#my VLD fic
mizukkay · 1 month
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nostalgicish · 3 months
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happy (belated) birthday to @heavilycaffeinatedsblog !
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butchelves · 4 months
I personally cannot wait to see the cultural consequences of voltron legendary defender come to fruition
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shatterinseconds · 10 days
“Baby,” Lance says.
Keith snorts, loud and uncaring. “God no, not in a million years.”
“Alright.” Lance scratches out a line on his pad of paper. “Does that mean babe’s out too?”
Keith wrinkles his nose. “It’s not the best but tolerable.”
“We’ll note that as a strong maybe.” In which Lance actually does mark down a quick note to the side of the list, and Keith catches himself from rolling his eyes.
For the past week, they’ve been staying at Lance’s family home in Cuba while they decide on their next steps in a post Voltron, post war world. They rest on the back patio, facing the backyard that really extends into open land far beyond them, neighbors a mile away at least. It’s quiet and beautiful and even when the commotion of Lance’s entire family is present, it’s one of Keith’s new favorite places in the world. They watch Lance’s niece and nephew for the afternoon while Lance’s older brother runs errands and Lance’s mother prepares dinner.
Keith angles his head closer to Lance, though he’s still mostly blocked by the small table between them, and gestures to the list. “Is this really necessary?”
“Pet names are important to me,” Lance replies with a quirk to the corner of his mouth. The summer breeze, fresh off the ocean and carrying a thin taste of salt, curls through his brown hair. “Mullet is great but I need at least one more that’s affectionate.”
Keith scrunches his nose.
The thing is, all of this is new to Keith. The peace, the stability, having a permanent place to call home again, and… their relationship. They’ve been dancing around each other for years, as their teammates love to complain about, but officially being together, having the ability to call Lance his partner, boyfriend, lover? That all happened less than a couple weeks ago—and yet it already feels timeless.
Seeing Keith’s reluctance, Lance stands to relocate himself on Keith’s lap, settling his full weight on Keith’s thighs. Keith glares, though he moves his hands onto Lance’s hips and his fingers wiggle under Lance’s loose shirt to hunt for warm patches of skin. Lance tugs on his ears, guiding Keith to tilt his head and capture his mouth in a soft kiss. 
And what a lovely kiss it is.
“I’m trying to be nice by giving you a choice.” Lance laughs a little when they break apart, only to lean back down. He stops a hair’s breadth away from Keith’s mouth. When he speaks again, his breath drifts over Keith’s lips, a soft caress. “What about sweetheart, honey bunches, pickle?”
“Okay, now these are just getting ridiculous.” Keith wraps his arms around Lance’s waist, pulling him closer, and buries his nose into the crook of Lance’s neck.
“I don’t know,” Lance mutters, starting to absently play with Keith’s hair, twirling the long strands around his fingers. “I’m kinda partial to sweetheart.”
“Yeah, that’s not bad,” Keith admits as a faint blush rises on his pale cheeks. He tries to bury his face deeper to cover it, but he should’ve guessed how well that would work out.
A shit-eating grin stretches wide across Lance’s face; Keith can feel it against the side of his head. “I see we’ve found our winner.” Humming, Lance leans down toward Keith’s ear. “Sweetheart.”
Face glowing and mind reeling, Keith shoves Lance off his lap. “Shut up,” he lightly growls, mortified at his own reaction.
Lance arches his head back as he cackles from his spot on the ground, eventually flopping down and pillowing his head with his hands as he lazily stares up at Keith. That shit-eating grin refuses to fall off his face. “Yeah, this is going to be fun.”
And despite Keith’s own face remaining beet red, he can’t help but smile too.
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
“Hey Keith.”
Keith, who is not a twelve year old child, easily ignores Lance’s dramatic flop forward, arms hooked over the back of the couch. He glances out of the corner of his eye and finds Lance already looking at him. He grins when he notices Keith looking. Keith rolls his eyes, not even bothering to try and tamp down his own smile.
“Keith,” Lance says again.
“Mm,” Keith responds.
Lance doesn’t say anything for a moment. Keith can hear his legs kicking. He’s so fucking — he’s so fucking. Ugh. Keith is going to — bite him, or something.
Lance hums, dark eyes tracing over the other people in the room. There’s something Keith can’t name in his expression, something sharp in those deep browns that Keith recognises; the look he gets when he lines up a perfect shot, when he stands grinning in the middle of the training room pointing his broadsword at Keith in challenge, when he leans in close, breaths heavy and teeth clamped lightly on the lobe of his ear. There’s amusement, there; mischief.
“Keith,” Lance says again, face schooled into something prim and serious — but his eyes don’t change. Keith hides a smile. “You need a boyfriend.”
Across the room, Shiro chokes. Pidge’s tablet clatters to the floor. Hunk’s jaw drops. Allura’s hand claps over her mouth. Coran, a notable outlier, watches them with a knowing smile.
Keith, suddenly, gets the game.
Like any of their planned missions, Keith plays along. He schools his face into something casual and unbothered, looking to the side with a shrug.
“Well, there’s this one guy I’m into.”
Some kind of deranged groaning noise eeks its way out of Shiro’s throat. Hunk appears to be praying for Lance’s soul. Keith is, suddenly, more amused than he’s ever been in his life.
The corner of Lance’s mouth twitches. Keith’s hand matches it, struck with the urge to press his thumb to his cupid’s bow.
“Mhm. He’s cute, but…very dumb.”
A strangled garb of a sentence comes from Pidge. She reaches out like she wants to pinch Lance’s mouth with secondhand mortification. The twitching of Lance’s mouth gets faster.
“No way!” he exclaims, comically surprised look on his face. “What’s his name?”
Coran snorts. Keith looks over at him, unable to hold back his smirk any longer.
Lance gasps. So does the rest of the room.
“He’s got the same name as me?” He presses his hand to his chest, a ridiculous caricature, now, mouth dropped exaggeratedly wide. “Nice!”
“For fuck’s sake!” Hunk curses. Shiro wheezes and falls to the floor. He twitches a little. Something must be going around. Coran laughs out loud.
Keith grins, wide and ridiculous and showing his teeth. Lance meets his smile, equally as unrestrained, and this isn’t how they talked about doing this but it’s a thousand times more fun and a million times funnier.
Keith looks away, making eye contact with Allura and winking. She looks at him like he has four heads.
“Yeah,” Keith agrees. “He’s real cute. Curly hair, big brown eyes. One of those pretty boys.”
Lance scoffs. “Bet he’s ditzy, then.”
“Oh, a little. I love him, though. He makes me laugh.”
Lance does some dorky little half flip move, rolling over the back of the couch and landing with his head sprawled on Keith’s lap, grinning up at him.
“Does he?”
Keith hums, reaching down to run his fingers over Lance’s cheekbones, tracing the bump of his nose. “Yep.”
“Ugh. He sounds like the worst. You have garbage taste.”
“I dunno. I really, really love him.” He leans in close. His hair flips into Lance’s face, making his nose wrinkle. Keith laughs. “He makes me happy.”
“What the fuck is going on,” Shiro croaks.
Pidge nods frantically. “We’re in a mirror realm, we gotta be, something’s not —”
“You should date me instead,” Lance says. There’s a question in his eyes; a challenge.
They say, are we ready?
And Keith responds by brushing the hair out of his face, cupping his cheeks, and kissing him.
“About time,” Coran says.
Keith smiles, and kisses him harder.
based on this post
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apprentice-s · 11 months
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leenfiend · 10 months
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castle lounge redesign :)
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justaz · 6 days
lance grew up in a large family that is used to so much noise that a lot of the time, lance isn't heard. it's not that his family is ignoring him but things just get lost and for someone like lance who cannot Shut The Fuck Up it happens very often. then his friends grow used to his prattle and it just becomes like white noise for them. lance is so used to being ignored that when he realized keith was actually listening to him and comprehending his babble, he is just a puddle.
keith is silent as he listens to every word lance says while lance is like barely paying attention to what he says (adhd x autism ftw) and it happens in front of the rest of the team but whatever lance just said caught one of their attentions and they interrupt to ask him to repeat what he said and lance is just like "you think i know what was coming out of my mouth?" and keith repeats what lance said perfectly. lance stares at him and is Soft but all he can manage is a smile.
it gets so much worse, lance turns his prattle to keith instead of the room in general and is so excited that someone is actually listening that his speech grows faster and faster until he's barely speaking anything intelligible (bonus hc lance speaks many languages so when he gets excited its just a combination of various different languages. it starts with spanglish then he incorporates samoan and then portuguese and italian etc etc)
i love yapper!lance x listener!keith
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iybms · 1 year
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i wish we could go back, and remember what we were fighting for i wish you knew that i miss you too much to be mad anymore
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k1ance-a-lot · 1 year
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Klance in their party outfits from the fic ‘My Soul Has Your Claim, My Heart Is In Flames’ by @queen-of-voltronian
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engraved10 · 11 months
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A comm for perfchan's beautiful fic heart nailed open. I was a huge fan of this fic when it was being published, and it was such a pleasure when I was asked to do a piece for it!
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nostalgicish · 5 months
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A scene from love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling by artimess_chimes (@x-soapbox-x here on tumblr !)
Genuinely I love sooo many of their works and I highly recommend reading their stuff ! and the title for this one??? are you kidding me?? it’s SO clever
P.S. I have no idea why the quality is so bad on mobile and I have no intention on finding out why bc I’m lazy so look at it online for better quality 💪
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klaissance · 3 months
ok um i have done it i've created a thing
pls enjoy
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shatterinseconds · 4 months
“It’s a simple three step beat; what aren’t you understanding about it, Mullet?” Lance asks, annoyance beginning to leak through his voice. He’s tried to cap his frustration as much as possible throughout the past hour. But this has become ridiculous. If anything, Keith has gotten worse at dancing than when they started the lesson. Brief pain sparks through Lance’s foot and he cracks. “And stepping on my toes isn’t one of them!”
“Some of us didn’t get three years of ballroom dance lessons,” Keith snaps, irritated. 
“Which is why I’m teaching you. But you’re not listening to a single thing I say! You can’t even get close to me.” Lance tries to tug Keith forward but he remains just as stubborn as always, aggravating and infuriating. 
What looms between them is a larger gap than needed, with Keith holding him at an arm’s length as if he’s a poisonous snake ready to bite. A balloon would fall straight through to the floor; Lance’s arms are almost entirely extended. He thought Keith would be a little more willing considering the stake of the mission. 
Keith clenches his jaw. “I’m trying.”
“For someone as coordinated as you on the battlefield, this shouldn’t be this difficult.” Lance scowls, taking a page out of Keith’s book.
“Me not knowing how to dance isn’t going to break the alliance.”
“Were you even listening to Allura?”
“Were you?” Keith bites back, too smirky for Lance’s taste. Yeah, he may have been fiddling with his comm device under the table, trying to play an old earth game Pidge had downloaded onto it. That’s beside the point.
So Lance ignores him. “The Zolxox see dance as a creation of trust and loyalty between two groups of people. If we miss a step, they won’t join the coalition.”
“But why’d it have to be us?” The Zolxox only needed a pair of dancers, not their whole team.  
Lance rolls his eyes. “Because I have three years of dance experience, duh.” But his annoyance quickly fades when Keith doesn’t snap back with their classic banter. In fact, he continues to stand there, his hands not exactly touching Lance anymore but hovering. Keith stares at him with such a blank expression that Lance allows a bit of the truth to spill. “And–And because I work best with you,” he mumbles, ducking his head to avoid any minute reaction from Keith. When he does flick his gaze up, Keith remains impassive. “But you gotta listen to me, Mullet. Why won’t you just follow what I say?”
That’s when Lance loses Keith entirely. He steps back from Lance, arms folded against his chest, not loose at all. Keith can’t seem to look at him anymore either. “It’s awkward… being close to you.”
“Oh.” Lance drops his empty hands, suddenly despondent. He didn’t know Keith felt that way about him. He thought they’d finally become friends, maybe inching toward something more. Maybe Lance should have chosen Allura for this mission like everyone thought he would. His shoulders begin to hunch forward.
“Shit, no, not in that way.” Keith groans as he cards a hand through his hair, frustrated at himself. Strands stick out in multiple directions, silly enough that Lance wants to punch through whatever new wall is between them and fix it for him. But Keith wouldn’t appreciate that. “I just meant, I know the way I feel about you isn’t how you feel about me and I don’t want to make it weird for you.”
“How do you know how I feel about you if you never once asked?”
Keith gives him a look. “Please. You flirt with everyone but me. Even I understand what that means.”
“That’s not—That’s—Oh my god—” Lance suddenly steps forward, waving his arms as he talks, too flustered to be rational. “With everyone else, it’s fun, meaningless, a way to lighten the mood.” His skin heats enough that he must be glowing from embarrassment. “But you—With you, it’s different. I try to spend time together and constantly try to get your atten—wait.” Eyes popping wide, Lance starts to point, jabbing his finger into Keith’s chest. “You just told me you liked me!” His brain finally internalizes what Keith had said, what Keith implied. It immediately derails his train of thought. “You like me!”
Keith startles before his entire expression pinches. He growls. “Uh uh, we’re focusing on you and your terrible flirting techniques.” He steps up to Lance and keeps stepping toward him until he is the only thing Lance can focus on. Those violet eyes bore into Lance, head tilted and brows drawn. “How was I supposed to know I was different?” he asks, low and steady. 
“Goddammit, Keith.” Lance surges forward and kisses Keith square on the mouth. His hands weave through Keith’s hair, musing it further, while Keith’s strong grip lands on his waist, fingers hooking into his belt loops. He pulls Lance in and tugs on his lower lip, his teeth scraping slightly but in a way that buzzes across Lance’s skin. When they part, Lance is breathless with swollen lips and eyes half-lidded. It’s a struggle to speak but he manages to mumble, “Does that clear things up?”
Keith nods. Blush stains his pale cheeks though he holds Lance’s stare, never wavering, and he even starts to smirk the longer they remain in silence. Like he knows that he affected Lance just as much as Lance affected him. 
He’s going to be the death of Lance one day; this man…
“G-Good,” Lance finally says, struggling to regain his composure, if he ever had some to begin with. “We’ll talk about this later. But right now, we dance.”
Kith groans, though less annoyed than before, and for the first time, effortlessly moves all the way into Lance’s space, smiling a small smile. They dance without any issues, except for maybe a few butterflies.
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little-blurry-stars5 · 9 months
"no one can love you until you love urself" yeah ok tell that to the langst fics I use to fall asleep
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing.”
Vaguely, Lance registers that he’s far too loud, that his dead-of-night shout has people peeking out their doors, rubbing groggy eyes. He knows he should tone it down and handle this gracefully and he meant to, thought about it in the hour or so he spent crouched but his door, waiting, straining his ears for the sound of Keith’s silent footsteps, convinced something would go down tonight.
Keith jumps, duffel bag slipping off his shoulder and thumping as it hits the floor. He whirls around to meet Lance’s eyes and the shock melts quickly into stubbornness, into something defensive and irritated.
“Go back to bed, Lance,” he says evenly, and Lance envisions punching him. Lance envisions gripping the sleeve of his jacket and holding him in place. Both visions fight for standing ground in his mind, blurring into each other. His fists curl at his sides and he has to hold himself back, physically, root himself in place.
He thinks about saying, I know you’re afraid.
He thinks about saying, you will always have a place here.
He thinks about saying, please don’t leave me.
He says, “You’re running,” and it comes out sharp and accusatory, and there is a hiss from somewhere beside them, quick inhale through the teeth, but the world feels narrow, blurry around the edges, and Keith is the only one in focus, the only one Lance can see.
Keith’s face drops into something menacing, something as flat as it is furious, something familiar and almost comforting.
“Coward,” Lance spits before he can say anything. The cruelty of the words leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and he relishes in it, sucking it off his teeth.
He watches as Keith’s shoulders shift, an aborted lunge, as his chest inhales and exhales with a measured and practice breath. Watches as he calms himself, visibly, yanks himself back from the edge. Lance prepares to yank him right the hell back.
(Anything to keep him from going. To distract him, enrage him, occupy him.)
(Anything to make him stay.)
“You don’t know a goddamn thing about me,” Keith says, angry and short, less fiery than Lance expected, more controlled than he’s ever seen.
Lance panics. Keith tears his eyes away and bends down, wrapping his hand around the forgotten duffel bag strap, swinging it back over his shoulder. He turns and walks — stomps — away, heading down the hall, towards the hangars. Leaving.
Lance loses control of his mouth. A sound fights its way out of his throat, something croaking and furious and desperate, and like a cork shooting off a champagne bottle there is nothing he can do to stop what comes next.
“Your voice cracks when you lie.”
The anger has practically fled from his voice. In its place is pleading, begging, vulnerable. He chokes it back and tries to swallow and it does nothing, it bubbles out of him, spilling down his face and dripping onto the floor and soaking his bare feet, the ankles of his silk pajama pants. It comes all the way back up to his neck and chokes him, instead.
Keith freezes.
The champagne keeps bubbling.
“You — duck your head when you smile. And when you’re confident you snap your fingers on your left hand. When you read you mouth along to the words, except when you get really into a book, which is always, and then you stop. You always end up hiccuping after you eat because you fucking — hoover them back, you animal.“
Lance sniffles. The lump in his throat gets harder and harder to speak around, but the urge didn’t go away, the intense need to spill his guts, to slice himself open and spill at the ground by Keith’s feet.
Stay. Stay. Stay.
“You’re not as elusive as you think, you fucker.”
He forces himself to stop, then, bites his tongue until he tastes blood, until the words stop flowing. He inhales big and long and holds it, lets the air go stale in his lungs, lets his heart start to pound.
“I want to go,” Keith says, back still turned.
His voice cracks on ‘want’.
Lance gasps an exhale. “You’re a fucking liar.”
Keith’s turn is slow, and Lance can’t help but think it’s on purpose. To torture him, to test him. To say I don’t believe you. To say when I turn back you’re going to break character.
It’s heartbreaking, a little. And the heartbreak is written all over Lance’s face, and he watches as Keith sees it.
“You saw the problem first,” Keith argues, weakly. Lance hears what he doesn’t say: I’m leaving or else you’ll have to.
And Lance knows he was the one to go to Keith with his pinky finger extended and wide worried eyes. He knows he was the one who planted the idea of leaving in Keith’s head, never meaning for him to be the one to go but expecting him to try anyway. He knows he’s the one who’s standing here, in the middle of the hallway, arguing around the subject, half-conscious of his friends’ stares, their acknowledgment that more is being said than just their words.
And Lance shoves that all back, and says: “I told you I’d be your Red.”
Paladin. Your Red Paladin. But the words don’t come all the way out.
Keith swallows. “I know.”
“I won’t be anyone else’s.”
“…I know.”
Lance’s hands shake. “So you can’t leave me, you motherfucker.”
The duffel drops to the floor again. This time it’s intentional. This time it’s shoved off Keith’s shoulders.
He takes three great strides forward, grasping Lance’s face in his perpetually burning hands, and shoves their lips together, bruising.
“If I leave then the math checks out,” he whispers, pulling back, eyes closed, breathing heavy. His forehead is pressed to Lance’s like he can beam his thoughts into his brain.
Lance sighs. “If you leave I’ll follow.” His eyes flutter shut. “You goddamn suck at math.”
Keith snorts. “A little.”
“Stop trying to fix my problems without me.”
“It’s — I want to. Fix your problems.”
“I want you here.”
“Promise me, Keith.”
“Okay,” Keith says again, quieter. “I’ll stay, Red.” He kisses Lance again and this time it’s soft, loving instead of desperate. “I’ll stay.”
animatic by @jiveyuncle
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