#it has potential alright?
sparkle9510 · 2 years
Baby Robins and Tiny Ladybugs Ch. 4
I live! It's been over 2 years since I last updated, and I am so sorry for that! It's been a rollercoaster ^^; Writers block, college, internships, graduation, you name it. I hope you guys enjoy this! -------------------------------------- First Prev Next “If she causes you problems, let me know,” Marinette warned him. “She doesn’t hurt my friends and gets away with it.” 
“Thanks Marinette! From now on, we’ll have each other’s backs,” Adrien smiled. “I guess that makes us partners huh?” 
“I guess that does,” she agreed, smirking and holding her fist up. “Partners?” 
“Pound it!”
A pause settled into the air for a minute or two as both of their brains short circuited. It had made the connection of the all too familiar gesture.
“...Mon chaton?” Marinette hesitantly asked. 
She studied Adrien’s face, which had an unreadable gaze. Was this a mistake? Was she going to out herself to a civilian, one she has a crush on? How was this going to affect their relationship? She’s going to have to go on the run. Make herself a new identity. That wasn’t going to be hard right? Maybe-
“...Our everyday Ladybug inside and out of the mask,” Adrien finally settled on, “and I would not have it any other way. My lady, I am glad we got to reunite outside the mask. Like in Cinderella, I’ve found my purrincess.”
Marinette felt heat flow up to her cheeks. Imagine that. Her prince in shining leather, next to her, all this time. Then the last thing he said registered.
“... Chaton, out of all the times to pun, it had to be now?” 
“My lady, if not now then when ever? Get used to it cause this cat is armed and loaded. If you don’t like it, I guess you’d better put me under Agreste.”
*groan* “Adrien, that was the lamest thing I’ve heard yet.”
“Hey Mari!” Alya called out to her once Marinette stepped into the classroom. “Where were you Sunday? We were waiting for you girl!” 
“Sunday?” Marinette tilted her head to the side slightly. “Was there a hangout or something?” 
“We had a class picnic, remember?,” Mylene informed her, “you promised to bring some pastries from the bakery, but you never showed.” 
“Wait, what?” Marinette was stunned, “what-”
“Marinette,” Lila cooed, “if you weren’t going to be able to make it, you should’ve at least given us a head’s up. We would’ve been able to find an alternative. In fact, I know a patissiere that would’ve been able to help if we gave them an early notice.”
Marinette was stunned and a bit hurt. What ploy was this? Looks like everyone knew about it but her. Well, almost everyone. Adrien would’ve told her. 
After the reveal, she felt that their bond was closer than ever. Now, she had someone to talk to, to relate to, about having two lives. He wasn’t just her best friend in the mask, but outside too. They chatted a lot more, especially through text and video calls. She no longer stuttered around him, and he opened himself more to her as she did to him. So, it goes without saying that whatever happens, they would let each other know.
“Marinette,” Lila pouted, “I know we haven’t gotten along well, but I didn’t think you would flake out on us. I- I’m sorry if I caused you some ill will…” 
Tears began pooling under her eye and she started to sniffle. Marinette’s anger began to grow. It was the same thing over and over again. When will she quit?
“Lila-” Marinette began before stopping herself.”Funny, I wouldn't do that. I didn’t even know about it in the first place. So, how was I supposed to make baked goods if I wasn’t even aware?”
“But Lila said she texted you,” Nino chirped in. 
“Yeah, Lila volunteered to let you know and was the one who told us you agreed,” Kim continued, both him and Nino looked at Marinette with a skeptical look on their faces. 
Marinette bit her lips. The room felt big yet suffocating at the same time. How could she prove herself to people that didn’t give her the light of day?
“Where was my invitation?” 
Everyone turned over to look at Adrien who stood at the doorway. He walked over to Marinette, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Unlike his usual smile, he was giving the class a stern look. 
“Why wasn’t I told of the picnic too?” Adrien pressed on.
“Adrien,” Lila plastered on a sympathetic smile, “you were busy with a photoshoot yesterday, so we didn’t want to bother you. Your dad told me how important it was. That’s why I didn’t message you, but I did message Marinette about it. I don’t know why she’s lying and trying to make me look like the bad guy.”
Tears began welling up again.  
“And I’m telling you,” Marinette butted in, “I never received any text.” “But you did,” Lila insisted, “see?” 
Lila pulls out her phone and unlocked it, sharing her screen with the class. There, shown, are the messages “Marinette” had sent, agreeing to it.
“Girl,” Alya peered onto it, “the pics don’t lie. If you were too busy or got held up, you should’ve said something, not pretend not to receive anything. We would’ve totally understood.”
“I-” Marinette began once again, trying to defend herself, but the bell rang, signaling the start of class. 
Sighing, she walked to her seat and got her tablet out, ready for class. Alya gave her a pat on the shoulders, but Marinette didn’t feel any better. Looking around, she saw a few disappointed looks pointed her way along with Lila’s smug one. She couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip as she forced herself to focus in class, forgetting everything else around her. 
Unfortunately it got worse from there. More forgotten invites, some accusations which included her allegedly saying things here and there whether it be insults or creating rumors, and even “evidence” of her bullying Lila. Between those lies, Lila made sure to point out the moments where Marinette really did have to flake out or was being impulsive. Her little comments festered until those around her began to harbor resenting feelings. 
It frustrated Marinette that Lila’s promise seemed to be working and her friends were distancing themselves more by the day. While they were still friends, she noticed them having less patience with her, making more snide remarks, and gave her less invites to hangouts. Though that wasn’t the only thing that was happening…
Bringing her hands up, Marinette wiped away the paint that dropped on her. Her classmates began to prank her with the encouragement of Lila. She spewed how it would help them all bond closer, especially mend their friendship (as if there was one in the first place). It started small that she paid no mind, but it became more daring recently. 
Marinette grimaces as she surveyed the damages. Luckily the paint wasn’t going to permanently stain her outfit, but it was definitely going to be a pain in the ass to get rid of. 
“Oh dear,” Lila cooed apologetically, “it seems there was a mishap. I thought I was carrying a bucket of water I got from the art room, but it was paint by mistake. My bad.” 
“Mari!” Adrien quickly walked up to help Marinette, frowning at Lila. “Lila, this is going too far. This ends now.” 
He placed the bucket upright before surveying the extent of the mess. Marinette watched a few emotions go through his face before he looked resigned but resolute. He placed an arm around her and turned her towards the door, gently pushing her towards it.
“Now Adrien, don’t be silly,” Lila chuckled. “We meant no harm! It was just a joke! We didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“Yeah, take it easy sunshine,” Alya went up to pat Adrien’s shoulder. “You know tensions have been rising between the two. Maybe a good laugh will help the two get along.”
But I’m not laughing…
Marinette sighed, giving up. It’s been months at this point of her trying to clear things up with Alya, but she’s stubborn. In other cases, Marinette could give her some respect for it cause she’s not as easily swayed. However, it was also a con cause once her mind’s made up, it’s hard to deter her from her conclusions. 
“Babe, my bro’s right. Even with the water, it would’ve been harsh.”
Everyone turned towards Nino who had voiced this. Kim stood next to him nodding as well. They moved through the crowd until they stood besides Adrien and Marinette. 
“Nino?” Alya called, confused. 
“Alya,” Nino looked disappointed. “This is getting closer to bullying. I’m not gonna stand there and watch my friend get hurt.”
“Come on guys,” Kim continued. “Think about this. Whether paint or water, it’ll ruin Mari’s clothes. We all know she makes her own outfits and it can get ruined with this. Think of all the effort she puts into making them.”
“Nino, Kim,” Lila feigned hurt. “Do you guys really think I’m a bully? When it was Marinette that was mean to me from the very start?” 
She started sniffling, placing one hand over her nose and mouth. 
Here comes the waterworks. Marinette gave Adrien her biggest done face. He seemed to share it too, albeit more subtle.
“Maybe I do,” Nino stated. 
“Nino!” Alya was growing more visibly upset.
“I’ve known Mari since école,” Nino argued. “No matter how she felt, she has always helped others. She would never do the things Lila claims. Lila, on the other hand, only got to know and from the actions I’ve seen? Hasn’t earned my complete trust. So, yeah I’ll believe Marinette and side with her over Lila any time.”
“What Nino said,” Kim smiled, turning towards Marinette. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” 
Ignoring the class who began comforting Lila once she began full on “crying”, the quartet left. They came across Mrs. Bustier, informing her that they were going to Marinette’s to get a change of clothes before coming back.  However, there were no guarantees as to when. 
“Thanks guys,” Marinette smiled, “I appreciate the support.”
“Of course!” Nino replied, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “We’ve been through thick and thin. We know you’re not what Lila paints you to be. Which is why…uh… Sorry for not believing you before, when you tried warning me and Alya.”
“Yeah,” Kim laughed nervously, “we started noticing some of the things she said were too good to be true. Not only that, but her trying to expel you and framing you for thief wasn’t cool. We should’ve noticed it way earlier though, sorry Mari.”
“It did hurt at first that my friends believed that I was such a bad person,” Marinette admitted, earning a wince from the two, “but I accept your apologies. Thanks for realizing the truth and standing up for me.”
“I’m glad Princess,” Adrien chimed in from the side. “Now you have more people in your corner. I guess this kitty will have to learn how to share.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite.” She quipped.
“Of course, this stray cat isn't going anywhere. Now let’s go, you’ve been drenched in paint long enough!”
“You just want to take some of the pastries.”
Adrien and Marinette teased each other relentlessly much to the bewildered Nino and Kim. This was the first time seeing Marinette interacting with Adrien without stuttering or being more clumsy than usual. 
“How long has this been going on??” Kim exclaimed, much to their amusement. ------------------------------- Anddddd I'll end it here! Trying to get my mindset back into what I have planned for this as well as trying not to rush the plot xd. Sorry no batfam appearances. I made a general plot to help guide me but it ended up having it so that they may show up next chapter >.< Wanted to highlight more of what Lila's been doing and show that she's been cultivating the class and molding them to what she wants. If you're still here from when I first started, thank you guys for the support! I really appreciate it! Let me know what you guys enjoyed, what you miss, things to improve, anything! If you just want to rant about Season 5, lmk and I'll send message! I'm cool with talking about it anywhere ^-^. Taglist (I know it’s been a while, so if you want to be taken off, lmk please!): @mooshoon @bluerosette23 @zestyzealot @luciferge @gingerdaile @crazylittlemunchkin @queenmj10 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @razzledazzle247 @dorkus-minimus @this-is-vander @abrx2002 @maribat-is-lifeblood @sturchling @witchsblackfox @noirdots @zalladane @jessigurl-design @myazael @velvetterabby @dawnwave16 @novicevoice @weird-pale-blonde-person @theyellowfeverexperience @lla-en-rouge @silverwhiteraven @corabeth11 @chocolatecatstheron @tired-butterfly @sassakitty @mon-berry @echpr @loysydark @miraculous-simmer7 @jardimazul @risingmoonyue @theatreandcomicfreak @dast218  @gracerosana @redscarlet95 @fusser90 @sam-spectra @elmokingkong @pirats-pizzacanninibles @shamefullove @xahriia @buticaaba @erick-rose99-stuff  @emjrabbitwolf
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ricky-mortis · 3 days
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We’ve heard of werewolf Curt- but what about vampire Owen?
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ruporas · 1 year
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post ep 11
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
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Day INSTANTLY ruined.
This is every saiki k episode ever, right?
(he's got his ring on alright it makes sense trust me)
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5eraphim · 2 months
mercs on the dark web headcanons
(dark!characterization below/general taboo dark web subject mater. proceed at your own discretion.)
red room live streamer
Women fear him, the CIA want him.
Aside from profiting on the mutilation of the lives of the innocent he's a regular poacher and sells exotic/protected animals hides, meat, or sometimes live specimens.
Amphetamines manufacturer and distributer. He regularly gets high off his own supply who's gotten into run-in with the police as far back as he can remember.
Got scammed out of $10k buying a fake Alligator skin couch.
Big fan of Sniper's live streams, but doesn't have the guts to sit through the truly grizzly parts.
Pretends to know how Bitcoin works.
Hitman for hire.
Everyone hates his ass because he acts like a narc, and no one can trust him. But despite his unknown affiliations and methods, he always gets the job done.
Has seen an unfortunate amount of political figure's nudes searching through confidential documents.
Black market organ harvester and consumer.
The most likely to have Reddit threads about himself and his infamy. (maybe he would sneakily encourage this some how? he would really thrive off of that kind of attention.)
He's the only person Sniper's ever collaborated with and featured as a second party torturing a victim in a live stream.
Likely has some insane history with the human experimentation crowd.
OG member of the cannibal cafe
She has no idea how to access the dark web, but watches a lot of "Lost Media" videos, creepypastas and pirates cartoons and anime. She assumes that's a part of what everyone else is talking about
Engie and Demo
Producing, modifying and manufacturing wildly unsafe and unregulated: firearms, explosives, chemical weapons- maybe even automobiles.
They don't do this for the rush, or the money, or the feeling of power; but rather out of an almost pure-hearted love for their craft.
Have somehow never been raided by the FBI or the DEA
His special interest is HiddenWiki articles about terrorism and conspiracy theories.
No one understands how he managed to access the deep web in the first place.
Bulk buys his percs here.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My best guess is he's buying some of the animal meat Sniper sells. He doesn't seem like someone who would care much for digital carnage.
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sometinysludge · 5 months
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he has me in a death grip, send help.
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age-of-moonknight · 6 months
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“Vengeance Never Dies,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #5.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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damianosismyking · 7 months
So you have an au about damen being abusive with laurent ?????
Please let me know more?? Any hcs or thoughts or anything pls
The capri fandom needs some dark aus fr
hello my darling!
I've been gone so long that I have no idea when you sent this and I'm deeply sorry for that!
I came up with the idea for an AU in which Damen's abusive way back in 2019/2020 (2021?) and to say I was a different person altogether back then is an understatement. I also haven't re-read the books in a long while so I can't say I recall everything I had imagined for this fic to begin with BUT!, I've got some fuzzy thoughts stored in the back of my mind that may satisfy some of the crave for Dark Damianos (a concept deeply slept on in my honest opinion but with how much people like to hate on him for free, it's best if we keep it sleeping lol).
DISCLAIMER: in my very private opinion, Damen has a natural darkness to his character that I find appealing (or would be appealing if I wasn't a coward) to explore. Those are the lenses through which I approach the abusive patterns he could come to develop in a relationship with an already emotionally/psychologically vulnerable Laurent. And also in my very private opinion, Laurent is a vulnerable character (for all reasons we as a fandom dwelled on to the point of exhaustion, but, most of all, in relation to how he sees and thinks of Damen — in terms not only of admiration but almost adoration, just as he did with his brother).
We all rememeber the scene at the end (?) of PG when Laurent is stepping on Damen's toes by saying bad things regarding his family and how Damen loses his temper and hits Laurent hard enough to draw blood. The guards step in to arrest Damen for hurting the prince and Damen takes full blame for doing it without showing a single bit of remorse whatsoever. Laurent is the one to talk his guards down from arresting Damen by pinning the blame of being assaulted on himself and that is it.
This idea (of an AU that never came to be) was forged mostly on the side of Damen's character that has a tendency to jump believe he is always right in the assessments he makes and proceed to never question the truth behind his own reasoning. And on the side of Laurent's character that always blames himself for every bad thing that has ever happened to him despite his own helplessness, and nurtures an unhealthy need for a role model to hold on to — once his brother, now his lover.
I'm going to leave all my thoughts for this AU bellow the cut, in case some people may find the matter too upsetting to read about. Trigger warnings for domestic, physical and psychological abuse, obviously! Proceed at your own accord and don't come whinning later🫰
so putting two and two together:
Damen is prone to angry outbursts or just violence in general. We see in more than one occasion that it doesn't take much for his 'bad side' to come out, which is a characteristic a lot of aggressors in this very patriarcal society we live in also showcase. And as their universe is ALSO incredibly patriarcal, this would check out.
As aforementioned, one of the most significative intances of Damen's violence is the day (after he had already slept with Laurent, after he admitted to himself he was in love with Laurent) where he he baits into Laurent's provocations and hits him.
Laurent's edge, I personally believe, though attenuated as it may be by the end of the cicle of abuse he endured all the way from his late childhood throughout his adolescence, will continue to be in place. It was wired into him as a survival mechanisms and old habits die hard. Whenever he is overwhelmed or any of his emotions slip from his iron-cast grip, he will likely spit fire and try and hurt whoever is within his reach.
Honeymoon phase being over, let's say the kingdoms were in fact merged (not going to get into any of that). Let's say Damen is the king of Vere as much as Laurent is the king of Akielos. Let's say their troups, their guards, palace servants — they are all unbiased and answer to both Laurent and Damen as their true kings equally.
Let's say Damen and Laurent continue to get at each other's throats. Lets's say they still got plenty to disagree upon and that their personalities continue to make them butt heads. Let's say their grudges, though they have agreed to leave the past be in the past, hold and come up again. An underlying resentment inate to their love. There's a lot of tension that I can see surrounding L/D's relationship. If you don't believe that it's fine, if you don't see it, that's more than okay. But I'm asking you to bear with me here.
They are having a heated argument in their palace about something that wasn't (shouldn't be) personal, but all of a sudden is. Damen says something that offsets a chain reaction in Laurent and he becomes a boy in selfdefense mode resorting to the good old habit of pushing Damen's weak spots just for the pleasure of making him angry and miserable. Damen has had a long day, he is weary, he is fed-up with all the kyroi, all the councelors making demands and telling him how to do his job. Laurent says the wrong thing at the wrong time and a moment later he is on the floor, with his hand on his cheek touching the burning spot where Damen slapped him. He bit his tongue in the impact and he can feel the blood in his mouth which he swallows.
There are no guards that come in this time, because they know better than to step into their king's quarrels. Damen tells himself it was Laurent who pushed him too far, he didn't mean to do it. Laurent agrees — Damen would never have done that if Laurent himself hadn't asked for it. Damen was good. He's only ever been good. He doesn't do anything without a good reason. Laurent is the one who fucks things up and pushes people too far. They make up.
Next time isn't that different. Nerves were high for a thousand different reasons. Laurent maybe got up from the wrong side of the bed. They argue. Damen pisses him off so he goes on to piss him off in return — just to give him a taste of what that feels like. In the back of his mind he remembers what happened last time they argued but he brushes it off as a mistake. Damen wouldn't dare to make the same mistake twice.
Then Damen does. And just like the other time Laurent loses his footing from the strength of the blow. His eyes tear from the pain but they don't fall. Damen is fumming over him, telling him how Laurent pushes him over the edge. Damen, who is such a just, charming, fair king. A much better king than Laurent is, with his head in place at all times in a way Laurent's own never is. If he lost his temper, it was because he was forced into it.
Laurent is the one who went too far again; Damen simply reacted to it. He stands and tells Damen he was wrong for saying the things he said. He shouldn't have. Damen agrees; Laurent shouldn't have. They make up.
Every time Damen is forced to loose his temper with Laurent he get angrier with Laurent and becomes a little wilder. Laurent should not make him keep doing it! He doesn't mean to do it! When the anger subdues, after they make love, in the morning after, Damen shows Laurent the tokens of the love he still has for him — a new mare of an excellent breed for Laurent's private stables, a new imported book he would like for his personal library, a new delicacy their cooks learns to make as sweet as a human can handle just the way Laurent likes it.
Damen is a good lover. Most of the time. If only Laurent stopped bringing out his bad side.
Laurent understands how every time Damen hits him it's his own fault. He tries to stop himself from causing their arguments but he can't. He always ends up saying the wrong thing, he always disappoints Damen somehow and though he can keep his stance straight and his face void, deep down he's terrified he will eventually drive Damen away.
After the loss of his entire family, after the death of Auguste, of living so many years under the sadistic regime of his uncle, Damen is everything Laurent has. And Laurent, warped as he is by nature, tainted and wrong and bad at his very core, doesn't deserve him. He knows he doesn't deserve Damen, who is so honorable, so good a leader, so righteous and mighty. But he wants Damen and he wants him to stay. He wants to be good for him and for Damen to think he is good.
So when the slapping evolves into punching, Laurent searches his own words, his own actions for where the fault lies. And always he finds it. The exact word he said in a meeting with their kiroi and councelors that undermined Damen's authority. The exact moment he stopped to speak with an ill-intentioned courtier who flirted with him and he must have unintentionally flirted back. The provokation implied in a comment he thought was innocuous. And the fact Damen only found more and more of reasons to be dissatisfied with Laurent, despite him becoming evermore self-aware and trying so hard, so much of the time, to please Damen, meant nothing more than the fact that Laurent was a man full of flaws. It wasn't on Damen.
They both agree Damen's assessment and his morals could never be wrong. He is too good and honest a man for that. Laurent is causing all of it.
The oldest members of their guards notice the slow, steady shift. Those that used to compose the old Veretian prince's guard are worried. They whisper among themselves when they see a new bruise blooming in their king's fair skin or hear the shouts coming from inside the royal chambers. But no one dares to raise a voice against king Damianos. Jord or Lazar (or whichever of the prince's guards you like best) goes to Laurent to raise their concerns and ask if everything is all right between him and Exalted. If there is anything Laurent needs. Anything at all. They will stand by him come what will. But Laurent berates them and tells them to keep their noses out of royal business.
Damen is approached by Nikandros and inquired about it when one day Damen unintentionally leaves Laurent with a black eye. Damen finds that is the perfect opportunity to lament about all the ways Laurent has been driving him insane and making him miserable. That he is getting worse with time where Damen had hoped he would have settled and his temperament improved. That years after the events they lived through, he keeps holding Damen accountable for things that should be left in the past. That Damen doesn't blame Laurent for killing Kastor, or torturing him in Vere anymore, so why should Laurent still resent him for Auguste.
Nikandros understands. He feels sorry for Damen, that Laurent makes his life so difficult. He has witnessed their quarrels before, had seen the way Laurent evokes Auguste's name as a dagger to dig into Damen's heart.
Then it becomes common knowledge all around their court: Laurent is as unbearable and hard to reconcile with as he'd ever been, prideful and resentful and cruel. And Damen is the poor man who has to handle him atop a whole kingdom he has to rule. There is no soul in their kingdom that doesn't feel bad for Damen's situation.
What no one seems to notice is that Laurent has taken to flinch whenever Damen lifts his hand. That he tenses when he raises his voice. That he is much more succint and careful with his words whenever Damen is around, because he doesn't want to upset him.
All they notice is Laurent's worsening moods. His renewed bouts of broodiness and anger. That he takes anything and everything out on everyone — the servants, the guards, officials, nobles of the court, the walls and the furniture. Nothing seems to please him anymore. Everything sets off his rage. Which is something else Damen has taken to punish him for, in the privacy of their chambers.
Laurent never cries. Not when Damen tell him how difficult he is, how impossible he makes to love him. Not when he sees the several shades of new and healing bruises all over his body, not when he gulps mouthfuls of his own blood. Laurent hasn't cried since he was thirteen. But he gets more and more hopeless each day that passes and he is proven again no good man could ever truly love him because nothing good and pure remains so in his presence.
Laurent always brings out the worse in people, no matter how he tries to get things right.
But he keeps on trying. Because maybe one day he can. And maybe Damen will see there is good left in him to love even though he makes his life hard and harder every day. And maybe one day Damen will love him easily.
Because all he really wants is to be worth it of Damen's love.
And that's all Damen wants too. He already loves Laurent so much. He would never, ever hurt him again if only Laurent would stop provoking him into it.
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MAG 71 - Underground
doodle 71/200; days left 25/110
sometimes i get kinda sad that we didnt get the buried avatar that jonny mentioned in one of the Q&As. that would be fun i think.
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
thinking about like. Gryll running into Kirby and The Gang™ during the events of Star Allies bc they're curious as to what the hell's going on around here this time and they end up seeing
that one little kid that whooped their ass in Star Stacker
their dipshit little brother (affectionate), who last they checked, was bragging about how he tricked said kid and got in a fight with him (and nearly died in the process)
that one motherfucker who won their wand in a bet and then vanished before they could try to win it back
i think it'd be really funny if there was also a wave 3 character in said team, because that opens the possibility for either "oh yeah you were a pretty chill guy how've you been?" or, more likely, "YOU. and whoever the fuck that is"
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totk really is one of those games that make me go "ok thanks for the characters, setting, and general plot, but ill take it from here <3" because the entire historical timeline had so much potential for interesting and nuanced story telling but they just went with the old zelda story formula and YES thats how theyve always done it but botw was such a reset in terms of gameplay that they couldve overhauled how they handle story in totk. but they didnt
#ramblings#all the races swearing fealty to rauru made me so uncomfortable#like yeahhh ganondorf evil or whatever but also. hey. why is the one leader fighting for the independence of his people. the evil villain#am i just not getting something here am i insane#my first thought when i heard about ganondorf returning was 'wow they could turn him into an actual character' AND THEN THEY DIDNT#its been half a year i feel like the honeymoon period is over. totk was kinda mid. im sorry#it was alright but it just. didnt grab me. at all#botw was interesting because it was new but totk made me yearn for the older zelda formula#though tbh. im always yearning for the older zelda formula. i grew up on oot & twilight princess#you hype up ganondorf so much you make him look like THAT (no im still not over this) and then you just. do what weve always done#this happened in twilight princess. it happened in oot. it happened in ww. hell if you count demise it happened in skyward sword#IT HAPPENE.D IN THE FUCKING HYRULD WARRIORS SPINOFF#'oooh noooo the great evil has returned' WEVE BEEN HERE EVERY TIME. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH POTENTIAL#heres the gerudo having a man born and making him king as is their custom but they spend years in fear that he will be monstrous#here they are after all these iterations of ganondorf afraid to even have kids out of fear that SOMEONE will bring the new great evil#heres a child recently given the throne despite being barely more than a baby always treated with fear by everyone around him#ARE YOU SEEING MY VISION????#the curse is right there. do something with it. oh my god#i KNOW zelda games are just simple heros journeys but pleaseeee i need food#you dont have to make ganondorf nice just. do something with him im so tired of the evil guy caricature#i like guys who are plain evil but i like them more when they have some fucked up motivation beyond taking over the world
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blue-eli · 2 years
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You lost them
#kingdom hearts#kh lauriam#kh ventus#kh strelitzia#khux#thinking about... how he woke up alone...#and how absolutely fucking depressing that is#just the image of Ventus and Sterlitzia almost haunting him... the younger children he promised to protect but lost anyway#and that it was a FIELD of FLOWERS that he woke up to... I wonder if there were any dandelions there...#OOOO WAIT I JUST REALISED HE WOKE UP IN THE DWARF WOODLANDS#Lauriam and Snow White friendship??? Snow finding a lost (and possibly delirious) Lauriam searching desperately for Ven like#‘are you alright?????’ ‘oh absolutely not.’ ‘????????????’#anyway... god all the Dandelions waking up alone is fucked but Lauriam who’s already lost someone so important to him#and who PROMISED to look after someone#waking out without either of them... possibly even in a different time from them...#I wonder when he got sent. I wonder if it was before of after Ventus got split.#I wonder if by the time he woke up the boy he knew was already dead.#or if he got there in time but just wasn’t able to find him#this situation just has so many potentials for angst it’s great#anyway Lauriam and flowers flowers representing loss the dream in the flower field Sterlitzia being a type of flower beinG A DANDELION#anyway Lauriam my beloved Ventus my beloved Sterlitzia my beloved-#blue boi draws#digital art#fanart#I’ve been reading a lot of finalgirljasontodd’s stuff and it is making me think of living places funeral rites Iphigenia’s saffron mantle#these three are so dead and death coded like they’re all DEAD but not buried they are walking sacrifices to a war they might not even re#*rember#to quote finalgirljasontodd ‘if you’re fated to die in the story then you’re already dead at the outset :)’#that them... all them#ggggggggh welcome to Benry’s tags it is where i go unhinged about characters from the Micky mouse anime game
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white-weasel · 1 year
I am staring DIRECTLY at Film Reroll Luke Skywalker watching and anticipating his next move
#film reroll#the film reroll#Tim Nolan you played him so well!!!!#I don’t think this will happen but this version of Luke is one I can kinda see turning to the dark side??#like think about it. your aunt and uncle are killed. Ben Kenobi tells you it’ll be alright though and that you have the force in you#you can come with him and train to be a Jedi just like your father was#you leave planet and on the way have to put up with this asshole smuggler and even free a serial killer just to get to the rebels#but it’s fine! because once you’re with the rebels you’ll then be able to train with Ben like he’s promised#except you get there and there are two other Jedi candidates. each seemingly better options than you#one is a child who already has pretty good control of the force without anyone telling her how to wield it.#she’s also young and thus full of so much more potential than you#and the other is a woman older than you. but she has so much more life experience. she’s proven herself worthy both to the rebels#and to the force itself. she is strong and basically everything you’re not#but that’s alright too because Ben knows you. of course he’s going to pick to train you!! but then they say your name Skywalker with horror#and you are told about who your father is and how if you are trained and given everything you want you will become just like him#you are evil and violent by nature even though you feel as if you are anything but… except maybe they’re right#because when confronted with this fact your first instinct was to attack an injured man on death’s door#and if Kenobi has his time taken up by training either kahki or Jyn/planning the destruction of the Death Star#Luke is potentially left in a very vulnerable state to stew#I just am foaming at the mouth thinking about it!!!!#(I do feel like Andy will ultimately take Luke in a more redemption/I am not my father by ‘righteous’ sacrifice’ route though#which also has a lot of potential to be delicious)
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kingchad · 8 months
Do you think Chad would be a good dad?
I do not actually haha. I think Chad is very single-minded and would have trouble being selfless enough. Like, I see him as a hyper-romantic person, to the point where it’s genuinely a problem in his social life, because ultimately he is fixated on himself and another person and doesn’t really see the world outside of that. being a parent requires more self-awareness I feel.
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aaslwooo · 1 year
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byanyan · 2 months
byan finally getting comfortable enough with someone that they'll let that person take care of them and even go to them for care any time they're sick/hurt/not in a good place mentally/etc. is such a fucking dynamic goal tbh
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