#jamilton smut fic
hamilfan · 2 years
Hanilfic recommendations 3
Jamilton; smut addition! (Fancy_that 's entire account tbh)
One day I'll get better formating for these lists.
Thomas and Alexander have a some time in the office closet together. Thomas isn't the best at staying quiet.... or emotionally detached. In short Thomas is sad and Alexander's mean, the angst is strong in this one.
After publishing the Reynolds Pamphlet, Hamilton's life is in ruins. There is nothing he can do anymore to change America for the better. Well, except one thing. He'd let Jefferson fuck him for political favors before, he can do it again. Except this time he offers more. In exchange for abolition, Hamilton agrees to become Jefferson's slave.
I needed a reason why Hamilton is Jefferson's sex slave, and I wanted no actual historical slaves anywhere near my smut. This was the best excuse I could come up with. It doesn't make sense, but neither does getting stuck under a bed. It's porn logic, ok?
Thomas should not have been fingering himself at work. He really, really, really shouldn’t, but.. He did. And if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be getting fucked on his desk by the one and only Alexander Hamilton.
Alexander calls him easy to please, easy to satisfy, and easy to rile up. And it’s true, he won’t deny that. Alexander however is quite the opposite. There has to be a mood, there has to be a tone set, a word, a touch, a nudge from Thomas. Thomas usually has to take the lead, which he’s used to doing, which he doesn’t mind doing. However in the five years they’d been married he’d certainly had fun coming up with new and creative ways to get what what he wants.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
Or: Alexander tops Thomas for the first time and Thomas isn't prepared for the way either of them act.
With a tug of his hand, Jefferson’s mouth was off him, those brown eyes shooting up to look at him in confusion. Hamilton didn’t elaborate, just held him there firmly, fingers tangled in those tight curls. His other hand came down, wrapping around his shaft, and he saw the exact moment Jefferson gathered what Hamilton’s intentions were. Hamilton half expected him to protest, to refuse, but he didn’t. He just… opened that pretty mouth again, and closed his eyes. The sight of him sent Hamilton straight over the edge, and soon he was coming in short bursts, some sticky white landing over Jefferson’s face, some in his open mouth. It painted the prettiest picture, and Hamilton only wished he could savor this moment.
The morning started off as every morning of theirs did - with an early alarm, sleepy smiles, and the strong, distinctive scent of espresso.
Thomas was sure he painted quite the pretty picture for Alex - wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, marked with bruises from the night before, and morning coffee in hand. Alex looked up from his phone, and a smile spread across his face, “Aw, Thomas, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
Thomas smiled and handed Alex his coffee, “but I wanted to.” He leaned forward, and accepted the kiss that was pressed to his cheek, “you deserve it, daddy.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson agree not to get one another Valentine's day gifts, but to they really follow through with that? Why not take the chance to one up one another and be the only one giving the other a gift, it couldn't possibly end badly, could it?
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the1laff · 1 year
WIP Post
Tagged by @jittyjames, thanks for the tag!
Rules: Post names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I’ll try to tag as many as I have WIPs but idk if it’ll happen. Also if I tag you, you don’t have to do it, Idek if you write, sorry.
@binch-i-might-be @duelamort @cecescomposition @himnnnnnn @xcminhdang
Hellfire and Rhinestones
Jamilton fic, modern day, angst?
Thomas is a demon (more specifically the devils son but that’s not important till way later) and takes a liking to Alex so he starts showing up when he needs help, and then more frequently just bc. Alex doesn’t know Thomas is a demon yet. At one point he think he’s a guardian angel or some shit. I love irony.
That Little Noodle Fuck
Jamilton fic, modern day, fluff and some emotional comforting.
Adopted from parsniffs, 3AM Warmth. Alex is a college student who writes for a living and Thomas is also a college student who works at a late night cookie shop. Alex orders cookies way too often and before too long he realizes he actually has somewhat of a relationship with Thomas. Thomas is a caretaker at times for our poor Alex. I tried to keep them as close to how parsniffs wrote them.
You Won’t Die Alone!
Jamilton, modern day, fluff, angst, slow burn, one of those soulmate AUs where everyone has a black mark/stain from where their soulmate will touch them for the first time, once they touch it turns into bright colors.
This starts as a senior year HS fic and if it goes to plan then it will evolve in to a college fic. Alex thought he didn’t have a mark. He kinda likes Thomas at first then hates guts then eventually comes around and can be civil-ish and I haven’t gotten past there if I remember. There is snow at some point, drinking, drinking games, minor injury and pranks. He does end up in possession of a particular jacket. The rest of the gang makes intermittent appearances. Also Washingdad
“T” is for Trauma
Lams, modern day, established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort.
John is a paramedic, Alex is a freelance writer. There are a lot of chapters centered around real calls I’ve been on, some are altered for reader enjoyment and to abide by HIPPA laws. I don’t use real addresses/names obviously. There is a lot of medical trauma, infant, child, adult, and animal death. Alex gardens, there will be a mental trauma reveal for John later, possible smut if I can get over the fear of posting that. I try to balance it with wholesome fluff and couple things in between. My longest and current favorite fic I’ve written.
Reading Too Far Into It
Johnlock, modern day, fluff, maybe some angst.
John discovered Ao3, and reads fic. I can’t say more without spoiling the entire plot. Pre slash if I remember correctly. Lots of Sherlock antics, there is a case I plan on throwing in at some point.
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duelamort · 1 year
Not that I don't agree on the platonically married vibes, but romantic Jeffmads is SO good too, imo, they're underrated. Especially when wanting fluff or something short to read! As in, I go for Jamilton for the more lenghty fics or for the smut, because for me these two are where the spice and/or the plot is, but whenever I feel like reading or scribbling something more "light" then Thomas/James works so well. It's giving best friends to lovers but also opposites attract which makes it less bland. In this essay I will lmao
bless! i personally never care for friends to lovers so it's not my cup of tea ^_T
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the cowboy and le baguette 
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honeybeelilac · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens Characters: Hercules Mulligan, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, George Washington Additional Tags: Fluff, Stripper Lafayette, lafayette is a prostitute, Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Lams - Freeform, mullette, Lingerie, Pansexual Hercules Mulligan, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Flirty Marquis de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette Speaks French, Mentioned lams - Freeform, Alex and John are getting married, very gay, Alternate Universe - Escorts, Jealousy, Jealous John Laurens, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Angst, Hurt Marquis de Lafayette, Attempted Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Past Rape/Non-con, Hurt/Comfort, Sad and Sweet, escort lafayette, Mental Health Issues, Fluff and Angst Summary:
When Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens get engaged, they decide that they want to celebrate by going to a strip club. Hercules Mulligan is not amused, the last place he would find himself is in a strip club.
He changes his mind when he meets a young escort who goes by the name Lafayette.
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
29. Jamilton? That would be awesome thanks
You got it! (These pieces take me 10 - 15 minutes because they’re so dumb, I’m sorry lmao)
Enjoy, @fangirlqueen-15 !
29. “Come over here and make me.”
Love this prompt so much!
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You know what they say! Opposites attract! ... Right?
It was a staring match. They were breaking each other down from the inside out. Tearing away their defences just by looking deep into the darkest parts of their soul. Glares that could kill elephants, and frowns so deep they put the Grand Canyon to shame. Alexander kept his arms crossed tightly across his chest, electricity flaring through his veins and begging to be released. Thomas was more loose, natural. Letting his hands hang effortlessly by his sides, giving him a breezy, unbothered look. That only infuriated Alexander more. He felt as though Thomas couldn’t care less, that he was underestimating the power of one small angry man. The whole room was holding their breath, ready to see who would snap and scream first. In fact, a few people were making bets. Most were betting on Alexander breaking.
Thomas’ expression changed suddenly, from deep and angered, to humoured and airy. Alex grit his teeth to try and stop the words from escaping. Instead they just came out as a long, drawn hiss. Thomas laughed quietly and looked around in disbelief.
“Something to say, Hamilton?” He finally broke the silence. Yet the bets were still on, Jefferson hadn’t broke... yet. There was always time.
Alexander wiggled his fingers and bit his tongue, literally. “No, not to you.”
“Am I supposed to be offended?” Thomas placed a fake dramatic hand to his chest, feigning hurt.
“Maybe, your call.” Alex remained calm. He was cool. He was chill.
Thomas laughed again, a little louder. Washington cleared his throat. “I think this meeting is adjourned for now.” Everyone hurriedly rushed from their seats, making a wild dash for the door.
Both Hamilton and Jefferson waited for all the rest to leave, before Thomas shot him one last death stare and swaggered off. “Goodbye, Hamilton. Don’t trip on the way out.”
“Shut up, Jeffershit.” Alexander muttered, thinking he was already gone.
“Come over here and make me.” Thomas sneered before opening the door to leave.
Alexander’s eyes lit up with an idea. It was insane. Beyond comprehension. But if it worked, boy would it be satisfying.
Hamilton slowly sauntered over, catching Jefferson by surprise. The taller of the two had expected Alex to fire over an insult, or a glare. But this, this was new. And he was scared.
Alex grasped Jefferson by the collar and pulled him down, keeping their faces inches apart. “Are you sure you want me to do that?” Thomas’ breath got stuck in his throat, and all that he could do was shake. He let go of the door, listening for the slam of it closing.
And in an instant, Alexander’s lips were crashing like tsunami waves onto his. Hamilton’s eyes were closed tightly, one hand still firmly grasped onto Jefferson’s collar. At first, he was obviously taken aback, who wouldn’t be? But he found it surprisingly easy to melt into. Simple to sink in and drown in the sea of Alex. The way his lips were pressing, nipping at his own. It was all too much to keep up with. He tried to match Alexander’s hurried pace, but he was just too fast.
After what felt like an eternity, but was most likely around 10 seconds, Alexander was off of him. Thomas gazed at the floor, but his eyes kept darting around. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-
“What was that?!” He finally exclaimed.
“I shut you up in the best way I know how.” Alexander smirked smugly and opened up the door. “Goodbye, Jefferson. Don’t trip on the way out.”
“Shut up, Hamilhoe.”
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Oops that got intense
0 - 100 in god speed
Requests are still open!
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the13colonies · 3 years
My oddly specific judgment of you based on your Hamilton the Musical ships
Lams: basic. Favorite tropes are hurt/comfort, friends/best friends to lovers, or found family. Bonus points if it's all three
Hamburr: friends to lovers to enemies to lovers is something you adore. Toxicity is key. Things never have a happy ending and you find beauty in that
Jeffmads: also basic, but make it spicy. You like the kinky stuff. Also really upset that there aren't as many fics with this as the main ship; it's always a background thing
Jamilton: enemies to lovers who? You like the tension, the kinks, the anger, but passion is key with this ship. You're also stubborn
Whamilton: how's therapy going for that trauma you're projecting? Power dynamics, daddy issues, and unrequited love is something you've experienced. Bonus if it's all three. You just want stability
Hamliza: too pure for this world. Eliza tops and you know it. You also like hurt/comfort, less as an extension of your own trauma but more for the softness
Hamgelica: unrequited love is your favorite trope. You're also either a top or a switch
Washette: found family is something you've attached to and you cannot get out. Blurring the lines between platonic love/romantic love is also a daily occurrence in your life, and you like fluff more than the smut
Jeffburr: you either want Burr to be the main character and completely destroy Jefferson, or you want Jefferson to be dark and absolutely take control. Enemies to lovers, but less passion, more power play
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bruhnushka · 7 years
let me love you (jefferson x reader x alex)
request : modern au??? angsty stuff !?? ooH basically ur eliza and Alex cheats on u and then u get pissed & break up w him and then go hook up w Jefferson to piss him off but then that becomes a thing and now Alex regrets everything (-anon)
warning : slight smut , angst, cussin, alex cheated so 
a/n : wooo writers block send me more requests. also its not v anon i know who sent this bc she kept on texting me to do it. 
“alex? what the fuck is this?” you choked, throwing your phone at him. Maria had texted you. is this y/n? im so sorry that i had to let you know this way. i just found out you are with alexander… we have been hooking up for about two months. im so so sorry he told me he was single. 
alex’s face dropped as he read the text. “babe you cant believe this theres no way she’s telling the truth.” he said. 
“you don’t get to call me babe. continue reading it.” you said, voice cold. i know you may not believe him, but the last time we met i gave him a hickey below his right collarbone. please, i don’t want you to find out in any other way. im really sorry y/n. im breaking this thing off with him.
“is it true?” you asked, a tinge of hope in his voice. “lift down your shirt.”
“you cant believe this- you cant-” he didn’t lift down his shirt, but kept repeating the same line. 
“alex, just, your shirt” you started to choke on your own tears at his reluctance. you already knew it was true. you were just holding onto this last piece of evidence, hoping and willing with all your heart that it wasn’t true. 
“babe please don’t do this. baby. babygirl-” 
“SHUT UP” you yelled, ripping his shirt down. there, was a healing hickey, couldn’t have been more then a week old. you only came back three days ago. you couldnt have done this. 
“alex? why? am i not enough?” you collapsed to the floor. alex reached out to touch your arm, flinching as you jerked away. 
“do not touch me. you are disgusting. get away from me. we are done” you spit at him, seething. he ran out of the apartment. you knew he would come back. you just needed to leave. you cleaned out everything that was yours, putting it into a few boxes and calling angelica. you told her what happened, and she drove her pickup truck to the apartment. you loaded the boxes into her car, and drove to her house. it was there when all your emotions reached you. you were going to act. then it came to you how. 
this was a bad idea. what if he had a girlfriend? then you’d be just as bad as alexander. you couldn’t call him alex anymore. he lost that privilege. what if he was with someone at the moment? what if he didn’t actually want you? what if it was just something to piss alexendar off? all these questions flew out of your mind when he opened the door, his signature smirk dropping. 
“y/n- what- what are you doing here?” he ran his hand through his hair and regained his composure. 
“shut up” “finally realized that hamilton was-” he was cut off by your lips. you, the ex girlfriend of alexander hamilton, were making out with thomas jefferson. this would surely fuck alexander up. thomas wasted no time in kissing you back. you were pushed to the wall inside his house, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his shirtless waist. it wasn’t very long before you were both naked, mindlessly fucking all of your anger and sexual tension out.
“fuck fuck fuck Y/N” daveed yelled as he came for the last time, then collapsing next to you. 
“you wanna explain to me why youre not with your boyfriend-” “hes not my boyfriend” you muttered, wiping any tears away before they could stream down your face.  “what did he do?” thomas said, concern lacing his voice. 
“hes a dick.”
“i agree” “he cheated on me”
“ooh. so you decided to act out with his worst enemy? smart. thats a dick move.” he laughed. 
“thats why i did it” you chuckled. wow. you had never realized how hot thomas was before. all you had seen was a cocky arrogant asshole who kept trying to undermine alexander’s achievements. now you saw them both in a new light. this was just- holy shit. he was practically glowing. 
“are we gonna do this again?” he smirked. 
“oh most definitely”
alex, at the very least, pissed off. he fucked up, and he fucked up so much that you thought that Jefferson was a better option than him. he saw the posts on instagram and Twitter. you had unfollowed him but hadn’t unfollowed you. god, he had fucked up. with every post you two went from close friends to in love. every trace of him was taking out your life. and god that hurt. when he had finally come home to apologize, you were gone. every part of you was gone. you had forgotten one thing- his hoodie you had claimed as your own. it still smelled like you. he brought it up to his nose and started to cry again. the latest post on instgram. that’s when it was enough. you moved in with Jefferson. he grabbed his keys and drove to jefferson’s. this was too much. was this to spite him? he could handle that, that meant you still cared about him. but if you did it for yourself, that was just. you had given up on him. he was so stupid. it was supposed to be a one time thing but he missed you so much that he needed to replace you. “jesus” he muttered. he could see you through jeffersons window. you were so… happy? he had never seen you like this, at least not in a while. it made him smile, but then he realized why you were smiling. and that broke his heart. he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, his heart started to beat against his chest. “oh.” was all you could get out. “hey ba- y/n” he stuttered out. “hamilton.” was all you could manage. your eyes glimmered for a second. “I’m sorry.” was all Alex said. you ran into his arms, hugging him and crying against his sweater. Thomas watched from the stairs. he knew he was just a distraction. but damn did it hurt. because through all his facade, he really did care about you. his heart fell as Alex rubbed his thumbs against your ears. but as Alex reached up to kiss you, you pulled away. “Alex-I-im sorry. we’re done. you fucked up. I can’t just let you get away with that. I’m so-so sorry. just go. don’t think about me. that would just be” you smiled sadly “that would just be easier”. he let out a sob and walked back to his car. he really did fuck up this time. you turned around taking a huge breath and exhailing. “Thomas I’m sorry-” “for what?” “I almost kissed him.” “but you didn’t, that’s enough. thank you.” “for what?” “for letting me love you.”
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whatdidimissjm · 4 years
A message from the king!!!
So I have a bit over 1k followers now and holy shit!! Thank you guys so so much!! When I started this blog I didn't think I would even get to 100 followers and now here we are! I have met so, so many amazing people, most of which I now consider some of my most dearest friends!❤
To celebrate and say thank you I wanted to let you vote which fic I should write! You can vote for 1 week, which means until the 26th of August, by either commenting on this post, sending me an ask or a dm. You can vote for a ship and a genre and I will write a combination of those which get the most votes.
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I was in the Hamilton fandom in 6th grade and i read a really graphic mpreg jamilton smut fic because i didn't know what it was and that's how i learned about sex
hmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,, don’t like that. don;t like that at all.
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sherpa1 · 4 years
If I were to write a Jamilton fic (preferably something short for now) what would you guys want to see? Angst? Fluff? Both? I’ll do smut eventually but not at the moment.
I’m bored as fuck so just dm me some ideas or submit an ask. We’ll see what happens
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
Congrats for 100 followers! You deserve so much more! For the smut meme thing Jamilton with 7?
I AM SO SORRY! I’m a dumbass lmao I lost the meme and also the doc where I had all the ideas written down and what was in the meme ;-; But thank you so much! I have well over 600 beautiful followers now and I am SO grateful. So I will be more than happy to do a fic request for you if you so please! I’m so sorry my dear.
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Alex’s loud-ass during sex: 
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that-common-rue · 4 years
Y'all looking for a good Jamilton fic with everything in between of smut, fluff and angst? Well you're in luck cause I'm 'bout to give you this a masterpiece of a fic
Its called Wait for it by NightFallArises
Now go on and give all your support and kudos to the writer
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Hii! could you please do 86 with Jamilton. Thank you. :)
Of course!
86. “Am I scaring you?”
TW: Sexual themes
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“Am I scaring you?”
Those four words shook him to his core. He could feel one hand on his back, gently pressing and poking at his shoulder blades. The hot breath on his neck that made every hair stand on edge. He shifted in his chair, and the person did not move, just chuckled.
“Answer me.” They hissed lowly, teeth gently grazing over the cartilage of his ear.
He swallowed his pride. “M-Me? Afraid of you? Yeah, right, pipsqueak.”
“Your stutter says otherwise.” They nipped again and a hand trailed up to plant firmly on his broad shoulders. “You’re a horrible liar, Thomas...”
Thomas whispered a hoarse “fuck” and groaned in annoyance and... well maybe a little arousal... not that he would admit it.
“Language...” Alexander laughed, clicking his tongue with amusement.
“E-English, bitch.” Thomas spat.
“Temper, temper.” He chortled again, smirking smugly. “Honestly, Thomas. You could be using your mouth for much better things than profanity.” Alex whispered sensually in his ear, hovering there for a second.
Thomas looked up at him, neck craning back to stare. “Oh really?”
“Oh really.”
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Saucy bitch
Requests are still open!
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my-dear-hammy · 7 years
The Calm and the Storm:Pirate AU
Chapter One: Take it Neat
This is a multiple ship fic. There are several different ones in play, including but not limited to: Jamilton, Hamburr, hamlaf, mariliza,lams,jeffmads, just to name a few. Hamilton is a fuck boy so 
This is also going to probably be my smuttiest fic I’ll ever write. I’m so going to hell.
Okay, let's lay some ground rules. 
Smut warnings begin and end with:®®®
*** Usually mean either a time skip or a change in character focus or something similar. I use them to break up the writing.
Words encased in * * mean actual character quote from history.
And this ~~~ separates dreams and flashbacks and shit. Everyone got it? Cool.
Thank you to those who actually provided impute and suggested ships and characters and whatnot. It's very much appreciated.
Let's get this ship moving, eh?
Since it's pre revolution, all Americans are still considered English.
Warnings: battle, blood, death, drinking
Swords slashing, gunsmoke hanging heavy in the air. Breathe it in. Jefferson leveled his pistol and fired, a puff of smoke stained whatever's left of his onrusher's face, which isn't very much. Sidestep, whirl and block the blade that's aimed for his back. The man who'd gone for his back looked up at him and paled. That was dishonorable and he knew it, never go for the back of a man. Jefferson cut him down with no mercy. A different pistol in hand and another man collapsing across the deck. The man that had been defending against the now dead man's sword glanced over, grinned in thanks, and launched at their next target.
The deck was slick with the spilled life blood of fallen men. Probably all good men who worked an honest living back home. At least, they did until the war began. Didn't matter now, they're life was over at the end of Jefferson's sword.
The blue clad men shrunk back as they realized resistance was futile. Arms dropped to the deck and hands raised in surrender and Jefferson's crew stopped their slaughtering.
Jefferson stalked forward, "Where's your Captain?" he asked loudly.
"Here," a man stepped forward and Jefferson could immediately place him as Captain by the uniform, blue coat that hung to the knees decorated by all sorts of flashy French gold and emblems. It was buttoned so Jefferson couldn't see what he wore beneath.
"Captain," Jefferson greeted, nodding his head slightly.
"Johann de Kalb," the Captain supplied.
"Thomas Jefferson. Captain Johann de Kalb, you and your crew are now a prisoner of the British Royal Navy and your ship is his King's property." Jefferson went to leave but halted when Kalb called after him.
Jefferson turned slightly to look over his shoulder at the man. "Speak then."
"Je souhaite vous défier à un duel(I wish to challenge you to a duel)."
Jefferson turned to face him fully. "The terms?"
"Si je gagne, nous allons libres sans entrave. Si vous gagnez, notre destin vous incombe(If I win, we go free without hindrance. If you win, our destiny is yours)."
Jefferson scoffed. "I've already won. Why would I duel you?"
"Parce que vous êtes un homme honorable(Because you are an honorable man)."
Goddamnit. Why did everything use the honor card on him? "Very well, I accept your terms. Stand, as the challenged, swords will be the weapons. Draw, good sir."
The Frenchman, Kalb, drew his sword, twirled it with skill precision before launching at Jefferson, throwing every duel protocol out the window. "Die you British scum!" he screamed. Jefferson easily sidestepped the sloppy attack, stuck out his foot and Kalb went tumbling to the floor and froze when the tip of Jefferson's sword poked at his neck.
"If you kill me, the Marquis de Lafayette will hunt you down, slit your throat, and leave your ship nothing more than a burning blaze," Kalb spat.
"Ah, so he does speak English. Well, Captain, get used to it, it's going to be the only thing you here for many years to come. Throw him in the brig." Jefferson turned his back and walked away.
Kalb leaped to his feet and launched at Jefferson's back only to be brutally cut down. "I may be honorable, but you sir, are not," Jefferson said as the French Captain sank to the deck, Jefferson not even turning to face him.
Kalb laughed darkly. "The Marquis is coming for you Jefferson. He's coming."
"Long live the King," Jefferson replied.
"Well done men!" Jefferson shouted, back aboard his own ship. "Tonight, we break open the rum caskets and celebrate! Tomorrow, we continue our course!"
The men cheered and started hefting out the rum. "Madison," Jefferson said to the man standing to his right.
"How long do you bet it'll be before they break into song?"
"Ten seconds."
"I'll bet five," Jefferson said, watching his crew.
Right on cue, five seconds later, the crew broke out into song.
Ben Backstay was our bosun, A very merry boy. For no one half so merrily, Could pipe all hands ahoy. And when unto his summons, We did not well attend. No lad than he more merrily, Could handle the rope's end.
Could handle the rope's end, Could handle the rope's end.
Chip chow cherry chow, Faldee riddle iddle ow. Chip chow cherry chow, Faldee radle day.
Madison flipped a couple of coins over to Jefferson who was grinning broadly, leaning against the helm with his own bottle of wine to chug from.
While sailin' once our Captain, Who was a jolly dog. Served out to all the company, A double whack of grog. Ben Backstay he got tipsy, All to his heart's content. And he being half seas over boys, Right overboard he went.
Right overboard he went, Right overboard he went.
This time Jefferson joined in on the chip chows. Singing is good for the naval crew, it's encouraged. It distracts the mind and keeps sailors sane while they work hard. If a crew doesn't sing, something's wrong.
A shark was on the starboard bow, And sharks no man can stand. For they to grapple everythin', Just like them sharks on land. We heavin' out some tacklin', To give his life some hope. But as the shark bit off his head, He couldn't see the rope.
He couldn't see the rope. He couldn't see the rope.
Jefferson laughed and elbowed Madison to join in. Madison grimaced at the thought and just laughed as Jefferson and the rest of the crew sang through the chip chows again.
Without a head his ghost appeared, All on the briny lake, He piped all hands ahoy and cried, Lads warnin' by me take. By drinkin' grog I lost me life, And you my fate could meet. So never mix your rum, my lads, But always take it neat.
But always take it neat, But always take it neat.
Jefferson fell silent and watched his crew with contentedness as they finished up the last chorus of chip chows and launch into the next song. This was the best life had to offer.
The shanty is posted below if you want to actually hear what it sounds like.
*Whispers* I have some major plans for a couple of future shanties/songs to pay attention to what's being used and whatnot.(this one's not important)
How was the first chapter????
Next chapter, the infamous Hamilton.
I swear, I keep forgetting to tag, Y’all requested to be tagged in everything so I’m tagging you here too. @hamilton-angst @unabashedinternetruins  @purpledramallamas
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