#platinum bracket finals
blond-jerk-tourney · 5 months
Platinum Bracket: Bracket Finals
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
He is a jerk. He is Spike. Of course he is a jerk. And he is a walking paradox. He was bad, is bad, but got better. No you can't fix him, but you can love him for his efforts.
Dee Reynolds
She is a menace to everyone she has ever met. She digs holes in her friends' lives for fun. Seeker of pity, pity revenge. Makes men's lives insufferable. Has tried multiple times to kill her twin brother, burned her college roommate, had a male stripper unknowingly strip on his estranged daughter just because he insinuated that she was his rock bottom. She grew up rich, so has moments of being snarky and spoiled. Her favorite word is 'c*cksucker'. She says she feels special because she is the only woman in her friend group and says she hates other women and the only way for women to thrive is if they race against each other (all this sexism is because of her friend group and family but i shan't elaborate lest i won't stop) She lies to her therapist about her life constantly just to see if she will believe it, also broke a lot of plates and glasses in said therapist's office. Her wiki page for crimes committed speaks for itself, but she is just more of an asshole and a prick.
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Surviving Sokovia - Chapter Nine
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
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Work Summary: 
You were a Sokovian orphan living on the streets of Novi Grad, until Strucker offered you a choice.
Now you are a part of his human experimentation programme, trying to survive an entirely different world of horrors. The kind boy with the beautiful eyes is the only thing that keeps you going.
This story contains dark themes. Please read the notes on chapter one for more details. Dialogue in {these brackets} is in Sokovian.
Chapter Summary: For a while, things are easier, but then you get some news.
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2491
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mcximffs @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @lanemarvels @marrigold-2002 @kathrinchek @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @ifilwtmfc @officiallykuute @noz4a2
Taglist info.
Previous Chapter
warnings for forced breeding, forced pregnancy, mentions of abortion (particularly mentions of unsafe herbal abortions), references to reader killing the doctor and soldiers please do not consume any of the herbs mentioned in this chapter, they might kill you
The first time Pietro came inside you, it was an accident. Your ankles had been digging into his lower back, pushing him deeper into you, and as you dragged your fingernails down his back, his thrusts began to stutter. He pulled out, but even as the rest of his cum splattered over your stomach, you knew it was too late.
“{I’m sorry},” he whispered, kissing your cheek, and you shook your head.
“{Don’t be. It’s what they’re expecting of us. If we don’t comply, things will get worse}.” He swallowed hard, but nodded.
The next morning, you awoke to a veritable feast waiting for you in the hatch. Cooked meats and eggs and fruit and yogurt and bread and jams in a variety of flavours. Sitting on one of the trays of food, there was a card; it was some mass-produced, store-bought thing with crude cartoonish art. In large, colourful letters, it read:
Pietro was tense beside you. It was hard to enjoy the food knowing that it was your reward for finally giving in. You tried not to think about it, in fact. You tried not to think about a lot of things.
When Pietro made love to you, it was easy to forget the why of it all. He was your boyfriend and you loved each other. That was all that mattered. Every time he came inside you, there would be a gift waiting for you in the hatch soon afterwards – food, cosmetics, clothes, books – but you could fool yourself that that was a coincidence.
For a little while, things were easy. Normal. It was only the glaring absence of Wanda in your lives that felt wrong.
One evening, you returned to your room to find Pietro waiting for you, clutching a small box made of shiny cardboard. On it was printed an image of a handsome man with platinum blond hair.
“{What’s this?}” you asked, and he looked at you sheepishly.
“{Bleach. For my hair. I was hoping you would help me with it, actually…}”
You drew your eyebrows together. “{Did Strucker order you to do this?}” It would be a strange request, but in the grand scheme of things, relatively tame.
“{No}.” His cheeks were pink. “{I asked for the bleach. I thought it might… look cool. Don’t worry about it}.”
You felt yourself softening at the expression on his face. “{I like your hair},” you said.
“{You don’t think I’d look hot as a blond?}”
“{I think you’d look hot whatever your hair colour. But I will help you if you want to be blond}.”
He grinned at you then, and you felt yourself falling that little bit harder. Unbidden, your mind went back to the moment that he told you he wanted to marry you. Had he meant it? Or was it just the heat of the moment?
As he sat down on a chair in front of you with a towel wrapped around his shoulders, you let your thoughts wander back there. You thought about a life far away from here, where Pietro was your husband, and there was a baby on your hip that you’d made of your own choosing. Round cheeks and bouncing brown curls, Pietro’s bright blue eyes set in the shape of your face. You grimaced. This was not your life.
“{Are you alright, sweet girl?}” Pietro asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“{Yes… Just reading the instructions…}”
Bleaching hair was, as you discovered, a very involved process. You’d never had the time or resources for any kind of beauty regimen, but even this seemed excessive. You positioned the two of you in front of a mirror so that Pietro could watch as you bleached his hair.
You started by dividing the hair up using various clips. Pietro leaned into the gentle tugging motions of your hands. You watched his eyes fall closed. If there was one thing you knew about him, it was that he loved it when you played with his hair.
Once the bleach was in his hair, you had to wait for it to take effect. “{It stings},” he complained, but you just shrugged.
“{I don’t think I can fix it without washing it out, and that will ruin the colour}.”
He huffed, but gritted his teeth and bore it. It was almost funny how dramatic he was being, considering everything you’d both gone through. It was just another way that you could forget about your life, and convince yourself you were just a normal couple.
When the time came for him to wash the bleach out, he made you come into the shower with him ‘to check that it was done right’. Unconvinced by the obvious ruse, you followed him anyway, and massaged the shampoo and conditioner into his scalp for him.
By the time it was all washed out, you could see that his hair was blond, but it was hard to judge the colour while it was still wet. In no rush to check out the results, Pietro pressed you up against the wall of the shower and got you off with his fingers ‘as a thank you for your help’.
You dawdled as you dried yourself off, almost nervous about what he might say. You didn’t look at him as he admired himself in the mirror.
“{What do you think?}” you asked. “{Do you like the colour? I think I missed a few patches}.”
It had turned out a silver blond, with some areas of mottled brown. Pietro met your eyes in the mirror, grinning at you.
“{I love it},” he said. “{I think it looks cool}.”
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, inhaling the smell of bleach. “{Me too}.”
You had thought you would have advance warning. Maybe your body would give you some kind of sign. When the news came, it came as a shock.
“Congratulations,” said the doctor, looking up from his paperwork to smile at you. “You’re pregnant.”
The bottom dropped out of your stomach. You opened your mouth, but the doctor carried on speaking.
“Baron von Strucker has already been informed,” he said. You felt ice cold. Strucker knew before you did. “And we will be reducing your training to ensure the baby’s safety.”
You stared at him. This doctor was younger than the previous one, and surprisingly friendly and upbeat, considering what had happened to his predecessor. None of the doctors or soldiers had attempted to touch you since you’d killed the last one, but you had no doubt that they’d be willing to if push came to shove.
“Can I go back to my room?” Your voice shook. You hated how weak you sounded.
“Of course. Your training has been cancelled for the rest of the day, so you can do with it as you please.”
Your legs were shaky as you got to your feet. Two soldiers flanked you as you left the room, leaving a respectful distance between you and them. You didn’t speak until you reached the door to your bedroom.
“Is Pietro getting the rest of the day off too?” you asked, trying to keep the fear out of your voice.
“That’s your decision,” said one of the soldiers. “Strucker thought you might want some time to yourself, but we can bring Pietro to you if you want to see him.”
“I want to see him,” you said, and the soldier nodded, unlocking the door to your quarters. This was the politest you’d been treated by them in a long time. Probably because you were carrying a future Hydra supersoldier.
As soon as you were alone, you felt tears springing to your eyes. You staggered over to the sofa and sat down on it heavily, burying your face in your hands. Sobs wracked you, your whole body trembling.
What were you going to do?
Of course, you weren’t surprised by this turn of events. It was going to happen eventually. Still, you weren’t prepared. Your heart ached. You couldn’t bring a child into this world and watch it suffer the way you had. You wouldn’t. You would rather die.
Your mind raced, thinking of all the plants from your books. Pennyroyal. Mugwort. Blue cohosh. They might kill you. But wouldn’t that be better?
“{Sweet girl?}” Pietro’s voice was soft, timid. You wiped your eyes and looked up to see him standing in the doorway. He was by your side in an instant. “{What’s wrong, my love?}”
“{They didn’t tell you?}”
“{Tell me what?}” You could see the concern in his eyes as they darted down to your stomach. He knew. Even if they hadn’t told him, he knew.
“{I’m pregnant}.”
Pietro’s expression stayed the same, not betraying any emotion. “{Are you alright?}” he asked, and that pushed you over the edge. A fresh flood of tears poured down your cheeks and then you felt his arms around you, holding you against his firm chest.
“{I’m scared},” you whimpered.
“{Me too}.” He stroked your back.
Gently, he pulled you into his lap, and you burrowed into him, resting your face against his neck. He stroked your back, tenderly trying to massage the pain and fear away. The two of you stayed that way until you ran out of tears to cry.
“{Are you alright?}” he asked you again, and this time, you just shrugged. One of his hands found purchase under your knees, and the other wrapped around your shoulders. He stood, lifting you into his arms as he did so.
“{Piet, what-}”
“{We’re going to shower}.” It wasn’t a question or an offer. Pietro carried you into the bathroom and set you down on the closed toilet lid.
You watched him fiddling with the shower dials until the water was just right, and then he stripped his clothes off. Your eyes flickered over his body, feeling hazy. It was only when his hands made to unbutton your shirt that you realised you were supposed to be joining him.
“{Come on, sweet girl}.” You let him pull your shirt off. You stepped out of your shorts and underwear, and he led you by the hand into the shower.
Once you were under the water, he pulled you into a tight embrace, his lips right beside your ear.
“{Don’t react},” he murmured, so low that you almost couldn’t hear him over the rushing water. “{They have microphones everywhere, but I hope they can’t hear us in here}.”
You rested your head on his shoulder as he picked up a bottle of shampoo and poured some out onto your head. As he massaged it into your scalp, he spoke so softly that you had to strain to make out the words.
“{I am going to get you out of here. Us out of here. If you want…}” He took a deep breath. “{If you want to get rid of the baby, I will get you out of here as soon as I can and we will find a doctor}.”
“{I don’t want to get rid of the baby}.” The words came as just as much a surprise to you as they did to him, but once they were out, you knew they were true. Again, you pictured the world where you and Pietro could live peacefully, and the cute, chubby baby with dark brown curls on your hip. “{I want to have a baby with you}.”
Pietro’s grip on you tightened, and he nodded. “{That gives us more time. I promise you that you will not give birth here, my love. I won’t let anything happen to our baby}.”
You squeezed him and he squeezed you back. “{What about Wanda?}”
He grimaced. “{I will try to get her out. But she will survive without me. I need you safe, more than anything}.”
“{What about Stark?}”
Pietro stopped massaging your scalp. “{What about Stark?}” He sounded genuinely confused.
“{Don’t you want to get your revenge?}”
“{You think I care about that? You think that’s more important to me than you? Than our baby?}”
You were crying again. Pietro tilted your head so that he could wash the shampoo out of your hair. You didn’t speak again until he started applying conditioner.
“{How? How will we do it?}”
“{Leave it to me, my love},” he murmured. “{It’s dangerous to talk about. Who knows what they’ll do if they know what we’re planning?}”
You nodded. His hands in your hair felt nice. You leant against him, letting him wash you. He was gentle as he scrubbed your neck with liquid soap. His strong, comforting hands made their way down your back first, washing you from neck to calf, paying special attention to your ass which made you giggle, in spite of yourself.
He turned you around, and you let him wash your breasts. As he travelled further down, your eyes fell closed. You felt him stop at your stomach, resting his hands against you. He resumed his ministrations after a moment, and every touch was reverent, an act of worship. You watched him fondly as he moved down to your thighs, shins and finally feet. He knelt before you, pressing kisses to your tummy in between each motion.
You took advantage of the position to wash his hair for him. His eyes fell closed, resting his face against your stomach as you washed the shampoo and then conditioner out of his hair.
“{Love you},” you murmured.
“{Love you}.” Reluctantly, he got to his feet.
His hands fell to your waist, and something ignited deep within you. You clawed at him, desperate to feel more. He met your eyes, searching your expression. Evidently what he found there was to his satisfaction, because he hitched your leg over his hip and pressed his cock against your folds.
“{Need you},” you whined, and he indulged you. As his cock slid all the way inside you, you let out a low moan.
He lifted your other leg up too, pinning you to the wall. You clung to him, exchanging sloppy kisses and pulling his hair. One of your hands pressed between you, sliding over your stomach to find your clit. When you came, you felt him all around you, holding you up and filling you and taking up every bit of space you had within you. There was no room for pain anymore, only him.
“{Fuck, you feel so good},” he muttered. “{I’m close}.”
“{Cum inside me},” you said, leaning in to nibble on his ear.
He swore loudly as he started to cum, shooting his load into you. For the first time, feeling his cum fill you up wasn’t accompanied by a pang of anxiety. After all, you couldn’t get double pregnant. Instead of fear, you felt warmth.
He lowered you back down, pressing another kiss to your lips.
“{Are you okay?}” he asked, and you nodded.
“{I’m okay}.”
It was the best either of you could hope for for now.
Next Chapter
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Announcing the full bracket for the frilliest magical girl tournament! It's finally time to battle it out and see once and for all which magical girl (and Platinum Royale) are the frilliest!
Round one should be up sometime on either Saturday or Sunday, and each poll will be up for 24 hours. Whose frills will rise to the top?
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gameboy-berry · 6 months
Basketball (PPT2) Object Head Gijinka!
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Now all of the Team ] Gijinkas are revamped! (Well... Kind of.)
Design notes and transparent images under the cut:
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OH. MY. GOD. This design took ages to finalize. So the idea I have with the Brackets is that they're based on delinquents right? Here, Basketball represents your typical 90s/2000s sitcom school jock bully.
I base my gijinka outfits on the object if it fits the idea I'm going for... But I also choose not to make them similar to other pre-existing gijinkas of the same character to challenge myself. So it took ages trying to settle on a sports related outfit that felt "unique" while still fitting with the idea of the character.
In the end, I decided to kill two birds with one stone by making it a mix of two stereotypical jock outfits.
Where did I get the idea for the horns though? Well.... Okay, I DID base it off another fictional character this time. A certain object based character who also happens to have a similar outfit... I had the horns be taped on to indicate his ability to do fuck all. I like to think it was Slipper's way at trying to make him remotely intimidating...
I've always debated on the idea on whether or not my Bracket gijinkas always had the same outfit in Take 2. With the release of "Platinum Puppets", I settled on the idea that team DOES have a dress code... Said code is really just "wear a cool coat and custom made gloves (if you have arms) to show you're a Bracket". So their outfits... Didn't really change much after leaving Team 47.
I'm glad that the hardest gijinka to revamp is out of the way now... Just Brick and Glass Shard are left to revamp..... The revamp part of the PPT2 gijinka project is almost over.....
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max1u3 · 7 months
Blizzcon 2023 Omg...
First of all here's the video I watched if you want to go watch it yourself, but I'm just gonna outline what I think are the highlights in this post!
First of all, Blizzard actually serving this Blizzcon like?? Woah there, slow down, are you sure you actually want to deliver what the fanbase wants... you've never done that before but slay.
And secondly, I'm late to this cos your girl put off working on a brief deadline for her degree until the last few days and had to draw like a mad woman. So excuse my late reactions to everything haha
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Let's be honest, even Blizzard knew the 5 - 15 bracket was shit, and now they're finally getting rid of it, and replacing it with this ->
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Like are we actually getting ranked on what we do in the match or is this some kind of amazing dream?
As a hard stuck gold/plat support main with an average of 20k heals a match, this is like some kind of blessing from God.
Plus not to mention the rank reset?? Last time I rank reset, aka made a smurf account that I never used, it was two ranks above my main. I'm going to cry literal tears of joy.
Plus, we're getting these bad boys back ->
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She looks a little different but it's ok, we still accept her as the placement matches we know and love.
(I am very sassy today apologies, I have borderline carpool tunnel in my main hand and a backache to slay all backaches so I'm feeling slightly unhinged.)
Then they're also tidying up the competitive challenges tab? Like actually slay!
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Like look how clean and sexy she looks like omg. Can't wait to actually understand all that information now that it's feasible to read haha
I'm not as hype about these but they still deserve mentioning ->
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Tree guns! Oh wait, I mean Emerald guns. Mb. I think they're just like... meh. Like me and my duo have had long and detailed discussions on how we would improve gold guns. We eventually settled on them progressing in rarity and price. We suggested a gun started at bronze and worked it's way up the ranks like you do in competitive, and each rank would be a thousand more expensive. So obviously Bronze for Bronze, Silver for Silver, Gold for Gold, Platinum with like a purple sheen for Platinum, Diamond with a white and blue reflection for Diamond, then either Ruby or Sapphire for Masters and Grand Masters.
If you hadn't figured it out by my grumbling already in this post, but I'm a digital art student in uni, literally studying concept art, and by gods would my lecturers turn their noses up at the green they chose for this promotional ss.
Personally, I would saturate the colour more, it's much too dark. Sure, up close you can see the colour well, but realistically you want to be able to see the colour in game as well, and the green here is much too dark. I would saturate the colour more, but not too much. There's a thin line between it being a distraction or a flex. Next thing I would do is give it a darker sheen so when it catches certain lights it has a muted sparkle. I say darker so that it doesn't cross the distraction line again, because a lighter sheen would defiantly distract a player.
ANYWAY those are just my thoughts on it as someone studying this stuff at uni :)
I'm not a professional and will never be cos I'm never touching the art industry after this course again lol
Next I just wanna briefly look at the two heroes other than Mauga we got a look at.
Which are obviously Venture ->
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Who's a dps who digs underneath the ground and launches out to deal dmg to the enemies.
Personally, I think it's a really innovative idea, and a really nice idea lore wise, but realistically I don't think this is going to play well, and I'm sure we're going to see lots of changes to him before and after he's released.
Also that concept art is just chefs kiss. It's so beautiful, with such clean lines and such an understandable concept. The facial expression is so cute and clean as well, and I already love them just from what I can see.
Oh, they are a they/them as well, so they're slaying.
Then there's 'Space Ranger', which is only a code name, and all we can call her so far ->
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Again the beautiful concept art is literally making my drool, the lines are clean, it's understandable, conveys exactly what the artist wants.
I also love the unique UI of having the two guns above. It's also really thrilling to get more of a design perspective, for me at least. Even if I'm not going into the art industry (I'm taking a course to become a teacher after I gradate next year) it's still really exciting to be able to see the processes of it all. Now I can't help but imagine what the rest of the heroes concept art looked like when drawn onto the ss like the image above.
She's also a support by the way, so we support mains are being FED.
Next on my little list that I have here, is the hero mastery updates. Which are all for next year, so 2024.
The first point was that we'd be getting D.va, Lucio, Genji, Echo and Mei maps to master. I've 5 stared all the Mercy courses cos she's one of my mains, and my other is D.va sooooo can't wait to spend 20 hours on that haha.
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They've also realised that it being solo can be a bit of an obstacle for groups, so they're adding a tower defence 3v3 vs bots mode. Every season the heroes on the roster for the mode will cycle out, as will the special rewards for completing the game mode every season. Basically, they're trying to make it as replayable every season as possible. Even with the heroes and reward cycles, I still have a sneaking suspicion this is going to end up slightly monotonous.
Here's a ss of the tower defence ->
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It's not very clear and that's mb, I forgot to ss until too late lol.
Finally, the last big thing that they discussed was the new game mode 'Clash', plus the re-work of the Hanamura 2cp map for this game mode.
They basically described clash as 5cp, and even with this image it took me a while to get my head around it. Disclaimer, I am dyslexic though lol, so you'll probably get it faster than me.
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Basically, (from what I understood from the dev's explanation) all five points will be lined up in a row on the map. When the game starts, team blue will posses 2 points and so will team red. Only point C will be available to cap, and it's a race to see who can claim the point first. Whoever claims the point will then push the enemy teams spawn room back a point, and the next point to claim will be either one to the right/left from the middle. The game ends when one team holds on the points, or the time runs out and whoever holds the most points win. The co-streamer I was watching alongside it said it resembled a tft game mode, but since I've never played tft I can't vouch for that.
I actually really like this idea, and it actually does remind me of 2cp quite a lot. It has a very nostalgic OW feeling just to the description.
Moving on, we have the Hanamura re-work, which is last, but not least.
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They've adjusted the map in a way that supposedly makes it feel organic and not just a re-work of Hanamura itself. Basically, they've expanded off the main map, left some noticeable features and vibes to the map, and dropped the previous map into the background. It's a very smart way to evolve a map in all honesty.
This map has been designed specifically for Clash and will be called Hanaoko (sorry if I'm butchering that, they didn't write it down anywhere and only said the name).
Normally, I won't be too bothered to write so much about a new map, but bro this is Hanamura! I adore Hanumura, so, so, so much! I miss 2cp and all those maps so badly. It's nice to see them evolving the concept to incorporate those nostalgic elements for OW1 players.
What also interested me was that they talked more about the Hanamura lore. Naturally, there's a lot of it. With the Shimada brothers, the Hashimoto Shimada fight for dominance, and Kiriko with her Yokai gang. They specifically mentioned more lore for those three groups which got my very excited. They also mentioned, and I feel stupid for not noticing this cos it's obvious once it's pointed out), but all the dragons and tigers on the map are symbolic. They represent the struggle between the Shimada (dragons) and Hashimoto (tigers) clans when they're fighting. Like in this photo ->
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So, it's official, we are being well and truly fed this Blizzcon. I can't wait for ranked to actually feel rewarding again.
Here's a random Tracer play from OW1 to finish of the post :)
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eurovision-revisited · 2 months
Eurovision 2003 - Number 1 - Birgitta - "Open Your Heart"
It's probably no surprise at this point that my number one for 2003 comes from Iceland - and it's their actual Eurovision entry. Birgitta Haukdal Brynjarsdóttir won Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2003 with over twice the televote numbers of second place. Given the wide variety of songs that were in the Icelandic national final, maybe it's a surprise that the winner was a conventional upbeat pop track rather than punk or bossa nova. But there is a reason that Birgitta won, beyond the song being utterly Eurovision perfect.
For three years, she'd been the lead singer with Icelandic band Írafár. They were formed in 1998 when Birgitta was 19 - a bit of a late start when compared to the careers of many Icelandic singers in the 1990s. She and the band made up for lost time by becoming one of the best known Icelandic pop acts within Iceland in the early 2000s. Their first album Allt Sem Ég Sé (All That I See) went platinum and by 2003 they were familiar faces on TV and in the Icelandic charts. To have the lead singer of that band on Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins was a bit of a coup, and perhaps it was expected that she would win.
That expectation was firmed up with the song. The Icelandic version, Segðu Allt mer (Tell Me Everything) easily won and, as is tradition for Iceland, got translated into English for Eurovision. The running order for Eurovision was determined by random lot in 2003, but this was one of those occasions when exactly the right song got picked. Iceland and Open Your Heart opened the show.
It's majestic pop. Nothing particularly unusual in the lyrics or construction of the song. It's got a huge key change after the bridge, it's got orchestral strings whipping up an emotional high leading into and throughout the choruses, it's got a singer in Birgitta who can not only deliver the power vocal it needs, but has a personality and stage presence filled with so much sunshine, it's almost necessary to watch her and her white trouser suit through sunglasses.
Those choruses are packed with every anthemic musical trick Birgitta and her co-writer Hallgrímur Óskarsson could think of. It's not only a sing-along, it's a heart-lifter and smile-bringer that truly set the stage for 2003 and one of the best contests in years. Of course going on first probably brought down Iceland's score, even though that meant they got to be shown last in the reversed recap. Iceland finished in a tie for 8th with Spain, but like Romania's entry, the song has lived on in Eurovision fan's memories ever since. Every time I listened to this in the bracket I was left with such a surge of joy and contentment it had to win even though it was up against many of the best Eurovision songs of the decade and a supercharged national final.
2003 was not Birgitta's first try at going for Eurovision. She'd had one previous go in 2001 - but let's just say that one is best forgotten. Subsequently she had another three attempts in 2006 (finishing 4th) as well as 2008 and 2013 (on both occasions making the final, but not reaching the superfinal).
To finish, here's a song from her band Írafár released in 2002, prior to her Eurovision appearance and from their first album. Here is Ég sjálf (Myself), showing some of the same compositional tricks used in Open Your Heart a year later.
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braidpoll · 10 months
currently running :
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barbie as rapunzel ( barbie as rapunzel ) vs makoto kurume ( skip to loafer )
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Edward Elric ( Fullmetal Alchemist ) VS Katara ( Avatar: The Last Airbender )
ABOUT THA ICON BRACKET : tha eight most iconic braid characters ( decided both by iconicness and tha amount of submissions they received ) will compete in an adjacent bracket . tha winner will then face off against tha winner of tha main braid bracket . this is liek what they do in sports , where certain teams get to skip matches and go straight to tha finals . this way icons can be included but its more exciting ( and fair ) than watching them decimate their opponents each round before making it to tha finals anyways
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entire 128 character bracket is too large to take a screenshot of but it looks liek this , and will ( obviously ) be done in sections . bracket list below tha readmore , straight down tha left side and then straight down tha right !! :D
susie carmicheal ( rugrats )
agent 3 ( splatoon 3 )
peko pekoyama ( danganronpa 2: goodbye despair )
sabi ( pokémon legends: arceus )
princess yue ( avatar: the last airbender )
elsa ( frozen )
mei chang ( fullmetal alchemist )
pippi longstocking ( pippi longstocking )
ran hanamichi ( delicious party♡precure )
xiangling ( genshin impact )
neiru aonuma ( wonder egg priority )
mozart ( classicaloid )
mitsuri kanroji ( kimetsu no yaiba )
cure felice ( mahoutsukai PreCure! )
ty lee ( avatar: the last airbender )
toadette ( super mario bros )
prim everdeen ( the hunger games )
joni savage ( cluefinders )
juniper woods ( phoenix wright: ace attorney - dual destinies )
ahiru ( princess tutu )
leona kingscholar ( twisted wonderland )
yoshino shimazu ( maria-sama ga miteru )
jasminka antonenko ( little witch academia )
dewey ( nurse angel ririka sos )   
fiona ( shrek )
cure cosmo ( star☆twinkle PreCure )
tsukimi kurashita ( princess jellyfish / kuragehime )
yui nanase ( go! princess PreCure )
piper mccloud ( the girl who could fly )
turtle wexler ( the westing game )
elyon ( w.i.t.c.h )
lily angel ( all saints street )
pearl ( pearl )
jessica riley ( until dawn )
meg thomas ( dead by daylight )
anissa pierce ( black lightning )
miles morales [ earth 42 ] ( spiderman: into the spiderverse )
espella cantabella ( professor leighton vs. phoenix wright: ace attorney )
petra ( fire emblem: three houses )
kikuri hiroi ( bocchi the rock! )
narumi yatadera ( touhou tenkuushou ~ hidden star in four seasons )
doc mcstuffins ( doc mcstuffins )
ruffnut thorston ( how to train your dragon )
magane chikujouin ( re:CREATORS )
eiko tsukimi ( ya boy kongming! )
emma ( pokémon X/Y )
chizuru maki ( DREAM!ing )
momoko sudou ( araburu kisetsu no otome-domo yo. )
hikaru kujou ( futari wa PreCure max heart )
zossie ( pokémon ultra sun/ultra moon )
madotsuki ( yume nikki )
rin kaenbyou ( touhou chireiden ~ subterranean animism )
shenhe ( genshin impact )
draken ( tokyo revengers )
lettuce midorikawa ( tokyo mew mew )
anne shirley ( anne of green gables )
maria momoe ( ookiku furikabutte )
riley freeman ( the boondocks )
lisa yadoumaru ( bleach )
hikaru shidou ( magic knight rayearth )
demeter ( hades )
lucy maud montgomery ( bungou stray dogs )
ajimi kiki ( pripara )
himari arisugawa ( kirakira☆precure a la mode )
shuri ( black panther )
cheryl ( pokémon diamond/pearl/platinum )
rana ( vocaloid )
kirari momobami ( kakegurui )
abigail lincoln ( codename: kids next door )
lila sawyer ( hey arnold! )
penny ( warioware )
fawn ( disney fairies )
sveta ( golden sun: dark dawn )
josie mccoy ( Riverdale)
libby folfax ( the adventures of jimmy neutron: boy genuis )
nori ( barbie mermadia )
ashlyn banner ( school bus graveyard )
julia lazarrett ( marionetta )
luther schneien ( ghost eyes )
naru kanda ( ikemen girl to hakoiri musume )
sid barrett ( soul eater )
kumoko ( so im a spider, so what? )
justine courtney ( ace attorney investigations: prosecutor's path )
retsu unohana ( bleach )
jack vessalius ( pandora hearts )
aika s. granzchesta ( aria )
kaname tousen ( bleach )
ludmila ( rune factory 5 )
nikolai gogol ( bungou stray dogs )
jolyne cujoh ( jojo's bizzare adventure: stone ocean )
katniss everdeen ( the hunger games )
violet evergarden ( violet evergarden )
aerith gainsborough ( final fantasy vii )
anna ( frozen )
cammy white ( street fighter ii )
ranma saotome ( ranma ½ )
barbie as rapunzel ( barbie as rapunzel )
rapunzel ( tangled )
bu-ling huang ( tokyo mew mew )
sheeta ( laputa: castle in the sky )
suzuha amane ( steins;gate )
qiqi ( genshin impact )
nah ( fire emblem awakening )
nemu hiiragi ( magia record: puella magi madoka magica side story )
jodie ( daria )
nick hoult ( all saints street )
helga sinclair ( atlantis: the lost empire )
tao ( gokurakugai )
aru shah ( the pandava quintet )
ayşe ( woven )
makoto kurume ( skip to loafer )
library ( misao )
duo maxwell ( mobile suit gundam wing )
revali ( legend of zelda: breath of the wild )
nina ( fire emblem fates )
kiana kaslana ( honkai impact 3rd )
aether ( genshin impact )
kamui ( gintama )
raiden shogun ( genshin impact )
touko fukawa ( danganronpa: trigger happy havoc )
nahyuta sahdmadhi ( phoenix wright: ace attorney - spirit of justice )
haruka hashida ( blue period )
viola ( the witch's house )
nemu kurotsuchi ( bleach )
lingji liu ( ciconia no naku koro ni )
aisha ( romancing SaGa )
ooama no ake no mitori ( len'en ten'eisenki ~ brilliant pagoda or haze castle )
marc ( flying red barrel: the diary of a little aviator )
8 notes · View notes
blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket continues! The first half has concluded -- you can view the results here -- and the second half is underway!
After these matches have concluded, the winners will all be moving on to Round Two! I'll also be preparing a full chart in advance for Round Two and onwards just before it begins
Here are links to the on-going matches below!
Megamind (Megamind) vs. Tom (Eddsworld)
Benny (The Lego Movie) vs. X (Mega Man-X)
Marth (Fire Emblem) vs. Atlas (Portal 2)
Mung Daal (Chowder) vs. Simon Seville (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Sharkboy (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D) vs. Billy Cranston (Power Rangers 2017)
Sven (DOTA) vs. Veigar (League of Legends)
Globi (Globi) vs. Jowee (Drawn to Life)
Randall (Infinity Train) vs. Akira (Kemono Jihen)
Buddy (Mech Cadet Yu) vs. Pen (Object Show)
Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) vs. Locke Cole (Final Fantasy VI)
The above matches conclude on the 30th of May 2023
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) vs. Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Mega Man (Mega Man)
Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas & Friends) vs. The Runaway Kid (Little Nightmares)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) vs. Tommy Pickles (Rugrats)
Orcane (Rivals of Aether) vs. Kazemaru Ichirouta (Inazuma Eleven)
Yang (Yin Yang Yo!) vs. Krash (Kikoriki)
Rodney Copperbottom (Robots) vs. Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Batman) vs. Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Yujiro Someya (Honeyworks) vs. Yato (Noragami)
Remy (Ratatouille) vs. Sportacus (Lazy Town)
The above matches conclude on the 31st of May 2023
Bolo (Shantae) vs. Hades (Hercules)
Doraemon (Doraemon) vs. Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Hoka Inumuta (Kill La Kill) vs. Saphir (Sailor Moon)
Pikario/Kuroki Rio (Precure) vs. Galo Thymos (PROMARE)
Cyrus (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) vs. Cyrus (Animal Crossing)
Finn (Adventure Time) vs. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Mordecai (Regular Show)
Jin Kisaragi (Blazblu) vs. Benrey (Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware)
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang (Mortal Kombat) vs. Abe Sapien (Hellboy)
Revali (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) vs. Stuart Pot/2-D (Gorillaz)
The above matches will conclude on the 1st of June 2023
James P. Sullivan/Sully vs. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas & Ferb)
Vergil (Devil May Cry) vs. Iida Tenya (Boku no Hero Acadamia)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Blu (Rio)
Continued in reblog
8 notes · View notes
myfairstarlight · 6 months
Oh Dear Salvation
AO3 Link.
Rated: E (basically, this is smut)
Length: 6k
Canon Divergence. Summary:
1941. West End London. Their Arrangement has been discovered by an agent of Hell and when the sun rises, consequences will have to be faced. But not tonight, Crowley decides as he finally breaks and gives in to temptation, tonight they’re together, and if tomorrow may not be guaranteed anymore then he’d rather have a taste of his angel at last before they both meet their demise. “Angel,” he calls, hands reaching for the boa around Aziraphale’s shoulders and pulling him down on the sofa, “changed my mind, what was it you said about doing something in return for me?”
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
West End London. 1941.
It does not quite feel like a violent awakening after a pleasant dream but it is rather close, Crowley thinks, as he waits for the door to truly click shut behind Furfur before he slowly slides his hat away from his face. For all his nonchalance in front of the other demon, he was more than aware of the true horrors that would follow his and Aziraphale’s Arrangement being revealed, he just could not let either Furfur think he’s succeeded in getting to him, or Aziraphale think he’s scared with no plan in sight.
(Unfortunately for his ego, both statements are the truth.)
(Also, he did have a backup plan in the form of assurance. Holy water would have been perfect for this exact predicament they are now in, but something tells Crowley he better not bring that argument up again. He doesn't wish for his last conversation with Aziraphale to be one filled with regret and frustration.)
This is it, the snake, temptation incarnate, hisses in his mind. Your last night together. Do it. This is your last chance. Hold him. Lo—
Crowley shakes his head as he sits up while Aziraphale nervously shuffles closer.
“Crowley… I—”
In that split second when their eyes meet, Crowley makes a decision and the snake in his mind hisses pleasantly.
“Angel,” he calls, hands reaching for the boa around Aziraphale’s shoulders and pulling him down on the sofa, “changed my mind, what was it you said about doing something in return for me?”
“Wh— wait,” Aziraphale stutters as he falls forward but manages to brace himself before he can crush the demon, bracketing Crowley’s head with his arms on the sofa’s backrest. “I did not— is this really the time, Crowley?”
“Seems like as good a time as any to try,” the demon replies, tugging the boa loose so it falls on the ground, allowing his hands to slide up Aziraphale’s rapidly reddening face. “We might not be there tomorrow. Or in a few hours for that matter. It’d be a shame to not try, y’know?”
“About that, Crowley, I—”
“Ugh, don’t need to apologise, angel, I put myself in this mess in the first place.” He should have noticed they were watched, Furfur’s demonic essence stinks but he had an excited and lovestruck angel occupying all his thoughts and overwhelming his senses.
Love. He’s denied himself for so long, purposely looking away. There was a thrill to this open secret between them, a mutual understanding that they must never name it for naming the feeling between them would make it real and for centuries, no, thousands of years, it was enough. To know yet not to speak of it so neither of their sides could intrude. However, this time… this time there was something different in Aziraphale’s eyes, a glimmer of hope, of excitement, of carelessness.
As if something changed.
He sighs, a hand slithering behind Aziraphale’s head and tangling in the angel’s platinum curls. Aziraphale’s eyes glaze over at the touch as a pleasant shiver shakes his body. “If this may be our last night on Earth…” Crowley trails off and watches as Aziraphale tries to refocus, blue eyes sharpening as they look over his face.
Then, slowly, carefully, a soft and perfectly manicured hand reaches for his sunglasses. “May I?” is whispered gently against his lips and the demon nods, the tiniest of movements, as if afraid it would break the moment. His sunglasses are taken off, Aziraphale probably means to safely put them down on the dresser on the other side of the room but they get discarded on the floor when Crowley, impatient, eager, and full of desire, lifts his chin at the same time that he pushes Aziraphale’s face closer so their lips can finally meet.
A small whimper escapes Aziraphale’s throat at the heartwarming touch and Crowley himself has to channel all his energy to not completely melt under it. The demon slips his free hand towards the small of Aziraphale’s back, encouraging him to properly sit on his laps only for the both of them to gasp and pull away when their bodies properly collide. Warmth surrounds him, from within because of the scorching rhythm of his heart, and from outside because of the angel’s heat and softness covering his whole front and Crowley’s brain has trouble catching up.
So perhaps he wasn’t as ready as he had thought.
“We, ah, we used to do that in Ancient Rome, didn’t we,” Aziraphale says, sounding way too coherent compared to the mess that is the inside of Crowley’s head right now. “As a greeting,” he clarifies.
Right. A quick peck on the lips, often ending up closer to the cheek rather than the mouth, could barely be qualified as a touch.
“Don’t play innocent now angel, you and I both know this is different,” the demon groans and squeaks — he’s really not proud of that sound — when Aziraphale’s deft fingers find his collar, twiddling with his tie.
“I missed it,” the angel confesses, the tiniest of smiles tugging at his lips as he looks at Crowley’s, half open in a gape. “But really, about earlier—”
Crowley throws his head back with a sigh, interrupting him. “Angel, please.” He hates begging, they both know it. The angel bites his lips. “Let’s just pretend, for tonight. There’s no Hell, no Heaven, we’re just… us, without even miracles to help us, and I’m congratulating you for a show well done.”
“Oh. Are you now?”
“It was a team effort, I ought to congratulate you too, don't I?” Aziraphale is playing along now, good, temptation successful, the snake hisses.
Crowley smirks slowly. “First the church, then this magic show… someone owes me a lot.”
Then Aziraphale dares to put some distance between them by leaning back with a pensive pout, almost leaving the demon’s lap altogether. Crowley’s hands hitch to pull him back in right about now. But Crowley keeps still, plays along with Aziraphale's faux innocence act, and lets him think he’s the one in control.
(He is. Crowley is simply deluding himself.)
“I suppose I do,” the angel agrees eventually, that delicious hint of mischief shining in his eyes. He tugs at Crowley’s tie and the demon follows willingly until their breaths mingle once more. “So, dearest, I’m at your mercy.”
It feels like the other way around, actually, Crowley thinks in a haze as he grabs Aziraphale’s chin, guiding him so their lips meet again. Aziraphale keens, melting into him and parting his lips eagerly for Crowley to explore enthusiastically. Aziraphale sighs heavenly against him, eager hands trailing down the plane of Crowley’s chest, absent-mindedly picking at the buttons of his shirt. Crowley’s heart starts hammering again, along with the very obvious tent in his trousers when the angel manages to get rid of his tie along with the first couple of buttons of his shirt open so he can freely slide his divine fingers on Crowley’s bare, cold chest, lighting it with fire with every deliberate touch, before hurriedly pushing the fabric off the demon altogether, deliberate to let his hands slide from his shoulders to his arms. Crowley shudders, biting on the angel’s lower lip when Aziraphale brushes a nipple next, gently circling it but not quite touching either, as if afraid.
“Now’s not the time to be shy, angel,” he almost growls into Aziraphale’s mouth who huffs — or tries to. Quite hard to do so when his lips are too preoccupied at the moment.
Tentatively, Crowley reaches down as well, palming the plane of Aziraphale’s stomach, feeling the softness and tenderness of his beloved’s corporation until he reaches— Oh.
Crowley pulls back properly and chuckles when Aziraphale chases him, only to gasp when the demon gives a more purposeful pressure between his legs, right where he now knows the angel’s pussy is, eager to be played with.
“You did make an Effort, just not the one I expected, I was getting worried you weren’t as affected as I am,” Crowley purrs, delighting in the way the angel’s thighs instinctively tighten around him, keeping his hand there and creating the faintest of additional friction. Always surprising him, his angel.
“I’m afraid the miracle blocker is still in place, I cannot change it if you’d rather have the other… set of genitals.”
“I want you any way I can.” He licks his lips, his mind suddenly picturing all the ways this evening can go now. He himself has enjoyed switching between, depending on how he’s presenting, and sometimes not even, just because he felt like it or forgot to change. It’s not like he had any actual use of the genitalia anyway and he has no particular preference. Aziraphale has always mostly had a human male-presenting corporation and Crowley had wrongly assumed what would be down there, if anything, would match the angel’s overall presentation. “Just surprised at the choice.”
“It's more comfortable” Aziraphale huffs and Crowley bites back a snort. His angel and his need to always be comfortable.
“You did not have to make an Effort at all in the first place. I know angels tend to not.” Demons are more indulgent in that aspect.
“Yes, well… It feels odd, not having anything anyway. ‘S also… um, more convenient… that is to say— easier, or… well… to hide when… uh… it’s rather obvious when male humans are… you know.”
Crowley raises an eyebrow at that. His finger traces the line of the angel’s clit and starts massaging through the fabric. Aziraphale stifles a whimper, face aflame. “Having naughty thoughts about me frequently? Oh, angel, I’m flattered.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wouldn’t say frequently,” Aziraphale still finds the audacity to protest, even as he angles his head so his lips hover against Crowley’s neck, just a breath away from tasting him. “However, dear, when you act so dashing, coming to my rescue without a single hint of hesitation, it makes even the purest of angels have thoughts.”
Crowley has to stop himself from snorting at the word “pure” regarding this particular angel, so instead he pulls Aziraphale into another kiss. The angel hums pleasantly, hands still grasping at Crowley’s bare chest, nails ever so slightly pressuring the skin at every swipe of the demon’s tongue on his. Then he yelps when Crowley flips him over, his back suddenly meeting the soft cushions of the couch with an eager demon draped on top of him and not relenting in his kisses.
Crowley starts peppering kisses all over his face and neck, at every inch of skin he can find. Aziraphale can't help but giggle at the ticklish feeling of the demon's gel-filled hair brushing his skin. Finally, Crowley starts fussing at the buttons of his waistcoat and shirt, and quite soon enough, Aziraphale feels the cool air hit his bare chest and he takes a deep breath at the skin-on-skin touch when Crowley licks his way towards his stomach, leaving the softest of kisses in his wake.
“Have you ever…?” the demon asks, in such a low voice, that Aziraphale almost doesn't hear him.
He shakes his head in response. “Never was curious about it… never really… considered it to be an option, really, not with humans anyway.” He waves a hand and stifles a yelp when he feels Crowley's cool fingers curling around the seam of his pants and his breath so close to where he needs him to be. “It’s… not like we need it but I suppose neither do we need to eat or sleep, so.”
“Mm.” Crowley nods, understanding what he means. This is… more of a curiosity, than a need, he supposes. And curiosity, that has always been his downfall. “I’ve never done it either, ‘s why I asked.”
That surprises Aziraphale, relief, oddly, flaring in his heart suddenly. “Really?”
“Tempted humans, priests into breaking their vows, mostly, never meant I had to be part of it, so I never bothered,” Crowley dismisses although there's a flush to his face.
“So you’ve only been acting like you know what to do.”
“Oi.” Crowley snaps his fingers to get things going and get rid of the last layers of clothes on both of them, only for nothing to happen. He groans. “Fuck I already forgot.”
Aziraphale giggles. He fucking giggles. “Darling, I’m getting cold, come back here for a moment?”
And Crowley, hopeless, lovestruck, smitten Crowley, obeys, slithering his way up once more to cover Aziraphale’s front, bringing their lips together again. The angel hums against his mouth, more than pleased, although he lets the kiss only be a brief press of the lips before he pulls the demon’s face away, gently cradling his cheeks in his warm palms.
Crowley nuzzles into Aziraphale’s right hand, kissing its palm. “Angel,” he says, fitting one knee in between the angel’s thighs and grinds, eliciting a quiet gasp. “I know what I’m doing.” So maybe he’s a little stuck on that.
Aziraphale purses his lips. “We’re not arguing about this, dear.”
“You made a very wrong accusation, angel.”
“I mean, you’re not giving me compelling counterarguments, are you?” And to add to the point, Aziraphale lifts an eyebrow, the corner of his lips struggling to stay put.
“You little—” This time, as he reaches down, he doesn’t hesitate and slides his hand inside Aziraphale’s pants, delighted to find an already-soaked pussy beneath his fingers. The angel’s hands falter, almost letting go of him at the new sensation suddenly hitting him, but his gaze stays steady on Crowley’s face, never breaking the eye contact.
Then, Aziraphale smiles. “At the risk of repeating myself, I’m at your mercy and you don't seem keen on taking advantage of that with the way you treat me like a fragile doll.”
The demon lifts an eyebrow at that. Interesting, this angel likes to be manhandled a bit, then?
“Oh angel, you have it the wrong way around. Demons have no mercy, but I am under yours,” Crowley declares then starts drawing slow circles on the angel’s clit, eliciting the most exquisite sounds. The snake within him hisses pleasantly, a forked tongue tasting the arousal in the air, sticking to the angel’s skin. “So tell me,” he says, hissing through it, “what do you desire?”
“You, just you, in any way I can,” Aziraphale breathes out the words the demon was thinking earlier, one hand now gently squeezing Crowley's nape while his hips meet the movements of his hand. “As long as we don't get too messy, we still can't use miracles and I do rather fancy this outfit.”
Crowley almost laughs. Fussy angel. He wonders if he can make him delirious with pleasure enough to stop worrying about the state of his clothes. He’s seen the way humans can shut down under ecstasy, lost in a world of bliss, and if these bodies are close enough to the real deal...
Now, that sounds quite like a challenge he'd like to take on. A quick look around the dressing room tells him they could easily find a replacement for their clothes if needed.
(His eyes linger on a sparkling white dress topped with a feathered bow next to a slick black dress made of sequins glistening under the light and his imagination runs wild for a second.)
“Let’s get going then, angel,” Crowley whispers, dropping a gentle kiss on Aziraphale’s neck before slithering down once more. Blessedly, the angel wiggles a little, allowing his pants to slide down with a little help from Crowley’s hand, falling quietly to the floor, so the demon is directly faced with the blatant proof of his beloved’s arousal state.
Crowley breathes out, needing to mentally prepare himself, as he takes in Aziraphale's shining cunt right in front of his eyes. Slowly, he brings his hands to the angel’s inner thighs, parting them as much as he can on the small couch they are lying on, and delights in the small whimper escaping Aziraphale in anticipation. Crowley grins and drops a kiss on Aziraphale’s inner left knee, earning yet another giggle.
“Tickles,” the angel whispers when their eyes meet again.
That is truly when what is about to happen hits Crowley. Giddiness finally trumps the dread over their imminent end and he indulges. For Aziraphale’s sake, he can pretend, he can pretend they still have forever and take his time here, get to learn and feel Aziraphale, worship every inch of skin. Savour it the way he's watched, over and over again, how Aziraphale enjoys every meal like it's the last.
And so he dives in.
Aziraphale gasps, biting into the back of his hand to prevent further noises from spilling out as Crowley thoroughly and eagerly licks all over the folds of his cunt then his clit, alternating and humming along the way. It sends the most pleasant vibrations through the angel’s body who can feel his legs quivering under Crowley's sure hands. Oh, he had ideas about what making love might feel like, he’s read about it, after all, and oh how humans never lack the imagination to describe intercourse with such vivid images and passion and perhaps he is starting to understand why now. Crowley’s tongue lights a fire within him that he had no idea could even be lit.
He feels something building up inside, making his vision go hazy and his breathing come out harsher. His free hand reaches below, tangling in Crowley’s hair as he bucks his hips forward, greedily asking for more and more. The demon hums, and presses a kiss to his clit, before pulling away for a moment. Aziraphale blinks, willing his eyes to readjust.
“Alright there, angel?” Crowley asks, with the tone of someone already fully aware of the answer so Aziraphale doesn’t bother replying, just tugs his hair with a pout, silently ordering the other to resume his feast. The demon follows willingly, shining lips curling into a smile. “Fine, fine, bossy.”
The indignity at such an adjective applied to him dies in Aziraphale’s tongue as Crowley eagerly sucks on his clit again and a slender finger gently traces his inner folds, teasing the entrance.
“Oh dear L—” he cuts himself off. Better not invoke Her name now. “Crowley please—”
Truth be told, he’s not quite sure what he’s asking, but he does know he’d rather not have this feeling cut short so soon. Blessedly, Crowley soon answers his silent prayers and pushes a digit in, quickly followed by a second one, sliding in so effortlessly Aziraphale almost didn’t feel it. The only reason he does is because Crowley crooks his fingers just right, making Aziraphale arch his back with a moan, body conflicted between trying to get away and seeking more of that wonderful pressure.
Crowley chuckles then and Aziraphale startles upon realising the demon is now pressing kisses on his neck, teeth scraping the skin.
“When did he even move?” he wonders dazedly then his thoughts get cut short when Crowley finally takes a bite at the same time the demon’s thumb starts playing with his clit in rhythm with his thrusts.
“A-ah, Crow—!”
“Let go, angel,” Crowley encourages, increasing his pace and Aziraphale listens. He closes his eyes, letting the waves of pleasure crash over him until he drowns in them with a cry that Crowley is quick to muffle with a wanton kiss.
“That— That was… something,” Aziraphale pants, earning a chuckle from the demon.
“Very eloquent,” Crowley sarcastically says. A whimper escapes the angel as Crowley withdraws his hand and brings his glistening, slicked fingers to his face. “Want a taste of yourself?”
At that, Aziraphale makes an unsure face, which Crowley takes as a sign to not push it. “Alright then,” he shrugs, then licks the angel’s cum off his own fingers, making sure to put on a show.
Aziraphale makes an unintelligible sound and suddenly their positions are reversed. Crowley finds himself laid down under a very determined-looking angel.
“I do want a taste actually, it’s only fair,” Aziraphale huffs, somehow managing to sound pompous despite how flushed he still looks — Crowley is also glad to note that the silly moustache he had drawn is now smudged, almost completely gone, after all the kissing they’ve done. “My dear, this looks rather painful, we need to remedy that.”
It takes a few seconds for Crowley to realise what Aziraphale is talking about, the angel’s whole attention focused on the bulge trapped within his tight pants. Before he can say anything, Aziraphale flashes him a brilliant smile before he swiftly unbuckles the demon’s belt with surprising expertise.
“Wait, Aziraphale,” he calls, voice incredibly soft although he’ll forever deny it. The angel stops, a hand poised on the demon’s navel. “You don’t have to.” The words are out before he even understands where they come from but something about the angel kneeling for him feels… off.
Aziraphale blinks and gives him a quizzical look. Crowley sits up then, forcing Aziraphale to shuffle a little to give him space before the angel decides to simply sit across his lap again rather than stand up and gather his clothes. Crowley is quite thankful his pants are black because Aziraphale is still so wet that he can feel it through the layers.
“Darling,” the angel says oh so gently, his warm hand reaching for Crowley’s face and oh— this might be the worst way to realise he’s fucking crying. “You’re overwhelmed, aren’t you? Too much love?”
“I—” he chokes out. “Ngk.”
Aziraphale smiles and nuzzles his cheek. And it’s so sweet, Crowley might explode. “We can stop if it’s too much for you for now but know I don’t feel like I have to do something in return, I very much want to, I suggested it first, after all,” the angel whispers while one of his hands draws smoothing circles over Crowley’s heart. “Breathe with me for a moment? There, just like that dear.”
Crowley melts, letting the warmth of his angel and his voice soothe him into a clearer state of mind. He sighs and sinks into the cushions, fully letting Aziraphale take the lead. “I don’t want it to end just yet,” he confesses. “Can’t let you kneel for a demon, though. Doesn’t feel… you might…”
“Fall?” Aziraphale finishes for him. “You silly demon,” he comments, oddly serene about that possibility.
The angel chuckles. “Just let me take care of you in return. Smooth your worries away.”
He leans forward so their foreheads can rest against each other, the touch grounding and comforting. After a short while, Crowley tilts his head, forked tongue poking out in a hissing request and Aziraphale smiles into the next kiss, neither truly understanding nor caring who leaned in first.
Then an eager hand cups him through his pants and the demon gasps at the quite brutal reminder of his vessel’s still arousal state.
How he even forgot, he has no idea. Human bodies are weird like that.
“Oh my,” Aziraphale says as he pulls back, sounding somewhat as surprised as Crowley feels. “I thought I’d need to coax you into hardness again but it appears you’re—”
“Well, your lovely ass was sitting right on top of it the whole time, so,” Crowley deadpans.
“Tsk, that tongue on you.”
“You didn’t mind it buried deep in your cunt.” Crowley blinks at his own words. Well. Thousands of years of being so careful with his words as to not frighten the angel before him and now he's being bluntly honest.
Aziraphale gives him a pointed look, managing to look judging and annoyed all the while his cheeks are flushed. “Well, I’m glad you’re back to your old crude self,” the angel says. “Let’s take care of your problem now, shall we?”
Crowley hums and leans back in a silent agreement. Soon enough, a sight he never thought of witnessing happens before his very eyes. Aziraphale, in all his naked glory, kneels between his legs on the carpeted floor of a dressing room at the West End Theatre, the demon’s cock gently wrapped between his fingers, regarding it like an exotic treat he could not wait any longer to taste.
The demon winces at the sight of his own Effort, throbbing and hard, neglected for quite some time. Pre-cum coats the head of it which Aziraphale thumbs curiously, causing Crowley to stifle a moan by biting down on his fingers.
Then Aziraphale takes him in his mouth and Crowley might have as well Ascended at the sudden burst of warmth and pleasure. Aziraphale seems to know, somehow, because he hums around him, cheeks hollowed and eyes shut in bliss. Crowley curses under his breath as the angel seems to grow restless, leaving no room for respite. One of his hands finds its way towards Aziraphale’s hair, dark-coated nails contrasting against the platinum white curls.
“H-How—” he pants, restraining himself from thrusting up, “are you so good at this,” he hisses around a groan.
Aziraphale answers by taking him even deeper and making a show of loudly sucking, careful to swirl his tongue around Crowley’s length.
Then a tiny whimper escapes him when Aziraphale pulls back with an audible pop, although he keeps a firm grip on the tip of his cock. The sensation is a bridge between intense frustration and gentle pleasure, Crowley is not sure where he stands on that.
“You would not believe the number of detailed erotica humans have written over the years,” the angel says then, idly rubbing a thumb over the slit of his member.
Crowley chuckles, trying to reign in his tremors at the slow torture the angel is exercising on him right now. “And you’ve read all of them, obviously?”
“Let’s call it research,” Aziraphale says with a shrug. “Was it, really? Good, I mean? You haven’t… let go.”
“You’re… uh, you’re preventing me from doing so with your hand there.”
“... Oh? Does it block— I’m sorry!”
And he abruptly lets go. Crowley hisses. He’s so close, he can feel it, and now Aziraphale isn’t even touching him anymore. “Angel—”
“Sorry again! Oh, I’m messing this up, aren’t I?”
Their eyes meet and the demon senses mischief in Aziraphale’s seemingly innocent and concerned gaze.
“C’me here angel,” Crowley settles for saying, playing right into his beloved's hand and Aziraphale gladly follows the request, standing up again to sit on his lap with a satisfied smile. “Not like you to leave a job halfway done.”
“Well…” Aziraphale grins, reaching behind him to stroke Crowley’s dick, smearing the mix of spit and precum onto his hands, making the demon's breath hitch all over again. “I can think of a way to complete it, then.”
Crowley takes a deep breath, reigning in his racing heart. “That’s… the point of no return. Last chance to back out, angel.”
Said angel huffs, nose turned up. “As if, you silly serpent. Thank you for being so sweet—”
“Sweet?! Who are you calling sweet, demons are not sweet.”
“You’re right, you were rather salty,” Aziraphale concedes, licking his lips and pulling an exaggerated grimace. “I was talking about your personality, however—”
His sentence gets cut short by a laugh when Crowley groans and pins him to the couch once more, and despite the abruptness of the action, the demon’s hands are gentle where they rest around his waist and having made sure Aziraphale’s head would land on a cushion rather than the hard arm of the sofa.
This proves his point once again. What a sweet demon he somehow found himself enamoured with.
“You’re provoking me,” Crowley says and if Aziraphale did not know better, he’d say he’s pouting.
(He does know better, Crowley is definitely pouting, but he won't point it out.)
“You like it,” Aziraphale counters because he can still feel Crowley’s hardness against his thigh. He lifts his legs, wrapping them around the demon’s waist at the same time he wounds his arms around Crowley’s neck to get him closer. In the back of his mind, he chuckles at the irony of being the one snaked as is around the demon.
Crowley follows willingly, lowering himself so his body covers Aziraphale wholly. In his motion, his cock brushes against Aziraphale’s vulva, the tip ever so slightly catching on its entrance, making both angel and demon gasp at the sudden and new sensation.
“Argh, fuck angel, I don’t think I’d last long,” Crowley hisses and Aziraphale can indeed feel his muscles trembling under his fingertips, all their strength going into holding himself back.
“I’m fine with that dear,” Aziraphale reassures, nuzzling his demon’s neck.
“You’re so—” Crowley pants, one hand curiously caressing Aziraphale’s folds, “soaking still. Wanna— wanna make you come again.”
“Mm I’d very much like that,” the angel approves, letting himself fall willingly into the throes of arousal.
Yellow and blue eyes meet and a bright smile blooms on both their lips. Crowley remains gentle despite the earlier protests, testing the waters by dipping two fingers inside Aziraphale. Aziraphale whines at the intrusion, only startled for a moment before relaxing.
Something else breaches him soon after and Aziraphale braces himself for a pain that never comes. Crowley’s prick slides inside him as naturally as he would slither around Aziraphale’s calves when in his snake form. Hips meet hips and Aziraphale’s moans get drowned by Crowley’s swooping in for more kisses, hungry tongue first.
From there, the demon builds a steady rhythm, one hand cradling the side of his angel’s face and the other drawing circles on his clit, in tandem with his thrusts. Aziraphale keeps making those noises, those delightful, sinful noises even against Crowley’s mouth, so loud in his indulgence. Crowley can feel it building up inside again, the pleasure, hot, needy, incandescent, with every thrust into Aziraphale’s inviting, heavenly warmth. Crowley groans. But his angel comes first.
(In the back of his mind, he snickers at his unintentional wordplay.)
Crowley breaks the kiss, causing Aziraphale to gasp loudly now that he’s allowed to properly breathe again. Crowley smiles, can’t help it really, as he looks at Aziraphale’s flushed face and tear-stricken eyes and upon the sight of them, Crowley is momentarily distracted.
“How the fuck— how the fuck do you hold stars in your eyes?”
Aziraphale blinks lazily at him but doesn’t say anything. The nebulas within his eyes swirl under Crowley’s gaze and the latter feels peace settle over his heart.
If this may be our last night on Earth…
Crowley kisses his forehead and resumes his thrusting. Aziraphale’s eyes flutter shut and the demon spares a brief second to mourn the loss of their sight before he focuses back on bringing the angel the utmost pleasure. The demon sits back on his knees, now snaking his hands on Aziraphale’s thighs, pushing his knees up to the angel’s chest so the new angle allows him to slide even deeper.
“Oh G—” Aziraphale gasps, only to be cut off before he could utter blasphemy, by Crowley hurryingly covering his mouth with a hand this time.
“I’d rather not hear Her name if you don’t mind, angel,” Crowley hisses and he’s pretty sure Aziraphale mutters an apology against his palm but he pays it no mind. He releases him, only for Aziraphale to grab a handful of his hair and pull him down, swallowing his surprise with a deep kiss.
Crowley feels Aziraphale’s walls clench around him periodically, and he can feel himself close to the precipice as well.
“A-ah, yes—” Aziraphale pants against his mouth. “Inside— Crowley please, just—”
“I got you,” Crowley reassures.
And hearing such profanity from his angel is probably what sends him over the edge really, because suddenly, Crowley’s vision goes white as he comes with a final thrust at the same time as Aziraphale clenches around him with a wail that he quickly stifles by biting just below Crowley’s collarbone. The pain barely registers, in this blissful moment, all Crowley can do is collapse on top of Aziraphale with a long, satisfied sigh.
They stay like this for who knows how long, the silence between them only punctuated by the noises just outside of the dressing room, of performers and technicians running around. Crowley sorta forgot, for a moment, where they even are. It’s quite lucky no one has tried to walk into this particular dressing room…
A hand starts playing with his hair and massaging his scalp and it takes everything in Crowley to not suddenly turn putty and purr right into Aziraphale’s ministrations.
“Next time,” the angel muses, “I’d rather have a bed, though, this sofa is lovely but not quite that comfortable.”
It takes a few minutes for Crowley to comprehend the words before he abruptly snaps his head to look at Aziraphale as if he lost his mind.
“Next time?” he repeats.
Aziraphale blinks. “Yes? I was rather hoping this was not a one-time thing.”
“Did I fuck you so good that you forgot what just happened?”
The angel makes a face. “Must you be so crude again? And no, as a matter of fact, I haven’t forgotten.”
“So you know that as soon as they see that picture we’ll—” Aziraphale cuts him off with a kiss and the demon allows himself to melt into it for a few seconds before he pulls back with a glare. “Angel!”
“Yes, so, about that picture…” Aziraphale flicks his wrist and suddenly, there is the picture between his fingers. Crowley blinks and promptly snaps his fingers to try to pull a miracle from Hell, a small thing, he only intended to clothe them both again, but nothing happens.
“B-But—” he stammers, properly speechless. “There’s still a miracle blocker in place!”
The angel pouts. Honest to Someone pouts. “I swapped the picture with a magic trick, obviously.”
“You swapped the picture with a magic trick,” Crowley repeats, dumbfounded. “And you did not think of telling me.”
“I tried!”
“For fuck’s sake—” Crowley groans, replaying their earlier conversation. “You’ve never had trouble talking over me before though!”
Aziraphale is blushing now. “Well, then you kissed me and that was distracting alright. Also, you’re still inside me right now and it’s taking me everything to not be distracted again.”
Crowley can feel his cock twitch at the reminder. He gulps.
“Round two, angel?”
And Aziraphale beams. “With pleasure, darling.”
(Later, around a candle-lit dinner, they make a new agreement. It was enjoyable, although utterly exhausting as well, and Crowley is, by nature, rather lazy, although he lives to please his angel. It was one more curiosity satiated, although he wouldn’t mind doing it again if the opportunity arose when both their sides were preoccupied and Aziraphale wholeheartedly agreed. Then, life went on, with a few more hand-holding and kisses along the way, as long as they were hidden beneath shades of grey where neither Hell nor Heaven would think of looking.)
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
Epilogue. Mayfair London, 2019
The bus ride is spent in complete silence, with the angel and the demon content holding hands. At some point, Crowley slumps against Aziraphale’s shoulder rather than the window and the angel uses the remaining energy he still has to produce a miracle so that Crowley doesn’t wake up with a horrible knot in his neck.
As the bus pulls up in front of Crowley’s building, they still don’t let go of each other, if anything, Crowley’s grip tightens, nails almost digging into Aziraphale’s palm with the force of it as he drags him to the elevator then across the ridiculously long corridor towards his flat.
“Well. It was quite the day,” Aziraphale comments once they are face to face with the door.
“Ngk,” is all Crowley replies while searching for his keys, a horrid sense of déjà-vu permeating the air.
Then he grows impatient and simply snaps his fingers.
At least miracles are not blocked this time, good thing Gabriel and Beelzebub were too frustrated with Adam to think of doing that.
“After you,” he grunts.
Aziraphale silently walks in and wisely doesn't comment on the scent of burning sulphur still stinking up the place.
(Crowley sort of forgot about Ligur by that point.)
“So. Any chance you tell me you have a trick up your sleeve again so we don’t get killed tomorrow?” the demon asks once he closes the door behind them.
And then Aziraphale literally pulls out a piece of paper from his sleeve. “Well—”
Crowley laughs incredulously in a way he hasn’t done in centuries. Must be the exhaustion. “I was joking!”
“I inadvertently caused you more distress last time, dear boy, I did not wish to repeat that mistake, now do listen.”
Crowley throws his head back and allows himself another loud, genuine laugh that almost brings tears to his eyes. His angel, always and forever surprising him.
“Do you want to repeat something else from that night, though?” he asks with an easy grin. “Think it'd be good to loosen up a bit. Unwind.” And he'd very much like to hold his angel, for a while, after thinking he's lost him during those last dreadful hours. They can worry later. They’ve been worrying for six thousand years, they deserve some respite.
Aziraphale pursues his lips and then, in place of a vocal response, he hooks a finger in Crowley’s tie and starts walking towards the bedroom as if he owned the place.
Crowley happily follows.
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aerinis · 1 year
A Demographic Survey of 1200 Chocobo Races
The other week I finished up the achievement for participating in 3000 chocobo races. For the last 1200 of those races, taking place over roughly a month, I took demographic data on the other players I encountered. But first, here’s a timeline of my progress:
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The fastest possible race time I was able to achieve with the Super Sprint/Choco Cure III combo was 1:17:xx. This is assuming optimal conditions – zero interference from the other races, and at least one stamina-restoring item used. Assuming I solo queued into a race (which happened approximately 75% of the time), the max queue timer of 30 seconds, combined with the loading screen in and out of the race, and the forced waiting at the start and end of the race, each race lasted approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This means the 1200 races took me about 50 hours of pure gameplay. My chocobo was completely maxxed out by the time I had participated in 600 races, so that’s about another 50 hours of gameplay. Those 600 early races would have been much much slower, so I can confidently say that this achievement will be at least a 120+ hour time investment.
Over the course of 22 days and 1200 races, I encountered 89 unique chocobo names. I raced against other players 342 times (this doesn’t mean 342 discrete races – several races would be against 2 or 3 additional players). Of those 89 birds, 24 (27%) were named after their coat color, 3 (3%) were a dirty joke, and 62 (70%) were miscellaneous. Surprisingly, in my 1200 races, I didn’t see a SINGLE JoJo’s Bizare Adventure reference (that I was aware of), which is strange because before I started recording data I saw Star Platinums and Stardust Crusaders constantly.
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Of those 24 birds named after their coat colors, red was the most popular color. I kind of wish I had specifically recorded the color of every player’s bird, but unfortunately 1.) there’s approximately 5 billion coat colors that I don’t have memorized and 2.) I use a blue light filter at night that messes with color accuracy
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Of the 89 birds, 10 (11%) had alliterative names, and 6 (7%) of them had chocobo-terminology names (i.e. wark, kweh).
Chocobo names are created by picking from hundreds of different pre-selected words from 19 categories. Colors were most popular as a first name, while the land and sky category (which includes words like comet, meteor, and proper nouns like Uranus) were the most popular as a surname. Surprisingly enough, the Eorzean category (which includes location names such as Gridanian, Sharlayan, etc) was not represented in either category.
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Did you know this guy here is a reference to FFVII? If you pay close attention during R300 races, you can see him riding Teioh, one of the most challenging birds in the bracket. In FFVII, he’s called Joe, and he also rides a black chocobo named Teioh. In that game however, the pair “cheats” in the sense that their racing stats will always be better than the player. While their FFXIV counterpart is quite fast, they thankfully seem to cap out at the player’s max speed. 
MGP Winning first place in the R300 bracket awards you with 1,009 MGP. Assuming we go off of that 2 minutes 30 seconds race time I calculated earlier, this means that chocobo racing gives you an effective MGP of 404 MGP/min or 24,216/hr. During the course of my racing tenure (along with the daily mini Cactpot, weekly Jumbo Cactpot, weekly Fashion Report when I remembered to do it, and the frustratingly rare MGP cards from Khloe), I was able to buy every single registerable item except for the Gold Paper Parasol (200k MGP), Angel Wings (500k), and the Blackjack mount (4mill). Speaking of the mini Cactpot, I started doing it when I started chocobo racing. I’d say I did it near every single day – I have a lot of fun doing it, it’s like a little daily brain teaser – and over the course of the year I’ve gotten very close to finishing the final achievement for it. I’ve gotten 2 10,000 MGP rewards several times, but I’ve never seen a 3 streak.
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In my opinion, I think chocobo racing is probably the best way to actively farm MGP if you’ve exhausted your weekly challenge log. If you run the Super Sprint/Choco Cure III build it’s incredibly hands-off and braindead. Just pop Netflix on a second screen and go to town, you don’t even have to hold W!
In conclusion, I was incredibly impressed with how in-depth the chocobo racing system was. I think the only thing I’d change about it is making it so that players could sell their chocobos in some way, either to the Gold Saucer itself or to other players as a sort of endgame. Imagine what sort of emergent gameplay we’d see if you were able to sell chocobo coverings to other players!
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syre-stane16 · 1 year
JoJo Pirate AU [Stardust Crusaders]
The vault that kars partially opened released a few artifacts.
DIO wakes up under water after finally healing and fusing Jonathan’s body. First thing he does is unlock the weird mechanism that was actually the final lock to the vault in Battle Tendency .
This results in every weapon and artifact inside to be released on the world to seek a user.
Jotaro wakes up to find these cool platinum bracelets On his bedside and puts it on thinking it’s a gift from his mother or sent by his father. The latter theory was ‘confirmed’ when he sees his mother wearing this new necklace.
He goes to work because I do t think education was a human right back in the day, and he gets attacked by some jerks, his brackets turns to gauntlets and he begins to Ora-Ora!
Platinum stars, give their user enhanced speed strength and precision.
Scared and unable to remove the bracelets he turns himself in to the police or whatever.
Holly contacts her father who’s still pirating and Joseph arrives with Muhammed Abdul . They explain the situation that they could recover from Joseph’s artifact’s cryptic messages.
The purple hermit: a wreath that gives the user information, in roundabout ways…
Muhammed tricks jotaro to get out of the cell.
Red magician: a tarot deck that helps the user manipulate fire.
Thing go the same for a bit, Jotaro meet Noriaki who fights him under the influence of DIO’s mind control.
The Hierophant: a suit that allows the user to turn themselves into tendrils and shoot projectiles.
Holly’s necklace was actually one of the artifacts that began killing her, and they think that if they kill DIO they may be able to release the strain caused by Jonathan’s body on their bloodline, hopefully saving Holly .
Que Sera: an necklace that produces fruits, once consumed one may get healed or boost in abilities.
They’re off on their crusade! They take the Passion.
They meet Polnareff. They fight.
The charioteer: a sword that can produce armour for their user, grants precision and speed boosts.
They continue on their trip🎵 in their favourite pirate ship🎵
They reach The island and meet Iggy.
The Fool: a tag that grants the user the ability to manipulate sand.
Eventually, after fighting the nine Egyptian gods Jean, Muhammed and Iggy fight Vanilla ice.
Cream: a set of prosthetic teeth that allows the user to eat whatever they desire.
They meet DIO and fight. He wields two artifacts, one that chose Jonathan’s body, since it was technically still alive. It now decays on DIO’s head as it’s user is no longer himself.
???…: ????….
The world: a pocket watch that, when activated, can stop time. This ability can cause strain in the user.
Jotaro managed to frisk the world from DIO and finishes the job. The world and platinum stars are now Jotaro’s.
They have the same casualties.
To be continued …
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blond-jerk-tourney · 6 months
Semifinals Rounds
we're now going into the semifinals for each of the smaller brackets, which means we have 16 characters left across all our four brackets.
once we know who has won each bracket, the 4 winners of the brackets will also compete each other so we can find our overall winner :)
to make things a bit quicker, ive decided to release all of the semifinal rounds with a couple days of each other instead of a week for each one. (the polls will all run for a week though still - there will just be overlap of which brackets have open polls)
as a reminder of who is still in it, I'm listing all of our semifinalists with some of their poll stats under the cut
Champagne Bracket Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You) average % of vote: 67.77 average # of voters in participating polls: 377.33
Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) average % of vote: 60.33 average # of voters in participating polls: 448
Kristoph Gavin (Ace Attorney) average % of vote: 60.17 average # of voters in participating polls: 245.67
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars) average % of vote: 52.4 average # of voters in participating polls: 344.33
Honey Bracket Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) average % of vote: 66.93 average # of voters in participating polls: 228.67 Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn (Parahumans) average % of vote: 68.6 average # of voters in participating polls: 537.33 Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) average % of vote: 71.67 average # of voters in participating polls: 338.67 Brittnay Matthews (Most Popular Girls in School) average % of vote: 68.53 average # of voters in participating polls: 212.33
Platinum Bracket Regina George (Mean Girls) average % of vote:  75.97 average # of voters in participating polls: 152 Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) average % of vote: 72.57 average # of voters in participating polls: 521.33 Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) average % of vote: 55.33 average # of voters in participating polls: 311.33 Dee Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) average % of vote: 52.9 average # of voters in participating polls: 491.33
Strawberry Bracket Saiki Kuusuke (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. ) average % of vote:  49.1 average # of voters in participating polls: 331.33 Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) average % of vote: 76.9 average # of voters in participating polls: 397.67 Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam) average % of vote: 60.56 average # of voters in participating polls: 499.33 Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) average % of vote: 57.57 average # of voters in participating polls: 557.33 across all semifinalists the average winning % is 63.58 and the average participation is 374.62 voters.
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mastermachines · 2 days
Transforming Precious Metals with Machine Tool Traders: A Glimpse into Our Innovative Machinery
Welcome to Machine Tool Traders, your trusted partner in metalworking and Jewellery manufacturing. Based in India, we specialize in a wide range of machines designed to transform precious metals into exquisite works of art. Whether you're involved in gold coin and bar making, Jewellery polishing, or industrial metalworking, our cutting-edge machinery ensures precision, quality, and efficiency. Let’s explore some of our key offerings.
Gold Coins and Bar Making Machines
Gold coins and bars are timeless investments and cherished collectibles. Our gold coins and bar making machines are engineered to meet the highest standards of purity and accuracy. These machines automate the entire process, from melting the raw gold to minting the final product, ensuring consistent weight and perfect finishes. Ideal for mints and bullion manufacturers, our machines offer robust performance and are built to handle high production volumes with ease.
Gold Refinery Machine
Purity is paramount when dealing with precious metals. Our gold refinery machines are designed to refine gold to its purest form. Utilizing advanced refining techniques, these machines can handle various gold alloys and scraps, delivering gold of 99.99% purity. With user-friendly interfaces and efficient processing capabilities, our refinery machines are a valuable asset for any business looking to maximize the value of their gold reserves.
Jewellery Polishing Machines
In the Jewellery industry, the final polish is what gives each piece its brilliance. Our jewellery polishing machines are crafted to deliver a flawless finish, enhancing the allure of your creations. Suitable for various metals, including gold, silver, and platinum, these machines ensure that every piece of Jewellery shines with a professional touch. Whether you're a large manufacturer or an artisan, our polishing machines will help you achieve a superior polish every time.
Circle Cutting Machine
Precision cutting is essential in Jewellery and metalworking. Our circle cutting machines are designed for accuracy and efficiency, capable of cutting perfect circles in various metals. These machines are ideal for producing components such as coins, medals, and decorative elements, providing clean cuts and reducing material wastage. With easy operation and reliable performance, our circle-cutting machines are a must-have for any workshop.
Bangle Cutting Machine
Creating intricate designs on bangles requires precision and skill. Our bangle cutting machines are engineered to facilitate detailed cutting and engraving, allowing for the creation of unique and intricate patterns. These machines cater to both traditional and contemporary designs, ensuring versatility and creativity in your bangle manufacturing process.
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Abrasive belt grinders are essential for surface finishing and material removal. Our grinders from India are built to handle heavy-duty grinding tasks with ease. They are perfect for smoothing out rough edges, deburring, and preparing surfaces for further processing. Durable and efficient, these machines are a valuable addition to any metalworking shop, providing consistent results and enhancing productivity.
Sheet Folding Machine
Sheet metal fabrication often requires precise folding and bending. Our sheet folding machines are designed to deliver accurate folds with minimal effort. Whether you're working with thin sheets or thicker materials, our machines provide the control and precision needed to achieve perfect bends. Ideal for creating components such as enclosures, panels, and brackets, our sheet folding machines ensure high-quality results every time.
At Machine Tool Traders, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our extensive range of machinery is designed to enhance productivity, ensure precision, and deliver exceptional quality. Explore our offerings and discover how we can help you achieve excellence in metalworking and Jewellery manufacturing. For more information, visit us at Machine Tool Traders.
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banananexus · 2 years
Coolermaster hyper 212 evo install
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Coolermaster hyper 212 evo install install#
Coolermaster hyper 212 evo install full#
I think that the majority of people don't care how heavy their cooler is, only about the price. You would also need to use the ambient temperature delta rather than the absolute temperature in any sort of ratio for the results to be meaningful. And a dead CPU.Īlso, the higher the temperature (Bad), the lower the ratio, which doesn't make sense. Other charts count as well when making a final decision.īy that logic, having no cooler at all is the most efficient. Panteck PH-TC14PE weighs 970g without fans, performing at 46c.970g/46c= 21.09 efficiency ratio.CM Hyper 212 EVO Weighs 580g with fan, performing at 51c.580g/51c= 11.37 efficiency ratio.Ideally, the lower the ratio, the more efficient a cpu cooler is.
Coolermaster hyper 212 evo install full#
To heatsink manufactures: Do something innovating if a wall seems to be in the way! Just look at PSU manufactures, they are reaching 92% Platinum rating, from 82% rating four years ago.Example: Noctua NH-D14 weighs 900g without fans and it did 45c at full load. Not just slab more metal to defeat the other guy. The motherboard already comes with a backplate (A in image) but in order to add the plastic bracket that came with the cooler, the motherboard backplate must be removed. The cooler includes an AM4 bracket (B in image) and the necessary stand offs (C in image).
Coolermaster hyper 212 evo install install#
Could you guys do a heatsink Weight/cooling efficiency chart? This is to make readers see which manufacture did its engineering mission to make a much more effective unit than its competition. I'm trying to install Cooler Master Hyper 212 (Black) on Asus TUF gaming X570. It is nice that new cpu heatsinks are becoming better in performance, but i don't like the fact that they are becoming bigger and heavier than previous cpu heatsink kings by only earning a degree or two above the rest. I remembered that in a few months later Noctua took the crown as top performing air cooled heatsink. Other charts count as well when making a final decision.īunnywannyI been using a Prolimatech Megahalems since its introduction back in 2009. Ideally, the lower the ratio, the more efficient a cpu cooler is. Panteck PH-TC14PE weighs 970g without fans, performing at 46c.ĬM Hyper 212 EVO Weighs 580g with fan, performing at 51c. Noctua NH-D14 weighs 900g without fans and it did 45c at full load. To heatsink manufactures: Do something innovating if a wall seems to be in the way! Just look at PSU manufactures, they are reaching 92% Platinum rating, from 82% rating four years ago. Could you guys do a heatsink Weight/cooling efficiency chart? This is to make readers see which manufacture did its engineering mission to make a much more effective unit than its competition. I been using a Prolimatech Megahalems since its introduction back in 2009.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise | Chapter 5
Title: Taste of a Poison Paradise Summary: Life at Jackie Cox’s strip club, Poison Paradise, isn’t just lapdances and g-strings. There’s enough drama, lust, and heartache to rival any soap opera. None of the girls know what to expect on any given shift, especially while navigating their torrid, complicated relationships. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~15.1k (total) Relationship(s): Lemyanka (Lemon/Priyanka), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode), Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Jaidie (Jaida Essence Hall/Jackie Cox), Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Kamjie (Kameron Michaels/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Rosnali (Rosé/Denali Foxx) Rating: E
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Chapter Summary: Lemon and Priyanka's relationship is more of a rollercoaster than ever and Rosé figures out the truth about Denali
“Are you still giving me the cold shoulder?” Priyanka asked, a mix of frustration and exhaustion in her voice. There was also an underlying hint of anxiety, but that was something she could address later, as much later as possible.
Lemon turned to look at her with a deadpan expression. She didn’t utter a word, instead, she blinked and looked back at her phone, scrolling in tension-filled silence.
The taller woman sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Lem, I told you I haven’t been avoiding you. Mark’s project got delayed so he’s home all the time. He was gonna start getting suspicious if I kept spending the night with you.”
“He keeping you occupied with that mediocre dick?” The cold harshness in her voice was, at least to Priyanka, even worse than the silence.
“Lem, don’t do this,” she pleaded softly. “You know I’d much rather be giving you my fake dick than taking his real one. But it’s just gonna be a little difficult for us to have our usual rendezvous until his project starts back up,” she explained, then quietly strummed her fingers against the bar. “I’ll make up an excuse and come over tonight… if you still want me to, I mean.”
Despite her best efforts, Lemon cracked a slight smile. “Yeah, I still do. I’m not gonna punish my pussy just because I’m still pissed at you.”
Priyanka put her arms up in surrender. “Hey, I’ll take what I can get.”
Lemon swallowed a laugh as she hopped down from the barstool. “I’ll be back after my shift, there better not be any sudden plan changes,” she warned before going upstairs to spend the time before her shift in the common room.
“You seem to be in better spirits,” Jan observed as she noticed Lemon come in. She sat down on the couch with the mug of coffee she’d just poured. “I take it Pri was finally able to pencil you in for a booty call?”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that, it makes me sound desperate,” she rolled her eyes. “Her stupid, ugly, smelly boyfriend is still around.
Jan quirked her brow. “Have you ever been in the same room as him?”
“No, but I don’t need to be to know I’m right.”
“You know I worry that you two are gonna end up in over your heads if you aren’t already,” she warned in a calm, gentle tone. She’d had a front-row seat to a fair amount of Lemon and Priyanka’s intimate trysts being Lemon’s roommate and from day one, she’d had the sinking feeling things would end badly. But there was only so much arguing one could do with someone like Lemon.
And unsurprisingly, Lemon scoffed. “Look, I know what we’ve been doing is amoral, but when you think about it, it’s not even our fault. It’s society’s fault for making Pri feel like she has some guy when I’m literally right here.”
“So you do wanna date her?”
Her face reddened, which she tried to offset by rolling her eyes. “That’s not what I meant.”
Denali fixed herself up in the quick-change dressing room. It was her last main stage dance for the night and she had just enough momentum built up to go out with a bang. She looked up when she saw Gigi walk in via the reflection in the mirror. “What’s with the smug grin?”
“I think you have a special visitor in the audience.” When they noticed the confusion in the dancer’s expression, Gigi followed up with, “Rosé asked me if you were up next and sat herself front and center when I said that you were.”
“Oh!” her voice went up in pitch and volume. She cleared her throat and instead focused on fixing her platinum blonde wig. “I mean… oh, cool. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the show.”
Gigi tilted their head to the side. “Is that how I sounded all this time? Fuck,” they shook their head. “Oh, by the way, I’ve decided to go by they/them off the clock, I’ve been letting the rest of the girls know too. It's like, I've been feeling like I’m just dressing up like a girl on stage, you know how it is.”
Denali nodded as she got up. “Whatever makes you feel the most yourself, babe,” she told her with a smile, then took a deep breath as she sauntered onto the stage to the slow, seductive beat of the music. She focused on maintaining the confidence she always brought to her performances and not letting the fact that Rosé was right in her field of vision throw her off.
Rosé watched intently, and while her gaze tended to linger on Denali’s body, she would look up at her face often enough for something to click. She finally realized she recognized the dancer from her work as a cam girl. The realization made her blush but didn’t deter her in the slightest.
After Denali had finished her number, she beckoned Rosé over. She leaned down and whispered, “go upstairs, I’ll meet you there in five,” before backing off to collect her tips as if nothing had happened.
Naturally, Rosé made her way upstairs as quickly as her legs would take her and waited eagerly for Denali to join her. “You know,” she started when she saw her, “I figured out where I know you from.”
“You got me,” she replied and slowly pulled off her wig and wig cap in one go, so her black hair cascaded down her back. “I’m Hannah Montana.”
Rosé blinked, then snorted with laughter. “You’re so fucking stupid,” her tone was fond as she shook her head. “I guess it makes sense. Taking this on as a second job.”
“I’m a people person, being in front of a camera just doesn’t do it for me. Money’s decent, but still. I’ve been considering bringing that stage name over here.”
“Oh you’re not gonna make poor Heidi try and announce ‘Aurora Borealis,” she playfully chastised. Then there was a beat of silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked. “Did you think I’d have a problem with it or something?”
“No,” she shrugged. “It was more fun making you work for it.”
She cocked her brow. “Oh, you’re a little brat, aren’t you?”
“I feel like there’s not much use in trying to argue that, so.” Denali leaned against the wall, looking up at Rosé and fluttering her lashes with coy flirtation. “You gonna do something about it or not?”
Rosé tilted her head and bit her lip, moving closer to Denali until she had both arms bracketing her against the wall. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Was that your endgame the whole time? Give me this whole run around until I was frustrated enough to fuck you as hard as your bratty ass wants?”
“I mean… yes, obviously.”
“Not in the common room, we eat and cry in here.” Jan’s voice pulled Rosé and Denali from their moment, but she shrugged when they glared at her. “What? Just fuck in the spa room like the rest of us,” she told them as she grabbed a cup o’ noodles from one of the drawers that Jackie kept stocked for the girls, and left a couple of dollars from her bra in its place.
Rosé rolled her eyes. “Bitch, I will fuck her in front of you, don’t test me.”
Jan scoffed as she started eating her noodles. “Do it, I dare you.”
“I am begging you not to,” another voice chimed in, the three women turned to see Lemon come up the stairs. While of course, she had no issue with hooking up in various parts of the building, Rosé is her cousin and that was simply a line she refused to cross. She did not care how badly Rosé wanted to fuck Denali – and yes, she knew.
“I cannot believe you’re cockblocking me right now,” she huffed, glancing back at Denali and mouthing ‘sorry’.
But Denali was unphased by the entire exchange. “Girl, just take me home. I’m still gonna put out.”
“Oh,” Rosé blinked, “alright then.”
Even though it had barely been a week since Lemon and Priyanka had last hooked up, it felt like ages for them. The second they were inside Lemon’s apartment, clothes were coming off and being tossed any which way as they stumbled into the bedroom, naked by the time their bodies hit the bed.
Priyanka rifled through Lemon’s closet until she came back with the strap-on, fastening it around her waist. She smirked when she turned around and realized Lemon was waiting for her on all fours. “Damn, I should hold out on you more often,” she teased.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Lemon hissed as if there was the slightest chance Priyanka would pass up time with her if given the option.
She chuckled as she positioned herself behind her. “There’s my bratty little Lem,” she cooed, holding her waist with one hand while the other guided the length of the silicone toy into her. She waited for a beat after she bottomed out, making sure Lemon was comfortable before she began thrusting steadily.
Lemon started moaning out the second it started. Her hands fisted into the comforter on her bed, her head hanging forward. Whenever she wanted more or wanted it harder, she would push her hips against Priyanka to urge her on.
And Priyanka knew what each movement meant. “You’re so fucking needy, aren’t you? So desperate to get pounded out,” she grunted. Her hand moved from Lemon’s waist to grab her hair, pulling it back while her free hand moved between her legs, rubbing her clit in time with her thrusts.
“Fuck, baby, just like that, please,” it was only when Lemon was in the heat of the moment, and close to an orgasm, that she would use words like ‘baby’ or ‘please’ unless she was trying to get her way with something. But luckily for her, Priyanka obliged without comment, and she let out a sharp, pleasured cry as she came moments later.
“That’s my good girl,” Priyanka praised, pressing a kiss to her shoulder as she eased out of her, cleaning up and putting the dildo and harness away, then got under the covers. “Come, you owe me cuddles.”
Lemon ducked her head away to hide how big her smile was, then cuddled up to Priyanka, resting her head on her chest. “Not to be like, corny or whatever, but I missed you,” she mumbled, hiding her face in the crook of her neck, lest she accidentally make eye contact.
Priyanka grinned, shaking her head. “I missed you too, weirdo,” she said and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She gazed down at her, feeling warmth and affection for a fleeting moment, before angst and melancholy built up from the pit of her stomach, coming out in a sad sigh.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I…” she chewed on her lip and looked away. “Yeah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Rosé hummed to herself as she got into the shower, letting the hot water wake her up from the deep sleep the night before. And perhaps she needed it more than she realized, as she was startled when she suddenly noticed she was no longer alone. “I thought you were still asleep.”
Denali shrugged. “I was. But then I woke up and you weren’t there, and I got bored.”
She chuckled softly, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. “Well, good morning, then,” she pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You sleep alright?”
“More than alright. Pretty sure I passed out somewhere after the fourth orgasm,” she chuckled softly, trailing light kisses along her jaw.
Rosé smirked. “No wonder you’re so clingy, they always wanna stick around after they get fucked well,” she teased, her hands moving from Denali’s back to squeeze her ass. “That why you’re in here? Woke up craving more?”
“God, you’re so fucking cocky,” Denali huffed, though she had no honest way of denying that. “But… yeah, very much so.”
“That’s what I thought,” she chuckled before sinking to her knees and nudging Denali’s thighs apart. She gripped each of her thighs, keeping them far enough apart for her to trace her tongue along her folds, then swirled it around her clit.
Denali gasped out softly, resting her head against the wall. “Fuck…” she exhaled, her eyes fluttering shut, moaning at the sensation of Rosé’s tongue on her clit and her fingers easing their way into her.
Rosé continued to lick and suck on her clit as she steadily curled and thrust two fingers into Denali, her free hand moving to her waist, gripping it to keep her steady and hold her in place.
She whimpered and moaned, dragging her fingers through Rosé’s wet hair, her hips starting to rock despite her grip. It wasn’t long after that that she felt a familiar tightness building in her stomach. “Fuck, Rosie, I’m close,” she warned, and not a minute after that, her body arched forward as she came.
Once she was certain Denali was done, Rosé eased out of her and stood back upright, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Now, do you mind if I actually take a shower? I have to get ready for work.”
“Okay, okay,” Denali put her hands up in surrender as she stepped out of the shower. “You think your roommate heard us last night? Or just now?”
Rosé shrugged as she washed her hair. “Probably not, Mik sleeps like a rock. The bitch would sleep through a nuclear holocaust.”
“Fair enough, not that I mind an audience, after all,” she hummed. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair,” she laughed at her own joke then kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you around.” She dried off and redressed before leaving for her apartment. Everything had gone well so far, she thought, the sex was fantastic and they didn’t need to complicate it with anything else.
Lemon had just finished her set when she noticed something out of the ordinary. After grabbing her robe from the quick-change room, she made her way over to the bar. “What’re you doing back there, Jaida? Is Jackie cross-training the strippers now?”
“I bartended in college,” Jaida explained. “Pri couldn’t come in, said she had an important dinner to go to, and based on how it sounded, I think it’s with her boyfriend.”
“Gross,” Lemon muttered. “Gimme a melon ball and a lemon drop.”
Jaida arched her brow but made the shots for her nonetheless. “You a little cranky without your girlfriend here, huh?”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” she huffed, downing the shots one after the other. “And I don’t care who the fuck she has dinner with. I’m just annoyed because she was supposed to give me a ride home. Since, you know, Jan spends more time at Nicky’s than anywhere else.”
“I’ll give you a ride,” she offered with a shrug. “Something tells me you’re not gonna wanna be alone tonight.”
Lemon smiled weakly. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She was quiet for a few beats with her downcast gaze on the bar, until she finally looked back up at Jaida and asked, “can I get another lemon drop?”
And, as it turned out, Lemon would need the adult supervision. Once her shift ended, she had gotten much more drunk and needed to be hauled into her apartment and tucked into bed, where she passed out almost instantly.
Jaida had stayed awake and watched Lemon for a little while, feeling almost a maternal instinct when it came to Lemon. But eventually, she retired to Jan’s room for the night, figuring she wouldn’t mind, given the circumstances, and slept through the night. She woke up the next morning to a knock on the door and pushed herself out of bed. “Oh, hey Pri, how was your dinner?”
Priyanka furrowed her brows. “Why are you in Lemon’s apartment?” she asked, her stomach tightening in a knot as she followed up with, “did you guys hook up?”
“Nah, she was too wasted to even try,” she shook her head as she ushered her inside, the two of them sitting down on the couch. “What’s going on? You look like you saw a ghost or something.”
Priyanka exhaled deeply. “No, um… actually, I’m kinda glad I can practice on someone else, because I’m terrified of telling Lemon,” she looked down, fumbling with the hem of her shirt, shifting uncomfortably, unable to find a satisfactory way to sit and instead just slumped forward and sighed. “Mark proposed. And I panicked and said yes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring, morosely sliding it onto her finger.
“Oh shit,” Jaida blinked in surprise, her eyes widening when she saw the ring. She pressed her lips into a fine line. “Listen, this might not be the ‘right’ advice, but I don’t think you should tell Lemon yet. You can say whatever you want about whatever your relationship is, but it don’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s more than just sex. She’s not gonna take it well, you need to really think this out.”
She swallowed thickly and nodded, taking the ring off and putting it back in her pocket, then scratched at her hands as if she were fighting the urge to wash them. “You’re right,” she nodded, eyes focused squarely on the floor. “I can’t tell her yet.”
But she didn’t need to, as Lemon had been silently listening from her room, peering through the cracked open door. She shut it quickly but quietly, deciding to go right back to bed. It was too early for her heart to break.
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senlinyu · 4 years
University students AU Dramione
Possibly worth noting: I went to a weird college and this ficlet is based on a thing that happened there. So if you’re reading this thinking, wtf kind of university experience is this? I hard agree. 🤣
“Granger, I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”
A cold, unwelcome voice interrupted Hermione while she was in the middle of typing in a citation link that was three lines long. She pointedly refused to turn until she finished typing in the string of numbers and hit enter.
A paywall filled the screen.
She sighed and with an inward curse of exasperation, shifted in her chair to deal with the unwelcome distraction on her hands.
Draco Malfoy was standing behind her, scowling.
“What do you want, Malfoy?”
He raised his right hand to show a thick stack of papers gripped in his hand. “The study guide you wrote. The answer to twenty is wrong.”
Hermione’s shoulders stiffened, but she kept her expression impassive as she tried to remember what question twenty even was.
Professor Snape had emailed the class a study guide with well-over three hundred broadly-phrased questions that “might” appear on the final exam. Hermione had spent a night filling out the study guide questions with exhaustively detailed answers, quotes, and references. She’d emailed a copy to the private study group she participated in, hoping to encourage the other members to share theirs as well so everyone could compare notes and develop even more comprehensive answers.
Instead, no one else in the study group bothered to write any answers for the study guide at all; and, to add insult to injury, someone whom Hermione intended to murder once she discovered their identity, had forwarded it to the entire class. Everywhere she went, she’d hear her fellow freshman classmates quizzing each other and reciting her answers verbatim.
She stared up at Draco Malfoy, who was notably not a member of said study group, standing with her painstakingly compiled study-guide gripped in his unworthy hands.
“What’s wrong with the answer?” she asked.
Malfoy glanced derisively down at the papers in his hand and turned his wrist to show her an extensively annotated and highlighted copy of her answer. There was a large section that had been slashed through with a red pen. “This whole section here, it completely leaves out Bourne’s commentary. Are you trying to sabotage the entire class by sending everyone shit answers?”
Hermione’s chest tightened and heat rose on her cheeks.
Malfoy stepped closer, and he leaned over her, smirking.
“Is that your plan then?” He quirked a pale eyebrow. “Think you’ll be the one to get Snape’s coveted A+ on your essay if you get the rest of the class to fail the final?”
Hermione’s hand itched to slap him across the face or possibly deck him right there in the library.
Snape’s required freshman class was renown at their school for its tendency to destroy GPA. Everything hung on the final exam and paper. There were more than a few stories of students losing their merit scholarships and having to leave the school because of it. Snape never gave more than one perfect grade on final papers per year, and rumor had that it had been more than four years since anyone had achieved it.
Malfoy had announced during orientation week that he was going to be the one to earn it and it seemed that everyone believed he would.
Draco Malfoy was one of those people that everyone seemed to know about. It was impossible to go anywhere without hearing stories about him. According to the aggressive rumor-mill at the school, he’d gotten a perfect SAT score and been inundated with acceptance letters and full-ride scholarships from prestigious universities across the country, but had decided to attend a “less known” school because his mother was close friends with the president and agreed with school’s academic philosophy.
He’d been dubbed, practically from arrival, as the class “genius” and had an entire flock of freshman and non-freshman girls angling to get their Mrs degree in Malfoy.
Hermione thought he was a pretentious asshole.
She was most definitely going to kill whomever it was who had allowed him to get his hands on her study-guide.
She gave a cold smile. “Gosh. You caught me, Malfoy. I put wrong answers on the study-guide and hoped nobody in our entire class would notice.” She folded her arms. “The reason I didn’t include anything from Bourne is because Snape said he’s wrong and the only reason his textbook was required reading was to highlight what an idiot some people are. If you want to add Bourne’s commentary to your answer, be my guest. In fact,” she leaned forward, extending her hand, “I have a better idea, why don’t you give me my study-guide back, and write your own answers.”
He smirked and straightened, sliding her study guide back into his satchel. “Everyone knows I’m going to be the one whose paper gets a perfect grade from Snape. I have to say though, it’s fun to see you trying.”
Hermione refused to rise to his baiting. “Anything else? By all means, feel free to spread a rumor that my study-guide’s rigged. Maybe then people will do their own homework.”
He cocked his head. “So you admit you’re angling for the A+.”
She rolled her eyes and sat back. “I’m a pretty sure everyone is trying to get it. This isn’t exactly a school with a class culture of only aspiring for passing grades.”
Malfoy moved slightly closer, edging into her personal space and looming over her in a way that made her want to kick him in the shins or, ideally, a bit higher.
“But you actually think you can do it, don’t you?” He flashed another smirk. “Care to bet on that?”
“Care to leave me alone and bother someone else?” Hermione said in a deadpan tone.
His smirk widened into a grin and he glanced across the library where a group of his friends were all watching them. “Well, I should clarify, there are already bets that I’ll get it, but I’ll make a personal wager with you. Think you can beat me? Tell me what you want. I’m open to anything.”
His eyes slid down, away from her face.
Hermione folded her arms again and glared at him. “I don’t want anything from you, Malfoy, and you’re not getting a thing from me. Fuck off, I’m working on a paper.”
She turned back to her computer and watched his silhouette linger in the reflection of her laptop screen for several seconds.
Finally he laughed. “Thanks for the notes, Granger. I look forward to beating you.”
He turned and sauntered off.
Snape’s approach to finals was unconventional even for the school. The week before the final exam, each student had a private, twenty-minute meeting with him in which they had to defend their paper. At the end of the meeting, he would tell the student what grade they’d receive on the paper, and then, before the final exam, he’d announce to the class if any students had earned an A+.
To Hermione’s irritation, Malfoy’s scheduled meeting with Snape was forty minutes before hers. The hallway outside his office door was lined with students sitting silently and reviewing their papers and notes.
The office door swung open and Malfoy emerged, his face aglow with smug triumph.
The hallway broke out in whispers.
“You got it?” Nott asked right out.
Malfoy grinned. “Perfect grade. First one in five years he said.”
Hermione stiffened where she was sitting as whispers of admiration and congratulations swept down the hallway.
Padma Patil was sitting next to Hermione and rested a hand briefly on her shoulder.
Malfoy’s attention zeroed in and he walked over, stopping in front of Hermione.
“Tough luck, Granger. Maybe in another life. I’m sure you’ll at least get an A.” He started to turn and then paused as though he were just remembering something. “A lot of us are going to be celebrating tonight, you should come, unless you want people to think you’re a sore loser.”
Hermione stared up at him with a flat expression until he finally turned with a shrug and walked away.
When she emerged from her meeting, she didn’t say a word to the other students waiting in the hallway. She went to her dorm and started studying for the rest of her finals.
The final exam for Snape’s class started at an ungodly hour in the morning and the room was blessedly silent as students trickled in and took their seats. Hermione sat reviewing her notes in a corner where no one was likely to jostle her.
The silence was broken when Malfoy entered the room noisily with his friends at his heels and they settled into seats towards the front of the room.
Five minutes before the exam was scheduled to begin, Snape strode into the room and up to the whiteboard. He snatched up a marker and started writing grading percentage brackets. When he finished he added a colon beside each bracket and began adding numbers: number of papers that had failed, the number that had barely passed, moving up towards the 100% that sat at the top of the board.
His hand hovered next to it, and then he suddenly turned and stared at the room, his expression unreadable.
“This semester has a notable distinction,” he said after a moment’s silence. “For the first time in the years I’ve been teaching at this college, I have had two students who merited a perfect grade on the semester’s final paper.”
Hushed gasps swept across the room and students turned to look at Malfoy, whose smirking grin had frozen on his face.
“Next semester, anyone who hasn’t failed my class will be assigned to read Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger’s papers, and perhaps then the rest of you will begin to understand what I mean when I say I expect and will accept nothing less than excellence in this class.”
Malfoy’s platinum head slowly swiveled to so he could stare across the room where Hermione was sitting, an impassive expression on her face.
She didn’t look in his direction.
He kept staring at her until someone shoved a copy of the exam at him.
Two hours later, after turning in her copy of the final exam, Hermione packed her bag, bobbing her head at a few whispered congratulations, and hurried out of the classroom, heading for the library.
She froze and turned, rolling her eyes.
Malfoy was jogging after her, notably without his usual posse around him.
She stood waiting until he caught up with her.
He stopped a foot away from her and looked her up and down from head to toe as though he were reconsidering something. “Well, you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
Hermione folded her arms. “Not really.”
He looked up and met her eyes, flashing a grin. He cocked his head slightly to the side. “I guess this means we should study together.”
Hermione gave a thin, false smile. “I already have a study group, we’re not accepting new members.”
His grin turned roguish and his voice dropped suggestively as he shifted closer. “It could just be the two of us. You’re heading to the library now, aren’t you?”
Her expression turned cold and she stepped quickly back. ”I’m going to study alone.”
She turned on her heel and started walking away.
“You can’t avoid me forever, Granger!”
“You’ll be surprised,” she said, glaring over her shoulder at him.
He was still standing where she’d left him, staring after her, that irritating, over-confident grin still on his face.
He raised an eyebrow. “Care to bet on that?”
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