#mainly sharing because I need to get better at this type of stuffs
I love all of the RP blogs for the suckening so much, I would love to join, but don’t really know how, just had a funny character idea (Ei: Maddox)
I heard their is a discord and stuff, don’t really know if their are any rules and stuff, thought I’d post to at least be like I’m interested in doing this, idk
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do Poseidon X Goddess of music!Reader and the reader rarely come out of her house and if she does for example: when she goes to any meeting she always has this mask on:
and she always sits next to Poseidon for some reason she feels safe with him...?
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Thanks if you do this request!
God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected
Type of Writing: Request Character: Poseidon Name: God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected Requester: @imperfectbloodmoon
A/N: These may not be the best thing I've ever written, but I'm trying my best to keep up with stuff from my classes and with these requests. But, I do hope you guys enjoy this!
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🔱 Alright, let's get one thing clear; Poseidon is a fairly oblivious man when it comes to emotions, which should be obvious
🔱 Poseidon was fairly wary when you first started to get close to him. He just isn't used to anyone trying to bond with him in any way, because many see him as a dangerous being
🔱 Which he technically is
🔱 Now, if you were a mortal or nymph, this guy would just push you aside and claim you to be a worthless being, not worthy of his time and patience
🔱 But, once he asked you who you were and you introduced yourself as the Deity of Music within the Greek Pantheon, working alongside that of Hermes and Apollo, he began to see you with more worth
🔱 Poseidon enjoys listening to your songs that you either sing or play on an instrument. He personally enjoys more slow and calming songs while he looks over his underwater kingdom
🔱 And he does enjoy your more reclusive nature, since he's not a very large people-person himself
🔱 He understands a lot more about you than anyone could realize, even yourself for that matter
🔱 But one thing he never fully understood was your need to wear that beautifully decorated mask that covered your entire face whenever you were to leave your shared home
🔱 Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and your looks often, though he's fairly monotone sounding, you can hear the amount of pulsing emotion underneath
🔱 Whenever he gets notice that one of his brothers is coming over, he tries to get you to keep the mask off; these are your family members, after all. They know how you look because they attended your wedding all those centuries ago
🔱 If you were to give him a good reason (such as; you didn't want Zeus to try protruding into your backside) then he would understand a bit better. But if you claimed you believed you didn't look good enough, he'd be beyond shocked
🔱 Like I mentioned earlier, Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and physical appearance. So the fact that you would still be insecure would make him feel the need to prove you were beyond good enough for a God like him
🔱 Okay, beyond the topic of the role and mask. He, like I also mentioned, doesn't understand emotions fully
🔱 Because of this, Poseidon is quite confused whenever you wanted to sit by him (before your relationship) at meetings, since normally everyone, deities included, were scared of him
🔱 Yet, every time you sat beside him, he never tried pushing you away, much to both of yours and everyone else's surprise
🔱 Despite his inability to understand why you personally wanted to be beside him, he does have quite a few hunches that many believe is true
🔱 One is that you wanted to be by someone who you knew wouldn't be to loud, the second is that you wanted to be closer to him, as he is in your pantheon, and his third one is that you wanted to be with somebody because you wanted to feel safer and protected from other Gods who may have bad intentions
🔱 Poseidon always mainly leans to the third one
🔱 After you guys started your relationship and got married, he started to have you sit right next to him. And by that, I mean by he'd have you sit either on his lap or right beside him
🔱 If I haven't mentioned it, he's possessive of what he deems to be his. Yes, he does allow you to be your own person, but he doesn't want anyone to get any ideas; specifically Zeus
🔱 He cannot keep his hands to himself, and that is coming from his own older brother!
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roo-bastmoon · 10 months
IMPORTANT INFO: issues around Jimin’s album
I have an ARMY friend (who shall remain safely anonymous) who works in film production for the music and entertainment industry here in the US. They offered me some valuable insights today into production limitations and possible issues related to Jimin’s solo album.
Below the cut is a transcript of their messages to me. I share this in the hopes it better informs our discussions around fair treatment of BTS members’ releases. It is by no means a definitive account of Jimin’s situation—simply an insider’s ideas on what likely happened around a few things.
I understand there are very big feelings about this topic, especially with the apparent differences around JK’s single, and I appreciate everyone’s viewpoints. However, if you choose to interact with this post, you will be respectful to others (including members) or you will be blocked. You are always welcome to DM me privately if you need to vent—we are all human and we all need a bit of grace, so you’ll always have that with me.
Sending you guys so much love, Roo
Anonymous Insider
Some “light reading” while you’re resting up and recovering, lol. This is all just based on what I’ve been watching and seen. Of course, I don’t have access to their production budget sheet and Korea works very differently than the US when it comes to production, but this what I’ve been seeing when it comes to their videos and particularly the promotions for FACE.
(I’m sending in sections, lol)
Alrighty - I’m still like deep in edit-land (still am two days later 😭) but I started typing this on the train between meetings, ha ha. (And am still on the train doing this, lol.) Also this rambles a bit I’m sorry! So the first thing I did was go back to the interview where Jimin talked about the music videos — it was a Japanese TV show and he’s talking with a host in Korean.
He’s talking about “wanting to do it all,” laughs and says, “I wanted all the music videos” and that “they” (the company assuming) said “무리다” which has its roots in the word 무리 which means a herd, a party, a group — basically “it’s too much,” “it’s unreasonable,” and “it’s impossible” are decent translations as it refers to something or an idea being “too much” — then the host and Jimin burst out laughing and the host goes “서리와 무리다” which I read as “sorry (in konglish) but we can’t” and they continue to laugh. So based on that —it sounds very understandable.
We can imagine Jimin sitting down with his team and planning out SMFP2 and LC videos, with the 30 dancers and all the party scene extras, and then Jimin saying he wants to do the music shows with 6 different sets in rented locations so they could have total control. And if Jimin in that process went “what if we made official music videos for all of them?” the team would understandably go “that’s just not reasonable!” 1) because it would give Jimin a budget no other member had gotten and 2) there aren’t that many production houses in Korea. It’s a very small scene — it may just logistically not been possible. There aren’t enough DPs and crew and editors. Sometimes, as a producer, you have to tell your creative talent “I’m sorry, but no.” — I say it every week!
So what about the music videos? Well, here’s what I know from meticulously watching all the behind the scenes for BTS videos over the years. They work with a small team. They likely own a good deal of the gear — they shoot mainly on RED cameras and heavy expensive Cooke lenses (which you can’t get this stuff easily in Korea. I lost a lens cap for a Canon CINÉ Lens in Seoul and it was like this whole big deal because getting gear there is an import challenge but anyways) they use MOVI and Ronin gimbal stabilizers and Jimmy Rigs a lot.
Recently they’ve been using technocranes but I wonder how many technocranes there are in Seoul. As I said, they likely own a lot of this gear which can help with costs. But we’ve also been told — and I’ve heard through my industry friends — that Hybe PAYS. And in Korea there’s no unions in the entertainment world, and often the rates are shit (hence Netflix investing so much there - blerg) their standard work week is also already 12 hours longer than the US. It’s a whole thing. and they spend so much money on sets. It’s incredible.
They rent these huge spaces outside Seoul and BUILD — I mean the build out for SMFP2 was astounding. They easily dropped 1million on that video. The rigging, the build-out, the custom set and the custom camera rigs to achieve the 360 shots - the drone shots. They’re astounding videos. No US label is spending that money on videos these day. Absolutely none of them are — my friend recently produced a video for John Legend. They were trying to pull the whole thing off for $100K which is ridiculous. It’s really almost impossible.  
But on the Big videos they spend a lot of money, but they also produce a lot of other stuff too (and these are often looked at as Performance Videos vs all-caps MUSIC VIDEOS) -— like RM’s video shoot at DIA Beacon… that was a much smaller, fairly single camera shoot — all shot on drones or a MOVI handheld rig. No set, they also didn’t like pay for the set because DIA: Beacon is an art museum — and similar a little bit to Letter for Jimin, which was much smaller set and easy in-house gear.
(And it was also released on Bangtan TV channel vs Hybe Labels Channel, which is a good indicator of how they categorize these shoots.) But the big videos, they go for broke. I mean they spend so much money and again they may own a lot of the equipment but there’s still so much people-power and labor involved. Take the dancers’ rehearsals. You have to pay people for all that — you have to pay them for the weeks of rehearsal, you have to pay them to be in a video. It is so expensive — like, I would not be able to budget that video for under 1 million, that’s how much it costs.  
So then Jimin wanted to do music shows —- and so because he’s Jimin and it’s BTS, Hybe rented larger venues and locations for all of the shoots. None of them use the actual Broadcast spaces or were provided by the broadcast studios. The smaller companies do though — remember when BTS first started out they went to SBS to film on the day? — but they don’t do that anymore. They rent huge facilities so that they could be a mini concerts for ARMYs to visit with Jimin and see him.
They also have to do this kind of outside of the city and they built huge sets because they’re going to want to show off if they’re gonna be on TV but that is so expensive. (I don’t think you were an ARMY then, but when ON was released, at the time it was the “biggest broadcast performance ever” and they keep upping that ante for sure!) It’s possible the broadcast companies spend some money but what BTS is doing is so outside the usual budget and given the tension with the broadcasters and HYBE — they (Hybe) wants control of their products, and so I think they pay for that control.
I can’t imagine they got out of any of those days for under $500K; I mean, there were two different sets, all the crew; they’re paying for all of it. We add it up and they probably spent close to $3-5 million between Jimin’s music videos and his music show performances, and I would be understandably like: “That’s it!” Like, that’s the budget for an EP, you know.
I don’t think Jimin could have it all because that wasn’t the case for the other members. RM got to lead videos and J Hope had pyrotechnics, which definitely costs money and safety and insurance. You know he had visual effects his first video (a lotta visual effects) and again a lot of challenging technocrane work, but I haven’t really seen them build something on the scale of what they built for SMFP2 in a very long time (or ever?).
We heard from the Art Dept that Jimin did not want to shoot on blue screen, so they built the set for him. This cannot be the same label that is shafting him — that allows him to spend that amount of money just because the artist said “I want to shoot in a real space!” because I’m gonna be completely honest— he could’ve done that on a blue screen — I’m glad they built a real world because BTS almost always shoots on Blue/Green Screen. They build him a huge set like that. It’s absolutely incredible.
I was also reminded this morning that people are talking about radio for Like Crazy and not supporting the song — and I just keep thinking that they did exact rollout for Butter, Dynamite, and Permission to Dance. They released Like Crazy. It had both a Korean version and English version. (Obviously that wasn’t the case for the English BTS songs.) They released two additional remixes. Then they kept releasing, like, alternate cover versions — alternate covers of the main remix, alternate cover the other remix. They were trying to maximize the direct-to-consumer store and exact same way they had tried to maximize it with Dynamite and Butter and Permission to Dance.
The way you were buying Like Crazy was the same process I took on Dynamite. They did the exact same playbook. So the fact that they were unable to get the kind of radio play they wanted or maybe they weren’t prioritizing radio because they knew that they were gonna have a better chance at direct to consumer sales... Maybe they didn’t want to fight radio. Maybe Geffen was like “We don’t have the right ‘Ins’ yet!” — I’m not sure, but the fact that they got completely screwed over by Billboard doesn’t mean that they weren’t actually rolling it out in that way, because as soon as they started doing the whole alternate cover thing, I was like: “Well, they clearly want us to try to go for number one!” You know, “They clearly think that they are going to be able to get number one on the hot 100 and we’re gonna use these sales to do that!” And clearly that’s all changed now.
They keep changing the rules on us, so — with JK, they’re obviously trying to, you know, use whatever tools they have available to them at this point.
Finally, when it comes to restocking the digital single CD. There are still albums available in the store. So why would they manufacture and ship more (likely thrown away) plastic that’s just for one song, when those CD singles only serve to raise sales for the charts? All of the other member’s CD singles are out of stock except The Astronaut, which they treated more like a proper album a bit (kinda like the Butter CD releases). Because they still have both versions of his full albums in stock, so if I were Hybe, I’d be like “No,you need to buy the album, we still have albums, we’re not going to sell you a single song when you can buy the album!” That makes more sense to me. The albums cost more.
TL:DR, haha — so I feel like this narrative around Jimin’s release has been ramped up because, from my professional opinion, he’s had the most expensive release so far (by far) and if we want to compare him to, say, Beyoncé — well she owns her own production company (Parkwood Entertainment), so she can funnel her own money into a Visual Album, I don’t know if Jimin has considered that at this point in his career, but in the future, he might!
((Not including costs for Suga’s tour because that’s a whole other thing, and the tour probably made money I would expect to balance out the cost of the tour itself))
Anonymous Insider
This isn’t to say that the other things, the part where he didn’t get the cake celebration, or the posts, the issues with the linking and this general feeling that Jimin was short-changed in these things isn’t valid and understandable. I think Hybe relied too much on D2C sales and I don’t think they leveraged their might as much as could have for JM. They could have risked more for him.
{This is an end of Anonymous Insider’s messages to me. They noted that they are an intermediate non-native Korean speaker so please excuse any translation errors. They translated things themselves using Naver tools that aligned with the video subtitles.}
So, listen, I still don’t think Like Crazy was sent/promoted to radio (which was a mistake and still is a mistake) and I am furious at the shady articles and lack of celebration for Jimin…
But after reading the way the members approach their work in the Beyond the Story book and now hearing from someone who produces these works for a living, I have to wonder if the company was doing everything they knew how to do for Jimin, but the second it didn’t work out because of the western music industry culling streams and sales, they pulled back all their resources and pivoted for Yoongi and JK. (I also wonder if leadership shut up about it all due to liability issues, or not to cause bad blood with the music industry for future releases.)
Again, I’ll never forgive the lack of celebration and the split streams (not without a great explanation), but at least now I think there’s a good chance no one was actively trying to sabotage Jimin on purpose. They seemed to have wanted that #1 and then it all went to shit because Billboard and radio want to get paid. Maybe leadership decided not to put any more resources into Face but instead pivot for all the future music coming out (including PJM2.)
Perhaps I'm a cockeyed optimist. I’m just hoping like hell they never engage in payola. I want all our boys to win, but I want us to win fairly. And even if everyone cannot have the same investment every time on every project, I hope when they come back together in 2025 that everyone feels good about their solo works and each other. This is my prayer. Love, Roo
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kittenfrostt · 1 year
I didn't know where else to ask this but gekko or cypher nsfw alphabet, if you could do both that would also be amazing Ty :>
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warnings ;; fluffy smut
art by @/ShkretArt on twt 
divider by @/benkeibear on tumblr
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  𝗚𝗲𝗸𝗸𝗼 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Can’t promise he’s super great at it, mainly because he won’t know what to do. You ask him to get you anything, he’s on it in an instant. He’ll be asking you constantly “are you alright hermosa?? do you need anything? how can i make you feel better?” Just all over the place wanting to take care of you. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your smile, and your eyes. He’s a sucker for pretty smiles, and thinks it looks amazing on you no matter what.  
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He can be pretty messy sometimes, and he loves the taste of you. He’s practically addicted to it, always asking if he can be in between your legs. He wants it all over his face, such a pussy/cock drunk baby he is. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You’ve definitely made him cum in his pants once or twice. He’s embarrassed about it, and refuses to ever tell you. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very inexperienced. Only knows things he’s seen from porn videos, and stuff you’ve shown him/things you’ve learned together. But trust this boy is definitely an avid learner when it comes to pleasuring you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves cowgirl, it’s his favorite thing to see you riding him.  
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
100% more of the humorous type when it comes to things. Cue small fail moments and shared giggles with one another. He just can’t help himself sometimes, he’s naturally a jokester no matter the setting. He just wants to make sure you’re having a fun time, always.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I feel like he’s pretty well groomed. He has some hair down there, and just between us, the carpet totally matches the drapes. He loves spunky colors, why stop at his head? He actually finds it funny.  
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He has his romantic moments, only sometimes if he’s really in the mood. But he likes to keep things light hearted for the most part. He just likes to show his love and passion for you in different ways. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
More times than he should. He’s not ashamed of it either, wether its alone or with you around. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
MOMMMY KINK!!! He loves to be nurtured. I can also see him having a lactation kink if you two ever decide to get pregnant, he just wants to lick and suck on ur milking tits all day <33 Bit of roleplay for sure, loves overstimulation whether its you or him. Oral fixation, this man can stay between your thighs for hours and not budge. He also loves when scratch or mark him, always giving you back bruises and hickeys in return. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere he can get you alone tbh. It could be in the bedroom, living room, work, public bathroom, you name it. He’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pouting. This man cannot resist a cute little pout even if his life depended on it. He also loves when you wear cute little outfits and lingerie sets, it always riles him up. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not really a huge fan of things like CNC, or anything super forceful/rough. He gentle, loving, and very playful if anything else. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He enjoys both equally, easily. I’d say he’s pretty sloppy with it at first when he’s giving, but once he gets the hang of it he’ll know just how to make you feel good. When it comes to receiving, he’ll let you do what you please, as long as you’re comfortable so is he. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what you want him to give to you tbh. If he had a preference, he’d rather do slow and sensual, that way he can drink in everything you’re giving him. Sometimes if he’s really riled up, and lord knows he just can’t resist your begging, he’ll pick up the pace for you. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves them, enjoys the thrill of it. He loves when it's sloppy and quick. As often as you or he wants to, he doesn’t mind. This man always has a need for you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Oh absolutely. He’s a thrill seeker. He loves to experiment in different things, and he loves when you do it together.  
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
After some experience, he can quickly build up his stamina. He’ll push himself to the very limits just for you. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any originally, but he’s not hesitant to buy anything you wanna use. He’d love to use toys on you– vibrators, dildos, gags, etc. He’d mainly use them on you, but he also wouldn’t object if you wanted to try some things on him. Anything to please you this boy will do. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He adores teasing, but he’s never mean about it. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can get a bit loud at times, but he tries to keep quiet so he can hear you a lot better. He’s  a very vocal person in bed. He also definitely whimpers. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Gekko’s soft whimpers bounce off the walls, his soft breaths coming out in shaky pants. His hands were everywhere on your body– your thighs, waist, breasts. Touching you anywhere he desired to grab. He was in a trance, watching that pretty little body of yours bounce on top of him. His gaze focused to where his cock continuously disappeared in and out of your tight little hole. “Qué lindo,” He whispered out in awe, willing his eyes to stay open through the pleasure. His head was thrown back at one particular slam of your hips, a loud groan escaping his lips. He could feel your hands run across his chest, your voice barely registering through his ears. “You can do it baby boy, give me one more,” Your soft voice cooed out, insides clenching around him almost painfully. “Fuck– you keep doing that and I’m gonna cum,” He’d breath out in response, letting the pleasure take over him until you both hit your breaking point.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Gekko is very lean and athletic. He’s more on the slimmer side, but he’s very defined. Long legs, pretty little slender fingers.   
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Probably higher than most. He gets real obsessive with you when he falls in love.  
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sometimes he’ll pass out right after, or at least whenever you go to sleep. He’s usually holding out for you no matter how spent he is.
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gavisuntiedboot · 8 months
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A/N: guys sometimes I just have ideas that MUST be shared with the class
Okay guys I'm going to paint a picture for you all and I need you to stay with me
It's summer break in those two weeks where the boys actually have free time right
And it's after a really spectacular 23-24 season (please Lord my knees are bruised from begging)
Because of how close everyone has gotten, the pretty boys (aka Gavi, Pedri, Ferran, Fermin, Joao, etc) all are vacationing together for a couple of days
Because ya know
Hot single champions league winners (Lord I'm looking at you again)
They're just ready to have a good time being hot and young
As Ariana said, it feels so good to be so young and have this fun and be successful
So they go to Ibiza (ofc)
And they're just out just making the lives of the PR team hell
Shirtless pics on the Insta story every day
Yacht, club, another club, another club, pass out in a luxury hotel
Wake up and repeat
And one night they go to ushuaia
That club that everyone and their mothers went to this year
Gavi, Ferran, George Russel, Daniel Ricciardo
Just really expensive and hip and fun place to listen to music and get turnt
But ofc they're not like paying entry to get in
Oh no, they've been invited as part of an event with, as Pedri so eloquently put, some magazine
Did they care who was paying for their liquor? Absolutely not
So they're all there in pressed shirts with the top two buttons undone (whores)
And having a great time watching girls fall over themselves to come talk to them or get a spot at their table
And then Gavi, trying to remedy the onset of his social anxiety, looks over to the next table and sees you sitting there looking like a slice of heaven
Short black Mugler dress (you know the one with all the see-through paneling? Yeah.)
Heels giving your legs a sculpt and your ass a lift that was borderline illegal in his opinion
And you were just leaned over the table sipping on your drink and swaying by yourself to the music
So Pablito decides that, since you're already in the VIP section, he really can only fall upwards by flirting with you a bit
At least it would be better than whatever Tiktoker Pedri pulled
So he walks over and introduces himself, pushing his glasses further back on his head so you could get a proper look at his face
And our boy is charming and cute and you're ready to have a good time in Ibiza, so you reciprocate
And y'all are just talking and laughing it up and he already has your number to "see you again"
But you're starting to think the "again" is going to be 60 minutes from now in his hotel suite
So now you're both on the same side of the table, his arm is around your waist, fingers dangerously close to your ass
And every time you want to say something, you're getting closer than necessary to his neck and ear and just letting your lips "accidentally" brush across.
And then the rest of F.C. Pretty Boy walks over to interrupt the moment because of course they had to
Professor Pedri had reminded the gang "hot girls have hot friends"
And now Gavi, who was playing with the exposed skin of your thigh, was introducing you to the other wildly famous teammates.
And that's when it happened
It was surprisingly Fermin who finally said "you look really familiar"
And that's when 5 pairs of eyes started to examine you more intensely
Pedri agreed, unable to place you
Gavi knew he had seen you on Instagram before, but didn't want to come across as weird
Ferran was the bravest, asking the question that the others were thinking
"Are you a model?"
"Um, yeah, I guess I'm a model."
The redness in your cheeks and the giggle at the end of the statement had all their eyebrows raised.
"So you're an Instagram model then?" Gavi followed up
"Careful, that's Pedri's type"
The resounding laughter almost drowned out the speakers
"No, I do print as well. I work with brands and stuff but I'm mainly a shoot model. You know, magazines and stuff."
They boys all sent praises your way, exclaiming how they knew you were too hot for just Instagram.
"Pedri here is also a model. His friends over at Men's Health got us in." Gavi smiled widely with his attempt to embarrass his older friend
"Oh, I saw that cover! All of my friends sent it in the groupchat."
Wolf whistles for Pedri and palpable jealously across the group. The other four made mental notes to get a camera and some baby oil asap.
"And what about you, Gavi? When are we going to see you on the cover?"
"Ah, maybe if they get us into another event with you, I'll consider it."
You laughed louder than the generic line deserved, but you were ready to fall to the floor chuckling and snorting to go home with this boy.
"Ah, that might be possible actually. Men's Health is owned by Hearst, and they just bought our magazine. They actually invited me and the girls out tonight."
"Wait, which magazine?" You had been staring at Gavi and didn't place who asked the question
"Um, a men's magazine, you might have heard of it. Do you guys know Playboy?"
Everyone went silent all at once at the realization
So that's why you looked so familiar
"I'd offer you all free subscriptions but it looks like you guys are already avid readers." Your teasing made all of them go red in the ears.
"Is Gavi even old enough to buy a Playboy?"
Despite being a valid question from Fermin, he received a smack on the arm as a response.
"Wait, you also did a campaign for that lingerie brand right? The Rihanna one?" Gavi asked, face brighter than the red lights at the club
"Yeah, back in December! I wore their 'Naughty' line."
Gavi then went off in a tangent, explaining that's where he knew you from (and that maybe he followed the Playboy instagram on his private account)
As the two of you walked off, there was still a tension between the other four
"So..." It was Joao that started
"You guys are jerking off with magazines like we're in the 80s?"
"Hey! Playboy also have a porn channel!" Pedri responded angrily before taking in what he had said.
"So you've been watching her in action and didn't recognize..."
"Okay listen I'm not usually looking at her face!"
Ferran slumped against the table
"All of us out and Gavi picks up a fucking pornstar. He lost his virginity last week and now he's going to fuck a Playboy bunny."
"Guys, did you not hear the part where she said she was here with other girls?" Fermin reminded the group
In conclusion, I would give anything to lock these five in the Playboy mansion for a day. The end.
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gimyung · 1 year
lookism brainrot otd:
varsity classmates headcanons !!
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it's my first time doing a post of hcs like this so idk what i was doing or where i was going w it, but enjoy !! jus mainly their traits + some x reader interactions as a classmate ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
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zack lee /////// 이진성
athleticism just wayyy over the roof. he's the jock of all jocks atp
he actually follows a strict regimen, and manages to outdo himself every time
nah cus this mf drinks his pre-workout mix few mins before lunch... because he actually intends to do workout during lunch 💀
despite being disciplined when it comes to working out and focused on hitting a new personal record every time, he's just bad when it comes to maintaining a proper diet
liiiike discipline just goes out the window when you open a bag of chips. he's right there before your hand even touches inside the bag 😭
he doesn't skip class, he's always present. there are times when he dozes off but not every time. instead he's just doodling, looking out the window, or sneakily checking soc med on his phone. bottom line is he's awake but his ass isn't reading 💀💀
he's surrounded by a solid friend group so it's hard to approach him, but he goes to you first when he needs help w studies
yeah he the type to copy ur homework lmfaoooo
though he's amazing at stuff when he puts his mind into it... like there'd be a time he would actually try not to fail his exams so that he can continue playing for varsity. he put in effort and turned out to be decent, esp science and english !!
he's good at english because he watches clips of pro athletes from around the world so he picks up a lot of it. lowkey self-taught, he ain't even realize he's a genius when it comes to absorbing information
he aint got the books tho. his bag all sports/gym stuff 😭 he switches seats w your seatmate cus he knows you're kind enough to share your book (and answers) to him
literally a jock w the way he always talks about his sport. "so are you a fan of ___?", "stayed up watching ___'s game"
but he's also encouraging and enthusiastic, "you can be an athlete too, it's not too late!"
the games on his phone are all sports games bless him
the typa jock to buy a ps5 first to play 2k BEFORE a proper mattress 😭😭
cares about his drip too, sneakerhead!zack is canon w the way jiho got scammed just to cop a pair for him
despite being a varsity player, he doesn't skip PE even though he technically can. he loves working out, getting extra exercise. everyone's intimidated tho cus ofc he just does better than the rest
but he's kind, doesn't judge, and instead encourages everyone to finish their PE tasks
"cmon you can do more sit ups!", "whoa nice, you'll do well in track n field", "if you do one more rep of this you'd actually withstand my coach's training", "yooo you jump that high? that's raw talent"
even the most unfit person in the class starts to love PE just because sweating it out w zack is fun <3
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johan seong ///////성요한
he doesn't strike as the jock™ the same way zack does. underneath that uniform nobody knows that he's ripped. on that sleeper build fr
he's really quiet, and perhaps he won't be that well-known if he wasn't playing for the school and basically being a beast in his sport
enviable because nobody sees him put that much effort, but there he is... literally main character for his team. highkey talented (this shit canon tho johan really be talented af)
resting bitch face so nobody dares approach him, but when someone does, johan gives them the softest smile <3
he's just actually shy, he doesn't really know what to say or do when you tell him "johan, good luck on your next match"
johan: [nod and smile]
when it comes to his studies, he's so-so. he puts in just the right amount of effort. liiiike overall, no problems in this area
thing is, he just skips class from time to time. nobody, not even his coach, knows where tf he is or what he's doing 😭 but he keeps getting away with it because he's really so fucking talented
7 times out of 10 he has his homework done. bless this child
he just keeps getting away w being so chill (borderline nonchalant) about studies overall. he gets called to recite one time and he doesn't have the answers, but even his teacher aint mad
guess he really just charms everyone. like nobody wanna get in the way of the genius lol and he's unproblematic overall so nobody really can tell him shit
during breaks he just eats his food then takes a nap
but he's gotten really popular so some of the boiz try to chat him up and he vibes well with everyone. he doesn't have a bad personality whatsoever ^-^
when nobody's bothering him, johan loves to listen to music on his headphones (johan! headphones! imagine! literally begging !!)
even when training on his own. literally no one could bother him 😭 he doesn't even know the music's so loud and everyone can hear
(this one is self-serving but aren't all headcanons) johan probs just a chill person and even when working out he listens to krnb :-)
like that's it, no eurobeats or upbeat music. literally just him enjoying 2 things — getting better at his sport + listening to chill music
his drip: effortless. him just wearing plain everything, nothing flashy or branded, but god he's breathtaking
one time before class ended he got so restless, turns out he was looking for a ponytail or a makeshift one. he comes up to you to borrow your rubber band that you used to keep your bento in tact hehe
ppl in class figured this out, and on the following weeks some of them offered their ponytail to johan
some of them would insist to be the one to tie johan's hair. so some days he really training with pigtails and braids
he's still unbothered but not that unapproachable anymore. got close to the class by allowing everyone to play with his hair :0
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jake kim /////// 김기명
jake's not really a bad student, but he skips the first period sometimes for a morning workout
he's a contender as a team captain so he really focuses on his sport, but at the same time he's lowkey diligent w/ his studies too
when he's in the mood to learn fr, he switches seats with another classmate who's seated in front. otherwise, he stays at the back and snoozes frm time to time
jake probs takes notes sometimes, but shitty handwriting 😭 he sometimes can't understand the shit he wrote cus he was falling asleep in class
great guy despite his popularity, so he doesn't have a hard time finding willing people to help him out in his studies (lending notes and reference materials)
he doesn't always have his homework with him, but he barely asks to copy
just a lil uncooperative with group projects, he literally dashes to the gym after class to train. he got his goals straight and ur project is at the bottom of the priority list. oh well :(
but really, nice guy. everybody's his friend and he's not hard to approach at all. lowkey fans would come up and take pics with him and he doesn't pose properly ever. always gotta look goofy ...
like his teammates can't even get mad at the obvious bias of people towards jake. jake's just so fucking nice
doesn't even have to bring lunch money cus ppl willing to pay for his meals from time to time. and he's a big eater 😭
gets accused of sweet talking his way out of some of his bad grades, being a teacher's pet bc even teachers love this guy. they give him lots of chances during recitations until he gets the answer right
he's in the middle of super athlete zack & chill athlete johan. like he's goal-oriented, disciplined, focused, but he's not obsessed
this guy never skips practice, but on the weekends he relaxes and chills w his friends at the mall/park/cafe
um he has a motivational quote as his lock screen haha.... he just the type to do it ....
and he really hates it when one of his classmates are getting picked on. singlehandedly ended bullying in his school, slay
everyone just follows his peace-loving nature. like if you like jake and you're a friend of jake, you're never supposed to do shit to others
drip: uniform too tight lol (canon) (even that tracksuit hugging his chest well)
he !! remembers !! everyone's !! names !!
like introduce yourself once to jake and he will say hello to you if he passes by you in the hallway
"yo ___, wru heading to" like he asking empty questions the way you would with an acquaintance but it means a lot cus he knows your name
got teased to run for student council despite his busy sched, actually won cus he's popular 😭 mf aint even attend meetings but this win just furthered his agenda of a peace-loving school
anddd because of jake, other sports teams in school are envious of his team because the entire student body are more inclined to going to their matches to support their friend <3
atp jake aint even allowed to be benched cus coach thinks he might get booed for it. everybody wanna see jake play cmon
got everyone moving like a stage dad w the way they'd watch jake's games and cheer for him, always rooting for him
anywayssss that's all for hcs for now !! lmk if you liked this thing, i appreciate every feedback hehe :--) idk where i was going w this so!! hope yall enjoyed or something
shoutout to mica for engraving jock!zack in my head
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narastories · 2 months
catching up about fandom stuff
Oh, hi! Do you mind if I ramble a bit?
I feel like I've been a little distant and antisocial in the past few months due to personal stuff (mainly because my trauma bucket got kicked over many, many times, but also I've been trying to get the ball rolling on a few things I've been meaning to do for a while). And I know I'm not the only one who has been having a hard time. But now it's spring here, and I'm feeling a little hopeful and a bit more inspired. Is it just me? Do we dare to be hopeful??
I'm reminding myself that both of my favorite urban fantasy series, and main fandoms nowadays are due a new book maybe this year, and that is exciting and very much things to look forward to! It also makes me want to quickly write fic ideas I have before the canon status quo changes lol (Not that it matters. I believe you can write whatever you want. But with both of these series, we love to theorize about what is going to happen, so it feels like things are just not going to be the same when we get new pieces of information, you know?)
I'm also acutely aware that I haven't posted a Harry/Nic fanfic since the OTP challenge in NOVEMBER 2022 wtf. And uh, yeah. If you needed any further proof of my poor mental health then it is probably proof enough that I haven't touched my favorite obscure little OTP.
The good news is, that I have actually been inspired to write lately. I'm doing a little re-read of the FPA books, and also Skin Game, and it's all putting me back in the mood for fanfic. And I have been typing away for the past few weeks, trying to get back into it.
The bad news is, that I don't feel like posting things yet. I just want to be kind to myself and create without having to worry about sharing it. I know this might sound hypocritical bc I just shared a post about connecting in fandom. At the same time, sometimes it does good for a story to just let it sit and simmer a bit.
There is this expression (that I don't think is actually very popular in the English language) "to write for the drawer" and I never thought that was a bad thing. Sure I write very niche stuff so you would think it doesn't matter either way, but a story is never the same after you release it out into the world. So it's okay to keep it to yourself for a while and tinker with it and enjoy the process.
I also discovered gif making for myself. (If you have seen the gifset I posted yesterday, no you didn't :P I put it on private bc I wasn't happy with it yet. Mainly bc of the subtitle thing. I either have to figure out a clever overlay or venture out into the foreign planes of the internet to forage a little bit more lmao) I think the popularity of gifsets on tumblr is so fascinating, bc it's a format that just isn't very popular elsewhere (or convenient lol). When I was younger in fandom I never had a good enough computer to do this kind of editing. So now it just made me so happy to realize that my computer can do it, and I found it a relaxing activity.
I already dipped my toe in it with that Hellraiser/DF quote gifset, but now I figured out a method to make it look a lot better. And with open source tools too! That made me especially happy lol But I also realized that if I want to post gifsets then I might have to break my "no sideblogs" rule... Anyway, this is just one more thing that I will probably experiment with privately, and then we'll see if I put it out there or not.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: creative hobbies are important. And if you can bring yourself to do them even when you feel like shit, it usually helps to feel a little less shitty. And that I will incubate my little projects for a while longer and then maybe I will feel like sharing them.
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pencilpat · 2 months
what are you’re headcanons for Virgil? 💜
Of course anon!
Virgil loves DIY! He made his own hoodie, he is a typical alt kid mending and patching things from the thrift store. I think that, while emo is his favourite fashion and music type, he also really loves goth music and style.
The dark side fallout happened right before Accepting Anxiety rather than after. Janus had plans about showing Thomas all the repressed aspects of himself even back then, and Virgil was the easiest to grapple with, so he was sent out on the front lines. He wasn't supposed to bond with everyone. He wasn't supposed to become friends, family, with someone else, with the others. And after tension built and built and Janus's abandonment fears consumed him, it just collapsed into a fight. Virgil decided that, really, no one wants him at all, and all he does is hurt and inconvenience every other side. So he ducked out. You know the story from there.
Virgil and Roman are only recently getting along better but they're trying. Virgil's love language is sharing his interests, and he tries to find crossovers between things they enjoy. Roman struggles with that because in his view there isn't much overlap at all. Most of their hangouts involve rewatching Nightmare Before Christmas over and over. But also! Makeup!! They do each other's makeup for fun alllll of the time. Also making clothing for each other!
THIS SIDE IS AROACEAPL!! Virgil is so aroaceapl coded to me, or at least demiromantic/demisexual and friendship neutral aplatonic. He never seems to enjoy the words 'I love you' or any implication of love being given to him. He doesn't seem to enjoy relationships in general, though he has let exceptions happen. Virgil seems very romance repulsed for himself but the second it's for Thomas's romantic life he is out to battle as Bravery for the sake of that anxious man's heart.
Speaking of, Logan is also VERY aroaceapl coded and in my mind they are in a queer romantic relationship, they love each other in a way that doesn't make sense as any currently known type of 'love'. They need each other and they make each other feel nice - Logan is someone that Virgil genuinely likes to be around, which is rare for him. They get each other's struggles and I think they could talk each other down from anything. And neither of them could ask for anything better than someone who understands.
Patton is also someone Virgil has felt love for. At first both of them mainly thought it was a familial bond, but given both of theirs' issues with comprehending romantic feelings, it was soon found to be more. Attraction gets very complicated when you're aro, ace, and aplatonic. It can be so confusing when you do like someone, and you'll often try to categorize them as something different like family or community. Virgil being demiromantic and Patton being aro confused and muddled things. But they really just care about each other either way, and they just let themselves... be. To just care for each other in whatever way they can in the moment and leave their feelings undisclosed.
Vee-man's favourite bands are MCR, All-Time Low, and A Day To Remember, but he's not as pure of an emo as you'd expect. That modern day tiktok emo music? He is a sucker for that stuff. And I want to kick his ass for it.
When they were a kid, Virgil was only known as Fear and he was a little shadow person. Like a tiny boogeyman! Really, the personification of what a kid finds scary rather than his current being made of all those adult worries. He age regresses for stress reasons and reverts to that form when doing so.
That's what I can think of right now, like with the Roman post I'll edit if I think of any more later.
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fantasticalleigh · 8 days
Hey, I love your work, esp your Dramione stuff! I noticed the tags on some of your posts and I was wondering: are you planning on turning Sweet Sacrifice into original fiction? I would be interested in seeing more genre romance in the mainstream
Aw, thank you! I've had the intent of adapting Sweet Sacrifice away from Harry Potter lore and into its own original work for a while now. (I talk about it some on my writing blog here and here.)
I sort of started on this already by working on an AU comic loosely based on Sweet Sacrifice since last year. It covers some of the same ground but the plot has been reduced down to mainly just being about Caius and Isolde (formerly Draco and Hermione) because if I cover anything else from the actual fic plot this comic would be like a hundred pages long. I'm working on chapter 2 of the comic right now and it's at 13 pages currently and about to get very NSFW, but I don't know if I plan to make a chapter 3 to the comic because it's really intensive work, but we'll see. This is mostly for fun but it's also helped me consider how the story might go now that I've stripped the HP elements from it and am trying my hand at world building and developing these characters further into something of my own and not relying on someone else's lore.
(I'll post more of chapter 1 of the comic but I don't think I'll post it here. So far what I've shared of it has been mainly on WordPress and DeviantArt but the full pdf is up on my Patreon.)
As for writing, I would really love to give Sweet Sacrifice a do over and make it a proper horror novel starting at a point before D + H/Caius and Isolde meet. I really want to flesh out the doomed village better and really delve into life before/during the werewolf's haunting before we get into the whole mated life thing.
I like the idea of doing it on my own and just compiling it into an ebook and "publishing" it on my own site. If I did it any other way I'd probably have to change specific/significant aspects of it to keep it from getting flagged or rejected or something, considering the themes running throughout the fic. I don't want to buckle on it remaining horror/dark romance (and the romance is questionable, at that). I don't see my type of work ever hitting mainstream (and I don't think I'd want it to either, to be honest). I don't like the idea of having to really water down the things I write to appeal to a larger audience when I already have you and many others as an audience (who already know what you're in for)!
I'm sort of taking a break from writing it right now because I've been feeling burnt out at how long the chapters have gotten and I still need to figure out the rest of the plot but the intent is absolutely there so I'll get to it soon, I hope.
TLDR: Yes, absolutely this is something I want/plan to do! I've got this story shredded between my teeth and I'll rearrange these letters to tell it in as many ways as I can, and make it my own.
(This was a really long answer to your question I'm sorry T-T ) but thanks for asking!
bonus: i don't think i've posted these here yet but bottom left is a WIP shot of the SS ch. 2 cover and image on the right is a pre-background/text flats layout of one of the final pages from chapter 1. Putting this bit under a read more bc of the sensitive material.
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rotshop · 1 year
How would the main madcom 3 [hank, sanford, deimos] + tricky react to finding out their s/o [gender neutral] secretly had a comfort plushie?
hiiiiii shorter than my usual stuff bc i didn't have too many thoughts on this !!! srry abt that ,, :( also might not be great bc i did this in one quick sitting and is mainly just 2 try and warm up to this again . lol
y'all excited for tricky plushy arrival soon
tw ; canon typical violence / death talk
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-HONESTLY???????? the normalest about it. unsurprised if he had picked up a few himself. they might not be comfort items persay but they're definitely some funny little guys he's got scattered around whatever makeshift shitshow of a 'house' he's got. (he kicks and swings his legs and talks to them about how one of his diy slaughter time contestants got brutally murdered that day)
-HE DIGS IT THOUGH !!! the first time he noticed he probably just flat out asked you about it. just kinda. "WHAT'S THAT ?" very suddenly no prompting. we love a unsubtlety queen. if they have any sort of elaborate reason you care abt em a whole lot then he's happy to hear if you wanna share !! might not have too much to say but he'll definitely listen. despite how loud he can be i think he's a fan of just hanging out and listening to you at times. he can't do it SUPER often just by virture of the near endless energy this guy's got but . there's definitely a few nights where he'll just lean against you while you go on abt something. he's pretty quiet and his shaking seems to dull for a time. it serves as a nice rest before you two do some crazy shit again.
-sleeps with said plushie in between the two of you or keeps a hand on it if you sleep with ur back to his chest. it's cute until he's partly laying on top of you and snoring. <3333 rip best friend. does it partly just for comfort (keeps you + something important to you close) and to keep it safer (he knows it's important to you and lord fucking forbid anything happens to it because he WILL tear someone to shreds about it. he sleeps pretty heavy until something's moving, then he's up faster then you can say 'it's 10am can i please go grab water.')
-if you were embarassed abt it at all he's just kind of . jaw drop . "CLOWN WOULD NEVER JUDGE !!! :(" type deal . like . have you seen this guy. are you really going to worry about cringe culture when you've got this undead clown zombie of a meow meow. are you really going to worry about someone making fun of you when your partner is slamming a stop-sign through someone's head as a fun little prank. if yes then he's going to be as cringe fail as possible in front of you. it's bad. /j
-ok controversial take but hear meout. HEAR ME OUT !!!!!! he's probably got something similar going on. it might not be with something as normal / obvious as a plush but . there are a few knives and jackets of his he barely even likes some people LOOKING at. he might not totally get the appeal / idea at first but once you explain that it's just something that brings you comfort and makes you feel better they just kinda 'oh ok.'
-NOT MUCH TO SAY ... they're pretty neutral about it. just like 'yeah me, my s/o and their plush,' there's really nothing big going on there. it's just something they associate with you and if it makes you happy then why should they care ???
-of course though they do care if someone else is giving you shit about it. then they very much so care. they actually care quite a lot. i don't think i need to elaborate much here i think this point somewhat says itself i think you know damn well what actions Hank J. Wimbleton would take if someone was going to give their s/o shit about something that makes them happy. it's safe to say you don't get to much of this- whether because people are smart enough to keep their mouths shut or because they don't live long enough for you to hear about it is really a toss up.
-they're honestly just happy you trust them enough to reveal a pretty vulnerable sort of secret to them, in a sense.
-thinks its a LITTLE funny but less in a 'lol why do you have a plush /derogatory' kind of way and more in a 'hey check out my kick-ass cool s/o and their kick-ass cool plush' way . like . similarly to hank, he's just really happy you feel comfortable enough to hold onto em around him. he likes seeing all the different sides and parts of you a whole lot, and f one of those parts just so happens to be an attachment to a plush then ohhh good heavens he will swoon just as much as he does for every other bit of you.
-gets so used to it that he gets kinda confused whenever you don't have em. movie nights just aren't the same without the plush babe c'mooooonnnnn :( .... jokingly refers to the plush like a kid at some points to get a little laugh out of you every now and then. like tricky in that he'll usually sleep with it between the two of you, for similar reasons and also just becase uhhh it comfy . <3 it gives him a good excuse to stay huddled close to you which is especially nice because A) nevada is pretty cold at night and B) He Likes You.
-will get into an argument / fist fight if someone gives you shit for it most assuredly. if you'd prefer he didn't make a scene then he won't !! he'll totally back down and step off if that's what you'd prefer. just don't expect for him to not make a point to them at one point or another that 'hey, maybe fucking with the s/o of the guy who can just start fires at will and is pretty good at digging up just about anything in any sort of digital capacity isn't a great idea?? maybe not ideal?? for health or social purposes not a perfect plan???'
-again . not much 2 write home about .
-in all honesty he just thinks it's pretty cute. similarly to the others, he likes seeing a softer side to you. there's just something about the vulnerability and normality of it he enjoys a lot. given he seems to show the most emotion in canon, he's a fan of having that sort of closeness with you. it's hard to properly put into words, he just enjoys knowing that despite the fucked up circumstances he's got someone who's got just as much heart as him by his side through it all.
-in a sort of roundabout way, having his hook and some medical experience lends itself pretty well to having a good enough idea of sewing to fix small rips and tears up should they ever occur. he's not the greatest teacher in the world, but he's deifnitely free to help you figure it out. if his hands linger after ghosting yours to fix your grip / positioning on anything then ohhh well (if you point it out he weakly plays innocent, you can call his bluff pretty easy but he considers it a win long as it gets a smile out of you.)
-might not get into any big fights if anyone's giving you lip for it but . that's less because he's letting it slide and more because he doesn't wanna cause a big scene and draw attention, given on any apprehension you might've had about revealing this part of yourself to him, he doesn't exactly wanna end up broadcasting that to just anyone. not 2 worry though !! he's good with words in private, so it's safe to say people'll lay off of you sooner rather than later.
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skincare tips from a neurodivergent person with acne who doesn't like consumerism and doesn't have a lot of money or spoons, with explanations:
i found that there is little to no content about taking care of your skin that doesn't promote buying wild amounts of pricy products for the ✨ aesthetic ✨, following 10 step routines that are highly unrealistic for nd ppl or those who work full-time, and using unnecessary amounts of plastic and harsh stuff on your face so i thought i'd share what i figured has helped me so far <3
sunscreen - i know this one's a classic but it actually helped so much with my acne. idk why but uv rays apparently take a huge toll on my skin and make me break out a lot more than when i use sunscreen (might be sun allergy but this works on non-allergic skin too!). if aging is something you're concerned about this also definitely is the best prevention of wrinkles and stuff, but really it just makes sense to use one every day to prevent skin damage, overpigmentation, sunburn and skin cancer, not just because of looks! (especially if you live somewhere sunny.) i use an spf 50 spray from my local drugstore, i found that spray spf has a much more tolerable texture for me than the thick oily ones. most importantly you just need to wash it off at the end of the day (not that i'd follow through with that every day but as long as it's regular you're fine). i've tried both mineral and chemical sunscreens, i personally prefer chemical ones because they don't leave a whitecast and aren't as drying, but for others with really sensitive skin mineral might be better because it doesn't actually absorb into the skin but repels uv rays by reflecting them. just make sure you get spf 30 or higher!! mine is about 5-10€ per bottle and usually lasts me about two to three months. there are a lot fancier ones that are hyped right now but really as long as it has modern uv filters and doesn't contain octocrylene, oxybenzone or alcohol i found it doesn't matter which one you pick.
cleanser - i also don't consequently do this every day (none of the things on this list actually but hey) and of course it doesn't solve the whole problem, but washing my face has helped me a lot to at least reduce the amount of breakouts i get. my skin doesn't like many cleansers, now i mainly just use a drugstore brand water-based gentle cleanser that is pH neutral to skin. as far as i know the only important thing is really just that it's gentle, meaning no alcohol/parabens/perfume etc (those are a bad idea in skincare in general). after i wear makeup i also use an oil cleanser or micellar water or something like that bc that gets rid of any waterproof stuff i use (which i do a lot ngl). apparently you're supposed to always use both but i just can't be bothered when i'm not wearing makeup and so far my skin doesn't hate me for it. i spend 3€ on mine and like 2€ on the makeup remover one that both last me for like half a year (longer if i wear less makeup during that time obviously).
peeling - if you don't have acne or other skin concerns you might as well skip this, but for me, this has really helped with reducing my acne and having a more bouncy glowy type of skin generally. i sometimes use an AHA/PHA acid peeling cleanser or a salicylic acid peeling solution after my dermatologist recommended it (the important word here is OR, i've learned the hard way that using both together is a horrible idea) and they work great. what's important is that you realllllly should use sunscreen the day after because they do make your skin a lot more sensitive and you should also only use it a couple times a week so your skin has time to regenerate. it's also better to stay away from mechanical peels that have like the little beads in them. they tend to cause a lot of small injuries on your face and don't really peel evenly (also most of them use microplastics for the beads that get into the environment when you wash it off). these are more expensive in my experience, mine is 9€ but i haven't found any that work the same for less, but that's really just me! i have had mine for over half a year now and i'm a little more than half done with it so it will probably last me a year (mostly because i don't use it every day).
moisturizer - probably self-explanatory, most ppl need something to keep their skin moisturized, even if you have oily skin (because oily skin usually is just a sign of dehydration/a damaged skin barrier that your body tries to compensate for by producing more sebum). this one is especially important to me during winter. really doesn't need to be anything fancy and i'd personally recommend getting one that has a lot of glycerin instead of hyaluronic acid or other fancy stuff. hyaluronic acid is a beloved child of skincare marketing but most products that contain it really don't do much. one, simply because the formula that is used for it in industrial production is Not That Good and two, in itself, hyaluronic acid usually is way too big of a molecule to actually penetrate the skin far enough to do shit. you can use a liquid or cream type moisturizer, or try both if you have dry ass patches like me, i personally like the liquid one more because of texture again. i usually spend 8€ on my liquid and creamy one together and they last me for fucking ever (think i'm actually still on my first ones from like, one and a half years ago because i use them interchangeably so that checks out).
barrier protection - this kinda goes hand in hand with moisturizer, but i like to use a richer product along my moisturizer bc it's not nourishing enough on its own for me and i haven't found a better one yet, but you can totally combine the two if you can. what my doctor said is important is that it contains some type of ceramide complex, ceramides are naturally occuring in the skin barrier and when you have a depleted/damaged barrier like me, breakouts and scarring and irritation happens, so this really calmed my skin down a lot! my cream is about 4-6€ depending on where i buy it from but lasts me three or four months usually.
zinc/panthenol - this might be a niche one but i've read online that zinc or panthenol paste that you use for healing wounds or getting rid of scars can help with acne and for me, it actually helps with acute patches. i just put a little bit on any wounds or zits i have before bed and usually the next day they are a lot smaller or even gone completely. might be worth a try and you can also use it on cuts or other scabs of course. these usually go for about 5€ per tube, i just get them from the bandaids and first-aid supply section from my drugstore.
all of this boils down to around 30€ for about half a year, making it around 5€ per month (that's a little less than 5 dollars or pounds). in the beginning it might get more expensive because trying out different stuff and finding what products work for my skin was a whole process of itself, but now that i've settled on these few things i rarely ever have to buy new ones, just when one of my go-tos runs out.
how to use - a good rule of thumb is to keep it as simple as possible and when using, to go from lightest to heaviest so a heavy cream doesn't "block out" your light moisturizer or something. in the morning, i just wash with water to wake myself up and put on sunscreen, sometimes i'll moisturize before that as well, but only if i'm seriously in the mood bc my sunscreen usually feels hydrating enough and i don't have much time before heading out anyway. often times i'll also just really not have the spoons for any of this and might have to choose between brushing my teeth and doing my skincare, so i also don't do this super regularly. in my experience, just trying to keep at it as good as possible is the best i can do and it has helped me more than doing nothing. in the evening, i'll usually remove my makeup if i'm wearing any and start by washing with a cleanser, then using a peel like once or twice a week afterwards, and then finish by moisturizing and putting on cream. that makes 3 or 4 steps total, but often when i'm tired i just bring it to 2 by only cleansing and putting on cream. i know for ppl with really severe acne or other illnesses that that might not be enough, and it definitely wasn't for me either at first when i started taking care of my skin and my face was covered in acne completely, but i've gradually worked my way up to this.
of course there are a lot of other products as well and a lot of other active ingredients like vitamin c or retinol or different acids but these are my personal basics/staples (i'm also fairly young and wouldn't consider my acne super heavy). i have found that keeping it simple usually works better in the long run. a lot of fancy products are mostly marketing and just irritating because of unnecessary scenting, sulfates or whatever. your skin is very much able to take care of itself most of the time, my personal ambition with skincare products is not to do my body's job myself but to just help its healing and balancing process.
hope this was somehow helpful <3
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Emeritus brothers tickle headcanons
A/N: My brain is just one giant trash can and I'm gonna share it.
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Going in order!
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-You're shit out of luck if you think he's ticklish.
-Maybe... It depends on where you're going for. He's not ticklish in your average, everyday places.
-One really shouldn't attempt to tickle Primo at all buuuuuut... It's funny.
-If you wanna make him laugh or get him to crack a smile, go for his top most ribs, palms, ears, and sides.
-He's not that ticklish but those spots work without fail.
-If one can really get him laughing, they find out, he's got a really nice laugh, in fact. Not at all what one would expect from the first Papa Emeritus.
-It's loud- a trait all of the brothers have- but also warm sounding and deep. The man has a belly laugh for sure.
-Doesn't like being tickled but tolerates it, seeing as he is the eldest brother.
-Definitely does not start tickle fights or get involved... But the rare times he does decide he's gonna end one? His brothers or whatever unfortunate ghoul or soul, better start praying.
-Not above poking Copia, if he sees his little bro acting too uptight.
-Has been known to poke Terzo, if he's drinking something because he's an asshole.
-When the brothers were younger and they weren't up by a certain time, all Primo had to say was "I'm counting to three" and the others were up in a heartbeat, seeing as they knew what happened when he reached three.
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-Yeeeeeah, he may be a bitter fucker... But he's definitely ticklish and embarrassed as hell about it.
-Switch with lee tendencies with the right person.
-Tickle spots are his ribs, stomach, neck, hips, behind the knees. Knees are his death spot.
-A fighter. He'll kick when you squeeze a knee.
-He'll laugh before one even touches him, especially if one were to hover their hands over his stomach or knees.
-Swears a l o t, when getting tickled. Threatens his ler too but it's empty threats... Unless it's Terzo. Terzo needs to run after wrecking Secondo lol.
-Cackles a lot. He's loud like Primo but Secondo laughing is so rare that one knows it's him, because his laugh is so distinct.
-snorts for days, man.
-Tries to act all scary and intimidating but it's too late after one poke. He folds easier than laundry after a poke to his ribs.
-Goes ballistic with scratches behind the knee.
-Throws stuff at whoever's tickling him.
-Will not plead for mercy. He's too proud for that
-Teasing will get to him. Mainly having his helplessness pointed out to him.
-Fights harder when he's pinned.
-Grabs at the wrists of the one tickling him.
-tries to withhold laughter.
-In contrast to his demeanor, his laugh is very jolly.
-He surprisingly giggles when his hips are squeezed.
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-Jesus, where do I begin with this one?
-Definitely one of the more ticklish brothers out of the four of them.
-tickle spots are his ribs, stomach, hips, thighs, calves, and underarms. Calves, hips and thighs are his death spots.
-Dramatic as fuck when getting tickled. Screams about how he's dying and how the one tickling him is killing him.
-His ghouls tickle him allllll the time. Cirrus, Swiss, and Omega are the worst.
-Cirrus can't help but poke and tickle him. She says he's too small and cute for his own good.
-Speaking of which, his height makes him the perfect tickle target.
-Omega or Mountain will literally hold him upside down and go to town on his ribs.
-His laugh is loud and flamboyant. Very vibrant and bubbly.
-Gives the cutest, high pitched giggles, when his stomach is targeted.
-Swears in Italian. Also slips into Italian if he's laughing hard enough.
-Won't admit it but thinks the laughter brought on by tickling makes for good stress relief for him.
-Can be very provocative when he wants Omega to tickle him. He might stretch and reveal a little bit of his stomach.
-hiccup laughs if he's tickled enough.
-kicks and flails quite a bit.
-Hides his face because he's super embarrassed about his laugh.
-Calf squeezes drive him up a wall.
-Any type of teasing compliments fluster him.
-His laughter gets hella squeaky, when his thighs get tickled.
-Won't exactly say no, if the right ghoul or person asks if he wants more tickles.
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-Easily, hands down, the most ticklish out of the Emeritus bloodline.
-He's ticklish everywhere just about but the stomach and underarms are his kill spots. Thighs will make him squeal.
-Shy about asking for tickles from the right ghoul.
-He does enjoy it, however. He won't admit this easily though.
-He's a tickle target for the ghouls too. Especially Swiss and Cumulus.
-Mountain walks past him, high fives him with one hand, while the other hand boops his stomach.
-Has a loud laugh like his brothers but is more prone to giggle fits and guffaws. He squeaks a lot.
-Cannot handle raspberries, he will become a giggly, melted puddle in seconds.
-Can't ask for tickles but can imply he wants to be wrecked.
-His rats crawl down his cassock or robes constantly. He always needs help getting one out, before he dies from giggling.
-If Cirrus hears him giggle, she's like a shark. She'll poke him just so she can see him smile.
-Gets so flustered and giggly when teased. Hides his face a lot.
-How Swiss nearly got launched into orbit: He monched Copia's tummy.
-His rats will playfully nibble at his ears and that makes him snort.
-Despite being small, Terzo takes his role of older brother seriously and that means wrecking Copia's shit.
-Can't stand being called cute or anything like that.
-When he becomes Papa, gets stressed easier and often needs to tickles to raise his spirits.
A/N: And there's the trash!
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stride-here · 1 year
Alright here me out.
A shazam/captain marvel rpg oneshot.
Ok so this idea was based on a post I saw which was Billy trying to explain his powers in dnd terms which got me thinking about how fun it would be to play a Shazam based dnd esc game.
I have a few ideas for how I’d write the storyline but no idea on the stats or game system I would use.
—Stats n stuff—
I was thinking about how maybe stats of the gods could possibly line up with character stat sheets. Yknow how each shazamily family member has a specific god power associated with them? Like how Darla is speed and Pedro is strength, etc. Those could align with dexterity and strength stats or something. Im sure there are probably some better ways to execute that but you get the idea.
Of course this would be completely dependent on the game I’m using. I was thinking just using dnd 5e (I think thats the regular dnd but Im not sure anymore) or Masks which was made for superhero rpg. However Im scared of using dnd since it can be pretty rule heavy and not very flexible. Masks was made specifically for superhero rpgs but it also costs quite a bit of money. If anyone has any ideas for what I should use I beg you comment them.
The story will mostly just be me stealing ideas and lore from various different versions of Shazam, however mainly stealing from the 90’s, The Power of Shazam!, The Golden Age Comics/Whiz Comic, and The New Champion of Shazam series.
This is because these stories mainly just focus on Billy, Mary, and Freddy which I think would be easier to incorporate into the plot rather than having to juggle all 6 shazamily members at once (also it’d be hell to voice act/play as all of them as the gm)
I also don’t want my players to be forced to play preexisting characters (the shazamily or other DC heroes) so that they don’t feel like they have to fit into their roles yknow? And obviously so they just generally have more freedom with character design. So they will all play completely new characters of their liking.
The players will all play child/teen/possibly young adult characters who either a.) have no idea who each other are. Or b.) are in a foster home together already. The latter is probably the better option though because then there’ll be no need for a “you all are in a tavern…” type opening.
Later on they all get teleported to the Rock of Eternity and are told that the wizard is desperate and need them to help stop his last champion (who they probably will assume is Black Adam but is actually the end boss which I reveal later in this post)
They will all get the Shazam powers however I’ll randomize which specific one each of them get (like one of them is like Darla with superspeed or another is like eugene with his stronger lighting). They aren’t as strong as the other champion though because they all share the power like in the Power of Shazam and The New Champion of Shazam. This is honestly just applied so my players aren’t absolutely stacked though and for plot sake.
Also the Wizard dies since he had given the very last bit of his powers to the players. Also the wizard dies in like half the canon stories anyways so there’s that.
Some fight ensues soon after they get their powers mostly so the players can get a handle of their abilities and so suddenly Mary can show and help them defeat the opponent.
This leads to the introduction of Mary who is probably shocked to see new champions. As it turns out Billy/Cap has gone missing alongside Freddy/Cap Jr and she needs the players help to find them.
As for the middle section of the plot…Im still thinking about it. I know there will be some magical mythological creatures to fight though! And maybe I’ll take my players to Hell just for fun since Billy has a weird habit of going there in the comics.
As for the big bad guy final boss…Its Billy! Er I guess I should say Captain Marvel. However he is under the control of Mr. Mind, who wants to take over the world as per usual. However he realizes that Captain Marvel is sharing power with the players alongside Mary and Freddy. This leads him to attempt the kill them all as a way to regain Captain Marvels to his full power and therefore being way more adapt for taking over the world. So far he has managed to capture Freddy and is what he used to lure them into battle in the first place.
Fighting alongside him is Tawny. This version of Tawny is basically just a very large tiger imbued with magic and with the power to talk rather than being anthropomorphic. Tawny in this universe also acts more like a familiar to Cap and is summoned through his magic. However since Cap is under the control of Mr. Mind, the magic he uses to summon him is also under the control if that makes sense.
The players fight cap and depending how they do in battle will be able to free Cap. Or not. Haven’t planned the bad ending out out yet.
Thats all I have so far, man I didn’t realize how long this had gotten…
If anyone has any ideas for the plot and especially how I should execute this oneshot I BEG you comment them.
Lastly if you read all of this thanks for listening to my rambling, it felt nice to get the idea out.
Have a great day! ❤️
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ssalballoon · 2 months
What are your favourite art books? 💕💕love your work
thank you! 🌟 oh artbooks?! that's actually a really interesting question hmm... I don't physically own any (expensive ⚰️) but I've seen them online for some games and artists I like! idk how interesting they'll be if you're not into those specific games but nonetheless i think the art is a treat to see even without context! i'll answer under the cut, this ended up being rly long
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 & 2 / The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Kazuya Nuri)
- Nuri's soft lilac shading is so beautiful + unique to his art! I also appreciate that this artbook is mainly full of sketches and renders you don't see in game. They're so expressive, I wish other artbooks had more doodles of the characters goofing off, you can tell Nuri loves these characters a lot hehe (how often can you say the lead artist drew april fool's furry designs + canon animal plushie designs for the mcs)
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the doodles that really stuck out to me are spoilers so i won't share those, but they really feel like snippets from a slice of life anime which humanizes the characters so well
Fire Emblem Echoes (Hidari)
- Hidari's designs are so classy and elegant, the way his fabrics all have a palpable weight and texture to them, and his coloring is so warm... there's a good reason why his designs keep getting circulated with praise every once in a while hehe. I really hope they bring him back for another game!
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a personal favourite... she's very pretty!!
(on a side note i rly love Nuri and Hidari's female character designs, it's refreshing to see! not to say that modest designs are inherently better than more fanservicey ones, but i find that the female character designs are even more memorable because of it! it's mainly a personal preference)
Fire Emblem Awakening + Fates (Kozaki Yusuke)
- god of drawing armor and anatomy in perspective... his poses are so dynamic because of his mastery of foreshortening. I love seeing his work in Heroes, it only continues to get better over the years! plus he designed Lucina and Inigo so :D
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as much as i love his artbooks my favorite art from him comes from fe heroes! his units have the most unique posing in the game, it always makes me excited to see more of his art (i especially love how conscious/deliberate he is with body types in his designs)
Persona 5/ 4/ P4 Arena Ultimax (Shigenori Soejima)
- Soejima's art influenced my artstyle a lot back in 2017(?) and 2021! (I mainly enjoy his b&w rougher style since it's so bold and also a fun style to draw in, although his painted stuff is fantastic as well) I enjoy seeing the Persona designs since they're so different to what I usually draw and it's really hard to capture the grace he draws them with (especially P4's)
this video of Shigenori Soejima drawing live changed me in 2017
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persona 4/arena ultimax have my favorite persona designs out of the modern games!
Death Stranding (Yoji Shinkawa)
- It's a shame you don't see Yoji Shinkawa's artwork in the game much (to my knowledge) because it's stunning how vivid, gritty, and yet effortlessly elegant it is. The monster designs are so haunting gahhh it's so cool! The mastery he has with ink and brush is insane he can be so loose with the lines and yet it conveys everything you need to know
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the full body ink sketch of die hardman... it's so loose and yet it's very controlled aghh it's so impressive (i saw hunter schafer got her portrait drawn by him and like. imagine yoji shinkawa drawing you. ohmygod)
Okami (Takeyasu Sawaki, Kenichiro Yoshimura, Mari Shimazaki)
- when I was in middle school I didn't even know games could look like this?! The obvious traditional Japanese art influence makes the designs really unique even compared to modern games. The calligraphic brush strokes are so striking and I especially love the subtle ink bleed outside of the outlines, it honors traditional media so well. honestly this game's style in general is one of a kind
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love how playful these are! i forgot how much i loved this game
Journey (Matthew Nava)
- (although it is an artbook I've only been able to see a few of the pages! Nava does have an archived GDC talk where he presents the book that I still have to take a look at) I found the color script for the complete story interesting since it shows both the color corresponding with the literal height of the mountain for the hero's journey that the game was so inspired by. Plus the alternate designs for the iconic main character are so cute!
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masterfully crafted experience... i think this is the first time i've seen a color script for a game? (although i guess i'm not that familiar with games)
These aren't actual art books but I really like the concept art for them:
Transistor (Jen Zee)
- my favorite Supergiant game! It's a shame there's so little of the concept art out there (I'm pretty sure I saw more years ago but I couldn't find them more recently... link rot grr...) Jen Zee's painterly style is gorgeous and the colors are so warm, so uncharacteristic of the cyberpunk genre we're typically familiar with! her art was also a big inspiration for me when I was younger
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Apex Legends
- apex does have an artbook but l mainly enjoy looking at the character designs and the transition screens for compositions (especially the season 4 Revenant's trailer ones, one day I hope my background/environment art can reach a level anywhere close to that). The character designs and overall setting are different from my usual style so it's cool to see the attention to detail in fabric texture, prop design, worldbuilding, etc. and try to apply it to my designs
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this transition has such a strong sense of narrative in the illustration, it impressed me so much i drew something inspired by it (i'm not sure who the original artist is, i thiiink it's liam mcdonald...?? i really hope i'm not misattributing it;; out of the concept artists his illustrations look the most similar...?)
I'm interested in Outer Wilds' artbook and Disco Elysium's but I don't think I can look at those without spoilers! both phenomenal games that i really need to finish (i know outer wilds' main story but not echoes of the eye)
hit the limit on pictures 😔 and i've been sitting on this ask for a while... I feel like there are more artbooks that aren't coming to mind ahh I should really keep track of them better! thank you for the ask, it was nice to revisit these again 💞
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epicspheal · 4 months
Wondering, how would Calla react to being transported to Hisui? Mainly reactions to like. The Galaxy team, the way of life, stuff like that!
Also if you want to do the battle aspect, it’d be interesting to see her quotes for how she’d react to seeing an Alpha for the first time, getting hit by a wild Pokémon’s attack, fall damage, being spotted while sneaking up on a mon, low HP for herself, battling a Noble Mon and stuff like that as well! :>
Hi there anon! Good question! I'm going to be honest...you picked the one OC of mine that would most likely die within a week if they got transported to Hisui. I say this because the very core personality trait that endeared her to many (both in-universe and out) would in the situation of being transported to Hisui be her undoing. And that's her love and passion for poison type Pokemon. Even in the event of her having her memories wiped/scrambled from falling space-time it's such a core part of her identity that her love and defense of poison types would still be intact (much like canon Rei/Akari's ability to catch and train Pokemon and Ingo's train based mannerism/sayings). And this is dangerous for her in two different ways: One in the canon of cactusverse she refuses to catch ANY pokemon that isn't a poison type (or at least will evolve into one with the case of Galarian Slowpoke) again out of her personal choice to train poison types. Which you know makes her the first ever Poison type champion in the history of not only Galar but the world...but it also made her gym challenge a living hell (compared to Leon who breezed through his challenge quite handily) So on that note she'd fail Cyllene's test to catch three different Pokemon in an instance especially since the requests aren't poison types. She'd probably go find the poison types to catch but because she disobeyed the order she's probably not passing. You'd think she'd have some common sense and self-preservation to just catch the Pokemon she needed and then focus on poison types but while Calla is very book, she's kind of sheltered and naive, especially compared to the rest of the cactusverse champions who would put their self-preservation over personal stances and even morals to differing extents. Speaking of her going to the poison types, this leads to her second problem. The Hisuian Pokemon are way more aggressive than what she's used to. To be fair: the Pokemon in modern cactusverse are still very aggressive but maybe like 60% of the aggression the Hisuian Pokemon share. And the poison types tended to be among the most aggressive overall so there's a high chance she would get unalived by the very Pokemon she's trying to catch. So to be frank anon, it's not really looking good for her. If you had of asked about Marsha, Cami or Jack they would have far better chances of survival because they're less naive and not so fixated on one type of Pokemon that they must have. I will say Calla's best bet for survival in Hisui is not if she falls near Laventon but if she fell near one of the clans. Her becoming a warden to say Overqwil is something I could see happening. But again she still faces the very real possibility of just being taken off the census because the poison types were wildly unhinged in Hisui.
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have a good night :] feel free 2 answer this when u wake up but anything abut zip? i see him as like the sameish age as bif to clarify hes just. short, like prof
I feel awake enough to make a post about this before work
about age: they're all adults. Blob, Zip, and Bif are all pretty close in age but Bif is def the oldest out of the three. Arty's the youngest and Professor is in his 40s somewhere
Zip is basically in the middle somewhere but yeah he's older than Blob but slightly younger than Bif. maybe a 1-2 year difference
clarifying further: Blob, Zip, and Bif are in their 20s, Arty is entering her 20s (so she's 18-19) and again Professor is in his 40s
Zip is very very hyper, he just. doesn't sit down. the skates don't really help
I would imagine that regarding sports, he's sort of like a jack of all trades. he can do almost any sport like track, basketball, baseball, you name it, he can probably do it
I think it's mentioned somewhere that he did have a sports team of some sort, but of course, with the war happening I'm pretty sure they don't meet up as much
Zip seeks thrill, so of course he's into more extreme sports like bungee jumping or skydiving. it's not what you'd expect from a little guy like him but trust me he's done a LOT
mainly comes from him being so small, and he thinks it's funny when people ask him what he does for a living and he goes "I jump from cliffs"
he likes to see the looks on their faces
I think his being in the war and basically being a scout for the color underground definitely drained him a bit, or at least slowed him down
like real talk: he probably saw a lot of shit. a lot of it was in downtown/blanctown and I think it stuck with him a bit. being stuck in a giant hamster wheel was also not very fun for him + he was still in his skates so that's WORSE
he definitely hangs out with Bif because they share an interest in sports. they work out together and give each other tips and tbh I think Bif is an inspiration to him
and I don't mean that in a romantic sense either, they're good friends and Bif is just. a very good role model
he and Blob are also good friends and I see their relationship to be like a sibling-type thing. Blob's the younger brother and Zip often finds himself telling Blob not to do something or trying to get him out of trouble
zip can be unhinged and absolutely energetic but he's not stupid and he's not that gullible, anything relating to the inkies he'll def partake in but pranks and stuff are a hard maybe.
he's challenged Pinky to a race before and you can imagine how that went. he lost. no, he's not sour about it
he probably has a tiny interest in electronics and wires and has probably tinkered around a bit with the professor. he's a good influence. part of the reason why Z-jumps exist but he also kinda realized that Blob needed a better way of getting around since he's kinda. slow
+ pistons as well. honestly, he should work with the professor a bit more. he's kind of a lil genius
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