#lady tremaine sucks
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Dr Jiminy part 3;
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Summary; in which Jiminy Cricket has a show like Dr Phil that also does parentity testing. Trigger warning; child abuse, guns, death threats, and a broken marriage. Swearing. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 can be found here. Requested by @idontliketomatoesleavemealone and @cleverqueenchild . Hope you enjoy.
Dr Jiminy: Hello, all my crickets. Today we have two very special guests. Mulan.....and SHANG!
*Mulan and Shang enter from behind the curtains and take a seat on the couch*
Dr Jiminy *shakes their hands* How ya doing Shang? Mulan. Lovely to see you again. Now it's come to my understanding that you want to do a DNA test on your youngest, Lonnie?
Shang: That's right.
Mulan *nods*
Dr Jiminy: May I ask why that is? You both seem rather calm about this considering most people only come for DNA tests when the topic of cheating is involved.
Mulan: Oh no, we're not here because he thinks I cheated.
Shang: Which, for the record, I don't believe.
Dr Jiminy: oh?
Mulan: Yeah, we're actually here because we want to shut down the rumors and weirdness around people not believing that Shang is Lonnie's father.
Dr Jiminy: O-oh. *mutters* Well, that's a new one. *speaks up* Well, I have the results right here in this envelope. Are you ready?
Shang *grumbles* as ready as I'll ever be.
Mulan: More ready than I have ever been for anything else in my entire life.
*picture of Lonnie in her pjs in the kitchen, smiling pops up*
Dr Jiminy *opens the envelope * In the case of 16 year old, Li Lan-Lei (Lonnie), Shang.... you.. ARE THE FATHER!
Shang: I KNEW IT!
Crowd: OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!
Crowd *looks sheepish*
Dr Jiminy: Lady Tremaine, is it true that when you found out your grandson, Anthony, was dating Harriet, you called him a moron and her a hussy?
Lady Tremaine: It is and I would do it AGAIN!
*crowd gasps*
Harriet* runs out from behind stage* SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU BITCH!
Dr Jiminy: Uh oh. SECURITY!
Harriet *lunges*
Anthony *back stage, mortified and covering Dizzy's eyes* Note to self, never invite grandmother to Holiday gatherings.
Dr Jiminy: Now, Queen Aurora. King Philip. What do you have to say against the accusations that have been leveled against you by your daughter?
Philip, defensive: Okay, so we weren't the most attentive parents but we aren't neglective!
Aurora, quiet: Neglective is a rather strong word for it.
Dr Jiminy: Then what would you call *checks notes* only seeing your daughter during holidays and big royal events?
Philip *dryly* Being a busy royal.
Crowd *starts booing*
Philip *stands up* WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I'M RIGHT!
Aurora: She was with family!
Dr Jiminy *looking disappointed* that doesn't make you any less neglective for not playing a bigger part in her life. She's your only child.
Crowd *booing louder and start throwing things*
Dr Jiminy: Mr Clayton. Is it true that you shot at your son six times last month?
William Clayton: He's being a baby! It was only 3!I wouldn't waste that much amo on him in a month.
Clay *yelling from behind stage* You shot at me six times in one day once!
William's sister, Lady Waltham, busts out from behind the curtains: YOU WHAT?! I'LL KILL YOU!
William: oh shit *bolts*
Dr Jiminy: Oh dear.
Cash Clayton, 10: Should we stop her? Could we even stop her?
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, 12: I'll take that as a no...
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airasora · 1 year
Cinderella AU idea
What if Lady Tremaine quickly realized that Cinderella was far more beautiful than her own daughters and instead spent time and lessons on her, forgetting and leaving her own biological daughters instead of the other way around?
Just an idea that popped into my head.
I would kinda genuinely love to see this take on that fairytale somehow.
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sketchysketchiness · 1 year
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She just hates everybody
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sweat-s · 2 years
cinderella is such a sassy bitch actually
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fairytale-poll · 4 months
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*Includes the original 1950 animated film, the 2002 sequel Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, and the 2007 sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Disney's Cinderella:
she is very iconic, she is super kind and has a beautiful dress
Submitting specifically because Cinderella III: A Twist in Time has lived rent-free in my head ever since I was a small child.
This Cinderella is most young (western) peoples introduction to this very story. Cinderella is so hopeful and by getting one small magical adventure, her whole life changes for the better. She is skilled and inspires such loyalty with her kindness that it’s hard to dislike her for any reason she gives. I’ve always been jealous of her ball hairdo too.
Walt Disney put all he had into this movie. And his favorite animation was the dress transformation scene. There’s a reason she is often front and center on the Princess group promotions.
she is the original. to me. probably the first exposure to cinderella for a solid chunk of people alive & on tumblr today. she is just a perfect encapsulation of everything that cinderella is, even if she's become warped in the public consciousness. also i'm pretty sure she's the reason why the glass slippers are so predominant in more recent retellings bc she is simply so iconic. 100/10 no notes 💜
She's maybe not the OG OG but she was one of the first animated Disney princesses and strangely enough it doesn't stop her from having an amazing personality. She's literally a slave but keeps being a nice person, forgiving and always doing her best. And the sequels absolutely didn't ruin her character. She's a sweet girl who tries to fit in but who's loyal to the person she is and who tries to change things always in a cute and sweet way to show people it's not that hard. She literally forgave Anastasia and tried to help her after all she did to her (the scene where the step-sisters destroy her dress still is terrifying to me)... she's awesome and deserves more recognition honestly...
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) No she is not the same as the original Cinderella of 1950. This girl’s biggest chance was unfairly snatched away from her. When the Prince was brainwashed she was enough to get him to double take. She was so Right that their connection over powered magic. And she had to be rescued from a ship. And was almost crushed within a pumpkin! And finally had to expose another imposter, who turned out to be just another victim of Lady Trameine. This Cinderella fought harder for her love because she knew what True Love was like and she still was able to forgive those who asked for it.
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) Listen yes it's the same Cinderella from 1950 but she has an arc in this one! It's Disney's greatest film!!
Listen I love them both but the animated Cinderella definitly shine in every single movie she has. And she has 3.
Vote for Cinderella because she deserves it and is still underrated in the Disney Princesses Franchise when she survived so much (ab*se... Lady Tremaine still terrifies me and she doesn't even have magical powers except when she steals the magic wand in Cinderella 3) Also one vote for Cinderella is one jump outside the window Henri is ready to do. Yes it's real.
Disney animated the original fairytale but definitely made it more magical and less creepy (like the birds making the step sisters blind? It gave me nightmares for ages). If I think: which one will I want to rediscover multiple times? Disney's Cinderella. Plus Cinderella 3 is a masterpiece.
Mofurun as "Mofurella"
listen. they do an episode where they're all sucked into Cinderella and they make the trans teddy bear Cinderella. Incredible story writing, 10/10, no notes.
Mofurdella is even plot relevant, that episode is how they get the Rainbow Carriage for their group attack anyway MOFURDELLA FIRST CINDERELLA PRECURE EPISODE TO GET ONE MOFURILLION VOTES
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wisteria-lodge · 6 months
For  *spooky season.* I suspect this will be easier than sorting the heroes, who tend to be reactive while villains are very clear about what they want and what exactly they’re going to do to get it. Let’s see if this ends up being the case. 
I go into a lot more detail about this character analysis system here, and talk about the move away from the HP terminology here. But here are the basics: 
BADGER ~ Loyal to the group.
SNAKE ~ Loyal to yourself and your Important People.
LION ~ Subconscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to feelings and instincts.
BIRD ~ Conscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to built systems and external facts.
BADGER ~ Connect with the group. Make allies, work steadily and well. Be whatever the situation calls for. If you find a locked door, knock.
SNAKE ~ Connect with the environment. Notice things. Tell people what they want to hear. If you find a locked door, get in through the window.
BIRD ~ Collect skills, knowledge, tools, personas, useful friends. If you find a locked door, track down the key or learn to pick the lock.
LION ~ Be honest, be direct, speak your truth. Either the obstacle is going down or you are. If you find a locked door, kick it in.
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So. I know that in Snow White the Queen's Thing is Vanity, but.  The ‘Vain Villainess’ trope is about the fear of becoming less powerful in a world that only values you for your looks.... which doesn’t actually seem to be her issue? The Queen seems pretty darn unchallenged in her universe. That’s almost part of the problem - there’s an addiction/obsession/paranoia flavor to the way she’s constantly checking in with the Mirror.
I don’t think the Queen is actually obsessed with Snow White’s beauty. I think she’s obsessed with her innocence, her “heart” (that’s literally what she asks the Huntsman to bring her, Snow’s heart in a box.) Snow White isn’t just the “fairest” as in the prettiest, but the fairest as in the most fair-minded, the most honorable. The presence of Snow, with her optimism, kindness, and trust is an existential threat, proof that the Queen is going about things all wrong. Her power definitely has a edge of sadism: She forces Snow to wear rags (none of the other princesses wear *rags.*) And I’ll be haunted by this image of the Queen’s dungeons forever.
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So even though my first instinct was to go Hedonist Snake primary for the Evil Queen, that’s not right. She’s not focused on enjoying herself. She doesn’t seem conscious enough of her own desires to be a Bird, and Exploded Lion is possible… but I’m going with Burnt Badger. An obsession with being “Fairest of them all” seems to suggest a group-focused, External-facing primary, and I absolutely see how the extremely UnBurnt Badger Snow White would really get under a Burnt Badger’s skin. 
Obviously a Bird secondary. The Evil Queen is Mad Scientist coded, even has a literal evil laboratory. The “Old Crone” plan features a transformation, a costume, and is very much an Actor Bird persona.  
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While she does seem to get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of controlling Cinderella, the Wicked Stepmother’s main motivation is her daughters. Her daughters kind of suck, but that doesn’t actually matter. The Stepmother is going to make sure they get that happy ending, with all the targeted loyalty of a Snake Primary. There’s a Badger secondary in there too, which you can see in the way she’s… subtle. The Stepmother takes away Cinderella‘s privilege bit by bit… but never actually goes after her directly. She manipulates her daughters into doing her dirty work (like the way they tear up Cinderella’s dress) so she can always maintain plausible deniability. She’s prim, she’s proper, she’s Lady Tremaine. Dark Courtier Badger, all the way. 
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This Queen’s thing is that she’s childish. She wants what she wants NOW. Doesn’t matter if it makes sense, doesn’t matter if it’s impossible. The Queen of Hearts functions as both a lesson to Alice (authority figures don’t always know what they’re talking about) and as a warning (this could be you if you don’t navigate the transition to adulthood properly.) I see a very young Glory Hound Lion primary in the way she forces everyone else to cheat so she gets the emotional reward of winning the croquet game. I also want to attribute the Queen of Hearts’ extremely short fuse to her Lion primary - she acts on what she’s feeling the *second* she starts feeling it, and never questions this. Also she's a Lion secondary. There’s no plan. She lives in Wonderland. She’s living moment to moment.
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Unlike the Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook does not seem to be *of* the magical land he lives in. He is this outside force trying to impose order on Neverland, leading the only rigid organization there and constantly tying up/imprisoning the main characters. Hook is also the only one th threatened by the concept of time (the ticking crocodile.) *Peter* will never grow old. But somehow Captain Hook will? Or feels like he will? Tradition also says that the actor playing Wendy’s controlling father should play Hook as well, so there's definitely something about toxic order or toxic control going on (the Disney film uses the same voice actor in both roles.) So in the world of Peter Pan, Hook/Father becomes representative of adulthood/society/the Man. That makes him an Authoritarian Badger primary, defined by his organizations.
For his secondary - Hook’s not much of a planner. He’s most effective while he is talking an angry Tinker Bell into helping him, and in that scene he’s charming. He flatters her, pivots according to what he thinks she wants to hear, and while Courtier Badger secondary is possible, I think this feels more like Snake. (I also think you have to be some kind of Improvisational secondary in order to hold your own against Peter.) It makes sense - Hook has to be appealing and seductive as well as threatening, because that's kind of what adulthood is.
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Maleficent’s feels socially slighted in a very *abstract* way. She doesn’t seem to have an emotional response to either the other fairies OR the King and Queen OR Aurora. Her curse doesn’t have anything to do with with her social standing, or her power, or her role in the kingdom. We actually don’t know what Maleficent’s deal is. Maybe by not inviting her to the christening the kingdom has broken some important Rule of hers. Or maybe she’s just torturing people because she’s bored, and this is a fun Project. (That is her plan with Phillip after all, and this image will ALSO always haunt me.)
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But either way, she’s a Bird primary. The only question is if she’s more of a System-Building Bird, or a Project Bird. 
Unusually for such a cold villain, I think I want to give her a Lion secondary. She’s patient, and her plans take place over long time-frames, but the plans themselves are direct - “When your daughter turns sixteen, I will kill her.” Done. Also, when Maleficent is threatened, she turns into a giant dragon who certainly does not plan, and her goons (while useless) are very loyal. So another point for Inspirational secondary.
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Cruella wants a coat made out of Dalmatian puppies. That’s  it. So I'm putting her in the same category as Hannibal Lecter, someone doing this for the *art,*  the ~*~aesthetic~*~ of the thing. But unlike Hannibal, nothing about Cruella is cold or considered. I don’t think she’d be able to tell you why she wants that Dalmatian coat apart from “It’s fabulous, darling.” So instead of going Bird primary (the typical Weird Villain sorting) I’m saying she's a Lion. Cruella seems to have an aesthetic-based morality: "fabulous" and "non-fabulous," instead of "good" and "bad." She’s a Fay Lion primary, like Jack Sparrow.
Her secondary is harder. She definitely has goons, but they’re useless, and don’t seem to like her much. She doesn’t plot or face-change. She clearly likes Anita and doesn’t like Roger, and never bothers to mask this. Cruella first tries to buy the puppies - then sort of seems surprised when this doesn’t work? Honestly, the main impression I get from her is that she’s… not trying very hard. She only really starts to care right at the very end, when she’s driving with wild hair and crazy eyes, as her roadster falls apart around her. I’m going with Lion secondary to reflect that tendency she has to operate at either 1% or 100%.
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Madame Mim has a sort of a professional rivalry going on with Merlin, and dislikes that Wart calls him “the greatest wizard in the land.” So of course she challenges him to a wizard duel. She wants to be the best, she wants to win… and that’s all there is to it. So we have another Glory Hound Lion primary. 
It’s very clear that Madame Mim loves transformation. She switches between her different faces as many times as she possibly can over the course of a single conversation. Notably, she has a sexy version of herself that she uses to charm people into doing what she wants… and there’s no reason she couldn’t wear that all the time. But she doesn’t want to. Mim gets a lot of joy out of her fluid Snake secondary, and when she’s not solving a problem she just wants to chill out in Neutral. 
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Prince John’s motivation has a couple of  layers. Obviously, he’s a *little* bit too excited about taxing on the citizens of Nottingham… but that’s because he’s overcompensating. His main visual design element is a crown that doesn’t fit. He’s not King John, he's Prince John, only in charge until his other (better) brother Richard comes home from the Crusades. That’s why he’s so easily flattered - he’s incredibly insecure. But his conflict isn't with Richard, exactly. It’s really... mommy issues. Everything John does is to please Mummy (an off screen-character.) Very Exploded Snake primary. 
Secondary is hard because John is incompetent. He mostly solves problems by pointing the Sheriff of Nottingham at them. It’s a running joke that he doesn’t actually listen to his advisor Sir Hiss, who generally has the right idea but isn't a suck-up. I guess John does lay kind of sophisticated traps for Robin Hood?  They don’t work, but the intent at least is Bird. So I guess I would have to go with that - a pretty incompetent Bird secondary. 
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Unlike Madame Mim and Merlin, whatever Basil of Baker Street and Ratigan have going on does not feel like a professional rivalry. Technically Ratigan is plotting a coup… but he spends approximately 85% of his on-screen time entirely focused on Basil. They are at least ex-friends who now hate each other (and it’s really easy to read them as straight-up bitter exes.) Even his hatred of being called a “rat” seems to be linked to Basil - that's an insult Basil uses, implying that Ratigan is motivated by hedonism and ego, and not by the purity of the puzzle the way that Bird Primary Basil is. Really, he’s criticizing Ratigan for having a Snake primary motivation. 
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Ratigan is very obviously a very loud Bird secondary. He loves lists, he loves Rube-Goldberg devices. He’s based off Professor Moriarty, it's Snake Bird all the way down.
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So Ursula wants to take over, be the new monarch of the sea… which is usually a Glory Hound Lion motivation. But there's the implication the she's doing this to specifically screw over Triton... which would make her more of a Snake. Ursula also has a *very* hedonistic approach to life, something you often see in Snake primaries with small circles. It's just her and her “babies," the eels Flotsam and Jetsam. He eels also seem very emotionally important to her, as far as villain minions go. This could be another example of Snake primary loyalty.
I don't know, I just think a Lion primary Ursula would be angrier, more of a Scar. She’s doing her own thing, an makes use of an opportunity that falls into her lap. This is structurally a story about King Triton (who has the big emotional arc and the most character change) so it makes sense that she is specifically a Triton villain, and Ariel was just unlucky enough to get in the way.
I'm actually going to say Bird secondary for Ursula. I agree that she gives off Snake secondary *vibes,* and absolutely might model or perform it for fun. But the way she wins over Ariel is by spouting facts very fast and very confidently, then getting her to sign a bad contract. It’s a Corrupt Lawyer beat more than anything. Vanessa, Ursula's alternate form, is more an Actor Bird transformation (Wicked Queen style) and less a Snake secondary playing around (Madame Mim style.) Vanessa is Ursula's version of Ariel - she even speaks with Ariel's voice - and that's a Bird secondary approach. When Ursula‘s plans start falling apart, she doesn't pivot. She starts looking very Lion secondary - exactly like Bird secondary Ariel does when she’s overwhelmed.
Double Lion -  Queen of Hearts, Cruella De Vil
Lion Snake - Madame Mim
Snake Bird - Prince John, Professor Ratigan, Ursula
Snake Badger - Wicked Stepmother
Badger Snake - Captain Hook
Badger Bird - Evil Queen
Bird Lion - Maleficent
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heart has his heart | part 1.
Summary: (Y/N) Heart is chosen alongside her friends to attend Auradon Prep. Of course her friend Mal’s mom, Maleficent, has a much more sinister plan than the kids just attending Auradon. Will they be able to pull of stealing the wand or will (Y/N) find herself liking Auradon a bit too much?
Pairing: Ben x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
(Series Masterlist)
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Curl Up and Dye was where you and your mother often spent your Mother-Daughter Day. Unlike most villains, the Queen and King of Hearts actually cared about their kid— only your dad would never be caught dead in a hair salon, no matter what the special occasion. The Queen was getting her signature curls from Lady Tremaine, she didn’t trust Dizzy to do it.
You on the other hand had no problem letting the young girl do your hair, as long as it was pretty you were satisfied. Any style would do, you figured you looked great in anything, anyway. Hair wasn’t your main focus, it was always the makeup. While you rarely put on a full face something about you always was made up. Whether it was just eyeliner, or just lipstick, or some blush, some part of your face was done.
Evie, The Evil Queen, Mal, and Maleficent came into the salon. It was rare for the two older women to be seen together but ever since Evie joined Mal’s gang, the two learned to tolerate each other. Maleficent stopped right in front of you as Dizzy was putting the final touches.
“Are you ready to go?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You handed Dizzy a ten-dollar tip for herself.
“You bet your head that my daughter is ready.”
“Haven’t you had enough of heads already?” Queen Grimhilde joked as she admired your mother’s hair.
“I’m just saying our girls will do us proud.”
“To think I’ll have my hands on that wand!” Maleficent said excitedly. “Girls! Do your mothers proud.”
You left the shop with Evie and Mal. You were such an odd sight, the three of you. You and Evie made sense but Mal being so overt with her evil didn’t seem to fit with you guys. You girls met up with Jay and Carlos to go over final plans. You left for Auradon tomorrow.
The five of y’all settled into the back of the limo. You had on your mother’s prized crown. It was the possession you chose to take with you to Auradon. You watched in disgust as Jay and Carlos stuffed their faces with candy and chocolate.
“I know that we’ve never had sweets before but you could at least act dignified?” You asked, delicately picking a sour gummy from the bowl Carlos was holding and popped it into your mouth.
“Sorry we weren’t all raised like you, princess? Some of us peasants had to struggle.”
“Not my fault your dad got tricked into a lamp. You know, forget the sweets. I wonder what street rat taste like.”
Jay rolled his eyes and went back to the candy. You weren’t one to spare anyone from your sarcasm and gripe. You were a royal after all, how else should you conduct yourself? Even the gang was subject to your funny yet sometimes relentless and obnoxious roasting.
“Ooh, M, you’re looking a little washed out. Here let me help you.” Evie applied some blush to Mal’s cheeks but she swatted the hand away.
“Eww, stop. I’m plotting.”
“Well, it’s not very attractive.” The blue-haired girl went back to sucking on her piece of rock salt candy.
Mal pressed a button on some random remote, causing you and Evie to look at the little black panel separating you from the driver roll down. That wasn’t the only thing rolling down, so was the barrier… with no bridge.
You yelled; but, there was nothing you and the VKs could do but scream. And you kept screaming until you realized that you weren’t plummeting to your death. In fact, you weren’t anywhere near the water. The bridge slowly appeared as the limo kept going.
“Hey, um, did this just open the barrier?” You held up the remote and asked the driver.
“That opens my garage door, this remote opens the barrier.” The driver held up a different remote. “And this…”
He pressed a button that made the partition slide back up, blocking you guys from his sight. You scoffed, did he have manners? Mal turned back around and smiled.
“Ha. Nasty… I like that guy.”
You could hear the music before the limo had even fully pulled into campus. Looks like Auradon Prep pulled out all the stops. You weren’t sure why. If only they knew the five of you weren’t planning on staying too long. You stepped out the car and looked to see the mixture of shock and disgust on the faces of three people in front of you. Two of them you recognized: Fairy Godmother and Prince Benjamin. You followed their gaze to where Jay and Carlos were wrestling over who got to have the stolen electronics from the limo, Jay clearly winning. You weren’t surprised. Mal nudged the two of them and they looked over.
“Hehe, just cleaning up,” Jay said.
“Leave it like you found it… actually, just leave it.”
Jay dropped the equipment, and effectively Carlos, and strolled over to the girl whose name you didn’t know.
“Hey, Foxy. The name’s Jay.”
You had to stop yourself from gagging, five minutes at Auradon and he was already trying to get some. The girl looked him up and down, unimpressed.
Same sister, you thought.
“Welcome to Auradon Prep. I’m Fairy Godmother, Headmistress.” The fairy spoke up, saving everyone from embarrassment.
“The Fairy Godmother? As in Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boo?” Mal asked.
“No, M, as in Topsy Turvy Too. What other Fairy Godmother’s do you know.” You didn’t even mean to be sarcastic, it just slipped out. Mal gave you a mildly annoyed push while Fairy Godmother looked on smiling.
“Well, Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it.”
Is she always like this? You thought to yourself as you watched Prince Benjamin usher her away before he addressed you guys.
“Hello, everyone. I’m Ben—”
“Prince Benjamin.” The girl cut him off. Somehow you suddenly just knew she was going to get on your nerves.
“You had me at prince.” Evie stepped up. “I’m Evie. My mother’s a queen so that makes me a princess.”
“The Evil Queen has no jurisdiction here or royal status. And neither do you.”
“I mean neither does that outfit but they still let you wear it out the house.” You muttered under your breath. It wasn’t as quiet as you thought. The other VKs snickered at your comment.
“This is Audrey,” Ben tried to diffuse the situation.
“Princess Audrey. Sleeping Beauty’s daughter and his girlfriend. Right, Benny-Boo?”
You looked over to Mal, the irony wasn’t lost on you at all. This was going to be a great time.
“This will be a momentous occasion and one that I hope will go down in history…” Ben went and shook everyone’s hand. “As the day our two peoples meet and begin to heal.”
You gave him a right proper curtsey to match whatever boisterous speech he just gave.
“A bit much?”
“Just a bit. Next time maybe just you arriving to Auradon Prep will be remembered in history,” you said before shaking his hand.
“Princess (Y/N) Heart.” You emphasized the princess just to annoy Audrey. Ben didn’t seem fazed or even attempt to correct you like she did to Evie.
“Heart? That’s your last name? I thought it was just a part of Wonderland, the Valley of Hearts.”
Ben didn’t let go of your hand.
“In Wonderland, royals take the last name of where they rule. We rule the Valley of Hearts so, I’m a Heart.”
Audrey was by Ben’s side in an instant. “Well, no one really rules over the Valley of Hearts anymore. Your mother made sure of that with the whole off with your head thing.”
“Aww, and here I thought we might actually be friends… you know we never actually beheaded anyone right? It’s just a saying. Although, I’d be very happy to change that count from zero beheadings to one.”
You finally let go of Ben’s hand. “You gonna show us around or what?”
“Uh, yeah. Right this way.”
Ben signaled to where the front doors and a statue were. Before he could head off to lead the tour, you shrugged and looked over at the VKs giving two snaps to signal it was time to head out. Ben had to run to be in front of the group. Ben stopped in front of the statue. Now that you were closer you could see it was one of King Beast, a man your parents didn’t like at all. He was one that might make the first actual beheading in the Valley of Hearts if your mother ever saw him.
Ben clapped and the statue changed from King Adam’s human form to him in Beast form. You covered your ears as Carlos screamed and jumped into Jay’s arms.
“Relax, Carlos. My dad wanted his statue to change from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible if we try hard enough.”
Carlos made a clapping motion but nothing happened.
“Oh. It only works with the royal family.”
Just because it amused you to try, you clapped your hands. The statue took a minute but it shifted. Everyone turned to look at you.
“Your statue’s broken.”
“Huh.” Ben said nothing else but continued the tour.
(Part 2)...
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v-enable · 11 months
*ੈ✩‧ nsfw headcanons ;
cate blanchett characters (wlw)
- female partner - they/them pronouns.
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carol aird (carol, 2015)
- not a big fan of toys, she believes that skin contact is much more intimate and meaningful.
- ceo of scissoring and eating pussy.
- master in guiding masturbation.
- fingers her partner once in a while, not always because she likes to keep her nails long.
- will take advantage of her long nails and skillful mouth to mark her partner with scratches and hickeys. she'll say it wasn't on purpose, but it actually was.
- she won't admit it but she's extremely possessive, and that's why she's loves to leave her marks.
- she praises and sweet talks to her partner all the time, making sure they know how much she loves them.
- definitely a top, but a bottom for abby.
- not necessarily horny 24/7, but will certainly provoke her partner every chance she gets.
- basically vanilla, but never gets her partner bored in bed because they're always trying new positions and ways to make love.
- yes, making love (not fucking because she's a gentleman)
lou miller (ocean's 8, 2018)
- likes to be called daddy.
- always wears a strap-on when she goes out with her partner, so she can fuck them in public.
- loves to punish partner with butt spankings just to see their flesh getting red to her hard strokes.
- overstimulates partner with vibrators until they're crying and begging her to stop.
- squeezes partner's throat just to see their desperate facial expressions.
- not ashamed to be vocal in bed, always blessing partner with her deep voice moans.
- her love language is talking dirty and degrading (and expensive gifts ofc)
- a top. period.
lydia tár (tár, 2022)
- 100% top and dom.
- loves to receive strap-on blowjobs and asks her partner to spit it wet so it slides well inside their pussy.
- obsessed with rhythm, so she will always be consistent with her pace (especially if it's playing background music, she'll stroke by the tempo of it).
- not really kinky, but always rough.
- "what would've you be without me, baby? poor you."
- WILL spank partner with a violin bow at the minor inconvenience.
- likes to be called daddy, master, etc...
- adores partner's thighs and will often use them as pillow.
- likes to hear her partner sounds, that's why she never say no to a phone sex session (wich she'll probably be secretly recording).
lady tremaine (cinderella, 2015)
- will treat parter as a slave in bed (maybe not only there).
- 100% dom, mostly power bottom, but also tops.
- face slaps and hair pulling = ♡
- feet kink unironnically.
- penetrates strange random objects into her partner's vagina because it's funny.
- forces partner to suck her fingers, toes and eat cum (either hers of theirs)
brie evantee (don't look up, 2021)
- SLUT!!!
- horny. always.
- laughs during sex.
- has tons of fuck buddies.
- loves quickies during little work breaks.
sheba hart (notes on a scandal, 2006)
- pillow princess.
- not a vanilla but not too much into bdsm.
- always screwing someone too young or too old, there are no middle ground.*🚓*
- likes to be adored with words, gestures, touches...
- oral queen & cum eater!!!
daisy fuller (the curious case of benjamin button, 2008)
- likes to have passionate sex while she's high.
- has a flexible body, which allows her to be bold when it comes to positions.
- loves to strip tease and lap dance.
jasmine (blue jasmine, 2013)
- very vocal during sex (i mean she almost wake up the whole neighborhood with her loud ass moans).
- fucking with tons of jewelry on and feel the cold temperature of it on warm skin>>>
- she also likes expensive hotel rooms with nice bedsheets.
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Disney Villains x Reader || Smexcerpts (Vol. 2)
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Plots / Includes:
♦︎ Cruella De Vil x SecretModelLover!AFAB!Reader- & eating out (Her, eating you out).
♥︎ Evil Queen x LadyInWaiting!Reader- & cunt warming (à la her headcanon from this: Ultimate NSFW HC Post )
♣︎ Lady Tremaine x StepDaughter!Reader- & semi-public sex (As a continuation to this: Disney Villains x Reader. Vol 2 )
♠︎ Human!Wheezy Weasel x AFAB!Reader- & dry humping / teasing.
Warnings (Colour coordinated): VERY HORNY!! Most warnings are in the plot section but for full disclosure, there is also much mention of cumming on Cruella's face, masturbation, mentions of poisoning people because Hilda told you to, step-scest, and Wheezy calls you 'baby girl'+'doll'.
Disney and Pixar Villains x Reader Smexcepts (Vol 1) is HERE and includes: Chick Hicks, Hades, Jafar and Ursula.
Cruella De Vil:
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When Cruella said to you at work that you've been doing well lately- and you deserve a reward- you genuinely thought she meant a night out on the town. Or a raise! Sure, you were secret lovers but she had never done anything like this before so what could have clued you in?
Cruella was - is? - always selfish when it came to fucking, usually. Since you began this taboo tryst with your boss it was always you sucking her pretty cunt, you taking off your top so she can enjoy your breasts, you dressing in sexy things for her to come home to. So the fact that she was servicing you so thoroughly now, was a surprise.
A really, really pleasant surprise!
Her thin, painted lips grazing ever-so-gently over your glistening bare cunt - oh-so-turned on by this whole experience, - is a foreign feeling to you, having never been on the receiving end of pussy eating with her before. In fact, seeing her in the dining room chair - though not the ground, a fate you usually suffer through when tasting her, - while you sprawl out on the dining table with your knees up and feet set apart against the edges, is an odd look entirely. She almost looks submissive...
For a split second.
Then your lover smirks, reaching up to rub at one side of your cunt with her thumb and looking at it like its her dinner. It sends a shiver through your body, and you let your head lull back on you neck. "Ahhh... "
"Oh, darling. So lost already??... well, I suppose you should enjoy it. Who knows when- or if, I'll be feeling so generous, again."
When you don't respond, except to lay down on your back on the dining table instead of holding yourself up anymore, its only moments before you feel her perfect lips against you again.
This time with more force. Then her tongue licks sternly through your lips and she doesn't stop again. Sharp, black painted nails dig almost painfully into your thighs as she eats away at your weeping cunt. The feeling of her tongue digging in deeper then you expected has you raising up into her mouth, desperately trying not to rub your pussy against her face lest she- god forbid- stop. Its so hot, your orgasm is building at a record speed, ready to spill onto her face.
Oh- fuck- the thought. The image in your head of her over-the-top lipstick all over your pussy and inner thighs so you see it again when you shower later, and of your her pretty face covered in your creamy cum!-
In an embarrassingly short amount of time, Cruella's forceful tongue and the pictures in your head have you indeed squirting- all over the bottom half of her face. You push yourself up onto your elbows, to see, and just cant help yourself when you do-
From getting down into her lap and kissing your own creamy substance off her lips; Tongue rubbing against hers to steal your own flavour right off of her.
Evil Queen:
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You would do anything for your queen- and you have done, for a long time. There's a reason you rose to become her head Lady, despite having absolutely no Nobel blood, or being born to any money. You didn't mind getting dirty, in more ways then one.
You were the Queen's errand-doer. You charmed nobility when it suited her, you slipped poisons into peoples wine when she asked you to, you kept her bed warm if she required it... you were loyal. And truth be told, you didn't mind doing any of it.
The Queen and you were rather likeminded in that way. In a lot of ways, truly. You became attached to one another in a way... far closer then most queens were with their lady servants. At least, you figured so.
Do most queens have their prettiest female attendants sit quietly under the desks while they did their mail? Did most queens have their prettiest female attendants use their mouth to keep their most private location lovely and warm while they worked?
Because that's what you did for your queen, among other things. And you really didn't mind... the taste of her royal cunt was divine. No wonder the King chose her over everyone else, you thought with a hum into her hot, leaking pussy.
"Now, now, Y/N... remember what I said... " She pipes up, looking slowly away from her works. With a perfect hand, unbelievably soft from the fancy hand creams she has specially imported, she collects your chin between her fingers and has you come off her with a pop! "Don't attempt to make me come for you until I'm finished... I'll let you know when I'm ready," She assures, a teasing smirk on her ruby red lips.
Obediently, you nod up at her- already missing the feel of her pussy in your mouth. The taste. Oh, your mouth actually waters, thinking about returning to it. "Of course, your highness."
"You're a good pet." She compliments, giving your hair a pat before returning to her paperwork. Likewise, you eagerly return to your work- placing your lips upon her slick entrance once more as if she's the finest delicacy. Which she is.
For a long time, you stay like that; Your mouth watering around her clit as you patiently keep her warm, and listening to the peaceful sound of her quill scrawling against parchment. Occasionally she'll give a hmm sound, or stroke your hair, too. Eventually you start to touch yourself when it becomes all too much- slipping 2 fingers under your skirts and stroking your own slit.
With the flavour of your Queen on your tongue and her soft skin beneath your lips you slip those fingers inside yourself- rubbing deliciously against your own gummy walls. You're not racing towards an orgasm, or even really intending to give yourself one - not unless your queen says you should, - , you're just enjoying yourself. Feeling full, and flooding into your own hand as you enjoy the circumstances you're in.
Lady Tremaine:
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Once the safety of her skirts surround your kneeling form on the ground, you shift so you're almost cubby-holed between her legs- so you just have to lift up onto your knees a bit to connect your mouth to your beautiful, evil step mother's... princess parts. Unfortunately, they're confined by some plain cotton underwear, but that just means you get to tease her a little; And you're quite amenable to compromises like that.
Feather light, like you're only just doing this for the first time, like you're nervous and not aching to have your tongue rubbing inside her walls, you press kisses to the fabric. To her familiar, hot lips through the cotton. You can feel the warmth through it and its just too delicious- you start to tongue at the cotton, too, tasting what you can though the barrier. Its not long before you have the fabric sticking to her cunt.
She's a very repressed woman, and it doesn't take much to make her want you. This, you can definitely work with. You love your gorgeous, classy, repressed lover just the way she is.
At this point you reach up with your fingers and tug the garment down just enough to reveal her in full-glory; Glistening with wetness from what you've been doing to her.
Knowing that you two only have so long in the change room like this, soon enough an employee will come ask if you need help or worse your dumb-as-fuck step sisters will demand their mothers attention, you go ahead and put your mouth around her immediately. Sensually, with the neediness of a very dehydrated homeless person, you suck at her clit with your lips like you're exchanging last, passionate kisses with your lover who's going off to war- desperately, as if you would never taste it again. As if you wanted to commit the flavour to memory.
Soon enough your tongue gets involved, unable to help yourself. You start to make deep scooping motions through her folds, having to hold onto her legs to steady yourself. The rhythm you come to is fast but steady, drawing the older woman neatly to what is surely a mind-blowing orgasm. God- you love this.
You love to taste her, you love the feeling of her most delicate skin under your lips and your tongue, you love the knowledge that this is not the last time you will get to do this, you love how in a few precious minutes- you'll still be tasting her specific flavour on your tongue while she buys you and her 'other daughters' dresses for a ball and Anastasia and Drizella will be none the wiser.
When Tremaine finally comes, you manage to take the lions share of it in your mouth- then kiss and lick and suck the rest off her perfect thighs- purposefully leaving your spit on her private skin so she'll feel it while she walks. Then you leave one last sweet kiss to her pussy, fix her underwear for her and leave her skirts, getting up to your feet and smiling at her.
You share a moment of eye contact; Her looking absolutely unamused at you and your antics and you smirking because you know she loved it. She came on your face within minutes!- she's a very dirty woman and you both know it.
"Was that satisfactory, step mother? I do hope so~ "
"Quite. Now get dressed again in your regular clothes, and come meet us at the register. We have a lunch." Is all she says, cold and monotone like usual. It sends a shock of pleasure through your body, making you grin wider at her back as she leaves you.
Wheezy Weasel:
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The others were all out, it would just be you and Wheezy in the house for the whole beautiful day- a fact that the two of you decide to take full advantage of.
Which is what lead you to here, laying back half on the bed with your feet on the ground and your arms held up over your eyes; Cheeks hot and feeling embarrassed. Your mean boyfriend is having a few good smokes at once like normal, though, standing up between your legs with a smirk. If it weren't for the fact that he was also rubbing his more-then-prepped cock torturously against your just-clothed pussy lips you could believe he was unbothered by your positions.
He's still got his pants on and you your underwear, so its not like anything truly nasty is going on- but it feels like you're doing the absolute lewdest thing imaginable. Something out of one of Greasy's 'books'.
Its all too much, hence your embarrassment. It feels so good, you want to sit up and pull him down against you, lose the pants and your underwear and have him sink right into you balls deep and hot- or at least move your hips back with him! But he wont let you, he says you're gonna lay there lookin' pretty until he's finished smoking, and his steely eyes pin you to the mattress. All you can do is hide your eyes the best you can and stretch your legs open wide for him.
"God... Wheezy, please!- " You whine, just considering lifting your hips into his terrible ministrations against you, and getting a sharp glare that you see when you peak at him.
"Don't you dare, babygirl. Damn, you're spoilt, huh? Thinkin' you can get anything you want... I'm havin' a smoke. You've just gotta wait until I'm finished-- how hard is that?"
"So, so hard... " God, this is bad. This is genuine torture. He's been doing this to you for close to 15 minutes now and all you can think about, all you want in the world right now, is his cock. To have him thrusting into your cunt until you cant take it anymore. Feel the delicious stretch, and grind... Not like this! This is true hell!
But no. All you have is his hard outline giving measured humps through your pussy lips, through the thin fabric of your panties. Yes, thin- but not thin enough. Not nearly enough!
And- he's chuckling. He's chuckling at you. You glare viciously at him for it and give him the finger. How dare he- this asshole- "Oh, now, that's not a nice face... you know, if we get into a fight I aint gonna fuck you anymore. This whole day'll be wasted and we wont get another opportunity like this for weeks- you want that?"
Sighing, you hide your eyes again. "No... "
"Didnt think so. Now, I'm gonna suck this last one dry and then we'll see what we can do about your poor little cunt, there. Stand by, doll... "
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carewyncromwell · 6 months
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"What do you think?"
"...I think you're...very beautiful."
"I should hope so. And just who might you be? What are you doing here?"
Yay, Halloween is almost here! And my "movie character costume" for Carewyn and Jacob's aunt Pearl Cromwell is definitely a combo breaker. Although all of my other entries in this series have featured dressing my characters up as animated movie characters, I decided on a live action movie villain for Pearl -- specifically Mombi from one of my favorite underrated childhood movies, Return to Oz! (As a side, it was bloody impossible to find good quality still image references for this dress!! I had to simplify it quite a bit simply because I had so little to work with.)
Honestly, when it came to thinking of a costume for Pearl, I was kind of at a loss, in the beginning. Both Pearl and Claire are decidedly more subservient to Charles's will than even fellow Clan member Blaise is, considering that Claire is such a passive and ignorant character and Pearl follows him out of a misguided sense of honor -- so casting either of them as incredibly powerful, malevolent, self-focused Disney villains like Ursula or Maleficent seemed incredibly out-of-place. And yet even more "realistic" villains like Mother Gothel seemed more in-line with Blaise personality-wise, since Pearl's style of parenting tends to lean more on sternness and stoicism ("just suck it up and stop complaining," basically), rather than manipulation and feigned, cloying affection. Even Lady Tremaine, who I definitely eyed for a while, didn't come across as that great a match for Pearl, since she's never been the sort to want to social-climb through her children or otherwise, nor is she the sort to get any satisfaction from her subjugation and abuse of others, instead being much more the type to justify it as a necessary evil.
What really shifted gears in my head was finding a villain that looked more like Pearl, and Mombi immediately came to mind, since her original head has reddish curls just like how I imagine Pearl's, although quite a bit shorter and lighter in color. (Mombi's hair actually better resembles mine, funnily enough!!) And then yeah, I made the connection -- Mombi in Oz may be incredibly intimidating in her own way, but she's ultimately subservient to the real mastermind, the Nome King -- just as Pearl is subservient to the mastermind in her storyline, her father Charles. Mombi is perfectly willing to keep a child captive in a mirror on the Nome King's direction -- just as Pearl arguably keeps her own children, Arsen and Kain, inside the stifling Cromwell Manor because Charles is determined not to "lose" any other family members like he did Lane. And in the Real World, Mombi's non-magical counterpart -- Nurse Wilson -- is a very cold, stoic, oftentimes cruelly dutiful character who still betrays a tiny shred of humanity, since she does actually jump into a rushing river to try to rescue Dorothy at one point and looks genuinely distraught (maybe for the sake of her job, but also perhaps sincerely) when it looks like Dorothy is going to drown. This too is very "Pearl" to me: she can come across as heartless a lot of the time, but she isn't pure evil. Admittedly Pearl isn't as vain as Mombi by a long-shot, but hey, can't win 'em all.
I decided to base the head in Pearl's hands on her deceased mother Marilyn, just as a little shout-out to the rest of the Cromwell line. And well, that kind of macabre touch is very true to the film, that's for sure! Return to Oz overall is a movie I know a lot of people see as nightmare fuel, especially in comparison to MGM's The Wizard of Oz, which it tries to be a sequel to but doesn't match in tone at all. For me personally, though, I loved both films as a kid and I still do -- I like the MGM film for its music, dancing, and innocence, Return to Oz for its real sense of danger and darker, more book-accurate whimsy, and both for the unique and likable characters they created.
Coming very soon: our last two main Cromwell Clan members, Claire and Charles, to finish off these Halloween sketches for the year!
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msweebyness · 1 year
Good news everyone! Lila and Félix have FINALLY been cast!
Félix- Cassandra (from the Tangled animated series). A surly and mysterious young man who was raised by the captain of Corona’s royal guard. He bears a bizarrely strong resemblance to Adrien, who he befriends upon his arrival at the school. But he may have ulterior motives…
Lila: Ernesto De La Cruz. A renowned singer who delights the world with her music. The students are excited when she joins their ranks, but little do they know, she’s hiding some dark secrets… And our heroic classes aren’t as keen on her as others as some of her stories begin to unravel when Juleka recognizes one of her tunes…
Bob Roth- Hades. Herc!Kim’s scheming and sleazy uncle who’s trying to take control of Olympus from his parents. (I’m thinking he tries to make a deal with Ondine to get Kim to give up his strength in exchange for getting her off the hook with the Sea Witch, but she refuses to betray the boy she loves, which leads him to orchestrate her death in the big battle with all the baddies)
Gabriel: Gothel. Adrien’s overprotective “father” who sealed him away in a tower for most of his life. Little does Adrien know, Gabriel actually stole him away from his true mothers, Emilie and Nathalie, the queens of Corona, to use the magic of his hair to stay young.
Lady Tremaine: Audrey. Does this even need to be explained. She sucks, and treats Zoé like garbage. Chloé emulates everything about her.
And on the hero side:
Austin Tomassian(credit to @artzychic27)- Jasmine. A sweet-natured but fiery prince from Agrabah, sheltered by his parents for most of his life. He’s a really nice guy, and doesn’t like being lumped in with the other jerk royals, a pain he shares with some students in the main classes.
Jess Keynes- Pocahontas. An American exchange student and daughter of a native-American chief, who left the school because she couldn’t stand Bustier and some of the other teachers. Still keeps in contact with her friends in both classes.
Maleficent (The baddest bad, rallies the other villains for the final battle, casts a spell to rob the heroes of their powers, which Adrien manages to reverse with the power of the sundrop in his hair. Cursed Nath as a baby, natch.
Scar (Mireille’s uncle, killed her mother and took over the Pride Lands. She’ll eventually have to confront him.)
As always, credit to the wonderful @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!
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thealmightyemprex · 6 months
VOyage Through the Disney Canon(1950-1959)
Now we enter the 50's looking at films 12-16
5.Cinderella-While this fiolm has grown on me this is not a movie I love .I like Cinderella herself finding her to be a sympathetic chararacter,Lady Tremain is a subtle yet creepy villain with how manipulative she is ,Verna Felton is fun as the Fairy Godmother,Lucifer is a fun secondary villain and the animation is pretty ......Problem is I dont like most of the side character and unfortunately they take up most of the movie.The prince is barely a character ,the king is a psychopath who I find more frightening then funny ,and ogh GOD ,I cant stand the mice,they are so grating to me and they are in so much of the movie I kind of wanted the cat to eat them .I get their are people who love this film,glad you like it,but their are better Cinderella films to me
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4.Alice in Wonderland :I debated how high to put this film cause I do like it but I dont love it like others do .I love Alice herself who is played brillaintly by Katheryn Beaumont ,the Mad Tea Party scene is one of the funniest scenes of the Walt era due to the animation and vocal performances ofEd Wynn and Jerry Colona ,This is a great showcase for Disney regulars ,like J PAt O Malley showing his range as Tweedledee and Tweedle Dum/Walrus and Carpenter ,Bill Thompson is wonderfully pompous as the Dodo ,Sterling Holloway is great as the Cheshire Cat,and Verna Felton is scene stealingly good as the Queen of Hearts .As a film it is fun to see Disney get weird with great visuals (Hasts off to Mary Blaire ).....However I dont like the songs ,I never liked this takeon the Carterpiller,and while Bill Thompson is great as the Dodo I never thought his voice for the White Rabbit worked .I also think as an adaptation of the Alice stories go,its just a good version and not my favorite (the 99 TV movie is probably the winner there )
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3.Peter Pan:So this was one of my favorites as a kid ,then I had a backlash to it ,now I like it but acknowledge it is flawed .Flaws first,the depiction of Native American ,specifically their song is really cringy and racist .....But now that I think about it,that is my biggest issue.I used to have a problem with Peter himself ,findinhim too unlikeable.....But honest this maybe my favorite version of Peter,now that I realize Peter isnt supposed to be likeable ,and in fact I think Bobby DRiscoll does a fine job balancing being both impishly charming and being smugly arrogant ,and I love the animation of him,how he will just float around.Katheryne Beaumont grounds the movie as Wendy,and I kind of love that Tinkerbell who has become a mascot for the company is a murderous little sociopath .I love the character animation of Nana the Dog ,the action is great,Smee maybe bBill Thopmpsons best role and the film has many great jokes.The scene stealer of the film has to be Captain Hook who is one of my absolute favorite Walt era villains ,he is threatening,he is stylish,he is funny and he is marveolusly voiced by the great Hans Conried ,I love his scenes with Smee,his duels with Peter and the hilarious chase scenes between him and Tick Tock the Croc who wants to gobble him up .I'll admit part of me might be putting this film this high for a mix of the villain and nostalgia....But I really like it
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2.Lady and the Tramp:This canine romance is higher then I thought it would be but I love this movie ,bioth Lady and Tramp are likeable ,I love the side characters like Jock,Trusty,Boris (Whos played by Alan Reed AKA Fred Flinstone ),Peg,Joe and Tony .The songs are all good,the animation is solid ,voice acting is good and yeah the speghetti scene is iconic.I dont like the fake out near the end and yeah Si and Am suck .However the main love story make this one enjoyable for me
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1.Sleeping Beauty-....SO this is my second favorite Film of Walts era ,and might be my favorite of the Princess movies .I like the trivk it pulld by the film being basically about the fairies instead of the Princess .I actually like Aurora and Phillip ,I love the ballet score ,the art style is beautiful,the kings are funny,Once Upon A DReam is one of my favorite Disney songs and the final battle against the dragon is awesome .Maleficent is a MAGNIFICENT VILLAIN voiced wonderfully by Elanore Audley whose true plan is one oif my favorite evil plans ever and she is wonderfully designed and animated by Marc Davis .My favorite characters however are the heroes ,that is to say the fairies,Flora,Fauna and Merryweather who are so fun and lovable (Though Merryweather is my favorite )
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Agree ,disagree,comment and share your oppinion
@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @makingboneboy @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1
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toaverse · 2 years
Do you think that a Cinderella morden AU could only work if child services in her town sucks? lol
Well, yes XD
In France, in a huge mansion, there lived a happily married couple who, after many failed attempts, were expecting a child.
A few months, the couple's daughter was born, who they named Cinderella.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Cinderella's mother passed away when she was only 3 weeks old...
Her father was absolutely devastated at his wife's passing, but tried to be strong for his infant daughter.
Wanting his daughter to still have a mother in her life, the man married a woman named Lady Tremaine, who already had two daughters from a previous marriage.
But everything went downhill when Cinderella's father suddenly passed away, leaving his 6 year old daughter with her stepmother and stepsisters.
Little Cinderella cried at her father's deathbed, while Lady Tremaine glared at the girl…
And even worse, the court granted Lady Tremaine custody of the girl. Cinderella’s paternal grandmother fought hard to prevent that, and tried with all her might to get custody of Cinderella instead, but that witch won…
After that unfortunately day, Cinderella was treated extremely badly overnight, as if her stepmother suddenly switched. She wasn't allowed to eat at the table with her stepmother and stepsisters. She had to do all the chores, cooking, doing laundry and taking out the trash. She even had to feed and clean after her stepfamily's housecoat, Lucifer, who really seemed to hate her. All while Anastasia and Drizella used her as a scapegoat, made fun of her and put her down every chance they got. She wasn’t even allowed to see her grandmother. It was awful...
Cinderella and her grandmother called CPS multiple times, but they never showed up, let alone payed a visit. They just brushed everything off, claiming that Cinderella made it all up or that her grandmother just had dementia…
Out of spite, Lady Tremaine enrolled her stepdaughter in a private school, which was the same one Anastasia and Drizella were going to. Despite that, Tremaine forced her stepdaughter to wear the same dirty and stinking clothes she wore at home. Obviously, Cinderella got bullied by her peers because of this, especially by her stepsisters. Most boys would make fun of her too, saying that no one would want to date her. It was horrible…
But despite all that, Cinderella stayed positive, focusing on all the good things she had in her life. She had dreams, wanting to be a social worker for children when she grew up. She had her dog Bruno, two mice that she named Jaq and Gus, her only friend who she saw at school named Aurora, and a few photos of her parents and a dress that was her mother’s. It was all she had.
Than one day, when Cinderella was 18, prom was finally announced.
The girl was so excited. This would be her first party, her first school dance!
Cinderella instantly decided that she wanted to wear the only dress she had, her mother’s dress. She would look good in it!
Of course, Lady Tremaine didn’t want her stepdaughter to go. That girl was only good for cleaning and doing chores, nothing more. Besides, she didn’t want her daughters be potentially overshadowed.
So, Lady Tremaine decided to do something about it.
Right before Anastasia, Drizella and Cinderella went to prom. The three girls were already dressed in their gowns when Lady Tremaine entered the room. She praised her two daughters, complimenting their dresses, but then turned to Cinderella with a glare.
"Isn't that Drizella's bracelet you're wearing?" The woman asked sternly, with a hint of disgust in her tone.
Drizella saw it as well, and snatched it off of her stepsister.
"And that's my neckless!" Anastasia yells, tearing it off of as well.
It quickly escalated into both sisters ripping Cinderella's dress to shreds, leaving her to wear a pile of rags...
Anastasia and Drizella went to their own prom, and Lady Tremaine went to meet up with some friends of hers, leaving Cinderella all alone with her despair...
She cried in her room, wallowing in her own sorrow feeling. Bruno, Jaq and Gus tried to comfort her, but it didn't help...
Cinderella stayed in her room for awhile, until her grandmother came by for an unexpected visit.
She quickly saw that her granddaughter had been crying, and immediately asked her what was wrong.
Cinderella told her grandmother everything. That her stepsisters have ripped her dress to shreds, the dress that once belonged to her mother….
Hearing this, Cindy’s grandmother was furious, but quickly found a solution. She took Cinderella to her house, and showed her granddaughter a gorgeous blue dress, a dress the old woman had worn once. And now she wanted Cinderella to wear it.
Cinderella couldn’t be happier. She hugged her grandmother, before going to the guest room to change into her dress.
Once she was done and came out wearing the dress, Cinderella looked absolutely stunning…
“Make those spoiled girls watch you outshine them, mon trésor.” The woman told her granddaughter.
With those words in mind, Cinderella went to prom, simply wanting to have fun.
When she arrived, everyone was doing there own thing. Anastasia and Drizella were trying to impress some boys, Aurora was standing near a wall talking to Phillip, and the rest didn’t notice her.
“You look amazing!” Aurora said to her best friend once she saw her. Cinderella couldn’t help but feel a bit flattered.
But what she didn’t know what that she just caught the attention of the most populair boy in school. Everyone called him Charming, which spoke for itself.
Charming sometimes saw Cinderella in the hallways. She seemed nice, though he wondered why she always wore rags…
But that didn’t matter to him. He approached Cinderella, and asked her what her name was, since he had seen her before.
Cindy answered, giving her name.
Seeing their friend and Charming start a conversation, Aurora and Phillip quickly went somewhere else, wishing Cindy good luck :)
In the end, Cinderella and Charming talked for pretty much the whole night, even dancing a bit. It was then that Anastasia and Drizella finally noticed their stepsister, and they were furious…
Obviously, the two sisters told their mother that Cinderella attended prom, and the girl was punished for it…
But that didn’t stop Cindy from seeing Charming, and starting a relationship with him! :D
Shortly afterwards, Cinderella moved in with her grandmother despite the custody agreement. She was 19, after all!
In the end, Cinderella felt happier than ever. She had a loving grandmother who took care of her, an amazing best friend, three great pets, and her beloved boyfriend! Things were finally looking up for her!
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
The Disney game Villainous featuring only six villains as playable options but wasting one of these limited spots on freaking Prince John is beyond comprehension for me, honestly.
Maleficent? Jafar? Ursula? Captain Hook?
Yes. Excellent choices when it comes to iconic Disney villains.
Queen of Hearts, while Alice in Wonderland (the animated Disney movie anyway) is veeery highly underrated and not big franchise-y like the others, is an iconic Disney villainess for sure.
But Prince John. Much like Alice in Wonderland, the animated Robin Hood movie is very underrated. Maybe even more so, seeing as it hasn’t even gotten a live action reboot yet. Franchise size aside, the villain himself is just... so weak.
Prince John on his own wouldn’t even make my Top 15 of Disney villains but you’re wasting one of only six spots for this loser? Not any of the other iconic Disney villains?
Hades? Frollo? Facilier? Cruella? Queen Grimhilde? Lady Tremaine? I’d even take Mother Gothel?
Prince John isn’t even the best or most iconic villainous cat. Shere Khan and Scar both have him beat by a mile.
Completely blows my mind that they decided to make a villain-centric game, looked for a roster of six villains and went “yes, let’s take the thumb-sucking pathetic cat". What a choice.
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evermorehqs · 5 months
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Drizella Tremaine is based on Drizella from Cinderella. She is a 27 year old human, Until Sunrise employee, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Drizella is portrayed by Luise Befort and she is taken.
Children often reflect one of their parents, and in Drizella’s case, she is her mother’s daughter. Thanks to her mother dearest, she didn’t have to lift a finger all throughout her life. She watched her mother go through husband after husband, climbing higher on the social ladder each time. It was inspiring, and Drizella understood that love was just a factor that got into the way of happiness and riches. While her younger sister Anastasia mourned for a father that didn’t bother sticking around, Drizella focused more on her mother and molded herself to be the perfect miniature version of her. A little bit cold and calculating, Drizella easily won the favoritism in the Tremaine household and she loved every second of it. When Eleanora entered the picture, so kind and naive, Drizella took it upon herself to show her just how wicked the real world was. Someone was going to do it sooner or later, and since mother didn’t approve, neither did Drizella. Elle was a glorified housemaid really and Drizella was the star that outshone everyone else. She didn’t need to be nice to come out on top. The Tremaines were always moving for one reason or another, but their sights were set for Evermore for one thing and one thing only; Christopher Charming. Lady Tremaine knew that they were a highly successful family and she wanted Drizella to be the one to marry him and secure their wealth. The one thing that wasn’t expected was the fact that once they moved to Evermore, they couldn’t leave it. Drizella was actually pretty proud of the life she had made outside of the town and it sucked that she was stuck in one place. She was a socialite with a mission and had gotten her business degree! She was shaking hands with celebrities and going viral on social media constantly. Now that she is stuck, she has just been more determined to win over Christopher. She was beautiful and knew it, she had the wits to keep up with a flighty man, and the nerve to steal him away if needed. She is obsessed with winning him because if she didn’t, then everything she lost was for just about nothing. Plus, it was the only thing she could do to ensure her mother was happy. She has never upset her mother once in her life, and she didn’t plan on starting. If she did, she could lose all that approval that she spent her entire life working for.
❀ Buddy Pine: No one gets under her skin more than Buddy. He just thinks he is the smartest person in the room every time he enters one, and Drizella enjoys nothing more than knocking him down a few pegs. ❀ Reuben Jookiba: He is everything that Drizella cannot stand in a guy. Lazy, sloppy, dim-witted…and yet he makes her laugh. No one really has ever made her laugh as much as him. She doesn’t know what to make of that. ❀ Talia Belmont: Drizella likes the blonde a lot. She is feisty and unafraid to speak her mind and will call Drizella out when she needs to. She would probably consider her one of her closest friends.
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How do you think Cinderella and Charming are as parents to Chad?
Like, you obviously know my opinion but I'd love to hear yours when you have time. Cause I'm writing a Chad deaged fic and I really like hearing others opinions on the matter considering that the ak parents/guardians we do SEE (Leah, Beast, Belle, and FG getting the side eye from me) suck.
I actually have two versions (I don't know what else you expected at this point).
The first one is the common one, he got younger sibling(s), and they demanded way more attention and as a result, Chad ended up being overlooked. (I accidentally gave him twin baby sisters before we got Chloe, because come on, twins. They are a lot of work, so Cinderella and her prince don't come off as completely abusive parents. They are trying.)
The other one is slightly more depressing.
You see, Cinderella does love Chad and she is trying her best.
But she grew up in very not-ideal household, a servant for her family. She wasn't really given any love that she can remember.
She loves Chad, she really does, and she shows it the only way she knows: she raises him as Lady Tremaine raised Drizzela and Anastasia.
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