Restless legs and overpronation and knee instability. Can i just get a new pair of legs im tired of The Problems
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artalives-blog · 2 years
Flat Feet Overpronation : Causes and Solutions
Overpronation • Overpronation is an abnormal gait that can happen when the foot rolls too far inward- making it more difficult for your arch to absorb impact. This condition is especially common in people with flatfeet.
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Causes Overpronation is very prominent in people who have flexible, flat feet. The framework of the foot begins to collapse, causing the foot to flatten and adding stress to other parts of the foot. As a result, over-pronation, often leads to Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Metatarsalgia or Bunions.Overpronation usually causes overuse injuries, especially in runners especially in runners.
There are many causes of flat feet. Obesity, pregnancy or repetitive pounding on a hard surface can weaken the arch leading to overpronation. Often people with flat feet do not experience discomfort immediately, and some never suffer from any discomfort at all. However, when symptoms develop and become painful, walking becomes awkward and causes increased strain on the feet and calves.
Solutions Overpronation can be treated conservatively with custom made foot orthotics. These orthotics should be designed with appropriate arch support as per the requirement and medial rear foot posting to prevent the over-pronation. Doing exercises that strengthen the arches and muscles around them.
Feel free to Contact us :
No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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ri-a-rose · 2 months
My knee hurts so bad lol
Bitch behavior tbh
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salamanderpickle · 9 months
I feel like normal people say, "oh, I will not buy this cheap impulse item, for I would rather save my money for a good quality purchase later."
But my goblin brain literally says, "I have wanted this high quality item for years, and I can afford it. BUT if I buy it, then I won't have as much to spend on random impluse shiny treasures. For this 1 item, I could get 10 stupid little things!! So I will not buy it."
I'm like a dog. Quantity over size/quality.
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dark-sappho · 2 years
a piece of advice I'd like to offer is to find out your foot pronation and do your best to accommodate it
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eastberlin · 13 days
Just ordered jazz shoes that will hopefully fit and tide me over until I can find character shoes that fit my incredibly fucky feet (medical term) and now I've got Chicago stuck in my head (because jazz).
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whiskeyote · 2 years
I'm getting triple whammy'd by Pain Factors this day and I Don't Especially Like It
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ourfag · 21 days
its very late and im very tired and i continue to be plagued by the memory of googling taika waititi feet pics specifically because i wanted to see how canon-compliant it would be to give ed chronic pain from overpronation which btw i still do not have an answer to bc when i finally found pics i realized i had no idea how to identify a normal arch. what the fuck was i talking about. ok right yes now obviously if you want identity-specific celebrity feet pics you are going to wikifeet and as it turns out the wikifeets are gender-segregated and they keep the mens feet on a separate website apparently? you have wikifeet and then you have wikifeet For Men. so i reach taika waititi’s page on Wikifeet For Men and obviously there’s a shoe size listed at the top. and the shoe size they have provided for six-foot-tall taika waititi is 5.5 US
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disabled-dragoon · 7 months
Hello, would it be ok to use a walking stick/cane or is it not ok? I’d be a part time stick user and it would be used as 1/3 fashion accessory, like how people in 1800 England had sticks, 1/3 hiking stick/pole, and 1/3 part time aid for weight bearing.
for context on the aid part i have flatfoot and overpronation that causes pain in my heel and legs. I do have inserts that help enough and i do stretches and that helps too but I still have (sort of mild?) pain flare ups from time to time that can make me limp.
I’m asking because I don’t want to be ignorant towards ppl who use canes for a disability and I don’t want to come off that way… and I also think walking sticks are cool.
This is a bit of a sticky subject.
There's some discourse about this that resurfaces every so often. Half of the argument is "using a cane for fashion/aesthetic purposes invalidates disabled people who actually need to use them" and the other half is "using a cane for fashion/aesthetic purposes might make them more mainstream and therefore accessible in the long run". I'm somewhere in the middle.
Canes are cool, I love mine dearly and I get incredibly excited when I see someone else out and about with one. It helps me feel better about using one, and that is something I have seen other people say as well. I also know that, historically, they have been and still kind of are popular accessories.
But, I have had people assume my cane and its predecessor were just accessories and I haven't been taken seriously because of it. A lot of people also treat them as disposable toys rather than an extension of their user, and I do worry that that attitude might only grow worse if they're seen as being "aesthetic" rather than a tool that many people physically cannot move without.
Also, using a cane when you might not need it, and without taking the proper time to research how to use one, can really damage your body in the long run. And while some canes are designed to be more weight-bearing than others, they're really more of a tool to be used for stability and relieving pressure on painful joints/muscles.
That being said, from a pain standpoint, if you believe it could help your flare ups, then a cane may certainly be something to look into. That is what they are designed for, after all. Just, again, make sure you look into how to use it properly, and maybe try and consult a doctor or a physiotherapist about it.
The fact you're taking the time to ask these questions instead of just plunging in shows me that you are being genuine when you say you don't want to come across as "ignorant", so thank you for being respectful, anon.
Have a good day/evening!
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stylesavingssavvy · 1 month
Save Big on Shoes: A Guide To Shopping Smart Online 
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In the modern age of technology, many people choose to purchase shoes online. It's a tempting alternative because of its ease of use, countless possibilities, and frequently cheaper costs. But if you're not cautious, it's easy to overpay while looking through the vast array of online shoe companies. But do not worry! You may still get the ideal pair of shoes and save a great deal of money by using some clever shopping tactics. We will see below how we can do it. 
Determine What You Need:  
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Take a moment to determine your demands before getting on the internet to buy shoes. Are you in the market for sport shoes, casual shoes, formal shoes? Knowing what you need can help you focus and save you from getting tempted to make unneeded expenditures.
Consider elements like foot type, arch support, and fit. To guarantee a good fit, search for shoes with a wide or extra-wide choice if your feet are broad. To avoid pain or harm, those with flat feet or overpronation should look for shoes with sufficient arch support and stability qualities. In a similar vein, give priority to shoes that support and cushion your feet if you have high arches. It will also be easier to know what size and style you want. 
Evaluate user reviews to perform detailed research:  
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Now that you know what you want, it's time to start your research. Reviews and ratings from customers are quite helpful when buying shoes online. Seek websites that offer thorough evaluations from actual customers. Take note of remarks on durability, comfort, and size. Even if a shoe seems perfect in pictures, actual customer reviews might give you a more realistic idea of its quality.  
Use comparison sites like Redfynd to compare prices. 
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Having the option to compare costs from several businesses without having to leave your home is one of the main benefits of Internet shopping. Use price comparison websites such as Redfynd to locate the best prices on the shoes you want. These websites compare pricing from many merchants, so you can easily get the best deal.  
Redfynd  is the largest shoe and sneaker comparison site with more than 1.5 million shoe and sneaker products and 15+ shoe retailers, including Nykaa, Myntra, Tira, Ajio, Taacliq, etc. 
Utilize cashback sites like Redfynd: 
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In addition to comparing prices, take advantage of cashback sites like Redfynd to maximize your savings. These platforms offer you a percentage of your purchase back as cashback when you shop through their links. By simply clicking through Redfynd before making your purchase, you can earn money back on your shoe purchases. It's an effortless way to stretch your shoe budget even further.  
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Online shoe shopping doesn't have to be expensive. You may locate the ideal pair of shoes at a lower cost by following these easy steps: determining your needs, doing extensive research, using comparison sites like redfynd , using cashback sites, and taking advantage of deals and discounts.
Put these suggestions into practice the next time you're shopping for new boots,sneakers , or any other kind of footwear, and watch your savings increase! Have fun finding shoes!  
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florenceisfalling · 24 days
awww cute demonias ^_^ i love girls in stompy boots [kicks in your fucking ribs with my shitty overpronation sneakers]
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mascspomax · 7 months
so I have scoliosis… I was wondering if forearm crutches would be helpful.
• mild lumbar scoliosis
• overpronation
• chronic shoulder pain (left side)
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cahootings · 1 month
So the thought process behind every step I take nowadays: land with your heel, immediately push your knee forward so you don’t lock it (a bit tricky since dorsiflexion is still limited with righty, but better now than it’s been in months). Let your weight roll from your heel to the pad of your foot evenly (don’t overpronate), push off with your big toe, let your calf muscle help lift. Once you push off make sure to disengage your extensor tendon and let your foot fall fully slack as it’s in the air (this is the part I’m struggling with most right now). And repeat.
Very grateful to be walking at a pre-injury pace now, but I’m still having to actively think about how my right foot moves with every step. I keep locking it and plantarflexion/just relaxing it hurts like hell. It’s almost always tensed and I have to actively tell it not to be. Sometimes I have to pause and figure out how to make it relax, especially during exercises. This is why we dry needled the shit out of it today and now I am going to lay with ice all night 🥴 we’re GETTING THERE but JESUS
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where-dreamers-go · 10 months
Things I've learned in the past two weeks:
The cheaper fruit grain bars are softer than Nutragrain fruit bars.
Comfy walking shoes are nice for a limited time only because having overpronation is a pain.
One T-shirt at Disney Springs is super soft now, but is flippin' about $33 USD.
My brain and body short-circuits when seeing a wall of lightsabers especially with a sign for 30% off. (I touched nothing there, but really wanted a Luke Skywalker canvas print.)
Having a little backpack with a zipper facing my back is awesome.
There's a magic carpet costume online.
Moving books around is a great workout.
The local store we found is my new best friend because discounts, discounts, discounts, and more discounts. (I'm still so happy about it!! One of the things I got was a Star Wars comic for I think $3.99??? I'm going back!!!)
We don't have any brownie mix at home.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
If you want to know the single most on-brand thing I did this trip, tonight after my toddler went to sleep and my MIL got home, I got on a train, went to my old station, and ran my old running route that I knew by heart, all while deliberately leaving my phone at home because I thought no, fuck it, I know all the turns to this route still despite not having run it in over 8 years and GUESS WHAT I was right awwwww yeah!!!
(Also we went to the ASICS flagship store in Harajuku today and got our feet 3D evaluated so they would tell us the best shoes to buy and I think the sales guy almost had a heart attack at how bad my overpronating is LOL)
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nightspires · 7 months
i went to a physio/podiatrist last week and he said i have plantar fasciitis (duh) and i overpronate when i walk. so he gave me some exercises and some orthotic insoles for my shoes and.... so far so good. the pain in my foot is definitely lessened, although it will take A WHILE for that and my knee pain to fully go away (if it ever does?) as i've had this problem 2 years in december. it's not going to disappear in a week or two, but... so far so good. woo!
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