#now onto bioshock 2 and infinite
purecalcium66 · 9 months
bioshock is sooooo gooooooood
so i finished the game two days ago and i'm still crying over the ending oh my god (i got the good ending, of course, im not a monster) (but i'm a pussy so i managed to save only like 6 Sisters cuz i was terrified of fighting Big Daddies)
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i'm still so mad that the stupid bald fuck did not shake my hand i was looking forward to it since the beginning
stupid bald man (affectionately)
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Hey Crowie! Nice game you have posted in your wall here *grin* so gow about we do a round for questions No. 11,14, and 28?
*sit down with cookies* so do tell *offer some* take your time. You know I'm not in a rush
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Hello, friend! Oooh, cookies! Don't mind if I do! *takes several* Thank you for them and the ask! <3
So, to answer it...
11. Do you prefer ‘blank slate’ main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory?
While RPGs where coming up with a character are fun, and I do like them, in truth, I think I gravitate more towards games with a main character who has a personality and backstory. I like having a protagonist I can connect with.
14. A song that’s sure to hit your nostalgia buttons
I actually had to do a quick think with this one, but one I’d have to go with “Theme of Laura” from Silent Hill 2 (especially the riff starting at 1:37). I ADORED that game when I was a teenager, and even had this song as my ringtone for some time back then. So, hearing it again, even now, really brings me back!
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28. Pick a series you like. What was the first game you played for it? Was it a good starting point? Would it still be a good starting point now?
Well, y’all know how much I like Assassin’s Creed, so I’ll choose a different series to talk about: Bioshock! The first game I ever played in the series was its third installment, Bioshock Infinite, and I absolutely fell in love with it! (Unpopular opinion: while the entire series is awesome, Infinite is my favorite.) As for it being a good starting point for me personally, I’d say it was, as it got me hooked on the entire series.
However, knowing the games as I do now, would I say it is a good starting point now or for a newcomer to the series? Eh, maybe? Infinite isn’t a direct sequel to either 1 or 2, so you probably could get away with starting the series with it. (I'd recommend that or Bioshock 1.) I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for, as each game has its own aesthetic and themes. (That being said, though, if one starts with Infinite, I’d HIGHLY recommend playing Bioshock 1 before tackling Infinite’s Burial at Sea DLC.)
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expirednukacola · 20 days
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⊱ ─── [ ⚗ ] ─── ⊰
— It is I, Evangeline, and I am so excited to be writing for a majority of the fandoms that are popular at this point in time, especially for the new Fallout™ show on Amazon Prime — which is now a favorite of mine because I recently started to love the game it is based off of!
Now onto my rules!
— No piss, puke, or shit kinks.. you need to find someone else who would be willing to write that stuff, honeybun.
— I cannot write about anything that has anything to do with something purely non-consensual. CNC is okay in my book, so don’t you worry about that.
— Please do not spam my ask box just because I haven’t responded to your request — I have a life outside of Tumblr and I can be busy from time to time. If you spam me, I have a “3 strikes and you’re out” policy. If you spam me continuously after 3 warnings, you’re out/blocked!
The fandoms I am currently writing for are:
The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield)
Good Omens
Fallout (Amazon Prime + The Game Series)
- Orange Colored Sky Masterlist!
Bioshock (1, 2, AND Infinite)
..and there will be more to come!
— I can even do some crossovers!
If you have anymore questions about me or anything else, such as being on my taglist, please feel free to DM me or ask me through my ask box!
Yours truly, Evangeline ᡣ𐭩
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kierancampire · 1 year
My experience of Bioshock 2 is instantly soured, so i have played the games on my PS3 but that was a few years ago now, i remember little
But i deleted a bunch of saved games ftom my PS4, then i moved all of the rest onto an external harddrive and deleted them all off my PS4. Bioshock 2 still won't let me save. So i delete most of my Bioshock 1 saves. Still won't save. So i delete all my Bioshock saves. Still won't save. So i go into Bioshock 1 itself and delete all but 1 of my saves in the game. Finally Bioshock 2 will let me save
But this is my third time replaying the beginning bit, i have have to load up the game maybe 6 times now, and it's just stupid that you can't save on Bioshock 2 if you have 5 saves on Bioshock 1? And this has never been fixed? Hopefully infinite gives me no similar issues, kinda don't even wanna play 2 by this point
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translucio · 5 years
finished bioshock!
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randomslasher · 4 years
Let’s talk about unsolicited ‘constructive’ criticism on fanfiction
Hi there! 
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time at all (hell, even if you don’t) you may already be fairly familiar with my stance on this topic. But since I pretty much only talk about it when I’m furiously angry, I thought maybe I might make more progress if I sat down and typed out my thoughts when I wasn’t coming from a place of such strong emotion. I’m going to try to explain my stance on this, and why I feel so strongly the way I do about it. Be prepared for a lot of rambling. :) 
So here’s my thesis statement: 
Constructive criticism on free fanfiction is often far more destructive than it is helpful when offered without the author’s consent to receive it.
Now, I know a lot of people out there may be upset or at least confused by that statement, so I’m going to take a few minutes to talk about why I think this, and why it’s not, in fact, that radical of a concept. I’m going to do this by breaking down the primary arguments I see about this topic and addressing them one at a time. 
1) Constructive criticism helps writers get better! 
This, as with most blanket statements, is not going to be true in every case. People respond to criticism in vastly different ways, and for many, criticism actually hurts them. Individuals with RSD, or individuals who have been consistently picked on for their hobbies or have massive insecurities about sharing them, may not take criticism in the ‘constructive’ spirit in which it is intended. Without knowing the individual, it is nearly impossible to know how they best receive criticism, or if they even want it. It’d be like writing a prescription medication without knowing the patient’s symptoms. Sure, maybe an antibiotic would make them better, but only if they have a specific type of illness. But without the details, you’re actually more likely to cause them harm. 
But there’s more to this one than just the blanket assumption that unsolicited concrit always helps people improve, so we’re going to break it down even further. 
2) People should always want to improve their writing!
Why? No, really--why? 
This is one I see people struggle with sometimes. There’s this really pervasive idea that certain pursuits--musical, artistic, literary, athletic, hell, even gaming--should always be undertaken with the intent of improvement. 
But that’s another false assumption, and one I think more people might be happier if they could break free of. 
Take gaming, for instance. I am not much of a gamer, but I enjoy the occasional first person shooter if it’s got an interesting plot. Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect, Dragon Age--I had a blast playing those. But I wasn’t very good at them, and playing them on hard would’ve left me frustrated and dissatisfied. 
Playing them on easy, though? I had a freaking blast. And since I wasn’t planning to go into competitive gaming or anything like that, wasn’t that just as valid a way to enjoy the games as playing them on expert mode? 
Artistic pursuits are no different. If the artist is not doing it for a living, if they’re offering it for free and just doing it in their spare time for fun and they enjoy the way they do it--then why must they want to improve? What horrible fate befalls us if a few random fanfic writers never get much better? What terrible tragedy is it, really, if Susie Ann Fanfic is creating things that make her happy and is happy sharing them with her small circle of friends/fans who also enjoy her work exactly as she’s creating it? What insurmountable catastrophe unfolds before us if Bobby Joe Just-For-Fun still uses comma splices or odd pacing? The reality is, I hope, obvious: nothing. Nothing bad happens, other than maybe you don’t enjoy their writing. 
And hey, if you can’t tolerate someone’s writing style, that’s totally fine. I get it. I turn away from fanfic all the time because of small writer foibles that bug me. 
But that doesn’t mean I have the right to impose my preferences onto the person out there creating fic for free. If an artist wants to improve, that is their decision, and they will find ways to do so. I promise you they will.
3) But I can help, so I should! 
No. You shouldn’t. 
Listen. Maybe you are qualified. Maybe you, like me, have degrees in writing, and have done professional editing and tutor work. Maybe you’re really, really good at feedback, and you see one or two quick changes that someone could make that would cause instant improvement in their writing. 
You should still keep it to yourself if the writer didn’t ask for it. Why? 
Well, first of all, your credentials are unknown. People who don’t know you won’t trust them anyway. As far as anyone knows, you are just another internet rando, so why should anyone be taking advice from you? Unsolicited advice puts people on the defensive, and any well-meaning advice you may have had, even if it was good advice, may end up going unheeded.
But the reality is we are not usually as qualified as we think we are. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen constructive crit that was just flat-out wrong--grammar corrections that were actually incorrect, word choice corrections that boiled down to preference rather than propriety. (Those long lists of ‘words you should use instead of ‘said’’, for example--don’t even get me started on those things.) 
A ton of writing advice boils down to subjective preference. There are qualified professionals whose advice I’ve eschewed, because I personally disagree with it, and prefer the cadence and flow of my own writing choices over theirs. That doesn’t mean they’re right or I’m wrong (or vice-versa), it means artistic prose is often comprised of many individual and personal choices, and preferring one doesn’t mean another is wrong. 
4) No but really, I can help so I should! 
Please do not make the mistake of thinking what you are offering is going to be universally perceived as help. As I mentioned before, receptiveness to criticism is an enormously personal thing. What one person may appreciate may send another into a shame spiral where they are incapable of creating anything new because their confidence has been shattered by your “help.” Even the most well-meaning help can end up stripping someone of their confidence and will to create, and if that’s the end result, then how has that helped them? What good does it do to know where a comma goes if you’re never going to write again?
If someone has asked for your help, that’s one thing. It is then on them to ensure they have specified the means by which they can and will accept help, and from whom. 
But if they haven’t? It is an enormous assumption to think that you are helping when you may well be destroying a young artist’s will to create. 
5) People are putting up their works in a public forum so they should expect to receive criticism. 
I’ll admit I’m a little less patient with this one. This is like saying, “People know that other people have hands so eventually they should expect someone to push them down.” The inevitability of someone else being cruel does not excuse your preemptive cruelty, even if it was unintended. But as established, without knowing what a specific writer needs in terms of feedback and concrit, the odds of doing damage are too high not to consider it a good possibility. And the attitude that ‘well their work is out there so it’s free to be critiqued’ is also incredibly flawed. 
So what works are available for critique? 
- Works you’ve paid for (ie published or commissioned works) - Works where the writer has specifically requested critique  - Works that misrepresent a demographic in a harmful way*
Honestly? That’s about it. Unless you commissioned this piece of writing or you have permission from the writer, then you are not in the right to openly criticize just because the work is there. Sure, you can do it, but again--the possibility of causing harm is still very real. If your real end goal is to help, why take that chance?
6) If they don’t like what I’m saying or disagree with me they can always just ignore my advice.
Perhaps, but by then, the damage is done. If someone suffers RSD or is similarly insecure about their writing, a deconstruction tempered with “this is just my opinion” can be just as damaging to the ego and self-confidence as one that purports to be gospel. You are still pointing out perceived errors, and that can still hurt. 
7) People who can’t take constructive criticism have fragile egos
Yeah. Maybe they do. Again, so what? If you push someone with brittle bone disease do you blame them for the injury you caused just because it wouldn’t have hurt you? 
If you are blaming someone else for the fact that you hurt them, then you are basically either aware that you are in the wrong and are attempting to hide your guilt behind rationalization, OR you have decided that your so-called right to criticize someone on something they did for fun and for free is more important than their feelings. And frankly, if you’ve somehow decided that, then we’ll get no further here, so you might as well quit reading. 
8) I really like constructive criticism for my own stuff. It helps me a lot. 
That’s awesome! I’m really glad to hear that! Do not let this essay make you think I’m saying “all constructive criticism is bad!” That has never been my point, and only a very bad-faith reading of what I’ve said here could lead someone to that conclusion. 
What I and so many others have always been rallying against is unsolicited constructive criticism. The key difference here is consent. 
Bottom line is, criticism should default to “only if explicitly requested,” not “whenever I personally want to offer it.” And people who do want it should make it known rather than expecting others to automatically know. But you wanting it doesn’t mean anyone else does, or should. What helps you may harm someone else. 
9) So you’re saying people should only say good things? Isn’t that a little dishonest? 
If your best friend bought a new outfit and you really thought a lot of it looked awesome but you didn’t really care for the shoes, is it dishonest to compliment the rest of it and just not mention the shoes? 
If your family member prepared a meal and you genuinely enjoyed almost all of it but didn’t care for their macaroni salad, is it dishonest to compliment the rest of it and politely decline the macaroni salad?
The idea that you can only be truly “honest” if you insult as well as compliment is, frankly, bullshit. And I think most people who use this argument actually do know that. Again, many people fighting tooth and claw for the “right to criticize” aren’t really looking to help people. They’re looking for an excuse to tear people down. 
How do I know this? 
Well, the reality is, fanfic is free and plentiful. If you don’t like something, you can walk away. If you only like parts of something, you can chose to compliment those parts or you can still chose to walk away. It isn’t for lack of other things to read that you feel you must help this one individual improve, because there is plenty out there to read.
But if you insist--absolutely insist--on coming in and tearing someone down, what are you really doing? Satisfying your own needs to be right, not your desire to help someone improve. Because the best, most tried-and-true method of improvement (if someone wants to improve--which again, is NOT A REQUIREMENT) is to continue to write.  
If you want someone to get better? If that’s genuinely your deep down heart’s desire? Then you should only give them positive, glowing feedback. 
Because that, more than anything else, will encourage them to keep going. It will encourage them to write more. 
Tell them what they did well so they can build on it. Tell them what you loved so they’ll keep doing it. 
And then, whether they intended to or not, whether it was their goal or not, they will improve. 
Hell, they MIGHT even start thinking of you as a trusted, kind source of feedback--to the point that if they DO decide they want critique, they may actually come and ask you for it specifically. 
But if your goal is to help, the best, kindest, and most effective way to do that is to show your support. If you feel you can’t do that without dishonesty, then just walk away. Maybe that particular piece of work just isn’t for you. 
Absolute bottom line: you have been told, by multiple people, time and time again, that your unsolicited criticism is likely to be causing harm. At the very least, you must now see it as a very real risk of offering that criticism. So now you have to decide if that risk of causing someone real harm is worth it, all in the name of purportedly wanting to offer help for which no one asked. If you’ve been told, repeatedly, that your criticism is hurting people, and you still think it is your right, job, or duty to continue to offer it unsolicited, it may be time to take a good long look inside and ask yourself why. 
Phew, okay, I think that wraps things up for me. Thank you for reading this far, and just know that having a desire to help someone through criticism is not a bad thing. It’s literally what we’re taught to do in most school systems, so it’s something that does have to be unlearned in a lot of cases. But I hope I’ve made my case here for the potential damage of offering unsolicited criticism, and how you can do far more good for a writer by offering your support and encouragement anyway! :) 
*This is a trickier subject, and not really the purpose of this post. I won’t tell individuals how to react to someone misrepresenting their demographic; if someone is being racist, transphobic, homophobic, abelist, etc. in their writing, that is an entirely different conversation. I will not be telling anyone how they should respond to someone who has transgressed on these topics, though I will speak about the one I am personally familiar with as a disabled person (abelism) and say that in my experience, approaching an individual privately and under an assumption of benign ignorance on the topic is generally the approach that gets me the best results. But again, that is not a topic on which I can speak for everyone or every group. I’m aware of my privilege, and I will not be addressing that topic in this essay. 
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Please explain more how Delta is Bioshock's Jesus.
If Infinite is a criticism of WASPS and right-wing fundamental Baptists, Bioshock 2 has some pretty subtle digs at the Catholic Church through the Rapture Family. The Family is without a doubt based on the Catholic Church, most notably in Siren Alley: the shrines, the relics, the stained glass windows Eleanor mentions in a diary, the layout of the church, etc.
Non believers of the Family are tortured to death, and have to either convert or die. Children like the Big Sisters are used as soldiers. Y’know who else tortured a lot of non-Catholics and used children to fight wars? You already know the answer to this. Joan of Arc anybody? In fact, there was a whole distratrous crusade led by a child brainwashed by his local priest to believe he was appointed by heaven to receive the Holy Sepulchre.
Eleanor talks of Lamb having a beautiful tea set. In fact, compared to literally everyone else in Rapture, Lamb is doing quite well due to the devotion of her followers. The Rapture Family church is quite elaborate and beautiful compared to other more run down areas, with gold shrines, beautiful paintings, and unseen stained glass windows. It’s no where near the level of the Vatican, but much like it, there was absolutely manipulation involved to get all this built. The Catholic Church invoked indulgences, the chance to basically pay to win out of purgatory, and the money was used to build what you see at St. Peter’s Basillica.
So, where does Delta fall into this? How is Delta the closest thing to Jesus? Let’s get the obvious out of the way: he is betrayed, tortured, dies, and then rises from the dead. Good Delta also loves and protects children. Okay, we addressed that, let’s get to the meat.
Delta is not even considered a human being by society. His humanity was literally stripped away from by the authorities of Rapture. He is not just an outcast but a monster. Yet, he encompasses the teachings of the Family better than Lamb. Lamb talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. Look at how she abandoned Gil to rot. Delta doesn’t need to speak he just acts. Here is Lamb talking about a rebellious son:
I do not hate you, Delta. Indeed, I care for you in equal measure to any other sentient creature. But I cannot sacrifice a thousand of my children for one rebellious son.
Now onto the Bible:
Then Jesus told them this parable:
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
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There is a theme of 3’s in both Bioshock 2 and in the New Testament, specifically about redemption. Including the Parable of the Lost Sheep, there are three parables Jesus tells about redemption after he is criticized for eating with sinners: The Lost Coin and The Prodigal Son.
The Lost Coin is pretty basic. It’s about an impoverished woman who loses a coin and searches her house in the dark to find it. When she does, she invites her friends and family over to celebrate it.
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Now, The Prodigal Son is when things get pretty interesting. Stanley is compared to Judas Iscariot. He may be this for Lamb, but I don’t think so for Delta, as Judas was never really forgiven for his betrayal. At least, not according to the Catholic Chuch. There is, however, a resemblance of Stanley to the story of The Prodigal Son. Stanley is given power and wealth, squanders it, hurts a lot of people along the way including Delta and Eleanor, and then begs for his life.
Lamb, when seeing this says this:
Subject Delta, I have known for years of Stanley's betrayal here, and had forgiven him. But in compromising Eleanor now ... he seals his fate. You see, it was Stanley who turned you in to Ryan. He is responsible for what you have become. The security booth is open now ... you may have your revenge.
Even Eleanor intervenes and seems to be pushing for Delta to kill Stanley. However, if Delta decides to spare Stanley, we see this statue in Outer Persephone
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“‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”
So, finally what of Sinclair? Well, Sinclair is pretty special because he’s “the Peter.” He’s Delta’s rock, his only friend down here, but he’s got a shady past. He’s not completely upfront and has betrayed Delta. He doesn’t admit this, though, until after the third determinant character in the finale of the game when Delta is captured. Peter, who denies ever knowing Jesus, does this three times after Jesus is arrested.
Peter dies similarly to Jesus and is a martyr. He’s tortured and crucified. How does Sinclair die? He’s tortured and converted into an Alpha Series just like Delta.
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sailsunfurled · 2 years
Loki, BioShock, and 8 Years
Wow, goodness. What a morning I've had. What a rollercoaster of journey I've just gone through to get to- Well, you'll see.
I don't normally make posts (normally bc I don't have anything to say) but this is too good to pass on. Tagging @helshades bc this directly involves you and I don't necessarily know if Tumblr will catch it way further down in the post so tagging you now. Also, you all will have to bear with me and my long rambling post. I was not lying when I said it was a journey of a morning.
To set the stage, this morning... did not start off pleasantly, I'll be honest. Period cramps and the limbo feeling of wanting to be awake but wanting to desperately lie down and curl up was the beginning of this day. But stay up I did. Thankfully.
To cheer myself I weirdly and randomly decided to listen to some of Postmodern Jukebox. (Yes, this important.) And bc of their usual old-timey sound they go for, my brain connected old-timey music to other old-timey music/vibes I'm familiar with.
Enter BioShock. I've personally started working on an old Minecraft project that's for a friend. A BioShock (Infinite/Burial At Sea) puzzle map with a story. So I started listening to more and more. Which led me to switching from PMJ to Robyn Adele Anderson (who used to work with PMJ until after her break up with the founder and then started her own YouTube and retro-fitting music cover career) and hearing her cover of Honeysuckle Rose.
Which, if there's anything that I love, it's a good romance song. To add to my romantic f/o (aka: comfort character ) playlist. Who's my romantic f/o? Who else other than the one and only MCU trickster?
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The only character I have loved and attached myself to so dearly for many, many a year. All since Thor 1. (Okay, timing with this one is a little wonky, so quick explanation here. It's actually when Avengers 1 came out but I watched Captain America and then Thor 1 at home the weekend the Avengers 1 movie came out. And then saw the latter movie soon after. Pls dont revoke my Loki fan-card. I swear, I've been there since basically the beginning.🤣)
Something that's also important to know about me is that currently... I have a problem. An AU-making problem. 😅😅😅
First, Wandavision with Loki and my self-insert. Lately, it's cowboys and the Old West with Loki and my self-insert. (Two different versions, I might add to highlight my clear AU-making addiction.) Today it's a BioShock-esque story. With Loki and, you guessed it, my self-insert character.
And what is a BioShock story without it's breathtaking, awe-inspiring city? And what is Loki without his home of Asgard? To combine the two and make it work, I need to know what architecture the MCU Asgard(s) are based on/inspired by.
A quick google search of "mcu asgard architecure inspired by" brings up two different Helshades posts. Ah, yes! Helshades! I remember them!
When it comes to MCU Asgard world-building stuff, I know only two blogs to go to from years and years ago when I first discovered them. That is, I know they exist. I usually forget the usernames lol. Sorry, Helshades. It's been a long while. (The other blog is exploringmcuasgard fyi. I have their blog pulled up and will comb through it in a minute once I'm done with this post and finished combing Helshades' Asgard architecture tag.)
So, as mentioned already, I start chronologically from the beginning of Helshades' Asgard architecture tag, going through and scanning the paragraphs of each post's texts looking for names of architecture movements.
I've found one btw! Through all the Thor 1 architecture posts is the name Deconstructivism! Successful so far!
But there was more than one Thor movie, if you remember. And more than one version/interpretation of the city of Asgard.
So onto posts about the Asgard seen in the Thor 2 trailer! The first one is fine and good. The second one...
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starts with a note. A dedication to a 400th follower. Oh nice. A 400th follower with the name-
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For those who don't know, a very long time ago I used to have the username, Egoimperiiruina. (A username I have somewhat recently reclaimed after someone else took it and now hold as a subblog to do... something with it in the future.😉)
And back then (as I mentioned earlier) I loved Loki and Asgard and the whole "Thor" side of the MCU franchise. (Which... honestly, and, very sadly, cannot be said now. *le deep fucking sigh in utter disappointment and disgust towards current MCU and Taika Waititi/Mike Waldron*
And this shows clearly here in this note where I apparently was on a Helshades post spree for costume designs. (This may have been for a fic I started and never continued (for awhile! I'll eventually get to it!) a long time ago with the temp name Asgardian Dreams, looking over Asgardian costumes references to get an idea for Vanir fashion that could look similar to Asgardian/Loki. Surprisingly, enough, not for a self-insert. Well, kinda. lmao)
But you might be wondering, this is a great find and what not, but you didn't see this before? Nope. Not once. Weird too because I have in the past occasionally looked to see all the posts that mentioned me via my old username and current one.
But the best part? Honestly, what makes it for me now, is that not only does Helshades say that I, and, I quote, "should welcome an architecture-oriented entry [of theirs] with a similar enthusiasm"- Which, yes. Very much the same amount of enthusiasm, still going strong after all these years. Especially after all the ridiculous nonsense given to us old Loki fans from Ragnarok to his quote-unquote namesake show (can't convince me that's even close to the same Loki I've known all this time nope!).
It's that this post is 8 friggin years old *and* they said the above.
You know what, Helshades? You were right.
I'm happy I found you too.
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deco-devolution · 3 years
Hey! I just got into bioshock (just finished 1 and 2 and now onto infinite) and am trying to get into the fandom but I really like want to avoid those ships TM (insect, pedophilia, the like) because they really upset me . Do you know what ships to avoid/tag for blocking?
Okay so block the following! Put in an image to avoid the autotagging feature
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cardboard-aliens · 3 years
Seeing people trying to say nice things about Infinite “Well the gunplay in Infinite was the best of the series!!” like b r u h no it wasn’t. BioShock has never had good gunplay, if that’s what you’re looking for you will 100% be disappointed with this series. It will always be clunky at best. If you want good gunplay go play a borderlands game- playing just BL1 is vastly more engaging combat than any BioShock game, especially Infinite, and BL2 is even better.  
The BioShock series was always about being atmospheric and building a setting and the shooting was just kind of there- it was never refined or something to cite as a virtue of the series, beyond plasmids being cool conceptually (mechanically they kind of flop- but eh its about the vibe in BioShock) 
Infinite’s WHOLE goal was to become more mainstream so they could appeal to the widest audience. Meaning the gameplay became more generic. Like it does not stand out at all, and a lot of the things to remember about it are bad. Like now instead of having a gun wheel you only hold two guns at a time, and you loot better guns from your enemies! Nothing wrong with that, lots of games do that (like borderlands) But then they made a horrible upgrade system which does not harmonize at all with this new weapon system.
You’re constantly rotating out guns, and you never have control of what weapons you’ll have because you’ll always be looting to get new guns (or desperately holding onto one to get that #achievement) so upgrading weapons is pointless because you don’t know when you’ll see that gun again- if ever. you spent money on the starting pistol??? You wasted money because end game you’re not gonna see that gun again. And you don’t have tons of money floating around to be wasting.
Losing money when you die is very dumb in Infinite. You have such finite funds you’re almost constantly trying to save up for a new Vigor upgrade (if you actually use more than one) and when you lose that bit of money it keeps you from being able to keep up in combat- Now you may think “But hey you cited Borderlands as a better game for combat, but you lose money when you die there too!!” 1) There is no upgrade system in borderlands tied to spending cash to make guns better 2) You rarely buy weapons anyways, you’d get better guns from loot and most of the time you’re just restocking on ammo or health 3) There is so much money in Borderlands that the money you lose when dying is inconsequential. You’re likely to make it all back in a fight or two and then some.
The upgrade system in Infinite is solely there because “BioShock games have weapons upgrades! We better add them to Infinite to make sure people know this is a BioShock game!” and the same logic applies to Vigors. They exist to fill the plasmid hole in the gameplay- and can get that, but the Vigors are LAME- I used birds almost exclusively and rarely had any problems. You could argue this is a problem all three BioShock games share (In BS1 and BS1 you will always have electrobolt on hand- it is too useful and powerful to unequip) but at least in BS1 and BS2 plasmids were built into the lore- and interesting and fundamental part of the story of the games (and like I’ve said, these games were about story and atmosphere. So maybe they’re not the best refined gaming experiences, but it was all at least interesting). In Infinite they’re just... there. They’re not explored or explained to help flesh out the city and build the world (instead BaS makes this worse- but that’s for another day). 
“but the skyhook was cool and unique!!!!” it could have been yeah- but when did you use it while fighting? It very quickly becomes just a way to reposition yourself and serves as a melee attack. I tired to use that thing as offensively as I could, because banana slamming your enemies to death was the most satisfying part of the combat. But there was rarely a time where you could glide -> shoot -> slam -> shoot -> glide -> repeat. The skyhook was just to pick where you wanted to stand for your shoot out. Not to be where the combat happens.
Tears weren’t any better. They were advertised as ways to help spice up the gameplay and help players have their own unique experiences, but they’re static just like the rest of the gameplay. You’ll have like three options usually between “physical cover” “an ‘ally’ for suppressive fire” or “first aid”. If they’re feeling spicy they might let you open up an extra place to use the sky hook to reposition. Never once do you do something cool with the tears in combat. 
There is nothing good about Infinite’s gameplay. Anything it does you kind of like can be found done better in a different game. And said game will probably have a better story with better characters- meaning there is really nothing to gain by playing Infinite unless you really like the look of “sky city”. But like just go play Paper Mario at that point. The single level of WrestleMania in the sky is better than Infinite (OR once again BORDERLANDS- which has a flying city). 
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twistedapple · 4 years
Bianca Bosconero - Snow White stayed in the wild (Interlude 2)
Who is up for some fashion talk? I certainly am! ( @tsuisute​ making this post got me in a fashion commentary mood lol sorry I lowkey highjacked your height chart posts)
Considering the general atmosphere of the Valley of Thorns (based on what we know so far, at least), I decided to go the fashion history way with my OCs, though I hit different time periods because I feel like the styles would fit each of them - and also because, having a twin brother IRL, I despise the “they’re twins so they must look/act alike” trope (uninspired, unimpressive). The only moment when I’m ok with it is when the twins in question have obviously different style and personality despite their generally similar face - so I’m ok with the eelboys, for example, because they very obviously are their own persons despite working as a team.
There’s gonna be illustrations so check under the cut!
With that said, as far as Bianca is concerned, I went for a modernised Edwardian aesthetic. So rather than aiming for the hour-glass figure that is in favour again nowadays (it was also all the rage during the Victorian era), I’m going for a clean, S-shaped silhouette.
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Of course, over the span of about 30 years, the silhouette has known variations (especially with the use of a bustle in the first half, or with the length of the jacket), so I’m precisely aiming for a silhouette similar to the one depicted in the gravure above for Bianca’s school uniform. A crisp line with a natural waist and elements of the outfit based on masculine fashion. The following breakdown of Rosalind Lutece’s (Bioshock Infinite) outfit provides a concise, visual explanation of the layers women would wear during the Edwardian era:
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While it’s not exactly what Bianca wears - especially when it comes to the underwears, it should help understand where I’m coming from with her cothing style. In her case, her underwears are more modern and include a body shaping slip dress to smooth all the lines. I considered going full corsetry initially, but yeah, modern clothing got the better of me (even though a properly fitted corset is, actually, very comfortable). Still, I’m on board with a potential small bustle to help give even more shape to the silhouette, and the slip dress definitely includes garters to keep the oldschool touch - however, those are not visible. At all. This is a school setting and Bianca possesses enough sense of decorum to pay attention and make sure everything is elegant. Besides, the contrary would be very out of character for her, and she doesn’t feel like she needs to use her physical charms anyway, so she expresses herself differently. From a meta point of view, this style also suits her strong interest for anything historical, I simply can’t see her go for something really modern.
Regarding the length and cut of her school skirt, the goal is to have a crisp line with a flair and clever pleating in the back to help provide shape and balance the waist/hips ratio in a feminine way. This is of course supported with the help of the small aforementioned bustle. And I’ll let Bernadette Banner explain the intricaties of such piece of clothing with her video regarding the creation of a 1895 walking skirt. However, the one I had in mind is another of Bernadette Banner’s projects, the modernised Edwardian walking skirt, set below the knee rather than at the ankle. These two videos should give you an idea of the shape and flow of the skirt, and used without corset/bodice in a manner matching Bianca’s appearance.
Now, onto her dorm uniform. There isn’t much to say, really. She wears it just like everybody else in Pomefiore. However, the purple overdress is definitely ankle-length in her case. Also, I mentioned in her profile that Bianca was unhappy with the over-the-ankle height of the boots, so she had them modified and turned into thigh high boots instead (to Vil’s displeasure)... Well my reference is riding boots men would wear during the late years of Louis XV’s reign. Let me give you two examples with the series Nicolas Le Floch (French series of police investigations in the historical context of Louis XV and Louis XVI’s reigns. There are novels, comics and a TV series, 10/10 would recommend):
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As you can see, the man in both pictures wears tall leather riding boots - the second picture is especially relevant since it’s a historical recreation for the TV series. It’s that sort of shape I have in mind, with a bit of a heel to make it more “urban” (if you will). While she’s well dressed, Bianca basically gives the impression she’s ready to hop on a horse for a ride in the countryside, it constrats with Vil’s more feminine and delicate look. When it comes to her makeup, however, she changed it at the start of her second second year (eh). Before, she had the same classic smokey brown style she normally wears with her school uniform, but now she transitioned to something more spectacular, as if she was putting her foot down and saying “I’m here now”. Of course, the colours match with her dorm uniform, contrast nicely with her eyes, and in my opinion it is very much in the style of Leesu’s vampire makeup.
Anyway that was my fashion interlude, this weekend I’ll get back to a normal rhythm and prepare the post detailing Bianca’s unique magic, before switching to Neve’s profile, backstory and unique magic! Stay tuned!
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Jeremiah Fink Jeremiah Fink is a major side character who acts as a secondary villain towards the protagonists and the Vox populi faction. Before we analyze him, we'll be taking a brief look into his past. Not much is known about his birth but we know that he is one of The Founders of Columbia. Fink gained his massive empire through “persuasive” monopolization and through his close ties with Zachery Hale Comstock. His wealth knew no bounds, and in no time he had the police force in his pocket. Comstock noticed Fink’s increasing influence and hired him to “accidentally” get rid of the Lutece twins. His reward would be ownership of the Luteces’ patents. We will continue our story within his Dominant Function analysis. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking  If you could describe Jeremiah Fink in one word, it would efficient. Jeremiah Fink is what happens when a TE user is extremely unhealthy. His concept of morals doesn't exist, all he cares for is efficiency and monetary gain. Now we’ll return to his story since his TE function will play a huge role in it. He “killed” the Lutece’s by destroying their Lutece Device. He was efficient since this action got rid of them from that timeline, but he wasn’t effective. That action had consequences such as accidentally making the Luteces’ capable of existing across multiple dimensions. This would be his downfall. The problem with Fink is that he wants work done fast and he doesn’t care how it turns out since he’ll replace the workers with other workers who could do it faster and better. Another fascinating example of his TE function can be observed by how he organizes his office and workplace. Every action he takes is timed and he can’t stand when time is wasted because he could be doing something productive. This need to be productive is so extreme that he even has a giant clock that is used to control which rooms open at what times in his private quarters! He’s a complete control freak and sadly, this treatment is also extended to his employees. In a way, Fink is a one-dimensional being who only focuses on one aspect of Extroverted Thinking... Say it with me... EFFICIENCY. Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition Fink is the example of an NI user with a rotten core. He uses this function to understand people’s intentions so he may further control them like the puppets he perceives them to be. We can see this within his actions and speeches towards his workers. Fink actively discourages his employees from being self-sufficient and ambitious since being ambitious is too much work, and why would you want to work harder than you’re already working? As Fink says, “Simplicity is beauty“ He purposely manipulates his workers so he may further exploit them, which is his end goal for every worker that works under his establishment. For him, they’re simply tools. One of the best examples of Fink’s NI function can be seen in how he predicts Booker will come for Chen Lin and kills him. But he doesn’t just kill him, he manipulates Booker and Elizabeth into thinking they have a chance of saving Chen Lin even though he was already dead. Since Fink knows Booker needs Chen Lin to get the First Lady airship to escape Columbia to pay his debts, he figures if he removes Chen Lin from the equation Booker will have no choice to work for him and if Elizabeth wasn’t able to make tears into different universes that would be absolutely true. Even Fink’s success can be attributed to his NI function. Fink may be obsessed with efficiency and success as we mentioned in his TE function segment, but he also can think outside the box and often does to achieve his goals. Fink uses tears to look into alternative realities and takes inspiration from them. This results in him making his variations of what he sees. Such as vigors, he used what he saw in a Rapture tear and then observed Yi Suchong using slugs to extract ADAM. Fink copied Suchong’s idea and added a twist to it. But due to Fink’s need for efficient results, his invention of the vigor was much more costly and 10x less effective than Suchong’s plasmids. Speaking of “borrowing” ideas, Fink also made a profit by sending his brother to tears that contained music from the future. They both plagiarized songs such as Everybody Wants to Rule the World from Tears For Fears and Happy Shiny People from R.E.M and tweaked them slightly to match their time-period. This borrowing of ideas and innovation eventually got the attention of Suchong, who started to copy off Fink. They both indirectly collaborated with each-other on the inventions such as the Songbird which was based on the Big Daddy and the idea of imprinting their creations onto desired hosts which was also influenced by the Big Daddy. Fink may have cheated by viewing tears into the future, but he innovated on the ideas he saw and put them to use in Columbia by improving the lives of its citizens and his wallet. Our last NI example links back to our first example, Fink pays his employees in “Fink coins” why Fink coins you ask? Well, of course, it’s for controlling them so they can’t buy any other products at other establishments. This causes the cash-flow to always return to Fink, limiting his losses to almost 0%. Pretty intelligent if you ask me, and equally cutthroat. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing Fink is a unique individual he both uses and neglects his SE function at the same time. His usage of the function can often be seen within a TE-SE loop. Our first example takes place at the Columbia Day Raffle. To celebrate, Jeremiah Fink set up a large carnival for the people filled with attractions based on his company. Such as Fink product trails, Fink’s music, and Vox populi shoot-'em-up games. Fink did all of that because he understood the power of propaganda and his physical appearance. If he makes himself look like a celebrity more people will buy his products is his logic. Our next example can be seen within Fink’s surroundings. He’s obsessed with beauty. This is best seen in his Private office which contains a giant golden clock, gigantic windows, fancy curtains, and 4 other rooms within it. That’s not all. He also has 2 humongous golden statues of himself in his work district. It’s commonly known that SE users are the most sensitive to beauty thus desire the most. Our last example occurs when he’s “interviewing” Booker DeWitt for a new job position of head security of Fink industries! This interview is forced onto Booker, who’s confused to why Fink is doing this. Fink retorts by claiming that Booker needs to kill the other applicants if he wants the job. But in reality, Fink just wants to be entertained by Booker’s ability to kill others. Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling We’re going to be straightforward on this function. Fink only uses the FI functions for 2 things. To spread his ideas about how work is hard and how everyone should work as hard as possible and for his projection of his “strong” values on which humans are worthy of his respect and which ones are tools to be used. This is driven by his white supremacist morals and ideals. Fink only hires non-American white people such as the Irish and minorities of all backgrounds. He does this intending to keep everyone underpaid and overworked. He wants to control their lives since he doesn’t see them as human. It’s pretty bad, but that’s how he functions Jeremiah Fink represents the extreme values of the 1900s America. He also represents a human who has been stripped away of all morality, thus resulting in Fink only caring for his own personal gain and the thrill of crushing his competition or anyone he deems a risk. These traits can be linked to psychopathy. https://youtu.be/FVhDUf-speQ
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Bioshock: The Collection
Release Date: September 2016 Developer: Irrational Games/2K Platform: Playstation 4 
I first played the Bioshock games during my first year of college after a friend introduced me to the series. I immediately adored all 3 games as I played them late at night to decompress. Seven years later and I replayed them for the first time after getting the remastered Bioshock Collection. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) I still really enjoyed what all 3 games had to offer.
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The first Bioshock is a masterpiece. It’s not without faults but considering it came out in 2007, it holds up really well and it really revolutionized gaming. Including the atmospheric storytelling, the fun and easy to pick-up combat, the famous little sisters and big daddies, and the meta plot twist, I could write a thesis on this game and how well it did and how it’s influenced gaming. It was so fun to replay and experience the story again as well as the the intricate world-building that goes into Rapture. There’s some technical combat issues that are less thrilling, like how some of the plasmids work or switching between plasmids and guns, but really, there’s a reason this game is famous even now. Bioshock is and will always be a classic.
Rating: 10/10
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Oh, Bioshock 2, the weak link in the trio. Everyone always rips this game apart and criticizes it pretty aggressively, but I think Bioshock 2 is a pretty solid game. It smoothed out kinks from combat in the first game, explored a set of morals opposite of the original (Collectivism instead of Andrew Ryan’s Individualism), and told a fascinating story between an original Big Daddy and his little sister who grew up. It also added the Big Sister which are as terrifying as Big Daddy’s but faster and with plasmid abilities. The real problem is that because a different branch of 2K handled the game leaving most of the original team out of it, the game feels wedged into the world, adding in a bunch of events and characters never heard of in the original game and while it’s still compelling, it feels a bit like it got slapped onto the end of Bioshock. And when you add Bioshock Infinite, which ignored Bioshock 2 when it wasn’t retconning it, it feels significantly out of place, no matter how interesting the story or fun the gameplay.
Rating: 8/10
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Bioshock Infinite brought all the innovation and quality writing that the first Bioshock had and upgraded it with better graphic and smoother gameplay. Colombia is just as atmospheric and beautiful as Rapture, and the skyline combat was challenging and unique. My biggest problem with the game stems from the insensitivity to racism. The game paints Colombia as a place filled with religious zealotry and prejudice. It’s an ugly haven for white supremacy and capitalism which is an accurate and timely critique, but then the game continues to portray Daisy Fitzroy, the only major black character, as “just as evil” because she doesn’t want the poor and minorities to suffer oppression. The game makes Daisy more and more extreme until she threatens a child and then suffers a violent death. The DLC tries to sort of “undo” the worst of Daisy by showing her motivations as not malicious but considering the main game on it’s own makes Daisy out as a monster, it feels tactless and poorly thought out. Despite that major blemish, Infinite is thought-provoking, complex, surprising and mostly a joy to play.
Rating: 9/10
Over all the Bioshock games are excellent experiences and I highly recommend picking up the Collection if you haven’t already. I look forward to the next Bioshock game in the works and I hope it lives up to the legacy.
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longliveteufort · 4 years
@schnozzbun-art​ requested some details for the Our Way Playlist I made so i threw it under here! It’s long sorry :/ 
1. Father and Son - Cat Stevens: this song ended up being the main song i would listen to when i would get in the vibe of writing- to the point where i would reread the first chapter with it on to make sure that i was in the vibe lol. While not all the lyrics match, this song really nails the feeling of being a scared parent trying their best. Theres a lot of love in it, and i adore it. 
2. Brandy - Looking Glass: this playlist follows the story fairly loosely, so I wanted this to be Renee’s song. She’s fun and upbeat, and i thought that it really nails down what we THOUGHT Renee was at this point- just a pretty girl that falls in love with a rolling stone. 
3. Just When I Needed You Most - Randy VanWarmer: Renee dies u_u and I was trying to show that spy was very lost right after. 
4. I’m Not In Love - 10cc: whoops how many of these are on the guardians of the galaxy soundtracks rip  At this point we’ve hit the main story, and we have spy very curious of mundy and his intentions. I also dont think spy has really fallen for anyone since Renee, and I think he had himself convinced that he didnt want to find anyone else. this is that lol
5. Moonlight Serenade - Glenn Miller: now this is THE song of this fic lol. I used to play in a jazz band myself, and this song always was so dreamy. It’s slow and romantic with this strange note of longing. I love the old recording quality of it, u feel nostalgic for something u dont know. there were lyrics made later by other artists for singing, but they are just a tad too cheesy for my taste
6. La Vie En Rose - Edith Piaf: I used to listen to the orchestrated version of this song from Bioshock Infinite that u can find here. I enjoy both versions immensely, but the og one is what was on spotify so here we are lol. OH and spy is french, so yeah 
7. Something Stupid - Studio Sound group: The version I am most used to is Sinatra’s version that can be found here. This was the closest version i could find- but i adore this song as well, especially considering its a great consensual pining song. We also have sniper saying stupid lolll, all things considered it was fairly soon after they had met, and I think that was a scary thing for them. 
8. Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow - Freddie Mercury: I fucking cry like 1 out of every 3 times of hearing this song i stg. If theres anyone that can do raw emotion its Freddie. I was looking for a song that conveyed the storming of the agency (and was upbeat for some other songs on the list) without being an action-y song. I debated putting this song in the playlist at all, hoping that it wouldnt be disrespectful to the source material and the origin of its creation. It’s an incredibly powerful experience for the ears.
9. In Our Bedroom After The War - Stars: once upon of time i was pretty sure on having one of the mercs die (NOT demo as a twist lol) This was something i later didnt like, but i still enjoyed this songs acknowledgement of others sacrifices (in this case, mostly Renee’s in terms of death) and the process of grief into victory. A bittersweet victory and looking forward to the future. 
10. Death Of A Bachelor - David Fowler: Panic! at the Disco did this song amazingly well, but it had a lot of electric beats and the whatnot that I think didn’t fit any of the other songs on the playlist, so I chose a nice cover. This is for spy, spy deserves a “im cool” song. It’s also a good transition into some more modern songs and upbeat I have near the end. 
11. My Type - Saint Motel: This was the last song added, but i LOVED how it tied in. The sax at the beginning, the use of “love comes wearing disguises”- it was just a fun song to add of them finally being open. I added 2 Saint Motel songs and I ended up placing them next to each other. Of the two, this one is more like Spy lmao. 
12. Cold Cold Man - Saint Motel: I loved this song for sniper, but i wasn’t dead set on adding it in until I had other more modern songs to back it up. I think (especially in this AU) he’s very reserved simply because he isn’t used to company but a side effect of this is also really attaching onto people he does care about. 
13. Moonlight Serenade - Lucky Chops: when looking for other recordings of this song to listen to I came across this and just KNEW it was like the “credits” song. I was blown away at how lovely the arrangement is. Here we have the dreamy tune played with a “hey everything turned out ok after all” vibe. All of Lucky Chops stuff is great btw please give them love 
14. My Way - Frank Sinatra: Hey when did I start this fic? May 2017? And when did the Kingsman 2 trailer come out??? April 2017?? What a WEIRD coincidence. This totally did not effect how I treated this AU. Not at all. I definitely didn’t name the fic after this song but in a weird way that no one got dkjvnsdvkjvnds  But honestly, Ive loved this song for years and it’s an amazing note to end on. 
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dent-de-leon · 5 years
oh i’ve loved dishonored for a real long time now actually!! :’) i watched a playthrough of the first game years ago and I’ve been in love with the world and its atmosphere ever since,, I got back into it recently cause I decided to give playing Dishonored 2 another try,, but I don’t talk about it much cause,, I have NEVER played a stealth game before Dishonored 2 and I am VERY VERY BaD at it,, add to that the fact that the only other first person game I’ve ever played is Bioshock Infinite--cause first person just make me stupidly motion sick--and it’s an absolute disaster lmao,,
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Yakuza 0′s Ludonarrative Dissonance Is Baffling but Hilarious.
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*Minor spoilers for Yakuza 0 in this post*
Ludonarrative Dissonance, if you’re not aware, is a term that refers to when a video games intended story message and actual gameplay fail to match up, resulting in dissonance between the two.  You see it a lot in video games, in the modern game industry it’s seemingly unavoidable and a good amount of time it just ends up being funny.  The term really came into play when Bioshock Infinite tried to tell a story about the ugliness of violence....while making all the violence look super cool when you actually played the game.  Yakuza 0 is a great game overall, let me just preface with that now, I’m not disparaging the game or series but like, holy crap the disconnect between the way the characters talk about themselves and their actual actions is hilariously bizarre. 
Disclaimer: I haven’t finished Yakuza 0′s story yet.
 Yakuza 0′s story is framed around two characters who have never killed someone before, Kazama Kiryu who is framed for a shooting he didn’t, and insists would never commit and Majima Goro, who is offered a way back into the Yakuza by performing a hit that he isn’t sure he actually wants to do.  Both characters have these details brought up pretty often, Majima is reluctant to kill someone to regain his position, especially when it becomes clear who his former bosses want him to kill.  Kiryu on the other hand, has a strict moral code and while he seems to have no problem beating people down for money, actually taking someones life is where he seems to draw a very hard line.
That’s where this all goes off the rails in terms of actual gameplay, near every move you can pull off in the fighting system looks and feels lethal as hell.  Between bashing people in the skull with a baseball bat, knee dropping them onto hard concrete or straight up slashing them with a Katana there is no way that any of those people are alive after these fights.  Maybe the most ludicrous event so far was a chase on the freeway, where Mr. “I’ll never kill anyone” Kiryu is handed a gun and you the player proceed to shoot at least fifty people to death.  Either blowing up their cars, shooting them in the head and flinging them from a motorcycle at 70 MPH or turning their helicopter into a fiery bomb with them still inside during the crash.
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Kazama Kiryu, a man who was framed for a shooting he would never commit, seen here before committing dozens of shootings.
I think Yakuza is fully aware of how nuts this all comes off, as so much of the game uses comedy to counter balance the more serious crime drama storylines full of all sorts of awful things such as murder or human trafficking, but I just can’t not be weirded out by such ridiculous levels of slaughter in a game where both the characters are so adamant they’ve never killed someone before.  I’m sorry dudes, but in controlling you, I’ve definitely killed like half the population of Kamurocho and Sotenbori.  
Now on the other hand, one maybe more understanding of what Yakuza 0 is trying to do with most of the ultra violence, it becomes more obvious that this game is absolutely hilarious. Thugs swing buzz saws at you with reckless abandon, dudes in weird masks jump out of the water like the zombies from House of the Dead 2 and Kiryu can pick up and swing around a full sized bicycle like it’s an umbrella.  When you really get into the nitty gritty of this games systems it becomes clear they drew a hard separation between what was fun to play and what made a good story and it’s better for it.  If story Kiryu wants to wax poetic about the nature of taking a life and game play Kiryu wants to snap a dudes spine and throw him off a bridge, as long as it’s as uproarious as this game makes it than by all means, take out every criminal in Japan if it fulfills these weirdos blood lust.
0 is the first Yakuza game I’ve played, and though I have some issues with stuff like the feeling of combat and dramatic scenes that linger for too long, they’ve made a fan out of me they won’t soon lose as long as they keep the laughs coming.
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Wait hold up.....I’m usually the one controlling them when they do the violent things....is this game secretly meta-textually brilliant?
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