#mustang amplifier
robertmatejcek · 5 months
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Guitar No. Four (Self) - mixed media - robert matejcek - 2022
“I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to.“ - Elvis Presley
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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froggywaffles · 9 months
𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚊; 𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐
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How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?
(Y/N) Mustang travels with the Elric brothers to find the philosophers stone to restore their bodies. And the discovery that her alchemy is more different than she originally believed
A/N: Lets ignore that this took me nearly a year to write ;-; lolzz i had to split this chapter in half because i lost half when my laptop broke so ill post the second half once i rewrite it :)) ANYWAY there is a playlist that goes with this which doesn't really go with this chapter but oh well https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0FApCCn34li62l168Sfk9w?si=441729291d964073 (if link doesn't work just search 'FROGGY' into spotify and click profiles u should find it) hope you enjoy
-Froggie :)
Word Count: 4,314
Summary: For the past four years, Ed, Al with the addition of (y/n) have combed the country for a rumored stone that could amplify the boys' alchemy and bring the Elric's bodies back to normal. A battle breaks out against the false prophet Cornello, who is using the science of alchemy and parading it as acts of God.
01 - The Sun God's Prophet Part One
The sun is shining brightly, the sand is scorching, and the air is thick. Sparrows flew toward the large fountain out front of the castle-like building that stood tall in the centre of Liore. The three teens sat not far from the large building at a small cafe bar, and the sound of mindless chatter from other cafe goers could be heard. An unknown voice plays over the radio sitting above Alphonse's head.
“Children of God who live upon this earth, have faith, and thou shalt be saved. The god of the sun, Leto, enlightens thy path. Behold, having descended from his throne, the lord shall save thee from thy sins. As the messenger of the sun God, I am your father”
“A radio broadcast of a sermon?” Al wondered aloud.
“A messenger of god?” Edward questioned as he ate another fry. “What’s that?”
“I think I ought to be the one saying ‘what’s that?’ about you.” The cafe owner asked the three while drying a cup with a towel. He had a thick moustache and wore a dark cap and a light-coloured apron. “So, what are you guys supposed to be? Street performers?” 
Dropping his fork annoyed and with an eyebrow twitching, Ed spoke, “Okay pops, what part of us looks like street performers?” 
“Well I don’t know ed, we’ve got a 6’3 suit of armour and shorty mcshortison-”
“I’m not short!” Edward retorted, saying it wouldn’t be a surprise if you could see steam coming out of his ears.
“My bad ‘fun-sized’” (y/n) laughed, making air quotes with her finger; Ed rolled his eyes and sighed, and Al giggled.
“If you're not street performers, what are you guys doing in these parts?” The cafe owner asked.
“Yeah, we’re just looking for something,” Ed said, placing his fork on the empty plate, “What’s with this broadcast anyway?"
“You haven’t heard of Father Cornello?” he answered, sounding almost offended.
"Father, who now?” (y/n) asked.
“Father Cornello! The messenger of the sun God! He’s the founder of Letoism. the one with
the ‘power of miracles. He’s this wonderful man who came to this city a couple of years ago
and showed us the way of God!” The man stood tall, hands on his hips. Other cafe goers
interjected about what a great man Father Cornello was.
“It’s incredible!”
“Definitely the power of God!”
Alphonse and (y/n) sat listening intently; Ed, on the other hand, was sitting and messing with
the straw in his cup, completely uninterested. 
“You ain't listening, kid.” the cafe owner deadpanned.
“Nope. "I'm not interested in religion.” Ed said, looking the cafe owner straight in the eyes.
"Well, I'm stuffed; let’s beat it.” He said they were beginning to stand  Al and (y/n) following
his lead.
“Thanks for the food-” (y/n) was cut off by a loud bang, caused by Al hitting the roof of the
cafe stand and knocking off their radio.
 Al and (y/n) following his lead.
“AH!!- HEY!! Don’t cause any problems here! It’s all because you’re walking ‘round in that oversized tin can!” The man shouted leaning over the bar to see his broken radio.
“Sorry, sorry, we’ll fix it right up, don’t worry,” Ed said, waving his hand in apology.
Alphonse leaned over the assessing the damage, as (y/n) reached in her pocket for a stick
of chalk.
 “Here,” she said, handing Al the chalk. 
“Fix how?” the cafe owner asked, scratching his head.
“Just watch,” Edward answered, as Al finished drawing the transmutation around the broken
Alphonse went onto his knees, as a crowd of cafe goers surrounded the teens, he clapped
his hands together and pushed them onto the ground. Strikes of blue lightning grew from the
circle, engulfing the radio in blue hues. Looks of shock and amazement plastered the
cafe goers' faces. The blue light soon ceased, and Al rose to his feet. 
The cafe owner stood in shock and said, “I’m stunned,” making Ed visibly smirk. “You can use the power of miracles too!” Ed’s smirk dropped almost immediately.
“You what?” "No, we are alchemists; my brother and I are kind of famous, you know?" Ed retorted angrily. "We are the Elric brothers!” Edward stood proudly as cafegoers realised who they were.
“The Elric brothers?!”
“I’ve heard of them before!”
"He's one of those national alchemists!" says the older one.
"Edward Elric, the full-metal alchemist!";
A crowd began to form around Alphonse, (y/n) noticed before Ed did, she tried to hold her laugh as the cafegoers began to praise Al. “So you’re that rumoured genius alchemist!”
"I see why you're called the Fullmetal Alchemist. You wear that suit of armour!"
Ed's proud expression faded, revealing a visible vein on his brow. 
“Um, I'm not him,” Al said, waving his hands frantically. 
“The shorty over there?” 
That was it. Edward blew up. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SUPER SMALL SPECK”
“PFFFFFFT—a small speck” (y/n), she laughed, almost falling over. He turned toward the crowd of people, angrily ignoring (y/n), who was still giggling at his meltdown. “I am the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric!” He overemphasised the "I."
“And I’m his little brother, Alphonse,” Al added, rubbing his metal neck nervously. The crowd was taken aback by the revolution that Edward, a child, had started. (y/n) was kneeling to grab the now-fixed radio off the ground when a younger child from the crowd pointed at her and asked, “Who’s she then?”
“Me?” she questioned, pointing to herself now standing up with the radio in hand.
"Oh, that’s just (y/n)” Ed brushed it off.
“What do you mean by just (y/n)?” "You get to use your snazzy title, and I get "just" (y/n)," she chuckled. Before he could speak again, she shoved the radio in Ed’s face and
introduced herself. “I’m the carbon steel alchemist, (y/n) Mustang!” Edward was still
bewildered by how he ended up with the radio. Just as the three were about to leave and headed toward the massive building in the centre of Liore, an unknown girl running toward the cafe shouted to the owner, “Hello! It's a little bit lively today.” She wore a white dress and black sandals. She had tanned skin and dark eyes. She had two-toned hair; the front of her hair was pink and the back was dark brown. "Oh, hello, Rose," the moustached man said cheerfully. “Going to the church again?” He asked. 
"Yeah, I need to make some offerings," she said, smiling as she held some items in her hands and turned to face the young alchemists.
“I don’t think I’ve met you before.” All three of them just stared at her. 
“They say they’re alchemists; it seems they are looking for something.” The man spoke not 
looking up from the glass he was polishing.
She smiled at the three of them, her hair floating in the breeze, and she had a tight hold on the bag she was holding. “I hope you find what you are looking for,” Rose began to walk away, but before going too far, she turned her head to look at them a final time and said, “May Leto protect you!”
“Huh?” Edward said this in confusion, turning towards the cafe owner again.
“That girl, she ain’t got no relatives, and top of that, her boyfriend died in a car accident earlier this year,” he said, putting down his now-polished glass. 
“Yeah, you’d think she’d be sad, but she didn’t seem down.” A cafe patron butted in. “What saved her were the teachings of Cornello, the prophet of the sun god Leto! "He who gives everlasting life to the living and rebirth to the dead—the power of miracles proves that.” 
Rebirth of the Dead (y/n) turned to face the Elrics, knowing it was too much of a coincidence to be anything else.
“Rebirth of the dead, huh?” Edward said sceptically, chewing on his straw, “Smells fishy.”
The three teens stood before the massive Cathedral like structure, the white paint covering the bricks cracked towards the ground. Pink Azalea flowers grew on the grass, many squashed from previously gathered crowds. They walked through the massive arches, onto pristine white quartz floors, in contrast to the large dark oak doors along the corridor; the further they walked the more white pristine statues and sculptures they came across; they reached another arch that led to the chapel of the building. The chapel's ceilings were high, beautiful quartz columns, and a biblical scene painted onto the ceiling in between the gorgeous stone supports. The room had rows upon rows of dark oak pews, a catwalk in the middle separated them. In the middle of the room was a statue of who they believed to be The Sun God Leto, the statue was kneeling on one knee with a staff firmly in its grip, on its left side was another statue of an angel holding a ring facing The Sun God Leto. And on its  right was another angel holding a book. Behind the statues was a stained glass window made up of beautiful shades of yellow creating a sun. Near the statues were two doors, one on the right wall and one on the left. Edward, Alphonse and (y/n) stood before the statues, admiring the craftsmanship that went into creating such masterpieces, when a familiar face entered the chapel from the right side door. “Oh, You three again!” Rose said cheerfully as she walked into the chapel, all three of them turning to face her. “Are you guys going to join the church of Leto?”.
“Nah, religion isn’t our type a’ thing.” (y/n) spoke, waving off the idea, sitting down on one of the pews. 
Rose sucked in a breath, like she was offended before she spoke again, “That’s not a real answer! If you can believe in God, you can live with hope and gratitude everyday. It’s wonderful!”. She pointed at Ed and shouted “If you have faith you’ll grow taller for sure!”. 
Alphonse grabbed his brother before he attempted to launch himself at the poor girl, a vein popping on his forehead, “Brother! She’s not saying it to be mean.”. With a huff Edward sat on the pew next to (y/n), leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling. His arms resting upon the pew, one arm resting behind (y/n)’s head. 
“Do you really believe that if you pray to God the dead will come back to life?”. The question hung heavy in the air, the silence was almost deafening. Rose seemed like someone had just asked her if fish can fly. 
“Yes, yes I do.” 
The tension in the air was suffocating, the difference in knowledge between the three teens and the young woman was obvious. (y/n) she may never know the full truth of what happened to the brothers but she had learnt one thing from the snippets they trusted her with, the dead should stay dead regardless of how much you long for them. 
Edward tilted his head toward the ground releasing an understanding breath, “sheesh…How can you honestly believe these things?”.
 He dug around in his pants’ pocket and pulled out a small leather book. His gloved hands flicked through his previously childish handwriting until he found the page he was looking for, and began to read from it.
“Water: 35 litres, Carbon: 20 kg, Ammonia: 4 litres, Lime:1.5 kg, Phosphorus: 800 g, Salt: 250 g, Saltpetre: 100 g, Sulphur 80 g,  Fluoride 7.5 g, Iron 5 g, Silicon 3 g, and 15 other elements in small quantities…”.
Rose stood still as stone, the sun shining through the stained glass behind painting her in beautiful hues of amber, similar to an Ursinia, further highlighting her confused features. 
“Huh?” she wondered aloud.
Still looking at the small book Ed spoke, “That’s the total chemical makeup of an average adult human body, modern science knows all of this, yet there has never been a single example of a successful human transmutation.” His gaze hardened, eyebrows pinching, the grip on his book tightening. A sight too common for a 14 year old boy. “It’s like there’s a missing ingredient..” Edward momentarily stopped, gazing at his brother, sadness laid between the gold and tangerine of his eyes, before turning back to the book in hand “Scientists have been trying to find it for hundreds of years, pouring tons of money into research and to this day they don’t even have a theory.” Rose stood still intently listening but clearly confused.
“Come on Ed, she hasn’t got the slightest clue of what you’re talking about, speak human.” (y/n) face-palmed. 
“What do you mean ‘speak human’?” He said frustratingly, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Less science-y” 
Edward rolled his eyes and turned his body to face Rose, “Basically, they say science is a lost cause, But I think It’s better than sitting around praying for something to happen.” Edward sat forward clasping his hands together, leaning his arms on his knees. Looking up at the statue of Leto, thinking to himself before speaking again, “It’s ironic that we scientists, who don’t believe in god, are in a sense the closest thing to him.” 
There was a heavy silence, (y/n) sighed, leaning further back into the pew knowing where this might go. A look of anger and disgust covered Rose’s face as she walked in front of Ed, blocking the view of the statues, venom lacing her voice. “What pride, are you saying you’re god’s equal?”.
Father Cornello stood upon a stage, a statue of Leto stood tall behind him. The crowd in front of him roared in faith and hope. Petals of Violet and Magnolia rained from the sky, He grabbed a hold of a fallen magnolia, clapped it between his hands, a blue hue consuming them before he revealed it had now been turned into a sunflower. The three stood at the back of the crowd, Edward stood upon his suitcase to get a better look. (y/n) seemed less than bothered with the sight, too busy gazing into the faces in the crowd, studying their emotions. Not a single face in that crowd had a brow furrowed, a look of anguish, they all seemed so joyful and at peace with themselves. She felt almost bad for them, she told herself it was because they were believing a lie, or was it just plain old envy. Too caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t noticed Rose had come over and had begun talking to the boys.
“I’d love to talk to his holiness! You think you could take us to him?” Ed said weirdly cheerful, leaving a very confused (y/n). 
“I’ll explain on the way, don’t worry” Alphonse whispered in her ear.
They returned to the beautiful white walls of the church, the same dark oak doors welcoming them in as the guards led the group into an almost empty room. As soon as they entered something was off, the two guards by the door seemed to stiffen as they walked past, a cold look in their eyes before one spoke, “His holiness is very busy, so it's not easy to get an audience with him. You three are very lucky.”  
“Don’t worry I won’t talk for too long.” Ed piped up, Alphonse turning back to listen to his brother, the four not registering the slam of the doors behind them. The guard who led them in suddenly stopped, a dark look flooded the man’s face as he reached into his jacket, “Yes, let’s end this quickly.” pulling a revolver from a concealed pocket, pointing it to the eye hole of Al’s armour, “Like this!”. The clang of the metal of the gun hitting the armoured boy was heard before a shot rang out, causing the head of the boy to hit the ground several feet way, horrified looks from the three others in the room as (y/n) and edward attempted to lunge forward to attack the man, fear rushed through their veins, as the two other guards restrained the two with their flagged staffs.
“Brother Cray! What are you doing?!” Rose exclaimed thinking he had just killed alphonse. 
“Rose, these are heathens that are trying to entrap his holiness, they are evil.” The man retorted.
“What?! But his holiness would never allow you to do this…you.”
“But he did allow it!” Cray turned his attention to the two teens blocked by the staffs, “The words of his holiness are the words of god!”. He aimed the gun at Edward’s head, his stare unwavering, (y/n) was left shaking like a leaf. “This is the will of god!!”.
“Guess there are some really bad Gods out there” Alphonse spoke, his voice more echoey than usual. He grabbed the revolver out of Cray’s hand as he shrieked in fear and confusion “Wha-!?!?!”. 
Edward quickly grabbed one of the staffed guards’ arm and shirt and began to shove him into the ground before (y/n) swiftly followed grunting out “a warning would’ve been nice Ed.” Both men landed onto the ground as Al’s metal fist collided with Cray’s face, all three men rendered unconscious.  
“Wha…Wha…What is this!?” Rose shakily shrieked from behind the three, Ed knocked on Al’s armour revealing he was holo. “Nothing special,” he spoke. 
“It’s exactly what it looks like” Alphonse said non shaltantly. 
“Th… there’s nothing inside it’s empty!”
Al snapped his head back on before speaking again, “You might say, this is what happens when you commit the world’s greatest sin, when you trespass on God's domain… My big brother and I both.” Melancholy seeped in the room, it felt like every crack in the walls was just allowing it in. 
“Well let’s just save that story for another time, heh.” Ed scratched his head, trying to relieve some tension in the room.
“Anyways, it seems Cornello is 100% ready to kill us.” (y/n) said, looking down at Cray’s unconscious body.
“Understatement.” Ed retorted. 
Edward, (y/n) and Alphonse stood in front of a dark oak door, which supposedly led to Father Cornello’s ‘room’; there were two wax candles attached to the wall either side of the door. The wax was beginning to melt down the metal brace keeping them in place. A curved window sat above the door frame, the warm light from the room leaking through it. “Is this Cornello’s room? The one Rose told us about?” (y/n) questioned looking up at the door that was towering over them. 
“Well there’s only one way to find out.” Edward said confidently, his hands cemented in his pockets. Then, the door slowly opened as if it was its own person, beckoning them into the room. 
“Hmph. I guess that means ‘come in’”. 
The room was quiet, the only sound that could be heard was footsteps and the flickering of the dim candles that sat on the columns that were laid out like a hallway to the stairs. The light was not bright enough to see the corners of the large room. There was a copper-like odour along with rotten eggs and burnt animal fat, flooding their sinuses. Cornello stood upon a staircase, a sinister smile painted on his wrinkled face. The large door slammed behind them, the echo bouncing off the tall walls.
“Did you come here to hear me preach?” Cornello asked the teens, trying to feign innocence, gripping the bannister and his cane tighter. 
“Yeah, by all means teach us...” Ed scoffed, cockily staring him down, Alphonse and (y/n) stood either side of him also looking up at the older man. 
“Like about how you use your lame alchemy to lie to your followers!”
“Please don’t confuse my miracles with alchemy.” His face still remained neutral but they could feel anger start to build up within the man. The teens looked completely unconvinced. “I have no reason to lie to you children, I do not use alchemy.”.
“It’s in the ring right?” Cornello seemed to freeze at Edward’s words.
“What’s in the ring?” The older man asked cautiously, not wanting to reveal his nerves. 
“The philosopher's stone.”. The air was thick, words were hanging like chandeliers, every breath crystallising.  
“Heh, the government gets their money out of you, don’t they?” his gaze was unwavering “I guess you saw through it all” He took a breath before exclaiming “Correct!” Cornello raised his hand as if he was cupping the air, showing off his ring, the red stone glistening in the warm light. “The philosopher's stone, the legendary amplifier of all alchemical processes!” 
A look of determination and desperation seeped its way onto Edward’s features, “How long I’ve searched for that.”  
“Ha, what’s with that jealous look in your eyes! What do you need the stone for? Money? Honour?” He stepped further towards the bannister. “What I really need is followers to give their lives for me, soon I’ll have enough people to take over the whole nation! Think about it, a frantic army with no fear of death!” Cornello stood cackling and the three teens looked between each other awkwardly. 
“Yeah we don’t really care.” Edward said nonchalantly, “I’ll be blunt, just give us the stone and we’ll be quiet about the scam you're pulling.” 
“Ha! Are you trying to bargain with me? My followers would never believe a word from the likes of you!”
“Well we didn’t expect anything less from your holiness, thank you, really for letting us hear that speech” (y/n) spoke sweetly, smiling hands clasped looking up toward Cornello. Alphonse was undoing his chest plate before she began again. “Yeah, they probably wouldn't give us the time of day, but! They’ll most likely listen to her.” Al’s chestplate fell to the floor with a thud and the chainmail hanging in the young boy's chest was moved to reveal a very disgusted Rose.
“What! Rose what are you-!?” Both of father Cornello’s hands gripped the bannister as he leaned forward. 
Rose climbed out of Al, she was livid. She was screaming up at him, feeling betrayed “You weren’t going to bring him back!”
“Perhaps being a messenger of god was a lie, but there’s still a way to bring him back. This stone can do wonderful things, we can resurrect your lover.” 
“Rose, don't listen!” Alphonse shouted, taking a step toward the girl.
“Be a good child and come here.” Cornello beckoned Rose
“If you go you won’t be able to come back!” Ed said loudly, anger lacing his words. 
“Am I not the only one who can grant your wishes? Remember your beloved!” 
His words were circling her head like murder of crows, though the light was dim it was hurting Rose’s eyes, this was too much pressure she knew what father Cornello had done was wrong, she knew it for a fact, he had lied to everyone. It felt as if poppy flowers were blooming in her head, she knew deep in her heart that she would give up her morals to see him again, even if it was just once. It’s not like the truth will do any good anyway, everyone looks up to Cornello, he is the light in their dark days and she knew that. Rose turned to look at the three once again, Edward looked angry, his brows furrowed, hands tightened into fists, lips sown into a line almost frowning, his shoulders loose and ready to fight when or if it come to it, his head is facing Rose yet his body was not, Ed’s back faced his brother and his chest faced his friend. Alphonse, though he had no facial expressions, was clearly tense, ready to attack at a moment's notice. And there was (y/n), her guard completely down, shoulders slumped, her gloved hands hanging by her sides and eyes full of worry. Her heart hurt for Rose, she was clearly in distress and there was nothing the teen girl could do to ease her pain, and it killed her, (y/n) took Rose’s pain as her own all she wanted was to help her. 
“I’m sorry, you three.” Rose said not even turning to face them, her voice saddened. She walked towards Father Cornello with a heavy heart, as Rose reached the bottom of the stairs Cornello reached for a metal hatch on the wall. 
The hatch swung open, banging against the wall, it revealed a lever. “Now I have to purge these terrorists that threaten the future of my religion!” Father Cornello shouted as he yanked the lever down, nearly pulling it out of the hatch, a menacing grin decorating his face. A wall on the left of the group crashes up, all three of them turn towards the noise in shock, to be met with a pitch black void, with nothing but two piercing yellow eyes staring back at them. The creature emerged, almost like it was stalking its prey, slowly coming into the dim light revealing itself. 
“The philosopher’s stone is really amazing, it can create things like this.”
The creature fully stepped into the light, it was a grotesque mix of animals, the front half of it was a lion, it's mane matted, the bottom of the mane covered in saliva, it's backend legs were that of an enlarged eagle and the rest of its body was that of a crocodile scales coming forth from the fur of the lion. 
Edward sighed, rolling his eyes he placed his hands together and slapped them against the ground. Blue lighting grew from the ground, his red jacket flowing in the breeze as he stood up straight, his bladed staff following him up. Father Cornello gripped the bannister in anger “Transmutation without an alchemy circle! I guess state alchemist isn't just a fancy name, but that won't be enough!”.
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thekingofgear · 1 year
Thom Yorke’s Gear for The Smile’s NPR Tiny Desk Show
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Thom at the piano during Panavision.
For The Smile’s Tiny Desk performance, Thom played his Fender Mustang bass on The Smoke and his vintage Guild Starfire II bass on Skirting On The Surface. Although we don’t get to hear the song, we can see that Thom played his 1964 Fender Jazzmaster when they performed We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings. The upright piano on Panavision belongs to Tiny Desk, as do the amps and microphones (we also explained this our last post). In an Instagram post, Bob Boilen mentioned that the band rehearsed for more than an hour before deciding which songs to play. This explains the range of guitars and basses that Thom brought along, only three of which would appear in the final video. Thom also brought a small pedalboard with a selection of his pedals for the show, and some of them went unused too — notably the Death By Audio Echo Dream 2, which he uses on You Will Never Work In Television Again.
Thom’s Instruments
Upright Piano
Fender EOB Stratocaster guitar
Fender Jazzmaster guitar in Olympic White (1964)
Martin 00-18 acoustic guitar (with Fishman Rare Earth pickup)
Fender Mustang bass in Olympic White
Guild Starfire II hollowbody bass in Cherry-Red (late-60s)
Thom’s Amplifiers (shared with Jonny):
Tiny Desk’s Fender ’68 Custom Deluxe Reverb combo amplifier
Tiny Desk’s Ampeg RB-110 combo amplifier
Thom’s Effects Pedals:
Boss TU-2 tuner
Death By Audio Echo Dream 2
Death By Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Earthquaker Devices Plumes overdrive
Telenordia TK-23 Kompressor
-> Amplifier
GigRig Generator and Distributor power supply
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A photo of Thom’s mini bass and guitar pedalboard for the Tiny Desk show (joshrogosin). Looks like it’s just a plank with some velcro, almost certainly put together just for Tiny Desk.
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Thom’s array of guitars (joshrogosin).
We can see Thom’s EOB Stratocaster with black covers on the Fernandes pickups. This was probably one of Fender’s original prototypes for Ed, before they sourced white pickup covers for the final version.
The Martin acoustic the newer one which Thom acquired around 2015, likely to save his older Martin from touring wear. It’s easiest to identify by the wear in the finish near the soundhole. Thom used his older Martin acoustic to performance Free In The Knowledge at the Royal Albert Hall in 2021. But for The Smile shows this year, he played this newer Martin, as can be seen in video from the Montreux Jazz Festival.
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The headstock of Thom’s vintage Guild Starfire II bass (joshrogosin).
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imaginativeasianguy · 1 month
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The Tarantino Megaberlinetta is the successor to the Superberlinetta, amplifying all of its strengths—but also all its weaknesses, making it a Tarantino with a very contentious legacy even today. ---------- ORIGINAL IMAGES BY OR COURTESY OF: Conceptcarz.com (image links: 1, 2, 3, 4) Gildos / Wikimedia Commons (image links: 1, 2, 3) JaayJay / Wikimedia Commons (image links: 1) Marcin Wojciechowski / Flickr (image links: 1) Richard Spiegelman / Flickr (image links: 1) The following pictures are licensed under CC BY 2.0: “1991 Italdesign-BMW Nazca C2” by Brian Snelson “2006 Ford Mustang Giugiaro Concept – rvr” by Rex Gray “DSC_4993” by Rahil Rupawala “Ferrari Mythos concept car” (1, 2) by Craig Howell “Goodwood_FOS_2008_” by Mark Woodbury “Mondial de l'Automobile 2010, Paris – France” by Mic FONTS USED: Arvo by Anton Koovit Cuyabra by Néstor Delgado Hypik by Matt Cole Wilson Nexa Bold by FontFabric ----- All pictures licensed under CC BY 2.0 were used as reference material. None of the original images were remixed or transformed, but elements of those pictures influenced my artwork. This explanation of the pictures’ usage is included in the event fair use cannot be claimed.
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jwowwsboobs · 1 year
im not super caught up w artry lore give me the cliffnotez
artery is a FICTIONAL (sadly) all-female southern californian thrash band from the early to mid-80s that i made up and am now obsessed w...under the cut i have a summary of their history but some "incidents" that r not mentioned but r classics to know. there r more ofc but these r my 5 favorites
slayer incident (kerry king was invited to a practice cuz ronnie wanted to fuck him. he stole one of jacks songs. jack tried to kill him but was pulled off b4 she did. jack talked shit abt slayer until her death)
ronnie's 20th birthday party (her parents got her a pink mustang ('83 not '68 which is (one of) her dream cars). jack made fun of her. she ran jack over with it. jack did not die)
laundromat pizza incident (on tour for total annihilation. went into a laundromat to do laundry, ordered a pizza. jack was drunk n high off her ass, put the pizza in the washer with the clothes. it was very gross but so funny. only time jack like. actually cried not from laughing) 
the pussy cast (max broke her arm at the end of their '83 tour, jack and gale drew vaginas and boobs all over it. ronnie still has it somewhere)
pig guts incident (august '82. jack wanted to have a photoshoot with blood. darcy's uncle knew a guy who owned a pig farm. they drove to his farm n picked up like 2 barrels (200 liters) of pig blood n took it back to their house. started w jack making everyone dip their hands in the blood. darcy took pictures but jack thought it would be funny to throw some at her, turning it into a fight. there was no winner, only a loser (ronnie, who got so grossed out she threw up.) there r like 3 pictures from that shoot cuz the blood like. got into the camera n fucked up the negatives <\3)
Inspired by the emerging NWOBHM and the rapid growth of punk and hardcore in southern California, Maxine “Max” Kennedy (guitar, vocals) and Ronnie Young (drums) formed Artery in early 1981. The pair met at school when Young noticed Kennedy wearing a tee shirt for the British heavy metal/punk band Motorhead and bonded over their appreciation for Black Sabbath, Angel Witch, and the aforementioned Motorhead. Schoolmate Gale Barker was recruited into the band two weeks later, after the pair saw a performance with Barker’s then-band, “Bitch” where Barker played a bass solo and destroyed a drum kit, amplifier, and, as legend has it, an extra-large pizza supplied by Kennedy and Young after the show. 
During the summer of ‘81, Artery had great difficulty finding a lead guitarist, mostly playing and practicing as a trio. Barker met Jacqueline “Jack” Walsh in a record store and Walsh’s aggressive, confrontational playing style melded perfectly with Kennedy, Barker, and Young’s. She was brought on board immediately and Artery’s lineup was finalized.
Their demo “Dig Yr Grave” (recorded December 1981) took the underground scene by storm and in the following months, a follow-up ("Spitfire," recorded June 1982) was written and released. 
They were picked up by Metal Blade to record an EP in the summer of ‘82. During these recording sessions, Artery actually had so much material prepared that they elected to abandon the EP and record an LP. “No Mercy... No Peace” was released on February 11th, 1983 to great enthusiasm and acclaim in the underground metal community. Artery set off on a modest (but successful!) American tour in the spring and summer of 1983, and upon returning to California, recorded their 2nd LP, “Total Annihilation,” released January, 1984. More touring and another round of recording followed, and their 3rd LP, “Death,” was released in May 1985. This would be Artery’s last official release, as Walsh passed away on November 3rd, 1985, during the 2nd American leg of the supporting tour.   
The band broke up soon after. Young went on to found Armageddon Inc., a label specializing in the extreme metal emerging in the late 80s; Barker became a visual artist and played in various California-based punk bands. Kennedy disappeared from public life entirely and has not been seen or heard from in 30 years. Whether she is alive or not is subject to much speculation. Kennedy is not mentioned in any interviews given by Barker or Young after Artery’s dissolution. 
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deebeeus · 1 year
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"Christmas, 1965"
Just image being a kid waking up on Christmas morning, 57 years ago today, and finding these, all brand new and shiny, under your tree:
1965 Mustang, with original hang tag and dealer stand. 1965 Champ amp, with original box. 1965 Reverb unit, with original box.
All the gear in this shot, plus the background setting are courtesy of @terry_foster, shot for the 2022 @officialguitarlogs calendar.
I hope you have a peaceful Christmas day surrounded by your loved ones. Even if the only loved ones you have are your guitars! 😉
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teardownit · 23 days
Marshall Guv`nor: a Pedal that sounds like a Tube Stack
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To be more accurate, it sounds like a valve stack; after all, it is a British pedal imitating British Marshall amplifiers.
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Don't tell anyone because it's a secret: when creating his JTM45, Jim Marshall actually copied the circuitry of a 1959 Fender Tweed Bassman 5F6-A.
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And Mr. Marshall also equipped his first 50-watt combo amplifier, a 1961 JMP Tremolo “Bluesbreaker,” with four 10-inch speakers. The iconic 2x12" version was made a year later.
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Tolex instead of tweed, a horizontal arrangement of tubes, and ring-shaped loudspeaker magnets—the differences end there.
But why does the British Marshall sound so different from the American Fender? Is the difference really just the Celestion speakers instead of the Jenhsen ones with their U-shaped magnetic core?
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The stronger magnetic field of British loudspeakers compresses the sound's dynamic range to a significant extent. One can compare the waveforms recorded with the Shure SM57 microphone from the 12" Celestion G12M Greenback and Fender Mustang II (V1) loudspeakers, as well as from the 8" Orange Voice of the World PPC108.
But the spiciest part of the Marshall sound is literally based on the usage of British valves instead of American tubes.
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In the post about a simple DIY tube guitar amplifier, we already noted that the sound of a particular tube depends on the geometry of the grids and anode.
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And if we compare 12AX7 preamp tubes with ECC83, we will see and hear that they are all very different. This is determined not by an American or European stamp but by the design of this particular unit from a particular manufacturer.
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It's a completely different story with the EL34 and 6L6 power amplification output tubes. Their sound difference is on another level. Short and thick American 6L6 can be described as high fidelity with a large headroom; long and thin English EL34 is, on the contrary, a growling and roaring powerhouse due to the fact that it tends to limit and distort the signal.
Does this mean that if you swap the speakers and tubes in the Tweed Bassman and Bluesbreaker combos, the Fender 5F6-A would become a Marshall JTM45? Not really, no.
In the universe of guitar amplification, nuances matter: the cabinet's open or closed back wall, the fine selection of component values, and the frequencies to which the tone controls are set.
And, of course, the sound is influenced by the anode supply rectifiers and the supply and output transformers. And according to some experts, even the material of the chassis matters: the windings of transformers have considerable leakage inductance, and their alternating magnetic field interacts with the metal of the chassis.
Then there's another question: is it possible to emulate all these effects without real tubes, bulky loudspeakers, and heavy multi-pound transformers? A guitar amplifier is a complex yet still measurable device; it's subject to the laws of physics and can be mathematically evaluated.
There is no doubt about the possibility of recreating a certain sound by other means. The question is how complex the circuit with transistors and ICs will be sufficient to obtain a convincing effect.
The idea to replicate the iconic sound of the Marshall JTM 45 and JCM800 in a pedal body and create the world's first amp-in-a-box, oddly enough, first came to none other than the employees of the Marshall company itself, led by the head of the Development Department, Steve Grindrod.
Guitarists worldwide owe a debt of gratitude to this man for developing the legendary Marshall JCM800 and Vox AC30.
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Today, the godfather of British Sound owns his company, Steve Grindrod (Albion) Amplification. He produces Pendragon guitar amps and Gypsy Boy acoustic amps and works with various charities. And in 1988, his efforts led to the creation of the Guv’nor pedal.
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In 1992, the pedal was re-released under the name Drive Master. It differed from the original only without an effects loop jack.
The circuit looks like a regular distortion pedal with two operational amplifiers. The first is included as a non-inverting amplifier; the signal is supplied to the non-inverting input. And the second operational amplifier is used in the inverting connection.
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The drive regulator potentiometer is configured to control the negative feedback of both op-amps. This is a brilliant design by Steve Grindrod.
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By comparison, Orange tube and transistor amplifiers typically use dual, linked potentiometers to control the gain of the two stages simultaneously.
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Red LEDs are used as limiting elements in this Marshall amp-in-a-box. This makes it possible to adjust overdrive and compression using the drive knob in a wider range and get a sound from light blues overdrive to hard heavy metal distortion.
And, of course, the standout feature of this pedal is the gorgeous three-way tone stack, tuned for that signature Marshall sound. It has even more components than the tone stacks of many other tube amps.
This happens because the pedal does not have as many gain stages, each with timbre-shaping frequency-dependent circuits, as a large amplifier does. The tone stack has more work to do in the pedal than in the amp head or combo. At least, that's what Steve Grindrod thought when developing The Guv'nor.
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However, in 1992, when developing the Blues Breaker pedal, it turned out that the distortion sounded great with just one tone knob, a simple treble-bleed circuit.
Three new pedals were developed. Drive Master was a reissue of The Guv'nor. Blues Breaker featured soft clipping and lower gain.
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The Shred Master, on the other hand, was a pedal with maximum gain and a Contour knob, which allowed to emphasize the mids for a vintage sound or, alternatively, make a mid scoop and get a modern sound.
As any successful pedal deserves, The Guv’nor was soon copied by other manufacturers: Daddy O from Danelectro, Crunch Box from MI Audio, Riot from Suhr, and Angry Charlie from JHS.
Different versions of these pedals may have a three-way tone stack or a single-tone knob, a switch or presence control in the form of a knob or trim pot inside the body, and a limiting diode switch that sets the compression depth.
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The version I put together has four knobs: gain, volume, tone, and presence. I enjoy how this pedal sounds with different guitars. In the video, I play a 2011 Gibson MM Explorer.
Suppose you want to add Marshall-style voicing to your rig and get some bright British crunch. In that case, you should consider purchasing or building one of the pedals based on the Marshall Guv`nor circuit.
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senstless · 2 months
Splinterlands BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Featuring Counterspell
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Featuring Bronze League Summoner and Monsters in Action!
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Description: All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up. Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks. The amplify ability increases damage.
Reasons Why I like it This is a great little rule set to help eliminate the overwhelming power of magic attacks. Having them take half of their damage back in reflection will reduce the likelihood of having in all my team. While some of this can be negated with void or high health or triage, overall there's a lot of low health magic cards that are simply too risky to play in the school set. Having it means that you are more likely to face melee and arrow attacks
The Matchup - Where Rules Sets, Splinters and Mana Collide
The Rule Sets
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Watch the Match Here
MANA: 34
Ruleset: Broken Arrows: Monsters with ranged attack cannot be used.
Ruleset: Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.
Ruleset: Taking Sides: No neutral monsters may be used.
SPLINTERS: Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, Dragon
Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts
Rulesets Another three rule set match. Having counter spell for me makes magic a hard play. I think there can be one maybe two magic cards to contend against. This becomes even more complicated as all arrow cards are excluded in the broken arrows will set meaning only magic and mainly can be used. This means it's likely to be a melee focused team that I am both going to play and face. The last rule set taking sides which eliminates the neutrals won't have as big of an impact on the game as the first two.
Mana 45 mana is a great number. I can play any card I want and multiple legendary high mana cost cards while still fill it up with you. Anything more and it starts to just be all 12 minute cars, and anything less and sometimes you have a hard time fitting your optimal line up in
Splinters Losing fire and water are both blows considering that these are going to be melee focused. Fire is a long-standing melee juggernaut with availably boost from the summoner plus a lot of good cards but I'm really focused, well water has the great ability to use the team full of boosted opportunity and reach cards that have trample.
Summoner UNDERBOSS FABINO I decided if I was going to play melee, I might as well boost a couple of cards with plus two May late to start the match.
First Position UNICORN MUSTANG One of my favorite cards from untamed, it has decent speed a solid attack plus void which means it's a great way to counter any magic cards I see while still attacking relatively early in the lineup. It also has a decent health which means it can get healed at least once before being eliminated
Second Position BRAMBLE PIXIE I don't use bramble pixie too often, but I don't have a good excuse. It's high health and we attacked with reach means it's a great second card especially with a healer behind. In this match it just seems logical as I am trying to build the biggest melee team I can.
Third Position QUEEN MYCELIA Yes it's magic, yes it's only up for health, but the real benefit comes from the protection it's going to give everyone with the armor. It will die in fourth round on reflection from its own attack, but I don't really play it to music attack, I want to protection on each one of my cards
Fourth Position KATRELBA GOBSON One of the most powerful cards once it gets on a roll the double sneak attack with bloodbus can be devastating. Once I give it to boost to start the match of a plus two melee, it will be doing four damage each with double strike for up to eight maybe damage in the first round.
Fifth Position GOBLIN PSYCHIC Wanted to heal my primary attack clients to allow Katrelba as much time as possible to get on a roll
Sixth Position MYCELIC SPLIPSPAWN In an attempt to also allow the Katrelba to get as much time going as possible I want to play slip spawn as a way to both counter Katrelba since his health is high enough to avoid a first round knockout in most cases.
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Opponent Lineup & Match Play
Summoner HELIOS MATRIARCH Solid choice, adding speed and the ability to pull another Gladius card is always a solid choice
CHAOS DRAGON Bit of an odd choice, it does have ten health and a three magical attack with flying but overall it seems a little awkward in first position
CARNAGE TITAN A great card with a reach double strike decent health and very high armor, only thing I don't like is that it only has a base to melee attack which leaves it vulnerable to dispel.
GOBLIN PSYCHIC Please nicely with the first two monster choices as it can give them a decent heel in the first couple rounds to allow them to continue to protect the
KATRELBA GOBSON Much like me, the double sneak melee attack is the primary option. Luckily for me it doesn't appear to be boosted and with attacking slip spawn I have 11 health to get through before they start to build via bloodlust
BERTROL GOBSON Another nice Gladius card with great speed and bloodlust with opportunity. If it wasn't for slip spawn it could start to also become a heavy hitting card.
Round 1
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That's around starts I'm feeling pretty good, I feel like I have a very nice counter to their lineup while at the same time having a significant advantage in the attacks. They do have the greater speed from their summoner and get to do most of their attacks first. Fortunately for me not much damages taken for all because I've got the extra armor. When it is my turn I get slightly unlucky on Katrelba first of it s double strike attacks that creates a mess, while the second one connects and knocks out Bertrol. I do have a second Miss from bramble pixie on chaos dragon, I guess the speed and flying was a good combination overall. We end around with only the one knockout.
Round 2
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How's the round start again, I'm feeling pretty good. I have a double strike sneak attack dealing five day with each time that should significantly wipe out my opponent. My Katrelba attacks first this round, the first hit knocks out there's, and the second of the double strike knocks out goblin psychic. But this point I am already at an obscene 7 melee damage, 6 speed with five armor and seven health. This is already in a bag as I have not lost a monster and they are down to one.
Round 3
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Who's around 3:00, but there's only four moves in round 3. And it is all Katrelba, her attack is high enough to eliminate that seven armor and the first round, and we're meeting health by the end. Securing yet another knockout and victory for my team.
Thoughts -
I think someone are choice and the addition of a taunting card really turn things around to my favor. Boosting the double sneak melee attack by 2:00 allowed me to secure a first round knockout. I also benefited heavily from having a high health taunting card which attracted all of their attacks and was able to sustain the damage without giving them a knockout and triggering bloodbust for them. Without building their stats Like I got to with mine things quickly got out of hand for them and I was able to just mop up the back line..
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alphaeverestbasecamp · 5 months
Nepal Trek: An Epic Adventure into the Heart of the Himalayas
Nepal, nestled in the lap of the towering Himalayan range, is a trekker's paradise. Renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Nepal offers a plethora of trekking opportunities that attract adventurers from around the globe. A Nepal trek is more than just a physical journey; it is an immersive experience that takes you through diverse terrain, introduces you to vibrant cultures, and provides a unique perspective on life in the Himalayas.
The Himalayan Landscape:
One of the primary attractions of trekking in Nepal is the unparalleled beauty of the Himalayan landscape. The country boasts eight of the world's 14 highest peaks, including the majestic Mount Everest, the tallest of them all. Trekkers have the opportunity to witness awe-inspiring vistas of snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, and pristine alpine meadows. The Annapurna and Langtang regions are equally captivating, offering a diverse range of landscapes from subtropical forests to high-altitude deserts.
Diverse Trekking Routes:
Nepal offers a variety of trekking routes catering to different skill levels and preferences. The Everest Base Camp trek is a classic adventure, taking trekkers through Sherpa villages, monasteries, and the iconic Khumbu Glacier. The Annapurna Circuit, on the other hand, circles the Annapurna massif, providing a unique blend of lush forests, terraced fields, and high mountain desert. Other popular treks include the Langtang Valley trek, Manaslu Circuit, and the Upper Mustang trek, each offering a distinct experience.
Cultural Immersion:
Trekking in Nepal is not just about conquering peaks; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the region. The trails are dotted with traditional villages, where trekkers can interact with locals, experience their customs, and witness age-old traditions. The warmth and hospitality of the Nepalese people leave a lasting impression, and the trek becomes a cultural exchange that goes beyond the physical challenge.
Teahouse Trekking:
One unique aspect of trekking in Nepal is the availability of teahouses along the routes. These cozy mountain lodges offer trekkers a chance to rest, recharge, and enjoy local cuisine. It also provides an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow trekkers from around the world, sharing stories and forging friendships in the heart of the Himalayas. The teahouse experience adds a layer of comfort and camaraderie to the adventure.
Challenges and Rewards:
While a Nepal trek promises awe-inspiring scenery and cultural richness, it is not without its challenges. Trekkers must contend with high altitudes, unpredictable weather, and physically demanding trails. However, the sense of accomplishment upon reaching a high mountain pass or reaching the base camp of a towering peak is unparalleled. The challenges faced during the trek only amplify the sense of achievement and make the entire experience more rewarding.
A Nepal trek is an epic adventure that transcends the physical act of walking through the Himalayas. It is a journey of self-discovery, cultural exploration, and a connection with nature at its grandest. Whether you are an experienced mountaineer or a first-time trekker, Nepal offers a range of options that cater to all levels of adventurers. Embark on a Nepal trek, and you'll find yourself not just conquering peaks but forging memories that will last a lifetime.
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mustangmaniaaus · 6 months
Unleashing the Beast: The Mustang Suspension Kit Revolution
At Mustang Mania, our passion for Mustangs goes far beyond the sleek curves and roaring engines; it delves deep into the heart of performance enhancement. For every Mustang enthusiast out there, we understand the thrill of transforming your prized pony into a powerful, agile beast that commands the road. One of the most significant upgrades you can invest in is a top-notch suspension kit, and at Mustang Mania, we take pride in offering the finest Mustang suspension packages that will elevate your driving experience to unprecedented heights.
Crafting Precision for the Ultimate Ride
When it comes to conquering the roads with style and speed, the suspension system plays a pivotal role. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about achieving the perfect balance between handling, comfort, and performance. Our Mustang suspension kits are meticulously crafted with precision engineering, ensuring that every component seamlessly integrates with your Mustang’s chassis. Whether you're cruising down the highway or tearing up the racetrack, our suspension packages guarantee unparalleled control and responsiveness.
Tailored Solutions for Every Mustang Enthusiast
At Mustang Mania, we recognize that every Mustang owner has unique preferences and driving styles. That's why our suspension kits come in a variety of options, each tailored to cater to specific needs. Whether you're seeking the smoothest ride for your daily commute or a track-ready setup for weekend races, our expertly curated suspension packages have got you covered. With adjustable shocks, high-performance springs, and upgraded sway bars, you can fine-tune your Mustang's suspension to match your individual requirements.
The Science Behind Superior Suspension
Understanding the science behind a superior suspension system is crucial for Mustang enthusiasts. Our suspension kits feature advanced technologies such as progressive-rate springs and gas-charged shocks, designed to optimize weight distribution and maintain tire contact with the road surface. This translates to enhanced cornering capabilities, reduced body roll, and a stable, confident ride, even during high-speed maneuvers. With our suspension packages, you won’t just drive; you’ll glide with unmatched grace and power.
Installation Made Easy
We understand that the prospect of upgrading your Mustang's suspension might seem daunting. That's why Mustang Mania not only provides top-of-the-line suspension kits but also ensures that the installation process is as smooth as your newly enhanced ride. Our kits are accompanied by comprehensive, user-friendly installation guides, empowering Mustang enthusiasts to transform their vehicles without the need for extensive mechanical expertise. For those who prefer professional installation, our network of certified mechanics is readily available to assist, ensuring that your Mustang receives the care and attention it deserves.
Elevate Your Driving Experience with Mustang Mania
In the world of Mustangs, every upgrade is an opportunity to amplify the thrill of driving. With Mustang Mania's premium suspension kits, you're not just buying components; you're investing in a driving experience that will leave you exhilarated with every turn. Unleash the full potential of your Mustang and discover a new level of performance, precision, and passion on the road.
Are you ready to transform your Mustang into the ultimate driving machine? Explore our exceptional range of suspension packages today and let the journey to Mustang perfection begin. Because at Mustang Mania, we don’t just sell suspension kits; we engineer dreams and unleash the true spirit of Mustang mania on every road. Drive with power, drive with style – drive the Mustang Mania way.
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robertmatejcek · 1 year
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Guitar No. Four (Self) - 07.31.22 - paper negative, 2 minute exposure +/-, aluminum can pinhole camera, caffenol developer - robert matejcek - 2022
"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to loose."
- Robin Williams
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en-wheelz-me · 10 months
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extremeonlinestore · 9 months
What cars look like a Dodge Charger?
When it comes to iconic American muscle cars, the Dodge Charger stands tall with its bold design, powerful engine, and rich history. The Charger's unmistakable appearance has left an indelible mark on car enthusiasts and popular culture alike. Beyond its own reputation, the design of the Dodge Charger has even influenced the creation of other car models. This article delves into the world of cars that bear a resemblance to the legendary Dodge Charger, exploring the design elements that make them stand out and how Extreme Online Store plays a role in enhancing their resemblance.
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The Allure of the Dodge Charger's Design
The Dodge Charger boasts an alluring design that commands attention on the road. Its muscular body, aggressive front grille, and distinctive headlights have become synonymous with power and performance. These design elements have not only contributed to the Charger's iconic status but have also inspired other car manufacturers to incorporate similar features into their models. Cars like the Chevrolet Camaro, Ford Mustang, and Chrysler 300 have drawn inspiration from the Charger's design, creating a visual link between these vehicles and the Charger's unmistakable silhouette.
Resemblances in Modern Car Designs
In the world of modern automotive design, it's not uncommon to spot cars that exhibit a resemblance to the Dodge Charger. The Camaro, with its strong lines and bold front fascia, echoes the Charger's aggressive stance. The Ford Mustang's fastback profile and prominent grille hark back to the Charger's timeless design. Even the Chrysler 300, a close relative of the Charger, carries its own interpretation of the Charger's bold presence. These resemblances are a testament to the enduring influence of the Charger's design on the automotive industry.
The Rise of Extreme Online Stores
Amidst the passion for cars and their design, Extreme Online Store has emerged as a key player in the aftermarket car parts industry. Known for its commitment to providing high-quality performance and aesthetic upgrades, Extreme Online Store has become a go-to destination for car enthusiasts looking to enhance their vehicles. From spoilers to body kits, and grilles to exhaust systems, the store offers a wide range of products designed to transform cars into personalized expressions of style and performance.
Enhancing the Resemblance: Extreme Online Store Upgrades
For car owners who aspire to capture the essence of the Dodge Charger's design in their own vehicles, Extreme Online Store offers a range of upgrades that can help achieve this goal. A carefully selected body kit can accentuate the car's lines, while a sporty spoiler adds a touch of aggressiveness. Upgrading the front grille can lend a more commanding presence, echoing the Charger's distinct face. With Extreme Online Store's array of options, car enthusiasts have the means to amplify the resemblance of their vehicles to the iconic Charger.
Making a Statement on the Road
Owning a car that resembles the Dodge Charger is more than just a means of transportation; it's a statement. The Charger's design exudes confidence and strength, and cars that share those design cues can evoke similar feelings. Cruising down the street in a vehicle that echoes the Charger's aesthetics turns heads and invites admiration. It's a way for car enthusiasts to connect with a legacy of American muscle and stand out on the road with a unique presence.
Choosing Your Resemblance: Factors to Consider
As car enthusiasts consider upgrading their vehicles to evoke the spirit of the Dodge Charger, several factors come into play. Personal style plays a significant role – whether you lean towards a sleek and modern interpretation or a more aggressive and classic look. Compatibility is also crucial; ensuring that selected upgrades blend seamlessly with the car's existing design is essential. And of course, budget considerations guide the decision-making process, with Extreme Online Store offering options across price ranges.
The resemblance of certain cars to the iconic Dodge Charger is a testament to the Charger's enduring influence on automotive design. Through the design elements that have made the Charger legendary, modern vehicles pay homage to its legacy. Extreme Online Store further enhances this resemblance, offering enthusiasts the means to personalize their vehicles in a way that captures the Charger's essence. In the world of cars, where aesthetics and performance intertwine, the Dodge Charger's impact continues to resonate, thanks in part to the craftsmanship of manufacturers and the dedication of aftermarket innovators like Extreme Online Store.
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thekingofgear · 2 years
Thom's bass tone when he plays bass in The Smile sounds very different from the way Colin's bass tone sounds usually and also different from when Jonny plays bass in The Smile. It's very dark and super warm and still punchy. Do you know what gear might be involved in creating Thom's The Smile bass tone?
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Jonny bowing his Fender Precision bass during the intro to A Hairdryer at Luxembourg's Neumünster Abbey on June 27, 2022 (essceeohteetee). Note the pick stored in the pickguard for when he finishes bowing. His Ampeg SVT Classic amp head and Ampeg 8x10 cabinet can be seen behind him (the Fender behind him is his Super Reverb guitar amp).
Thom and Jonny's bass setups for The Smile are described in detail in our post about their 2021 Glastonbury stream. Since then, Thom has switched up his bass pedals and bought a couple new bass guitars. Jonny has also switched from a smaller Ampeg B15 combo to a Ampeg SVT-CL head and large SVT 8x10 cab.
But the key differences between their setups remain the same. Thom mainly plays finger-style, and mainly uses short-scale basses with single-coils into a Fender Super Bassman. Jonny mainly plays with a pick, and only plays a Fender Precision bass into an Ampeg.
Thom's bass sound has remained consistent on The Opposite even as he's switched from his old Fender Mustang bass (Glastonbury 2021) to his Guild Starfire II (Magazine 2022) and then to his Gibson EB0 (current tour). That just goes to show that, as always, the fingers make the biggest difference.
Playing style also explains the difference between Jonny and Colin's bass sounds. Their setups are basically identical: they both almost exclusively use vintage Precision basses and modern Ampeg amps. But Jonny's choice of a pick for a post-punk sound is in stark contrast to the jazzier finger-style sound that has become Colin's signature.
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Thom finger-picking his vintage Guild Starfire II bass during The Smile's show at Luxembourg's Neumünster Abbey on June 27, 2022 (essceeohteetee). His Fender Super Bassman amplifier and its cabinet can be seen behind him.
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cartransmissionsale · 10 months
Unleashing the Thrill: Exploring the 2019 Ford Mustang Transmission
The Ford Mustang has long been an iconic symbol of American muscle and exhilarating performance. In the realm of automotive enthusiasts, the Mustang stands as a true embodiment of power and excitement. Among the various components that contribute to its legendary status, the transmission plays a pivotal role. In this article, we take a closer look at the transmission of the 2019 Ford Mustang and delve into its capabilities, highlighting its contribution to the Mustang's thrilling driving experience.
Precise Power Delivery:
The 2019 Ford Mustang offers two transmission options: a 6-speed manual and a 10-speed automatic. The manual transmission is a delight for purists, allowing them to take full control of gear shifts and engage with the raw power of the Mustang. With its short throws and crisp action, the manual transmission enhances driver engagement and provides a truly immersive driving experience. Each gear change becomes an opportunity to tap into the Mustang's impressive performance and unleash its full potential.
Seamless Performance with the 10-speed Automatic:
For those seeking a more effortless and refined driving experience, the 2019 Ford Mustang's 10-speed automatic transmission delivers impressive performance and versatility. With its wide gear ratio range, the automatic transmission ensures that power is optimally delivered to the rear wheels at all times. Whether cruising on the highway or attacking tight corners, the automatic transmission seamlessly adapts to the driving conditions, providing quick and precise shifts for a smooth and exhilarating ride.
Sport and Track Modes:
The 2019 Ford Mustang transmission features selectable drive modes, including Sport and Track modes, which enhance the car's performance characteristics. These modes optimize the transmission's shift points, throttle response, and other performance parameters, intensifying the Mustang's driving dynamics. In Sport mode, gear changes become sharper and more aggressive, while Track mode further fine-tunes the transmission for maximum performance on the racetrack. The ability to tailor the transmission's behavior to suit individual driving preferences amplifies the Mustang's versatility and ensures an engaging experience on any road.
Efficiency and Fuel Economy:
While the Mustang is renowned for its power and performance, Ford has also prioritized efficiency with the 2019 model's transmission options. The 10-speed automatic transmission features advanced engineering and gear optimization, contributing to the Mustang's overall fuel economy. Intelligent gear selection keeps the engine operating in its optimal power band, striking a balance between exhilarating acceleration and responsible fuel consumption. This ensures that drivers can enjoy the Mustang's performance while also keeping efficiency in mind during daily commutes.
The transmission of the 2019 Ford Mustang plays a crucial role in delivering an exhilarating driving experience. Whether equipped with the engaging 6-speed manual or the versatile 10-speed automatic, the Mustang's transmission amplifies its legendary status. With precise power delivery, selectable drive modes, and a focus on efficiency, the transmission perfectly complements the Mustang's powerful engine and captivating design. The 2019 Ford Mustang transmission stands as a testament to the ongoing commitment of Ford to provide enthusiasts with an unforgettable and thrilling driving experience in one of America's most iconic muscle cars.
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