#pein x sakura
rezi-pinksmoke · 30 days
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armin-ocean-eyes · 2 years
Can we talk about how sai was treated by team 7.
Like sure I can see sakura treating him badly, I can see that in her character. She's mad that he took over sasuke's spot on the team.So it makes since for her to treat sai badly. Doesn't make it any better through.
But naruto treated sai badly is what gets me. Naruto who's been abused by the village and bullied. He would not treat a team member like that or anyone because he knows how it feels. I don't care if he was also mad about sai taking sasuke's spot on the team, I still don't think he would have treated sai like that.
Sai really deserves better, all he wanted was friends :(
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Naruto as Vines but it's my humour: Villian Edition
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casualfireenemy · 2 years
I've been going through old likes, posts, and reblogs and I never realized how fucked Sasuke's part of the relationship is.
SasuNaru aka Sasuke x Naruto
This relationship wouldn't be healthy no matter how anyone puts it canon wise. They aren't equals in no way shape or form.
At the end of Vote Sasuke loses the fight. In essence he loses everything he once stood for, going against the corrupt and fucked up system that had his brother turn against then slaughter his entire clan.
Naruto had the tools to see the system and what it really stood for. He said he understood Sasuke's, Neji's, Pein/Nagato's, and Obito's pain. Then come to find out, he's okay with hiding what happened to the Uchiha, he's stands by the system, he stands for Konoha. He never truly understands anyone and the only thing he did understand was the loneliness. It's why he sticks up for Hinata despite learning Neji is her slave as his father was to her's despite being twins.
Sasuke become a ghost of himself and fall in line just as the others did believing in Naruto. Naruto never keeps his word for peace or a change to better the world. All they have is a temporary peace that relies solely on him.
For any romantic relationship to truly be a good romantic relationship Naruto had to change a big part of himself that relies on Konoha and its system.
SasuSaku aka Sasuke x Sakura
I think we all see how fucked up their relationship is in Boruto.
Sasuke has no romantic feelings for Sakura at all. Before the Vote2 fight he had lost any and all platonic feelings for her. He never had romantic feelings for her before or after Vote2.
He cared about her enough to fight and risk his life for her before he left.
He was forced into a relationship because of Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto. Kakashi and Sakura were constantly up his ass about Sakura wanting to save him or for him to love her back. He lost to Naruto so in the end he gave in to please them and he was left with the guilt and the belief he was wrong.
SasuHina aka Sasuke x Hinata
Never one interacted. Hinata enables slavery and is obsessed with Naruto. You really believe Sasuke would like that.
SasuKarin aka Sasuke x Karin
Karin is just as bad as Sakura if not worse the difference is she gave up and wanted him to be happy.
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sofya-fanfics · 11 months
Je serai toujours là pour toi
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Fandoms : Naruto / Fullmetal Alchemist
Relationship : Edward x Sakura
Voici ma participation pour le Crossover Ships Week 2023 pour le prompt : Je suis là pour toi.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Sakura essuya les larmes sur ses joues et prit le téléphone. Elle avait pleuré pendant plus d’une heure. Elle pleurait pour ses deux amis, Edward et Alphonse.
Disclaimer : Naruto appartient à Masashi Kishimoto et Fullmetal Alchemist appartient à Hiromu Arakawa.
Sakura essuya les larmes sur ses joues et prit le téléphone. Elle avait pleuré pendant plus d’une heure. Elle pleurait pour ses deux amis, Edward et Alphonse. Sakura était originaire du pays d’Amestris. Elle était née dans le petit village de Resembool. Elle y avait vécu jusqu’à ses six ans avant de partir s’installer à Konoha, le village natal de son père.
Elle se souvint qu’elle avait énormément pleuré lorsqu’elle était partie de Resembool. Elle devait quitter tout ce qu’elle connaissait, sa maison, son école, ses amis Winry, Edward et Alphonse. Ils étaient toujours tous les quatre ensemble. Sa maison n’était pas loin de celle des Elric. Sa mère et la leur étaient amies depuis l’enfance. La dernière fois que Sakura était retournée à Resembool, c’était pour l’enterrement de Trisha.
Depuis, elle n’avait pas eu beaucoup de nouvelles des frères Elric. Elle avait su, grâce à Winry, qu’ils étaient partis à Dublith pour s’entraîner à l’alchimie avec un maître. Elle avait réussi à avoir Edward au téléphone lorsqu’ils étaient revenus à Resembool, mais il était resté très vague. Elle avait eu un mauvais pressentiment, comme s’il s’apprêtait à faire quelque chose de grave. Elle aurait dû insister pour savoir ce qu’ils préparaient. Peut-être qu’elle aurait pu faire quelque chose. Peut-être qu’elle aurait pu l’en dissuader.
Sakura retint un sanglot. Un peu plus tôt dans la journée, Pinako avait appelé Mebuki pour lui raconter ce qu’il s’était passé. Edward et Alphonse avait essayé de ressusciter leur mère. Ils avaient essayé de faire une transmutation humaine, mais les choses ont très mal tourné. Edward avait perdu sa jambe et son bras. Quant-à Alphonse, son âme se trouvait désormais à l’intérieur d’une armure.
Sakura prit une profonde inspiration et composa le numéro qu’elle connaissait par cœur. Au bout de trois tonalités, quelqu’un répondit :
« Allô. -Mamie Pinako. »
Sakura essaya de contrôler les tremblements dans sa voix.
« Ta mère t’a raconté ce qui s’est passé. -Est-ce que je peux lui parler ? »
Pinako resta silencieuse quelques secondes.
« Très bien, mais pas longtemps. Ed vient de se réveiller. Tu dois t’attendre à ce qu’il ne te parle pas. Il n’a pratiquement pas dit un mot depuis ce qu’il s’est passé. -D’accord. »
Sakura entendit Pinako se déplacer avec le téléphone à la main. Elle monta les escaliers et ouvrit une porte.
« Ed, dit doucement Pinako. Téléphone pour toi. C’est Sakura. »
Sakura attendit quelques secondes, se demandant si Edward allait accepter de lui parler. Elle l’entendit prendre le téléphone. Son cœur battait à toute vitesse. Elle était à la fois impatiente et anxieuse de lui parler. Elle espérait pouvoir trouver les mots justes et ne pas dire quelque chose qui pourrait alourdir sa peine. Si elle le pourrait, elle prendrait le premier train pour Resembool.
« Ed ? »
Il ne répondit pas. Sakura se retint de pleurer. Elle devait être forte pour lui.
« Je suis désolée de ce qu’il s’est passé. Je sais que je ne peux pas comprendre ce que tu es entrain de traverser. Mais je sais que tu t’en sortiras. Tu es suffisamment fort pour te relever et avancer. Je suis là pour toi. Je serai toujours là pour toi. »
Edward ne répondit rien et raccrocha. Sakura finit par éclater en sanglots.
Edward raccrocha le téléphone et le regarda un long moment. Les mots de Sakura résonnèrent dans sa tête. Il allait se relever et elle serait là pour lui. D'aussi loin qu'il s'en souvenait, Edward avait toujours été amoureux d'elle et cela lui avait brisé le cœur lorsqu'elle avait déménagé. Lorsqu'il l'avait revu à l'enterrement de sa mère, elle lui avait tenu la main tout du long. S'il s'était écouté, il ne l'aurait pas lâché. Pendant tout le temps qu'avait duré l'enterrement, elle était devenue son ancrage pour ne pas sombrer.
Une fois encore, Sakura avait réussi à le faire sortir de sa léthargie grâce à quelques mots. Son regard changea tout à coup. Il était déterminé. Il allait tout faire pour retrouver son bras et sa jambe et qu'Alphonse récupère son corps. C'était une promesse. Il ne s'arrêterait pas. Il composa le numéro de Sakura et elle décrocha.
« Ed. »
Bon sang, pensa-t-il. Elle le connaissait par cœur et elle savait qu'il allait rappeler.
« Merci, dit-il avant de raccrocher. »
Même s'ils étaient dans des pays différents, il pouvait la voir sourire.
Edward se retourna une nouvelle fois dans son lit. Lui et Alphonse se trouvaient dans la maison de Sakura. Tous deux avaient une mission dans le village voisin et ils avaient décidé de s'arrêter à Konoha avant de retourner à Amestris. Ils voulaient passer la nuit dans un hôtel, mais Mebuki avait refusé.
« Il est hors de question que les enfants de Trisha passe la nuit à l'hôtel, avait-elle dit. »
Ils avaient essayé de lui dire qu'ils avaient l'habitude, mais lorsque Mebuki Haruno avait décidé quelque chose, il était impossible de lui faire changer d'avis. Edward était heureux de revoir Sakura. Même s’ils s’appelaient fréquemment, ce n’était pas comme se voir en vrai. Mais même si Sakura souriait, Edward pouvait voir que quelque chose n’allait pas.
Il soupira et se leva. Il ne pouvait pas dormir. Il n’arrêtait pas de penser à Sakura.
« Ni-san, tout va bien ? Demanda Alphonse. -Oui, tout va bien. Je vais marcher un peu. »
Alphonse acquiesça et Edward sortit de la chambre. Peut-être qu’un peu d’air l’aiderait à dormir. Il passa devant la porte de Sakura et s’arrêta lorsqu’il entendit un sanglot. Il se doutait que quelque chose n’allait pas.
« Sakura, appela-t-il en frappant à la porte. »
Elle ne répondit pas.
« Sakura, s’il te plaît, laisse-moi entrer. »
La porte s’entrouvrit et Edward entra. Sakura était retournée s’asseoir sur son lit. Elle tenait un cadre et même si elle essayait de la cacher, il pouvait voir les traces de larmes sur ses joues. Il s’assit près d’elle et vit la photo dans le cadre. Elle était entourée de deux garçons de son âge et d’un homme plus âgé. Il avait rencontré certain de ses amis dans la journée, mais il n’avait pas encore rencontré ces trois personnes.
« Qui est-ce ? Demanda-t-il. »
Elle prit une profonde inspiration.
« Sasuke-kun, Naruto et Kakashi-sensei, répondit-elle en les montrant du doigt. »
La fameuse équipe 7, pensa Edward. Sakura lui en avait souvent parlé, en particulier de Sasuke. Il fallait être idiot pour ne pas comprendre les sentiments qu’elle avait pour lui. Lorsque Sasuke avait trahi le village, Sakura l’avait appelé en pleur. Si Edward s’était écouté, il aurait recherché Sasuke lui-même pour lui faire payer de faire souffrir Sakura.
« Après Sasuke-kun, c’est Naruto qui est parti pour son entraînement. Et ensuite, Kakashi-sensei est parti en mission. Ils m’ont laissé seule. Ils m’ont abandonné. »
Sakura ne put retenir un sanglot. Lorsqu’elle lui avait expliqué ce que signifiait être un shinobi, il avait compris que l’équipe dans laquelle ils étaient assignés, devenait leur famille. Ils devaient avoir une confiance aveugle en leurs coéquipiers et laisser leur vie entre leurs mains.
Lorsque les membres de l’équipe 7 étaient partis chacun de leur côté, Sakura s’était sentie abandonnée, comme si elle n’en valait pas la peine. Il posa sa main droite sur celle de Sakura. Il ne savait pas quoi faire d’autre pour la réconforter. Il n’avait jamais été doué pour ce genre de chose. Elle frissonna à cause du froid du métal sur sa peau. Edward voulut retirer sa main, mais Sakura l’en empêcha et la serra un peu plus dans la sienne.
« Je suis désolée, dit-elle en essuyant violemment ses larmes. Je suis entrain de pleurer pour quelque chose de ridicule alors que toi et Al avez perdu tellement plus. »
Sans réfléchir, Edward la prit dans ses bras. Il écarquilla les yeux, surpris par ce qu’il venait de faire. Mais il ne supportait pas de l’entendre parler ainsi. Elle avait le cœur brisé. Pas seulement à cause de Sasuke, mais aussi à cause de Naruto et Kakashi. Elle souffrait et il serait là pour la réconforter.
« Ça n’a rien de ridicule, dit-il. Je ne t’abandonnerai pas. Je serai toujours là pour toi. »
Sakura cacha son visage dans le creux de son cou et passa ses bras autour de lui. Il la serra un peu plus contre lui. Elle sourit et comprit qu’elle avait besoin d’Edward. Elle avait toujours eu besoin de lui. Peu importe les épreuves qu’ils traverseront, elle serait toujours là pour lui comme il serait toujours là pour elle.
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hotmonkeelove · 1 year
Naruto Tag Game (New Addition)
(I did this years ago and my opinions have evolved)
Tagged by: no one, I saw it here.
How far are you in the series?: I never got past Ino-Shika-Cho and Kakashi fighting Hidan and Kakuzu. It was tiresome.
Do you prefer the anime or manga?: I don’t really read the manga, but it’s definitely better as far as Boruto is concerned, since the anime is so bent on making Mitsuki simp for Boruto.
Favorite movie: Road to Ninja
Least Favorite Movie: Of the ones I’ve seen, The Stone of Gellel was kind of dull. Couldn't follow it.
Favorite filler episodes: Most any of the ones with Lee, the Bikochu beetle arc, and Ino Screams: Chubby Paradise!
Least favorite filler episodes: The Land of Tea arc is boring! Though Aoi was cool.
Favorite male character: Orochimaru
Favorite female character: Anko
Second and third favorite male character: Gaara, Mitsuki
Second and third favorite female character: ChoCho, Tenten
Character(s) you Dislike or Hate: Boruto, Danzo, Hiruzen.
Favorite Village(s): Otogakure
Least Favorite Village(s): Konohagakure
Favorite and second favorite clan: Akimichi, Inuzuka
Favorite Sannin: Orochimaru
Least Favorite Sannin: Tsunade, but I actually love them all. I used to hate Jiraiya, but he grew on me. The pervy bastard... Now I'm hot for him! Heeheehee!
Favorite Kage: Gaara
Favorite Hokage: Tsunade
Least favorite Hokage: Kakashi himself said he was the worst, though Hiruzen was an arse.
Favorite Jinchuuriki: Gaara
Favorite tailed beast: Shukaku
Favorite Summoning: Manda
Favorite Jutsu: Orochimaru’s permanent tongue stretching jutsu. So hot and so much potential!
Favorite kekkei genkai: Either Haku’s or Kimimaro’s.
Favorite ability of Pein’s: Almighty pratfall, heehee!
Favorite Jounin or Anbu: Gai
Favorite Filler Character(s): Suzumebachi
Least Favorite Filler Character(s): Those ninja postal carriers. They’re creepy!
Favorite canon couple(s): Choji x Karui
Favorite almost canon couple(s): Orochimaru x Anko, Mitsuki x ChoCho, Zabuza x Haku, Gaara x Matsuri, Neji x Teten.
Worst canon couple: Sakura's parents are pretty lame.
Least favorite fanon couple(s): Boruto x Mitsuki, Anko x anyone other than Orochimaru (though especially Kakashi).
Favorite yaoi couple(s): Zabuza x Haku
Favorite yuri couple(s): Oddly enough, I don’t really ship any yuri pairings from Naruto. Tsunade x Mei is pretty hot, though. And sometimes Sakura x Ino.
Couple(s) that you ship romantically and as friends: Orochimaru and Tsunade
Favorite protagonist: Gaara
Favorite antagonist: Orochimaru, though I consider him the real hero!
Favorite Akatsuki member: Orochimaru!
Favorite Akatsuki couple: Sasuke x Karin, if they count?
Favorite member of Team Taka Hebi: Juugo, though the retcon his character creates really irritates me.
Least Favorite Member of Team Taka Hebi: Sasuke
Favorite member or weapon of the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (including Zabuza and Raiga): Zabuza and his kubikiribocho!!!
Which character do you think deserves more appreciation: Anko, the real Anko. Not the ridiculously sanitized version shallow fans have to make her more palatable.
Which character do you think deserves less appreciation: Kakashi, he's way too op.
Which character(s) didn’t deserve to die: Neji, Asuma, Jiraiya.
Someone who should have died or you would not change their death: Gaara’s father. My god, did he have it coming!
Who do you ship Naruto with: Hinata; they’re boring as a married couple, but I imagine they have a secret kinky side.
Who do you ship with Sasuke: Karin, because all the biting is hot. Mmm, hurt me! Also, I like their chemistry.
Which character do you think looks good with everybody: I don’t ship characters because they “look good together.” That’s fucking stupid.
Which character out of Teams 7(don’t forget Sai),8,10, Gai would join the Akatsuki: Um, didn’t Sasuke join?
Hottest female character: Though I think Kurenai’s the prettiest, I’ll go with Mei. I will not say Anko, because that just feels like wanking.
Hottest male character: Orochimaru
Would you eat Ramen: I have. Dango is better.
What would be your ‘ninja way’: To serve a great master.
What is your opinion of the ninja world (like how Jiraiya discusses in his book): It’s cruel and corrupt.
Which character would you have liked to see drunk: Always Lee! More drunk Lee!
What do you think Kakashi’s book Icha Icha really says?: Whatever nasty filth Jiraiya wrote.
Pro-ending or anti-ending: It could’ve been better, but there are some good points.
How would your version of Naruto ending and Boruto play out (don’t be shy, make it VERY LONG, out touch the smallest details):  Orochimaru and Anko reconcile and marry, we get some backstory for Choji and Karui’s love, as well as Lee and Metal’s mom, Log gets more scenes, Mitsuki is the main protagonist, and Boruto gets the shit kicked out of him till he learns to behave. And maybe we could bring Jiraiya back to life…?
Tags: Ugh, do I have to?
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hana-akari · 2 years
@fallesto​ continued from x
A liar.
What a goddamn liar.
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For days she put up with this torture. A weaker man would have broke by now but the pink haired woman’s stubbornness still held strong. She’s been chained to a wall this entire time. And arm in each cuff just hanging there preventing her from using her strength or medical abilities to make this torture bearable. It was probably intentional that she was on her knee. On her knees before a fake god. At the very least, when Pein was too frustrated to continue, a blue haired woman would show up and gift her water and bread. They clearly didn’t want to outright kill her. Or maybe confuse her with acts of kindness. How could she possibly side with these people? They were insane!
Sakura was an absolute mess. Her clothes were torn up, she was cut and bruised everywhere. There was dried blood on her chin along with tear stains on her cheeks. He had put her through hell and she still defied him.
She bared her teeth at him when he yanked her chin up, “You’re nothing to me. Just a pathetic man with an impossible dream.” She hissed back at him.
Sakura’s pretty green eyes widened when he raised his hand. She knew what was coming but could do nothing to dodge it. Her cry echoed the small cell as the push slammed her against the wall painfully. The chains rattled. She slumped forward, shaking, tears started rolling down her face again. She was breaking. Slowly. His methods were working. “What’s the point?” Her voice cracked, “Don’t lie to me. You’re just going to kill me anyway after you get what you want.” She was trying so hard not to full on sob.
“What if I don’t have the answers you want…? Will you just kill me?” She rose her head to look up at him. She was tired. So, so tired.
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kendochick-moor · 3 years
"- More pregnancy fucking" YES YES YES and for the writers trying to figure out where to start... THERE
Also from Anon, but the message disappeared: another pair i think would be great is pein x sakura! pein is such a intimidating and wicked yet beautiful character so him and sakura who largely represents innocence would be a masterpiece ------ 1 - YES to the pregnancy fucking. My god, just wait 'til you see some of the fics coming later this year(-ish), like the MadaSaku Royalty AU, Immured, and a few others. You will be happy, anon. Very happy. Also, yes, I would like to see more of this in fic I read, too! (hint hint to other authors who are wondering where to start with writing for the DFC) 2 - pein x sakura. There is so, so much to explore with pein; could you imagine a time-travel or alternate timeline AU with them? I LOVE IT. He may be wicked, but he also has such depth and gravity/resonance. AND PAIN (obviously) (TBH, I'd love to see a modern AU with them. I should see if someone's already written one.) I think @vesperlionheart and possibly @thefreckledone have written ObiSaku and/or PeinSaku... (And obviously others, too--but I will recommend 100% of everything those two authors have written because it's top-notch.) And Pein and Sakura have both overcome so much, emotionally/mentally/physically... there's a lot to draw on to find common ground and expand on. Do you have a story idea in mind of what you'd like to see? (share share share, I like to be enabled) <3
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kyoties · 5 years
What about Pein and Sakura getting matching piercings? I think that’d be cute
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tongue piercings!!
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pxnkpxp · 6 years
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\ pein x sakura \
“You’ve got something about you, You’ve got something I need”
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sweeter-sins · 3 years
The kind of YANDERE Naruto characters are
word count: 494
Warning this has Yandere themes in it.
This has Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, kakashi, hinata, kiba, shino, kurenai, shikamaru, ino, choji, asuma
Akasuki are next (itachi, Pein, konan, kisame, sasori, deidara, Tobi/obito, hidan, Kakuzu,
Give me a character from Naruto, Demon slayer, Attack on titan, MHA and I’ll tell you what yandere they are
Honestly you lucked out on the fact that he won’t hurt you. He’ll treat you like a God if you accept his feelings. If you don’t well he won’t force you too or hurt your partner if you have one.
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The trainer
Don’t think your safe for even a second with him. If you don’t at least pretend like you love him you’ll most likely end up end. Sasuke is a man with a lot of pent up anger and trauma. You rejecting him will make him violent, but you’ll learn eventually.
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She’s probably convinced herself that you love her and have confessed to her. No matter how you treat her she’ll think your being mean because your embarrassed of your feelings, if you cry,It’s cause your overwhelmed. She’s super sweet to you so that’s a win unless you break a rule that is
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Monopoly type
This is one of the most common types. He’s super protective of you and doesn’t like anyone you hang out with even Guy. If/when he kidnaps you don’t expect to leave the house a lot. Maybe for a reward he’ll allow you to go out for a date.
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She will try her hardest to become your lover but honestly she’d be content with being someone you consider a friend. Expect small gifts from her and please take them
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Kiba is another monopoly type but this sits on his insecurities. He’s not the strongest or the prettiest or the smartest. He would be absolutely infatuated with you obviously not in a good way. Akamaru is the only other person/thing aloud near you.
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Worshipper and harmless
Shino isn’t violent at all. As long as your happy and safe everyone else will be too. He wouldn’t kidnap you on the sole basis that he doesn’t want you too be scared off him.
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Funny how the genjustu user is under a delusional. She won’t hurt you but when it comes to those who do? Well you’d be surprised about the torture that genjustu can cause.
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Despite how lazy he is he does have brains. Shikamaru most likely has some kind of blackmail on you in order to get you to do what he wants. You can’t trick this man. Pretending also wouldn’t work.
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Choji wouldn’t do anything to harm you. In fact he does everything in his power to do the opposite. Whether it be sharing his food or training with you. Obviously your probably also friends with shikamaru. Overall if you were to have a yandere after you hope it’s someone like choji.
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She lives for you. She will kidnap you In Order for her to be happy. It’s in your best interest and everyone else’s that you don’t leave her.
I can’t see him as anything but a trainer you probably give into him easily. He’s a high ranking jonin. Love him back and he can protect you from anything.(except hidan)
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[NEWS UPDATE] Live Spectacle NARUTO: International Online Streaming with English Subtitles has been Announced for the “Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~”
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Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Ito Yui as Haruno Sakura
Kimisawa Yuuki as Hatake Kakashi
Sadamoto Fuuma as Sai
Yasue Kasuaki as Nara Shikamaru
Sena as Hyuuga Hinata
Kojima Sari as Shizune
Daigo Cecile as Tsunade
Teruma as Pein/Pain
Kobayashi Yuka as Konan
Ise Daiki as Uchiha Madara
Kawai Ryuunosuke as Zetsu
Naya Takeru as Gaara
Kitamura Keigo as A
Koyanagi Shin as Killer Bee
Maeda Ryuutarou as Hozuki Suigetsu
Nanaki Kanon as Karin
Emoto Kouki as Juugo
Kitazono Ryo as Namikaze Minato (Fourth Hokage)
Tamaki Yuuki as Nagato
Streams are sold within an “on demand window”, and if anyone purchases a ticket for a stream within that window, they will be able to watch the stream within that time.
On Demand Window #1:
January 7th (12:00 am JST)- January 20th (11:59 pm JST)
January 6th (7:00 am PT)- January 19th (6:59 am PT)
On Demand Window #2:
January 21st (12:00 am JST)- February 3rd (11:59 pm JST)
January 20th (7:00 am PT)- February 2nd (6:59 am PT)
Streams will include English subtitles.
NOTE: The online streams will not be available for all countries. For the list of countries it won’t be available in, please refer to the image below:
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To purchase tickets for the streams, please refer to this link: HERE
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For fans who would like to check out the previous “Live Spectacle NARUTO” (2016) before watching the “Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~”, there will also be international online streaming for this production.
Similarly, streams are sold within “on demand windows”, and the streams for this production will run from December 09, 2021 to February 03, 2022.
For more detailed information about the streaming times and to purchase tickets for the streams, please refer to this link: HERE
“Live Spectacle NARUTO” Official Twitter: HERE
“Live Spectacle NARUTO” Official Website: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x )
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sofya-fanfics · 11 months
Les étoiles me mèneront toujours jusqu’à toi
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Fandoms : Naruto / Doctor Who
Relationship : Thirteen x Sakura
Voici ma participation pour le Crossover Ships Week 2023 pour le prompt : Réincarnation.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Sakura prit sa tête entre ses mains lorsqu’une violente douleur la traversa. Elle n’avait jamais ressenti cela. C’était comme si sa tête allait exploser à cause du trop plein d’informations. Des milliers d’images défilèrent dans sa tête. Elle baissa ses mains et ouvrit les yeux. Elle se souvenait de tout. Elle s’appelait Rose Tyler et elle s’était régénérée.
Disclaimer : Naruto appartient à Masashi Kishimoto et Doctor Who est une série de la BBC.
Le Docteur courut aussi vite qu’il pouvait. Le vaisseau se dirigeait tout droit vers un trou noir, avec à son bord une dizaine de personnes. Il avait réfléchi à toutes les possibilités et avait trouvé une seule solution. Il devait réunir tout le monde dans un partie du vaisseau et détacher l'autre partie pour empêcher le trou noir de les aspirer entièrement. Mais pour ça, quelqu'un devait rester au risque d'être aspirer. Il n'y avait que lui qui pouvait le faire. Mais il n'aurait pas pensé que Rose l’assommerait pour prendre sa place.
Il ne savait pas combien de temps il était resté inconscient, mais il devait se dépêcher avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Il venait à peine de la retrouver, après tous ces siècles passés sans elle. Il avait perdu Amy, Rory et River, mais Rose était réapparue dans sa vie. Elle n'était plus humaine. Le TARDIS avait changé quelque chose en elle qui faisait qu'elle ne pouvait plus vieillir et qu'elle ne pouvait plus mourir.
Pour la première fois depuis des années, il était heureux. Ils pouvaient enfin vivre ensemble pour toujours. Mais les choses ne s'étaient pas déroulés comme il le fallait et ils allaient être à nouveau séparés. Il arriva au cœur du vaisseau, là où il devait se séparer en deux. La porte était fermée. Il essaya de l'ouvrir avec son tourne-vis sonique, mais rien n'y faisait. Rose avait dû l'avoir bloqué. Il la vit à travers la vitre de la porte et il frappa de toutes ses forces.
« Rose ! Cria-t-il. Rose, ouvre-moi ! -Pas question, dit-elle en faisant les derniers réglages de l’ordinateur central. Il est hors de question que tu te sacrifies. -Ne t’inquiète pas, je trouverai un moyen de revenir. Mais je t’en supplie, ouvre cette porte. »
Rose s’approcha de la vitre.
« Promets-moi de ne pas arrêter de courir. Tu dois voyager, trouver des compagnons et leur faire découvrir l’univers. L’univers à besoin de toi. »
Il n’en avait rien à faire de l’univers, pensa-t-il. Tout ce qui comptait, c’était de mettre Rose en sécurité. Elle posa sa main sur la vitre et le Docteur l’imita. Il la supplia du regard d’abandonner cette idée. Rose sourit, malgré les larmes qui coulaient le long de ses joues.
« Les étoiles me mèneront toujours jusqu’à toi, dit-elle. »
Sans le quitter du regard, elle pointa son tourne-vis sonique qu’elle avait fabriqué dans le monde de Pete vers l’ordinateur et le vaisseau se sépara en deux. Le Docteur se sentait impuissant. Tout ce qu’il pouvait faire, c’était regarder Rose se faire aspirer par le trou noir alors que la partie du vaisseau dans laquelle il se trouvait s’éloignait.
Après avoir mis tout l’équipage en sécurité, le Docteur retourna à bord du TARDIS. Pourquoi continuer à aider l’univers, pensa-t-il amèrement, alors que l’univers lui prenait toutes les personnes qu’il aimait.
Sakura s’allongea par terre et regarda les étoiles. Le ciel était dégagé et elle avait l’impression qu’elles scintillaient de mille feux. Elle avait toujours aimé regarder les étoiles. Elles l’apaisaient et la réconfortaient. D’aussi loin qu’elle s’en souvienne, les étoiles lui avaient toujours apporté cette sensation de bien-être. Quand elle était petite, elle voulait voyager à travers l’univers pour pouvoir visiter des galaxies lointaines. Elle était persuadée que c’était possible et elle en était toujours persuadée.
Naruto s’allongea à côté d’elle. Sakura tourna la tête vers lui et sourit. Il avait été greffé du bras il y a quatre mois et avait insisté pour partir en mission avec elle. Il s’agissait d’une mission de deux jours, assez simple, mais Sakura était heureuse de passer du temps avec son meilleur ami.
« Encore entrain de regarder les étoiles, se moqua-t-il gentiment. -Je les trouve réconfortantes. -Tu crois toujours pouvoir voyager dans les étoiles ? »
Sakura lâcha un petit rire et lui tapa légèrement l’épaule. Naruto ne put s’empêcher de grimacer.
« Arrête de te moquer. »
Mais elle était persuadée que quelque chose allait changer arriver. Quelque chose d’important qui pourrait changer sa vie. En rentrant de mission, Sakura eut l’étrange impression que les étoiles l’attiraient de plus en plus. C’était comme si elles l’appelaient. Chaque jour, elle avait l’impression que son cerveau assimilait de nouvelles connaissances, des choses qu’elle n’avait jamais appris. La nuit, elle faisait des rêves étranges, peuplés de créatures inconnues et de planètes lointaines. Mais certaines choses étaient récurrentes. Une boîte bleue qui était plus grande à l’intérieur et un homme avec des visages différents. Un jour, alors qu’elle dormait le nom de cet homme lui vint à l’esprit.
« Docteur ! Appela Sakura en se réveillant brusquement. »
Elle prit sa tête entre ses mains lorsqu’une violente douleur la traversa. Elle n’avait jamais ressenti cela. C’était comme si sa tête allait exploser à cause du trop plein d’informations. Des milliers d’images défilèrent dans sa tête. Londres, Powell Estate, Jacky, Mickey, le Docteur, le TARDIS, Bad Wolf, le monde de Pete, John, ses retrouvailles avec le Docteur, le trou noir.
Sakura baissa ses mains et ouvrit les yeux. Elle se souvenait de tout. Elle s’appelait Rose Tyler et en étant aspirée par le trou noir, elle s’était régénérée. C’était la seule explication qu’elle avait trouvé. Elle n’aurait jamais cru que Bad Wolf était capable de faire cela. Elle avait atterri à Konoha étant bébé. Les Haruno l’avaient trouvé sous les cerisiers en fleurs et l’avaient appelé Sakura. Mais contrairement au Docteur, elle n’avait aucun souvenir de sa vie passée jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Sakura se souvint du sentiment qu’elle avait que les choses allaient changer. Mais elle n’aurait jamais cru à ce genre de changement.
Plusieurs semaines étaient passés et Sakura n’avait plus qu’une idée en tête, retrouver le Docteur. Mais elle n’avait aucun moyen de le contacter. Depuis qu’elle avait retrouvé la mémoire, elle essayait de construire un appareil qui pourrait être capable d’envoyer un signal au TARDIS. Elle savait que se serait compliqué et que cela lui prendrait du temps. Mais elle était certaine d’une chose. Peu importe le nombre de fois qu’ils étaient séparés, ils finiraient toujours par se retrouver.
Le Docteur abaissa la manette, mais le TARDIS ne voulait pas l’écouter et n’en faisait qu’à sa tête. Ils se dirigeaient vers une destination inconnue au fin fond de l’univers et cela inquiétait le Docteur. Il y eut une violente secousse et elle tomba par terre. Elle ne comprenait pas ce qu’il se passait. Le TARDIS s’arrêta tout à coup et le Docteur se dirigea vers l’écran. Elle écarquilla les yeux lorsqu’elle lut les instructions. Ses cœurs battaient tellement forts qu’elle crut qu’ils allaient sortir de sa poitrine.
C’était impossible. Elle fit une nouvelle vérification et le résultat était le même. Rose était là. De l’autre côté de la porte. Elle se souvint de ce jour fatidique où Rose avait disparu. C’était impossible qu’elle ait survécu. Mais peut-être… Le Docteur sentit l’espoir monter en elle. Peut-être que Rose était toujours vivante. Après tout, ce n’était pas la première fois que quand elle croyait ne plus la revoir, Rose réapparaissait miraculeusement dans sa vie.
Le Docteur savait juste qu’elle se trouvait dans un village nommé Konoha, sur une planète similaire à la Terre mais qui se trouvait à des millions d’années lumières de là où s’était trouvé le trou noir.
Le Docteur sortit du TARDIS en courant. Elle se trouvait devant un bâtiment qui était en démolissions. Elle entra à l’intérieur et failli perdre l’équilibre en sentant une violente secousse. Elle arriva dans un couloir complètement démoli.
« Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé ici ? Se demanda-t-elle. »
La terre trembla à nouveau et le Docteur vit une silhouette arriver vers elle en courant. Il s’agissait d’une jeune femme, mais ce n’était pas Rose. Elle avait des cheveux rose et lorsqu’elle arriva vers le Docteur, elle put voir ses grands yeux verts.
« Il ne faut pas rester là, dit-elle. Courez ! »
Elle lui prit la main et elles partirent en courant. Le Docteur eut l’impression de retourner plusieurs siècles en arrière quand elle avait rencontré Rose. Cette fille n’était pas Rose, mais pourtant elle ressentait la même chaleur et la même douceur dans ses cœurs. Le Docteur regarda derrière elle et vit deux Cybermen. Elles sortirent du bâtiment et la jeune femme lui lâcha la main. Le Docteur ressenti un manque, mais elle reprit ses esprits lorsque la jeune femme frappa le sol avec son poing et que le bâtiment s’écroula.
« Waouh ! S’exclama le Docteur. Impressionnant. »
La jeune femme sourit jusqu’aux oreilles.
« Merci. »
Elle regarda en direction du bâtiment en ruine.
« J’ai dû faire une erreur de calcul, marmonna-t-elle. Les Cybermen n’auraient jamais dû entendre mon appel. »
Le Docteur l’observa. Elle avait parlé bien trop doucement et elle n’avait pas compris ce qu’elle venait de dire. Elle ne ressemblait pas à Rose. Mais pourtant, elle savait que c’était elle. Tout dans son être savait que c’était Rose. Peut-être qu’elle s’était régénérée. Après tout, il y a encore beaucoup de chose qu’elle ignorait sur Bad Wolf.
« Est-ce que tout va bien ? Demanda la jeune femme, remarquant que le Docteur l’observer. -Oui, très bien. »
Le Docteur sourit jusqu’aux oreilles. Soudain, un autre Cyberman arriva vers elles. Le Docteur se dirigea vers le tableau électrique du bâtiment. Les fils électriques étaient par terre. Elle passa son tourne-vis sonique sur le tableau. Lorsque le Cyberman marchera sur les fils, il sera électrocuté, pensa-t-elle. Mais elles devaient vite partir, c’était dangereux aussi pour elles.
« Allons-nous en, dit le Docteur. »
Elle prit la main de la jeune femme, qui la suivit sans poser de questions. Elles entrèrent dans le TARDIS. Le Docteur se dirigea vers le tableau de bord, tandis que son invitée regarda autour d’elle.
« C’est… Commença-t-elle. -C’est plus grand à l’intérieur, continua le Docteur. »
Elle s’approcha du Docteur, affichant un immense sourire au visage.
« Je savais que tu entendrais mon appel. -Rose, sourit le Docteur. -Désormais, je m’appelle Sakura. »
Un autre nom de fleur, pensa le Docteur.
« Qu’est-ce que tu en penses ? Demanda Sakura. Est-ce que c’est une bonne ou une mauvaise différence ? »
Jamais le Docteur ne s’était sentie aussi heureuse.
« Une bonne différence, répondit-elle. »
Sakura lui prit la main et la serra.
« Les étoiles me mèneront toujours jusqu’à toi. »
Cette phrase qui lui avait fait tant de peine, la rendait désormais heureuse. Elle prit Sakura dans ses bras et l’embrassa. Elle venait de la retrouver et elle ne voulait plus passer une seconde loin d’elle.
Peu importe ce qui se passerait. Qu’elle s’appelle Rose ou Sakura. Elle était enfin avec le Docteur, à bord du TARDIS, pour toujours.
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narutogwriting · 3 years
I’m Ready
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: SLIGHT nsfw, cavity inducing fluff Length: 2.9k+
Summary: You and Naruto have been dating for a year now. After having to be seperated for so long, the war is finally over, and Naruto knows he wants to stay by your side forever
Could be considered a sequel to “Touch Starved” or stand on its own
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Two days. The Fourth Great Ninja War had only lasted two days, but it felt like a lifetime. Maybe because of everything that happened leading up to the war. It was hard to picture it all now, the smaller battles, the trainings, even the way your friendships had been built up over the last few months. The war only lasted two days, but it was years in the making.
And now it was over. Lives were lost and the world was forever changed, but somehow good had triumphed the way it did in all the books and movies. 
Well, not somehow.
Winning the war was a team effort, every person in every village had done their part, even gave their lives, but you knew what you’d always known.
None of it would have been possible without Naruto.
Ever since you’d met him when you were both twelve years old, you knew there was something different, something special about Naruto Uzumaki. By the time you’d met, everyone else was starting to figure it out too, but you knew right away. You couldn’t have imagined just how special, how important, Naruto would be to the world, but you’d had no doubt in your mind right off the bat that Naruto was going to do great things.
When Naruto asked you to be his girlfriend when you were both sixteen, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You couldn’t believe that Naruto wanted it to be you by his side as he took on the world. That spot next to him had always been occupied by you anyways. You wouldn’t have known how to step aside if he were to love someone else.
But it was you he loved. Things had moved so fast between the two of you. One day you were best friends and by that night, you were his girlfriend, falling asleep in his arms and kissing him goodnight. You’d already lived together at that point; it already felt like you and Naruto were spending your life together.
It wasn’t even a full week later that Naruto had let the “L” word slip. The two of you were at the training grounds, but you hadn’t been in the mood to train. You went with Naruto since he wanted to work on target practice, but you had decided to sit back in the shade, writing in your notebook as you leaned against a tree. 
“Did you see that!?” Naruto had called. You glanced up from your book to see that he’d hit the bullseye dead on, and he was grinning excitedly at you.
“Good job, Naruto. But you always hit the bullseye.” You gave a small laugh, glancing back down at your notebook. You missed the pout on Naruto’s face.
What Naruto had been asking you if you saw was the backflip he’d done as he threw the kunai--he had to challenge himself after all. But you were hardly paying attention to him, too caught up in your writing. Well that wasn’t going to stand.
A moment later, you felt wind past your hair as a thud came from the tree above you. You looked at the tree to see a kunai lodged in the trunk just over your head before looking back at Naruto to see a smug smirk.
“Naruto!” You snapped, closing your book. “Are you crazy!?”
He giggled like a child, rubbing the back of his head. “Like you said, I always hit my mark. I wasn’t gonna hit you!” But you were already on your feet, charging him and tackling him to the ground. Naruto’s back hit the floor with a thud, and you could hear the air escape him. Straddling him, you placed your hands on his chest and stared down at him.
“Did you really need my attention that badly?” You asked him curiously, tilting your head. Naruto was looking at you with those wide, beautiful blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. He stared at you so intensely, so earnestly, that it made you blush. “What?” You muttered, glancing away in embarrassment. 
Naruto sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close to him on his lap. Slowly, you turned your head back to look at him, captivated by all that was Naruto. You were feeling more shy than you ever had before, but Naruto looked and felt as sure as ever as he took you in. “I love you is all.” He grinned at you, leaving a big kiss on your cheek.
There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you were fully, completely, totally wrapped up in Naruto. You didn’t think you’d ever get free, and you knew for a fact that you never wanted to. 
It was later that night that Naruto took your virginity. It was slow and sweet and awkward and clumsy--everything a girl could hope for for her first time. Naruto kissed you everywhere his lips could touch, his eyes took in every inch of your body. You don’t think you’d ever been so nervous in your life.
But it was Naruto, and like everything else, he made you feel brave. You couldn’t help but wonder how he knew what to do so effortlessly. You had no idea how anxious the whole thing made Naruto because he was so attentive to your needs.
Naruto would later admit to you sheepishly that he’d done a lot of research to make sure he didn’t hurt you. He took it slow when his fingers pressed inside you for the first time, pumping and curling experimentally as he listened to your body to know when he was doing it right.
His thumb clumsily circled your clit as he slid inside you slowly, taking his time despite the urge to just sheathe himself completely. Your fingers gripped his shoulders as you rocked into him despite the pinching pain. And then, suddenly, it didn’t hurt anymore, and your stomach began to flutter. It didn’t last long, with Naruto spilling inside you sooner than he would have liked, but you felt satisfied, on cloud nine, nonetheless.
You couldn’t figure out if it was a blessing or a curse the way your and Naruto’s relationship progressed so quickly, because as soon as everything seemed perfect with the two of you, everything else began to change.
Naruto took the world by storm just like you always knew he would, and the two of you were separated more and more. You wanted to be with him at every point, but you were both ninjas with different roles. You did your best to keep focused, but you missed Naruto terribly when he was gone, and you always feared that he would forget about you. He was quickly gaining the respect of not just the village, but the whole world, just like he’d always wanted. Now that he had everyone else’s attention, would yours matter to him as much?
But when Jiraya died, Naruto wanted nothing more than to be in your arms. There was no one else that could have brought him back from the brink, that darkness that had seemed so overwhelming. You weren’t there in his fight with Pein, you couldn’t be, but he wished you were.
When he meets Minato, finds out that the Fourth Hokage is his father, he can’t help but tell him about you, how despite how miserable and alone so much his childhood had been, he’d do it all over again as long as it led him to you. And his father tells him how happy he is, that if he and Naruto’s mother couldn’t be there for him, that at least you had found Naruto.
And Naruto smiles at that, because you did find him, right when he needed you. He’s confident that in any time or place, any lifetime, you would find him again. And he would find you.
When Naruto meets his mother, it goes much the same. He learns how Kushina and Minato fell in love, a story he never would have imagined he would get to hear. Kushina doesn’t miss his blush when she tells him to find someone like her, and he tells her that he already has. Shyly, Naruto tells his mom about you, how you were his constant, and how much he loves you. It brings them both to tears, because neither of them ever imagined they would have this moment.
And Naruto can’t wait to tell you about it all, but your time together is so few and far between, and you spend most of it in each other’s arms. Every time you touch him again, the relief in you is almost violent, because every time one of you leaves, you’re not sure if you’ll see each other again.
Many lives are lost in the time leading up to the end of the war, but by some miracle of the universe, you and Naruto are left standing. Even so, as he and Sasuke laid barely on the brink of consciousness, both short one arm as Sakura cried over them, you kept your space. It was a scene you knew Naruto had been dreaming about for years, his one real wish to have Sasuke back.
So you’re happy, excited, relieved for Naruto to have his best friend home, but you’re scared too, terrified, really, of what this will mean for your relationship. Now that Naruto has the one thing he’d been dreaming about for years, would that change the way he felt about you?
You’d had enough foresight to buy birthday presents for Naruto early before any stores became a casualty to the battle. With so much destroyed, Naruto couldn’t believe it when he woke up in the hospital surrounded by balloons and streamers, and of course you. “Happy birthday, Naruto.” You smiled from your seat by his bed. And Naruto wasn’t ashamed by the fact that he was crying, because you loved him, and you were here, and even if one day he lost everything else in the world, he had you.
In the days that follow the war, Naruto hears stories of what everyone had experienced in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He wonders what he would have seen had he been trapped inside. Sasuke being home was a given, and now it was reality. He didn’t have to dream.
He knew for a fact that you would have been in it. And he would be with you forever. That was his dream, what he wanted even more than becoming Hokage one day. He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and he hated how much time he had had to spend away from you for the past months. He never wanted to have to go a day without you again.
It’s only a week that Naruto was in the hospital. Tsunade wanted to keep him in for longer, but Naruto couldn’t stand to spend another night not laying in bed with you. Which meant that he was almost completely bedridden for another week after he came home, with you waiting on him hand and foot.
“You did this on purpose,” you teased him, helping him sit up as you fed him ramen. “You just wanted to make me take care of you.” Naruto just grinned at you in response.
“Having a beautiful girl feeding me ramen? That’s like, the ultimate fantasy!”
You still thought it was too soon, but Naruto was up and moving by week three, eager to get back to training. “You’ve missed all the cool things I’ve learned, too. I have to show you.” Naruto bragged. 
Poking the stub that was his right arm, you laughed. “Better let Tsunade fix this then, if you want to show me anything new.”
Naruto pouted. “But I’ll have to be in the hospital overnight…” He protested. You gave him a soft peck, rolling your eyes at him. 
“I think we can survive one more night apart.” You made a move to pull back, but he secured his arm around your waist, kissing you again. 
“Just one more night?”
Naruto had gone in the night before to get his new arm. He’d pouted and tantrumed and tried to put it off, but finally told Tsuande he was ready.
“It’s just one more night,” you’d promised him as you said goodbye, wrapping your arms around him. 
He kissed your head. “Fine. But promise me something?” he asked. You nodded, looking up at him. 
“Of course,” 
“Meet me tomorrow on the hokage heads at six?” 
So that’s where you were heading now. The sun was beginning to set, lighting the sky up with beautiful hues of purples, oranges, and pinks. You smiled as you climbed the stairs thinking of all the days twelve year old you and Naruto had spent sitting up here, talking about your dreams. You were so young then, neither of you had the foresight to imagine you would be where you were now.
As you got to the top of the mountain, your heart leaped seeing the setup Naruto had waiting for you. A blanket was laid out on the ground, surrounded by lit candles. Plush pillows filled the blankets for comfort as well as glasses of sparkling champagne with your favorite dessert.
He stood there waiting for you with his bandaged hand, and you realized you’d never seen anything as beautiful as Naruto, and you found yourself running to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply as you wrapped your legs around him. 
Laughing, he kissed you back, holding you to him tightly. “I missed you too,” he laughed when you pulled away.
You beamed at him, and it made his breath hitch. You were so gorgeous. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that someone would look at him the way you do, and his eyes started to well up realizing just how lucky he was to have you. 
As he set you down, you gave a small laugh. “Naruto, are you crying?” You asked him, reaching up to touch his cheek. 
 He scratched the back of his head as he stared down at you. “I can’t help it… I just love you so much…” You smiled at him, but he wasn’t done yet.
“Ya know, all that time we spent apart, I thought of you almost every second. Even when I got to talk to my mom and dad… I just wanted to tell them about you…” He took your hands in his, looking at you with a level of admiration that made you blush.
“And, ya know, I know you think it was silly that I didn’t want to go get my new arm cause I didn’t want to spend the night at the hospital, but I just don’t want to have to be away from you again. Not ever.”
You looked at Naruto almost curiously as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “I’m not going anywhere,” you assured him.
Naruto gave a soft smile, so different from his usual animated grin. “I know,” he said quietly as he began to drop down to his knee. Your jaw dropped as one hand went to cover your mouth. 
“N-naruto… What are you doing?” You asked.
“I love you. So much. And for so long, since we were twelve.” He said, looking up at you. “I never really realized how much I was missing all my life until you came into it. And it was all worth it, all my loneliness, all that time I spent feeling like an outsider… Because when you came into my life, all that pain turned into so much happiness, I thought my heart would burst. I didn’t know I could survive being so happy after being so alone for so long.”
Tears were falling freely from both of your eyes. You didn’t know when you’d started crying, but now you couldn’t stop. 
“We’ve all been through so much in such a short amount of time… I could’ve lost it all. I could’ve lost you. But I didn’t, and I’m so lucky I didn’t.” Naruto continued, smiling through his tears. You tried to quiet your sobs so you could hear him better. “And it’s because of that,” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box. “That I want to make sure I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you forever. Will you marry me?”
Disbelief. You couldn’t believe this wasn’t your imagination, that this was really happening. “Naruto… We’re only seventeen, we’ve been dating for like a year!” You laughed, and he just grinned confidently.
“I know,” he told you. “I know we’re young, but I know that I love you, and I know that I want to be with you forever. I’m ready. What do you say?”
He almost dropped the ring because you were on him in a second, tackling him to the floor, peppering his face with kisses. “Yes,” you cried between kisses. “Yes of course! I love you. I love you so much.”
“Wait, the ring!” Naruto laughed, waving around the box. “I spent a lot of money on this, ya know! You should at least look at it!” But you just kept on kissing him.
“I’d marry you with a paper ring,” you told him before pressing your lips to his. “Any time, any place. As long as I get to be with you.”
Naruto wiped at his cheeks, staring at you through his blurry eyes. Every time he thought he couldn’t get any happier, you proved him wrong. 
He finally was able to grab your hand and slide the ring on it. “Now you’re never gonna get rid of me.” He told you before giving you another kiss. 
“Promise?” You asked him with shining eyes?
Naruto couldn’t understand it. How had he ever gotten so lucky?
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Now request for "characters x reader and roleplay"
Fandoms and characters I will do goes as the following:
(yes I will add more later on)
Horror Movies Slashers:
Michael Myers(the original series not RZ)
Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden(1981 or 2009)
Ghostface(Billy Loomis or Stu Macher)
Freddy Krueger
Video Games:
Dead by Daylight
Stardew Valley
Super Smash bros
Cartoons Characters:
The Real Ghostbusters
Peter Venkman
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Winston Zeddemore
From the Episode "Flip side"
Flip Peter
Flip Ray
Flip Egon
DC Characters:
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Sun Haven:
Anime shows:
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Here's a master list if you want something from here:
Type of scenario:
Death of Character or reader
Break up
Going out on a date
Family member
Best Friends
Smut❤️‍🔥(I will not do rape, minors nor incest)
*Mystery Scenario*
(If you can't make up your mind for a scenario, choosing this means I'll randomly make up a random scenario that I'm in a mood for.)
Author's Note:
So I'm pulling some content I remembered from reading romance and lovey dovey stuff from other fics. Dating was something I'm never good at, but that doesn't mean I know thing or two about it when comes to observing other people's Dating behaviors.
Please request as many times as you like, sorry if it takes me a little exile to post your request. I plan out the scenario, and double check for anything and double check my research. No judgments here, your request is your command and I want to fulfill those requests. Just give me your ideas and I'll make it come to life through these words.
And if you don't feel comfortable of doing the request/ask were it can be seen as anon or your user, you can always request by dms as well! And don't be afraid to add more to your request! And if you forget that one thing in your request don't be scared to slide into my dms and add those little details! I love to hear feedback and your ideas!!!
And please note, that if I don't answer right away it's because I'm either sleeping, out with my family/friends, watching movies, shows or playing video games basically having me time lol. But I would definitely check up on to see if i have any request, and take time little by little to make it happen!
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char-lotteral · 2 years
Where are these naruhina moments in the game? Anywhere I can see them? Thanks!!
you can look them up on yt!! something like "naruhina moments shinobi striker" and there'll be a handful of videos that are heart-wrenchingly cute. like super cute
What I also love about the nh moments in shinobi striker is that its timeline is set after the war so you can notice the gradual bond they've formed, which lead up to The Last. And there are like a ton of moments which are fanfic material x))
Moments like Kakashi deliberately putting Naruto and Hinata together on missions, Killer Bee mistaking them as a couple by calling Hinata as his "girlfriend", Kakashi and Sakura being no. 1 captains of NH, NARUTO'S SENTIMENTS ABOUT HINATA'S FIGHT WITH PAIN AHH
He said something like "It's like you see me as someone awesome, and yourself as weak, but you're wrong. I think you're the awesome one."
AND--- AND I SHIT YOU NOT HE ALSO SAID, "Maybe that's why I always feel like I should look out for you somehow"
Here's a link to that vid ;D time stamp 6:40 and 8:30
Or when Nart was talking to Sakura about Hinata's fight with Pein and he kept emphasizing how "she's so awesome! She's so strong! She looked so cool!" and then Sakura said, "so why don't you just go and tell her yourself?" and then Nart said, "huh? why would i need to do that? That wouldn't change how awesome she is!"
But then from a distance, Hinata was actually listening in and it was just so jajsdlgkjs ahhh my <3 mga putangina kyut nila pstyutataotua
Sadly I forgot the name of the yt vid :((( but Im pretty sure it's still there hehe, i'll try and find it again someday and make a compilation :DD
also check out the gameplay for mecha naruto!!!! I read somewhere that mecha naruto was written by Kishi and was originally for the sole purpose of the game. So like og mecha nart was the nart in the game, not that boring ass filler in the series. What the hell even was that .-.
They were sooooo cute in the game because mecha nart was like "Oh my! Hinata-san is an angel!!!" and he was like, in love, in love and it was just so fucking CUTE.
I also don't have the link hehehe but I think its an easy find :DD
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