#it was a coldflash fanfic lets be real
howtokillavampire · 6 months
Ah shit boys, I got caught up reading fanfic again and forgot to do my homework before my night class. Well, fuck.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 4 years
The Annual Shipping Polls
Fandom: Batman/DC Pairings: Dick/Tim, Bruce/Diana, Roy/Kory/Jason, Stephaine/Cassandra, mentions of fandom Kon/Tim, fandom SuperBats Summary: Dick is brooding, Jason is amused, Tim is confused, Damian is annoyed, Stephanie and Babs want to knock some heads, and Cass and Diana are all-knowing. Author notes: This is my first time writing Dick/Tim and I owe a huge thank you to @iphoenixrising who’s amazing Tim stories got me longing to write my own Tim stories. 
Like many things Jason will claim that it was all Roy’s fault he discovered it first and after laughing for several moments sought out Jason.
It was the annual shippers poll that happened once a year where fans of superheroes would vote for their favorite ship as they went head to head to see who would win. There was favorite slash, female slash, het, poly and superheroes, and their villains.
When it was first discovered an amused Lois sent the links to Clark.
Diana had been amused.
Bruce grunted and glared.
Clark feared just a little for his life.
SuperBats had won favorite slash pairing while WonderBat had won for favorite het pairing and The Trinity had won for favorite poly pairing.
It stayed like that for many years until other heroes started appearing Wally and Dick to their amusement learned that they were a much loved BirdFlash and one of the few that could give SuperBats a run for their money but sadly always came a little short of beating them. Nightwing/Starfire was a much-loved pairing and one year managed to defeat WonderBat only for the WonderBat fans to come back next year and claim their crown.
To Barry Allen's shock and Leonard Snart amusement, ColdFlash was undefeatable as the fans' favorite hero/villain pairing. No one was really surprised when those two actually did end up together.
Roy had been checking to see where the Outlaws ranked and was pleased to see that they had won favorite poly pairing. "Finally, good to see that people have some good taste."
Continuing on Roy fought back the laughter when he saw that Nightwing/Red Hood had made it pretty far. "Oh, this is priceless." Roy printed out he wondered how long it would last before Jason used it for target practice.
Moving up the list Roy was waiting to see that once again SuperBats was named as the top slash pairing only to stop and stare. "No way."
But it was there SuperBats was in second place.
"JASON! SOMEONE BEAT SUPERBATS!" Roy shouted with glee.
Jason was at Roy's side in a second all but shoving him out of the way he was a little bummed to see that Bruce and the boy scout were no longer number one, he loved using it to annoy Bruce. Jason loved the little twitch Bruce developed when Jason brought it up. "Who beat them?" Jason growled out. "It better not be me and Dickie!" Jason could do so much better than Dick. 'So could replacement but for some reason, he is hooked on him.'
Roy's body hummed with amusement, "A new version of SuperBats."
For several moments Jason could only stare at the computer screen as he processed what he had just read. “Oh, this is just too good.” Forget teasing Bruce this was glorious.
Diana Prince -Wayne wasn't at all surprised when Jason breezed into the cave a mischievous look on his face. She knew that she shouldn't play favorites and she did her best not to but Jason out of all of Bruce's partners had a special place in her heart. "I take it that you have seen the outcome of the latest results of the annual polls?" She knew that Jason loved to tease Bruce about the fact that people loved the Batman with Superman he had even gone as far one year to cover the cave in fanfics and fanart of the couple and even got Babs to have the bat computer play Superman's theme for every little thing.
A small smile appeared on Jason's face she was one the few people that he genuinely liked to see. Personally, Jason thought Diana could do better she is fucking Wonder Woman after all! But for some reason that Jason couldn't understand she had fallen in love with Bruce. 'Bruce is one lucky son of a bitch.' "I did indeed but I am going to wait until everyone is here to tell the wonderful news."
"Just go easy on Dick, he is still in denial." Diana already knew she was curious about the outcome of these polls and she knew what had Jason so happy.
Jason knew that Diana had a point, he wasn't blind he saw the glances Dick tossed Tim’s way when he thought no one was looking, the longing and desire to fix things. Jason knew that Dick’s feelings for Tim were far from brotherly but he wouldn't act on them. Dick still carried guilt when he made Tim think that he wasn't wanted anymore when he took Robin from him and gave it to Damian, Tim was just starting to come back to realize that they did want him and Dick wouldn't risk Tim running away again.  
"Alright, I won't tease Dickie too much," Jason promised.
"That is all I ask of you." Diana smiled serenely at him before pulling out a copy of a much loved Jane Austen novel, "Something to keep you entertained until the others get here."
Taking the novel Jason pressed a kiss on Diana's cheek, "And this is why you are my favorite."
Dick Grayson stepped one foot in the cave and saw that Jason was already there, the grin on his face promising a good time for Jason and humiliation for anyone but him. Dick knew what day it was today but he never cared much about it, unlike Jason who loved it, mostly because he loved to tease those who won.
Jason grinned at the look of dread on Dick and Tim's face, the grin that grew as Bruce looked even more gloomy than normal.
Stephanie's hand in hand with Cassandra entered the cave with a bounce and a wide smile on her face, "Guess who won favorite female couple?" She beamed at Cass who returned it with a small smile.
Tim smiled at them, he was happy his favorite sister and Stephanie had found happiness with each other. "Like there was any doubt."
Stephanie preened, "It just shows that people have good taste."
Tim did not like the look on her face, it matched the one Jason was wearing.
“It would seem that after many years ranking at the top SuperBats has been at last defeated!” Jason announced.
Bruce grunted he didn't understand why people shipped him and Clark together but he was curious as to who finally dethroned them. ‘Maybe this will finally stop Hal and Barry from sending me SuperBats fanfiction and artworks.’
An unholy gleam appeared in Jason's eyes, the look that he aimed at Dick and then Tim before pulling up the article on his phone, “Yes folks, it has finally happened the long regaining SuperBats has been defeated by another that has been gaining on them for years. Congratulations Superboy and Red Robin.”
Dick’s enraged bellow sent bats flying as Tim could only stare at Jason.
"Kon and me?" Tim could understand why people shipped them, best friends to lovers was a very popular trope but he didn't think that he and Kon had that big of a following. He felt kinda flattered even if he never thought of Kon like that. No his heart belonged to only one person.
An annoyed look appeared on Damian's face, he didn't understand why Todd and Brown made such a big deal about these foolish polls. "Ridiculous, if anyone should have defeated father it should have been Grayson and Drake they have been pining over one another for years it is sickening."
Dick and Tim both paled, both had been so sure that they hid their feelings for each other so well that no one else in the family knew, let alone their crush.
"Silly." Cassandra moved away from Stephanie coming to stand between Dick and Tim she took their hands in hers.  "Love each other. Stop denying it."
“I couldn't have said it better. Everyone is tired of the two of you pining for one another." Babs voice echoed around the cave, no one was surprised that she hacked the comm system.
Rising gracefully to her feet Diana took Bruce's hand in hers. "I think that we should give them a few moments alone."
Never one to deny his princess Bruce led Diana from the cave. 'At least now I don't have to put up with Jason decorating my cave with all that artwork of Clark and I.'
Dick and Tim avoided looking at one another as the cave emptied as their family left them alone.
"Do I need to worry about you going after Kon with a chunk of kryptonite?" Tim found himself asking the last thing he wanted was for Kon to be in danger.
'Now that is an idea.' Dick was tempted, oh was he ever tempted to take some and hunt down Kon and ask him what his intentions were towards Tim. 'No Tim would be mad at me.' Dick forgot the idea right away.
Dick looked at Tim and was once again blown away at how beautiful Tim was. "All I want for you is to be happy and if that is with Kon then so be it."
"Kon and I are friends, best friends but just friends." Tim wanted to say, 'How can I be in love with Kon when I am in love with you?'
"You're in love with me?"
Tim's eyes widened in horror as he realized he had just said that out loud. Slapping his hands over his mouth Tim took a step back.
Only Dick followed his moves smooth and seductive until he had Tim pinned between him and a workbench. "Answer me baby bird. Are you in love with me?"
Tim was tempted he could nerve strike Dick and high tailed it out of the cave but he knows that Dick will just follow him. "I have been for so long. Before I even knew what love was."
Reaching out a hand Dick cupped Tim's face and nudged his head up to look him in the eyes, "I love you too, pretty bird. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to push you away not when you have just returned to us." Dick explained.
Tim was sure that his heart was pounding so loudly that Dick could hear it. "Kiss me?" Tim pleaded softly.
Dick's face lit up in a smile, "Nothing would make me happier, pretty bird." Dick had dreamed of his moment for so long and nothing he had imagined was like the real thing. Tim fit perfectly against him like Tim was made just for him.
Jason grinned as he heard Bruce mutter about "slideshows" and "protection" this turned out even better than he thought and if Dickie got one his nervous he had tons of Baby Bird and Superboy artwork saved away for revenge.
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holycafe · 4 years
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[Part 2 of 2]
You can find part one - which includes a snippet of my meta!Len coldflash idea - here. Now to continue with the rest of your ask...
5 – What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Hmm, let’s see… scientist, check. Sense of humour, check. Super awkward, double check…
I wish I could say someone badass like Len or Lisa, but I guess I have to go with Cisco :)
8 – Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yeah, I’d say so. For the most part, I write the stories which I wish were already out there. I enjoy going back over them and rereading the fic for myself, especially if it’s been a few months or years since the work was completed – that way I kind of forget the frustration of actually writing the damn thing, and it almost feels as though it were written by someone else.
23 – What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
I’m going to stick to coldflash here, because that’s what I’m best known for on this account. This was one of the first coldflash ideas I came up with, all the way back in 2016. But I’m finally willing to admit that this won’t ever make it onto my AO3 :(
The idea is a little dark (but with a happy ending!). In it, Len (pre-LoT) gets displaced onto another, much bleaker, earth. The Barry there is a criminal, a thief, a murderer. He has powers, just like our Barry, but he is not a hero. At first Len just accepts that he belongs on this earth, he thinks of it as his own little punishment for patricide. He and evil!Barry grow close, they become partners in crime – and in the bedroom.
But there’s something about evil!Barry that is just too unsettling to Len. It’s in the way he can take someone’s life without even batting an eye, in the way he uses everyone around him to get what he wants, in the way that his smiles are so devoid of emotion. Len can’t be with this Barry any longer, and he makes a plan to get back to his own world, to his sister, to the real Barry. But the evil doppelganger isn’t going to make that easy for him. Once Len gets back to Earth-1, evil!Barry comes after him, determined that if he can’t have Leonard Snart, then no one can.
24 – Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Oh, without a doubt! I’ve been writing fanfic now for over six years and… well, there’s a reason why I ask that no one ever reads my earlier works ‘xD Although they’re not necessarily ‘terrible’, they are just a lot more stilted and less thought-out.
Ask me a question!
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Yeah... cool story. Half of what you say, uh... must have been a different person because I sure as heck have no memory or reference of it. And if someone I know online bullied you, then I'm sorry but... not on me. I unfollowed you because your defense of Klaine and, quite honestly, some of your views on BDSM made me uncomfortable. Could I have been more, heh, gracious about it? Sure, I can admit that. I'm not perfect. That being said I'm gonna remove a stressor from my life now. Have a good one
Here’s the latest message. I haven’t read this one, but it’s in response to something I sent telling this person how I used to consider them a friend, and how I felt betrayed that they sort of defended someone who was not being nice to me and yet cut me out of their life. I just only read the last line, which is about cutting a stressor out of their life, which I assume is me? But ... but ... I haven’t talked to them in YEARS! I don’t follow them, don’t interact with them! How am I causing them stress!? Like I’ve said before, I am very easy to block! Tumblr is made for blocking posts and blogs. They interacted with my post, my blog, but I’m the cause of their stress!? I don’t get it!
EDIT*** I actually did just read this right now and now I’m pissed! Sorry for leaving a personal issue up on my feed but I am for two very important reasons - one that has to do with fandom and one that has to do with real life. This person doesn’t like my ‘defense of Klaine’. My defense of Klaine is I write Klaine fanfiction. Highly AU Klaine fanfiction to the point that people have accused me of writing Blaine OOC. If you go through my blog, you’ll find posts I’ve made talking about how I don’t stand fully behind Klaine or Blaine as written in canon, and that a great deal of what I write goes towards fixing what I perceive as mistakes in canon fandom. This person ships Kurtbastian and Coldflash, as do I, but you can’t tell me for one second that those two ships are unproblematic. Because they aren’t. They’re full of problems, and sins, and moments that can be perceived as abusive. But as fanfiction writers, we tweak those things, play with them, give them backstories or eliminate them altogether. But writing for Klaine is unforgivable apparently, enough so that any bullying of you if you do write for Klaine is acceptable. smdh. When you want to hate something so much, it doesn’t matter what people have to say about it, rational or no. It’s all very black and white, and you can’t win for losing. 
Also - my views on BDSM? Lets talk about that because this one I find very interesting as it is the problem I have with many people in fandom who write BDSM. This person writes BDSM. In fact, they wrote a whole fic based off of 50 Shades of Grey for a fandom that I’m in (oh, but if I remember correctly, they were ‘fixing’ things that were bad in 50 Shades. Because that can be fixed, Klaine can’t. Gotcha). But also, BDSM is my business? Has been for over three decades. IT’S HOW I MAKE A FUCKING LIVING!! This person’s views on BDSM come from where? Because they’re not a professional Dominant. I don’t think they’re even one in their personal life. Their views come from movies and fanfic like mine, probably blogs here on tumblr. I’m all for researching responsible BDSM and writing about it, but that doesn’t give you the right to judge me! You can’t sit your ass outside of my community with a pen and a pad of paper, biting off what we do, and claim it as your own! And if there are things I write that you have issue with, it may just be that you’re a tiny bit ignorant maybe? We (in my community - I don’t know who the fuck you talk to) talk about BDSM left and right being something with nuance and layers. I write about many different layers, not just the fan fave tying up and spanking. Because, again, it’s what I do. I can’t tell you the amount of times people object to something I write that they have no first hand or practical experience doing. You object to it? Great. That’s fantastic. You really think that gives you the right to be self-righteous about it? Do ya do that with everyone who has more experience in a field than you do?
Regardless, this is what you get when you’re so very very determined in your own rightness that you can’t see the forest for the trees. Again - I haven’t spoke to this person in FOUR YEARS! Whatever stress you have in your life, it’s not on me. It’s on you! Go read a book or something!
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sophiainspace · 4 years
Fanfic reader asks: 8, 15, 20, 23?
8. Are there any genres that you tend to avoid?
I don’t like pure smut or pwp - there needs to be plot or emotion or something just a bit more, or my sometimes-sex-repulsed brain goes eek. But give me something a bit different (usually kink, let’s face it) or get me very emotionally attached to the characters/pairing you’re writing, and I’m right there. The demi life, baby.
15. What can an author do to make you love them?
I guess this means beyond just ‘write the characters and ships I love’, heh... They can use gorgeous turns of phrase, like you do, Toby - other writers who come to mind are @stillthewordgirl and @kleptoandpyro , whose poetic writing is to die for. They can write characters dead-on, and make them feel like them, like @sproutwings and @areyouscarletcold do. They can write ships/characters in new but still believable ways, and make me fall in love with things that I don’t even ship and characters I’ve never really cared for before, like @peppersandcats and @joanthangroff and @zariadriannatomaz have done. They can give me an original take on an overdone ship/trope, like @coldflasher . Or just write consistently lovely/adorable/interesting/original stuff, like @terrayoung and @barrylen and @hiverforesteevee and all the many others I leave long yelling comments for... <3
20. Have you ever read a fic more than once? What is it about that fic that made you read it again?
Oh yeah, a few! Including @siricerasi ‘s ‘Child Be Still’ (beautiful and deep and real), several things by @stillthewordgirl (who just writes really good *stories* that you can always revisit), a couple of @coldtomyflash ‘s excellent epics, and just so many one-shots by people like @blueelvewithwings and @robininthelabyrinth and others - really good fic is like comfort food that you can always come back to!
23. What do you wish more fic authors would do?
Write their own stories, not what they think people want to read. There are always people looking for something a little bit different, IMO.
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
for the fanfic trope mashup - 14 bodyguard, 22 space, 93 makeovers, coldflash please :D
Coldflash14. Bodyguard AU22. Space AU93. Makeovers
When Barry finally gets tired – really tired, bone-tired, death-tired – of being a superhero, of all the sacrifices and the loss and the way a brand new problem always shows up on the heels of the last one as if he’s being punished for the sins of a Barry Allen whose mother never died, a Barry Allen that hasn’t existed for a million timeline changes and more, he gives up the title of the Flash to Wally – or to Nora Dawn or Eddie Don, if they’re old enough by then, or maybe even Bart come back from the far future to help – and he just…leaves.
He would take Iris, but she’s gone, a casualty of his endless war to do the right thing at whatever cost to himself (whether she’s dead of enemy attack, the old age that comes upon her but not to him, or even if she just left him for his own good or her own is irrelevant), but he can’t, so he goes alone.
He wanders the world, slowing down (human-speed) to see all the things he never bothered to before. He’s been to Rome a million times to get pizza meant to impress – his favorite take-out places know him by heart – but he’s never bothered to visit the Coliseum or the old Roman forum, and hey, it turns out not all tours are as boring as the one in the Central City Museum, who knew?
He makes an effort to stay below the radar, but while he might not wear the costume anymore, he might not use the name, but he’s still a speedster and somewhere, very, very deep down in his heart , he’s still the Flash.  So he helps out here and there and where he can.
And one day, he finds a ring.
He’s familiar enough with the Green Lanterns – he’s met Hal, he liked Hal, he liked John, he liked Jessica, he even liked Guy, though he didn’t think that much of their successors that came later – that he shies away, initially, not wanting the responsibility of heroism again, but the ring is blue, not green, and he’s drawn to it.
Turns out there’s a shortage of Blue Lanterns in the last few years (decades) and he’s the first one…well, a long while. A LONG while.
The Green Lanterns are determined to protect him, whether he wants to be involved in their intergalactic squabbles or not, and they assign him bodyguards.
He escapes them, of course. He’s still a speedster.
Len is the thirteen bodyguard they try.
Barry is – speechless.
“Lisa,” he says, a question.
Len looks as tired as Barry used to be, but just as young as the year Barry lost him. “They rescued me from the Oculus,” he says, and that explains why he, like Barry, hasn’t aged. “People died in the process, and that means I owe ‘em. They won’t let me go home till it’s paid.”
(It won’t ever be paid, he means, and Barry understands. Barry understands why Mick stayed with the Legends so long, until the day he found whatever he was looking for out there in space and time, and why he never returned to Central and Keystone and took up the mantle of Kronos again, and look Lisa with him, too, because Len couldn’t come to them, trapped as he was in slavery made to look like a debt of honor, but they could come to him.)
Barry thought all the fight was gone out him, worn out by years of pain and sacrifice grinding him down.
Turns out, all he needed was some really good motivation.
(Insert grand space opera in which the entire Lantern corps has been corrupted and turned into some grand stellar court filled with intrigue, where Barry – the only Hope left – is a much-desired pawn that turns himself into a real player with Len’s help, they go up against betrayal and deception at every turn, fight space battles and assassinations, and eventually Barry and Len take down the whole system that’s been built up in the process and replace it with something new.)
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Coldflashwave for 002?
*jumps happily*
002: send me a ship and I will tell you:
When or if I started shipping it: ColdFlash was a quick sell for me, really. Just literally everything about Wentworth’s performance and the intensely unique relationship Barry and Len have on the show. It was Mick who was more of a hard sell, because… let’s be real, he didn’t talk a lot on the Flash. I only really got on board of it over the course of the first season of Legends, because it gave Len and Mick suuuch a good dynamic and actually the chance to interact. So it was incredibly easy to merge Len/Mick and Len/Barry into one happy OT3.
My thoughts: Fire and ice are always a good match. And Barry just goes sooo well with them. It’s beautiful.
What makes me happy about them: Every Flash episode with the Rogues. Just. So much. What also makes me happy is the fandom, to be honest. Like, the Coldflashwave fandom is beautiful. They give Len and Mick background, there are many nearly constant fanons like them and the Rogues becoming sort of vigilantes. This fanon team of Rogues who do work with Len and Mick.
What makes me sad about them: THAT THE SHOW KILLED OFF LEN. FUUUCK YOU. FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU. No seriously, this is an event in time that needs to be fixed.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The fandom is really beautiful? And wholesome? Fanfiction are amazing and they are usually well-tagged so I have an easy time avoiding the things I wouldn’t like, so they don’t get to annoy me because I don’t accidentally read them.
Things I look for in fanfic: ABO-verse with omega!Barry. Things that ignore Lenny’s death. Fics that go beyond the ship - including the Rogues too. I just love team-fics. Also a big fan of Cisco/Lisa, so seeing that as a side-ship to the OT3 always makes me happy too, to be honest.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Oh. This one is hard. Mick/Ray? Lenny and… uhm… I… you’re breaking me here. ColdFlash is OTP. There are no other options. I can’t. I’m sorry, Phoe.exe stopped working.
My happily ever after for them: The Legends pick Barry up because seriously he has fucked the time-stream enough by now and he becomes a Legend. We somehow fix this shit and bring Lenny back and then the OT3 can time-travel all they want. I mean, going through time and fucking shit up is what Barry literally does the best and it’s also kind of what the Legends do most of the time (come on, literally all the problems they fix are problems they caused). So Barry would fit right in. I REALLY want to see Barry as a Legend at this point, because I am 1000% done with the “I am the fastest man alive… until this New Speedster of the season comes around and I have to train even harder to become even faster”-plotline of the Flash. I want something fresh and new. Traveling with the Legends would be so much fun and so cool.
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howtokillavampire · 6 months
sorry i can't come into work today i'm rotating the blorbos in the brain again
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holycafe · 5 years
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Deja Vu
Coldflash Week Fall 2019: Different First Meeting
When the Oculus blew, Len didn’t die. Instead, he woke back up in the body of his past self on the night before his first ever run-in with the Flash. Now Len has a chance to do it all over again; what changes would he make this time around?
(I have a lot of edits and fics for this ship as well as destiel, sterek, etc. My masterposts can be found here. If you’re on a desktop site then you can just jump on over to my page to view the rest of my coldflash edits.)
A full fanfic for this will be on the way soon (hopefully), but please accept the following couple of extracts in the meantime and, if you feel inspired by this post, feel free to run with it yourself! I only ask that you give me credit for the idea.
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The taste of Sara's lips lingered on his tongue. Len hoped she'd gotten away. He hoped they all had. His team. He'd never been much of a team player in the past, but that was before he'd joined the Legends. And look where it had left him: holding onto a device that was set to blow at any second.
All things considered, Len supposed this was a good way to go. He wondered what Barry would think of him now. What would the Flash say once he learnt that Len had died a hero? Would Barry mourn him? Maybe. He was a god damn bleeding heart if ever Len had known one.
When the Time Masters surrounded him, Len had time for one last line. One last snarky comment. He'd make sure it was a good one.
"No strings on me," Len said, and he closed his eyes to the blinding light filling the room.
His last thought was of Lisa.
He supposed he should have expected that... his sister had always loved that damn film and insisted on watching it with him every birthday. Though he'd missed it last year, having been recently arrested for killing their father, so she'd had to come to visit him in prison instead. Lisa forgave Len that though, saying Lewis Snart's death was a better present than she could have asked for and more than made up for one skipped birthday. She'd made him promise not to miss her next one, though... it seemed like Len was going to be breaking that promise. He supposed she'd have to find someone else to carry on that tradition with her from now on. Maybe it would be Cisco? He was a good guy, and it was obvious to Len just how much the two cared for each other. If it wasn’t Cisco, though, Len just had to hope it wasn’t Rosa either; she’d messed with Lisa’s heart too much already.
But, whoever it was, they had better take good care of his little sister or Len would come back to personally haunt their ass.
No strings on me.
No strings on me…
No strings on me…
"There are no strings on me!"
Len sat forward with a jolt, panting heavily as his mind swam with mental whiplash. It took him far too long to blink away his confusion and recognise where he was.
"Lenny? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lisa was asking, placing her hand on his back. He tried not to cringe away from her touch
"You have no strings, your arms is free, to love me by the Zuider Zee," the song continued.
"Yeah..." he said slowly, looking away from Pinocchio dancing away on the TV to Lisa. Slowly, he settled back down on his sister's sofa. "Yeah, I'm fine." His heart was racing, and he was still panting, but he was calming down again now. "Just a bad dream." But it had felt like so much more than that... it had felt real.
"You fell asleep while watching Pinocchio?" Lisa asked, looking thoroughly unimpressed. She really did love this film. "It's not even nine o'clock. And it's my birthday!"
"Sorry, Sis," Len shrugged. He didn't have much else to say. The longer his eyes were open, the more faded the dream felt. Of course, it hadn't been real... Len internally chided himself for even considering that a possibility. Speedsters and immortals and time travel? That stuff could never really exist! It had just been a dream. A very, very weird dream.
"You're getting old, Lenny," his sister teased, and Len rolled his eyes.
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The next morning, s Leonard and his team rode down the armoured van, Len could feel his heart racing in his chest. But he couldn’t let some dream interfere with his heist. He’d been planning it for months, and it was set to be the biggest haul of his career. He and all of his crew would be walking away with at least two mil’ each. He wasn’t about to bail out now.
So, Len continued on. However, he couldn’t help but throw glances over his shoulder as he dismounted his bike and grabbed the liquid nitrogen containers to bust open the door. And when the red blur did, in fact, come rushing to the rescue, Len didn’t hang around to check it out as he’d done in his dream. He jumped on his bike and got the hell out of dodge, mask still firmly in place.
Back at the safe house, Len’s mind was spinning. His dream… it couldn’t have been real. Could it? It wasn’t possible. But neither was the red blur which had interrupted his heist. Len stared at the screen, the surveillance footage he’d swiped from the van playing under his sharp gaze. It was exactly as Len had remembered it in his dream. Everything was happening in precisely the same way. The thought made Len’s stomach twist into knots. If the dream was real… then that meant that Len had only eighteen months left before he died.
But, what a hell of an eighteen months they would be: becoming Captain Cold, going up against the mob, getting rid of Lewis once and for all, travelling through time, and doing and taking whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
Well, almost…
There was one thing that Len found himself wanting desperately. One person. Someone that Len would have never expected to fall for…
And Len supposed that that was it: that was how he could find out, once and for all, whether this dream of his was coming true or not. Len would have to track down Barry Allen. If he was real, then this whole thing, whatever it was, must be real too.
That was how he found himself inside CC Jitters the next morning, waiting on an impossible man.
His dream-self had done surveillance on Barry from the moment he’d squeezed the man’s name from Cisco’s lips. Months of monitoring his comings and goings. He’d learnt everything that he possibly could about Barry, stopping only once Len had found the young man getting cosy with a female cop and noticed the way his gut twisted with jealousy at the sight of the pair… But that wouldn’t be for another year yet.
In Len’s dream, the Flash had frequented this coffee shop day in and day out. So, if Len wanted to run into him, then this was the place to do it.
Len didn’t have long to wait before the door opened and in walked Barry Allen and Iris West. Iris patted her friend on the shoulder and moved behind the counter to put on an apron. But Len’s eyes were trained on Barry. He was dressed like a preschool teacher in a sweater vest and shirt with a pair of slim-fit jeans. It looked good on him, though Len would be surprised if he found anything that looked bad on this man.
The goody type didn’t usually do it for Len, but there was so much more to Barry than met the eye and thus, regardless, Len found his heart racing frantically against his chest. Though, maybe his reaction was less about seeing Barry again and more about the crushing realisation that his dream had been real.
Len couldn’t understand how that was possible. He’d dreamt about the future. But how? He wasn’t a meta… was he?
Barry was leaning on the counter now and talking to his friend. From this angle, Len could just about see the grin on the Flash’s face. One part of Len wanted to stay and watch this impossible man some more, but another part of him needed time to think things over. Getting up, Len shrugged his coat back on over his shoulders and made to leave the café. But then someone was tripping up and crashing into him.
Len stumbled, shooting a hand out to a nearby post, and steadying himself and the other man before they both went hurtling to the floor. He looked down to find Barry Allen’s big green eyes looking back up at him, the to-go cup he’d been holding slipping to the floor and spilling all over Len’s shoes. Though, Len realised he didn’t quite mind that. He could always buy a new pair.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” Barry said, pulling himself up. “I was backing up, and I wasn’t looking where I was going. And I… I’ll pay for your dry cleaning!” Barry continued. Len looked down at himself, seeing that some of the coffee had indeed also splattered against his new coat. Len didn’t mind that either. Barry twisted to grab his wallet from his jeans pocket, and Len realised he was still holding onto Barry’s shoulder; he quickly let go.
“They’re only clothes,” Len said. He sounded breathless. He was breathless. Len was working without a plan here, and he always had a plan. He hadn’t intended to meet Barry today, but now that he had… "Let me buy you another drink,” Len said, slipping into his drawl like putting on a good pair of gloves. He watched Barry closely and was happy to see a brush of colour sweep across the younger man’s cheeks.
"But, I was the one who bumped into you,” Barry protested, still holding his wallet as though he was going to insist on paying. Len placed his hand purposefully over Barry’s.
"Yeah, you were," Len said, smirking. He enjoyed the way that Barry grinned at him in return. Their relationship in the dream had been much more difficult. But this? This was easy. "You look like a caramel latte, kind of guy."
"How did you know?"
"Call it a hunch," Len shrugged. The truth was, he remembered it being Barry’s go-to drink in his dream. Though, his friends would often order a Flash for him as a joke. Len would have liked to make that same joke now, but that particular drink wasn’t on the menu… yet. “Also,” Len said, dipping down to pick the spilt disposable coffee cup up off the floor, "it's written on your cup."
"Oh, right," Barry laughed. Len, smirk still in place, stepped around the spill to toss the now-empty cup in the trash at the same time that Iris came over with a mop. Barry apologised to her, but she only gave Barry a not-so-subtle wink and nodded with her head for Barry to follow Len to the counter. Barry had turned an even brighter shade of red by this point.
Len ordered the man’s drink and then leant back against the counter, elbows propped up behind him and taking his time to slowly look Barry up and down.
“So, Barry, do you make a habit of running into people at coffee shops or am I just lucky?” Len drawled, and Barry scratched nervously at the back of his neck.
“Well, I try not to,” Barry laughed. “Not everyone’s as nice about it as you are,” he said, and Len almost burst out laughing. He didn’t think anyone had ever called him ‘nice’ before. “Wait, you know my name?” Barry asked. But he quickly shook his head and tapped his crown in a ‘duh’ gesture. “The coffee cup,” he said, answering his own question. “Though, now I’m at a disadvantage because I don’t know your name.”
“Hmm,” Len uttered. He leisurely looked Barry up and down one last time, drawing it out and enjoying how the younger man squirmed under his gaze. “I think we can rectify that,” Len said eventually, then he quickly pushed back off the counter and turned around to grab a napkin. He took a pen out of his coat pocket and scrawled his name and number down. By the time he was done, Barry’s order was ready, so he handed both the cup and napkin to the speedster at the same time. "You can run into me anytime, Barry," he winked and then sauntered out of the coffee shop before Barry could do anything more than blush.
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sophiainspace · 5 years
Fic Recs for Fanfic Writers’ Appreciation Day
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Here are some of my favourite fics of the year, in no particular order. Go and read these absolute gems, and everything by these writers. <3
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Risks Worth Taking by @sproutwings (one-shot, pre-OT3) - I loved the simplicity of this one. All three of them are never in the same room. It’s all anticipation and UST and *sigh*.
Essential Precautions by @barrylen (multi-chapter, complete) - the one with Nora getting Len and her parents together. THE CUTEST.
Crossing Lines by @heyheyohsorry (one-shot) - older fic that I only just found, and I have no idea how it took me this long. What a fascinating twist - and it’ll break your heart. <3
But Needs Must as the Devil Drives by @coldtomyflash (WIP) is deliciously dark. I think it’s on hiatus - but I recommend anyway.
Boilersuit Blue by @kleptoandpyro (one-shot) - from slightly more than a year ago but worth revisiting. Gorgeous. Expect to cry.
Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 1989 (In Denmark) by @bold-sartorial-statement (one-shot). While I adore all the ‘got married young’ nonsense fic about coldwave, I love something that tries to make that work with actual history. A coldwave classic.
Gloves by @beware-the-ravenstag (one-shot, Mick Rory, allusions to past coldwave) - 200 words of tiny perfection after which you will cry.
Until Death Do Us Part by @blueelvewithwings​ (one-shot) - I’d recommend a dozen of Aurelia’s fics if I had space! I love her fluffier ones - this is not one of those, but it is great coldwave. Dark, sad, horrifying, I love it.
Spiced to Perfection by @hiverforesteevee​ (one-shot, NSFW) - small and perfectly formed. <3
gold, when you find me by @latebarryallen (multi-chapter, complete) - the coffee shop AU with Iris writing a comic strip about ‘the Streak’ that I never knew I needed, till @zariadriannatomaz recced. Hilarious, adorable.
everything by @zariadriannatomaz​ (one-shot, NSFW) - it’s SO rare that I read smut that I enjoy, especially m/f, and this was gorgeous.
I’m Yours by Ms_C_Marie (one-shot) - beautiful recovery/getting together/learning to make space for each other fic.
you can lean on my arm as you break my heart by korrasamis (one-shot) - a chillingly sad Iris-centric meditation on Iris/Barry. Will break your heart.
Captain Canary
Let Us Be Lovers (We’ll Marry Our Fortunes Together) by @dragongoddess13 (multi-chapter, complete) - the loveliest feels-y road trip AU. <3
Possessive Charms series by Ninhursag (mutli-chapter, complete) - this author writes some great darkfic. Some good people have some very bad ideas, and come back from it stronger.
i just wanna have fun and (get rowdy) by @joanthangroff (multi-chapter, complete, mix of gen & various ships) - I started reading because it looked like a cute ‘everybody’s queer’ groupchat fic. I binged for 3 days... it was exactly that, but MUCH deeper and better than I expected. <3
Snippets from the Waverider by @terrayoung continues to be the tinyfic collection you MUST read (WIP, gen & various Legends ships). The snippet I just quoted in a review was Zari and Jax: “Sarcasm is not an emotion.” “I know, for you it’s a way of life.” “No, it’s more like a hobby I’m really dedicated to.”
Shades of Blue by @areyouscarletcold (one-shot, QPR goldenvibe) - the most delicious angst and friendship and mutual support.
Remember What You’re Staring At Is Me by @tarrinatopaz​ (one-shot, Earth-X Leo Snart & Earth-1 Lisa Snart) - sad and sweet and haunting.
Family Pride by Kitkatt0430 (one-shot, mostly gen, background westallen) - lovely coming out story.
Of Pancakes and Butterflies by @incendiaglacies​ (one-shot in a series, Gideon & Jax Jackson & Martina Jackson) - gorgeous reflection on friendship and recovering from grief, and it’s adorable.
Other Ships
To Those Who Love (Only When They’re Bleeding) by Lady_Vibeke (one-shot, rogue canary) - LV’s writing is subtle and poetic and I love it.
in her eyes (and all that other mushy crap) by themuslimbarbie (one-shot, Sara Lance/Zari Tomaz) - beautiful and sad and real.
I Say It’s Up To Fate by @stillthewordgirl (one-shot, Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/John Constantine) - you have to love that ‘brand new OT3’ feeling, and this hit me in all those feels. I love Jael’s subtle writing, here and in all her fic.
cold nights and the Sunday mornings by @joanthangroff (one-shot, hartmon) - gorgeous disability fic with Deaf Hartley - two fingers up to the CW’s ableism.
Livelong Night by @wonderingtheblue (one-shot, olivarry) - an older fic that I read in the past 12 months, and oh just so beautiful and subtle and sad. <3
catharsis by @zariadriannatomaz (one-shot, Nyssa Al Ghul/E2 Dinah Laurel Lance) - beautiful writing. Mina writes THE BEST lauryssa (any Earth versions), which I didn’t ship until she dragged me into it & I’m glad she did!
Five times Rip knew that Time hadn’t completely forsaken him by @kleptoandpyro (one-shot, Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart) - klep should write more - I savour every damn word they write. Perfection.
amare daemonium by @madprinceofdenmark (one-shot, coldatom) - a very surprising and interestingly conceived demon!Ray AU.
A Is For Aftercare by @blueelvewithwings (one-shot, coldflash, NSFW) - if you like kink fic, everything Aurelia writes is amazing, but this is the sweetest.
Rules to Break by @greensphynx-thecloset (olivarry, NSFW) - another perfect kink fic, written for me, and oh god *shivers*... perfect.
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after the battle, it’s time we go home by verboseDescription (gen Doom Patrol - Vic Stone & Team Doom Patrol) - a fic in which Vic actually gets to deal with his trauma. Found family feels. <3
No Equivalent Substitute by Penlex (The Adventure Zone - Balance Arc) - this whole series is heartbreakingly beautiful, but this one ripped my heart out and then fed me thirty garlic clove chicken. Sob.
Passing Radon Canyon by cher (Alice Isn’t Dead, Welcome To Night Vale) - a lil crossover fic written for me for Yuletide. Deeply creepy.
Screen Time by SilentSilhouette (gen Doom Patrol) - Moments in Doom Manor. Unexpectedly deep. Hits the tone of the show perfectly.
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My favourite of my own fics this year was Stealing Time (coldwestallen). I’m having way too much fun writing cwa recently.
Also it’s a year to the day since I started Mending Wall (QPR coldwave), so if you haven’t read that (it’s complete), go catch up!
This year I started my 50th Arrowverse fic, ‘Saving Time’ (coldwestallen). 
HAPPY FANFIC WRITERS’ DAY TO EVERYONE whether or not I recced your fic... I ran out of time but could have recced a dozen more! <3
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
This will sound like I'm picking a fight (not the intent) but...you've posted re your irritation with the lack of reviews that you get on your fics. As an author myself, I get the frustration of putting work into something and not getting a response. However, I rarely see your name among reviewers on other authors' fics. l'd think you'd be the first one to support others knowing how important it is. What am I missing? It seems odd to expect others to do what you do not. Lead by example, I say.
Hey, nonnie. I don’t think you’re picking a fight, but what fics are you looking at? If you look at sunshineoptimismandangels fics, hkvoyages fics, some of lilyvandersteen’s fics, crimsondomingo’s Coldflash fics, itallstartedwithharry’s fics, you’ll see my name (either fhartz91 or ladydivine). Sometimes I’m only available to read on mobile. It doesn't let me log in, so I leave comments anon. Also, I read a lot on scarvesandcoffee where my user name is smellslikecraigslist. If you look at the fics listed under recommended on the homepage, I have commented on ALL of those fics. I suspect you may be asking why I don’t comment on your fics. If you were to come off anon and send me a link, I would be more than happy to read them when I have time. A lot of you guys have real lives, I have one, too. I completely understand that. I work two jobs, write, take care of four kids (three disabled), and volunteer as a crisis counselor. When I can’t read a fic, I will reblog it. I have dedicated entire days to filling my queue with the fics of one particular author to showcase their work. Every year on fanfic author appreciation day, I’ve spread love around in spades. I also have two other fic blogs (that I don’t link to here) where I reblog other people’s fics and not my own. Believe me, I am doing my part in an effort to make people feel loved.
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