self deprecating claim. " It's part of life, but I don't think all these children have been choosing you in vain. There must be something in you that they like: you listen to them, you make them feel understood and safe. "
Andy wasn't convinced of that, despite how flattering it sounded.
" Kyle does that a thowsand times better, so why me? "
" She didn't hear the lies, or saw her best friend in the world betray her. " You theorized out loud. " Your trauma is different and so is your way to connect with children. They relate to you, no matter how hard you try to put distance. "
Your words encouraged him in more than one aspect. Andy felt at the edge of a powerfull realization burried underneath all the layers of insecurity.
" Do you think I could ever be a good dad? "
His shy smile was a ray of hope.
" Of course I do! You would be an excellent one! And I don't say it just because I fall for you a little bit more deep with each of your safe adult stories. " You inmediately encouraged him. " You are a great man who cares so much, when you try your best you give all of you and I love you for that."
Proving your point with actions, you began to roam his face with little kisses.
" I love you, Andy. "
He enjoyed of your affections, but his mind was still focused on the topic.
" … But what if there could be someone else with us, apart from Caroline? Someone smaller and louder. "
" Did you got another Chucky head? " You teased him in return. " We have talked about that. Doll remains are only fine if the parts stay dead. "
He chuckled and pulled you even closer.
" I mean, to bring another Barclay into the world and continue the doll hunter bloodline. I have been thinking I won't live forever, but Chucky may."
Your eyes were open wide with surprise.
" Are you serious?? "
" Yes, I am. Hell, if Chucky dared to have children … Why can't I? " Andy insisted, with confident determination. " I can't do worse than him … Can I? "
You chuckled and kissed him on the lips, clinging to him with radiant happiness.
" There is nothing I would love more than starting a family with you. "
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djservo · 8 months
HELLO 😁🤭😋 in my being young hot and sexy moment i almost forgot and checking the calendar was a jumpscare! but i’m here, once again asking for your book wrap up. how was your september reading? (spoiler: mine was awful) horror on the horizon for october? awaiting the deets
always with the end-of-month jumpscares!! I feel like I've only just processed the ending of august, probably bc it was packed to the brim but STILL! crazy!! very solid reads this month, I'll give her (september) that
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Cool For You by Eileen Myles
got deja vu while reading and bc it reminded me of Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh bc they both work in medical institutions and have this similar demeanor towards work so i was like? is Eileen based on Eileen Myles?? but I enjoyed this one far more, really dug her style of writing and generally autofiction as a genre lately. it's like the best of both worlds of more intimate-feeling fiction and memoir without this fragile energy an author sometimes carries when trying to frame their life as accurately as possible. I like how experimental it can get with the form of a novel in a way I thought Myles did seamlessly like all the jumping around different stages of her life really worked for me because there was a nice rhythm to it all. plus her writing voice is just so effortlessly charming + funny + playful, she could make anything sound interesting I'm sure. one of my favorite lines:
“I was a funny and stupid girl—Jesus sliding on a banana peel in the temple."
little silly tidbits like that, I can't not smile!
I Wished by Dennis Cooper
it's crazy to me that I've only started Cooper this year because his writing is so ridiculously special to me now. I was gonna hold off on this one til I've read more of his early poetry, but I think it was actually fitting to follow up my journey with the George Miles cycle with this as it was kinda like a self-reflection on the cycle. now having read several books by him, I realize the necessity of the digesting period each one needs because of how much more I get out of them the longer I ruminate, far removed from a freshly-read state to fully comprehend the piece as a whole if that makes sense. I don't even wanna read my previous blurbs about the cycle books because, though I remember loving them instantly, I'm sure my interpretations were barely scratching the surface of what/how I feel about them now,.... I feel like i've just talked myself into a circle/I've totally lost my grip LMAO but this was very sweet and sad and funny and sad again and it's just a miracle to me how striking his writing is even with how succinct it can be. absolutely beautiful!!
Quarry by Jane White
damn these boys are fucked up !!! I won't get too deep bc a lot of my thoughts come from the climax/ending of this book and I don't wanna spoil in case you ever read, but there's a funny formality running through it all that becomes funnier with every unfolding + atrocious act. surprisingly a lot of gay + incestuous subtext going on that my friend and I kept texting each other during reading like "did I really just read that ..." there were so many layers and dynamics to pick apart, far more than either of us were expecting I think. twas a fun and twisted time and makes me excited to continue on with this theme!!
I think I mentioned before that Quarry was the start of a planned trio, so Lord of the Flies is next which I guess is sorta fitting for October. I was just remembering how I read Jekyll & Hyde last October and am debating if I wanna do another classic (eyeing Frankenstein) or maybe American Psycho finally to dip my toes into Bret Easton Ellis... unsure if I wanna be simply entertained or wholly unsettled, will maybe try and find a perfect in-between balance ⚖️
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candyfloss-esophagus · 5 months
Heyo, it's me! Not being late for once!
Okay, ask game time! (not holding back this time so get ready!)
These are all for Crying Wolf, cause I'll never be normal about it <3
(I know you've answered similar questions about the fic before, so feel free to skip those if you don't wanna answer them again <3 )
Hey, thanks for the ask!! I'm sure I have answered similar questions in the past but fortunately for you, my brain is a sieve that has been thrown over the edge of a waterfall.
☼: how i came up with the idea
I didn't actually come up with the idea all by myself, I'm part of the noirpunk discord server that regularly has little round robin fics and snippets that everyone can add onto. In its very early days, we were discussing what would happen if there were a symbiote that was virtually undetectable (and also, tangentially, what would happen if Hobie became infected) and I was so intrigued by this concept that I asked to use it in an actual fic!
☄: what the writing process was like
Arduous. Writing is like pulling teeth for me lol and Crying Wolf is certainly no outlier. I wrote chronologically whenever I had the time to sit down and think about it, but I had it vaguely planned out from the get-go. The only thing was that I added in another chapter -- chapter four was never meant to exist! I was going to shove everything that happened in chapter four and five in together but that seemed like a little much.
✄: something i deleted before the final draft
I post on a chapter by chapter basis because I'm too impatient to keep an entire wip to myself (trying to change that!) but there was going to be a scene where the symbiote was explicitly purged from Hobie. I decided not to write it because of medical semantics and how it would have made it even longer and also because my mental health was like a raft strapped together by duct tape at that point in the year.
♡: my favorite part
My favourite part is the end bit and Peter's conversation with Hobie because that was the thing that the server went into most detail about when we were cooking up the whole concept. I love thinking back to that night so much!
☠: something i found challenging
Fucking writing the damn thing lol. Motivation is very tricky for me and finishing what I start is even moreso (ta adhd!) but we got there in the end!!! As mentioned before, writing is difficult for me and I'm not actually a very good writer so trying to get it to a standard that I felt honoured what we had originally come up with in the server was definitely a challenge.
☾: how i thought people would respond to the fic
I.. didn't? Getting comments is so incredibly rare and special to me and the fact that I get so many purely because I write the most for noirpunk on ao3 is WILD.
☽: how people *actually* responded
Well they responded for a start lol. I got veritable essays on how bad I made people feel and theories for how it would progress and how well done the whole thing was and people from the server cheering me on and even one person who only investigated for the cannibalism, and were grossed out by it which is incredible. It was just a torrent of warmth and love and it was so confusing to me at the time but so important now looking back. It was an awful time for me and my life and having all those comments and responses was so special.
∞: something i wish i’d done differently
I read back on it a few days ago and it all seems so superficial to me now, so suffice to say most things and be done with it there.
★: something i’m proud to have accomplished
Just fuckin. Writing it. Finishing it. Impacting people's lives with it. That's why I write that's why I do this. And it was my first foray into more violent stuff so I'm glad I started it by diving in headfirst instead of just dipping my toes in.
Thank you for the ask! Ask game for any other fics of mine that you care to hear about is here, the fic Crying Wolf is here, and I hope you have a lovely day!!
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cf56 · 1 year
My thoughts on episode 8
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 8 of the Animaniacs reboot
Ah, time to watch another episode of Animaniacs, an episode I have definitely never seen before and definitely have not had an entire emotional breakdown over. The previews for this one got me hyped. I can't wait to see that 3D animation!
On a serious note, if you're a big fan of this episode, you probably shouldn't read this review. I'll try to avoid retreading ground I've already covered, and I'll try to keep my criticism reasonable and logical so hopefully everyone can at least see my side of things, even if you don't ultimately agree.
The episode starts off with the worst dialogue exchange ever written into Animaniacs.
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It's just as shocking and painful to watch now as it was the first time. Wakko's expression here will haunt me and bring back bad memories for years to come.
This exchange is just such an impressively perfect storm of awfulness. If you changed any one thing about it, it wouldn't be so historically atrocious. It would still be bad, but not "makes me question my Animaniacs fandom" bad. What really sends it over the top for me is how Dot reacts to Wakko coming back and being alive. If she and Yakko simply greeted him cheerfully, it would be made super clear that it was entirely a joke and they were only messing around. I'd still hate it. I just wouldn't need to write a fic to cover it up. Instead, there's just no payoff. It's played straight until the end, when Dot is actually disappointed that her brother isn't actually dead. It's so unnecessarily overbearing. I know the entire thing is supposed to be sarcasm, but like... where's the joke? What's supposed to be funny about it? Haha, we don't value our brother and would be better off without him, but we don't actually mean it! Oh no, he's not actually dead, but I'm only being sarcastically disappointed over it. You can laugh now.
You know, I actually take it back. Dot's disappointment didn't really seem sarcastic at all. It just felt mean-spirited, straight up.
They had to realize something was wrong here. They specifically made it so Wakko didn't hear or react to what his siblings were saying. At least subconsciously, they knew that if Wakko heard it, the cruelty of the whole thing would be amplified tenfold. And it was already pretty damn amplified. Wakko not hearing it doesn't make this moment any better for the characters of Yakko and Dot.
I think these Warners are the real alien imposters, not the ones we saw in episode 6. They're implanted by aliens or the studio to make poor Wakko think he isn't loved.
It's pretty funny to hear the Warners say "Jackass Monkey" so casually.
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No, Yakko, you are not technically a boomer. Baby boomers were born from 1946 to 1964. You were born in 1929, making you a member of the Silent Generation. (Ironic, isn't it?) Also, it doesn't even make a difference, since Wakko is the same age as you by that logic, and he clearly loves video games. Hey, you were the one who wanted to be technical about it.
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Lore item: I believe this is our first confirmation ever that the Warners have red blood flowing through their veins, and not just ink or nothing. So, if they bled, they would canonically bleed red. Just a thought for all you angsty fan creators out there...
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They also have real, organic organs and are not just inky blobs all the way through.
I thought the easter eggs were cool. Some folks probably didn't like them because they felt like teases for segments we never really got in the reboot, but I was fine with it.
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Slappy still in the process of giving Chicken Boo that beating two seasons later.
I thought the 3D animation looked really nice. I was genuinely super excited to see it before the episode came out, and I hoped that the main thing I'd be doing was pausing to admire the animation. Other things overshadowed that, unfortunately.
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On their own, the Wakko smells jokes would be fine. It's the kind of teasing that's in-bounds for the Warners, and this isn't the first time they've made fun of such a thing. Combined with what happened earlier, though, it just feels like the Wakko abuse keeps piling up. It feels like someone writing the episode randomly decided to choose Wakko as a target to pick on for the entire episode, and by proxy that makes it feel like Yakko and Dot randomly decided to choose Wakko as a target to pick on for the entire episode. It makes them feel like bullies. It's the total opposite of how their dynamic should be- take a few innocent jabs at your siblings, sure, but 99% of the harsh teasing should be directed outside of the group.
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On a positive note, Wakko sticking his tongue out in 3D is really cute.
"Warner Brothers has STANDARDS! Well, not artistic standards, obviously."
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Now, I said before that Yakko's apology to Wakko was a flimsy cop out, but I never went into detail on why I felt that way.
Let me be clear. If you removed the dialogue at the beginning at the episode, Yakko's apology would be a great sibling moment. I mean, reboot Yakko actually verbally expressing that he cares about Wakko? I'd be freaking out in a positive way. If it only happened after a couple jokes about Wakko's scent, it would be good.
However, taking into account everything that's happened, how Wakko has been a target to ruthlessly pick on since the instant the episode first started, the apology feels condescending and insincere to me.
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If we got to the point that sweet, oblivious Wakko actually felt the need to call out his older brother, who he idolizes, over always picking on him, you know it's already pretty bad. He even points out one of the primary issues with it- Yakko is punching down when he makes fun of Wakko. Wakko is his little sibling who he's supposed to protect and support.
Yakko then responds with the same logic a schoolyard bully uses. "Come on, can't you take a joke?" The bully says, after making a target out of this one kid for the entire schoolyear. You might call it an overreaction to compare Yakko to a bully here. For one, I'm only using an example to show why this moment doesn't hit for me. Secondly, at least I had the sense to edit out the lines where I compared him to an abuser. Thirdly, I agree. It's a tragedy that I'm comparing Yakko to a bully right now. Wakko spoke up to try to defend himself against his siblings, and Yakko's response wasn't to genuinely apologize and promise to stop doing it- it was to justify his behavior and dig in deeper. Sibling teasing is sibling teasing, but if your family member who you love has to actually come up to you and tell you point blank that it's going too far, and you refuse to see the error of your ways, that's when it's really gone too far.
The last reason this is a flimsy apology- if this is how you express your love for Wakko, because picking on him is easier than saying you care, then why don't you do the same to Dot? There's still clearly favoritism being shown here towards one sibling, which is awful. Also, it's not how you show your affection. We've seen how Yakko shows affection. We've seen it explicitly, and it's nothing like this. Go watch Wakko's Wish if you don't know what I'm talking about.
I at least appreciate that they always kept the Warners as one unit and didn't ever have them fight each other.
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I did find the echoed "d'ah"s to be funny, even as I was watching this the first time with my soul being ripped in two.
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I didn't watch Starbox and Cindy the first time around, so as far as I'm concerned this is the entire new episode for me this time. I thought it was clever how they had a battle over lights in a child's room. I thought it was sad how Starbox has been Stockholm Syndromed into loving the self-admitted scary monster.
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Through 8 episodes, there have been as many Starbox and Cindy segments as there have been Warner songs.
I feel like the Gold Warners had more potential than this. The concept of alternate copies of the Warners for the Warners to battle is interesting, but the problem is that these copies are nothing like the regular Warners. They don't talk, so you can't actually have an interesting battle of personalities that would naturally make up a Warner vs. Warner fight.
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Wakko defending Dot is a GOLDEN sibling moment. But... you know what I'm about to say. I would freak out and cherish this moment forever in almost any other context. In the context it's been given, it only makes me kind of sad. Because Wakko still has a heart of gold, Wakko still stays loyal and true to his siblings, even when they have thoroughly proven they don't deserve it. And even when Wakko steps up to defend his siblings, and ends up being the one to save the day and show them how to get out of there, they don't even mention it afterwards. They don't apologize for how they treated him. They don't thank him for saving them. If there was only some kind of payoff at the very end, it would be at least a little palatable. There just isn't. Wakko is the only Warner who comes out of this episode looking like a good sibling. It just gives me the image of my mind of Yakko and Dot as bullies to their innocent brother who loves them unconditionally despite everything they've done to him, which is not even close to how the Warners should be in reality or how they're portrayed in any other episode.
Just Ralph being a better friend to Wakko than his own siblings in this episode:
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I guess I should briefly talk about the video game characters in this episode.
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Honestly, the best part about them was their names and character designs.
In this episode, Wakko:
-Heard his sister celebrating his death
-Still happily interacted with his sibs immediately after and got them into something that makes him happy
-Sat around and took care of the tower by himself for six months while his sibs played his favorite video game, not even playing with them or being able to talk to them at all
-After Yakko and Dot came back to consciousness, Yakko immediately physically fought with him over the privilege of being player 1
-Got a lame special move compared to his siblings
-Got his smell constantly made fun of by his own siblings
-Had to call Yakko out over it and got a paper-thin "apology" as a response
-Defends his sister, despite everything, by hurting himself. This is the second time in the episode he's gotten smashed by his own mallet.
-Fights with Ralph over the remote as soon as he gets out so he can save his siblings from the game
-Does not even get a hug or a smile from his siblings once they're out due to his heroics. At least, not one we were shown.
This episode is frustrating. There's so much good about it. The animation is so cool. There are funny jokes. There are multiple great sibling moments on a level above anything else we've explicitly seen in the reboot. If only that first minute was cut completely, I would consider this a great episode. It wasn't cut, unfortunately, and it drags everything else down with it. Doesn't it almost feel like the writers of this episode put in a bunch of wholesome sibling moments, realized they didn't want to give us that much, and decided to "balance it out" with all that awfulness? If that is the case, I hate it even more. They simply don't understand what we want from these characters. Is it fair to say an entire episode is bad because of one horrible dialogue at the very start? Honestly, I don't really care. That dialogue doesn't just drag down this episode. It drags down the season, the reboot, and my entire Animaniacs fandom. I can't help how I feel.
I don't think, even after everything I've said, that you guys understand the true depth of the effect this episode has had on me. When I was first spoiled over the infamous lines, I was at a point where I was feeling more passionate over Animaniacs and writing than I had since I first started all of this. I had just finished reading a fic, Don't You Forget About Me, that destroyed me in the good, angsty kind of way. That fic is about the Warners being magically made to forget about one another. It tore me apart to read about their relationships being destroyed so easily in the fic, to see them turned against each other. When I read that spoiler, back in early January, it was like it had all come true. What meaning does it have to read about them forgetting about each other when they apparently never had much care for each other in the first place? All the deep feelings I was feeling over that fic completely disappeared, in literally an instant. I went back to read it, and I felt nothing. (Through no fault of the fic- it's still really great.) At the time, I had an angsty one shot in the works, I was getting progress on so many fics at once. Reading that spoiler killed all that passion in an instant. Put simply, if this dialogue never existed, you would have gotten about 4-5 more fanfic releases from me over the past month than you actually got. I've barely touched any of those WIPs since.
Despite all the good, I can't ever forgive this episode for what it did to me. It has been super touching to feel all the love from the fandom after I expressed my emotions over this episode. It's nice to know we're in the same boat. Even after all of that, even with all the good in this episode, if I had the option to erase it from existence completely, to make it as if it never happened, would I do it?
Yes. In a heartbeat. I'm still not sure if my fandom will recover from what this episode did to me.
If you're a defender of that dialogue, I want you to know that I respect your opinion. I also want you to know that we're simply not on the same wavelength when it comes to how we view this show and its characters. Could those lines be classified as just harmless sibling banter? Maybe in your sibling relationship, but not in mine. It's been a little insulting to me to see the few out there who have claimed that only those without siblings would take issue over these lines. I've watched 133 episodes of Animaniacs and one movie. I've dedicated half my life to this show. I can tell you that what the Warners did here is not even close to in-character for them. To me, it truly feels like Yakko and Dot were replaced by unfeeling aliens for an episode.
Was this the least entertaining episode of Animaniacs ever? Far from it. If you showed this season to someone off the street who's never seen Animaniacs, they almost certainly wouldn't rank this episode as the worst of all of them. They'd probably rank it as one of the best. 90% of it is good, after all. 5% of it is mindblowingly bad. If someone who hasn't watched Animaniacs before saw this episode and only this episode, what impression would they get of the sibling relationship between Yakko, Wakko, and Dot? To me, they'd come off as bullies to the one true-hearted member of the group, Wakko, and that's heartbreaking to think about. So, while I gave it some thought, I can't do it. I can't rank this episode anywhere other than last. I hope to God that it stays there.
My current ranking of season 3 episodes:
Episode 6
Episode 3
Episode 7
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 5
Episode 8
Feel free to add to the never-ending discussion over this episode if you want, but don't say anything about any of the episodes that come after. They're all I have left to look forward to.
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doggiewoggiez · 1 year
what is the reading list you’ve been doing
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This meme. Got reposted from 4chan to Reddit to Twitter and finally to Tumblr. I'll update this post as I read each book. Here's the complete list:
1. Goosebumps #28: The Cuckoo Clock of Doom - R.L. Stine. Very middle of the road Goosebumps book not especially good but not terrible. 6/10 dead sisters.
2. Call of the Crocodile - F. Gardner. This book is a meme on /lit/ cause the dude's batshit and is constantly trying to promote his books that are extremely poorly written. He calls himself a famous author, doesn't believe gorillas or giraffes are real, and advocates chainsmoking cigarettes to help with the writing process. This book is the funniest thing I've ever read and made me so fucking angry by being so awful. 10/10 misplaced commas.
3. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai. A semi-autobiographical story published before the author's suicide about a severely mentally ill character named Oba Yozo through his life of addiction, women, suicide attempts, and so on. An incredibly depressing read. His whole inner life is laid bare and it's disgusting and grotesque and you see yourself in him and you wish you could hold him and cry for him but even if you could you would never have the power to make anything okay. Beautiful fucking book, genuinely 100% no fucking joke changed my life. 10000/10 shitty cyberpunk adaptations.
4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky. I cried hard as fuck dude. Another life changer for reals. Dostoevsky had such a deep understanding of human nature whether it be the lowest, most base and vile instincts or the unending capacity for love and compassion that exist in us all. All while being the blueprint for like every heady crime drama like Death Note, Breaking Bad, etc. The shit all you fags like. Most people just remember it as maybe required HS reading and definitely something people are pretentious about but it 100% deserves all the love it gets. Fan fucking tastic. 100000/10 years in Siberia.
5. Becoming - Michelle Obama. A bit too heavily ghostwritten, but when Michelle's voice shows through it's not terrible, it's kind of interesting to hear the inside scoop on White House life. It's kind of sad that Barack is the most interesting part of the book, and book-Barack seems like an extremely interesting and cool guy. But the book doesn't address all his dead civilians. 5/10 drone strikes.
6. Ulysses - James Joyce. The modernist novel, from what I understand. Half retelling of the Odyssey in 1900s Ireland, half a troll on literary critics, all around a pretty damn fun read. Not very far yet. Definitely the most difficult thing I've ever tried to read. Unfinished/10 Agenbites of inwit
7. 48 Laws of Power. This is like, THE sigma bro self help book as far as I've heard. It's pretty iconic, but I'm not especially excited for it.
8. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley. We all know it and love it, I'm interested to read the OG story.
9. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition. Book from the Vatican that lays out what the church's official opinions, rules, shit like that are. Will be boring but interesting.
10. The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins. One of the biggest atheist dude books there is and probably by far the most influential. God is bad people who believe in God are stupid etc etc. Hopefully it has something interesting to say and isn't just a jerk off. It might just be a jerk off.
11. The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood. Some booktok romance schlock afaik. People make fun of it.
12. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole. All I know is it's about a guy in New Orleans in the 60s. Might be good, people seem to really like it.
13. The Art of War - Sun Tzu. Im gonna get so good at surprising my enemy.
14. Kodomo no Jikan - Kaworu Watashiya. Pure pedoslop, I don't think there's even an official English translation so we might not read it but I'm preemptively giving it 0/10.
15. The Iliad - Homer. The story of the Trojan war. All I know is Helen, Horse, and that's about it.
16. The Odyssey - Homer. It's the Odyssey. I think it's funny that it comes after Ulysses since I don't actually know the whole story of the Odyssey itself.
17. Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer - Stephen G. Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth. This is that thing they made a Netflix doc about a while back.
18. The C++ Programming Language 4th edition - Bjarne Stroustrup. Exactly what it says on the tin, by the guy who wrote the language.
19. Empress Theresa - Norman Boutin. A classic, it's a weird self-published story by a guy who's extremely unwell, usually referenced in the same way Sonichu is.
20. The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner. His most difficult to read work, about a Southern family at the beginning of the 20th century.
21. Black Future #1 - Whitney Ryan. A very racist BNWO sissification porn story that was probably written as a joke. Possible skip definite 0/10.
22. The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss. You know this.
23. The Trial - Franz Kafka. One of Kafka's most famous unfinished works, about a guy who's on trial for something and he doesn't know what.
24. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis. Supposed to be way darker and more fucked up than the movie, really supposed to chill you to the bone afaik. VERY excited for this read.
25. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon. One of those famous "Really Fucking Long And Hard Books" like Infinite Jest or Ulysses, incredibly autistic foray into WW2 rocket science. Classic Pynchonery.
26. Magick In Theory and Practice - Aleister Crowley. Thankfully it's not the entirety of Magick Liber ABA Book 4.
27. Minecraft Jokes for Kids - Steve Minecraft. Not a real book but we'll substitute Jokes For Minecrafters by the Hollow family.
28. The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther. One of the most notorious antisemitic texts, right up there with the Protocols. It's going to be a pretty apalling read but it has pretty damn significant historical value so it's probably worth reading.
29. Dianetics - L. Ron Hubbard. The scientology book. It's way longer than you'd expect.
30. Everyone Poops - Taro Gomi. I don't understand this because girls don't poop.
31. In His Own Write - John Lennon. His writing and art, mostly just a bunch of absurd bullshit. I want to remain neutral and not just hate the book because I hate the guy. We'll see if it deserves that.
32. Bear - Marian Engel. This is that Canadian novel where the woman has a romance with a bear.
33. How To Get A Girlfriend - Chad Scott Nellis. Some bullshit self published thing. I'm gonna be swimming in punani.
34. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson. Some self help schlock afaik.
35. Gabriel Dropout (vol. 3) - UKAMI. This is that cutesy manga about those angels and demons in human high school.
36. 120 Days of Sodom - Marquis De Sade. Old story of elite sex cults, I'm pretty sure it's the origin of that being like a thing that people conspiracy theory about.
37. Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel. You probably know Hegel from either Marx or Fallout New Vegas. I know Hegel because a chick at my friend's co-op talked at me about him for like ten minutes while I was way too shit faced to know what the fuck is going on around me at all but I nodded along.
38. Star Wars: The Ultimate Sticker Collection. I bought this used for a buck fifty with half the stickers gone. All the new trilogy ones were still there.
39. The Anarchist Cookbook. Vom hard at the idea of "buying" this but I want to make sure I get the version as it appears in the meme so I guess I'll drop a few bucks on it.
40. An American Life - Ronald Reagan. Practical applications for previous book.
41. Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger. Had to read this in high school, hated it, maybe it'll be better this time around.
42. Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce. An early postmodernist work about uhhh fucking whatever it was about. I'm not gonna lie if Ulysses is this hard for me this one will kill me.
43. The Charles Mingus CAT-alog for Toilet Training Your Cat. I'm not in the know when it comes to music but apparently this guy is like one of the gods of jazz. And he wrote a book on teaching your cat to shit in a people-toilet.
44. Am I Disabled? - The Simpsons S7E7. This is the book Homer reads where he learns obesity is a disability and gets really fat so he can work from home. Story of my life.
45. Serial Experiments Lain: An Omnipresence in Wired - Yoshitoshi ABe. The Lain artbook, with the short manga The Nightmare of Fabrication. Will be very expensive to get ahold of.
46. Pounded by the Pound - Chuck Tingle. We've heard enough about this guy the bit was holding onto the last molecule of funny it had like five years ago but I now had to buy a compilation paperback of his work for this.
47. Ford Capri II 2.8 & 3.0 Owners Workshop Manual 1974-1987. Had to order this from the UK couldn't find any in the US.
48. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov. We all know what this is. Of all things when my mom saw this list this was the book she pointed out as being really good, which I thought was funny.
49. Man's Life Magazine, September 1956 issue. "Weasels Ripped My Flesh." Good god it will be difficult finding the actual magazine, but the weasels story itself has been reprinted.
50. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition) - Harold Abelson et al. I like when people make anime girls have it :)
51. Shiver - Junji Ito. Never been a major Ito fan but a couple of his works I really liked are in this compilation.
52. Neon Genesis Evangelion (vol. 2) - Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. The Eva manga was really good I've actually read it before.
53. How To Avoid Huge Ships - Captain John W. Trimmer. Classic meme because I guess the cover and premise is very funny but I don't really get the joke. It's not that ridiculous sounding of a book, it's just niche.
54. Spice and Wolf (vol. 1) - Isuna Hasekura. Light novel for that manga we've been seeing around. They put a generic cover on it and replaced the anime girl so it could sell to non-weebs.
55. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand. My sister read this in like middle school and unironically no joke started bawling crying sobbing because poor people are so evil and awful.
56. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle. Oh Boy I Sure Hope This Little Wiggly Guy Eats Something Normal! Oh no.. oh dear ...
57. Glow In The Dark - Kanye West. Very very hard to get a physical copy but we'll try. Photo book of his tour of the same name.
58. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler. Now obviously this wasn't included on the list for the genuine important historical value this book has but that's what I'm going to be reading it for. In reading it critically afaik it really paints a picture of how pathetic and unwell he was.
59. Higurashi: When They Cry. I hear it's really good.
60. This is a naked photo of Daniel Radcliffe posed with a horse.
61. Aberration in the Heartland of the Real - Wendy S. Painting. This is a book on the life of the OKBOMB guy, Timothy McVeigh. I hate how true crime shit has become so polarized as either sensational dogshit to make women walk with their keys between their knuckles or some awful horrible thing that's not worth looking into because "they were just racist/misogynistic/etc" I think it's all very reductive so this promises to be a good read.
62. KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation. CIA document on breaking a prisoner and interrogating from the 60s.
63. The Game - Neil Strauss. The Bible for pickup artists.
64. Identifying Wood - R. Bruce Hoadley. Yep, it's wood.
65. Fresh And Fabulous Meals in Minutes - Ainsley Harriot. Lots of memes about him but this is just a regular cookbook.
66. The Turner Diaries - Andrew Macdonald. Far-right racist book that inspired terrorism and hate crimes. People who read it and didn't already agree with it going in have said it's poorly written and just blows, and in the peek I took that seems to be true. It's too influential to not read if I'm going to be reading about Timothy McVeigh. Hard to get since it got pulled from most online stores following Jan 6th.
67. The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) - Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie. Gonna learn to code I guess.
68. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara. It's a story about a group of mentally ill gay men living in New York. Has been described as trauma porn written by a woman fetishizing gay men and is on there because channers like making fun of it, but it was also shortlisted for a Pulitzer.
69. The Rose of Paracelsus - William Leonard Pickard. The author was the victim of one of the largest acid busts and he wrote this in prison.
70. The Book of Mormon - Joseph Smith. Interested to learn what the fuck Mormons are actually all about.
71. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - J.K. Rowling. Like most people I read these in middle school. They were mid then and they're ass now but I'm not gonna tryhard about how bad they are because you've probably heard enough at this point.
72. A Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant. As someone who doesn't know shit about philosophy I'm excited.
73. Autobiography - Morrissey. Notorious for being published through Penguin Classics which is NOT for Morrisseys. Bad Morrissey. Go to your room.
74. Official Final Fantasy 7 Strategy Guide. I'm gonna get so good at FF7 dude.
75. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness - Kabi Nagata. Think of the most annoying bpd she/they you know and then imagine a really mid book that she'd become way too annoying about. You've imagined this book.
76. Children of the Matrix - David Icke. The origin of the reptoids conspiracy theory.
77. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari. Mario and Luigi for your leftist roommate who won't do the dishes
78. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace. It's a book about a person place or thing I know that much.
79. Sonichu #0 - Gonna be near impossible to source a physical copy from its short Lulu run.
80. Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe. Obviously of great historical importance but I get a sneaking suspicion that's not why they put it on the list.
81. Bronze Age Mindset - Bronze Age Pervert. This is... Well, it's sure something.
82. Drilled By My Two Cowboys - Aurora Sommers. BBW Cowboy porn 😋💦
83. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky. People say it's his best work and if it's anywhere near as good as C&P was it'll blow me away. Also the Godfather was inspired by it.
84. Spare - Prince Harry. Really unfunny inclusion I can't imagine there's much value in it.
85. Da Jesus Book. That's the Hawaiian Pidgin translation of the New Testament. So basically I'm just reading the bible with extra steps.
86. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance. Biography on Elon Musk apparently, not especially interested cause good chance it'll just suck him off hard.
87. Where's Waldo (Deluxe) - Martin Handford. Oh god I hope I find him.
88. Dracula - Bram Stoker. Shoulda subbed to Dracula Daily......
89. Bart Simpson's Guide to Life. I'm excited to see what Bart has to say about what I need to do with myself.
90. Bakemonogatari (vol. 1) - Nisio Isin. I've heard of this in passing I don't really know anything about this light novel except there's like girls and they're monsters maybe?
91. Business Secrets of the Pharoahs - Mark Crorigan. Fake book from S8E2 of the show Peep Show, which I've never heard of. It's British.
92. Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski. All I really know about Ted's ideas in the end is that everyone on here says he's based. I definitely want to read him and formulate my own opinion but I will probably also end up agreeing that he's based.
93. My Twisted World - Elliot Rodger. This is the manifesto of that incel shooter, probably a pretty worthwhile read in the same way a lot of this stuff is, a look into a deeply troubled person's mind.
94. Wash Your Penis - Jordan B. Peterson. This doesn't exist so we'll just read 12 Rules for Life.
95. Andrew Tate's Exegesis of the Quran. Unfortunately he did not actually write one though I bet it would be soooo terrible and funny. But we will read the Quran.
96. Art of the Deal - Donald Trump. Time to find out why people respected this guy.
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