mymiraclebox · 4 months
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Kirrin the Qilin, kwami of Light.
Updated art for Kirrin! I didn't mind their old design, but they kind of had the same color scheme as my Thunderbird, and I figure I should make my kwami of Light actually light up. xD And I'm really happy with how they turned out.
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moocowmoocow · 2 years
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Babylon 5 rewatch
Kirrin in 5x07 “Secrets of the Soul”
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zeqoo69 · 2 years
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#kirrin #麒麟麦酒 #本麒麟 #香りの舞 #本麒麟香りの舞 安定の旨さ。もうちょいインパクトあっても良いかと。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkwwA-jpuJe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agnezztealeaf · 22 days
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some transmasc and/or aro/ace headcanons because i'm transmasc and aroace and i'm projecting
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georgekirrin · 5 months
For those wondering who George Kirrin is: may I present 8-year-old me's hero, a 1940s children's book character
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have you done your daily click
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geese-in-a-frock-coat · 2 months
I'm working on something about the inadvertent queerness of Enid Blyton's works. So if you have absolutely anything to say on this matter, up to and including:
the transess of George Kirrin
Bill unorthodox gender presentation
Bill and Clarissa
The lesbian undertones in both Malory towers and St Clares
Adaptations adding/ removing queerness
anything else
Please, please, please talk to me about this in any way shape or form. I would love to hear anything you have to say.
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Could transition have saved him?
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Propaganda: Look. Nobodys gonna say it was remotely intentional. But George wants to be a boy, hates being called a girl, loves being "mistaken" for a boy, it's not a reach. Made me transgender.
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julieverne · 1 year
Maura read a lot. The television was locked up in the visitor's longue room, and mostly they were documentaries they watched as a family. The occasionally Katherine Hepburn. Tall. Brash. Cuttingly sharp. Maura loved Sunday afternoons on days it was too rainy to take the horses or the boats out. Just her and Katherine Hepburn.
She read the books her mother gave her. Books from another country, from another time. A world which the war had shaken. A lot of them were terribly outdated. Where only the boys got to have any fun and the girls were left alone to - what, bake? Clean? Sew? She gave up on those. She loved George Kirrin fiercely. The illustrations in the books always portrayed her as a little prettier than Maura liked to imagine her; in her mind she gave her thick brows, a strong jaw. The kind of face that would make a stranger falter for their pronouns before addressing her. And she was fearless and devoted to her friends and her beloved Timmy, of course. Maura loved Bass, but she wouldn't face a man with a gun if he were in imminent danger. No one would shoot a tortoise anyway.
She saw herself as more of an Anne, just dragged along for the ride, often terrified and completely impotent. Maura did martial arts, and horseriding, gymnastics and fencing. She could play the violin but she didn't like to. She could take care of herself. But poor little Anne was always getting dragged into dangerous situations. No one listened to her voice of reason. And if the villains they'd faced had been a different sort, the sort that rarely featured in kids books, she'd have been the most at risk. George herself was protective, but the two brothers should have been ashamed of themselves.
Still, she read all twenty one books in the series, and she longed for the salt of the sea, the wind on her face bicycling through the countryside, the sound of laughter on a summer morning.
She longed for friendship.
She tried Nancy Drew, but she found them a little too simplistic, a little too rushed. A list of things that happened with no tension building to make the reader concerned for Nancy or her friends. Another female George who was boyish, though. Smart and sporty, easily able to tackle criminals.
And the Trixie and Honey in upstate New York. So close to home, and yet so far. A spoiled rich girl, an only child. Rich and awkward. And the rambunctious neighbour girl, who thought her strange but didn't let that bother her for a single moment, didn't deter her from making the best friend either of them could ever have. The sleepovers. The sharing of clothes and food, riding through the woods. She could almost smell the pine. She could see how Trixie noticed how vulnerable and scared Honey was and how she tried - in her own clumsy way - to make her feel safe and welcome. And Honey was so sensible and feminine and Trixie was all scraped knees and skinned knuckles and Maura wanted that. She wanted a Trixie. She wanted someone to tell her she was okay as she was, someone who saw her and knew she was enough.
But no matter how long she hung out in the woods by herself, no one ever came. Her parents' estate was too large, and her parents' friends didn't have children, or had ones much older than her that babied her.
But it was the boarding schools that got her in the end. She read hungrily about midnight feasts and swimming competitions and school pantomimes. She read about stolid, stable Darrell Rivers, headstrong and certain of herself. And by her side, Sally Hope, less certain, a little resentful, not as nice in the first books but blossoming into a fine young lady by the end. At her best friend's side. All the little interactions that young women had - all the spiteful little tricks, all the jabs and jeers and exclusions. It helped her to understand a little the social quagmire of her schooling days. She'd not been a success, at school. Academically she was very gifted. But socially she suffered. She chose Paris because she felt like her foibles might be seen as exotic, and she gave her parents the brochures.
But it was fruitless. While she wasn't bullied at boarding school - she was too smart to be openly derided, and she would do anyone's homework if they sat with her, but also even with all her studies on human behaviour she rarely noticed when someone tried to insult her - she never did find her Darrell Rivers. Her bosom friend, her companion. She gave up, after that. Adults had acquaintances, not friends. She threw herself into her studies and took the jobs offered her.
And then someone tall and dark with strong brows and a firm jaw was calling her 'sista' and Maura knew she'd been slighted. But a few months later the detective had bounced into her morgue, looking over the body. At least she didn't vomit, like some of them. It was fortunate Maura, despite being a super taster, didn't mind most smells. But Jane had come in, her curly hair tied back, business shirt and slacks. And she grinned at Maura, her smile cheeky and knowing, like she knew her, like they were friends already. And it was like if Katherine Hepburn had been a detective. It was like George Kirrin grown up and taking on the world with her quick brain and quicker smile. It was George Frayne on horseback, reaching her hand down to a damsel in distress. It was like Trixie Belden had stumbled through the woods to her mansion and stood outside waiting to play. It was like Darrell Rivers with her hot temper but warm nature had come to life from a book and seen her Sally Hope.
"I don't know who any of them are," Jane said when Maura told her this, years later, curled up on the couch together. "Well, I read some Nancy Drew but she was a bit of a wimp in the early books. Trixie - she was the one - oh yeah, I liked those! She was always running through the woods and filthy. She was great! And you think of me as her?"
"Remember when you tackled a Federal Agent in a creek?" Maura asked, laughing.
Jane chuckled and pulled Maura closer.
"The point is, I always read about women having close friendships. About women like you - strong and masculine, protective and loyal. And their useless little sidekicks."
"Here's one for you then. Xena and Gabrielle. Gabby wasn't useless though. She had spunk, and she could fight too. You're not a useless sidekick, Maura. You're a fierce warrior in your own right."
Maura crinkled her brow as though she was trying to remember.
"I've seen your DVD boxset, Maura." Maura blushed; her roommate in college had watched the show religiously, and Maura had too, loving the dynamic of the women. The tall, strong brunette. The short, smart blonde. Visually striking together, perfectly suited. The way they were so protective of each other. So thoroughly loyal.
"They - they weren't just friends though." Maura had kind of known at the time, but as more years passed she saw how blatant it had been.
"Are we just friends?" Jane's voice dropped, and Maura looked up sharply at her.
"We're friends. Aren't we?" Maura looked terrified for a moment and Jane reached out to reassure her.
"We are," Jane said, rubbing her hand over Maura's shoulder. "But we could be more, couldn't we?"
"That's up to you," Maura said uncertainly, and like headstrong Darrell Rivers, like impetuous Trixie Belden or crusading Xena, Jane leaned in and kissed Maura.
And Maura knew what female friendship was about. She had female friends now; Nina and Susie and Angela. People who knew who she was and liked her.
But a bosom friend was a friend that touched your bosom. And that was Jane, all over.
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caninemotiff · 2 years
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SONG OF THE RAVEN; wip intro
"My Lady is not of feather and flight. She does not chirp pretty songs and float above it all untouched. My Lady howls. My Lady crawls. The Lady of Ravens watches coolly, the messenger of death, but My Lady? She wallows with the worms that tend the corpses. My Lady is the hidden places, the lonely places, the caverns, the depths, the wastes. Her song is the slow creep of the ocean upon the cliffs, the relentless trawl of time, the taking each year of all that is ripe and turning it to rot. My Lady is the Devourer and she needs to be fed."
GENRE: high fantasy
POV: third person limited
STATUS: writing & planning
TRIGGER WARNINGS: fantasy typical violence / mass illness plotline / depersonalisation
destructive nature of unchecked consumption / fantasy cityscape setting / domain based polytheism / isolation vs community / identity / socially naive protagonist / friendship / song based magic system / rigid tradition vs fluid change / archipelago world / magical illness / masks and presentation / queer romance subplot
THERE ARE THE priests, faces forever masked to those beyond the temples. There are the gods, the force behind all life, the singers of the great song. And there is a corruption in the song, an errant tune, and it is spreading.
ARN CHILD OF MIRIA, like most orphans on the Isle of Miria, knows very little of the outside world beyond the Temple District Walls. Since the day of their arrival, Arn has been trained in the ways of the sanctra, those who learn the language of the gods and use it to shape the world around them; the very song of life. Most find their talents lay in the domain of a specific god, their song suited to commanding the swells of the Ever Ocean in the Temple of the Tempest, or calling the crops to flourish in the Temple of the Lord of the Earth. Arn, whose curiosity and talent never waited long enough to settle, is newly initiated into the Temple of the Lady of Ravens; the divine messenger who knows all and goes where she must. When their mentor in the Temple is called beyond the Walls, Arn must don the mask of their Lady and follow into the dizzying cacophony of song and life, must use the knowledge they have of the song to command the very world around them to their will, shaping it in imitation of the great Chorus, sung a millenia ago when the gods called existence into being.
WHEN ARN AND their mentor are called into the home of a young nobleman suffering from a strange, discordant illness, Arn is forced to weave their lifesongs together to keep him alive; a discouraged, but not unheard of method in the field. The illness begins to spread, and the song of Miria, once in harmony, begins to howl with the cries of a long forgotten hunger intent on consuming all. But the sick and dying cannot be reached, not like that first time, not like Kirrin. Arn realises the tether between them may be the key to saving the people of Miria, if only they could understand why.
CHARACTERS; (intros coming soon)
Arn Child of Miria / the initiate
Luna of the Lady's Flock / the companion
Kirrin Child of Astari / the tethered
Marsi Child of Miria / the brave
Palla Child of Miria / the weaver
Eri Child of Jaya / the lost
Niko Child of Miria / the mentor
TAGLISTS; ask to be +/-
WIP TAGLIST: @chariklos / @writeblrfantasy / @wickerring / @thats-my-type-writer / @sunlightwriter / @teriwrites / @harinawa / @marimos / @uppoffringar / @diphthongsfordays
GENERAL TAGLIST; @stormharbors / @ladywithalamp / @philocalizt / @wildswrites / @darkgazer / @muddshadow / @ghostschemes / @lockejhaven / @froggywriter / @nightjarz / @moariin
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I know in the new Famous Five adaptation Quentin told George that she’s a lot like his sister Anne but I really like how when he first bumps into Anne (his niece) in the beginning he almost seems a little hesitant and awkward at first because I bet she also reminds him of his sister and she’s also named after her.
Like the awkwardness is most probably because he hasn’t seen Anne in years but it’s interesting to think that she has his sister’s name and probably looks a little like her too and it might hurt a little.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
A drabble about Kirrin?
[Kirrin's bio, Qilin of Light.]
Kirrin awoke to darkness.
Their eyes blinked open, stretching out as they took in their surroundings. They were exactly where they had fallen asleep, sprawled out on a smooth rock that had always made the perfect basking spot. There was no sign of any kind of disturbance about them, all was how it should be.
Save for the sky above them was pitch black, not even the stars visible.
"Duskk!" Kirrin thundered, rising up into the air, their mane of rainbow Light flaring in their anger, sending shadows dancing across the realm of the Miracle Box.
They didn't have to fly too far, simply drifting in the direction where their natural Light did not shiny quite as brightly, knowing that the kwami they were looking for would be waiting. A glow brightly surrounded Kirrin, illuminating their immediate surroundings. They shown like a beacon, all other kwamis would known exactly where they were, and to stay away.
Kirrin glowered down at their target as they at last found them, the canine below being the only thing that did not show in the Light that Kirrin cast. Instead the Grim was directly covered in shadows, even with Kirrin's bright antler looming right behind her. Darkness and Light seemed to hiss as the auras intertwined, and the Grim glanced up at the angry Qilin above her.
"Hi!" Duskk said happily, tail wagging as she regarded Kirrin. The shadows about Duskk seemed to intensified, naturally trying to block out the light shining on her. "Mind turning it down a bit? You're blinding me."
"There's nothing to turn down," Kirrin growled. "Considering that it's still my fortnight– it shouldn't be night right now!"
Duskk's playful expression immediately darkened. "Really? That's what this is about?"
"We agreed to every two weeks!" Kirrin shouted. "Two weeks of Light, and in return we'll all suffer in the nothingness of the shadows you bring for two more– what made you think you had the right to cloak the Miracle Box like this?"
"You were asleep," Duskk said, as if this was obvious. "For three days on end. No reason for me to be burned alive if you weren't even awake to enjoy the stupid glow."
Kirrin's mouth opened for a moment, but no words came out for a moment, the Qilin looking like a fish for a moment. They then let out a snarl of frustration, hooves curling under them.
"I wanted it to be Light out while I slept," Kirrin hissed through gritted teeth. "Is that so hard to understand you shaded cur?"
Duskk just rolled her eyes. "You know, most of us actually sleep at night. If anything it was just more natural."
"There is nothing natural about the suffocating calamity of your shadows," Kirrin hissed. "How is one supposed to sleep with shivers and unease, because nothing can be seen?"
"How can anyone fall asleep when a solar flare shines straight through closed eyelids?"
"A good thing that's not a problem for you since you drench yourself with shadows as if its another layer of your mangled fur!"
Duskk's ears fell flat. "At least I'm not waltzing around with fire burning from my back."
"It's light, not fire!" Kirrin cried, the aurora of their mane flaring up in reply.
"Which is a kind of light."
"You want light?" Kirrin roared, rearing up, antlers and hooves beginning to pulse. "Let's see you take a Radiance right to the face!"
"I'll make sure every day of yours is Eclipsed!" Duskk cried back, a shadowy orb forming between their paws as they rose up to meet Kirrin.
"You two, enough!" A new voice snapped in frustration, causing both Elementals to pause their powers for a moment, glow and shade twisting about them in the sudden silence.
Allta stood not far off, red eyes narrow in the darkness. Cheeks puffed up for a moment, a frustrated croak coming from the Frog, before she let out a deep sigh.
"I thought we were over this," The words were a statement, but Allta's voice sounded more pleading than anything.
"She spread her Darkness during my allotted day!" Kirrin cried, pointing an accusing hoof at the darkened sky.
"He was asleep and not even paying attention to his stupid Light so why did I have to suffer for three more days?" Duskk added with a glare.
The two Elementals sent a growl at each other, and Allta pressed a paw to her forehead.
"It doesn't matter what I was doing, it was still part of my day!"
"You were sleeping so there was no reason why it should't be night!"
"I took a nap in my Light for a reason, and it wasn't to wake up in this pitch black emptiness!"
"You know all other Miracle Boxes live what appears to be a constant night and all us kwamis survive, but nooo, its too much for you."
"Those 'nights' actually look like nights, with stars in the sky, and enough actual light to get by, not this void of nothingness that you create for all of us to suffer in."
"Nocturnal kwamis exist."
"So do diurnal ones!"
"I said enough!" Allta cried, waving her arms, turning the attention back to her before the two could go at each others' throats again. "Duskk, it's still Kirrin's turn to decide the sky, you don't get to just take his days away. Kirrin, if there's a problem we can discuss it civilly, you don't have to go marching straight to a fight like this."
"It wouldn't be a fight if she'd just stay out of this..." Kirrin muttered.
"Are you saying it's my fault? I tried to be nice, but you wouldn't even say hello!"
Allta dragged her paws down her face, letting out a groan.
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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George Kirrin from the Famous Five Series by Enid Blyton-Transgender Boy
Species: Human
Requested by @absolutelynotclassicusernam-blog
Status: Alive
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lemonadeandlanguages · 5 months
15 and 18 for the bookish asks? :)
Hi! :)
15: What book changed your life?
Not sure it changed my life, but Enid Blyton's Famous Five series was probably my first exposure to a female character that was aggressively not feminine and that didn't want to be? Made me realize that just because I was a girl, I didn't have to conform to people's expectations of what I should look like or behave
18: Which character from a book is the most like you?
George Kirrin from the Famous Five, I think? We both have short hair and wear boys' clothing and have short tempers lol the biggest difference is that I'm not much of a dog person 😅
Thanks for the questions! :)
Bookish asks
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if there’s something I need to convince anyone who’s friends with me to do, it’s to read just one famous five book. because I can’t be alone in going off the walls in just how trans George kirrin is
i don’t just mean in the “there’s a lot of details that lends a lot to a trans hc” i mean this character is literally explicitly canonically trans, it’s stated MULTIPLE TIMES that George not only wishes they were born a boy, refuses to go by their legal name and only answers to George, loves loves loves when they’re treated and/or “mistaken” for being just one of the boys, and loathes when you tell them they seem feminine in some way
and it’s all completely UNINTENTIONAL, which is the big kicker, the author would doubtlessly be rolling over in her grave if she knew because she’s a racist bigot
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frogsmulder · 12 days
Sometimes I think my journey to transness was a more recent thing then I remember George from the famous five and going that's exactly like me! And that one book where they meet someone else who likes to pretend to be a boy and the comment about they do it "better" than George because they wear boys shirts which have the buttons on the other side. And I was like cool! Thanks for the tip.
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