#listen I’m grasping at straws with them but also I love them
fieldsofbran87 · 1 year
I keep thinking about the Drawbridge Scene and what must have went down before it.
Basically my interpretation of the interim period of pre-coup, post-Ganondorf’s arrival, in regards to Impa, is that she was presented with a choice. She had the option to side with him and what he stood for, or continue to stand with the Hylian crown. She spends the month or so waiting for Link deliberating on this.
I think more than anything, Impa sees it as a choice between him and Zelda, who she undoubtedly loves and wants to protect, but is, of course, inseparable from the Hylian crown and its regime. If she lives, it lives, and for her to be safe, it must be in control. I think if she had the option, Impa would have taken Zelda and fled somewhere to live in hiding, staying out of trouble, but Zelda’s position as both the princess and Goddess-incarnate compromises any hope of that. Impa cannot defend Zelda without defending the Royal Family and the kingdom of Hyrule, even if philosophically she might oppose and resent them.
I think Impa sees this dilemma and her choice as a deeply defining moment. The end all be all of where her loyalties lie, and what that means for her role in the narrative. There isn’t a world where she’s allowed to exist in both spheres at once, and so when she decides to spare Zelda, she kind of goes all in with defending the Royal Family and orchestrating Ganondorf’s downfall. I don’t think she’s happy with this, nor does she really hold that much affection for the Hylian Royal Family, but the extremity of Ganondorf’s rebellion and Hyrule’s opposition to it has pushed her into a position where she must commit herself to one camp or the other. (The suffering caused by Ganondorf’s rule and its general failure to facilitate actual liberation for his people or anyone makes the choice easier, but still.)
Going back to the Drawbridge Scene, I think she and Ganondorf had the most loaded stand off known to man. I think it’s entirely possible he expected her to hand Zelda over to her right then and there, and when she didn’t, it severed any thin goodwill they might have shared during his time in the castle. Impa sees this as a vow to stop him at all costs and Ganondorf takes this as rejection to the pettiest, most intense degree. Link basically walked in one the last few seconds of the ugliest break up ever. They went from being kinda chill to Arch Nemeses vowing retribution in a split second, and then they spend the next 7 years obsessing over each other (and also Zelda, in different ways).
They’re literally So Much. Somehow, they managed to create a relationship where they experience every human emotion at once when they look at each other and it’s nuts.
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phfenomena · 5 months
❝i hope i was your favorite crime.❞ || coriolanus snow x f!reader
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| request- hi! i was wondering if you could do a corio x plinth reader where he aproches her bc she is a plinth (and she notices and gets mad bc she think that corio takes her for a stupid girl who would just fall for his lies) but he slowly falls for her. i would really like if it ends well, like them together. i hope you understood my idea, i love your work btw.
| A/N- i wanted so bad to make sooooo angsty but i fought the demons. def ooc everybody besides festus. fuck you festus. hope you like it as much as i do 🫶🏻
| WARNINGS- alcohol consumption, creepy men, bad fathers (relatable), nice coriolanus snow, festus creed (he deserves a warning), eating, making out, traumatized sejanus (im sorry sejanus i love you)
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the eldest plinth daughter. not an heir, but something you’d want to marry into. if you could get her, you’d never need to do anything again in your life. coriolanus knew that, he reveled in that. he’d never met her, all the times he went over to the plinth’s apartment she was either out or the door to her bedroom was tightly locked- not accepting visitors.
he wondered what she did with her time, was she in university? sejanus seems to never talk about his sister unless someone asks. but yet here she was. a floor length silver dress caught coriolanus’ eye, turning his head to follow the figure. she stood tall and confidently next to her brother. his eyes cascaded over the entire family, all in the same tantalizing silver. they were brightly shining in the ballroom of the benefit. it’d be hard to ignore them. he hated that.
he studied her, they way he could almost see a resemblance to sejanus but feeling as if he’s grasping at straws. her left hand holding a champagne glass she hasn’t drank from, and her right hand resting on sejanus’ shoulder. she’s nodding along to whatever nonsense pup harrington is spitting at her, no doubt making a pass.
she excuses herself and points at her glass, which is now empty after having to listen to the poor boy. when she reaches the full glasses lined up on the table coriolanus makes his move. “hello, ms.plinth.” her head turns to him and her eyes narrow. “coriolanus snow. my brothers supposed best friend- where’s tigris? i like her.” she quickly downs the glass and reaches for another. coriolanus can feel the disdain for him leaking out of her pores.
“she’s, um, she’s back at home. with grandma’am. she is quite nice to be around, isn’t she? how are you enjoying your night?” he attempts to flip the conversation back to her- oh wait, she’s not even looking at him anymore. her eyes find sejanus’ as he’s talking to livia cardew, and she begins walking in his direction. “nice talking to you, coriolanus.” but he felt like it definitely wasn’t nice. was he wanting to marry her for her money? yes. but was she also beautiful and apparently quite funny, as ma plinth has said? also yes.
she spent the rest of night collecting champagne glasses and not leaving sejanus’ side. even he was beginning to get bothered by the bachelors approaching his sister. she leaned against the back wall, yes, another glass in hand. she’d gotten roped into a conversation with festus, clearly tortuous. coriolanus was standing with sejanus about a foot away, so sejanus could keep and eye on festus.
“it’s just so frustrating, coryo! all these guys coming up and trying to make a pass at my sister while i’m right there, if i didn’t know any better i would’ve taken pup harrington outside. you should’ve heard some of the stuff he was saying to her. it’s horrible.” sejanus rants while staring at festus. “well, she’s gonna have to get married eventually, sejanus.” coriolanus says with a slight smile to his bestfriend.
“i know that, just none of these guys. we’ve been everyday with them at the academy. you know how bad they are, the shit they say about women in general. i don’t want those guys with her.” it’s obvious he’s quite over protective of her, even though she’s three years older than him. coriolanus nods along with him and pats his back.
“i’ll go save her.” coriolanus comforts his friend and makes his way to festus. “sejanus said he needed your opinion on some ideas for the food, seemed urgent.” she nods and offers a knowing smile to coriolanus. festus leans his head on the wall “man! i really felt like i was getting somewhere with her” coriolanus rests a hand on his shoulder. “trust me, you definitely weren’t.”
the party has picked up and died down, everyone sitting to eat but coriolanus couldn’t seem to figure out where she was. she wasn’t sitting with her family and unless she had friends he didn’t know, he couldn’t see her anywhere. he’d made his way outside to take a breather from all the talking and hugging old people who knew his parents.
that’s when his eyes laid upon the girl in the silver dress, and he took a seat next to her on the steps. she’s staring out into the gardens and her eyes are glazed over. no champagne glass in her hand this time. she doesn’t turn to look at him.
“i’m really drunk right now and i hate almost everyone in there. all they care about is money and those stupid hunger games.” she confided in him and rested her chin on her arms that are wrapped around her knees. “yeah, you didn’t look like you were having a great time. i tried counting how many glasses you had but i lost count after ten.” she lightly laughed and shook her head.
“i think it was thirteen but i’m not sure, i drank four while festus was chirping in my ear about how many children he wanted.” she feigned chills at the mention of his name and they laughed. she turned to look at him with a barley noticeable smile “you’re not like them, are you? you’re more like sejanus. quiet and doesn’t bother women they want to marry.” the comparison of sejanus would normally upset him, but coming from her it felt the highest compliment a man could receive.
she rubbed her hands over her arms to conserve warmth and coriolanus quickly removed his blazer to wrap around her and she muttered a small thanks. resuming her staring at the gardens. “would you like to grab you some water? or something to eat? it’s not gonna be very good for you tomorrow morning if you don’t eat something.” he whispers towards and she nods her head.
as coriolanus is walking back in, the plinths are walking out. “hey coryo. we’re heading home for the night as ma doesn’t feel too well, have you seen-“ coriolanus points outside “she’s on the steps, make sure she eats something when you get home. way too much champagne for a human.” seianus claps his hand against coriolanus’ chest and continues outside.
the sun is battering down on the capitol but the plinths home is cooler than a beautiful spring day, probably for the hungover girl inside. coriolanus knocks on the door and smiles as his eyes meet ma’s. “oh! coriolanus, it’s so good to see you. we didn’t talk much last night. come in! i just finished up some pies!” she ushers him inside as sejanus joins them in his mothers corner of the kitchen.
after the grueling and quite long conversation with ma coriolanus excused himself. sejanus seemingly interested in this new sugar ma had found. as coriolanus rounded the corner to her room, he stopped. suddenly feeling quite nervous and as if he might throw up. her bedroom door opened and her eyes meet his, he looks down and she’s holding his blazer out. “i heard you talking to ma, here this.” her calloused tone returns, maybe she only likes him she’s drunk. he better find a lot more champagne.
the plinth family plus coriolanus are sitting in the sun room, drinking iced tea and munching on whatever treats ma had baked. “so, coriolanus, do you have any plans on getting married after university?” strabo’s deep and rough voice cut over his wife’s story.
coriolanus set his tea down “i’d hope so, certainly.” his eyes skip between strabo and his daughter. she’s sitting with her knees pulled up to chest and she’s looking out the window. “well you know how much we’d love to have you in the family, we could arrange your marriage with-“ she sets her cup down harshly and stands up.
“you always do this! could you just leave me alone? maybe i don’t want to get married, ma said it was fine if i didn’t marry.” she’s waving her hands around and waits for him to answer. when she’s met with silence she storms out and slams the sunroom door. “strabo, you can’t make her marry someone she doesn’t love.” someone she doesn’t love.
coriolanus stands up and thanks them for the tea. “tigris wanted to head to the market and i’d never let her go alone, i’ll see you guys tomorrow night.”
he walks by her door and tries the handle, quietly. he fully expected it to be locked but the door swings open and she’s laying face down on the bed. “sejanus, go away.” she grumbled through her mattress. “it’s not sejanus.” she sighs and sits up, staring at him.
“do you not knock before entering a room?” she tilted her head and studied him. “i expected it to be locked, sorry. i’ll knock next time.” his eyes seem to gravitate towards the floor and he can’t will himself to bring them back up.
“i’m sorry about my father. i’m sure it made you very uncomfortable, he’s just always trying to marry me off.” her hands fidget awkwardly in her lap. “i wasn’t too uncomfortable, any guy would be lucky to marry you. i always heard that you were quite mean, i’ve yet to see that.”
she scoffed and turned her head to the window. “they only say that because i don’t hesitate to speak my mind. i taught sejanus that. i am definitely what they call me, but only to them.” why does she feel so comfortable spilling her guts to him?
“i saw you and sejanus’ sister a few minutes ago, coriolanus. are you willing to deal with her grating voice and attitude for the plinths money?” arachne sneers towards him and the group laughs. “it helps that she’s pretty, it’s already hard enough trying to talk to her.” coriolanus regrets it the second it escapes his mouth.
she liked him. she really did like coriolanus snow, but who doesn’t? she weaved her way through the crowd trying to escape him. he was hot on her trail until he catches up to her in one of the various bedrooms inside the ravinstalls estate.
“do you think i’m stupid, coriolanus? be honest.” he scrambles to find the words but his brain couldn’t function in the one moment he desperately needed it. “i said you were different, i talked to you about things i liked, i would tell ma all about you. but you aren’t different, you’re just like the others.” he ran his hand through his hair. “i was different, i am different. i don’t know why i said that, it just came out. i didn’t mean it, i promise.”
he attempted to take her hand but she ripped out of his grasp and stomped out of the room. shit.
the next day her door was locked. and the next. and the next. he wasn’t even sure she was there anymore. sejanus hasn’t mentioned anything but he wished he would. he wished he would tell him if she was okay or if he majorly screwed up.
as coriolanus and sejanus sit in the sunroom attempting to study, there’s a knock on the door. coriolanus cranes his neck to see festus ravinstill standing there with a bouquet of flowers. god, this kid is tragic. but then he sees you, take the flowers with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. strabo’s never looked happier.
coriolanus suffered in silence watching festus become a daily guest and drowning out sejanus’ complaints about him being there. for once in his life, he agreed with sejanus. when he enters the kitchen to refill his glass of lemonade he sees her watering the plants in the kitchen.
“don’t marry him. he won’t be good to you.” she drops her head and turns to him. “and you would?” she spits back sending him into a whirlwind. “yes.” he whispers out and she takes a few steps closer to him. “festus is nice and fathers happy with this. i don’t have another choice, coriolanus. i have to do this” how does she always sound so sure of herself? maybe coriolanus could take a class from her.
their eyes finally meet, after weeks of not seeing her eyes, she’s finally looking at him. “you could marry me, instead. i wouldn’t treat you like a prize, like festus would.” she steps impossibly closer and he feels like he can’t breathe when she’s around. oxygen becomes molasses and his knees become jelly.
she looks over coriolanus’ shoulder and stands up on her toes to kiss him. he takes a moment to catch on but he his hands find purchase on her waist and he leans down. all nerves thrown out the window and all he can think of is her, how she tastes, how she smells, he can’t even remember who festus is.
her hands wind his curly hair around her fingers as she swipes her tongue against his own and he pushes her against the refrigerator, causing a few magnets to fall onto the floor. his hands are trailing up and down the waist of the yellow dress she had decided to wear that day.
festus had left the plinths the second he saw her look at him over coriolanus’ shoulder. knowing he lost and there’s nothing he could’ve done.
she pulls back, panting. “i’ll marry you, just don’t call me annoying again.” her lipstick is smeared across both of their mouths and he gives her a dopey smile. “i wouldn’t dream of it” he brushes stray hair out of her face.
“in the kitchen?! we make food there!” sejanus is standing in the doorway, seemingly traumatized. “sorry, sej.” he shakes his head walking away but throwing a secretive thumbs up at coriolanus.
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nashusglasses · 10 months
1. sweet, sticky, thick and pretty
(note: I can't stop listening to Bruno Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! technically the title is from silk sonic but anywho :3) note 2: Not to be too anecdotal, but I was a loser all my 4 years of university. Don't know why I always have the urge to write about messy college experiences when all I did was make one singular friend. I also only ever went to *one* official frat party! Absolute Loser behaviour!! What I'm saying is I'm projecting hard and LOVE writing about hot asshole men!!!!!!!!! Oh boy!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. college au WARNINGS. alcohol and drug consumption, player!satoru but in the sexiest way possible. suggestive content SUMMARY. It's too late for this.
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Satoru’s got his white shirt dirty with grass stains. You don’t know what kind of roughhousing Suguru put him through before you got here, but all you know is there’s a keg outside in the backyard and Satoru’s hair is mysteriously wet. You get your answer when he tries to stick his tongue down your throat and he smells too much like beer.
“Absolutely not.” You block his mouth with a hard hand. “Can you please move? I just saw Natsume here.”
“I don’t fucking care. Kiss me.”
“Or what?”
Something coy flashes in Satoru’s face. He probably thinks he’s got you trapped. Hopeless in the dark corner of this hallway, and if you strain your ears hard enough you think you hear weird squelching noises from the room behind you. But all you feel is the annoyed urge to push him back till he stumbles off, embarrassed. There’s nothing more insistent than a drunk Satoru. There’s also nothing you want to punch more than a drunk Satoru.
“I called you. Thirty six times.”
“It was twice, and I was napping after my exam.”
He rolls his eyes. “Pish posh. Listen. Come over tonight.”
“No.” You shove at his shoulder. Except it’s a little rougher than you anticipated, but it’s still nice to see him lose balance. He won’t get angry. Not when he’s horny out of his mind. “I’m finding Natsume now.”
“What if I said pretty please?”
“Then I’ll shove you harder till you eat shit,” you snort. But you don’t get very far when you try to walk on ahead. Satoru’s strong when he wants to be. He’s got a hot hand wrapped around your wrist, a cement block for weight when you try to pull back.
“Stop ignoring me,” he says. “I told you I wanted you.”
“And then I told you I never wanted to see you again.”
“Sometimes I hear things and then I choose not to understand them,” he explains. He closes the distance again. You wonder how many girls have fallen prey to this tactic. Using his height for advantage, the way the corner of his mouth lifts when he wants to look needy. You know he’s grasping at straws, though. His contact list is heavy with the chance to get his lap wet whenever he wants, and even though you’re not sorry for being the additional number, you’re angry that he ever thought you’d be the easier lay.
“Okay. I’ll say it one more time. Just for you.” You tiptoe up to his ear, make sure your every breath lands hot where it’ll make him shiver. “I don’t want you to call me. I don’t want you to look at me. And I want you to leave me alone.”
Satoru’s placid. No expression to dissect when you stand back down, and his grip is lax now. Natsume’s probably halfway done with that first pre-roll she told you she had. You’re almost greedy for the heat in your chest that blunt promises. Sitting on that scratchy couch while your head gets light enough to reconsider Satoru’s proposition. 
You won’t. Even if you do miss the way he feels under you. A part of you wants to say that it’s only out of self-respect, but it’s funny seeing him so desperate. You’ll gloat about it later when Natsume asks you where you’ve been.
Something in Satoru clicks, and he’s grabbing your wrist again. “There’s just–something about you.” 
“Satoru, you’re drunk. We’ve been over this. I know I’ve got godly legs and a tight pussy but you’re just–”
“A man whore,” he finishes for you.
You nod sympathetically. “I’m glad you get it. Do you want me to find Suguru for you?”
“I want you to kiss me,” he complains. “Holy fuck. I’m–I’m fucking drunk. And I told you I wanted you, and I told Akane that she has great tits but not as great as yours, and she slapped the shit out of me, and I told you I wanted you but you don’t want me back.”
“Why the hell would you say that?” You’ve seen her before. Linguistics 202. She’s smart, has killer fashion sense, and Natsume hates her because her eyelashes are long and curled and not fake at all. “You’re so goddamned stupid. I’m going now.”
“I know. I know I’m stupid. Just–before you go.” You raise an eyebrow. “Don’t block my number. Please. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You’ll give him points for begging. The door to the room with mysterious noises opens, and two girls with messy hair filter out noiselessly. No witness to Satoru’s groveling. But you’re kind, so you leave him with a wet kiss to his cheek just to see his eyes go wide. 
“Tell Akane you’re sorry. Then come find me when you’re sober,” you say. 
When you turn around, you text Natsume to find where she is. 
You don’t notice Satoru squeezing his eyes shut, cheeks burning hot, half-hard from the feeling of your mouth on his skin.
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highhhfiveee · 6 months
melodic stoner thotz
i’ve ALSO been having this silly thought about stoner!mike (who we haven’t seen in so long, i’m so sorrrrry). pls enjoy these unedited, unproofread thoughts that i typed instead of doing my work.
i listened to brie larson’s version of black sheep the other day (plus roomie and i watched the new scott pilgrim show, 8/10) and i started thinking about popstar!reader. hear me out;
you’re in a girl group, one that i currently have no name for, and you’re starting to gain traction in the states after releasing your debut album; you make high energy pop bops that emphasize on being true to yourself and standing up for what’s right with three other girls you’d met in the hallway at auditions. you’re grateful for the opportunity of course, but it’s not exactly what you’d wanted for your music career.
you have little creative control, and you’re told to sing and dance and dress a certain way; it’s a dream and a nightmare in one, and sometimes it has you wanting to leave the group all together, starting from scratch with music you actually loved.
you’re thinking about marching to the execs with your grievances when your manager sends a message to the group chat: WE’RE OPENING FOR [unnamed band that’s as big as say…the 1975 lmao] ON THEIR FALL TOUR!!!
you loved [unnamed band] and to support them on the North American leg of their tour is something you know you’d be idiotic to walk away from.
the city mike and abby live close to is stop 4 out of 10, and you’d been doing good with keeping up your charade of happiness. you sing and dance your ass off every night, knowing that you’re here and you can’t waste a moment of it; millions of aspiring musicians had wanted this but you’d finally made it to the stage.
you rarely ever fumbled during performances, a perfectionist at heart, but during the verse of one of your mid tempo songs, your eyes somehow gaze past the blinding stage lights and focus on abby (who you don’t know as abby of course lol), shouting every single word back to you with silly shimmies and head bobs.
you laugh, consumed with butterflies at the fact that she was enjoying your set so much. you’re enthralled by her energy, and it causes you to miss your cue for the prechorus. you giggle it off though you’re flustered, singing, “we have a lot of songs, my badddddd” to the melody of the music.
it makes the crowd explode with laughter, and you use that to propel you through the rest of your set, still looking towards abby as you present the outro during your final song. “thank you all so much, we love you! [bandmate 1] and i will be by the merch table once we’re off stage, and we hope to see you some of your faces there! are you all ready to see [unnamed band]????”
the crowd roars, and you watch as abby and the guy next to her disappear through the throng of people.
abby rushes straight for you once you’re sat at the merch stand, her cheeks flushed as she holds out her t-shirt for you. it’s one from your group’s first small tour, one where you’d gone to small cities throughout the country for as much exposure as possible. it was a size to big for her, draping down to her thighs. “y/n, i love you!!! can you please sign my shirt?”
“of course, cutie. i saw you dancing to [song name], is that one of your favorites?” abby nods excitedly as you scribble her name on your shirt, accenting it with a heart. you glance up at mike, who just stands behind her observing your interaction. he’s high as shit of course; he’d been a blob next to abby, really, bleary eyes and stationary, but seeing him this close revealed to you the stoner boy of your dreams.
“i take it you’re a big fan too?” you point the end of your marker at this chest. he’s wearing the same old tour shirt as abby, but his fits him well. he can’t believe your focus has moved to him now, and even though he should feel cool and calm off the edible he took before your set, your enticing gaze has him grasping for straws inside his mind.
“uh well, i…i really do it all for her, but you guys do have some solid songs. got some on your album that make me feel all powerful and sexy when i listen to them.” you both chuckle, and you motion for him to give you your hand.
you scribble your number onto his hand in red ink, musing, “well, i always love to hear what people think about our stuff. maybe…when i’m done with tour, you could tell me more over a joint or something?”
mike’s mouth goes dry, drier than it already was, but he’s nodding all languidly, leaving you with a small smirk when you give him his hand back. “yeah, yeah. sounds like a plan.”
this is kind of messy but do you all see the vision????? a full fic would be wayyyyy more structured and detailed, but i just NEEDED to get this idea out and i wanna know what you all think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 (it would be like safety net with more smut and a tinge more angst, but definitely fluffy as hell too. like you confide in mike about the reality of your situation and he encourages you to fight for what you believe in, like one of your group’s songs ;-; still there’s lots of drama between you and the other members and the LABEL and so many entertainment people——me thinks it would go kind of nuts)
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trashlie · 11 months
ILY FP 232
Better known as: trashlie is STILL climbing the wallls and TAKING YOU WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look idk what I can get away saying in these intros without being spoilery anymore because by the time I sit down to write this I’m just VIBRATING AWAY on pure energy. You know when you feel words at your fingertips but you are too consumed by other menial tasks you’ve no interest in doing so you gotta bide your time and it just grows and grows and grows until it bursts out of you howling? 
Let’s jump right in!!!!!!!!!! 
I’m gonna be real with you guys - it’s gonna take a LOT for me to not to do rambling long repeats of things I said last week. I’m gonna do my best but... 232 is very much a continuation of 231 so it is what it is! 
Leading up to the episode my friends and I were talking and the general consensus was we hoped Shinae would try knocking down Nol’s door but alkjjjkafjkafkj DIDN’T EXPECT SHE WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO TRY TO BULLDOZE THE DOOR ON HER OWN AND START SHOUTING AT HIM THROUGH THE DOOR LMAO but listen Shinae so very PERSISTENT!!!!! She’s so over being thrown out, SO over being shut out, and it’s all right there in front of her but she just CANNOT see it for what it is, cannot understand what is compelling her besides that she cares.
And boy does she care. 
Her frustration is, as I said last week, completely justified, of course, but in this case, they’re both justified and that really does her no favors, does it? Yelling and banging on his door, trying any tactic she can to get him to open up, to rethink his decision to cast her out. He has basically told her “come back when you figure it out” but she doesn’t know what “it” is or what else could be there, so she can only feel like he’s shutting her out once again, refusing to open up to her after just reconciling. 
At the core of Shinae’s frustration and persistence is fear. She’s so afraid of losing him again, terrified of yet another important person letting go and turning their back to her. 
And as much as I feel for Shinae, I also can’t help but feel for Nol who is on the other side of the door, unable to make himself walk away from it, arms pinned at his side against the door as though he doesn’t trust them to not reach for the door handle, doesn’t trust himself to maintain the boundary. He’s kicked her out - but barely. He can’t leave the side of that door while Shinae stands right outside of it, banging away. GOD I enjoy the agony of it, I NEED MORE. Shinae’s threats are so comical but she’s literally grasping at straws and he knows it. The same Nol who broke that day in the rain is barely holding it together, knowing that once again he is causing her pain. 
As readers we know that once she figures it out, she’ll understand. As soon as Shinae understands what Nol is trying to get her to see, she’ll know exactly why he had to draw that boundary and keep the space, but in this moment she doesn’t know any of this, and it is just so agonizing! 
Just as she’s been confessing all day long, she continues to tell him all the things she can’t see for what they are - how much she hates when he shuts her out, how she can’t understand why they’re back here when they just go out of this and GOD i love it because you can FEEL how much she cares. Even if she doesn’t know what the feeling is, even if she can’t call it what it is, she cares so much! And you can see how much it hurts him! How difficult it is to stand there and let her think he’s casting her to the streets again, to have her fight so passionately for him for them when he understands now what kind of hurt he’s inflicted (and continues to inflict!!!!!!!) GOD
Nol understands so well his resistance - his resolve - and knows he has to keep that physical barrier between them. Even before he could barely look at her when he did, when she flustered under his gaze and command, he threw her out before he could crumble all the way and there’s something about seeing it illustrated this way, showing us rather than telling, how hard this is for him. I’m sure his thought is that once Shinae figures it out - once she knows her feelings, once she can understand his feelings, once she can see what Dieter saw that hurt him so much, she’ll be the one to draw the boundary he struggles so hard with. That once he’s not the only one who knows, she can stop pushing him, can stop breaking him down, can act on the effort he can barely muster. 
I love that panel of Shinae banging on the door while he stands on the other side, face screwed up in frustration and agony. It’s so difficult, it’s SO HARD. She’s going on about being shut out, about how “ a misunderstanding” has come between them. She’s so scared their relationship doesn’t mean to him what it means to her, so scared that he’s content to throw it all away, so scared that she will lose him once and for all - and he has to stand and bear it, knowing he’s causing her to feel these things, knowing there’s no easy way out. 
It’s the sheer irony! That the thing he wants her to comprehend is the VERY THING she’s yelling at him about, it’s the very thing compelling her. 
Well. That and her sleep deprivation LMAO 
I never shut up about noticing when characters have their eyes closed, but it’s such an important part of quimchee’s subtle storytelling. Note how Nol’s face is still screwed up in frustration when he tells her to go away, followed by telling her she’s so damn annoying. 
I’ve already seen that there are people reading that at face value but over here round these parts, we know better. Nol’s eyes closed as he tells her to go away, while he stands with his door still pressed against the door. 
He so easily could have walked away, gone back to his bed across the room. Instead he stands there, torturing himself as he listens to her yell at him from the other side of the door. Nol tells her to go away because he needs her to go away, for his peace of mind, for his crumbling resolve, but on some level, of course he doesn’t want her to. Of course sending her away, pushing her away, walking away from her is difficult, is something he forces himself to do, that is so incredibly difficult for him. 
Let’s not forget him at the curb retching after hurting Shinae in all the worst ways and then walking away and leaving her in the freezing rain. 
Quimchee literally doesn’t need to spell it out because it’s all right there for us to see. It’s in his closed eyes, in his back against the door he can’t pull himself away from, in his frustration, in his crumbling resolve, in his sheer agony. 
Let’s also not forget how this all started. It wasn’t even initially about Dieter - it was about Nol hiding himself away, about him refusing to show the parts of him that she really wants to see, about how it hurts her that he can’t open up. At the heart of this lmao it’s literally about how Shinae just wants to LOVE him and he wants her to understand tHAT SHE DOES. 
I love this episode it’s so good it’s got me chewing through my freaking keyboard trying to write this AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LKAJFKJFAKJAFJKAFJKAFJKAFJKAFJ 
But, of course, the important take away is that Shinae cannot see the forest for the trees. She’s so caught up in her own intense feelings, lost in her fear and what she wants so badly and she only knows how to fight. Shinae is a bit of a short fuse but it’s even worse because of the harrowing 24 hours she’s been through. To think so many episodes ago she was moving back in to her home with Simhan! It feels so far away after everything that’s transpired! She hasn’t slept, we know she hasn’t really eaten in hours, she’s already in a foul mood after how her dance with Nol soured and how upset she got about what he hides from her. There’s now way for her to be rational - trying to literally kick in his door lmao - or think things through because her despair and frustration is so all-consuming it just clouds her judgement. 
There’s something so funny about how Nana takes her away and suddenly settled down, Shinae just goes full sulking lmao. I love how impetuously teenager it is, too, for Nana to tell Shinae that she does, in fact, need to leave, that is isn’t actually the big deal she thinks it is but Shinae is like blah blah OLD PEOPLE WISDOM IS NOT NEEDED HERE alkjfakfjkafjfa lmao 
It must be so funny to Nana, that this little spitfire girl is fighting like hell for him, fighting so hard to not be cast out, and can’t understand WHY she’s fighting, what any of it means lmao like aflkjafjkafjkafj 
Of course Nana knows. Anyone would be able to tell! From how awkward they were around each other in the room, how sulky Nol was fiddling with her headband (AND THE BLUSHING), the whole argument they’ve had about Dieter - who Nana knows!!!!!!!! Had a crush on her!!!!!!!! Of course she with her decades of life can see exactly what Shinae is fighting. 
Taking her away from Nol is important. I LOVE this exchange they have: Nana: You’d need the right key to get that door open. Shinae: And? A key isn’t necessary when you use enough force! Nana: But you could damage the door. And nobody likes an intruder. Breaking doors could get yourself kicked out and never be able to come back. Both literally and figuratively. You wouldn’t want that now would ya?
I’m sure Nana must speak from some kind of experience. Thinking about how she took him in when he left the psychiatric ward where it seems like he was traumatized, from where he still carries so many unhealed wounds and scars, after losing his mother and being left all alone in a foreign country with no family, made to believe he’s some kind of monster like the loss of his mom was his fault, that he deserved everything that came to him. The special name his mom had given him had been worn down and destroyed, tainted and made to mean nothing. He comes home and he doesn’t even go back to his father, to their family, but someone he’s told is his grandma. How can he trust her? His own father doesn’t want him, he’s been sent to live with some stranger, away from his father’s family. An outcast, an outsider, all alone. 
She probably tried so hard to get through to him. How do you reach someone like him? How do you get through to someone who keeps everyone at arms’ length, who is so full of fear and self-loathing, who has been made to feel so insignificant, so worthless, a mistake, a monster. We still don’t even know just how bad it was locked inside there. His fear of Yui, his aversion to medication and hospitals, how much he detests tea, his touch aversion. How much of what he believes about himself - that he caused his mother’s death, that he deserves all the bad, that he will only bring harm to those he loves, that his existence is a mistake - came from there? GOD it hurts lmao lajfjkfjkafjk LIKE just writing this makes me want to howl. This is such a foundational aspect of who Nol is. He’s not just some melodramatic teenager (which even isn’t a bad thing) but he has spent a significant portion of his memorable life in survival mood, just fighting to stay afloat, fighting all of the demons who hold him down. 
Nana loves him so much, that much is so clear. And she knows him so well. She knows what he needs is time, she knows how stubborn and obstinate he is, and she probably knows all too well how he shuts others out and how, much like quicksand, the harder you fight and struggle, the worse it will be. Her line about breaking doors can get you kicked out is so loaded. Did she try to break his doors, too? Did she try so hard to reach someone who wanted to be so unreachable and found herself on the other side of a door, too? aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh 
Just thinking about he was just this scared kid so alone and she believes her daughter took her own life and she didn’t see it coming, didn’t imagine her the person who would do it and it reminded her that you never really know, do you? He was this kid so closed off, so alone, who hid so much, and we’ve seen her reach out to him over and over, encourage him to spend time with people who care about him. I’m sure a part of her worries, fears, that maybe he’d go the same path as his mom. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how he told Dieter he “tried to visit his mom”. That HAUNTS me and I bet it’s something that haunts her, too. 
(Alternatively, if he came out with his Yeonggi mask, ready to fake his way through, ready to force a smile a joke a laugh to pretend everything is fine when under the surface she can see it’s not. Remembering how he met Dieter, I think the Yeonggi persona was a thing that grew the more he tried it on, but whether or not she met him as this scared lonely kid or this kid with a fake mask on, we just know she’s been THROUGH it trying to reach him with everything she’s got ;____________;) 
Getting to see so much into their relationship makes me feel SO FUCKING FERAL. Knowing that yes, Nol DID talk about Shinae to her, that contrary to what we’ve seen through much of this series, Nol didn’t always close himself away in his room locked up with his thoughts and self-loathing. That he would go home and talk to Nana about people who piqued his interest, tell her about his hare-brained attempts to befriend them, about the struggles he faced in getting through to them. Did she see the fond irony - that someone who once was so hard for her to reach to get through found someone who was just as difficult to get through to and one day he went from talking about how difficult she was to talking about her as his friend? GOD it gets to meeeeeeeeeee. She must’ve seen the shift, too - when she went from being the subject of his attempt to help out Dieter to being his friend, to mattering to him. 
I wish we could see a little bit of that, of the Nol he was so briefly before he had to put the walls back up, before the self-loathing fully consumed him again, before all the tendrils of shadow wrapped themselves around him and began to drag him back out of the light again. But fortunately what we DO get comes close. That moment earlier when he told Nana about how he’d already seen his friends, how they all came to celebrate his birthday can you believe it? GOD MY HEART ACHES. 
I suspect we’ll probably be seeing more of them because clearly someone needs to talk with him - someone rational and removed from the situation, someone who can try to make him see that he cannot help his feelings, that he cannot control all situations, and is any of this really your fault? Is it his fault at all that Shinae didn’t like Dieter enough that way, that it didn’t happen over time? Is it his fault if she instead saw something in him that she flocked to, if there existed something between them that she wants to fight so hard for? AAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Both Nol and Shinae are so stubborn so OBSTINATE and they’re both STRUGGLING so of course it was wise of Nana to take Shinae away, even if she had to trick her lmao. Shinae at Nol’s door only makes it worse, could, as she said, push him to lock her out for real. Nana knows that Shinae hasn’t been cast out, she knows what the problem is, but of course why would Shinae believe her? lol It’s that obstinate teenager thing that makes me laugh so much now that I’m well passed that stage - so certain that no one could possibly understand what you’re feeling, that they couldn’t possibly understand what is wrong lmao 
Honestly, Nana and Shinae are nothing like I expected them to be, and I really love that. Nana barely even knows her, but she does know how to poke and wheedle her. Everything feels so poised to help Shinae zero in on the reason behind her frustration. 
I really love that she revealed to Shinae that Nol has told her about her, that she has, from the sidelines through a biased lens, watched their relationship grow - and as a result, saw the effect she had on him, what their friendship did t and for him. Even though Nol has told Shinae she’s special, because he’s so hot and cold, because he doesn’t open up, because she doesn’t get to see him, it’s hard for her to really internalize that it’s true. How can it be when he’s so willing to throw away all of this, right? So for Nana to reveal that she knows all about how closed off Shinae used to be but that changed didn’t it is such a MOMENT for her. She doesn’t look like she can believe it - Nol talked about her? About how she fought him and ran away? 
More importantly, Nana is trying to give Shinae a little nudge that she can’t yet see. She tells Shinae she’s not trying to make her feel bad about turning down Dieter, but to lay out their foundation: that originally Nol was trying to play Cupid, but the arrows got all messed up. I think it’s one of those things that while right now Shinae thinks it’s just people trying to make her feel guilty, soon she’ll see for what it was - the problem lies in their foundation, the reason Dieter is hurt is because of the way it all went wrong. Soon, Shinae is going to be holding her head in her hands yelling about how did she not see it how was she so blind THAT’S what they meant this is what they all meant?! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
I find it really cute that Nana is using the same technique as Nol, trying to get Shinae to think about her feelings. Why do you feel terrible? What did you actually do wrong? How does it make you feel bad? And then LMAO baiting Shinae with a hint about the problem in an disguised effort to kick her out LMAOOOOOOO to be fair, she DOES give Shinae the hint, just..... not the way she wants LMAO 
The way Nana gets Shinae reminiscing, thinking back on how their friendship began, how they ended up at this point, just what is so significant about those oranges - the things Shinae doesn’t say about how they symbolize the change from him being this annoying guy that she wanted nothing to do with to this person she CANNOT let go of that she CANNOT lose GOD. That’s SO good. She talks about how she’s so bad at talking about her feelings and opening up and that she’s trying to be better at it - but she also cannot stop talking about Nol lmao 
She’s moody about all the things she doesn’t know about him yet. What his real name is, why she’s not allowed to use, how Nana gets to do it why can’t she? Does he hate his name, where did the Yeonggi moniker come from? 
“I wanna know where he got it from... There’s so many things I wanna know about him...”
I JUST WANNA GRAB HER BY THE SHOULDERS AND RATTLE HER AROUND lajkfkfjfkafkjafj I love it, okay? it’s one of those tell tale signs - when you grow interested in a person, when you start to like them and you have that insatiable hunger to know them so intimately to know every detail about them you want to know everything about them you want to discover them from inside out. And for her it’s doubly worse since he DOESN’T show her what she wants to see. She’s out here craving to understand him so intimately and can’t understand why he can’t show her that. Why can’t he be vulnerable why can’t he open up?
She is SO HEAD OVER HEELS she is soooooooo full of feelings she wants to know everything he’s hidden GOD!!!!!!!!
She THINKS there’s nothing going on between them but she’s sulking to his grandma, she’s upset because he won’t show her himself because she wanted to see his face because they shared this intimate tender moment because it was such a SOFT warm HAPPY moment for her and they couldn’t share it because they weren’t on the same level 
She is MOPING she really thinks he’s casting her out and she’s terrified of losing all of that. 
Shinae over here saying that of course all her relationships with her friends are going to be different but she can’t see why this one, in particular, is so dire, doesn’t understand what the everything she thinks he’s throwing away signifies. 
I really look forward to learning more about Yeonggi, because I’ve been really curious about that, too. Was it a name he’d just picked out, what was the significance? I look forward to Nol telling her about it, too; Nana has told her all she knows and anyway it’s better to let Nol do it. It’s better for Nol to know all of this, to hear all the things Shinae wants to know, how she’s so insatiably hungry to know everything about him, how she just wants to know him - everything there is to him the good the ugly the things he hasn’t shown anyone else ;A; aaaahhhhhhhhhh 
Nana is really the PERFECT character to REALLY bring in for this arc. She goes head to head with Shinae lmao and dances circles around her. The whole distracting her as she evacuates her from the building while getting her to dwell on her feelings? PERFECTLY executed. Telling her the hint she’s looking for is that SHE is one of the problems LMAO aklfkafkjafjfjf What’s she supposed to do with that information?! 
Of course, like I said earlier, like Nana is telling her, some down time WILL do wonders. Right now her head is so full of intensity, but when she steps away, when she’s mulling and dwelling and sleeps and assuages her crankiness when her brain can go back to functioning well, THEN she’ll be able to think about it, THEN she’ll be able to figure out what the key is. But right now she’s just making things worse - for him, for herself, and for their problem. 
Sleep deprivation really messes with you lol especially when she’s spent the most harrowing night of her life. Can you believe that this probably beats out THE KIM FORMAL because this time she NEARLY WATCHED HER BEST FRIEND DIE OUT IN FRONT OF HER?! Christ!!!!!!!!! 
And besides Shinae, Nana, and Nol, this episode feels like it’s nudging a couple other things. The pointed emphasis on the hospital departments and floor board feels like a nod that Hansuke will be bringing Kousuke here for his CT scan. On the one hand, I’m really excited to see more about Kousuke and what Hansuke is thinking. I’m no doctor but I assume a CT scan might be able to indicate some kind of drugging just because how it would affect the brain, right? A brain on a particular medication would look a certain way? Forgive me, science was never my strong suit and I don’t know the difference between a CT and other scans lmao but I imagine if it’s the kind of imaging that can indicate neurons firing and active parts of the brain, maybe it would tell them enough that they should try more labwork? Especially now that Hansuke knows about the hormone imbalance and has picked up on Kousuke’s fixation with tea and it being one of the only things he can remember (that he’s admitted). 
But on the other hand..... Nol has SO much going on, is he ready to face Kousuke again? Like, don’t get me wrong, I want to see more of them, especially knowing how worried Kousuke is about him, that he hasn’t forgotten what happened last night or that he caused it. But with everything Nol is dealing with - the aftermath of it all, feeling like an asshole for hurting Dieter, Shinae, all of this, is he ready to see Kousuke again? I guess part of me worries that Kousuke is... yknow. More fragile and that if he fights with Nol, it might affect the progress he made? Or maybe now that they had that er... “heart to heart” now that he confessed those sins his fears he would be able to hear Nol out without deflecting? 
I just know if Kousuke ends up at the same hospital and he spots anyone from Nol’s circle he’ll try to find him lol he IS worried (and worried for HIM not based on Rand or punishment or any of that). He’s got no idea how Nol is, where he is, what happened, how bad it is. GOD. HARROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Everyone is going to be SO HAUNTED by this night. 
The other matter is, of course, the custodian taking out the trash when Nana tells them they should go somewhere private, she doesn’t want “him” eavesdropping on the conversation. Initially I’d assumed this is because ultimately she is trying to get Shinae the heck out of there and it’s her excuse to get him out, but it could easily have been written “So no one can eavesdrop” right? 
The theory is that this is one of the people that Yui probably pays to act as a spy for her so that she can keep track of people and always knows what they’re doing, so she can always be two steps ahead. The only thing that really gives me pause regarding this, though, is that she has no idea where Nol is (yet). She has no idea where Rand took him, and I can’t imagine she employs people in hospitals all over the city should anyone report anything suspicious to her. So how would this be one of her spies? 
I’m not saying it’s not possible at all because he WAS very emphasized, but it just leaves me wondering if Yui doesn’t know where they are, how could that be a spy, right? But look, sometimes the narrative pulls a fast one on us. We can’t see what she’s up to at all times, now can we? 
All in all, I really loved this episode and I’ve been loving this arc SO MUCH. All of this everything since the Christmas party has been SO GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! Seeing all of those plot lines really converge and the stakes go higher has made every episode a treat to read, but I love that in the midst of this, Shinae and Nol have this very big, important thing to clear up. Over the course 230 episodes we’ve been watching these two grow so important to each other and honestly, I love watching Shinae fight for him like this, even if lmao she’s going at it all the wrong way. For someone like Nol who is so used to being invisible, to have her putting up such a fight, confirming whatever feelings he can’t be sure if she actually feels, would be such a welcome thing - except for the reminder that Dieter has been hurt in the cross-fires. I really want to see Nana have a talk with him and maybe TRY to get him to see it, that you cannot control feelings, that acting on them isn’t bad. That Dieter WILL come around, that he isn’t really much of a friend if he puts his own wants and happiness above Nol’s. 
But of course, Nana alone won’t do. Nol REALLY needs to talk to Dieter, too. But unlike Shinae, Dieter seems to know he needs to be alone for a little while. He’s got to sort out his own feeling and untangle that hurt. Thinking about things from his perspective IS painful - Yeonggi cut them out, he blocked their numbers, he refused to see them, and then suddenly he shows back up after asking to be left alone, he almost DIES in front of them, and Dieter wakes up to witness Nol and Shinae having this moment. 
He’s got a lot of things to sort out, too, he needs sleep and room to think. 
I’m really interested to see how all of it plays out. For Dieter’s sake, I hope there’s some kind of explanation because unlike Shinae, he and Soushi are still in the dark. Why did Nol leave and come back? Why did he box them out? He showed so much affection when he hugged them and told them he loves them so I’m sure they know that he has his reasons but still, people have limits. They deserve to know what Shinae does. I she willing to have that talk, though? 
I imagine we’ll probably be veering back to Kousuke here shortly, if not the next espisode. I imagine Shinae may get picked up before that.... ? Maybe? It feels like we were JUST with Kousuke, but I don’t think we’ll be revisiting Yui JUST yet. Maybe we’ll see Shinae get home, let her thoughts pull her to sleep, and then go visit Kousuke and Hanske? IDK god knows I can never predict what’s coming next but no matter which direction we go, we don’t go wrong! 
It’s so funny that the fabled Minhyuk party was something that I thought would happen and then we’d slide slowly into a timelapse taking us through the first time jump to graduation and stuff but SURPRISE: NOL ALMOST DIED, KOUSUKE IS UNDERGOING HELL, NOL’S FREEDOM HAS BEEN EXTENDED, CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP!!!!!!!!! We have literal DAYS left until Nol goes away, and then do we even immediately go into our timelapse timeskip?! Quimchee talked so much about how she didn’t want to have to draw snow, so at least so much of this takes place indoors but LMAO it’s still kinda funny
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this webtoon so much I love this story so much I love this whole arc honestly it’s been hit after hit for me and I’m so glad I get to keep screaming about it every week at all of you and just scale walls and swing from rafters I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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dropout-if · 9 months
hii!! backpacking off the “mine” or “i’m yours” ask, how would they deal with it if it was in a sexual sense?
thank youu 🖤
*cracks knuckles in nsfw* I was so ready for this.
Added the one they'd prefer hearing.
NSFW (nothing too explicit) below
Jade/Jean- "I'm yours"
is really dominant in bed, and really into hearing someone say they're J's. J would raise an amused eyebrow—pretend they're not as excited as they are—grin a bit and reaffirm it. Would probably tease them about it ("Is that so? I'm intrigued. Tell me more.")
Uma- "Mine"
Uma doesn't really take it as being possessive when it's in a sexual sense, and they can't deny they're into it. They would blush slightly and try their best to maintain a playful/bratty demeanor ("Oh, so you're making claims now? What makes you think I'll accept it?")
Statler- "I'm yours"
At this point I see Statler loving it but not really believing it 😭. They'd have a hard time believing those words normally but when it comes to sex they'd just assume it's a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Post therapy: It's a huge turn on lol. Statler's eyes would darken slightly, and they'd respond with a more intense look ("Is that right? I like the sound of that.")
Wanda- "I'm yours"
Wanda would play along (she'd also like it if MC called her "Mine"), she'd give them a teasing grin and a wink ("Yup, all mine! Looks like we've got quite the connection.")
However, Wanda prefers to make things a little hard and would like it more if MC admitted "I'm yours" after she made them beg 😭
Kai- "Mine"
Not the first time they've heard it but it's different when MC says it. They would feel a bit flustered initially and then grasp at straws trying to play it cool. Kai would chuckle softly (while somehow hiding from MC) and attempt their best to keep the mood as playful as possible ("Well, aren't you bold today? No, I get it.")
Travis- "Mine"
Travis has a huge kinky streak in bed lol and if MC managed to get to that stage with him Travis wouldn't even bother hiding it. He'd really really like being called "Mine." Travis wouldn't even be surprised or embarrassed (his character does a huge 180 in sexual scenarios), he'd raise an interested eyebrow and smirk a little ("Interesting. I'm listening.")
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hes-a-rainbow · 2 years
Something Happens And I’m Head Over Heels ~ e.m.
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Summary: The freshman spring formal is approaching and they need one more volunteer to make it happen. Also, Eddie’s stupidly in love. 
Warnings: fluffy, Eddie being embarrassed
Word Count: 1.1k
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“Absolutely not,” Eddie was already answering Mike’s question before he could even finish asking. Gareth had warned him last period that the little sheep of the Hellfire club were looking for volunteers for the upcoming freshman spring formal. Something nobody could convince Eddie to do even with a gun to his head.
Eddie turns back on the power saw, cutting the wood where he marked it just moments ago with his pencil. Whoever decided to give a bunch of high schoolers power tools was a total fucking idiot but Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t look forward to wood shop all day.
The scraggly freshman backs away from the work table as pieces of plywood fly into the air around him. Eddie turns off the saw, rolling his eyes as he lifts it back into the safety position before reaching for an extra pair of safety goggles under the table and tossing them to Mike.
Even though they are no more than 2 feet apart, Mike still fumbles with the plastic goggles before hastily putting them on.
“What?! No, dude, listen, it’ll be fun!” Eddie grabs the measuring tape and his pencil, measuring out the exact size he needs for the mug shelf he was building (another good thing about wood class; free birthday and Christmas gifts for Wayne.)
“I don’t know about you, Wheeler, but being a chaperone for a bunch of horny freshmen is not on my list of fun things to do around here.” He positions the wood back under the power saw which cuts easily through the wood. Lifting the saw again, he takes the newly cut wood and adds it into the slowly building pile beside him.
“We just need one more volunteer!” Eddie looks over at Mike, now covered in pieces of plywood that stick to his black hair, Eddie’s sure his mane doesn’t look that much different. “Robin will be there! And Nancy! You like them!” At this point, the young boy was grasping at straws, and he must’ve known it too because Eddie could see his shoulders starting to deflate as he spoke softly down at the workshop table separating them.
“Look, if we don’t have enough volunteers, the dance will be canceled. El and Will are flying all the way from California to be here for it.”
Now contrary to what most of the other students of Hawkins thought, Eddie was not a soulless guy. Sure, he could come off as loud and obnoxious, but he was always there for the people he cared about. Especially his little sheep.
Eddie lets out a sigh as he leans his hands on the table, “Look, Wheeler, I feel for you I do, but I’m probably not even the type of guy they want watching after all you kids anyway.”
“But that’s the thing! They're looking for any Juniors or Seniors to help out right now! And it’s only like two hours after school for a week and then like 4 hours of your time on a Friday night and the time will count towards your volunteer hours for graduation and–” Mike’s pause during the middle of his rant got Eddie’s attention as he began counting up the pieces of wood he had in his pile.
1, 2, 3–
“And Y/n will be there.”
Eddie’s brain completely stopped as he took in Mike’s words. He knew the freshman was just playing dirty now, bringing up Eddie’s fellow classmate who he’s been crushing on since she moved to Hawkins last year.
Now Eddie could admit that maybe he was less than smooth when it came to staring at her from across the lunch room and maybe his cheeks flushed just a bit when the other Hellfire boys would tease him about her, but he liked to think he had at least some dignity left.
“Y/N who?” He pursed his lips as he looked everywhere but at Mike, trying and completely failing to come off as nonchalant.
The freshman threw up his hands, “Y/n who? Y/n WHO?! Oh I don’t know, maybe the same Y/n who you’ve been crushing over for months now but–” Mike cuts off his own words as Eddie leans across the table to grab hold of his Hellfire collar, “You want to take it down a notch, Wheeler? I don’t think they heard you in Ohio!” The students around the two boys pause to watch the scene unfold before them, but quickly lose interest when they see it’s only the freak and one of his minions.
Eddie pulls his hand away from Mike, slapping down the material of his shirt, “Don’t you need to get back to class anyway, I’m pretty sure that hall pass doesn’t last this long.” Eddie starts back to counting his pile of wood, using his finger to point as he adds them up in his head.
1, 2, 3, 4–
“Look man, all I’m saying is there’s only two months left before you graduate. I know you need the extra volunteer hours and it also means that this might be your last shot with her.” Mike leans his elbows on the table and lowers his voice as he continues,  “What’s the worst that could happen, she’s not everything you dreamed of and then you never see her again after you graduate?”
Eddie quickly played a million scenarios in his head, some ending with his dream girl laughing in his face and calling him a ‘freak’ just like he has been his whole life, another of them slow dancing in the empty gymnasium, and lastly a not so PG scenario of them in the janitor’s closet. He had to physically shake his head to get that last one out of the way, wood shop was not the time nor place to be thinking like that.
Mike’s eyebrows were raised nearly to his hairline as he awaited Eddie’s answer with bated breath.
“Okay, fine.” Mike let out a yelp as he clapped his hands loudly, causing one of the students at the next table to jump and drop the hammer out of their hand. A dirty look flashed towards their direction as Mike replied with a soft ‘sorry’.
“Not so fast, Wheeler. I’ll volunteer at the spring formal,” Eddie leaned over the table, clapping Mike on the shoulder causing some sawdust to blow off his shirt and into the air, “if, and only if, you can get Nancy to pull some strings and make sure I’m paired up with Y/n.”
Mike’s smile quickly dropped “Eddie, Nancy’s pretty strict when it comes to these things and–”
“Great! Sounds like you’ll figure it out one way or another,” He rustles his hand through Mike’s hair before going back to counting his pile of wood, “Because I would just hate for the dance to be canceled and you too not see your little girlfriend and Will…”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5–
Eddie can hear Mike’s small mumble of fuck, before the freshman is shedding off the safety goggles and headed towards the door. Eddie smirks to himself before continuing.
A/N: Something I just wrote a few weeks ago, I love the idea of nervous Eddie with a big fat crush. I started a part two but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let me know if you even like it first.
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elvenbeard · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you so much @z-lagorio for the tag :D I'm still half-busy renovating stuffs at my new place (although this past week I've been mostly just enjoying the results of the work I put in so far xD but gaming corner is up next and I hope I can share some wips of that :3)
I have been able to continue with my post-sun-ending fic a bit these last few days, I hope I can share the final version of Chapter 11 soon!
Here's a little teaser from Kerry's pov:
He arrived in front of the MSM recording studio in Charter Hill much faster than anticipated… so much so that his impromptu plan to get Lee to talk was still somewhat fuzzy around the edges. He was in the mood to storm in, guns blazing, but there was no guarantee Lee was even there. Maybe he should’ve checked that before coming here. Kerry cursed between his teeth, slightly clammy hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he parked straight across from the building’s main entrance. Reluctantly he decided to simply call his manager, something he usually never did. It rang a handful of times, longer than he would’ve expected. “Kerry?” asked the shaky voice on the other end of the line in disbelief. “Certainly not Lizzy Wizzy,” Kerry replied deadpan, “Where are ya?” His heart was beating in his throat. “I’m at the studio! I’ve been waiting to hear from you, been worried that –…” “I’m outside the front door,” Kerry interrupted him, “Come down, let’s talk.” He tried not to let his nerves show, and he was thankful for his AudioVox evening out the slight tremor in his words. “Uh… why don’t you come upstairs to my office?” Lee evaded, “Vicki just dropped by with two new demos you can listen to, I think – …” “No,” Kerry said sternly, but he was grasping at straws for a reason as to why they had to meet outside that wouldn’t leave Lee even more suspicious. “Bring the demos with ya, we’ll listen to ‘em on the road,” was the best thing he could bullshit this quickly, “Been too stagnant lately, gotta move around a bit, get the creative juices flowing.” Empty phrases he’d flung around a million times before, but they usually worked with types like Lee. “Oh… okay?” Lee said, then there was silence for a couple of seconds, “Okay, I’ll be right there but… I need to be back at the studio at the latest in an hour, got an important appointment.” Kerry didn’t reply and simply hung up. No promises.
Lee appeared at the building’s main entrance around ten endless minutes later. Kerry’s right leg bounced in a shaky rhythm, the gun in his jacket’s pocket, heavy as a brick, bruising his thigh. Lee jogged across the street, black and blue designer coat fluttering around him. He tried to put on a smile when he approached the passenger side of the car, but it was slanted and forced. Kerry opened the door for him. “Get in,” he ordered, demanded almost, and Lee slightly flinched, fumbling in his pockets and pulling out a handful of shard cases. “Got everything with me, I thought maybe we could start with the song demos? But just in case I also brought the interview questions I mentioned, and some other things you can decide on for the upcoming promo events.” “Wow, great. Now get in,” Kerry repeated himself with zero enthusiasm and finally Lee slipped into the seat. The same seat V had fucked Kerry in so gloriously yesterday… and now Lee desecrated the space with his presence. Kerry closed the door again and sped off before Lee could say another word, headed towards the highway that would lead them out of the city.
(Things happened and are about to happen 👀 been really excited for this chapter but even more so the stuff it will lead to!)
I'm tagging everyone who has something they're working on to share - this is your call to do it and tag me :D Also tagging @pinkyjulien, @chevvy-yates, @humberg, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @swearingcactus @civilization-illstayrighthere @peaches-n-screem cause I'd love to see/read what you're working on (if you work on anything you wanna share, without pressure ofc!), be it art, writing, vp, mods, anything! :D
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sheikah-simp · 1 year
Exile//Vilify, One Year Retrospective
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Well folks, as of May 31st, 2023, it has officially been one whole year since the last update for Exile//Vilify was released, and it simultaneously feels like way longer than that and not very long at all. But, in celebration, I wanted to take some time to look back on my thoughts and ideas and processes that led up to the creation of this story, and share some appreciation for all that’s happened since then.
First of all, this book is massive, and it was way more massive than I thought it would be when I set off to write it. It is almost as long as Tolkein’s “Two Towers” and other similar novels—not what I was expecting when I went in to write an origin story about a character completely lacking in personality with no backstory. But if there is one thing I do, and do well, it is commit to the bit. And here, the bit was doing justice to a character I saw having so much potential but was, quite literally, doomed by the narrative, and built to be a throwaway character for a spinoff game consumed by his own hubris and never developed or mentioned again. And I thought to myself, “Man, that sucks! What would it be like to be him?” And the answer is: it would suck a lot, actually. But also in that vein, I still wanted to portray how his life was still a life worth living, and his story, one that was worth telling. Even if it is one that doesn’t “matter” to Nintendo or the LOZ franchise as a whole, even if it’s one I had to entirely make up grasping for straws, it is one that mattered to us. And that’s kind of the thesis of the entire book.
Many of you know I’m a Pokemon writer (hence username) and I never really intended to write in other fandoms, but I dont know what I expected. Something about this character just fucking gripped me, and I couldnt let myself stop until his story was out of me. But the thing is, I wasn’t super interactive within the Pokemon fandom. I had actually just ended a huge general life hiatus for mental health and had made a resolution to get back to what I love. The result of that was the completion of The Devil and the Dead Sea and the start of my hardenshipping series. But I just kind of dropped that book on AO3 when it was complete and then didnt interact with anyone. I wrote it and then uploaded it all at once, which didnt give me a lot of time or opportunity to develop a community and discuss updates. I had a few people who reached out, but nothing close to the type of community I’ve felt now.
I have been so full of love and blown away by the support I’ve received from this small but mighty niche in the community. So first of all, I just want to say thank you. I'm so glad that I could bring this story to life and so blessed to think of how many people it's touched. So now I just want to take a moment and look back on the book and how it started, what things changed, and where it's going and what's happening in the future.
Exile//Vilify's conception
Does it feel like a trial? Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?
The band, The National, has inspired I think all of my fics to this point. After playing Age of Calamity, Astor had been swimming around so much in my head, especially since so much of his mysteries were unanswered. And one day blorbo was on my brain in just the correct way at just the correct time when I happened to be listening to a completely unrelated song from Portal 2, Exile Vilify. The book, of course, has nothing to do with Portal, but on that particular day, the lyrics really spoke to me of Astor and his potential struggles, and I became fascinated with the idea of him and his ideological square-off against the king: a man who was so set on defying prophecy and the man who, well, prophesied it.
So Exile//Vilify was born, to me, actually in the concept of a butting of heads between King Rhoam and Astor. I saw the song lyrics as a dialogue between the two of them, mutual antagonistic (but also troubled) feelings shared between them. So King Rhoam was actually going to have a much bigger role in my original vision for Exile//Vilify. In fact there was a toss up in my mind between whether or not he'd have an odd homoerotic rivalry thing for the king, or his crush on the queen, but--
But the simple fact of the matter is I found Rhoam super unlikeable and sadly couldn't find a good way to get into his head in a way that would be sustainable for a novel. So while the concept is what initially gripped me, Exile//Vilify ended up going in a different direction, although the inception of that concept is definitely still there. The closest I've gotten to writing my desired dynamic between Astor and the King was in "Prophecies to Waterfowl," a one-shot in my short stories compilation Stories from Exile. ("Prophecies to Waterfowl," aside from "Voe and You," is my favorite of my stories in that compilation).
Other things that were cut/changed in the writing process
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When I realized the fic was getting as massive as it was, I wanted to streamline its focus and decided to cut down on some plotlines. I could have just left it was it was, because fic writing is about being self-indulgent, but I want to challenge myself to be a better writer than that. (Not that there is anything wrong with just writing to be self-indulgent, but I use my fics as my place to practice and get better, so I need to.. actually practice).
One of the biggest things that was therefore cut was the relationship between Astor and Ganondorf, and the implications of Astor's past lives. How Astor became the one selected by Ganondorf. Because in the fic, it just ended up seeming random, which was intentional. Fate is merciless and random and does not pick and choose, while also picking and choosing.
There were going to be more Astor and Ganon dream scenes planned, and a plotline of Astor's "awakening" somewhere along the line where he unlocked visions of his past as a different kind of royal seer--the seer to Ganondorf. There are hints of this in the dreams, but nothing concrete.
Still, the idea of what "could be" still fascinates me, and I love the idea of exploring the idea of Astor as Ganondorf's reincarnated seer, and I have a one shot that I am currently working on that explores this very concept, and can be considered canon (or semi-canon) to Exile//Vilify. I hope to have that out... soon. Ish. Eventually. I have a lot cooking right now.
Other honorable mentions:
Astor was going to have more blatant romantic feelings for Rose.
Astor was going to have more blatant romantic (or complicated) feelings for Rhoam.
The contention between Ganondorf trying to push Astor into evil and Thelem agreeing to block Ganon from Astor in the meantime was also going to be explored more, but Ganondorf got his last laugh on that eventually.
Even more fucking Order of the Seers stuff (culture, rituals, etc)
Chapters of Astor stalking Link and Zelda leading up to the awakening of the Calamity
More Yiga scenes (my little teen Kohga gives me oxygen) and Astor building a cult following of people who worship Ganon
Astor having basically a weird prophetical drug addiction to the "high" of witnessing the Great Calamity in his visions (this is kind of implied in the book, but not expanded on)
All of these things, ultimately, were great ideas, and things I'd love to explore and maybe will some day if I'm ever inspired enough on any of them to write anything concrete. They were just things that slightly detracted from the story I wanted to tell. But that's why I keep Stories from Exile around.
So What's Next?
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As I mentioned, I have a few things Exile//Vilify related still in the works. The first is that Astor/Ganondorf one shot I was talking about. (Likely going to be called "Prophet to a Gerudo King.") I also have a secret surprise fic commission that is also Astor/Ganondorf related and involves an AU and the Stories from Exile universe ;) (that one will hopefully be out soon).
I have a lot of things on my Stories from Exile list that were not out yet, and I may revisit them if I'm feeling or have the time. I'd love to keep updating that one every now and again, now that Exile//Vilify is complete, just to keep the world alive.
I also am planning on doing a limited, hard-cover release of Exile//Vilify to celebrate its publication. I have a great team of people who have been slowly helping me copyedit this massive beast so I can get it printed from a self-publishing company. It will not be publicly listed for sale, as it is illegal for me to sell or make money off of it. This hardcover will only be available to obtain for those who contact me on tumblr during a specific time frame. That time frame is not now. When I have a more clear set date for that, I will circulate posts. You will have to cover the cost of shipping and maybe some of the printing depending on what the cost is on my end, but the book will be free. It will likely be 500+ pages. It will likely happen by the end of the year.
That said, as the book nears being printed, if you would like to lend a hand proofreading, there is still time!! Please just DM me. You will have the option to be credited in the hardcover if you'd like.
And finally, you'll still be able to find me here, and updating in my other writing. I still really love receiving asks about this book, so please never be a stranger to my inbox. Sometimes I have more energy and power to reply than others, but every ask always makes my day.
I have planned "Trouble Will Find Me," which is a Thelem and Azelphir prequel that will detail some of the stuff that I didn't have time to develop about the Order of the Seers, and Thelem's origin story. This one I might just release all in one chunk - uncertain right now. At that point though... isn't that kind of just original fiction.... set in the BOTW world???? Unsure.
I'll also be returning to my Pokemon series, The Dead Sea Trilogy, if you have any interest in that fandom or my other writing.
That's all I have for you! Thank you all so much for an amazing year (really more than that, since I've been posting about this big honkin' thing since December 2020...) and thank you so much for being such a great community. I can't wait to see where else this journey leads.
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elvendara · 10 months
AU-gust day 21
21 Aug 23 Coaches
“Hi, are you MC?” Yoosung asked. He wrung his hands nervously.
“Yoosung?” she asked.
He nodded his blond head and sat down. There was a cup of coffee in front of her and a plate with a slice of banana bread.
“So, what exactly are you looking for in a life coach? You’re still so young.” She said as she stirred sugar into her coffee.
“Looking at it from the outside my life seems great, on a rising trajectory, but, I feel like I’m falling and just grasping at straws that break as soon as I close around them. I don’t even know if what I’m striving for is what I want, and what I want I don’t know how to get.”
Before saying anything, the waitress brought his order and set it in front of him. He thanked her and turned back towards the brunette.
“Well, I wanted to be a vet because of my cousin, but I realized I don’t really want to and I was just doing it for her. I feel guilty though. I’ve wasted my parent’s money and…”
“I see. Why would you go into something you weren’t interested in?”
“I really looked up to my cousin. She taught me a lot about self-sacrifice and empathy. Her dog became sick and the vet recommended he be put down as the only merciful thing to do. I hated him because he made her cry. She refused to listen and took the dog home where he lived in pain and suffering for another few months before he finally died. I realized the vet was right eventually. It would have been more merciful. But then, Rika always thought more about what she wanted than what was good for anyone else. I realized that too. I was wrong about her. Her kindness was nothing more than narcissistic attempts to have accolades heaped on her. Everything she did was for selfish reasons.
“Unfortunately, it took me too long to figure it out and now I feel stuck.”
“Sounds awful, I’m sorry you went through such a difficult realization. So, if you don’t really want to continue with your veterinary studies, what do you want?”
“That’s what I need you for! I have NO idea who I am really. I followed Rika around like a lovesick puppy and did what she told me to do. When I try to think about what it is that I want or like, there’s just…nothing.” He shook his head in dismay.
“I see, well, I guess I can work with that. But you also said that you wanted help in getting what you actually want?”
“Ah, yes…as to that…I’m talking about my love life…or more like…lack of it.”
“I can do a lot of things, but I’m not a matchmaker.” MC shook her head in regret. “Love isn’t something that can be manufactured or manipulated. You can manifest all you want, but it takes two…as they say.” She shrugged.
“Yes, yes, I understand. I just need…well…advice on how to talk to…someone…” his face was flushed.
“Oh, I see. Ok, tell me about her.” She leaned in, curious and ready to take notes.
“Him actually.” Yoosung said, his face lighting up. “He’s amazing! Smart and sweet, well, sweet when you get past his gruff and crusty exterior.” He laughed, MC joined, getting caught up in his giddiness.
“He has this gorgeous, thick red hair, beautiful mint green eyes, slim, athletic build. He loves to read, speaks I don’t know how many languages, gardens and can talk your ear off about flowers and plants. I literally have no idea what he’s saying most of the time, but I could listen to him all day.” He stopped when he realized he was gushing.
“He does sound amazing. So, what’s the problem?” MC sat back and watched the blond.
Yoosung ducked his head and sighed. “I…I don’t know if he likes me that way. I mean, sometimes it feels like he does, but…” he shrugged. “He could do so much better than me. I’m a mess and not that smart. I don’t care about plants, and I only know two languages. The only books I read are manga and fan fiction of LOLOL. I don’t think I’m a good match for him.” He shrugged and looked incredibly dejected.
MC leaned over the table again, “Listen, we can work on you. Figure out who you are before tackling your love life. But honestly Yoosung, people don’t ever stop growing, changing, but I think we can get you on your feet enough that you can continue the journey on your own. Let’s work together.”
“Really? I’d like that. I really feel silly getting a life coach for this, but I just don’t know where to start.”
“I just want to make it clear that I will not be telling you what to do or how to think. I will however, help you in figuring those things out for yourself. You will be the driving force, so don’t feel like you have to give me answers you think I want to hear. This journey is about you!” she held out her hand and he shook it, gratefully.
“Thank you. I’m excited to find out about me. The real me!” he said.
“Me too!”
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loveoversense · 2 years
I have so many thoughts! Part 1 because I’ll have to get back to this later. More under the cut because spoilers~
Okay time for another rambling thought on this series!
I feel like this may be an unpopular opinion, but honestly Rose ‘growing up’ and realizing how fucked the system is, and wanting to not be part of it anymore? I actually really like that. In the books she’s opposed to the younger kids becoming guardians and would fight for that, but making a choice as strong as actually walking away from it? She doesn’t do that until in the books something else happens that is slightly more extreme and closer to home. I’m just going like hell yeah Rose, leave those fuckers, build your own life.
That being said, Mason in the books did sort of rub me wrong, you know sometimes just a bit too “I am a nice guy why won’t Rose sleep with meeee”
Mason in the series? Slightly those vibes but what a sweetheart, taking care of Rose, being worried for her. Bless him, can we keep him please.
Okay watching and typing now. Kieron Moore, the acting your face does, my oh my. He looks miserable in that church, exhausted, bone tired, grasping at straws as not only the rug, but his entire belief system has been yanked from underneath him. And somehow Tatiana says the one right thing for him in this case. He wants to keep believing, even though Rose’s existence has basically disproven everything he stands for, built his life on. That’s really fucking difficult. I wouldn’t sleep well either Dimka.
That being said, hooking up with Miss Vogel? Stupid. Just really fucking stupid. Also though, the symbolism? Committing himself to the very embodiment of the current system? Yeah, almost subtle storytelling ;). He’s trying to make himself want this, to forget about Rose-erm I mean freedom, the possibility of a better life.
Speaking of acting, Sisi Stringer, the things you do with YOUR face. The HEARTBREAK. UGH. I feel Rose’s anger,desperation, pain. It was so well done. And then the fight. Listen, I am all for the angst in my ships. Bring it on, make them suffer before it gets better. But the fight? The FIGHT?! I mean obviously there were the really uncomfortable hunger games vibes, with the clowns, really emphasizing that this is a glorified gladiator match. Real people being made to suffer for the entertainment of the higher class.
So already wildly uncomfortable with the setting, but then they start fighting and yeah, I’m cheering on Rose. Tell him how you feel darling, make him listen! Only… only then, Dimitri’s not fighting back. He doesn’t want to hurt her, it’s the last thing he ever wanted. And in the one moment he does react, he stands there, frozen, horrified, because- because he’s just like him after all, he’s no better than his father, using the system they are a part of as an excuse to hurt those around him. He opens himself up to the kick, he saw her coming from miles away, but couldn’t convince himself to defend or block it. Couldn’t convince himself that he didn’t deserve everything Rose was giving him.
And Rose, Rose is just begging for a reaction. Anything, to show that the man she fell in love with is there, strong, determined, capable Dimitri. Not this shell of a man who hides behind cowardly words like duty and expectation and refuses to even talk to her. If he was going to give up what they had together for his life as a Guardian, he better show he's convinced, ges committed. If he's choosing this other life, this existence of oppression over her, he better actually want it, and prove that he does. Because Rose is used to people not choosing her, not even her mother chose her after all, but to not be chosen, in favour of something as harmful and reductive as the life of a dhampirs only committed to this apparent duty that is turning out to be nothing more than a historic marketing trick to normalise systemic oppression? That's insult to injury.
And the whole set-up was uncomfortable at the start, but when Rose kept going, kept hitting Dimitri, begging for any kind of reaction, and him just staying down and taking it? That really hit home for me, because it was just terrible, agonizing, hurt. Here we see what happens when oppressive systems are at their full effect, playing out disadvantaged parties against each other. It shows us how, if we’re not careful, rather than destroy the system that is causing us pain, we may end up destroying one another instead.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Sophie being Eloise’s new friend in s3 makes a lot of sense... I saw a post before theorising that Sophie befriends Eloise while she’s traipsing around Bloomsbury alone and steps in to help her because she’s unescorted. What if Sophie pretends to be Eloise’s lady’s maid while out and they develop a friendship? I feel like show Eloise needs a bit of a wake up call in terms of realising her privilege, and Sophie would totally open her eyes to that. Eloise could be the one who “saves” Sophie from her situation with Araminta as well and hires her as her actual lady’s maid, instead of Benedict (to avoid the male saviour thing) and then she secretly goes to the masquerade ball, falls in love with Benedict (but he doesn’t recognise her) and then runs away. So essentially the essence of AOFAG but in reverse, which leaves a time gap between s3 and s4 when Benedict meets Sophie again... I’m clearly not a writer and this won’t happen but I’m grasping at straws for Sophie/Benophie ideas for s3!!
You know I could see the writers taking this direction too. It all depends on what kind of character development they give Eloise in season 3. Remember that for the past 2 seasons, Eloise hasn't seemed overly concerned for the life of servants or their opinions of the world, or their opinions of her (and Believe me, if she cared to listen to her maid, Mme Delacroix or even Footman John, Eloise would hear things she doesn't like) Unlike the character development we have seen for Benedict.
Bur if her adventure with Theo did in fact leave her with a small sensitivity towards the life of the lower class. I can see her helping a fellow young woman on a whim and actually trying to help her by hiring as a ladies maid.
Remember that the Eloise who marries Phillip is a huge mental health advocate who understands the way trauma can damage people and wants to help them. But so far the Eloise we know in the show has only started to realize how her actions affect those around her. And isn't quite there at TSPWL level yet.
Sophie, is a character who has a lot of trauma, so I can see Eloise being more aware of what trauma does to people if she befriended Sophie, it would make sense in the narrative if her ladies maid was brave enough to call her insensitive to her face whenever Eloise dismisses her opinions. Because hey, this person has gone trough a lot, not taking her seriously is invalidating, maybe you should listen to her and work on being more mature.
And I'd love for Sophie's first female friend in the Bridgerton household to be Eloise. In a cute, sisterhood sort of way, in which Sophie tries to teach Eloise about what working class women do to survive and what would be a good way to stand up for women's rights. Because if s3 ends with Sophie going to the masquerade secretly and being hired by Eloise as a ladies maid or by Mmme Delacroix as an assistant. then Eloise would have another friend to fall back on when Penelope marries. Making the transition to her own love story in s5 a little less about losing her best friend. And a little more about deciding that she also wants to fall inlove as well on her own volition. because by s5 Sophie will be married too.
And Eloise will eventually come to see that love and marriage isn't necessarily a bad thing. Because her brothers are not bad husbands, and she deserves nothing less than a love story like theirs.
and that's the tea
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feysandfeels · 2 years
guess who’s baaaaaaaaack (at least to do this... did they already published one for umm Commander Rot and Lauren (?) auren (?).. if so then I will do that too)
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✌🏼 Here’s hoping someone tells Emilia the truth for once ✌🏼
1. Emilia deciding to procrastinate processing her sister’s (RAT) betrayal by having sex with Wrath….. I can’t, in good faith, say I wouldn’t do the same. You’re doing amazing sweety!
2. “It was as if the realm itself wanted us to finally … be together”. Fuck. You want to say “fuck”. Cowards all of the people involved in forbidding this sentence to go with fuck
3. Ay yess Wrath she chooses you. Weren’t you paying attention??? She wants you. i want you. we all want you
4. PATIENCE MY PROVE WORTHWHILE RIGHT NOW? Oh FUCK NO. Enough. ENOUGH. You blueballed us for a whole ass book. No. NO. I refuse to take this ABUSEEEEEEE.
5. Omg omg jajajajajajajajajajajaja who cockblocked them? Jajajajajajajajajajajajajaj nooooooo jajajajajajaja and they were naked jajajajajajajaj getting started HAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAHAHAHAHAHAHA also also also I fucking knew Kerri Maniscalco would do something like this the second she ended KotC with them waiting to fuck. V coward me thinks.
6. Emilia, my love, this isn’t an illusion or a memory… this is very clearly your reality. Try not being so slow my love, otherwise you will not survive this book.
7. wait... is this the last book? nooo no. Is it? nooo noo nooooo noo no no. C’mon no. no. no no no. another one? no? it was four books..
8. FUCK VITTORIA FOR EVERYTHING SHE PUT EMILIA THROUGH. But like what was the reason of abducting her when she is star naked... like c’mon.. let her have sex and the abduct her to have the most pointless conversation ever. Like that literally could have been an email. 
9. Also that werewolf dude... baby chill you are irrelevant. Sit down.
10. I’m calling it now, Vittoria and Emilia are #TheFeared. But also like... what the fck did Nonna do to you Vittoria?? but yeah.. Nonna is v sus, she’s the one who like locked Claudia’s aunt, Carolina in that realm... no? well that’s me theory. 
11. PrinceWitch’s love language is bodies of water and food. I have proof. I am not wrong. 
12. Also... kinda turned on when Wrath said literally punched between realms to get to Emilia... kinda hot. 
13. Vittoria is the worst and all but her plan did make of Emilia the kind of person who will suck her fiance in public... so like... listen.. all I’m saying is...maybe it had points.. or like you know worth a discussion at least.
14.ALSO ALSO ALSO, Sloth, baby, I kinda claim you. Yes. Sexy that you read all those books and are so well educated in very specific things. Mysterious. Committed to learning. Private. I like that. He’s mine.
15. This whole exchange between the brothers was pure gold. I love this familial dynamic.
16. Emilia has a heart of gold still defending Vittoria after she very clearly killed Greed’s lover.. like listen I expect only the worse of Vittoria  so like I will agree that it points to her and Emilia is like grasping at straws saying that someone could be framing her... But Emilia my girl that sisterhood bond...you are a treasure. I too would also defend my traitorous sister like that.
17 Greed: “or the monstrosity your intended calls sister”
Wrath: Family, am I right?
OH MY GOD BABY WRATH OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAAH Emilia is not going to have sex with you after this 
18. Kinda love this whole “she is a traitor, but she is my traitor” narrative because like.. let me get real with you for a second, I think we all have that one person for whom we would literally set the world on fire and sort of turn a blind-eye to their errors, even when they hurst us it’s nothing but instinct to still protect them. I love it when narratives choose this... like bucky and steve... you know before Steve said fuck you to character development and logic and went back in time to destroy a marriage
19. Is Emilia going to seduce one of the brothers??? Emilia is going to seduce one the brothers.
Full disrespect to anyone there but how the fuck do you actually buy into Emilia’s plan? Have you not seen how in love she is with Wrath? like c’mon hahahah you deserve whatever you have coming
Also Wrath... baby this is clearly the game... like she’s faking it. Wrath don’t be an idiot. IDK but like I feel this anger is like meh?? like c’mon don’t be ridiculous. And yes he was supposed to make a scene... but like from narration idk if he’s faking it or actually feeling it. 
20. Fuck off Devon hahahahaah
21. This scene in Greed’s court is basically a Court of Nightmares ACOMAF  fanfic like yeah 100% Kerri read that and went ... oh but I can make it fanfic unhinged
22. Also like...how do we feel about him throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her away. Like that is hardly a dignified position so ... like and the way it exposes you... like not for me, but I am willing to be convinced. 
23. “my general” aaaaaay epa Emilia quien te viera amiga
24. All I’m saying Emilia is, now that you are fully fucking Wrath without shame and giving in into your sexuality and passion and body and love all of that with Wrath, was it really bad that Vittoria set all these events in motion? Like I’m just saying
25. the “tell me I am your favorite sin” WILL NEVER NOT SLAP. NEVER NOT A BOP.
26.But the goddess curse me is just eh
27. The fact that Emilia always gets her visions when she is fucking Wrath jijij very Penny Dreadful of her. Like imagine the power of his sexual force that that is the thing that breaks the memory curse or whatever it is that doesn’t permit them to remember. 
28. Epaaaa! Fuck buddies tattos (the soulmate version)
29. Okay so Vittoria’s lavender eyes is because she is now her true self or whatever and in doing whatever ritual she did that make her seem like she was dead was to reveal her true form... yes? valid theory? no? maybe so?
30. And Emilia unleashed her power and true self ... by.... having... sex with Wrath. Both equally valid experiences. 
31. okay.. but majesty of what? like goddess of like fury? ...... ummmmmmmm okay. Is she still like the feared? umm okay then she is just a goddess. I mean cool yes... but I was expecting more? like maybe one of the figures we had been discussing within the lore of the book? maybe the daughter of the crone or something like that... not some random goddess figure we had never mentioned beyond her prayers..but that was never meant to seem as an actual figure.
32. Okay so all of the memories of her human life we fabricated by her.... Nonna ??? in order to trap them??? and make her believe she was just a random ass witch. Or did they, whoever they is, destroy the twins immortal bodies and were reincarnated into “witch” babies... and that’s why we still saw them as babies or well eight year old
33. DAAAAAAMN Vittoria being the goddess of death. That’s way more badass. Sorry Emilia.
34. Is Vittoria, Pride’s long dead bride?
35. Emilia not believing deaths because of how Vittoria faked her own has the same energy as all of us GoT fans who would not believe a character was truly gone until we literally saw the head roll and the body burnt.. and I can’t blame her for that. V smart me things
36. “run for our fortress” essentially is the “run for our home”... ayyyy how sweet. 
37. The “if you think I will leave you” trope WILL NEVER NOT BE A BOP.
40. “we are the feared” I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT.
41. see, I know that being goddess of fury is like badass and all that, but in my head it literally looks like this
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she should have been the goddess of vengeance. Now that is fucking badass.
42. Vittoria literally created chaos and then bailed... and as much as I think she is a rat.. like I can’t help but respect that.
43. Fuck Wrath is hurt fuck fuck fuck.  But oh I do love these types of scenes like the lover distracted taking care of his beloved or reuniting with them after battle and then someone stabbing them or like an arrow or whatever.. those cold seconds of the realization.. ufff damn good drama.
44. Honestly though Vittoria is dumb as fuck because I’m 100% sure that if she had explained her plan when they were both human, Emilia would have worked with her.... never summoned Wrath and would have never fallen in love with him. Like bestie plan better. 
45. emilia setting everyone on fire
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46. oh my god Vittoria is insane! Jesus girl calm the fuck down! there are better ways to like idk trigger your sister’s powers. What the fuck dude! SHE IS SO INFURIATING AND ANNOYING SOMEONE NEEDS TO LIKE PUT A LEASH ON THAT DEGENERATE RAT. WHAT THE FUCK SHE IS SO UNHINGED
47. What the fuck is greed doing here.. or is it envy? wait it’s envy. He’s such a slut for Vittoria hahahah what a looser. Did Vittoria really locked Emilia with Envy? bestie don’t you have enough budget for two cells?
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missingn000 · 2 years
Hi hi
Firstly, I love your longer chapters! They really don’t feel as long as the word count may sound cause they’re so jam packed with content!
Secondly, do you have any tips for writing dialogue? I’m also a fic writer but I struggle a lot with it…oof
HI HI HELLO!! my god, the influx of messages like this has honestly made me feel infinitely better. it's so validating to know that every word counts. you are too kind!!
i have a ton of tips for writing dialogue, so my response got super long. but i think it's quite helpful, so answer below cut!
to be honest...my approach to brainstorming is kinda unconventional. i like listening to music and doing some menial task to distract myself -- driving, cooking, dishes, etc. i find it helps my mind relax! there's this thing called the shower principle -- you know how you often are struck with great ideas randomly in the shower? yeah, it's that weird chemical half-distraction thing that helps different parts of your brain kick into gear.
then, in terms of dialogue flow! i think if you don't restrict yourself to brainstorming of a conversation directly in order, it really helps. i often get ideas and then have to totally restructure an interaction before i write it. figuring out the trajectory of the exchange helps: what are the characters' thoughts and feelings at the beginning? how do their moods shift throughout the conversation, and where do you want them to emotionally end up? figuring out what talking points flow cleanly into others helps you structure things out.
TL;DR, because wow, this got long: it's about building bridges. how should the emotions in the conversation ebb and flow? how can you use certain topics to make connections with others that will come up later in the dialogue? what background info do the characters need to tell each other, if any? solid conversations are built on strong foundations. keeping in mind the characters' opinions towards each other is crucial, and if you want their opinions to change or relationship to develop, be sure to use verbal lines to incite these changes.
if you want to read more, let's break down a dialogue-heavy interaction: yuuta and toge's accidental date in tpg 29. since they're new to each other, what do they have to start with? what base information do they need? toge's cursed speech + talking via writing, and yuuta's...whole situation. they start off dorky and cute, but this also reveals insight into toge's struggles with interacting with others, and watching yuuta's expressiveness causes a slight shift inside toge.
the whole thing with sharing a milkshake reveals yuuta's self-sacrificing traits and toge's obliviousness to what it means to do such a thing. they discuss likes and dislikes, which leads into favorite animals -> maki & yuuta have the same favorite -> yuuji, toge's brother, has a favorite while toge doesn't -> yuuta's sisters "least favorite animals" as their hatred of non-sorcerers. yuuta flips out, but toge's unconventional reaction by offering a ketchup packet to cheer him up causes yuuta to confess he also struggles to interact with others -- and then things start to get more philosophical!
yuuta saying it hurts to be alone causes another shift in toge, where he's forced to once again confront his own struggles. toge asks yuuta to make him cry, then this flows into a conversation about rika when yuuta admits he doesn't make people cry on purpose. as toge, a relative outsider, picks apart yuuta's guilt, yuuta grasps at straws to insist he's a bad person, leading to him mentioning his birth parents.
here, i wanted them to open up to each other a bit more. to do this, toge admits on his own for the first time that he hurt his birth parents, too. when they realize their similarities, this deepens their connection, but as they continue to discuss this, they realize they have equal but opposite feelings. toge is desperate to feel emotions like a real person and not a doll, while yuuta conversely wants to discard agency and become a puppet.
then, a pause in dialogue allows toge to process his emotions towards yuuta and conclude that he's amazing for his expressiveness. oblivious again, toge bluntly says this, and yuuta verbally expresses how flustered he is and that he doesn't understand how toge could say that.
this leads to the italicized "oh" moment for toge: yuuta tells toge he's confusing, which no one has said to him before. toge's speechlessness makes yuuta's self-sacrificing tendencies, which were established earlier in the conversation to tie things together, manifest in saying he wants to save toge and feel pain in his place, at the expense of himself.
toge knows this isn't fair, and offers that instead, they should help each other. yuuta is at a loss, since no one his age has ever tenderly offered him this (ily maki, but their dynamic is much more explosive! which has its own merits, too), yuuta's brain short-circuits and he ends the conversation by awkwardly changing the subject to finding their parents.
a lot changed for them during this. they got to know one anothers' personalities and their complex situations, connected over it, then established philosophical themes for each of them. this ties into themes in the narrative as a whole, situating the conversation cleanly into the story. i think dialogue writing in comedy is a bit different, but this is already almost 1,000 words. if you were asking about that, follow up if you'd like!
all of this takes practice. don't be discouraged if you struggle at first -- different authors have different things that come to them naturally. as for me, i think in dialogue, but when i first started writing, prose was what i really struggled with. it's still hard for me, but with time it's gotten much easier. i've really improved!
in conclusion: you got this!!! feel free to ask any more questions, and i hope this helps!
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the-littlewonders · 1 year
wow episode 24 second half was a very crash and burn
i may have just lost interest to watch till the end given how stupid ye xiwu acted. others have pointed out that she has been acting dumb despite being smart a few times now but what happened in ep 24 feels especially out of character and really really really stupid
after everything you’ve been through with your husband and him even prompting you there was something you forgot to tell him. which i’m guessing he was referring to the time during the festival under the bridge when she wanted to come clean to him, she DOESNT.
like even with xiao lin, if tan tai jin actually listened to you and granted the request to let the cockroach 2 days leave just after she’s been found guilty of stealing someone else’s love threads and not even having the decency to inform pian ran of her lover’s death, did it not occur to her that MAYBE you know MAYBE with clear communication you both could have worked out xiao lin’s fate
like it came out of your mouth you KNOW ttj won’t kill him. maybe just ask him hey so what’s you plan you know. jail forever? or just a couple of months till you finally squash the last of the troops? peace talks to integrate them into the royal army? you know like.
I FEEL IT IS WITHIN HER CAPACITY to be more reasonable than pull this secretive nonsense?? feel like writers were grasping at straws to make more conflict or if not, they picked it out of the novel out of context? idk, you already have a story going good, this series of actions feels really unnatural for someone with a seemingly good head on her shoulders
like ok there’s a mix up of straight up Poison and some minor sleeping power but at this point it doesn’t even matter to me. even if the cockroach did not put poison in the food, to use food against TTJ is seriously upsetting
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letterstomyex · 11 hours
My dearest S,
Today, right now, I am okay. I mean, I’m probably not. This whole healing process is going to take a while and it’ll probably be a good while before it all stops feeling so unstable. I’m an unstable person by nature so it might be a little messier for me in particular, but it’s all been in waves and I’m just taking it day by day.
I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time today lurking on the breakups subreddit, reading through other hurt people’s experiences as “dumpees” and “dumpers,” trying to grasp at any straws that could possibly enlighten me as to what you are thinking and feeling. There is a lot of negativity, circlejerking, brutal honesty, hopefulness (both false and reasonable) and I tell myself I can’t rely on these strangers’ posts to tell me anything about my loss or about you as none of them are about us. I don’t feel shame for reading through these, as I just want to give myself the grace and allow myself to feel and hurt and “reason” my way through this, though reason may not be my strength during such emotional distress.
I realize it doesn’t matter how you feel. I mean, it totally does. I hate that both of us are hurting. But it does me no good to sit here and wonder about you if I am trying to put myself first and get to a point where I am no longer codependent or feeling like this is the end of me. I am also well aware that tomorrow, this progressive thinking may be undone through a simple small trigger. Healing isn’t linear. I hope you’re doing well, or getting better, but I can’t let myself keep thinking about you.
I’m listening to music again. It’s the middle of the night and I am listening to aggressive music that is inspiring me to create something of my own, eventually. I will be going into orientation for my new job in a couple of days and after this I will be not only distracting myself with a new work environment, but also having a source of income again that I can hopefully put towards making the music I’ve dreamed of making for years, and towards a better future.
Moving forward is so hard. I’m giving myself smaller periods of time I must make it through, then making them exponentially bigger. Right now, I have to make it through at least two weeks of my new job, enough to get my first paycheck and allocate that to savings and spending cash respectively. I’m trying. I’m trying to be a better person, for myself for once. But also, I don’t want to let You down.
Love, M
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