#peregrine op
peregrinethegryphon · 2 months
Mfs who've never owned chickens: "Can you believe chickens are dinosaurs? lol what a downgrade."
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Referring to real life eggplants as "penis emoji" from now on, who's with me
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Dave: so mayor, vis-a-vis, how do you ask someone out?
You, a humble WAYWARD VAGABOND, also sometimes known as THE MAYOR, are approached by one of your constituents on a rather delicate topic and he seeks your SAGELY WISDOM on the matter. Fortunately, you have plenty of experience in the field of ASKING ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE OUT. You gear up to tell him THE SECRETS to a SUCCESSFUL FLIRTATION. First, you-
You find yourself ABRUPTLY CUT OFF from dispensing INVALUABLE ADVICE to this FLEDGLING YOUTH by a certain PEREGRINE MENDICANT, who is also coincidentally THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. She quickly informs this IMPRESSIONABLE YOUNGSTER that your advice is NO TO BE TRUSTED, seeing as you have wooed her within the confines of A MCDONALD'S PARKING LOT, overcast by the brilliant GOLDEN ARCHES
Dave: ...and you said yes?
The GLISTENING GODDESS OF YOUR EYE refuses to comment further
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peculiarlunatic · 2 months
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saw this and immediately thought of enorace
original tweet:
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gizamalblythe · 3 months
Call The Warlords!!
so this takes place in the Wing!au that me @blackcat2907 and @blackholesun321 have been doing, so some prior reading may be required.
(also if this looks poorly written thats because it started as a ramble and i tried to edit it but got tired like, 2/3rds of the way through and said F it we ball.)
((also also i know the seraphim are supposed to be like,,,6-12 ft tall or something but ive known and thought about these babies for far longer than i knew their actual heights so for any thing going forward from me, S-Hawk/Peregrine/Pippin is 4'3 and Sebastian is 4'4 because i think its funny that he's so small))
so in wing!au, and pretty much any iteration, Mihawk is pretty in control of any sort of instincts he has right?
all that gets thrown out the window when he gets an invitation from a mysterious ‘Shaka’ to come and collect something of his on the equally mysterious Egghead Island shortly after his grown chicks fly the coop once more
He gets hit over the head big time with the nesting stick once he lays eyes on ‘S-Hawk 049’ and ‘S-Lion 001’ though.
Mihawk's first thought is that those are terrible names, which is quickly overtaken by ‘i need to get them into the nest as soon as possible’ which is hard because he doesn’t really nest and the only place he would really think of nesting is either home on kurigana, or home on the red force.
the red force is closer, so after some thorough cuddling and introductions/more cuddles, he bundles them both up in a blanket, together of course, and then either picks them up in his arms (given that you can also pick stuff up in your wings to keep your hands free, this is a really touching gesture) and sets off to both avoid interacting with any of the other warlords (because he is a reclusive bastard on a good day and he really does not want to explain anything to anyone right now.) and also to get to the red force as quick as possible.
so, shaka didn’t know that Mihawk and shanks were together, so they each got sent an invitation, but let's say that the news coos have a really hard time getting to Elbaf, or the giants have a really strict screening process, either way the letter was late, so late in fact that shanks didn’t even get the letter until 30 minutes before Mihawk got to the red force ( we’ll expand on that more later)
now shaka was worried because he was banking on all the seraphim being gone by a certain time so when he received no word from the red emperor he began to enact some back up plans, all of them fell through, but he figured he could just kinda dump s-lion on buggy the clown but he hadn’t been able to bring that part of the plan up to the seraphim yet, so they all thought that s-lion was being left behind.
So Mihawk and the other Warlords, both new and old (excluding Blackbeard because he wasn’t relevant and Doflamingo because he was both in prison and Shaka did not trust this man with a child) arrive on Egghead where they meet Doctor Vegapunk-01 ‘Shaka’.
After initial introductions are finished, and an explanation and reassurances are given, Shaka starts guiding them towards a meeting area to meet the seraphim. Mihawk however, notices a large amount of nervous energy, separate from the waiting figures ahead of them. This, along with how familiar the presence seems, intrigues Hawkeyes so he decides to split off and investigate. 
When Mihawk walks into the training dojo, he sees S-Hawk training his swordsmanship. He spoke up once the boy had finished his katas and noted to him that while his ability to mimic his technique was admirable, it clearly lacked the foundation the basics provided. 
He showed the seraphim the basics, they practiced a bit, S-Hawk became emotional and blew up a bit out of frustration and lack of understanding on why he was being so nice to him then proceeded to break down crying. Mihawk sat patiently during the outburst, then wrapped his wings around them as he hugged the child comfortingly during the crying jag, and stood up with S-Hawk in his arms and picked up the younger's sword (which he attached to his belt because mediocre imitation or not it is still his first sword!) and then began walking through the halls to the exit.
At one of the intersections, S-Hawk meekly asked if He could take his brother too. Mihawk questioned if he was another clone of him , to which S-Hawk says he's a clone of an Emperor. Mihawk agrees and during the walk to the mysterious brothers room, the raven haired man goes over in his head who it could be.
‘Can't be Linlin because he said brother, so that leaves Kaido, Edward Newgate and-’
Conqueror Class Seraphim: S-Lion 001
so on the trip to the red force is filled with lots more cuddles and some explaining: 
where they were going,
(that is one of the safest places Mihawk can think of to nest) 
Who is there, 
(his mate) 
How will they react to the newly named Sebastian considering he doesn’t share any dna with Mihawk and instincts will not like that,
(he will probably react quite well, considering that while you don't share dna with me, you do share dna with him) 
How will he react to the newly named Peregrine seeing as it can be easily taken as infidelity on Mihawks' part,
(he's not one to judge based on that because he knows that I love him)
Will he like us? 
(he will love you)
SO arriving at the red force, somehow Mihawk is completely unnoticed. strange but whatever, (this is because most of the senior officers and shanks are in a war meeting rn trying to decide who goes to go get whatever it is that THE Dr Vegapunk want to give them) so Mihawk just makes his way to Shanks’ room (very grateful to the lack of presence because his instincts are screaming at him to get the chicks to the nest NOW and being seen will not help with that) so he gets to Shanks’ room to find that it is laundry day so he sets the Eyas down on the bed, tells them he will be right back and books it to the laundry room where he is finally seen, he gathers a bunch of bedding and soft blankets and at least one of shanks’ throw blankets that isn’t really dirty but hasn’t been washed yet and just leaves without acknowledging anybody, someone tells a cabin boy to tell Shanks that ‘Hey, Mihawk is here and he's nesting. jsyk’
So Shanks gets the call that Mihawk is here and nesting which is slightly concerning because Mihawk doesn’t really nest, and he can't ask Ben for advice because Ben left half an hour ago to check out Vegapunk’s thing. So he goes to his room to investigate, to which he finds Mihawk, in the middle of a nest of pillows and blankets and nestled right there next to him, are two tiny chicks, both with white hair and tan skin, one looks like Mihawk, and the other…. looks like him!
he gently shakes Mihawk out of his baby-bliss-napping and asks “as wonderful and as overjoyed I am,,,,, where’d you find these adorable babies?” Mihawk explains and Shanks says that he’ll be right back to join in the cuddles, he’s just gotta get Ben on the den den and tell them that they can come back because Mihawk already beat them to it.
@manofbeskar enjoy some baby acquisition.
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furiohsaa · 1 year
I honestly can't believe I haven't seen this poll yet
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quotidianish · 3 months
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ANOTHER human au art compilation! Here’s the first! More info about the AU and their cultures under cut ~
-Abilities which stem from things inherent to dragon biology (fire, venom, frostbreath, gills, etc.) aren’t present. More traditionally supernatural gifts (mindreading, oracle, animus magic, etc.) are still present. In retrospect this makes the Nightwings completely op but shhh
-Each tribe is inspired off a mishmash frankenstein of different real-world cultures
-Dragons are an endangered species, just a hum in the background and nearly hunted to extinction. They’re hardly considered a threat, especially when most humans haven’t even seen one in their lives. Once the centre of each people’s culture and civilisation, they’re now nothing more than Bigfoot sightings or exotic pets.
-Sandwings are the least homogeneous tribe and take inspiration from various cultures in the Indian subcontinent and Arab nations (most largely India and Palestine). Many subcultures exist within the larger Sandwing kingdom. Common identifies (not present in them all, but there will usually be at least one) include gold accented accessories, darker skin, and clothing with light, desaturated, yellow/orange tones. They’re renowned for their abundance of poison, excellent street food, musical talent, and stereotypically maliciously intelligent. Regardless of class there’s a nation wide pattern (you can find the reference for it by Qibli’s headscarf) symbolising trade routes, oasis waters and dunes. It’s a symbol of national pride (included on thorn’s dress, and ostrich’s headband/headscarf).
-Nightwings are, on the contrary, the most homogeneous tribe due to their small population. They’re based on Japan (spanning multiple eras). I like to think the Nightwings lost a lot of their culture after migrating to the volcano, for they were once the most religious tribe, worshiping the moon alongside the Icewings, which I’ll get to later on their cultural similarities. I promise it’ll make sense. By now, all their deeply religious traditions have been relegated to superstitions. It was said they were blessed by the moons, but the connection has been largely severed. Only old dresses follow the tradition of embroidering in the moons they were born under. Moonwatcher’s dress is something akin to a hand-me-down, as are her silver earrings, it’s by coincidence it lined up with her actual birthday. Moon’s family was an exception because she came from a long line of seers (or alleged seers) who have done their best to preserve a crumbling culture. Common identifiers include near pitch black clothing and skin as pale as the moon. 
-Icewings have some of the largest populations, however, are surprisingly homogenous. Most sub-cultural differences are as a result of class. They’re based on Mongolia and Manchuria. Like Nightwings they are also deeply religious, maintaining their beliefs through rigorous scholarship. Hair has intrinsic religious value as a gift from your family- therefore it cannot be cut. The same goes for ear piercings and any other physical alterations to your body. IceWing jewellery as a result is very distinct because of its lack of need for an ear piercing, hooking around the back of the ear instead. Common identifies include long/braided hair, and light, cool-colored clothing suited for the cold.
-Skywings are loosely Scottish inspired, and I do not have a lot to say about the rest of the tribes. Most of their clothing have feathered accents. The peregrine is a sign of luck and wealth, with their feathers being adorned on the upper classes. Geese and chickens, being common farm animals, are found adorned on working classes. The second richest tribe, employing silver, gold, lazuli, and about any gem they can find in their clothing. Common identifies include curly orange/red hair, taller statures, feathered accents, a tartan like pattern, and clothing ranging from yellow to magenta.
-Seawings are loosely based on various Polynesian cultures, most prominently that of the Māori. The sea has an intrinsic religious value to them, with all children learning to swim, sail, and/or fish. They live off the sea’s resources, rarely consulting the surrounding land for supplies. On rare occasions albatross birds and seagulls are plucked for headdresses. These are reserved for high ranked royalty. Their clothing is loose and well adapted for the warm beach setting. Common identifiers of Seawings include ta moko like tattoos, olive skin, and clothing ranging from lime to purple.
-Rainwings are loosely based on Thai, Indonesian, and Cambodian cultures. They’re colourful and have the second largest poison reserves (bested by sandwings). Having once been a trade centred tribe, now they’re isolationist, albeit not intentionally. They have many history records, almost as detailed as that of Icewings, but the art has been lost to a changing cultural atmosphere. Once too religious, now their intrinsically religious practices are more cultural. Their clothing is similar to sandwings in the fact they cover as much of the body as convenient but remain loose and breezy. Common identifiers include bronze tan skin, vibrant pigmented clothing, and flower motifs. Nightwing villages don’t follow that guideline, they build on the ground as a tribe with a focus on hunting. I’m assuming everything in this universe is made proportional to dragons, hence why the trees are so large. This assumption is based off that specific panel of Bandit in the book six graphic novel eating a blueberry as big as his head. 
-Mudwings are sooo underdeveloped in my au (following in the steps of Tui herself) but they’re based on southern Chinese and Vietnamese cultures! They live in cities akin to Chinese floating villages, Vietnamese floating markets, and Tulou (architectural style of the Chinese Hakka) made of mud bricks. They're a very agricultural based people. Many of their villages are isolated communities- their emphasis on family extending to their towns. Common identifiers include umber skin, straw conical hats, and practical clothing in shades of brown.
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tigersullivan01 · 11 months
Alma Peregrine x Reader- kitchen chaos 
Y/n pov
“Hugh! Stop it, you’re getting it everywhere!” I let out a sigh as I grab the bowl with half of the pie dough left in it and puts it on the counter. 
“Go and take a bath, I’ll clean up this mess” I muttered as I looked around the kitchen, how can one boy cover the hole kitchen in pie dough? And how can you fail so spectacularly in making said dough? Even myself is covered in the sticky mess, I grab the cleaning stuff and start working on the mess. 
Finally after an hour of scrubbing the kitchen is finally clean so we can cook dinner, i sigh and head upstairs and change my clothes to clean once and head downstairs. Standing in shock at the doorway to the kitchen as I see flour, eggs and milk all over the counter and floor, Clare standing on a kitchen chair covered in the stuff and Millard, Emma and Olive only covered in flour. 
“What happened in here? I was gone for five minutes” 
“Ops we are baking cookies but we’re out of flour and eggs” Emma explains giggling as Millard continues the catastrophe. I sigh heavily and put Clare back on the floor. 
“Emma give Clare a bath and clean up yourself. Olive and Millard go clean yourselves up and head down to the village and get four eggs and a pack of flour, of you go” 
After they scurry out I repeat the process of cleaning the kitchen AGAIN before starting dinner, hearing a small explosion behind me and feeling the back of my shirt being covered with a wet and sticky substance. Wiping my head around I se Enoch with a smirk on his face with one of his little alive thighs with an empty catapult arm. 
“What did you throw on me Enoch? Why are you throwing things at me anyway?”
“Oh just some water and cornstarch, I wanted to test my creation” 
“You had to do that on me? And why that mixture? It’s horrible to try to wash out of clothes”
“Because it’s thick and heavy”
“………*-*………go to your room immediately”
Finishing dinner and putting it on the table, getting Alma from her office and changing clothes AGAIN, we finally sit down for dinner. I just pick at my food as the others eat, having lots my appetite completely and being bone tired. 
“Why aren’t you eating dear?”
“Mmmm not hungry”
“Are you sure? You didn’t eat much for lunch”
“I’m sure love”
Me and Alma have our quiet conversation as the children eat. 
Alma and I stay a little later at the table talking with each other as the children put their dishes in the kitchen, as me and Alma enter the kitchen afterwards I can’t help myself, and luckily there were no children around. 
“How the f*ck can they get the kitchen so messy?! All it takes is FIVE minutes and there is food on the ceiling, a book it the fridge and milk in the cupboard! HOW!” Alma slammed her hand over my mouth. 
“Clean this up and then go to our room, your sleeping on the loveseat tonight” She practically growled as her blue eyes turned cold, doing as my wife tells me without a word as she goes to the children for the movie. Tears prickled in the corner of my eyes as I wipe off the counter and wash the plates, when I’m done I simply turn into a fox and run silently upstairs with my tail between my legs. Curling up in the corner of the room under the dresser, together with the cobwebs and a small spider I don’t even bother getting outside I fall asleep. 
Alma’s pov
Cursing at the children really? That was low and unjustified of them, they didn’t even have a reason! Yes the children mess the kitchen up occasionally but that’s nothing to curs about! I lean against the doorframe as I angrily puff on my pipe as Horse shows his dreams, it’s the usual clothes and stuff. After that we head out to reset, I feel someone tug on my skirt. 
“Yes Clare?”
“Why isn’t Mx Fox here? They’re always here!” Smiling softly and pulling out my pocket watch. 
“They said some bad words about the kitchen before, so they have to go to bed early” Enoch chuckled 
“That’s the second time they have cleaned the kitchen today” 
“No….if they cleaned up after you then that’s three times” Emma chimes in and my eyes widen a little. 
“No! Four times! I accidentally messed the kitchen up too” Hugh says as he scratches the back of his neck, my eyes are probably the size of plates and I nearly mess up the reset. 
“FOUR TIMES?!” I look at the children in shock. 
“Get ready for bed, now” I quickly walked inside and upstairs to our bedroom, opening the door quickly and looking around. Not here? I check the bathroom, hallway, library, kitchen and living room, looking under every furniture. Why do they have to be so good at hiding? I walk back to our bedroom and look everywhere i can think of, finally I find them in the corner under the dresser curl up in a tight ball…. I grab a pillow and blanket and lay down outside the dresser looking at them sadly.
“Love?……….baby?……..please come out….” Slowly reaching under the dresser and rubbing my finger gently over their snout as they slowly blink their eyes open 
Y/n pov
Blinking my eyes open and seeing Alma laying on the floor, a sad smile on her face as she gently scratches the top of my head. 
“Please baby can you come out? I’m sorry for earlier…..I should have asked you why you reacted like that…” Hesitantly crawling out and into her arms as she picks me up into her arms and hugs me tightly. 
“I’m so sorry love, i didn’t know what had happened. Do you feel up to saying good night to the children?” Contemplating for a bit before getting out of her arms and transforming into my human state and offering a hand for Alma to get up. 
“Just….please don’t look at me with those cold eyes again” I whisper before going to the children to tuck them in and say good night. As I return to our bedroom i see Alma standing in her nightgown with a small smile as she pulls me to the bed and makes me sit down as she changes me into my pjs before laying me down, tucking me in with my green frog stuffy and spooning me from behind. 
“You can be your adorable little orange fur ball if you want” she whispered in my ear, well I’m in heaven. How can someone be so comfortable? Snuggling close to her as I fall asleep. 
In the morning i sleep in a little while Alma scolds the children on proper ways to be in the kitchen and how to clean it after themselves, the bird was quite angry. 
A little sad but fluffy in the end. I’ve had no good ideas for stories lately so I gave you what was good enough of my many failed attempts, I hope it’s good enough and feel welcome to request ideas you want to read about. -Tiger
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v4mpgutz · 5 months
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ABOUT ME ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
⤷ my name is river but people call me riv for short! i go by she/her and they/them — please use both sets of pronouns when mentioning me if you can :). i live on the east coast of australia ( NO, WE DON'T RIDE KANGAROOS ) so i go by aest: australian eastern standard time. i'm autistic. i'm born in march, autumn babyyy <3
my sun/moon/rising (for anyone who is interested) is aries/leo/cancer. i'm not necessarily pagan, i don't follow any specific religion but i have been taught divination through tarot since i was young and know lots about crystals n things!
my favourite colours are pink, light brown, powder blue and sage green!! i really love fashion and modelling, i study fashion design <3
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games i like —
call of duty: black ops 3, call of duty: modern warfare (all of them), resident evil, genshin impact, animal crossing, dead by daylight, fatal frame (also known as project zero), silent hill, hogwarts legacy, zelda: oot + tp + botw + totk, fnaf (mainly 2 + sister location and sb)
music artists i like —
taylor swift, beabadoobee, gracie abrams, sabrina carpenter, conan gray, olivia rodrigo, glaive, dominic fike, lana del rey, the weeknd (ONLY his music, not him), coco and clairclair, steve lacy, kali uchis, sza, lunar vacation, radiohead, pyro, corpse, suki waterhouse, muna, cigarettes after sex, phoebe bridgers, tomorrow x together, stray kids, ive + more !
movies / shows i like —
the corpse bride, the nightmare before christmas, scream + 2 + 5 + 6, the conjuring franchise, miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, bee and puppycat, the junji ito collection, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, harry potter and the half-blood prince, the outsiders, the karate kid (1984), bleach, spiderman: into the spiderverse + across the spiderverse, tokyo revengers, smile precure, hello kitty and friends, ben10, monster high + wayyy more !!
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i have certain hyperfixations / emotional attachments to certain characters and things! these include:
tom riddle, dallas winston, cats, simon "ghost" riley, my little fairy sculpture collection, ethan landry, taylor swift, slasher films, vintage furniture and decor, sanrio ( my sweet piano + my melo + hello kitty + chococat ), spiderman.
thanks for reading! <3
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peregrinethegryphon · 18 days
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I'm a simple woman
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luminous-in-obscurity · 2 months
Oh, is #vinegarposting a thing now? I'm ready.
I have vinegars in three cabinets.
Cleaning supplies cabinet:
1. White vinegar
Cabinet we literally refer to as the vinegar cabinet:
2. Red wine vinegar
3. White wine vinegar
4. Apple cider vinegar
5. Ordinary balsamic vinegar
6. Aged balsamic vinegar
7. Extremely aged balsamic vinegar
8. Ordinary rice vinegar
9. Sushi rice vinegar
10. Japanese dark rice vinegar
11. Chinese dark rice vinegar
12. Ume plum vinegar
13. Malt vinegar
Condiments cabinet near the dining table:
14. Smoked malt vinegar
And a five pack of fun little condiment vinegars
15. Delizia
16. Saba
17. Bianco
18. Rose
19. Truffle infused
I estimate I use 75% of them regularly.
The ume plum vinegar is the secret ingredient in my scrambled eggs. The smoked malt vinegar increased the amount of fish my 6yo will eat by infinity percent. She's also the one who goes for the truffle infused. The regular malt vinegar is mostly for one particular chutney recipe. Delizia is just for steamed asparagus.
My favorite dipping sauce of all time is the Japanese rice vinegar combined with a smoked shoyu and yuzu juice. All three of these ingredients are tremendously hard to find so it's a special pleasure when I have all three at once.
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ariesgamesandminis · 7 months
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals!
20-181 Liberator Cruiser 20-250 Anubis ABS-3L 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-278 Heavy Hover APC (Standard) (2) 20-289 Daimyo DMO-1K 20-300 Odin Scout Tank (Standard) (2) 20-309 Blizzard Hover Transport (Standard) (2) 20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-396 Avatar AV1-O Prime 20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L 20-440 Fireball ALM-7D / ALM-8D 20-474 Peregrine Attack VTOL 20-5010 Koschei KSC-3I 20-5030 Onager 20-5054 Mjolnir MLR-B2 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5094 Jackalope JLP-BD 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5130 Kheper KHP-7R 20-5168 Vixen 6 20-5207 Black Knight BL-9KNT 20-5214 Jade Phoenix Prime 20-628 Athena Combat Vehicle (Standard) (2) 20-655 Fire Scorpion 20-690 Owens OW-1 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-752 Canis (Standard) 20-756 Akuma AKU-1X 20-793 Hollander BZK-F3 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-818 Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (2) 20-854 Hunchback HBK-4G 20-913 Perseus P1 Prime 20-941 Men Shen MS1-O Prime 20-977 Cestus CTS-6Y 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 AC-010 Large Cast Stem BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-063 Track Bike BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-120 Sabutai Mech Scale Fighter BT-134 Gray Death Legion Battle Armor BT-164 Tracker Surveillance BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-237 Recon Infantry BT-238 VTOL Infantry BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-256 Branth Aerial Beast Infantry - In Fight BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-315 Chimera CMA-1S BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-350 Doloire DLR-OD BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-368 Cecerops Protomech BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-373 Centaur Protomech BT-375 Gorgon Protomech BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-383 Longinus Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-386 Undine Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-389 Purifier Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-412 Amazon Battle Armor BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor BT-466 Wheeled Scout (2) Closed & Open Top BT-476 Ares ARS-V1E Apollo FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter OP-013 Thor E ATM Pod OP-067 Puma E Pod OP-093 Fenris "Ice Ferret" D Left Arm RFLIICLTD-11 Limited Edition Rifleman IIC 8 20-208D Wolverine Antenna 20-393F Gladiator "Executioner" Prime Small Jump Jet Sprue 20-5182C Catapult CPLT-C1 Arm Sprue 20-5182D Catapult CPLT-K2 Arm Sprue 20-685C Bandit Hovercraft Gun Sprue 20-741H J-27 Thumper Tow Vehicle Gun 20-770B Axman AXM-1N Arms / Head Sprue 20-983MSR Mad Cat MK II Missile Rack 20-994D Marauder Bent Leg 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 9 months
DDS mod here with an update!!!!
So I was planning on doing a most submitted post. BUT I MADE THE LASAGNA SCALE! And here are the stats!
Basically if you would trust your duo on making lasagna
With 33,1% of the submissions. 1/3 of the characters are probably banned from the kitchen. WITH A SIMPLE 0
After that with 17% of the votes. Comes duos with a 2 on the scale with 52 submissions.
Now our least voted options are 6,7,8,9 and 10 on the scale. Let’s reveal those characters
Now I won’t reveal how many submissions each got. Some got 4, some 3, some are just solo submissions
6 on the scale
We have
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The Dr & Donna from Dr Who
Porsche and Pete from Kinnporsche: The Series
Henchman 21 & Henchman 24 from The Venture Bros
Yor & Loid Forger from Spy x Family
Elder Price and Elder Cunningham from Book of Mormon
@gregorygerwitz & @kitthekazoo (yes I allowed real people and people submitted themselves)
Bill Preston & Ted Logan from Bill & Teds excellent adventure (this was the second highest score they got)
Walter White & Jessie Pinkman from breaking bad
Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta from Bandom
Calvin & Hobbes from uhh… the comic of the same name
Now for our 7, where 11 duos landed
We have
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Bill Preston & Ted Logan, again!
Jack O'Neill & Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1
Mayday & Zuke aka Bunk bed junction from no straight roads
Laura Hollis & Carmilla Karnstein from Carmilla
Allison & Paige. I still need your URLs please DM me
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi & Barnaby Brooks Jr from Tiger and Bunny
Alec Hardison & Elliot Spencer from Leverage
Rean Schwarzer & Crow Armbrust from Trails/Kiseki series
Madoka Kaname & Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mayday & Zuke, again
Eustass "Captain" Kid, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Monkey D. Luffy from one piece (oh yeah about uhh Luffy is in another duo with like an equal amount of submissions and I won’t allow him to go in twice. Hes stupid but not a cheater)
7 duos have gotten an 8 on the save
We have!
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Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took from lord of the rings
Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter from Agents of SHIELD
Jessie & James from Pokémon
Lup & Taako from the adventure zone (credit to @arojovela for the fanart!)
Nathan and Jacob from drawfree
Shadow/cid kagenou & beta from the eminence in shadow
Monkey D Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji from one piece
Time for the 9s!
We have 6 characters here!
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Romana(dvoratrelundar) & Leela from Gallifrey (Doctor Who expanded universe)
The Bros from the bro duet
Mary Quinn & Sarah McCool from Derry Girls
Dana Scully & Fox Mulder from the X-files
Sokka & Zuko from Avatar: the last airbender
Someone’s mom and dad (they said I could draw stick figures)
Now for the 10s, let see who we can trust in the kitchen
Here. They. ARE!
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TK Strand and Evan "Buck" Buckley from 911/911 lone star (I know I make jokes about being followed by OP fans but buck has followed me more. I CANT escape him)
Lanz and Sena from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (credit to Illius on pixiv for the fanart)
Spongebob & Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants (they also got a 0)
Nozaki Umetarou & Mikoto Mikoshiba from Monthly Girls' Nozaki Kun
Billie and Thea from Bill & Ted Face the music
@mb-blue-roses & @sungsyc-amore
Rin Okumura & Kuro from Blue exorcist
kirika akatsuki & shirabe tsukuyomi from senki zesshou symphogear
Mario & Luigi
TK Strand and Evan 'Buck' Buckley, again
(Btw sup @tournamentdirectory)
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Here's who won:
Éowyn vs. Faramir
Peregrin "Pippin" Took vs. Legolas Greenleaf
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You may not remember, but we have another 🔔🔔🔔 REMAAAAATCH 🔔🔔🔔 on our hands here! Pippin and Éowyn originally met all the way back in Round Two! It was a VERY close race. Can Éowyn beat him again, or will Pippin reign supreme this time? And then... whoever wins... gets to face either Frodo or Sam. 👀
While I usually put stats below the cut, I would like to share my favorite statistics from this round - the pained cries of Farawyn lovers everywhere. Here are the tallies of exclamations in the tags and comments:
Calling the poll (or me) evil: 8
Calling for a 50/50 split: 11 (You failed miserably)
This poll/OP is cruel: 4
This poll/OP is rude: 4
This poll/OP is mean: 6
It's WRONG to choose: 2
It's UNFAIR: 3
Number of years of jail assigned to me: 2000
Thank you, everyone. I voted Faramir, by the way, so I assign 58.6% of you to 2000 years of jail, as well. 11 of you were correct, but there just wasn't a concerted effort to make it happen. Try again next time, I guess.
Sadly, we have lost the following blorbos:
Legolas Greenleaf
I can't believe it. I lost one of my top two blorbos (Faramir). I'll be over here, lying on the ground in disbelief.
Round Eight (Second Chance Bracket) begins at 12 PM EDT (GMT -4)! Only one poll tomorrow. Make it count! And then the round you've all been fearing... Round Five begins Wednesday, May 10th at 12 PM EDT (GMT -4). If you want a 50/50, you're gonna have to fight for it.
And now, for some analytics...
Who got the most votes?
Éowyn destroyed the competition, but shockingly, with only 731 votes! This poll actually had the lowest participation numbers of any poll since we've started. Either you guys are getting bored, or you really just didn't want to choose.
Who got the least votes?
In a shocking final round for Legolas, he only managed to get 295 votes this time around. In fact, it brought down the average votes he got per round by over a hundred. Not only that, but no one has gotten that few votes since Round Three of the Second Chance bracket. Dang.
Which races were most/least contentious?
Both polls ended up with about the same ratio, actually, with both winners coming out with about 59% of the vote. I honestly thought it would be closer, especially with Faramir and Éowyn, but I guess we're Éowyn stans first on this website.
See you tomorrow for the second-to-last poll on the Second Chance Bracket! We're sooo close to the finish line, and honestly, while I have my guesses, I also have a spreadsheet of statistics, and I'm not 100% sure who is going to win. Have fun!
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
While it’s been a while since yours truly has posted on the war in Ukraine and our determination to mix things up with China, we seem to be in an intermediate phase of sorts. Major country leaders in the West remain focused on the conflict. The Collective West is trying hard at the G20 to muscle more countries in line, after an embarrassing fail in a similar exercise with Global South invitees to the Munich Security Conference. Biden and then Janet Yellen went for Kiev photo ops with Zelensky. That Biden trip, which made the Administration neglect of the East Palestine toxic train blast more galling, gave Republicans, most of all Trump, an easy win.
But there are more signs of anxiety and erratic behavior by key players. While the structure of the system looks the same, more and more energy is being pumped into it. Either it will be released somehow, say by an aggressor de-escalating, or the pressure will keep rising until we have a state change. And state changes means the system becomes chaotic. The September 2008 financial crisis was an example.
While we won’t dwell on China escalation today, the over-the-top, paranoid response to Commies under the bed peregrinating balloons looks like big-time displacement activity. We are in no position to whack China so we’ll whip ourselves in a frenzy over something we can (eventually) destroy.
Then the US and its NATO stooges went into effrontery overdrive at the Chinese presenting a high-minded napkin doodle and overselling it as a peace plan. Mind you, there were cool-headed ways of saying China has no nexus to this conflict save via its burgeoning friendship with Russia, and the latter means it can’t pretend to be a fair minded interlocutor.
Instead, the ham-handed outrage made the West look anti-peace, as opposed to anti China trying to play nicer hegemon. And then we have the conveniently-timed reheating of the lab leak theory on shoddy “new” evidence, and the House launching a “cut China down to size” committee.
The most charitable interpretation is China demonization is being readied as the next shiny object to divert attention from the coming Ukraine defeat, which will be very hard to ‘splain away. But there are competing interests at the top, with the Atlanticists very much committed to breaking Russia, not caring what the effect might be on the China project.
While arms makers theoretically make out no matter what, they can’t deliver quickly enough to make a difference in Ukraine, and they run the risk of having Russia demonstrate that our super-pricey, over-fussy weapons aren’t very effective in combat. So even more demand for hardware is not necessarily a boon. To fight an industrial war, we need lots of comparatively low tech munitions that they don’t regard as lucrative enough to interest them.
Mind you, the fact that principals are trying to increase pressure does not mean that they will succeed. Propaganda and optics and arm-twisting off and on allies only goes so far. A realistic trajectory for the Ukraine conflict is Western support will fizzle out as the Russian campaign continues to drain Western weapons stocks.
In keeping with that possibility, recall all of the drama of the buildup to the “anniversary” of the launch of the Special Military Operation last week. Western pundits and the press blathered on about how Russia was going to launch its over-anticipated offensive, even though Russia has insisted that it does not have a timetable for this campaign. Oh, and Putin’s overdue State of the Unions speech was not on the date when Russian forces moved into Donbass, but when Putin announced Russia was recognizing the breakaway republics.
Biden tried to upstage Putin with his trip to Kiev and then a speech in Warsaw. But Putin refused to play to demands of warmongers by stating that Russia was not going to full militarization. He delivered an otherwise informationally dense and long talk, treating his zinger, the suspension of Russia’s participation in the START treaty, as almost an afterthought at the end.
Not only did Russia not meet escalation expectations last week, Ukraine didn’t either. Zelensky had promised a big speech for the anniversary of the invasion, and Ukraine boosters expected something more, if not an offensive, at least a stunt, as in a headlines-getting jab that made Ukraine look like it was on the front foot even if in the end it would not affect outcomes. The Kerch Bridge bombing and the misuse of the grain corridor to attack the Sebastopol naval base are examples.
And there’s evidence that Ukraine is closer to the end of its rope than the press would have you believe. Brian Berletic has been relentlessly chronicling how US weapons deliveries to Ukraine have been falling, to the degree that the US has stopped putting numbers on many items. The commitment that Biden made in his Kiev trip was meager. Dima at Military Summary pointed out that Ukraine shelling has fallen markedly in the last week, suggesting Ukraine is forced to ration ammo. Dima has also been pointing out that the daily Russian “clobber lists” have almost no tank kills on them, contrary to earlier in the war, and instead mainly features destroyed armored and too often, passenger vehicles. That suggests that either Ukraine is hoarding its remaining tanks for its long-touted counter-offensive, or is really pretty much out of them. Big Serge, in a new piece, mentioned (as Dima has) rumors of a few of the Polish Leopard tanks having been deployed to Bakhmut. If true, Big Serge argues that would be proof that Ukraine is unable to accumulate reserves for a later offensive.
To use the new Big Serge piece as a point of departure, I have to differ with one of his high level points. He contends the Russians have been slow to launch their big offensive because they are having to make a very large reorganization from a military optimized for fighting small wars to one able to engage in a large scale, protracted conflict (Douglas Macgregor recently said Russia is now planning for an up to 30 month war).
It may very well be true that Russia is finding the process of changing its military organization to be time-consuming, but Big Serge, like many others, particularly those from military backgrounds, seem impatient for Russia to launch a big attack. Again, remember Russia has repeatedly disavowed having a timetable. The one thing they have promised, per General Sergey Surovkin, is to wage a grinding war, for among other reasons, to preserve Russian lives. This isn’t just politically sound; Russia also has comparatively few professional troops and needs to risk them only when the potential payoff is high.
Yours truly has opined that Russia’s moves are going to be even more reactive to events than one might normally expect in a war. Part of that is due to Russia facing layered opposition: its immediate combatant is Ukraine, but as we all know, it is fighting the Collective West. Russia is pressing and testing the West across all lines of combat: military, economic, geopolitical. For instance, it is too often simply not admitted that Russia controls Ukraine’s future. Only Russia can restore Ukraine’s grid; the West cannot begin to afford a rebuild. Russia does not need to point that out; it will come into play in due course.
So I hazard that the principles that are guiding Russia’s actions in the near-term in Ukraine are:
Paraphrasing Napoleon: “Don’t get in your enemy’s way when he is making a mistake” Don’t make sudden moves around crazy people
As Big Serge and others have pointed out, Ukraine’s strategy, such as it is, is close to ideal for Russia. Admittedly, Russia is in the midst of the difficult process of cracking Ukraine’s extensive fortifications without wasting Russian lives. That is why Russia is faced with the embarrassment of Ukraine still being able to shell civilians in Donetsk.
But thanks to the partial mobilization, Russia has hardened its positions all along the very long line of contact, which is also comparatively easy to keep supplied. Due to Ukraine’s need to maintain coalition support (mentioned as a major objective by Alex Vershinin in a late December 2022; Big Serge expands upon this idea), Ukraine is desperate to maintain the appearance of success. As many have pointed out, that translates into a refusal to make tactical retreats (save trivially) to preserve men and materiel. Worse, as we see particularly in Bakhmut, Ukraine keeps pouring forces and weapons into doomed positions.
So why, at least for now, should Russia do anything more than let Ukraine keep breaking its military on the shoals of Russians at the line of contact, and also keep pressing on as many potentially exploitable targets to force Ukraine to keep those positions defended and limit their ability to redeploy forces?
As frustrating as it is for war-watchers, Russia could keep the meat-grinder approach going until the Ukraine forces really do start collapsing, as in run out of ammo, are unable to send in reinforcements, and show other signs of serious inability to execute. Mind you, Russia still has a lot to do just to accomplish its immediate goal of clearing the Donbass and forces stationed close enough to shell it. Russia has also vowed to take all of the oblasts that voted to join the Russian Federation, so “liberating” the rest of Zaporzhizia would seem to be high on the list (the timing of Kherson would seem to be more up in the air due if nothing else to Kherson City being in an undesirable location).
The dealing with crazy people part also argues for making the war as boring as possible, and a slow grind serves that end too. The way to give the West an off ramp is to provide them the space to move the war off the front pages and then rationalize the abandonment of Ukraine (via greatly reduced support).
Putin’s biggest obstacle here would seem to be domestic hawks, who seem to get share of mind out of proportion to their numbers due to being both highly vocal and very good sources of day-to-day information on Telegram. Putin seems at least for the moment to have persuaded most Russians that not pursuing a war-time economy is the soundest long-term approach and I suspect he’ll continue to prevail in that debate. As long at the Russia public isn’t demanding a faster resolution of the conflict, the Russian leadership ought to have a fairly free hand with pacing.
Ukraine, despite being weakened, still has agency. And the US, with the Nord Stream bombing, has demonstrated it can be ruthless and utterly unprincipled.1 So far, all we have seen are failed or pinprick attacks that nevertheless get coverage, like the rumored but apparently never happened attack on a Russian plane in Belarus, or drone attacks meant for Moscow that didn’t get there.
Big Serge, along with many others, has discussed the rumor that Ukraine and Moldova will cook up a pretext for Ukraine to move on Transnistria. On paper, it’s not well enough defended to stand up to a determined Ukraine attack, and too far from Russia for it to readily send in reinforcements. So this could be a very big bloody nose for Russia and a huge morale booster.
The wee problem with this picture is the huge ammo dump that Russia is protecting. Russia could and presumably would blow that up, which per Moldovan (as in not Russia friendly) sources would be a nuclear level blast. On top of that, as Scott Ritter discussed long form in a recent talk with Garland Nixon and Andrei Martyanov, Russia’s Foreign Ministry made very clear that if Ukraine made a move on Transnistria, that would be an act of war against Russia. That would give Russia license to do things (to the mystery of Western military types) that it has refrained from doing, like taking out the Ukraine leadership. The noisemaking about that scheme seems to have died down.
But Russian officials have warned of intel on other provocations, such as chemical weapons and drums of radioactive material (along with hazmat gear!) being moving into Ukraine to stage false flag attacks that would be attributed to Russia. So until the US and NATO get over themselves, we could still see a lot of nasty developments.
And we keep seeing far too many stories in high profile Western outlets about how Ukraine can or must win, despite the lack of realistic ideas for how that happens. So expect if nothing else for the press to try to keep the emotional dial turned up to 11 even if the battlefield action remains a slow, bloody slog.
1 Even if you do not believe Sy Hersh’s account, there is no way it happened without US approval and support in that Sixth Fleet lake called the Baltic Sea.
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