#kirin miraculous
mymiraclebox · 4 months
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Kirrin the Qilin, kwami of Light.
Updated art for Kirrin! I didn't mind their old design, but they kind of had the same color scheme as my Thunderbird, and I figure I should make my kwami of Light actually light up. xD And I'm really happy with how they turned out.
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fio-renze · 17 days
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May 19 - Day 1 Mysterious / Appearance
<<Archmage Drenden’s back on the Council of Six.>>
Fiorenze furrowed her brow at the text from Keranna that popped up on her little communicator with a standard chime. They didn’t talk much anymore; the falling out between the two of them over how the older elf, in her role as governess, had conspired with her mother to suppress her abilities with nature magic in favor of focusing only on her abilities with arcane to keep the family from shame, had grown into a grand rift. 
She’d been hoping for another elf, if she had to be honest. It would’ve been a fair show toward a greater neutrality that the city had lacked for a long while, but part of her had fully anticipated the disappointment of another human being inducted into the post Kalecgos had vacated. Drenden, of all people, made her brow furrow heavily — and that was entirely why Keranna considered it an important enough piece of news to pass along. 
He’d been considered dead for over twenty years, lost in the siege that had crushed the city at the end of the Third War. There had been no word of him in the aftermath or decades since. It wasn’t a long time for her people, but for a human? 
How strange that the Archmage had mysteriously and miraculously reappeared, just in time to slot perfectly into his old council seat. 
Between her strange dreams and this, the boundaries of the floating, violet city were starting to feel a little stifling. She didn’t consider herself to be a conspiracy theorist, but something in her gut was starting to wave a little flag of concern. 
She shot back a quick <<Thank you.>> before scrolling down to the last conversation she’d had with Pyraelia, the only member of the family that was a card carrying member of the Kirin Tor. <<Drenden?>> 
The reply was almost immediate, <<Yes. It’s weird. I’m not the only one that thinks so. Come over for tea soon?>>
Fiorenze frowned and bit the inside of her cheek, still frustrated at her little sister over purely personal matters that hadn’t required her brand of meddling. Still, this was starting to put some spats into perspective. Perhaps it was time to shelve the grievance for a moment, if only to make sure they had some kind of plan in place in case things started to get weird again. 
This was Azeroth, after all, and the only thing one could count on is that things would get weird again. 
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peaxhypup · 6 months
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I found some old mlp x ml sketches and decided to redraw and expand upon them!!!
Old Art:
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Some Mlp Miraculous headcannons:
Marinette is a Pegasus who's not the best at flying. Adrien is a gifted unicorn
Gabriel agreste is ALSO a unicorn but when he's hawkmoth, he becomes an alicorn
I think it would be cool if both Natalie and Emile were earth ponies, but I can also see Natalie being a unicorn and Gabe being a unicorn elitist (Gorilla is a yak tho, or maybe just a big muscle earth pony?)
I think it would be cool if Kagami was a Kirin who was taught by her mother to suppress her rage or any strong emotions really! And Luka would probably be a seapony/hipogriff
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ask-healthy-light · 10 months
Fondly remembering the times she spent with Star, whilst simultaneously recalling their treacherous exile into the Mountains, Amethyst slowly walked over to the grey Pony after letting go of Princess Celestia, who took a step back with Light by her side; but she did not utter a single word, fearing she would upset the imprisoned Pony again, and she merely gestured to Light, asking them to follow.
Some distance away, yet still keeping an eye on Amethyst and the Grey Pony, to whom she was talking miraculously calmly, Celestia whispered to Light that she knew not what to do; for when she and her Sister last met the Fallen King, not only was there a grand army of Ponies and other beings between them, but the Pony they met was terrible, and merciless, wholly unlike the scared Pony before them.
But now, knowing she and her Sister had banished the King of Shadows into ice and darkness near the end of the War of Shadows, about which she remembered little more than faint flashes, after hearing Grey Pony speak about the cold, she was even more conflicted; and she could not tell whether it was a mere act they put up which they should not trust, or whether their return truly had changed them.
As the two looked back at Amethyst, who was cheerfully speaking with Star, or Sombra, or some other amalgamation of the two, small smiles grew upon both Light and Celestia's faces, whereafter the two Ancients let out a deep sigh; and Light told Celestia it would be wise for her to keep her distance from the Grey Pony, while they stayed next to Amethyst, as they tried to learn whatever they could.
Though she knew this was better than leaving without having obtained any knowledge, or risking harm to anybody nearby, still, to be sure, Celestia asked Light whether they were certain, to which they replied they were; for she wanted to make sure they understood that she would be by their side in a moment's notice if they needed any help, for which the Kirin gracefully thanked her, as they bowed.
At that moment, just as Light turned around to rejoin Amethyst, they stopped and closed their eyes, which confused Celestia for a moment, until she, too, heard a familiar voice, speaking to them from beyond the Waking Realm, and she understood what was happening; for on the surface, Nox had stepped away from the battalion of Guards to reach out, and to ask them whether all of them were all right.
To her relief, not only did Nox hear her Aunt and friend reply a mere moment later, Luna heard them answer her as well, which gave her some much-needed peace of mind, despite the fact she was sternly talking with Lord Shining and Lady Cadance; and Celestia told Nox and Luna that everything Amethyst had told them about Star was true, and the suspicions they had about their ultimate fate were true.
However, as she had admitted to Light a moment ago, seeing this frightened and struggling Grey Pony compared to the King of Shadows from so many aeons ago, she was not sure whether the Crystal Royals were right anymore; for she and Light had been watching Amethyst speak with this imprisoned figure, albeit from a distance, and they had yet to notice any negative changes since they started to talk.
A silence fell between the four, until Luna asked Celestia whether she wanted her to talk with both Cadance and Shining to let them know about her observations, which she figured was the first change of which they heard in a long time; but although Celestia thanked her for her offer, she continued, and said it would be wise to wait for some time, at least until they knew more about the Grey Pony.
To this, Luna nodded, only seen by the Crystal Royals, and Nox, who added that Eclipse and Sunburst had sent message to others who had experience with somebody returning from shadows, whom they hoped could help Star and Sombra; in the mean time, while Luna tried to get Amethyst, Celestia, and Light out of the prison, Nox would join Eclipse and Sunburst to await those to whom they had reached out.
As she saw Sunburst and Eclipse swiftly walk towards her, Nox added at last:
"We won't be far away. I promise."
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse And King Sombra from @ex-king-sombra as the Pony behind bars
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cebwrites · 7 months
soup-ervised (Law)
a/n: something tender for the boys, posting to show @jesterwriting <3
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oc x canon, they/he law word count: 0.6k
Law can't cook, however well intentioned, or at least they can't cook unsupervised - things keep getting burnt, other things aren't seasoned enough, and worst of all they make steak well done - there've also been a few fires that their crew immediately scrambled to put out.
Kirin's conked out from spring allergies again and this time Reiji's inconveniently caught something too, so they're both down for the count. Law and Rio begrudgingly agree to keep their bickering to a minimum so they can make something for their bedridden idiots.
Rio's as awful at showing them the ropes as Law is learning because they're both too stubborn for their own good; the soup miraculously catches fire while they're arguing, Rio easily starves it out by removing the oxygen but Law's still staring at it with their eyes glazing over.
Law didn't quite connect the dots from his kitchen fires to Corazon before this but now that they have noticed he can't stop thinking about it. Thinking about how they can't even do this one simple thing right and how disappointed Cora would be.
That, on top of the stress of everything else going on that week - Kirin and Reiji getting sick, probably some other things falling behind schedule or something breaking on the Tang that needs fixing - ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Law angrily throws in the towel, tells Rio he can just finish it himself if he's so good at it, and stalks off to go have his meltdown somewhere private. Bepo and Shachi find them about an hour later stuffed into a broom closet because Kirin and Reiji are taking up their bedroom for the time being.
They let him let it out, bury their face in Bepo's fluff to scream for a bit, and eventually coax Law into getting some fresh air. Law comes out of the sub to see Rio smoking against the ledge and asks if they should really be wasting time up here when she should be getting a pot of soup ready if she wants to make it in time for Kirin and Reiji's supper.
Rio tells him he's out of his mind if Law thinks that he's going to waste food, but that there's no need to drain the initial one anyway since he's already ladled out the burnt flavor - Rio replies to their silence by saying 'yes, you can do that' and Law tries to hide their fluster.
Law then asks why Rio didn't go after him, since 'all that emotional vulnerability junk' seemed to be Kirin's crew's whole schtick. Rio raises an eyebrow and responds with the question of would Law want to be emotionally vulnerable with them in a time like that and laughs at the face Law makes.
Rio tells him that's more Reiji's territory and that feelings as a whole aren't particularly their area of expertise. She continues, saying that he also knew that if Law didn't get this done today then they'd continue to feel awful about it for weeks because that's just the kind of person they are, so they'd better get back to the kitchen to finish it properly.
Law watches Rio walk past him and throw away his cigarette, staring at his back for a bit - Rio's almost through the door when they feel a weird tug in their chest and the blue light around them fades. They narrow their eyes at Law, who just says that they should thank him for removing the carcinogens in their lungs.
They get into another argument about Law being "a weird little rat" but for the rest of time they're in the galley it's entirely peaceful.
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mamamittens · 10 months
Assembly Required
As commissioned by @cebwrites, I loved working with ya boi again! It was quite fun writing so much yearning lol
Warnings: Yearning and mild miscommunication.
Functionally a sequel to From Scratch(+18)
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Word Count: 5,496
Kirin couldn’t help the soft smile on his lips as he moved past Law, careful to brush his hand down the hunched arc of Law’s spine affectionately. His eyes lingering on the contrast between tan skin and the wrinkled lab coat that teased the delicate line of his throat. Kirin barely restrained a heartfelt sigh.
It was a little too easy to get lost in Law. Every time Kirin felt he was close to figuring out his favorite aspect of the sullen man his eyes or ears or nose or—his attention would be arrested to a new and fascinating feature. Last week as he was bullying Law to go to sleep, he got a little sappy and lost in the edge of Law’s jawline where prickly hairs scraped his fingertips. How the dark hairs that formed what was usually a neat goatee faded out into a scraggly mess after a three day bender in the lab.
Even the dark lines of his tattoos fascinated Kirin. He particularly liked the soft sound Law made when Kirin stroked a rough line on his chest where the ink refused to settle properly. The faintest ridge marking the line between clean skin and black ink. There were several spots of skin like it, but few were openly on display often or greeted Kirin with such a cute sound. Not that he’d complain about it—though Law certainly did. Ears red as he huffed and looked away from Kirin’s teasing smile.
Point being—Kirin was pretty madly in love with Law and deliriously happy about their life together at his point.
Law ran his experiments that Kirin could only just understand after several hours of explanation and Kirin made sure Law didn’t run themself into the ground. Or get to the point that standing up made them black out. It was harder than it seemed, often requiring a bit of… cajoling, but it was a labor of love Kirin indulged in nonetheless. Sometimes, if he caught Law in just the right mood, they’d bathe together.
Just bathing… usually. But the soft intimacy never failed to make his heart race.
Kirin enjoyed scrubbing shampoo into Law’s scalp, dark hair like liquid ink and silk between his fingers. Occasionally requiring a few rinses to clean whatever chemical mixture managed to tangle into their locks. Watching their eyes slide shut in contentment as they hummed. Heart a steady beat under wet skin as he washed off whatever unfortunate accident miraculously turned out to not be acidic from Law’s body.
There was a close call once with an exploding beaker than sent shards of glass across Law’s cheek and Kirin spent extra time cleaning the shallow wounds and pressing his lips over them in worry. Any higher and it would have gotten their eyes—though Law was safety conscious enough to not neglect safety glasses… but Kirin still worried. He couldn’t help fussing over Law.
His reckless, beautiful lover.
And in turn, despite Law’s clinical attitude, they returned the favor. Gentle fingertips driving the washcloth over the healed stitches where disparate body parts were now firmly fused. Care taken to his long hair and their roots, thumbs massaging into his temples and nape. Kirin nearly fell asleep several times, melting into Law’s arm as they washed his back. Not a single inch missed or cleaned with more pressure than necessary. Sometimes Kirin suspected he wasn’t as dirty as Law’s thorough care implied but he didn’t voice his suspicions. Just smiled and pressed a kiss to the nearest patch of damp skin.
It was in the little things, more than anything else really, that spoke of Law’s affection. They didn’t waste time on things that didn’t matter to him. And Kirin was hardly any different in that regard. It just so happened that Law mattered a whole lot to Kirin.
Listening to Law’s steady heart as he laid across the couch over him, Kirin couldn’t imagine these simple facts ever changing.
Forgive the naivete, Kirin was technically born not long ago. Fully developed and independently functioning but still. At that time, he couldn’t imagine anything changing how he felt.
One day, while Kirin and Law were lounging in the living room after breakfast, there was a flurry of knocking on the front door. Kirin was baffled, wondering if whoever was at the door had the wrong address. In his several months of living with Law, he’d never once heard of other people. Let alone had them visit.
Law grumbled, burying their face into Kirin’s hair before getting up. Gently forcing Kirin to move aside as he shuffled to the door. Huffing, Law seemed to gather himself before yanking the front door open.
Law didn’t seem surprised at whoever was there.
“What do you two want?” Law huffed but stepped aside, much to Kirin’s surprise.
Law’s expression was strange but familiar. Grumpy but fond. The exact look he gives Kirin when he pulls them from the lab to eat dinner.
The two were dressed casually in sweatshirts and baggy jeans, nearly identical with strange cartoons on the front. One, a redhead with shaggy hair tucked under a backwards baseball cap, and sunglasses. The other with a penguin themed cap that completely obscured their eyes and hair. They were grinning and stumbling over each other, completely at ease with how in each other’s space they were.
“Law! So you were finally out of your dungeon for once!” The redhead declared with a cheerful grin, turning to their companion with a chortle. “I told you we wouldn’t be left standing outside!”
The other laughed.
“Hey! It wasn’t impossible. We’ve stood out in the rain for almost an hour before—thought someone was going to call the cops on us!” They threw their arm over their companion’s shoulder and patted Law’s arm as they walked in properly. “You look better than I thought you would, bud! Take on a new experiment about hygiene lately, ahah~!” They laughed before pausing. Their expression turned to a shocked one and their companion followed their gaze. Right to Kirin.
Kirin smiled and gave a wave, unsure as to who exactly they were.
“Woah! Law! Who’s this?!?” The redhead demanded with a bright smile. So… a good reaction then. At least, Kirin assumed that was the case.
Law flushed, looking away as he closed the front door.
“This is Kirin. My lab partner… I… made him. Somehow.” Law muttered just loud enough to be heard.
…Lab partner? Well, Kirin supposed that wasn’t… inaccurate. But the term felt so distant and cold. Like they were just coworkers. As though they didn’t kiss each other good night and fall asleep to the other’s heart. He knew Law was awkward and likely felt put on the spot, but the words echoed in his head.
Was this how Law felt? Kirin felt a foreign chill run down his spine, startling him.
The two looked even more surprised.
“What! Holy shit!”
“No way, that’s so cool!” the two came over like puppies, tumbling over each other as they rushed to great him. It was cute and heartwarming but that persistent chill lingered in his heart. He felt alone in the room as they introduced each other.
“I’m Shachi! And this is my beau, Penguin!” The red head proclaimed, pausing to kiss their partner’s cheek.
Penguin laughed, nuzzling back as Kirin stood up. They seemed thrown by his height but still affable.
“Shachi and I grew up with Doctor Grumpy butt over there! So, like, how’s living?!” He asked excitedly.
Kirin paused at the odd question before shrugging.
“…I’m here?” The two cackled, nodding their heads.
“Ahah! I hear ya! I hear ya!” Shachi declared, slapping their thigh.
“Did you two come over here to menace me or was there an actual reason?” Law hissed, slumping onto the couch out of reach of Kirin. They laughed and tumbled into the space, hands locked together as they swayed against the couch cushions.
“We haven’t hung out in forever! You went and made a whole ass person and didn’t even send a text!” Penguin lamented, dramatically leaning against Shachi as he was playfully consoled. “And he has clearly been looking after you! Thanks for that by the way! Law gets stuck in his head really easily and petty, mortal things tends to fall to the wayside.” Penguin sassed.
“Yeah! Like showering and eating.” Shachi poked Law’s side with a grin. Law hissed, kicking at Shachi’s leg petulantly, like he was a moody teen at dinner.
“I can get by just fine.” Law hissed.
“Wait. You’re friends?” Kirin asked dumbly, setting aside the uncomfortable feeling of loneliness settling in his bones like a deep ache.
All three turned to him.
“Best friends!” Shachi and Penguin declared with identical, beaming smiles.
“No.” Law narrowed his eyes, shoving Shachi further from him as the redhead playfully leaned back.
“I didn’t know Law had friends…” Kirin mused thoughtfully. He knew it was possible. But given how moody Law was, he rather assumed that Law tended to chase people away until they got close enough that Law couldn’t resist holding onto them despite that. And in that case, Kirin had thought they would have shown up long before now.
Law liked having him around, after all… but maybe he didn’t know as much about Law as he thought.
The two guffawed as Law flushed, resorting to straight up shoving them off the couch with his foot.
“Don’t you have shit to do?!” Law grumbled as the two rolled on the floor in hysterics. Usually, if Law got this huffy, he’d clamber over and bury his face into Kirin’s shoulder or chest. Expecting Kirin to card his fingers through Law’s hair to sooth him or kiss his cheek. But Law made no move to leave the corner of the couch. Instead choosing to sink deeper into the cushions with a huff.
Like he was ashamed of being with Kirin.
Kirin kept smiling in amusement but the realization thundered painfully in his chest.
Had they not been on the same page? Had they ever been on the same page?
Kirin understood intrinsically that their relationship was unconventional to say the least. But it was cozy and warm until this very moment. They supported each other. But, without realizing it, was Kirin just ‘a lab partner with benefits’ for Law? Someone that he didn’t have to worry about weirding out or not understanding their dedication to experiments and science. The attraction wasn’t planned after all. And technically neither was his creation.
Maybe Law just got lonely and, while exhausted from lack of sleep, created someone to help them. Which Kirin did and so much more. But was it because Law wanted that? Or did he just have a moment of weakness. Brought on by stress and a lack of other—possibly more technically human interactions—and Kirin just so happened to be there.
Kirin… didn’t know what to do. He loved Law. He knew it. There was no other way to describe how often his heart fluttered or he found himself smiling when looking at Law at work. He felt so happy with Law… but did Law even want to be with him? Like Kirin wanted to be with Law?
Could Kirin handle being with Law if he didn’t feel the same?
The question haunted him as Shachi and Penguin goaded Law into a movie night with pizza delivery. The three interact chaotically with Law pushing them away but never far and not once touching Kirin. Not even a brush of hands as Kirin reached for a slice of pizza. The two were friendly with Kirin, eagerly talking about their childhoods with Law and their many shenanigans. Asking how Kirin liked things or if he had seen or tasted this and that.
They were open and friendly. Completely accepting him despite his unorthodox origins.
It made him want to cry. In his flustered, unprepared state of mind, he suddenly felt self-conscious. Of himself. Of his relationship up until now with Law. Though undeniably innocent and platonic, their interest in his person felt deeper than most of his intimate moments with Law in light of this new conflict. Perhaps it wasn’t fair to their relationship, but Kirin couldn’t help feeling that way. Shachi and Penguin were incredibly comfortable with each other and Kirin felt envious that he couldn’t do that with Law. At least not with guests over.
Were they something that needed to hide?
It made him feel twisted and ugly, somehow. His scars the two marveled over as proof of his unexpected origins burning like they hadn’t since he first awoke in the lab. Kirin struggled to not compare himself to the other two or inspect his own person for flaws. Unconsciously searching for reasons that Law would be so uncomfortable even touching when others could see.
Was it his skin? That mostly matched in tone across his body and bore odd scars from previous lifetimes. Things he’d never be able to explain or remember. Hands still bearing foreign callouses unlike the ones Law held under layers of rubber gloves.
His face? That once Law held so tenderly late at night in the lab before joining him in bed. Sharp and often smiling as a counter to Law’s unamused expression.
His eyes? A bright, burning yellow like candlelight that Law had ceased breathing when they first looked into them? Nothing like Law’s dark, steady gaze. Or the shaded and shielded eyes of his longtime friends that still somehow held a soft warmth to them.
Or maybe it was his long, white hair. That took ages to detangle and clean, though previously Law had never complained as it draped over the bed sheets or his bare back. It was certainly a far cry from the clipped black locks Law was partial to for it’s lack of needed maintenance.
It could even be his origin. The idea of loving an amalgamation of dead parts an uneasy prospect under the gaze of his peers. Even without the details his many scars told a grim story on their own. The idea of watching Law lie about where they came from made guilt curl in his guts. Even if Law had no issue with it himself, that level of scrutiny would eventually rankle.
What did they have to bond over aside from proximity and chemistry? It wasn’t like Kirin held life experiences that would reflect and refract from Law’s own life. Unique instances he could share with Law from when they weren’t together. Not like Shachi and Penguin or even Law and his friends.
Kirin just… didn’t know. Had no way of knowing and knew he’d cry if he tried asking at that moment. And he thought—reluctantly conceded—that he’d embarrassed Law enough for one afternoon.
By the end of the night, as the two left, Kirin resigned himself to the knowledge that he was likely a hopeless romantic. Realizing only now how badly he wanted to experience life with Law… and how increasingly likely it was that Kirin was alone in that feeling.
He couldn’t—wouldn’t—blame Law for his own feelings. It wasn’t like they ever really talked about the particulars of their relationship before. Expectations or ground rules. Names and their future together…
If Law only wanted a lab partner, that’s what he’d be.
It’s basically what they’d been this whole time and Kirin…
Kirin could learn to be happy with this. Just…
Just this.
There was a shift in the house after the unexpected visit from his old… acquaintances.
At first, Law wasn’t sure what to make of it. Typically, they tried not to think too much about the kind of chaos his friends brought with them. It was, after all, only a single afternoon. But the difference was stark.
Kirin had been avoiding him. Sort of. He still assisted in the lab and ensured Law was dragged out for food and rest, but the pampering they’d received before was gone. Law didn’t say anything at first. Accepting that it was meant to be a rare treat to have his hair washed and spend downtime relaxing on Kirin’s chest. Listening to his steady heartbeat with a fascination they privately compared to how they once beheld centuries old cathedrals that towered over them in his youth.
But Law actually wanted to know Kirin deeper than those old buildings with dust covered hymns and worn organs. If they didn’t fear undoing the miracle that created who Kirin was, they’d gently peel away the skin and bones to admire the complex system within. The arch of his ribs protecting sturdy lungs. Shielding a heart so delicately made but resilient enough to beat past the reaper’s blade. Law could inspect every sinew and artery and still crave to go deeper.
And Law suspects that Kirin would let him.
The image was macabre and more than a little deranged, but no less so than how dizzy Law felt when Kirin’s hands cupped his shoulders. Cradled his face in the midst of their passion like spun glass. Thumb pressing over Law’s jugular vein like he intended to set a rhythm to Law’s racing heart. Law craved the intimacy Kirin seemed to naturally revel in without shame. They wanted everything Kirin had and this sudden wall between them made his chest ache.
It took several hours and three medical books to realize they weren’t experiencing an early sign of a heart defect.
Law was just experiencing a loss he’d never felt before.
Kirin wasn’t gone. He was still there. But… distant now. In a way that made Law instinctively reach out when he passed by. Experiments forgotten the minute they registered Kirin’s thoughtful footsteps. The hint of Kirin’s unique scent or glimpse of his shadow.
Law had been called a mad scientist many times over the years but he’d never felt mad before now.
Law created a chemical mixture for an experiment only to derail the entire thing trying to recreate Kirin’s gold eyes for a chance to pretend they were holding another silent conversation together. Only to dump it out in a hurry when the real deal walked into the lab in mortification.
They changed clothes more often so Kirin’s scent on his clothes never faded from shared loads of laundry. Law even conducted a secret experiment to recreate it when Kirin began sleeping facing away from them. Kirin’s reactive flinch when Law curled around Kirin’s back constricting their throat.
Waking up to a cold bed where before Kirin would kiss them awake brought tears to his eyes.
They couldn’t sleep. Hours in bed spent staring at white hair braided into a low bun, back turned towards them. Law memorizing Kirin’s soft breaths and the occasional shudder from distressing dreams.
They wanted to know what was wrong. They needed to know what happened.
But Law didn’t know where to start. What to say—if there was even anything they could say.
There was a time they would have been thrilled to be left alone. Treated with a professional but dedicated gloved touch while they did important work.
Now Law just craved the sensation of feeling Kirin. Anywhere. Anything. Everywhere. Whatever they did, they were sorry, alright. And desperate.
It was late at night, staring yet again at the delicate curve of Kirin’s spine and wanting to taste it, when a horrible thought occurred to them.
Did Kirin ever want to be with them?
Law didn’t doubt Kirin wanted their… intimate affair. Strong enough to make any denial of affection more than clear, even at Law’s most stubborn. But after the initial sparks formed, how much of that enthusiasm was kept? Did Kirin grow tired of looking after his lover?
Did, perhaps, the glimpse into Law’s relationship with his oldest friends reveal a fatal flaw between them? Or perhaps Kirin wanted that goofy, attached love the two shared easily over many years. Law understood that… he’d been jealous himself on occasion of how easy the two made it look. Even knowing that wasn’t the case at all did little to help the dark, rotten feeling in his chest during particular times of the year.
Law felt cold and achingly alone in the bed next to Kirin. Hand reaching out without thought to curl around Kirin’s ribs and pull the other close.
They loved Kirin, strange as their relationship was. But loving them couldn’t be easy, if Kirin ever really did in the first place.
Law slipped out of bed, kissing Kirin’s temple as they pulled the blanket over his broad shoulders.
Had they trapped Kirin?
Law set up the coffee pot and sat at the kitchen table, feeling unpleasantly foul and wretched as his thoughts raced.
Law knew they weren’t thinking clearly when they made Kirin. Nothing to be done there, even if Law could recall those few fevered weeks. Decisions had clearly been made but to what end? Law didn’t know.
The sinking feeling that Law had made a critical error in Kirin’s creation only grew.
There was no way in hell they made Kirin to love them—wouldn’t have the faintest idea how to manufacture that in such a way that it would occur without Law’s deliberate action after the fact. Conditioning would take weeks and require steps even sleep-deprived Law would be unable to stand engaging in. And Law was aware of himself when Kirin awoke. So that was certainly not by design, at the very least.
It couldn’t have been to keep Law company—why make a sentient creature for that?! A dog would have sufficed, and a sufficiently intelligent one could even help fetch objects in the lab without a fuss. A dog would certainly listen to orders better than Kirin ever would if he believed it went against Law’s base needs. Or maybe a robot, though mechanical engineering wasn’t Law’s field of study, it would have to be easier than reanimating the dead!
In the end, there wasn’t much of a point in fretting over his motivations for creating Kirin. That ship had long since sailed.
The problem was if Law had trapped Kirin, knowingly or not, where Law was his only option. What did Kirin even do while Law was working alone? He’d never spoken on the subject.
Law’s train of thought broke when they heard the coffee maker beep. Getting up to pour a fresh cup and almost choking when he took a sip. Usually they let it cool a little, the old coffee maker borderline sadistic in it’s temperature output. But they’d forgotten, having gotten used to Kirin bringing a new mug every so often.
Selfishly, Law’s knee-jerk reaction is to reiterate how much they need Kirin now. How wrong it feels to sit in the kitchen alone instead of holding onto his lover in bed. Law couldn’t imagine going back to an empty house with experiments and half-finished studies only about a dozen people care about outside of Law themself.
But that’s the problem, isn’t it? That’s just what Law wants. This whole thing started because of Law’s wants.
A single, aching thought breaks through his clouded mind.
What did Kirin want?
If Kirin had the choice, what kind of life would Kirin look for? It certainly couldn’t be waiting on Law hand and foot with barely a word of thanks. Law wasn’t that far up his own ass.
Maybe Kirin wanted to do his own experiments. Or maybe he didn’t want to do any of the STEM fields at all! For all Law knew, he wanted to—to!—grow a garden! Explore the world outside of their home.
Law sighed, eyes watering as they imagined it.
Kirin dressed appropriately for a nature hike, pondering a trail map. Long, white hair braided over his shoulder. He’d look breathtaking with wildflowers. Or paint on his hands. Basking in the sun or marveling at the chaotic world beyond the beakers and tile floors of the lab.
Law chuckled wetly.
Maybe Kirin would like to see the ocean. Dive into the deep and admire the diverse ecosystems found there.
Law daydreamed possible paths Kirin would want but they all had the same feeling.
Freedom. Kirin in all his loving, handsome beauty.
And Law nowhere in sight. Perhaps, if they were lucky, watching Kirin’s success from a distance. Out of the way.
Law realized after a moment they were crying into an empty cup. Tears watering down the dried dregs of coffee as the morning sun began to cast the horizon in soft pinks.
Law sniffed, getting up to shower away the lingering feeling of his pity party. Resolution beginning to thunder in his chest.
Law was clearly a shit lover, but they loved Kirin. And it was time they started acting like it.
Law had printed, organized, and nearly laminated reams of paper for Kirin by noon in his ill-used office they’d, frankly, forgotten about. Namely because it was where his ‘official business phone’ was and honestly, fuck those guys. Law hated talking to them to begin with. This was a much better use of the space to begin with.
Law thought they heard Kirin call out for him but chalked it up to sleep-deprivation until Kirin appeared in the doorway in confusion.
“You have an office?” Kirin asked faintly, holding two coffee mugs in his hands as he carefully stepped past piles of paper Law didn’t bother remembering the purpose for.
“Yes—not important! It’s pretty short notice, but I’ve gotten a good head start on things. Sorry about that, by the way, I was feeling… inspired this morning.” Law rambled, taking the cup of coffee and downing it in one go as Kirin watched with something approaching caution.
“…Yeah?” Kirin asked softly, taking a small sip from his own cup. “So… what is all this?” Kirin gestured to the desk with dozens of color coded folders.
“Careers! Well, mostly. Sort of. Its—look, they’re activities you can do. Red requires at least some sort of degree, blue some certifications, and green you could theoretically walk out right now and do today.”
Kirin looked completely baffled.
“…Are you asking me to get a job?” Kirin asked, looking over the many folders in bewilderment.
“Yes! No—No wait, no, not like that. It’s just—I was thinking—” Law tripped over his words and felt like a complete moron. Of course they were thinking! They never stop! What a stupid thing to say, but it was too late to take it back now! “You’re here! All the time! And you don’t have to be—you know that, right? You can… you can g-go?” Law asked with a soft voice, not looking up at Kirin, that familiar psychosomatic lump constricting his words.
“… you want me to leave?” Kirin asked in a tone Law had never heard before. Too soft and small and wounded. Law looked up in concern and his heart dropped.
Kirin’s face was flush, eyes wide and watery with unshed tears. Law’s chest thundered with self-loathing, realizing what his words sounded like too late.
“No!” Law nearly shouted, startling them both over the sound of yet another ream of paper spitting out from the printer. “Never… but you… if you want to…?” Law trailed off uncertainly.
Kirin’s face twisted in hurt and irritation.
“Just spit it out, Law. What are you getting at?” Kirin hissed, blinking as tears fell down his cheeks.
Law felt small behind his desk, they’d made a grave miscalculation.
“You’re here. Every day, every hour, and minute. All you’ve ever seen is my house and the lab. I don’t—I don’t know what you do in your free time. Never asked—I should have but I didn’t.” Law began. “You’re so… distant now and I realized how little you’ve seen. I spent years getting to where I am and this is… I wanted to let you do the same thing. Whatever it is, I’ll make it happen. Anything. I-I don’t care what it is as long as you’re happy with it—”
Law stopped, looking back up at Kirin as he sat down his coffee mug and leaned in close.
“Do you want me to leave?” Kirin asked softly and Law felt his hands move of their own accord, cradling Kirin’s cheeks and brushing away the tear tracks.
“No. I want you to live.” Law replied honestly, all thoughts freezing as they marveled in how perfectly Kirin’s jawline fit between his hands. Kirin’s hands pressed over Law’s.
“Then why do you think I want to leave?” Kirin asked, his words curling over Law’s trembling lips. A ghost of a kiss Law ached to resurrect.
“Why would you want to stay? You could have anything in the world… why would you want to stay with a grumpy, neglectful scientist?” Law questioned, ignoring the beeping of his overworked printer informing him that it was empty of paper again.
Kirin chuckled, smile ever closer to Law’s lips. His words low as his warm gaze cut into Law tenderly.
“Because I love them.” Law nearly collapsed forward into Kirin’s lips. Soft, warm pressure folding against his lips as the touch lingered. Half-thought words dying with every pass across silky, delicate skin.
Law didn’t understand. Didn’t know how they’d even begin to understand what could drive Kirin to say that. His voice a dying prayer as firm hands dragged him over the desk, knocking over files neither cared about.
When Kirin pulled away, Law swayed forward to chase his lips, words suddenly bursting forward like a dam had ruptured.
“I’m a doctor of science, Kirin. I spent years studying how people work on the inside. The complex firing of neurons and cycling of the cells. Every system of the body I’ve written and lead entire studies into. I don’t believe in miracles or fairy tales or fucking magic but…” Law kissed Kirin in a hard press, slipping over Kirin’s chin in his enthusiasm without breaking his gaze. “I’d have to be philosopher of god to understand how you came to be here right now. You give me pause, Kirin, after years of self-assured arrogance, I can’t help but wonder who I should thank on my knees—in prayer you filthy heathen!—for your presence. I love you, Kirin. I need you.”
Law closed his eyes and pressed his head against Kirin’s sternum, listening for the first time in weeks to that strong, steady beat.
“But I want you to be happy before anything else.” Law swore softly, breathlessly as his chest ached with want.
Kirin’s arms wrapped around their shoulders gently. Hand curling around the back of their neck. They shuddered at the soft touch, Kirin’s thumb pressing over the notch of his nape where neck met spine. Law felt Kirin lean down, lips brushing the tip of his ear.
“But what if all I want is you?” Law’s breath froze in his chest as they blinked away tears.
“You have me.” They answered instantly. “Always.”
“Always.” Kirin purred, squeezing Law closer still. “I love you, you silly ‘doctor of science’.”
Law relaxed into Kirin’s arms with a happy sigh.
“Still… seems an awful waste to not put your work to use. How does an aquarium visit sound to start with. As a date.” Kirin suggested.
Law laughed, face burning as they glanced down at the many spilled papers.
In hindsight, they could have saved a lot of paper and ink by just asking ahead of time.
“It’s a date.” Law confirmed, allowing Kirin to drag them to the living room for cuddles. Law’s arms draped over Kirin’s shoulders as he rested his head over Law’s chest. Confessing his own silly thoughts that rivaled Law’s own after Shachi and Penguin’s visit.
When Kirin had finished, laying boneless across Law’s body, Law realized something. Making a small noise, they pulled out his phone. Kirin whined at the slight movement, complaint curling into a purr when Law rubbed Kirin’s back in apology.
“What are you doing?” Kirin murmured, kissing over Law’s sternum lazily.
“Seeing about a double date.”
L: You two alive?
S: Boss!
P: Boss man!
P: You’re alive!
L: stfu
L: aquarium on main. Next week at three?
P: ?!?
S: !?!
S: You running public experiments now boss?
S: Didn’t know you could get permits for that so easily after last time…
L: Shut up!
L: It’s for a date.
L: A double date with Kirin.
P: !!! u owe me five bucks!!!
S: Babe, wrong gc
P: shit
L: …you two made a bet?
P: lol, yeah?
S: It was obvious, wasn’t it?
S: We figured you would confess eventually.
L: …
L: So are you coming or not?
S: Absolutely!
P: Tell Kirin we said hi!
S: And that we can’t wait to see him again, he’s a pretty cool dude!
“It’s officially a double date.” Law declared, finding Kirin’s gaze on them again. Soft smile curling over Law’s chest. Law ran his hand over Kirin’s bare back sweetly, leaning forward for a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Law.” Kirin replied against his lips.
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toonabby · 6 months
Three days until Christmas (sorry I skipped out on the first two days)
(April 2024 update to fix spelling mistakes)
Since Christmas is three days away I'm just gonna list out a bunch of foreign, non-Japanese animation that debuted this year. I'm just gonna keep this first entry short and sweet:
The Girl Downstairs
I really liked the more laid-back tone of the series focusing on the male lead, a drop-out idol who lives at his apartment downstairs, and his college friends. Speaking of which I adore stories that are set in college and I want more works from SoL genre (or any genre in general) to take place in college, ESPECIALLY anime. I am sick and tired of anime only taking place in high schools especially when the dreaded "fanservice" trope is involved... 😒 (I also found out it was based on an ongoing webtoon as well as being one of the two adaptations released this year - the other being a live-action Netflix series called Doona!)
Xyrin Empire
Rare harem W Maybe its me excluding this (and DAL) from the terrible harem animes solely because its made in a different country from the same continent AND has CG animation that isn't god awful, but from what I seen of the first few episodes or so its not that. Not that good either since it falls into the tropes common in anime (the "boring but overpowered" MC, the love rivals, the 'tsundere' childhood friend, "really 300+ year old" childlike character who wears age-inappropriate attire), but I can at least tolerate this show compared to other works from this genre and even with the tropes there not as awful and apparent as the other harem animes, but that's probably because I haven't watched much from this show.
Rainbow Bubblegem
If this was an anime, then I'll pay my life-savings for what would be a return of the traditional Magical Girl genre in a loooong while after we've been bombarded with PMMM wannabees that fall in the "ow the edge" territory while forgetting what made MadoMagi phenomenal for the genre in the first place, remakes of old Magical Girl animes (e.g. Sailor Moon Crystal and Tokyo Mew Mew New), and the Precure franchise being the sole survivor of the traditional magical girl genre. I really like the premise that is essentially a combination of H2O: Just Add Water, Miraculous Ladybug, and Sailor Moon, and how Red Ruby (on of the main characters) isn't just a stereotypical alpha bitch, no she's actually helpful and friendly to the main girl, if a bit self-centered.
As for the shows I started to get invested in....
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004)
This is a childhood of mine that resurfaced in my mind. Out of all of the Cartoon Network shows this one is my personal favorite, and I'm really excited on what the new preschool show spin-off will take us to. That, and me being a Bloo fan since I've started remembering this show. "It's hoooooot in to-pe-kaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
Ba Da Bean (2021)
I adore the show's aesthetic of an arts and crafts-laden environment where everything and I mean EVERYTHING was made out of art (such as the houses being cardboard boxes or an impossible bottle) and the 'fish out of water' premise of a science project from a school's science lab transferring to an art class where he gets to meet and befriends the town's residents while also having a knack for science. I love the dynamic between Bean and Cosa too. Kami the origami bibliophile is my favorite solely because of how relatable she is (I'm also an introvert). That's of course mnot even mentioning the impressive voice cast of the English dub such as Stephanie Panisello (Resident Evil's Claire Redfield and Genshin Impact's Cloud Retainer/Xianyun), Suzie Yeung (Chainsaw Man's Makima, Genshin Impact's Eula, and HSR's Hanya), Amber "FoxyVox" May (Genshin Impact's Dehya and HSR's Yanqing), Dino Andrade (Zuzubaland's Zuzu, whose dub coincidentally was also recorded by the studio that recorded BDB's dub, BangZoom!), and Kelly Baskin (Genshin Impact's Amber and Azure Striker Gunvolt 3's Kirin), with four of the working on Genshin Impact and two on Honkai: Star Rail.
FriendZSpace (2021)
I'll be real. Had it not been for the official YouTube channel uploading all of the BangZoom dubbed episodes (plus the Discovery Kids LA YT channel uploading a few clips of the eps in Spanish), this show would've likely become lost media. When I first watched the show in English I enjoyed it, and I was actually surprised that one of the sealife characters in the first episode was voiced by Melissa Fahn, and I couldn't believe it at first glance she sounded nothing like the other roles Fahn played. Other than that I loved the show and wised I got more from it.
Underdogs United (2022)
For the most part, I didn't even acknowledge that this show was an actual thing until a year later; even the more obscure cartoons from South America at least had a cult following. Even less was me acknowledging this show is a TV adaptation/spin-off of Metegol, a movie with three of the main Foosball players (Capi, Beto, and Loco - the precursor to Kiko) being transplanted there with a bunch of original characters. Hell, the company and producer of the original film (MundoLoco CGI and Juan J. Campanella respectively) also made UU, and Metegol itself is an adaptation of Memoirs of a Right Winger - a short story by Roberto Fontanarrosa that film loosely based itself on. In other words, a TV series about Foosball figures living in a sport-centric world spun-off from a movie about said Foosball figures coming to life in the real world which was loosely adapted from a short-story by an author from Argentina who died 6 years before the movie came out....
Anyways, of the characters I like in UU, it's THE BETO! His personality can be basically described with any adjective for self-centeredness. He's so egotistical that his spot in the intro has him flexing his muscles after he kicks the ball, AND THEN looks at the camera with smug-ish eyebrows and puckered lips. But what I really like about him is not his selfishness but rather the fact that he is deep-down a kind and friendly individual who cares for his allies and would even put aside his arrogance to help others. That's what I like about him - he's selfish, but not too selfish to the point of being annoying. He's obsessed with his looks and popularity but when the chips are down, he'll prioritize the safety of his allies and his loved ones over his own.
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snoozeeroo · 2 years
Glad you enjoyed that post! now here's a question for you :)
Do you have a Favorite Kid Heist? if so which one?
Bonus Question: Conan has to team up with someone of your choice during a kid Heist, Who are you picking and Why?
- 💚
Hi my beloved nonnie! I'm slowly working up to answering all of the asks I have in my inbox, I'm so sorry if it takes me a while to respond. (^^;)
Ahh! I have so many favorite KID heists... I'll list off my top three because I cannot choose for the life of me! Few of them are farther along in the series so I hope I'm not spoiling anything for you.
(I'm going to mention one that's up to the 700 mark in the anime, don't read it if you think it'll spoil anything! ❤)
1. Kaitou KID's Miraculous Midar Walk (EP: 356)
I genuinely ADORE this heist for like. Zero reason at all. It's so enjoyable to me! I love seeing Shinichi become so absorbed in the little trick and entertained; he's just like a child sometimes!Kaito's little strut he does in the air makes him look so much cooler than he really is lmao
2. Kirin's Horn That Vanished into The Dark (EP: 585-587)
This heist was SO entertaining! We've got KID dressing up as Nakamori, the tazer surprise for Conan and all of the Haibara + Conan's playful bickering and the way the two tried to work together! I also REALLY enjoyed how Haibara tries to use the observation skills Shinichi portrays to try and deduct herself... cute!
3. Kaito KID VS Makoto Kyogoku (EP: 746-747)
I love this one just for the PURE shenanigans that ensue over Sonoko and her huge himbo of a BF. Kaito is literally there to fuel the fire and leave??? Sonoko deciding that she gets to choose her lover and make her own decisions and not her family is super girlboss of her!!! I love her so much! Also: Wing-man Kaito! (Kinda... lol)
I've practically let this ask boil in my inbox and I apologize! I'd really love to hear your favorite KID heist(s)! Thank you so much for the question, I'm very fond of them! 💓
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talescfequestria · 2 years
Midnight is the kind of kirin who has an incredibly good control over her anger and thus nirik form, even able to transform only partially.  but when her patience and tolerance does snap, it’s a proper inferno of flame and magic.  if Midnight is ever pushed far enough to transform outside of her control, god can’t help you anymore.
the most likely cause is a threat to those she cares for, which is another reason why it is such a rare occurrence for her.  in her default verse, Midnight does not have any bonds close enough to warrant such reactions.  thus far, the only individuals this applies to are the children of Wintertide Frost, and of course if someone miraculously manages to threaten the Queen Regnant Herself to a point where Midnight deems it necessary to intervene, but the fact that Wintertide can handle herself is part of the reason Midnight formed a bond with her.
it takes a lot for Midnight to truly care, but when she does, she is determined to keep those few safe as best she can.  in her own, often skewered, ways.  she dabbles in the dark arts out of curiosity and has no outright malicious intent, but she is absolutely not above using them.  she is willing to burn you from the inside out. 
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
"It's actually an 8 year anniversary, since AYKC × Miraculous Forest "officially" started in late 2014. At the time, I wanted to do "soft opening" for AYKC × MiraMori's Tumblr before it got established. But anyway, the 9th anniversary will be coming, soon in late 2023!"🥳
-Amahime the Kirin✨️🦒🔮✨️
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Here's Betty's Hero Outfit Form for when She's Pissed and her Outfit Name is Called Apocalypse. Her Outfit is based off MLP Kirin Anger from Nirik.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
A drabble about Kirrin?
[Kirrin's bio, Qilin of Light.]
Kirrin awoke to darkness.
Their eyes blinked open, stretching out as they took in their surroundings. They were exactly where they had fallen asleep, sprawled out on a smooth rock that had always made the perfect basking spot. There was no sign of any kind of disturbance about them, all was how it should be.
Save for the sky above them was pitch black, not even the stars visible.
"Duskk!" Kirrin thundered, rising up into the air, their mane of rainbow Light flaring in their anger, sending shadows dancing across the realm of the Miracle Box.
They didn't have to fly too far, simply drifting in the direction where their natural Light did not shiny quite as brightly, knowing that the kwami they were looking for would be waiting. A glow brightly surrounded Kirrin, illuminating their immediate surroundings. They shown like a beacon, all other kwamis would known exactly where they were, and to stay away.
Kirrin glowered down at their target as they at last found them, the canine below being the only thing that did not show in the Light that Kirrin cast. Instead the Grim was directly covered in shadows, even with Kirrin's bright antler looming right behind her. Darkness and Light seemed to hiss as the auras intertwined, and the Grim glanced up at the angry Qilin above her.
"Hi!" Duskk said happily, tail wagging as she regarded Kirrin. The shadows about Duskk seemed to intensified, naturally trying to block out the light shining on her. "Mind turning it down a bit? You're blinding me."
"There's nothing to turn down," Kirrin growled. "Considering that it's still my fortnight– it shouldn't be night right now!"
Duskk's playful expression immediately darkened. "Really? That's what this is about?"
"We agreed to every two weeks!" Kirrin shouted. "Two weeks of Light, and in return we'll all suffer in the nothingness of the shadows you bring for two more– what made you think you had the right to cloak the Miracle Box like this?"
"You were asleep," Duskk said, as if this was obvious. "For three days on end. No reason for me to be burned alive if you weren't even awake to enjoy the stupid glow."
Kirrin's mouth opened for a moment, but no words came out for a moment, the Qilin looking like a fish for a moment. They then let out a snarl of frustration, hooves curling under them.
"I wanted it to be Light out while I slept," Kirrin hissed through gritted teeth. "Is that so hard to understand you shaded cur?"
Duskk just rolled her eyes. "You know, most of us actually sleep at night. If anything it was just more natural."
"There is nothing natural about the suffocating calamity of your shadows," Kirrin hissed. "How is one supposed to sleep with shivers and unease, because nothing can be seen?"
"How can anyone fall asleep when a solar flare shines straight through closed eyelids?"
"A good thing that's not a problem for you since you drench yourself with shadows as if its another layer of your mangled fur!"
Duskk's ears fell flat. "At least I'm not waltzing around with fire burning from my back."
"It's light, not fire!" Kirrin cried, the aurora of their mane flaring up in reply.
"Which is a kind of light."
"You want light?" Kirrin roared, rearing up, antlers and hooves beginning to pulse. "Let's see you take a Radiance right to the face!"
"I'll make sure every day of yours is Eclipsed!" Duskk cried back, a shadowy orb forming between their paws as they rose up to meet Kirrin.
"You two, enough!" A new voice snapped in frustration, causing both Elementals to pause their powers for a moment, glow and shade twisting about them in the sudden silence.
Allta stood not far off, red eyes narrow in the darkness. Cheeks puffed up for a moment, a frustrated croak coming from the Frog, before she let out a deep sigh.
"I thought we were over this," The words were a statement, but Allta's voice sounded more pleading than anything.
"She spread her Darkness during my allotted day!" Kirrin cried, pointing an accusing hoof at the darkened sky.
"He was asleep and not even paying attention to his stupid Light so why did I have to suffer for three more days?" Duskk added with a glare.
The two Elementals sent a growl at each other, and Allta pressed a paw to her forehead.
"It doesn't matter what I was doing, it was still part of my day!"
"You were sleeping so there was no reason why it should't be night!"
"I took a nap in my Light for a reason, and it wasn't to wake up in this pitch black emptiness!"
"You know all other Miracle Boxes live what appears to be a constant night and all us kwamis survive, but nooo, its too much for you."
"Those 'nights' actually look like nights, with stars in the sky, and enough actual light to get by, not this void of nothingness that you create for all of us to suffer in."
"Nocturnal kwamis exist."
"So do diurnal ones!"
"I said enough!" Allta cried, waving her arms, turning the attention back to her before the two could go at each others' throats again. "Duskk, it's still Kirrin's turn to decide the sky, you don't get to just take his days away. Kirrin, if there's a problem we can discuss it civilly, you don't have to go marching straight to a fight like this."
"It wouldn't be a fight if she'd just stay out of this..." Kirrin muttered.
"Are you saying it's my fault? I tried to be nice, but you wouldn't even say hello!"
Allta dragged her paws down her face, letting out a groan.
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This was... a huge ass gamble he took here, holy shit
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shantiyen · 6 years
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Kirin would be one of the worst MH Kwamis because it would just run away all the time.
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ask-healthy-light · 10 months
Turing around to face whence the voice came, everyone in the group found Lady Cadance standing near the doors to the Hall, though for how long she had been standing there, none knew; but they thought this was not of any significance compared to the matter of the scroll, and the claim she made, that she knew of somebody else who knew more about either Light's letter, or the threats written within.
Without missing a beat, Light, who was still holding both Nox's paw and Luna's hoof for comfort and understanding, asked Cadance to clarify what she meant, to which she merely looked away and gave no answer, to their dismay; but Light quickly got up from the couch, closely followed by Luna and Nox, and, as tears started to stream down their face, they begged Cadance to tell them who she spoke of.
But to Light's ever growing frustration and fear, Cadance only turned around, unable to look at the crying Kirin, fearing for their safety and that of all their friends, if the threats of the one who wrote the scroll chose to make good upon them; and Light let their head hang as they sighed deeply, before they turned around, and slowly walked back to the others, leaving Nox and Luna with Cadance.
The two Princesses nodded to Celestia, who got up to meet Light halfway, and embraced them with her wing, hoping to comfort them, or, at the very least, keep their mind occupied so Luna and Nox could speak with Cadance for them; for the sight of the distraught Kirin tore at their very heartstrings, and they would not let Lady Cadance get their hopes up, only to tear them down again for no reason.
So, with a firm nod to one another, and to Celestia, Sunburst, and Amethyst, who nodded back to the two in return, Nox and Luna quietly closed the doors to the Hall, and cast a spell of muffling upon it, but themselves, and Cadance, too; for barely a second later, after Nox stepped back, Luna spoke to her Cousin in her Royal Voice, bellowing loudly, unheard by others, even those mere hooves away.
Though Celestia felt the smallest rumble through the floor, and she felt her heart skip a beat when she realised what her Sister had chosen to do, she paid no mind to what was happening right outside the door, and focused her attention on trying to help soothe Light's mind; for neither Luna nor Nox gave Cadance even a moment to talk until they had made especially clear the severity of the scroll.
But since they knew not whether time was of the essence or not, they chose not to bellow to Cadance for too long, whereafter they politely, and quietly, asked her whether she understood why it was so important for Light and others to know who she spoke of; but Cadance, miraculously nigh unflinching in the face of Princesses of greater power than she, merely said it would not be wise to meet them.
However, she continued, before either Luna or Nox could interrupt her again, if they were so set on meeting them, neither she, nor her Sister, nor Nox, nor anypony with a connection to any Bearers or Princesses would be allowed nearby; they would travel whither they had to go together, but Amethyst and Light, and only they, would be allowed in, for she would not risk harm to those closest to her.
Neither Nox nor Luna knew how to respond to her message on behalf of the two, so they uttered not a word as they undid the muffling spells, whereafter Cadance called upon the Guard, and Lord Shining, and Eclipse, should anything go wrong, or break; and they opened the doors for Cadance, who sternly told everybody in the Hall to follow her, as Lord Shining, leading a battalion of Guards, appeared.
A moment later, the entire group, which now included Eclipse, Lord Shining, and many Guards, headed outside, where, underneath the Palace, standing next to the Crystal Heart, both Shining and Cadance cast a spell upon it; but the spell they cast felt foul, and as the Heart turned dark, Amethyst and Light worriedly looked at each other, until the ground opened up before them to reveal a staircase.
They slowly entered the dark, when a Pony, behind crystal bars in the distance, whispered to them:
"Who dares disturb me..?" "You…"
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
(And Introducing King Sombra from @ex-king-sombra as the Pony behind bars)
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cebwrites · 1 year
//lays on the floor
thinking about an AU where Kirin stayed with Baroque up until the Strawhats defeated them
The reason why Kirin was ever associated with Baroque in the first place was because of Bon-chan
They were they one who brought him in thinking it'd be a good way to keep an eye on their new friend and also stay close because this was after Kirin left his grandmother's place for trying to kill his brother (after finding out that Takashi became a marine) and essentially he had all his support systems and connections reduced to null
What they didn't expect was for Kirin to rise so quickly within the ranks, to a named position (Mr. New Years) as their partner, because of his efficiency (and cruelty when applicable) that caught Crocodile's eye - this gave him something to do, yes, but it ultimately made him worse emotionally/mentally
I like to imagine that Daz very much sees himself as an extension of Crocodile's right hand, even though Robin was his partner in the organization, Daz was the level directly underneath that and took his position seriously (during ID and post-Marineford he does take that position as Croc's right hand)
Kirin is similar in that regard, but because he didn't have as strong of a grasp of himself or wherewithal as Daz did at the time, it was more like he was a tool to Croc's orders rather than a faithful subordinate; and it was killing him - to throw away his personhood, to numb himself to the actions asked of him (in canon Bon-chan noticed this and regretted not having the foresight to predict something like this, and managed to get Kirin out of there with a bit of Robin's help before it was too late, but in this AU Kirin would stay for 3 more years until Baroque's defeat; Smoker was the one to take him down because none of the Strawhats would’ve been able to at this point)
After Baroque's dissolution they were all sent to a prison that the majority of them broke out of but Croc and Daz refused to come with for whatever reason like the cover story implied, then Impel Down once security regained their bearings
Kirin didn't really care where he went so long as it was with Bon-chan (assuming the two of them missed the bus to escape with the rest of them and didn't just sit and sulk like Croc and Daz)
But then the Impel Down arc happens
And then Marineford where Doflamingo still uses Kirin and Daz to taunt Crocodile and the former gets his leg severed as an outcome of two divorcees' hatred for each other
Miraculously (me, I'm god and I say so) he gets picked up by the Heart Pirates because when they were surveying the edges of the battlefield Bepo spotted and recognized Kirin from an interaction some time ago (Pen and Shach were ordered to get him and the leg, Kirin thought he was dying when he was suddenly grabbed and dragged underwater but it’s fiiiine it turned out fiiiiine)
Law was very hesitant since it'd mean more resources spent on a stranger, but then again taking Strawhat and Jinbe were also on a whim (I do like the theory that Law helped Luffy because then he'd owe a favor to them though, given his time under Doffy and also old man Wolf from the Law novel) and when was Law ever immune to Bepo's wishes
While Luffy was tearing through Amazon Lily's forests and destroying trees Kirin was offered a position on the ship like much in the way that Jean Bart was - devastated at the supposed death of Bon-chan, taking more psychic damage at being called a monster by his brother at Marineford, and nowhere else to go (believing that all his found family would reject him after word of the Baroque stuff came out - he also never formed his crew in this AU so Rio, Izzy, Coco, everyone would still be scattered across the world), Kirin agreed
Over the course of the timeskip he'd slowly start to recover with the introduction to actual (relatively) normal and cheerful people who gave him space but were ultimately kind and welcoming and appreciated his presence - that 'tool' programming very much remained though, but instead of a weapon at Crocodile's disposal, he was now a Heart Pirate willing to do anything for his captain
This Kirin, unlike canon, followed orders and didn't complain, he'd keep to himself until others entered his personal space and he'd leave when he had enough of it
This Kirin confounded Law because he was nothing like the snarky man he met in the North Blue years ago that bested him almost immediately in combat (due to Law's own underestimation and Kirin's experience/intuition/craftiness, but still) and it drove them up the wall trying to figure out why
Law wanted to study him under a microscope and that's what lead then being in avertedly in each other's spaces a lot
Plus, he likes his new captain and Kirin is observing Law just as much as they are to him (very slow-burny shy touchy touchies but the relationship isn’t really allowed to fully blossom because both of these assholes’ hangups - Law with their inability to open up and Kirin putting his “captain” on a pedestal and thinking of his life as second to theirs and the crew’s very much a la Sanji’s entire WCI arc and learning self worth)
Being around the other Hearts was still a huge help for his mental health though, it brought his smile back and maybe even coaxed a few more out of Law to see their “””test subject””” very heavy quotation marks enjoying himself too
No one questions it when the two Hearts go missing after dinner, and even though Zoro’s grumpy about leaving his gym in the crow’s nest early every evening he lets them have their privacy for the nights they’re there
Fast-forward to Punk Hazard where things progress as usual until Kirin reveals himself when Law cuts the giants down and Law has to contend with a stray crew member (they panic internally given the stakes, immediately asking if anyone else followed him but Kirin reassures them that he’s the only one that left, plus if they all did it would be too suspicious and it was a hard-won victory against the crew that he’d be the one to go, plus there’d be shockwaves if Law’s plan went as intended and Zou needed as many reinforcements as they could get)
When they’re all in the cave recouping Law gives Kirin a proper chewing-out to one side even though they can all feel everyone eavesdropping, particularly Robin’s eye on Kirin, but Kirin looks up afterwards with this determined look says that he’s never asked for much when he joined their crew but if he could be selfish just this once then it’d be to ask that his cap- no, that *Law* not do anything reckless on his own with a certain glint in his eyes that tell Law all Kirin isn’t saying, ”I don’t want you to die”
Law’s definitely not keen on having this conversation, least of all in front of the Strawhats, but they’d sigh and pinch the bridge of their nose, pull their hat down too - and say that there’s not much else to do now that Kirin’s *here*, so he might as well pitch in with the plan
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