#non inclusive white faggots
scallymas · 1 year
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Someone come kick me in the balls and make me sniff my own socks
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serkinsworld · 4 months
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Say hi daddy 😈👿
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xxxjarchiexxx · 8 months
trans mras using terms like sex based oppression and socialization with nuance and inclusion of transfems explicitly while calling the basic idea that men oppress women as classes terfy is so insane. like ur right there is nuance when it comes to nonbinary and trans people in the basic man/woman class structure bcuz trans men generally don't assimilate into the man class and multigender people usually are sorted in thr woman class regardless etc* but. that is still how oppressive class structures work!
yes, all trans and nb people are impacted by misogyny/sexism as a group, that doesn't mean men don't benefit YES EVEN TRANS MEN!
like, trans inclusive misogynists exist this sounds bonkers but i have met them in more liberal areas. there's more of a closet afforded to trans men than trans women. the rates of abuse and assault are lower when compared to trans women. in general, socially, trans women are more likely to be ousted from spaces with resources they need for nonreasons, especially when you see how kinks and sex work that are more common among trans women are more likely to lead to social rejection. not to mention, trans women face gendered violence REGARDLESS of if someone views them as their gender. whether they pass or not, they are either seen as a faggot or a woman neither of which is treated well.
trans men are targeted by misogyny and sexism, absolutely, any association with womanhood even a bioessentialist one, is punished systemically. i wonder why. i wonder if it could be due to.... women and other gender minorities being oppressed by a narrow definition of men... almost like men benefit from misogyny.....
*racial hierarchy has a similar nuance for certain groups, like white-presenting mixed people or assimilated MENA people or ethnically jewish people. most of these people wouldn't argue against the idea that white people oppress non-white people though (even if some of them don't act like they believe this, they at least generally wouldn't consciously say this and believe it). this also applies to trans vs cis with cispresenting nonbinary people and nontransitioning people. also queerness in general with closeted people. also any class binary because there will always be things outside a binary but the basic idea of a benefitting class is still true. cruelty alone ISNT the point, there is a benefit to oppressing others
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realhankmccoy · 2 years
After decades of understanding that as a gay man, big piles of Democrat / leftist warriors who love to hurt others want to slash and gash me 'in your face with women' or 'in your face with abstract non-present blacks' -- and every Republican in private equity on my team played the exact same game at launching women and blacks into a cannon to put the worthless faggot in his place, all cuz they thought they could 'get away with it' -- and they were correct about that, as they all did get away with it, as totally underserving as I was of that treatment and how much it hurt... I laid down a simple rule for these vicious American dumb dumbs, and all vicious American dumb dumbs to follow: you treat me within reason compared to how you'd treat a white straight man as a total stranger or your white straight boss, or otherwise you'll find yourself as another child pounding your hand on a stove-top oven set on high, not knowing what you're doing. I'm done being the proletarian oven set to 'off' for you just because I know you're a bratty child. At some point, you have to learn how to function like an adult and stop hurting others... because I realised, you see, that while I could sponge it up -- it wasn't doing them or all these other innocent LGBT folks any favours, to permit people to act so very overtly power-hungry-smack-the-fag-around.
This has been working wonderfully for me, and I'm going to keep it up. Sure, some 30something through 60something fingers get burned. But it's never too late to grow up and be the adult you might have been. It's never too late to stop pounding at stovetops. I meet 23 yr olds all the time who are more mature, empathetic, and socially progressive than all y'all like, literally are, bro.
All you need in your heart is the desire to not hurt or overpower others. That's it. To vote for Trump and then act like you're more pro-black and pro-woman than me is an extra fucking absurd joke, but plenty of Dems do this too. You're not 'good' for slapping me down, telling me you hate me or that I'm inferior, and declaring yourself the #1 most capable and inclusive. FUCKING DUH. Talking about Trumpian, both red and blue. Americans are idiots.
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romanticfistfightz · 4 years
hello you cunt, I just wanted to say out loud my opinion about you since it looks like no-one else will. You're a white, cis man who looks for attention while calling himself "non-binary" and wearing feminine clothing - guess what, it doesn't make you "non-binary", you're still a man! so stop pretending like you're not, you're hurting the ACTUAL non-binary people.
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okay first of all i take deep offense from you calling me a cis man coz i have as much in common with being one as you have with being a nice person.
anyway. heres some things you can read about he/him lesbians:  
"I like the gender neutral pronoun "ze/hir" because it makes it impossible to hold on to gender/sex/sexuality assumptions about a person you're about to meet or you've just met. And in an all trans setting, referring to me as "he/him" honors my gender expression in the same way that referring to my sister drag queens as "she/her" does.”
 “But a truly inclusive view would deconstruct the idea that pronouns are inherently indicative of gender in the first place. They are, ultimately, gendered signifiers, culturally suggestive of masculinity/maleness (he/him), femininity/femaleness (she/her), or “neutrality” (they/them, xe/xyr, zie/hir, etc.) Just as a butch lesbian might cut their hair short, wear more masculine clothing, or shorten their name to something more typically masculine, they might equally use he/him, they/them, or any other pronoun as an element of butch presentation, and/or non-binary identity.” 
other than that, i cant link you an article but you have to remember that years ago butch lesbians used he/him pronouns as a safe way to hide the fact that they’re women when they were out with their partner as a way to not get harrassed/attacked. 
and about neopronouns: 
“(...) sometime around 1850, were "ne, nis, nim", and "hiser". In 1868, "en" appeared, followed by a rush in 1884: "thon, thons", "hi, hes, hem", "le, lis, lim", "unus", "talis", "hiser, himer", "hyser, hymer", and "ip, ips".”
“(...) They came up with ou (1789), ne (ca. 1850), heesh (ca. 1860), er (1863), ve (1864), en, han, and un (1868 was a big year for pronouns), le (1871), e (1878), and ip (1884), to name just a few of the early ones.”
“Several sets of pronouns use "ne" in the nominative form. One set of "ne" pronouns is one of the oldest sets of neo-pronouns, but not all its forms were recorded: ne, nim, nis, (not recorded), (not recorded), which was created around 1850, and appeared in print in 1884.”
so, as you can see, neopronouns have been around for hundreds of years.
you also have to remember that not everyone comes from an english speaking countries, quite a few countries use languages that simply do not use gendered terms, and when they use english they chose the ones most similar/most comfortable to use.
as for it pronouns, people who use them have their own reasons as to why - usually its to reclaim the word after being called “it” by many people like transphobes who wanted to offend them, same way some gay people reclaim faggot, or lesbians reclaim dyke. 
on dysphoria:
“Go into any comment section on any transgender content, and I’ll place bets you’ll find someone decry that transgender people are mentally ill somewhere in there. If indeed gender dysphoria, a mental illness, is a requirement for being transgender, would that mean they are that far off? And, as I already stated, if you treat gender dysphoria, have you cured your transness too? Is being transgender something we really want to be curable? (...)
(...) Defining an identity by oppression and pain is not a new concept. In fact, it’s exactly what TERFs, or trans-exclusionary radical feminists, do to trans women to frame them as not women. TERFs claim that because trans women were not socialized as women since birth, have not suffered direct misogyny (and can never suffer it having not been born a woman), they can never claim to be a woman. (...)
It’s also worth mentioning that requiring gender dysphoria as a requirement for being transgender also creates a eurocentric view of being transgender. It forgets the idea of two-spirits, hijra, and kathoeys and the long histories they bring, and the differing paths taken to discover those genders.” 
“Not all transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria and that distinction is important to keep in mind. Gender dysphoria and/or coming out as transgender can occur at any age.”
“For some transgender people, the difference between the gender they are thought to be at birth and the gender they know themselves to be can lead to serious emotional distress that affects their health and everyday lives if not addressed. Gender dysphoria is the medical diagnosis for someone who experiences this distress.Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria. On its own, being transgender is not considered a medical condition. Many transgender people do not experience serious anxiety or stress associated with the difference between their gender identity and their gender of birth, and so may not have gender dysphoria.”
and last thing, you simply do not have any rights to claim what person i am or am not. my gender identity and my sexuality are my things, not yours to tell me. you dont know me in real life, im sure of that, so you have absolutely nothing to base yourself on other than selfies i post on here, but for clarification: i am not a cis man. ive never been a binary man. i do not have a dick or naturally flat chest, i am on hormones and after surgery to accomplish flat chest.
i dont really identify with a specific gender or sexuality, so i just say im nonbinary to signify that without going into specifics. i say im gay because my boyfriend is a guy and because of hormones im usually male passing, even though i don’t identify as a man attracted strictly to other men. 
and honestly? i know many trans people who use they/them or neopronouns as theyre also nonbinary. neopronouns aren’t “confusing”, you’re just an asshole. if you think about it, “he” and “she” at one point in history were also neopronouns.
as to emoji pronouns - they’re used online, as it’d be impossible to use irl (for example a person using 🌸 pronouns could use flower/flowerself irl, or any other pronouns) and yes, they are newer than others, but that doesnt mean theyre less important, theyre just another way of presenting yourself!
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jewishtransdyke · 5 years
I have feelings about the word “queer”.
When I was growing up (in the late ‘80s, ‘90s, and early ‘00s, near Washington DC), when people wanted to hurt you with a homophobic slur, they didn’t call you queer. Sometimes they called you a homo, or a faggot, or a dyke, but most often? Most often they just called you gay. Boy who wears nail polish? Gay. Girl who plays sports? Gay. Fail to measure up to their standards of heteronormative gender conformity in any way? Fuckin’ GAY.
Not only that - anything they didn’t like was gay. Homework? Gay. Losing at football? Gay. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace? Gay. Hanson? GAAAY.
Gay was a word they used for harassment, for exclusion, for threats. “What, are you gay or somethin’?”.
Queer, though? I don’t ever remember hearing queer used that way unironically, at least not after 1990 or so. Queer was liberation. Queer was Queer Nation, queercore, Queer as Folk, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!”.
Not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you.
Queer was Homer Simpson (standing in for clueless straights everywhere) impotently complaining to guest star John Waters, “I resent you people using that word. That’s our word for making fun of you! We need it!”.
And fuck that, and fuck them. It wasn’t theirs anymore. We took it from them, and we had no intention of giving it back. Being queer and proud was power. It was strength. Yeah, I’m queer. WHAT OF IT.
Mind you, when I say “we” here, I’m speaking of the community collectively. I was (mostly) closeted at the time. I didn’t openly call myself queer til years later. But I watched, and I read, and I listened, and I KNEW - in a way I couldn’t quite articulate yet - and it gave me hope.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to the word gay. I call myself and my friends gay all the time. The straights don’t get to have that word either, because fuck them. I’m gay as fuck. WHAT OF IT.
A lot of the time, on a casual level, I’ll use gay and queer interchangeably. Queers are gay, gays are queer. Whatever. But on another level, they’re not so interchangeable.
In my city, Los Angeles, there isn’t really an LGBTQ+ community.
There are (in my experience) two. There’s a Gay community, and there’s a Queer community.
The Gay community is centered in West Hollywood. Here are the things I think of when I think of the West Hollywood Gays: rich white men in expensive sweaters and fancy cars, roofied drinks at The Abbey, cops at Pride, assimilation.
The Queer community is centered in Silver Lake (at least historically - Silver Lake has unfortunately gotten pretty gentrified, because we can’t have nice things). Here are the things I think of when I think of the Silver Lake Queers: trans folks, people of color, mutual support, accessibility, inclusiveness, fluidity, friendship, love, art, the scrumptious donuts that Willow makes by hand from Virginia’s old family recipe at Cuties Coffee. Queer is home, queer is family.
(This is all, of course, a massive oversimplification. The Queers have our share of problems, the Gays aren’t all like that, there are Gays in Silver Lake and Queers in West Hollywood and Queers and Gays all over the city and the lines between them aren’t always clear-cut. Etc., etc., et fucking cetera.)
I know not everyone has had the same experiences with it, and I feel for everyone who has been hurt by the word queer. If you ask me not to call you queer, or to avoid using the word when interacting with you directly, I’ll do my best to honor that request. But aside from that, I’m not going to stop using it to refer to myself, or to my community, or to non-cishets collectively. I’m not giving it back to the homophobes. It’s ours now, and it has been for at least like thirty goddamn years.
We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.
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homorazzi · 5 years
OUT magazine’s annual celebration of the most influential LGBTQ people of the year is here. The 2018 OUT 100 list marks the most diverse one yet with numerous trans, non-binary, women, people of color, and honorees under the age of 35 who are being celebrated.
The publication not only unveiled the full list, but the four collectible covers snapped by photographer Martin Schoeller. The Queer Eye cast, Bobby Berk, Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Jonathan Van Ness, snagged the honor of being Entertainers of the Year. Meanwhile, Billy Porter, SOPHIE and Emma Gonzalez snagged Performer of the Year, Artist of the Year and Newsmaker of the Year respectively.
Queer Eye Cast On Original Fab Five
“The original show was a trailblazer,” says Van Ness, the new grooming guru with a wealth of sassy quips to match his pristine cascade of hair. Berk, the design expert whose religious struggles have enriched his on-air narrative, adds, “I love that we’re able to take such a groundbreaking show from a pivotal time in my development and still make it work today.”
Billy Porter On Challenges He’s Faced In Industry
“I was pigeonholed into the only thing that the industry could handle at the time: the magical fairy faggot,” Porter says. “Don’t get me wrong: What I was given was an opportunity to stop the show, but when it came to my humanity, nobody wanted to discuss that.”
SOPHIE On Her Music
“My music is political, but talking about politics is boring,” she says. “I’d rather have a more emotional conversation through the music. You can say something more multidimensional. Pop music is the most relevant format we have to discuss anything. A song can have meaning to people anywhere, without any context.”
Emma Gonzalez On Changing Narrative On Gun Law Reform
“One of the coolest experiences for me was the Peace March in Chicago on Friday, June 15,” she says, explaining that activists in Chicago organized marches every Friday to combat the city’s high rate of gun violence in the summer months. “We marched through the streets and neighborhoods, and we were all chanting, screaming, and singing. And we brought the press with us to shine more light on the event.”
Additional award recipients went to Cynthia Nixon (Hero of the Year), Jeremy Scott (Stylemaker of the Year), Renee Richards (Legend) and Randy Barbato & Fenton Bailey (Media Pioneers). Check out a few select images from this year’s OUT 100 gallery below.
Clemons Kiersey
Wanda Sykes
Adam Rippon
Queer Eye Cast
Kim Petras
Cynthia Nixon
Ryan Murphy
Kate McKinnon
Gus Kenworthy
For the complete OUT 100 gallery, click here.
Other notable OUT 100 honorees in specific categories include the following:
Brendon Urie, lead singer of the smash-hit band Panic! At the Disco Kehlani, breakout artist who’s collaborated with Demi Lovato, Halsey, and G-Eazy, to name a few Lauren Jauregui, member of the girl group Fifth Harmony who’s carving out her solo career MNEK, a London-based artist succeeding with his own brand of queer R&B Samantha Ronson, celebrated artist and DJ who returns this year with a new band
TV & Film
Kate McKinnon, the ever-reigning jewel of SNL who’s successfully crossed over to movies Hannah Gadsby, the Tasmanian comedy who became a sensation with her Netflix special Nanette Mj Rodriguez, Indya Moore, and Dominique Jackson, the breakout trans female leads from Pose Rupert Everett, a renowned actor who outdid himself this year as the writer, director, and star of the movie The Happy Prince Justin Simien, the uncompromising creator of the film and series Dear White People Max Mutchnick, the Emmy-winning creator of Will & Grace, and its triumphant reboot Daniela Vega, breakout Chilean actress whose film A Fantastic Woman won an Oscar this year
Gus Kenworthy, Olympic snowboarder whose on-air kiss with his boyfriend made national news Adam Rippon, Olympic figure skater whose vocal opposition to the powers that be made him a hero Layshia Clarendon, WNBA player who’s become a sought-after MVP in her sport Collin Martin, professional soccer player who inspired countless people by coming out this year Sue Bird, another WNBA player who rivals Clarendon in both notoriety and skill
Steven Kolb, the president and CEO of the CFDA Sue Y. Nabi, former president and CEO of L’Oreal and Lancome, and founder and CEO of Orveda Jeremy Scott, the hugely successful creative director at Moschino The Blonds, fashion design duo (and couple) who’ve been breaking boundaries for 18 years Willy Chavarria, designer whose eponymous label reached a peak this year Becca McCarren-Tran, founder and designer of the gender-inclusive and body-positive sportswear line Chromat
Activists, Politicians & Community Organizers
Danica Roem, trans politician elected to the Virginia House of Delegates Kimahli Powell, Executive director of Rainbow Railroad Adam Eli, activist for Gays Against Guns, queer Jewish rights, and more Stan Sloan, Executive director of the Family Equality council Amber Hikes, Philadelphia’s new director of the Office of LGBT Affairs Nick Fager, founder of the medical service Lighthouse LGBT, as well as QueerTherapy
For the full OUT 100 list, head over to OUT.com.
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OUT 100 2018 Honorees Include Queer Eye Cast, Billy Porter, Gus Kenworthy, Kim Petras & Plenty More OUT magazine’s annual celebration of the most influential LGBTQ people of the year is here. The…
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CW: mentions of sexual assault and homophobic language
I am a white trans man who often experiences passing privilege by being perceived as cisgender. Thus, I often hold white male privilege as well. I lived for many years as a femme-presenting female, alienated from myself and my true identity by my own fear of losing very important relationships by coming out to myself and others, which I ultimately did after making the decision to transition.
On my worst day as a trans man, I may experience dysphoria, microaggressions, misgendering, or being called a faggot. These things suck, of course, but for me, they are orders of magnitude better than the daily, pervasive, overt and insidious misogyny I directly experienced while operating in the world as an apparent female. Transitioning and being seen as male has lifted a profound burden from my shoulders in so many ways, but the biggest impact has been on the sudden absence of unwanted sexual attention from men and lack of presumption of my ineptitude by men, and the realization that if a man is threatening me, it’s more probable that he’s thinking about beating the shit out of me for being queer rather than raping me for being a woman (though sexual assault is always a real possibility, regardless of gender).
Just as I am constantly in awe of how much less ambient stress I experience because I am seen as a man, I am also horrified by how much freer I am psychologically because I am no longer a daily victim of misogyny. I am amazed by how much more emotional energy I have to devote to the things I value, even with the daily hassles of being trans, and I am deeply, deeply saddened that so many women live with this particular burden that has been lifted from me through the course of my transition. 
If we are white trans men with passing privilege and we do not acknowledge that this gives us privilege, we are part of the problem. If we are not speaking up for (but not over) cis and trans women, non-binary folks, POC, and other oppressed individuals, we are part of the problem. If we are participating in the harm of others through the embodiment of toxic masculinity, we are a huge fucking part of the problem. It can be an enormous shift to suddenly be part of the problem after being a victim of the problem for so long, so the sooner we can acknowledge our shifting role in all this, the sooner we can become part of the solution.
I’ve heard some trans men say that they don’t have the energy to be an advocate, especially if they’re struggling with very real issues like ongoing dysphoria, homophobia, and transphobia. But the truth is that it really doesn’t have to take much effort to advocate for others, particularly in daily interactions with friends, family, and colleagues, where we can intervene in small but highly effective ways. For example, calling out someone on a sexist joke or derogatory language is a skill, but one that can be learned and employed tactfully and respectfully. Not talking over women and POC and facilitating their inclusion in decision making and conversations is another effective and easy way to make positive change. All men should be doing these things, quite frankly, and if we consider consider ourselves men, this is an important part of that identity.
For white trans men with passing privilege, not taking advantage of everyday opportunities to shut down oppression and create safer spaces for those with less power and privilege speaks to an unfortunate mindset of “I got mine.” And yeah, maybe we got ours, to a certain degree. Now let’s help others get theirs. Let’s take this amazing, unique experience we have as trans men and use it to be better men. Different men. The kind of men that other men can look up to. We get to choose what kind of men we are going to be, which is incredible. Let’s make a choice that honors the experiences we have had, good and bad. Because we are strong and we are resilient, even when we feel alone and disempowered and defeated. If we can pay it forward, my brothers, then let’s do it.
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Film Studies - Queer Theory
Queer Theory - the investigation into the positive and negative representation of the LGBT community within media, such as, film, television, and literature.
Self-identified Queer Artists and Filmmakers
Dustin Lance Black (born 1974) Black is an American screenwriter, producer, and LGBT activist. He came out as gay when he was 17/18, and in May 2016, he married openly gay Olympics diver, Tom Daley. Throughout his career, he has created several popular LGBT-oriented films, including:
‘Milk (2008, directed by Gus van Sant)’. Black wrote the screenplay for this film, which was based on the life of gay rights activist, Harvey Milk, who eventually became the first openly gay person elected to public office in California. Sean Penn portrayed the main character, who won an Oscar for Best Actor, for his role in this film. Black also won an Oscar for his screenwriting credits.
‘J. Edgar (2012, directed by Clint Eastwood)’. Black wrote the screenplay for this film, which is about the life and career of J. Edgar Hoover, who was the first Director of the FBI, and was rumoured to be either gay or asexual. Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed the titular character, and he gained mostly positive reviews on his performance of the historical figure. The film was also praised on its story, direction, and production; Todd McCarthy from The Hollywood Reporter wrote “This surprising collaboration between director Clint Eastwood and ‘Milk’ screenwriter Dustin Lance Black tackles its trickiest challenges with plausibility and good sense, while of its controversial subject’s behaviour, public and private”. 
Ian McKellen (born 1939) - McKellen is a British actor and LGBT activist. He has been openly gay since 1988. He has always been a massive activist for LGBT rights, and he campaigns regularly to gain equality for his community. He is the co-founder of Stonewall, which is an LGBT rights lobby group in the United Kingdom, who currently are working towards equality for LGBT people at home, work and schools. He is also the patron for LGBT History Month, Pride London, Oxford Pride, GAY-GLOS, The Lesbian and Gay Foundation, and FFLAG. He hasn’t starred in any recognised LGBT-subject films; however, he has starred in huge film franchises such as:
The X-Men series, in which he starred as the elder version of villain, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto.
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit series’, in which he starred as wizard, Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White.
Jonathan Groff (born 1985) - Groff is an American actor. He came out as gay in October 2009. In his career, he has starred in several different LGBT-orientated media, such as:
‘The Normal Heart (2014, directed by Ryan Murphy)’, a TV movie about the rise of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in New York City in 1981-84. He portrays Craig Donner, a young gay man who dies suddenly of suspected gay-related immune deficiency (GRID), which was later known as AIDS.
‘Looking (2014-15)’, a comedy-drama series, about a group of young gay friends living in San Francisco. He portrays Patrick Murray, an openly gay video game designer.
Representation of LGBT characters in film
In 2013, GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) started to release the Studio Responsibility Index, which is an annual report of statistics on the representation of LGBT characters in films produced by the six major production companies (20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Colombia, Universal Pictures, the Walt Disney Company, and Warner Bros.), in the previous year.
In 2012, 13.9% of films released contained lesbian, gay, and bisexual characters. No transgender characters where portrayed. But, only 28.6% of these films, had LGBT characters as major characters.
In 2013, Lionsgate Entertainment was added to the list of major production companies. 16.7% of films released involved LGBT characters, with the majority starring in comedies.
In 2014, Focus Features, Fox Searchlight, Roadside Attractions, and Sony Pictures Classics were added to the list of studios. This year, 17.5% of films included lesbian, gay, and bisexual characters, with no identifiable transgender characters. This year, Warner Bros. was the most inclusive studio, with 32% of their films were LGBT-inclusive.
In 2015, 17.5% of films included LGBT characters. In these films, there was 1 transgender character, and 47 lesbian, gay and bisexual characters.
Queering the canon
Queering the canon is the theory that characters in film can be assigned as being LGBT, judging by their personality, actions, metaphorical storylines, and the characters they associate with.
Walt Disney Pictures, is mainly used as an example of having non-explicit LGBT characters. Disney have always maintained a positive relationship with the community, as they were the first company to extend healthcare benefits to the partners of gay employees. They also host regular pride festivals at their theme parks. Therefore, the company and their films have always been the subject of gay theories about characters.
Films that include confirmed or suspected LGBT characters are:
Ursula from the film, ‘The Little Mermaid (1989, directed by Ron Clement and John Musker)’. The character of Ursula, is a suspected lesbian or bisexual woman. This is because she resembles the popular drag queen, Divine. Her personality also reflects this. Some viewers also interpret the character as an overtly male ‘butch’ lesbian, who represents the evil of homosexuality, and wanting to turn the innocent, Ariel into a lesbian woman.
Timon and Pumbaa from the film, ‘The Lion King (1994, directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff)’. The characters of Timon and Pumbaa, are suspected to be in a gay relationship. This is reinforced in the fact they have a ‘married couple’ type relationship. They go through popular LGBT struggles, of being social outcasts and gay adoption. They are also negatively represented as they are the flamboyant comic relief for the film. 
Elsa from the film, ‘Frozen (2013, directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee)’. The character of Elsa, is portrayed as a young girl who was born different to everyone else. Her parents hid her away, because they feared they would be judged, and she would be rejected by the world. When she reveals her ‘icy powers’ (a metaphor for her being a lesbian), she is called a freak and cast out of her home into isolation. Multiple elements of the story, can be metaphors for coming out, and suppression of her sexuality from her parents. Her bedroom acts as her ‘closet’ which she eventually comes out of, and her parents tell her to ‘conceal, don’t feel’. All of these elements indicate to the character likely to be a lesbian. She even has a ‘coming out’ song – “Let It Go”, in which she says ‘Let It Go, Let It Go. Turn away and slam the door’ and ‘I don’t care what they’re going to say’. Elsa is also a good representation of women, as she is the only Disney princess not to require a love interest to survive.
Films with an LGBT subjects and characters‘
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975, directed by Jim Sharman)’ - This film is about a young couple who, after their car breaks down in the rain, seek help at a castle, where they come across a group of strangers celebrating an annual convention. They meet Dr. Frank N. Furter, a mad alien transvestite, who creates a living man for his own sexual desires. This film was written by Richard O’Brian, who is openly transgender. He also starred in this film as Riff Raff, the house handyman. This has become a cult film for members of the LGBT community, including their allies, as this film would regularly bring everyone together, disregarding their sexuality, dressed up in stockings and heels, to participate in screenings of the film in movie theatres. The popularity of this film and similar films helped to bring LGBT rights to mainstream media, and to the attention of the public. Most of the LGBT-orientated films of the 20th Century were usually about the HIV/AIDS epidemic and other gay-related issues, whereas this film depicts the gay community in a friendlier, more accepting way.
‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012, directed by Stephen Chbosky)’ - This film is about a young student called Charlie, who suffers from clinical depression because of childhood setback. He is very shy and finds it difficult to make friends. When he meets two fellow students, Patrick and Sam, he is invited along to several social activities with them. The film carries on telling the story of their friendships and of Charlie’s depression. The character of Patrick, is openly gay, and is in a secret relationship with Brad, a closeted football player. They get caught kissing at a party by Charlie. Later on, Patrick and Brad are caught having sex by Brad’s dad, who then kicks out Patrick and beat up his son. Brad is then forced to tell his friends that he was jumped, to hide the fact that he is gay. The next day, Patrick walks past Brad and his friends, and Brad shouts out and calls Patrick a ‘faggot’, which provokes Patrick to ‘out’ him to his friends, who then beat up Patrick, and he gets saved by Charlie, who beats up all the friends then blacks out. This film was subject to mainly positive reviews, commenting on the strong cast performances, and “heartfelt and sincere adaption” of the 1999 book it was based on.
‘Moonlight (2016, directed by Barry Jenkins)’ - This film is about the main character, Chiron, and his difficulties he faces, relating to his race, and sexual identity, which includes his physical and emotional abuse that he received whilst growing up. The film is presented in three different parts, Little, Chiron, and Black. ‘Little’ tells the story of young Chiron, who is a withdrawn child, who lives with his drug-addicted mother, Paula. He befriends drug dealer, Juan, and gets bullied at school by fellow students, who called him a ‘faggot’. ‘Chiron’ describes Chiron’s teenage life, as he avoids bullies, and spends time with Juan’s girlfriend, after Juan dies. One night, he spends time with his friend, Kevin, they eventually kiss and engage in sexual contact. The next day, Kevin beats him up reluctantly. In ‘Black’, Chiron, who is now adult, sells drugs. His mother is in a rehabilitation centre. He goes and visits Kevin, who after talking for a while, go back to his house and Chiron breaks down, Kevin comforts him and they embrace. This film received huge critical acclaim, gaining an Oscar for Best Picture, being the first film with and all-black cast, and LGBT theme, to do so.
‘Call Me by Your Name (2017, directed by Luca Guadagnino)’ - This film is based on the 2017 novel which has the same name, and was written by André Aciman. It is about the gay relationship between 17-year-old, Elio, and his father’s student, 30-year-old, Oliver. When this film was aired at Sundance Film Festival, it gained huge acclaim and mostly positive critical reviews. Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a rating of 98% which was based on critics and public reviews, which had an average rating of 9.1/10. The site describes the films as “a melancholy, powerfully affecting portrait of first love”.
Representation of LGBT characters in Hollywood films
Ever since the beginning of Hollywood, there has always been controversy over their negative representation of homosexuality. Critics and activists would usually focus on how portrayals would often demean and try to silence the LGBT community.
At the beginning of Hollywood (1890’s to the 1930’s), homosexuality was usually presented as an object of mockery and laughter. Films regularly used the archetype of ‘the sissy’ – which were feminine men who usually have delicate emotions. This was popular, and was used as a source of amusement for the viewers. However, this was not a negative representation, because it was in the middle of masculinity and femininity.
In the 1930’s to 50’s, Hollywood was criticised by religious and homophobic groups, because films would apparently contribute to immorality. Therefore, the Hay’s Code was introduced. The Hay’s Code was a system of self-censorship that mainly affected the representation of homosexuality. During this time, films were unable to include openly gay characters, so instead homosexuality would be included into the character’s mannerisms and behaviour.
During the 1960’s and 70’s, the Hay’s Code was loosened. This was during the dawn of the gay rights movement, and because gays and lesbians were becoming more vocal and visible in society, therefore representation became increasingly more homophobic. Gay characters were portrayed as dangerous, violent, predatory, and suicidal, shown in films such as ‘Midnight Express (1978, directed by Alan Parker), ‘Vanishing Point (1971, directed by Richard C. Sarafian), and ‘The Boys in the Band (1970, directed by William Friedkin).
In the 1990’s, Hollywood improved their representation of LGBT characters. Films such as, ‘Philadelphia (1993, directed by Jonathan Demme)’, ‘To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995, directed by Beeban Kidron)’, and ‘In & Out (1997, directed by Frank Oz)’, proved that audiences can and do enjoy films that have gay and lesbian characters. But, the film industry was still cautious of their representation of gay characters, themes, and experiences. Because Hollywood films were designed to appeal to as big an audience as possible, producers were scared that gay and lesbian themes would offend audiences, and potential investors.
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vepols · 7 years
Stealth Misogyny in the Modern Left
I want to make a note about the stealth misogyny hidden in “white girl” call outs, and the general internal policing of the progressive collective community of femaleness through the lense of being white or less commonly, cis.
[In order to talk about this I’m going to preface this by saying that I am one of those people who is so pale she adds extra titanium dioxide to her foundation sometimes and cis. Due to an accident of birth (or rather conception), despite having spent most of my childhood on some form of government social assistance I have a lot of financial privilege. I’m an able bodied, white person whose mental health problems are controlled, in a stable relationship het relationship. Ok, we cool? Neat.]
What this is not about.
This is not saying any call out of the impact of whiteness is being a meanie or wrong. It is frequently necessary to point out that the progressive left has been, historically, dominated by people whose ancestors spent long enough in Europe that they mutated to have less melanin. This means that collective problems like class or gender tend to be tackled in a way that most benefits people who look like me, or are male but look like me.
After a couple of centuries of this sort of a tiered activism, it’s pretty sensible to try to intersect all the things. We need to point out when the conversation is excluding segments of people effected by an issue, because not everything functions on trickle down liberty.
What this is about.
Gender is one of those things where you develop your own relationship to it. It’s externally imposed on you at birth based on your perceived sex, but the particulars are entirely cultural, with local tradition serving you up with whatever as far as colours, haircuts, etc... It is so *not* an obvious part of childhood physicality, that in the last century we developed a tradition of starting babies on their gender accessories from the first ultrasound, slapping a princess or a truck onto someone so cognitively gooey they still interact with the world primarily via autonomous sucking and gripping reflexes.
Whiteness is of course, mutable. It’s process of inclusion and exclusion, with successive generations deciding who gets in and out. Some groups have never been fully included, and some tend to be given slightly wibbly membership- eg if you are Jewish. Court cases in the US fought over whether Central Asian and Eastern European persons were white enough to immigrate or vote, and to this day any meaningful discussion about the experience of being black in the Americas will have some dumb bunny pipe up with “but the IRISH!”.
Nonetheless, much like how we have a hard time criticizing opposing politicians without calling them ugly, there’s a lot of stealth femme-phobia and gender policing and raw, ugly sexism that sneaks in with very valid efforts to prevent progressive things to be all about a particular perspective. I’m not tone policing, I’m calling it out because it is self-destructive.  Intersectionality works both ways- your feminism needs to take into account racism but your anti-racism (or economic equality activism) needs to take into account feminism.
1) Quit it with using “girl” on grownups you don’t like.
This is pretty much non-controversial feminism, you don’t call grown women *girls*. They can call themselves girls, and occasionally it’s used if you have an endearing intimate relationship with a person, but I promise if you are doing a general call out as a category “girl” has a very specific demeaning meaning and you bloody well know that.
Think of all the other words we try to shuffle out of invective discourse: faggot, retarded, the infamous n word which is so taboo we say it with the vowels blanked out or use it like I do by the first letter… Similarly girl is not ok. Be angry. Communicate passionately. Don’t use sexist language in your critiques.
2) Stop the coded anti-femaleness in your critiques of the norm.
Next up, I want to point out the much more complicated issue with anti-femme policing through associating the (gross, icky, ohno!) norm with being a white woman. We have a whole vocabulary for it- for example “basic”. It’s normal for a group of people who participate in a subculture that deliberately embraces the other to be suspicious of what they see as the in group… and yet…
The number of times I’ve seen someone apologizing for doing something dainty stereotyped but vaguely trendy, whether it be putting up fairy lights or taking selfies, is both sad and embarrassing. Progressive identified people never express the same shame over taking on masculine coded things as the knots I see people tie themselves in over being what they see as a typical woman.
All is not bad, of course. There is a small but powerful kernel of trying to expand acceptable male behavior by femme-ness and a celebration of alternative femme with bows and ruffles, but when it comes to talking about mainstream expressions of femaleness people get lazy and fall back on the sort of middle school cheerleaders are icky and dumb (and probably evil!).
This is misogyny we think is ok because of not-like-other-girls exceptionalism.
This is how all things female become seen as the cosmetic, frivolous extra. How textile arts and homecooking historically got treated as lowly. How small p, street level politics about specific things and emotional labour get dismissed as irrelevant.
We know this and we are supposed to acknowledge this. But put the progressive left in the presence of white women, and some of you bloody well start sounding like you are cribbing from angry MGTOWs and Redpilled weenies. Oh NO she took a selfie, how vapid/vain. She bought popular things, someone, somewhere STOP her. No, she bought the things I like, that’s even worse, she’s invading *my* space. She participated, god, what a phony. She didn’t participate, what a lazy collaborator with the other.
It’s not a perfect cavalcade of one sided hate. There are some things, like bragging about the non-violence of the Women’s March, which are explicitly embarrassing and depend on a very limited idea of how the world works and a million more examples like this.
But then there’s the casual sneaky stuff...
An old version of this is the blonde joke. These depend on the idea of a category of “dumb” women who behave in a way that you find contemptible sexually. Often these are racial or ethnic jokes with the names changed. They seem perfectly harmless, because they are supposedly punching up, but in telling them, you are, without thinking particularly hard about the underlying assumptions, perpetuating sexism.
It seems like it would be okay, because we are not that kind of femme/woman/whatever. We figure it’s clear we mean only the populars, the perfects or the normals. Muggles. Whatever. Sometimes a problem is wrapped up into a gendered assumption. But that huge umbrella of conventional femaleness belongs to everyone, and if you normalize throwing rocks specifically at the femaleness and not the problematic behaviour you are normalizing the (metaphoric) rocks.
Those rocks are also going to bounce off and hit non-white women, femme persons of any gender, and even bystanders who aren’t causing the problem that needs to be addressed. Target your critique. Make it as bold, hard and from the heart. We’re all gonna miss sometimes, so don’t waste too much sleep over this, but be aware that it’s easy to sneak sexism into activism.
In conclusion...
Of course this isn’t one of those things where the world ends if we don’t all scrub our discourse of anything impure. Pobody’s Nerfect, you are not bad. It ok. God forbid I insist you only open your mouth if you’ve had a five hour discourse on the impact of every syllable first.
But this thing of derailing into gender when you mean something else is a thing. 
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riting · 5 years
The Plumbing Tree by Medium Judith
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Sylvan Oswald on The Plumbing Tree
The queer family has a gas leak. A character named Miasma, the voice of the gas itself, narrates its encroaching occupation of what might be an ordinary household. But for Medium Judith, the collaborative experimental theater “host” entity of Amanda Horowitz and Bully Fae Collins, this oddball clan is under siege from within. This is the exhausted American Family Play as civic debacle – the kind in which poisoned water contaminates entire towns, and even air in some public housing is not safe to breathe. The queer theater of Medium Judith, posits that the family play itself may be unfit for consumption.
Polarized politics play out among the queer spawn of Celetta (Flannery Silva) in her pregnant-Orthodox-Jewish-matriarch drag. When the gender nonconforming Yves (Christiane Oyen) proposes a “dragabond” flag with “Islamic aesthetics” for the front lawn, his* sister Jodi, an androgynous nationalist in a pilgrim outfit (the subversively charming Julia Yerger), worries what the neighbors will think. As the argument ensues, the Homer Simpson-eque subletter Lars (Arne Gjelten) and neighbor Augustine (Elizabeth Sonenberg) weigh in. Jodi’s riposte is a shrine to female military veterans decoupaged onto a huge yellow ribbon. Yves fires back, planting his flag with such vigor that a pipe bursts, spewing septic ooze and vapors that put the family in a trance. “A character is best played in a less than conscious state,” intones Miasma as the existential front lawn drips with Shit. The Plumbing Tree is not just a battle over national/personal domestic politics, but over the soul of the well-made-play.
The latter may appear to be of less pressing urgency given our moment in history. However, the American Family Play has often functioned as a referendum on national shame. Whether the revelation is fraud, addiction, abuse, or beyond, our post-Freud playwrights have built structures that reveal the repressed. We can trace this from the likes of Arthur Miller and Lorraine Hansberry through newer plays like Paula Vogel’s And Baby Makes Seven (1993), Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins’s Appropriate (2013), Taylor Mac’s Hir (2014), and Jackie Sibblies-Drury’s Fairview (2018) (and many more – it’s a vast genre).
The Plumbing Tree critiques blind spots within the queer community, such as thinking of ourselves as part of “the solution,” to what ails society. If “perfection is for assholes,” as Taylor Mac says, then with our glorious deviance we hold a space of inclusion, acceptance, and process-as-constant. These are values queer folks ostensibly represent. Yet, Queer is no monolith. We cannot ignore that the white supremacy and institutional oppression that exist in society-at-large exist within our own communities – and our own non-profits as well. It’s all too easy to police the boundaries of otherness.
As the queer family onstage crawls over each other, out of their minds from Miasma’s attack, I saw one lost world inside another. But it didn’t feel like nostalgia. Medium Judith’s The Plumbing Tree ends with a rousing punk number. The cast wrinkles their noses, “and smells the audience as if they smell like shit.” We’re full of it. And it’s time to look it in the face.
*Medium Judith has informed me that the character Yves uses male pronouns while exploring transfemininity but does not yet formally identify that way.
Sylvan Oswald is an interdisciplinary artist who makes plays, texts, publications, and video. He is an Assistant Professor of Playwriting at UCLA’s School of Theater, Film & Television.
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Fiona Duncan on The Plumbing Tree
I suffer from claustrophobia in elevators, relationships, discourse, and media. The first act of The Plumbing Tree had right wing vlogging, trans and queer worship, uncouth men as the butt of jokes—hyper contemporary hot topics in the U.S. I was raised in Canada, and in the last 3 years, have come to appreciate how subtly different our nations are, as I witness my age and same ideals proclaiming peers here, in the States, mostly incapable so far, in their shares at least, of imagining true collective difference; their politics tend to be reactionary in content and form (loud, advertorial me meme forms), which is fair-ish re: content (the powers that be are powerful and awful! it's hard out here). But, what if: she who opposes force with counterforce reinforces that which she opposes and is formed by it. Anyway, I was happy when The Plumbing Tree devolved into collective shit, figuratively and figurally. Sewage burst from below the set of the house, like colonial, industrial, and patriarchal history is beyond haunting us now. The stage was brown and mucky and its character all got puke and mad sick from a stink indifferent to their differing identities and ideals.
I refuse to talk about shit with most anyone. I don’t find poo jokes funny. You should leave the room if you’re going to fart. It’s my one prudery; notorious, friends make fun of me for it. And yet I loved The Plumbing Tree’s shit brown metaphor and set, something about it not being just my shit, or your shit, or their shit, but so much shit, a world of shit, made it less cringeworthy, embarrassing, disgusting. This shit was even, refreshing.
Fiona Alison Duncan is an LA-based Can-American writer, bookseller, and organizer. She is the organizing host of Hard to Read, a monthly lit series, and Pillow Talk, community organizing on sex, love, and communication.
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Brian Getnick on The Plumbing Tree
For the last year and a half I’ve watched Amanda and Bully’s The Plumbing Tree grow at PAM, from an installation of sculptures and diagrams in the stairwell to public readings of the script and workshop productions of the play. At its recent debut at Highways Performance Space, The Plumbing Tree has blossomed and grown some very bitter fruit.
At Highways, the stage was littered with abstract brown assemblages, a quilted flag and an enormous yellow ribbon adorned with regiments of proud female soldiers. These objects are sculptures that pose as props. They don’t sit meekly in service of the plays narrative; their surfaces are worked with detailed, micro narratives of their own. And, because their material processes are explicit, they also function as psychological prosthetics of the characters that made them. The flag is meticulously quilted by non binary-artist Yves, the soldier ladies are crudely rendered in local color by Jodi, the neocon daughter.
I understood the cartoonishly frenzied energy of the performers as a way to grapple with the fact that the characters they played are more or less composites of ideological signs and symbols that Amanda and Bully have poetically strung together as a script. If one mistakes their competitions, attacks, and craft making with the complexity and paradoxical nature of being it is because we, in our daily rhythmic interface with social media, resemble them.
For instance, the mother, Celetta, wants only the signs and none of the burdens of motherhood: an engorged but hollow belly. Her children appeal to her dreamily as floating potentialities of her creative powers. Celetta: “I saw my children before they were born and they were smoke. And they could be anything.” Celetta resents that her actual children have abandoned their post inside the belly and are beside her warring for attention. In Act III, she pantomimes the agonies of birth to regain it.
When the language in The Plumbing Tree makes a shift away from parody and into a nearly autonomous materiality the characters release word torrents reminiscent of Asher Hartman and Reza Abdoh. This became most evident in the character Jodi, the Pilgrim hatted conservative. The polemics she espouses read like an Antifa passion play. Jodi: “Knock knock, who’s there?, Socialism, Socialism who? Socialism is a failed a system Shame on you America!” Then: “Fuck your faggot prophets. Here my hate has stewed me through. Prosper porridge, pungent forest sow and owl fertilize. Taste my musket, piggy squalor, measles mumps disease deceased repeat repent release your lands and logs in rolling throngs.” The language invites ecstatic interpretation, a song, a scream. It bursts through a  parody of conservative rants and goes down, flung from Jodi’s mouth, into a witch’s cauldron.
In the third act, the performers crawl, they attack, they sing and dance, they blow a cluster of rape whistles and begin a chant. I remembered this line: “An object named is a fish out of water” It seemed to point to what the authors want and don’t want from writing for theater. I spoke with Amanda about this sentence and her answer was (I paraphrase here): that to name a thing is to isolate it from the force that gives the thing movement, agency, breath, and life. But these artists don’t write in a breath of fresh air; it’s a gamey fart that erupts when a flag is staked in the yard breaking open a subterranean sewer. At this rupture, the voice of the fumes bellows forth and the inhabitants that have piled out of the house indulge in a collective hallucination. The shit smell is named Miasma: all powerful language unleashed from the body.
Brian Getnick is an artist, curator and writer about contemporary performance in Los Angeles. He is the director of PAM Residencies, a showcase and residency program for performers making long form work (30+ minutes). He is the founder and co-director with Tanya Rubbak of Native Strategies, a journal documenting performance art in LA since 2011.
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The Plumbing Tree happened at Highways on October 19 and 20, 2018.
Medium Judith is a host for an interdisciplinary methodology for writing experimental theater works. The company originated in 2012 in Baltimore, MD with works composed by Bully Fae Collins and Amanda Horowitz. 
Video stills by Pete Ohs.
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wotanwisdom-blog · 7 years
The Iron Tablet of Odin
"The IRON Tablet of ODIN-the book of White/Right Life": TOPICAL INDEX
White Survival Equation
Essential intro to The Luciferian Conspiracy
Jews-Who Are They?
Anti-Racism=Jewish Propaganda
Real Christianity[?]
Strategy 1: Spiritual
Strategy 2: Propaganda/Activist
Morning Routine
A Declaration of Independance from Jewish Tyranny
Expansions Routine
Strategy 3: Sexual
Traditionalist Philosophy: Doctrinal Synopsis
Strategy 4: Financial
4 Enemy Ideologies
Strategy 5: Social
Racial/ Sexual and typology table
Strategy 6: Topological
Poem: "When WE must live THEY must die"
the IRON TABLET OF ODIN: the book of white/right life "All Life is struggle"-Peace is Death
"Nature and nature's laws are the work of the creator. Therefore nature's laws are God's laws and the*first and highest law of nature is the preservation of one's own kind."-David Lane see other LOKI documents for amplification; ff..to be read chronologically; for symbols=see[KEY]ff. "Delenda Est Judaica"[Judaism must be destroyed]-Judaism is a HATE crime--RAHOWA- ‘racial holy war’ upon the jewish money power & their witless slaves('Shabbez Goyim')
WHITE SURVIVAL EQUATION: A [Identify Problem] + B [Formulate/Implement Solution]
A= no reality denial+cultural awareness+proper understanding of history+common sense+pragmatic mentality('by all means necessary')*(above)
B= i) Racial Loyalty(in-group altruism/inclusion)+ii) Target Enemies(out-group hostility/exclusion)
i)=educate/help others+pool resources+exclusive territory+group activities+self-development to fulfill the 14 WORDS:
"We Must Secure the Existence of Our People and a Future for White Children"-David Lane
ii)Prepare for RAHOWA: "Racial Holy War" and overcome the Enemy[JEWS]. Become AWARE of the
JEWISH SUPREMACIST EQUATION: A [Systemic Jewish White Homicide]+B [White Racial Suicide]=
C [White Genocide]= D [Jewish Supremacism]
A= J.O.G('Jewish Occupation Government')handouts to non-whites+discrimination in hiring+non-white immigration+forced assimilation+anti-white hate propaganda/falsified history
B= I) universalist/out-group altruism(towards non-whites via Judeo-Christianity/Liberalism-both Jewish psy-ops creating internal racism, ie.'white self-hate')+ii) faggotism/femi-nut-ism(pysops created by Jews to create internal sex war and destroy the white nuclear family/decrease the birth-rate)+iii) possessive individualism/egotism(solipsism-leading to white tribal fragmentation)+iv) internationalist communism/socialism/democracy (redistribution of fruits of ancestral labour to non-whites under the guise of 'equality'-an absurdity)
1st: Education to become aware of the problem(see below and reference sections)....
ESSENTIAL intro.to the JEWISH CONSPIRACY [Jews;Masons;Judeo-Christians;Liberals,etc].
---> wake-up: "88 Precepts"(solution to the conspiracy); "White Genocide Manifesto"(proof), David Lane; "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"(more proof);"Judaism Discovered", Michael Hoffman 2nd; "The Talmud Unmasked", reverend I.B.Pranaitis(both being analyses of Jewry's religion); "The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme – Inside the Rothschild Empire",Michael Collins Piper ; "Synagogue of Satan", Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (both being historical overviews of the conspiracy and proof it derives from the Babylonian Talmud);"What the Talmud Teaches", daat emet; "Jewish Ritual Murder - A Historical Investigation",Dr. Hellmut Schramm; "The International Jew - The World’s Foremost Problem", Henry Ford; all Creativity Movement books; "1,001 quotes by and about the Jews", Willie Martin;"The Morgenthau Plan:1944-1945", David Irving --->In the Jews' own words: "The Jewish Utopia",Rabbi Michael Higger('32); Maurice Samuel, "You Gentiles" ('24); Samuel Roth, "Jews Must Live"('34); Max Dimont, "The Indestructible Jews"('71); --->Racial Integration='Diversity'=code word for 'white genocide'via racial miscegenation (plans formulated by Jews/Zionists before non-white immigration to all white nations): Israel Zangwill, "The Melting Pot"(play about 'integration'-1910); Richard Coudenhove von Kalergi('Kalergi's plan for white genocide)"Practical Idealism"(1925); Israel Cohen, "A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century", 1912., in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957 ;"Germany Must Perish!", Theodore N Kaufman; Harold Rosenthal, "The Hidden Tyranny"
Jews' 'Religious' documents: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch(condensed babylonian Talmud)
Revisionist/real history:"Communism by the Backdoor"; "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told",(Dennis Wise); "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"(Masonic jewish connection)Yuri Lina;"Hellstorm"(Dresden fire bombing), Tom Goodrich;
holyhoax refutation: "Dr.Death"(Fred Leuchter),‘holocaust examination’, Dr.Frederick Toben;Ernst Zundel documentaries, eg."genocide by propaganda"
WW2 era:"Occult Forces"(jews & Masonry);"Jew Suss"(Jewish Social Influence);"The Eternal Jew"(documentary footage of Jews);"Triumph of the Will" audio files: see youtube; blogtalk radio; talkshoe radio (keywords: talmud; white nationalism; anti-white; white genocide; jewish supremacism,cultural marxism, etc.)
BOOKS: (racialism; historical revisionism; politics; bio-anthropology; esoterica etc.) sources: (free pdf doc.s): www.solargeneral.org (printed material): www.revisionisthistory.org (historical revisionism, a.k.a real history) www.ostarapublications.com (esoteric; bioanthropology[race];history) www.Noontidepress.com www.Invictusbooks.com www.third-reich-books.com(third reich original documents reprinted)
JEWS are a RACE(a matrilineal inbred ethnicity) ;JEWS are a RELIGION (based on RACIAL SUPREMACISM); JEWS FUNCTION as a RACE (they self-organize around the concept of `chosen people`);
JEWS are ALL of the above ...and below (traits):
HEAD: hair: widow's peak hairline; often dark, curly(could be any colour); often receding or bald[ing]; sparse ears: attached earlobes; low set ears; often protruding; 'rat/rodent-like'; larger, especially upper ear chin: weak; receding; low/slanting jaw: heavy; broad cheekbones/maxillae forehead: narrow; receding(acute angle when viewed in profile); abnormally low skull: brachycephalic eyebrows: arched; bushy eyes: almond/asiatic/'squinty' shaped nose: convex; 'hooked'; noticeable 'hump' in top portion; resembles a '6' in profile view; long and narrow; ancient 'Hittite'-style nose not 'semitic' face: long; thin; 'pinched'(narrow) eyes: 'lizard-like'; thick/fleshy eyelids; 'sleepy'; laterally drooping; 'pop' eyes(protruding laterally) eyelids(lower):'puffy' skull: occiput(back of head): flattened/high mouth: gaping; frog(slim/wide/pronounced); mouth opening larger than normal skin tone: 'corpse-like'; pasty; sallow; yellow
BODY: torso: elongated; 'reptilian' limbs: short relative to torso length
PSYCHO-SOCIAL BEHAVIORAL TRAITS: gaze: wary/piercing voice: high-pitched; often nasal; sometimes husky gait: shifty/uncertain; flighty gestures: moves hands when talking speech/tone: jabbering; nervous; aggressive; whiney odour: unpleasant; sweetish vibrations: 'dark'; negative; vampiric psychology: psychopathy; mendacity; surreptitious; obsessive-compulsive; neurotic
SOURCES: "How to recognize & Identify a Jew", John Doe Goy "The Racial Biology of the JEW", Baron Otmar von Vershuer, M.D `Race`, Dr.John.R.Baker(`74) `On the Physical Characteristics of the Jews`, John Beddoe Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London ,Vol. 1 (1861), pp. 222-237 "The Biological Jew", Eustace Mullins
"POWER and JUSTICE are synonyms"
"MIGHT is incarnated RIGHT and RIGHTs are metamorphosed MIGHTs"
LIBTARD-O-LOGY / LIBTARD-ISM (the religion of libtards, aka. 'liberals'...descendants of the christ-tards, a.k.a Judeo-Christians)
biological kin-group relations race-mixing/'race-less'ism'
gender/sex normality(biological basis) gender electivity
natural biological differences egalitarianism
objectivity subjectivity: "perception; 'truth'(lower case)
"fact/actuality established through belief; opinion; distorted
reason/intuition/lucid perception perception
egotism egotism(boundless/hedonism/passion) (will power under self-control)
reason/logic emotion law/order(logos) lawlessness/chaos
masculinity femininity
racism humanism/universalism
exclusivism inclusion
superhumanism/ubermenscheit subhumanism/untermenscheit
inhibition(even normal sexual expression) exhibitionism
self-discipline(‘greater jihad’) other discipline/punishment(‘lesser jihad’)
healthy expression of instincts polyamory/sodomy/BDSM
(eg.breeding/eugenics/nuclear family)
fascism communism
tellurian/uranian cthonic
supermundane mundane
Allfather Gaia
Kaivalya Ahimsa
Individualism Collectivism
autonomy external authority
tenets: -"the sanctification of miscegenation"(eg. Ethnocide/ethnosuicide)
-sexual liberation/pornographic sexualization
-rejection of 'monochrome' society
-suspicion of/hostility towards white natality
-barbarisation=adoption of "the behaviour, the gestures, and the talk of foreigners"(eg. ebonics; wigger culture)
-devirilization="the loss of qualities proper to virility: "physical courage; individual & collective pride; a sense of protecting women"
"Liberal Religion=secularized Judeo-Christianity/Christ-Insanity"=Luciferianism=Judaism for Gentiles/non-Jews
Holy Trinity:"pleasure principle'= 'Mother Mary'/'Holy Ghost' White Liberal = 'Jesus', the saviour 'Mother Gaia=Jehovah/God'
white liberal= tru believing Saviours of 'Humanitas,' the colored mass from the turd world
borrowings: "turn the other cheek"<--->non-violence/non-aggression principle
"all men are brothers"/"love thy neighbour as thyself"<--->"we are all one"
xenophilia="the immoderate & systematic love of the foreigner or the 'Other'"
ethnomasochism= "a hatred & shame of [self /own kin group] which gives...some sort of neurotic pleasure"*
verdict: liberalism=libtard-o-logy=secularized Christianity
Liberalism’s objective/ultima ratio: totalitarian globalism under the jew-controlled U.N; stifling all real individual liberty and creating an entropic control system leading to ‘peace’, eg. Stagnation and death; therefore peace=death [no life exists in a closed(control) system] as "all life[/vitality] is struggle"
References: Guillaume Faye "Sex and Deviance"*; O.T Gunnarrson "Hear the Cradle Song"
Libtard-ism/ Libtard-o-logy is the JEWISH PSYOP/Mind Control program for the lemming dumb[m]-asses; eg.communist party members and devolved race-mixed proletarians ref; "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"; Kalergi plan
AWAKE to the reality of this world historical epoch! DELENDA EST JUDAICA!"
Antidote to [false] Christianity: (see references section at end of document): Julius Evola("Ride the Tiger"; "Revolt against the modern world", etc.); Nietzsche("Beyond Good and Evil"; "The Antichrist", etc.); Ragnar Redbeard, "Might is Right"; David Lane, "Wotansvolk"; A.Rud.Mills, "Odinism"; Creativity Movement books("Nature’s Eternal Religion", etc.); "Cosmotheism", W.L.Pierce
cultivate--->WOTAN/Krishna/Christ CONCIOUSNESS
no 'LOVE'---> just 'LAW(SURVIVAL/the LIFE PRINCIPLE) (will to power//karma/dharma-cause and effect)
Ride the Tiger(suffering/endurance) /Theurgy(godhood)/Kaivalya(autonomy)-- not Ahimsa(absorption in 'God')
"self-discipline is a mark of a higher man"(Lane) MOTIVE:
14 WORDS: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children"
creativity: a) creedo: the "survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race"
b) golden rule: "what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue; what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin" MEANS:
a) "love and hate are two sides of the same coin"(hate enemies=militant activism)
b) a sound mind in a sound body
(mens sana in corpere sano)
in a sound society in a sound environment
[living in accordance with <your White> Nature and the sum total-tribe/earth/cosmos]
sound mind: no T.V[talmud.vision;(m)asses' media]; think/read/write/speak profoundly-concentrate->meditate->contemplate->create->repeat the cycle ad infinitum
"thought without action is sterile"('geistes korporlich'/'spiritual corporeal' praxis/action, eg. wise thought+prudent action)
sound body: exercise/rest/detox=yes; intox=no; lethargy/drudgery=no(work smarter)
sound society: white nationalist government based on eugenics
sound environment: ancestral living at a higher octave (‘archaefuturism’,Faye;' Radical Traditionalism', Evola, 'Blood and Soi'l, Darre)
c) "racial loyalty is the greatest of all honors"---> friends: white racists; ariosophists; white nationalists; Identity Christians; segregationists
d) "racial treason is the worst of all crimes"---> enemies: 'universalists' (unreachable lib-tards/christ-tards); jews; mudz
e)eugenics: "good breeding"<--->’malgenics’(bad breeding)
f) racial seperatism: keep away from racial aliens through avoidance behaviors/ potent threat of force when necessary
WOTANIST Existentialism:
Wotan/Odin='was'[who you were]
Donar/Thor='is'[who you are]
"become who you are"-Nietzsche
1)"creed of Iron"; "14 Words"; "88 Precepts", David Lane
2)"2083: a European Declaration of Independance", Anders Breivik
3)Creativity books "Little White Book";"White Man's Bible"; "Nature's Eternal Religion"
"Revolt against the Modern World";"Ride the Tiger", Evola
many activists have done the following acts. The writer does not necessarily condone such activity:
-(cf.Anders Breivik category list in his manifesto* for appropriate targets): maxims:
-all attention is good attention(P.T.Barnum) -maximum impact minimal words(slogans) -K.I.S.S(keep it simple simpleton) "the elements of sucessful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and brevity"- a picture says a thousand words -shock value is premium -covert ops(do it in the dark in disguise) niche marketing: ("the art of propaganda: from ivory tower to privy wall"-high brow to low brow) -target the proper demographic(match propaganda to the people group)
Purpose: poke the masonic beehive; pull the earlocks of shylocks: ordo ab chao Forms: -cyber terra-rism: mass emails/faxes (eg.computr v*ruses to mass print leaflets from offices/crash computer networks) -mail outs(to key people; possibly with chem/biological material, eg. 'rice-in'/'bot-u-lism') -stickers/leafletting(shock/impact value image+text+references-inside newspapers/books on bright colored adhesive/normal paper) -v*n-dalism(spray pa*nting slogans or with thick permanent marker) - arse-on/b*mb(offices :liberal political; immigration; social services; city hall; private homes of enemies -ass*sin-at-ion(mass or individual targets) -destr*ct-ion of infrastructure(power plants/grids; strategic economic targets) ;audience: quality over quantity(key people receptive to the message: enemies: those who must be treat-n'd/fram'd/expos'd/d*stroy'd in reputation or... friends: those who must be alerted to facts)* place: (leaflets/posters/stickers/paint) affluent white collar neighbourhoods(most influence; housing developments(notoriety)-usually unfriendly(eg. "kill whitey"; "white devil"graffiti); blue collar white worker areas-usually friendly (eg. "Jewish white genocide"leaflets; anti-immigration data, etc.)washrooms; elevators(inside doors) ;bumper of cars;stop/other signs (busiest/high publicity times in concealed areas vice versa unconcealed areas are best-guaranteed privacy; all low security facilities-markers/stickers to website sources/QR codes/memes); newspaper boxes/papers/poster boards; fine marker on money bills('debt notes') time of day/night: minimize exposure: depends on purpose; night=best if no security/police means:leaflets/flyers: drive through drops/no stops/end of driveways; /all forms:concealed areas /use nitrile/rubber gloves always assume YOU ARE ON CAMERA(surveillance); grey man strategy: disguise yourself (different times/different places/different appearance) Topics(from most to least significant): Jews(expose the #1 enemy-bankers/media/government influence→for the potentially receptive "(quasi/anti-liberal) bourgeois white collar" office slaves/blue collars Liberals(#2nd fiddle to the jews-their useful 'shabbez goyim'-femi-nuts; mudz; fagz; manginas; race traitors; white jesus’) White Survival(immigrants//mud on white crime stats/cases expose threats-muds and the above; statistics; positive propaganda focus) slogan examples:
WHITE NATIONALIST LEAFLETS/STICKERS/slogans---feel free to copy/paste/post use appropriate website or statistical data to give sources/proof 1)99% of the 1% is JEWISH [target: Jews] 2)PIONEERS not PARASITES! [issue: immigration] 3)who are THEY?[target: Jews: draw 6-pointed star of david around] 4)Abolish the EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT [quote stats] 5) "The Liberal Mind: The psychological consequences of political madness" Lyle.H.Rossiter, Jr., M.D(psychiatry) 6)SHHH! ....No Free Speech...[issue: hate speech/censorship, etc.] 7)WHITE PEOPLE=The Next Palestinians [issue: white genocide] 8)Canada's Future: South Africa [white genocide; show South African data of Boer Genocide under black rule] 9)EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT=WHITE HOMELESSNESS 10)WHITES=ENDANGERED SPECIES<6% world population>---SAVE THE WHITE RACE 11)RAPE-FUGEES or REFUGEES?[issue:false refugee crises] 12)HOLYHOAX DENIAL is a thought crime[issue: so-called holocaust] 13)IMMIGRATION=POPULATION REPLACEMENT[issue: immigration] 14)HATE SPEECH=TRUTH THE 1% HATES 15)THE BOYS IN BLUE SERVE THE JEW 16)WITH JEWS YOU LOSE 17)AROUND BLACKS NEVER RELAX 18)Anti-Semitism=anything the Jews hate 19) race-mixing=white genocide 20)Jews behind race-mixing 21) quotations from the talmud, eg. "Even the Best of the Gentiles Must be Killed" 22) Anti-Semitism= Everything the Jews don't like/ antisemites= anyone the Jews don't like
put them inside newspapers or magazines on colored paper or sticking them on prominent locations(bus shacks; signs; elevator doors; bathroom stalls,etc.) from sticker paper.copy and paste in multiple strip format using Microsoft word ->print->cut and distribute/place/stick up. Add website references and possibly QRcodes to the leaflets to appropriate contemporary/working sources and issues.Use testor's model paint or black permanent markers in clandestine areas(eg.bathrooms/cubicles, etc.). sources: *Anders Behring Breivik, "2083 - A European Declaration of Independance" ,strategy and tactics section, pp.938ff. For ‘traitor categories’; 940-975;1000-1030;1033-1055;1168-1175(tactics);his log:(sequence of events)1414-1470
WEBSITES: vnnforum.com whitenewsnow.com creativitymovement.net mightisright.net stormfront.org whitebiocentrism.com ironmarch.org odinist.com
MORNING V Evening(depending on convenience or schedule):~3hrs.wake:04/0500 pray:"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for WHITE children" --->tongue scrape->swish ‘u’; drink:a) ‘u’(250 ml.); b)ozonated H2O(carbon filtered well V dew water(300+ml) environs:(open windows iff.~toxic);fan(s);~ion/O3(30min.plasma/15min.O3)+light meditation:7 min.meditation(near infrared light/nude/face-sun+ yoga: corpse<--->zen-pose+specific mantra/mudra)-> sanitas/kriya:cold water:submerge face/head/arms/hands;+tongue/eye-kriya#1-charge toothbrush;warm ‘u’ in jar:preps:A)food(on alternate days);’u’#1: i)neti pot 'u'(4x250ml./1 side)-> ii)rub in eyes->eye kriya-> Workout#1:(see workout routine for details)zaryadka(~24min.)->◊trampoline(~5 1/2min.)->walk/cardio(25-35min.)+star/sun/moon ray exposure+earthing;*[workout below...]-> break-fast-M-0700-0900(conditions): audio(lectures/radio//politics:T/Th;philVhealth+ ◊epsom footbath(non bathdays)+near infrared light ◊brain entrainment(sound/ECS):Alpha/Theta-hz.+ (eg.5.0, 7.8, etc.) magnet chair+face sun(indirect eye exposure)->eat w/L-hand/sterling silver cutlery prayer::."We must secure the existence of our people and a future for WHITE children."----> read-passage(Φ, etc.)->eucharist: (eg."matter into spirit") oral sanitas:a)'u' rinse;b)baking soda+ brushV/& tooth sticks+rinse(1+min.)+c) oil pull(1+min)-> rinse MID-DAY:~8-9hrs.:~0800-1600[alter movement/anti-emf) M2-1200-1400 (see schedule) work/study+brain entrainment(Alpha)+kneel(from bookstand eye level/face Sun):stand[barefoot on spike sandals+pinhole glasses+yoga poses(see yoga routine)]->drink(2.5hrs. Post M1):H3O+'u'(250ml.ea.)
EVENING:~1.5-2.5hrs.1700-1930 sanitas:1)’u’#2:body massage; 2)exfoliate/wash:epsom-salt-bath(M/W/F)V(other)loofa:(periphery->heart+scalp-brush+massager)+3)massage(oil/abangya:1xhand: post bath,2x+vibration machine.1x/week+coronal discharge violet-ray)->4)(M/W/F):gum-stimulator;5)reflexology 6)nea-infrared heat lamp <>last-M3-17/1800(omit if possible) NIGHT:~1.5-2hrs.1930-21/2200 "options"(random order): daily: meditation:specific+entrainment(theta)+indigo/violet/+AVI write(30 min.):writings draw:diagrams,propaganda,etc;music:bongo/panpipe (workings) sleep:21/2200head magnetic North+magnetic mat+crystals+emf shielding+~ion+<>vaporizer WEEKEND:kaya-kulpa/quietism/reflexion/experiment/detox(nano silver/rf sweep/other);review notes *WORKOUT ROUTINE:zaryadka(a Ukranian term derived from Nicolai Amasov): 30 reps per ea. joint in natural plane of motion from head to feet: neck->spine->scapula/shoulders->elbows->hands/hip->knee->feet; rapid pace continuous throughout all joints: 7x/week; walk: 2x30min V 1x45min.-1hr./day; 5x/week: 2on1off3on1off V 5on2off pattern; brisk handsqueezers->trampoline(5+min.)->BWR: (med./wide)pull-ups<->pushups:3x20;15;10->broomstick twists/side rotations->2x20-30->pushups<->pull-ups(alt.)->hang/side-to-side(for time)->spinal twist->neck:supine/flexion->prone/extension:1x100->side/rotations(2x20;10)-><>weightless static squats at 90° or other angle for as long as necessary YOGA routine(+read V meditate): stand: arms behind back(◊ on spike sandals)<->hands over head(diamond pose)+mudras; sit/kneel: zen;folded;lying: supine: lotus(legs crossed); corpse(legs straight);prone: cat stretch(back arch)/superman Martial Arts: ad libitum
*symbols/acronyms[KEY]:◊=possibility(/'possibly');->:sequence:one-direction; '&'=conjunction/'and';~=approximationVnegation('negative';'not');□= necessity; <->(temporal/circumstantial)sequence:alternation;!=imperative/desired;iff:'if-and-only-if';03'='ozone';V=disjunction;pemf=pulsed electromagnetic field; subscript=reference to'expansions'doc; ECS=electro-cranial stimulation(devices);rf sweep=radio frequency sweep; PWO=post work-out; AVI=audio-visual entrainment;bwr=bodyweight-resistance(below);’u’=urine;BWO:bodyweight resistance*=emphasize;M/T/W/Th/F/Sat./Sun.=days of week; &=conjunction;M=meal/food; min.=minimum; O.E.D=Oxford English Dictionary; ‘7LS’(7 layers of security); ‘STC’(sapphire tablets of Ceres); ‘E’(equipment section of this document);’LS’(Loki Survival); ‘LHB’(Loki’s health book)
A Declaration of Independence from Jewish Tyranny(Ben Klassen, founder of the religion 'Creativity') Since a penetrating study of both contemporary and Ancient history has conclusively revealed the following situation: 1. The jewish race by choice has waged deadly, unrelenting warfare against us, the White Race, in order to destroy us. 2. The jewish people are banded together in a various racial, religious and political conspiracy to gain control of all the money, all the economic and financial resources, all the land and territory and real estate of the world, in short, its total wealth. 3. The jews have made it their primary goal to mongrelize, kill, decimate and otherwise destroy the White Race. 4. The jews are determined to enslave all the races of the world, including the final mongrelized product of the White Race that they intend bringing about. 5. The jews have in the past successfully and successively destroyed our White Racial ancestors, to name a few: the White Egyptians; the highly creative and gifted Greeks of Classical History; the great and noble Romans of ancient times. 6. The jewish conspiracy now owns, monopolizes, and/or controls the majority of the White Man’s industry, finances, educational facilities, news media, television networks, government, religion, and monopolizes all or nearly all instruments of thought control. 7. The White Race is now an occupied and enslaved people under the cruel heel of the jewish tyranny. Now, therefore, we CREATORS, in the name of all our White Racial Comrades throughout the world, proclaim this, our own Declaration of Independence. We hereby resolve that it is our sacred duty and holy obligation, not only to ourselves, but also to out noble ancestors that produced us, and our precious progeny who will follow us, to bring about a world situation in which we are determined: 1. To throw off the yoke of jewish tyranny and control. 2. To wrest control of the White Man’s destiny into the loyal and capable hands of our own people. 3. To eternally fight for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race. 4. To shrink our enemies, namely the jews and the other mud races, and expand the territory, the power and the number of our own White Racial Comrades. 5. To make it impossible for the jews and other mud races to ever again threaten the existence and well-being of the White Race. To this, our Declaration of Independence, we forever pledge our Lives, our Sacred Honor and our Religious Zeal.[LWB]
Expansions... (of previous routine-corresponds with sequence of actions)
[for further explanations see 'STC';’LHB’; ‘E’;’7LS’;’LS’-available upon request]
'wake:04/0500' optimal time according to natural biorythms-’living in accordance with nature’
'pray': select suitable prayer for time/place/situation/purpose, etc.;
'drink': H20[structured/shungite/magnetized/distilled](500ml.)=way in which water should be prepared; structured via/magnetized(cf 'walter last') opposite polarity in opposition around circumference of vessel held via copper/metal wire; vessel placed on top in center of magnetized ferrous metal surface(eg. Frying pan/plate etc.) amidst geometrical array of N35-N52 neodymium magnets(oct/hexagonal, etc.)/shungite stones: ~ion generating stone(s) placed in vessel preferably polished pyramidal structures with giza pyramid proportions(STC)/silver: silver bullion(.999 purity) placed in water to lend nanoparticles of silver for purification(pathogen/bacteria destruction)/carbon filtered well V dew= purest form of water;tolerable quantity post waking given subsequent quantity throughout morning routine
'environs': 'open all windows'-max.O2[detox/cellular function/vitality]; 'iff~toxic'='iff not toxic', eg. no chemicals, chemical spraying/chemtrails, insect ‘foggin’,etc.; lung cleansing/dilation time(traditional chinese medicine); 'fans'-circulate air';'~ion/O3-negative ion/plasma gas/ozone generator; run all simultaneously to destroy internal/external pathogens;negative ions neutralize positive; kills dust mites/pathogens/viruses;coronal discharge plasma gas destroys pathogens('STC');'STC'; timings for both ensure adequate effect; 'colored light'-induces certain mood states/vibrational frequencies in accordance with chromotherapy principles(see 'STC' 'color' section); green=balancing; red=stimulating
'meditation'-'7 min[utes]=# of completion; 'face-sun'(East)-boosts energy/harmonic resonance 'corpse<->zen'-alternate corpse&zen yoga poses; corpse pose increases magnetism via folding in on oneself; 'specific mantra/mudra'-self-explanatory(season/purpose/day/time); w/ tongue pressed to roof of mouth +nostril breathing as always=pineal activation; close and cross eyes focusing on point between/just above eyes(pineal);draws out toxins/facilitates liver detox/calms&relaxes;air bath/sweat/detox/minimizes external sensation(clothing);sympathetic correspondence w/Sol
'Sanitas'-'cold-water-hands/arms/face=wakeup/activate right hemisphere of brain/cold thermogenesis;'tongue scrape('E'&'STC')-eliminate mucous discharge & facilitate digestion through exposure of tastebuds to food for proper enzyme secretion;'tongue/eye kriya'-protrude tongue maximally while staring into colored light;kriya#1-eyes wide stare in light; kriya#2-balls of hands in eye sockets: push in<->suction(circulates lymph & blood) '/swish-u'-amaroli/shivambu; /'charge toothbrush'(if solar toothbrush)-activate titanium oxide rod in toothbrush=increase ions('E'); f)neti-u'neti pot amaroli/shivambu: purify mucous membranes via uric acid ;condition/strengthen teeth & squamous epithelium[skin] via amino acids/vitamins/minerals:fill neti pot+small cup;4x250ml. Per one side(alternate ea.day); fill eye dropper; tilt head: 'u' in;ears w/dropper in L[eft]x2<->R[ight]x2;drops in eyes->swirl eyes counter-clockwise/blink rapidly;'->' 'e' jar-fill jar w/ 'u' for 'e'(from nose via neti pot hanging head over jar); 'prep 'e':prepare coffee iff 2x 'e'/day or morning 'e'(STC-'basti');'Food'-prep all foods to finish by end of morning period(incl.cooking);
;morning-best for lighter/cardiovascular exercise; iff convenient;'zaryadka'/joint mobilization(STC-for specific sequence);trampoline='lymphasizing'exercise: moves lymph fluid around vessels for detox+blood circulation/muscle electrical activation via gravitational 'g' forces of bouncing; star/sun/moon gaze/ray exposure=expose eyes/skull/skin of body to stellar/lunar/solar radiation to maximum extent(eg.nude); ; expose eyes/skin/fontanels/temples/body to rays of celestial bodies to increase vitality/harmonize self w/ surounding environment;'dress'-all jewellery/clothing/accoutrements/paraphrenalia to correspond w/sum total/purpose[dates/times/alignments-cf.(esoteric astrology; chromotherapy; gems; stones; metals; magic correspondence table(s), etc.];'0700-0900'-break-fast optimal time; ;'conditions'-conditions under which to break-fast[M1] undergone(constant); no drinking w/meals(STC); 'audio(lectures/radio//politics:T/Th.;phil./health:other)-audio to accompany M1=information/learning:'politics'-minimal b/c stressor; 'philosophy./health'-other days as greater utility; 'epsom foothbath'(STC/'E')-'non-bath days' as epsom salt bath on these days; also keep feet clean/detoxed daily(nail beds/soles,etc.);'green-light'-creates balance/harmony; improve mood; induces relaxation/inner sight;far infrared light(STC;'E');'brain entrainment'-use of desired device in Beta hz.frequency(STC);'magnet chair'-(STC/'E');'face sun(indirect eye exposure)'-solar gaze=increased prana/vitality;'prayer'-appropriate to conditions/preferences;'-.read passage'of spiritual/philosophical work; :'eucharist'-"matter into spirit"=spiritualization of the material;
SANITAS-alkalizes mouth;;swish for 1 min. Post; swish oil->(STC); post M:(30min.ideal min.) relax; keep torso upright; stomach cleansing time(TCM-at this time of day)
approximately 8-9 hrs.('work' period by O.E.D definition);alter postures/move randomly according to purpose&general health(circulation of blood, etc.);anti-emf:minimize electromagnetic field exposure via special clothing/air exposure etc.('E';STC)
read(technical/practical works at this time)+brain entrainment(as during M1 adjusted to proper frequency/protocols, eg.7-8hz., for periods of 15 min. on, 10 min. off;35min., etc -depending on purpose.);'+kneel'(zen pose): bookstand elevated such that proper spinal alignment maintained(neutral spine);see previous
standing increases metabolic rate&bone mineral density via gravitational force&resistance thereto;self-discipline/control entrainment; hands/arms extended over head enable blood to flow/lymph to drain;don't drink until min. 2 hrs. post completion of meal; amaroli(STC);
exfoliation period; alternating loofa/scalp brush/massage w/ bath+exfoliating cloth days(STC);oil massage(abangya)=i)periphery->center w/hands->ii)vib.machine highest->iii)lowest setting->wipe off(1-2x/week);stimulate gums inside and out; toe twisting; guasha stone/ruby implement(reflexology); near infrared sauna dilates blood vessels & enables off-gasing of wastes via heat and activation of parasympathetic nervous system which relaxes the body
time dependant on hemispheric lateralization(90 min.max. activity)(left<->right brain))
as in morning conditions; theta w/ violet/indigo light V near infrared heat lamp on viscera
write:this doc./relata;philosophical letters;diary;draw: diagrams, blue prints,music:etc.;specific rthymns dependant on purpose;ibid.
sleep: head directed to magnetic North(use compass to arrange bed); use magnetic mat/tress('E'); (STC for blueprints); crystals[shungite; black tourmaline=~ions; others=metaphysical properties(STC)]
voluntary reclusion(STC);STC/;self-analysis(cheiromancy; astropsychology, etc.)/expansion/modification; detox; rf sweep; colloidal silver+other procedures
Martial Arts: striking(eg.ninjutsu/hung gar,etc.)+ throwing(eg.hapkido/aikido,etc.)+weapons:(eg.knife/baton/stick fighting)<-most appropriate for real life situations
Do not let the JEW KNOW that YOU KNOW-or even SUSPECT that YOU SUSPECT-WHO THEY ARE(ie.racial supremacist globalists[zionists] who wish to enslave all non-jews they PERMIT to live): BABYLONIAN TALMUD: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves. Babylonian Talmud, section: Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D
FOOD Rules:(see the book "Salubrious Living", "What to Eat and When", et.al, reference section) macronutrient ratio:Carbohydrates(~60-70%);Protein(12-15%); Fat(20-30%) of kcal.; most nutritional density per kcal./volume;some raw(minimal cellulose/starch) some cooked(other);in season;non-GMO;vary items to prevent allergies/cover nutritional requirements;energy expenditure/caloric requirements: carbohydrates=prefered energy source; beyond comfortable volume/digestability=+meal frequency& +fats Source:(survival):1)hunt/fish/forage;2)garden;3)conventional(eg.local farmers;grocery stores); List: Animal Products:(if necessary/ minimize)::1)eggs(free range poultry (soft boil V poach;fish eggs/roe;2)Meat(sear in pan/place in boiling water to destroy potentially harmful bacteria->grind raw in meat grinder; ie. Cook as little as possible); a)fish(small cold water fatty: sardines; sprats; mackerel; herring);b)offal(organ meat)liver(watch vitamin A toxicity); thymus;kidneys;heart c)ruminant:lamb/mutton; cow; game, etc).; );3) raw cheese(aged high milk fat(MF); preferably pasture/grass fed, no hormones, etc.);Vegetables(cook until soft to break up cellulose/dextrinize starch/facilitates digestion): 1)greens:*beet tops; *dandelions; *spinach;kale;flowers; 2)cruciferous:*broccoli;*cabbage;brussels sprouts, etc.; 4)roots: carrots;beets; squash;turnips; radishes; sweet potatoes 5)fatty:(non-essential)olive(minimize); 6)spice: turmeric;ginger; 7)herbs:*oregano; parsely;*rosemary Supplements:chelators/methylators(especially for emergencies such as radiation poisoning): *chlorella(10 gr./x powdered); edible clay(calcium montmorillonite-'terramin'; *zeolite-(1tsp./x); *activated charcoal(1tbsp./x); borax(1/8th tsp.);testosterone boosting herbs:(guggul;tribulus;shilajit);MSM(sulphur crystals)(1 tbsp./day max.); B12;zinc;beet powder; rosehip powder(vit.C); magnesium oxide; kelp Fruit: [boiled/soaked]dried(dates; apricots; figs); raw+fresh(mangos;bananas, etc.); citrus(lemon/lime in water;drink via glass straw/silicontube) --Starch:(hydrolyzed/caramelized/dextrinized=converted to sugar);~75-90 minutes@ 350 degrees@50 grams:1 cup ratio(dry grain:H20 depending on grain density);a)grass(*millet;*buckwheat;wild rice); b)roots:sweet potato;turnips c)grains[wheat(any variety);barley;rye;oats;rice(brown;black;red yeast); d)legume[red/yellow/brown split lentils/peas- smaller legumes=easier to digest;larger:turtle;navy;garbanzo=+more oligosaccharides as harder to digest] --Nuts/nut butter/’nutter’:(in shell; freeze to prevent rancidity)walnuts;almonds; peanuts Seeds:(store as above->grind)flax; hemp; chia; sesame;pumpkin food growing:chicken coup(eggs-:>meat); ruminant animals(if access to grassland=milk&meat); dandelion gardens; hydroponic gardening; sprouting seeds; conventional gardening(greenhouse preferred as minimal chemtrails/insecticides, etc.) principle of selection: most nutrients/calorie max volume(optimal): as little as possible while meeting all nutritional requirements Meal Plan examples: 3+M/day every 4-6 hours (3-4 hours post starch V protein meals 2 hrs. post fruit minimum)-within 6-10 hr. Window /24 hrs.max.variety /as vegan as possible; vegan meal plan example: 0700-0900(M1): a)dried fruit(300 gr.);V/& b)starch(100-150 gr.)+ veg(iff~fruit). 1100-1300(M2): repeat a) V b) above +ɸ-seed(1-2 oz.-remainder of cal.) /nut/nut butter(iff~fruit) 1600-1800(M3):a)◊legumes(100-150 gr.)+herb/spice+veg.&V b)+ ɸ-seed /nut/nut butter (2oz.-reminder of cal.): M3=optional(only if necessary for added calories)
no vegan meal plan example: M1=see above a) V b)M1; M2=repeat; M3=fatty animal protein source(eg. eggs V sardines, etc.(~20-30 gr.)+ greens; <>M4=fruit 4M/day every 3-4 hours(btw.); follow above/below rules and food combining and preparation rules minimum calories maximum nutrients-'caloro-nutrient dense foods'; space out calories evenly & when & to the extent energy needed adhere to ideal food combining rules: 1) with starchless vegtables: starch V animal products V nuts/oil seed; 2) fruit (by itself); 3)starch+fruit=barely tolerable; 4)starch/fruit+protein/fat=worst
recommended items(min.): 1x animal protein; 1xnut/seed; 1x1-2fruit; <>1xstarchVlegumes
water fasts (in cases of sickness, etc.)
preparation techniques: starch: 50gr./100gr. dry weight:1/2x250ml. H20: @ 350°x 80-90 minutes; in tightly sealed glass bakeware or enamel cookware dried fruit: submerge in H20--->bring to boil--->drain H20(save all water for plants, cooking, etc.)
long-term storage: 1)pickling(submerge cooked food in salt+water; store in airtight buckets in cool area) lasts 6 months minimum
a)eggs: boil->place in vinegar/water(peel)- b) vegetables: grate/chop finely->add 1 tbsp salt: 5 lbs.-> kneed w/ hands squeezing juice out->pack tightly/seal in airtight glass lidded/rubber sealed mason jars for minimum 3 weeks in cool area before consumption; lasts 1/2year minimum 2)waxing cheese: dip hard cheeses completely in wax V brush; let harden->store in cool area; 3)solar/sun drying/salting meat 4)grain preservation: air tight, mylar bags stored in plastic buckets(prevents mold aggragation/growth)
SEXUAL STRATEGY: how to get a decent woman...
target: receptive women(those who display receptive behavioral traits/body language) avoid: the '4C's: complain; criticize; control; compete-avoid feminuts function: companion(soulmate); serve you/your goals(helpmate); children(mother) and home(housewife) 'kinder, kirchen, kochen'(children, the church, and the kitchen) -Hitler your function: guide/protector/provider good female traits: trust/modesty/grace/innocence[?]/serenity/tenderness/patience/love 'matronly virtues' reference: Andelin,・Men of Steel and Velvet・; poem: woman is a battle voluntarily waged/a beast who shares one's bed/a curse and a blessing/a necessary evil/a survival machine-an incubator of posterity/a black widow who ensnares the hearts of men/a praying mantis who castrates her accomplice/ a lover-fighter a fighter-lover/ a cruel millstone around one's neck-she weighs upon the mind/ the motivation of heros/ A mystery whose unconcealment often begets-disappointment/A fools' quest/ the folly of youth/ a vanity mirror/ the mother of war/"a bridge to the superman"
-celibacy over profligacy; sex magick over beastial coupling; no ejaculation outside of conception: "inseminate the cerebrum, cerebrate the semen"-->malkuth to keter; references: Mantak Chia books; "Eros and the Mysteries of Love"; "The Yoga of Power", Julius Evola
TRADITIONALIST PHILOSOPHY DOCTRINAL SYNOPSIS: "Serving a higher purpose as a link in the chain of ancestry"---> "Without heritage no posterity" n o posterity=no progress/evolution; no evolution-no dynaism/vitality; no dynamism/vitality=stasis/peace=death/entropy no borders=no identity; no identity=no liberty/no self-determination; no identity/self-determination=slavery; no borders=universalist imperialism=global prison borders=Identitarian Dominionism=global liberation artificial MULTI-CULT('integration')=MONO-CULT via transmutation of the Real into the Ideal/fake organic MULTI-CULT('seperation')=MULTI-CULT via preservation of the Real in the Ideal— as above so below dynaism/struggle=life; MULTI-CULT=life; MONO-CULT (rainbow reality)=death valueless values: all that glitters is gold[mammon-ism]; turning the genetic gold of ancestry into the lead of liberal democracy
false MULTI-CULT=MONO-CULT=raceless-ism=no diversity/dynamism but unity/static state= entropy=death= closed system tomb=LIBTARD-O-OGY/false idealism/'MODERNITY' coward/false conciousness/hypocrisy=ignorance of reality/causality=karma
RADICAL TRADITIONALISM/ARCHAEO-FUTURISM=Truth/honest conciousness=cognition/facing reality=Dharma
INEQUALITY DOCTRINE: "The might of the lion supercedes the right of the lamb" "shear the sheep with the lion's paw-slaughter with the maw"
EQUALITY= to lie in a clover patch with only lambs-leads to mass starvation through over-population if everyone has a crumb of the loaf then everyone starves
"the pig philosophy of libtard-democracy" "living in a sheep's pen leaves one rather penned-in-a fetid pit of shit-such is the mass man"(dumb-o-cracy) "the happy sheep love to bleat-democracy, equality, community" "the happy wolf loves to bolt-mutton, blood and bone" "Rousseau's dream: a clover patch of mattoids wrapped inthte lily-white linen of a mental institution-call it society's prole uniform-the garb of the contented pasture animal" "If everyone is one then everyone is dumb- no discourse exists in an echo chamber; the clamber falls on deaf ears"
merchant class pig philosophy/formula of bourgeois contentment/egotism="I do/be/have/this/that"-possession and position, status; money and pleasures of the flesh
formula of Aristocrats of the Soul=Self-sacrifice/Heroism('ego-transcedning ego by ego'/imminent transcendance)= Aristocratic Idealism
Always rent never pay off principal of mortgages as amortization reduces value of property over time and this wastes liquid assets(ie. ‘money’) that could be used to generate more of the same via sounder investments. Only buy property without mortgages when all necessaries in multiple are obtained - Pay minimal down payment/interest.
-No ‘citizen’ owns realty[ie.land/buildings attached to the land(‘fixtures’)] only the Crown does. Property tax nullifies ownership. Therefore you always rent never own real estate.
Investment Principles: -Chattels(tangible/negotiable/material goods/assets) trump intangible assets always barter over bonds stockpiles over stock markets fish don’t swim with sharks and survive -pool resources(the Amish principle, principle of collectives, etc.) -necessity(ie.food;water;shelter;chattels-tools,etc.) over vanity(shiny things)
(wealth is always that which builds the soul----eg. status=ego boost=self-reflexive empowerment=positing of oneself as a self; material goods=means for expression of the self and binding oneself to others for self-recognition and further ego-boost, etc.)
Race is everything. In order to survive and prosper, the White Race must overcome its main enemies: 1)judeo-Christianity, 2)Communism, 3)Liberalism and 4)[civic]Nationalism; WHY?: answer: all of the above are jewish psyops to mind control the gentiles(non-jews), encouraging them to uphold interests counter to non-jewish survival: TALMUD:"On the house of the non-Jew one looks as on the fold of cattle." - Tosefta,Erebin,1 ...and eventually to exterminate the gentiles....: TALMUD: Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10.(Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai): ob shebe goyyim harog ("Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed"). The above 4 religious ideologies purport to be inclusive("we the people") but they are exclusive("we the [jewish] peope"- as the jew's religion teaches them they are the only humans on earth and all others are 'GOYIM', ie.'animals'). All of these psyops(judeo-Christ-Insanity; Common-ism; Libtard-ism; civic[raceless]nationalism) constitute "universalist imperialism", hegemonic discourses, dominionist globalist religious creeds.: 1)Christ-Insanity=suicide religion('turn the other cheek'; 'judge thee not', etc.)+universalism; 'judeos'(Judeo-Christians) think they are in power but->JEWS rule them via mind control; judeos worship the JEWS as the master race(Jesus the JEW; the chosen people of god, etc.); JEWS are 'victims'-'enslaved' in Egypt and 'captive; in babylon, Rome, etc. by the 'evil' white people...they are 'saviours' of 'humanity'... 2)Libtard-ism=ibid.(see 'Libtard-o-logy document for proof that liberalism=neo-Christ-Insanity & leads to the same result); libtards think they rule but->JEWS rule them via mind control; libtards worship the JEWS as the intellectual/moral elite(Einstein;Freud;Marx;Freidan); JEWS are 'victims' persecuted in Europe and burnt up in the 'holyhoax' by the 'evil' White people...they are 'saviours' of 'humanity'... 3)Common-ism=another universalist lowest common denominator ideology; 'proletarianism'; proles worship the JEWS as the intellectual/moral elite(Marx;lenin;trotsky;Luxembourg,etc.); JEWS are 'victims' of 'evil' White Capitalists...they are 'saviours' of 'humanity' 4)[civic/raceless] Nationalism="the state is everything and everything in the state"=statism; all within the state('citizens') are 'equal' by virtue of their citizenship. 'citizens' worship the JEWS as intellectual leaders/statesmen(NEOcons/Libtards(chomsky/klein/alinsky)/green party activists/cuckservatives, etc.). JEWS are victims as above in whatever way suits the situation(pragmatically). The White people are of course 'evil' and the 'enemy as in the above cases. "Left[wing]-Right[wing]-Left-Right"two legs of the hiddden tyranny marching through parliamentarianism/sectarian nationalism. Another Jewish illusion disseminated in their Masses' Media/ack-a-dumb-ik/indoctrination system. SOLUTION: Ethno-Nationalism(BLOOD and SOIL; a given race in a given place exclusively!)ultimately under WHITE dominion MEANS: the threat of potent force which implies a willingness and ability to carry it out.
part 1: form networks with fellow whites based upon traditional practices/useful activity (camping; martial arts; debate/social organizations) Do NOT disclose racial views except when certain Others support them-fellow White Nationalists 'Friendlies' Be as PRUDENT as possible in concealing them in company of uncertain parties=potential enemies
part 2: 'How to rebut idiots':
"in every department of life the lesser force must be overthrown by the greater" -Might is Right the following comes in the form of questions and related answers:
?:questions people ask with intentions to dominate/one-up/compete/stroke their egos/virtue-signal/questioner/other interlocutor/opponent A=answer[er]/[rebuttal/'shut-up'/'come-back'/'flip-off'/semi-legitimate/vague response/conversation- enders]
questions?: "What do you do"--->A: i)Live; ii)businessman--->?:"what kind"-->a)my own; b)the secret kind; c)[semi-legitimate]freelance writer/journalist/researcher-->?: "what kind/who do you write for"--->A:various publications; ?"what kind"--->A:technical/functional systems/machines;?:what kind->A: its complicated...a specialized field-you wouldn’t understand.."->?:try me->A: "I’d rather not" d)property manager; e)personal trainer/health care professional->?: what kind:->A:the healthy kind; f)I’m a facilitator->?: what kind->A: I facilitate people in minding their own business; g)raise awareness
?:"What do you do for work"--->A: i) expend energy/produce effort--->?: "what kind"/"How's that--->A:i) good effort; ii)through force ?:"what do you mean/say: what I say/mean ?:"where do you live"--->A: i)around--->?:"where?"--->A: i)hither and yon; ii)here and there;iii) in the good area->?: where specifically->A: in a privaleged minority area; iv) in a zionist/jewish prison; v) away from busybodies; vi) in hell-what about you/where do you live- heaven? ?:"what's your job?"---> A:piece-work--->"what kind specifically"--->i)bits n' pieces; ii)little ones and big ?:"how much money do you make/have?"---> A: i)none, because money is an abstraction, ie. nothing, therefore I have none; ii)you can't make/don't have money---> ?:"how's that/why?"---> A: refer to i) above for response
?: " I have a house"---> A: no/no you don't-->?"how's that/why?"--->A: because the crown owns all the property in Canada therefore you don't have it/one
?: rude monkey comment:?: are you/do you/what about you->A: are you a racist monkey/coon who hates whites/are you anti-white ;?: " I'm not a racist---> A: no just/you're a race traitor; ii)neither am I/ I'm a species-ist; ?: "racist!"---> A: I'd better/rather be a racist than a race traitor[like you]; ii)neither am I/ I'm a species-ist; ?: "I'm not an/are you an anti-semite[?]"---> A: i)I am a semite--->?: "how's that"---> A: I am related to Shem--->?:"how's that"---> A: Shem was a white man; ii) are you a jewish supremacist; iii)everything is antisemitic->why?->A: because the Jews want to exterminate all non-jewish people on earth; iv) A: "there’s non anti-semitism without Semitism" ;?: "we all bleed the same blood/bleed red"->A: "so do dogs and kitty cats"; ii) if they’re human I’m Superhuman; If I’m Human they’re sub-human;?: "there is no race/their is only the human race"--->i) A: proove it; race is sub-species of homo sapiens sapiens therefore ‘human’ cannot be a race; ii)there is no human race"; iii) A: define ‘human’ ; ?: "sexist!"---> A: i)sexpot; ii)indubitably ;?: "pig!"---> A: sow; ?: "white supremacist!"---> A: i) jewish/black/female supremacist; ii)indeed;iii) a supreme being; ?:"we are all one"---> A: i)one what/why not 2, 3, 4....n; ii)’we’ don’t exist/there is no ‘we’ ;?: "peace/love"---> A: i)A:"All life is struggle-Peace is Death"; ii)graves/corpses are peaceful-do you want to live in a grave?---ii) all life is struggle-peace is anti-life/death>?:"hows that"---> A(ff. ii) above): you might wind up in/as one one day given the[circumtances that will follow from your politics,etc.] ;?:[bragging...][I want to...]"help people[mudz,etc.]'---> A: i)you are the liberal Jesus of Suburbia; ii)who are you to help anyone ; ?:ref."democracy"---> A: i)democracy is communism by the back door---> ?:"hows that"---> A: mob rule by the lowest common denominator/rule over the mob by the ill-lite; ii) hypocrisy ;?:ref."victims"---> A:i) there are no innocents in this world
debate strategy continued: answer a question with a question; best defence=attack; watch for traps/bait(eg. Buzz words/race baiting)
"You are nothing your FOLK is everything"-Hitler
Bi-Pedal Biological[‘racial’) Typology table:
kind type of energy
ARYAN: mentoid
MONGOL: electronic/kenic
NEGRO: electronic
1)Kind;2)type;3)mind;4)mental mode;5)mental type;6)action;7)relationship;8)destiny
Sexual typology table:
1)sex2)age/mind3)positive aspect/higher octave; 4)negative aspect/lower octave
1)Female:2)i)maiden3)devoted lover/companion4)fornicator/harlot
2)ii)mother3)care-giver; self-sacrificer4)aborticidist/deadbeat
2)iii)crone3)wise woman4)senile cupon collector/troublemaker
1)Male:2)i)boy3)rebel with a cause4)obtuse juvenile delinquent
2)ii)man3)benevolant/just leader[Hitler/Mussolini]4)lascivious despot[sardanapolus]
3)iii)old man3)philosopher/wiseman4)greedy miser/vindictive/spiteful
TOPOLOGICAL STRATEGY (Spaces): safety deposit box(if no adequate hiding place)-recommend no reliance on banks mass transit storage facility apartment(cheapest/cash only/minimal paper trail)-in least violent/most white areas luggage gym(w/BWR apparatus/cardio equip.+shower/washroom/potential social services-poor discount available from YMCAs) public internet source(library-public; school; cafes; 'hotspots')) underground parking(sleep in van) "To be RIGHT is to be NATURAL to be NATURAL is to be RIGHT" -MIGHT is RIGHT Transport: Transport/mobile living space: B.O.V#1: ‘Shopping cart carry-all’-(largest=best; walmart/ikea) in case of homelessness (see diagram following): pull on chain via bike using part of rear of other bike frame(cut with metal blade hack saw & mount ball-hitch or chain to cart attached via padlocks &/ V carabiners; or use hacksawed rear portion of other bike)-expandable mesh pieces to seal goods inside wired/welded onto body(have cut/ordered to spec by metal shop); cover with tarp to minimize notoriety; -lock bike to cart & fixture when not in use-keep in sight if possible B.O.V#2: (dark/black color mountain/hybrid) bike: carrier/pull trailer; front/rear baskets; panniers(removeable; solid composite tires;bike(mountain V hybrid);+high security chain(thick boron steel);+high security padlock(thick shrouded boron shackle) B.O.V#3:vehicle:propane/biodiesel cargo V conversion Van V pickup truck w/ truck camper+ ◊small pull/utilty/livestock/travel trailer+roof storage compartment(least necessary goods-necewssary goods priority:1st: inside vehicle; 2nd:inside pull tailer; 3rd:exterior eg.roof or under carriage); type: most generic(eg. Dark/black color w/ blocked windows&/V tinted)+disguised travel trailer: blocked/covered windows+painted over accessories:tire boots on tires; club(s) on wheel; metal mesh/security film on windows;+tarp;+motion sensor lights; car alarm; dogs chained to vehicle undecarriage if not in ‘stealth mode’ ; padlocks+hasps screwed into doors #4-shipping container/seacan house(see diagram attached)"The Secure Home"; "The High Security Shelter" Skousen,; (semi-mobile)/moveable on transport truck with winch,etc.):location: near potable water source(fish/drinking/washing); farms owned by neighbours(fellow Whites); within forest/mountains(wild game; kindling; plants); 1 hr. Minimum drive from any city over 100k population; put on vacant land away from notoriety if possible; consult with local municipalities re. Bylaws; put on others’ land as ‘accessory building’/’detached garage’, if not permitted on own land cost to manufacture/move: under 20k (use local contractors for welding/cutting doors/windows; carpentry, etc.to reduce costs); buy container from shipping/construction company & have shipped to land; features: doors: reinforced steel door/frame(fitted with tightly packed small gravel)+heavy duty hinges & high security deadbolts-elevateed from ground in case of flood; windows: polycarbonate plates/kevlar film-put over thermal windows in exterior mounted/welded frame(with removeable padlocks) features: roof/rain water collection system(H2O source); compost toilet(sanitation); woodstove/solar panels/wind turbine/solar V biodiesel generators+ barels of restaurant grease(heat); 'minihouse on wheels' alternative option if climate & legalities permit [sub]urban survival hunting: (in event of extreme hardship) squirrels; rabbits; pigeons; large birds; dogs; cats time: early morning or night: 2300-0500 hrs.) method/equipment: (urban populous region) rat traps w/bait; snares; other traps;projectiles: dart/blowgun;high powered BB guns(rifle/handgun)+lead shot(heavier, more accurate); burlap sack; skinning knife/bone saw) place: parks; greenspaces; alcoves where birds live, etc. Source of food: walmart/box stores(see internet: "how to get food from walmart,eg.)-watch for undercover security aka ‘loss prevention’("loss prevention techniques"to circumvent-internet) [sub]urban stealth camper living: parking/sleeping places(alternate on an even-day cycle(# of places: eg.6;8; 4;10)on an odd-day week(7) to avoid detection-alternate/vary cycle of places to decrease probability of detection: mall/box store parking lots;industrial districts; highway rest areas; dirt roads; apt. Complexes; auto repair shop; hospital; motel; truck stop; parks; 24 hr. Gym; church heat: (insulated interior&windows w/styrofoam &/V electric space heaters(iff. Electricity); generator; solar; also closed cell spray foam 2"+ around interior) sanitation: compost toilet;port-a-potty; alcohol wipes(hands) &/V water(bedey-preferable) cooking: (inside): coleman stove&pot; (outside) fire barrel+tinder+grills+dutch oven)
Whatever is NECESSARY is GOOD Whats GOOD for the WHITE race is the highest VIRTUE Whats BAD for the WHITE race is the ultimate SIN
RAHOWA is a cosmic war against between the children of light(Aryans) against the children of darkness(Jews/Mudz) for the "survival, expansion and advancement of the WHITE race and the WHITE race alone" because"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children".-14 words, David Lane
"It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit shall rise form the grave and the world will know that I was right"-Hitler
REFERENCES (italics=essential;!=2nd best;*=very significant) Best source=solargenral.org; SURVIVAL "Methods of Longterm Underground Storage", William Nelson; "Secrets of Lockpicking", Steven hampton; "The Construction of Secret Hiding Places", Carles Robinson; ""The Poor Man’s James Bond, v.1-3"; , Kurt Saxon; "Improvised Munitions Handbook", TM 31-710(dept. Of Army US);"be your own bodyguard", peaceful paths; "crossbows", hoffman; "the sling:for sport and survival", cliff savage; "Hitman: a manual for independant contractors"; *"dim mak death point striking", erle montague; "Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies", Jack Luger(interrogation endurance); "Techniques of the professional pick pocket", William Yeager; "Magician's Arsenal", paladin press;*"The modern identity changer", Sheldon charrett; "edible and poisonous mushrooms of the world";*"Injurious plants"; "Food and nutritional toxicology"; "Codes, ciphers and secret writing", Martin Gardner; "Knots and splices handbook", Charles Gibson; !*"LDS preparedness manual"(survivalist manual); "Map reading and land navigation"; "Electronics for dummies"; "Home canning in 12 short lessons"; "How to freeze-foods";"Where there is no doctor";"Handbook for volunteers of the IRA";"The-High_Security_Shelter",Skousen; !"The Poisoner’s Handbook",Desert Press; "Civil War 2", Thomas Chittum MIND "The Judeo-Christian[/liberal] "other world" is as unreal as an LSD trip."{LWB} "The Brain Washing Manual",L.Ron.Hubbard; "The power of persuasion: how we're bought and sold", Robert Levine, Ph.d; *"The 48 Laws of power", Robert Green(an example of jewish psychology); "Mind Control 101: how to influence the thoughts and emotions of other without their knowing or caring";"Perfected Mind Control" Dantalion Jones; *"How the illuminati create a total, undetectable, mind controlled slave"; "Deeper insights into the illuminati formula", Fritz Springmeier; "In the Palaces of memory",George Johnson; "The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion",Warren; "We know what you want: how they change your mind",Howard;-"Age-of-Persuasion:-the-use-and-abuse-of propaganda",Aronson/Pratkanis;"Nudge",Thaler;D.N.Walton,!"Informal Fallacies"; writings on argumentation/informal logic NOVELS: William.L.Pierce,"The Turner Diaries"; "Hunter";David Lane,*"K.D.Rebel"; O.T.Gunnarsson, !"hear the Cradle Song"; "Serpent's Walk", Randolph.D.Calverhall HEALTH : "Think of yourself as a golden link in the endless chain of your Race" {LWB} "salubrious living"(Creativity); Arnold Ehret, !"mucousless diet healing system"; "rational fasting"; !*"Sapphire Tablets of Ceres"(LOKI); !*"LOKI's Health Book"(LOKI); "Guide to urine therapy", Coen Van der kroon; "The water of life: a treatise on urine therapy", John.W.Armstrong('71);"The Starch Solutoin", John Mcdougall; *"What to Eat and When", Stanley Clark, FRS;* "Nutrition and physical degeneration", Weston.A.Price; "Super joints:Russian longevity secrets for pain free movement, maximum mobility and flexible strength",Pavel Tsatsouline; " *"Practical lessons in yoga", Sri Swami Sivananda; ""The orgone accumulator handbook", James Demeo; Bob Beck: "microcurrent therapy"; "Guide to using the Beck protocol"; "Occult influences in health and disease"; "mood modification with elf"; Mantak Chia: "Awakening healing energy through the tao"('83); David Hooper:"The colloidal silver handbook"(e-book); Thomas Valone:"Bioelectromagnetic healing, its history and a rationale for its use"; George Lahkovsky:"The secret of life"; Samael Aun Weor: "Treatise on occult medicine and practical magic"; *Theos Bernard:"Hatha Yoga"; *Goswani Kriyananda:"The spiritual science of Kriya Yoga"; "Chromotherapy", Stanley Burroughs; "Magnet Therapy", Walter Last; ; *"Timeless Secrets of health and rejuvenation", Andreas Moritz;"encyclopeadia-of-weightlifitng",Dreschler;"Supertraining",Verkhoshansky; "Murder by Injection",Eustace-Mullins;-*"Eugenics", Richard Lynne PHILOSOPHY "Don't be a Passive Spectator: Become a MILITANT ACTIVIST in the WHITE RACIAL REVOLUTION-Ideology without ACTION is sterile" "Might is Right", Ragnar Redbeard; Frierdrich Nietzsche works(translated by Anthony Ludovici or H.L.Mencken only);The 21 brotherhood of light courses; AMORC courses; *William Walker Atkinson books: yoga; mental influence, etc, eg.: "self-healing by thought force; "suggestion and auto-suggestion"; "Mind power: the laws of dynamic mentation"; H.Spencer Lewis: "self mastery and fate with the cycles of life"; Edred Throsson: "a handbook of esoteric runology"; "Northern Magic"; Max Heindal: "The message of the stars"; epictetus: " The handbook"; Seneca: "de ira"; *"de beneficiis"; *"Theozoology";"A Practical empirical handbook of ariosophic astrology", *Jorg Lans von Liebenfels; "The secret of the runes";*"The Religion of the Ario-Germanic folk in its esoteric and exoteric aspects", Guido von List; "Idols against Thule",Landig; "Rune-Magic",Kummer;"God-making",Henry;"The-Lion-Path",Muses;!*"Creed-of-Iron",Mcvan; "esoteric astrology", Alan Leo;Esle Christiansen,"An Intro. To Odinism"; *"The Call of Our Ancient Nordic Religion", A.Rud.Mills; !"The Myth of the 20th Centurty", Alfred Rosenberg; Leadbeater,"clairvoyance";"Man:visible and inveisible"; Thomas Burgoyne,"The light of Egypt";Schwaller de Lubicz,"Sacred science: the king of pharonic theocracy"; Bailey,"esoteric astrology";Oken,"Alan Oken's complete astrology"; Judith Hill,"Medical Astrology: a guide to planetary pathology"; H.F.K.Gunther,*"The Racial Elements of European History"; *Evola,"Revolt against the modern world"; "The universal science of sacred symbols", Guenon; "Secrets of the Siddhas",Swami Muktananda; "Wheels of Life",Judith; "The gnostics and their remains",C.W.King; "Secret teachings of All Ages";"Lost keys of Freemasonry",M.P.Hall; *"Morals and Dogma",Pike; "Emergence of the Mystical",Clausen; "Mystic Mystery",J.D.Buck; "And the Truth shall st you Free",Icke; *"The Odinist Religion",A.Rud.Mills; *"The Biocentric Worldview",Ludwig Klages; !*"Wotan's Folk"Lane;"The-growing-manifesto-of-Freemasonry",Arnold-Leese; Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked by Monsignor George F. Dillon ; !The Passing of the Great Race ,Madison Grant ; Race Life of the Aryan Peoples by Joseph P. Widney ;This Time the World by George Lincoln Rockwell ; !Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin - A Dialogue Between A Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler And Me, Dietrich Eckhart; !Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-1944 - His Private Conversations ;* Jewish Ritual Murder - A Historical Investigation (Dr. Hellmut Schramm); Origins Of Christianity (Revilo P. Oliver); "Atlantis, Edda and Bible", Hermann Wieland; "The Complete Armanen & The Untold Story of The 55 club" POLITICS="RAHOWA: The White Man's total RAcial HOly WAr is our answer to the jewish war-of-extermination-against-the-White-Race". Silent weapons for quiet wars; Global 200 report; *Agenda 21; "The next million years", Carol Quigley; *"The Liberal Mind", Lyle Rossiter, MD; Martin's annual criminal code; Brzyinski,"The Technotronic Era"; *"Government-by-Deception:-Psychopolitics-in-South.Africa",Jan-Lamprecht ; *"Mystery Babylon: those who-reign-supreme",-Michael-Collins-Piper;"Beyond-Human-Rights",Alain-de-Benoist; "Revolution and how to do it", Kai Murrous; Dr.Kenneth Hilborn books: "In the Cause of the West: Thoughts on the Past, Present and Future of a Threatened Civilization"; " Nightmares and a Dream: A Story of Future Threats to Western Liberty & How Liberty Might Win"; " The Quest for "Equality": From Robespierre to Rae and Beyond - How an  Unattainable Ideal Has Threatened Freedom"; " The Cult of the Victim: Leftist Ideology in the 90s"; " Liberty Under Attack: Crimes, Follies & Lunacies That Threaten Our Freedoms"; " The Sins of the "Liberal" Left: Myths, Misdeeds, and Misconceptions";"Immigration: Parliament Versus the People", Doug Collins;"Immigration: Where Canada's Forefathers Stood",Alex Greer; "Immigration and the Welfare State in Canada: Growing Conflicts, Constructive Solutions",Dr. Herbert Grubel ;" Immigration and the End of Self-Government",Louis Tuttle March;" The Effects of Mass Migration on Canadian Living Standards & Society", ed. Herbert Grubel.;"The Truth About Immigration: Exposing the Economic and Humanitarian  Myths",Mike Taylor;" Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State, 2011", Herbert Grubel and Patrick Grady ; "The Myth of German Villainy", Benton Bradberry; "A Straight look at the 2nd world war", Willis Carto; "The Camp of the Saints", Jean Raspail; Otto Rahn,"Crusade against the grail"; "Lucifer’s Court"; Carl Schmitt,"political Theology"; Giovanni Gentile,"Genesis & Structure of Society"; "National Socilism: the biological worldview", Riis-Knudsen HOLYHOAX: "The Leuchter Reports-critical edition", Fred Leuchter; "The Myth of the 6 Million", Hoggan; "Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden";"The Morgenthau Plan 1944-1945";"Hitler's War, Millennium Edition", David Iriving JEWS (Solar General.com for free pdf); "The jew is the root of all evil"; "The White Race will either overcome the jew or cease to exist" "1,001 quotes by and about the Jews", Willie Martin!* *"The racial biology of the jews", Baron otmar von vershuer; *"The moral and intellectual diversity of races"/"on the inequality of human races", De Gobineau; "The octopus", Elizabeth Dilling('4);, "The jewish religion: its influence today"; "The plot against Christianity"; Captain William Morgan, "The Mysteries of Freemasonry"; Inquire within, *"The trail of the serpent";*"The cain satanic seedline" Bertrand Comparet(Christian Identity); The nation of islam, !*"The secret relationship between blacks and jews"; Henry ford,!*"The international jew"; Sir Richard Burton, "The jew, the gypsy and el islam"; Eustace Mullins, "The curse of canaan"; *"The world order"; !*"The biological jew"; !*Protocols of the elders of zion; Lady Queensborough,*"Occult Theocracy"; Nesta Webster, "Secret society and subversive movements"('24); Arnold Leese, *"My irrelevent defence: meditations inside gaol and out on Jewish ritual murder"('38); Rabbi Michael Higger, *"The jewish utopia"('32); Hellmut Schramm, "Jewish ritual murder: a historical investigation"; *Andrew carrington hitchcock, "Synagogue of satan"; *"the jew as criminal"; "bolshevism is jewish"; "mein kampf", hitler; "imperium", francis parker yockey; Michael. A.Hoffman:*"judaism discovered"; "Judiasm's strange gods"; "secret societies and psychological warfare" ;!*"Kitzur Shulchan Aruch"(condensed Babylonian Talmud); *"Examining the Book of Esther", Harrel Rhome; Elizabeth Dilling,"The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today"; Maurice Samuel, *"You Gentiles"; *"Zohar"; Texxe Marrs,"Conpiracy of The 6-Pointed Star"; "Mullins' New History of the Jew"; "The Curse of Canaan"; David Duke "My Awakening"; Henry Ford, "The International Jew"; Revilo.P.Oliver,!*"The Jewish Strategy"; J.Keller & Hanns Andersen,*"The Jew as Criminal"; Don Heddesheimer,"The First Holocaust"; George Lincoln Rockwell,*"White Power"; "In Hoc Signo Vinces"; William L Pierce,"The Turner Diaries"; Hunter"; Christopher Jon Bjerknes,*"The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians"; "The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein"; Anthony C Sutton,"Wall st. & The Bolshevik Revolution"; Vicomte Leon de Poncins,"Freemasonry & Judaism: Secret Powers behind Revolution; !*"How to Recognize and Identify a Jew", John Doe Goy; "The Jewish Method ofCattle Slaughter";"Bolshevism is Jewish", "Psychology of the Jews", Arnold Leese; "What the Talmud Teaches", Daat Emet;"The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme – Inside the Rothschild Empire",Michael Collins Piper;"The Two Babylons"; The Jews and their Lies, Luther; The Traditions of the Jews , Johannes Eisenmenger; The Conquest of the World by the Jews , Millingen; The Original Mr. Jacobs: A Startling Exposé ,Timayenis;* The Talmud Unmasked , I.B.Pranaitis; !The Handbook of the Jewish Question ,Fritsch; The Non-Jewish Jew, Deutscher; Jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1723-1939 ,Katz; Chosen People from the Caucasus: Jewish Origins, Delusions, Deceptions and Historical Role in the Slave Trade, Genocide and Cultural Colonization, Bradley; Two Hundred Years Together , Solzhenitsyn; "The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice", Willie Martin;! The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination , Andrew Carrington Hitchocock; The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice by Willie Martin ; The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler by James Larratt Battersby; The Jew a Negro by Arthur Talmage Abernethy ; "The Jewish Question" by Goldwin Smith ; The Myth of the Six Million (Anonymous) later attributed to David Hoggan ; Dupes of Judah by William Dudley Pelley; The Enemy of Europe by Francis Parker Yockey: !The Original Mr. Jacobs: A Startling Exposé by Telemachus Thomas Timayenis ; "Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939", Katz; "The handbook of the Jewish Question", Fritsch; *"The Secret World Governemtn-or the Hidden Hand", Count Cherep Spiridovich;"The Jews and Their Lies",Luther; "The conquest of the World by Jews", Millingen; "Chinese Communism, Chinese Jews"; Bielsky;"Jewish Domination of Dark Races"; "Jewish Fifth Column in Islam", Bakony;"What is Judaism", Bakony"1001Quotes By And About Jews;66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust;The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry,Lt. Col. Jack" Mohr;The International Jew - The World’s Foremost Problem (Henry Ford);The Leuchter Reports;The Myth Of The Six Million (Prof. David L. Hoggan); White Activism/Identity: ! Ben Klassen: "Nature's Eternal Religion"; !*"White Man's Bible"; "Rahowa: This Planet is All Ours"; !*"The Little White Book"[LWB](compilation of creativity doctrine);! David Lane,*"The White Genocide Manifesto"; "Wotan's Folk";!*"88 precepts"; "Deceived, Damned and Defiant"; Wilmot Robertson,"Dispossessed Majority"; third-reich-books.com(original books from Nazi germany); "Misplaced Compassion", David Lane; "2083: a European Declaration of Independance", Anders Breivik; "They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of White in Early America", by Michael A. Hoffman:"Paleo-American Ethnic Diversity", Billy Roper; "The Religion of the Teutons", P,D.Chantepie de la Saussaye; "The Galdrabok: An Icelandic Grimoire", Edred Thorsson; Elder Futhark(Rune Book);* The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man; The Rising Tide Of Color(Lothrop Stoddard); Biology: Richard Lynn,"Race Differences in Intelligence"; Herbert Eugene Walter,"Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Genetics"; J.P.Rushton,"Is Race a Valid Taxonomic Construct"; "Race and Politics: a Counterblast to the Masonic teaching of Universal brotherhood", ; "race Myths from the Extreme Left",Arnold Leese; "White Identity: Racial Conciousness in the 21st Century",Jared Taylor; "Race, Genetics & Society: Scientific and Social Policy Implications of Racial Differences" Glayde Whitney Ph.D.;"Race and the American Prospect: Essays on the Racial Realities",Samuel Francis; "Race, Evolution and Behavior",J. Philippe Rushton.;"Heredity and Humanity: Race, Eugenics and Modern Science",Dr. Roger  Pearson;"; "H.F.K.Gunther,"The Racial Elemnts of European History"; Richard Lynn,"Race Differences in Intelligence"; Herbert Eugene Walter,"Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Genetics"; J.P.Rushton,"Is Race a Valid Taxonomic Construct"; The Biology of the Race Problem by W. C. George; The Blood of the Nation: A Study of the Decay of Races through the Survival of the Unfit by David Starr Jordan;The Negro a Beast or In the Image of God by Charles Carroll ;Take your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization by Theodore G. Bilbo; Eugenical News, Volume 1, by American Eugenics Society Eugenical News, The Journal of Heredity, Volume 5, by American Genetic Association ;Race, Evolution Behavior (Prof. J. Philippe Rushton;The Myth Of Diversity (Jared Taylor); "Classical Roman writers on Race-Mixing in Rome"(pdf); "favored races: eugenic manifesto"; "Races of Ancient Egypt"; "The Myth of Diversity; Richard Lynn: "Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations"; Alfred Ploetz,!"Racial Hygiene Basics"; "Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss,"Race and Soul"; Alexis Carrel,"Man, The Unknown"
Real Environmentalism: Jorian Jenks: "Spring Comes Again"; "The Living Soul"; "From the Ground Up"; "The Stuff Man's Made of"; !Richard Walther Darre,"A New Aristocracy based on Blood and Soil"; "The Peasantry as Life Force of the Nordic Race"; Rudolph Steiner books
"7 LAYERS OF SECURITY" (cf. diagram in STC-for security of person & extended spheres of property/places ) LOKI: "Sapphire Tablets of Ceres"; "Loki's Health Book 1 & 2"; "LOKI's ETHICS 1 & 2"; LOKI survival; "Writings from the Belly of the Beast
WEBSITES (http://www."[below text]....." use: URLs only instead of search engine to gain better access to sites(possible censorship)
solargeneral.org!* * (documents)
firstlightforum.wordpress.com (documents; news) revisionists.com (historical revisionism)
*whitereference.blogspot.ca ! (reference documents) ("Little White Book"-synopsis of Creativity) andrecarringtonhitchcock.com (Christian Identity) eurocanadian.ca/ (Canadian metapolitical/news)
FORUMS:(discussion and information source):
stormfront.org arktos.com (Traditionalist/metapolitical books)
occidental quarterly;
ihr.org(institute for historical review)theoccidentalobserver.net/
nsm88records.com (third reich book reprints+merch)
stormfront.org (forum)
christogenea.org (Christian Identity) renegadebroadcasting.com/hosts/kyle-hunt/
whitenewsnow.com (news)
ihr.org (institute for historical review)
!*southafricaproject.info/wordpress1/ rense.com/general86/talmd.htm (talmud quotations)
!* third-reich-books.com (original document reprints)
creativityholybooks.wordpress.com/ (Creativity)
safrpsa.org/ (South Africa project)
redice.tv/ (Swedish metapolitical venue)
threeworldwars.com/prepare/ (Pike's letter to Mazzini)
historyreviewed.info/Home.php (news-Jan Lamprecht)
solargeneral.org/library/ (free pdfs of essential works)
juliusevola.net/textarchive.html (Evola writings)
renseradio.com/ (News)
!* jewishracism.blogspot.ca/ (Christopher Jon Bjerknes)
revisionisthistory.org/ (Michael A Hoffman 3rd)
controversyofzion.info/Jewish%20Utopia/Jewish_Utopia_index.htm (Rabbi Higger's"Jewish Utopia")
natall.com/radio-network/ (National Alliance Radio)
creativitymovement.net/important-message-from-matt-hale-regarding-his-books/ (Creativity)
theendofzion.com/natures-eternal-religion-by-ben-klassen-book-and-audiobook/ (Creativity)
creativitymovementtoronto.blogspot.ca/ (Creativity)
immigrationwatchcanada.org/ (Canadian Immigration statistics)
metapedia.org (white nationalist wikipedia)
darkmoon.me (racial paganism) talmudunmasked.com (babylonian talmud) expeltheparasite.com (Christian Identity) infostormer.com
white-history.com bannednews.net (news-Jan Lamprecht) canadianfreespeech.com (Paul Fromm organization)
canadafirst.net *paulfromm.com (Canadian White activist) eurofolkradio.com/ davidlane1488.com/88precepts.pdf ("88 precepts",Lane) davidlane1488.com/14wordsdecoded.html wnf-canada.blogspot.ca/
freematthale.net/ (political prisoner)
natparty.com/ (Canadian Political Party)
en.metapedia.org/wiki/List_of_articles_by_William_L._Pierce_(part_one) (William L Pierce free audio lectures and writings)
www.elliotlakenews.wordpress.com (Ontario Canada White Nationalist news blog)
rense.com/general86/talmd.htm (TALMUD quotations)
fpp.co.uk(David Irving)
canadianfreespeech.com (Paul Fromm)c canadafirst.net paulfromm.com (Canadian free speech/white nationalist activist)
Book Publishers:
renaissance press; blackhouse publishing.com; historical review press; washington summit publishers; wrermodandwermod.com; revisionisthistory.org; arktos.com; ostarapublications.com; noontidepress.com; invictusbooks.com; third-reich-books.com
ytube channels:
the london forum;renegade broadcasting;herr nordstrom;rediceradio;Andy Greatstory;History Reviewed Channel;Downtown White Police;NPI/Radix;Daily RAHOWA; Nacionalista Blanco del SoCal;Herr Nordstrom; Brian Ruhe;mark collett;alt right andy;O.R.I.O.N;redice.tv;euro folk radio
Christian Identity: Deuteronomy 7:6: "...for thou art an holy people unto Yahweh thy God...above all people that are on the face of the earth"
Arnold Kennedy: christianidentityministries.com/kennedy.html:
"anti-semitism"(real menaing); "Balaam’s Doctrine-what is it?"(anti-misegneation/[species]/’race’-mixing); "Could the Modern Jew’s be Israel?"(false claimants); "Jesus was not Jewish"; "’liberty’-is it freedom to sin"(libtard-ism vs.God’s law);"preconditioned churches-Schofield style"(biblical distortion by Schofield); "Racism is not Idolatry"; "The biblical race and culture"(anti-egalitarianism); "’salvation’, redemption’ and similar words"(their real meaning); "the gathering of Israel"; "The genetic code & the book of life"(same thing?); "The heirs of Jacob Israel";
Pastor Sheldon Emry: "We beleive"; "Heirs of the Promise"(Adam’s Heritage); "Bible Law on Money"(usury is sin); "The Old Jerusalem is not the new Jerusalem"(its America); "Who are Israelites?"; "The 7 Sins of Canaan"; "The marks of Israel"(Israel and Esau contrasted-who are the real israelites?);
Colonel William P Gale: "Faith of our fathers";
Bertand L Comparet: "The Cain satanic seedline";
Audio(sermons): Dr.Wesley Swift; Colonel Jack Mohr;Colonel William P Gale; Pastor Bertrand L Comparet; Pastor Sheldon Emry; Pastor Richard Butler: sources: see above/below websites; Noah Fredericks: "The Pilgrim Ships" series(ytube) !*christianidentityministries.com (C.I sermons and writings) !*israelelect.com (C.I sermons and writings)
!*kingidentity.com (C.I references + course) !thechristianidentityforum.net(C.I) !* ensignmessage.com/IsraelitesinSA.html (C.I) israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/BILLYE-4%20%5BA%5D.htm (C.I) britam.org/white.html (Christian Idenity; "C.I") expeltheparasite.com (Christian Identity); christogenea.org (Christian Identity)
STUFF to have (+"The 16 Commandments of CREATIVITY"C.O.T.C)
precept#73(david Lane’s ‘88 precepts’): Materialism leads men to seek artificial status through wealth or property. True social status comes from service to family, Race and Nation.
for additional information on equipment purpose&use: see'STC'specific sections/ adhere to NOAH principle: 2x2; see 'survival maxims'); sources: online; thrift stores; auctions; garage sales; commerical businesses
#1. It is the avowed duty and holy responsibility of each generation to assure and secure for all time the existence of the White Race upon the face of this planet(personal/community through potent force,eg.firearms/munitions/communications)
MAGIK STUFF prayer/meditation-mat:: i)wool(magnetic resonance/piezoelectric effect) ii)orgonite blanket(above)layering of organic/inorganic materials(eg.carbon steel wool &wool) iii)yoga mat(bamboo reeds/wicker/natural material);
#2. Be fruitful and multiply. Do your part in helping to populate the world with your own kind. It is our sacred goal to populate the lands of this earth with White people exclusively(women&men=conceive and raise children; 3 each minimum starting in the early 20s) ~ION generator: purifies air, reduces inflammation/DOR(deadly orgone energy); Plasma gas/Ozone generator: purifies air, kills pathogens, increases oxygen/ozone in liquid/water, internal body purification. Oxygen singlet in O3 breaks off and binds to pathgoens, etc. destroying them via redox reactions;
#3. Remember that the inferior colored races are our deadly enemies, and that the most dangerous of all is the Jewish race. It is our immediate objective to relentlessly expand the White Race, and keep shrinking our enemies.("cut off all dealings with mudz and jews"-avoid/undermine; shut out/shun) Chromotherapy color light: swathes or bulbs: activates correspondent chakras via sympathetic vibration-see 'color' section;
#4. The guiding principle of all your actions shall be:What is best for the White Race?--- Dress: right/appropriate clothes/adornments for purpose/season/astro alignment/days of week/occasion in accordance with sympathetic magik(see.'colors';'gems';other sections) --
#5. You shall keep your race pure. Pollution of the White Race is a heinous crime against Nature and against your own race. (no race mixing-violation of Nature(Gaia)/God(yahweh) and His Creation Brain entrainment: Use: induce states of conciousness/cetrtain brain waves for neural remodelling of axonal connections/synapses, mood states,blood electrification,induce development of synapses/modifies brain architecture/pre-frontal cortical conditioning/activation; induces trance states, enables remote viewing/psi abilities) etc. via electrical, sonic &V visual means: A)electro-cranial device(small handheld-least expensive; typically direct transcranial or direct body connection via electrodes)); B)RF(radio-frequency generator-typically most expensive) C)Cymatics:[sound generator-polyrythmic music, eg. baroque(harpsichord/other), sitar, dulcimer, complex drumming /drum machines(synthesizers)
#6. Your first loyalty belongs to the White Race.(others before self not vice versa) Magnets: increase voltage/boost energy field; anti-inflammatory if ~polarity of magnet used;see appropriate section of STC): A) Magnet chair: folding metal chair with magnets underneath seat, preferably with wool blanket on top(piezoelectric effect). B)Magnetic bed(see STC for blueprints); C)magnetized food/drink plates/containers;D) 'mag-zinger' (proprietary device)copper+zinc metal rods+gold-plated neodymium sphere magnets placed in opposition with silicon tubing to hold together in circumferential/donut shape ring. Used to boost testosterone/increase blood supply'
#7. Show preferential treatment in business dealings with members of your own race. Phase out all dealings with Jews as soon as possible. Do not employ niggers or other coloreds. Have social contacts only with members of your own racial family.(exclusivism-no inclusion) Red heat lamp/near-infrared sauna[red bulb/colored light swathe):draws toxins out of body; induces sweating; initiates liver detox via sympathetic resonance of vibrational frequency(red); use during daytime from waking taper off as night approaches
#8. Destroy and banish all Jewish thought and influence from society. Work hard to bring about a White world as soon as possible.(no talmud-vision;no anti-white media/literature) -- Amber/orange low blue lights: reduces hormonal/mood altering blue light; use wrap around glasses(uvex); bulbs; computer screens(color film) 'Violet ray machine'/hand-held high frequency eletrotherapy instrument: calms nerves; analgesic; localized sterilization; exfoliation; destroys cancerous moles/tumours; accelerates blood circulation; increases tissue cellular metabolism; anti-wrinkle; stimulates lymphatic drainage; breaks up calcification; use on: joints; muscles;blood vessels;blemishes;
#9. Work and Creativity are our genius. We regard work as a noble pursuit and our willingness to work as a blessing to our race.(self-pride through good works) Crystals(see 'stones';'gems';crystals',etc. STC): A)jewels: around neck(pendant); wrists(braceelets); on body(brooches, etc.). B)environment(under/over/around): bed/bath/electronic equipment etc.).C) food/water Use: activates chakras; brings in energy; amplifies morphogenic field/energy body; improves resonance/integrity of self,structures water; facilitates growth, etc.
#10. Decide in early youth that during your lifetime you will make at least one major lasting contribution to the White Race. Musical instruments: A)bongo: induces trance states/altered states of conciousness; activates/depresses metabolism,etc.; improves mind/body integrity through sound wave generation through mechanical exertion; B)pan-pipe: as above+ trains breathing techniques/lung capacity
#11. Uphold the honor of your race at all time.(be exemplary)
Anti-EMF: use: buffer/shield electromagnetic fields to prevent mind control via cell towers/electrical grid/HAARP, etc.; Forms:A) clothing/fabric(typically silver fibre interwoven with nylonVbambooVcotton material. hats;trenchcoats;gloves;socks;facemasks;etc; B)shielding paint for dwellings/other structures. Also Shungite stones&black tourmaline are useful for this purpose as well as having ~ionic properties for anti-inflammatory function. --Vaporizer: increases H2O in atmosphere;clears sinuses; amplifies O2 facilitates respiration -- Handheld Vibration machine:use: post application of oil to facilitate purpose: increases blood/lymph flow/muscle electrical activity; breaks up calcification/adipose tisue; increase We must make this part of our religious conviction: it is better to die fighting for our race, for our White Race, than to surrender to the enemies of our race; it is much better to die a hero, than live a coward and a slave.(.No concessions to enemies. )
#12. It is our duty and our privilege to further Nature’s plan by striving towards the advancement and improvement of our future generations.(eugenics over malgenics& parental abandonment/negligence) Drinking vessel:i)glass(preferably dark-pyrex for energy absorption/minimizing breakage/heating in oven) ii)crystal(iff~lead content)iii)sterling silver pitcher/cup(antimicrobial,sterilization,etc.:see STC); additional items in vessel:i)shungite[giza pyramid dimensions](~ions/piezoelectric/black absorbs surrounding energy b/c absence of light->STC);ii)silver bullion .999(above);iii)magnet[ization]: place vessel on magnetized ferrous metal plate/pan,etc.(eg.cast-iron), magnetized by a)high gauss N43-N52 neodymium magnets in b)sacred geometrical array(eg.hex/oct-agonal circle, etc.)depending on purpose c)placing opposite polarity in opposition on plate &V around vessel via elastics/string(eg.silk, cotton depending on purpose) of certain color, <>electrified via battery extending from copper wire or placed in flowing water;
#13. You shall honor, protect and venerate the sanctity of the family unit, and hold it sacred. It is the present link in the long golden chain of our White Race. (nuclear family is patristic; ultimate prudent decision-making with the Father in consultation with His Wife) purification methods(priority sequence): 1)distilled(make own distiller-STC); 2)R.O.S(reverse osmosis);avoid all alkaline/structured water;smaller dinking vessels: ~250ml.+pyrex glass containers w/ larger to fit over and serve as dust cover/fridge storage/minimize breakage;
#14. Throughout your life you shall faithfully uphold our pivotal creed of Blood, Soil and Honor. Practice it diligently, for it is the heart of our faith. [Blut(Blood) & Boden(Soil)-Richard Walther Darre] Tongue scraper: purpose: clean residue from tongue; enables optimal secretion of digestive enzymes through exposure of tastebuds to chemicals in food; preferably sterling silver cutlery/wire or silicon implement
#15. As a proud member of the White Race, think and act positively, be courageous, confident and aggressive. Utilize constructively your creative ability. Toothbrush: Soladey titanium dioxide rod w/solar panel (generates ~ions that break up bacteria when activated by light via solar panel & via ionic rod coming into contact W/ saliva); Miswack sticks an alternative to brushing with above
#16. We, the Racial Comrades of the White Race, are determined to regain complete and unconditional control of our own destiny.(global dominion) Neti pot: eliminates mucous in sinuses; earwax in ears especially uric acid in 'u'(see STC) 'e'jar: collect 'u' for 'e'; 1.5L size w/ larger basin to cover(STC) Footbath: generates vibration/heat; use w/ magnesium sulfate(epsom salts) to extricate internal toxins via soles/increase magnesium for anti-inflammatory/nutritional status Spiky reflexology sandals('spikes'): preferably wood or iron sandal soles w/ cross patterns cut in to create 'spikes'; enables soles of feet to breath/sweat for detox; activates reflexology points; improves mind/body integrity Gravity-fed enema bag: 1.5L minimum; colon cleansing/administration of liquid for retention enemas Sterling silver[flatware/cutlery/plates/pitchers, etc.]: see above + barter item in emergency colloidal silver:anti pathogenic/microbial/bactericidal nano particles of .999 silver generated via electrical current into .999 silver bullion V wire via alligator clips Exfoliation: purpose: removal of skin cells to allow pores to respire/sweat for detoxification of body/moving lymph fluid around lymph vessels via mechanical pressure: A) cloth(bodyshop-fine nylon/sissel fibre cloth); B)loofa(marine plant segment used as brush); C)Scalp brush(stiff boar bristle brush; D) scalp massage brush( wooden round tipped bristles for stimulating scalp/blood/lymph flow Gum stimulator(M/W/F): builds gum tissue through irritation of gums; initiation of growth response; anchors teeth in mouth; reduces gingivitis; Pyrex glass straw(pipette/silicon tubing): purpose: avoid enamel damage from fruit juice/acids
Hate is as constructive an emotion as love, and hate and love go together 2 sides of the same coin)
EXERCISE STUFF: "The further one gets away from nature the further he departs from right" Pinhole glasses: strengthens eye muscles; reduces brightness enabling inner sight Trampoline: moves lymph around body/lympg vessels/exercises internal organs via g-forces generated through impact; builds immunity thereby; also detoxification; proprioception(b ody position awareness)/balance; preferably square shaped as less foot eversion/potential damage; --Broomstick: ~10-20lbs.(preferably 10 lbs. for average person)/4-6'long/1"dia.wide; purpose: spinal exercise(erector spinal;spinal muscles; inervertebral discs-go at a controlled smooth pace not too vigorous and always keeping trunk miuscle tight; twist spine back and forth<->side to side 20-30 reps each --Hand squeezers: A) multi-spring old school spring squeezer;purpose: strengthens 'closed fist grip'; milks veins of arms;moves lymph/blood around body; encrease electrical activity in hands;B)spring-squeezer(v-shaped/single spring)purpose: trains hand in diffferent, awkward way-not recommended; Pull/chin-up bar/playground equipment: straight/telescoping rod; can be installed in door frame(for back and arms); Cardiovascular equipment: purpose: repetitive large muscle group movement inducing increase of cardiovascular systemic metabolism; lung capacity; sweating/detox; muscular electrical activity A) Stationary/recumbant cycle: recommend magnetic resistance whereby one magnet can be moved closer/further from other to increase/decrease resistance; B)elliptical: same principle as A); C) bike trainer: fluid or magnetic stationary 'trainer' to u se w/ conventional bicycle. caveat: most generate excessive noise; D)bicycle; E)snow shoes; F) walking shoes The survival of the White Race is our most important concern
CULINARY STUFF: food juicer(for making juice) hot plates: electrical powered; good portable cooking device pyrex glasses/mugs: stove compatible; durable material(multiples) grain grinder: manual; cast iron cookware: dutch oven/large frying pan(w/lid) grill: for roasting over fire pit; heavy rolling pin(marble or metal) strainer; knives:(ceramic+steel);a)butcher;b)smaller/sharpener sealable steel buckets with airtight lids: coconut oil; pickled eggs sealable steel bottles(with rubber gasket):drinking ;kerosene cookstove+fuel crockpot: no glazed inserts as lead content; only pure clay; measuring cups/spoons; foodscale(lrg.&sml.) Kitchen Equipment: crockpot(100% clay insert only; no lead glaze) iron pot/dutch oven(w/lid) steel bottles(w/rubber seal lids)x3-full at all times w/silver bullion inside for sterilization strainer-x2(for more refined straining of coffee grounds/pulp etc.) coffee grinder(electric)&Vpeppermill(manual) metal bowl(shaving/mason jar cover/food dish) foodscale(x2-large; x1 small) pyrex drinking glass w/cover pyrex glass pot(x2-1large;1medium) glass mason jars(w/ glass insert lids;x4-x2 large; x1 medium; x1 small) pyrex cups(x7-2 large; 2 medium; 3 small) stainless steel insulated food containers(x2-large w/rubber silicon seals) utensils(sterling silver x2): fork(x2); spoon(x2) measuring spoons(stainless steel) metal knife+ sharpener ceramic knife(fruit) funnel(medium-large diameter hole) bottle scrub brush sponge scouring pad
Global White Racial Loyalty and Solidarity must be our constant goal
Personal Survival(B.O.B- 'bug out bag'; frame backpack military style)
source: military surplus; thrift stores; garage sales
sources: thrift stores;wholesalers; garage sales; family inheritance; internet,etc.
Personal affects(on body): polar sleeping bag(duck/goose down) down-filled parka wool garments('bush' jackets/pants) fur clad leather gauntlet gloves polar boots('mickey mouse' style)V mukluks+extra laces facial covering(balaclava)/down-filled or felt face mask wool socks(outer); nylon inner frame backpack fur hat (ushanka style) mocassins
MORE MATERIAL THINGS: exerpts of "88 precepts" of David Lane interspersed thoughout backpack contents: fire: lighters(zippo;bic);cotton balls soaked in vaseline; spark lighter/fire starter(magnesium, etc.); waterproof matches; liquor flask full of kerosene/lighter fluid; tinder(dried sticks, etc.)
#14: In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right thatn the preservation of one’s own race water: ozone generator(miniature, battery powered); colloidal silver generator(miniature): 9volt batteries+jumper cable+alligator clips+.999 silver wire;silver bullion; portable filtration unit: lifestraw, katadyne filter; stainless steel cup on thermos(store all items inside)
#18: There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature sanitation: wash basin; soap(100% olive oil); coconut oil; toothbrush+sanitizer; scissors; safety razor+blades; hydrogen peroxide; baking powder; wash cloth; eye dropper; gum stimulator; scalp brush; loofa; exfoliation cloth; pumice stone; nail clippers; q-tips; stainless steel mirror; ear plugs; shooting ear muffs clothes: long underwear(wool); boxers; socks(extras); extra shoes+laces; money belt(animal leather); sweaters; gloves(security) #19: A people, who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish 1st aid kit: razor knife; sting/venom kit(wasps;ticks;snakes, etc.); sewing needle+thread; cayenne; stretch bandage+splints; bandanas(cottonV linen); food grade activated charcoal powder; zeolite/terramin clay communication: compass; map; cell;<>I.D(iff~public authority probs., eg.for employment, etc.); edible plants; 1st aid pamphlet Sleep: sleeping bag+roll/mat; wool blanket
#20:"Natural Law...denies inter-species compassion." hunting/PDWs: slingshot+shot; BB pistol+BBs; hunting knife; folder knives; collapsible baton #25: "A people without a culture exclusively their own will perish" Food: rosehip powder; turmeric; salt(himalayan/celtic);waxed hard cheese; dried fruit; nuts/seeds(in vacuum packs) $:gold/silver bullion/jewellery(barter); physical currency(bills, etc.); gemstones(ruby/emerald/sapphire) milspec kinetic/water resistant watch alarm clock stopwatch/kitchen-style timers phone+charger+earbuds+case glasses(x2)+case tactical gloves pants(corduroy/jeans/BDUs) Uvex goggles(orange)
#28: The concept of a multi-racial society violates every Natural Law for species preservation Truck Camper/RV/Motorhome/Travel Trailer contents: scrub board+wash basin; spare tire(for truck/vehicle); jack; fire extinguisher; sand(in bucket); gasoline; propane; water jugs; biodiesel fuel sleep: n35-52x1000 pcs. magnets->6'x3' piece of metal=magnetic sheet under mattress
#29: The concept of ‘equality’is declared a lie by every evidence of nature atmosphere: 03generator; ~ion generator; fans sanitation: towels; olive oil soap; hair shavers; massagers info.: multiple computers; External hard drives; USB; external disc drives; power cords; Cd/DVD-RWs(burnt info in hard copy); battery powered walkman/discman(+batteries; CDs; cassette tapes
#33: Nature does not recognize the concepts of Good and evil in inter-species relationships heat: ceramic heaters power: solar; generator; electrical(extension cords. Etc.) #37: "racism" merely means to promote and protect the life of one’s own race. pdws(personal defence weapons): guns[minimum: 1xpump action 12 guage shotgun; 1x.22lr. semi-automatic; 1xrifle(270 win. V 30-06 V SKS+scope; +cleaning kits+ammo; BB (hand)gun+rifle]+aluminumVwood baseball bats;machete/dagger knives; axe; guard dog(German Shepard;Rottweiler;Doberman, etc.)
#50: A democracy is always followed by a strongman...some call him a dictator. It is the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by democracy lights: low blue lights(amber/yellow mosquito bulbs); indigo roof lights clothes: rubber boots+rain gear+B.O.B stuff culinary: (see below) everything in B.O.B+multiples(razors, etc.)
#52: Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force food stocks: dried fruit; nuts/seeds(almond/peanut butter); turmeric; ;starch: (oats; rice, etc.); herbs; spices; tools: multi-tools; hammers(claw;sledge); saws(hack;wood); wrenches(adjustible); screwdrivers(multi-bit); pry bars; wire cutters/strippers; nails/screws(large; small;med.); electrical drill; generator; plastic sealable gas jugs; hex wrench; axe; lock picks; glass cutters; Food: minimum 2 months supply at all times Water: large jugs full (100 L at all times) (R.O.S V Distilled preferable)
Sanitation: UV light toothbrush box small airtight vacuum seal container gum stimulator+refills toothbrush(soladey+replacement heads) safety razors+blades+small brush electric head shaver nail trimmer mechanical nostril trimmer loofa (exfoliate) scalp brush(boar bristle) scalp stimulator ~ion/03 generator pot(bedey)Vbedey attachment enema bag extra virgin coconut oil Grecian olive oil soap towels(x2 large; x1 small) baking powder (laundry; tooth brushing) vinegar (dish washing) activated charcoal powder edible clay (ca+ montmorillonite; zeolite) epsom salt (magnesium source-calm/relax) water distillation machine diatomaceous earth (bedbugs-put around bedposts) hydrogen peroxide+dropper (wound irrigation; ear wax elimination-STC) exfoliating cloth(x2) carmex
Our greatest task is to bring the White Man back to his senses Health: hand held devices: parasite zapper cranial electric stimulation machine pulsed electromagnetic device(pemf) coronal discharge/violet ray wand vibration machine+attachments hand squeezers(spring&ball) pull up bar shoes(athletic) wooden reflexology sandals colloidal silver generator infrared bulbs+electrical cords+broomstick+heavy duty hanger(=infrared sauna)bedframe+magnets+door+wool blankets+linen/cotton sheets/pillow cases homemade water distiller Other: ear plugs ear muffs $:gold/silver chains/coins/gemstones(ruby/emerald/sapphire)
We must realize that Nature never intended for any individual to live forever, and since die we must, the greatest honor and the highest dedication we can bestow upon our people, our race, is to fight to preserve it at all costs, or die in the attempt
Clothes: socks(wool+nylon; cottonxmultiple) warm winter leather gauntlet gloves boxers long johns sweaters(wool) athletic shirts silk shirts shoes(gym/runners)x2 boots(high top leather-preferably insulated) linen/cotten sheets/pillow cases blankets(wool) mat(sleeping) Uvex goggles(orange-minimizes low blue light) money belt Daily backpack(innocuous w/ many internal pockets): biners keyrings pill boxes small+medium padlocks keys change pouch fanny pack multitool+bits PDWs(personal defence weapons): "alles leiben ist kampf"(all life is struggle-Hitler) precept#67: An armed or non-militant people will be enslaved steel shot gloves ;bat(aluminum); collapsible baton(w/paracord wrapped around handle-remove foam) large machete;springloaded folder knives(x2); 12 gauge pump action semi-auto shotgun; semi auto rifle+magazines ; .22LR(survival/collapsible style); rifle+hand (BBgun+BBs) (lead+copper) gun locks+keys;gun cleaning kit(oil; rags; brushes); Homemade wooden 'knucks'(mahogany/cherrywood;teak) body armour(kevlar helmet+ballistic face shield/face mask/kevlar vest; ballistic shield)
Mind: bookstand+flat board+spring clips (to read while standing or in alt. positions); pens+paper books (see references); USB sticks(large capacity); headphones; MP3; laptops; solar calculator paper; documents; computer ; external hard-drives
When We must live THEY must die
When they draw first blood 
                                                                                      There is no turning the other cheek 
                                                                          When they wish to kill you                                                                                               
There is no co-existence 
                                                                                                    When you are cornered 
                                                                                               There is nowhere to run 
                                                                                          When you are the victim 
                                                                                           There is no truth to their vilification                                                                     
When they give you no peace                                                                                 
There is war ever-lasting 
                                                                                                 When they make unjust demands                                                                          
There is a demand for opposition 
                                                                                  When survival is imperative 
                                                                                         There is no moral imperative 
                                                                                        When morality is anti-nature 
                                                                                  There is nature's imperative 
                                                                                   When the game is zero-sum 
                                                                                      There is no armistice 
                                                                                                         When one's life is the other's death 
                                                                         There is no compromise 
                                                                                          When there is war 
                                                                                                     There is no peace 
                                                                                                              When we must live 
                                                                                                          They must die 
                                                         ��                                                         Bellum omnia contra omnes
This is RAHOWA !
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
15 Experiences Queer Christians And Their Allies Fought The Good Fight For Equality
It is a testament to the prodigious vigor of homosexual spirituality that, despite centuries of both physical abuse and theological defamation, numerous homosexual beings still have faith.
According to a Pew Research Center survey, about 59 percentage of lesbian, lesbian and bisexual Americans report being affiliated with a religious tradition. Forty-eight percent identified as Christian, while a significant number identified with non-Christian faiths like Judaism and Buddhism.
Those affiliations aren’t easy-going to continue. Overwhelming majorities of lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans suggest major American Christian institutions are unwelcoming to their community. Seventy-nine percent of the LGBT adults Pew surveyeddescribed the Catholic church( 79 percentage) as unfriendly towards people who are LGBT, while 73 percentage said the same about evangelical faiths. Queer Americans are also much less likely to be Christian than the general public.
And with vehemently anti-queer religion republicans filling out the ranks of President Donald Trump’s administration, it’s clear that the involved relationship between Christianity and the LGBTQ community will get even more tense.
Still, because the relentless piece of faggot Christian activists and theologians, there is much to be appreciative for. Their activism has revitalized and defied America’s faith community in important, history-altering styles that must not be forgotten.
And the success certainly aren’t contained to Christianity — there have been advances in Judaism, Islam, and other faiths.
In honor of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which falls on May 17 each year, HuffPost has gathered together these 15 iconic instants of hope in homosexual Christianity from around the world. From evangelical religions espousing their LGBTQ members to Christian musicians seeing the choice to come out, these moments from the past five years are reminders of how far we’ve come, and how much more we need to accomplish.
Special thanks to Brandan Robertson, a lesbian Christian activist, John Gustav-Wrathall , of Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons, Rev. Broderick Greer, an Episcopal priest and homosexual theologian, and Ross Murray, GLAAD’s lead on faith substances, for offering their suggestions for this list.
Christian Musicians See Out As Queer
PA Archive/ PA Images
Being out in the Christian music industry could cost you your occupation. But over the past five years old, a number of queer Christian masters have taken that difficult step — British rock star Vicky Beeching( pictured here ), Everyday Sunday’s Trey Pearson, and country singer Ty Herndon are a few.
Christians Rallied With Other Faith Groups For Transgender Rights
Carlo Allegri/ Reuters
In 2016, progressive religion activists strongly opposedNorth Carolina’s HB2 invoice, which tried to force-out parties to use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at delivery. And this year, more than 1,800 religious leaders from various categories of denominations signed an amicus brief in supporting Gavin Grimm( portrait here ), a transgender boy who was prohibited from employing the boys’ restroom at his institution.
Some Evangelical Churches Pledge To Wholeheartedly Embrace Queer Christians
In January 2015, Tennessee pastor Stan Mitchell was indicated that his congregation, GracePointe Church, would from amply embrace LGBTQ members into its crimp, welcoming them to take up leader roles and celebrate the sacraments. Other evangelical mega-churches have done the same — including Highlands Church in Colorado and EastLake Community Churchin Washington country. While some churches have faced fiscal repercussions and a drop in body, that hasn’t always been that way. When Denver Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in Colorado publicly proved their pro-queer posture earlier this year, its pastor Michael Hidalgo claimed that exclusively a handful of parties decided to leave the church as a result. And some evangelical rector who were knocked out of their denominations for supporting queer Christians now have prospering new flocks. Rev. Danny Cortez( depicted here, left) is one of those pastors. After the former Southern Baptist pastor’s son came out as homosexual, Cortez showed his love for his son in front of his gathering. Cortez afterwards went on to model a new, queer-inclusive religion.
A New, Inclusive Christian College Campus Ministry Is Born
Niklas Emmoth via Getty Images
In May 2016, Christian activists formed a new campus ministry announced Incarnation. The radical is founded on principles of racial equality and LGBTQ inclusion. So far, Incarnation has chapters at five campuses across the country, and has partnered with four other organizations.
The Episcopal Church Denied To Back up On Equality
Philip Dumas via Getty Images
In 2015, the bishops of the Episcopal Church decided to allow clergy members to perform same-sex bridals. The church represented that decision in 2016 in front of its international umbrella organization, the Anglican Communion. That resulted in a three-year dangling from the Anglican Communion — but the Episcopalians aren’t backing down. Michael Curry, the Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop, told after the suspension that “Many of us have committed ourselves and our religion to being’ a house of prayer for all people, ’ as the Bible replies,[ where] all are truly welcome.”
The Gay Christian Network’s Annual Conference Resumed To Grow
GCN Conference
Since 2005, the Gay Christian Network Conference has brought the thousands of homosexual Christians and their allies together to share legends and replace their sect. Today, the conference greenbacks itself as the “world’s largest annual LGBTQ Christian event.”
The Rev. Karen Oliveto Became The Methodist Church’s First Openly Gay Bishop
RJ Sangosti via Getty Images
Bishop Karen Oliveto became The United Methodist Church’s firstly marriage lesbian bishop in 2016. The denomination’s top tribunal lately found that she was in violation of a faith rule that forbids clergy who are “self-avowed practicing homosexuals, “ but decided not to remove her from her pole . Although she may be suspended or forced to adjourn in the future, Oliveto remains sure that her presence “changes the conversation.” “It’s no longer an issue. It’s about people, ” she told Religion News Service.
A Pastor Who Conducted His Gay Son’s Wedding Is ‘Refrocked’
The Washington Post via Getty Images
Rev. Frank Schaefer, a United Methodist Church minister, had his ministerial credentials rescinded in 2013 after he is president of his gay son’s marry. Schaefer continued to speak out and in 2014, appeal procedures committee rehabilitated him as prime ministers .
Presbyterian Church( U.S.A .) Embraces LGBT-Inclusive Definition Of Marriage
Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc via Getty Images
Since 2014, the Presbyterian Church( U.S.A .), America’s largest Presbyterian sect, has allowed its pastors to officiate same-sex ceremonies. In March 2015, the church adopted a more inclusive description of union in the draft constitution, describing it as a union “between two people.”
Ex-Gay Ministry Exodus International Shuts Down
studioportosabbia via Getty Images
Exodus International was a Christian ministry that promoted shift care, which attempts to alter a person’s virility or gender identity to fit with heterosexual or cisgender norms. The harmful practice has been exhaustively discounted by psychologists and medical experts, but it was peddled by Exodus International for 37 times. In 2013, the organization’s chairperson issued an apologyfor the trauma its caused to lesbian beings, and announced that the ministry was shutting down. Although other transition rehabilitation radicals pledged to take up the mantle,Exodus International’s close was a pivotal moment for conservative Christians in America, and since then, many republican chairmen have actually denounced alteration care .
America’s First Catholic Vice President Blessed A Gay Wedding
In 2016, former vice president Joe Biden presided over the nuptials of his White House staffers Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie. Biden was America’s first Catholic vice president, and his bles of this marriage was a reminder of the prodigious switching that American Catholicism has knowledge over the past few years on specific topics. Although top Catholic bishops has systematically denounced wedding equality , 58 percent of American Catholicsupport same-sex wedding. And the future is shining — 85 percentof self-identified Catholic millennials speculate homosexuality should be accepted by society.
The Chicago Consultation Met In Africa
ChristianChan via Getty Images
The Chicago Consultation is a group of Episcopal and Anglican clergy and lay people who work toward full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians in the Anglican Communion. In 2015, the group had its third meeting in Africa, this time in Elmina, Ghana. The Rev. Broderick Greer, an Episcopal priest and homosexual theologian, described the important effort of these working groups in an email to HuffPost. “Every day, I discovered a new narrative about the inventive methods they were balk stigma around HIV/ AIDS, LGBTQ visibility, and equitable access to health care. Beings from five different countries told floors of mettle and resilience motivated by a nagging sense that their full humanity should and will be affirmed. The small-minded proportion and quiet fix of the reaping is indicative of the manner in which social alteration often takes residence: over a potion, in a squat, or elbow-to-elbow.”
Mormons March At Pride
Jim Urquhart/ Reuters
Mormons Building Bridges brings together members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who want to show support for the gay community. In 2012, this group paraded at Utah Pride for the first time. For John Gustav-Wrathal, a lesbian Mormon activist, this was an iconic time. “Since then, there have been some suppres, traumatizing instants as well … Most of the hope has come from queer Mormons themselves. Attending at Affirmation conferences has quadrupled since 2012, ” he told HuffPost. “LGBT Mormons are coming together in a fantastic method and feeling new ways to provide mutual support and engage with their faith.”
A Gay Couple Became The Pastors Of A Historic DC Church
skynesher via Getty Images
The Calvary Baptist Church in Washington DC hired Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen as the leaders of their 155 -year-old congregation this year. The Baptist ministers told HuffPost their mission is “to sit at bedsides, to parade for justice, to exclaim’ belovedness’ when the world( sometimes even the religious macrocosm) proclaims’ otherness, ’ and to mount the counter of hospitality for those who need it most.”
Transgender Pastors Celebrate Mass In Cuba
Pekic via Getty Images
As part of a conference on fag theology earlier this year , three clergymen from Brazil, Canada and the United States flew into Cuba to produced an LGBTQ-friendly worship service. The mass is believed to be a first for Cuba. One participant, a 26 -year-old Cuban trans girl called Malu Duardo, told Reuters, “I leave with having learnt a lot of things I can share with other trans, including with regard to that there is a God for everyone.”
The post 15 Experiences Queer Christians And Their Allies Fought The Good Fight For Equality appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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photogracyblog · 7 years
A Space That Wasn’t Made for Me (My Op-Ed for the Tufts Observer)
I am solely speaking about my experience as a queer, Persian man. I do not claim to understand or hope to speak for anybody else but myself. My experiences have been socialized by the immediate environment in which I was raised, and I fully realize how I have historically been complicit and involved in some of the systems and organizations that I criticize in this piece. My effort to improve as a person and to hold myself accountable for my actions is one that is not devoid of mistakes.
During recess one day in middle school, one of the coolest kids in my class, an attractive White male, asked me who some of my favorite singers were. Anxious to make a good impression, I thought of the Whitest shit I could come up with to please him: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kurt Cobain, and Dave Matthews Band. I think I threw in Lil Wayne as well, because I have found that many White boys love reaffirming their “hipness” by admiring and “identifying” with Black rappers.
I grew up in a predominantly White, affluent neighborhood and attended a “prestigious” prep school in the greater Boston area. I quickly learned to value White activities like theater and tennis, both of which I really enjoyed, but all the while felt excluded from socially. I began to consider White, muscular men with rigid jawlines and blue eyes to be the epitome of attraction and beauty, shaping the way I began to look at myself in the mirror, and later contributing to the ways that I would begin to modify my body.
At the same time, my experiences assimilating to various aspects of White culture seemed to juxtapose with my identity as an Iranian-American. My parents emigrated from Iran to France and finally settled in Brookline, MA. I grew up in a house with Persian art, poetry, and music. I ate home-cooked Persian food every night, spoke Farsi with my family, and celebrated being Iranian by attempting to recognize the social implications that I thought being Iranian would mean.
Growing up, I always imagined that I would experience a universal bond with other Persians. I believed that the experiences we seemed to face as a community would transcend our often divisive, intersectional identities; however, I didn’t recognize how difficult it would be to navigate my Persian-ness as a queer man. I didn’t want to acknowledge the deeply rooted masculinity and patriarchal structure embedded within Persian culture that doesn’t give space to those with divergent and non-normative identities—specifically, queerness.
Identifying as gay, then eventually developing my sexuality to fit my own definition of queer, became an aspect of my identity that began to deteriorate the bond that I had tried to sustain between the Iranian community and myself. Once I began to realize how difficult it would be to find any space where my queerness and race could interact, I began to feel a deep sense of resentment towards myself. Never feeling quite Persian enough became a recurring sentiment at events, vacations, and dinners with my extended family. I found that my queerness seemed to dissuade my desire to “feel” Iranian by participating in the hyper-masculine activities and homophobic discourse that is rampant within many Persian social contexts that I have experienced.
As I sought to develop my identity further in college, something about associating myself as brown and not specifically as Persian began to muddle my identity and prevent me from characterizing my experiences as separate or unique. I don’t know what it feels like to be Latino. I do not identify as South Asian, nor do I consider myself an Arab—and so to experience struggle through the lens of an identity that cannot be located has made me feel that my brownness will not, and cannot, find a space to exist freely. Whether it is being misidentified or having my racial identity questioned, I have developed an uncomfortable relationship with claiming, accepting, and embracing being Iranian.
Whenever people used to ask about my ethnicity, I always responded by saying, “I’m Iranian.” Recently, however, I have begun to use the ethnic origin of my identity as a signifier of the unique culture that I ascribe myself with. Identifying and introducing myself as Persian marks an important and unique ethnic exclamation that has reaffirmed my desire to separate myself from other Middle Eastern and Arab cultures. (Contrary to popular belief, Persians are not ethnically Arab.)
Growing up and hearing Iran described as a threatening or evil country also made me uncomfortable publically identifying as Iranian. The inability for people in this country to disassociate Iran’s government from its people created this self-destructive pattern for me to constantly prove myself as a good Iranian, or disassociate from my racial background altogether. Today, I still find it terribly difficult navigating being Iranian given the current immigration ban that Trump’s administration has brought forth. Beyond the fallacy that the nations listed in the ban have contributed to acts of terror in the US (not a single one has), I also find it disheartening to hear Iran constantly being referred to under a false pretense of danger, terror, and otherness.
Despite the many “diverse” spaces at Tufts that foster important discussions for people of color, queer and trans folk, and women of color, I have found that, in order to join or feel welcomed into these dialogues or spaces, I have had to compromise aspects of my Persian-ness or succumb to adopting a generalized Middle Eastern identity in order to engage in discussions. I think that the socially conscious and active community at Tufts, which claims to create an inclusive space for marginalized individuals, tends to fall short in understanding or acknowledging the nuances of certain intersectional identities that exist on this campus, mine being one of many.
I grew up speaking Farsi, and the food that I have always eaten at home is so specific to Iran that I’m disheartened when our culture is generalized and placed within the socio-cultural landscape of others within the Middle Eastern region. Obviously, I am not angry or even shocked that people don’t know much about Iranian culture. It is rather the disregard or almost a sense of entitlement that many people on this campus feel when trying to locate my identity that puts me off. Surprisingly, people who major in American Studies, Sociology, and Anthropology have been among those who have asked me things like how spicy I like my food or if I know how to make homemade hummus. Iranian food is not spicy at all, and we don’t make or eat hummus unless we go out to restaurants.
Many times when White social justice activists on this campus ask me how to create more inclusive spaces for POC, I find that I want to respond by saying, “Stop trying to speak on behalf of identities that you don’t understand. Stop trying to locate us to fit into your social justice narrative or use us as a token to investigate intersectionality when you’re blindly unaware of the fundamental differences among our cultures.” For example, not identifying as a Middle Eastern gay man but rather as a Persian queer man is often read as commendable or “interesting” by socially active folks at Tufts, but rarely incorporated into important discussions or dialogues about queer POC on campus.
The socially unaware, uninvolved, and generally conservative White population at Tufts is truly, however, the largest demographic of individuals who have contributed to my anxieties, anger, and frustration. Whether it’s the toxic White gays at previous Rainbow House parties who have commented on and fetishized my “exotic” appearance, or White girls who love to tokenize my foreign queerness, you have all failed to recognize your internalized racism and homophobia. From the one frat brother who spat on me and my friend outside of a frat house window next to Moe’s my freshman year, to the multiple athletes who have physically pushed and verbally assaulted me at campus events, you have reminded me that regardless of how hard I try to make myself palatable to you, I am still a Persian faggot.
Despite all of this, however, I am constantly reminded of how privileged and lucky I truly am. My parents worked hard to put me through private school and then a liberal arts education, and I am forever grateful to them for the sacrifices they have made for me. My family has given me the space to explore my identities and embrace me for wanting to hold onto or discard certain aspects of both. Many queer Persians, however, do not experience the same socio-economic security, access to education, and support that I have, and I recognize how fortunate I am to even be able to speak up and feel safe to talk about this on a platform where my thoughts can hopefully be validated.
Luckily, I have been able to surround myself by some incredible Persian individuals on this campus who strive to include the intersections of my queerness and Iranian identity into a dialogue, giving me a platform to exist comfortably. Given the current socio-political climate of this country, I have found an immense amount of strength and desire to make our identities as Persian known. My unequivocal love for Persians is the strongest it has ever been. No ban on earth could prevent us from succeeding wherever we go, and I hope that people at Tufts and those within my close circle of friends will seek to learn more about Iran’s immensely influential history, culture, and society before calling themselves allies.
For me to not speak up after three and a half years of having people speak for me would further detract from the importance of celebrating my overlapping, yet individually valid, identities. Tufts, especially in its attempts to create or foster a space for inclusiveness, does not incorporate the nuances of socio-cultural and ethnic identities into a space that unidentifiable individuals can claim.
To the handful of professors and sociology majors that see my identities as unique and different, I’m appreciative of you. To the greater socially “active” and “progressive” White activists, women, and queer folk on campus, practice what you preach. Don’t think that individuals like me are not constantly trying to make ourselves palatable to you either. And finally, to the ex-lovers, friends, and professors who have pushed me into a space where self-hatred and discomfort have permeated the past 15 years of my life, I look back on my experiences with you not as moments when I wasn’t strong enough to speak up against you, but rather as a time when I just didn’t know where to locate that strength.
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