#literally idc how tall you are but like... be hot
miss-menhera · 4 months
Can we talk about how much sweetie Adam LOVES to manhandle women???
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Like in almost every scene he is in, he can't interact with a woman without A. Mocking her B. Touching her C. Find something hot to sexualize about the woman he's speaking to D. Blatantly not listening to her, or just waiting for the women to stop talking... And he likes to get all up in their personal space too!!!!!
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The only girl he doesn't do that with is Lute and (Fucking obviously SERA) and he still mocks Lute or barely listens to her THE FEW times she speaks....... He constantly leans down while speaking to 'em,
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shushes them
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and finds it clearly funny or exhilarating when they're in distress. It's literally amazing to me that he knows how much bigger and stronger he is, so he constantly makes it clear in his body language EVERYTIME he gets the chance to. He's literally one of the most expressive characters, like you can UNDERSTAND SO MUCH ABT THIS MAN JUST BY HOW HE MOVES AND LOOKS AT PEOPLE. IT MAKES IT SO CLEAR HOW THE WHOLE THING ABOUT WANTING DOMINANCE SINCE THE TIME HE WAS CREATED COMES TO PLAY HERE... And HOLY SHIT THATS JUST TALKING ABOUT BODY LANGUAGE. Look at how often he grabs their faces too to redirect their attention to him whenever he's about to say something they won't like!!!
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Like "I want u to look me straight in the eyes while I do this bitch"
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His job is not being the leader of the angels, he is just a professional manhandler, THE worst best man to ever exist, he's just the worst best we all could ever ask for guys!!!!! Also look how small Charlie's wrist is to him!
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The most condescending, unserious, prideful man in history. More prideful than Lucifer by far :( hes such a little guy
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buddhamethods · 5 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
AKA I'm just a person with two keen eyes and dubious morals when it comes to enjoying media so don't take it seriously, I'm here for a good time.
Thank you @sndrys for tagging me! This was an eye opening experience putting this together. As it turns out I might have a type (ew).
1) Guy from Bake Me Please (2023)
The sole reason for me creating this list! Look, I dropped Bake Me Please almost immediately because it just wasn't for me BUT I've been lowkey watching through my dash. And let me tell you, my fingers gain consciousness and hit reblog everytime this baby's face pops up because...well...LOOK AT HIM. He is beautiful and he should get the guy (hehe get it) in the end idc.
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2) Yok from Not Me (2021)
Yok is such a beloved character and for good reason! He is sexy, he is gay, he sets buildings on fire and steals cops' wallets on accident because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT GUY HE WAS STALKING WAS A COP??? I love you Yok, never change.
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3) Palm from Never Let Me Go/ OurSkyy2 (2022-23)
The anger I felt for all the injustice and mistreatment our beautiful Palm had to face in this show took literal years off my life. It's rare for me to get this passionately protective over a character and yet here we are, in the Palm Protection Squad headquarters. Even Nueng is on the watchlist!
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4) Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)
Not to out myself as an enjoyer of silly goofy times , but I did have fun watching Fish Upon The Sky and Secret Crush On You, so OFCOURSE I thought I would like this one too but GOD was it rough. Did I still finish it? Yes. Did I fawn over PoddKhao pairing and have been quietly praying for some kind of reunion ever since? Also yes. Was I foaming at the mouth barking everytime Tonhon AKA Podd was on my screen? I'm not gonna comment without lawyer present.
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5) Tew from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
Speaking of Tonhon Chonlatee...AH! Ai Long Nhai (TC's spiritual prequel of sorts) was sure...something. And by something I mean I saw Meen and decided I will never speak ill of men ever again, feminism quite literally left my body. And then a year later My Dear Gangster Oppa came out and guess what??! MEEN IS THE GANGSTER OPPA! Dreams really do come true, kids.
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6) Wen from Moonlight Chicken (2023)
(or Tian from ATOATS or Mueang Nan fron FUTS). Mix...I will eat you. Always so dewy and healthy and sparkly-eyed. But Wen from Moonlight Chicken is something out of the realm of my imagination. The sex appeal? The maturity?? The gentleness??!! Somebody sedate me before I say something I will not be able to justify in court.
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
He is a pretty bisexual who makes the most abhorrent stupid decisions known to men and then weeps and suffers for them WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Once again, is the show flawless or even remotely coherent? Absolutely not. That being said Vee brought me so much joy by being stupid I'm forever grateful.
(also YinWar are so back GO WATCH JACK AND JOKER TRAILER)
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8) Prapai from Love In The Air (2022)
To a certain extent I've enjoyed every MAME show I've watched. To do that you need to possess the rare ability called "I abandoned every shred of moral integrity to gawk at hot men". And Prapai? MAN is this bitch hot. Tall dark handsome? Check! Bisexual on a bike? Check! Stubborn and annoying? CHECK!
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9) Xiang Hao Ting from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
*incoherent wailing and sobbing* IM NOT EXPLAINING SHIT ABOUT HIM LEAVE ME ALONE
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10) AlanJeff from Pit Babe (2023)
My newest obsession! I refuse to separate our local senior citizen and his favorite prophetic mechanic. Both of them are hot as shit in their own way. Alan is a sexy dilf with so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders it's a miracle he retained his optimism and youthful awkwardness. And Jeff is a prickly baby-cow-baby-deer eyed baby that is so touch starved it's actually a little funny. SO I GUESS ALANJEFF SANDWICH IT IS.
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(don't be shy tag yourselves besties <3)
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subskz · 10 months
GAHHHH. This is tall girl anon. I haven’t been back in forever. The problem was that I took a quick break from reading fanfiction and then went back but somehow forgot your url (literally idk how I did that, it’s so simple) and I found it again and ahhhh I’m so relieved. Anyway, I’m just gonna follow at this point so I don’t lose it again. I’ve had this fear for the longest time of someone, anyone I know, especially my parents somehow having my phone and looking at my tumblr app and seeing smut on my dash but at this point idc anymore. I’m 20. I can do what I want. And I’ve been unnecessarily horny lately, so I’ve been re-reading a lot of explicit fanfics. Like wtf brain, I’m just chillin here and out of nowhere I get a thought about having some hot guy on a leash and pulling on it while he rails me. I need to get laid tbh but that’s probably not gonna happen until I have some sort of social life and until I meet some guy that I’m actually attracted to. … Anyway… I’m back and I missed u!
hello hello omg it really has been a while!! i missed u too it’s so nice to see u again! <33 we have been severely lacking in tall girl energy here…many of us are short kings as u may know hehe
i don’t know why but ur entire ask is sending me so bad LMAO it seems u had a rough time making ur way back here but i’m very glad u found this blog again!! and that’s definitely a reasonable fear to have, if it helps at all i think there’s a filter feature in the settings that can hide the contents of certain posts, so can control when u see them! but just like u said ur a grown adult, whatever happens on tumblr.com is between u and god 🙏
ur brain is so real for that…plagued by thoughts of a sweet eager puppyboy desperate to please…it happens to the best of us -_-; they are out there! im cheering for you in ur journey to find ur very own!!
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tohokuu · 1 year
i just need to rant for a minute. also my tumblr is still glitching even after i deleted and redownloaded it.
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i cant actually see any of the words i’m typing … i had to change the color to pink in order to see it bc the white just comes out as black… anyway. this is very boy oriented bc i’m talking about relationships so if you don’t care, fuck off and keep scrolling. honestly this feels a little pathetic bc i’m going to be honest about the mistakes i’ve made in the last 6 months and how you should completely avoid them LOL
so back in october, i met this guy on campus that had been going to the same college as me for a while now but i just… never saw him. LOL. like he was so different looking last year and this year he’s all tall, muscular, beard etc. otherwise, i had no idea he even existed ?? ☠️ anyway, let’s call him uhhh gojo. so, i met gojo and i was like wow he’s really cute. btw, i can develop crushes on multiple guys but it’ll only be like … crushes where i find them hot and would be okay w dating them but i’m not like dying to date them and want them yk ? but this guy… i wanted him. like i couldn’t stop thinking abt this guy. we started talking and snapping back and forth for a good few weeks. we opened up about some stuff and idk it was really chill. we were gonna go to a party together and i was driving him and like… we smoked together in the car and nothing else. just talking and vibing and it was amazing. my crush obviously got stronger but the night of the party, he goes and leaves me alone at the party to hang out w other girls and i’m like … yo ??? then at the end of the night, we get into a fight over something extremely minuscule and he unadds me and i’m like yo ?… i was actually so upset and hurt. like i cried abt this in class LMAOFJSJ i never cry over guys bruh and i cried over this dumbass mf bc i genuinely really liked this guy. now… igotoveritmostlyafter a few weeks and suddenly, this guy i had on social media who i have mutuals with asks me on a date and i’m like … let’s see where it goes. we go out and it’s the first date. i pay for our starbucks. he pays for the fries and even now i’m thinking, why did i ever offer to pay so hard ?… ew. i’m not a 50/50 woman and if you disagree, idc smd. anyway, date goes well and obviously i’m still hung up over gojo just a bit but i really enjoyed my first date and i couldn’t stay hurt over a stupid talking stage yk ?.. like that’s not the way to go about life. so we ended up going on a second date. then a third, a fourth, a fifth and then it turned into a relationship that lasted just about 5 months. anyway… the first couple months of my relationship were very happy. my boyfriend was the best. the sweetest… the typical nice guy who did literally everything right. he wasn’t rich or bought me expensive gifts like gojo could have but he cared and he talked to me and loved me and that’s all that mattered. a few months later someone follows me on instagram… guess who ? gojo !!! follows me on ig and i had posted a note saying “guys i miss him :(“ and he texted me saying “who?” and i’m like “my boyfriend. why?” and he leads a conversation where it’s him accusing my boyfriend of cheating and me telling him to stfu. i obviously defend my boyfriend and i tell him about it ofc and my boyfriends outrageous ofc bc he’s got such a good character and he couldn’t stand anyone insulting that yk.. which is fine. anyway, gojo found a way to just insert himself into my life somehow. now you’re probably thinking that i could’ve just blocked him but atp, he was friends with my friends and i was like… it’s gonna be really awkward if i block him. so i kept him on social media and i’d just leave him on delivered for days and not answer. but this guys also a character bc he’d text me going. “respond. i know you’re on your phone. text me back” and i would… idk why i did. but it was always him talking about this one girl that he’s in love with and he’s always fucking talking about her and a part of me got jealous… then i was mad at myself for being jealous bc i had a whole man and i had no right to be jealous at all. i kept leaving him on delivered at later that and i would constantly tell myself “always choose your aman” which is like a bollywood movie and the lesson was to always pick the guy that will treat you good forever and not the guy who lost you and then realized what he lost and came back for you, bc she chose the dickhead in the film. anyway, i kept telling myself that it wasn’t worth it. now… when i was with my boyfriend or texting my boyfriend, i’d only ever think of him. gojo wasn’t even a
thought in my mind and that’s totally chill. that’s what i wanted in the very first place. but then i’d text gojo back sometimes and answer his texts faster than i’d answer my boyfriends … this is where i started feeling guilty. then i’d listen to songs like “moth to a flame” by the weeknd and i’d feel extremely guilty. i felt like i was emotionally cheating. i felt horrible bc i’m not the type of person who cheats or done anything that wrong bc that’s not me… but why was i feeling these emotions for gojo when i had my boyfriend ?… i’ve always been the sensible person in relationships that knows how to give perfect advice. my stance on cheating was always that if you want someone else, break up with your current significant other because they don’t deserve to feel like their heart is being played with. but here, now that i was stuck in that situation, it genuinely felt so so hard and i wanted to cry bc i kept seeing more movies, songs and references to this stupid love triangle and i was so so annoyed. also, disclaimer ! my boyfriend was never physically my type. i think he’s cute and good looking but wasn’t my type. i think i was just really ignoring everything else and going straight for the personality. then when i’d look at gojo… gojo was my dream man. he’s so cute to me and it made me mad how i was having these thoughts?? so like i came to the conclusion that i should break up with my man… so i did. i broke up with him 3 weeks ago and i was so so brutal with him bc i knew if i was any softer, i’d turn back on my word. he’s just that. fucking. kind. he’s so so amazing, even as of today. i couldn’t have left him if i wasn’t so harsh on him :/ anyway, broke up with him and this whole time i’m still friends with gojo. we never flirted or anything but the day i broke up with him, somehow i end up in his car. i was leaving campus after hours and he texted me while i’m at the light and he goes “is that you i just saw leaving?” i said “yeah. want me to come back?” and he goes “hmmm i’m bored. yes.” now you’re thinking… i’m a major red flag !!! yes… i am 😃 i go back and we park next to each other and i sit in his car with him in the passenger seat and ykw… it wasn’t awkward at all. it was natural, funny, sweet… we sat in his car and talked for hours. we talked about my breakup, we talked about the girl he loves, we talked about the bitches he’s busy with and so much other shit.
conversation with my boyfriend never flew as mindlessly as it did with him. i guess it makes more sense bc i rarely saw my boyfriend. i’d only see him every week or so but i saw gojo almost every single day, even if we didn’t talk to each other. but gojo and me had more in common… we related on more. i found him more attractive and there were things that i didn’t have in my first relationship that he had. i sound like such a piece of shit right now, i know. but i convinced myself for 5 months that i don’t need any of that stuff to be in a happy relationship. i kept my relationship going on the whole “always choose your aman” thing.. it was a sweet relationship but even as my friends said … there was no chemistry between us. and the sex ! my ex boyfriend used to be bi until a month ago, he’s straight now. he has a lot of bodies …. which i don’t care abt the number but they were literally all men, which i also don’t really care about. it’s just that he’s never had sex with a woman before and yk i was willing to be his first and it made me feel a bit insecure. it’s a shameful thing to be insecure abt and i know i shouldn’t be but i was. the making out was great, being in his lap was fun and he knew how to kiss me properly and everything. i asked him to choke me and he did it properly despite him being a pretty vanilla guy. but when we had sex… he just couldn’t do it right no matter how much i told him what to do. like i was so engrossed in teaching him bc he was fucking up so bad that it took me half an hour to cum… then when he put his dick in me, he hardly stretched me out and it hurt so bad and he wasn’t doing it properly and i was genuinely just mad at that point 😃 i told him to stop and i just sucked him off and called it a day. then there’s things like a bit of pda or etc that i wanted. we’re young, i think it’s normal to want a risky and more adrenaline rushed relationship, or at least it’s what i need… now asking him of that is unfair, i know. i asked and he said no and i was like “that’s all okay !!” but like lowkey i was starting to get bored bc there’s so many things i wanted to do and he didn’t. obviously i respected it but i don’t have to agree with it. still, i kept moving on and i think that’s why i started to think about gojo more bc gojo is someone who would’ve done all of those things… i wanted to make out in an empty elevator once and he pushed me off and said no and i was like “oh :(“ which is fine on his part !! he doesn’t have to do any of that stuff and it’s fine bc everyone has their reasons and boundaries. but i don’t find the fun in that. him and i had very opposite personalities and i know opposites attract but these were things that i didn’t like compromising on. i know you’re probably thinking that i fucked up and ruined my perfect picture and that’s exactly what gojo said to me when i told him about the breakup while i was sitting in his car. he told me “you had the perfect picture. the sweet boyfriend who knew how to treat you and you left him.” yeah left him bc i couldn’t stop thinking of you, you fucking idiot. i was emotionally cheating and my boyfriend was SO not deserving of that. he’s way too good of a man to have someone do that to him so i cut it off. i felt horrible but i had to do it. i didn’t deserve someone like him. he was really really sad and i felt bad bc i was so brutal over the call and yes… another dickhead move. i broke up with him over call and that was bc i wasn’t able to see him for another month cuz he was traveling. i had to be mean otherwise, i knew i would’ve caved in and just… ignored my feelings for gojo again. now if you’re wondering, did i get with gojo ? nope. did i try ? nope. ykw i did tho?… encourage him to better his relationship with the girl he likes, bc i really enjoy doing that to myself LMFAO i told him what to do on valentine’s day, i told him what to do on new years, i told him what to do for her birthday… cuz he’s a fucking idiot but he’s literally obsessed with her and i can’t help but just stay out of it even tho i like him so damn much. but he’s
also fucking stupid because why are you fucking other bitches while you like this girl ?? but she’s also confusing bc she doesn’t want a relationship while he does and when she says that she just wants to be friends, he treats her like a friend and then she gets mad that he doesn’t give her any romantic attention. i told my guy bestfriend, david, about this and even he agreed that she’s just using him for attention… and i kinda realized that a long time ago but he’s so blindly in love w her that idk what to tell him. i tried to tell him to focus on himself and get his shit together but nahhh, he told me to stfu and flicked my forehead instead. oh and then those two are just friends, he goes out and fucks other girls to curb the loneliness ig and then she gets mad at him for it… you aren’t in a relationship ??? 😀 anyway, gojo is honestly a dickhead. do i still want him ? yes. should i ? no, bc the red flags are obviously very much there and i cant help but be attracted to them and i hate it sm. fuck gojo tho.
back to my breakup, first week i was chilling. told myself i never needed him and that shit is better off this way bc he wasn’t even all that. second week, i was fine during the day but i would get lonely at night when all my friends were asleep and he would’ve stayed up to talk to me about some random video game or i’d tell him abt some interesting fic i read. this third week was hell tho… i thought abt him 24/7. i wanted to talk to him so bad . i texted him and just told him i was checking in and it was a nice conversation but it felt so plastic and i hated it. he has given away most of my stuff and i haven’t given away a single thing. also, if i’m regurgitating, it’s bc i wrote half of this rant last night while i was half asleep and now i’m writing the rest so idk what i wrote last night. moving on, he told his parents i was his girlfriend and not just a friend and that’s very awkward bc his mom actually works at my college and i’m like… yo… so i always duck whenever i see her, it’s embarrassing. now, i’m just missing him all the time. but i tell myself that i did this for a good reason and that it’s what was best for the both of us and i know what i did was the right thing but i still feel like such a horrible person… he said he’s fine now but i still feel his absence daily but then i tell myself that it’s me missing the attention, not him. i tell myself and i feel better and then i tell myself that i’m not wrong for what i did. it’s okay that our breakup had an impact bc he was someone i genuinely loved and had a relationship and it’s okay to wish things could have worked out and it’s okay to keep stepping up and doing yourself a favor. so now, i’m sitting here with uhhh no gojo and no boyfriend and ykw, it’s chill. it’s not that bad. are there momentary feelings of sadness ? ofc. but it’s fine. there’s like 15 guys in my dms rn and i have bitches !! so that’s cool but i don’t want any of them… so they’re never getting texted back ! but yeah. that was the rant. pls don’t do what i did. it’s such a mindfuck and honestly, i feel like the villain and ik i should bc what i did was super fucked up but uhm… yeah
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
rebssss do you mind if i ask you what your kinks are? 👀 the ones that ive read of your work so far, i really enjoy them a lot ♡ why do you write them so well ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
oh wow, we're up for a long ass ride. i'd say i'm exposing myself but i've been doing it with every fic i write so let's go.
overall i only write about kinks that i'm into. i haven't had the chance to try a lot so I don't know if I actually enjoy everything but yeah, thinking about these turns me on so let's dive into it with an explanation that nobody asked.
- praise kink (top tier, unfortunately, I need validation) 
- degradation but the way i write it lmao if it goes too hard I'd literally cry. it's all about the teasing for me and knowing they don't actually think what they're saying (it's a weird comfort, i need therapy)
- sensory deprivation!!!! the trust?? the intimacy?? immaculate 🥰
- orgasm control/edging is this even a kink? well idc it's hot
- breeding kink but it really depends because sometimes it gets triggering, especially lately??? i was so into it and now i can't even think about it lmao (like it's really hot in fiction because I can be as filthy as I want and there won't be consequences but irl 😬 let's not)
-  size kink!!! yes sir i unfortunately find it extremely hot. but tbh I find size difference hot both if I'm submissive and if I'm dominant, especially if my partner is a man. like a big tall man getting dominated by me??✨ HOT ✨
- talking about sub men, i need to peg one like desperately
- pet play but just the pet names (kitty, bunny, puppy), leash and collar and maybe some things like ears or tail but not the full fantasy of acting like a pet
- *ashamed* is spitting a kink 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 *heavy sigh* yeah i find this hot. won't overdo it and only in certain situations but 🥺
- i find shibari really interesting but you need to make sure that your partner knows what they are doing and I have trust issues AND my muscles ache every two seconds so by the time they put me in the right position I'll be safewording because I'm uncomfortable 
- as much as I write a lot of public sex i'd never do it. maybe a little bit of exhibitionism but not in public public. probably it's more the thrill of getting caught but like in my room/house not where people that can't consent could see. it's really similar to breeding kink, when i write it i know all parts are consenting but irl you don't know it and that's a big limit for me
- i also write a lot of 3/5somes but I don't think I'll ever be comfortable making it happen irl rip. 1) find the right people 2) what if it gets awkward after? 3) you really have to trust them. but I think that it's really hot when more people have to make it work
- free use is the same. really hot if i think about it but i don't know how practical it is irl. i know people do this but i've read so many stories of so definite doms not respecting rules/limits/safeword that i don't feel so safe with certain things. would feel 100% more comfortable trying this with a woman though
- about roleplays... i don't know, i guess it can be fun?? but i've never had the chance to try anything and i don't know if i'd be able to play into a fantasy and which one
- the only thing i wrote that I'm not extremely into is probably innocence kink but for the reasons i told you and because i'm so far gone i could never even pretend to be innocent irl. but it's not in one of my hard limits so I'm quite comfortable writing it
why do you write them so well
THANK YOU??!! i think that it's because i'm both into giving and receiving so that probably helps me portray all the points of view of the people involved??? and also because i don't get out of my comfort zone. for example, free use is often paired with somnophilia but i'm not comfortable with that, if somebody asked me to write it, it would come out terribly because i can't step into the shoes. in general, if you know/like what you're writing about, it will come out well.
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caterpillarcrypt · 2 years
Confession: I kinda like booty shorts…. I think that they’re more comfortable than knee length loose shorts. I like tank tops and crop tops. Like it’s hot out, I want to be comfortable. I am not overly concerned with “modesty” like that.
I wasn’t allowed to dress comfortably in hot weather after I started puberty bc it was “too sexy” for me not to wear baggy, too long, too hot, ill-fitting clothes according to my mother (and the church) even tho I was a literal child, and I wasn’t supposed to “tempt men to sin” or whatever. I grew up with purity culture forced on me and it’s weird to see that kind of thing being praised as feminist now? Same thing with bikinis being seen as bad. I can’t fit most one-piece bathing suits bc I’m too tall. It’s way easier for me to find a bikini that actually fits.
Knee-length shorts are itchy and I have gotten rashes from the hem of those before because it rubs my skin wrong. I used to only be allowed to wear capris and knee length shorts, and it SUCKED. It was so freeing to finally be an adult and be able to buy and wear the clothes that I wanted to wear and that I felt comfortable in, even tho it was seen as “too sexual” or “slutty” for me to have my shoulders showing and wear shorts that didn’t go past my finger tips. Why should I care if it causes a man to sin in his heart or to “stumble”? Why should I care if it makes people think I’m a brain-dead whore? I can’t control other ppl’s thoughts and they’re wrong for thinking it anyway. Nothing inappropriate is even showing. I’m fully clothed, some people just feel like it’s wrong for women to show “too much” skin. I’m not going to wear uncomfortable clothes just so other people are comfortable instead. It’s none of anyone else’s business if I’m wearing a fucking tank top.
Idc that this purity culture shit is coming out of the mouths of women. That doesn’t change anything. It’s still stupid. It’s complete bullshit. Like you wear whatever you want, I’m not going to insist that other women dress how I do. I just want to be left alone about it and I want other women to be left alone about that kind of thing too. It’s like obsessive at this point. Stop defining women by how much skin they are or are not showing jfc.
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bitchkay · 2 years
Ok, hear me out: food play with Rio 😳
I can very much see Rio covering you in Saligian honey and just devouring his snack, but what if you decide to pull the Uno reverse card on him? He's very much a giver, and it's about damn time you *did* pull the Uno reverse card, you decided. Of course, he also wants to taste you, so you tell him he can. Cover your chest in some of the honey and let him lap it up. Once he finishes, lay him on his back, drizzle the sweet liquid over his body and slowly, borderline torturously run your tongue over each and every square inch of his beautifully toned chest that was covered in honey. You were saving the best part of the meal for last: his dick. Pour some of the honey over his ballsack and his length and tease the most sensitive spots. Just before he comes, remove your mouth and let him cum to his heart's content inside you
Oh anon great minds definitely do think alike☆
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You know how long I been writing this
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Sometimes I truely think we've all thought of these lewd things about these characters but are just too pussy to say anything about it
Luckily I have no filter😋
Like bruh look at this
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Anon dont play with me, I will finish this fic rn
I got school tomorrow but idc I carry my laptop everywhere, I'll fucking do it, don't think I won't
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Rio make my brain so stupid.
Anyway, plot of the fic is literally Rio made some good ass honey buns and they all nice and sweet and sticky and just nice overall yeah but then you drop some honey on your chin cus them buns got bare on honey on them but they good yk nice and syrupy then Rios like 'oop I'll get that😁' then fucking licks you and then like suddenly you're naked. Yea. There's honey in all places honey probably ain't posed to go but it's there its sticky and its sexy as FUCK and yall have sweet passionate love.
But anyway
Let's lick honey off Rios abs yea
That sounds so nice
Rios probably real sensitive
...hold up my brains melting
Trailing a path up his stomach over the curves and contours of hard muscle
That shit would make me horny--
Rios brain is literally short circuiting
Hes just looking down at you while you do it and he literally can't think
rio_voleri.exe has stopped working.
You're the only thing in his sights and you're like angelic to him
Sinfully angelic™😋👍🏽
Even when you're licking honey off your own hand and using the slick to jerk him off he thinks your pretty
(He might even go as far to say your prettiest in this state😳)
How is he possibly supposed to contain himself when you lick his tip with honey sweetened lips, fingers slick with hot syrupy nectar?
Imagines this☆:
Your body's stuck together. Sticky with sweat, cum and honey on your bodies. It was messy, needing to change the sheets after the fact got multiple reasons. You licked his neck as Rio kneaded your butt pulling you down on his cock, also sticky, but you weren't sure it was cum or honey, at this point though you didn't care. That's a problem for future you to figure out. You both hand your head buried in the others neck biting and sucking the other skin, trying to taste all you can of each other. "Augh... I-... I need more of you." Rio mumbled into your skin before pushing you on your back, pulling out, following a trail down your body before latching onto your pussy. "RI- RIO!" Everything about this is sloppy. The way you desired each other was without restraint or much thought, being manhandled to your gluttonous partner's delight. Tasting and licking the others honey sweetened skin, heightened the pleasure and senses. "Ah! You're so- Rio I'm-" Rios dick stood tall and strong leaking pre from his tip, glistening in your arousal. Your gripped on his hair as Rio devoured your cunt, strong arms holding your legs wide open. "I'm gonna-" "More." "Rio I'm gonna cum!" Lapping up your sweet pussy juices Rio crawled over you, pushing his cock back into you. "Shh, your okay, I got you." He didn't move, rather warmed himself inside you as you calmed down, holding your body close. "So good... your so good.. so sweet... on my tongue.."
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ambrosialdesire · 1 month
the question is do you find all mights lil skeleton form hot?
i believe that it's canon (do NOT take my word for it lol) that he's still extremely tall (i think he's like 7'3) and retained the strength + speed/reflexes he has from his big might form, i think in the manga and anime, it showed him catching this fast robot thing (i'm not fully caught up/i don't remember HAHA) that was coming up from BEHIND him LIKE HOW IS THAT NOT HOT????
i genuinely find his skeleton form attractive and it increased even more bc of an ao3 fic called "Through windows" by Claidheamor OMFG that was the pinnacle/the start of my attraction for toshinori i stg, and that fic is how i got my best friend into him as well (we are literally the same person) AND HIS DUB VOICE WHEN HE'S IN THAT SKELETON FORM IS SO 😫😫😫 i normally don't really like dub but i've been rewatching it in dub cause if i rewatch animes, i usually listen to the dub after i've watched it in sub. idk i've always did that for some reason lol
the fact that he's literally just a normal guy that has the dream of bettering the world and is so determined to do that through constant self-sacrifice, even if it literally was killing him?? the fact that despite losing his ORGANS and having limited time in his big form, he still continued to save people and teach classes with a smile?? like it was unintended for him to cause a complete overreliance in his abilities because of how much he did for the public and accidentally creating villains (shiggy and stain i think), but damn he's one of my all time favorite characters. plus he's also self-loathing AND a dilf, just how i like my men 😈 (HE IS LITERALLY IZUKU'S DAD IDC IF HIS DAD IS ACTUALLY ALIVE AND OVERSEAS, TOSHI'S MORE HIS DAD THAN THAT ABSENT MF)
all in all, toshinori yagi is my silly old man since 2016/2017 and he's hot af ty for asking anon
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420yearold · 7 years
I just read on this site in this year in 2017 that being tall is more important than being attractive why would anyone go on the Internet and spread such lies????????
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sleepysnk · 2 years
YES PLEASE TALK ABOUT WHATEVER KINK NSFW HCS YOU HAVE ABOUT JIRAIYA i swear to gawd i could talk about his gross sleazy ass all day long
a/n: I HAD TO WRITE FOR JIRAIYA BECAUSE HE IS JUST SO FINE. i also consider him the kinkiest man in naruto, so i hope you enjoy!
characters: jiraiya
warnings: canonverse, nsfw, smut, size kink, overstimulation, edging, slight dacryphillia, breeding kink, praising, oral sex f!receiving, fingering, slight corruption, spanking (?), some rough sex, daddy kink.
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- now, where do i even begin with this man.
- jiraiya is fine as hell, and he’s literally the author of straight up porn. he’s also a man who knows the female anatomy very well, so expect this man to be very kinky and full of surprises. he loves to try new things, especially when it comes to you. he likes seeing what works and what doesn’t. you know, for research!
- i am a firm believer that jiraiya has a huge dick. i’m talking like 7.5 inches with some serious girth. it’s always poking out whenever he wears a robe, and i swear that thing floats when he’s sitting in the hot springs.
- jiraiya has a seriously high sex drive. he’s the type to last multiple rounds, and he gets horny very fast. do not provoke this guy unless you wanted to be fucked in the middle of the woods. he has no problem doing it. he will make it happen.
- this man knows how to eat pussy. i am not bluffing when i say it. he will eat your cunt out for hours, and he doesn’t stop until you’re shaking or pushing his head away. he loves to make you cum all over his mouth. seeing how much you squirm makes him even more turned on. he loves to overstimulate you, and hearing you whimper drives him insane.
- along with knowing how to eat you out, he likes to finger you while he does it. he has some really nice fingers, so he will reach all of the spots inside of you to make you feel like you’re going to explode. sometimes jiraiya will keep it nice and slow, while other times he’ll go really fast and leave you crying his name. the mess you make strokes his ego.
- i mentioned above that jiraiya has a huge dick, so i believe he has a size kink. he’s a strong and tall guy. he can easily press you against the wall and fuck you against it without worrying about you falling. he loves to see his fat tip spreading your lips apart. he stretches you to your limit, and you always feel very full with him.
- he will praise the absolute shit out of you. he knows how much you love when he calls you a good girl in bed, so he uses that to his advantage. his voice is so smooth and nice, so you’ll definitely be over the moon with his praises.
- “such a good girl for me.. you’re taking my cock so well..”
- now sometimes if he’s feeling cocky, or if you’ve been a brat, he’ll edge you.
- he’ll feel your walls slowly tensing around his cock, and he’ll just stop his movements. seeing your desperation sets him off. he loves to hear you beg with tears in your eyes to let you cum. he usually edges you once or twice, but sometimes he’ll do it three times. your sweet voice drives him crazy, and he loves whenever you cry out his name.
- he has a fucking daddy kink. idc what anybody says.
- jiraiya lowkey has a corruption kink. the idea of your sweet brain being taken over by him is extremely erotic to him.
- he doesn’t really have a favorite position. jiraiya can easily make you feel good in any way possible, so there isn’t a set position every single time. though, if you’re in doggy style, he loves to grab and slap your ass. he sometimes leaves marks on your skin too.
- most of the time, jiraiya is the dominant one. he’s hardly ever a submissive, so don’t expect to ever try and take over. he loves being in control, so giving that up would be really hard.
- the sex between you can really vary, but most of the time it is very rough. jiraiya is very nasty during the moment, so he grabs, squeezes, pulls at anything he can get his hands on. he also usually doesn’t play nice, and you’re sometimes left a tired mess once he’s done. he takes sex very seriously, and he expects the same from you. though, if you need a moment he stops.
- jiraiya loves to cum inside of you all the time. stuffing you full with his cum is always on his mind whenever the two of you fuck. there’s nothing more hotter than his thick seed dripping out of your pretty hole. he doesn’t like to let it go to waste, so he figures he’ll put it in a nice spot.
- he has the hottest grunts and moans.
- he’s so hot, he can fucking corrupt me.
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captaincryolicious · 3 years
Dog Days
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➳ Tohma x gn!reader (ft. best friend! Gorou)
➳ Oneshot ; 1.7k
➳ Modern au, First meeting ; No warnings, just a bit ooc but idc I just felt like writing~
You couldn't resist cooing at some cute pups you met on the streets, but then you find out their owner is just as cute. [28.O7.2O21]
Zep's note ; Nothing too special because my braincells were mostly preoccupied with a crisis regarding whether to write his name as Thoma or Tohma 😭
content under the cut | masterlist
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"I'm tired, I thought the snackbar you mentioned was nearby?" you complained to your best friend, dragging your feet over the sidewalk. You felt as if you were betrayed, since you had been walking for nearly ten minutes and there still was no sign of your destination. 
     "Hey, that's what I thought, too," Gorou countered, putting his hands up in mocking surrender as he shot you an apologetic look. "How could I have known that I had the wrong direction in mind? People usually only notice this stuff when it's already too late and I am no exception." 
You couldn't really blame him; the neighborhood you two lived in was quite a maze at some places and you still managed to get lost on your way to the Seven Eleven you visited way too often. Your best friend losing his way while trying to find a newly established snackbar was a very valid excuse. 
      "You owe me a milkshake, boy."  
With that statement, you reached out to ruffle the boy's hair, knowing very well that he already promised to treat you to a milkshake anyway. It was your way of letting him know that you weren't mad at him in the slightest, but the pout wouldn't disappear from your lips until you had your refreshing drink on this hot summer evening. 
Well, that was what you thought, at least. 
You found out it was practically impossible to stop the smile crossing your face when you noticed two Shiba Inu puppies darting around in a dog field along the sidewalk. They were chasing each other as fast as their little paws could carry them, one letting out high-pitched barks excitedly while the other tried its very best not to fall over in the tall grass. It was a sight so endearing that you couldn't help the delighted squeal you let out.
      "Awww, Gorou!" you called, dashing to the fence that separated the enclosed field from its surroundings. "Look!"  
But that was unnecessary. Your best friend had already reached the fence, eyes sparkling in delight as he greeted the puppies. The two little fellas ceased their game of chase and waddled to the fence cutely, curious to the newcomers. You leaned over the balustrade as much as you could, extending your arm to one of the puppies. The tiny animal sniffled your hand warily, but it wasn't long before it decided to trust you, allowing you to scratch underneath its fluffy chin.
Maybe taking the wrong direction and getting sidetracked on your way to the snackbar wasn't that bad after all. 
      "They're even fluffier than you," you marveled, laughing when the other puppy licked your hand. You had stopped caring about your milkshake completely by now. 
     "Hey, don't compare me to a dog," Gorou whined, giving you a not-so-convincing frown. 
     "Ah, my bad, you're right," you said, pretending to be sorry before you grinned teasingly. "A dog is a bit too far fetched. You're literally a puppy." 
Your best friend huffed at your words, facing away from you to look at the puppy through the fence. Yet, you didn't miss the pout that tugged on his lips, and you chuckled softly. Of course you meant no harm; it was merely a little inside joke that arose between the two of you after a while of hanging out together, and you often called him puppy jokingly. 
You too redirected your attention back towards the puppy in front of you, who was impatiently waiting for you to give it some affection again – despite it being very limited by the fence. The baby animal pushed its nose against your hand lovingly, and you couldn't help the aww you let out. 
     "You're adorable," you smiled, booping the puppy's nose softly. 
     "Thanks," a new voice replied, and you froze.
You instantly wanted to tell the newcomer that your words weren't meant for them. You really, truly, genuinely wanted to tell them that. But the moment you looked up to scold the person for being so presumptuous, those words got caught in your throat and refused to spill from your lips. 
A guy was leaning against the fence, tall, blond, and really handsome. An easy grin was playing on his lips, and his green eyes regarded you with amusement and curiosity. 
     "I can say the same for you, though," the male added, offering you a quick wink with a playful smile. 
You stopped breathing for a second upon his words, unable to look away even when you felt your cheeks turning red. He let out a breathy chuckle, obviously amused by your oh so obviously flustered demeanor. 
Dang, you were just cooing over two adorable puppies barely a minute ago. What was happening? Why was there suddenly a really cute guy talking to you? You turned to Gorou for a second, mildly panicking on the inside, but he did nothing but wiggle his eyebrows before he looked away. 
     "Heh, I'm sorry," the blond male spoke up, and the sound of his voice pulled your gaze towards him once more. "My name is Tohma, and these little guys are mine." 
The guy – or Tohma – gently picked up the puppy that had been darting around his feet, hugging it to his chest while still leaning over the fence so you could finally freely pet it as well. If you found the courage to do so, at least. 
     "This is Taro, and the other is Chiko." 
The teasing smile on Tohma's face merged into a softer one, and you swallowed before hesitantly reaching out to pet the puppy in his arms. Your fingers slowly carded through the floof, and the way Taro looked at you happily gradually eased your nerves. 
     "Hi, I'm Y/N," you introduced yourself, and you weren't even sure yourself who it was directed to; Taro or its owner. Tohma didn't seem to mind, though, and he just looked at you warmly. 
     "Pleasure to meet you." 
     "Oh no," Gorou suddenly gasped dramatically, eyes wide as he placed a hand over his mouth. "Y/N, I'm afraid I have to go." 
Your hand froze – much to the Shiba's dismay – and you shot your friend a puzzled look. He had to go? Out of the blue? Conveniently in a situation like this? You weren't buying it at all. 
     "What? All of a sudden?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at the smaller guy next to you suspiciously. He definitely had ulterior motives. 
     "I just spontaneously remembered the extreme amount of homework I have yet to deal with," your friend explained, looking all but genuinely apologetic. "I'm sorry, see ya later, Y/N. Maybe you can bribe this guy into joining you for a milkshake~" 
And then he walked off, not even giving you a moment to process what was happening – let alone give you the time to call him out and keep him from scurrying off. 
     "It's summer vacation," Tohma commented as you watched your best friend leaving the street you were in, mentally cursing him for bailing on you. 
     "I know," you sighed, your mood so bummed that you temporarily forgot how this handsome guy managed to fluster you only a moment earlier. It was but a small moment of bliss, though, and it all came back when your gaze met his pretty green eyes again. 
To make a relatively short story even shorter; you and your best friend got lost, met two cute puppies, their insanely fine owner showed up, your best friend ditched you, and now you were alone with the aforementioned cute owner. 
     "So, about that milkshake–" Tohma started, his voice trailing off near the end. 
     "Yeah, I was planning to get one but I just got ditched by my best friend," you murmured, having mixed feelings about the developments of the current events at hand. 
     "I wouldn't mind taking his place, as he so kindly suggested," the blond male shrugged, looking at you to see your reaction. He had stated it nonchalantly, but you weren't blind; you could see the hope for a yes in his eyes. 
     "Uh, I wouldn't mind either," you replied. Tohma's face lit up at your answer, and it wasn't hard to miss even when he tried to hide it. 
You weren't sure what exactly was going on, but you decided to just go with the flow. In the worst case scenario, it would end in a fiasco and you'd have to avenge Gorou for his actions, but maybe it wouldn't come that far. Tohma seemed like a cool and pretty chill person, so it wasn't all that bad. Oh, and his puppies were absolutely adorable. 
     "Nice," the male grinned, handing the puppy in his arms to you over the fence. "I know a place where they have nice milkshakes and they allow dogs. It's a win-win, if you'd ask me." 
You carefully took Taro from him, and the Shiba was more than happy when you hugged it against your chest softly. Tohma picked up Chiko, and you both made your way to the exit of the dog field, each on a different side of the wooden fence. And then he was on your side, without anything that stood between you. Dang, you just cooed over two puppies and now you were suddenly getting a milkshake with their owner? What an unexpected turn. 
     "Well, Y/N," the blond male started, watching how Taro dozed off in your arms while Chiko placed its tiny paws on your legs as soon as Tohma put him down. "Looks like my little friends already approved of you." 
It wasn't hard to pick up on his easygoing vibe, and you managed to relax a little as you shot him a smile. 
     "Then we have a good start, hm?" 
His smile widened, and suddenly you weren't mad at Gorou anymore. Who knew that two little Shiba Inu pups could be some excellent wingmen? This was going to be interesting. 
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
growth spurt - richie tozier
↳ a/n - ignore the lack of format at all. i’m writing this on my phone and lower caps looks cuter idc. technically requested by @bucky-j-barnes (although she only told me to write richie if it counts) anyways sara ily and enjoy <3
↳ content warning - strong language, dirty jokes.
↳ 1.2k words
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y/n leaned back against the wall outside of school as she watched all of the people walking inside, trying to spot one of the losers (specifically her trashmouth boyfriend). y/n and her parents had been away in another state to see family for practically all of summer so she hadn’t seen any of the losers since may. she’d missed them all a lot, as she hadn’t really spoken to any of them through summer, though the anticipation to see them definitely made the school day better. somehow.
she hadn’t really changed too much over the summer. she’d cut her hair and changed up her style a little, though she had no major changes. nothing that people would notice. she’d stopped growing about a year ago so she was still the same height; annoyingly short. the only person she knew who was the same height as her was eddie, which she appreciated. she had someone who at least got bullied with her when richie went off on one.
“hey, sweet cheeks!”
she’d been too lost in her thoughts to see him approach, but she looked up at the voice she recognised all too well and holy fuck.
richie walked up towards her with his hands in his pockets, grinning his usual stupid grin. he was still wearing one of his hideously colourful shirts and still had glasses that covered the top half of his face. his hair was a mess as always and he was still carrying the same backpack he had since sixth grade. but somehow he had gotten so much taller. he was practically a giant. for a seventeen year old he was huge. it looked like he had literally been stretched upwards to be so tall.
y/n’s mouth dropped open as he moved to stand in front of her and his grin widened, arms loosely crossing over his chest.
“i know, i got even hotter.” he smirked, and she had to look up at him as he spoke.
he had always been tall, but so had all of the other boys she knew - aside from eddie, of course. but this was just insane. he wasn’t just tall - he was a fucking giant.
“how did you- since when- you’re so tall!” y/n gasped and richie laughed as he reached out to pat her head like she was a puppy.
“maybe you just got shorter.” he teased and y/n scowled, though she couldn’t help but smile as richie stepped forwards and put his arms around her, pulling her into himself. this new height was perfect for hugging him, she realised as he tucked her head right under his chin.
“missed you.” she mumbled into his disgusting pink shirt, and she relaxed against him as he held onto her a little tighter. she really had missed him all summer. it sucked not being around him for so long, especially outside of school. he was so different when it was just them. he was so much gentler.
“missed you more. it sucked being stuck with eddie for two months without you.” richie chuckled.
“hey what the fuck?”
y/n looked up to see eddie walking towards them and rolled her eyes, elbowing richie in the ribs when she realised he’d purposely said it so his best friend could hear.
“eddie! i missed you too!” y/n smiled and pulled away from her boyfriend to put her arms around the shorter boy instead, who initially stiffened though hugged her back after a moment.
“y/n thank fuck you’re back. richie has been completely unhinged all summer. now that you’re back maybe you can control him so he doesn’t go swimming in the disgusting river again.” eddie snapped at richie as she pulled away from the hug.
“oh come on, eddie spaghetti,” richie teased as he slung his arm around y/n’s shoulders. “it was a hot day! you’re just a fun sponge.”
“better that then contracting some sort of disease from the water. seriously, i feel like i’m the only person who cares about safety.” eddie scowled as he crossed his arms, speaking almost too fast for y/n to keep up.
“safety schmaftey. lighten up a bit, eds. sheesh you’re more wound up than my grandma.” he snorted.
“whatever, when you die from doing something stupid i won’t be surprised,” eddie huffed, adjusting the straps of his bag on his shoulders as he spoke. “i’ve gotta go and disinfect my locker before i use it, fuck knows what was in there last year,” he shuddered. “see you guys.” eddie shoved richie as he walked past before he went into the building, disappearing amongst the crowd.
“if i knew you’d almost kill yourself all summer i’d have probably stuck around.” y/n teased as she looked back up at him and richie rolled his eyes.
“i wasn’t even that bad, come on angel,” richie complained, and y/n had to stop herself from smiling at the nickname. “anyways, now that you’re back i can get unhinged in another way.” he wriggled his eyebrows at her suggestively and she groaned as she pushed his chest.
“in your dreams, tozier.” y/n scoffed and richie threw his head back and laughed at her expression.
“come on, snookums, not even a quick one? there’s probably an empty closet inside-“
y/n cut him off by lifting her hand to cover his mouth so he didn’t say anymore, though pulled it away with a gasp when she felt something wet against her fingers.
“did you just lick me?” she gasped, and richie started laughing again as he slung his arm back around her.
“there’s way more where that came from.” he winked, and she pulled a face and groaned as she wiped her hand off on her trousers.
“you’re disgusting.” she scowled.
“you still love me.” he grinned, tapping the end of her nose and causing her to scrunch it up slightly.
“somehow.” she sighed dramatically, though couldn’t hide her smile as she looked up at him. “we probably have to go inside in a minute.” she nodded towards the entrance of the school, and leaned up to kiss him for a moment before they went inside, though scowled as he was now too tall for her to reach.
richie grinned as she leaned up on her tiptoes towards him though just tipped his head up so she couldn’t reach, and she groaned as she smacked his chest again.
“rich.” she whined, tugging on his shirt, and he laughed as he finally leaned down to kiss her properly, resting his hands on her sides.
“you’re too cute,” he teased as he pulled away with a kiss to the end of her nose, and reached to take her hand instead as they started walking inside. “still wanna find that closet, though?”
“shut up.” y/n elbowed him again and he laughed, swinging their hands as they walked inside.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Scream (1996) Characters + Mickey Having a Tall S/O
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Randy Meeks
IDGAF if Jamie is 6ft. Randy Meeks is a short king. You cannot change my mind.
He jokingly flirts with you. Everyone laughing at how funny it was that he was trying to put the moves on you. When you flirted back...His brain kind of blanked out a bit. 😳 He didn't prepare for that.
He quickly becomes a flustered mess if you lean against a wall that he's up against and smirk down at him. Like, are you trying to make him fall in love or what????
Once you're a couple, that boy is absolutely enamoured with you. You are a freakin God/Goddess/Deity to him. Like, holy shit how did he snag THAT?!
Will worship you because he never thought in a million years he'd get you. Loves leaving kisses up and down every inch of you.
He is a leg guy. Long legs wrapped around him has him biting his lip and groaning.
Won't have an issue with you getting him things. He knows he's not that tall. He got you so what does it matter if he's tall or not? You clearly didn't mind.
You both playfully tease each other about the height difference. It's not insults but tiny jeers to each other that you both know is just teasing.
You jokingly sit on his lap in front of everyone not only because he gets bashful about it but because it just lets anyone trying to flirt with you know you're with him.
He gives a smug smirk when people dog him and you walk in the room to wrap an arm around his shoulder. The look on any assholes face that the shorter nerd pulled an Amazonian Goddess or a Person with Viking stature has him grinning about it for days.
The gif is literally him with any taller partner. He doesnt give a single fuck. You're his. Being chest level is even better because what a view 🤌👀
He will be a bit apprehensive of you wearing heels at first because are you seriously trying to make him look even shorter? But the minute he sees how they push up your ass and emphasis your calves...He's not complaining.
Billy Loomis
IDC if Skeet is 6ft tall I headcanon Billy as 5'9-5'10 at best. Billy just rounds it to 6ft. 😒
He had a thing with Stu whether he'll admit it or not so another guy or nonbinary person taller than him isn't a big deal. He still exudes dominant energy in the relationship regardless of how much taller you are than him.
If you're feminine, he's not sure how to feel. 'Guys are supposed to be the tall ones in the relationship.'....It's the 90s, he has a fragile ego, and he's from a rich moderate town. What do you expect but for him to feel like he has to be 'the man' physically at all times and possibly have misogynist tendencies? Even subconsciously. They are there.
He would probably mock your height at first because he's an immature jerk and being mean is how he deals with feelings he can't comprehend.
Oh! But if you use his head or shoulder as an arm rest he's mad the whole day. Eventually, you both insulting each other becomes your form of flirting
OR you let him know it bothers you and he'll ease up. He might be taken aback because to him; he was just teasing. He'll do better if it really bothers you. But you better do the same for him because he is tall, okay? He's not average and he definitely isn't short, alright?!
He gets a huge ego boost if he can make you flustered. It's almost comical seeing him put his arms on either side of you on a wall and you blushing as he smirks up at you.
He will get a kick out of being the dominant one in the relationship. That you're his size or bigger and yet he's still the one taking charge. It's a big turn on to be able to be the one calling the shots with his partner no matter what but you being so big and yet docile with him? Hot.
You actually forget that he's not taller than you because he just treats you like you'll break. Like you're this tiny, fragile thing he has to take care of and protect. It's endearing and a welcome change because no one else makes you feel like that. 💘
Will definitely wrap an arm around you and dare ANYONE to make a remark about the size difference.
Wear heels or platforms in public and he's annoyed because it's hard telling lying to people that your 6ft tall with a partner over towering you
Don't you EVER get him anything from the top of something. EVER. He is getting the damn thing himself even if he has to get a step ladder or climb to get it. 😡
Eventually, you got on the step ladder and grabbed it for him and he begrudgingly let you.
Will be extra protective of you if you're a non confrontational gentle giant and someone makes you cry. He will kill someone. Seriously, he won't even hesitate to protect you no matter how physically capable you are. You're his and no one makes you cry and lives. (They show up a day later hanging from a tree with their guts hanging out.) 🗡
If you are confrontational and intimidate someone in front of him, he will be thinking about it constantly because holyfuckingshitthatwashot...They still gotta die for insulting his partner but that's besides the point.
Tatum Riley
The girl dated Stu. She likes them big 😏
Will flirt with you, eyeing you up and down and giving smooth pick up lines. "Damn...That's a tree I want to climb...Sorry, just checking out the scenery. How you doing, honey?" If anyone else said it, you'd be rolling your eyes but her saying it gets your interest....I mean, she's hot.
Would definitely be one of those people that is constantly comparing your heights. "Oh my God, guys! Come look! I come up to YN's neck, holy crap."
Once you're a couple, congratulations. You have officially become the designated ladder.
She will climb YOU in order to get something... What? Her legs are wrapped around your waist? Oh, how did that happen. Hold still while she gets that cup. Yeah, she could have you get it but...Why when she could 'help' 😏 😉
You are still getting her everything. Be ready to be called at any time of day to get things on the high shelf.
Pick her up. She will be smitten. She may or may not try to pick you up but it didn't work.
You better start realizing you're putting her on your shoulders at concerts.
If ANYONE makes fun of you or insults you in anyway; she is on their ass. It's like a Chihuahua protecting a Great Dane. She doesn't care. She becomes 7ft when she's pissed off! 🤬
If you both argue, she will get a chair just to yell at you face to face.
Please, let her get you heels! It may be a challenge to find them in your size but hunting for a pair of size 10-14 heels that are still cute is half the fun for her. (She finds them on her own and surprises you as a gift.)
If you don't wear heels that's fine too but she will be giving you fashion advice for your body type. With those legs and that torso and those shoulders; why aren't you showing them off???
Lies and tells people you're a model. Runway or plus size or commercial depending on your body type but she still tells people you are. May even try to get you into modeling because LOOK at you!! You're gorgeous to her and have the height to match!
Stu Macher
He is like 6'4 so unless you are extremely tall then most likely he is still taller than you.
When he first saw you he is INSUFFERABLE. He is constantly leaning near you or eyeing you up a down or trying to compare your height or delivering pick up lines. He is lewd as can be with you and has zero subtlety. "Wow...I could just sit on a chair to eat that, no kneeling required."
Like...Boy??? If you don't STOP. Eventually you either become flattered by it or just give in and go on at least one date with him.
You being tall doesn't bother him at all. In fact, he's kind of thrilled having a partner close to his height. Other than that, it's just like any other relationship to him.
He can rough house with you without worrying about hurting you! That's always a plus in his book. He still tries to pick you up to prove how buff he is. You don't mind because it's not too often you have a guy taller than you able to manhandle you.
If you wear heels and you end up being taller then him holymotherofgod you better be prepared for him to be throthing at the mouth and ready to do whatever 👠🥵
Seriously, he doesn't have people taller than him often let alone his partner he finds sexy af! He is down bad for you in heels.
You both draw stares or at least glances when you enter a room. Both of you seem to attract both good and bad attention and Stu loves every second of it
Wants you to wear his clothes. They aren't as long on you as they were Tatum or Casey but being able to see your ass hanging out around the house is even better 👀
Constantly lets everyone know. "Yeah that fine ass tall glass of water over there? Hell yeah, man. That's mine."
Good luck on roadtrips in the backseat or in tight spaces. Both of your long legs are not working. He'll definitely suggest you lay on him to 'save room'.
Keep away doesn't work as well with you but that's when he just leans back against something so you're climbing on top of him to get it. What? Him doing it on purpose to get your chest in his face? Of course not!
He doesn't openly get mad at someone mocking you or him for how tall you both were. He plays it off as a joke. "Ha! Frankenstein's Monster. Funny, bro. Seriously, ya got us!".....Then mutilates them later on that night. 🫀
If you can pick him up he will be taken aback and questioning for the rest of the day whether he liked that or not. (He did.)
Sidney Prescott
She's 5'7 without the 3-4 inch ankle boots she wears throughout most of Scream. So, she's not that short herself.
Probably one of the only ones where your height truly doesn't matter. It's not a turn on or turn off.
You're both cuddling or sitting most of the time so your height doesn't matter too often. When you do walk together, she's a hand holder rather than walking plush up against you. So your height really, truly makes no difference to her.
The only time it does is when she's holding your hand and comparing your hand size to hers. Lovingly smiling at you as she compares.
Will bring up your height if you get her something and tease her about not being able to reach. Just like Randy, it's all fun. Nothing malicious about it.
Wants to borrow your clothes to lounge in if you're 6ft or taller because their perfect night shirts.
Will be a giggling mess if you pick her up Princess style (Because Billy could only give piggy back rides and he still didn't offer)
Will glare at anyone who calls you an insult...Go ahead. Call her partner the Jolly Green Giant or Lurch. Go for it. See what happens.
If you hold something over her head to tease her with, expect her to either tickle you to get it back or touch somewhere sensitive to distract you enough to snatch it and then play innocent afterwards.
Gale Weathers
She is vain and extremely traditionally feminine so I can't see her ever being with someone shorter than her. You're height doesn't win you brownie points in her book. That's a given if she is even considering you. Oh, so you're tall! Want a cookie? Big deal.
If you wear heels and you're taller than her, expect a jeer about trying to hog the attention. 🙄
Once you're a couple, however, it's a totally different story. Watch her insist you wear the heels to get attention on BOTH of you.
She likes looking up at you. Giving you those doe like eyes and smiling as she sees you give in to her.
She will have you raise her up during an investigation to look through a window.
She is considerate if you're with her. She just isn't to anyone else. So if you get her things, she will thank you with a smile every time.
She usually has someone else do her hair. But with your height, you could easily reach the top of her head without her straining her arms to do it herself. (Her hair in the first film is A LOT of rolling a brush in an underhand motion HIGH above your head with a blow dryer. It's an arm killer)
She doesn't see your height as anything unordinary or bad. She's always in heels or around media personalities in heels or tall newsanchors and actors. So if someone from small Woodsboro insults your height? Oh damn...She is whipping around and dragging them verbally. She will humiliate them in front of everyone to the point even you're grimacing. The woman does not play. 🗣
Definitely makes comments about "I'm not too maternal but hopefully if kids are in the future they get your height. I had freakin calf implants just to have your legs." It takes you aback how forward she is but she wants what she wants. If she sees a future with you, she will let you know instantly.
Whenever she can't get something, her eyes instantly go to you as you roll yours and get it for her.
Would definitely complain about neck pain while talking to you for too long and looking up. She probably doesn't even have to look up that much she just likes teasing you.
Dewey Riley
He's 5'10-5'11. So, average by most peoples standards.
Your height has him crushing on you big time. God, just watching your stride or how you stand out while talking in a group has him getting yelled at by the Chief for not doing his job.
He isn't nearly as flirty as Stu but he's not a socially awkward child that will avoid you either. If he likes you, eventually he will take the risk and tell you he thinks you're attractive in a polite way. "I hope you don't mind me saying so but...Gosh, you're pretty/handsome."
Once you're together, he treats you like he would any partner. Like Sidney, he doesn't use your height to his advantage or make too big of a deal about it (But he does find it an attractive quality about you for sure.)
He doesn't mind you in heels or not. You're looking good to him regardless.
Will chuckle and flush a bit at you over towering him or kissing the top of his head while standing
He is a people pleaser and a doer so he doesn't ask for help often. But if you stand there long enough and watch him struggle, he will ask you to help him hold up the thing or help him reach for the thing.
Loves you laying your long legs over his lap while watching tv
Tries to pick you up to carry you to the bedroom. He almost drops you but regains his footing. He is carrying you, make no mistake. He might struggle but he's doing it for his baby.
He's not confrontational but will always defend you against anything or anyone. He's your protector no matter if he's shorter than you or you're both the same height!
Will open the door for you and be 'the gentleman' in the relationship no matter how much shorter he is than you . He is going to treat you like an angel in his life and that means doing things for you he knows you're capable of but it's still how he shows he loves you.
Mickey Altieri
Mickey's slightly taller than Dewey but still shorter than Stu. So you COULD be taller than him but most likely slightly shorter or the same height.
This man has no shame. He's like Stu and Randy's love child. He saw you only because you were towering over a group of girls and a few guys at a party and made his move.
"Come on, babe. I don't mind a lil height difference...Besides, we're all the same height horizontally." or if you're the same height or shorter. "I just couldn't help noticing you and thought 'wow, that is a stallion I wouldn't mind riding'...Wanna dance?"
Definitely comes on way too strong at first and it doesn't let up as a couple. He is passionately with you
Heels? Fuck yes, Mommy/Daddy. Dominate him😩
Seriously, he requested the heels. And for you to shove him against a wall while talking dirty to him. The boy is a freak and is probably stammering to get out a single word.
He loves having you as arm candy. He shows you off and doesn't care if you're taller than him or not. Wear the heels babe. You look hot in them.
He doesn't care about what people think of him. Not a single ounce of a fuck given. But if they make fun of you OR even your relationship they are dead. He is fist fighting them first THEN killing them later.
He gets his camerecorder out and starts at your feet and slowly goes upward to your face. Making lewd comments the whole time as you laugh and shove it away.
Insists on you sitting in his lap or getting a piggyback ride from him. He manages just fine, being muscular and tall himself. He loves to see you shy about it and does it often.
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ry0chann · 2 years
not a request but size kink with kunikida, gosh 🥴 he’s so tall and probably well-built, imagine how fragile you’d be under him no matter what kind of body you possess. you’re like ‘please, it won’t fit!’ and he goes ‘it will fit, i am going to make it fit’
first of all, yes, and let me explain why
// nsfw warning bc i get carried away at the end lmao
he’s what, like 6’2 ?? (189 cm exactly) so he’s already taller than the average person (me), therefore: size kink. also, he’s so well-built and i don’t think we talk about it enough. he’s tall sure but he’s not lanky, and i will stand by that till the day i die. i just recently saw a post somewhere talking about how he has a broad back and like ??? god help me that’s me so hot. the man is canonically strong as hell so just imagine how that’d benefit him in the bedroom; being able to fold you into whatever position he wants, with ease 🥴 omg and his hands— his hands are so fucking nice, let me explain. they’re big and they’re rough and again, he’s really strong, meaning he’d be able to pin you down no problem and keep you there. fuck, and his fingers are like, long but not skinny— they’re thick but not the “short & thick” vibe y’know? so imagine how that’d feel 😳 GOD, AND HIS DICK IS BIG IDC ✋🏼 i’m gonna ramble about this bc i have a lot to say.
the whole bit of “it’s too big but we’re gonna make it fit” is so fucking hot and i’ve never considered it for him until now. i hc him to be like almost a 7, if not a 7 ?? idk my hcs are always changing. but realistically, he’s tall so i don’t think he’d be smaller than like, a 6. (idk how mens bodies work, leave me alone). but now if we’re talking girth, it’s enough to where you always seem like a tight fit, but not so girthy that it’s heavy and hangs low, if that makes sense.
now that that’s out of the way, imagine him trying to put it in 🫣 the tip’s all swollen and it’s struggling to push past your slit. you’re squirming and whining, whimpering about how it’s not gonna fit. but he just keeps prodding at your cunt until he eventually gets the head in and starts filling you with every inch. you’re barely able to sit still bc of the way he’s stretching you out. but he just rubs at your sides and coos in your ear about how “there’s just a bit more” and “you’re doing so good” and how “he’s gonna make it all fit” and that he “promises it’ll feel good.” and you just look so cute under his slightly burly figure— blushing and moaning while he opens you up— that he practically loses himself in the affair. you’re sucking him in so good, that he’s trying his best not to be too rough but he can’t help it. and regardless of your body shape, he is bigger than you. he’s taller, he’s stronger, and in addition to that, the way he fucks into you makes you feel small. like if you were a cute little animal and he were your predator. (except he’s not into prey/predator play lmao). every little thing has his mind racing— the way you look, the way you feel, your arguably obligated obedience. it makes him feel powerful, almost. he has all the control and you better believe he’s gonna use that to his advantage by fucking your brains out
*banging fists on table* kill me. literally ruin me omg— i’m gonna stop now before i lose my mind, but there are my thoughts 😭
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teeth-farie · 3 years
fairy arcana li’s hmm? 😮‍💨
asra- he would DEFINITELY sound like a bell when he flies. like tinker bell. idc what anyone says. they are mischievous and like to steal things from you just so you’d be forced to come back (though, let’s admit it, we would’ve come back anyways). they enjoy sleeping in your hair the most, or maybe on your chest closest to your heart. although they are fully capable of flight, they refuse to do so whenever you’re around. “but, mc, i sprained my wing on the way here to see you! i’m serious, look!” he’ll fake wince as he flaps his wings gently open and closed, you don’t buy it.
would love to grind against your tongue, does it anytime they can. and just imagine the little jingle that comes with the shuddered flutter of his pretty, glittery transparent wings after cumming- edging himself to a squirted orgasm. one thing he loves about your size is your warmth. he can just curl up in the crook of your neck and lay there, falling asleep to your pulse and the comforting warmth you emit.
julian- i just know he flies around everywhere. he’d probably get mistaken for a hummingbird at first because he’s always rushing around, never taking a break, work work work 24/7/365. he might have some sharp wings, pointed at the end, that tickle your ear when he sits on your shoulder. he loves talking your ear off, about fairy history, anatomy, medicine, culture, etc.
he’d probably try to fit himself around your thumb. he’s just a few inches short of muriel’s height, so he’s still pretty tall, but his slim figure makes up for that. it’s still quite a stretch for him, but we know just how much this doctor loves the pain. he might even try to fit two fingers- and can you imagine how pretty he’d look taking two fingers inside of him, and one in his mouth? face absolutely wrecked and teary eyed, insisting he can take more. once he cums, he’s out like a light, and you just prepare a hot bowl of water for him to bathe in when he wakes up, clean your fingers, and stroke his tiny face till he wakes up.
nadia- most likely to look like a butterflies wings imo. they have a pattern on them- golden intricate lines- that seem to glow brighter when she flies. she sits on your palm like her own personal thrown, making gentle conversation as you guys take routine walks through the forest where the plant life and flora are most prominent. she’s quite, graceful, and sometimes you feel like you breathe too loud around her. you amuse her greatly and she enjoys your company. she’d invite you to as many fairy traditions as possible just to have you close by.
i’m really trying to think of some good nsfw w her, but i am… unable to im so sorry.
portia- now her wings DO glow. but they’re kind of small compared to average fairy size, which can make it hard for her to fly that far without tiring herself out too much. she v much prefers travel king with you because she can just rest against you when it gets too tiring. it’s fun having her around, because she literally glows. her wings g l o w. she’s like a little firefly in your palm. she doesn’t have a preference for where she sits. shoulder makes it easier for you to hear her- even though she’s already pretty naturally loud already- and she can play with your hair if she sits on your head. your palm is fun, because she can look down and watch the ground move beneath you both. etc etc.
remember what i said about how she’s loud? yea she’s even louder when you eat her out. your tongue can pry her open so easily, and it’s so warm. and wet. and god it feels so good. overstimulate her till her wings glow brighter than they ever have before. and watch her try to keep going even though you both know she’s tired. pet her and call her a good girl and she’ll melt against you into a happy soft mess of love.
muriel- since you say his wings are tattered, but used to look like an atlas moth, i imagine him being afraid of what they looked like in full. like, even i have to admit they’re a little intimidating (but then again i have a fear of bugs LOL) i can imagine spending time w him, gently rubbing salves into the base of his wings where it must hurt the most, and having that be the start of where he slowly trusts you. i can imagine him riding your shoulder around places, hiding behind your scarf or in your hair or in your pocket, etc.
and imagine letting him grind himself down on your tongue? or letting him fuck himself on your fingers? laying him down on some soft pillows, nudging your nose against his face as you let him get lost in the pleasure of just a single finger hitting all his sweet spots for the first time as his small, rough hands do their best to pull you closer. he’d be one of the most affectionate during these times because,, omg for once he’s not the bigger person! he’s actually small!!
lucio- mosquito. period. cant have him flying too close to you because it’s just bzzzzzzsssss and it’s Annoying. one half of his wing is damaged extremely, but he has small fancy fairy machinery that helps it navigate well enough. but (luckily for you) he prefers riding your shoulder. because riding around with a prosthetic wing gets extremely tiring.
… i cant think of any sex for him. i feel so bad i’m sorry jjdjd
- @dollarstore-writings
!!I love this!!
Asra making a little tinkle sound oml 🥺 he loves sleeping in chest pockets on your shirts so he can feel your heartbeat ♡ asra pretending to sprain a wing so you’ll coddle him..such a mischievous fairy! I bet he steals little jewels and gems from merchants to gift to you like little fairy courting
Asra likes to straddle your tongue so he can rut and grind his little cock/clit against the soft wet muscle. It’s like nothing he’s ever felt and makes him see stars. He loves his big kind human and their big wet mouth ♡ if your hair is the right texture and length he’d try to burrow into it and nap (afro mcs watch out in your hair you WILL find a sleeping friend and he’s too cute to wake up)
Julian is a very jittery fairy hopped up in the fairy equivalent to coffee. He carry’s a tote/satchel of little books and papers from human literature folded super tiny to fit in his bag. His wings and muscle connecting are a bit thicker because of how quickly his wings move when he flies so he’s often mistaken for a bird like fairy! But he Would love talking your ear off about anything and everything that comes to mind
Julian’s size queen tendencies transcend species and he WILL fit your thumb inside him if it’s the last thing he does. He’s the second biggest fairy but he’s so slim you can see the bulge in his belly! He loves to see the little lump and press on it while you fingerfuck him ♡. He needs another finger in his mouth at all times cause he can get Loud even by fairy standards. He tries, he really does, but he can’t take two fingers. It’s far two big in the end but you could probably fit a bullet vibe (in a modern au) inside him considering it’s about the size of a finger. You clean him up with a warm rag and prepare a hot bath for when he wakes up ♡
Nadia loves to perch up in your hand and trace the lines of your palm. She likes to have you at fairy balls and events and all the other fairies seem to love the gentle giant human relaxing in the corner. (You will get covered in tiny flower crowns). It’s easy to feel too big around her, but she always tells you about how nice it is to have personal company, no matter the size.
Nadia loves to tinker! So I’m a modern (still fairy) au, she would love to explore with any toys you have. A bullet vibe is the best match for her, a rumbly little thing small enough to try and ease into herself if she really wanted. She’s never had an orgasm so intense than after a session with the vibe. She can’t go more than the first level unless she really tries, so you stick with the first setting and focus on technique rather than intensity (if you have a fleshlight she will get Very confused and try to shove her hand in there to feel around. She immediately gets flustered upon finding out what if is)
Portia’s wings flap quickly like Julian’s but hers are far too small for her solidity (she’s more weighty than others- less possibility of hollow-ish bones) so she greatly appreciates a ride. Oh little firefly wings….so precious! Whenever you can’t find something she just rubs her wings together and activates that glow to help you peek in dark areas
She very loud, much like her brother. Her wings glow so brightly the closer she gets to cumming. Oral is the best way to get her off. Rubbing her would be fine but if you want a big reaction have her grind on your tongue. Unfortunately she’s too small to take her finger but there’s always silicone molds to make your own tiny toys for her! She loves making little collars for herself and asking you to clasp them on her, perching up where you want her and sitting pretty like a good girl.
Poor Muriel has tattered wings from his time in the arena. His wings, while they used to be wide and fluffy atlas wings, are not calloused stubs at his back. He used to think it was a blessing to lose them, considering they were so big. But he always ends up teary when you rub the lotions and balms over his back and treat his little stubs like they’re something beautiful. He’s the largest of them all, about 11-12 inches tall (with Julian falling at 8-9) so hiding is difficult for him in the fairy world. Buy a hoodie with a deep pocket so he can sit in it, the cocoon shape makes him comfortable.
It makes him so happy to be the small one. He likes when he only job is to be comfy and keep his legs spread, even if he felt awkward and undeserving at first. It’s gets overwhelming quickly to him, but he loves getting gently fucked on your finger. He tends to grab and cling to your other hand if you let him, making low noises compared to the others. If you put your tongue there he’d lose it. It’s far too good for him, he couldn’t handle the wet warmth and he cums embarrassingly quickly (but that isn’t new)
Lucio would be a mosquito. He makes himself more grandiose than he naturally is to compensate for being such a low level fairy. The prosthetic would be far too heavy for a wing, so he’s kept from flying because of it, though he can still flutter a little bit off the ground. He does still have his golden arm, and he likes randomly scratching you with it for laughs. He sticks on your shoulder because he likes to be tall and high up, grinning so widely all the while.
He’s very self conscious of his wing and arm, even if he acts self assured and confident. Lucio would melt if you gently rubbed his bad wing and told him how pretty he is. He’s mid height among the others (same size as nadia if not a cm or two shorter) so he can take your finger but it is a stretch. But he loves it, he wants to feel immobilized by how full he is.
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rebornologist · 2 years
Hi, I just read your college headcanon thing and I'm just wondering if you have any about what Reborn, viper, Collenelo & Lal and Skull are doing during this! Or of them during their college years!!
Literally any excuse to write about Mammon, I will take... these will likely be shorter because I'll do a bit of both! ♡ Thank you for suggesting arcobaleno content I am so so in love w them all xx
♡ The Arcobaleno in University*:・゚✧
༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · ˳ · ♡ · ˳ · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
As for while the main cast (Tsuna & co.) are trudging through their years in uni, Reborn has grown a considerable amount, and has kind of let Tsuna on a longer kitestring than before; He still offers his absolutely unhinged tutoring services, and threatens Tsuna that if he doesn't sit down and study to do well in college, he is doomed to having no skills outside of being the 10th generation Vongola family boss lolol
Mammon literally doesn't have to worry about anyone in uni lolol I don't think they're close to anyone who would go to university, maybe Fran but they genuinely could care less about how his studies are going; Maybe if Fran was an accounting/econ major and Mammon considered him a good asset for accumulating wealth.... but we all know Fran's an art or language student or some shit so there's no way in hell
Colonnello goes to all of the sports events to cheer on Yamamoto and Ryohei and literally everyone else; Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a PE instructor or decides to be a kinesiology/athletics/nutrition related instructor at some point, he's got time...
Lal doesn't feel as much obligation towards watching over Tsuna & co. anymore at this point, but she gives them shit about their studies sometimes whenever they do see her; Duuuude maybe Colonnello's a prof somewhere and she's the mysterious hot person that visits him during his breaks a little too often and the students are definitely speculating LOL (ColoLal is literally the "prof who overshares" and "brick wall prof" ship dynamic and I love them for it)
Skull is pretty involved with Enma and the Simon bbies in uni!! He goes to any of their sporting events or extracurriculars that they want him to witness bahahaha; Aside from that though, university was never his thing..
Now, as for a little... ♡ College Arcobaleno AU *:・゚✧
♡ Reborn
That is the face of an evil evil business major idc; Something like international business or dareisay a double major into political science as well..
He's so intimidating but also like tall and handsome and such a head turner when he struts around campus; He dresses well and he knows it, always experimenting with fashion and is the definition of hottie walking to his next class in a timely manner, with his expensive ass fair trade organic small batch coffee in hand
Would probably be a frat boy at some point in his college career, he's terrifying and notorious for being brutal with incoming members (hazing isn't fun, y'all); He thinks it's all in good fun though hmmmm.. evil
He somehow has so much time it's like he has infinite time he's that friend that's taking all these classes and balancing work and clubs and socializing, nobody knows how he does it; He's secretly running on basically no sleep, just pure survival instinct
He's in a lot of clubs, his favorite is the costume making or fashion club, he's not the best with sewing, but he loves the people there and they love him as well; He's their bestie and model of choice and he has a good eye for design
He has a creative knack and it's his destressing outlet but he tends to ignore it, why are youuu doing polisci of all things, hardass :\
And of course his favorite class was the one solely about coffee (the fact that those exist @ my school is wild but so so wonderful)
♡ Esper Mammon
Literally why would Mammon be in university it's expensive???
In the case that higher education is not exorbitantly priced and Mammon is attending such an institution..
They literally have purple hair and pronouns BAHAHAH They're absolutely styling on everyone in class all the time, but in a dark brooding and emo way
Says the bare minimum and does just what they need to pass their classes, spare time is spent grinding their side hustles for moneyyy
They're pretty quiet and generally keep to themselves, but won't hesitate to speak to people when spoken to or interacted with
Mammon studies econ or something like that because eughh money money money, but they also have a soft spot for studying certain animals
They got closer to Reborn because they were in the same herpetology course, and had some heated debates over whether the frog or the lizard was superior; They study together sometimes, people think they're dating but they're literally just two hot people sitting next to each other reading up on caecilian life cycles
Mammon definitely has kind of a weird room, with pink lights set up for exotic plants they got really into taking care of at some point, some frogs in a tank somewhere, it's also quite dim in there for no good reason
♡ Colonnello
Gym rat
University is but an extra expensive gym membership to him
He's the type to bring coffee or snacks in to a friend's class, sneaking in through the back with that stupid little grin
Yeah, he knows the effect he has on people, his eyes pierce through hearts brooo it's insane
People assume he's involved with Lal and kind of back off, they probably founded a little paintballing club and a majority of their initial recruitments were just people who thought they were hot and came up to them
He studies something super niche like kinesthetics or whatever goes into physical therapy; He's fascinated by the works of the body and actually is so sweet for wanting to use his experience to help others live their best lives
He volunteers at the raptor center because I said so and that's where he met his best bird friend Falco; He also goes birdwatching at the crack ass of dawn, the perfect time for him to start his morning run before going to the gym or something ashdhsjdf idk how people do this shit broe
Him and Reborn have friend groups that somehow merged and they hated each other's guts since the moment they met each other, they probably fought at some point idk and then became like rival besties LOL the kind where they compete with each other in a not so serious way to keep themselves motivated
Reborn admittedly loves paintballing with him <3
♡ Lal Mirch
Not a gym rat
Either has a double major or minor in women's studies, she's too much of a baddie to not; She's a physics/engineering student though, if not something else hot and sexy like biochem or chemeng...
A substantial number of people in her classes have the hots for her because of the skewed sex ratio in stem especially engineering college life Lal is the hottest bitch on campus
She's got blue light glasses (nerd) and usually shows up to class right on time with sweatpants and a tank top, maybe a zip-up hoodie (my bets are that it's Colonnello's hehe) if there's a breeze outside
She's probably yet another busybody that somehow has time for everything; College level volleyball or softball, probably, and probably some internships on top of her classes
Lal gets along surprisingly well with Mammon, they both begrudgingly respect each other's interest in insects
She definitely started getting tattoos in her college years, she wasn't allowed to even think of them before that, but she knew that once she got out into the world on her own she would adorn herself with so much wearable art
She's got mad rbf to the point where other students are intimidated to even speak to her, sometimes even intimidating to instructors
She's usually in a neutral or even decent mood though, she's quite blunt and straightforward with things, but she's so kind and helpful to anyone who dares to ask her for help
♡ Skull
Why is he even here he doesn't know why he's here
He's here because there are hot girls on campus who look at him when he pulls up on his motorcycle, that is all
Imagine his surprise when he realizes he has to do work to stay in uni, not just hang out and be hot and get girls
College was his peak and his prime for getting his hair cut and dyed spontaneously, getting a million new piercings, etc.; A good amount of these body modifications are done with friends or by friends
He's punk af and loves going to yard shows, maybe house parties
Frat people love him because he has the most insane party tricks, being basically invincible
I like imagining that Colonnello and Skull have lived together at some point and Colonnello has a stockpile of energy drinks; Skull makes great use of that stockpile as well when he's furiously guzzling those electrolytes the morning after to fight off his hangovers (oh Skull my dear it doesn’t work that way lol)
His handwriting is so messy yo whenever he bothers to actually take notes, he'll look back on them and he isn't even 100% sure what he wrote orz
This man cannot cook for his life and became the errand boy just getting groceries for the house so that his dear roommates can make dinner LOL He doesn't mind though :)
Everything that I write about Mammon is sooo friggin self-indulgent, and this is my worst offense. I love reptiles and insects and they do too now I don't make the rules :) Also I literally have a crush on Lal don't come for me if she was @ my uni I'd propose on the spot move aside 'Nello
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