#it's chill though cats don't give a fuck about gender
tuhbanbuv · 6 months
EWJ AU and Headcanons:
Guess people wanna hear my AU bullshit lol /j
I have a fuck ton I had to dump in a notepad and try to organize it.
Jim can get drunk off of ice cream and fro-yo because the sugar fucks up with his system so much.
Jim curls up in the neck of her supersuit when she's too tired to reach her bed or overstimulated.
Jim is bigender him/her lesbian, Psycrow is bi, Professor is gay, Peter is gay as well.
Jim's full legal name is Jim/Kim Clayton, and she switches between he/him and she/her pronouns. Just don't call him an "it".
Jim is dyslexic, autistic and has a TBI.
Jim got her name from a grave she discovered in New Junk City. She didn't know anything about gender and stuff at the time, so she just assumed the masculine persona that people gave her due to her voice and suit. This would end up biting her in the ass years later.
Insectika courting rituals are much different than human courting rituals. WHN didn't know Jim was interested in her until he accidentally proposed to her in an Insectika tradition. After a bit of back and forth they began properly dating afterwards.
Princess WHN:
Snott is actually WHN's pet, he only sticks around Jim because of the snacks he forgets he puts into his suit's backpack and Snott is very much a glutton.
Princess WHN is also autistic, but she wouldn't know until Saturn was diagnosed as autistic.
WHN is part human part Insectikette, her true heritage and birth being the catalyst for her sister taking up the throne and mother's murder because the royal family was basically advocates for eugenics. It did not end well for all parties involved, big shocker there.
WHN LOVES human food, especially pizza. She'll be completely distracted if someone offers her food. Want to make her happy, give her food.
WHN thinks that a lot of Creepypastas are real, even the bad ones. She has spent at least a couple nights searching to bring down Jeff The Killer and Slenderman only to be dragged back home by Peter.
WHN often enters in strongman contests, and has several first place trophies from them.
Peter's parents were used in animal experimentation an attempt to make the strongest fighting dog known to man. When the ring was broken up and arrested, the dogs were sent to a farm where Peter would be born as the run of the litter, only to be adopted by a young Addie.
Peter was adopted by Addie and her family when he was a normal puppy. As he was a runt rejected by his bio mom and adopted as a newborn, Peter was 100% convinced Addie was his real mom. Even if he knows he's adopted, he still calls her his mom.
Peter is a Jack Russel-Beagle mix, though he's technically now a hellhound.
Peter does most of the housework, at least the ones involving chemicals and flammable equipment because Jim is very accident-prone.
Peter is around 20-30 during the main canon. He aged up in dog years as a normal dog only for his biological age to slow down when he became Amos' vessel akin to that of a human. He'll probably live for 100-200 years though.
Peter is very small for his breed and was often mocked for it. Now, he uses it to his advantage because seeing WHN or Psycrow pause in shock as he gets drinks at a bar is hilarious to him.
Amos is Peter's demon and later lover. Originally Satan's right-hand man…until a certain cat came along and ruined it for him.
Peter has six puppies, named Paimo, Rono, Molo, Bapho, Corso, and of course, Solo. They all have some sort of demonic power thanks to Peter's demon and their other parent, Amos. If you understand the naming scheme for them you get a free cookie.
Amos can take up a form almost like Venom when he's going parrot-mode on Brock, just chilling in Peter's shadow. Except Peter's shadow now has eyes and a mouth and scares the shit out of everyone he comes across while doing errands.
Peter is Amos' longest-lasting vessel, as most of the others died from being murdered in witch hunts or took their own lives. He only made himself known to Peter after he temporarily died after a mission gone wrong because he was so impressed with Peter that he had to see him in the flesh.
Peter has severe anxiety, and honestly, who can blame him? Though he usually medicates it with those dog CBD treats and weed whenever he can. Addie Newman:
Addie is part Corvidian part human, with her biological mother unknown and potentially dead. Addie has a suspicion that Psycrow is her biological father, however.
Addie is currently dating Grayson, president of the Earthworm Jim Fanclub. As you can imagine, the meet the parents dinner went as well as you'd expect.
Addie has a large mixed family, biological and adopted, including her adoptive fathers, David and Mike, and her adoptive baby sister, Penelope.
Addie had anger issues in her childhood, once overthrew the leader of a gang in less than ten minutes, got expelled from several schools before the age of ten, amongst other things. Her parents went to adopt her a puppy in hopes it would help her, leading to her picking the runt of the litter, Peter. Peter would help Addie immensely...until he was separated from her when he fell through a portal to Heck.
Addie kept and wore Peter's collar on her person until she would eventually try to summon Evil to retrieve Peter herself, fully knowing and accepting that she would have to sacrifice her own life according to Evil. Jim would save her and Peter and became her friend.
Addie is still a delinquent but is more geared towards vigilante justice rather than purposeful crime. She wouldn't outright say it, but Peter and Jim saved her life.
Psycrow would discover a baby Addie abandoned while he was doing drug trades. He would take Addie in for the first three years of her life until ultimately deciding to give her up to an earth couple so she wouldn't be killed due to his criminal career. The two would later reunite and Psycrow would be accepted in the Newman family after he permanently put his criminal days behind him.
Saturn, Solo and Bessie:
Saturn is selectively mute, and Solo often speaks for her when they do missions
Saturn hardly speaks even as an adult, usually only hissing or screeches. She of course knows how and can speak quite well, but just prefers not to.
Saturn was born with just her arms as a lot of baby Insectoids/Insectikettes have a "larval stage", and much like Saturn did, grow their legs later on, usually as a toddler.
Saturn can curl up like a cat, and usually does this to fit in human chairs/seats/etc.
Saturn lets Solo and the other pups ride on her back. Seeing as she's literally a giant centipede and can fit all 6 of the pups on her back at once
Saturn considers Bessie her sister/half-sister due to their parents being clones. Bessie hates her guts, so the feeling is not mutual :(
WHN stressed and worried over not being a good mother to Saturn. She was ultimately worried over nothing, as Saturn is technically the only member of the royal family that had loving parents.
Solo was completely convinced that Saturn was a dog much like her and the other puppies until Peter had to try to explain otherwise. For five straight hours.
After a mission gone wrong, Evil Jim was sucked into a wormhole and presumed dead. Jim tried to take in Bully Bessie and it worked for a while until she ran away as a preteen and assumed Evil Jim's role. She works endlessly to find her dear papa and will not hesitate to find any way to save him, even if it means backstabbing her "sister". And she'd gladly do so.
Bessie is part jaguar, part piranha, part scorpion and radioactive cow, as Evil Jim wanted to make her with every advantage known to man.
Bessie ironically enjoys using butcher knives and cleavers as her weapons of choice, considering Evil Jim's guns as "too quick". Creepy.
Evil Jim didn't know what sex/gender Bessie was at birth and still doesn't, so he just let Bessie choose her clothes even as a baby.
Solo, despite being the smallest of her siblings, is pretty much the litter's leader. Mess with her family and you'll beg for death. She makes her fathers proud though Peter is a bit worried.
Solo can see and speak with the dead.
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solradguy · 2 years
So if the entire GG Cast had animal ears, who do you think would be each animal and why?
You can ask me what I think their fursonas would be, it's ok. I'm just gonna do Strive or I'll never finish writing this haha
Sol gets cat ears. He wants to be a dog so bad but he's a cat. Sorry Sol but you're cranky and love people anyway and that's catman behavior
Ky would have wolf ears. Wolves can be beautiful and majestic but Ky is a machine in battle and is a good leader. Him and his squad will destroy anything they need to like a pack of wolves.
Jack-O' would be a colugo, I think. They're these sort of stubby-tailed squirrel-like animals with webbing around their arms and legs that lets them glide from tree to tree. They're also kinda green!! Colugo are very cool. Anyway, they're weird and silly and bendy. Jack-O' animal.
Chipp is a squirrel. I see the little grey and black squirrels around here jumping around and climbing on shit and I'm like "Yeah, Chipp behavior"
Potemkin is tricky hmm... Maybe a buffalo? He's big and lumbering and just wants to chill but he'll fuck shit up with his giant horns if he has to. I'm getting lost in the image of him being big and fluffy...
I don't have an explanation for this but I want Nago to have a bat motif so badly. Not in a vampire way like Slayer though, more like one of those flying foxes with the cute little ears and big ol eyes. I love them.
I wish I knew Gio better because all I can think is "dog" but that feels like a cop-out lol
Goldlewis would be a dog too but like a St Bernard with big floppy ears. St Bernards don't get angry easy, but they're so big I don't want to see one ready to throw down. I think a St Bernard could juggle me across the room and crush my guts like a bug on the wall.
Testament would be a cat but one of those really classy sleek black cats with a lithe build. I don't know the breed name but Testament is always talking about baths and probably loves to be pampered like a fancy cat.
Bridget would have hamster ears. Look at those squishy little cheeks. Hamster girl.
Sin is a PUPPY he eats EVERYTHING and he's SILLY. Give him the floppy baby half-wolf ears he deserves
I-no would have lion ears. Female lions are very fierce but efficient hunters but they've also got a bit of an attitude.
Baiken is another tricky one. Maybe a hyena? Spotted hyenas especially have a very interesting relationship with gender and the females are quite masculine. They also get mischaracterized a lot, similarly to Baiken... Spotted hyenas live in groups but they can also be pretty independent and are capable of some wild stuff, like having one of the strongest bite strengths amongst mammals and being able to eat bones. I think Baiken would eat bones if she had to.
Ram is pretty cat coded too but I don't think she'd be a house cat. Maybe something like a caracal? They're charismatic but they're still large cats. I wouldn't want to fight a caracal, it'd bite my arm off.
Zato is an interesting one. A lot of the cast has at least a bit of an underlying animal motif but Zato really doesn't... Zato would have luna moth antennae. Luna moths, once they enter their moth stage, don't have mouths and can't eat. They're doomed to die the second they crawl out of their chrysalis, like how Zato was doomed to die the second he summoned Eddie.
Millia would have a feathery crest like a bird even though she also has some cat motifs in Strive. Birds kill and eat moths. I don't know what kind of bird though. Horned owl?
Axl has labrador retriever energy. Sort of silly/relaxed by default but those dogs can get serious when they work.
Faust... Hmm... God I honestly have no idea haha Faust is really in like his own little category, I have no clue what to file him under. He kinda has this indescribable frog energy but those don't have ears in a traditional sense lol
Leo is leo. Another cop-out answer but the man's a lion through and through haha
Anji is so pretty, he's another bird. Like one of those ones where the males have an elaborate mating dance lol Maybe he'd have a peacock crest.
May would have bunny ears. She's kinda round and adorable but rabbits are a little crazy haha They'll bite you!! But they don't like getting wet so maybe making her a rabbit is oxymoronic rofl
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emcscared-whumps · 1 year
Johnstone, Johnstone, my darling boy Johnstone. "Pleading" on the BTHB card for him?
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ID: Bad Things Happen Bingo Card
BTHB 1C - Pleading
BTHB Masterpost
Sorry about the wait, but I don't like rushing UwU Johnnybastard is certainly tough to make plead, but I think I have a way of forcing him :)
CONTENT AND WARNINGS: Dehumanisation, it/its as dehumanising pronouns, whumper turned whumpee, this episode, on 'How Homoerotic Could This Conceivably Get?' (even though Dathrir's gender is unfathomable, the spirit is there, (it's sfw tho dw)), wait, how the FUCK did I write hand whump (sliced thumb, EW), noncon turning (not a vampire thing, but a demon thing... even though vampires are a type of demon in these realms... idfk but Johnstone gets the worse deal) it's not transformation /yet/, forced blood drinking
wc: ~1k
“On your knees.”
Dathrir grabbed the restrained human’s throat, and with their free hand, their fingers wandered through its hair, and the clawed tips scraped over its scalp. The threat sent a chill down the human’s spine despite the snarl that stayed fixed on its face.
It took nothing to force it down, despite its viciously growled protests.
Compared to when he stood tall as a House Master, the human in front of them was small. It was probably the ragged clothes, and grimy, bloodied face that gave that impression.
Fallen from humanity’s grace.
A traitor.
A smile crept onto their features. “What a fun game…” they purred.
Fury burnt in those strange, odd coloured eyes. Dathrir recalled that eyes of odd colours were unusual in humans. It’d make a striking demon…
The human gnashed at the cloth gag, as if sensing the malice Dathrir exuded. The way it tried to cling desperately to any power or authority it previously had was amusing, but did not excuse its insubordination and crimes.
“You stole that belunae from me, you know. By getting greedy, sloppy. By getting stupid. I thought you were one of the more intelligent ones. If you had simply followed protocol, well... perhaps even... made a special request...” Dathrir drawled, “we wouldn’t be in this little mess now, would we?”
Their wandering fingers snapped shut and gripped a fistful of ratty blond hair, tearing scalp. The human let out a muffled roar that was as angry as it was pained. Blood seeped through its hair and a thin trail slid down its forehead.
“Hm, let me think… You failed to appoint another Head Hunter, lied in reports on multiple occasions, knowingly appointed a belunae in your Squad—one that you should have passed up—and you kept another as a pet in your little power fantasy. I must say, I admire your ingenuity… but not your stupidity.”
The human glared.
“Sorrel Johnstone, wasn’t it?” they asked. A shadowy smirk darkened their features as they tugged the gag from the human’s mouth. They spoke again, “You broke the House Order. Beg for forgiveness you pathetic fucking dog—give me one good reason not to execute you for treason, and I just might let you live.”
Dathrir’s eyes narrowed, “You might consider trying again.”
“Ever the fool… That’s okay though, I’ll enjoy spilling your blood.”
In a flash, a blade spun in their hand, the tip finding the snarling human’s throat.
The human inhaled sharply and froze, eyes going wide with an entertaining mixture of fury and fear.
Dathrir hummed a giggle, “Cat got your tongue…?”
The spark of defiance in the human’s eyes brightened to flames at the taunt. Its body quivered. Dathrir could hear the way the human’s hands worked in their bindings, itching to break loose and unleash the rage that so clearly roiled within. In the face of Dathrir, the bravery was almost admirable—it was willing to start a fight it surely knew it would lose. Then again, bravery was just a term to comfort the foolhardy.
Dathrir released the human, but not after a light swipe that left a fine, weeping mark across its throat. Perhaps now it would consider the command.
“This can go on as long as you’d like, but I’m sure you’d like to get back to business and rebuild your House,” they said with a quirked eyebrow. “So, why don’t you make it quick. Beg sweetly for me, and I will let you go.”
This got the human’s attention.
Clearly, it had expected to die here, but a change in tactic seemed to yield the results Dathrir desired. The rage still burned beneath its skin, its heavy breathing was a sure tell.
“Let me go,” Johnstone started in a low tone.
“Tsk tsk, the magic word...?”
“Please. Let me go please.”
“Oh I’m sure you can do better,” Dathrir quipped, “after all, you’ve heard it plenty of times, haven’t you?”
Even if only a mockery, the human’s next attempt was at least a fraction more believable, “Please let me go—I’ll do anything...!”
They would make them beg.
Dathrir stroked its hair. “Good boy... That wasn’t so hard now was it? There’s just one more thing before you go,” they drawled with an odd smile, unlocking the cuffs that bound the human.
“And what’s that?” it said, strangling its harsh tone.
Perhaps there was hope, it knew its unspoken boundaries and attempted to adhere, if only as a means to an end.
“This—” Dathrir sliced their thumb on the knife. Thick, dark blood immediately pooled at the tip and dribbled down in a fast stream. Dathrir lunged at the human faster that, it could blink, and shoved their thumb between its lips.
The human recoiled instantly at the taste of Dathrir’s foul blood and tried vainly to spit it out. Dathrir sealed its mouth, but it bit down hard through its clear disgust, tearing at their skin with blunt teeth, clearly trying to dismantle their hand one digit at a time. Had Dathrir been human, they would have screamed.
Instead, what they called pain was a warmth that blossomed and spread up their thumb and through their hand. The tears in their skin simply released more of their blood, prompting a muffled, frustrated scream from the human at their mercy. It struggled harder. It gave up causing them pain, instead trying to quell the sickening burning in their mouth and remove the substance that caused it.
Dathrir smiled, satisfied when the human had swallowed enough. They released it suddenly, letting it hurl itself across the floor. Blood glistened on its lips and the corners of its mouth, and more, mixed with saliva dribbled out of its mouth as it coughed and gagged, groaning lowly.
“What the fuck was that,” the human spat in a raspy voice.
Dathrir smiled, revealing fangs. “Oh,” they purred, “you’ll see.” It won’t be human for much longer, they thought, to be hunted by one’s own people is the most fitting punishment for a traitor.
“Guards, get rid of it. Take it to an alley near here, and then leave me,” they said, “I’d like to watch the show.”
“What the fuck—do you mean, you demon piece of shit?!” the human seethed between coughs.
Before Dathrir deigned to give another vague answer, the human twisted suddenly with a scream, no doubt caused by the corruption that flooded its body.
“Make it stop—! ARGH!” it yelled, agony cracking its strained voice. “Let me go and I’ll—consider letting—you live! If the other houses found out—”
“They won’t,” Dathrir said, “they haven’t for almost a thousand years~ Besides, no one would ever listen to a demon.”
“Let me FUCKING GO!” it screeched, leaping up and lunging toward Dathrir.
The guards caught it and held it back a mere inch from the unflinching Dathrir’s throat. It scrabbled in their hold, the bout of corruption seemingly over. The first ones they endured, Dathrir noted, always seemed less severe, and were shorter. For now, the pathetic creature that struggled restrained before them, murder in their eyes, would be fine. Perhaps it wouldn’t even notice what was happening until it was too late.
It was always captivating to see what a hunter would do when stripped of their humanity. Perhaps this one would be especially interesting, given its ego.
Dathrir hummed lowly, an ominously victorious, jovial sound, “As you wish.”
If you read and enjoyed this, please consider a reblog ^-^
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
🌈💌🕯🦋🍉? 💖
Hello there 🤣😘
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I think in terms of sheer effort, four dreams was the worst of the lot. Partly because Endgame left me feeling...all kinds of unfun things, and this fic was me trying to reconcile all that with my love of then-MCU, stucky, Bucky, and especially Steve. Writing it was fairly exhausting emotionally. Where or not that's clear to the readers is another matter though...
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Listen. For the last two months, I've been trying and utterly failing to tame my JJK plot bunnies. I try to write a PwP and it becomes a multichapter menace. I try to write a chill, low-porn piece and it becomes wall-to-wall porn with an unreasonable number of limbs. I'm excited about all of these. I've written 10% of any of it.
But I guess I'm excited to post the 91k three-part series focusing a de-aged Gojou and the aftermath? It's been a while since I wrote a coherent story that's so long. It was supposed to be a three-chapter quick fic, but well...
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
There's a GrimmIchi rival assassins AU that was like pulling teeth for a good third of it. Once it started flowing, it behaved well, but getting there was a task. Plus, the plot outline mutated pretty wildly, and once I started writing, it mutated all over again. It'll see the light of day some time this year. Probably 😂
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Whether people will like it, I suppose. I write for myself in the sense that everything is 200% self-indulgent, and if I see a fic through to the end, it already means I love it. But I post for the validation that comes from others seeing it and reacting, and those initial few hours of Comments(??).jpeg can be nerve-wracking. This is especially the case when I'm venturing into a new fandom.
🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
I think you already know the answer to this 🤣
I don't use fic as an outlet or exploration for my traumatic experiences, but writing itself is one of my main ways of distracting myself when brain becomes a bag of rabid cats. That aside, I think the most obvious personal projection is the sex. Not all of it, if course. I write a lot of fucked up shit that I have zero interest in enacting in real life. But a lot of the base kinks I default to (sadism, power dynamics, biting/marking, physical domination, undetones of vore etc.) are things I dabble in myself. I also tend to give my favorite characters my tastes in bed (in case anyone was wondering about all the sadistic, bite-happy tops lol). It's also a good way for me to explore attraction to men because IRL, I've found that I'm more into women than any other gender.
I assume that last heart is just a heart for me *eats it*
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fyodior · 2 years
Alright bisch , im doing this
*slams my resume on your desk
K so Hi! I'm Noodles as you know by now and I go by she/they . Currently unemployed and finishing school and 18 years old.
Appearance wise I'm pretty lanky and tall(5'11) with short grey hair and blue eyes. I wear shit ton of hoodies and casual clothes that are more practical than for looks. (Side effect is I have always smth in my pockets like pens or money or gum, it's like Blackhole)
This feels weird talking about personality but hey whatever dhdh. I'm clearly an introvert but surprisingly I can thrive in social events too. I can easily talk to strangers and I would say even charm them if I put my mind to it , it just simply has a limit and after a while I fizzle out and feel like not talking. I like to give people things and help in any way, it brings me more joy than anything which translates into not handling affection well. I'm pretty chill and laid back compared to some people , I don't involve myself into dramas or issues since I prefer to watch afar. Even though I secretly might wanna punch some people who can't take the hint.(Violence is the answer sometimes kids) It's surprising how chill and unbothered I am but when shit goes down and I'm fed up I take the reigns and tell people what to do cause they're indecisive morons. It's not often but it fills me with pride when I can take the lead like this and people believe in me to be leader.
(I did the test but it's confusing a bit? If u know the other personality test I'm an INFP but thats a bit old now)
Some of my hobbies include drawing a shit ton of small doodles but never having the patience to stick with one piece too long. Piloting I would also consider a hobby , and reading and playing video games too in spare time. But lately taking walks has taken a big part in my life I have come to enjoy them too. I do bite my nails a lot unfortunately, old habit eeee
Likes and dislikes sheesh okay uh. I like people who don't lie about their feelings. Hate lies with passion. Those small white lies don't bother me but stuff like hiding your feelings and lying to another person's face whenever u like em or not makes my blood boil. I hate blueberries, lavender and coconut , Oblivious people and of course The current capitalistic system .
I like rats , snakes , birds ,cats and dogs of course . Creating anything brings me joy, whenever it be art , writing or even just ideas. My hands need to keep doing smth and creating is one way to do it. I also like winter and cold somehow , better than heat for sure
(U can go nsfw too but Its not a requirement btw heh)
(And for characters not to match with I don't think I'm comfy with mori much or nikolai sorryy)
Thank you for doing this event hon, and thank you for letting me participate , lov uuuuuuu
⚞ noodles x chuuya ⚟
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⋆ ok first of all i know you dont like pink but i think its cute so suck it up
⋆ second of all. i rly wanted to be more creative and give you someone not super obvious but chuuya just works so well like that is ur man
⋆ third of all you will always be shipped with me above anyone else ok u know this
⋆ he is so fucking. gender. and sexy we discuss this often
⋆ above all else you are a fucking people pleaser even to ur own detriment dkfjdkjdf and i truly think chuuya is among the few people who wouldn't abuse this. he'd entertain you because he knows its fulfilling for you, but make sure you arent running yourself dry
⋆ he would indulge in your praise kink at every turn. not even just sexually although he def would be telling you (depending on position/situation) how sexy you look or how good you're being or how good ur fucking him
↣ in everyday life too! how much he appreciates you and how thankful he is for u. behind closed doors this man is so fucking soft no matter how steely he acts in front of others.
⋆ chuuya will so let you peg him in fact he will request this
⋆ chuuya is also not a liar (irl, probably lies his ass off to PM ppl) and really wants someone who he can trust to always be honest with him, because he def has trust issues.
⋆ he will not hide his feelings either. again he probably has a good ass poker face just bc . pm exec and all that but he will always be so straightforward because that's just how he is. you'd never have to worry about him stewing silently or secretly being pissed off
⋆ it irks him so bad how much taller you are but he tries to not let it get to him too bad dkfkdjkjfkj
⋆ "violence is sometimes the answer kids" i am 100% positive he has said that before at some point in his life
↣ he'd be a horrible enabler tho like you'd be ranting how much you want to kill a peer/coworker and he'd be like fucking do it. whats stopping you and ur like PRISON IS ??????
⋆ he's the same when it comes to avoiding unnecessary drama. he thinks it's dumb as fuck and has absolutely no interest in getting involved. but he does like shit talking with you at home fjkdfkjdfj or going on rants abt how much he fucking hates dazai and ur sitting on the couch as he paces around the room like. uh huh yes honey for sure
⋆ you'd def always be drawing or doodling sketches of him and the paper ones he'd keep all of them and store them bc he finds it so endearing
⋆ chuuya is the same exact way when it comes to an introvert that's able to be charming as fuck. like you'd be able to attend dinners or parties or whatever and charm everyone there but you leave after like an hour fkdfkdkjfdjk and then sit in silence on the couch watching tv to recharge
⋆ i dont think he'd be great about letting you be the leader/taking the reigns in situatiions honestly but you'd also completely trust him to not be a fucking idiot and trust his decisions so does it rly matter
⋆ why do you hate lavender. i love lavender. chuuya probably loves lavender
⋆ your ability to stay unbothered would be really good for him and his incredibly short (like him) temper. you'd be like the only person who could calm him down and get him to chill the fuck out literally please do this my guy is so high strung sometimes
⋆ he'd absolutely fucking obliterate your ass in any video games
⋆ power couple. can i be the third pls
⋆ love u
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Ok, new ocs! Not only that though, these ocs will be placed into a separate universe/cannon than Little Town (That's not to say you can't ask for crossovers if you're one of the few who enjoy my little guys, just know they don't naturally share the same space)
These ocs are in a Big City but the things that tie them all together are the fact that they're all hybrids and they all work at the same hybrid cafe
Now, for any of you who don't know (I don't blame you) my hybrid aus have a few rules. These Hybrids have only been around a few generations, the first hybrids were made by humans in a lab, all hybrids lean towards the "neko" body type (They're mostly human but with the ears, tails, scales, wings, and or behavioral tendencies found in their animal counterparts), and all hybrids can be adopted or bought (Their society doesn't allow them independence)
Since the hybrids were made by humans, some lean more towards stereotypes than others. All cow hybrids produce milk, for example. Gender, hormones, or whether or not they've had a kid does not matter, it's just a puberty thing for them
Now, a hybrid cafe is a mixture of both cat cafes and maid cafes. The hybrids themselves serve you and can even preform if you pay for it, but you can adopt any hybrid that catches your eye while you're there
I will now list all the characters the work in this cafe briefly, I will give each of them their own intros later for more detail
Ben the Polar Bear: He's big and tough and mean looking. He's actually a softy but the heat of being in the wrong climate makes his sensory issues kick in, so he's constantly overstimulated on the job
Clemintine the Calico Cat: They're constantly high on catnip and acts very mellow and hippy dippy. When they're sober they're a panic ridden mess who locks themselves in their room
Delilah the Border Collie: Very laid back and chill. Has some milf/ cow girl vibes to her. If you become friends she will feed you every time she sees you. No is not an option
Benny the Ghost Bat: A gremlin mixed with a crypted? He likes hanging out on the ceiling and scaring people and can be caught eating pre-shredded cheese from the bag at 3 AM. She has insanely good hearing to the point of catching a lot of secrets so she chooses to almost never speak so she can't let anything slip
Greg the Leopard Gecko: Himbo with a lot of emotional intelligence. It can take one look at you and become your therapist, and it will if it's already your friend
Gabriel the Dutch Landrace Goat: The oldest of all the hybrids. He makes himself unlikeable to the patrons to make sure he can stay and take care of the others or any newbies that come in. Gilf
Fiona the Arctic Fox: Bimbo girl boss? Very "they asked for no pickles" once she likes you. Very friendly, but will do a 180 if they catch you fucking with their friends. Loves iced black coffee
Cassandra the Carrion Crow: Goth gf/ vampire vibes. Actually a fucking dork. Knows a lot about "sky stuff" weather, lift, the stars. She dreams about being able to fly some day (The city has rules against it but some places in the country let bird or bug hybrids fly openly)
River the Holland Lop Rabbit: Looks and acts very cutesy but will not hesitate to put you in the hospital. A bit "yandere" towards his coworkers. Has consensually collected a small vial of each of their blood and wears them on a necklace, making sure to change who he's wearing every day
Alexzander the White Albino Axolotl: He's just, so excited to be here you guys! Constantly acts like they're on a sugar high. Wants to see the world!!! When ever he does eventually crash he usually cries about never achieving his dream
Blake the Bumble Bee: Scatterbrained workaholic. They're always either doing something or going somewhere. They say it's because sitting still makes them feel weird but they actually feel the need to prove themself constantly. Terrified of being alone "What is a bee without their hive?"
Olive the Barn Owl: Smart ass. The "glasses character" if you will. Likes to turn her head 180 to freak people out. She drinks black coffee because she thinks it makes her look cool but fucking hates it. In love with the cafe's "pink Sparkle drink" but will throw herself off a cliff before admitting it. Cares a lot about the other hybrids, but again, cliff
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cedar-sunshine · 3 months
intro to my OCs just for background as I will be posting them
I have two WIPs, one solo and one with my best friend. The solo one is called Star for now and the one I'm collaborating on is currently nameless and I refer to it as 'the comic' which is incredibly specific and great for categorical tags (I'll probably just tag it with a sun emoji tbh).
Star takes place in a post apocalyptic world featuring two very queer very mentally struggling main characters who might kiss or might just cry a lot (follow me to find out!)
The comic takes place on a cool island summer camp with magic (if this reminds you of lumberjanes, that was the inspiration, I wanted to make a story about queer kids interacting with magic, sort of like escapism cause it's all positive and fun) and has a pretty diversely queer cast (I love them all deeply)
My OCs for star
Tristan- transmasc (he/him most likely), unlabeled queer in terms of romanticism, and probably asexual idk. Autistic coded imo. Really likes plants, pretty depressed. Strong believer that everything is bad and nothing good will ever happen and the world is over
Orion/Ori (or-ee)- transmasc, pretty chill about pronouns but generally prefers he and maybe they, as long as it isn't she he doesn't care. Achillean. In denial about everything and very optimistic. Pretty high energy and outgoing
My OCs for the comic (I swear we'll name it sometime) not exhaustive but this should be the ones I reference the most
Atlas- he/they, transmasc aroace, AuDHD, his main special interest is magic and magical beings and stuff like that. Knowledgeable and passionate about this to the point where he will correct adults who study magic if they're wrong. Also very into plants and plant identification and just nature stuff in general. Dude could write a handbook.
Alexander/Alex- he/him, brother figure for atlas. He's got a big sword and might be the reincarnation of king Arthur (he found the sword in a cool lake). Has no inclination to be the king of britain or whatever. Bi? Gay? Who knows. His love interest is a man
Lee - he/it/whatever honestly he doesn't care, devil (got some rad horns and shit, he can't fly) who likes to play at being a villain, pretty harmless and honestly just likes to fuck with people. Would wear a dress. Has worn a dress. Will wear a dress. Queer (he says that he's 'gay for every gender'). Gives his boyfriend (above) regular heart attacks (its. For his health. You know)
Athena - she/her probably, transfem and of questionable romantic orientation. Descended from a god, probably a minor god of summer or spring or something. She can set stuff on fire and glow and whatever. She's figuring it out. She also rarely puts on shoes
Angel - he/him but doesn't mind neutral pronouns, probably wont realize that neo or xenopronouns are referring to him though. He's the group counselor and generally just sort of tags along and watches to make sure they don't die. Has a lot of faith in them and encourages them to do stupid shit he thinks is funny. He does keep them safe but like. He lets them have fun. Polyam, bi with a very strong preference for men. Has rad wings (his name is incredibly on the nose)
Vince (he/him) and odyssey/essie/s(any but prefers masc words referring to them): angels boyfriends who don't actually show up much but I feel very strongly about them and I think they're all very cute together. Vince is the golden retriever, essie is the black cat, angel is the orange cat.
anyways if anyone actually read all that, that's rad!! I hope you like them. I will probably be posting a ton about them soon if you're interested!
Have a great day!
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sidewalk-scrawls · 2 years
I’m 95% sure I’ve posted about this before, but just to bring that cat post around...  My cats very much fit the stereotype of orange cats beings very loving but very stupid. Apollo, especially, is a dumbass, but Artemis is also pretty stupid (affectionate), just seems to have more going on beyond the eyes.
The vast majority of orange cats are male (much like how most calicos and torties are female). When I got these little critters, I was told one was male and one was female, and I immediately guessed (semi-correctly? but mostly incorrectly) that Artemis was the female due to having lighter orange coloring.
Anyway, the people who I adopted these critters from thought Artemis was female and Apollo was male. The VET I brought them to also thought Artemis was female and Apollo was male. I rushed to get them in for a spay and neuter because they were 6 months old and I would sooner die than have to raise incest kittens (or you know, any kittens).
It was only when the vet went to spay Artemis, and realized that there were exactly 0 ovaries, that they were like... “Oops, our bad.” And at the point, I was like... well... Artemis is gender-neutral and the paired names are too good to change... So I ended up with Apollo and Artemis as brothers lol
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I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time lately thinking back to that Pokémon movie where Ash turns to stone and everyone cries and he gets magic'd back to life. And I have things to say:
1. The Title
Okay so the film's full title (at least the copy I own which is Australian) is Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (1998). But the thing is, there has been little to no indication about who Mewtwo is or that they even exist, so the second half of the title implies this is a RETURN or possibly a SEQUEL to the first appearance of Mewtwo.... but it makes a point to say that this is the FIRST Pokémon movie! So why the FUCK would you name the first movie in this universe as a sequel?!?
2. Fuck Mew
Apparently this is an unpopular opinion since Mew is heralded as one of the oldest - and more powerful - Pokémon around, but what good are they?
(And yes I refuse to call the Pokémon it, they're non binary or naught at all they don't give no fuck about gender norms)
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Seriously though, Mew is goddamn useless. All they do is chill in this pink bubble gum bowl and blinks at you. Every time Mew cocks their head to the side I get angry because it's like... you're supposed to be a GOD POKEMON WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IRRELEVANT CAT. It makes me so irrationally angry and i don't even know why anymore.
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3. The REBOOT.
I'm not even mad about the artistic liberties that were taken in the uncomfortably awkward 3D animation reboot from 2019 - which was legit just a shot for shot remake of the 1998 original but worse. I'm not kidding, look at this shit.
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And they have the AUDACITY to name the reboot Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution. You call this EVOLUTION?!? You took the heart and soul out of the original and made it painful to relive. Don't believe me? Remember the iconic sequence from the 1998 OG of the Pokemon fighting their twins, aka 'brothers' on the battlefield? And a big point is made about the dangers of war and the mindlessness of violence? (Link is above)
So instead of watching Pokemon senselessly slaughter one another while the poignant and poetic score reflects in one of the most effective and powerful ways possible, we watch this... in dead silence.
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All significance is dead. Even the magic from the original film is completely lost, because the studio cared more about quantity over quality.
So yeah, I have some minor rage over some of the logistics from the original film, as well as major rage over the entire Evolution remake.
So, to finish things off, lets talk:
Seriously, the character growth? The power? The story? The emotional journey? ASGDFGHJLK
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Mewtwo is EASILY more powerful and badass than Mew and he has such an amazing story from born in tubes and forced to fight and kill, to the revolt and his new direction in life, to his understanding of the virtues of paccifism?
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clanonadventures · 3 years
𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀
Dutch anon - dutchy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Preferably goes by she/her
-They/them would also be fine
-Fairly tall
-M e s s y a s s h a i r
-Struggles to speak English
-Her room is full of orange, red, white and blue
-First option to anything is just violence
-Very athletic (but competitive)
-Gets hurt a lot while sporting
-Overworks a lot, so she barely get sleep
-Don’t insult her s/o if you enjoy not having someone go apeshit on you
-Give her a tulip and she’ll melt
-good friendship with rhinestone 👌
-Loves all pets of the other anons
-Pls pet her tail, she loves it <3.
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Squid anon - Squiddy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-19 years old
-Works at Anon city (AC) Aquarium
-Obsessed with sea life and pirates
-Is bi
-Occasionally wears a squid hoodie
-Was kicked out of the house at 16
-Loves musicals
Her eyes are purple
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☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
"A chaotic trickster entity with a dark and mysterious past that takes a form resembling that of popular character ENA. ENON shares many similarities and mannerisms with her counterpart, but is know to be more brutal. A lawful evil type to be sure. Her moral compass is a roulette wheel. Just wants to be entertained.
Come to think of it, I don't really think ENON had an "original form" Like she just kinda existed as a spirit/eldrich demi goddess who had it really rough before deciding to join the physical world like 'all I know is cause problems on purpose- what is love and friendship'"
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Satyr Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Loves horror movies and scary video games
-18 years old and already wasted her entire life-
-Aspiring Therapist/Psychologist, is the mom friend ™️. Very sweet, with sarcastic and wise advice whenever she's needed
-Never gets enough sleep, ever.
She is actually a Satyr (goat ears, goat lower half with mostly human top half, long tail, horns, etc) with thick mane of white hair.
Peacock Anon - Viernes
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-24-doesn't have a gender, but goes by she/her
-shapeshifter of sorts
-if she becomes overly stressed (which is somewhat often) her face begins to crack and give way to static
-only reveals her true form to people she trusts a LOT, and even then, she'll only reveal her true form in private
-somewhat energetic, full of herself and sarcastic
-can change her appearance to some extent (can't change her clothes tho)
-underpaid tv host
-actually quite introverted when off stage
-sounds like ruby vocaloid
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Rhinestone Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Has had a bad past with relationships so it's hard for them to trust anyone
-Comes off as cold and unapproachable but once they trust you then they are sweet, affectionate, honest, and cuddly
-They're really fucking tall (9'3)
-They're a cuddle-bug
-Really soft hair
-Love language is physical touch
-Has never shown anyone their true form
-Big history nerd
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Bug anon
☑ Platonic - ☒ Romantic
-Average height (5’00”)
-Really nice but is quiet and likes to lurk. Really shy.
-Likes bugs, drawing, video games, reading, going on walks, sunsets, forests, cats, sweets and plushes!
-Has ASD!
-Tired (™)
-Drawing later
-Tries to be optimistic when she can
-Uses she/her, they/them, it/its and bug/bugs (in no particular order)
-Asexual and aromantic!
-Age unknown, but is a teenager
-Backstory: A sentient bug who dreamed of being an Anon so they could make friends, who’s wish was granted by a strange Higher Being/entity of light and rainbows. They live among the anons now as an anon, trying to adjust to their body and life.
-Her “hair” is her antennae- DO NOT PULL ON IT!
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Coke Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Unspecified age
-Has no concept of personal space
-Someone referred to coke by they/them and they took off w/ that
-Their body is like jello in their blob form
-Their voice is autotuned on command, they do it to annoy people
-The red bit is a shirt
-Was originally named E-304 but changed their named to Coke
-Can shapeshift with no known bounds
-They CAN turn into other people, but you can tell its coke by a chunk of their hair being white/red
-Kinda stupid
-Enjoys bone marrow
-Also enjoys icecream
-Was kinda lonely for a long while
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Mask anon - Melian
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- She/they
- 8'7 ft tall
- she's 19
- e n d e r m a n
- friendly, aggressive is looked at in the eyes
- wears sunglasses out in public bc for some reason she doesnt mind eye contact with them
- is only comfortable with eye contact with people they're comfortable with
- has terrible memory
- sleepwalks a lot
- loves to collect toys like dolls, plushies, action figures and small toys
- s o m e h o w manages to break an exact block of anything, even concrete
- if you mention you want something, she'll bring it to you, may or may not have stolen it
- doesnt understand what is means to steal
- can purr
- changes to enderman language when talking too fast
- knows how to speak Portuguese and will change to it when curssing at something
- used to have a brother
- knows how to play the piano and acoustic guitar
- adores calm songs like Cavetown, Mitski Mitski, etc.
- has a few pet moths that live in her pockets and two cats
- t o u c h e d s t a r v e d
- treats most of the other anons like her siblings
- only the ones closer to them can call them Meli
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Bamboo Fox
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- A shapeshifting fox [REDACTED]? that guards and tends to a sacred bamboo forest on a mountain somewhere in the astral sea, I don't know.
- Has no concept of gender or age, but enjoys the sound of being referred to as he, or they.
- Is very small, like about 2 feet tall when standing on back legs in fox form.
- Has a very comforting aura to them, very chill vibe
- Will invite you in for tea
- Their rapping sounds like little yips. They can't speak, no matter what form they are in.
- If he likes you, he will offer you a single piece of bamboo with sticky rice inside
- If he does not like you, he will eat your soul
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Basil Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Is 7' tall. Hes a tall boy
Goes by he/they pronouns though is also agender.
Can shapeshift to an extent. Cannot shapeshift his eyes though.
Isnt even really human but doesnt talk about that, like ever.
Eyes are pitch black- like completely flat black- hair covers eyes always. (unless they really trust you)
Cheerful baby! But gets depressive episodes alone! Tries to keep a smile on his face. When in those episodes he is more likely to isolate.
Has a pet chicken named fluffy. Is actually immortal. Literally. The whole anon fam loves fluffy, and he keeps a chart to see who gets to pet fluffy, and who needs to be watched (coke).
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Part 2
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mouseymatchmaker · 7 years
Super excited about this blog, good luck with it! Could I request a DRRR!! and Attack on Titan matchup? A SPN one would be dope too, but you don't have too, if it's too much work. I'm pan, so either gender is fine by me. My zodiac sign is virgo, moon sign taurus and ascendant gemini. My MTBI is INFJ and my Chinese zodiac is Ox. All that put together makes me very perfectionistic and stubborn. I'm harsh on myself, but there's nothing I hate more than seeing others bash themselves down. –1
My friends tend to tell me I’m a very good listener and I put others before me. I make the lamest puns and I’m probably a living meme by now. Despite that, I’m grumpy 80% of the time, but the sass takes over mostly. My hobbies are playing video games, writing, drawing and art in general, I love all stuff horror and creepy, it’s fascinating to me! Cats are the reason I live, whenever I see one I make it my obligation to pet it. There’s also most likely caffeine flowing through my veins. –2
I can’t function without a cup of coffee in the morning. Or two, or approximately 10 :^) I’m mostly chill and have a “fuck it” attitude. Sometimes things need to be done and there’s no way around, so I hate wasting my energy on whining about it. It’s why sometimes I come off as a little cold. If someone told me they wouldn’t want to be friends with me anymore, I might say “that sucks, but alright, if that’s what you want.” I can be furious though, if someone is attacking my friends, i.e. –3
Hmm… This is a toughie :3DRRR
The minute I saw that you were a good listener and put others before you, I knew you were meant for Celty (Mousey is currently in hiding from Shinra right now T.T) 
She would love to play video games with you, be careful as when she starts to lose you might find that your console has been invaded with shadows. Try games where you’re on the same side :P Horror and creepy stuff will be totally chill with her unless it’s aliens… Never take this headless bae near aliens! 
I feel you on a personal level with the coffee Sweet Muffin XD I don’t think I know much for Celty’s coffee habits but she’d happily chill with you and make coffee for when you wake up, assuming she’s awake before you :D 
You both seem pretty chill and laid back, you’d really compliment each other in that sense. You would both literally be mamas for the kids of Ikebukuro because they get two people who are chill, will listen to them and offer potentially different advice depending on their perspectives :D
Attack on Titan
This may come as a surprise but I think that the guy for you is Marco! This man… this man right here dude, he will be by your side to help bring up other people and will never let you bring yourself down
(never gonna give you up, never gonna let you doooown!… I apologize for nothing!)
He’ll be happy to have someone listen to him and put him first, he does that for others so it would be nice for a change, however that’s not to say he would take the for granted from you. It just means he knows that here is a person he can let loose to and rant to if needed. I think this guy is more of a dog person, but let me tell you, if he found a cat that would play with him and purr and just never leave him alone, even the fury of Levi would not make you two part with the precious little kitty. He is your kitty partner! Marco is also the man who would laugh and shake his head in shame at your puns but would also happily start a pun war just to see who could come out with the worst stuff XD
Overall, this little bean will balance out listening and communicating with each other and will just be happy to be there laughing with you with the most terrible jokes that would make even titans run in the opposite direction.
Your man is my man, I see you with Dean Winchester!
He’s definitely a guy who needs someone to listen to him, someone to bring him up from any slumps he’s worked himself down into. Alternatively, he needs someone to be there to be the one to tell him to stop whining and keep calm and carry on (my wayward son!) In which case, you seem like the one for him :D This guy will also be able to do the same for you albeit he might be a lot harsher with it. You’ll both balance each other quite nicely I think and you’ll be on the same wavelength. 
He’ll match your sassiness and one up you every time, Dean is a sassy queen and will allow no one to take his crown. However, I think memes are not really up his street and will frighten him. Coffee is a given with his job, so be prepared to have coffee wars over who needs to make the next cup. Horror and creepy are definitely his thing so if you want to know about the real deal, I think he’d be happy to share this info with you to a certain extent. 
Overall, he’s a passionate guy who would be able to share a great many wonderful things with you but communication may be an issue with this guy…
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Do all, entertain me so I don't have to do hw
ah man i was actually doing hw for once
1- my name?rain
2- do i have any nicknames?my mom calls me rainbow, my brother calls me ron, my friends don’t really call me by any nicknames anymore
3- zodiac sign?leo, borderline virgo 
4- video game i play to chill, not to win?animal crossing
5- book/series i reread?harry potter
6- aliens or ghosts?uhhhh ghosts
7- writer i trust enough to read anything they write?idk if there’s any
8- favorite radio station?i don’t listen to the radio much
9- favorite flavor of anything?watermelon or blue raspberry
10- the word i use all the time to describe something great?idk, i say hell yeah a lot
11- favorite song?robbers by the 1975 probably (im listening to it now lol)
12- the question you ask new friends to get to know them better?i usually ask what they’re doing when we text and they tell and through this over time you hear about their family and intrests
13- favorite word?either “soft” or “gentle”
14- last person who hurt me, did i forgive them?not sure, i think i was the last person to hurt me, and i don’t really forgive myself for anything
15- last song i listened to?robbers by the 1975
16- tv show i always recommend?rick and morty
17- pirates or ninjas?see on one hand i have gay pirates and on the other i have nsp so idk
18- movie i watch when i’m feeling down?probably some pokemon movie lmao
19- song that i always start my shuffle with/wake up song/always on loop song?my alarm is nine in the afternoon by p!atd, i usually shuffle the fiddler on the roof soundtrack starting with the wedding dance song or now i have everything, on loop i usually have do i wanna know by arctic monkeys or sarah smiles by p!atd
20- favorite video games?any pokemon game
21- what am i most afraid of?the people i love secretly hating me or abandoning me or dying
22- a good quality of mine?uhhhhh,,, i guess um. my hair is dark? so it makes it easier to see facial hair and shit on me which is helpful for my trans ass
23- a bad quality of mine?i can’t shut up about anything i’m interested in bc i obsess myself with things that make me happy and always want to talk about them because they’re the the things that keep me alive but it gets annoying and i get a lot of “would you shut up about this subject”
24- cats or dogs?how could i CHOOSE
25- actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?i don’t pay a lot of attention to the actors for ppl in movies, i think the only actor i was willing to go see whatever they were in was u lmao
26- favorite season?spring/autumn
27- am i in a relationship?no
28- something i miss?the way things used to be sometimes
29- my best friend? i’ve considered u my best friend for a long time, if i didn’t delete messages u could probably find me talking to newer ppl (mainly chloe, who was that girl i asked out and rejected me) being like “yeah so she’s my best friend and she’s great”
30- eye color?brown
31- hair color?dark brown
32- someone i love?diakjgbjfgvldgjh
33- someone i trust?i trust u and zee the most
34- someone i always think about?Get Out Of This Home
35- am i excited about anything?dying
36- my current obsession?playing amazing grace on the piano
37- favorite tv shows as a child?i loved sesame street
38- do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to?not really
39- am i superstitious?idk
40- what do i think about most?what the fuck do you think 
41- do i have any strange phobias?i don’t think so
42- do i prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?not sure
43- favorite hobbies?drawing, writing, playing piano
44- last book i read?the great american whatever, great book btw, read it if ur looking for more gay books. warning though for death (that’s not really a spoiler i promise)
45- last film i watched?blue is the warmest color, didn’t finish it tho
46- do i play any instruments?piano
47- favorite animals?cats and dogs
48- top 5 blogs on tumblr that i follow?@ dreamts@ maroonracoon@ hugables@ roswater@ fauning
49- superpower i wish i could have?to pause time
50- how do i destress?what
51- do i like confrontation?no
52- when do i feel most at peace?when i sleep
53- what makes me smile?hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
54- do i sleep with the lights on or off?off
55- play any sports?no
56- what is my song of the week?idk the week just started my guy
57- favorite drink?grape juice
58- when did i last send a handwritten letter to somebody?idk
59- afraid of heights?not really
60- pet peeve?when u tell someone to stop fuckin touching u and they keep doing it immediately after
61- what was the last concert i went to see?the 1975!! just last night
62- am i vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?no 
63- what occupation did i want to do when i was younger?i really wanted to be a singer
64- have i ever had a friend turn into an enemy?i’ve had fights with friends but we either made up or stopped being friends but aren’t enemies
65- what fictional universe would i like to be a part of?idk
66- something i worry about?friends when they’re sad, i know some of them probably won’t but i still worry about them hurting themselves
67- scared of the dark?yeah
68- who are my best friends?you, zee, shannon, spencer, i could go on but there’s a lot
69- what do i admire most about others?musical abilities, especially with singing
70- can i sing?idk, logically i have no reason to think that i can’t because literally everyone that’s ever heard me sing says it’s not bad or that i have a nice voice but i’m still unconvinced
71- something i wish i could do?sing in front of people without having an anxiety attack, speaking of singing
72- if i won the lottery, what would i do?buy myself and my friends a ton of shit probably
73- have i ever skipped school?i’ve faked being sick to get out of school
74- favorite place on the planet?idk man i haven’t been many places
75- where do i want to live?kinda wanna live in nyc
76- do i have any pets?cat named danny, two fish one named goldy and the other shaneeta dee
77- what is my current desktop picture?an nsp concert but i’ve been meaning to change it for a while now
78- early bird or night owl?night owl
79- sunsets or sunrise?sunsets
80- can i drive?no
81- story behind my last kiss?it was so long ago man i can’t really remember
82- earphones or headphones?earphones
83- have i ever had braces?no
84- story behind one of my scars?idk if i have any but i have a scab that i picked at until it bled in piano class because i was Not Ok and many times after for the same reason and that’s probably gonna scar now
85- favorite genre of music?idk
86- who is my hero?idk
87- favorite comic book characters?i don’t really read comic books much
88- what makes me really angry?when people hurt my friends 
89- kindle or real book?real book
90- favorite sporty activity?idk man
91- what is the one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be???????
92- what was my favorite subject at school?idk man i guess art is ok but i’m not the biggest fan of my teacher
93- siblings?two, one brother and a sister
94- what was the last thing i bought?probably food
95- how tall am i?i think 5′5
96- can i cook?i can make grilled cheese and also pancakes
97- can i bake?if u give me a recipe then probably
98- 3 things i love?my friendspianosleeping
99- 3 things i hate?donald trumpdepressionanxiety
100- do i have more girl friends or boy friends?idk a lot of my friends are non binary or i don’t know their gender
101- who do i get on with better, girls or boys?im tempted to say girls but that’s just bc i have a preference for girls romantically in reality it doesn’t really matter as long as u aren’t a dick
102- where was i born?albany
103- sexual orientation?pan, probably somewhere on the ace spectrum bc sexual attraction is so so rare for me so if i think ur hot u better believe u are
104- where do i currently live?new york
105- last person i texted?you
106- last time i cried?not sure, i think last week when i had that big meltdown that y’all saw where @ hero-art was sending me asks through it
107- guilty pleasure?hhgghg,,hggg, watching vids of u singing
108- favorite youtuber?probably still the game grumps
109- a photo of myselfdamn bitch just search the tag # rain shows you his face
110- do i like selfies?i take a lot, usually just because my makeup looks cool that day, but they’re mostly shit
111- favorite game app?i don’t play game apps
112- my relationship with my parents?:/
113- favorite accents?idk man
114- a place i have not been but would like to visit?metropolitan museum of art
115- favorite number?five
116- can i juggle?no
117- am i religious?no
118- do i like space?it’s cool
119- do i like the deep ocean?it’s pretty
120- am i much of a daredevil?lol no
121- am i allergic to anything?i think grass
122- can i curl my tongue?yeah
123- can i wiggle my ears?no
124- do i like clowns?don’t really have an opinion on them
125- the beatles or elvis?i don’t listen to either of them
126- my current project?my dumbass lab writeup
127- am i a bad loser?i don’t think so
128- do i admit when i’m wrong?yes
129- forest or beach?beach
130- favorite piece of advice?“love everyone, forgive everyone, especially yourself.”
131- am i a good liar?i think so
132- hogwarts house/divergent faction/hunger games district?i’m a gryffindor and i didn’t read divergent or the hunger games
133- do i talk to myself?all the time
134- am i very social?no
135- do i like gossip?maybe? idk as long as no one is hurt
136- do i keep a journal/diary?i guess my writing blog is kind of an over exaggerated diary
137- have i ever hopelessly failed a test?i got a zero on a quiz once if that counts
138- do i believe in second chances?depends
139- if i found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would i  do?get my mom to turn it in to ppl who know what to do with it
140- do i believe people are capable of change?yeah i suppose, but depends
141- have i ever been underweight?no
142- am i ticklish?very
143- have i ever been in a submarine?no
144- have i ever been on a plane?when i was seven
145- in a film about my life, who would i cast as myself, friends, and family?ah man idk i don’t have an extensive knowledge of actors
146- have i ever been overweight?no
147- do i have any piercings?one in each ear
148- what fictional character do i wish was real?idk
149- do i have any tattoos?two, one on my ankle and another on my ass
150- what is the best decision i have made in my life so far?to realize that i fucked up and to apologize
151- do i believe in karma?i guess
152- do i wear glasses or contacts?i need glasses but don’t wear them much
153- what was my first car?none
154- do i want children?depends on who i’d have them with
155- who is the most intelligent person i know?idk man it’s kinda subjective isn’t it?
156- my most embarrassing moment?my whole entire life
157- what makes me nostalgic?old songs
158- have i ever pulled an all nighter?oh yeah
159- which do i value most in others, brains or beauty?brains
160- what color dominates my wardrobe?idk actually
161- have i ever had a paranormal experience?not really
162- what do i hate most about myself?i’m stupid, i hurt and bother others way too much 
163- what do i love most about myself?ok i’m honestly not being a self loathing dick on purpose here i genuinely can’t think of something i love about myself
164- do i like adventure?yeah
165- do i believe in fate? maybe
166- favorite animal?question already asked bro
167- have i ever been on radio?no
168- have i ever been on tv?no, but yesterday i got asked to be (i declined because of anxiety)
169- how old am i?fourteen
170- one of my favorite quotes?“and you know that it’s not good, that there is no good, that nothing good can ever come out of it. but you do it anyway. and then... well. and then you burn.”
171- do i hold grudges?depends
172- do i trust easily?i don’t think so
173- have i learnt from my mistakes?yeah
174- best gift i’ve ever received?well my computer was p good though i payed for part of it
175- do i dream?yeah
176- have i ever had a night terror?yeah
177- do i remember my dreams, and what is the one that comes to mind?i do, and i just remembered the dream i had where there was this weird ass magical storm by my school that happened once thousands of years before on the same day and ppl thought it was a myth but it wasn’t, it was controlled by some ghost of a little girl and it lasted for weeks and eventually within our small shelter by the school people just died arbitrarily and some died from the storm who went out to try and get food and some starved, and soon all that was left was me and three others and it was horrible because every time we closed our eyes we were afraid we were going to open them and someone would be dead
178- an experience that has made me stronger?idk. probably my dad dying?
179- if i were immortal what would i do?try and undo that immortality or send myself into a coma forever because god i already want to die having to live forever would be the biggest curse ever
180- do i like shopping?sure
181- if i could get away with a crime, what would i do?idk man i don’t think about a life of crime much
182- what does family mean to me?people who care about me and love me and that i care about and love back
183- what is my spirit animal?im p sure that as a white person i’m not supposed to have one
184- how do i want to be remembered?for kindness
185- if i could master one skill, what would i choose?being better at piano
186- what is my greatest failure?everything
187- what is my greatest achievement?don’t know, i’m not proud of many things that i do
188- love or money?love
189- love or career?love
190- if i could time travel, where and when would i want to go?nowhere, i don’t want to spoil the future for myself and i don’t want to fuck with the past
191- what makes me the happiest?FUCK off
192- what is “home” to me?being with someone i love
193- what motivates me?i don’t know. not much anymore
194- if i could choose my last words, what would they be?idk, it depends on who i’d say them to
195- would i ever want to encounter aliens?if they’re nice then yes
196- a movie that scared me as a child?coraline
197- something i hated as a child that i like now?idk
198- zombies or vampires?vampires bc baz
199- live in the city or the suburbs?city
200- dragons or wizards?wizards
201- a nightmare that stayed with me?so this is from when i was little, my dad was driving my brother and i to the park and i was in the backseat bc i was tiny. so i said something to him and got no reply, i looked over and he wasn’t in the front seat, he was gone and nobody was driving. i look out the front and we’re headed for a part where we were meant to turn and there’s a giant steep hill and the car just keeps going forwards. it drives up the hill then flips over and crashes and rolls back down the hill and then i woke up
202- how do i define love?oh gosh. it’s in trusting other people to tell everything, even if they don’t “get” you, even if they won’t understand what you mean or how you feel because you trust them. it’s in the way you feel accepted around them. and all the inside jokes and knowing glances and doing everything you can to help when they’re down and feeling at home around them.
203- do i judge a book by it’s cover?a little
204- have i ever had my heart broken?yeah
205- do i like my handwriting?not really
206- sweet or savory?sweet
207- worst job i’ve had?never had a job
208- do i collect anything?ramune bottles and pokemon cards 
209- item of clothing or jewelry you’ll never see me without?don’t think there is one
210- what is on my bucket list?kiss a girl
211- how do i handle anger?vent to a friend
212- was i named after anyone?not with my first name, but my mom gave me my middle name after her friend from college
213- do i use sarcasm a lot?no.............of course not
214- what tv character am i most like?not sure
215- what is the weirdest talent i have?talent. What Is That
216- favorite fictional character?how could i choose one
thanks for asking  
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