#nick ballantine
shellyseashell · 1 year
Thought I’d do something like this a few times a year where I rec fics I’ve read. Not all of these I read this year, but for my first rec post, thought I’d just share some of my favorites. Also if any of these authors have tumblrs and I didn’t tag them let me know I’d love to tag them, or tag them yourselves!
Seeker - first of a series, oc fic, about a kid who can sense danger and crashes the great prophecy, series is up to book 3 as of adding it here (July) I am emotionally attached to this series it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read
Phyrrhic - oc fic, twin children of Persephone who acted as spies during the Titan War, in progress. I am so emotionally attached to Calista it’s an issue
Second Chances - oc fic, four demigods die in the Battle of Manhattan and come back to life, in progress. They’re deaths are all so sad but they come back to life and ahshdhdhhdhhdhdhh
I posted another hunger games fic rec earlier this year with more fics so check that out if you want more
hell has frozen over by @dandelionsandviolets - 72nd Hunger Games. In progress. I love Evelyn so much. Her and Claire are so <3
As Long As I’m Burning by @heathercubedfic - Johanna’s point of view throughout the series, including her Games. 21/48 as of writing this I think. I love Johanna’s characterization so much it feels so realistic
literally anything by Elwin (@salt-warrior)
I know it’s one of Elwin’s but The Time it Takes to Fall changed me as a person so
anything by @blinkaftermidnight
Curtain Call by @smileymikey - Toni is forced into a production of Romeo and Juliet, where she meets Shelby, in progress. I love Toni’s characterization it’s influenced how I think of her so much
haunted by @halcyon-hyacinth - leatin ghost hunter au! In progress
I used to say I read basically every legendborn fic on ao3 but I haven’t read bloodmarked so I no longer have that claim. It was fun bragging rights while I had it.
Cariad - Sel and Bree make plans to find Nick, discontinued
Slow Magic - Bree and Sel save Nick, one shot. One of my favorites
Broken Trust - Lord Davis tells Sel the consequences of the second trial, one shot
A Quest is a Dangerous Thing - one shots with a connecting plot
We Deserve It - Nick, Bree, and Sel get together, one shot
Legend of Haruko - story of the Avatar after Korra, in progress, book 4 (of 4) is almost done. I love it so much all the characters are so good and it feels like a natural continuation
The Rise of Rangi by @d7kyoshi - The Rise of Kyoshi through Rangi’s pov (has a sequel for The Shadow of Kyoshi). Absolutely amazing characterization of Rangi I love it so much
Sunstroke by @soupdots - Azula healing fic, 8/?. Azula is very in character and I love her so much
moonsoon season (book: air) by @maisazula - au where Azula is the Avatar. A lot of worldbuilding and really good writing.
Twelve Years - Cal and Jules see each other 12 years after their break up, one shot
because we are doomed - the raid goes a little differently, 2 chapters? maybe three
(not) Oblivious - Luz tries to figure out who Amity wanted to ask to Grom. One shot. They are so so so cute
The mortifying ordeal of being known - Amity sleeps over at the Owl House and is very gay
If I Die Before I Wake - when the Three-Stones-Deity sends Anne back, they send her back 5 years in the future. In progress and I love it so so so much
WILLOW (2022)
Knight of Coins, Page of Cups - canon compliant tanthamore one shots
In the Silence - Kit and Jade talk about what happened to Ballantine. So soft but so angsty.
invisible string - Jade and Kit love each other so so so much. One shot.
sorry to my unknown lover - Kit and Airk talk about their ideas of love. I love them so much I can’t wait until they get screen time together again. One shot.
put your lips close to mine, as long as they don’t touch - Kit really wants to kiss Jade. One shot.
I Suspected… - Kit uncovers the truth of Jade’s past
you’re on my mind - Jade turns down the Shining Legion for Kit. I love them so much. One shot.
and this house of mirrors - Kit joins the Crone. You have no idea how much I want this to be canon. One shot.
indelibility by @foibles-fables - Enid gets scars from fighting Tyler. One shot.
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thomasmartinnutt · 5 months
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A Row of Trees. The Journal of The Sonic Art Research Unit.
Volume 3, Issue 1.
With contributions from Susan Atwill, Ellie Ballantine, Laura Duval, Victoria Evans, Petra Johnson, Meghan Judge and Zayaan Khan, Magdaléna Manderlová, Thomas Martin Nutt, Nick Ashwood and Alexadra Spence, James Traylen, and Cecilia Tyrrell.
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mediamixs · 5 months
10 horror novels you must read in 2024
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Here are 10 horror novels that will be published in 2024:
"The House of Last Resort" by Christopher Golden - January 30, 2024.
"This Wretched Valley" by Jenny Kiefer - January 16, 20.
"Among the Living" by Tim Lebbon - February 6, 2024.
"An Education in Malice" by S.T. Gibson - February 13, 2024.
"First Light (Night’s Edge #2)" by Liz Kerin - April 23, 2024.
"Gingerbread" by J.E. - April 1, 2024.
"The Skin Was Mine and Other Disturbances" by Eric LaRocca - April 2, 2024.
"BUOYGEIST" by Tom Rimer - October 3, 2024.
"All The Hearts You Eat" by Hailey Piper - October 15, 2024.
"The Queen" by Nick Cutter - August 2024.
These are just a few of the horror novels set to be released in 2024, and the list is not exhaustive.
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In 2024, the horror genre in literature is expected to deliver a variety of dark, thrilling, and suspenseful stories. Some of the most anticipated horror books coming out in 2024 include:
Among the Living by Tim Lebbon: A dark tale of love, death, and the spaces between, released on February 6th by Titan Books.
An Education in Malice by S.T. Gibson: A dark academia tale of blood, secrets, and heart-pounding horror, released on February 13th by Orbit Books.
The Gathering by C.J. Tudor: A detective investigating a grisly crime in rural Alaska finds herself caught up in dark secrets, released on April 9th by Ballantine Books.
Immortal Pleasures by V. Castro: An ancient Aztec vampire roams the modern world in search of vengeance and love, released on April 16th by Del Rey Books.
Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina: A seductive novel about an ancient Aztec vampire, released on April 16th by Berkley.
These books promise to deliver a range of horror themes, from dark academia and vampiric tales to detective mysteries and supernatural thrillers. The list is not exhaustive, but these titles are some of the most anticipated releases in the horror genre for 2024.
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb: A young noblewoman must pair up with a rumoured witch to ward off a curse in this irresistible sapphic romance from the bestselling author of Boyfriend Material. It is the year 1814, and life for a young lady of good breeding has many difficulties. There are balls to attend, fashions to follow, marriages to consider, and, of course, the tiny complication of existing in a world swarming with fairy spirits, interfering deities, and actual straight-up sorcerers. Miss Maelys Mitchelmore finds her entry into high society hindered by an irritating curse. It begins innocuously enough with her dress slowly unmaking itself over the course of an evening at a high-profile ball, a scandal she narrowly manages to escape. However, as the curse progresses to more fatal proportions, Miss Mitchelmore must seek out aid, even if that means mixing with undesirable company. And there are few less desirable than Lady Georgianna Landrake—a brooding, alluring young woman sardonically nicknamed “the Duke of Annadale”—who may or may not have murdered her own father and brothers to inherit their fortune. If one is to believe the gossip, she might be some kind of malign enchantress. Then again, a malign enchantress might be exactly what Miss Mitchelmore needs. With the Duke’s help, Miss Mitchelmore delves into a world of angry gods and vindictive magic, keen to unmask the perpetrator of these otherworldly attacks. But Miss Mitchelmore’s reputation is not the only thing at risk in spending time with her new ally. For the reputed witch has her own secrets that may prove dangerous to Miss Mitchelmore’s heart—not to mention her life.
A young noblewoman is cursed and who better than to help her than an the beautiful and brooding witch who just always happens to save her in the nick of time? Miss Maelys Mitchelmore finds herself in a predicament, she is being cursed and she has no clue who is doing it. Then she runs into the brooding and mysterious Lady Georgianna Landranke, also known as the Duke of Annadale who may or may not have murdered her own father and brothers to inherit their fortune. Ever since meeting Georgianna, Maelys has been smitten and can’t help but want her, but Georgianna has all her own emotional baggage and is content to keep a very far distance from Maelys. Yet they are drawn to one another and Georgianna is the only person who can help Maelys break her curse. Yet in a world filled with angry gods and vindictive magic, the possibilities of who could be doing this to her are endless and with more life threatening things happening to her they’ll both have to figure out who is behind it before its too late. On top of that they’re going to have to work out their feelings for one another as despite Maelys intent to be with Georgianna, Georgianna has emotional baggage up to here and she definitely has her own brooding love interest issues. The story is told all through the narration from a third party fae. Unfortunately this one did not work for me, I absolutely adored the cover and thought the premise sounded right up my ally... yet the execution itself was lackluster and you really just don’t get the romance or the chemistry between the characters at all. The story felt a bit all over the place and I just found myself getting bored and falling asleep at certain points of reading this book. I really really wanted to like it but it just fell flat of my expectations unfortunately and having the narrator being the main POV just didn’t allow you to connect with the characters that much and it just did not work. While it didn’t work for me, if you are looking for a sapphic romance with a very classical-esque styled brooding love interest who has a ton of family baggage and emotional baggage, then this is right up your ally along with some magic!
*Thanks Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey for sending me an arc in exchange foe an honest review*
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iheartgracie · 3 months
taylornick quotes from i knew you were trouble by lauren layne part 3
“Really?” she grumbled as he crowded her under the stream of warm water. “You won’t sleep with me, but you’ll shower with me?”
“I slept with you. All night.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Go out with me.”
She froze in the process of opening the yogurt. “Be more specific.”
He glugged milk into his bowl. “You. Me. Dinner.”
“Taylor was about to snap at him that she wasn’t digging the silent treatment, but before she could, he reached for her hand, twining her fingers with his.”
Taylor lifted herself on her elbows and gave him a smirk. “Nick Ballantine, are you an ass man?”
“When it comes to you, I’m an everything man.”
“He wanted to be more to her. And that right there was the problem.
The more time he spent with Taylor Carr, the more he wanted all of her. ”
“Nick, meet Twinkie.”
His head snapped up. “Oh, hell no. Twinkie? The pink collar is one thing. Let her have some dignity.”
“Wasn’t my idea,” she said, holding up her hands. “I had another name picked out, but then they told me she was five, and I couldn’t bring myself to change her identity on her.”
“What did you want to call her?” he said, obliging with a belly rub as Twinkie rolled to her back.
He laughed, his eyes still on the dog. “No. Seriously.”
She scowled at him. “Seriously.”
“I’m not seeing anyone else, Taylor. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. You consume me.”
“Yeah?” She stepped closer, ran a hand over his shirt.
“Yeah.” His mouth dropped to hers for a kiss. He tasted like coffee and promise.
“Taylor,” he said at last, his mouth drifting back and forth over hers softly.
“Mm?” She tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back slightly and waited for her to open her eyes.
“Let’s do this for real,” he said. “Girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever.”
“How can you not love Twinkie alrea . . .” And then her mouth fell open because the living room was covered in tufts of white fluff. “What the heck just happened?”
“Your dog just gutted her stuffed animal,” he said, retrieving their wineglasses and handing her one.
“Our dog,” she persisted stubbornly.
He glanced skeptically at the living room, but his eyes were warm, and there was a smile lurking on his lips. “Yeah. Okay, Carr. Our dog.”
“Tired of me already?” she teased.
His eyes drifted down to the lace of her nightgown. “Not even a little bit.”
“You smile more. Laugh louder. Check your phone a million times a day, and talk on it late into the night. Classic signs of being in love.”
“Taylor was opinionated and stubborn and sarcastic as hell, but that was only one side of her. And he liked that side nearly as well as the one that was warm, alluring, and surprisingly young at heart.”
“Being with Taylor made him feel more alive than he’d ever been.
Damn it. His mother was right. He did love Taylor Carr.”
“what’s Nick in your Taylor-is-the-sun scenario?”
“A prism,” Jess said without hesitation. “He takes your light and makes it even more awesome, for everyone to see.”
“Nick matched her in every way, made her better.
And that was real love.”
“Are you listening to me, you ridiculously stubborn jerk? I freaking love you, even though you’re being an ass.”
“I’d still be asking you to be my wife, Taylor Carr, because I want to marry you. Baby or no baby, you’re the love of my life. And you can say no, and I’ll be annoyed, but then you’ll be annoyed too, because I’m not going to stop asking. Not ever.”
“Please let me do this,” he whispered. “I’ve been dreaming about it for weeks.”
“You’re a sap,” she whispered.
But then she was a sap too, because when he slipped the ring onto her fourth finger, she started crying. Again.
He laughed and pulled her in for a hug. “Is this your new thing? Crying all the time?”
“Having second thoughts?” she said.
“Never,” he whispered, brushing his lips against hers. “I love every version of you, even the soggy one.”
“I love every version of you too,” she said. “Even the idiotic one.”
“I knew you were trouble from the very first second, Ms. Carr,” he said, reverently running a finger over her mouth.
“Worth it, though. Right?”
He smiled tenderly. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me. So hell yeah. It was all worth it.”
“As Nick pressed a kiss to the top of Taylor’s head and her hand squeezed his, there was no doubt anywhere in the room that no baby’s parents had ever loved each other more.”
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Title: Batman: Year One
Rating: PG-13
Director: Lauren Montgomery, Sam Liu
Cast: Ben McKenzie, Bryan Cranston, Eliza Dushku, Jon Polito, Alex Rocco, Katee Sackhoff, Sara Ballantine, Jeff Bennett, Steve Blum, Roark Critchlow, Grey DeLisle, Robin Atkin Downes, Keith Ferguson, Danny Jacobs, Nick Jameson, Liliana Mumy, Pat Musick
Release year: 2011
Genres: action, crime
Blurb: Wealthy playboy Bruce Wayne and Chicago cop Jim Gordon both return to Gotham City, where their lives unexpectedly intersect.
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musingsofmonica · 1 year
April 2023 Diverse Reads
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April 2023 Diverse Reads
•”A Living Remedy: A Memoir” by Nicole Chung, April 04, Ecco Press, Memoir
•”Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America” by Matika Wilbur, April 25, Ten Speed Press, Photography — Native American & Aboriginal
•”House of Cotton” by Monica Brashears, April 04, Flatiron Books, Thriller/Southern Goth
•”Ana María and the Fox” by Liana de la Rosa, April 04, Berkley Books, Historical Romance 
•”Sisters of the Lost Nation” by Nick Medina, April 18, Berkley Books, Thriller/Horror
•”The All-American” by Joe Milan, April 04, W. W. Norton & Company, Literary
•”I Went to See My Father” by Kyung-Sook Shin, translated by Anton Hur, April 11, Astra House, Literary
•”Greek Lessons” by Han Kang, translated by Deborah Smith & Emily Yae Won, Literary
•”The Haunting of Alejandra” by V. Castro, April 18, Del Rey Books, Fantasy/Horror
•”Camp Zero” by Michelle Min Sterling, April 04, Atria Books, Science Fiction
•”The Weight” by Jeff Boyd, April 11, Simon & Schuster, Literary 
•”The Skin and Its Girl” by Sarah Cypher, April 25, Ballantine Books, Contemporary 
•”Untethered Sky” by Fonda Lee, April 11, Tordotcom, Fantasy — Dragons & Mythical Creatures
•”Dirty Laundry” by Disha Bose, April 04, Ballantine Books, Psychological Thriller
•”The People Who Report More Stress: Stories” by Alejandro Varela, April 04, Astra House, Short Stories 
•”Ghost Girl, Banana” by Wiz Wharton, April 25, Harpervia, Literary
•”Yours Truly” by Abby Jimenez, April 11, Forever,  Romance 
•Biting the Hand: Growing Up Asian in Black and White America” by Julia Lee, April 18, Henry Holt & Company, Memoir — Asian American Studies
•”Symphony of Secrets” by Brendan Slocumb, April 18, Anchor Books, Literary Thriller 
•Life and Other Love Songs” by Anissa Gray, April 11, Berkley Books, Contemporary
Happy Reading!
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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I Knew You Were Trouble headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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bookstwipacks · 3 years
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i knew you were trouble headers
like/reblog or credit lilycloren on twitter
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isobelleposts · 2 years
Love and Drugs with 'Daisy Jones & The Six'
Who else still searched the band up on Spotify, knowing that nothing would show up? … I did
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Cover of 'Daisy Jones & The Six' by Taylor Jenkins Reid
‘Daisy Jones’ is not my favorite but one of the most fun reads from Taylor Jenkins Reid. Trust me and the reviews on the cover when we say that this is a captivating and thrilling ride that you’re never compelled to put down until finished. The story starts quickly with an introduction of Daisy Jones, born in Los Angeles with an open gate to drugs, men, sex, and clubs. In contrast to Daisy’s hectic life, growing up earlier than people her age and sleeping with rockstars, the introduction is followed by the Dunne brothers, who form a rock band in 1954 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Just like ‘The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo’, the author’s second book in the fictional world of Old Hollywood is so fast-paced and action-packed that it requires you to take a break to breathe and process all that has happened.
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The cast of the upcoming Amazon Prime adaptation of 'Daisy Jones & The Six'
I am not a fan of any form of cheating trope in media and books, but the story of Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne has a sense of boundary that was never crossed between the star-crossed lovers, or maybe it was just Camila’s stoicism that made me feel this way. The way they loved each other despite Billy’s marriage was portrayed in a way that you cannot totally hate either character but rather sympathize with them equally, most of all including Billy's wife, Camila.
Daisy: And I knew he wasn’t mine. He was hers
Page 310 of 'Daisy Jones & The Six'
Billy and Daisy aren’t two pieces of a puzzle that perfectly fit together but are the same shape, which, no matter how hard you try, will never interlock. Or in other words, just two sides of the same coin.
Daisy: Billy and I talked about rehab and what that would mean and he told me a little bit about what it would be like.
Page 292 of 'Daisy Jones & The Six'
I realized how much I loved Billy’s presence in Daisy’s life through this line alone, after suffering through the irritation that his character has brought me in previous pages. The contrast in Daisy's actions and how she's treated by other people compared to when she's with Billy is distinct and makes you wish that she's able to keep that presence in her life—though can't really argue the restraint.
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1970s British-American rock band, Fleetwood Mac
'Daisy Jones & The Six' is definitely the most humorous book by the author so far, in my opinion, and was read for the experience and thrill, like watching an exciting movie on a Saturday night, rather than something that sticks with you for a long time afterward. I am nothing but excited for the upcoming Amazon Prime miniseries adaptation of the uniquely structured book, and to finally hear the songs come to life.
"Then, when you add Fleetwood Mac into it--and my love for Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham--I felt like I just had to set it in the late seventies."
A Conversation with Taylor Jenkins Reid, page 360 of Ballantine Book's 'Daisy Jones & The Six'
Inspired by the 70s band Fleetwood Mac, ‘Daisy Jones & The Six’ is worth the read if you’re up for an easy run through of a thrilling and melodramatic story that makes you laugh and feel sorry at the same time.
(Click HERE for Writing Commissions)
by Isobelle Cruz, 26/05/2022
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themculibrary · 3 years
Bruce Banner-Centric Masterlist
Links Last Checked: May 3rd, 2024
5 times bruce banner lit up (ao3) - mosaicofhearts ot6 M, 2k
Summary: five times the avengers showed/told bruce how good he was (and five times he reacted... well, not entirely unexpectedly).
A Manic Monday in the Life of Bruce Banner (ao3) - agentsimmons bruce/tony T, 8k
Summary: Being a dad to so many kids, a hardworking scientist and the s.o. of someone high profile is bound to lead to stress overload sometimes. Thus, Bruce experiences a very manic Monday morning.
Before the Hulk (ao3) - DrRJSB T, 11k
Summary: Bruce has a number of strong women in his life. His Aunt Susan Banner helped pick up the pieces after his mother Rebecca's death at the hands of his father. This is a collection of a few important moments in young Bruce's life from Susan's point of view.
by the light of all your bridges burning (ao3) - branwyn bruce/tony M, 39k
Summary: Bruce Banner is twelve years old. It's not an easy age. For anyone.
His True Colors (ao3) - Nonymos bruce/loki, bruce/clint E, 103k
Summary: The battle of New York was a turning point for the entire planet – but especially so for Bruce Banner. This is a unique chance for him to find the Hulk a place in this world. It is a staggering hope, but unrealistic as it sounds, it might just come true.
And then his hesitant plan turns out to be too successful. Everyone including the Avengers apparently expect the Hulk to take his turn in the spotlight. But the more Hulk thrives, the more Bruce withers, and nobody seems to notice or care. When Loki extends a hand to him, he is fully aware it is a trick – but he has got nothing else to hold onto.
The Avengers realize just a bit too late how royally they screwed up. The sharp-sighted, ever-watching Hawkeye cannot blame himself enough for not having seen this disaster coming. Can they still be saved from Banner ?
Do they even deserve it ?
(The story is set right after the 2012 Avengers movie with slight EMH dynamics thrown in the middle.)
Irreconcilable Differences (ao3) - determamfidd bruce/tony E, 133k
Summary: Bruce has been searching for a cure again, but Tony doesn't think the green guy is a disease. Abruptly, he's given everything he's ever wanted, and... well, it seems it's all more complicated than that.
Hulk - Amateur Psychology Hour with Tony Stark - Clint as a troll - more Hulk - Bruce as an angry introspective mess - Hulk again - Steve as Team Dad - Nick Fury as Nick Fury - Hulk smash! - Tony as a caped crusader for Hulk Rights - Rules, Rules, Rules - Natasha as the boss of everything - the Experimental Method (by T. Hulk) - Thor as the God of Thunder and Frustration - Tony as the king of the oblivious idiots - Stealth Sass Master Banner ...
...and a lot of figuring out who you really are.
And Hulk.
Isolating a Variable (ao3) - MCUsic_to_my_ears T, 10k
Summary: After a horrific nightmare, Dr. Bruce Banner is seconds away from losing control of his panic and becoming the Hulk. That leaves Tony Stark to try and help his friend keep control of himself, and in turn stay in the tower.
Is There That Kind Of Doctor In The House? (ao3) - agentsimmons T, 13k
Summary: Bruce Banner really isn't that kind of doctor, but being treated like the residential psychiatrist might change that.
Just a Touch (ao3) - The_Buzz bruce/tony T, 8k
Summary: When Bruce and Tony are trapped under the debris from a bomb, Bruce can't afford to transform into the Hulk without risking Tony's life. To make matters worse, Bruce is badly hurt and help might not be on the way for a while.
leanover (ao3) - ballantine thor/bruce G, 6k
Summary: After Wakanda, Thor sleeps sixteen hours a day and Bruce contemplates what it takes to be a person in a broken world.
Of Big Brothers and Little Brothers part 1 (ao3) - Unbreakable92 pepper/tony, bruce/natasha G, 3k
Summary: It's Thor that is able to vocalise what exactly Tony and Bruce's friendship is.
Natasha is having a hard time doing that because she is too busy trying to define what her relationship with Bruce is defined as.
On Solid Ground (ao3) - MusicalLuna ot6 T, 2k
Summary: General Ross doesn't know when to quit, but Bruce's team has got his back.
Out Of Your League (ao3) - fangirl6202 thor/bruce G, 14k
Summary: After the announcement of his closest friend's wedding, physics professor Bruce Banner accidentally lets it slip to his colleagues that he is in a relationship.
Of course, nobody believes him when he shows them his partner. He can see why, though.
Thor is way out of his league.
Patchwork (ao3) - MCUsic_to_my_ears steve/tony T, 26k
Summary: In the wake of Rebecca Banner's murder, her son is placed into the loving hands of foster parents Steve Rogers and Tony Stark when his aunt is unable to take him in. After saying goodbye to his cousin, Jen, he meets his foster brother, Peter Parker, the adopted son of Steve and Tony. The family must learn to help Bruce cope with his trauma while the impending trial of Brian Banner looms over them.
See You Again (ao3) - Unbreakable92 G, 7k
Summary: Neither Tony nor Bruce remember that they met each other a long time before the Avengers were called to the Helicarrier to take down Loki. Or that they got on just as good the first time round as they did the second time, instantly connecting like long-lost brothers.
Somewhere That's Green (ao3) - volunteerfd bruce/tony T, 63k
Summary: A mild-mannered dork’s nerdy hobby leads to the creation of a gigantic green monster that ruins his life. But there is a happy ending.
In which Bruce Banner owns a flower shop on Skid Row, Audrey Fulquard is his assistant, and Tony Stark is Tony Stark.
Sprout (ao3) - Trumpeteer34 T, 278k
Summary: After being exposed to an unknown chemical agent during a battle, Bruce is left unconscious, half-naked, and very young. Tony (with the help of his team) takes it upon himself to try to reverse the effects of the chemical, all while caring for the little boy who is one of his closest friends.
The Care and Feeding of Lost Causes (ao3) - maskedfangirl bruce/clint, pepper/tony M, 65k
Summary: “You’re a former hermit with a history of depression and an alter ego who smashes buildings, and somehow you’ve found a person who gets you out interacting with the world. Trust me on this: hold onto him as hard as he will let you.”
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thedeaditeslayer · 5 years
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Bob Dorian, actor and magician who introduced classic films on AMC, dies at 85.  
While we are late in sharing this, we would like to share our condolences to the friends and family of Bob Dorian, the original professor Knowby.  Sam Raimi had actually paid him only $100 to record his lines for The Evil Dead. He will surely be missed. You can read the article below. 
Bob Dorian, an actor, magician and avuncular movie buff who presented more than 10,000 classic films, B-movie serials and pre-Code Hollywood gems as the first prime-time host of American Movie Classics, died June 15. He was 85, although he often said he preferred to give his age by way of film history, declaring that he was “born between ‘Flying Down to Rio’ and ‘Top Hat.’ ”
His daughter Melissa Dorian confirmed the death but did not say precisely where or how he died, noting that the family prepared only a two-line obituary in keeping with his desire for privacy.
Mr. Dorian performed on the stage, radio, television and occasionally on film, appearing in two movies by one of his favorite contemporary directors, Woody Allen, and lending his voice to Sam Raimi’s 1981 horror classic “The Evil Dead” as an archaeologist whose tape-recorded readings from an ancient text summon demonic spirits to a cabin in the woods.
Bespectacled and bushy-browed, he began acting at 14; dabbled in stand-up comedy and trapeze-catching at the circus; played the bass in a New York jazz group, the Four Dimensions; and performed mind-reading tricks and other illusions as the Amazing Dorian, sometimes incorporating his wife and three daughters into his act.
“Women, cars — you name it and I’ve floated it,” he told The Washington Post in 1991, describing his powers of levitation. A magic performance he once gave in Saudi Arabia, he added, drove his audience from the room because “they thought I was doing the devil’s art.”
[He’s an expert, yes, but first, he’s a fan: Bob Dorian at AMC]
Mr. Dorian appeared in a 1976 television special alongside magicians David Copperfield and Carl Ballantine, but became far better known as the principal host of American Movie Classics, later shortened to AMC. The network launched in 1984 as a premium-cable showcase for old films, presenting movies without cuts or commercials a decade before the creation of Turner Classic Movies, the channel’s main competitor.
Although he was later joined by daytime hosts Gene Klavan and Nick Clooney, Mr. Dorian was “the heart and soul of AMC,” Los Angeles Times journalist Susan King wrote in 2002, about one year after Mr. Dorian left the network. His departure coincided with sweeping programming changes at AMC, where old movies were replaced with contemporary films and, eventually, original series such as “Mad Men.”
During his tenure, Mr. Dorian introduced movies with a two-minute segment filmed at a living-room set, where he roamed between bookshelves, a black Maltese falcon statue, and portraits of stars Jean Harlow and Hedy Lamarr.
Regaling viewers with Hollywood history and behind-the-scenes trivia, he explained how the filmmakers of “Casablanca” wrote the script as the movie was being made; how Bette Davis landed the lead role in “All About Eve” only after Claudette Colbert suffered a cracked vertebra while filming “Three Came Home”; and how no fewer than 188 actors had played the roles of Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson.
While TCM host Robert Osborne was an urbane film historian, Mr. Dorian insisted that he was little more than a movie fan. “We never use tape-overs,” he told the Dallas Morning News in 1994, explaining his process. “If I make a mistake, we leave it in. I want to seem like a human being who enjoys movies, not a superior professor talking down to an audience.”
He recalled that he got the AMC hosting job in large part through chance, when he met a producer in the early 1980s after being cast as Dracula in a television ad for a video game. “It was a very long two-day shoot, with most of my time spent in a tight coffin filled with way too much smoke,” he told GoFatherhood, a parenting blog. “Lunchtime usually lapsed into long conversations about all those great old movies the producer and I enjoyed when we were growing up.”
The producer, Norm Blumenthal, later helped start AMC, and asked Mr. Dorian if he would be interested in serving as an announcer. Executives were considering “two Broadway actors, a well-known TV film critic and a few others who were more involved in writing as a profession,” Mr. Dorian said.
After Mr. Dorian was suggested as half of a Siskel-and-Ebert-style duo, one executive purportedly had a breakthrough. “Wait a minute,” Mr. Dorian recalled his saying. “The critic might not be too crazy about some of the films we’ve brought in. This guy Dorian likes everything!”
Indeed, he favored classics such as “Citizen Kane” and “King Kong” as well B-movie serials such as “Zombies of the Stratosphere,” encouraging viewers to give the 1952 science-fiction film a try — if only because it featured Leonard Nimoy, who later played the pointy-eared Spock, in a supporting role as a Martian.
Mr. Dorian was born in Brooklyn in April 1934, two months after the release of “It Happened One Night.” He rarely discussed his upbringing, aside from recounting the Saturdays he spent evading matrons at local movie theaters, where he watched three or more films for the price of a dime.
He later worked as a theater usher, a job that enabled him to catch 86 screenings of the swashbuckling 1950 film “Cyrano de Bergerac,” and appeared in television shows such as “Suspense” and “Studio One,” according to one Washington Post report.
Mr. Dorian performed in the Allen movies “The Curse of the Jade Scorpion” (2001) and “Hollywood Ending” (2002), along with an independent Civil War film, “The Last Confederate” (2005). He was also a mainstay of regional theater productions — including at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, N.J. — before retiring to Florida in recent years.
Survivors include his wife of 65 years, Jane Dorian; three daughters, Melissa Dorian, Robin Dorian and Jane Dorian; and two grandchildren.
Mr. Dorian likened his work at AMC as that of a historian or archivist, keeping old films alive for younger generations. But he seemed to find equal — if not greater — delight in his theatrical performances, notably in a 1998 touring production of “The Wizard of Oz,” during which he served as the understudy to the wizard, played by Mickey Rooney, and began the show as Dorothy’s Uncle Henry.
“Then we go through the tornado scene,” he told the New York Times , explaining his transformation into a new character. “I’m upstairs becoming a citizen of Oz, and I come out a little bit later when the Winkies are working for the Wicked Witch. I’m the head Winkie. We hired a line of Broadway ensemble dancers to be the Winkies, and I kept saying, Couldn’t you put me behind these people?”
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amish-astronaut · 5 years
Young Thug - Wyclef Jean from Pomp&Clout on Vimeo.
"Co-Directed" by Ryan Staake & Young Thug
Production Companies: Pomp&Clout x Freenjoy EPs: Ryan Staake, Ryen Bartlett & Nathan Scherrer Producer: Jeff Kopchia Head of Production: Kevin Staake Director of Photography: Trevor Wineman
Editors: Ryan Staake & Eric Degliomini VFX Supervisor: Aaron Vinton Lead VFX/3D: Pete Puskas VFX Touchups: Eric Degliomini & Ryan Staake Colorist: David Torcivia Audio Edit: Aaron Vinton Voice on Recording: John Colombo Rotoscoping: 3D Services India Typeface: GT Sectra
Production Manager: Nathaniel Dueber Production Coordinator: Jimmy Stannard 1st AD: Erik Mateo 2nd AD: Anthony Hayward Casting Director: Michael Stonewall Beaudry Production Designer: Clayton Beisner Art Director: Pele Kudren Set Dresser: Greg Shultz Set Dec Shopper: Philip Steiger 1st AC: Alicia Pharris 2nd AC: Erin Naifeh B CAM OP: Bret Watkins B CAM AC: Erick Aguilar DIT: Mike Halper VTR: Chris Warren Techno Dolly Tech: Adam Francis Techno Dolly Op: Paul Maples Gaffer: Mike Misslin Best Boy Electric: Garett Williams Electric: Joel Gill Key Grip: Nick Bodkin Best Boy Grip: Josh Smith Grip: Sean Burris Grip Driver: Randy Crisco Stylist: Bo Roses Hair: Priscilla Nguyen Makeup: Julie Dinh Pyro Tech: Erick Hicks Truck PA: Ted Keffer Set PA: Freddy Mendez Set PA: Patricia Ramirez Driver PA: Zac Grado Moho Driver: Rusty
Kid Cops: Roman George Steven Thomas Corey Jackson
Girls: Sharifa Bailey Alexis Paton Stephanie Chukwoucha Melissa Moore Jacqueline Cohen Emily Gruen Blaire Hampton Saiyda Bey Danica Cooper Jasmine Macken Shakina Greene Ella Moore Kathaleen Fisher Sylvia Kochinski Brandi Lawrence Meica Bradshaw Ermaline Ogbodo Jessica Harris Kaleila Jordan Nicole Ballantine Skylar Roberge Vanessa Stewart
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greatdrams · 5 years
The GreatDrams Review of 2018
Welcome to The GreatDrams Review of 2018, a time for me to have a swift light hearted reflection of the year that was and my personal highlights of the year.
Well what a year it has been; Donald Trump is still president, Daniel Ricciardo sacked off Red Bull to move to Renault - massive error in judgement in my view, Brexit is still as screwed up as ever, Harry and Meghan were wed, my wife and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary at the Johnnie Walker Spa F1 Grand Prix, City won the Premiership in record-breaking style, my beloved LFC are finally looking like a ruthless challenger of honours, a load of school kids were trapped then rescued from a cave in Thailand, the World Cup in Russia was one of the best I have ever watched, all manner of politicians embarrassed themselves, their offices, our government and our country and of course, The Greatest Show managed to get me addicted to its soundtrack.
Crazy to even start reflecting on most of the above, but thankfully I only need to reflect on GreatDrams, and of course what's been going on in whisky.
This year has been amongst my busiest;
285,000 + GreatDrams readers this year
65k followers across social media and email
1,300 articles now on GreatDrams (including a load scheduled for future publishing)
256 hours airborne on planes to presentations and meetings
131 hours on trains to meetings
60 trains to meetings in London
37 flights to distilleries and meetings in seven countries (Japan, China, Germany, Spain, USA, Scotland and Ireland)
23 distilleries visited across Scotland, Japan, Kentucky
11 casks bought for our independent bottling programme
9 events attended (lower than usual due to hectic consulting schedule and family life)
8 publications written for including a year long ‘residency’ writing for Whisky Magazine
5 spirits judging panels sat on
4 whisky shows and festivals attended
3 awards shortlisted for
2 award wins - Silver Medal in the Independent Bottler’s Challenge and Best Online Spirits Resource
2 GreatDrams independently bottled whiskies, Invergorden 11 Year Old & Craigellachie 11 Year Old Single Casks, available here
1 award highly commended runner up
1 squash match against Fred Laing which raised over £4,500 for charity
Countless whiskies tried, enjoyed and commented on 
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Some particular highlights for me personally have been;
Getting to visit Japan, China, Germany, NYC (x2), and Kentucky on business
Meeting so many GreatDrammers at different whisky festivals - you're all awesome
Visiting Whisky L in Shanghai
Spending time with so many icons of the whisky world including, but not limited to Dr. Bill Lumsden, Richard Patterson, John McCheyne, Georgie Bell, Fraser Campbell, Stephanie Macleod, Donald Coleville, Dr. Nick Morgan, Ewan Gunn, Billy Leighton and Brian Nation
Visiting Kentucky for the first time - wow… and managing to visit nine distilleries in three days, including a day where I just went to one!
In whisky I was fortunate to try some incredible whiskies (in the order in which I remembered them or tried them, not preference);
Johnnie Walker Ghost Reserve Port Ellen
Tullamore D.E.W. XO
Glenfiddich 40 Year Old
Fettercairn 40 Year Old
Hakushu 25 Year Old
Hibiki 35 Year Old Single Cask
Hibiki 17 Year Old
Hibiki 17 Year Old Grain Component
Hibiki 17 Year Old Mizunara Component
Hibiki 17 Year Old Sherry Component
Suntory Toki
Craigellachie Hotel 21 Year Old
Whyte & Mackay 13 Year Old
AnCnoc Peatheart
Jameson IPA
Redbreast 21 Year Old
Tullamore D. E. W. Distillery Exclusive Red Wine Finish
Roe & Co.
Teeling Brabazon 2
Bunnahabhain PX Finish
Bunnahabhain Moine Brandy Cask Finish
Dewar’s Scratched Cask 12 YO
Dewar’s White Label
Ballantine’s 21 Year Old
Ballantine’s 17 Year Old
Craigellachie 33 Year Old
Royal Brackla 21
G&M Clynelish 12 Year Old
Nikka Miyagikyo 12 Year Old Sherry & Sweet
Singleton of Dufftown Malt Masters Selection
Bushmill’s 16 Year Old
Bushmill’s 21 Year Old
The Glenlivet Captain’s Reserve
Aberlour Casg Annamh
Balcones Texas Rye
Starward 10th Anniversary
Rock Oyster 18 Year Old
Rock Oyster Cask Strength Batch 002
Yamazaki 12 Year Old
Suntory Kakubin
Asaka Six Month Mizunara Rested New Make
Chicken Cock Bourbon
Weller 12 Year Old
Wild Turkey Decades
Wilderness Trail Single Barrel
Wilderness Trail 4 Year Old Rye
Russell’s Reserve Bluegrass Tavern Barrel Select ‘Gobble Gobble Gulp’
Bluegrass Distillers Wheated Bourbon
Weller 1950’s Gold Vein
Method & Madness Hungarian Oak Finish
Glengoyne 21 Year Old 
Caperdonach 21 Year Old Peated
Along with all these stunning whiskies and a very busy year, we have seen Scotch exports up, volumes up and huge investment into new and expanding distillery operations throughout Scotland and Ireland in particular, with many new distilleries opening up in England too.
2019 looks to be another busy year with many new distilleries having spirit old enough to start releasing their first bottlings after three or more years of patience, and I'm sure a degree of nervous anticipation.
Thanks for reading, following, liking, Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming and tagging GreatDrams across the web this year, I've had a blast and it's been so lovely to help so many GreatDrammers with their whisky choices and to meet a fair few of you at events around the UK over the last twelve months.
As always, please do send me pics of your whisky exploration, or tag me in festivities so I can share with the wider GreatDrams Network and please also keep sending your feedback, questions and comments to me, I reply to every single email I get sent; [email protected].
Here's to a prosperous 2019 for one and all, have a great Christmas, New Year and see you at the next show!
The post The GreatDrams Review of 2018 appeared first on GreatDrams.
from GreatDrams http://bit.ly/2Qh3OLs Greg
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assassinxfire · 7 years
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Isabel did a quick interview with that reporter and then it was off to find that detective, who of course was locked away in some vault run by a bunch of mobsters. and then she helped out poor Travis, ‘cause who in this Commonwealth doesn't need her help. 
(sorry about the quality change, I finally upgraded some of my pc parts so I was able to install an ENB finally)
Hair link
Bags link (color swap link)
Dogmeat and companion link
Pipboy recolor link
ENB link
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iheartgracie · 3 months
taylornick quotes from i knew you were trouble by lauren layne part 1
“So you’re not at the office full-time?”
“Is that disappointment I hear, Ms. Carr?” he asked, rubbing his palm idly along the dark stubble on his jawline.
“Is that ego I hear, Mr. Ballantine?”
“You’ve known me for what, four months? Most of which we’ve spent fighting or avoiding each other? You don’t get to decide who’s the right guy for me.”
“Look me in the eye and tell me you seriously like him.”
“Answer something for me.”
She tried to jerk away, but he held her fast. “What?” she snapped, trying to tell herself that her increasing agitation stemmed from annoyance and not something more dangerous.
“If you weren’t dating him, would you have dinner with me?”
“I don’t like you,” she whispered.
He eased closer until his mouth was inches from her ear. “Liar.”
“You checking me out, Ballantine?” she asked, giving Nick the side-eye.
His smile was slow and wolfish. Sexy, if you liked that sort of thing. Which she didn’t. She wanted predictable. Nick Ballantine didn’t qualify.
“Always,” he said.”
“Before she could dodge, he reached out and gently touched her face as though it were the most natural thing in the world.”
“She shot him a warning look that clearly said, Don’t.
He shot an answering smile that clearly said, Watch me.”
“I’m just saying you could do better,” he answered quietly.
Then he clinked the neck of his beer bottle with hers. “Or at least you could if you weren’t such a bitch.”
Taylor laughed in spite of herself. “I really hate you.”
Nick grinned”
“I mean that I write books,” he said, gathering up the screws. “Futuristic thrillers, mostly.”
She was staring at him, lips parted. “When? How can you be a bartender, a journalist, and an author, and still find all that time to drive me crazy?”
“I’ve never thanked you,” Taylor blurted out, before she could rethink it. “Did I?”
“For?” His eyes were calm. Patient. It made it easier.
“That night,” she whispered.
She didn’t have to explain which night. The night Taylor had found out that her only relative—the only person in her life who really cared for her—had died. The night Taylor had been alone in the Oxford office.
Except not entirely alone. Someone else had been working late that night. Someone had heard her crying.
That someone hadn’t asked a single question. He’d merely gathered Taylor’s shaking body against his much bigger one and held her while she cried. Sobbed. And then he’d listened while she told him all about Karen. About how her aunt had adopted her, and cared for her when nobody else would.
That wasn’t the embarrassing part, though. No, the humiliation that Taylor had barely been able to live with since that night was that somehow he’d discovered the most painful truth of her heart.
That she was terrified nobody loved her.
That she wasn’t worthy.
And Nick Ballantine had gently nudged her head away from his chest, cupped her face in his big hands, and told her—promised her—that someone would love her.”
“He wanted Taylor Carr—but when he finally put his hands on her, he didn’t want it to be about Bradley.
He wanted it to be about them.”
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