#me saying i'm going to keep something short and still go on a 4 paragraph tangent? nice to see i'm still on brand lmao
leebrontide · 1 year
A legit way to fight the climate crisis from where you're sitting right now
As promised, in honor of Earth Day, I've written some suggestions for how you can write a letter to the editor for your local paper, and reach some people who otherwise might get a more...shall we say restricted view of climate news. Letters to the Editor remain a surprisingly important political vehicle. People see letters to the editor and they feel like they're hearing from their neighbors- real people with authentic, down-to-earth agendas. They're the second most read part of the paper, after the front page. Take that stage!
Step 1- Pick an article in your local paper to respond to. Today is Earth day, and lots of papers will have at least something about climate crisis or environmental protection on it's pages. Local papers are better, because, as you can imagine, papers like The New Yorker get a lot more submissions to compete against, and anyways they don't have the same sense of local opinion.
Don't fret if your local paper leans conservative! That means it has readers we REALLY need to reach! And they may be more open to reading about these issues in a paper than online, which particularly a lot of older, don't feel like "the real world".
Step 2- Figure out what you're going to say! Maybe there's a glaring error in the article you want to address. BUT, if you're not sure, you can look up your local organization that's fighting for these goals. For example, I could look up and find MN350, because I'm in Minnesota. Going to their social media and their webpage/newsletter archive gives me an inside look at what people who are really immersed in these subjects have to say about what's going on.
So, for example, I see that my local group applauds Minneapolis's efforts at going to all clean energy, and has a timeline, but that people on the inside are saying that without a dedicated funding stream, people implementing these changes will have to either hope federal funding stays stable or fight for funding in the city council every year. Ok, now when there's an article about Minneapolis's plans, I have something to say.
Step 3- Draft it up.
The goal here is to be short and to the point.
Opening line: Identify which article you're responding to, and maybe your feeling about it.
First paragraph: What is the specific issue? What is a relevant fact and why does it  warrant public concern?
Second paragraph: What would you say that we do in response, or what would you ask your neighbors to do?  Why?
Third paragraph: What is currently being done to address the issue and how could people who have been persuaded act?
This should be no more than 150 to 250 words TOTAL.
While you're wording it, some things to keep in mind- stats and facts are good, but don't use a lot of acronyms or jargon. Expect your readers to be coming at this with about an 8th grade education.
If you have a sense of what the people you're talking to find persuasive, lean into that. For example, for my letter to the editor, I emphasized that chaotic funding leads to lack of ability to plan ahead or bulk-buy. I know the people I'm talking to like things to be common-sense and detest governmental waste, so that's an easy one.
If you want extra help, I have a list of best practices for communicating about the climate crisis right here.
Step 4- Proofread, then submit it via whatever process your local paper has. The goal, if you can manage is, is to submit something within 48 hours of the original article's publication. That's the sweet spot for most papers.
You did that, and still have a little energy for the environment left? There's one more thing you can do to super-charge your effort!
Guess what, you can stack the deck in favor of your specific letter being published.
But it will involve using a phone.
That's right, if you REALLY wanna turbo boost this thing, you're gonna call the paper (or have your non-phone-adverse-friend or family member pretend to be you and call the paper).
Call as soon as possible after the editor would have received the material.
Use pleasant persistence to speak with the right person. Don’t stop at a receptionist or secretary. Create enough POLITE urgency about your letter that you get through to the specific reporter or editor who will decide whether or not to print your piece.
Provide the editor with specific local info and urgency. Focus your conversation on why this issue is relevant to their readers.
Get specific feedback and/or a specific commitment from the reporter. If they don’t want to print the letter, find out why and what adjustments you can make to get it printed.
If they agree to print it, find out when you can expect to see it in the paper. The you can tell other people. Even if memaw isn't a big climate activist, she might show your letter to everybody she knows if she knows you wrote it.
And that's the process! I know that's a lot of information to throw at you, but ultimately, it can be pretty quick to crank these things out. And, again, these have been proven to be powerful persuaders. We need as many people as we can to be in this fight, so go and get them!
And always remember, you're not just combating ignorance, you're combating hopelessness, helplessness, and burnout! You can inspire people to think about what's possible.
PS if any of you actually do this, please let me know. It'd make me so happy.
@onbearfeet @basil-gardens @punkypine @rederiswrites @veritatemquarens @radioraja
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beesmygod · 22 days
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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Miguel O'Hara x Black Reader. A short and simple to the point Dominant Miguel series with fluff and smut included as it progresses. Go on a lil journey in love with Miguel.
(I didn't feel like doing the small print. There has to be an easier way than going paragraph by paragraph 😭😭 Also anyone I didn’t tag who wants to be tagged, let me know.)
Chapter 4: Dealbreaker
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Miguel was truthful when he said nap. He didn't do anything in your bed but sleep for the better part of an hour, making you the little spoon though you weren't tired. By the end of the hour, the two of you had cleaned the kitchen as it was before he came. He left the meat and the few ingredients purchased, but he cleaned and took his slow-cooker with him. You've now got enough pork to last you a week of taking your lunch to work and eating at home. Instead, you invite some friends to help you eat it and decide to tell them all about Miguel.
"Right here?" Aria panics when you mention the head on the couch, moving to the opposite couch with your mutual friend, Zenia.
"Exactly right there."
"You let me sit in it?"
"When I say he drained me dry, girl, he kept goinnng. Then we took a nap upstairs. It was pretty chill."
"You just fuckin met this man, what, a few days ago?" Aria laughs.
"I know, but if you saw what I saw, you'd do it too... That's why you can't meet him! Not yet."
"Bitch! One time! I didn't even know you knew David like that."
"I know, but NEITHER of y'all lil hoes are gonna meet Miguel or see Miguel until I've got him secured."
"Now, how did I get in it," Zenia asks, mouth stuffed with pork.
"Right now, things are up in the air, but I'll keep dangling and manifesting. He'll be wrapped around my pinky, and only then will y'all meet him."
"So when are YOU seeing him again," Zenia asks.
"I don't know, probably next weekend. We haven't made any other plans yet."
And you're both busy through the week. A week seems a long time to wait, though. You'd rather see him sooner.
"You think you should call him to schedule something," Zenia asks, reading your mind.
"Nah, I'll let him call me. It gives him time to miss me."
"Well, he's not disappearing just yet," Aria adds, "He ain't got that pumpum yet. Niggas ain't gone leave before getting it, believe that."
"Well, I'm a done deal," you smirk, "But if he does leave, I'll just get another one. Now I know where they congregate"
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Sunday passes with no contact. When Monday comes and goes, you start to wonder what happened. Did he hit a busy streak? Did something happen? Tuesday, he texts you.
Is it too soon to miss me?
You're at work, so you keep it short.
Of course not. Text me any time. I may not respond immediately, but I'll respond.
You sure?
Why would he need permission? Is that what was stopping him from reaching out? If so, you'd like to hear more about it. You wait until you get off work to check your messages again.
He's sent a paragraph about his day at work.
Alchemax acquired another property to place a testing site. One more step for gentrification. The director is on my ass and pushing me to run this unethical experiment on the volunteers. They think we're testing covid shots. If I told you half the shit, you'd run from me. Hell, you're probably on your way now. Anyway, that's my day. How's yours?
Oh, okay, you stare, processing what you've just read. So he's not just the hero. He's confessing that he's done some sordid things in the name of his job. You get it, but can you really accept that? Knowingly testing dangerous procedures on innocent people? It's a lot to consider. You'll have to sit with it.
Later that evening, you still wrestle, but you're coming to term with your thoughts.
I admit that's fucked up. I don't agree with experimenting on innocent and unexpecting people. I do think Miramax or Alchemax can go to hell. With that said, I understand that this is your job, so I can't fault you. Sucks for you, I'm not that easy to scare. You're stuck with me.
You had me worried.
His text is almost instant. In all honesty, you had to think about if you COULD stick around. That's a big thing to admit, but at the end of the day, it's not technically his fault. He's not calling the shots. That's what you tell yourself.
Since you're at home on the couch with a bottle of Fiji water, you decide to call.
Damn. His accent's got you weak already.
"My day was good," you buckle. "I delivered some interesting news to a family who were happy to finally know what was different about their daughter. Turns out, she has Angelman syndrome, but it was my first time coming across it , so I was explaining something I'd literally just learned about."
"Sounds like you did them a great service. Like you said, knowing is everything. If you're not educating and planning, you're worrying, which then diminishes your mental health, making it harder for you to parent."
"Exactly... Do you know about Angelman's syndrome?"
"Seizures, a smaller head that's flat in the back, issues with balance and movement, and most notably, smiling for no apparent reason?"
"I should've asked you," you sigh. "How do you retain all of this?"
"Having a photographic memory helps."
"Ah. I'll check Amazon..."
The more the two of you converse, the more you glean. For example, he has a 9 year old daughter named Gabriella, who unfortunately passed nearly four years ago. It was a case of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC), and he was devastated. Since then, he's been okay, but every so often, the grief hits. Working stops him from thinking about it? So he works long hours every day. He knows it's not healthy. It certainly helps you understand him more. A lot of things suddenly make sense about him.
"Can I tell you how much I hate Taco Bell," he says, changing the subject. You get it. It's painful to lose a child, and talking about it can be triggering.
"That dog food? They don't even have a line. That should tell you something right there."
"It's a god damn stroke in a wrapper and tastes like shit. Not to mention, it's literally horse meat."
"See, I stopped eating there years ago. It doesn't even taste like real beef."
You put the phone on speaker while you fix yourself a snack. Talking food makes you snackish. Of course, he hears the popcorn popping.
"Damn, Supersonic! Do you hear everything?"
"Pretty much."
Your eyes roll as you gently fold yourself back onto your couch with your bowl. It's getting late. You've been on the phone for over an hour, though it doesn't feel like it.
"So question."
"Answer," he responds.
"It's a different kind of question."
"Ask away."
"Ok. Would you consider yourself vanilla or experimental?"
"Definitely experimental. You?"
Ooh! "Explain," you smirk, curious.
"You first. Vanilla or experimental?"
"Definitely experimental."
"Oh I see."
Your jaw drops. "What do you see?"
"Just know I see," he says, a smile in his voice.
"Uh!... Now you have to elaborate!"
He chuckles.
You kiss your teeth.
"Ask what you really want to ask."
"Yes," you repeat, rolling your eyes. "Well, what are they."
"Mm... I enjoy quite a few things. I like being in control and directing the action. I like taking care of my submissive with guidance and rewarding her when she's a good girl. I like making her do humiliating things for my pleasure. And... I love it when she tries to escape me. Then I get to catch her and teach her a lesson. You?"
🤭 To be continued...
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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exocynraku · 2 months
thoughts on a starless clan so far
i don't know if anything i said here has any definitive spoilers in it but i'll put it all under a cut for safety
short answer: it's ok. frostpaw's plot & the stuff with riverclan, riverstar & the COTP, splashtail & curlfeather are all REALLY COOL. I liked sunbeam in the beginning and have grown to dislike where her story has gone. I like the concepts surrounding nightheart's plot but dislike the execution & the reaction from the community. I am still excited for star. long answer:
frostpaw and splashtail's plot is really really good and ive been enjoying it a lot (probably because it reminds me of tpb). i liked sunbeam's plot with blazefire and lightleap and berryheart in the beginning but have gotten bored of her & her plot since nightheart showed up in her life & she moved to thunderclan. nightheart's plot has good concepts behind it but i don't like the execution & i don't like the 2 cross clan relationship plot in a row. i think it could've been better if they focused less on cross clan relationships and more on clan prejudice & xenophobia & the corruptness of the code system as a whole (though i know it's incredibly unlikely the writers would do that i still want To Hope) instead of just the romance part since we did that last arc (though i don't think it really got us anywhere as i personally dislike the 'trials' thing that was developed & don't think it's particularly useful). especially because it was specifically a cross CLAN relationship in a row. i'd be a bit more lenient if it was a clancat x kittypet/loner relationship as that hasn't been done in a bit (like if nightheart fell in love with a COTP cat or something). 
i like the pacing per-book but i think the pacing overall could be improved upon as it feels both sunbeam and nightheart's plots have been too separate from & slow compared to frostpaw's plot and haven't really been meshing well in the later books as the erins try to tie them all together. i also don't know if this is just my bad memory but i dislike the change of sunbeam and nightheart's personalities over time. they both feel like they are becoming cardboard cut out main characters to me. i liked sunbeam's relationship with lightleap blazefire & her family and thought it all was really realistic and especially in the lightleap/blazefire department was a surprising change of pace. i dislike what has become of both her plot and her personality as i feel they totally abandoned the lightleap/blazefire plot and turned her into a flat love interest. i do think it makes sense for her as a character to yearn for love but i think it'd make even MORE sense if she had a much more complicated relationship with love
i'm not going to speak further on nightheart because i know no matter what i say someone WILL be telling me to kill myself in one way or another so i'll keep in brief: no matter what you think of him, you at Need To Acknowledge & Be Conscious Of The Fact That Very Bad Things Have Been Said About & To Both Women And Disabled People Because Of His Plot In This Community. yes some very good & well-thought out conversations have been said in response, yes the majority of these things were said months and months ago when asc first was starting, But That Does Not Mean You Can Ignore That They Happened. If you want the community you are apart of to not be perceived as jackasses you cannot Ignore The Hatred Towards Women And Disabled People That Festers Inside Of It. you don't need to write a 9000 page essay about it, that's not what i'm asking, you just need to be CONCIOUS of it okay that's it. also while thinking about this i thought of how i'd rewrite sunbeam and the third pov (which i'd give to sparkpelt) so if anyone wants to hear about that send me an ask i'll make another 4 paragraph post about it
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
Fanfic Friday!
I still don't completely understand it, so this week I'm just gonna reflect on things that happened while writing this arranged marriage longfic, some of which I posted about on here and some of which I didn't.
I gave up on the Soup Paragraphs that were haunting me and realized I can introduce them later if I must.
I got in some "let go and let god" practice when I realized I don't have to get every little throwaway detail right, especially when it slows down my progress/makes writing miserable.
My therapist wants me to see about applying this Free Yourself skill in my non-writing life, to which I say I know you are but what am I
Characters put themselves in situations without my input and it was great!
Ceremonies are hard to write but at least I now know what Ed and Stede would be like if they were kids in a school play.
I started watching Rome again after thinking about it last week in the wake of the cancelation (I've had it on DVD for years). Still problematic in the way something made in 2005 will be, but otherwise it holds up incredibly well.
I've also stopped caring as much about all the people using the world's problems as a bludgeon against OFMD fans and the campaign to to save the show. For all the reasons other people have already articulated well but also, on a personal note, because of what this show has done for my relationship with writing.
I won't get into too much detail but suffice it to say I have a lot of baggage around writing, because of all the "gifted" nonsense of my childhood and my MFA experience as an adult. I don't blame anyone per se, but unhelpful social frameworks were unhelpful. Let's just say that when Pop-Pop said "if you were ever good at anything go do that" to Ed, it didn't not remind me of feeling obligated to do something that used to be rewarding but isn't anymore because it's what you're "supposed" to do. Anyway.
I wrote three short (<2000 word) fics between seasons 1&2, the first fic I've felt like writing in over a decade. It was liberating as hell to write again in a low-stakes environment, and with blorbo motivation to power me through the difficult parts. I never, ever thought I would write anything longer than 2000 words, but for the past (several?) weeks now I've been alternating between two drafts in tropes I can't get enough of, the shortest of which is around 10,000 (admittedly unedited) words.
The other is longer, and every time I work on it I keep having to break shit up so the chapters stay under 5000 words. This is unprecedented for me, and I've wanted to share it so much that I'm running out of shit to post on WIP Wednesday that won't reveal the plot or require too much context. I've never been in a fandom as creative (and creatively inspiring) as this one, nor have I every written so much in a single fandom before.
My relationship with writing wouldn't be healing like this at all if it weren't for this show and this fandom, and in particular I want to highlight the freedom in embracing the "David Jenkins School of Historical Inaccuracy." In fact, I've been keeping a running list of AO3 tags for the fic I've made the most progress on, and there are several "David Jenkins School of ________" tags, including Archaeology, Theology, and Comparative Politics. Thanks to seeing DJ's philosophy at work it's now possible for me to move on from certain details when I get stuck because they're "inaccurate" for the setting or whatever in a way I never could before. Now I feel empowered to move on from tricky details by asking myself:
Is it funny?
Is it related to the plot?
Is it character-building?
And if the answer to all of those is no, then so is the answer to question 4: "does it matter?"
Assuming I finish these longfics they'll be the longest creative pieces I've ever written and beyond the longest works of fiction I ever thought I would write, and for that I'm eternally grateful. Even if the world we live in is a crumbling disaster. Especially if the world we live in is a crumbling disaster.
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rayclubs · 11 months
Hey I was just wondering, so you have any tips for pacing when you’re writing your fics? I only ask because I’m having a bit of trouble with it at the moment, and you never seem to linger too long or gloss over things too quickly in yours. Anyway that’s all, hope you’re having a great day!
Yeah! I mean, I'm sure as hell no expert on pacing, god knows I struggle with it A LOT, but I feel like I've learned some things over the years that I can share, and then maybe it'll help somebody!
The advice I've seen a lot in variations is "always have everything planned". Every scene has to make sense. Every bit has to contribute. Every line needs to be important. Always have an ending in mind. Yadda yadda yadda. Well, I'm some type of neurodivergent and I really can't do that at all, I rarely have any more than a setup, a bit in the middle, and a vague idea of a fade-out 90s song ending - if not less.
The way I go around this is: if you don't know how to write a scene, don't write it.
Characters are at Point A, but I need them to travel to Point B. The scene of them traveling is a goddamn pain in the ass. How do I write it? I don't. I say "At Point B, they-" and continue the story.
Another good trick is to remember that you are writing in a non-linear space, meaning you can skip over things and then come back.
Sometimes when two things don't work one after the other, I swap them and see what happens. Sometimes I combine them - like, in the last chapter of Blank Slate, I was supposed to write Heavy meet Pyro, the Scout, but I thought Pyro and Scout at the same time would be more exciting. Dunno if it worked as intended, but I like it better.
Setup and payoff is also good. When you introduce something - that's setup. When that thing resolves - that's payoff. Thespace between them is like a circle, the setup and payoff are giving your text a li'l hug. For a good example of this see my fic Close Call, it's packed with these. For a simpler example see Speak Up, it's got like three or four circle, like a matreshka. I can do a detailed breakdown sometime but it feels kind of obnoxious, I'm a bit, uh, shy about my writing.
Another thing I love is using sentence length to communicate scene energy. Short sentences for action, long structures for instrospection. Long to short for sudden stops and accents, short to long for scene transitions and timeskips. Also, intersperse long dialogues with action blocks to create smaller sections with more contained dialogue topics that are easier to follow.
Cutting useless dialogue is always good. I like to say a line is no good if you can't tell who's saying it without a dialogue tag, but you can't always follow that rule. Still. Good to keep in your head.
Dialogue order, too! If Character A and Character B are talking, and A is saying a line in Paragraph 1, A's next line will be on Paragraph 3. If you have A's line on 1, B's line on 2, action on 3 - well, you can't put A's on 4, you need another action on 4 so A lands on 5. I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll go more in detail. I try to always follow this rule, at least within one scene, sometimes across scenes - it really helps cutting out unnecessary dialogue tags that clutter the text.
I think I do this thing where I overexplain everything. Honestly still not sure if the dialogue between Spy and Sniper near the end of Close Call was obvious to everybody or so obscured in round-about hints that nobody got it. But it's fine! Generally I think you want to have your audience figure some things out, I think. Not restate the same clever plot point many times beause you fear people won't get it. Just say it once and pray to god. It takes some major balls tho, if I'm being fully honest.
This is getting long so I'm gonna close with: write what you're excited to write! If you're not excited about writing a scene, don't think "How am I going to write this?", think "How am I going to avoid writing this?". Kill the first draft servant in your brain, it's only malicious non-compliance from here onward.
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dlamp-dictator · 9 months
So... Limbus Company sure is a thing, right?
Okay yeah, I'm just gonna' rip off this bandage will quick, because much like Tomodachi Game, this won't be leaving my head any time soon until I actually type out my thoughts and finally purge them from my mind. And with all the controversy stuff still rattling around the fanbase I figured I'd say my two cents and thing finally have these nagging thoughts leave me for... well, until I talk about other things.
In any case...
Short Version: While I've personally stepped away from the game and company, I'm not too hostile toward anyone still in it. This is a silly auto-battler phone game at the end of the day after all. Rabid niche fandom or no.
Long Version:
Where do I even begin?
To put it bluntly, I'm annoyed. Mostly because when the whole debacle over Molar Ishmael came to light I had just finished the entire season 2 pass and purchased the premium. I was locked in and was just about to write up my thouts of the series when Project Moon, the developers of the game, essentially exploded with controversy.
For those wanting a quick and dirty summary (bearing in mind this is with minimal research), the summer event of Limbus Company had some character designs that were, to put it mildly, not what certain aspects of the fandom expected or wanted, this lead to a big amount complaints, review bombs, and depending on the source some actual riots in South Korea. This outrage was also along with the controversial Uptie 4 update that was essentially a big shift in the soft level-cap, and after the previously mentioned riots Project Moon had fired one of their popular and beloved artists in a way that was probably very illegal according to some South Korean labor laws. After this legal faux pas a necromancer decided resurrect all the other skeletons that were still hiding in Project Moon's closet and essentially had them conga line out of it with all the dirty laundry that has been stinking up the company from behind.
I'm being hyperbolic about the necromancer, but several staff and contracted artists were risking NDA to speak out about mistreatment and lack of professionalism within the company. Keep in mind that a lot of misinformation has been strewn about and everything in that above paragraph, my joke about a necromancer aside, should have massive air quotes around it and be taken with a grain of salt.
My overall feelings are both disappointment and mild shrug. This isn't really anything new in terms of mismanagement corporate nonsense. Artists getting screwed over by corporations, misdirected fan outcry and borderline doxing over assumed slights, niche/small fandoms of an indie game turning rabid over something that goes against their expectations. I've been in a lot of fandoms and seen a lot of nonsense, this is nothing new. That said, like every other time this happens I tend to back away from the series until things either calm down or public apologies are made. Neither seems to have happened yet despite Project Moon's insistence on pretending things are back to normal with their continued pumping out of content.
For those wanting my earnest opinions, here's a few small points I think about in regards to this:
General Thoughts: In general, those still playing Limbus either because they don't know or care about the behind-the-scenes stuff are... fine. EA, Activision, Blizzard, and other companies don't exactly die due to them doing a lot shady and immoral acts going public. This is nothing new. That said, if Limbus Company and Project Moon go under due to all the protests and revenue losses then that's egg on the faces of those dumb enough to mindlessly consume. I'll simply say if Canto 5 isn't absolute gangbusters then a lot of people are going to look very stupid for being stubborn.
Content Creators: Because this is absolutely going to come up in certain discussions I'll say my piece here. In terms of content creators my above point is the same. This game is losing revenue and profit with the only saving grace being its next big content updating having a chance of being good enough to bring people back. It's gonna' take a hell of a lot of effort to keep the game afloat outside of an extremely dedicated niche fanbase and whales, and know that niche fanbases turn rabid fast if people take or don't take certain actions. Content Creators that haven't flipped to a different fandom are playing with fire, and they've got a good chance of being incinerated if this game truly dies.
"Boycott": For those even speaking the word "boycott" please understand that it is a known fact that Tumblr can't boycott shit. Ever. I'd recommend just stating you as an individual aren't going to be posting about Limbus for awhile and move to other fandoms. This site does not care about your moralism or virtue when the biggest complaint is that Tumblr is wonky about porn and adult content. Especially about a month or two after the controversy, you're either playing this game or you're not. Unless you're from South Korea and have boots on Ground Zero proper I wouldn't recommend screaming about boycotts unless you've got a better game with a better gacha system to crawl to. That said, everyone should play Arknights instead of Limbus Company for now.
With all that said, I'm still not completely going to jump ship. There are still some things that could bring me back to this game. These would be the following: :
Public Apology: A public apology or admittance of all the skeletons in the closet, controversies, and other mistakes recently made would go a long way in rebuilding goodwill with me. As much as I would like see to see a rehiring of fired artists I know some of those folks might had broken NDAs to speak out and professionally that wouldn't be a good look to ignore, so maybe a quiet and private restitution for those effected would be a good way of good PR.
Uptie 4 Fixes: Namely making Uptie 4 a more reasonable thing in terms or game resources and time by lowering the cost of thread needed would be nice. Not a thing that'd completely bring me back, but something nice to make it more tempting.
Transparency: Any form of public transparency on what's happening in Project Moon would be nice. A willingness to pull the veil a little and show that things aren't completely on the up and up either by admitting that their little incidents have caused major profit loss or that their firing of certain staff as a kneejerk reaction weren't smart moves on their part will be as close to an apology as a company can get while still saving face. I'd definitely be willing to come back something like that happened and they've learned their lesson.
Okay, that's it for now. Just needed to get that off my chest. I'll talk to you folks later. Hopefully on more positive things. Maybe even about Limbus Company. Who knows?
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
I feel you on writing descriptions of things in your work. I don’t know what it is I can know exactly what I want to do with a story and perfectly visualize it but when I write it I feel like it falls flat and dull. Like when I do describe something I feel like I’m describing things that don’t need to be. I feel like I have a problem with pacing as well getting to places in story too fast and cutting too many things short. I think it’s because I don’t read as much as I watch movies or shows or play video games so I imagine my work as visual media rather than a book. I think Baldur’s Gate has helped me a little though because of how the Narrator describes things. Sorry for venting about my writing I just wish copy & paste existed for brains.
Oh no dude no worries I am always open to talk about writing!
And yes, you've described it correctly. But for me, I do read more than I consume any other media. I watch 3 or 4 movies per year tops, I literally have never watched a show in years. I prefer listening to audio books or youtube essays. I like consuming words-only media.
But I still struggle with the same thing. I get bored too easily when describing things and I feel like if I'm bored then my readers would be bored too. I don't want to write something just for my work to appear more appealing or balanced or whatever.
That's why I prefer the fast pacing, condensing everything and jumping from one event to the other. I'm not describing how someone is walking from their bedroom to the hallway then bathroom then opening the door then closing the door then getting downstairs then going to the kitchen no fuck that.
They woke up, bed warm soft, now they're in the kitchen, keep tf up reader! Now we're driving to work and now we're in a meeting in our boss's office. And oh the work day just ended, we're in bed browsing our phone.
That's why I adore "I have no mouth and I must scream" it's narrtive but descriptive and yet the narrator jumps from one plot and setting to another, they never described how or what, they just change it and expect the readers to keep up.
And if that's whats works for you, then I say embrace it. Sure aim for a balance or to work on the areas you struggle with, but don't change your writing style just to appear like someone else or to fit what a story is usually supposed to be like.
I like using short paragraphs, i like making lines bite sized and always seperating things. I write that way because it's what I like as a reader, it grabs my attention and I get annoyed when I see long paragraphs and lose attention.
I had a friend who hates reading, absolutely gets bored and can't stand it. I sent them a short story I made once for a different fandom about a guy dealing with the loss of his parents and missing his mom, my friend told me that it was the first time they've ever read a story to the end without getting bored or feeling overwhelmed.
There will be people who like your fast pace and there will be people who hate it, write for what you like to read. And if it's bg3 writing then hell yeah go for it! I enjoy it at times but at others I find myself skipping it just to get to the point.
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defectivexfragmented · 5 months
Get to know the rper - RP related
Send me a ♔ for me to describe a favorite rp character of mine.
Probably Matt. Mainly because writing him forced me to change how I approach writing a character. All of his replies are written without any references to sight. I reread my partner's reply countless times so I can make all of the references Matt would need to navigate the situation; heartbeats, sounds, scents, perfumes, shampoos, temperature, etc. Maintaining a healthy balance between this information, inner monologue, actions, and dialogue in every single one of his replies has been a challenge but I love him for it.
Send me a ♕ for me to describe favorite rp character of someone else’s.
@honorhearted's Ben Tallmadge. Turn is such a small fandom so I have no idea how the hell I found them but so happy I did! They are so wonderful and patient. Their Ben is the hidden gem of Tumblr, I swear. Ben's voice is so accurate along with his mannerisms and some of the headcanons we have for Clint and Ben are hysterical. To make it all so much (and I absolutely love this fact) they actually research what would be accurate for the time period. Lobbycock! They are such a joy to see on the dash! If you are not following, I would highly recommend!
Send me a ♦ for me to describe a plot that I’ve been wanting to do.
I've been really wanting to do a plot around Matt and his hatred of swimming. First off, he can swim. He's not Michael Phelps but he is skilled enough to keep himself alive. Water really messes with senses, both overwhelming and "blinding" at the same time. I've been dying to do something around this but I'm also very hesitant to because I fear the thread would turn into Matt being mocked. The whole thing is supposed to be a moment of vulnerability and chance for a deeper connection with another muse but I really worry it would be Matt being mocked for being afraid of water, which he's not.
Send me a ☮ for me to describe an amazing rp experience.
I wrote a reply to very heavily angsty/emotional thread. Like I was tearing up writing the reply, which is extremely rare for me. I posted and was eagerly waiting for my partner to read it and I got an anon in my inbox. Someone who apparently reads my threads (?!) had cried when they read the reply. I was FLOORED. I didn't even know anyone but my partners even read my threads so that alone was a massive compliment. Then to find out that the reply had brought them to tears! Any time I doubt my writing or myself, I just think back to the anon. I don't know who they are or if they still follow me or not but they really made me smile. It's been years and I still think of their anon when I'm feeling down.
Send me a ☠ for me to describe a terrible rp experience.
So it was a toss up between this and the time I was bullied to the point I nearly left tumblr.
Someone had followed me but I hadn't followed back. They sent a message to my inbox asking me if I would write with them, that they love my blog, yada yada yada. I caved. I said let's do a test thread but I wasn't going to follow back because they wrote mainly very short threads, a few sentences to a paragraph, and I didn't want all of that clogging up my dash. They were excited and instantly going on and on about wanting to be best friends. I explained that I had just gone through a fallout with someone a few weeks before and I wasn't interested in getting close to anyone at the moment. All I wanted to do was write and that's it. They said they understood. We did some plotting and they wrote a starter. A few days after they posted the stater, they asked me when I was going to reply to it. I explained I am a slow rper and that it's in my rules. A couple more days pass and they ask again. Once again, I explain I am slow with replies. Over the course of 10 days they asked me 4 times and each time I would say they same thing. Also, over the 10 days they are constantly messaging me; telling me how much they love me (not my writing, me, as in I love you), giving me a play by play of their daredevil rewatch, and so many headcanons. They really ignored the boundaries I set in the beginning. Day 11 I break and softblock them. They were causing me so much stress. Within minutes, they send me a message chewing me out, cursing me out, and wishing bad things on me and blocked me immediately. Holy shit. They don't respect my rules and boundaries that I very clear laid out multiple times to them but I am a piece of shit? That was almost two years ago and I still remember the blog name, just in case.
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theredcapeofk · 7 months
20 Questions
Thank you @silv3reyedstranger  for tagging me! Sorry for the delay, I needed to finish my Halloween fic first
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 with 4 still ongoing. This also includes 9 artworks (aside from the 6 in my illustrated fic)
2. What’s you total AO3 count?
177,544 words. Wow! I didn’t expect this much. Cool 🙂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My Eyes are up Here
Change my Direction
Gifts (My first posted Supergirl fic <3 )
It’s a Super Life
The Five Senses of Affection (I plan to update this one soon ;) )
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Always. Sometimes it’s hard to not spoil the rest of the fic when I answer questions, but I love it when you guys ask questions. I respond to comments because I like to exchange thoughts with people who comment, or simply thank people who took the time to write something.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
@silv3reyedstranger I don’t like to copy but your answer is exactly what I think, so I’m mostly gonna keep what you said.
I'm really not the biggest fan of angsty endings (because it makes me sad), so I don't write them. I'd much prefer piling on the angst throughout and giving them a happy ending. There's too much sadness and grief in the world already, I feel like everyone should get a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don’t know, they all end well, but since I need to choose one I'd say Don’t Leave Me because of what happens in the fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did, on Change my Direction a few chapters ago (which is basically a year and a half ago.). People(who had never commented before on this fic) had a lot to say about how I handled a specific chapter.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I do (I think most of my stuff is rated E on Ao3 lol). I’d say mostly fluff. And…what would you call Kara and Lena have been longing for each other for years and finally decide to…? 
I wrote more kinky stuff I haven’t posted yet. There’s angry sex in a fic I’m working on
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I did. Harry Potter and Charmed, City Hunter and Cat’s eyes (1980s and early 1990s mangas by the same author). I used to draw crossovers a lot which was a lot easier than trying to figure out how some characters could meet. I don’t think any of my written crossovers were too far-fetched, but my art on the other hand…I had the Golden trio from Harry Potter meet Naruto characters, and Outfit exchanges(with Naruto and other mangas) a few times in my art.
“Recently” I had Kate Kane and her step-sister visit Kara and Lena in Suddenly I’m in too deep. And I will write crossovers again with other characters from the Arrowverse
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No one’s ever asked, so not that I know of. I’ve tried translating my own fics once upon a time, but what a hassle lol. Although that was back when I was writing in French so translating to English was harder (and my English was not what it is today), maybe it would be easier to translate my current fics in French, but I don’t really see the point lol
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes 2 with @lenaralanvers. One is Let’s let go of our Broken Hearts (she did the actual writing but we took decisions together) and the second we haven’t posted yet.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
My OTP? I don’t know. I’ve loved all my ships with passion, still do. I think RonMione, Linzin, Korrasami and of course Supercorp will always hold a very special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hope I’ll be able to finish all of my Supercorp ones in any shape or form. Sometimes I just write down a short idea and it turns into a multi chapter fic. Or sometimes I write something I think could be huge, but it turns out to be a few paragraphs and it’s just as finished as the fics I post online. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m not good at knowing what I’m good at lol. I think I’m good with fluff scenes and how people react with their senses (sight, touch etc)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Which is all the more frustrating because I usually get a very precise picture in my head but I can rarely show it with words.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don’t write entire dialogues in another language, just a few foreign sentences or words here and there. I like to keep it organic for the reader and this method is easier when it comes to including translation
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I was desperately waiting for Book 5, and after theorizing for a while about serious plot points, one day I sat down to write goofy interviews given by the Golden trio to the Daily Prophet. The funny thing is, fanfiction came naturally to me, and I’m not sure I even knew the name of what I was writing then.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh that’s a tough one, because favorites tend to change. I can list a few that I love in chronological order (each one of these marked a milestone of some kind in my writing journey): 
Il était une fois à Shinjuku (the City Hunter and Cat’s eye crossover), 
A post Book 1 Korrasami and Borra fic (that I never posted anywhere so I never bothered to properly name it XD), 
My eyes are up Here 
The Five Senses of Affection 
and Don’t Leave me
tagging a couple of people if ya’ll wanna take part! @spaceman-earthgirl @lenaralanvers @chaotic-super @inkedroplets @guessimreallyhere
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serendictment · 9 months
August Books
1. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
. . . 3/10. One of those points is purely for the insight on Rosalie and Jasper's backstories and the other two points is Alice Cullen. I detest the Twilight series so very much and the only thing keeping me going is Alice. I hate how Jacob was turned into. . . Whoever he is now. He's not the same Jacob from the first/second books. I didn't really like him then either, but did he have to be turned into such a creep? Bella was insufferable as always, as was Edward. Stan Alice, I love her and also we're the same height (4'10) and we love that.
2. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. Again, it's apart of Twilight. Also, why does my mother have everything Twilight related? Anyways, I felt this was unneeded and I wish we were given a book like this from Riley's point of view. I feel as if it would've been more interesting than a character who only said her name and then a few sentences (maybe a paragraph or two?) about how she didn't know stuff and then was killed. I think seeing Victoria's manipulation being done to Riley would've been much more interesting to read. However, this is not me saying "Oh please Mrs. Meyer, write more!" She very much so does not need to do that.
Note for books 3., 4., and 5.; I read them at the same time. It was a strange week of reading.
3. Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories by Tatsuki Fujimoto and Sakaku Hishikawa
7.5/10. Love me some chainsaw man. I miss Angel and Kobeni though, so I couldn't give it an 8. Other than that, it was well written and I tend to take issue with short stories branching off from mangas because a lot of the ones I read in the past seem to get the characters wrong in the. . . word-ification of them, but I have no such complaint here on that. Power was still Power-ing and Aki was the same exhausted single mother Hayakawa that he's always been.
4. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
9.7/10. I loved it from start to finish. Some bits were even relatable (don't worry, none of the. . . bad(? questionable?) bits). I liked experiencing the slow mental decline and then the very end were Esther seems to be doing better. It was a bit saddening to find out that Plath died not even a month after this book was published, but I do hope that whatever afterlife there may or may not be, that Sylvia Plath is proud of what she's done and how far this novel has come.
5. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. 2 points are for Jasper and Alice. I hated every minute of this. I honestly wish I had something nice to say other than "It had Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale" but alas, I can not. Okay the wedding seemed cute but other than that it was like your typical white teenage boy. No redeeming qualities. Carlisle and Esme were great as always, but I have mommy/daddy issues so sorry<3
6. Chainsaw Man Volumes 10 and 11
9/10, still upset about Angel's death (even though I read it months ago), bur at least Kobeni is alive and well (. . . As well as she can be). Also, Makima was great. Do I think she was a good person? No. Do I love her as a villain? Absolutely. However, I'll never forgive her (or Fujimoto) for Angel. Rip.
7. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
7/10. Rather slow paced, but a good solid plot. Unfortunately, I did clock Bogdin (or whatever his name was) as Tony's murderer. . . pretty much as soon as the murder happened, so reading the truth at the end didn't do much. Also, I assumed that Penny would've have something to do with one of the murders, considering you don't normally have a character like her and her husband, John, without them having some secret in their pasts. Overall pretty good though.
8. Death Note Volumes 11-12
8.5/10. Glad Light finally got what was coming to him. I hated that man. Misa deserved so much better (coughMEcough). Rip Matt and Mello though. Also, I don't care what other people think, I like Near more than L. Do I think Near was smarter than L? I'm not sure, however I do believe he used his resources much better than L did. Also to anyone who may be like "Oh, well, Mello was smarter than Near-" shush. I loved both of them, but I'm autistic so Near takes forst place for me. If Near has one fan, it is me. If he has no fans, I am dead.
9. Death Note Volume 13: How to Read
5/10. These sorts of books don't tend to interest me, however some content was good so it felt wrong to rate it anything under 5. That being said, I also couldn't rate it anything above 5 because. . . I don't know.
10. Death Note Short Stories
6/10. Near<3 I was happy. Overall entertaining, but ultimately nothing special in my opinion.
11. Death Note: Another Note The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases
7/10. The Death Note fan in me is tired of Death Note. I still enjoyed it, it was well written, the "L's a dom" part killed me. I think if I read it a few months ago it would've been rated higher, but alas.
12. Scott Pilgrim Comics (1-6)
6.5/10. Kim Pine, my love<3 snd wallace<3 really I have no commentary. It was Scott Pilgrim, that says it all. Love the art style though.
13. Blue Period Volumes 1-5
9/10. I started watching the anime while in school and it inspired me in a way I haven't been in a long time. Watching just one episode gave me the motivation to actually try with art again, and I think I'll always be grateful for it. I bought the first 5 manga and after reading them I've fallen in love again. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, I'm about to go off to college as an English major, but who knows, maybe English will be miserable to me and I'll switch to art. Either way, this manga has helped me a lot. I also see a lot of myself in many of the characters, Yotasuke in particular. It could be that I'm autistic, however I relate to his whole "art is all I have" thing. Although I'm what many would label a "jack of all trades," I only have one thing that I'm really passionate about and that I consider "mine." It was nice seeing someone else like that and it not being shown in a (purely) negative way. Plus, if he can make friends then that means I have a chance at it too, which makes me feel better about moving away for college.
14. Bungou Stray Dogs Volumes 8-13
6/10. Didn't hate them, but my original love for them is steadily declining. I'm also just trying to get through all of my manga at this point. . . I crave a novel so bad but still have to get through Ouran High School Host Club. Huuh.
Update: I never got to OHSHC since I went off to college and didn't want to bring manga with. Ouran will be "books I read whenever I visit on weekend" books.
15. I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
9/10. Do I need to even explain myself? Minus one point because at some points it was lowkey triggering for my. . . 3D, we'll say (don't worry, I'm okay and nothing happened), but it was so well written and just raw. Jennette is a talented writer in my opinion and I'm so sorry for everything she's gone through. She's much stronger than I am.
16. Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
7/10. Love me some Dostoyevsky. Anyways, I didn't hate it but I didn't exactly love it. Rating it under a 7 though makes me feel disloyal to my boy. Also, I finished this is in like 5 days. College is pretty easy right now (I say as literally an hour ago (around 5pm on August 31st) I was freaking out because I didn't know how to use the Canvas app).
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thecasualauthor · 10 months
When you get this, reply with your 5 favourite fics that you've written. Then pass it on to five other writers. Spread some self love.
Oh gosh okay here goes. Thanks for the tag @celestemagnoliathewriter !! This was a bit hard, but I think I've picked a few good ones!
1. Nine Hands
I love this one. It's a story that I wrote for the Ladies of Harry Potter fest back in May. Molly Weasley has always been a beloved character for me, and I wanted to examine her mindset during the second wizarding war. This story is about her clock with nine hands that shows her where her children are and how they are doing.
Here's a little snippet:
"Nine hands.
Count them, she thinks. One, two, three, four…
Nine hands on the face of the clock, each one representing a member of Molly Weasley’s family, each one pointing in the same direction, showing they were all at the same place. Words written in lovely cursive that read, mortal peril. There were a number of other destinations, of course, such as home or school, or even prison, but given these times– well. It only made sense for them to be pointing towards mortal peril."
(There is a worse option for what can happen to one of the hands, but she doesn’t dare consider that possibility.)
2. I will follow you (into the dark)
This one was fun to write! It's a short-ish fic about Percy and Annabeth taking place during The Mark of Athena, before Annabeth is to go on her solo quest. I wanted to write a scene where we could truly see Percy's love and devotion to Annabeth, and this was the result! Here's a small little sneak peek:
"I'll follow you. Anywhere."
Percy's words are barely a murmur into Annabeth's lips, and they make her throat catch. She squeezes her eyes tighter, willing herself not to cry. Because she knows it. He would follow her to the end of the earth if she were to ask him.
"I know," She says, failing to keep her tone even. "I know."
"So let me," Percy says in a pleading voice. "I don't care if it's dangerous, Annabeth. Please. I don't want you to have to face it alone."
3. When No One Else Was
Ah ha this one is one of my pride and joys. I came up with the idea back in 2020 but didn't write it until last year. It's a story about Remus Lupin after the encounter with Harry at Grimmauld Place in DH. He's quite literally visited by a ghost from his past. Here's a little bit of the story:
Remus froze in his tracks.
He had made sure, absolutely sure that no one had followed him. He'd been checking and double-checking the entire time that he'd been alone on his journey. He'd taken back alleys, muggle trains, had disapparated at random to places he'd never been. He was sure he was alone. He had heard no one approach him from behind, either, but that was the least of his worries.
What frightened him was that the owner of the voice had died nearly twenty years ago.
4. We've Grown Up (but still haven't changed)
Another favorite HP one, this time about the three sisters of House Black. Andromeda gets a letter from her estranged sister Narcissa to meet in the dead of night at the old family home. I'm in love with it! :') Here are two of my more favorite paragraphs:
"She knew it was a stupid idea, that it was likely that Narcissa (who Andromeda heard was now engaged to Lucius Malfoy of all people) had been fully invested in the “pureblood movement” now, and was merely using this well written civil letter to get her home to have Bella accost her or something.
But curiosity and recklessness got the better of her as always, and so now, here she was. Standing in the back garden, admiring the various plants and statues and fountains surrounding her.
5. Take The Weight (From My Shoulders)
I'm a sucker for Tartarus aftermath fics, and I wanted to write one myself. It was inspired by a YouTube comment on a deleted song from The Lightning Thief musical. I loved writing this, and I hope you guys enjoyed writing it!
"A lump rose in her throat, guilt eating at her, tearing at her insides, and before tears came, she hugged him tightly. “We made it out,” she said abruptly. She felt Percy stiffen for a brief moment, but then he wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her close to him. Annabeth breathed in his scent, relished the cool breeze on her face, and gods, she was just so glad to be out of the nightmare that had been Tartarus. But then the thought came again, repeating in her head over and over– your fault, your fault, your fault, your-"
Okay, now it's my turn to tag some amazing authors! No pressure of course!!
@clawedandcute @ohmygodshesinsane @charmsandtealeaves @natabeth @turanga4
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hotdog4321 · 2 years
Currently open for discord.
Welcome to sunnyd's request thread. I will keep this simple, in fact I'll keep this entire thing simple. Of course I'm looking to find a good partner, for more of a long term Roleplay. If you are looking for a quick and short RP, I'm sorry that's not for me. I have been Role-playing for about 3 years, learned alot since then, but I still find myself making simple mistakes, it happens, just know it happens. I generally crave the more smuty side of things, know that doesn't mean there won't be plot, there definitely will be. The rest be reason for characters to be where they are and have to be plausible I have to give a percentage, but because it's a popular thing around here,. I would say 75%\25% smut to plot.
1. I can write in both first and third person, but I generally go for third person as my main. HOWEVER, I do understand that some stories are better suited in first, or that the other partner my prefer a certain one. If that is the case however, please let me know off hand and I will have no problem complying.
2. I do prefer 2-3 paragraphs per reply, I can generally go anywhere from 1-4, but anything longer or shorter I lose interest. I prefer to just go with what the story requires, quantity or quality. As they say. Usually around 200 words.
3 I know my grammar, is off from time to time, I find myself not proofreading, but I will try to do my best, just let me know, If grammar is a big deal, and I'll make sure to do my best.
I only have one rule, that rule is, put some effort into your first message. I'm tired of reading the same intro. 'hi I'm looking to Roleplay' just include your kinks, what caught your eye. That's all I ask.
-public Humiliation
-Pet play
-rough. Hair pulling, chocking etc..
- Aphrodisiacs
Star wars
Game of thrones
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Rick and Morty
My hero academia
-Father x daughter
-Mother x son(s)
-Brother x sister
- cop x burglar
- doctor x patient
- boss x assistant
- female boss x male assistant
- teacher x student(s)
- hitchhiker x trucker
Hacked social media
Something I been thinking about. Recently I had a family member who's Facebook was hacked. There stole there pictures, threaten to release them. Began to sell there videos etc.... I would like to play this idea out. A person, brother, friend, neighbor, hacks YCs social media, and begins to blackmail her with it. It's simple I know, but I think it could be a lot of fun.
'my sister/daughter is a stripper?' fuck
(This could be a father or brother, but going to type it out, as if it was her brother.)
A young college woman got onto the stage and began to show off her body, to the many men around her. What she didn't realize was that her brother was hiding in the crowd, watching her like a hawk. He had just learned a couple of days ago is sister was a stripper, after coming to the strip club with his friends. He after going through the college rule book, he learned they had a no public nudity rule, strip clubs, porn, were a big no-no. He knew he could have his baby sister in his pocket
'From mother to slut'
Mother of a couple son's, is very stressed lately, having to work, and take care of her children. Her son's find her to be a bitch, but decide, to surprise her with a gift. A all inclusive, spy day treatment. Even then she has to be convinced. However, what she doesn't know, is this specific spy, is a front, it can double down as a Hypnosis treatment. The sons have paid the spy, to Hypnosis there mother, to no matter what she isn't allowed to say no to them.
' Two Bros and a sister '
Sister comes home late one night, drunk. And depending on your preference. The brothers get her to drink more and more until they have her worshiping there cock she would of course come to regret it, or she's comes home drunk crawls into bed with one of her brothers. Suducing her brother's, in her drunken State. Maybe she's doesn't regret it, and begins too sneak around behind her parents back.
A stressed businesses woman goes to a therapist to help her coap with her ever-growing stress. He suggests hypnotherapy, implying that the things that cause her stress could be removed if she simply wants it. After giving permission, he puts her under, after a couple of weeks she begins to realize that it was working, things like her incompetent employees, or her useless assistant, or the tons of clients no longer were pissing and stressing her. However what she didn't realize is that he was also putting commands into her, making it impossible to say no to anyone that would give her a command. If one of her employees told her to shut it and suck her cock, she would have to say yes.
(Hypnosis, rape, Humiliation more...)
' forced transformation '
A young man just getting out of a bar drunk, gets into a taxi, after a few too many beers. With no one else to talk to, he begins to rant with the taxi driver, and somehow the conversation spirals into how women are inferior to men. All this feminist bull shit is ridiculous, he told the driver. It mostly boiled down to the fact that his boss is a woman who always talks down to him. The drunken man then makes comments about how he would rape his boss if he could and any other woman he wanted. The driver didn't take this lightly, as it's a conversation that should not be joked around. Unknowingly the driver puts a curse on the man, when he wakes he would be transformed into a woman. A beautiful curvy big breasted woman. So I was thinking this one could either be a slow transformation, where her mind is still fighting it, he's a straight man, who is the perfect image of a man's man, but the longer he's in this body the more feminine he gets. Caring about his look, what he wears, and begins to like cock. Or simply, while he's a man trapped in a female's body, he can't say no to any order he receives.
(Transformation, mind-altering, Bimbo, gangbangs)
'unlucky train ride'
An unlucky woman gets on a train on her way to work. A short skirt, tight blouse, you know the look. Then suddenly she feels a hand on her ass, a man trying to touch her for his enjoyment. Not trying to cause a scene she tries to fight him off, quietly, pushing him away, but before she knows it, he has his hand buried in her panties and a hand over her mouth. would like to stretch this out, and involve blackmail. He record's the whole thing and uses it against her.
(Public Humiliation, molestation Butlackmail)
' human cow '
A Young woman steps off the bus, her four-inch heels almost causing her to fall. She couldn't believe her father was making her go and work at her uncle's farm, all because she was arrested for the third time that month. As she walked up to her uncle's house she passed just about every animal she thought of on her way. Pigs, cows, dogs. She hated just about everything she was seeing, it was her worse nightmare come true. Don't worry, she thought. She wasn't going to be working, she could talk her way out in almost any situation. She figured she just has to put on those puppy eyes and her uncle wouldn't make her work with those disgusting animals.
(Lactation, incest, Beastiality, non-con, drugged, bondage, many more)
'My sons bully'
I'm sure you heard the simple idea before the mother's son is being bullied, she can't take the t anymore, goes over to the bully's house to talk to him, but ends up being his fuck toy? Fun right. If you want to do that great I'm always down for it, but I thought if something slightly different. A father's son is being bullied. After months of hearing his son complain, he goes over to the bullies House, the parents are home, and he talks to them. A week later and his son is still being bullied. Once again, he goes over to their house, but this time the bully answered the door. To his surprise, it's a female. A cute one too. I think we know what's going to happen here...
(Non-con, rough sex, pet play, humiliation)
'Interracial play'
Don't have a plot for this one yet, but it includes white men and black/Asian women.
'Hermione yes girl'
Hermione or any witch we want? Was going beyond the lesson, which was not advised, and told no by the teacher. Hermione of course didn't listen, but there was a reason. Hermione began making the potion, and when she finished it, so confident she didn't even test it, she drunk it. But something happened, it didn't work. She couldn't get the reaction she wanted there was no reaction. At least that's what she thought. Later that day, after she gave up, walking down the hallway way, she heard a kid yell 'stop' suddenly Hermione couldn't move. That's when it hits her, whatever she had Concord up in her room, was forcing her to obey everyone's orders, no matter what. Maybe with enough time, she can fix this before someone finds out, that they could mess with her. Willing to play many, many different guys for this one, she could end up being the school whore after there done.
(Non-con, pet play, humiliation, gangbangs)
Azula put in her place
So I was thinking something with avatar the last air bender. Azula to be Specific. So the idea is real simple, Azula The princess of the fire nation gets taught a lesson in respect. I imagine this around sometime in season three if you remember the show? I was thinking After killing the avatar, she gets some sort of high ground. In her mind She did something her brother, father or grandfather couldn't do and that's kill the avatar. That along with Di lee agents she loses respect for her father. After a Incident ( Something we can discuss more detail) Her father had enough. One night when she's sleeping he has her captured and Restrained. Of course this could Involve any kink you like or any cannon character you like? I also like the idea Toph being captured. They break her down, humiliate her. Fore her to dress like a Child, a pacifier in her mouth etc....
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gloriouspiratenacho · 10 months
Character Ai vs Chai
These large language model (LLM) AIs are fascinating to me, and I read ai articles constantly. I enjoy creating characters from otome games I've played, and seeing how much detail I can program into the chat bots, and get the proper responses. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
The service you use matters a lot. Character Ai is probably the best one that I've tried so far, and I've tried a bunch of them. Recently I finished a 30 day trial period for Chai. And since I couldn't really find a comparison, I thought I'd write one.
Comparison under the cut-
Character AI: 1, it's free. This is probably the biggest selling point. You can pay $10 a month if you are impatient though, which will allow you to skip the waiting room and speed up ai replies.
2, Character Ai will generate nice, long, detailed replies. It's a lot more immersive. It doesn't matter if you are writing 3 sentences in return, it will still send you 2 paragraphs.
3, The Ai at Character AI is probably the best at keeping to the character. This isn't to say this it doesn't screw up, sometimes by a huge margin. But it still seems to be the best at using the information you program into it. (the LLM models are prone to "skimming" the text, and may skip important details like proper eye color on occasion.)
Now for Chai.
Chai is rate limited, you get like 70 messages every 3 hours or something, unless you pay. $10 a month will unlock the rate limit, and $30 a month will allow you to use the Meta/Facebook LLM for your characters.
A few obvious advantages to Chai is that 1, it's totally unfiltered, and nothing is off limits. 2, you can edit the Ai replies. But I feel like these are both double edged, unfiltered means that the Ai has been trained by users to be extremely horny, so if you are wanting like a sweet date... That's not going to stay sweet for long. The other problem is with editing the replies. At first, I was so excited about it! But the ai only let's you generate 4 replies before it stops, and you can't return to a previous reply that you liked better. So I find myself liking the endless variety of replies I get from character Ai better, and being able to go back to one I had passed over before.
I wasn't super impressed with the quality of the replies at Chai either. It wasn't good at picking up programmed character information at all, and replies are never more than a short paragraph. It seems to work okay if you have a generic character in mind, and weren't expecting a high degree of accuracy. However, this improved to *almost* (but not quite) character Ai's level when I paid for the Meta LLM. The length stayed the same, but the detail the Ai was able to extract from the character profile was better (still not to character Ai's level) and the replies made more sense.
So if you are wondering if Chai's ultra level is really worth it, I think it is, but only if you are *not* looking for complex characters, detailed replies, and are really desperate to get a filterless AI.
For my part, I'm not building any of my bots there simply because the Ai can't handle the complexity of my characters.
Know of any others? Let me know, I'd love to try them out!
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Have you heard about those new TWD S5/Fatal Frontier leaks ?
I have indeed!
For anyone curious, this information was posted on r/GamingLeaksAndRumours on Reddit:
(However, I would take this information with a grain of salt)
For anyone who doesn’t want to click the link, here is the direct quote from the page referencing the game (potential spoilers for a future season of TWDG, so don’t read if you would rather remain oblivious in case it’s true):
“The Walking Dead: A Fatal Frontier/Season 5
The game's name won't be called Season 5 but it is meant to "be" the 5th season of Telltale's The Walking Dead. Currently its subtitle is A Fatal Frontier but it may change.
-Game is not episodic, just a straightforward game, but should be about the same length as a normal Telltale game
- Less focus on choices. This game even picks a specific “timeline” of events. The game mostly focuses on survival horror. There are plenty of dialogue options but true narrative choices are not the focus this time. Plenty of inspiration from games like Resident Evil and The Evil Within 2 in terms of how the game plays.
-Javier returns, pretty much everything from Season 3 is scrapped but him
- Basic premise is Richmond has fallen, you are the only survivor, all characters that are still alive since Season 3 die early on during the fall of the city
- Alone and nowhere else to go Javier decides to find the ranch Clementine went to
- Kenny is retconned into the story super hard. He appears no matter what, this game’s timeline is “fixed” in the Kenny story route, which I suppose means it is "not cannon" for some players. Javier and Kenny cross paths as they are both following leads to find Clementine.
- There is a cult of older members from the New Frontier long before Javier showed up who were radical and kicked out ages ago who are responsible for the fall of Richmond and are now hunting down Javier and Kenny. Allegedly a lot of the game is inspired by the original story of Season 3″
I will go more in depth with my thoughts if people want, but in short: If this turns out to be legit, then i’m definitely interested in seeing another season from Javier’s story. However, the possible retconning of certain paths from previous seasons I do find to be questionable and unappealing.
With that said though, I feel like if this story is legit then I think it would be an interesting game if we treat it from the perspective of an “alternative story” as opposed to actual “canon” (so a “what if” based on certain choices). I do greatly like the idea of a survival horror take on the series and I think it could be something really interesting. Skybound taking a different approach to the series without Telltale would be neat to see.
Some of the information does make me quite skeptical towards the validity of it, but at the end of the day, who knows? I suppose we’ll find out when we get more info on TFTB and whether that ties in with the leakers information as well.
I’m assuming the “Kenny route” they refer to is perhaps the Wellington ending in S2 as the actual Kenny route leads to his death and the other one gives him an ambiguous ending.
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Tips on How to Write Dialogue
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Here's an updated version of my old post! As I've grown as a writer, I realized the wording and the tips of my old post weren't as good as they could be, so I decided to completely revamp it!
Dialogue is incredibly tricky, for both beginners and experienced writers alike. It can be too overworked, as in cluttered with speech tags and descriptions, or too bare-bones, struggling to have any liveliness.
The main reason dialogue is so difficult is because of the complexity of human communication. It's a paired dance between nonverbal and verbal communication, and how people's demeanor may or may not embody what's coming out of their mouth. Without visuals or audio at your disposal to act as an aid for the reader, writing a good, realistic conversation can be hard to get right.
Here are some tips and tricks for those who've been struggling with their dialogue!
1. Punctuate it Right
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No matter how good your writing is, readers will have a tough time loving it if it's improperly punctuated. Many of us have come across fanfictions where it is near-impossible to read the dialogue, or to distinguish between the people who are speaking. But knowing all the ways not to punctuate dialogue doesn't make it easy to figure out how to do it correctly.
Here's some sample dialogue to see correct punctuation in action.
"I am speaking," Character A says with a wave.
"I am replying," answers Character B, "but I also have something to say after my speech tag."
"You do not have to put a comma at the end of your sentence if there's no speech tag." Character A winks. "If you want to, it's also okay to put a period after the interrupting phrase instead of a comma, if the next line of dialogue is a new sentence."
"There's also an exception for exclamation points!" Character B announces. "You don't need a comma after exclamation points."
Here are some more specified rules:
1. Please use quotation marks (" ") to show when someone is speaking
'This is incorrect punctuation' and -so is this- and <so is this>
2. Please don't overuse caps to show anger or shouting. Using it for emphasis during climactic moments can be great, but using too much comes across as childish.
Instead of doing this, you can put an exclamation point at the end of the sentence and strong speech tags like 'roared' or 'bellowed' or 'screeched.' Although caps may portray anger in a more literal sense, it isn't very professional if you use a lot of it.
3. You can put a period or a comma after an interruption sentence, but make sure to stay consistent.
"This is correct," she says, "It is a good way to punctuate."
"This is also correct," she says. "However, you need to stay consistent and not switch around."
"This does not apply," she says, "when the second line of dialogue is a continuation of the first and not its own sentence."
4. Start a new paragraph whenever the speaker changes
"This is very important for readers' comprehension," he says.
"If it's all one big block, how will they now which one of us is talking?" she adds.
"This isn't right," he says. "It's very confusing," she agrees.
5. If you have a very long monologue that's becoming one big block of text, you can break it up with a paragraph break. Here's how:
"I'm going to be talking for a very long time. You can skip this if you want. Really the most important part is at the end of this paragraph. You should probably skip to that. These words are just to take up space. You're still here? Aww, thank you for listening to me, but this is just an example. Normally this paragraph would be a lot longer, but I'm keeping it short so that I don't take up that much room.
"See what I did there? I didn't use a quotation mark at the end of the first paragraph, but began the second paragraph with a quotation. That way, you don't think the person has stopped speaking."
2. Try Cutting Down Your Speech Tags if Your Dialogue Feels Cluttered or Stilted
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I know it’s a groaner; seemingly every writing advice blog says this. Don’t worry, I get it.
If you don’t know what a speech tag is, it’s a verb (usually paired with a name or pronoun) after a line of dialogue to describe how a character is saying that certain line of dialogue.
(Example: “I don’t want to go,” she argued.)
You can find my master list of speech tags here.
Speech tags can be an incredible resource, and can really help kick your dialogue up to the next level, but if they're overused, they can get in the way.
If your dialogue is coming off very stilted and unnatural, then too many speech tags might be the cause.
Look through your work, considering each case on an individual basis, and try eliminating unnecessary speech tags depending on what you think best fits your story.
For example:
“Shut up!” she shouted.
This isn’t necessarily a bad example, not by a long shot. But if you’re having trouble with rhythm in this particular section of your story, maybe consider taking out the ‘she shouted’ part. With the exclamation point, we can assume she shouted the line.
Also, dialogue between two people can have less speech tags, too.
For example:
“Hey, what’s up?” she greeted. “How was school?”
“Fine,” he snapped.
"Doesn't sound fine," she pointed out.
"Whatever," he scoffed.
Now, let's see how this exchange sounds without some of the speech tags making it cluttered.
"Hey, what's up?" she greeted. "How was school?"
"Fine," he snapped.
"Doesn't sound fine."
As you can see, I kept the two first speech tags to make sure the readers know who is speaking (as well as the tone of the conversation), which is why it's important to not go around hacking away speech tags without considering the context.
But the speech tags I did cut out made the dialogue flow a whole lot easier! Sometimes you have to sacrifice the specificness of your character's delivery of the line in favor of smooth, rhythmic flow of speech.
3. Add Some Choreography or Give Your Characters Props to Spice Things Up
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Choreography doesn't mean a full dance number, but rather actions that can go along with your dialogue. This tip is for writers who may be struggling to make their dialogue lively or exciting.
Actions and choreography can also substitute in for speech tags.
Instead of:
"What the hell were you thinking?!" he roared.
You could try:
"What the hell were you thinking?!" He slammed his fist on the table, his eyes blazing.
In both instances, you can tell the character is angry, only the second one is a more 'show, not tell' approach to things.
The scene can also benefit from a "situation," such as people eating their food or washing the dishes, and the dialogue in turn would then be interrupted by describing people performing actions associated with that "situation," such as taking bites or sipping drinks.
Things you can describe while someone is speaking:
Mouth movement (smiling, scowling, lips twitching)
Eye movement (Glaring, rolling, fluttering, darting around)
Jaw twitching
Shifting weight
Moving around the scene
Breathing (sighting, letting out a heavy breath, panting, breath hitching)
Using props during the activities that are going on (cutting up vegetables, chewing, drinking, etc.)
And more!
Make sure not to overuse these descriptions, though, because like with speech tags, they do have the potential to clutter up your dialogue!
Try to intersperse them whenever you feel like your dialogue needs a bit more action going on, or feels too sparse and fast-paced.
4. Learn From the Professionals
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The best way to get better at writing dialogue isn't going to be a random post on Tumblr like this, it's going to be by consuming other media and embodying the things you see.
Put on your favorite movie or TV show. Study how the characters look when they speak, how they talk, how the scene is set up. Look at how the actors portray the emotions their characters are having, and how the dialogue itself is paired in tandem with scene choreography.
Read your favorite books, too, and see how the authors write their dialogue. You may find that they all have different styles and ways of doing it, and can adopt ideas from each!
5. If You're Getting Stuck, Write the Dialogue First
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If you're having a lot of trouble writing the entire scene, just write down the dialogue. Nothing else. Try to make the conversation as interesting as possible while still being bare bones, and make sure it accomplishes the goals that you want it to.
Do you want to make two characters grow closer?
Do you want to introduce a new plot point?
Make sure all that gets done in the bare-bones version so that you don't get too caught up in the embellishment to remember, then add everything else in later!
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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