#one of His Songs™ lately
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
Cap's got a new voice claim! feat. a tiny bit of Sparrows n her's unchanged vc because 1. it's cute to hear them together and 2. I snorted. The vibes are so different
[songs: So Familiar by Jean Castel and Driving Myself Home by Rose Betts]
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shares-a-vest · 5 months
Prompt: Family Heirloom and Starry Night (Discord Drabble) Two prompts in 24hrs, the drabblers are spoiled today. It's Lex's birthday! @thefreakandthehair I'm so sorry that my Frankenstien prompt for your b'day is also Steve Sad Boy™ hours. But it has a light-hearted end!!! 🏈🏈🏈 tw: death of a grandparent (way in the past)
"Why would mom mail this to me?" Steve finally mutters from his position at the kitchen bench.
Eddie shimmies upright on the couch and rubs at his eyes, long glazed over from forcing himself to pretend to pay attention to tonight's game. He'd flipped it over a good half an hour ago as the space he had given Steve started to linger on a little too long for his liking.
He just wasn't supposed to almost fall asleep while waiting for Steve to join and watch his favourite team win all those... points? touchdowns?
It doesn't matter nearly as much as the package that was delivered late in the afternoon – one that has left Steve glued to his kitchen stool.
A heavy but small and thin box with 'FRAGILE' and 'DO NOT BEND' emblazoned all over it, the red warnings leaving just enough space for their address and the return label.
Steve has opened it, Eddie realises, looking over his partner's impossibly hunched shoulders when he reaches him.
"I don't remember ever seeing that in your house, sweetheart," he says, standing close and snaking his arms around Steve's middle.
He frowns at the small framed print of Vincent Van Gough's Starry Night painting and rests his chin on Steve's shoulder.
"Mom hated it," Steve explains, "Refused to hang it anywhere in the house after my Grandpa passed. He left it to her."
Eddie hums in the affirmative.
The gold and gaudy frame doesn't exactly scream Mrs Harrington's taste in decor...
"Should I call her?" Steve rasps, setting the print down to pinch his nose, "What if something's wrong and that's why she is sending it to me?"
Eddie can feel his lip quivering.
"Maybe we should talk first, hmm?" he suggests, giving Steve a reassuring squeeze.
"Or..." Steve continues, his tone becoming bitter, "She's sending it now to make it official. That I'm no longer..."
He cuts himself off with a shaky exhale and looks around their relatively new (but technically very old and rundown) apartment. A quiet little spot in Indy they'd scored without too much searching.
One that they soon filled with their records and clothes, Eddie's amp and guitar and Steve's old trophies. Too many knickknacks they'd thrifted with the help of Robin and a lot of second-hand furniture Wayne found.
An apartment they are still in the process of making their own as they work themselves out together.
Their place in the world. Their home.
Eddie looks over to a patch of blank wall by the phone.
A spot that could use something...
"Do you like it, the painting?" he whispers, pressing a kiss to Steve's ear.
Steve grips the frame, his knuckles quickly turning white as he tenses up. He nods his head vigorously and sniffles.
"My grandpa..."
"Starry, starry night," Eddie sings low, "Paint your palette blue and grey..."
He reaches out to place his hands over Steve's and feels them relax in his touch.
"Look out on a summer's day..." Steve continues wetly, "Yeah..."
He sighs and closes his eyes, shifting his weight back onto Eddie.
"Looks like a pretty good heirloom to me," he says, swaying them just enough to leave Steve humming contentedly without threatening his position on the rickety kitchen stool.
Eddie continues humming the song, a favourite of Wayne's that he only ever passively listened to enough to pick up on the opening line and tune.
"Wanna watch the game with me?" he asks, nodding back to the television as he finishes the song.
Steve giggles, his shoulders gradually shaking them both.
"Baby, I watched that game two Sundays ago."
"But it's your favourite," Eddie argues, jostling their conjoined form, "The Cubs!"
"Eds, that's baseball!"
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 & 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫*ೃ༄
a/n: this one’s been dusty in the drafts since November lol
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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╰┈➤ 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She literally loves you and your aesthetic sm.
Personally, I can imagine her being Scene x Bimbo if ykwim.
I can imagine you having the JUICIEST drama to share with one and other during your weekly sleepover.
You guys know everything about EVERYONE!
Even letting Jane, Nat, and Toby in on the drama sometimes too, bcs let’s be honest with ourselves. The conversations and tea spilling would be funny af.
Shit talking bout the boys in the manor™ (Jeff being your guys main target.)
Feeding into each other’s delusions.
Late night drives to Starbucks while blasting Ayesha Erotica. (ur guys song is deffo Juicy Couture)
“She has McDonald’s! Y/n where did you get McDonald’s?”
“Bitch, give me a fry.”
“Is that how you ask?”
“Bitch PLEASE give me a fry.”
Even better.
Y’know that one pic of the couple doing each others make up?
This one?
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Literally u guys. (Had to make it pink for the vibe bro)
You guys share clothes, you have a cute mini skirt? She’s wearing it. She had a tank top that went with your outfit? You’re wearing it. (Maybe even sharing thongs..)
All I’m saying, is that you guys are very close!! Ppl in the manor mistake you guys for dating.
And tbh, you guys own it.
╰┈➤ 𝐗-𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬
The duo that serves Cunt.
His name for you on his phone is ‘Barbie💖’ (which is fine tbh bcs your name for him is Frankenstein.)
You guys fit in the trope listener x gossiper and it’s acc so cute.
He’s acc not a big fan of the aesthetic (he’s still salty a girl in high school who was also a bimbo declined to go out w him.) but it’s okay bcs it’s you.
He’s probs chill bout you practicing make up on him too.
Yk that one scene in Brave.
This one.
It’s literally him covering your eyes while he’s letting you chill w him in his lab. Because for some fucking reason you thought it would be a good idea to look at the blinding lights of his viruses?¿?¿
Ask him to do something? Oh he’s doing it alright. But not without bitching and whining the whole time.
“Do you know where I could get one of those cute necklaces with the T on it?”
“That’s a cross.”
“Across from where?”
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Oh look more headcanons
Who'd have guessed
Not me for sure
Okay sorry I'll shut up.
I'm highly music-driven and have been for many many years of my life.
And I'm presently unreasonably obsessed with The Fratellis after suddenly remembering they exist after like fifteen years of not hearing a single one of their songs. Don't ask me, it just happened a couple months ago and I decided not to question it.
So this is really stupidly niche of me, but these are their songs/lyrics that I associate with the Best Boys™, in a Character X Reader sense. The songs that are typically playing halfway on repeat when I'm writing any of them lately.
The song-links go to Spotify. It's not necessary to listen to them, the lyrics here are the main catalyst, but if you want to listen I'm not going to complain.
no but please I hope you like the music that I like I have no one to talk to about it and as a half-assed musician it's literally killing me and
Living in the Dark
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I was nothing less than torn, crying out to be reborn
Come back, baby, you could make me happy,
Maybe you could prove me wrong
You're the only one who could ever save me,
Maybe you could prove me wrong
I've been living in the dark down here too long
The song itself is far more upbeat than I'd generally associate with Zoro, but the lyrics speak to me on his behalf. The upbeat tempo is the equivalent of what you do to his heart when you're near him; it's strange and unfamiliar, but it's nice. He's iffy about being close with anyone, and he won't admit it out loud but he wants to be.
He's been alone for years, for damned near all of his life, and you're like the light at the end of that tunnel. He might try to push you away or be aloof and impersonal at first because the thought of being vulnerable frightens him a little, but he wants to be proven wrong. He wants to let you in, and he's willing to try.
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I get the strangest sense we were lovers past-tense
Like a dog in heat I just can't be indiscreet
And when I see you there, I whisper my prayer, so sweet
I'm getting shakey on my feet, I'm incomplete
And if you just can't do me right
Then, honey, please, do me wrong
I'll be your one man band, I'll be at your command
Just say the word and I'll be your Renaissance man
This entire damned song is the anthem of Sanji. It's like a 1950's bop, the type of song that you can't help but smile at. It's sweet and cute and pining, just like our favorite chef. He's just utterly obsessed and hoplessly devoted to you and every single thing you do. He can't keep his eyes or his mind off of you at any given time.
Just the sight of you entering the room takes his breath away, puts stars in his eyes. He would do or give absolutely anything to have you and to keep you forever, and he's going to make sure you know it.
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Babydoll, do you believe they'll catch you when you fall?
And when morning comes, the sun is gonna shine
Don't forget, your minor keys your half-lit cigarette
'Cause when morning comes, I know that you'll be mine
So let me in
I'm ready to beg and to sing for my sins
Not leave it to chance and sweet coincidence
I don't know. The soft yet slightly playful tone of the song in general just screams Shanks to me for no reason I can completely put in words. This particular portion of the lyrics is what I associate most with him.
He knows he wants you, and he wants to make sure you know it. Not to beat around the bush about it, but not pressure you either. Just make sure you know how much he cares about you and be as gentle and sweet as possible to prove it...and he knows it's going to work, and that you're already his whether you know it or not. But jfc also imagine that goddamned voice of his calling you babydoll please excuse me I need to go touch grass now
Medusa In Chains
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I'm not your miracle man, I'm not your spirit guide
Before this whole thing began I had some sense of pride
Just one more night with your lips, your company is hard to eclipse
Weak-kneed, yes indeed, guardanteed, make my heart bleed
Give me a reason to breathe, don't let my sun go down
I'll make you stand and recieve, I'll be your sacred ground
Be my Medusa in chains, petrified
Only your beauty remains
The entire song. The ENTIRE SONG screams Mihawk to me. Slow-burn and seductive from start to finish. I get the same exact chills from this song that I get when he delivers that "Magnificent" line.
Lyrically relevant too. Falling for you in spite of his pride (and he has a LOT of pride to get past). You're like nothing he has ever experienced and he's utterly and hopelessly addicted to you. As much as he wants to fight it, he can't. In the same breath that he's trying to push you away and retain some grip on himself he's also pulling you back for more. He hardly even knows who he is anymore when you're near.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
Could I humbly request a Dreamling 1 or 19 for the Soft™ fic prompt meme 👉👈 
1. slow dancing or 19. ‘it made me think of you.’ 
I somehow managed to fit both prompts in here 👀 👀 
Sorry for being slow about this one friendo, work’s been kicking my butt lately but hopefully this was worth it! <3 
Fic could be considered a companion piece to this fill, since I'm such a sucker for weddings ahaha.
“Please welcome the newly wedded Gadlings!”
Hob pulls Dream excitedly through the entrance to the ballroom as soon as they’re introduced. They’re both flushed with excitement (and wine from the Dreaming) as they wave at all of Hob’s friends from his current life.
The crowd for their wedding reception is sizable, not nearly as large in attendance as their wedding in the Dreaming, but still large enough to cost Hob quite a bit of money in food and alcohol. He doesn’t care. The glowing and easy smile on Dream’s face is worth far more than any worldly currency.
“And now,” the DJ announces once they’ve reached the center of the room, “it’s time for the newly wedded couple’s first dance.”
The lights dim everywhere except for where they are standing. Hob pulls his husband (his husband) flush against his own body and wraps one arm around Dream’s waist, the other settling into his open palm. They move easily together once the piano intro begins to play, and Lionel Richie’s voice echoes throughout the room.
My love There's only you in my life
“You’ve always had a strange sense of humor,” Dream says, brow raised in amusement as they sway and step easily around one another. Hob knows Dream’s body like he knows his own breath, and it is little effort for him to step back and easily maneuver Dream into a quick twirl.
“Excuse you,” Hob says with mock offense as he pulls them back together. “Endless Love is a classic wedding song.”
“Is that so?” Dream asks, eyes literally glittering with stars and mouth turned up in a challenge.  
Hob nods assuredly. “It was Diana’s Ross’s best selling single,” he says, diving into his encyclopedic memory for music. Dream’s expression lights up as he continues to talk.
“Couldn’t escape this song on the radio back in the 80’s,” Hob continues. “It was nominated for a lot of awards. too. You could say it’s one of the defining songs of the decade,” he adds, then wrinkles his nose. “Film’s absolute shit though.” 
“You say that about many films,” Dream notes, probably remembering the time Hob had given him a twenty minute mini-rant on the origins of Tears in Heaven. Or maybe it was Can’t Help Falling in Love. Come to think of it, most of Hob’s favorite records were tie-ins to terrible movies. 
“Yes, well,” Hob shrugs before he pulls Dream closer to him. “Sometimes great music is made for shit films.” 
“So I take it ‘Endless Love’ is not on the list of your ‘must see films’, then?” Dream huffs, tilting his head playfully towards Hob.
“Not even close,” Hob grins before he leans and captures Dream’s lips with his own. The crowd around them erupts in applause and cheers.
When they pull away, Hob twirls Dream once before, before he tilts the Endless backwards into a dip. Dream’s back arches beautifully, and it steals Hob’s breath for a moment before he remembers to pull Dream back up. When their bodies are pressed together once more, Hob dips his head and admits a secret against Dream’s ear.
“I also may have picked this song because I’m a sap,” he whispers, grinning as he feels Dream shudder beneath him. “It made me think of you a lot, you know.”
“Did it?” Dream asks, pulling his head back to meet Hob’s gaze. 
Hob nods as he begins to mouth the next verse, his focus solely trained on Dream: 
And love, I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure You know I don't mind 'Cause you, you mean the world to me
“I think I’m beginning to see the appeal,” Dream says before he kisses Hob once more. 
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more hcs because I’m losing my mind and I can’t contain the sillyness any longer
-Mike sometimes have nightmares of William succeeding and Abby being another victim of his and will get up in a cold sweat to check on her in her room, sometimes glad to see her staying up late because it means she's still there
- Abby gets nightmares of Mike not waking up when she ran over to him and wakes up in tears, and goes and climbs into his bed, forcing his arm up to sneak in and hold her, he's usually awake by then and tells her everything will be okay and that he's okay
-Abby is really picky about the texture of her stuffed animals so Mike learns over time and buys them accordingly, even warning people ahead of time if they ever wants to buy one to bring him with her
-When Mike really got into doing pushups, if Abby was awake early enough she'd sit on his back or play with her dolls on his back pretending it's a boat in the ocean (he complained at first but took it as another moment to be with his sister)
-Ness is the type to remember everyone's orders, he has them memorized by their third visit His boss would be impressed if he wasn't constantly yapping to the customers disrupting kitchens flow 
-Mike Found the song that the animatronics played and will play it for Abby sometimes and watch her dance, glad to see her smiling again (until he's invited to dance to which he pretends to hate witch makes Abby giggle)
-Mike: "Abby if I die here you can draw on my grave, wouldn't mind.
Abby: "Please don't talk like that."
-After waking up, Vanessa chose to take a bit of a calmer job as a SRO at Abby’s school
-Mike went to Abby's school for her lunch to surprise her for her birthday and Vanessa is only is told it's a "surprise visitor" & nearly makes Mike piss his pants w how scary she was to greet him before seeing it was him
-Vanessa is very caring when it comes to Mike or Abby being sick or injured. Mike has a really hard time excepting help so he just pretends he’s fine until he can barley function 
-Abby loves to paint others nails but not hers, if she has any kinda nail polish on or paint on her nails she’ll bite at them
-Ness writes little silly puns and jokes on to-go orders and will for sure spend forever choosing the right one and will wake up the next day with an even better one and be down the whole day
-Vanessa is really, like embarrassingly bad at bedtime stories, like Mike tried being nice about it but Abby wasn't
-Mike is both the pickiest eater and the will try anything guy at the same time
-Abby Was taught to warn Mike of cops on the road but now she recognizes Vanessa's car and says "there's Vanessa!" And she purposely pulls him over to chat with Abby
-Abby called Mike dad by accident and he couldn't stop crying for hours and Abby thought she offended him and made it a thing to call him "big brother Mike™”
-Abby will pretend to be asleep for more time in bed and Mike's comfort. Mike knows damn well she's awake but doesn't have the heart to actually wake her up and finds himself playing with her hair and glad she's safe
-Abby still has Mike's old security badge and vest and likes to go around pretending that she has a taser and goes around "defeating animatronics" which is just tickling Mike while he's trying to get work done
-Abby before the events at Freddy's she was always warned by Mike about the germs in a ball pit so that one scene was quite literally a last ditch effort for her
-Vanessa has been asked multiple times to scare Abbys bullies but gives the corny "tell a trusted adult they're not worth it" speech to her and feels proud about it. Mike tells Abby to just beat them up /hj (She takes his advice and both get lectured by Vanessa)
-Mike was 100% ready to fight Vanessa if he needed to because he really needed the job and was fully prepared to live up to the "keep people out" rule (based off the scene where they first met)
-Mike entered his emo phase the second Garrett got taken and left it the second he got custody of Abby, mostly because he was too busy to dress up anymore
-Abby managed to get ahold of Mike's taser from when he was a mall cop and brought it in for show and tell
-Vanessas first reaction to seeing the fazbear band for the first time was to ask why the band didn't have a drummer and William grounded her for seven months and didn't speak to her the entire time because he was so deeply offended and embarrassed
-sometimes when the animatronics get bored they dial random numbers into the phone and see what happens and one time they managed to call the White House completely by accident
-Abby and Vanessa do sister stuff together like braiding hair, baking cookies, and playing Barbies with insane reality tv level drama (it freaks Mike out but he just assumes it's girl stuff he wouldn't understand)
-Mike was really into skateboarding when he was younger, he doesn't do it much anymore but whenever he needs to flex on someone he whips out the triple kick flip and everyone is like how tf is that pathetic wet cat of a man doing that
-Ness runs a blog on Livejournal that’s basically food theory but in the 2000’s and he takes it very seriously 
-When they were at the pizzeria Abby found the ballon boy figurine and wanted to take it home because she thought it was cute. Mike almost had a heart attack when he found it at the house
-One time Abby found Mikes bong and thought it was a vase so she put some flowers in in and put it up for decorations, Mike, Ness and Vanessa nearly pissed themselves laughing when they saw it
-Abby is obsessed with furbys, Mike on the other hand almost shit himself when he heard it talking in the middle of the night. Fear only got worse after Freddy’s 
-Mike couldn’t afford an ambulance to drive Vanessa to the hospital so he just called a taxi (Cory went through enough that night so he just gave up and drove them, he was pissed afterwards tho because blood got all over his seats)
-Abby has a fish tank in her room that’s just filled with bugs and dirt, Mike has insisted to get rid of it multiple times because it smells rancid and the bugs kill each other regularly 
-It took Mike 5 times to just get his learners permit 
-William was a frat in collage
-Ness and Abby are both bug lovers and both cry when you squish a bug, Mike hates bugs and doesn’t get it
-Mike likes fishing and is lowkey hyperfixated on it
-William kept all the important files in a small ass trapper keeper that he stole from Vanessa 
-Mikes car hasn’t been inspected in eight years, not cause he thinks he won’t pass he just forgot to do it and just never did it again (but srysly look at it it’s fucking disintegrating)
-Mike also doesn’t like when other people take care of him because he doesn’t want to be seen as needy but Vanessa and Ness are like: “YOU WILL TAKE MY LOVE AND CARE GOD DAMNIT!” (In a loving way tho)
-Ness steals the crayons from the kids menus and gives them to Abby 
Oki final part for now because I can’t think of anything else 😜
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antivanbrandy · 7 months
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i wanted to take a crack at the relationship chart meme for bg3, but made life harder for myself in the process by doodling everyone asdfghjkl
a bit of info about the relationships under the readmore!
so to start from the top and work around clockwise:
Astarion: her best friend, her partner, and love of her life. his flippant hot-n-cold attitude at the start of their relationship (she failed that first big insight check so she didn't know it was all an act at the start) leaves her feeling bad about herself at times, but once they have their Act 2 heart-to-heart, their relationship only goes from strength to strength. we all know what a supportive and loving tav does for spawn!Astarion, but over the course of their adventure he supports her, too. they make each other stronger.
Rhapsody's self sacrificing need to help everyone, no matter how thin it spreads her, comes dangerously close to breaking her by late Act 2. Astarion talks her back from the ledge, so to speak, and helps her realise why she's doing it (Family Trauma Hour 2, Shitty Father Boogaloo) and the harm it's doing her in turn. it's purely self-interest that motivates him at first, because if she burns out then his protection and best chance at taking on Cazador goes with her, but once he comes to care for her his motives are much kinder.
i have so many post-game thoughts for these two, which includes an eventual cast of good old Reincarnation (which i honest to god rolled for and nearly squawked at the outcome) and the very specific complicated feelings that digs up for them, but if i keep typing i'll be here all day.
Gale: truly one of her best friends. she could sit with him in silence, just reading together, or her playing an instrument while he studies the weave, and be perfectly content. Rhaps is a lore bard, so she really enjoys swapping stories, information, and theories with him. she's also a big fan of his cooking, and enjoys the simple companionship of doing vegetable prep while he cooks and they chat together. she'd go to bat for him against anyone.
Wyll: a dear friend, and inspiration for more than one epic ballad (which makes him proud-blush every time). they swap tales, often together with Karlach, and he's been known to join her in a song and dance when she plays at camp if he's feeling in the spirits. they bond over complicated relationships with their fathers, love of good red wine, and most importantly, their unflinching dedication to helping people in need.
Lae'zel: their relationship is complicated. they both operate on a level the other just does not understand, and chafe against the others attitude to life. they grow to respect each other, but never truly become friends, which is sad because Lae'zel does get to a point where she'd like to extend that offer but has no idea how to voice her growing fondness, and then the adventure is over and she leaves with Voss.
Minsc: definitely a friend, even if they're not especially close. for his part, Minsc is delighted when Rhaps comes up with a little ditty about him ('from top to tail, evildoers do fear - Boo gnaws their eyes, Minsc kicks their rear!').
Jaheira: Rhaps' liked Jaheira immediately, as soon as she clocked the wine was spiked and Jaheira gave her that knowing smile and asked her to drink anyway. Rhaps grew up starved for parental approval and attention, and there's an undeniable current of Momther™ that carries with Jaheira's approval, stories, pick me ups, and pep talks that she latches onto very quickly. Jaheria herself is reluctant to be seen as a mother figure, she has her own kids after all, riiiiiight up until the point the gang come face to face with Rhaps and Aisling's father and she sees first hand how she's treated and how much she wilts in his company. After that it's just kind of defiant instinct, if a parental-flavoured pep talk is what the cub needs to get through the end of days, that's what she'll get, and her old man can go get fucked.
Shadowheart: Shadowheart and Rhapsody have a rocky start - Shart's combative attitude puts Rhaps on the backfoot, and they have a two steps forward one step back slow-crawl to understanding each other. There's a bit of a blow-up between them in the shadowlands that sets them back even more; Shadowheart's constant sneering and too-edgy-for-you remarks regarding Selune and Selunite magic grate on Rhapsody, who is already spread desperately thin by this point and is absolutely baffled Shart can't keep it buttoned for ONE minute when Selune is all that's standing between the people at Last Light -the tieflings she fought tooth n nail to save- and a gruesome death. and the more evidence they see of Shar's cruelty in the shadowlands, the more Rhaps begins to truly understand what Shar is capable of and the thinner she's spread from trying to help people in this bleak situation, the closer she gets to lashing out, until eventually Shadowheart goes one snippy comment too far and Rhaps blows up at her. they have it out, and it's bad, but when they eventually make up afterwards theyre stronger for it, and by the end of Act 3 theyre a lot closer than they ever thought possible.
Halsin: Halsin is a calming presence in Rhapsody's life. she thought turning down his offer was going to make things awkward for them, but it never did. there's a lot to learn from him, and a call to a calmer life and a sense of peace that Rhaps feels most keenly when she's out in nature with him. the druidic life isn't for her, but those moments of peace do wonders for her when she needs it.
Karlach: darling dearest bestest friend, platonic love of her life, sister from another mister, 'would absolutely ride the rollercoaster in the front car with you' bestest best friend forever. Rhapsody adores Karlach, admires and is inspired by her. Rhapsody has had very little interaction with other tieflings, and in comes Karlach full of friendly cheer and good humour and a massive heart, emotional vulnerability and honesty and cheeky smiles, all things Rhaps is drawn to and wants to be. she'd do anything for her, go to any lengths, and I can't even begin to describe how heartbroken this makes her on that dock at the end.
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All the discussion around AI lately got me thinking about an incident recently in which a guy got his ass sorely beat by the vocal synth community
For those of you not familiar, “vocal synths” in the electronic music sense typically refers to programs like Vocaloid, SynthV, UTAU, Alter/Ego, DeepVocal, etc., digital instruments that allow composers to create, as the name implies, synthesized vocal tracks. The way they work is that they draw from libraries (referred to as “voicebanks” or VB for short) of special studio recorded* vocal samples from singers singing different syllables at a consistent pitch. The program then splices these together and adjusts the pitch to match whatever notes you put in- You want to do All Star, it’s gonna string together “[suh][m] [buh][di] [wuh][n][s] [tO][ld] [mi]” or something like that. Basically it’s an extremely complicated sampler.
(*unless you’re using UTAU or another build-your-own-vocal program in which the “studio” is only metaphorical, and is sometimes somebody’s basement with a Rockband mic plugged into a laptop.)
Now, there is no threat of vocal synths putting actual singers out of a job. Even the best vocal synths always have a bit of a robotic sound to them, and the voicebanks take hundreds of hours of recording time from you know, actual singers. Any piece made with vocal synths has to be worked by a human hand in a process called “tuning” in order to sound any good, whether you’re trying to make it sound human or leaning into the robotic sound. This isn’t something that’s being done on a corporate scale to cut costs- This is something pretty much exclusively being done by small scale indie music hobbyists because we fucking love Hatsune Miku and her weird buddies. Most folks are less interested in doing something that sounds 1:1 like a human voice and more in going beyond what humans can do to make shit like this
One of the leading vocal synths right now is Synthesizer V (SynthV), created by a company called Dreamtonics. SynthV offers fancier versions of some of its voicebanks, which are called “AI” voicebanks. These use machine learning trained on, again, professionally recorded and legally licensed vocal samples to help make songs sound a little bit more smooth, a little bit more in line with whatever singing style you’re aiming for. Everything else previously mentioned still applies: They’re still painstakingly recorded and programmed, you still need to tweak it yourself to get it to sound just right, and it’s still never going to sound 100% like a human. And that’s fine!
For this next bit y’all are gonna have to trust me because the tweets all got deleted, though if anyone wants I’m happy to pull up screencaps of talking shit about it with other vocal synth folks when it happened lmfao
So basically. Since ChatGPT type grifters have convinced people that “AI” means “magic plagiarism button”, back in April some dipshit NFT guy on Twitter started complaining on an official SynthV update post that SynthV (which he apparently believed to be called “Dreamtonics”, the name of the company that makes it) should allow people to make voicebanks from “their own voice”, insisting that it would be easy and PROFITABLE!™ to do so. He also clearly did not actually mean “their own voice” but rather “the voices of celebrity singers shamelessly lifted without their consent”, which was made extra obvious from a tweet on his own page that was like “Teehee people in monitored Twitter spaces don’t realize their voices are being recorded and fed into AI!” which he then deleted after I linked it on the thread about SynthV. lol.
Dude proceeded to get whupped by actual vocal synth people basically saying shit along the lines of “Yeah we can all tell you just want to commit cheap plagiarism, jackass” and “Dude why are you here when you clearly don’t understand the very very basics of what this software even is” and “Go make an UTAU voicebank if it’s so easy then”. (UTAU being a Japanese freeware program that hasn’t been updated since 2013. Creating an UTAU voicebank is complicated and takes a lot of time and technical knowledge.) He still refused to learn the basics of how vocal synths work, and proceeded to ask if “UTAU or Diff is most compatible with Dreamtonics”, a question absolutely no one could make any sense of? Lol.
Anyway, I don’t have anywhere in particular I’m going with this, I just think AI grifters are morons, and it’s obnoxious how the vague and misleading term “AI” has gotten nigh-mythologized by shady tech companies to the point that people can’t tell the difference between perfectly reasonable assistive technology and magic plagiarism.
Btw, fun fact for anyone who’s wondering, there do in fact exist legally/morally questionable UTAU voicebanks spliced from outside vocals. These are called “jinriki” voicebanks and not only do they take the same amount (if not more) of hard work as any other voicebank, they’re far from the insta-Beyoncé this dude was aiming for, and instead they sound um. like this
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kpopnstarwars · 8 months
Boyfriend Headcanons: Han Jisung x Reader
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• Han will definitely write songs about you, and when he shows them to the boys before you're officially dating, they all tease him, trying to guess who the special person is
• Once you catch him staring at your lips while you talk, it's over - you'll be all over each other, and from then on, the two of you can't keep your hands to yourselves, to the point where if the boys are around while you're hanging out, they'll cover their eyes and scream whenever they see you, even if he's just showing you something on his phone and has got his arm wrapped around you or if you're tangled together on the sofa, stealing quick kisses from the other
• Chan picked up on it, and when you came over he'd make sure to tactically place you next to Jisung or leave you alone together, smiling to himself as the two of you gravitate toward each other with blushing smiles
• When I tell you that as Han Jisung's boyfriend, you are going to watch so much Studio Ghibli, I mean you will end up learning all of the movies off by heart
• It starts of as a one time thing, but it develops into the best kind of habit - whenever you and Han don't want to socially interact or go out, it often ends up with the two of you curled up in a blanket fort like two hibernating quokkas (I know they probably don't hibernate but hey now), a delicious spread of snacks spread out in front of you and some sort of movie on
• Most often, the movies are Studio Ghibli or anime, but they can also be Marvel or Star Wars ones
• Felix often ends up finding out when you're going to have a movie night, because you'll sneak into his kitchen and either force him to make brownies or steal brownies he's left out to cool down from the oven
• If you get caught, you'll both stuff as many brownies as you can into your mouths and grab a few extras before making your get away - Han looks like an adorable little hamster, and you can't help but squish his cheeks
• 'Awww, Ji, you're so cute!'
• 'Stop trying to steal my brownies, jagi - '
• As we know, Jisung is an introvert, so he's happy staying at home, and to be honest, that doesn't bother you one bit; one of his favourite things about you is that he doesn't use up his social battery around you - when he first introduced you to the boys, you were surprised that he was so loud with them, but now he's as comfortable with you as he is with them, and it makes your heart burst to think he's content to spend time with you
• Sometimes, you'll have joint movie nights with the boys, and you two will be so chaotic, stealing snacks, starting pillow fights, screaming loudly (even if there are no jump scares)
• No one cares, though, because you two are also hilarious, so they indulge the two of you in your antics - you often end up dragging Changbin and Minho into them too, although it takes a lot more bribery to persuade Minho to help steal Chan's laptop than it takes for Changbin, who readily volunteers
• Once you get home from the joint movie night, though, you'll hop into the shower together, cuddling as you wash each other's hair, then curl up in bed; sometimes you spoon him, sometimes he spoons you, sometimes you just rest your head on his chest (one time, when you were drunk, you boasted to Changbin that you'd used the Jiddies™ as pillows) 
• Jisung's anxiety is always calmed when you're near him - when he's feeling especially jittery, he'll find you and wrap his arms around you, whether you're cooking at the stove or working at your desk, and he'll feel grounded by your touch
• If you're in crowded spaces, sometimes he'll just grab your hand, snaring your fingers in his, and you become so atuned to it that you begin to reach out first, brushing your thumb over his knuckles
• If he's on tour or you haven't moved in with him, you'll facetime deep into the late hours of the night, sometimes falling asleep - one of you will wake up to find the slumbering, smiling face of the other, or drooping eyes and huge yawns
• 'Why haven't you gone to sleep yet?'
• 'I want to stare at you forever. You're beautiful.'
• The two of you will go to the gym together, sometimes with Changbin third wheeling, and you'll be that annoyingly cute couple who spot each other and kiss each other and share waterbottles in between sets, laughing at jokes only you understand
• Often, when you cuddle together in bed, Jisung will share his latest song lyrics with you, telling you about how that lyric references that picnic you went on last year and how this one is about your first date
• When he wants attention, he's annoying in the cutest, most distracting way, and will give you the kicked puppy look if you ignore him
• He loves the days he can lie in with you, holding you in his arms as the sun streams in, your breathing steady as you nestle in his arms, occasionally mumbling intelligible things in your sleep 
• All in all, he loves you with his whole heart, and you love him with all of yours
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strqyr · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, Ik Sacrifice wasn’t exactly written to be Raven’s theme but it’s kinda crazy how well it fits her. Like yes, it’s vague enough that it could apply to Cinder or Salem, this is not a new discussion at all. But the line “the moon will sadly watch the roses die in vain, lost no gain, but you're not taking me” hits harder after the flashback we got in V9
yeah, 'sacrifice' is definitely... it's one of those songs, ya know? doesn't really strike as For This Character Only. it has range; it plays during the V2 credits, which were in part preceded with team rwby not having answers on who the Mystery Girl™ on the train was (which. only really leaves either raven or neo, but they've already met neo before, so...?) and followed by the after credits scene that fully reveals raven; but, as a leitmotif it has only appeared in two scenes, at least based on this video.
"the moon will sadly watch the roses die in vain, lost no gain, but you're not taking me" definitely hits harder, especially when 'when it falls', the next song in line as the V3 opening, has lines like these:
"there'll be no rest. there'll be no love. there'll be no hero in the end who will rise above. and when it ends, the good will crawl. the shining light will sink in darkness, victory for hate incarnate, misery and pain for all when it falls." // "swallowed by the darkness, soon the moon is bathed in black. the light of hope is taken and discontent is the contagion."
and more from 'sacrifice': "you can't have my life, i'm not your sacrifice. you can try, but i'm free, and you won't conquer me. i won't crawl, most of all, i won't fall for you."
like. this paint such a vivid picture of what might have happened on summer's mission: perhaps she fell into a grimm pool trying to fight salem (or someone else, idk) -> "the shining light will sink in darkness // swallowed by the darkness // the light of hope is taken" and in raven's mind, it was all pointless: "the moon will sadly watch the roses die in vain, lost no gain // there'll be no hero in the end who will rise above." and that while the good (summer) will crawl and fall, she won't. she will be free of it all, not wanting anything to do with either ozpin or salem.
and if ozpin, without outright saying it but left it up in the air, allowed all of team strq to think that silver eyes were the answer, that summer could end it all and take the fight up to salem if given an opportunity—though i'm certain had he known about summer's intentions, or if summer actually brought it up with him first, his answer would have been a strong "No"—, well. you've got your potential 'sacrifice' angle right there, because that's how it easily comes across; ozpin willing to risk a life of a silver-eyed warrior for a chance to defeat salem without properly informing them what it is they're really up against.
anyway. after all these years, 'sacrifice' continues to live in my head rent-free. amazing song. hopefully we'll get the answers to it one day lmao
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punsmaster69 · 4 months
feeling better, but didn't wanna go out anywhere public today. didn't feel like being around strangers, so papyrus just invited all our friends here.
they're doing karaoke.
right now frisk is belting...
i don't recognize most of the songs they've queued up, but it's entertaining to see who can hit high notes. equally entertaining is seeing who can 𝗻𝗼𝘁 hit high notes, instead hitting voice cracks.
they powered through it, but flowey certainly didn't let them live it down afterwards.
"It's a hard one to get, okay?!"
"HA! Puberty voice."
"I am not 'puberty voice'!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
"That was the voice crack of the century!"
"It wasn't THAT bad-"
"Would you really rather blame it on your skill rather than something else?"
"....Nevermind. I think it was puberty voice."
flowey snorted. frisk shot him a dirty look.
"I'd like to see you do better, petalface."
he cackled.
"Absolutely not!"
"Why? Ya scared?"
"You think I wanna participate in the ear-destroyance party here?"
"Bok bok bok."
"No way in hell am I singing!"
toriel gave them a stern mother look™ and the two quieted immediately.
"Be nice."
"Frisk, you did wonderfully."
"Thank you."
they gave a smug look to flowey. he rolled his eyes.
"Why not?"
frisk pouted.
"i'm monotone while 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴. you really think my singing's any better?"
"I would at least like to hear you try."
tori gave me a gentle smile.
"speaking of things i'm not good at, trying's one of those."
"If you duet with Papyrus, nobody'll even be able to hear you."
flowey motioned to my brother, who was queueing more songs with undyne and alphys.
"Aw. A bros duet would be cute."
"Please, Sans?"
"papyrus. you wanna duet something with me?"
socket widening.
"you pick the song."
The low notes of Sans' voice balance against his brother's in a nice way.
His eyes keep meeting with my own, and it feels more and more intentional with each time.
But, perhaps not, as he snaps his eyelights elsewhere the moment he realizes the contact is happening...
Sans certainly seems to be leaning on the fact that his brother is so powerful with singing to cover up his own.
I understand. The only time I myself have sung much tonight is behind Frisk's voice.
Everyone in the room seems to be stunned by how well the two skeletons performed.
Frisk is requesting for Sans to do a song alone, and he's simply shaking his head in response.
"nope. one's good enough for me."
A part of me wishes to ask for a solo from Sans as well, but we have already pressured him into one.
Ah, well.
Perhaps some other day.
I suppose I should return this now.
it's definitely an anime song that alphys, undyne and papyrus are shouting together.
noticed flowey nodding off during all this. somehow.
"(He stayed up late last night.)"
"(doin' what?)"
"(Playing a game.)"
flowey jolted back awake with a particularly loud lyric shout from undyne. an annoyed look was shot, but he didn't say anything.
i swapped seats to be right next to him. he gave me a dubious glance.
"i'm going to bed early."
"Congrats. You want a big send-off or something? I'll get the fanfare started."
"kinda looks like you should go to bed, too."
"I don't look like I need ANYTHING."
"my door's pretty good at soundproofing for the most part."
"..Fine. Just to get away from this ruckus and save my hearing."
he didn't seem as irritated with being set on my nightstand as i thought he would be. flowey might've even fallen asleep before i did.
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Magnus Chase:
His sword talks and sings great parodies of pop songs. Magnus also refuses sword lessons even knowing it may cost him his life, he does this because he feels awkward for taking so long to get lessons. King move, Magnus
Has a talking sword named jack!!!! Is Pan!!! also is dead!!!
For Hikaru Sulu:
1) Okay, first off: Which version am I submitting? Prime timeline (TOS) or Kelvin timeline (AOS, also known as the reboot movies if you're not in the fandom)? The answer is both. Prime Sulu has the more iconic fencing scenes (and is also said to have other sword related abilities) while Kelvin Sulu is canonically gay. Specifically as a tribute to George Takei btw who played prime Sulu in TOS and is famously gay and an LGBT+ rights activist among other causes. The picture provided is prime Sulu but if you've only watched AOS, feel free to vote for him anyway.
I'm not gonna link any videos here since that would probably exceed the scope of the propaganda section but clips should be pretty easy to find. And if you can't, just trust me: The TOS fencing scenes are amazing. The AOS one is probably fine too but it's been ages since I've watched it and I forgot it even existed so it can't have been THAT memorable.
Fun fact: George Takei initially didn't know how to fence and didn't find out he'd have to until pretty late and started taking fencing lessons only three weeks before the filming of that episode (The Naked Time) and apparently "became so out-of-control and boisterous that he had to be separated from the rest of the production personnel, for their own safety" which, in context of what the episode is about, is just absolutely amazing. Truly iconic.
Anyway, considering Star Trek is an important part of queer history (I'm only half joking) you need to vote for Sulu, we all know George Takei is an icon, make the right choice here.
2) When they got hit with the drunk virus he took his shirt off and started challenging people to duels. Iconic 
3) This bitch got the outer space disease that makes you silly, and revealed they were gung ho for fencing, and brought out their sabre to just. Swashbuckle. Goes "/oh my/," and is clearly gay and played by a gay actor
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
What are your Luco hcs😎😎😎😎
I don't know if you want an x reader platonic or romantic so i did both ! hope you enjoy "anon"😊
Dating + Platonic headcanons!
TW ; None, fluff
WC ; N/A
Side notes ; sorry this was late I'm not doing too well but anyways, lucio is such a cutie patootie
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• First of all, let's all agree he's definitely shy
• Bro might have all the confidence to defend his friends, hell, taunt his opponents but when it comes to his crush???
• He's stuttering and blushing HELLA CRAZY
• I mean its literally canon by his voice line
• I imagine how that would work is literally on Valentine's Day (shit cannot get more cheesier)
"Can you be my uh- my- uh.. my v.. man, why is this so hard!"
You'd laugh, take his hands in yours, "Of course, Luci." He'd grin soo big and hug you tight, swing you around (well, try to.)
• From that point on, expect the corniest texts ever
LuciO : Good morning my love the world says hello :3
You : Really???
• It'd be funny but very endearing sometimes (I'd gag no lie but you do you ;-) )
• I think his love language is quality time/physical touch, the corniest duo..
• He looooves touching you, always holding your hand, leaning his head on your shoulder, etc etc
• Whenever you make a date, he'd go above and beyond.
• As in like, rose petals around your table, romantic music stuff like that!
• Also also, he'd probably make songs for you.
• OMGGG or he'd sample your laugh, or something you said as his producer tag, just because he thinks it goes really well with his music (he just wants to hear you when he's working)
•Honestly, no matter if your part of Overwatch or a civilian that casually met Lucio, he'd worry so much about you
• Pacing the house when you're late from work, almost throwing up when you're out on a solo mission etc, (of course he wouldn't show this AT ALL)
• After the events in Rio de Janeiro, he has a better guard up than before, knowing someone could say they're one thing then turn out to be the opposite.
• It took a bit for you to be let into his heart, and he was relieved to be able to air out his concerns and insecurities to someone instead of bottling it up.
• A few years into the relationship, I feel like he wouldn't want to get married, be committed, especially with his career and fame, he's constantly moving countries. But if you convince him, he'd let you win, and you'd propose to him
• In terms of children, he'd love to have children. He's grown up, taking care of the kids on the streets of Brazil, he's always had a soft spot for them and has that caretaker gene.
• He'd definitely want to foster children. Period, don't try to argue with me.
• All in all, he's incredibly grateful for you and everything you've done. You're his best friend, and partner. Lucio couldn't ask for anything more.
• Oh boy.
• Having Lucio as a best friend will ALWAYS end up with you two doing some dumb prank and getting in trouble, but he'd take the blame for you.
• Guys pls, hear me out, he'd probably have a crush on you in the beginning especially if you're just insanely nice to him and stuff, the feelings would go away though.
• You, Hana and him would be the ULTIMATE TRIO™
• Doing everything together, going shopping at Hana's begging and whining. Etc etc.
• Y'know those dynamics, in friendships
• Lucio is the mom friend, 100%
• You and Hana are the crazy ones, always running away, Lucio was so, SO close to buying those leashes that parents get for their feral children.
• Especially after one incident, Hana had a bit too much alcohol and she ended up following a stray CAT just wandering the city. It took 2 hours to find her, petting it in an alley. The group voted not to drink in public again.
[reblogs appreciated!]
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tearlessrain · 14 days
Tagged by @dingoat (thanks!!)
3 ships
okay so this is going to be 100% ocs but right now
My Sith Warrior Kalarros and @darth-bagel's smuggler/crimelord Sylvas. look it's basically just canon at this point, I love these two, I love their relationship. it could be argued that it's not really romantic, they're both married to other people and have a few other relationships (all consensually to be clear, they're not having an affair they're both very poly). Sylvas's husband was actually the one who originally set them up for some bdsm shenanigans (because honestly the only reason Kalarros isn't a pro dom is it's never occurred to him to charge for it, and said husband is also a Sith who'd considered Kalarros a friend for years prior to that and trusted him to look after Sylvas and treat them well) and they clicked spectacularly and developed a strong bond over the years. At this point they're so entwined with each other's stories that I've pretty much abandoned my original canon for Kalarros because it's just vastly improved with Sylvas in it lol. they've stuck by each other through some rough times on both sides and consider each other much more than casual play partners by now.
Khatte and another of Bagel's ocs, their bounty hunter Liz. honestly these two are just a lot of fun and kind of happened by accident, we had minimal involvement in this they just decided to develop a mutual crush and now Khatte has firmly entered his femdom era. it honestly wouldn't have worked pre Alliance era, Liz has zero tolerance for his bullshit and Khatte is significantly better at keeping his bullshit in check with some legitimate therapy under his belt. It's fairly casual but probably one of the healthiest relationships he's ever had just because he knows she won't settle for less and he likes her enough to meet those standards. what can I say, Khatte's type is people who could kill him and Liz's type (at least when it comes to men) is "extremely competent but also kind of pathetic" so of course they saw each other and instantly had to fuck.
taking an abrupt turn from SWTOR into BG3, my Durge (or half of my Durge) Ryldimar and @elaphaemourra's Tav Dragonfly. listen I did not particularly even like Durge as a concept until these two happened. [SPOILERS REDACTED I FUCKED UP SOME PEOPLE I TAGGED HAVEN'T PLAYED DURGE YET]
First Ship
I'm honestly not sure? technically this might also be ocs, because I was writing original fiction before I ever got into fandom spaces and even then I've never really actively shipped canon characters from other media that much (I passively ship a lot of things but I don't get that invested yknow?). so it's probably Talon and Iadra, my gryphons from a fantasy thing I started writing in high school and have been continuously developing for the last fifteen years or so. Talon is actually half gryphon, in this world gryphons are shapeshifters and are capable of both assuming a humanoid form and interbreeding with that planet's closest human analog (and also humans, theoretically, though I'm unclear on whether any of them have gotten to earth and tested that, the worldbuilding kind of got away from me and it's a beautiful mess now). gryphons bond for life the way a lot of predatory birds do and these two are completely devoted to each other, and also they have the fun aesthetic element of Talon being about 1/3 Iadra's size when she's in gryphonic form (due to an Incident™, he lost one of his wings years ago and it caused him to be stuck between forms, so he mainly looks like a slightly feathery Guy with a singular wing. about what you'd expect of an oc I made in high school but I love him okay).
Last Song
uuuh the Ken Theriot cover of The Witch of the Westmereland I think.
Currently Reading
honestly I have not been doing a lot of reading lately (been meaning to get back to it but yknow) but I'm in the middle of The Black Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey
Last Film
OG Star Wars, couple days ago my internet went out and that was one of three movies I happen to have on my hard drive (take a wild guess what the other two are)
Currently Craving
Salmon chirashi. I literally always want any iteration of raw salmon combined with sushi rice. fortunately I'm refilling my meds in a few days (to be clear the meds are unrelated to my love of salmon, there just happens to be a really good sushi place within a block of my pharmacy so I get chirashi whenever I need to pick something up)
tagging (only if you want to!): @elvhenyoung, @elaphaemourra, @mercurypilgrim, @darkshadeless, @vampiraptor, @reucrion, @artpigeons, @chaoticspacefam
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amethyst-halo · 16 days
just realized i never posted my tmd summary so here it is it's really long and technically unfinished
the troll kingdoms are different guilds with their own territories. the leaders are the guildmasters
brozone was a team of brother eevees that were a part of the pop guild that also like to sing and perform. branch is a part of it, taken care of by their grandmother who runs a daycare while they work and learning songs and dances when they’re back. they’re brothers, so of course they get into fights, but they’re close-knit and have each other’s backs through and through.
things get tense when, due to intense love for his family, bruce- then spruce- evolves into a sylveon. his brothers are ecstatic for him, of course, but john dory quickly falls into an ocd spiral about their image and the way spruce will stick out against the group of eevees. as a result, he begins pressuring himself, clay, and floyd to evolve too, claiming it’ll “look right” and keep them perfect.
clay doesn’t take well to the pressure, getting into spats with john dory regularly and causing turbulence in the team’s work. spruce is doing his best to defend his younger brothers from the eldest one, but he feels guilty for starting all of it. floyd mostly does what he can to keep the arguing away from branch. 
eventually, clay gets sick of it and gets ahold of a thunder stone, evolving into a jolteon. he turns and spits at john, asking if he’s happy now. this only makes the fights worse, as the pressure john puts on himself and floyd gets worse, and clay gets even more angry about the way he treats floyd. after a little while, john manages to evolve into a leafeon through excessive training that wore him down quite a bit and started even more fighting, some of which turned into full-on battles. when floyd was the only one left to evolve, the pressure became unbearable, and floyd began avoiding his brothers other than branch whenever he could. in private, he was doing a lot of research on his evolution options and what he’d need, and eventually came back one day as an espeon.
of course, the fighting never really stopped- the rifts were too deep by that point. their first show fully evolved was also branch’s first show, and john thought the best way to present both of these things was to pull off a powerful melody, the perfect family harmony, which few could access and even fewer could pull off. he figured out that the brothers could indeed tap into the power, and the pressure returned full force.
the performance came, and it was a disaster. this caused the metaphorical pot to finally boil over, resulting in the biggest fight the brothers had; this caused the team to disband and the brothers to leave, all wanting to get away from the stress john had put everyone under. unfortunately, that meant leaving little branch behind with their grandmother; branch felt like he was the cause of everything going wrong, and would blame himself for decades.
a couple of years after the brothers’ split and before the big escape™, a group of criminals- who are a part of a much bigger syndicate that the guild has been trying to bring down, and is notoriously causing problems near the town- catch branch and his grandmother outside of town doing their chores; branch had been singing as they worked, practicing, which caught their attention. grandma rosiepuff holds them off and sends branch running for help, which he does, but it's too late by the time he gets help and gets back. grief-stricken and blaming himself, branch secludes himself from everyone.
it’s a couple of years later that the pop guild is forced to evacuate the town in the middle of the night as a mystery dungeon begins forming right on top of them, barely making it out of there before the dungeon overtakes them. guildmaster peppy loses his eldest daughter, viva, but keeps hold of his youngest, poppy, and leads the now-stranded group to a new place to settle. branch goes along, since he has nowhere else to go, unaware that clay had returned for him only to be stranded alongside viva and a group of others.
the guild rebuilds in a new place a few days’ travel away over the next two decades, recovering from the escape and getting back to normalcy. branch- who evolves into a glaceon- remains secluded, taking it upon himself to set up a safety bunker and patrol the edges of town for the criminals despite not seeing any. the townsfolk were initially trying to convince him to come back and socialize, feeling sorry for him being left alone so young, but eventually gave up and even began to make fun of his “strange habits.”
the pokemon who bothers him the most is the guildmaster’s daughter, poppy. branch has an immediate dislike of her, as he thinks she’s spoiled due to her status; she is also rarely leaving the guild, giving him the impression she can’t hold her own. despite his dislike of her being made incredibly clear, she still tries to include him in practically everything, which he constantly turns down. he keeps her invitations, though, touched by her thinking of him anyways.
on the twentieth anniversary of the escape, poppy plans a massive celebration in honor of the guild keeping everyone safe. branch thinks this is a ridiculous idea that will only call attention to them, inviting the group of criminals to target them again, but poppy brushes him off. they hadn’t had trouble near their new town in twenty years, after all. the festival is thrown, and branch watches from the edges.
he’s the first to spot the problem; a group sneaking into town from the shadows that he doesn’t recognize. he knows immediately that they’re trouble, and wades into the festivities to follow them, looking for poppy while he’s at it. he loses track of them in the crowds, but manages to find and warn poppy, who doesn’t take him seriously.
then, chaos breaks out. the group do indeed turn out to be criminals; some of the most wanted members of the syndicate, led by a violent scolipede just called the chef. they capture a group of pokemon as a warning that the guild’s days are numbered, and haul them away far too easily, despite many teams attempting to fight them off. poppy is guilty and desperate, as those captured were her closest friends, but peppy insists it’s too dangerous to go after them. poppy won’t listen, though, and seeks branch’s help since he knows the most about the criminals. branch refuses, so she sets off alone. branch is determined not to follow, but it doesn’t take him long to give in.
he catches up to her when she gets cornered in a dungeon, only to discover she’s not skilled, but far from helpless. she grins at him and tells him it’s about time he showed up, implying she knew he was coming. he grumbles about this for most of the journey.
they make their way back to the old town, setting up a camp, and branch begins planning. he figures out how to get into the criminals’ base and find poppy’s friends, having studied them endlessly over the years. they sneak in and make their way to where her friends are, finding that the chef captured them to give to the syndicate’s leader- a young quilladin named gristle, who definitely was born into the position. one of poppy’s friends, a simipour named creek, is separated from the group, and they aren’t sure if he’s even alive.
they sneak around a little, and find out the whole thing is a sort of show of power. the chef captured them to make a show of killing them to establish the leader as one to be feared and to take over the pop guild, though the reasoning as for why is left kind of vague. (turns out later that chef wants the plates that the guild is protecting)
they attempt to free poppy’s friends, only to be spotted by a granbull. she seems more panicked than angry, though, and they figure out she’s one of the lowest ranking members and not much of a threat. they strike a deal with her that branch finds ridiculous; they help her talk to her crush, gristle, and she helps them escape.
poppy goes a little overboard, since she’s poppy, but they set them up perfectly and the granbull- bridget- and gristle end up on a date with the group watching in secret. gristle reveals that the chef captured poppy’s friends to put on a show of power to not only the syndicate, but the guild as well, by basically just killing them. he seems unenthused about it though, implying he doesn’t want to do it at all. but he can’t stand up to the chef; she would easily take his place as leader without much trouble, and he was only safe so long as he listened to her. but, he says, the one they’d pulled away from the others- creek- was still alive and safe enough.
they reconvene with bridget, and poppy and branch are eager to get them out of there before something happens to them. bridget, though, doesn’t want to let them go yet, insisting they need to help her deal with the chef and keep gristle safe. poppy insists that they can only do so much as such a small group, and it isn’t safe for them. they argue, but bridget lets them go, and they run off to find creek.
despite their best efforts, they end up caught by the chef herself, and are locked up. the chef then reveals she’s kept creek close at hand. branch knows immediately that something is up, and is furious, but poppy refuses to listen to anyone but creek himself. 
creek then smiles at them and shrugs, and says that branch is completely right. he had sold them out to chef in return for his life. he insists that it’s a mercy to them, that they’ll die with a clear conscience while he’ll live with his choices for the rest of his life. and then he and the chef reveal they’re going to storm the guild and capture everyone, forcing them to watch as poppy and friends are killed “just like branch’s grandmother.” branch freezes, then tries to attack them in rage, but can only do so much from behind the bars. he spits that the guild won’t listen to the chef, but creek holds up poppy’s hammer and makes a noise with it, saying they’ll listen if it’s someone they trust. poppy begs creek not to do this, after everything, but creek simply says it’s nothing personal, just business. she gets angry and yells at them as they turn and leave.
the group breaks into panic, since most of them either don’t like to fight or aren’t strong enough to do much. poppy is too in her own head to break them out of it, so branch does. he insists that he can figure out a way out of this, that they have to be able to escape, they just need to think outside the box. they all try several different ways to get out of the cage, but nothing works, and branch gets more frantic as they go.
poppy eventually stops them, saying there’s nothing they can do. she’s visibly different now; her enthusiastic optimism is gone, and she looks numb. she sits by the bars and stares at nothing, and branch sighs and settles beside her. 
she starts to spiral, blaming herself for getting them caught and acting uncharacteristically pessimistic, which surprises and saddens her friends. she claims there’s no way out of there, she got them killed because she couldn’t rescue them properly like a team could, and that she’d be a bad guildmaster. it was her idea to throw the festival that got her friends caught in the first place.
branch, to her surprise, is the first one to cut her off, saying that she’d make a good leader. she’s strong and positive and maybe a little too imaginative, but it wasn’t her fault they’d gotten caught. the chef would have found another way to do the same thing, and creek was the one that sold them out. the others back him up, pointing out good qualities about poppy and encouraging her to not give up. poppy thanks them.
that’s when branch is hit with the question. 
“What happened to your grandma?”
he freezes, and looks at poppy. she says she wants to know what creek meant. branch, not knowing any reason not to talk about it, gives in and explains how they’d been doing chores when they were attacked, and he couldn’t get help fast enough. this caused him to give up a lot of things he’d liked to do, like singing. she apologizes and hugs him, catching him by surprise. 
then, before they can mope for long, bridget appears. she apologizes to poppy for getting her so wrapped up in everything. poppy apologizes back, saying she should have been braver and helped her stop the chef. she asks bridget to help her now, and bridget agrees, albeit timidly. 
it's a few days later that creek arrives at the town with poppy’s hammer. everyone assumes the worst, and creek lies and says there was nothing he could do. then, the guild is swarmed by a massive group of the criminals, the chef leading them. peppy demands to know what’s going on, and creek just smiles and shrugs at him.
they’re dragged back to the crime syndicate’s base, where they explain they wanted the guildmaster himself to see the show. they reveal poppy and her group, who are tied up on a stage. the chef, wielding poppy’s hammer, explains their plan to kill them and take over the guild itself, under gristle’s leadership. peppy begs them to not hurt them, which the chef laughs at.
while the chef is distracted, bridget discreetly frees poppy and her group. they pretend not to be freed until the perfect moment, where an attack hits the chef and stuns her long enough for poppy to get her hammer back. of course, a fight ensues, but the guild members are emboldened by poppy fighting back and fight back. they show how the guild works more fluently as one, chasing off a lot of the criminals until they defeat the chef.
the chef is furious and threatening them, but she doesn’t have any way to fight back and has to surrender. as everyone regroups and damage is assessed, it’s revealed that creek had escaped, turning tail and running the first chance he got. peppy scoffs and says he’s smart enough not to show his face again, so it didn’t matter. the guild returns home, dragging the chef with them to turn in to the police.
things are good for about a year; poppy and branch become better friends, and branch starts reintegrating into the town. poppy has since become guildmaster, allowing her father to retire, and is doing her best to run everything. branch takes it upon himself to help, and ends up her right-hand pokemon. 
a little over a year since the chef was arrested, poppy’s routine is interrupted by an unexpected letter. it’s addressed from someone called guildmaster barb, which surprises poppy; she wasn’t aware of any other guilds nearby. the letter talks about a tour, and invites her to bring her plates. confused, she tries to figure out what it means, only for peppy to snatch the letter away and frantically tell them to forget it.
it takes them a moment to calm him down, and they convince him to explain. he reluctantly tells them about there being other guilds well past their territory, all run very differently by all kinds of different pokemon. when the news causes a bit of a stir amongst the crowd, they retreat into poppy’s office. he tells them about these things called the plates; there’s one for every type of power pokemon possess, and each of the guilds has three plates that they protect, totaling in eighteen plates in all. they used to share the plates, but peppy explains that it was too dangerous to keep them all in one place. he shows them a hidden compartment with three slabs inside, each one a different color and inscribed with a symbol; electric, fairy, and normal. 
he explains barb is gathering them, and if she does, she’ll have an unchallengeable level of power. branch catches on, realizing it was a warning, but poppy seems eager to go meet barb, saying she just wanted to unite everybody again. peppy agrees with branch, saying it can’t be anything good, and they need to get the plates out of there as soon as possible so barb can’t take them.
unbeknownst to them, before this occurs, the techno guild is stormed by the rock guild and its leader. barb, a zoroark, demands the plates and captures the guild members, forcing guildmaster trollex to give her what she wants. excitedly, barb moves on to the classical guild.
poppy, the night she learned about the plates, gathers up supplies and sends a letter to barb accepting her invitation. branch catches her and tries to convince her not to go, but poppy is determined. he gives in and tags along. they realize not long after that biggie is following them, who nervously says he’d feel safer with them, so they bring him along.
barb regroups after getting the techno guild’s plates, celebrating with the other rock guild members with her. she fuses the plates to a special guitar, and they become three of the frets on the neck and show that three other frets are already changed. barb checks on her dad and reminds him of her plan.
poppy branch and biggie arrive at the classical guild’s town some time later, finding the place abandoned and in ruin. horrified, they begin to look around, and find one pokemon: a kricketot named pennywhistle, who explains what happened. barb and her group storm the classical guild, taking most of the members hostage and demanding the plates fairly easily. guildmaster trollzart tries to fight back, but barb’s power is amplified by her now six plates, so it doesn’t work. poppy realizes barb is trying to destroy the other guilds. branch insists they go back home and make sure the plates are safe, and poppy says they are safe because she has them. branch is alarmed by this, and biggie starts to panic, but poppy promises things will be okay. they set out for the country guild.
as barb regroups after getting the classical guild’s plates, she receives poppy’s letter. she becomes offended, thinking poppy is making fun of her, and gets angry. she breaks some shit. then she meets with some bounty hunters, instructing them to find and bring her guildmaster poppy.
poppy branch and biggie reach the country guild, which is oddly quiet. branch thinks no one is there, but poppy insists they check. they quickly find guildmaster delta dawn, who’s working. they interrupt and try to explain why they’re there, but delta isn’t interested in listening to them. they literally just annoy her until she threatens to kick them out. poppy backs off like a sad puppy
they then meet a duo of gogoats that have been in the shade; one larger than the other who calls himself hickory, and names his companion as his brother dickory. hickory explains they’re also sort of outcasts that delta barely tolerates. he offers to show them around, which poppy excitedly accepts much to branch’s chagrin. they wander for a little bit around town, and dickory keeps messing with things as they go, which only branch notices. after a while, a ton of stuff goes haywire and delta immediately singles out hickory and dickory, catching poppy and co in the process. they’re chased out of town.
they end up at a river, and branch confronts the gogoats about what they’re up to. hickory says they simply want to help out a fellow outcast, and he overheard them talking about warning guilds about barb. poppy is happy for the help and explains they need to go to the funk guild next, to which hickory points out they can follow the river. the brothers throw a raft together (somehow…….hooves??) and branch begrudgingly goes along.
they go downstream for a while, biggie and hickory chatting mostly. branch is at the edge of the raft and watching hickory and dickory distrustfully; he catches poppy and mentions his distrust, to which she points out he doesn’t trust anyone. he argues they’re trusting strangers. poppy takes this poorly, asking him if she’s a bad guildmaster. branch, caught off guard, denies it, but poppy isn’t listening. he argues he’s being a good friend by telling her he thinks she is making a mistake.
before they can get further, a new and overpowering smell wafts over them. they try to figure out the source and spot an aromatisse floating onto their raft before they’re incapacitated. they have a weird group hallucination, and come back to themselves to realize they were tied up. the aromatisse greets them, saying he’s taking them to barb. hickory and dickory interrupt, having avoided the incapacitation, and tell him- chaz- to back off. chaz tries to get at them, but dickory kicks him into the river.
they ask who he was, and hickory explains he’s a bounty hunter. biggie gets freaked out, and poppy tries to reassure him only for him to cut her off. he says that she isn’t listening, that she promised to protect them and broke that promise, and that she won't be able to save everyone that way. they get off the raft and onto the bank, where biggie storms away to go back home, and poppy sadly watches him go.
they walk for a while, branch and hickory at the front while poppy trails behind and dickory hangs back between them. branch and hickory talk a little and hickory points out that poppy isn’t listening, so anything he tells her may not get through. branch is a little wary to listen, even if he has a point, and gets defensive when the topic broaches his feelings for her.
they cut off at rustling, immediately becoming defensive and clustering together. branch demands to know who it is. a familiar voice calls out to them, and they’re startled by cooper popping out of the brush. poppy gets excited and greets him, only for him to snort and another girafarig appear beside him, this one with cooper’s hat. poppy is confused, and cooper explains he found out he was from the funk guild originally and has a twin brother, who introduces himself as darnell, or d. they are joined by a flaaffy and furfrou, who cooper says are mostly there for protection. cooper invites them to follow him to the funk guild, and poppy eagerly agrees, mood brightening significantly.
cooper explains on the way that his egg had been snatched before he hatched, and he ended up at the pop guild instead. he details his journey, about how after they had left he left as well and traveled all that way looking for pokemon like him. he explains he was found near the funk guild and taken to the guildmasters, who turned out to be his parents. poppy is excited for him and eager to know more about darnell, who is notably more relaxed than cooper but still equally silly.
they reach the funk guild and go to meet the guildmasters, quincy and essence. poppy explains her warning and that they need to unite against barb to show that they’re all the same, but quincy shuts her down gently. they begin explaining that they had been united long before, but the pop guild’s leader had tried to take control of the plates. in response, each of the other leaders grabbed three plates each and basically ran for it with their guildmembers. poppy is stunned and a bit horrified by what the pop guild had done, saying they’d been told something else, and darnell points out that history is written by the winners. they show them their three plates, kept very well hidden.
before they can get much further with that conversation, the rock guild arrives. as they rush to face them, cooper pulls them away and pushes them through a secret escape. poppy says she wants to help, but he tells her to run and branch agrees. as they run, they're separated from hickory and dickory, who say they’ll find them again.
poppy is fighting to go back, but branch is preventing it. when she keeps trying, he snaps that she isn’t listening, that they need to go home and protect their friends. poppy snaps back that she isn’t willing to just give up like he is, which he gets ruffled by. they argue for a bit and end up deciding they’re just too different to get along. branch starts to leave, then adds that she means the world to him anyways before disappearing into the brush.
branch finds the river again and begins following it, very stuck in his own head. he sings to himself for a little bit. then, he’s interrupted by voices. they whisper and laugh at him, and then he’s suddenly grabbed and dragged away from the river. before he knows what’s happening, he’s tied up again and facing a team of five; a persian, shiny meinshao, meowstic, meowscarada, and a liepard. the meowstic asks if he’s poppy, which he denies and demands to know who they are. they introduce themselves as team kpop, and insist he’s going to take them to poppy.
before he can really answer, another team arrives, this one made up of [insert pokemon when i figure that shit out]. they insist they’re going to take branch, and team kpop laughs. they end up squaring off against each other. branch interrupts and asks why barb gets to decide who keeps their [insert thing she offered them??]. they’re intrigued by him.
cut to poppy, who’s sitting by the river and glaring at her plates. hickory and dickory find her, which she hides the plates from before they can see them, and ask where branch is. poppy says that branch left. she vents that she just wanted to be a good guildmaster, and everything went wrong because of the plates, which she reveals that she has. hickory freezes, and dickory locks onto the plates. hickory tries to tell her to run, and barely shields her from dickory charging at her.
poppy is alarmed, and dickory speaks for the first time, snapping at hickory for getting in the way in a notably different accent. he argues with hickory and then reveals that the two are a bounty hunter team tracking poppy down for barb as well. poppy starts trying to get away, but dickory prevents it and grabs her bag with the plates. as they fight, poppy is grabbed by two rock guild members, which allows dickory to get the plates. 
barb appears and takes the plates, then sizes poppy up. she snorts and asks why she was so afraid of her since she’s tiny and has a squeaky hammer instead of a proper steel one. poppy demands to be left alone, but barb doesn’t take her seriously. she reveals she’s already raided pop village, which shuts poppy down completely.
cut to biggie returning to the pop guild only to find it destroyed. the rest of the snack pack greet him and explain barb had been there and taken everyone. biggie decides they need to go and help poppy, so they disguise themselves as rock guild pokemon.
poppy is brought to the rock guild, where she’s locked up while barb makes fun of her. barb then admits she understands poppy’s drive to befriend her, and that being guildmaster gets lonely since everyone around them are just yes men. barb then puts the final plates into the guitar, and it hums with power that she excitedly wields. 
she starts the show, performing for the mix of rock guild members and captives from the other guilds. biggie and his group are forced to be her backup musicians, which they barely keep their cover up with. 
she reveals her guitar, and then the “former” guildmasters on small podiums as well as poppy in her cage above the stage. barb then starts up her riff, only to be jarred by a gravelrock being thrown at her. she turns to find branch is there, alongside teams kpop and reggaeton. barb is undeterred and releases her guitar’s power at poppy, which branch jumps in the way of.
branch hits the ground surrounded by rock, and then the rock cracks open to reveal he’s being mind controlled and acting like a rock guild member. barb is hype that it worked, and changes the guildmasters as well. while she’s distracted, poppy breaks the lock of her cage, and as she starts to get free, barb catches her. she has branch freeze her in place and blasts her with the guitar as well, knocking her cage down.
the dust clears and poppy is also a rock zombie, which barb cheers at. she tosses the guitar at her and tells her to get going, motioning to where cooper, darnell, and peppy are standing. poppy begins her riff, but at the last second winks at them and turns on barb. she reveals she’d blocked her ears and insists she isn’t letting barb do this, that what she’s doing isn’t bringing harmony. barb’s assistant riff agrees with her. then, poppy smashes the guitar, destroying the plates.
the world goes gray and silent, and barb is distraught at the loss of the plates while poppy is running to check on a now freed branch. barb snaps that pop ruined everything again, that their powers are gone with the plates destroyed. 
everyone begins to mourn the powers, until cooper puts a microphone to his chest and darnell begins making music with it. delta dawn joins in, and soon everyone is making music together. essence declares that they’re more than what the plates provided, that being a pokemon is more than elemental powers. poppy joins in and soon enough a full performance begins, which brings back everyone’s colors and their powers alongside it, proving they really don’t need to rely on these plates at all. barb is the only one not participating until poppy pulls her in too. 
the two befriend each other, and branch admits his feelings to poppy which she returns. barb and her guild formally apologizes to the other guildmasters, and the rock guild is put on a sort of probation; they have to help rebuild the destroyed guilds to start, and earn their guild title back, which barb readily agrees to.
with everyone working together over the next couple of months, the guilds are well on their way to being fixed. poppy and branch spend a lot of time working with bridget and gristle on a wedding as well, which is to take place near the old pop guild. but teams keep reporting finding weird floating rifts in remote locations, and some have tried to mess with them by sticking sticks into them only for the sticks to disappear. poppy and the other guildmasters make the call for the rifts to be avoided.
meanwhile, a duo of a gardevoir, velvet, and a gallade, veneer, discuss their plans to utilize the perfect family harmony to rise in fame. they’d figured out a way to steal the power, they just need more pokemon that can perform it to steal from: brozone. they enter their base to where a dedenne is working on a machine, while an espeon- floyd- is trapped in a small barrier in the corner. both of them get tense as the twins enter, and velvet explains her plan and how it uses the machine to sap their power, and that the work the dedenne is doing will allow them to steal from more than just floyd. the dedenne- crimp- looks horrified, and floyd yells for them to leave his brothers alone. velvet rolls her eyes and tells him to shut up. 
she and veneer talk about how their amplified power from floyd is already doing them wonders, especially since he’s also a psychic type. floyd hisses that this won’t work for long, that someone will catch them sooner or later. velvet knocks crimp away from the machine and uses it on him, sapping his power in a clearly painful way to shut him up.
back at the pop guild, poppy is helping bridget and gristle with a wedding ceremony near the old pop guild’s town. branch is helping as well, though he’s a bit wistful, and poppy catches him looking at some old team brozone stuff. he covers it up and distracts until they have to move on. the wedding begins and is going fine, only for someone to shout for it to stop.
they all turn in time to spot a leafeon arriving, out of breath. he starts to ask for someone, only to spot branch and get excited. he starts to tease him in an overly familiar way, which branch is clearly not happy about. poppy demands to know who he is, and he reveals that he’s branch’s brother, which shocks her. she realizes he’s john dory from brozone, and puts the pieces together. branch tells him to fuck off and refuses to listen because of how he’d been abandoned.
john dory eventually gets it out that he came because floyd is in trouble. he explains he found him locked up and having his power torn away by a machine, and that they need all of them to break the barrier. branch is horrified, and poppy insists they go with john to help. branch reluctantly agrees. the wedding finishes and they head out.
they discover quickly that tiny diamond had snuck after them, and poppy agrees to bring him along. they debate where spruce could be and john dory reveals a postcard he got for a coastal town, saying it's from him even if it’s blank. poppy knows of the town, and they head that way.
along the way, they find a rift. it’s small and not all that dangerous, but it perturbs them. they’re about to investigate when they’re interrupted by a gardevoir and gallade duo. the two close the rift and explain the rifts have been popping up in the past couple of months. they introduce themselves as velvet and veneer, and poppy introduces her group to them. they seem friendly enough and they helped so poppy is happy to chat, though branch is apprehensive. they go their separate ways.
it takes a day or so but they arrive, finding most everyone there is very relaxed and the spot is a vacation destination. they spot a purple sylveon- spruce-  near the beach headed to a beachside restaurant. they follow him inside, and he seems to be running the place. they catch up to him and he finally sees them, and is not super thrilled to see john. when branch approaches and gives away that he’s branch, he gets ecstatic and happily starts taking in his changes, complimenting the choice in glaceon. branch is a little uneasy and a little annoyed, but spruce is undeterred.
poppy introduces herself and tiny, and bruce in turn introduces himself as bruce and leads them to the counter to introduce his wife, brandy, an ampharos. she greets them happily, implying that she’s heard about them. some of their kids also appear with various kid issues, which bruce is quick to handle while trying to continue their conversation.
john finally starts to explain that he’s trying to gather them together again, and bruce immediately assumes he’s trying to do the family harmony again and gets mad. john quickly explains the issue, that floyd is trapped and needs their help, which eases bruce’s anger. 
bruce admits he isn’t sure how much help he’ll be, as he hasn’t done anything like that in years. john encourages him to perform with him to get back into the swing of it, and bruce hesitates until poppy eggs him on alongside his kids. she does the same to branch, and the brothers- and poppy- perform for the restaurant. bruce agrees to help when brandy agrees to watch over the restaurant and kids.
they set out to look for clay next, though john admits he has no idea where he is. they debate on how to find him for a while as they travel; bruce has taken it upon himself to watch over tiny, and poppy and john and branch debate a lot about how to look for clay.
as they travel they find a couple more rifts, and each time velvet and veneer appear and close them. when asked, they claim they can sense them and are running around closing them while trying to figure out why they keep appearing. in reality, the machine they have can detect them using psychic power from floyd.
[also throughout throw some stuff with bridget and gristle leaving to go on their honeymoon bc i cant think of what to put there yet]
they end up getting lost, getting through a dungeon only to lose the path. they eventually are stopped by someone hidden, to which they’re defensive; they’re asked who they are and what they want, and branch explains they’re looking for clay. the mystery pokemon doesn’t reveal themselves, but points them towards a place ahead, which they follow and find a small settlement.
they’re quickly surrounded, and are met by a tinkaton who’s a little wary of them. when branch and poppy say they’re from the pop guild, though, she brightens up significantly and excitedly welcomes them. she introduces herself as viva. she asks if they’re really from the pop guild, and when they confirm, she looks poppy over a little more closely. she explains slowly that she’s from the pop guild originally and asks about peppy. poppy says that he’s well and that he’s her dad, and viva gets even more excited and grabs her in a massive hug.
poppy is confused, and viva explains she’s her sister. poppy is stunned and a little overwhelmed, unable to figure out why she didn’t know about her sooner. they bounce off each other a little, and then branch interrupts to ask if they know a shiny jolteon named clay. viva confirms that they do and that he helps her run the place, though she’s unsure of where exactly he is, and it's not long after that clay himself appears. he’s happy to see bruce, greeting him warmly, but is cold and short to john. he looks branch over a little and figures out who he is as well, excitedly looking him over. 
they explain why they’re there, and clay is angered at the idea of floyd being tortured. he agrees to help, but viva stops them from leaving, insisting they rest overnight since it’s late. the brothers are hesitant, as floyd needs them, but viva insists until they agree. viva and poppy spend a lot of time together, bonding since they weren’t able to before, while clay catches up with his brothers. poppy figures out that viva got separated in the escape with clay, and she doesn't intend to leave since it’s dangerous. viva then reveals she doesn’t intend to let poppy leave either.
a rift forms in the settlement, this one bigger and more dangerous than any they’ve encountered. velvet and veneer don’t show up this time, likely due to the remote location, so some of the psychic types work together to close it, but not without damage and casualties. viva is distraught, and clay says they should evacuate. the two end up arguing a bit, and viva eventually tells them to just leave. poppy tries to talk to her, but viva refuses to listen, and they end up departing without her.
they head for floyd, following john dory to wherever the place he’s being held is. they try to plan on the way, but john is slipping into old habits which angers bruce and clay. the argument escalates as the pressure to evolve is brought up, and branch ends up revealing how he’d been alone most of his life due to their grandmother’s death. branch storms away and poppy and tiny follow, assuring they’re going to stick with him.
they travel on their own for a while, trying to figure out a plan when they aren’t even sure where they’re going. when they stop for the night, branch’s brothers catch up with them. branch is not willing to listen at first, but they apologize for their treatment of him and how they’d left. poppy convinces him to at least work with them to free floyd, since they don’t know where to go and what to expect, and branch begrudgingly agrees.
back with viva, she and some of her group are cleaning up as best they can. viva’s visibly upset but doing her best to keep up with everyone else. they’re caught up enough that they’re surprised by bridget and gristle, who had gotten lost on their way to a nearby town. viva recognizes gristle as the former crime syndicate leader and is immediately on the defense. bridget does her best to explain that the syndicate is gone now, but viva won’t hear her out until bridget mentions poppy. poppy had mentioned bridget to viva before, and the pieces slowly click together. viva realizes she made a mistake, and the three of them go to help poppy and the bros.
the bros make it to a base set up in a cavern near a big, bustling town and leave tiny outside and sneak in to find floyd still there, looking significantly worse than when john had been there. branch is both relieved and distraught to see him due to his state. floyd seems to barely be aware of them initially, but when he realizes they’re there, he gets alarmed and insists they get out of there as fast as they can. they try to assure they’re going to break him out, but he begs them to go and that it’s a trap. before he can warn them further, though, there’s a click from the machine at the side of the cavern, and they’re all zapped and knocked out.
they wake up one by one in individual barriers. branch is one of the last ones to wake and finds his brothers checking in with one another, and everyone seems mostly okay save for floyd. they try to figure out what had happened, and floyd starts to explain the machine’s use. before he can tell them who activated it, they’re interrupted by the arrival of velvet and veneer. poppy is excited to see them and asks for their help, but velvet just laughs. branch immediately puts the pieces together; velvet and veneer were the ones who had captured floyd.
they explain their intention to sap their power from them, singling them out specifically because they tried the perfect family harmony. velvet remarks that floyd wasn’t going to last them much longer anyways, which angers his brothers. poppy asks them why they’re doing this, that they helped them before, and velvet simply states they want to be the strongest pokemon around and rise in fame; the rift closing is a bonus that they don’t seem to care about much. 
they get zapped again before velvet and veneer leave to showcase their newfound power in the big town. floyd is visibly struggling, unable to lift himself off the ground anymore, which sparks panic in the brothers. they try to free themselves to no avail, and then ask crimp to free them, which she sadly states she can’t do before she’s called away to go with velvet and veneer. they do this for a while and get nowhere.
then, to their surprise and poppy and clay’s excitement, viva arrives with bridget and gristle. they explain tiny saw them and brought them there. they do their best to break barriers, but are getting nowhere. viva, frustrated, smashes the machine, which finally deactivates the barriers. 
they help floyd up and leave the cavern, and are about to decide what to do next when another, incredibly large rift opens up in the big town. floyd insists they need to go and help, but the others argue that floyd is in no state to do anything of the sort. he explains that velvet and veneer had singled them out because the family harmony was what allowed them to close the rifts, and that with the machine broken, the twins aren’t able to close the rift now. they’re literally the only ones who can. clay points out they never succeeded in performing the harmony, but branch says it might work if they aren’t trying to be perfect since perfection doesn’t necessarily bring harmony.
though hesitant, they go to the town and find velvet and veneer are trying to close the rift to no avail. upon seeing them, velvet gets angry and shouts that they’re going to kill everyone because they broke the machine. the brothers perform the harmony together with viva and poppy, and manage to close the rift. unfortunately, this drains the last of floyd’s power.
his brothers try to figure out a way to bring him back, but there’s nothing they can do. they start to grieve, thinking he’s gone, but floyd’s color comes back and he wakes back up. they celebrate. veneer, who finally musters the courage, tells the town that he and velvet are frauds and they stole power from floyd all this time. they are quickly arrested.
that's where i stopped bc i ran out of ideas but ya!!! pokeymon
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