#nakba remembrance day
sapoteylx · 17 days
Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make way for Israel in 1948.
Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced that day. This did not start on October 7th.
Know their history, fight for their future. 🍉
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immaculatasknight · 5 days
Some Canadians find their hearts
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odinsblog · 17 days
May 15th is a day that many Palestinians commemorate as a somber day of remembrance of the Nakba, a day of settler violence when half of all Palestinians were forcibly removed or otherwise expelled from their homes. On a related note, May 14th happens to be the day that many Israeli citizens celebrate as their Independence Day.
It’s worth noting that the man in the video, the Israeli settler occupying a Palestinian home in East Jerusalem, is Yaakov (Jacob) Fauci, a Trump-supporting, antivaxxer from Long Island. The video is from 2021, but it serves as an instructive allegory for settler colonialism and what has been going on since 1948.
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As always, this did not begin on October 7th 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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matan4il · 6 months
Do we have a name for the time hundreds of thousands of jews were kicked out of the surrounding middle eastern countries in and after the 1948 war? I know that the Palestinians call theirs the nakba, but, is it just that, even though those particular groups of jews had been living there for hundreds or even thousands of years, we as a whole ethnoreligious group have been kicked out so many times we don't name them any more? Or is there a name I don't know?
Hi, lovely Nonnie!
That's an excellent question.
There is a national memorial day in Israel, to remember the at least 850,000 Jews from Arab countries and Iran who were abused, persecuted, and eventually expelled. This is a process that actually started in the 1930's, before the establishment of the State of Israel, but very much intensified in the 1940's. By the 1960's, the Middle East was basically ethnically cleansed of Jews.
Here's a New York Times headline from May 16, 1948 (days into the invasion of Arab armies during Israel's War of Independence):
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There was an ethnic cleansing of Jews in the Land of Israel as it existed under the British Mandate, too. For example, a Jewish community on the east bank of the Jordan River was established in 1928 for Jewish workers, and destroyed by the Jordanians in 1948. There were Jewish communities in east Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria (re-named by the Jordanians as 'The West Bank' in 1948, after they occupied that land and tried to cement the Jordanian claim to it), in Gaza... all were ethnically cleansed of Jews between 1929 and 1948.
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In Israel, there are also monuments to commemorate the fate of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran. Here's one in Jerusalem:
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So, since there's a remembrance day and memorials, you'd think there would be one unifying, easily identifiable term for this event, right? But sadly, there hasn't been one. Different people have used different terms, such as 'the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran' (the official term), 'the crisis of Jewish refugees from Arab countries' or 'the Jewish exodus from Arab countries,' and so on.
I have also seen people referring to it repeatedly (and of course unofficially) as the Jewish Nakba.
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'Nakba' is an Arabic word which means catastrophe, so it's a fitting term for how these Jewish communities experienced what was done to them, I also think it's appropriate since most of them were Arabic speakers before the expulsion, and lastly, I think it is right to remind people that the Palestinian Nakba (a disaster of their own leadership's making, which I'm so sorry for them that they lost their homes, because their leaders rejected the 1947 two state solution) wasn't a one sided case of abuse. There was abuse of Jews in the Middle East, and it started before the State of Israel was even established. And ANY narrative that erases that part, that erases the suffering of Middle Eastern and North African Jews, is inherently antisemitic.
To any Jews who may be reading this, who come from Arab countries and from Iran, I love you, my beautiful brothers and sisters. Your story and your pain deserves to be heard and remembered.
Thank you for the ask, Nonnie. I hope I sort of managed to answer it, and that you have a great day! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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mirandacaroll · 20 days
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National Nakba Remembrance Day March, Amsterdam (May 11th)
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hassanatforusmk · 7 months
6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis.
A narrative adopted by the Zionist movement and emphasized every year during Holocaust Remembrance.
The story of the Holocaust...
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The word "Holocaust" is of Greek origin, meaning destruction by fire. It's used to describe the genocide the Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis. Before the genocide,this term was used in Jewish religion to describe a sacrifice offered to God, completely consumed by fire.
More than 9 million Jews lived in Europe before World War II,residing in countries later controlled by the Nazis (Germany,Poland,Yugoslavia,Czechoslovakia & others). After the Holocaust,the Zionist movement claims that one in three Jews was killed. So,how and why did this happen?
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Let's go back a bit in history. After losing World War I,Germany faced poverty, despair & other heavy consequences. A party known as the Nazis emerged,gaining popularity by promoting two fundamental ideas
The first idea was the superiority of the Aryan race,the elite of nations..
The second was the establishment of a national state for the Germans, a sharp nationalist discourse evolving with the birth of the modern state, strengthened by the colonial European mindset that viewed African and Asian colonies as inferior.
In light of this, the Nazis targeted those they deemed subhuman, either due to their racial status or political non-acceptance. This means that the Jews were not the only victims of the conflict.
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The Nazis also targeted Romani people, Slavic peoples, some Arabs, along with other groups like Communists, Socialists, trade unionists, homosexuals, and the disabled. By the way, among the victims were also Christian religious believers.
The Jews, along with others, faced systematic persecution policies leading to the "Final Solution" (extermination). Their books were burned, they were dismissed from jobs, their properties were confiscated, and they were uprooted from their homes to live in isolated ghettos.
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They were forced to wear a distinctive symbol on their clothes (the yellow Star of David) and were sent to concentration camps, subjected to forced labor until death.
The victims of the Nazis exceeded 20 million people, so why focus only on the Jews?
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Jewish groups possessed financial resources, media institutions, research centers, and academic voices that shed more light on the victims of the Holocaust among the Jews. However, the number of Holocaust victims remains one of the most prominent historical debates to this day.
People are divided into groups: some deny the genocide, some believe the results are exaggerated, and some accuse the Zionist movement of exaggerating it for the benefit of the establishment of Israel. Here, let's pause. How did Israel benefit from the Holocaust?
During the initial months of Nazi rule, an agreement was signed between the Zionist Agency and Nazi Germany, aiming to facilitate Jewish migration to Palestine, provided they give up their assets to Germany. This is the only known official contract between the two parties.
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While it was later criticized by all sides, this agreement allowed more than 60,000 Jews to immigrate to Palestine early on and opened the door for similar migrations that greatly increased with the rise of Nazism, leading to the Nakba (Palestinian exodus).
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This agreement, along with other documents, led some to the idea that Hitler supported Zionism, prompting former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, to declare this belief openly, which eventually resulted in his suspension from the Labour Party in 2016.
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The Holocaust's narrative of persecution and suffering dominated the world, paving the way for Jewish migration to Palestine. But, did the story end like that?
After Germany's defeat in World War II, Axis countries, including Germany, were obligated to pay significant reparations to war-affected countries (Potsdam Conference, Paris Agreement). Later, Germany signed an agreement with Israel to compensate for ...
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victims of racial persecution and Nazi victims, payable to the Israeli government and the World Jewish Congress.
Over six decades, Germany paid 89 billion dollars until 2012 as compensation to Nazi victims. Reparations were not only financial but also material
More dangerously, under the agreement, Germany became a major arms supplier to the Israeli state (1960-1970), helping Israel in a critical phase in the history of a newly born country.
Germany, which criminalized Holocaust denial in 1994 with the threat of imprisonment, still pays huge reparations for the consequences of World War II to a state that didn't exist when the genocide occurred.
Greeks, Serbs, Yugoslavs, as well as Roma people (Romani), all suffered, but German compensation to these victims doesn't match the payments to most Holocaust victims among the Jews.
The Holocaust, far from being a transient tragedy, continues to be a topic of denial. Dozens of large museums in various international capitals commemorate the tragedy, sparking global interest in the event, despite similar atrocities against other peoples.
Genocide of any people based on their race, gender, or religion is entirely rejected, warranting strong condemnation. Holocaust condemnation is a moral demand, but...
Israel, the biggest beneficiary of the Holocaust, uses Nazi ideologies as a basis for ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. The main ideology behind the establishment of Israel rests on religious, national, and geographic foundations, nurtured by Nazi ideologies.
People who have survived genocides or witnessed massacres are likely to experience PTSD when they encounter similar events .. but the case is totally different with zionist Israelis ..
This message was sent in an Israeli WhatsApp group after #jabalia massacre. DISGUSTING
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Here comes the most important question, amidst the lies spread by Israel during ongoing oppression.
How can we believe their narrative of the Holocaust ?
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spookyabuki · 6 months
The Nakba is not a past event that “happened” seventy years ago but is a continuing, painful journey that began in 1948 but endures to this day. Memory of a past event, however agonizing, can be addressed through remembrance and by requiring those guilty of instigating evil to face up to what they have committed, in preparation for turning the memory of the event into a collective human memory. The present, on the other hand, needs to be addressed through serious efforts to change its inequities here and now. Political, intellectual, and ideological tools are required as cohesive agents to bring together all those who stand against colonialist occupation, regardless of their nationalities and ethnic or religious affiliations.
—Elias Khoury, from The Holocaust and the Nakba: A New Grammar of Trauma and History
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catdotjpeg · 27 days
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The first tents for the rights of the Palestinian people were mounted in Bologna: the "acampada" of students and students began. A least a hundred young people, working to music in a relaxed and festive atmosphere, set up about 30 tents in Scaravilli Square, the heart of the university area of the city, enclosed between porticoes, in front of the rectory of the Alma Mater. The Twitch livestream of the Palestinian Youth Transnational Assembly was projected on a big screen-like canvas.
With connections of colleagues from other universities in the struggle: France, the United Kingdom, the United States and even from Birzeit, Palestine. Thus began the “student intifada,” a campaign of initiatives and events ahead of the large mobilization for May 15, the day of remembrance of the Nakba, on which there is a call for all Italian university students to encamp in the courtyards of the universities. In Bologna tomorrow, Palestinian Youth will present their program of events and guests for the coming days. Among these, they anticipate to ANSA, will be Patrick Zaki, [a Coptic Egyptian activist and student at the University of Bologna,] with a speech scheduled for May 8.
-- "Studenti pro Gaza, a Bologna le prime tende di protesta" from ANSA, 5 May 2024 20:17 CEST
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spokanefavs · 4 days
On Wednesday night, Muslims for Community Action and Support along with Jewish Voices for Peace Spokane (JVP) held a Nakba Day vigil in remembrance of the Palestinian displacement that took place in 1948.
This vigil, held at Riverfront Park Clock Tower, was an opportunity to solemnly remember the 700,000 Palestinians who were forced to relocate. It also provided a moment to reflect on the current state of conflict in the Gaza Strip.
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
Yk, I haven't really paid attention to dates and stuff during our history classes, but I've noticed one thing: after every several decades of progress, there comes twice more decades of total lack of education. People literally become stupid in real time. Nowadays, it happens faster thanks to the Internet. I remember that 5 years ago, if you googled "the Catastrophe day" - they gave you "Holocaust remembrance day". Nowadays, it's Nakba - and you won't find any slightest hint on Holocaust unless you google literally "The Catastrophe Day Jews Holocaust".
When people are uneducated, they start to kill each other. If you don't want people to kill each other, you should educate them. I think it's very easy. I think that's how the Culling Game in Jujutsu Kaisen could have been prevented. I find it interesting how literally every character of Jujutsu Kaisen doesn't perceive non-sorcerers as humans, who can actually help. Latent superiority. :/
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radio-rebel-477 · 8 months
This article follows Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas’ address to the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly earlier this week. During his speech, Abbas remained firm on Palestine’s non-negotiable standards of recognizing the state’s right to territory within the pre-1967 lines and how the acceptance of Palestine is a prerequisite for peace in the Middle East. He continued on his platform of injustices committed against the Palestinians by using the example of Israel’s illegal digging under al-Aqsa Mosque, stating that “Israel is attempting to transform the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into a religious war.” His claims stem from the recent proliferation of anti-Muslim rhetoric and denial of the Nakba in Israel. He furthered his discussion about the Nakba by suggesting that the UN ought to criminalize its denial and institute an international day of remembrance to “mourn the creation of Israel in 1948 and the resulting destruction."
After reading this article, I find myself thinking back to our in-class discussion surrounding the demands and non-negotiables that Israel and Palestine place in front of one another. The most recent claim by Abbas calls for a reinstatement of the pre-1967 territory of Palestine; however, as we have read in Gelvin and Shipler, all the claims to land are not entirely sound, and there is the case of settlements on this land and what will be made of them should the territory change hands. However, I will be honest when I think and share that I find Abbas’ land demands to be unfeasible since behind them lies an age-old debate regarding rightful land ownership, the politics of war, and previous disputes and concessions. However, from a strategic perspective, I do find myself wondering to what extent Abbas thinks that his calls will actually be met, particularly when imposing something such as Nakba remembrance on an entire international community. Perhaps it is that he is aware that not much tangible solvency will come from it, but having a platform to speak on is sufficient enough for his cause.
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nataliesnews · 1 year
Only politics 7.5.2023
 I am revolted by the media which since last night has been extolling the virtues of a dog which was killed in an action by the IDF in Nablus. I love dogs....but this from a media which never reports the almost daily attacks on Palestinians,  their crops which are eaten under their noses by the sheep and cows of the settlers, the Palestinians who are beaten up....and ....this brings me to Orwell...the sheep which are slaughtered by the settlers. I guess some animals are more important than others. 
  Some statements by various members of our governmentS:
  Think of a country where young men can be sent to war by a government composed of ministers who have never served in the army, or if so, for a very short time and whose rabbis and followers are intent on avoiding army service
 Then there is the charming minister who said he wanted another Nakba. The Nakba (“catastrophe” in Arabic) refers to the violent expulsion of approximately three quarters of all Palestinians from their homes and homeland by Zionist militias and the new Israeli army during the state of Israel's establishment (1947-49)
 So are you surprised at what is happening here? And does this remind you of South Africa? 
 Khader Adnan, a baker by trade, had nine children with his wife Randa, who tirelessly campaigned for his release.  Khader Adnan himself was never charged with any involvement in acts of violence. In total, he spent eight years in detention, including nearly six years in administrative detention without charge or trial. He died after a hunger strike which led to a further circle of violence. There are over 1000 such detentions in Israel. Why are they not brought to court and charged if they are so dangerous? REMEMBER SOUTH AFRICA. And who was responsible for the barrage of rockets in the South if not Israel itself.
 Then there is the Ethiopian child who is to be deported with her mother as the father has died. Notice all the young men in the family who have probably served in the army. I enclose the PDFhere where one of the uncles speak out. Why such inhumanity.
  Far-right MK Avi Maoz, the head and sole representative of the anti-LGBTQ Noam party, has said he is filled with“shame and pain” over the prominence of openly gay Knesset speaker Amir Ohana and his spouse at official  state ceremonies for Holocaust Remembrance Day, Memorial Day and Independence day. He also calls for more gender segregation at public affairs and wants women out of the army. PDF below. 
 And I could show you with no problem another four photos like this of our brave soldiers capturing violent terrorists......while they stand around as settlers daily attack Palestinians.
   Also look at the PDF about a man who cannot work his land....by the way...if he does not  work it for three years the land becomes state land. A clever way of doing things "legally"
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neutronstarsign · 4 years
because at this point my blog is a vessel for my mental breakdown and esc shitposting
remember that one time Hatari inspired me to write an entire 3500 word + bibliography research essay about the cultural erasure and violence Israel commits towards Palestine esp in regards to the ESC of 2019
yeah that’s how much i love Iceland in ESC
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seyfrieds · 6 years
pretending to be asian while making chicken noises?? tbh if i was japanese i would be offended by it but whatever. plus eurovision is a competition that specifically banned the use of the palestinian flag in any performance while allowing israel to participate every year since 1973 although not being part of europe. god, tuesday will be nakba day, the annual remembrance day of the mass killing, ethnic cleansing, theft land and displacement of palestinians in 1948 by zionists.
T H I Sit’s not even the chicken noises that are offensive in itself, it’s the whole staging with the clothes and the maneki neko’s all over the place. i wonder how people would have felt if she dressed up as a native american going woo woo around a fire or if she dressed up in african clothing and painted her face darker while dancing to african culture. but suddenly when the japanese culture is being mocked, it’s okay because the japenese don’t own neon or they should be happy about it because now they’ll sell more!! like ... no that’s not how this works and most of all, we all know how much israel sucks and what they do and have done and are still doing. legit after eurovision was over yesterday, there was an article saying israel won eurovison and the article literally below that one said israel bombed the gaza strip and seven people died and 16 got hurt inluding a 16 year old boy who got hit in the face i mean .....
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huffplatform · 4 years
Statement on the 72nd Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba - MEM
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Palestinians worldwide are commemorating the annual Nakba day to remember the ethnic cleansing that occurred during Israel’s creation. Over 600 towns and villages were demolished by Jewish paramilitary groups and then by the state of Israel itself during months of violent raids which triggered a mass exodus of the indigenous population, marking a key milestone in the Zionist take-over of Palestine. Rallies and speeches are usually held across Palestine to mark the event. However, this year’s commemorative events in Gaza and the West Bank have been cancelled amid the coronavirus pandemic. Palestinians worldwide are nevertheless marking the event in different ways, remembering the pain of countless victims of Israel’s brutal occupation and to assert their rights. British-Palestinian groups have joined in the remembrance, issuing a strong statement in solidarity with Palestinians across the world. Below is their statement. “Today, on 15 May, 2020, Palestinians around. . . Continue Reading… or, Direct Website Link: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200515-statement-on-the-72nd-anniversary-of-the-palestinian-nakba/ News published on: Middle East Monitor Read the full article
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ravabiye · 7 years
So on the Day of Remembrance for the Palestinian Nakba, I would like to share my thoughts on the creation of Israel. Quite simply, it was the right thing for the wrong reasons in the wrong ways. Israel was imagined as a place for a people persecuted to find a safe home, growing out of our dream of acceptance. But the idea was hijacked by imperialist powers and became the only focus for the dream, ignoring the fight in other places. And because of this, Israel began with violence and senseless imposition of authority and even now is not even close to representing the Jewish people and our spirit. It was a good seed planted in the wrong ground to become a vile twisted thing that chokes the flowers around it and drives them out. To all of the Palestinians whose lives were destroyed, I am so sorry. That word is so small, but I hope it can serve as a way to represent how I feel your pain in my soul as it resonates with that of my own ancestors. Know that I support you and will fight any and all of the Israeli government’s efforts to further oppress you, as it does not speak for me.
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