#its not that i dont like them i just crave the garbage. i want my little potato boats so bad
cheapcheapfaker · 7 months
all i have been craving are the foods of my childhood but a lot of those are very difficult to acquire at this point. for example, as an after school snack one of my favorite things to eat were these twice baked mashed potato boats in these little blue paper sleeve cups. you got 2 in one package at the dollar store from the frozen section and the cheese ones were my favorite. but ive gone to all the dollar stores and even that cursed dollar general where most things are not a dollar and god even the dollar store is a dollar twenty-five nowadays and they’re nowhere to be found. I want buttered noodles but specifically the leftover dollar store egg noodles from last nights dinner sprayed with gobs of ‘i can’t believe its not butter’ and doctored up with the Italian spices, red pepper flakes and parm packets from the local pizza place and i wanna watch is spin slowly in the microwave in a red-tinged tupperware. I want a Celeste pizza on a metal round disc which i can still find but they got rid of the metal disc so the crust isn’t the same and instead of sixty-four cents they’re like, fuckin two bucks for the tiniest pizza in the world, and I ain’t payin that. I want a Wawa breakfast sandwich which i can get but would it be the same if it’s not the ones bought by my grandfather, who used to get up early to grab the paper and drive over in the crown vic to clear out the entire Wawa hot sandwich section by getting five hash browns and at least one of every type of sandwich like some sort of south jersey noah’s ark, even though only three people were eating? he’s gone now and I’m no longer eleven, twelve, thirteen waking up at ten am to “good morning, morning glory,” with the comics picked out and laid next to my plate and the shmorgasboard of pork roll and sausage and scrapple sandwiches. they don’t even have the small wawas anymore. i just made a bowl of cereal today. i’m still hungry.
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Actually cry so goddamn hard when I think about Shinjiro Aragaki healing and being loved and having to learn to be okay with himself and being taken care of
#writing him has just been like. OOOOWOEOEOEOOE i piss tears i cant handle this shit this gay ass shit#i came up with an idea for just like a cute short one shot i wanna do soon and hnnnghh im so emo about it#very healing its like very hard to write some of the shit im gonna be writing cuz basically#some of it is just a little too real man and while i crave the angst and the drama i am just like#AND THEN EVERYONE HOLDS HANDS AND ITS OKAY PLEASE DONT CRY PLEASE#and ive mentioned how shinji has accidentally become nb to me now because i just kinda happened to write him that way without meaning to#and now another thing im noticing is that in my fic hes kinda bpd coded#it definitely wasnt intentional but now im accepting it as truth no one can stop me#i just really need him to be happy its more important to me than anything else man i need it for me#and he needs to be gay with aki they need to kissy and i think its funny cuz even in the parts where shinji is mad at aki and pushing him#away its like. he kinda has it bad lol and its clear he feels no actual hatred towards aki but more just self deprecation because he doesnt#feel good enough and like idk i just think about their respective roles in society like#aki is an honor student star boxer hero very attractive very kind very popular got adopted by a rich family#hes going places you know meanwhile shinji is a drop out who never had a family ever hes homeless hes sketchy hes on drugs#his reputation couldnt be any worse and he just leans into it and feels he has no future and hes worthless garbage#and aki could literally have anyone he wants you know he has an army of girls pining over him but he doesnt want them#HE WANTS SHINJI AND NO ONE ELSE HE SPENDS YEARS CHASING AFTER HIM#and shinji HATES it hes trying so hard to push him away and be the crusty delinquent and make aki see how worthless he really is#but aki just doesnt stop he loves him so much makes me sick SICK#and shinji really loves him back hes like not gonna shut up ever about aki hes like either doing it in a gay ass annoyed way#or hes like ‘haha omg aki is so cute though hes always trying so hard to be tough but hes just so sweet and gentle you know i hope he#doesnt push himself too hard if he got hurt id fall apart hes so silly i hope hes eating good i desire him carnally’#yeah sorry gamers this is just a pairing i cant be normal about they mean so much to me personally the fate of the world rests upon them
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drowninginthepond · 10 months
depathologizing NPD
i have a passion for psychology so i regularily knock through a lot of stigma in the science - but for the love of god - ive never seen a dumpsterfire as big as NPD. and in this case its not about the horrendous social stigma narcissists have, but the raw science and even intracommunal stigma that persists like a tick. researching NPD has really once again made me realize how faulty the DSM is (useless as a diagnostic tool), books released by professionals on the subject are so stigmatized that i had to dig out the acceptable 5% to even be able to get ANY kind of information, ive been in arguments with psychologists over this topic - its crazy! even the online community of pwNPD has (understandably) internalized this stigma and spreads it. i feel like the more i read the farther i get from the truth.
NPD is horribly demonized. it gives me a deja vu to the scientific beginnings of pretty much every disorder - where all parts of it are seen as sick, deviant, fundamentally ill-intended and incurable. none of which is the actual truth for NPD. unfortunately this persists in the minds of professionals & the community, people refuse to acknowledge positive traits of the disorder, pathologize human needs and emotions and get distracted from what NPD actually is: a complex condition with up and downsides. this ranges from "supply" (acknowledgement, admiration, validation) to "narc rage" (anger, fight response) to "ego" (self-esteem) and the whole basket of words people have made up to deviate the experiences of pwNPD to those of humans. i see this in the complete lack of reality in the offical NPD criteria in the DSM-5, which is at least somewhat improved by the little backdoor that is the alternative personality disorder model at the back of the book. i see this in literature that gives fifty pages to interpersonal difficulties and "how to stop being an arse", but only one to narcissistic collapse. pwNPD are continuously getting attributes out of nowhere, lack of empathy equals lack of compassion, needing admiration and acknowledgement means getting it through vile, manipulative ways, seeing oneself as superior means treating others like garbage - i only have to ask myself in what reality these people live that strategies like these genuinely lead to the effect pwNPD crave for. surprise: it doesnt work. and im saying that as someone who HAS used vile strategies, but that was because i was mislead and acting like an asshole and not because of my NPD. NPD merely lets you crave and how you get there is your own personal choice. it is not innate to the disorder.
im not sure how to proceed from here. i realized the stigma has been a huge boulder on me emotionally and ive been pathologizing things about myself that are simply not worth pathologizing. it has essentially worsened my symptoms instead of relieving them, i feel guilty about being confident, having expectations, enjoying fame or having people skills, when none of these are actually bad. it makes me go "ah, of course, im a narcissist. im grandiose, have extreme standards, need my ass kissed and am manipulative". when actually i just take pride in myself, want to have quality, want me and my work to be acknowledged and have a good eye for social machinations. there are of course parts of NPD that i suffer from and need treatment for, but there are also parts of it that dont, and even parts that make me thrive. its simply not the way it gets black-painted by psychology ever so often.
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rush-the-stars · 6 months
i very distantly remember you asking for Idiosyncratic Ship-names for Trigun (not in those words, but thats what TV Tropes calls them. the ships where theyre labeled after words, instead of blending their names together (which the name-blending kind of ship-names TV Tropes says is called Portmanteau Ship-names)). im PRETTY SURE that Ask came from you but i cant find the Ask anymore, but, again, im?? pretty sure???? it was you?
anyway, if i recall correctly, you wanted an idea for Meryl × Vash × Wolfwood ship-name (that was idiosyncratic; as opposed to the Mashwood ship-name that is Portmanteau), and ive been wrestling with sharing mine for a while bc its a ship-name ive been using for my un-posted OC × those three, but it can be repurposed for your needs too. i should add that, for poly ships, i personally like to incorporate the number of people involved in the name. but the number 3 (as opposed to the original: 4) works in the ship-name i have. you can also ditch the number, if you want, im not your boss. or you can ditch this whole ship-name if you dont like it
but for Meryl × Vash × Wolfwood (× my OC) ive been using (DE4LOWERED) D3FLOWERED, or i guess just DEFLOWERED if you prefer no numbers
i guess you could keep the original number if you wanted to use Reader inside it tho
but yeah. that Ask has been on my brain for months now, re-popping up as i go "nah" and re-popping up again until i decided i could at least share what ive been using in private. again, you certainly dont have to use it. im not even wholly sure it was you since i cant find the Ask (but tumblr's search feature has always been garbage so im unsurprised i cannot find it)
if you were curious about some of my other idiosyncratic ship names for Trigun (to use or not use, im good either way) (tho, please note i dont use numbers for two-person ship names. so taking a triad (with my OC) into a duo (no OC) will not have a number like the above example of a quartet to trio does. you can feel free to incorporate Reader or your own OC to give the ship its triad-poly status again, i dont mind. regardless, im babbling)
My OC × Knives × Wolfwood: RINGING B3LL-FLOWER, or RINGING BELL-FLOWER (it's a pun on the media property, Ringing Bell, most famous for its 1978 movie by the same name)
i have a ship-name for every combo, but the duo ones (of OC × Canon) i dont feel like sharing at this moment because half the ship *is* my OC lol but my plot-notes feature my OC having a rose motif very often (for reasons that have plot relevance about her interests, i swear lol), which i leaned into heavily for the idiosyncratic ship-names overall theme since Trigun has that whole Plant element and whatnot anyway lmao rip (subtly is dead) but i hope (ASSUMING I AM REMEMBERING ACCURATELY THAT IT WAS YOU WHO ASKED FOR THIS LOL) this satiated your months-ago craving for Trigun Idiosyncratic Ship-names?? yeah. ill go excuse my multi-shipper ass now, have a lovely day lmao rip
-- Demx's 💗 Anon, or Heartfelt Anon, from way back (you dont gotta reserve the emoji for me here; id be shocked if you did, i just wanted to confirm i was me this time before someone potentially recognized me.. again lol)
first i want to say i am sorry for getting back to this so late! i have been very busy recently!!
it absolutely was me who was looking for idiosyncratic ship names!! i was from the age of fandom (or maybe the particular fandom??) that had quite a lot of them! specifically young justice in the mid 2010s? we had spitfire, museum heist, chalant, i think red cat? we had a ton! and i feel like i saw it in other fandoms for a bit too but it slowly died off!
i just loved how clever they were! i think i also remember at one point people also were rather poetic about ot3 names? i think i remember someone who used to tag their rey, finn, and poe ot3 content with “ot3: mosaics are just broken pieces” and that stuck with me too.
but i LOVE that you’ve shared your own poly ship names with your OC and so generously offered them up for what we know as mashwood right now!! i love the inclusion of the number too!! i feel like back in the day, id tag it like this “ot3: d3flowered” WHICH IS FUN!
i tried thinking of one for them along the same lines of the “museum heist” ot3 which was robin x wally x artemis from young justice…..which if you shortened their names would get robwallart…which then became museum heist! because of the play on the words their name formed, which looked and sounded like “robbing wall art”
so i was kinda trying to play with mashwood like that because their names together currently invoke like….a forest? marshy forest? couldn’t figure out something i liked but i did like the forest imagery, since their planet no longer has them and in ways, they represent a beacon of hope for the planet.
d3flowered is lovely though!!
also obsessed with your oc and other ship names too….thats SO fun. ringing bell-flower is really evocative. i love the thought you’ve put into this.
makes me want to come up with ship names for my reader ocs and these characters…..i feel like with wolfwood i at least have this reoccurring “hellcat” reader….
i do have one more closely tied to nai too…i so badly want to find the time to finish that fic.
but anyways thank you so much for all of this 💗 anon!!! it’s given me much to think about and honestly is so creative and fun!
i hope you’re doing well!! again, sorry for the late response to this!!
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anxietyrobot · 2 years
begging for odio facts for. no reason. (hiding my art supplies in my comically large pockets)
not sure what kind of odio facts youre looking for tbh
feel free to specify if nothing here is what youre looking for
also i got. carried away so warning for self hatred/body issues the further this goes on
he likes reading, especially audiobooks. heavy preference for nonfiction stuff. reads Adult books but refuses to let anyone know about it. wears reading glasses but hates being seen with them
he likes music
hes an awful balance of 'doesnt care what anyone thinks' and 'perpetually embarrassed about anyone finding out the Real Him'
yellow is kinda the only one that bothers to get to know odio, everyone else at best tolerates him. most think hes annoying as hell lmao
sometimes he'll deliberately be mean if he wants someone to leave him alone but other times when hes mean/rude he doesnt realize until ppl are pissed at him
no matter how much ppl hate him he'll always hate himself more : )
despite hating himself, he's not gonna let other ppl talk shit about him without a fight lmao. yes hes horrible and ugly and etc etc all those insecurities but like hell is he gonna agree when some annoying asshole says it lmaoooo
wears his jacket nonstop bc he too feels exposed without it
not into fashion at all. dont ask him his opinion on an outfit hes either gonna say its alright or awful and offer no help on fixing it alfjkdasldkjf
stronger than he looks mostly bc he lifts boxes full of books
just eats whatevers easiest to make most nights, which results in some interesting combos of ingredients lmao
also doesnt like eating while ppl watch him because he eats quite vigorously and its embarrassing when ppl comment on it
either too embarrassed to admit whenever he likes things or gets overly defensive
keeps trying to tell himself and everyone else that he doesnt need anyone else but craves approval even if he refuses to acknowledge it
uuuuuuuuh fun new fact for pride: hes trans masc and while he doesnt mind doing/wearing some feminine things and doesnt inherently have an issue with his body that way hes afraid of other ppl assuming hes a woman so hes preoccupied with avoiding things (in public) that would make ppl perceive him as such. like he doesnt have any issues with his chest when alone but he likes wearing baggier stuff/his jacket to try and obscure it
he doesnt really want to change his body for gender reasons but he does sometimes wish he looked like the 'proper' addisons with their long and slender limbs and thinner faces. he wishes he could stop feeling inadequate about this stuff but his ex friends filled his head with a lot of garbage that he wants to reject but cant help having been affected by
hes too embarrassed to say it but he loves it when yellow calls him a guy or man or dude or good boy lmaoo etc etc bc its gender affirming alkjfasdlkf
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soobpop · 11 months
ranting like always my silly diary of pain
Tumblr media
feelings aren’t something i connect with easily and it feels so weird when i do it? because like i feel these real emotions? its such an unknown feeling because for the longest when i showed emotions it was “ill give you something to really cry / get angry over” which is fearful? and why i cry in private so so often and have learned to silence my cries because it’s embarrassing? i know emotions and feelings are normal but ive seen to block them out.. so feeling these real things? i feel so sick? and not knowing if feelings are reciprocated are even more sickening to the point i wanna throw up.. everything is so so so confusing i wish i could be my past self i was such a “hoe” not caring about feelings , flirting , “dating” whoever i wanted. my father throwing me on the ground / wall / head-locking me that one day.. realllly mentally regressed me i weng back to the no feelings. barely showing emotion garbage i was. and im coming out of it, which is good? but soooo uncomfy and i hate feeling new things. i wish everything was easier. i wish love was easier, i feel so pathetic craving something real and someone. because i do not deserve it. i really dont. i dont deserve something real or good? because why would i? im not good? i barely make it each day.. yet im the happiest with them? so it makes no sense , and its strange ? because can i even love? or is it all a messed up game my heart and brain are playing on me? i fuck so many things up and i dont wanna fuck this up. i cant fuck this up. i truly cannot i think id die.? god this whole rant is pathetic the more i re-read , god why cant i be normal and feel things normally. why do i feel so shitty for craving them. so so shitty. god what is fucking wrong with me? but i dont care because they deserve 10000 times better and i cannot be that, so ill stay hopelessly feeling like this having them invade my brain the thoughts of something real invade my brain, and ill just deal with it, im used to that!! i can do it?! ill stay obsessing over idols and maybe pick up a better hobby keep me really distracted. i need that distraction so i dont feel like this, usually i end up pulling away and ghosting when i can tell ppl have feelings for me and vice versa ,, yet i cant do that to myself i feel selfish. and i dont deserve this selfishnesses when i know what others deserve. its bittersweet yet ill linger around till theyre annoyed this time just makes sense, easy for me since i physically cannot, god damn ugh this is enough, im so helpless and so pathetic and the more i say that the more self degrading it gets but i deserve it for being me. anyways ..
— nikko 💗
hehe like a letter !!
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kungfuhustler · 7 years
... anyway i have only ever had 1gf, only ever had sex with 1 person (that 1gf), and only ever kissed 2 people. This all happened in high school more than 5 years ago. Idk how tf to get back out there and i hate being lonely all the time
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heart-strong · 4 years
For the days that are just hard.
Hi everyone today was hard and I just wanted to share what I do on days that are hard incase it’ll help anyone.
also I dont give enough shit to check my spelling sorry.
Disclamier this is all things that help me and might not help you, I just thought it could help a bit
just taking care of myself to the bare minimum is sometimes what I need
I like night showers the most because I think about washing off the day and going to bed and waking up clean just make me feel so nice.
Also I will sometimes pamper myself, like using a really nice smelling Lush lotion I won’t use every time I shower.
Also just take your time do not rush your routine maybe just let your conditioner sit longer and sit in the warmth a little longer, this dosnet really help me I like quick showers so I can get to my bed quicker but on a rare occasion Ill slow down
2. Eat something, dosent matter what just eat, Trigger warning for those who struggle with eating
I just ate waffles at 10:40pm (22:40) even though my mom made pasta for dinner and set some aside for me after my work shift because I wanted to eat waffles
If you don’t eat something there is a chance you’ll just feel worse later
It doesn’t have to be a meal, a banana apple hand full of nuts carrots crackers something
3. Tea instead of water
While you can’t completely substitute water with tea I will on bad days
Its flavored and I just drink it quicker which makes me drink more
Some of my favorites teas
Anything from trader joe’s, spacifically the turmeric and ginger tea I have been drinking for about 5-6 years
Teavana is the tea brand used at Starbucks and you can buy it. If you heat a cup of 1/2 lemonade and 1/2 water with the Peach Tranquility and Jade Cuitrus Mint and some honey you just made a Medicine Ball… which you can order from Starbucks. But I usually am craving it late at night when they are closed.
Celctial seasonings is the tea brand my mom has always been getting. I will drink anything from this brand. Also if you mix lemonade water their peach tea and peppermint tea with honey is also a great way to make a Medicine Ball.
Yogi’s Stress Relief Bedtime and Throat coat I think all taste pretty similar just with different after tastes and I enjoy them a lot
Traditional Madicinals Throat Coat is also great
4. Comfort media
Wether its a book YouTube music tv show I like to listen to something because it helps me think about something specific for days I don’t want to think about anything
Or I focus on something other than intrusive thoughts
I love the Chill covers curated playlist on Spotify because there’s always new songs and the arrangement are different from the originals so when something different happens my brain focuses on the music rather than intrusive thoughts
Example of this is a cover of the 1975’s song “Its not Living( If Its Not with You) “ covered by Roses and Revolutions. this is one of my favorite songs by the 1975 and listening to the song just being performed in a different tempo and by a more feminine voice makes me focus on the song more than my thoughts.
Also the group Postmodern Jukebox is phenomenal jazzy covers. Even if I don’t like the original song I’ll listen to the cover by them because I know it is going to be musically interesting and different. Not just in tempo.
Audio books are one of the best inventions ever deadass and I actually use my audible membership at least once a week usually more. You can find the Harry Potter audio books on Youtube, I personally love the versions read by Jim Dale
Also I find Kate Rudd’s voice amazing she reads “The Fault in our Stars “and “Turtals All the Way down” both by John Green
Bed goodies I highly recommend
A glass of ice water
I’m a whore for ice water and when I’m drinking water it is freezing no other way
A heating pad, this doesnt only take away cramps it comforts me at night and some of the best 10 bucks I spent
Freshly washed sheets if possible
If I wake up feeling like garbage the first thing I’ll do is wash my sheets because then I get out of my bed and do at least one productive thing in the day
Okay I think I’m done for now. Ill add stuff if I think of them.
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claitea · 4 years
tagged by @rokuseis :D
Named after someone? nope! though i've been questioning changing my name again recently and i'm like this close to taking sylas or something--
Last time you cried? i think it was when i finished prof layton and the miracle mask a couple months ago haha... though i did tear up during the forgotten truths epilogue in dragalia lost last month
Do you have any kids? pff no
Do you use sarcasm a lot? nope, i dont get sarcasm myself. the amount of times i have enthusiastically agreed with something a friend said, only for them to turn around and go "soapy.... i was joking"
What's the first thing you notice about people? huh i... actually dont know. voice?
Eye color? very dark brown, looks black
Scary movie or happy ending? happy ending please... i cant take horror at all and i just want the characters to be perfectly happy all the time
Any special talent? i can. draw. sort of. thats about it for me
What country were you born in? the philippines! man i miss the shopping center my grandparents used to take me to... jollibee... :(
What are your hobbies? drawing and video games, as if that wasn't apparent enough haha
Do you have any pets? two dogs, a pomeranian cross something we don't know called papi, and a pug cross beagle called lola!
What sports do you play/have played? i dont do sports... a friend got me to try volleyball once. i get scared every time the ball's thrown at me so i dodge instead of catching, oops. i do like bowling ig, and roller/ice skating
How tall are you? 156cm last i checked? i want to be tall ;-;
Favorite subject in school? no do not even talk to me about school i hate it there. even stuff i'm supposed to enjoy like music and visual arts was garbage. hhh
Dream job? graphic design for video games... its a niche kind of area, i know, so first i'm aiming for just general graphic designer and working my way up!
Favorite color? red!!!
Last song? currently listening to cinderella step by daoko
Last movie? i actually cannot remember. i haven't had the attention span to sit and watch a tv show or movie for months.
Last show (completed)? again cannot remember?? hhh
Currently reading? sjvdjfhr i picked up mo dao zu shi months ago, read only the first chapter, actually thought it was interesting and wanted to read the rest, and then i never went back to it. whoops. i'll get to it eventually...
Currently watching? i guess i'd say the dragon prince but i haven't watched it since like last year. i'm so behind :(
Sweet, spicy or savory? sweet!
Craving? so many things... barbeque chips, spring rolls, a nutella sandwich, popcorn, pasta, i could go on
Coffee or tea? both are gross... i want apple mango juice
i get nervous about tagging so steal this from me if you'd like to!
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ageminah · 5 years
Paper Love
It’s been a while....
so yeah I wrote like a BUNCH of stuff in the past weeks (months) but really wasn’t satisfied with ANY (like none--and I wrote a lot, like A LOT). So I just opened a new file and tried something else instead of trying to perfect something I knew I wasn’t gonna post... and this is what came out, I’m still not quite sure about it but you’ll let me know.
Oh and, I kinda got carried away, so its way too long to post all of it in oneshot, so I’ll probably post the rest in the coming days (unless it’s garbage, in that case well... I’m ready to cave for another couple of weeks) 
Oh and as always, try to get over my poor grammar skills (still not from an english speaking country)...thanks 
Without further ado...
     Ehri felt uncomfortable. With reasons. She was sitting by the far end of the table, an empty seat to her right, and another to her left. She was alone at the table’s end, while on the other side Nikolai was discussing with his advisors.
    They’d been engaged for a week, and she had only been introduced to very few people in the palace.
    No one was paying attention to her. It was for the best, she didn’t want to pay attention to them anyway. She silently got up from her chair, and left the room unnoticed. Or maybe they had seen, and chose not to care. She cast oe last glance to the room on the doorstep, no one noticed. And she left.
    Ehri was heading back to her rooms, when an out of breath servant paused and slightly bowed to her. « Y-Your highness, the rest of your belongings has arrived, it is in the king’s room. » then the young boy bowed again and left faster than he had arrived. The king’s rooms. Of course.
      The princess got to the rooms in question. She was his fiancée, so she had access, actually, most were probably under the impression that these were her rooms as well. But no. She hadn’t even asked. But Nikolai, just after they ‘engagement’ provided her with a room of her own.
    She’d been in the king’s room before. So she feigned indifference to the pretty moldings on the ceiling, the enormous fireplace, or the bed. The biggest one she had ever seen. She’d thought the country low on money, but this room screamed of wealth.
      Ehri hadn’t planned on carrying trunks of belongings back to her rooms, no. She knew exactly what was waiting for her. Her jewelry box. It was sitting on the night-stand. She took the wooden artefact in her hands and opened it. Her most precious valuable were in this small box. She put the box on a small table near the window, and took out her grand mother’s bracelet. It was truly a thing of beauty, all black silk embedded with the whitest, tiniest pearls drawing the body of a dragon. And a ring. Her grandfather’s. A silver ring, almost as wide as a knuckle, embedded with her family motto. She was to give it to her husband.
    A knock came on the door. Surprised, Ehri let the glorious jewel escape her slender, clumsy hands and it rolled under the bed. Raging, she headed for the door, only to be faced with a young guard. «Oh sorry your highness, I heard footstep inside and I thought that you were at the council meeting with the king».
« Your comrade did not inform you of my presence ? He was here when I arrived. » said Ehri irritated. The guard had obviously just begun his shift. She did’t wait for an answer, and closed the door. She crouched by the bed and looked beneath it. And she saw the ring. But something else too, and she stretched out her hand to get to it.
    And there it was, brown and folded. Carefully tied under the bed frame. Ehri had always been a curious girl. But she was no girl, she was queen. Or she would be, and she had the right to know what her husband to be wanted to hide from her. From everyone. King Nikolai had trapped her into this arrangement, so he owed her. She had…hurt his friend, in an attempt to kill him, but she was in unknown territory, and she knew, that information was the best currency at court. She got her ring, and took the envelop.
    She put the ring back in its box, and pocketed the piece of paper. She wasn’t stupid enough to stick around and read it within the king’s chambers. So she left, nodding to the guards on her way out. She noticed the speck of red on the one who had interrupted her, thinking she might have been some intruder.
    Back in her chambers, Ehri tied her ebony hair and locked the doors, and sat on her bed. The room was bright. The king had assigned her to the chambers the farthest from his own she thought. And wasn’t mad about it. It was all, white and gold, so different from home she often thought. She shook her head, trying to forget about home, and just unfold the letter she had just pocketed.
    Should she burn it? Tear it appart? Or just leave it laying around for someone to find and condemn the king for treason ? The princess was pacing, her heels hitting the floor upon each of her step, the only sound breaking the deafening silence of the room. Her fist was tightly clutched around the letter. She wanted to break something. What was the meaning of this? She knew, she wasn’t wanted here, nor did she want to be here, but this, this was an insult. And this country wanted her money ? No. She would give nothing if she was given nothing, damn her sister, she would rather face her than this humiliation. Ehri was no trophy, she would not just be there to look pretty.  
 She would not burn it. She had leverage, importance for the first time in this forsaken palace, she would hold on to it. And Ehri smiled as the knock on her door came. She knew the one named Genya was supposed to come and talk wedding with her. She unlocked her door « Come in » she said smiling.
                                                        ** ** **
    Genya practically raced out of the future queen’s rooms. To whom she should talk first? She was no idiot, Genya knew the Shu princess had left the document in sight on purpose. Genya spotted Zoya. The choice was made. She ran to her friend, and reached her out of breath. « Well Genya, I don’t think it’s the place or the time to jog, though I do appreciate you finally training for a change. » Genya gathered her breath, and took hold of her friend’s arm. Zoya raised her famous eyebrow, the one that made anyone lower their eyes, and stop everything they were doing. And in any other circumstances, Genya might’ve just done that. But she didn’t have time. « We are going to your rooms…now. » Said Genya, summoning every ounce of authority she had. Zoya smirked « Oh I’m flattered, but you’re not my type Genya, besides, I don’t want to fight with David. » Zoya thought she was joking. « Now. » repeated Genya.
     When they got there, Genya locked the door, and faced her friend. « Well, are you going to tell me what all of this is about now » said Zoya crossing her arms. She seemed irritated. But Genya hadn’t feared Zoya in a long time, she would not start again today. So Genya crossed her arms mirroring Zoya’s expression. « What happened with Nikolai when you two were away? »
« Are you joking » responded Zoya faking a laugh. « You will have to be more specific. »
« Playing the idiot doesn’t suit you Zoya. » Genya saw tension in her friend’s jaw. Zoya uncrossed her arms and took two step towards Genya.
« Nothing happened Genya. You know me better than that don’t you? » Zoya almost sounded hurt, or maybe Genya was dreaming. « So why don’t you tell me what’s gotten into you ? »
« Well…As you know, I was just speaking with our future queen. » Zoya nodded, still furious at her friend for her suspicions. « And the future queen found…Something »
« Saints Genya just spit it out, I’ve had my fill of dramatics, we’ve spent all morning with Nikolai didn’t we… So please indulge me and just say what you want to say. »
« I dont know how, or why she has it, I didn’t ask, actually I pretended not to see » Genya was rambling and Zoya was loosing patience. « There is a document, which staples that if Nikolai dies, with no heir, you will be in charge of the country. And it’s signed. » Zoya did not looked shocked. « Did you know about this ? » Said Genya, now mad.
« Yeah… But I thought that it would be destroyed by now. Especially after his engagement… »
« Is it just me you don’t seem phased about it at all? »
« Genya… He thought he was going to die. » said Zoya shaking her head « I’ll go and talk to him don’t worry about it. » Genya couldn’t figure out weather Zoya was mad at Nikola, or disappointed that the document had been found.
« Well do that, because our future queen is in possession of the said document, and if I were her, I would not be thrilled about it. »
« I’ll talk to him » she said, her voice low and promising. And she left.
                                                           ** ** **
    Nikolai was still in the council meeting room. By himself. Well not entirely, he did have glass of Brandy keeping him company. And a couple of guards posted by the doors. And one inside the room. Actually, he craved loneliness.
    The doors flew open and Nikolai jumped to his feet spilling his drink on the floor. The guard posted by the door jerked away, and meeting her eyes, he understood and fled the room. Her hand made a wave movement and the doors closed. Nikolai wished he could have followed that guard outside, seeing the look on her face, he really didn’t want to be here. Her death stare locked onto him. He wished to drown. To drown in blue, or in ebony black. « I know you didn’t agree with me during the meeting, but I truly think this is the best course of action… » started Nikolai
« Forget about that. » she ordered. « Ehri has it »
Nikolai sat lazily on his chair, and motioned for her to do the same. She stayed up. « And I supposed you’re gonna tell me what this is about » he sighed. He was usually the enigmatic one.
« Do you know what your wife found? » she asked him. He could tell she was furious. She wasn’t screaming, or blinking for that matter.
« To be. Wife to be, general. And I thought we’d agreed on the fact that I had no idea what you are talking about. » answered Nikolai in a sigh. He got back in his chair.
« Nikolai. » she warned, bringing her fist down on he table.
« Just tell me already, I’m tired of the guessing game » said Nikolai throwing his arms up. She threw a glance at the door, as if there was something she couldn’t say out loud.
« Well. Someone found it ».
« Zoya. » He warned, voice low and irritated. He hated to not understand. She was being enigmatic on purpose, she knew it irritated him.
« The document you signed. » she raised her eyebrows, and widened her eyes, as if to say something without saying anything. All it did was make her blue eyes bigger. And they did not need to be bigger. So much blue.
« You have to get it back and destroy it before she has the time to use it against you ». She continued. Nikolai knew what she was talking about now. And he was thankful. Thankful that she hadn’t asked him. Even if he could tell the question was burning her lips. He looked up, right, left, anywhere but her lips.
« Do you understand? She has the paper right now, in her rooms. So you get in there, snatch the document, and burn it, tear it apart, eat it, feed it, I don’t care, but make it go away. » She finally sat next to him, and gather her breath.
« Why would I eat it…or feed it for that matter » he asked, trying to release some pressure.
« Don’t get me started on the ‘Whys’ Nikolai » was all she said, staring right at him. He looked away, maybe he was blushing, or it was too hot in this room.
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lacunadaisies · 5 years
how to make event horizon (or something very close to it) in a french press
so uh i guess yall were wondering how to make @systlin ‘s event horizon cold brew in a french press? i’ve only done it a few times but im happy to let you know how i managed it, and i can say for a fact that i have witnessed the gods after drinking an inadvisable amount of it. instructions under the read more because this has become an unholy length.
so uh things you’ll need: - french press ($13 on amazon for a 1L press or free if stolen like a gremlin borrowed temporarily from your roommate) -paper filter ($12 on amazon for 300 which will last you uhh forever, also optional if you dont mind a lil crunch,,, if u know what i mean. also you probably have these lying around your house, like i did. you’ll need 3-4 per complete batch of e.h.) - coffee ( @systlin had some good recommendations in her original post, and i get a pound a week for free from my job. it lasts me through two batches of e.h. using my measurements. i use the darkest roast i can get my grubby hands on because i crave that caffine, but it’ll probably taste less gross if you uh,, dont do that)
the procedure:
1. Get Those Measurements. Find out how much your press holds. mine holds 1L in theory, but that is a lie and anyways my math worked out to 1cup coffee and 630ml water, give or take a little of each. ill add a post script to the end on how to find your measurements if your press is a different size than mine 
2.Coffee. if you’re grinding your coffee, measure a rounded cup, dump it in your grinder, set it to fine (i know you’re supposed to use coarse grounds for a french press but it will be FINE just TRUST ME) and grind it all (until your grinder stops making the fun noise and makes the not fun noise that means it’s out of beans to kill) then dump it in your press. If its pre-ground just measure out a flat scoop. this is because of reasons (the reasons being that the coffee compresses when you grind it so you want a lil extra to compensate)
3. Water. I use cold tap water because i live in minnesota and our tap water is pretty good. if you want use bottled water. use seltzer. use flavored water man. go wild. (probably don’t use those last two that seems like a bad plan) I measure by volume in a pyrex liquid measure that i stole from my parent’s house last year and i just approximate the 630ml. it dont gotta be perfect. just gotta be enough.
4. Stir and cover. Mix the coffee and the water in the press. stir them well and make sure all the grounds get wet. wait ten minutes. stir it again. cover it in aluminum foil (or plastic wrap with a hole poked in it). (the hole is important because gasses do form i learned this the hard way). dont try to stick the press with the top on in the fridge. it will not fit. the plunger is too tall. just cover it with smthn dont gotta be fancy. Put in fridge.
5. wait 24 hours or until convenient (probably not less that 20 or more than 30 but thats up to you man)
6. PLUNGE. take the top of the press. grab a single paper filter, and kinda just,, stick it on? I guess? its pretty intuitive basically you want the coffee to strain through both the paper filter and the metal filter because the metal filter wont catch everything. (this is why i said the paper filter was optional. if you dont use it thats fine but ur gonna get some grounds leakage) if you DO get leakage of grounds thats fine thats a problem for later you and i will address it,,, later. when you’re pressing down the plunger do it VERY SLOWLY. otherwise it will MAKE A MESS. i have DONE THIS and it was VERY INCONVENIENT. do not make my mistake. do it slow and you’ll be fine i promise.
7. pour the liquid into your liquid measuring cup. i usually get about 500ml of coffee from this process, which is pretty good. add whatever you need to get it back up to 630ml (or your original amount of water). 
8. rinse out your french press and do it again. if you dont have a garbage disposal in your sink, make sure you dump most of your grounds in the garbage or you’re gonna clog shit and its gonna suck. if you do have a garbage disposal, laugh, because you are unconcerned with such petty matters. add the coffee/water back to the press. add a cup (or your original measurement) of fresh grounds. stir. cover. wait(EDIT: yes the full 24 hours again). press. 
9. do it all one more time. (EDIT: again, wait 24 hours) press. drain. when you have your final batch, if it’s too crunchy for you (aka if too many grounds leaked through), rinse your press, put the coffee in, and press it again with a paper filter over the metal one. if its STILL too crunchy for your tastes, put a paper filter in a funnel, put that shit over a mason jar, and let gravity do the work for you. 
p.s. vis a vis measurements.  1. measure the volume of your press. subtract 100 ml(do this or you will make a mess later) 2. take your final volume and divide by 3.67. use a calculator. take THAT number and thats the maximum volume (in mL) of coffee grounds you can use. theres about 237 ml in a cup and i was lazy (and a cup is easy to measure) so i rounded down to the nearest cup (do not round up this might seem obvious but it bears mentioning).  3.regardless of what you choose, take the volume of coffee you choose, and multiply by 2.67. That’s how much water you use. feel free to round to the nearest ten or five or whatever. ok thats ur measurments go have a blast.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
James Olsen and Lena Luthor. Why this relationship was built on disrespect. (Anti James)
So, we all know by now that i’m not a James Olsen fan! BUT a lot of that is because the writers have no consistency! Take for e.g. 
Lena saves James’ ass from going to prison and he gets on his high horse, tells her off etc.. tells her he doesn't want her love, acts like an arrogant prick! 
Later, in episode 10 (season 4) Lena has been (understandably) ignoring and avoiding James to lose herself in her experiment. Because she’s a scientist who saved the man she loves (ugh!) from going to Prison. She was once again the hero and was surprise surprise STILL treated like s**t!  Lena didn't even tell James she had sorted his issue out for him, she let him run with his male ego, until he was about to undo all her work and get himself arrested again because a near miss apparently makes this idiot feel invincible . 
So, Lena comes to CatCo to basically apologize to her ungrateful ass of a boyfriend for ignoring him, even though she was fully justified in doing so. He couldn't even respect her enough to give her the space she needed when she said she was busy. No, he turns up at her office with lunch as though this extremely busy woman who just gave him the brush off would some how appreciate him ignoring her (again) because he thinks its time she gave him the attention he so desperately craves and feels entitled to. (Does anyone remember when Ross from Friends did this to Rachel?!) 
So back to Lena at Cat Co, James goes on about ‘everything he went through’ with the Children of Liberty. Oh boo hoo! You were told to stay away from the Anti Alien Nazi group by literally EVERYONE because that could not end well, annnnnnd look it didnt end well, you nearly killed Kara. But somehow he is the victim here and he wrote an article on it. Probably leaving out the fact that he was the one who believed they deserved a voice in the first place and was responsible for the mess he got himself into. 
James, FINALLY realizes that Lena didnt do anything wrong and he did ‘jump all up on his moral high horse and he rode it into the sunset until he felt pretty justified in being angry’ (his words! Not mine). So, this prick actually went out of his way to be pissed at Lena for something. 
Lena, (angel that she is) is still sat there looking like she is the one in the wrong and is waiting to be called all sorts. But this ANGEL still says ‘i read your article and i understand what you went through’. Even though she had told this idiot multiple times not to get involved with the COL because it was a dumb idea. But does this wonderful love staved woman say that? NO! 
James then tells her he left some things out of the article, like ‘how he condemned the woman he loves’ cue shocked Lena, and no wonder because when she told him she loved him she was treated like garbage and left standing in a hallway. But now he loves her and everything is supposed to be OK now? 
James says he condemned Lena for selling out, but when he was backed into the same corner he did the same thing. Lena, (angel that she is) tells him no one would blame him for that least of all her. James then goes on about how he was willing to break the law because ‘sometimes the ends do justify the means’. He then tells Lena ‘I want you to know something, i understand what it means to make hard choices’. Lena (angel that she is) tells him he doesn't know how much it means to her that he said that and kisses him and im presuming some how now feels she has been forgiven?? Even though it wasn't her that needed forgiveness.
Now! When Lena tells James about her experiments, he hesitates but he tell her that he supports her. If he had issues with it, THAT MOMENT right there was his chance to voice them, that was Lena asking for his support, to be the Angel on her shoulder. But instead of respecting her enough to be honest with her, he is so desperate to get back into her bed he tells her he is cool with it. (This isn't just me btw, my 30 + year old brother watched that scene and agrees that James just tricked Lena into going back to bed with him with his dishonestly and false support. Do you think she would have stayed and slept with him if she knew she didn't have his support?) . 
Now this brings us to the break up scene, Lena tells James she has been offered a government contract. James, instantly against this tells her he can’t fathom why she would want to do this. Lena says she thought he supported her work. (Yes James, i thought you supported her work?!) He responds with ‘i know i said i understand this moral grey area that your treading on, but if you share your research with the government they are going to militarize it.’ Well duh!! Did he really just tell Lena genius Luthor that? He continues ‘i know i said i would try and understand your point of view but i dont think i can on this one’. Wow! He really tried to understand her point of view in those 60 seconds of first hearing about this. He then says ‘I love you , and you love me, but i know you're better than this’. Cue Lena now looking very pissed, and rightfully so. He’s not only told her that he doesn't support her, but apparently this makes her wrong. Lena understandably pissed, tells him she wont let him judge her for using her science to benefit humanity. He replies with ‘I dont want to judge’ even though that is EXACTLY what he just did by telling her ‘you’re better than this’. James then tells her that ‘He will never support her sharing her research with the government and he thinks that could destroy them’. Wow James, you sure got all that information on this and spent some time trying to understand it didnt you?! *eye roll*
Its basically saying ‘i dont want to judge you, but im judging you and i wont ever agree with you, even though i haven't even asked about any of this or what it entails, but if you do anything without my approval we are probably going to break up’. wow.... way to back her into a corner there without any real discussion James! Lena then tells him, he’s probably right and he should leave. James ‘so thats it then?’ Well yes James! You were the one who just backed Lena into a corner and basically said ‘do this and we’re through’. So what? Its OK for James to threaten a break up if Lena doesn't conform to his way of thinking, but the moment Lena stands up for herself and tells him to leave he's like ‘Whaaaat?’ . 
Lets review, earlier in the scene at Catco James admits he has a moral high horse he likes to ride. He also tells her  ‘sometimes the ends do justify the means’. He then tells Lena ‘I want you to know something, i understand what it means to make hard choices’ So, James understood all of this back then. But where was all this understanding in the car for the break up scene? NO WHERE to be found! He didnt even give Lena the chance to explain why she was doing any of this before he judged her and said they were basically through if she did this thing he knew literally NOTHING about because he didnt have the curtsy to ask. 
This right here is the main reason i dont like James! He is so two faced and is still riding that moral high horse not only into the sunset but off the edge of the world probably all the way to Argo City! Lena, who earlier did nothing but save his ass had to be forgiven by him. First he doesn't support her theory of her work (thanksgiving) then he says he does (while making dinner and getting back into her bed) and now he doesn't again!
All i conclude from this is James is a two faced git, only supports something if it something HE thinks is right. Is willing to break his girlfriends heart more than once. Doesn't respect his girlfriends space. Believes that things should be fixed on his schedule. Believes that saying ‘ i love you’ is enough to get him out of the dog house. Tricks this wonderful woman into believing that he supports her and doesn't give his wonderful open with him girlfriend the chance to even explain more before he tells her he will never support her and will basically end their relationship. Then he looks butt hurt when this angel has finally had enough of his egotistical, moral high ground ass and dumps him before he can dump her! 
did i leave anything out? Why is James understanding one minute, but only due to something that has effected him. Then a complete ass the next? 
Unfortunately, given how the writing is awful (all of the above) i think Lena dumped James to save him from whatever was coming next. They kept switching to shots of her looking really sad, like she was regretting what she was doing. But she really shouldn't have been. Everything in that break up seen was a legit reason for her to dump him even if she orchestrated it herself. It doesn't change the things James said and his lies about support. This relationship was awful! Built on fake support, secrets and James Olsens schedule and ego. 
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1/ti/fi anon, thanks for ur reply. to clarify on 1+6, by smoothing things i mean making an active effort to resolve matters by saying sthing that is opposite of what i think is true, which i wont do. but i am fine not saying anything so as not to create or exacerbate a conflict. to illustrate, recently a friend vented at me+my isfj friend about someone she was mad at. from her words it was obvious she was misunderstanding the other person. i didnt point it out right then bc she would feel worse.
2/but tho i knew she wanted to have someone be mad with her/validate her feelings, i couldnt bring myself to dogpile on the other person when he’d done nothing wrong (which she realized few days later). so i said something neutral/noncommital like “im sorry ur having a hard day” technically true and i took care of her chores instead to help but withheld the entirety of my opinion. like i wont actively contradict if the situation calls, but i disengage/deflect instead of saying what isnt right.
3/my isfj friend joined her in anger tho she later told me she had no strong feelings but the other person was a stranger so he didnt matter, her priority was supporting her friend. i dont think shes wrong, and this was a very minor matter in the grand scheme. but even if im never going to meet this person it feels unfair to him and i cant help but wonder, if my friend had felt validated enough to take the argument with him further it would have caused needless strife.
4/re: se, i did consider it, worrying about potential bias in my typing. i test as INxP, but i know its bc i answer “yes” to qs on whether other peoples feelings matter and ofc u cant be a thinker unless ur a misanthropic edgelord. i ruled out judging; while im organised at work, i struggle with decisions and detest planning in advance. my first q was whether the N typing was right. i like adventure sports tho my lifestyle is sedentary. i love tinkering with things to see how they work #TOOLS.
5/but ur old post that resonated was how often im frustrated with the real world for not living upto the conceptual world in my head. my awareness of the physical world is poor for high se (i get lost easily). i crave novelty, but im among the “travels the world but only eats chicken tenders” people. im not sure i understand ur first statement, could u explain it a bit more? to clarify on my end, i know there are things people wont indicate, but i consider that not my business, even if im aware.
6/as they have a reason for not telling me. so i operate based on what they have said, rather than what i know. because of this, i give a lot of weight to words, both my own and others. i agree no one has intrinsic understanding of other people’s minds, incl. high fe. if anything, i find high fe can be bad at this on an interpersonal level as they impose generalizations on people whose needs differ but are bizarrely confident they can “read” people even with said person tells them otherwise.7/re: #8, by social world, i was referring moreso to rules of social convention/appropriateness, which fe users have a knack for (or perhaps define?). they comment on innocuous behaviour (not overt rudeness, things like not greeting every person as they walk into the office) as violating a norm i never picked on and it makes me second guess myself since i never thought of those things. surely everyone has some self doubt, but the frequency of this happening to me made it notable to mention.
Okay, going through this:
1-2: that clarification is helpful. That can just be decent maturity in most types (though as you mentioned FJs tend to side with the friend) - few people are going to full-on throw someone under the bus just to make someone else happy, so the smoothing over, especially if the person who’s upset is someone you like, is often just a neutral statement or “that sounds frustrating.” The just giving in is something I at least use for people I don’t actually respect much and for situations where I don’t think a strong stance will help. Kind of a “don’t get in a mud fight with a pig, you’ll both get dirty and the pig will like it” situation. If it’s a friend who’s actually upset, even if I think they’re wrong, I think most people who aren’t assholes will try to remain neutral or focus on comforting the friend but not arguing until a later time. So…doesn’t really indicate anything other than you’re reasonably mature as a person and probably not an FJ.
I do think Se makes a lot of sense. I don’t know what old post it was but if it was pretty old, disregard it. We’re all capable of idealism - I’m confident that I’m a sensor and I get frustrated with the world sometimes. (I also have garbage spatial intelligence, though weirdly a good sense of direction). I think a current issue now that “intuition is psychic” is no longer as much of a thing is that people think they need to be absolutely flawless in their sensory understanding to be a sensor when it’s really a preference for the concrete. Also, the picky eating is not exclusive to Ne users - that’s one of the many statements that’s true about a lot of Ne users but isn’t really evidence for Ne on its own. My ISTP sister is one of the pickiest eaters I know, my ISFP sister is pretty adventurous. Food especially is weird and influenced by a lot of other things. But getting back to Se, the thought process of “they didn’t tell me, they must have a reason, let’s take them at their word” is more sensor. It’s not that sensors aren’t capable of realizing they might not have the whole picture; it’s that they aren’t going to look for the deeper meaning if there’s not a really good reason, whereas intuitives might look for the deeper meaning even if there isn’t one at all.
You are right about Fe (I find that high Fe users, and especially NFJs, are the worst offenders in imposing a generalized view of how people should be responding) but I think we’re sold that you’re not a high Fe user. The description of not feeling like you know how to interact with people does seem more like that of a thinker. While it’s tough to be positive on Ti/Fi at times, I’d seriously look at ISTP. You sound more like ISTPs I’ve met (than either INTPs or ISFPs), which I get isn’t super helpful but it’s what I’ve got. I’d also look at enneagram 9, which might be influencing the desire to just stay neutral and not instigate disagreement (and is pretty common in both ISTPs and ISFPs but I find more so in ISTPs. ISFPs have somewhat less chill in my experience.)
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ideocosmonaut · 6 years
Would you rather date someone who had a car or a job? Ehh probably job.
What’s the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Trust, perhaps?
Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? Kind of
Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? ugly and kind
Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color. Steak, Coke Zero, Gray or black
If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on? Weekly short vacations. Maybe fly to a city every weekend and go on a shopping spree.
Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show. Harry Potter, Robocop, Seinfeld
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dont have an ex
if you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? Hmm. Maybe blind. I love art and music but my eyes get me into more trouble than my ears.
Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color. How boring. Onions, water, yellow
What do you spend most of your money on? Bills
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Boxer briefs
If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do? Probably nothing. Why would they want to talk to me? They’re probably really tired and just want to chill on the ride home. I mean, if I feel brave, maybe I’ll say hi and that I really love their work but that’s about it.
What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Any... insult?
What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house? A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a ceiling, walls...
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why? Some kind of bird
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being wrongfully accused
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 80s and 90s comedies
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cop. An astronaut
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yeah.
First concert? Flogging Molly, for a big name band. But I went to local shows in school
Tea or coffee? i like both.
Do you think you were well raised? Up until I was a teenager
How do you handle stress? not well. 
Do you hide things well? Not really
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? I’d rather not. If I had to... family member. I’ve lost almost all of the good ones already anyway. And my friends are a precious few.
Do you see yourself ever being with someone you’ve been with before? No?
Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house by yourself that you felt was haunted? Huge house... if I didnt have to keep it up by myself.
How many piercings do you have? 0
Do you see yourself as a “good” person? No. No one is really good or bad. People are people. Everyone has their own ambitions. And a basic desire. People change all the time, nothing is set in stone.
Are your nails painted a dark or light color? N/a
Have you ever order pizza online? yes
What color was the last candle you lit? Cream?
Is there something written on your shirt right now? No
Is there a bookshelf in your room? no.
Do you own a treadmill? nope.
Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? yes.
What color was the last fish you had? Orangey
Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? Nah
Have you ever read in the bathtub? No
If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I imagine I would
Have you ever put ice cubes in milk? no.
Does your animal sleep with you? N/a
What do you use to remove your makeup at night? N/a
Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore Umm maybe. I think most of my favorites are still alive somewhere in TV land
Have you ever bought something off of iTunes? i don’t think so.
Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? nope.
Do you know how many pages the last book you read had? nope.
What day of the week does the laundry usually get done? Saturday
Do you use the Facebook chat often? daily.
Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? Nah
How many favorites do you have on youtube? hundreds
What channel is the food network? i dont have cable
Do you still write in pencil? sometimes
What brand is your foundation? n/a
What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhh doritos i think
Do you eat onion rings? not often but i love them.
When did you last go to the zoo? years ago
How many cardigans do you own? 1
What is your favorite song to play on guitarhero or rockband? none
What flavor of tea did you last have? Milos
Do you own a robe? yes
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? An upload of the new Puppet Master movie
Have you ever brushed your teeth and then drank orange juice? yeah
When was the last time you had pancakes or waffles? yesterday
Do you know anyone whose birthday is today? my step-mom
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life? I wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel anything. That’s an upside. Can you imagine how bad you’d feel if you died? It’s a mercy we dont feel anything after.
Was the last person you texted under 18? no I dont believe any of the people ive texted are under 18
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? like two
Do you like hoodies? yes.
When was the last time you attended a wedding? May?
Have you had alcohol this week? uhhhhhhhh nope actually
What windows are open on your computer right now? You mean tabs? This, FB, another Tumblr, and youtube
Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes Is there anything you are craving right now? affection
What’s the last thing you had to eat? rice and beef
Who were the last four people to text you? my dad, my step-mom, a couple friends
Do you have any morbid interests? nothing habitual
Do you know anyone whose birthday is tomorrow? no.
What was the last thing you found that you thought you lost forever? an earbud cover
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop for the New Year? no
If you have a Twitter, do you use something else besides the computer to update your tweets? nope
Do you like potato salad? Ive never had one I liked
Who was the last person that apologized to you? my bff. It’s funny that I say sorry a lot but I dont hear it very often. only from him. hmm.
Have you ever driven and ended up running out of gas? no
When was the last time you uploaded pictures from your camera? months ago
Did you do the laundry today? yes
What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? wasnt sleepy
Did you straighten or curl your hair last? n/a
Have you ever been off-roading? yes
Was the last number you added to your cell phone a guy’s or girl’s number? a restaurant probably
Do you enjoy being a tease? kind of. not too much.
Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? nope.
Who was the last person you caught lying to you? eh i dont recall
How old were you when you were first pulled over by the police? umm 19 ish?
Do you have a webcam that’s built into your computer or did it come separately? n/a
Was there ever a time that you lived on an island? I am an island. Shut up, Ben Howard.
Have you ever made a time capsule? I did in school
When was the last time you drank out of a champagne glass? long time ago
What was the last casino you went to? N/a
Does it flood easily where you live? kind of
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? nope.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? no.
Does anything hurt on you? my foot
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? sometimes
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   not really
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? yes, many times
Do you like MySpace? i did back when it was popular.
Do you like glitter? its ok
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? my mom
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? 
my... pee?
Are your toe nails painted pink? no.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? no... I mean, i doubt it? maybe? who knows.
Are you excited for Saturday? I was until I hurt my foot
What are you listening to right now? Game Grumps
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? Gatlinburg 
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? possibly
Are you gonna be home tonight? yes.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? not if it stops there
Are you easily scared at horror films? not easily
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? Depends on how large and what kind
Do you have good memories with old friends? of course. 
How are you feeling right now? in pain
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? oh yeah
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? a few
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yes.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Did you have a dream last night? probably, i just don’t remember it.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? of course, as long as they’re single too.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
Have you held hands with anyone today? no.
Do you drop your phone a lot? nah
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? You dont exist?
When was the last time you saw your father? last weekend
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Hmm. that’s a tough one. I use humor to cope a lot but I always try to remain within certain guidelines around certain people. it’s a lot to keep up with. Me? I can laugh at almost anything. Im pretty numb to most things. It doesnt come from a place of disrespect, but a need to laugh.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? mostly.
How is your life currently? it sucks.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? sleeping
Do you want to see somebody right now? sure.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just the one.
Have you ever done anything illegal? yes
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? mom
What’s currently bothering you? my foot. looming anxiety over possibly being fired. being totally alone.
Have you thought about an ex today? no.
Are any of your friends taller than you? yes.
Did you do anything productive today? yes.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? To relive certain things, maybe. Barry Allen taught me not to fuck with the timeline
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? no
Do you wish at 11:11? nah
Are you currently in a relationship? no
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? apparently they are everything
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? I guess. 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yes.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Depends but im mostly for it
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? no.
How long were you with your last bf/gf? never
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? probably. im ripe for the abuse.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? no
Do you think you will ever be married? probably not
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes. that’s life
Is it possible to be single and happy? temporarily
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? idk
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? aside from food, not really. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? n/a
How much money did you spend today? $0
Are you a rude person? to people who are rude
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? no. 
What’s something you’re excited for? Cyberpunk 2077
Does cuddling freak you out? A little. I dont like not being able to move
What do you think of maxi dresses? idk
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? my phone’s in the other room...... >_>
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? Call the police.
Have you ever gambled? yes.
Do you use tobacco products? not anymore
Would you ever go a week without showering? only if i had to
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? Yeah
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ixiethepixiewrites · 6 years
Hi i have a request, i know its a bit late of this news but it was very funny see that all uk dont have kfc for the lack of chicken, i would like see england angry and crazy because he cant eat his bargain bucket and América trying cheer up (sorry for my bad english )
Kentucky Fresh Out of Chicken
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothin except some very sad fired chicken lovers
Summary: Oh no.
“What do you mean ‘OUT OF CHICKEN’? Isn’t that in your bloody name!??”Arthur Kirkland, also known as England by a select few, shouted at the poor manager of a local KF*C. He would have kept shouting along with the mob of angry and upset customers, had it not been for his husband and fellow nation, Alfred. Steering the fuming nation out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk so they could begin their walk home, Al couldn’t help but smile at the pout on Arthur’s lips. He just wanted to kiss it away, but that was likely to earn him a smack for PDA.Minutes passed by, and eventually Arthur let out a frustrated sigh. That meant it was safe for Alfred to hug him, so he quickly wrapped his arms around his miffed lover. “It’s okay babe, we can get a bucket next week when you come to visit me at my place.”“I was really craving that greasy garbage you lot call food for once, and the singular time I have you around when I want your food, they don’t even have the main ingredient? Madness!” Arthur ranted, “How do you mess up a shipment so badly that you don’t have enough chicken for a restaurant chain that mainly serves chicken!?”
Alfred laughed and rubbed Arthur’s back soothingly with one hand, just the way he knew he liked it. “I dunno man, that’s one heck of a manifesto error, but cut them some slack. Yelling at one manager isn’t gonna get you any food, yanno?”Groaning, face flushed with embarrassment, Arthur buried his head in Alfred’s warm bomber jacket, enjoying the smell and feel of the old leather. “I must have looked a right arse… perhaps I could apologize if see them again.”“That’s the way, now come on, we can always grab Mc D’s instead!”
“I am not eating that garbage. I may lower myself to the standards of KF*C or even A*by’s, but I am not eating those heart attacks on buns.”
“I know you like them, I saw you eating one at a meeting~”
Arthur sputtered and smacked Alfred’s chest as he laughed. “It was the only thing close by that was fast and cheap!”
“Whatever you say, Artie.”
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B99 and The Good Place
YES. THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE THE GOOD PLACE AND BROOKLYN 99 SO MUCH. AND NOBODY EVER WANTS TO TALK TO/WITH ME ABOUT TGP. I made my friend watch it with me just so I could talk about it with someone lol. Also because it's just a genuinely good show. (Next up I'm gonna make her finish iZombie with me too, haha.)SO! For B99Favorite Main Character:Its gotta be either Rosa or Jake. You know I'm in love with both Andy Samburg and Stephanie Beatriz. (especially Stephanie Beatriz, *dreamy sigh*)Fun fact! My favorite side character is Kevin. Whether it's in B99, The Good Place, or on the Thrilling Adventure Hour, I love the deadpan humor of Marc Evan Jackson. He is, after all, a naughty bitch ;p. Favorite Female Character:Oh, for sure this goes to Rosa Diaz. I love her so much and Stephanie Beatriz plays her to absolute perfection. it's so cool to be able to see such a badass lady cop on TV, who both plays to and subverts the typical Strong Silent Badass™ trope. Rosa is from a cooler world than any of us.OTP:I know it's a boring answer, but it's gotta be Jake and Amy. From the jump their relationship was built on mutual (if, admittedly at first, somewhat begrudging) respect and trust. They were friends, which is so rewarding to see. There have been couples like that on TV before, but usually it's all a lot of 'will they, wont they- which can be fun too if done right, like seasons 1 and 2 did -but it's refreshing to see it played in such a different way. Jake just straight up told her and didn't expect anything to come from it. He didn't pressure her to like him back and he didn't even hate on Teddy (until he got all weird and creepy in later seasons, and even then he was polite) while he was dating her. He respects her and treats her well and I will forever remember the scene where he tells everyone why/how he decided to propose to her, it was perfect and truely sweet. Jake and Amy make each other better. He helped her to loosen up a little and compromise without getting rid of her take- charge, eager-to-please attitude or her independance, and in turn she made him into a (slightly) more mature person. Amy helped turn Jake into a (somewhat) functional adult, but she didn't force him to lose his fun, childish side either. They genuinely care for each other in a way that you dont often get to see on TV between Het Couples. Like the episode where Amy takes the Sargent's exam and Jake says he always knew Amy would be his boss one day? HE RESPECTS HER SO MUCH. Almost any other sitcom would have Jake's arc for that episode be about him feeling insecure at the thought of his future wife being his boss, but B99 didn't and I love them for it. Their love is so sweet and believable. I even teared up a little during the wedding scene because I'm an absolute sap like that. I also really, really like the chemistry between Rosa and her potential new girlfriend Alicia (as played by the also amazingly beautiful and talented Gina Rodriguez.) They had immediate chemistry- which I'm huge on -and Alicia seems like a genuinely cool and sweet woman. Anyone who can make Rosa lose her composure in front of people she cares about has gotta be something special. I'm hoping in the next season NBC will let them bring Gina Rodriguez back and she and Rosa will become TV's gayest and most dynamic power couple. That would be pretty sweet. Sorry that this has turned into Rosa and Jake fest. But if it helps, Holt and Kevin are definitely couple goals too and I'm glad Kevin'sgetting so much more screen time. I agree with Jake: I also want them to be my two gay dads. Not that I dont love my dad, I'm just welcoming in the extra role models, lol. Lord k ow I probably need it.NoTP:I love that the show steered away from it, because I wasn't really much a fan of the Boyle/Diaz Dynamic of season 1. But, I do honestly love them as bros together. It's another trope the show subverts since Charles is the one who's super in touch with his emotions and helps out Rosa in her relationships when she has trouble expressing hers. I just... I really love relation/friendships built on trust and respect. It's my jam.Favorite Other Pairings:I know she's not your fave but I do like Gina and Rosa together, they have a fun, snarky vibe together and Gina does genuinely care for Rosa and respect her opinions, way more than she does with most other people. Except maybe Holt. Also Amy and Rosa. I love episodes where the two of them team up together. Basically, what I'm saying here is that I just want Rosa to date ALL the girls on the show, haha.Least Favorite Character:I hate to say it, but I want a huge fan of Pimento? Like, he was dangerous and rude and I know he went through a lot of trauma undercover, but dude needed some help, and I mean just that, really. He needs to be in therapy for his PTSD because it's affecting his relationships and his whole life.I'm not too big a fan of Hitchcock either, just because like... Okay, so, Scully is dumb and occasionally rude, but at least he tries to be nice most of the time and even tries to contribute; Hitchcock is... kind of a jerk most of the time? I know that's the point, but still... like, fix yourself my dude.Also, I do really love to hate The Vulture. He's insufferable, but his dynamic with the team and their hate for him is so much fun to watch. Of course when I say least favorite, I still like these characters, it's just that if I had to pick, it would be these three.Favorite Season/Episode:I actually really like this past season a lot. Like, so much happened! ROSA CAME OUT! JAKE AND AMY GOT MARRIED! HOLT AND KEVIN GOT QUALITY SCREEN TIME AS A COUPLE! It was pretty amazing.I love the episode where Rosa came out to her parents. It was so sweet ♡ and I think it's really important that it ended in such a medium place. Like, that happens to people sometimes other TV shows, sometimes parents dont either accept you wholeheartedly or kick you out and denounce you. Sometimes, you just get stuck in a crappy in between place (note: not deflection btw, my parents are cool with my identity, but I has happened to people I know and it sucks watching them try and get through it without sacrificing the relationship between them and their parent[s]). And we never get to see that because TV likes to focus on the extremes. And Rosa found out that you can find your own family if you need too. Which, as you know, I am always up for in my media. Found family tropes for everyone!Who Would I Date:I mean... look how many times the words Jake and Rosa have come up in this post. In your heart of hearts you know the answer to this question.Rosa (whom I have to separate from her actress because I love them both, and for different reasons) would be a little hard to date for me, just because she's so closed off and sometimes ya girl needs some validation of affection. But she's so...so cool. She does the right thing, even if she'd rather hit the problem in the face with an axe, and I know she's a police officer but it still counts, damnit. She has all these layers to her, like the dancing and the gymnastics and stuff. She doesn't reject traditional femininity, it just doesn't appeal to her. Also I bet she'd make anyone feel hella safe. She's... honestly the best word I can come up with right now is dreamy. Rosa Diaz is a Dreamboat with a capital D, and I'm sorry, but if you dont think so you're wrong.Jake is kind of the polar opposite. The only thing I would see becoming a hypothetical issue in the hypothetical relationship is that I can also be immature and messy and garbage at being an adult. We'd be too similar and it wouldn't help anyone, unlike with Jake and Amy. But he's so sweet and caring and funny. He's a genuinely great guy who respects everyone who deserves it, and sometimes even people who don't. Plus he's definitely a good cuddler and I like being the big spoon, so that would work out well for us.----------------------As for The Good Place:(WARNING! Spoilers for The Good Place are below, so if you're asking me but haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend skipping this until you do watch it, because I don't want to spoil anything for you. It's that good.Favorite Main Character:How, actually, do you choose on this? How?!? I love them all so much, truly. Chidi is a nervous smol (though also very tol) beanpole. Eleanor is always a Mood™ and she shows so much growth over the course of just 2 seasons (same with Michael, but that'smore over the course of 1 season. I'llgive him a pass though because it was entertaining as hell when he finally realized the concept of mortality). Jason became so much more lovable and sweet in season 2. Janet is my favorite omniscient NonBinary robot ever. And Tahani is, to quote Eleanor directly, "A sexy, tan rapunzel. The dream." Plus, she really knows how to go all out with something, which is fun. I loved how into her role as Rhonda Mumps she got. Plus, watching her tell off her parents was so good.I think I'm gonna have to go with Either Chidi Eleanor or Janet. That's as much as I can narrow it down though, because I am weak.Favorite Female Character: Well, since Janet is not a girl, but instead- as mentioned above -an omniscient NonBinary robot person, I'll go with Eleanor. I think I just really relate to her character. Which means I should probably shape up my life, lol. But it's so nice to see a smart, funny, unladylike and kinda sleazy character, who ultimately has that heart of gold and a desire for self-improvement played like this by a woman as a main character. She's like the likeable, morally gray sidekick in so many romcoms, but she gets to be the focus for once. I dig it. Also, I tend to flock towards bi-coded characters. Have you seen Eleanor's collection of flannels (Janet could literally get her anything to wear, but mah girl craves that bi aesthetic)? Any of her interactions with Tahani? That girl is bi af, if not pan. OTP:Oh, for sure it's Teleanor (Elhani?). Like, the chemistry between Jameela Jamil and Kristen Bell is so thick. They're so good together! And I swear if I dont get a flashback to attempt #218 at some point I will cry. 2nd OTP is Chidi/Eleanor because a) they're super cute together, B) they make each other better, and C) LOOK MA, ITS AN INTERRACIAL COUPLE AS THE MAIN FOCUS OF A SITCOM WHERE THE POC IS A DUDE! I've heard tell of it in legends but never seen it before in real life! I joke, but seriously, it is neat to see.Runner up: J² (aka Janet & Jason). What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute, oddball couples who shouldn't work but ultimately do.NoTP:I wasn't very keen on Tahani/Jason. Like, it was a fun distraction, and it did lead to the scene where Tahani tells her parents she ate a cheeto, and it also gave us some much needed Janet screen time/character arc stuff, but they just didn't work for me as a couple. I think, though, that that was kind of the point? Like, they needed to make that mutual mistake together so they could get to where they needed to be. Jason grew up a bit and learned to problem solve and Tahani gained confidence and the personal growth she needed to tell off her douchey parents.Favorite Other Pairings: Is it weird to say Shawn/Michael? I feel like it is, but I would still read it. Also maybe Janet/Eleanor. That could be fun.Least Favorite Character:This is slightly less tough than the questions above, but if it came down to it and I had to pick, I'd probably say it's pretty much just amounts to a few of the characters that the show designed for me to hate.Figuratively, everyone in Tahani's family is a garbage human being. And not in like, the fun, likeable way that say Eleanor or Jason were 'garbage people,' but in the awful, 'I would gladly punch you in the face' kind of way instead. Same goes for Eleanor's parents and her roommates (Though the one who remained her friend after she switched up everything in the season finale was okish in S2, what little I saw of her). It's super weird, but I actually do like the demons for the most part. Shawn is amazing to watch, which I, in large part, chalk up to Marc Evan Jackson's performance. And I even liked Vicky and Trevor, in that same, The Vulture from B99 sort of way. So literal demons are more likeable than the characters mentioned above, which should tell you something.Favorite Season/Episode:Season 1 was amazing and that first Cliffhanger twist was wild and awesome and I didn't figure it out until about 30 seconds before Eleanor did because it was so good, but it wasn't just a twist for the sake of it either, like, the season was built around it and makes sense with it, which is really cool to see in a sitcom. HOWEVER, all things being equal and with that said, Season 2 was EVEN BETTER SOMEHOW?!?! they ditched the formula and changed it all up! It's a sitcom! They never do that! And they only spent like what, 1 to 2ish episodes replaying the new attempts? And they focused on some of the Bad Place characters too while they were doing it, so it didn't get boring. That could have so easily happened too, if it hadn't been handled as well as it was by the writers. But it was handled well and they kept changing things up and giving us more info on the characters lives and their deaths and all that good juicy character development stuff I love so much and it was so, so worth watching.Episode wise, season two had my favorite episodes too, starting with the big neighborhood-ending party and all the way up to the finale (the episodes before then were also great, obviously, but that run towards the end had me captivated so thoroughly I almost called in sick to work to finish them, haha.)The stuff where they infiltrate The Bad Place was golden. If I had, had, had to pick a single episode... yeah, nope, I'm still not able to because it comes up a tie between the one where they leave the neighborhood behind or the finale. There was so much good character stuff, and lots of little found family type moments and Mindy even got a little bit of a reward at the end! (Side note: something deep inside of me loves Mindy St. Claire so much and wishes I could have more of her confidence and fuck it attitude). The demons were hilarious and Judge Gen was a delight to watch! This show is just so good, it makes me want to cry a little. Just a bit. I'm so excited for season 3!! Less than a month left yeah! ♡Who Would I Date:It would probably come down to either Janet, or Eleanor. Tahani has potential, but she's too...aristocratic to actually date for me, I think. Chidi would be an amazing partner, but I feel like we're both such anxious people that it would quickly become an unmanageable tornado of stress and bad decision making, lol.Janet would be cool because she's weird and fun and chipper and so sweet, plus she has all the knowledge in the universe which is neat. I do love a smart cookie. And with Janet since I'm more demi/ace-ish and since she doesn't have sex parts, that would take a weight off my mind I think. So check off 'would date a self-aware, omniscient robot' on my list of weird character traits.Eleanor would also be a good candidate too because she's relatively down to earth and laid back, as well as being fun and relatable and just... kind of a cool chick. Plus, I know deep down she actually does care about things and is a decent human being, which is sort of a must in a partner, lol. The only drawback is that we might make each other worse because we'd probably let each other get away with a lot, so it might be somewhat counterproductive to the point of the show, haha. ----------------------Thank you so much for asking these! And for letting me rant and rave over my two favorite sitcoms in what has, apparently, turned out to be a fucking essay on 'Things I love about Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place'. Sorry I got so verbose about it. I'm also sorry that I, as a person, always fail so completely at making choices and narrowing things down, lol. But this was fun! Hopefully you've seen TGP, I'd absolutely hate, hate, hate to spoil such an excellent and surprising show for someone. Assuming you have, I'm gonna run over and ask you about this one too. In fact consider this an open invitation: if you need someone to talk to about B99 or TGP, consider me your gal!
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